21 THE MOltMMJ OKEC,OMA WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER i. 1911. HIDE TRADE HEAVY Market Strong and Higher on Local Stock. EIG MOVEMENT IN EAST Tannrrs Are Clranlnc Vp SnppUe of Good Quality Prir Will r.r I.owcr Wlim Grnbbjr Ulcle Come In- and Eaat.ni marx.t. U eausln. buyer, to p." batter prl. than hae. pr.TBild for i,m. ,1m. r- TM bl o hand, ar of oo4 Quality. Ions a. trt.y ar. arallaftl. aoubtles. command full prtca U to onlr qu.stloa of tlm kow.'.r. befcr. th. n,.r... -.11 t. ul.t fw lor..-halr and rr.i,br hide. t""B c"n . i.T wl!L of our.fc sail lower. Local I UT .r. y.t,rday quot.d s;ted hide, at lO-, 0 lie. ear at and llc- PrlTkto report, from th East ar that tan .r ar. burin, frly and ar. Pn premium for th. limited quantity of od kidM that ar left. Mali advlee from Chlcao. Just reII. "Inoth., week of prorounre,! '',r V1 Securest in ,!. d.me.-.le -;-'' k.t. r.d .ale. of Chlr.,0 nd other ,.c.r nil.-. ha. - moaned to lanr. proportion.. ir.t1rr fully 1--...000 hide m.r iu.'.II'i; U" tr,n" " Into that n.rk,t. m.nr ..f th-m "ok .d .r.t.. or tbr.r pr-.'c. there to mak. Bur-has- -f t. Iff sa.-s er th.r- . .-a d.st.-itxitnl. .r.d prlr-s IB som tn.-.nc- w.r- ...Kbt.r hUh.r th.n . f.rt Bl.hi it. Th !-. mo.mnt In OT r.rtlrr tti.it ... In I rndd " r &" o. A'! oj l'M brr.d.d cow. wld t f.. fu.l prlr. of Uc. r.d om hr.vy T.. .:on. ...1! ba-k to th. forrn'r prlc. of l'.i-. ;thoush .onto of k.l-Wfl.ni t.rtr,rr -rt .t lie for hc.vl.fc Mr 1 cat .nd 13 o for titromj.. w.r. o Urr. of Colorado. t J41-C hll. butt brand. mo.tly .old Jt ltir' .nd l.t.r oid-l.d lot. brourht th. i.lvuncd pr!r. of 13c. N.tlr. .tr. wr. u t.K.n t lv.c wid llber.1 quu-tltt-. of n.tive cow. mov.d .t 15. for hfxr r.d l.v- Mr IlKht w.l.htfc Th country m.rk.t 1. lo mor. ctlv. .r.i1 s. . Kr-r tn.a Mr l tin,- r' "O th. of lr tor buff. r i h-v mil "d 1 4 c f.r tlln-mrl i-i 0 r-.ir"-j-an m.rk-t. r. rn.r.lly ,tr-ti on kind, of hM ind ralf.ktBk, I r.-.vn. rli n dry hid. . h. biib B.u.r-vl. fi h.v nn m.dc of Purrto t al : d-y hid. Bt 2Vc. B hlch 1. We bt lrr ti,n I.nt w..k Bnd B rl of B fu.l c.nt c.t B f.rtnuht .. Lktor Hoot dry 1: d. m'o adv.nc.d c. wnr..T nuiF.s are orr a cent ! ro fho Cro l"itur of tho Crala Market. Wi-'i th. .lump In th. East.rn wh.Bt r-.-kft .nd th. w.aknrr Bhroad. th. bot t -n !id out of th. local tnark.t ywt.r : iv. p.at.r. quotrd prlc.. B e.nt low.r all .-u;ftd Br.d .ro not particularly anxloo. to t.k. on wheat vn at th. rducod piico. I' war a waltln, market on th. part of t :h buyer, and .eTer. cahlea cam. l'.i"i-.h yery weak and reported no dl.po :t:.. n itift.o to b'jy on th. other .Id.. were th. firm fattr. of th. mark.t. H.Mu-. In th. Valley .ipeclally took a .tronc w of th. altuatlon. becauao of a continu ance of th. California demand. Th. mov. mer.t .outhward 1. now unusually heavy. Oat. bar. been rlrf to California by rail all th. .ea.-ra. and cow th. .alprwra ar. bKlnn;a to mait. u". of th. .team era. It la relieved nvt of th. oat. coins by boat ar frorn Ea.tem Waahlnaton. Lo-.l rvclpt. In car. wer. reported by th. M.rchant. Eachanr. aa follow.: Wheat Barley riour Oata Hay Von.'.y i: 4 S'J 14 l Tu.U; 7 S 14 14 3 Tar a.o t 10 ... IS FaoB to dBt..4-ll til TJ VI 10i0 Tear BIO iTil lkl HZ il Hul TM-fT DOTJMI IS CG-V-klarket la BttU ft a Abora Lho Low me. of IM (iprt(. A llent decl'n. In alt grade, ef aucar vii announced by tho local Jobber, yoatar eav. Th. Bf prlc. on granulated fruit and berry ui 17 70. Tho declln. wa. .xpoot. o1. rn view of th. drop In th. Eastern mar ket on th. preceding day. with th. declln. .arller In th. month, refined sugar I. now S3 cent, under th. top prtc. of th. r.ar. but th. market I. .till $'..P4 a hundred aboro th. low prlco of laat Si-rlng. A local wholaaaJ. firm a nn p-i n ed last night that It would put Into affect thla moralrc a rat prlra of 14.63 a hundred. In. t. resting dey.lopment. In the sugar tnark.t can b. aapoetsd. BtTTI R AVT) CTTEKUl! CUAMU KecWpra of i-XT aai rroot Rtn Tary lOgti! Toaltry Oteady. Ti. butt.r and rhif m.rk.t. aro kept w.ll cleaned up and ar. firm at th. pra yaiiing prK.a. Ccir. war. very acarca. Only a few caae. a day ar. now reaching .ront KtML Candled Mock reaJtly brought S. renta Tnvr. wb. a fair demand for poultry, and re.lpta war. light, if today, amvata ar. not heavy. Ih. mark.t should ImprtrrB Pork waa weak, owing to tare, rwclpt. of haavy hogs. Val wa. .taady. r .CXE I.X LOCAL HOP MARKET. lewler. U.b for Re-rfTBl of Activity tas Few taaya. Th.r. la a pauM In th hop mark.", anch as fre-qu.ntir occur during Ih. aettv. trad lr. g .ea.n. Not many .alee wera re ported yesterday and there arpearrd to b a few ori!-re. ret hop men bil.w th. market will recover Its a.-t'.vtty In a few day. poa.biy f .l y. Trie only local buyer, on th. market y tcr.lay were MvNeff Proth.r.. who secured 1'0 baa fr--rn. A. A. Wtlt, of Corvallt. at 4' crn'.a. 73 bale, from McKlver. of Yakima, a .! anu:h.r Yakima tot of go baits, th. two l.-.ter at ". Br.d 41 centa Cranh-errtea From N eve Jerary. car nf Jersey cranherrlea arrived J .- l-t.'.m. Tey were quoted at 110 30 b bar r '. r.n a an.'e of It over th. first car re- i ' . .1. IT fruit mark-t wag Quit. a.tlv.. Grape, are an:n telling at firm pr'.cca Th. .ppi. n arkci has a strong undertone. Hank Clrmi Ingv Tin. c -.rings of th Northw-.t.ra elt; i..vro.y -r. . .: Oar-Mem. Ptlvac-a I'-n'.nl I1.T4V.... l."'4.'.'.il -.t . l.;t. -i lj-.. l:3 T i.:a 7V' ..-'I ?7...7. l'in 7e"t.417 ll-.Ti3 1 r::-n 1 &ank e'eartng. In i'ctoner. lt-lL v-r ;."..1U:1. a. Mtnr-J with 149. !.; :n to.'r. 1.10. and $ti.v.yi In rORrUVD X.1JLS1FJTS. tirmia. rtsw, rVri, F.te. t H -1a7 Export bs:s: Bltieet.m. 40 0) . . cj ,;. 7'..c. red Rua.;an, 77e. Valley. 7V. KLOVR l atent. 14 SI per barrel; -ra gVa. ti';: eip.irts. 13 44; V;l.y. 14.41; ir "m. I3: w'i--l wleat. 14 l i iifV w nl. 1.4. rracaed. 1117 per torn. . 1 - N 1 w.i'-. g .i- ..'. 1 per ton. "fcl 1 1 1-5 1 11 Kr-. g- k-x toa, mil- rin. tJl: short, $::: rt:.d hari.r. - l: vT-.Vo. 1. T.. O. tlmothr. IJTOH: Jio 1 v v. lll-jU: a:raifa. siltjK; ior. :i ,t r ''- ;i P - UARUV twl. ll Pr to; brew Inc. r.. i::.:. . Trgetablew Bod rrults. TROPICAL 1TKI-1TS Orange.. II " i per tKx: .L.lwruu ar.- rru::. ban.naa, 3i3-.c per pound; lc:nor.. J a per bos:' pon-egranatea, $1 ' per b'X- FRt.-H KRl 1 rs Peara. 7Scwl-5 Pr boa: grap-a, TiifllliJ per boa. appic tiy:id V r boa. trr.l'nt t. $ln'' Ptr barrel: bu' k e- rr'.ea. o-yTc per pjur.J. SACK VECETAllLKS-i arr-ta J1H p.r a--k; turnlpa. II; beets. l.w: parsnips. 1 1 POTATOES Or-rn. l:,c rr pound; w-et potatoea. IJ Ij-j .'25 p-r crate. UNION! -'j-C"n. 11 per hundred K'iKT Al l.K An., a ke. T.' c : . r J"t" bean.. itrlOc: ri ''iu. ')'' per pound: cauliflower, u-gil per doscn: wn iMW ')e pr doa.n: cucumber.. JJ..V) per b: agg-plant. Iki pr r-und; garlic. 10Si:o pr pound: l.tuce. 4.T-c per den: hot houM lettuce. 11.24 per bog: pepper.. tloo per pound: pumpkin.. I'l 1 ic. ralihea. l.'Hc per d'T.. .prou-a. . z ac per pound; au iish. I U I I S Pr puunu. to.natova, jo uli per toa. Ialry and Cnntry Prmtoce. PUTTEU Oregon creamery butt.r. aolld pak. Xc: prints, extra. POULTRY Hen.. 13'-it4c; Springs, lli Uc: ducks, young, ltiu Itlyc; geeee. 11 W gl;c; turk.js. a;:v, -uc; CreMvd. cholca. E71.-t Fr-ah Oregon ranch, candled. 7 8 3- per doaen. f HEKi-E r:-.h Tillamook. tlata. ISc; Tour-.g America. 17c h'KK Fancy, tttlte per pound. YEAL Fancy. 13vl2S. per pound. Staple Grarortea. SALMON" Columbia nivar. 1-pound talis. II IS per dosen; l-pound tails. 2 : 1 pound flats. 1.41). AJaaka pink. 1-pound ta:i. ti 13. COTEK Roastod. la drums. HH per pound. HON K V Cholc Itll par cas.: traln.d honey. lte per pound. SALT Granulnted. IIJ per Ma: ka!f fround. 10".. tv.10 per ton: lag Iff per ton. NUT Walnut.. lrl:-)i,c per pour.l. Prasll nuta. 14dlc: fi.bert. loo : almonda, IStflvc; p-K-ana. lie; cocoanuta. fOcull per dosen; ch-.tnuta. 12 per pound; hickory But, fltrloo per pui'Rd. BEANS Small whlto. 4ttc: larg. whlta 4c. Lima. oVaC. pink. Ic: Xleilcana, S'ac; bavou. ic RI:E No. 1 Jnran. 4c: cheaper ffradoa. 9S.0-f4.efi; Boutnern h-:ad. 6-ktt7c; Im ported Imp.riai. ec; Imported .xtra No. V. 7U7VJC F1JAK Dry gra.iulaled. $7.20: fruit and berry. 7.Ii. u.l. IT; extra C. A70. pow dered, barrela. 17.43; cubca, barrvla. $7.ft. DKIKU KHI'ITS Apple-, llc per rund; apricots. 14-Mc: reachea. liQUc: prune. Italian, lvtvf-lfle: sliver. lc; f'gs. .white and black. I1atl7:-ic: curranta. 1? rf lie: railing. loos Muscatel. Iitti bleached Thompson. 114c: unbleached Sul tana. Hc; seeded. Viia Hop1. Wool and Hide. HOPS 1011 crop. 408 42c; olda. nom InsL VOHAIR Cholc. I34T370 per ponnd. WOOL Ea.tern Oregon. I?la per pound, according to shrink.: Vatley. 15 ff 17. per pound. TKLT.-i Dry. lie: l.mba. gaited. 63SS0c; Bhort-wool pelts. 00 ti T jc. HlI)E.-i Salted hl'lee. lOHflllc p.r pound; aalt.d calf. lC'il7c: aaltcd ktp. lie; green hulea. Sie&c; tiry calf. Sue; dry taga. luc. CASCARA Per pound. SSOIe. Oils. LIN-SEED OIL Pur raw. In barrels. f?c; boiled, in barrels, Plo; raw, in cases. 91a: boiled. In case.. 09r. TURPENTINE Cbmb, TJe: wood banal, ll-tc; Irun barrels. 42c; 10-ca. lot. Clo. GASOLINE Motor gasoline, iron barrels, 17c; cas. a. :4c: Si gaaulln. Iron barrel llc: ea.es. Sic COAL OIL Ordinary test, caae. 10c: bulk. In tauks. 14c lro lelonra. HAM." 10 to 10 pound. 15tMe: H to 14 pounda LHulHt: 14 to 10 pound. 13f1Vc: 1 to IS pounds. 17Gl7"ic: skinned. lc: picnics, line; count: roll, lo'v-. SMOKED MEATS Beef tongu... 76c; dried beef aota. non.: outslda. Boat; Inside, 25c: knuckl-a 2 la. LARL Kett.e rendered. tierces. ller" tuba. 14r; atanrlard. tl.rees, 140; tuja, USc: snorter.liig, tierces. Ic; tuba le 1IACO.V Kih. -'. ; aiundard. 24c; choice. 21e: Ertiillsh. H'jlSc L)KY SALT CI RED Regular ghort clears, dry alt. 12Vc; .moked. 13So; backg, light aalt, 11 We; amtked, 14c; backs, heavy alt. 12Sc; smok.d. 14 W.o; xports. salt, 14c: smoked. l".Vxc WOOL MOVES ACTIVELY DEMAND OS nOSTOX MARKET COVERS A WIPE RAXGa Valors Are Firm and Holder Mark Vp P Hcr on Choice Lots. BOFTOM. Oct. HI. A inor nrl par tlctpaiton In jroo.-t-lilnir ! r-pnrtd and lol trmnatvr. total n-arlr 1O.0OO,i.hO pound In t h lataVt tWO ?lk. Valua ara firm an.i hold-ra hart not hl tated to mark up choice lota. Th dmand covrrt a wM ratiR, rvn jivnr-br tir wools rotnloi Into tha maricrt. Fairly larva aalta of trrritory la reortl. fpc.allr in fina and ffn mad turn ruin Mr) jn orli.tr al bar, utchtitan wool am to ba unusually popular, whlia a frir amount of Jj month Tmaa la moving. Tb leadlnc Watm Quo tation: Txa ftna, 1a to :ht months, 45 U 47c: flna. 12 month. Bllf53c; flna Fall. 4-4ta. CaJtft'mla Nirth-rn. 0 4Stfvc: mlddl eouniiM. 4. TJ ITc; Southern. 45 94ct Fall fr 49 4c. Or-coa Ktni No. 1 atapla. BSS.le; E-trp floihlnit. 3'V; Valley No. 1, 40tf4To. Territory V".n mti &T & .''ic: fln me dium atapla. SttfiTc: fin cloihln. CWt?5i"": fin rodlum clothtnr. 47 4Ho; half-blood rombln. ! tt 5-"' t hr-ye-rlfrhth blfd comb ine. tf 4c. quart ar btuod combing. 4. if Fallad. tra. SOffMa; fin 4 50c; A upora. 43 H 46c ha!C ni- Cisco ritoprc-i scarkxt. rrtcaw Quoted at tha Bay City for V- tablr, fr'nUta. Itr. BAN FRANCWOO. Oct. 11. Tha fo.low tcc produra p r Lt. j r e ra current hora today: a:abi4a Ou. unbn. Tic yf 1; gAri.e, Ifjtc; torn a to a. ia a Sc; tk p.ant. $0 0 7 5c Hotter Kancy eromr. &tc :-". 4."-c. fAucy ruch. 62c. Oniona l 1 0 Chr-ft Vounc America, IStfKHo. Frir. t Att'-. choica. 7roytl; common, 40"c; M"i;cjS .lain. 4t,j; Ca.ifornia !n.oc. rhoica, iy. " comawu, 2. p:np p. (. i.bl i'it:o- Or"iton pi:-banka, fl40J 1.4ft: FAliraa Burbanka. $ l.oi it 1.14; awaata. Sl.dO w i U4istaffs Bran. 929 j:t: mlddluiga. Ill 6 14. j.lliy Wheat. 13t???: wheat and oata. lUa 1"; a.ra .a, J j IL Kcajip: Flour. ---4 quartar aack: whAt, 1474 cental: bry. 43b rantai: oata, 16vi cantal. pvtatoea. adl aacka, hay. 14i tona MrttU Market a. NKW TOftK, Oct. S I. Smndurd Cprr riik . pot ar4 0 :"b4pr, 1 1 : j i 2. 10c; No. .eiuCar and Ic-rib:r, lkyup U'.0c. Janu ary. 1 1 t7 S 0 I...:.ion f:rm. ai'-'l. t.".S 7 ti.i, futures, tJo '& aM. ArrivaL rryortml at New lr-t lixlsy. ton. Custom-liot; r-turn iho ciirt f i;i,a"t l'r. . fa.r this momh. !..a corr, 'tr-. lie. Hi J I" t -roc . casting. 1. 12 T'n fady: t and O.frtbcr. 41.508 41.7.. Novamher. 4 :. J t-c. Pccenib r. 4 l.ii o 1 -? : January. 41 -'io41 V''; Fehru ry, 41. n.". i 41,7 V. Lt..i n stad ; spot, il'.tO; future. fts. Z.ad atrady: 4 4 V Nvr Tork. 4.101 4.1ft V.Mmt Louis. Ui;dan, ilft lOa. .-p.tr notntm;, . o d.-i-c Naw Tork. tas: tu Leouas. London. 12 d 12m d- Anttinonr duil; Cnokson', iSiaHc. Iron. Oevtiind warranta. 4s ad In Lon an. Local' v iron qult; Xa 1 founrtry Northern, lift W lft -V: No. 2, S14 7ft i li ii: N. 1 K4-utl.rrn ard No, 1 Southern oft, $ 15 Ki Ift.MJ. l4hr Supply la Canada. NEW TORK. Oct. "I. Tha vliM aupply f i ir.vl.n '-.'i f r tha. week fnd.r. Oc-t'-T i" I S.t'-o.t-iH') bushc'.a. an Increase of A.i KH bushel. i n arroiiit 't Tharkuffivlnj day in an arta. Bru4tre-t w -Hly re,w..-t .. (he vaU r; rram auvply wtll not ba put lUned until ttjUaWflO. ADVANCE IS SHARP!; Sterling exchang. ateady. with actuaf busl ne in bankers' bills at t4.il.. lor id day. 1 and at $4.S0 for demand. I Commercial bill. I4.S3. Ce;:trl Dlcr. in Cnrl Morlfct I Far silver 54ia OjJllllCU HI0C III OlUOfv lliamvi. Late in Day. EARLY TRADING LISTLESS Wall Mr. ft Places a FaTorable Construction on the DeTClop mcnts In tho American Tobacco Case. SEW TORK. Oct. 81. Price, roa In gplrlted fashion on th stock exchange to day, toward th eloa of what np to that tlm hud been a dull session. Th rise ap parently wa. baaed on Wall .treat' con struction of th dy'g development In th American Tobacco hearing. Attorney-Oeneral Wlckerham' wllllng M to accept th tobacco reorganisation provided It be modified In accordance with hi. proposal w. regarded In the .troet as of large Importance. The opinion Is gain ing ground tnnt th. schem. of reorganisa tion, aa ultimately accepted, will not b as oneroua to holders of th aecuiitle aa wa feared by aom. tnt.resta le-laratlon of th usjal dividend on rnlted Ftatc. Steel wag expected. In gplt of the condition. In th. Iron and steel trade Th. Quarterly e.cnlngs of S S0O.HOO w.r unexpectedly good. .me estimates hav ing run as low as . standard railroad stocks led th market. Tnlon I'vclflc s especially active and strong, advancing 3 "4 points, while most of th high-priced Issues, Including Northwest ern. Canadian Pacific. Northern Paclflo and Lehlffh Valley, pained tt point or more. . Tobacco s -curltlcs n's sharply la the afternoon. The preferred stock gained three nntnts. the 6 per cent bond, nearly as much. and the fours a point. On the curb the com mon stock shot up 4 points. United statee hteel rose nearly two points. The copper stock, wete active and strong, sentiment towa'1 those laaues being Im proved bv the Attorney-General' statement that no dissolution suit against the Ameri can Smelting Keflnlng Company had been prepared. American Cotton Oil fell 34, to 4Ulv. Its lowest point of the year. Reports of a number of Western railroads for September were received today and In almost every ease an unfavorable showing waa mid". Northern Pacific reported a droi of S'lOP.OO In gross receipts. Toledo. Ft. Louis AV Western. Rock Island. St. Loul tt San Francisco and Minneapolis St. Louis reported shrinkages. A gain of ,338.000 In the September net income of the National Railway of Mexico followed by an ad vance In the oecond preferred tock. Trading In bonda waa quiet, aside from the American Tolaeco Issue. Price wer well maintained. Total anle, par value. 3. 5.13.000. United State bond unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. A1M Chal pf J0 Amil C..pp.-r .. 10.-OO MV. Am Agrlcult .. 3y 4S 4h 4S Am "."Sugar. 2.u 83 5tJVl f,4 American Can Am Car Fdy. 00 4T, 4, 4. S Am Cotton Oil.. J.400 44 H Am HdlLlpI JO Am I.J Securl.. I"0 l.H l.Vs . 1 Am I.msced .... 1O0 84 Am Locomotive 1"0 Il'i JI27 J-' Am Sroel I.of 4A200 6-'i. 0'i 61 H do preferred.. 1.1U0 Oil UVH V, Am Steel Kdy Am Sugar Kef.. loo ll II .1 115 Am Tel & Tel.. I.10O l.l.lt, 124'4 134 4 Am Tobacco pf. 1.700 T U5is '. Am Wool.n '- Anaconda, M Co 4t'H S3 H H Atchison 1.200 106. IOC 1'8 do preferred. JOH-. All Coast Line.. 500 12 lj:; Bait A Ohio ... 1.200 I'TH H.IH Hethlehem Steel 1"0 !4 I-S 2" Brook K Trsn.. "0 4 74 V .ji Canadian Pao .. 1.S") 23t! 4 23.1 S3'! Central Leather 1"0 20 . 2H4 20 do preferred.. loO 02 t2 02 C-ntral of N J 2'''J Ch-Ohlo... 00 72 71 71 Chicago Alton J- Chl Gt West 18 do preferred.. C0 87 H 7t4 37 Vi Chlmo & N W 145'i 14S 14S C M St Paul 1.SO0 10, ll7l H'l-H C, C. C 4 ft 1 63 Col Fuel Iron 200 2.14 1.14 254 Col rf. uth.rn. MO 44 4S 4S Consul Oas 2.3"0 1.1S 13T 1374 Corn Pro.lucta .. l'-O 1 1 K Iiel ft Hudson.. 4K) 1(144 14 124 I ft R Grand. 2"" 23 4 23 4 234 do preterred.. 1"0 1l 4 4H Pl.tlller' Scur 8o 3"4 8"4 trie 15.7'h 32 V 814 S24 do 1t Pf ."" 124 B14 r24 do 2d pf 3"0 424 414 424 Gen Eectrlo ... "i H4 H74 14-4 Ct North pf ... aoo 1244 124 144 Gt North Or .. l.SoO 424 41 414 Illinois Central. 1.1" 4 Intero-n- Met .. 800 144 14S 144 do preferred 44 4 Int-r Harvetaer. 700 108 4 105 1M.14 Inter Marin pf 14 Int Paper lo Int Pump 400 24 21 24 Iowa Ct ntral 17 K C Fofthern J4 do preferred. A.' 4 Laclede Gas 104 Loul. Nash .. TOO 147 148 144 Mill t 6t L -'4 St. S P A 8 H M JOO IRS 1S3 1334 klo. Kan 4 Tex 600 31 SO 4 80 do preferred. 664 Mo Paelne 1.600 414 41 41 Nat ll.scult 12.1 National Lead .. 2v 41 43 444 N P.y Men 3 pf. 1.10O S3 4 8S 83 4 X V Central ... l.oi'rt- 10.114 10.1 10.14 N T. Ont We. 1 Sii 3 3S4 Norfolk A We.t IOS4 10 1"1 North Am "" 72 714 72 Northern Pac .. 1'0 1174 117 1174 Pacific Mall ... 4' 24 2!) 2!4 Penn.vlvanla ... 1.K-0 122 4 122 4 1 224 Peonle'e Ga ... SOO 14 14 lo'4 P. C C St L.. IOO OS PI Pittsburg Coal ..... 174 Pressel 8 Car.. 000 - 81 4 10 S04 Pu'l Pal Car I'l Jty Steel Spring. 24 Heading 40.7O0 1304 134 134 Republic Steel.. - 2." 77 4 7l 4 77 Rock Island Co. 21 S3 214 do pielerred. . 4O0 4S4 47 4x4 St L e F 2 pf 40 St L Southwest. 3n4 do pref-rrod.. 60 Sic... Sh.rTleld 40 Southern Pao .. 8.4O0 1004 ion loS Southern Rv ... 4.1.V1 204 2"4 204 do preferred.. 74 704 7014 Tenn Crpper .. 30 84 4 844 S44 Texas 4V Pac'fle 24 4 To!. St L 4k We IOO 1S4 1S4. 14 do preferred.. 2"0 434 43'. 42 Union lurinc .. 4B.400 1644 162 1H34 do preferred. PI 4 V S Tte.:v I S l:u-br ... I."" 424 424 42 4 V s S'.c.l 130. V0 S.-.4 r.3 4 M4 do preferred.. 7.7"0 IOIS 1044 l'4 rtali I o;.i.er .. 1T' 44 4 44 444 V Caro Chcm .. 1.400 4 7 46 4 47 Wabash 114 do preferred.. S 214 24 4 24 4 W. stern Md ... SoO .16 M 16 Wfl'lili F.lee .. rt 63 63 63 W.'.-:rn Inlon. l.St.'O 78 4 77 4 7 WTie- g- I. K 3 4 Lehigh Valley B.10O 166 164 16.1 Total sales for the day.' 401.100 .haras. BONDS. NEW TORK. Oct. SI. Clo.lng quotation.: C 8 M M reg.l04,N" Y C gn 34... W4 do coupon IOO'? No Pnctflc" s... 6: 4 C S !s reg I'll,, No Pacific 4... .1004 do coupon ...l''l. I'nlon pacific 4lil4 C S new 4 reg. 1134 Wl 'ntral 4 V24B do coupon ...1134 Japaneae 4a . b7 D a R G 4s tk4! Slock at Boeton. BOSTON. Oct. 81. Cloolng quotation) Alloueg 27 4 Mohawk Ainaig Copper.. r.24.Nevada Con .... A Z L 4c :n... 22 Nlpi.sing Mines. Ansona Com .. 4.1 North Butte..... 13 St C C S M. 34 North Lak Putte Coalition. 1.1-5 ('Id Dominion... I'al 4b Arlsona. . 44 'areola f'al & lle. la 3!M Parr.l (S tt C). Centennial ;Julncy 1 T R.n Con Co M 4 -l.ann-n K finite Cop M . 1"4 Suierlor Franklin 4 Sup Mo. Mln.. Glroux Con .... 34;Tamarack G:.nhv .'on ... 2I .USSR M... Green Canan.a. 6. di preferred... I Hoa'.le Cop "W'Vuli Con Kerr Lak. J U tah Copper Co. Lak. Cjpper...-. ST4 Winona La Salle copper 4 Wolverine Miami Copper... 14 40 16 174 24 4 4 SS So 5S 74 21 24 21 31 4 414 154 44 -s, 82 MooeT, Kxchaaure. Etc. LONDON. Oct. 11. Bar liver eteady, 25 l-ld per ounce. Money 14414 percent. Th rate of dlacount In the open market for short Mils is 3 1-16914 pr cent; thre monthV bills. 17-lj4 per cent. SN FRAXntSCO. Oct. 1L Sterling; on Lon.ln. i days. 84.814: eight. I4.SI. Drafts Sight. S4c: tel.graph. Sc. .i.W SuKK. Get. 8L atonejr Cra Ball f steady, 1914 per cent; ruling rat. 1 14 per cent; eioeing oiu. a.; k '., Tim lon. .teady; 0 dya i-aieii P" cent: day. I4vxl a" " per cent. t. ......IT. miuin lUAln. Mexican dollars 45c Government and railroad bonda steady. CHICAGO Oct. L Exchange Tork 15c premium. on New Condition of tha Treaeury. WASHINGTON. Oct. 81. At th lf,B nlng of b'.isines the condition of the United Slates Trejsury was: Woi klng baiance In Treasury of- 7S Rn4 In t anks' 'and PhlUppine treaaurj- 4.y2'0'; Total balance in general fund SlJ.,.!...r-.& Ordinary receipt, yesterday i' 'i'Vnv Ordinary d isbursements 2 0--'iV The deficit to dt this fiscal year. 606.134, a against a deficit of 12,101,0i at this time last year. . The. figure, exclude Panama Canal ana publlo debt transactions. ' Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Oct. 31. Turpentine, firm: 4.14W4i4e: ales. 711: reeelpta 84; hlp ments. 1445; loek. 30.602. Rosin, firm. Salea. 2; reelpta 38O0; .hlpments. 5239 : siock. 82.150. Quote: B. 86.25: D. 86.SO; E. 6.S7: F, G. H. I. K. M, 8.45; N. 86.65; WG. 87.20: WW, 17.60. CAnLrTPRlGEsT LIFTED CHOICK STEERS BRIXO $5.0 AT THE STOCKYAP.DS. Top Quality Calves Sell at $7.0. Day's Receipts Are Lighter Than Vsual. Th. run of .lock at the yard yesterday wa lighter than usual and th day busi ness waa transacted by noon. Th feature of the market wa th trength shown by the cattle division A mall bunch of high-grade steer oid at 83.D0. an advance of 15 cent over the best previous price. A gain was also shown by calves, a load of top quality bringing l. wi. the beet price that hag bean paid at the yards for a long time. For the best cows offered. 84.00 was paid. A big bunch of cull ewea went at 8.1.69. No hog sale, were reported. Receipts yesterday were: 62 cattle, bl calvee 4 hogs and 1R57 sheep. Shippers were: Fred Rader. Heppner. 1 car of cattle; J. F.. Jenkins, Cor.don. 8 car of sheep: W. A. Gover. Hot.lnette. 2 car of cattle and calve, and E. M. Blurock, who drov in 5 cattle. The day' al wr as follows: Weight. Price. 19 ter 6. steer 54 cows 11 cow 10 cowo .. 11 hflferg 1 heifer ' 8 heifer 126S 83 BO 12.13 5.85 743 4.00 84'.' 4.60 Vfl 4.00 ; 707 5.00 . S20 .1.00 &.-.2 o.oo 1 -if 800 3.t." 20 calve. 447 5.25 S co've, 3.'0 6.00 41 ca'vael ls3 7-0O 1 bull 1240 4.00 b"'l 1120 4 00 260 cul! we. S7 2.00 Price quoted at the Portland union Stockyard for th various classes of tock were: ChoTc'e'Veer. Good to choice steers 6.2r. 'tf 5. .10 Fair to good steers 5. OC 'ii 5.2o Medium steers 4.75 a 5.00 Poor steer 8.75 sr 4.50 Choice cow. 4.50 4 s Fair to good cow 4.00 4.25 Common cows 2.60 3.60 Extra choice .payed heifer. 4..S9 5.00 Cholc. heifer. 4.50 If 4.60 Choice bulls S.sost 8.75 Good to cnolce bulls ; I.7cq1 S.00 Common hulls 2 00W 2.10 Cholc cnlves J-2aW 7.W0 Good to choice calves 7.00 'ii 7.15 Common calves 4.00 w 5.00 Choice stags iZ. . -S Good to choice .tags 4.26 W 4.0 Ch"lc."ilght hog 7.159 7.25 Good to choice hog. 7.001J 7.15 Fair to good hog................ 7.00 Common hog. 8.0KW a.50 Sheep Choice yearling wethera, coarse wool 1.60 W 1.85 Choice yearling wether, east of mountains l.IS'f 1.40 ....... tiajnm and three... l-loTO 8.25 Choice mountain lamb 4.00, f 4.1.5 Good to choice lamb 4.on 4.I0 Valley lamba 8.7.1y 4.00 Cull l.OO J 8.50 Chicago LtTestock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 81. Cattle Receipt, es timated. 7000; market. teady. Beeves. $4.60 r!i0; Texas steers, 84.1045.00; Western steers, $4.15t7: stooker and feeders, 82.80 Yl3.75: cow and b.ifera, $25.b5; calvea, 8,'.ti 8.30. jtOK, Receipts, estimated. 26.000; mar ket. 6c to 10c lower. LiKht. 8.".706.35: mixed. $3.75 S 6.50; heavy, $5.75 06.50; roucn, $5 75a6: good to cholc heavy, $'146.50; pigs, 83.7.1V5.65: bulk of sales, $6.10i 6.30. tjbeep Receipt, estimated. 30,000; mar ket. 10c to 15o higher. Native, $23.70; Western, $2.30aS.75: yearlings. $3.504J4.20; lambs, native, $3.504 5.70; Western, $a.75ty 5.70. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, Oct. 81. Coffee future firm and from 20 to 43 point higher. Sales. 1.1" .100 bags. November end December, 14"2c; January. l:i.!Uc; February. 13.71c; March, llt.i'.lc; April. 13.47c; May and Jun. July. 1S-I2c; August. 13.41c; Sep tember, 13.40C. Spot coffee steady; Rio No. 7. 15He: San tos.No. 4, 164c: mild coffee quiet; Cordova, 17 ft lrc nominal. Haw sugar Quiet; Muscovado, 69 teat, 5.2340- centrifugal. SJ test, 6..S4C: ml' laasea, 89 tut, 4.V7 4C Refln.d quiet. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW TOHK. Oct. 81. Cotton future, closed barely .tends, 4 point, blgh.r to 3 notnt. low.r. November, ttc;. Decemher. 5-15c; January. S.S'.ic; February. 8.96c; March. 9.01c; April. Il.Oi'.c; May. K.llc: June. 9:15c; July. 9.20c; August, 9.15c; September, ' s"oot closed quiet. 8 point higher. Mid uplands. 0.4oc; mid. gulf. 9.650. Sale 3018 baits. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NW TORK. Oct. 81. Evaporated apple teady with liFht offering.. Spot and fancy, 109 104c: choice. ri4c: prime, Sls4o. Prune. quitt but .teady, with little prea- ur. to ell. Quotations ranpe from 7o to 140 for C alifornia, up to 40-50s and 11 4 0 13 '-c for Oreaons. Peache. steady, but Inactive: choice, 114 M14c: extra choice. 11412o; fane. 124)l-'4e- Chicago Produce) Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 81. Butter Steady; ereamerle.. 244 45 31c: dairies. 2228c Eggs Steady. Receipts. 4618 cases; at mar, caaea Included. 163 lac: fiesta, 23c; prim, firsts, 24c. Cheese Steady: dalale. 144144o; twin 149144c. Toung Americas. 144 9 144c iyuluth Flax Market. DfLUTH. Oct. 81. Flax on track. 82.J5: In store. $2.14: to arrive, $2.14; October, $2.16; November, $2.14: December. $2,114 a.k.d; May, -15 asked. Wool sat St. IVoala, ST. LOI'If, Oct. 31. Wool Easier. Ter- HAMBURG CRUISES DE LUXE South America T!iTRI AVNTAL CRV1SB OF THE S. z. "BLUECHcR" s5)00 the largest cruising steamer sailing from one America to the other. Offera every luxury and comfort. Leaving New York Jan. 20, 1912 Ports of ca!l: Fort of fSpaln. Pernara hnr. 8antf. Burnos Aim, Aoros the Andm). Flint a Arena (through th Sira.il a of Magellan,. A a' paralao. Rio do Janeiro. Baliia, Par, liridgetowm and St. Thomaa. Optional ld trips everywhere. orurclAl?.n. 80 DAYS cost $350 Also Cruises to the (Orient. t est lnaies. Around the World. Italy and Egypt, etc HAMBLRG-AMERICAN LI"K. 100 Pow Co.. Northern PaMIIc. . & R. O., Burlln Pfluer. Vuikey Pldg.. Portland, iiregon ' 'BITTJLITHIC is a first-class-pavement in every particular, and while it sometimes e osts more, it ia the cheap est in the end, becanse of Its greater durability. In my- opinion, no rnunlclp.tl tty makes any mlstaka In adopting It to the exclusion of all others." James Cor- THE BARBER ASPHAXT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and othar Bitu minous Pav.menta 605-608 Sleotrlo bids.. Portland. Or. Oskar Hub.r. Manager. rltory and Western mediums, 17 20c; fin mUlums, iodise: fin, llitrlfic Hop at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. Hop Firm. CONVICTION HELD WRONG Judge Gatens lines Kutner least Amount and Frees Him. Declaring that there was no possible excuse for indl'ting- Jake Kutner or for the verdict of guilty of assault .and battery returned by the Jury which heard the case In his court. Judge Ga tens yesterday morning- fined Kutner $50, the smallest legal amount, and at once remitted the fine. The Judge re called that the testimony of May Jones, whom Kutner had had arrested and In dicted on a charge of stealing Jewelry from him, was the principal witness against the defendant and declared that no Jury should convict on her evi dence. He said a charge of drunken ness and disorderly conduct probably should have been preferred against Kutner in the Municipal Court. The Indictment against Kutner al leged that he had assaulted Margie Blake, who runs a North-End rooming house for him. with a revolver. Kut ner admitted the charge and the evi dence showed that he went to the place In a grossly Intoxicated condition and shot the lock off a trunk. Seneca Fauts, attorney for Kutner, declared that the case would never have been allowed to come to trial by the District Attorney's office had he not been appearing for tho defendant. There are 29 princesses, 6 duchess, T2 baronesses and 8 viscountesses of American birth. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. OPKX KITEB TRANSPORT ATIOM CO. STR. J.N.TEAL Freight " received dally at Oak-st. dock for TbDall. "Hood River, Whit Salmon. Uma 1 1 1 1 a. Kennewiok. P a o Richland, Hanford, White BluBs, and intermediate polnta, FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER 8KRVICBV FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD KIVER. WHITE SALMON. THB DALLES. Steamer leavea Portland Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday. 7 A. M. Returning leaves Th Dalles Monday. Wedneeday, Friday, 7 A. St.. arriving at Portland about 5 P. M. same day. W. a. Buchanan. Supt; W. S. Smallwood. Gen'l Mgr. Phon Main 9300. A 851. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. Kgpree Service via 8T LAWRKNtE RIVER SCENIC- ROCTB Lea. Than Day at Sea by th EU-Ktr-stS Of THE ATLANTIC. W.ekly Sailings to Europe. First-class ,02.50: Winter months. $93.00. o.cond-class. $53 75: One-class cabin 1I) $a0 brfclLIAL CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS). Friday, Dec 1. Empress of Britain. Saturday. Dec 9. Lak. Manitoba Friday. Dec 15. Empres. of Ireland. Berthing plans now open. Book Early. THIRD-CLASS RATES. Hamburg, Antwerp, iiremen, etc., $30, $31.00 Ulirf"?h .0ni.0.a. . Norway. Denmark, Sweden $34.75. $36.29 Special rail rates on request. F. R. Johnson. O. A., 142 Third St. All agents soli Can. Pac tlcketa. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CASt4 BUT5D TRIP The moat delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacation. Ielihtiul e bat ing at the famuui beach of Walklki. Tha plendid SS. bit-rra t lO.Ooo ton displace ment) makes the round trip in 16 days, one can visit on a aide trip the 11 vine volcano of Kilauea w hlah la tremendouaiy active, and for himself the procesa of world creation. No other trip compare with thla for the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Vllt the lalanda now, while you can do It bo easily and quickly and while tha vol cano U active. Prompt attention to tele erams for bertha. Sailings: November 4, November 25. Lecmber Jrj, etc. oceanic a. CO. 6TS Market Mrtrt, Han Franctsco. NEW Y0RK-P0RTLAND HEGULAK fKiilUHT 8ERVICB. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 21 Hallway I&xcausBate UldaW 1'wrii.sa, or. Hal. S37S. COOS BAY LINE ITEAMER BREAK WAT EH. Call from Alnaworth Dock. Port1 and. 9 P. U.. avery Tuesday. Freight recewed at Alnaworth Dock dally up to 5 P. 21. Pa icdkt fare, first-claw, $10; aecond-clasa. $7. including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnaworth Uock. Pbonee Mala tia aia 10 A 123. - AMERICAN RFGUI AR SERVICES LONDON - PARIS -HAMBURG PRES. LIXCOUf Not. 11, 10 A. M. PRES. GRANT Nst. 15. 9 AM. tAMKKIKA Not. 11. 10 A. M. MOLTKJE ..3ot. 15. A. 5L tUnexcelled RItg-Carlton a la Cart Kestauraut, Ovmnaslum, Electric Baths. Elevator. Palm Garden. Will call at Plymouth and Cberboure- Gibraltar, Algien, Naples, Genoa S. 8. HAMBURG JTot. IS, 1 P. M". 8. B. CINCINNATI Deo. 1 8. S. HA51BIKO Jan. 4 II Write for Booklets of all Cnuiej. ell 6L, San Francisco. CaL, or O.-W. R. N. glon Route, etc Tickt onicea also, t- WW THE aim of this bank is to be of service and assistance to its depositors whether they be concerns or individuals. We offer depositors in this institution the facilities and knowledge gained from a quarter century's safe and careful banking experience. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886 "Washington and Second Sts. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: t. C AIXSWORTH, President. R. LEA BARJIES, A. PeJ. WRIGHT. Assistant Caehler. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Rocky LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock . Surplus and Undrnded Profits Commercial and savings accounts. Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, availi able in all parts of the world. Corner Washington WILLS Every man and -woman should make a will, and the advan tages of a Truft Company acting as Executor or Trustee will be generally conceded. WILLS may be drawn and filed with this company, which is authorized under the state banking law to act as Administrator. Security Savings & Trust Company Portland, Oregon. Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $400,000 lumber mens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1867. Head Office -ToJBto, Canada. London 3 Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada, Every care taken of collections. Irafts on all foreigrn countries and prin cipal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a eeneral bunking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MA LP AS, Manas. TRAVELERS- GUIDE. San Franclcso, Los Angele3 and San Pedro Direct. North Paciflo S. 8. Co. S. S. Roanok. and B S. Elder saU every Wednesday alter nately at 6 P. M. Hckt oHic 122 Thifi u. near Alder. BlAKJl' 3. HIGLET, Paexlrr Agent, W. E. SLi:S.StK. Freight Aeen Phone 1314, A 1314. OREGON R. . SCTOfEEH. Caahlen. Vice Pre. 1 dent. W. A. HOLT, Aaalatmat CaahlefA, Bank West of the Mountains $1,000,000.00 800,000.00 and Third Streets. Corner Fifth and Stark Naw Tork 16 Exchange Place. Lombard Street. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. THE BIG 3 EEAR - BEAVER - ROSE CITY EXPRESS STxCAMEKei FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOIT CHANGE. 8. 8. Bos CMy Sail 4 P. M. Not. S. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8.8. CO, Ticket OfTice, 112 Third St. fhonei alaia 402 and A 140a,