n TTTE MORNING OREGON'TAX. "STEDXESDAY, XOVE3IBER 1.1911. ' ..,.. tt iireinn (-ATfiw V"T HT A TTMnTTT Tfl POB.TT.ATTTJ TODAY. I II I" I I I Hill Ifl T P I T I BUI fiOW CHIEF OF COAST LEAGUE Magnates Elect San Francisco Baseball Writer by Tele graph Vote. SELECTION IS UNANIMOUS Choir of w PrrMdrnt ntrnrd So fl Can Attend Minor Uitnf kin. at l.Uh Action I F. parted AffiUnst Prmftlng. PAS TRAXCrRCO. 0t- SI. XXlmti T. fUum, of Fan Franctsro. wldaljr known mm a frtlmr wrttr. wm lctd pr Ident of tha Pacific Coast Baseball I-ajru last r.Iicht by tha telegraphic rot of the director of the league. Ktva farorabia votes were received and lha sixth vote, lb U known, also will b favorable. Baum succeeds Ju5ae Thomaa F. Graham, of thla city, who tendered hta restrnatlon a short time bko, owing; to the pre? of Judicial duties. The elect ion of Baum was hastened f permit Mm to ao Hast next Mon d.iT. acomparled by Cat Frlnc, to at tend the meetins; of the National Baae hall Commission In Cincinnati. Novem ber 14. The Coast Ieaftu men will mi tend as members of a committee from the National association of minor ln rue clu. " Eiaum and Fwlna; will ro to Fan An tonio. Tex., for the meet Ins; of the Miner League Association, scheduled for Sot em her 15. Thev will meet there the other officers, aa well aa r-presentattves of every team in the It Is said here that an Insurprent movement arnlnat the scope of the rlT.ifnnir power of the hi a league imihj la to be started at Han Antonio. In that connection It Is iprnllMcmnt that this Is the first time every team of the Coast Leas;ue has planned to be repre sented at the annual meeting of the association. HesKit-s Baum and Ewlrtp. the fol lowing Coast I-earuers will ro to San ntonlo: fcrretary Iannr Ixnc Frank Ish. representing the Han Franclsc club; Henry Brrr. representing; Los Anpc-les. W. V. McCredle. represent !na Portland: Wallace Bray Happy Hoiran). representing; Vernon. and probably Charles Graham. Hacramento, and Harry Wolverton. Oakland. The PaHflr Coast League Is one of the five cla.s A leagues In the coun try, the othars being; 'the K astern, A merlcan Assoc tart loo. Southern and "Western leagues. coi.li:gk wail is pisial Content Brtwcrn O. A. C. and VTmh Inctnn to B PrclslTet. rNTVFRSITV OF WASHrNGTOM. Oct. 31. Special.) When the Oregon Aarlcultural Colleaa football varsity meets the university eleven In Seattle, hturday. November 4. It will be a case of flrht between two crlpplea. Dismal. forebol!r.if how is have been coming; at Intervals from both the Aitct and Washlnirton coaches and now with both captains well under the weather the horn-is have Increased to wails. M.tys. captain of Oregon AaH ruUurat Cllesre. is out with a broken rib. and Wee Coyle. of Washington, has a sprained wrist. There Is no way as yet to determine the relative strength of the two teams. Washing ton p:!rd up a score of nearly lOrt on the soldier aagreratlon from Fort Wordn. end at that the second team had the btccer share In the game. Ore an Art. cultural College took "5 from the Chem.i wa Indian School, but with greater ri.rT.cuIty. The loa of their hie right tickle Is going to hurt them bfttlly. the Asjgles say, but the absence of Coyle from the game Saturday would be fatal to Washington. Pullen. the punter, also Is out with minor In-Jurles- The game with Oregon Agricultural (VI lege l recognized as the first big conference meet and through it Wash ington will learn Just where the team stands In the championship race. Wash inicton' St.i ;e College was estimated by ch Pohie to be the best team In the conference, but with It beaten by Ore gon the two varsities now being et-riously ennsidered are those of Ore gon Agricultural College and the Web foot unlverstty. As Washington won from Idaho much enler than did Ore gon, this college is the favorite In Se attle. TICKET INQHKY IS ASSl'KED National OinimWslon to InTCMljrnte Scalpins NoTrmlxT 14. CHICAGO. Cot. SI. The National Kisbiill Commission will mfft In Cln rlnr.ntt November 14. to bcsln an tn vst'pallon Into allectl tlckrt scalp Init In connection with the recent wnrM's serlea. Thla wai announced tor.iBht hy Km K. Johnson, president of the American l.eanue. and member of the National Co rnm'.ss Ion. Presiiiort Johnson announced also that tomorrow he would answer a let ter written him t.y John T. Brush, rresulent of the New York National t lul. urttlr.ic Johnson to ir.akft use of Information he ha-1 said he possessed aiotit the Irregular sale of tickets, and asking him to lr..tin- the Commission to make an Invest. Katlon. Mr. Johnson said that Prealdent Brush Kas the person who should iriki- t!:e Investigation, and In his lrt-t.-r will ask that official to Investigate i.,iAnttelv from the Commission ani lilve what Information he ftains to that organisation. INSTKVCTOHS TO JX)KM TEAM V. f. C A. nTsl-al Dlroytors to riav n.isUotb.ill. Knilur of ttam N . ; of the even ing c:.i- f ti-.e Y. M. C. A. to come Into the h tkf rball leacue has causM ..verml of tr.e l-layers to ask Hie physi cal directors to form a toam and take Its place. This probaMy Kill he done. The team will consist of A M. llril-1-y. G. ". Ie. H '. Smith. Halph H.lrr and 1!. H. Moore. Thev will play tctr first Fame tomcht. against the l-srlr Birds. Tonlfihla baske:ha'.l sche.ltile In cludea aames btwt'en th Tuba and Jok ish ll.i) s. ( IS Hus:n-s Mmi's Cla.s and H Hikers, anj the Karly l;lrds and tie I'hraU-al I'lrectors. Ierr I.ntrra to Pr.tth. ICTOKIA. B. C. Oct 31 Fnrowir.s a deer ha had shot. Jo Wllmore. rl r of e. f-'.l ov.r a rrc:pl. t tl-at.i In ti.e woofis nt-ar Ytitoru e trrday. Tha Vidiri of hunter and deer were found, la the rulch tothr. lASTIST SDIPKESSIOASUl VISli UI uaAJuriujuuniiaiii-. I El I I II lliri I L LL I I I . rn r v id LL I ( : z KIN FLOP AMY KID IN PORTLAH' I or- rti TOE -HOLD ALLOWED Frank Gotch to Demonstrate Cruel Clutch on Opponent. CHAMPION'S VISIT IS LAST Local Wrtwtirrs PrcparinK to Take Fp Offrr of nig Balffarlan In Cmtch Party of $50 If Vi tlirown In IS Mlnotra. Farewell. Frank Gotch. Adlos. Mah mout. Thafa what followera of tha wrestllna; irame can ay to themaelvea after the appearanca of tha celebrated mat pair In Portland at :1S o-clock to nlRht at Merrill's Hall. Ootch la U retire to Ms farm at Humboldt. Ia, Mahmout to Bulurarla and ilanaser Korea was Indeed fortunats In belna; able to arrant; a date for Portland, so that local fans would at least a;et a chance to aee them. Go:cn la scheduled to arrive In Port land thla morning- with Mahmout and his able manaeer. Emll Klank, coming direct from Salt Lake, where on Mon day Ootch won a handicap match from Wllilim Demetral. the Greek. Mahmout also won at Salt Laae in a fierce bout with Kmll Rocers. Tonlnht Gotch Is proa-rammed to meet George Koeber. a SlO-pound ftlent. who arrived In the city Tuesday direct from New York. Roeher la strona; enouh to worry any man and la con fident that he can stick 30 or 40 min utes with the champion for the first fall. The fana don't expect to see him win and If he can make the champion extend himself everybody will be aat istled. Mahmout. the celebrated Bulgarian, has never before appeared In Portland and will be something of a curiosity, lie will be opposed to James Asbell, the champion of Kansas, well known to Portland fans. Asbell has been here several days, working out at the Multnomah Club. Both main events will be to a finish, best two in three. In the Salt Lake snatches tha toe hold was barred, but Koeber did not demand that Gotch discard his famous torture clutch tonipht and the fana will pet a erood look at the (Trip. Gotch has also consented to Rive a demon stration of this keystone of his reper toire, probably using Mahmout as an opponent. This feature alone is worth going miles to see. HARRY FTEIXFELDT, like Joe Tink er. Is likely soon to become a Port land resident. Yesterday the famous third baseman of the world's champion Chicago Cuhs of a few years ago took a spin about Portland with hla boyhood chum. Jo :n W. Pearson, and after the trip announced that he was ready to settle down and become an Oregonlan as soon as he could arrange his affairs In other parts of the country. "I must say that I am most agree ably surprised at the metropolitan as pect of Portland," said Stelnfeldt yes terday. "While I had heard a great deal of this city from Joe Tinker. Larry McLean and other associates in the big leagues. I never liiiaglned it was the cily I find it to be. Mrs. Stelnfeldt and I are delighted with Portland, which looks to me to be the future metropolis of the YVest. "I fully Intend to locate In Oregon or the Northwest aa soon as I am through with baseball. We are touring the West with a view of looking over op portunities for Investment in this sec tion snd I am, fully convinced that the Northwest Is best or ail. Joe Tinker did not say enough In praise of this thriving' city." see Ho !dy Ryan. Elmer Koestner. Fred darkness. BUI Rodgers. Artie Krueger. Bill Kappa. Roger Pecklnpaugh and "Ioc" Si-hmleder. of the Portland team, and Harry Abies, of Oakland, arrived in Portland yesterday morning. All ex cepting Jvrueiser and Pecklnpaugh will pass t'ie Winter In Portland. Krueger departed last night for Orient. Wash., mhere l;e will jtit In the next two months witb his brother-in-law. He exect to enjoy several hunting- and ftorcn 5 cur ft)P V " I TO IT? I WCKLO'-t CftAS'0 . !J,MA 17 FANDOr.l AT RANDOM f YLS 3UT YOU'RE KUloijtun wo.- i YOU BIG A I v. TrTtT rnr i s. , v i v -v ski y came:. fishing trips in Southeastern Washing ton. ... Harry Abies. Buddy Ryan snd Bill Rodgers will leave Portland tonight for .West Fork. Douglas County, where they are to Join Vean Gregg on an ex tensive hunting trip, which will prob ably last three or four weeks. Imme diately on their arrival in Portland yes terday the three players began out fitting. e Before leaving for Walla 'Walla last night. Artie Krueger gave a dinner party to his teammates and frienda. Among those present were: Buddy Kyan, Harry Abies, Harry Stelnfeldt. John Pearson. Roger Pecklnpaugh. Frank Schmleder. Terry McKune. Nick Williams, Bill Rodgors. Elmer Koest ner and Jack O'Brien. W. W. McCredle. president of the Portland baseball club, last night an nounced that bids for the construction of the new baseball plant at Twenty fourth and Vaughn streets would be advertised for today, and that construc tion of the new stands and bleachers would begin as soon as the successful bidder was recognized, which will be within 10 days after the bids are re ceived. LEST WE FORGET Wkat Forsjer Portlaad Baaeball Idols Are Doing. No. 1 Max Muller. A FEW of the present-day tans who have watched the fortunes of the chemplon Beavers of the last two years will remember "Home - Run" Muller, of the champions of 1901. Max Muller was the left-fielder of the Portland champions of that year the year Jack Grim and Jack Marshall, assisted by a number of the loyal fana of Portland, reorganized baseball In this city. Muller Is out of baseball today. He quit to follow his trade aa carpenter In San Francisco, and since then has done so well as a building contractor that the sport of the diamond has no attraction for him. After leaving Portland at the end of the season of 1903, Muller went to California, and for a while he plavel with the San Francisco team of the Pacific National League In 1903, and in 1904 he played with the Northwestern League, but after that season he found contracting a more lucrative employ ment and quit baseball, except for an occasional week-end game with the Alamedas and other Independent teams in and about the Bay City. Max Is said to be quite well supplied wtth the world's goods and is rated aa one of the most successful con tractors In San Francisco. He at tributes his success to his athletic training- on the diamond. He eays that he Intends to visit Portland in the near future to renew his acqauint ances with the fana M'GRAW SEEKING NEW TALENT Leader of Giants Plans to Develop Tonne Pltchers. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. Manager Mc Graw of the New York Nationals will devote a considerable share of his Spring training season next year to trying out young players in an effort to strengthen one or two positions on the team. Some of the baseball experts declare that next season will bring about the passing of Wlltse and Ames as mem bers of the pitching staff. Mathew aon snd Marquard will 'be the stars no doubt, and Crandall already has won bis spurs. Louis Drucke may also figure In the running again, but 51c Graw is said to be counting a lot on Tesreau. the big Texan who pitched effectively for the Toronto Eastern League team this season. Tesreau was with the Giants at Martin Springs, but was turned over to Toronto for seas oning. Robertson, the big Southpaw from the tidewater league, will receive a trial in Texas. Another likely youngster Is Third Baseman Arthur Bues. of Seattle, and there are three candldatea for outfield positions Id High. Jacobson and Jack Johnson. T. M. C. A. Seeks Country Place. Members of the Y. M. C. A. are to have a permannt Summer place away from the city, for outside sports, if present plans materialise. At the last meeting of the physical department of the association. Physical Instructor Grilly and Dr. J. W. Hewitt wore In structed to secure a country place which can be purchased. Three loca tions are under consideration, one at Gearhart. another at Mount Hood and the third at Cazadero. ; i'll find that MUSCLE-BOUriO WART. AH' GIT HM" HILL CAOETS WIN Portland Academy on Losing End of 18-to-0 Score. LOSERS HOLD AT GOAL LINE Heavier Military Eleven Six Times Stopped Within Eight Yards or Touchdown-Stiles, of Ca dets, Star of Game. Defeating- Portland Academy yester don on Multnomah Field by the score of 18 to 0. Hill Military Academy's aggregation of Une-buckera added an other victory to its string. Captain Stiles started the scoring in the first four minutes of play with a place kick from about 35 yards. He also scored another in the middle of the- second period. No touchdown was made until Blak Istone scored after a pass and a short run in the third quarter. The next score was tallied in the last period when Stiles carried the ball over after some good line bucking, which seemed to be one of his specialties yesterday. Portland Academy played Its best game of the year, holding Its heavier opponents with remarkable determin ation and often breaking through the line for yardage. Six times In the course of the game Hill carried the ball down the field to within eight yards of the goal and was then stopped by the Portland Academy line. Sltles was the big star of the day, making 111 the long runs of the game. Hla punting was also noteworthy. Most of his long gains were around right end, but he also went through the line occasionally. Holden and Jackson played a good game for the winners, as did also Blak lstone, Hill'a troublesome right end, who was always In the way of Port land Academy's plays. Bean played his usual good grme In the first quarter, being taken out be cause of Injuries In the second half. His absence seemed to take some of the grit out of the Academy team, as the showing was not so good In the latter part of the game. Soden, the big tackle, seemed to be Hill's worst bother. Several times he broke up plays, and few gains were made In his part, of the line. The lineup: Bill Military Academy. Portland Academy. Fhearer C Van Horn George LO Townsend St. Martin LT . . . Brlx r.onrnn LE Therkelsn Williams K'3 Matschek Hol.len KT Soden Blaklstone RE Woodcock Xletcalf QB Bean stiles LH Burgard Jackson snfor,1 Jones RH Powell Substitutes Dug-an for Georjre, Freeman for lirlx McKlunK for Freeman. Bean for r-ebb YVoodcock for Wilson. Therkelsen for Wilson Touchdowns Stiles 1, Blaklstone 1. Place kicks Stiles 2. Missed place kicks Banford 1. Time of quarters 12. 12. It. 12. Officials Referee, Bold. I'mplre. Hurl hurt. Field Judge, R. J. Smith. Head lines man. Cherry. Timekeepers, MacEwan and Thorne. ( I T- KM YV RIDING FOR ' $1000 San Franciscan on 500-MlIo Horse- back Jaunt on Bet. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 31. Percy Selby. San Francisco clubman, who wa gered $1000 several days ago that he could ride 500 miles on horseback In 10 days reported to friends here to night that he is considerably ahead of his schedule and expects to win his wager easily. " Selby said in his telephone message that he covered 83 miles yesterday. He spent the night at Soledad in Monterey County. Selby has now covered more than one-balf of the stipulated dis tance. American League Faster. CHICAGO, Oct. SI. Baseball statis tics Just compiled show that during the last nine years the American League teams have won 1SS games in the Interleague contests, while the Na tional Leaguers have been successful In 170. During the season Just closed the Nationals won 25 fames and the Americana 28. Victory Gives Confidence to Untried Oregon Men. WHITMAN IS NEXT. RIVAL Oregonlans Feel Sure of Anility to Defeat Missionaries, and Look Forward to Big Game of Tear With Washington. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Oct. 81. (Special.) Cheered by their victory at Pullman, the Oregon varsity football team has renewed practice this week with new flash and deter mination. Although the coming test with Whitman Is not lost sight of, the central thought now Is focused in the game with the University of Washing ton. Oregon men, who saw Washington play Saturday, say tha Seattle men have wonderful teamwork but Indi vidually, they declare, the Northerners 'haven't . got anything on them." In the Pullman game five Oregon men HalL Bradshaw, Noland, Fariss and Jones won their "O" emblems for the first time. Illustrating the fact that half the team played their first con ference game. The many injuries of early in the season made the team per sonnel very uncertain, the lineup being different every night. But now that a hard game has been won and the line up approximately determined, the eleven can be molded into a workable unit. Whitman Uncertain Quantity. Though no uneasiness is felt over the game with Whitman Saturday, there is a quiet sentiment that the un knowns from Walla Walla may un cork some surprise "stuff" when they open their conference schedule here. Little Is known about Whitman ex cept that they still have a worthy punter and back In Royal Nlles. the former Salem High School boy. Whit man and Oregon have only met twice in football, once In 1901 and again the following year. In the first game Whitman triumphed 6 to 0, while the next year Oregon reversed the figures. Klser. the heavy speed marvel of the backfield. is again in practice, aa Is Michael, the star end of last year. In rreturnlng a month after registra tion. Michael violated the letter of rule T of the conference agreement, which provides that an athlete must register within 21 days after . allege opens to be eligible. Because he is a bona fi'i senior who has really been in college all Summer through the correspondence department, several of the conference colleges were willing that he should play. Pacific Cancels Game. But Manager Zednlck, of Washing ton, objected, and Michael will be barred from participation until the game with Multnomah, which is not governed by the conference rules. Apparently as a result of Ralph Dlmlck's Injury at Forest Grove. Pacific University has cancelled Its date with Oregon. November 11. The reason given is that Pacific will play some games, but that it does not care to risk a match with any of the heavier teams. LI SAILING TIME IS DELATED HALF HOUR AT SEATTLE DOCK. Sam Tangford and Porky Flynn Are Helped on . Way to Fight Carnival In Australia. SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 31. (Special.) Through the combined efforts of the : noiiwiari snd theCana- I ureal .ui mcin ....... ...... dian Pacific Steamship Company. It will not be necessary iur jam -- Porky Flynn, the heavyweight pugil ists to charter a special steamer to catch the liner Zealandla for Australia tomorrow. . The Great Northern offices here have arranged with the Canadian Pacific Steamship Company to hold the steam ship Princess Charlotte, which departs at 8 A. M.. until 9:30. which will give the pugilists time to make the con nection here. They are rushing west on the Great Northern's Oriental Lim ited. . . , It Is vital to the success of their ar rangements with Hugh Mcintosh, the Australian fight promoter, that they catch the Zealandia, which will enable them to reach Australia in time for the opening of a series of big battles. Bill Lang, Jack Lester and Joe Jean ette are already in the Antipodes and Langford is hopeful that Johnson also may be attracted by one of the big Mcintosh purses to give the "Boston Tar Baby" a chance at the champion ship. FIGHTER MATCHED WITH DEVIL Eddy Toung, Lightweight, to Be Evangelist With Punch. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31. Aspiring to become a ."preacher with a punch," Eddy Young, of San Jose, well known In California as a featherweight pugil ist, has announced that he will enter the ministry and later become an evangelist. "Religion needs men who can put a kick in it." said Young today. I'm there with the kick ann now Your Attention is Called to Gold Seal Champagne The Leading American Wine A trial of which will m that champagne can be superior in quality to the Two Kinds: Special Dry Brut r Sold by all leading grocen and wine merchants. URBAKA WINE CO, IViaI Dry I w.r -. I Jff-W n E 3 I comiroroi We are specialists in underwear for men and young men and are prepared to prescribe scientifically and effectively for those who have found it difficult to secure real comfort in the damp, chilly Oregon Winters. Our display of f UNDERWEAR is complete and popu- Light, me dium and heavy weights. "Where you get the best." Which church shall Every 25c yon spend WRES TUNG CARN FRANK GOTCH vs. George Roeber Mahmout vs. Jim Asbell Both Matches to a Finish Oregon Hall, Opposite Oregon Hotel Wednesday November 1, 8:15 P. M. Admission $1, Reserved Seats on Sale at . Schiller's, $2.00 and $1.50 you can sit back and watch me slip the devil some of the old sleep drops." Toung will address the Young Men's Christian Association here next Sunday afternoon. He will go to Chicago to study at the Moody Evangelistic Insti tute. DITTY UEWIS TAKES BRIDE Baseball Player Weds Boston Sweet heart at San Kafael, Cal. - ALAMEDA. Cal.. Oct SI. George L. (Duffy) Lewis, left fielder of the Bos ton Red Sox, and Miss Eleanor Keane, of Boston, were married late yesterday In San Rafael and departed on their honeymoon, which will be spent in this state. They will return here for a three weeks' visit before the bride groom goes to Florida to Join his team for Winter practice. Lewis met his bride In Boston and they planned to be married there at the close of the American League" season. The bride's mother, however, asked the couple to come to California for the ceremony. BILIY PAPKE BADLY BEATEN Crowd Hoots at Poor Showing Made by "Illinois Thunderbolt. BOSTON. Oct. 31. Bob Moha, pf Milwaukee, won a decisive victory over Rfllv Pinba th. "Tllinnls Thunderbolt." In 12 rounds of a one-sided bout at the j Armory Athletic Association tonight. Papke showed from the start that he was In no form to fight. The Illinois man was on the defen sive all the time and Moha pummeled him all over the ring. After the sev enth round there were cries to take him out of the ring. Highland Behind in Studies. Because of the lack of eligible play ers on the Highland team the football game between that school and Vernon, scheduled for yesterday, was called off. The players were disqualified on account of their grades, one of the most important playing conditions in the Grammar School League this Win ter. RIGHTS OF WAY SETTLED Oregon Electric Between Salem and Santiam Will Be Pushed. SALEM, Or., Oct. 81. (Special.) With an agreement reached between the attorneys of the Oregon Electric and the Charles K. Spaulding Logging Company today, the last of the right-of-way cases for that road between Salem and the Santiam was settled and the work between those points can be pushed without further hindrance as to right-of-way. It is understoii that the basis of the settlement was a ' e a a prove to your entire satisfaction a made in America imported product Urban. N. Y - aA " ','..Wt?.'il larlv nnced. si IT " 7- nil, 1 Lisle and mer cerized Near Fifth On receive the $2750 Pipe Organ? with us entitles you to a vote. 118,000. after condemnation proceed ings had been started and the logging company had asked for J28,000. All of the 11 cases which were orig inally started have now been amica bly adjusted and, as far as Salem is concerned, the troubles of the Oregon Electric In this direction are over. BOY KILLS SELF IN PLAY Parents Say Gnn Was Unloaded and Child Slipped In Shell. ALBANY, Or, Oct. 81. (Special.) While playinsr with a shotgun, George Erwin, the 10-year-old son of Lee Er win, residing near Thomas, shot and killed himself Just before noon today. The accident was witnessed by hls,7-year-old brother. The boy had the butt of the gun on the ground, with the barrel toward him, when it was discharged, and the shot struck him in the head, causing instant death. Coroner Fortmlller was notified and, after an investigation, decided that no inquest was necessary. The boy's pa rents are positive the weapon was not loaded and think the boy must have Bllpped the shell Into the gun himself. - Oplnm Seized on Ilner. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 81. Five tins of opium valued at $200 were found today In the engine room of the Pacific Mall Liner Mongolia, which ar rived here from China Saturday. A search is being made for more of the contraband, and members of the Mon golia's crew are being watched by Federal detectives. New location. Pettis, Grossmayer & Co Third floor, Wilcox bldg. Amsterdam has 1700 diamond cleavers and 47w polishers. In two heights: DELMAR - in.' REXTON - 2 in. YOU should see the new IDE SILVER COLLAR if you're seeking a straight-front shape that does meet close. It's baked and so shaped in the bakingby our special Vertiform Process that it has the vertical front so much desired by correct dressers. Has ample scarf space. Collars lose their shape and fit when buttonholes stretch or tear the veriest trifle. Ide ()Collars) have exclusively the LlNOCORD Buttonholes. They're easier-to-button and don't tear out. They're strong where the strain comes. 7i: ,:: : : I i : -1!" iimnmimmnmiii IV AL - mm,-- p-Iie iSZliA TrDy'