Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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t "I r'l'! JIIIU11, . 111 1
Jcb Harriman Nominated to
Make Race Against Alex
ander for Mayor.
NoHali-t Mum SurjirWn Slrrnsth
i:i Fiction. I'oliin? Mor? Than
I 5. OOO n.i!!ot Out of Total
of fifIT Thonnnd Cat.
I lis l(,K!,KS T. I. At ICS tala
amrt'.ac. rrlnru Irem 331 prertaeta,
t a alinl tkrevfaartha are nm
X rte. tlif ilrrtm. the Sorlaltot
-ta.llai tor MiTr, ! Area
si idrr. Hcpabllcaa-Gootl-lioTerasaemt,
Ti Ttr l rollowai llrrli.
J.VH.1TI lri4n. IS.7SII Mhf. 6TTI
lrff ryt 311.
K..r tltr .ttrnT. hrk. Rff, 1
el.1l Tntllr, Sor, 14.1 IT.
I.iS A NT. EL FA Oct. 11. 'otlallim.
the rrt n'tl'n before the voter to
day In the munli-Ioal primary will
acaln be the ovrr!n .lowInK is-u In
the final city election Iweember 5.
J-1 Ifarrlmjn. n the b.v-ls of early
renirm. has won a place on the ballot
with Al.iai.Vr. th republican
anl od Kovirr.mrin" candidate, who
hul an overwhelmlmc maj'-rlty over ail
opponent In the primary two yeara
and wa sate.l without recourse
, fm.l ballot. Alexander waa only
a f;w hundred votes ahead of Harrl
man. the candidate, who Is
one of counsel for the McNamara
brothers. One-fourth of the vote had
been counted tonlRht-
Tolal Vote 60.000.
Nearly 50.000 of the city's S2.000 reg
istered toits cast t'-.elr ballots In the
primary. Considerably less than half
the votes were marked for Georsre
Alexander, present Mayor and candi
date for re-election. About 000 were
divided amonc the outside candidates.
"William .". JJuiliet and Miles Gregory.
The rest went to Job Harrlman. Mc
Namara attorney and Socialist, In spite,
of a vigorous opposition campaign, the
keynote of which was the warning that
the establishment of a revolutionary
jiolltlco-econ.inilc system would mean
the obstruction, perhaps destruction, of
$ It). 000. 000 w Jrtli of public projects, de
pendent for financing wholly on bond
Heedless of the warning, enough rot
ers cast their ballots for Harrlman to
force Socialism to another Issue five
weeks hence Klstna- up from a voting
strength of a paltry ;"0 a few months
.o to 15.000 or more today, the Social
ist showing In the primary was all the
more amaxtntr because of the fact In
dicated on the fnco of Incomplete re
turns from virtually the entire S43 pre
cincts, of the city that Harrlman
polled as mnnr votes as the mayor, who
received an overwhelming majority ,1a
the election two years apo.
aortallst Slma-th inrprl.
Another fact that waa received by
political observers as an asoundlna;
e'ection phenomenon m-as that the So
cialistic councilmanlac ticket on the
same returns uniformly led the candi
dates Indorsed by the "-ood govern
ment' forces which have been In power t'ie fall of the administration
that wen-, down with Mayor Harper In
tne a-ra.'i InvestWatiof which culmi
nated three years ai in the first In
v atlon of the recalL
l.lttle effort has been made to ac
count for the result of the primary, be
.nj the statements of campaign man and newspaper editors that the
-clallst show inir was a manifestation
' ic.-nerl political unrest and lm-l-.itienco
lo.i::y with reRard to af
fairs connected with the t !3. 009.000
u Ijrdiirt now nearlr.a completion, and
municipal harbor. liKht and power rall-r.-Mj
projects. to finance the Il.rht and power
an. I the harbor projects were offered
for sale 'recently without attracting
NUl.lers. and t "nleht predictions were
I- nutul that If Harrlman were to be
VcieJ In Peceniber these never would
find buyers. In reply the Socialists
e.ii.i that If necessary they would adopt
rew leifis'stlon reducing the bonds to
denominations small enouvh to attract
orXlinrnii"n and that the proletariat
cf the would finance all the
prospective Improvements. "In spite of
the capita. !sts."
noth ldca Prepariac
Iioh sMcs lost no time today and
1 Meat In prepuing for the final de
cision in Pec-nit r. President Graham,
if the Good Oovernment league de
clared that while the primary had been
tiie field aaalrist Alexander, the final
would re the fleid ag.ilnst Harrlman,
t ml l-i'i-'it. Kr.nk K. Volf. form
erly manarieu e-ll'or of the Morning
Herald, an 1 Socialist candidate for the
t'ouneil, sildi
"The Socialists 1H win 'lie coming
e'ectloa. We will receive 0 per cent
of tae vote cast for all candidates ex
oept Aevndr. and we have regts:ere4
three women to the onpositlon's one."
Commercial "lnb Helps In Fight to
Land W. C. T. V. Convention.
Vlt-WACKEE. Oct- 11. (Special)
No lir.portA&t oppositi on has as yet de
veloped tt the selection of Portland
for the next convention of the Na
tional Vomen"s Christian Temperance
I'nlon. an! the. Westerners have bessn
busy since Sunday In working up Pa
cific Coast sentiment.
The Portland Commercial Club lec
ture on Thti Norrhnesf will be
tciven at the auditorium tomorrow for
the edification cf the delegates, who
are to vote on the gueetlon of where
the neat convention will be held, At
lantic City Is In the field, with but lit
tle prospect of success.
Papal Irl-ente Sorrj to Leave Ilu
tif In I'tiltcd State.
WASHIV.TCX. Oct. 31. An aposto'.lc
vad:ctory was sent to ail the arch
bShops nr.d bishops cf the Roman
Catho'.'c Cliurch toay by Monslgnore
I'lomede Kilconlo. papal delegate to
the Tutted States.
Py a letter of the ISth Inst," an
nounced the delerate. His Kmlnenre.
Carulral Merry del Val. Informs tre
that His pop Plus the Tenth,
will be pleased to promote me to the
Li.k . Af b eardlnalate on the
u;ku " .
occasion of the next consistory, which
wlii t ike place November 27."
Monslgnore Falconlo. saying that my
elevation to the cardlnalate will mark
the end of my mission as apostolic del
egate to the ".Tiled States." expressed
hi highest appreciation of ail the
kindnesses shown him by the good peo
ple of the Vnlted State during hi
tenure of office a representative of
the Pontiff.
"In a most special manner. reads
thi of:icll letter, "my thanks are due
to the American hierarchy, the luster
of the Catholic Church of the United
States. ......
"1 carry with me to Rome the best
and most consoling proofs of the great
reilirious and social work which is
being successfully carried on In this
vast republic through the earnest xeal
of the bishops and the efficient co-operation
of our beloved clergy nd faith
ful people. When at Kome. under the
shadow of St. Peter, though far away
frora you. I auail ever remember with
L .l ii
; At
. ..
Dr. Joke C. Fergasoa.
PEICIN. Oct. -31. (Special.)
tr. John C. Ferguson, an Ameri
can who was recently appointed
adviser to the Minister of Com
munications In China, may be ap
pointed by the Chinese govern
ment to bring the child Emperor
to the United State In case It
should be necessary.
For several years Pr. Fergiwon
has held the post of adviser to
the Viceroys at Nanking and
Wuchang, and has been closely
associated In an advtsory capacity
with the Chinese Cabinet. His
appointment as official adviser
was entirely unsolicited and is a
high tribute to hi valuable serv
ices to China.
Joy and pride this nourishing portion,
now so endeared to me. of Christ' di
vine church, and J shall constantly pray
that God may shower In abundance
upon you ail his choicest gifts."
The letter officially promulgates the
Holy See's appointment of Monslgnore
Henaventure Cerrettl as ChRrge d'Af
f aires.
omn.u cnARTKR phoviues
Length of Term of City Attorney In
creased to Four Years Mr.
I.abhe Send letter.
A feature introduced by the official
Charter Commission at Its meeting last
night, is a provision creating the of
fice of City Prosecutor to handle crim
inal suit for the city. This office 1
designed to relieve the City Attorney
of a vast amount of work which de
volves upon him under the present
system. The new plan also provides
that, where necessary. In appeals of
cases orlglnatlnT In municipal courts,
the City prosecutor may appoint a
Ieputy Prosecutor or prosecutors to as
sist him.
The C'ty Troieci'tor Is to be appoint
ed by the Commissioner of Publlo
Safety, his salary to be fixed by the
Council. He will be required to file
annual reports of all cases tried
The Commission did not depart wide
ly from the present charter provision
regarding the City Attorney, excepting
to increase the length of his term of
office from two to four year.
A communication was received from
C Henri Labbe. requesting the Com
mission to make changes In the pro
visions for f. iiun of pracrty for
municipal improvements, and to change
ths methods of procedure in nnexat.a
of property to the municipality.
Mr. libbe denounced as crude and
unsatisfactory the present system of
1 lewers to determine assessments and
damages In cases of street opening
and Improvement. Some system sbould
be arranged, he advised, to determine
damage In a manner similar to that
used in condemnation of land for rail
way purposes. Keferring to the pres
ent opening of Oak street, he said that
the compensation allowed for property
elxed for municipal purpose Was fre
quently basid upon assessments made
as much as three years prior to the
time of seizure. Under the present
system. If appeal Is taken and the ap
pellant Is successful. Mr. Lsboe de
clared that there 1 no way provided
for meeting the verdict.
Mr. Labbe'a letter w referred back
to htm by the Commission with the re
quest that he draw up a tentative
amendment embodying the change he
requests, to be presented at an early
(Cor,tt-ined from First Pairs 1
infringement. Hie electrical rectifier
wa the subject of extensive litigation
for two or three years, which resulted
In the complete vindication of hi right
to the exclusive title.
Professor Montgomery was opposed
at the trial by Christopher Buckley, of
San Francisco, who asserted that he
had an agreement with the Professor
to share the proceeds of the Invention
and also to have a share of . the patent
Professor Montgomery wai SO years
of age. He had beon in charge of the
physics department at Santa Clara
College for the past seven year and
was recognized as one of the leading
authorities in electrical and chemical
Several months ago he waa married
at the mission town.
Though frequently referred to as
Father Montgomery, he waa not a
priest, but a lay brother.
There are S3 000.00 acres of forsat la
the PMllppme laiaada. said to be. acre for
aere. four times a valuable as forests in
the United etats
Submarines Leave San Diego
in Advance, Bound for
Los Angeles.
Fleet, Moving; In Parallel Line Cp
Coast, Play SearchllKhU on
Ranches nd Village Pre
liminary Maneuvers Held.
F-r.Ar,3HIP CALIFORNIA, by wire
less, via Los Anles. Oct. SI. In
Ion, swlngtn lines. 21 ships of the
faclfle fleet turned their prows
northward on the Journey to Los
Anreles Harbor at o'clock tnla
afternoon. As the famous old hero
ship. Oregon swept over the fan
IMero bar. Admiral Chauneey Thorn- t
at. commanding the fleet, sent a J
wireless message to' Captain Pond. 4
congratulating him upon the feat of f
having taken the first battleship la ?
and our of Pan Dleso Harbor. I
Another laurel for the grand old
ship." read Admiral Thomas- mes- J
sase. ...
It is expected that the fleet will .
arr' e off Los Angeles Harbor after
SAN DIKGO. Oct. 81. After a day In
which complete assembly was spectacu
larly effected, the Pacific fleet, under
command of Rear-Admiral Chauneey
Thomas. 1 steaming north tonight for
Los Angeles, where the Inspection and
review will be leld tomorrow.
Going out of the harbor shortly
after noon, the vessel took the same
formation off Coronado Point that they
will assume tomorrow off Los Angeles,
the only difference being that today
there was no firing of salutes.
All of the Pacflc armada, with the
exception of the submarines Grampus
and Tike, formed off Coronado. The
submarines left this port ahead of the
others, bound on their longest voyage
since they arrived here some time ago
from Mare Island Navy-Yard.
Tkoasaaii l.lne Shore.
While the semi-official maneuvers
were taking place today, the beach was
lined by thousands of spectators. The
vessels formed In four columns of six
warships each.
Throughout the day the Oregon, the
first battleship to enter the harbor,
was the center of Interest. Everybody
wanted to see the fighting craft which
won the world-famous race against
time around the Horn and arrived at
Santiago de Cuba In time to assist In
the destruction of the Spanish squad
ron. The old man-of-war presents a
squat bulldog figure In the water, as
compared to the more modern vessels.
The fleet Is going north tonight In
two parallel lines, playing Its search
lights upon the villages and ranches
which lie between this port and Lo
FlagsaJp Lead Colsms.
Heading one of the two column Is
the flagship California, bearing Rear
Admlral Thomas, and the other path
finder is the cruiser West Virginia, un
der command of Captain A. S. Hal
stead. At Los Angeles the gunboat Vlcks
burg will be used as the Admiral's re
viewing vessel. He will transfer hi
flag from the California to the Vlcks
burg and upon the deck of tae latter
vessel will receive Western Senators
and Representatives. Federal and city
authorities and their wives, who will
be his guests during the review.
Admiral Thomas, while acting as in
specting and reviewing officer, will
transfer the command of the fleet tem
porarily to Rear-Admiral W. II. H.
Federal Prisoners Herded at Union
Ienot While Petty Officer and
Convict Take In Sight.
After making his three prisoners
drunk, releasing one sentenced to two
years In military prison for desertion,
and taking him as a companion on a
tour of the North End. after seizing the
gun from his guard and shackling him.
Corporal Louis Kellenback, of Troop M.
First Cavalry, stationed at Boise, Idaho,
Is said laat night to have left the
prisoners and the shackled guard at
the Union Depot, where they finally
appealed to the police for aid.
Kellenback, according to the story
told by the soldiers, was taking the
three prtoonera, with, the aid of two
guards, to the Alcatras military prison
In Son Francisco Bay. under sentence
to IS months each tor short absences
without leave; the third was sentenced
to two years for desertion and cross
ing the Mexican border In July.
When the party arrived In Portland
on an afternoon train Kellenback Is
said to have released Private McGold
rlck, the man sentenced for desertion,
put the shackles on Private Carter, a
guard, and fastened Carter to another
of the prisoners. Then be and McGold
rtck left the party of prisoners In the
Union Depot, with Instructions to stay
there, it is said.
After the prisoners and guard had
stayed In the Union Depot several
hours they became fearful of the miss
ing of the night train for San Fran
cisco and appealed to Captain Bailey
of the first night relief for instruc
tion. They were all brought to the
police station.
Private Joseph Dingier, who was per
mitted by the corporal to keep hi gun
and authority, when Private Carter waa
shackled, took charge of the party,
which left on the last car for- Van
couver, under Instructions from Ad
jutant Thomas of the military post.
Adjutant Thoma asked Captain
Ballsy to arrest Corporal Kellenback
and Private McGoldrick when found.
Kellenback we arrested shortly after
midnight br Patrolman Adams.
Trunk Line Is Incorporated.
OLTMPIA. Wash.. Oct 1 (Special.)
Naming Vancouver a the principal
place of business and fixing the capital
stock at $5,000,000, article of lncor-
Why I Lost
My Job
Reasons "Why Thousands Like Ms
Cannot Satisfy Their Employers.
I believe my fate Is not unlike that
of thousand of other workers who
dally lose their places for reasons they
do not know, and probably would not
believe. When their last pay envelope
come along. It 1 usually. -Your serv
ice no longer required." If the truth
were known, the reason for their un
ceremonious removal would probably
be that their usefulness was destroyed
because of some mental worry, bodily
ailment or general Indisposition. These
things, as we all know, are the most
fruitful causes of failure in all walks
of life. The battle of Waterloo wa
lost because of a headache. In this
quick age our minds must be clear,
rnpd. active and free from outside in
fluence or worry, or else we go down
to failure with the throng of "floaters"
who go from one place of employment
to another, giving no satisfaction to
others or to themselves, constantly
growing older and less useful, with no
ambition, no will power, and no hope.
Every man require from every other
man the best that Is In him. But no
man can use or get the best that Is In
himself until he is first free from all
fretful lndlepositlons and worries.
That was my trouble. I was full of
troubles. That's why I lost my Job.
My stomach In the first place was al
ways out of order, and I was worry
ing about It and my mind grew cloudy,
and slow. I made mistakes and grew
grouchy. That was the en1.
There are thousands like me, going
about with '"quick lunch" faces, - dys
peptic manners, and repulsive atmos
pheres. No employer wants such men's
Take my advice. A healthy stomach
Is half the battle, for It keeps your
mind clear, and your face rosy. I have
a healthy stomach now and hold a good
position, and my employer is satisfied
and so am I.
I started to take Stuart's Dyepepsla
Tablets which I was told were good for
the worst cases of Indigestion and dys
pepsia. The first two tablets made a
wonderful difference In my condition.
One Ingredient of Stuart's Dyepspsla
Tablet digests 3000 grains of food.. The
stomach doesn't have to work at all.
The Tablets do all the work, no matter
how heavy your meal.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure
brash, eructations, burning sensations,
bloat. Irritations, loss of appetite,
nausea, heartburn, lack of energy, loss
of memory and dyspepsia and Indiges
tion in their very worst forms.
No wther little tablets In the world
can do so much. You should carry
them around with you wherever you
go and take them regularly after
meals. Then you will realize what It
is to be freed from stomach torment,
and have a clear mind, a quick mem
ory, a happy disposition, comfort and
rest. Get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at any drug store for 60c a box.
Send us your name and address to
day and we will at once send you by
mall a sample package, free. Address
V. A. Stuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldg,
Marshall. Mlrh.
poratlon were placed on file today by
the Washington Trunk Railway Com
pany, which proposes to build a line
from Portland to Ellensburg, Wash, and
North Yakima. The trustees of the road
are Elmer W. Walte. of Vancouver;
Lawrence Harmon, of Chicago; E. R.
Erndberger, of Portland; C. C. Craig,
of Portland, and N. P. Conaway, of
Vancouver. The stock Is divided Into
60,000 shares with a par value of
$100 each.
Courageous Advance 3Iet by Steady
Fire of Imperialists.
HANKOW, Oct 28, via Wu-Hu, Oct
8 L Hundreds were killed or wounded
on both sides In the battle Saturday.
Churches, offices and storeroom were
used by the Red Cross for the
The rebels showed reckless courage.
They charged, cheering. In close forma
tion and faced the deadly Maxima un
flinchingly. They probably sacrificed
10 men to the Imperialists' one.
The one Idea of the rebels seemed to
be to go forward at any cost. The loy
alists, on the contrary, with machine
like discipline, obeyed the orders given
by bugles and whistles- They employed
the deadly time-fuse shrapnel against
the rebels' percussion shells.
The few Chinese in the concessions
were killed or wounded. The foreign
women took refuge on steamers.
Viceroy Acquiesces ' to Demand for
Independence of Province.
CANTON. Oct 81. Guns have been
posted at the Admiralty building and
the Chinese gunboats are cleared for
Armed guards patrol the waterfront
and guard all the landing places. All
the shops are closed. The dragon rag
no longer floats over the Chinese Im
perial Customs building, the craft of
the China Merchants Steam Naviga
tion Company or the steamer and fer
ries of the Hankow Canton Rall-
liijjjif 1 if jii
The new Ice cold container-called the SeaUhlptra
Small site Vto gal- enough for a small family.
I JF D ' fp I I
Why You Can Orderr
Sealshipt Oysters
aaasjsswaaasessi 1 11 1 ssnssssssassar
With Certainty
HsTsaMBTsTMBlsBsaBTsawBaMft sS 9Mlm
If other oysters go wrong, the dealer.who sold grim,
can blame the jobber, who sold hhn.
The jobber can blame the shipper:
The shipper can blame the graicer.
It is a divided responsibility
But with Sealshipt Oysters, grower, shipper, Jobber
dealer all are a part of a tingle organization. '
" No division of responsibility no chance for -excuses.
The very day that Sealshipt Oysters are dredged from
their ocean beds they are placed in sealed, sterilized
'containers. These containers, packed in ice, are sent
by the fastest express straight to your dealer.
' ' But Sealshipt responsibility does not stop with de
'livering perfectly fresh oysters to the dealet it extends
'through lo you. So thi9 dealer is provided with a Seal
shipjicase shown below, a refrigerator white porcelain
inside and out in which he keeps his Sealshipt Oysters.
From this Dealer's Sealshipticae you receive your
Sealshipt Oysters. The Sealshipten an individual
packge-is a double guarantee of the purity and fresh-, ..
oess of the oystei-s an absolute guarantee that you are
getting the genuine Sealshipt.
The new Ice cold con Uiiner vnlled the Sealhipte '
Large sixe'Vs gal..uouh for a larjo faoiily
tit Sr I
Moreover, It enables you to get solid oyster meats-"
. no waste-ka really economical food.
Only the finest oysters of the Atlantic Coast are
( packed in these Sealshiptens Northern Selects.
The small size Sealshipten, containing just enough for
a rrftal for a small family, retails for 50c. The large
Sealshipten, containing enough for a meal for a large
family, retails for 85c.
Ask your grocer, tnarketman or fish dealer Tor a
Sealshipten of these delicious oysters today.
(7 variety stamped esj fed of the Sealshipten Is your
Guarantee that you art getting genuine northern Selects
Sealshipt Oysters
. Ntmirr Auaciatitm for Pnmotltm of Parity is Foodu
: REE "Tin Oyster Cook Book." f'tll of new trv preparing timpU
lyster duhee. Hend tie your dealer tinme and address and
flu OyaUr Covk IJuvk" FREE.
The IK-aK-r'". Twelnin Sales Refriaeratoi
we will tend you '
RETAIL DEALERS not yet supplied
or wire quick to
Exclusive Selling AfentB
pue- DOS Wrxferu Arr. Seattle.
way. The customs officials have re
moved their Imperial badges.
A French gunboat landed an armed
party of sailors today to protect the
French concession. The British staff
of the Canton & Kowloon Railway has
been ordered to go for safety to Sha
meen Island, where there are nine for
eign warships In the harbor.
The proposals of the people. In which
the Viceroy and the Manchu and Can
tonese bannermen have acquiesced, in
clude the declaration of military and
financial independence for Kwangtung
Province and the appointment of a
Board of Supervisors elected by rep
resentatives of the guilds, to whom the
officials shall be responsible.
Sawmill Owner Arrested.
CHEHALiIS, Wash.. Oct. 81. (Spe
cial.) j. R. Cain, whose Meskill saw
mill plant Is in the hands of a re
ceiver, has beon arrested at the in
stance! of Floyd Simpklns, who -'le-ges
that Cain gave him a check for 830.25
on August 8, on a Centralla bank, when
he had no funds to cover the amount
To Make Your Hair
Soft, Bright and Fluffy
Fashion's Guide
"The reason many women find It
difficult to arrange the coiffure pleas
ingly Is because of the too-free use of
wet shampoos, which make hair dull,
brittle and 'stringy.'
"One of the most pleasing thing
with which to cleanse the scalp of Im
purities and keep the hair clean, fluffy
and silky. Is 4 ounces of either orris
root or corn meal and 4 ounces of
therox. Mix together and sprinkle a
tablesponful on the scalp, then brush
thoroughly through the hair. This rids
the hair and scalp of dust and dan
druff, and a few times using tones the
scalp and hair roots, causing the hair
to grow soft brilliant and easy to man
age." Adv.
Cheapest Hair in City at
Tenth and Stark St.
m Ilk
Switches $1.00 up
Puffs $1.75 up
Largest manufacturers of Human Hair on the Coast Bring us
your combines and old hair and have them made up.
Expert Hair Dyers and Bleachers. Do you want your hair dyed T
Come and see us.
We make all kinds of ventilated hair goods. We have trained
scalp' and hair specialist who will examine your scalp and cure your
scalp disease, grow new hair or refund your money to you. We will be
pleased to show you through our establishment. Mail orders prompt
ly filled. Send us a sample of your hair and money order for priced
hair you want. We mail it to you. If you are not satisfied, return
it to us inside of ten days, in good condition, and get your money
back. Frea hair dress with every purchase of new hair goods. See
the latest hair dress in our show window.
They strike the
loud pedal for
comfort and
style the new
Crossetts. For in
stance, here is a
patent-colt that
sings right out.
Looks different
feels different a
$4. to $6. everywhere
Lewis A. Crossett, Inc.
North AUrujton, Mas
The New and Enlarged Edition of
Century Dictionary
Cyclopedia and Atlas
Brought down
to date in every
.15 new material
100,000 new definitions
1,900 new pictures
will be published
early in November
1 &
aerations Bond
the w-- , fuU year? &n r. "T It is
Now aged e iT.upervx.ion. A
.rW direct gove"" wKi6key- , raSH