Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1911. -
Surroundings That Were Once
Familiar Now Strange to
S. Chandler Rogers.
Trk-k Known Only In Marine Corp
Fall I'nnotlwd by n-Mrmtwr.
Auto Ride Like Awakening
to World of Future.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 31. (Special.)
With his every wn keyed to the
highest pitch, his face aglow, eyes
aperkllns; and every faaulty and force
of mind and body alert. & Chandler
Rogers, the Providence Hospital double-Identity
patient, took his first auto
mobile ride, accompanied by his nurse.
Miss Baker, and a member of the de
partment of psychology of the I nlver
tty of Washington, today. When It
ws over. Itoicers. sfter undergoing a
rlsld test at the ofnes of th United
Ftatea marine recruitms smtlon. re
turned 10 the hospltnl to relate with
all the eagerness of a school boy his
novel experiences.
Iurln the flrst IS mlnutee of his
two-hour rule. Rocer rndesvored to
find something In ttie landscape to re
mind him of his lost life as Oeortte
Kelly. Tnlted States marine, and later
millhand. a year and a half of which
he had spent in and about this city.
But the effort was futile. Then he
turned attention to th automobile.
Here he found many things to ex
cite his wonder. The frequent sound
tng of the horn puzzled him, as to Its
origin and purposes
Marvels Are Maay.
"Where does that rol. come from!"
he asked, a look of wonder on his face.
-Every time we go by something I
hear It."
"It's all very new snd strange to
ne." he said. "I have been told many
things by people who have talked to
me at the hospital. Sometimes I
thought they were making fun of me."
So sincere, so genuine and so hearty
was Rogers In everything he saw. that
no mistake could be made as to the
man's utter snd complete absence of
sense of knowledge of the life of today.
Rogers was sent through the open door
of the United States msrlne recruit
ing ststlon In First avenue Huth and
Main street. Here a stage setting hsd
been provided In the hope thst Rogers
would be brought bach to his former
life by a vision of men and scenes with
which he was long associated.
OI4 Cesamaads Leae Welgat.
Officers. Sergeants and Corporals In
Jfw attire, guns and swords snd all
the Naval paraphernalia were provid
ed when Rogers. Ignorant of where he
ws golrr. entered the room. Rogers
paused. His brows knitted, the old ex
pression of stolid, unknowing, of abso
lute and utter Ignorance of where he
was or what wss expected of him,
overspread his countenence.
Kvery possible test was tried by the
officers and others. A gun was placed
In his hsnds and he was gruffly com
manded to stand at "attention." Awk
wardly be han.lled the weapon. The
order was shouted at him again, but
the words were without meaning.
Then the officer. Lieutenant H. M.
Fmlth. U. S. M. C took the weapon,
examined It as one Inspecting- a eqund
of marines, and flung It hack at htm
In regulation style and manner. But
not a muscle moved and Rogers nojd
looking blankly at his InqJisitor.
"Had this roan any recollection of
even a dy cr a week on a battleship."
explalnrd Untenant Smith, "his hands
would have riwu to receive the rifle,
po tbor.K KO -as every ret that his
esse is slmV. astontshlnR."
Rogers underwent sn ordeal lasting
half an hour. He wss stripped and
measured and a record taken to be for
wsrJed to the Navy Department nt
Washington, where a probe Is under
wsy for his record. Finally, his finger
prints were taken and these will also
be forwarded, so complete Is the work
of tracing lingers- or Kelly's record.
Letter to Mother la Modford Ixoked
Upon as Decoy by Police.
MEPFORD, Or.. Oct. M. Speclal.
Information In the hands of the local
authorises Investigating the disappear
ance of Nora I'arllng. the pretty 1-yeur-old
girl who left here a month
egj. leads the officers to believe that Irlntrnm received by the mother.
Sirs. Margaret lrllng. calling her to
Ruhl. Idaho, wss a decoy to throw the
anxious mother off the track.
According to advices received here
Monday a married man with whom the
missing girl was acquainted also was
absent from his home about the time
Nora was supposed to be at Huhl. The
search for Nora has been carried to
Idaho cities snd the mother Is at pres
ent In I'ocsreUo and later In the week
will go to Hoiee.
This Is supposed to be upon Infor
mation furnished by the man In the
eae. who told the grandparents of the
girl when questioned that he went to
l ocatello on business.
Thurmaa street, early yesterday morn
ing In a drunken condition, and began
breaking up property. The disturbance
wss heard by the patrolmen, who broke
down a door to get Into the house.
Thompson will be arraigned Thursday.
L. o. Ralston. Jr.. also disturbed the
sleep of hl family at night. He was
arrested by Patrolmen Tlchenor and
O Dale at his home at 608 Market
drive, after ha had srona home and
fired several shots from an automatic
revolver through the windows. He was
fined ISO in the Municipal Court yes
terday. CHARACTER DAMAGE $1500
Jeane Schlffer Sues Aleck Carsun
tor Defamation.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. SI. (Special.) A
suit waa filed In the Circuit Court to
day by Jtane Bchlffer against Aleck
Carsun to recover 11500 damages for
defamation of character.
The complaint alleges that a short
time no the plaintiff leased a building
at Rainier from A. F. Bryant for a
period of three yeara and shipped his
furniture and personal property to that
place. In the meantime, the complaint
asserts the defendant slandered tha
plaintiff to Bryant, calling him a
"Gypsy- and a "fly-by-night." and by
mlsrepresentatlone Induced Bryant to
refuse to sign the lease.
The plaintiff charges that he was
damaged to the extent of $500 by Injur
ies to his business and In expense in
curred In moving hla effects, and that
by the false statements of the defend
ant hla charaoter was Injured to tha
extent of 11000. .
Automatic Shifts to Be Made Each
I Month, Says Coffey.
Expected changes in the Police De
partment did not materialize yester
day, and are now said to have been
deferred for several days. Chairman
Coffey, of the police committee, said
yesterday that his plans had not been
In tne hands of the printer are
schedules , uner which the commis
sioner expects to operate the depart
ment In the future so that changes of
stations and reliefs will be made auto
matically every month. When the
schedules ere completed. It Is expeoted
that the order will be Issued.
Policemen were on tlp-to yester
day and all expected to be transferred.
Rumors were abroad that the shift
would carry with It Increase or de
crease of pay for some In the depart
ment, but the officials have denied, that
this la contemplated at thla time,
Thirty-Four Tears Since Birth Are
Pride of Miss Coburn.
The Oregon Orlll waa tha acena of
delightful birthday party last night
given by Miss Nettle u. coourn. m
member of the Courtiers company,
playing at the Orpheum thla week.
Mlsa Coburn was 34 yeara old yester
day and not ashamed of any one of
them or of the total. Miss Coburn Is
the daughter of C. M. Coburn. of Bos
ton. Mass. a S2d-degree Mason and a
man of high standing In tha world of
Among the decorations of the tables
were a number of Masonic Insignia
worked In flowers. Among Mlsa Co
burn's guests were the following mem
bers of her profession: William A.
Gal pea, Clemence Moche, Roy Dletrlck.
John 8. Lelck, Mabel Keith. Jennie
Griff. Lillian A. Garrls. Raymond S.
Crowd of Citizens Welcomes Train.
Srrrlce Will Be Dally.
v I
G. A. Burke Is Charged With Forg
ery on Portland Bank.
OtniriA, Wash.. Oct It. (Special.)
To face a charge of forgery lodged
against hlra by Clsrk County authori
ties. O. A. Burke, who Is serving a Jail
term In Idaho and whoe name Is al
leged to be 0. R. Sullivan. Is to be
taken back to "Vancouver, papers for
nls requisition being made out by Gov
ernor Hay today.
Sullivan or Burks Is accused of pass
ing a check for drawn on tha
First National Bank of Portland,
signed by J. W.x Lemon, which check
afterwards proved to be a forgery.
Tollce Pay J. M. Thompson Was
About to Hit Them With II s nun cr.
After breaking the windows In his
horns with a hammer. John M- Thomp
son was about to attack Ms wife and
baby with the same weapon, according
to the police, when Patrolmen Saut and
Hevston broke Into the house and re
strained him. The policemen had to
battle with the Infuriated man before
tie could be taken into custody.
Thompson want to hla home at 1(1
BEND. Or.. Oct. 11. (Special.) A
large crowd of people gathered at the
depot tonight and welcomed the first
regular passenger train to arrive at
Bend, which reached here at :f5
o'clock. It will leae dally at 6:30
A. M putting passengers Into Port
land at C T. M.
Both the Harrlman and Hill roads
will operate a Joint passenger train
and freight train dally between Bend
and Metollus. From that station each
line will use Its own track and separate
equipment. A contract has been let to
Teter White, of Portland, for the large
freight warehouse and roundhouse here
and work on It will start at ones.
Scene In Life of Dickens' Character
Are Shown at Majestic.
Fcenea In tha life of Dickens' great
character. David Copperfteld. will bs
shown In three sets of films at the
Majestic Theater beginning today. The
first reel deals with Dsvld's childhood
and youth and the varied Incidents of
that period. Oavld'a relations with lit
tle Emily comprise the second series
of pictures. The episodes that lead up
to the tragic end of Eteerforth and
Ham are graphically reproduced.
The third series depicts scenes In tha
later years of Copperfleld's life, after
i his msrrlage and when the villain Heep
; Is working his treachery. The musical
programme will also be cnanged witn
today's performance.
Four Members Present. Three Ab
sent Xeeded Assessments,
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Oct. SI. Spe
rlaL) Although assessments for pav
ing, aggregating over 1100,000. should
be made to pay contractors, the dead
lock in Cbehalls City Council con
tinues. Msyor Gingrich. Councllmen Green
' and Sullivan, and Charles DlecKman.
whose seat was declared vacant by the
I three members who were not present
1SSI num. luunn.uitu -.
and Lechtner. appeared to do business.
The session was adjourned, A large
crowd, expecting sensations, was pres
Soldiers Sweep' Tp Leaves St Van
couver Barracks.
Oct. SI. Fpec!aL The First In
fantry and band: Company F. Engl
neers. and a detachment of tha Hospi
tal Corps passed In review on the
parade ground today before Colonel
James S. Rogers. The three batterlea
of the Second Field Artillery, two of
whl.-h returned from an absence of six
wreks on tsrget practice, were mus
tered and inspected on the artillery
drill ground at the same hour.
Aboat SO soldiers are kept busy
sweeping, raking and picking tha Fall
leaves from the parade grounds and
lasts of the post.
. Wlih i
Imlm I Mail Orders
I W iU I
Only One to
a Buyer
Ulh 6th St.
Corner 6th and Alder
Opposite Meier A Frank Co.
Accompanied by
Filled Same Day
If Unsatisfactory,
Money Cheerfully
None Sent
0. D. Unless
Deposit Is
$20,000 importers Stock of Guaranteed Hand
Tied Ostrich Willow Plumes at 50c on the Dollar
Tr, miss this opportunity is like throwing money away. Remember, this sale is for one day only
wcdnas.wnsri. rTnw is the time to buy Finest Guaranteed Genuine African Ostrich
TTanH.Tifid Willow Plumes at exactly half regular price. It's a sacrifice being made by a large New
vnrir and manufacturer being pressed for cash. It's a chance of a lifetime to buy finest
nnrnf TTsnd.TiPd Willow Plumes that are made of best stock, long fibers, finest flues, handsome
and dressy, from healthy male African ostrich birds, AT LESS THAN IMPORTER'S OR MANU
FACTURING COST. See the size and prices.
See Demonstration in Our Windows - Prices and Qualities Sale of a Life Time
No. 2XX
$14, for only
No. 424x24
$20, for only
No. 526x26
$22, for only
No. 628x28
$24, for. only
No. 6X 30x3U in., reg. price gj-i a
$28, for only pA
No. 831x31 in., regular price t1 CS
$30, for only. .- V-
No. 8X 33x33 in., reg. price dlO
$36, for only
No. 1035x35 in., regular price COfl
$40, for only 9
23x23 in., reg. price cy
in., regular price j20
in,, regular price 1
in., regular price Cj "1 O
A Deposit Will Lay
Away Any Plume
Until Called For
"T" "TT!T7'rw mak the finest kinds of birthday and Xmas gifts. No tele-
oTTRTiv'Q FRATHER SHOP, 141 V2 6th St.
Between Alder and Morrison, Sellm Building, Corner Alder and Sixth, Opposite Meier & Frank's
Open Wednesday Night
Only for This Sale.
See the Demonstrator
1 ' i
Walla Walla Merchants Spread
Tidings of Cheer.
Crowds of MTiT-Makra Throng
Streets In Celebration or Kind
Harrest Goddess "WMto
"Wax" Feature of Fete.-
WALLA WALLA, Wash, Oct 81.
rSoeclaD With three bands playln
dlrVes and BOO pallbearera marching
behind th. float on which the life s.
Acurs of "grouch" was borna through
tha streets, tha Merchants' Association
burted the symbol of Ill-feeling here
today The ceremony was the open
ing event of the flrst annual Halloween
Mardl Oraa to be held In thla city.
Every man on the street was made
to buy a tag reading "The Grouch
Club. Forget It. Get Into the game.
These sold for from 8 cents to 5.
"Orouch" waa taken to the gas plant
thla afternoon and. with Impressive
ceremonies directed by Jake Kauffroan,
waa burled. . M .
Hundreds of msskers thronged the
streets tonight. The Pendleton band,
the Weston women's band and the
Walla Walla band furnished muslo for
the occasion and the revelers danced
In the streets, threw confetti and en
joyed themselves until a late
The openins v "
Va was a feature of the evening. The
new- atreet lights, three big lncan
descenta In a cluster and six clusters
In a block, llgnt aiain """""""
end to tne ow". " "" 7
to Spokane streets and all the ro"
streets. m "
taken down.
Rancher's Wife Asks Divorce.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. Bpe
clsl Mrs. Julia H. Cooper, wife of
. n r ma A tn k. a WASltftV
tinier r.
farmer living on Bachelor a Island, in
the Columbia Kiver, a lew ranee wio
thla city, has sued her husband for di
vorce, alleging cruelty. She asks I50D
attorney'a fees and alimony of $1M a
month to maintain herself and child.
. th Mmmiinlt TiroDif.
laa unr-u.ii v . ... j
ty. 75 acre of land, and personal prop
erty. .
Fostal Bank Deposits (40,000.
i- vrAinTB Wash- Oot. 11. (Spe
cial.) Since June 1. thla year, when
the postal savings
than 140.000 have been deposited by
i rionosltors. which makes an aver
age of about 98. This la considered
a good recora.
Road Agrees to Stop Trains.
SALEM. Or- Oct. II. (Special.) The
State Railroad Commission has been
advised tha,t the complaint of F. A-
. t,4-mi- that Southern
Pacific trains atopped at Witch Hazel
for hunters and dogs but not for reg
ular passengers, has been heard and
that the road haa ordered trains No. 3
and No. to stop on flag. The road
has also advised the Commission that a
caretaker will be placed In charge of
the station at Tailman.
Dr. White Says, 6tate May Be En
dangered If Spread Isn't Checked.
Mild smallpox cases have developed
throughout the state In numbera suf
ficient to nuss activity on the part
of the state health officials to pre
vent an epidemic. Dr. Calvin S. White,
of the State Board of Health, said last
night that the situation has not yet
reached the danger stag, but that un
less measures are taken at once to stop
the spread of the disease It Is likely
to become a menses.
"Several cases hsve developed at Cor
vallls.'Vsald Dr. White, "and a number
of cases In Benton County. We found
a case on Front street a few days
ago, the person afflicted with the dis
ease having Just came from Corvallls,
and being attacked after leaving."
Dr Ralph Falk, State Health Officer
In Idaho, telegraphed Dr. White yes
terday that Dr. J. C. Woodward, Health
Officer at Payette. Idaho, had reported
to him the case of members of the Crull
family, of Malheur County, who, he
said, were unquarantlned, and were
about to move Into Idaho.
Vancouver Paper Sold.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. II. (Spe
cial.) E. M- Ouerin. recently from
Medford. Or., and Seattle. Wash., today
bought from Glen N. RaniTk the Independent-Chronicle,
a weekly newspaper
in the Ranck building at Ninth and
Grows Hair
Stops Dandruff and Scalp Diseases, Sa
v store Gray or Faded Hair To
- Ita Natural Color.
Csflasoo Will Da This For Yon.
Swissco produces astounding results
so quickly It has amazed -those who
have used It. We will prove It to you
If you will send 10c In silver or stamps
to pay postage and we will send you a
trial bottle and our wonderful testi
monials. ...
There Is no excuse for baldness.
Write today to Swissco Hair Remedy
Co . IS50 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Swissco is on sale at all druggists
and drug departments at SOo and 11.00
a bottle. , .
For sale and recommended in Fort
land at
Washington streets. Mr. Ranck. who
la chairman of the Republican Central
Committee; says he will engage In an
other business In this city.
Big Note Issue to Be Csed In Build
ing International Lines.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Oct. SI. John Eaton,
general attorney for the Kansas City,
Mexico & Orient Railway, filed an ap
plication with the Public Utilities Com
mission to Issue . 120,000.000 In gold
notes for general construction work.
The money Is to be used in building
lines in Mexico and Southern Texas.
The notes already have been sold to a
French banking company.
It Is said this will be enough money
to complete all the Orient lines in this
country and the greater part of those
In Mexico.
Rev. Alva Beyers Is Dead.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 81. (Special.)
Rev. Alva Beyers, pioneer Methodist
preacher. Is dead at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. O. W. Chapman, two
miles west of Salem. He Was 79 years
of age. For many years he was a
circuit rider in the East.
Road Will Construct.
Pacific Railway today obtained a per
mit to construct the flrst seven miles
of Its Lake Union belt line, by which
freight will be discharged In the very
center of Seattle. Work will be be-
SEATTLE, Oct. 31. The Northern gun tomorrow.
Coast Line Service
Kalama, Kelso, Castle Rock,
Winlock, Chehalis, Cen
tralia, Tacoma, Seattle,
Everett, Bellingham, New
Westminster and Van
couver, B. C.
10:00 A.M.. International Liralted..l0:00 P.M.
6 :0O P.M. Tne Owl 8:00 A.M.
12:18 mldnig-ht Shors Line Exp.. S:O0 P.M.
Fast trains and best of equipment.
Parlor, Bleeping and dining-cars.
All trains from North Bank Station,
Eleventh and Hoyt Sta.
Tickets, sleeping and parlor-car res
ervations at. City Ticket Office,
122 Third St., and at Depot
H. Dickson, C. P. and T. A.
Telephones, Marshall 3071, A 2286.
$ 7 . " - -
Heilig Theater MMJ I
Entire Week Beginning , '.
Qctober 29
Try These Two Lines on Your Piano
r.-R : . C.J
Day- drams, Vis loas of bliss. Dear ss the hope of child' - i
lizzi Hajosinthe Spring Maid
Then visit our Victor department and listen to these
two beautiful records on the Victrola
No. 5830 Day Dreams
No. 5836 1 wo Little J-ove oees
Morrison at Sixth Opposite Postoffice