0 TITE jrORXiyO OREGOXIAN. TTEPyESD AY, NOVEMBER .1, 1011. OLD MOTHER SUyH BY SDN WITH KNIFE Sheepherder, After Drinking Bout, Kills Woman as She Toils at Washtub. FATHER ROPES CRAZY MAN William Gllsan Is Arrested at Ante lope and Taken to The Dalles. Majcr Known "lUd Man" In Country Ilonnd Ilofne. THE DALLFA Or . Oct II. (Special.) A butcher kr.lfo In h! hand. William Gl'san stole quietly behind his aed nothr wh!l.i she was bending- over a washtub at the'.r ranch home, on. nil of Antl -pe. at 1 o'clock thla tn rnne aud Jjblx"! the Ion blade Into hrr back. The strel penetrated her lunss to the hilt, and waa the cau. of her death a vr minutes later. The murderer Is U to be crair. caused hr a proloi.i;e.l upoll of heavy )rlnk!n. )1 returned three weeka ko from Inn Caacade .Mountains, where he herded sheep all Summer. Ho visited hla home en two occsuo.-is. but spnt practically all of his time aince hla return at An telope, drinkln. It la said. He went noma at o'clock to.lay and Jay down on a couch. 11 s relatives feared vlnUwe at his han.l. and Ma bru'her. Alfred, remained In the name room to watch him. After ha had been on the coui.h h.ilf an hour he appeared to be aaleep. but later developments ihnw ha feU-ned slumber cleverly. Be lieving Mm asleep. Alfred began read me a newspaper, which acted aa a sort of screen between the two men. Slayer Attack Brother. The slayer slipped off his shoes while lila brothor waa Interested in the paper, and stole out of the room to where his mother waa tolling with her work. Alfred did not hear a sound from tha man aa he left the couch and did not know William had a-one from the room until he heard Mrs. Ciisan scream. He rushed outside and was attacked fcy his brother, who Jerked the. knife from the woman's body. The father. Edward T. Gllsan.. who was In the yard at the time of the murder, hurried to the son's assistance and William was bound with ropes and held until Dep uty Sheriff Hums arrived from Ante lope and made Ollsan hie prlaoner. l.very Indication points to an Inten tion to kill hla father and brother also. The horrible crime waa made more piti able b era use the husband and son ere unable to comfort the dyln woman, being; compelled to subdue the rrasy son. Mrs. Ollsan died before William waa securely roped. Cllaaa Kaewa aa Bad Staa." Will-am Gllsan. who 1s J years oil. has been known as a "bsd man" for several years. It la said. He stabbed r.dward Jonea durlnc a card Kama at Antelope four years ao. Junes re covered from his wounds, and Gllsan. wben tried en a charge of assault with Intent to kill, was acquitted. He was considered particularly dangerous whenever be had been drinking heavily. Mrs Gllsan was ti years old and was the mother of 10 chll Iren. two of whom are Vrs. Polite Warrick and Mrs Nellie Kemp, both of Portland The Ollsans moved to Antelope It years aso. beln former reahlenta of Marlon i-ounty. Sheriff Chrlman and Coroner Hurget went to Antelope at noon to day and will bring the prisoner to this elty. whore the Inquest and trial will be held. Gllsan was not drunk at the time of the murder, and reliable Antelope cltliena say he quit drinking two days aso, but was erasy because of fcls ticMilx drinking bouts during the seat Utree weeks. SUGAR PLANT IS CLOSED Farmers Wont Grow IX-U. Prclarrs VW-e-Pre-sldent of Factory. SPOKANE. Wain.. Oct. SI. Fpe claLs The Washington State Sugar Company's factory at I'averly. In Spo kane County, r.ever will be reopened. TVs mens the abandonment of the siicar Industry In Knstern WasMncton. l'os'tlve announcement of this fct was authorlxel to.!ay by Austin Corbln. vlce-prealdect-aecretary of the corn par r. The plant Is said to represent an In vestment of St.o. The reason given for Its abandonment is the small sugar beet cropa in the Inland Empire and the difficulty of Inducing farmers to grow them. No intr waa produced at the factory during the present sea son. The p'.ant haa not been operated since the 1)14 crop was cared lor. WIFE ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Mrs. J. C Corey Suffers From At tack of Mclanclioly. HMX-eriORO. r- vt' sI"r!al-) Mrs. J. C Corey, wife of a Moan tein Oa e rancher, residing 10 mt'.ea north of this city, attempted suicide this morning by swallowing a cupful of concentrated lye, and her life Is r.snclng in the balance. For several d.tys she has been a suf ferer from melancholia and has be. n under the care of a physician. Dr. F. A. Kailev. Ill health is the only rea son astarr.ed. The dreys are fairly wealthy, and recently completed a !o bunga'ow on their farm: Mrs. Corey waa formerly a M'as Harms. STUDENTS TO HEAR GORE Oklahoma Senator Will Discuss rnbllc Problems at Eufene. C XT VERS ITT or OREGON. Eugene. Or. Oct. 11. S;-eclal. ) Senator Gore, of oklahomv will deliver an address In Eugene next Saturday ever-trig under tne auspices of the University. It will be his only platfjrm appearance In -rev-on. ail le from a stop at Grants ' Psis. It Is announced that his talk will deal Sbtth vital public rroblema. STUDENTS LEARN ECONOMY I'rk-e of Rooms at Eacrao Cat and Taxlcab Are? Taboo. CXTVERSITT OF OREOON. Eugene. iVt 11. Special. ) In keeping with the general economy campaign at the university, announcement Is made by the msnagement of the university dor- mltory that the weakly room rentals have been reduced from f 1 to SO cents. The cost of a room lighted, beated and tended will now be (1 a month. Inspired by the example of Presi dent Campbell, the students themselves havs formulated several rules of gov ernmenr calculated to lessen the aver age living expense. The students have ruled that no under-claeamen shall wear stiff hats; that no full-dress suits shall be worn to the ordinary student body parties, and that evening dress shall not be worn by the freshmen on any occasion. The women of the uni versity also have lent their Influence to the side of economy by discouraging tha cab and taxlcab habit of escort to dancing and theater partlea Another step toward lowering- the student expense account now being contemplated by Graduate Manager Geary Is the granting of free admission of Its members Into all games, meets, musical concerts and debates. This will -ultimately be made possible. It Is SIX-YEAR-OLD T.Pri.CIUlD is sui iori) BY TWO i 1 Sylva C Davldsea. ST. PAITU Or, Oct. II. (Spe cial.) 8ylva I- Davidson, who died here Thursday, was burled' at the Cathollo Cemetery here yesterday. Sylva waa six yeara and three months old. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Eugene Davidson, and death was caused by membraneous croup. Her parents and two sisters. Edna and Leona. mourn her loss. thought, by the booking of highly re munerative athletic contests on Port land grounds. ROAD CAN BUY AGAIN ROSnBmQ METtCIIANTS WILL FELL. TO BOCTIIEIUS PACIFIC Rumor That Shops Would Bo Moved Cans-) Hurried Sleeting and Sym pathizers Fall Away. ROSEBCRO. Or- Oct. II. (Special.) Following one of the most spirited msss meetings ever held In this city. Roseburg merchants last night went on record favoring the right to sell goods to any and all persons who solicit their wares and are In a position to pay the stipulated price. The meeting was called late today as the result of a rumor to the effect that ths officials of the Southern Paclflo Railroad contemplated moving the local shops to soma other point. Since the strike of the shopmen was called four weeks ago the merchants have refused to sell the Southern PacKlo Company supplies and It was surmised that tha company had accepted the action as aa Insult and Intended to get even by mov ing the shops. Ths meeting was largely attended. Including nearly every merchant and professional man In the city as well as representatives of the striking shop men. Ths merchants claim that in re straining the company from purchas ing goods In Roseburg the community was being Injured wltnout correspond ing benefits to the strikers. The strik ers, on the other band, claim they ask the merchants to refrain from selling tcoodm to the company in order to gain sympathy and thus assist In winning tha strike. The meeting lasted from early In the evening until nearly mid night. HOSPITAL BUYS HOUSE Oregon City to Have New Surpery and Equipment. OREGON C1TT. Or, Oct. IL (Spe cial.) Among ths Important real aetata transfers ef thla city during ths past week waa the sale of the Carey John son place, owned by F. M. Howell, which was occupied by Mr. Johnson and his family for many years. The nurses of Wildwood Hospital decided to buy another piece of property on Tenth and Washington streets, which commands an excellent view of ths lower psrt of the city and the surrounding country. Ths building will bs In ths bands of the contractors tomorrow morning for renovation. There will be two large verandas 11 feet wide. At ths rear will be an elevator. A surgery In the northeast corner of the building will be equipped with the latest Improve ments. In all there will be 51 rooms. The building will be ready for accu pancy In 10 days Clarence Simmons has been awarded the contract. WEST TO BE ON SPECIAL GoTemor Will Make Trip WlOj Other Western Executive. SALEM. Or. Oct. It. (Fpeclat) Governor West has definitely decided to accompany the Governors' special when It takes Its trip through ths East and will leave here In time to catch the special at St. Paul. November 17. Ex-Ocvernor Brady, of Ohio. In a let ter to Governor West, outlines the Itinerary of the trip and has the fol lowing to ssy relative to the special: It has been a Iocs pull and a bard pull, but we have won. I have Jut received the seheuaie from trie management ,ot the Gov emcrv special train, which is as follows: -Hare schedule up w'.ta Penasrlvaala railroad solnc East, isv.n cities, allowing ail !ar and full evenles at eacb place, rol lowtr.s are points: Chlcsso. ladiaaapelia. l.cutsttlle. Clnclsnatt. Columbia. Plttsburs. HirntMrt. lisltlmore. YVaahlnston. Phila delphia. New York. Retumlns. New Tork Central lines: Albany to Chlcaae as fol lows Albany. L'Uca. Syracuse. Rochester, riutfaio. C.vvslaad. Detroit. Oraad Rapids, l aicsso Tram will leave St. Paul Bight of November XT. Chicago HI. and each suc ceeding tewa following day. returning te St. Peai arrive efternooa December 10-" CURRY COUNTY TO ESTABLISH PORT By Majority of Three Proposal to Improve Harbor at Port Orford Is Carried. GROWTH WILL BE FELT Despite Opposition of Timber Com panies and Non-Resident Prop erty Owners, Clty'g Major ity I Sufficient. PORT ORFORD. Or, Oct. 11. (Spe cial.) The proposal to establish a port commission at Fort Orford carried here yesterday by a majority of three, with complete unofficial returns from all precincts. The election was the most hotly contested this district has ever known. When the returns came In last night Curry County generally celebrated and speeches were made from the historic Haf.le Rock, on whloh Captain William Tlchenor landed his men 60 years atco. I'ort Orford precinct gave the com mission a majority of 101. while Unit lols precinct was opposed to the scheme by a majority of 99. The three out side precincts gave a net majority for the commission of one. IM-al Feeling Strong. The returns will be canvassed Im mediately and indications point to con slderab.e local feeling, as every voter In the county has received long letters from Coos County residents who own land In Curry County, warning them a vote for the port means puttinp a 10 per cent mortgage on their homes. Various timber companies which own large tracts In the district to be af fected by organization of the port were among the most staunch opponents. J. M. Upton, a Marshfield attorney, who spent a week hero opposing port or ganisation. Is supposed to be repre senting the Smith Lumber Compnny and other non-resident owners known to be) In opposition. Growth to Be Great. S. P. Tierce. Joint Representative from Coos and Curry counties, led the opposition for resident farmers and Joined forces with Mr. Upton, who spoke for non-rcsldents. W. H. Meredith, of the Tort Orford Commercial Club, permitted both men to address various club meetings and debate the proposal with club mem bers. In this district both the Port Orford Tribune and the Gold Beach Globe advocated port organization. The result of the election means that bonds will be sold by the county for the Improvement of the harbor here. At present It Is Impossible for vessels of any slxe to enter and obtain a safe anchorage. With the manner In which this country Is being settled. It Is apparent, say those behind the scheme, that Port Orford will at once take front rank among Coast cities. Rapid development of every kind la now looked for In Curry County. With the execptlon of property owners In land, the sentiment In favor of a port and a greater Port Orford Is general. CHINESE HAIL REBELS AT BAXQCET AT LA GltA-VDE $1000 RAISED FOR CAUSE. Resolutions Condemning Mancha Dynasty Art Adopted and Queues Are Disdained. LA GRANDE. Or.. Oct. Si. (SpeclaL) With the new-born flag of the Chinese rebellion nailed to their col ony quarters. 160 Chinese of this city and vicinity are true blue rebels to night though they cannot take the field of action. One thousand dollars wss subscribed here tonight at an Oriental banquet, attended by all queueless Orientals In the city and a few whites. At the ceremony Caucasian guests were forgotten except when some par ticular Chinaman reiterated that tha new banner of rebellion Is "Alias sams Mollean." Queuea were declared a mark of disdain and banishment not toler ated at the festal board. Delicacies that go with the best American dinners were served with a sprinkling of Oriental sweetmeats. Chsmpagne wss a liberally used elixir of enthusiasm. Speeches marked by flights of ora tory, kow-towing to josshouse Imple ments and resolutions condemning the Mancha dynasty snd upholding and fostering the struggle for liberty were i features of the dinner. BROKERS ARE CONVICTED Backetahop Ordinance in San Fran cisco Fpbeld In Test Case. SAN FRANCISCO. CaL. Oct II. H. A. Moss, head of the brokers. firm of K. A. Moss & Co. with offices here and In other olUee In th West, and sis of his employes, were found guilty to day of "bucking' (train orders and sen tenoed to J100 fines or 60 days In Jail each. br Police Jude Sullivan. The convictions were the first ob tained under a city ordinance passed April 10 last. In imposing the sentences, which were the minimum under tha ordinance. Judge Sullivan said that he took coftnlzunce of tha fact that the case was a test- Moss attorneys filed notice of an appeal to the Supreme Court, and a stay of execution was granted. Twenty-six persons who were arrest ed In Moss' offices on October 2. when th. police raided the place, were re leased with a reprimand by the court. HOSPITAL BUILDING AIMED Dominican Sisters of Ontario File Articles of Incorporation. SALITM. Or.. Oct. SI. (Special.) For the purpose of establishing hos pitals, schools snd training schools In the Baker diocese, the Dominican Elsters of Ontsrlo filed srtlcles of in corporation today with the Secretary of Stat. Th. primary object of the sisters Is for the establishment of a hospital at Ontsrlo, but they will establish others as determined from time to time. The sisters also plan to establish a train ing school for nurses in connection with th. hospital as well as a school for general educational training. The Incorporators are Bisters Mary Catherine. Mary Patrick and Mary CENTRAL BANK Readily reached from all sections of the city. Conservatice manage ment, comprehensive service, courteous treat ment. No restrictions in amounts in opening ac counts. Four per cent interest on savings ac counts. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Capital $150,000.00 W. H. Fear -. - - President. VTillard Case - - Vice-Pres. 0. C. Bortzmeyer - - Cashier. Walter II. Brown, Asst. Cashier. Open Saturday Eve. 6 to 8 Dominic. The value of the property of the corporation Is given as $10,000. COLLEGE GIRLS TO BE AID Seattle 'Worklns; Women 'Will Be Helped by University Sisters. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Beattle. Oct. II. (Special.) To assist the thousands of Seattle working girls to a higher plane and to get them to keep off the streets at noon and In the evening, serious minded girls of the university under the lead of Miss Elsie Stafford are making arrangements to hold 11 o'clock entertainments for thetr benefit. The university women will mingle with these girls as equals and expect not only to be able to help the workers but to get in touch with another phase of life from their own. In the evening gymnasium, recitals and women's "mixers" will be held and working women will be Invited to at tend. It Is also planned to organise a pyra class for their physical develop ment. HAWLEY GUEST OF HONOR Representative Is Entertained by Citizens of Bandon. RANDOM. Or.. Oct. II. (Ppeclal.) Representative Hawley arrived in Ban don today on his tour of Southwest Oregon and was given a receptton by the Bandon Commercial Club. He was taken out over the bar In the tug Klih yam and was then shown around the city tonight. Mr. Hawley addressed the citizens of Bandon at the opera house, after which the business men tendered him a ban quet at the Hotel Galllere. There were about 100 present at the banquet. It Is expected that the motorcycle trade will make great strides In Australia In tha n-Kt fvw y-ars. ew N iregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. AT?" - Aot. .1 rI., , t.n..tio, to L Pino, Tort Bk, Site Uk, PririU., B. KluuOh M. . oth.r vkni pomta The Direct, Quick and Natural Route to Central Oregon Call on any O.-W. R. & N. Agent for any information desired, or address WM. McMURRAY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON eaotif ul Cot WAl-K oh 1 3 Consisting of pitcher and 6 glasses, either star or sunburst patterns: $12.00 set S 9.00 $16.00 set S12.00 $22.00 set ...I $16.50 WINE SETS Consisting of handsome decanter and 6 glasses, with star or sun burst patterns: $11.00 set $12.00 set $17.50 set S 8.25 .....8 9.00 $13.15 Beautiful Berry Bowls Extra fine cut, handsome pattern. $15.00 9-inch Bowl $11.25 $ 8.00 9-inch bowl 8 6.00 $12.00 8-inch Bowl S 9.00 $ 6.00 8-inch Bowl S 4.50 $ 5.00 8-inch Bowl S 3.75 $ 4.50 8-inch Bowl, spcL.S 2.95 Woodard Mail Us Your Orders-Our Cut Rates Pay More Than Carriage Underwood Standard Typewriter The UNDERWOOD js de signed on correct mechani cal principles, is made of the best material and is un equalled in speed, accuracy, ease of operation and dura bility. UNDERWOOD sales exceed, those of any other machine. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 68 Sixth street, Portland Or. Thirou DAILY TRAIN LV. TORTLAND. . . .7:50 AND 10 :00 A. M. LV. THE DALLES 12:40 P.M. LV. DESCHUTES JC 1 :30 P. M. AR. MADRAS 5:45 P.M. AR. METOLIUS 6:00 P.M. AR. OPAL CITY 7:06P.M. ar wmrnvn -.. 7:45 P.M. 8:35P.M. Another opportunity offered Portland lovers of Cut Glass to secure handsome Water Sets, "Wine Sets, Berry Bowls, Nappies, etc. Our usual low prices are reduced a fourth for this week. Special Low Prices in Our Sundry Section Of which we mention a few, as fol lows: 90c Folding Looking Glass. ...4S $1.00 Hand Mirrors 48 $ 50o Razor Strops 2S 10c School Pocketknives, with chains 7 $1.50 Bean Pot Casseroles 9S? $1.75 Alcohol Stove or Chafing Dish, Toasters 9S $8.85 Auto Chafing Dish for travelers $4.48 $1.75 Corkscrews, with genuine boar's tusk handles 2S $5.00 Zinn Safety Razor 8S 25o men's Susp'ns'y Bandage.ll $1.75 Tattoo Junior Alarm Clock, wife they last. . ..$1.17 $2.00 sterling-tipped men's Walking Sticks $1.33 $2.50 bristle Bath Brush, with flexible rubber back ..98 fc - FDIlYBiomi'fAll is the best selling cough medicine on the market to-day because it does just exactly what a cough medicine is expected to do: it stops coughs and colds speedily and effec tively. Should be kept in the house constantly where there are children, A prompt help for croup and whoop ing cough. Give it to your children Takeityourself . Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS gh Service Portland Central Oregon Including REDMOND, BEND and all stations on the Deschutes Branch of the SCHEDULE ttt -DT7VTI - 6:30 LV. REDMOND 7:21A.M. LV. OPAL CITY 8:00 A.M. LV. METOLIUS 8 :22 A. M. LV. MADRAS 9:0-- AR. DESCHUTES JC 1:15 P. 1L AR. THE DALLES 1:55 P.M. aw pnRTT.AfCD 5:45P.M. Glai NAPPIES In "beautiful assorted patterns. $3.00 6-inch S2.25 $2.00 6-inch S1.50 $2.50 6-inch, special $1.25 $1.75 5-inch handled Xappies, special 9o KAIRO Japanese Hand Warmer The Utile Comforter Carry it in your coat pocket or your muff ; fine for the school chil dren ; take it with you when auto mobiling, driving or hunting; re lieves toothache, rheumatism, in flammation, etc.; no smoke, no odor. Regular price 25c extra special, including 10c package of fuel BETWEEN AND A.M.