Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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1H X..., , - -
IOm Jaany.
CffV. ScTta.-r r-apill DprtmM.
X C.
Teaa- viea. st-a-gar. af
total run eea.: If I P T ' "J '
.k.ew.1 tay.irmat n..n.t..raIU, I 1
eal. jit Ml kt.. -e I
f.-'r.mrT If to P 5 ,".,,PI'.
.-nBioymaat m.mtteraaip wlu V"
I a. T. M. C A-. who u immw -
tot and Mart. it... .
Keeu:t I.usi man joload A.eo.at1"
In I Ma t&aa . .- e.llaxa.or -
f" BMiha edla e-
New BtaUn
Fn:o i.t wiambarahla
f.. :aa twa trootuar full J
Mrt..a. 1 .- lal
r wnj.rtaaea la prr -l:t
l full aambara
at-1 f artbar chart a. ai-s.
ke.e coaataal damaad W
.aparlencd mam. ra n
for a Vau.r aaaliloaT ......L
ucrelar amplaraiaal WW""
T. at. c A.
ATLE-B-'I'lKi nrn .anted for - -Jurin.
'ti. bat. .an tb ace. of 13 ana
.. .. mu.t - nanaa Nrn or r rra P"
p-ra.,l, tnr ! ' d' L","V
omp-r.aac.oi, ,..alcla: f-od. clothln..
I lax-.-ra aa.l ro.-l.'-al attati.lanra fr.a ar-t-r
! jeara- a-rl can retlra
r-r cant cf par and a.loaanr-a;
or, b.rd ahlp and a.B .ra. in ail part, or
w..hin: n :.. or ro-.m 7
.,,,.- 3.1 at.. Pfin1. or.
1... Vuf aar.t to t a ay rrom '"V
jr,b and doub'. Jur In.-um.
an o.nin f..r an apt" - "'-"""J-T.L
vomi.any pro.ldra proanacta and ru.-
r-.h-a nnt man can
:a to IJ par oiur.i... "
.r'K, Art-1r-. AS H. Ort.onnn.
r.-d.,.trV.: lr."r "r. or hr.PU.l ..relation
lork. t.. fo.l-it f..r a Ur. c.mpany in
rrfn(.a. will M ri." 1...
j.nur. I If fatlara- tory. .la
o ;i'4 Yton
b J . A. M. to 1J
v7NTi:U"tTF. Inu.uranr. and loan "
li. ra to favor ua taita aama of thair
nr.. ua ma b t of mauranc. and r-.-tla'a m"r,1tv I'.Lt"
l.ltvaral commln'ona. I.tacl A
rnrnl-.r of .Vnimrc,
WNTi:i--ub:i. ity ccmmlaalonar for tha
To.n of Malaod. Albarta: ood Ila
.xwrl.nccl In publicity work
inra.; r. and .alary 'tv- '"1-a'I. ?rVL7l
r-.,ui'-!. Apply aacratary Hoard of Trada.
la-Io.I. A r.r.a.
l'M'L'tllACKD. al'.-ar'-und llnaman; muat
li atrlrtly br .nd familiar with am...
anj thr.-psa. transformer. Mi! ;'
arc Hah a. Arfdraa Rlr E.:trlo
Co. Malford Or.
WAN TBI. A .-d .t-c Mi.aman tor co...
pany moat of I' 'oc .o.d: ood
iT.a ar.d .tronr tupport from prnt
...-ihoirtrr.; Hrll.-iix "" 011'"
nd apply.
ao$ Orrconlan bids.
VAV flood. ...b.r man to work n
f.'rTi- none ut eiperUn.-d need apply:
n.rrl-U man without thl.dran preferred
to 'jo.rd ona additional man; lb per
n onih. I. o-'-. T- .mail.
W aTKI aeiwit IHa new. paper .ollrllora:
- - . 1 aa ' . ! A la-h fl AllVAf
muit n fije-rirncM , , . . "
ar.w-v.l no "ba-b-wii wi'l iv
AN ".prortuntt-- for ft m-m -.lln oar
Eur.nfa Tmkimft V.;ieF-roft BUrj
!x-k .-lui ir-rrllorT: outfit fr. cr
kl. not eijwwnr. rtQU.reJ.
Tipnlth Nur-ry Co.. TopporHt.h. Yi ma,
13 7u -fk!r to Bollrltor of ftMltty;
rTmai.-nt: W t rnt of pvopU propc
cuitomrri; rtaJ hou .fimfn cm t
T.M to vrrlooli thltw ft P. 11. S &
Mo'rlion. ro-'tn ft.
SAt F.iMKN to i utl,.-l-ton good eom
rntt.a to Uv men. Aiso ood nin to a
fjw-RATIVl flf.At.TT COM PANT.
5Ji it Ki- hrr-
CA-tiLTf Infurmnr arnts. If yoa w-f
not minr mor thn fi3 ft llrrtor. 41 M"hwk bidg.. t
12. tli p-U l-O good pr.
wVTakV'rrtfturtint nrly fumlh.l
in hat.: br4 n f-r rnt; .lpint
Trtm in.-!udl. Bnnp. Apply 34 Noria
.Mrh. S cr nrth to 2-h. bloc south.
1-YK H-'I.U toy In rocry. on with
h:.l prrtrrrmxX. 4 iirnd App.y
b'tnrm I nl A. M.
)lar:ln. 23 W-
illh ft h-i.
. cor. rtth.
1m K KKJ'KU f
f:urm'.Il nfl'.co;
finn-clM ihoet Tntftl
Apply t hop. ?. Aldr.
Tr.ii man wanted In ft crocry ator. wttH
V? XTKD SoIlett'r and dmonlrmtor.
t nin vt. North.
TKl Hoy to
f'.. iter K Co .
4m lrfrlo b't'lnaaa.
;h Wor"itf bid.
-H.T.' T A I H coupon nnd portrftlt Uet-v
nw off-r. t'uttxrtn Btudio. iJtkum b.dg.
V . N T S I i''!f'.
I n j ! position.
woman tor r
.t Co.. Oo Koth-
t b.dr . 4th and V- a-htngtot
1' vT. ;ir; to mp buttr; spwrlanc-d
(r.g prforri-U. K lot It lroduc Co.. ftth
r,J t cu' :
j vi' KAC ri'KKR can la-lte rood
:n n ; i-i.oica Kerr 1 tory. Addrtaa A
ill. l'orilftfttl.
E X I'fTKI KN''Iil nur.iTn.hl to tak Cftr cf
Vh-:arn. or rhiut by th "ft. Ihon C
1 ..:.: city rf 'renf.
A.McILi L-adta to malt Xrnaa nlti
at .aom. a.l or par t!m . good pay;
p r k n unrrtiir y I Z" j 1 1 1 h t.
Vy; y I v A oung l-Iy i t i-no( rapher
and , wr; i-Tatf tip-i-nc. aa.ary
,n. ff-'rrni'n At uiC"n;--n.
A N rt- 13 A g!r; for oow :in a.. -l
.v .iat at. App y bet. 0 A. M. ana 4 P. JL;
1 J p r w r -r kv
t.r'.H.iKri.' W"man or 3S. for poaitkoa
itn tooitui h..u: np:!nc not ra
quirvd. K Orrgonlan.
Vkihin:.'n bl lg.. 4".b and Wah i:.
M ! n -5 J r A3 - !
iTii'.NvJ t'rl to na.t wl:h hiwork. :
K : Kr-tt t- Taka Moniavij a c at. g. t
..r at it
.. r I-! K i ENi'KI tilrv.M oft ldV" gar
irfit.. m ist work butloohoKs, s.Kd
-t 4-5 Acl.r
Cood aituatlona of all tnO. ."3 AA
trr. comer ad U Main SOy. A 4T7o.
Nl H'-t for cht lrn 4 and J yar o.J. ft.'A,
wiiri rom N.artl. no wa.hiDg. Wood-
' . n cr. l--" C e ard avc.
Ttt-S-hoig;p! to do ry Ilttla lght
.'k for room and bard, Phona Kast
it N
women to reprert chlldran'a Ja
iai pat'lratton tn and out of city;
nt alarla T23 3arquani bid:
w . rKi
Com patent ftn.l refin-d lr! f ir
nrai nuu wora. rnona jaarana.i is.
. r.aiman.
Y. V t.H I KNCE O i-'Pla In all
war.tvd at Miananun'a. Tblrd U. ba
"n !C')rri''n and Alder.
I lit
wan: 1 f"f grnra4 beuaework,
-. 7 Krc 1 w jr.
rl wanted for fanoral houaework.
. t n eu
N " r ! T
-.era for trIlon a-hooU Ap
nd t.. 7 tf I. M.
v MKD ;irl for general houaawork.
K-artiey at.
get. oral houaework.
near Ja. keon.
r.o aiMC. 4MJ 1"'
Iw, othr tm.pi.
3;. STOS Waax..
d . aa.ary guaran-
-y t-
i.a l.r for r
antrd for Mght boueework;
I'h 'ce rtt 13-1
l- i NO-ROOM girt wanted at
at;.tT--d b'
Mh grade,
. A M
Itfc). Call :o
3i ewra
4 w ag i
I r". p r
,i.'i'-r ftt
d waitreaa.
u Two tvri.iJ aewtng g.r.a.
K. tlurr.ey. b'dg
Ia!y god
le It I'-.T
f.-r I'p-'al h.u.- org t pri le- fattu
API , jt Kr-Ttt et . c.-r. f f-r'n.
C Hl :il f'f
curai.t. 4s inngtoO
WA.VTKt" Kip-r'i-nc-J ohirug g:r;e.
:! ?''" ,'. "r-'.-rla
,,rKl - a cirl ti do grneral boy
il N-r.rt t:h t-
v NTKr f.ret-e: mm
. i K l . v lun fr Ufa-- W
,nd. 1 hone Mi.-.k. K-d 4'-
V TKI-Irjajlir tr.:i
Van ..
nrar 1'ori
apprer.ttca. v -r r i j iLrln. ! m'.r'.m t or 4 DDiof
J.oe.eie. good Mt. 3 jiUMim . 1
. . I a-.,Tlc I FOR BENT. r MJI. . , ?".
BELT IT A TF ) ri xi I.
WANTtD ijlrla ov-r 1 to enter nurW
train::. sc.-.-!: a.. -try ftrat year. $lo V r
tntnt:.. -..i. u. $2 per numtti, thlr.l year.
.l per m..n:h. .t!i b--a.-.l. room
laun-lry frr-. AiMr-a H.:nocd t.enral
Hp;T:i:. Kam".l. V a.h.
BANTKD At oner. , terlen.-rd .t.noarauh.
r ,n-! ,.n,ral rftlre aai.:anl. r.iy "ne
.,pr;rncrd :n um n.tJ apply, atntlng
pre loua eiperler.- e ar. 1 r-frence. g
ph'jr-." n : nit- J t. urgor.ian.
Lam tna bualnaaa.
Sanitary btu: FartT
to 41X I-kuin Dldg.
A fml'Joi Qua: tCfrd.
REfFnt:. yung "ay of god appeftran
and kcot:-'i. of ons.rnn to do a ao"
cial I n of w,rg for .arg corporn.on
In i'O.'l.lDu, good Ap?.y iJ,,-t-l
Yeoa b.g.
CHICXEi: f.Jr""ietaaart. to :. ftnd
h ard. one Tp-r r.c nt e::n lil'ka
torTj j,rf- rrw l . tuiv rti 'fi ocr. gtva ad-lr-t
and pr..r.e. AR . Oreg.jr.ittn.
ut . good OOIU
i-'i Iiiiiaay Kihir.i.
UAlKtKaiSSK -t anj njinicurfr. undera:ar.d
Ir.g n.l o; ire trnde. Msaa Kilft
pie.d. I T N. 'l-.wr .e., Centmit. VV aan.
AN e7er.en7-l irald f r cooking and
dotji:at.a work: ( -o.l wagea. Apply W4
Nrtn 1 1 n t.. eorr.-r F'jr.dfM.
WKAVEHS acted, day and ni-i.t work.
Apply J'ort.and Wooien Mllla. bu John.
ilANSi- N LAaiir:- A'- ENC Y.
l3a Waa.. ngton at.. Cor. Tto, Cpatalrt
I ,nn Main 2ti02.
WILtL. old lady room and board In fam
ily of threw f-r d.iirg light houaatrork.
A pp' y 1 . y Kat 1 t h at North.
WANTED Woman fr K-neral bouaawork,
V. K. .N.l. fiton. Or
By learning to op. rata roovlrg
pirfurra; operator "iiarn 123 tft 93
w-WI ; eay ht.ide work; ' gaorl
hours: learn buau.eaa In two wceka;
le? 'r.a reaaonatle; day ftnd evening
i-oS aanington. near 17th,
MKN wanittdl ac 1 3o. firemen $Io
monthl) ; l.-:k.uen on na; ny rasl-
oaiii; expr.ftn in:it---aary , no atrLKe;
positions . u.rn.l-e'i co:n,;ti-nt men; pro
motion. iLauroad HeauQuartera.
I nwn mvtit to positions last tnrea
monlha it:e aa. s nd sUunp. Kftllway
Aasov istt'-n. Orrtf on Ian.
111 LK r-i airing. drlvlr. on up-to-dat
cara; aleirti ai. cf il engineering, survey
ing. In nmet ;racticnl a ; room and
bo.iYd while le..r.T:iit ; positions accurU;
.it ,-.irtlnn gu.rartt rd ; catai cue f' e.
National i-chool ot t-ntiircerlna'. -UO West
7th. Los Ar.ges.
,t t. i tor rnvdu-nti :ast i
men and women laarn baroer '.rwd 13
f wtfii; tetp to aacura position; grada-
:as asra troro alS to wMkly; ag'jert
H..riclor-: tools tfm; writa for -
Icguea, toohlar ftyateta of ColUfi.
Korth tb t-. po.nlftcd. Or.
WAXTrlU Py or board at art to leara
trad.-: uiarn'jbll-i, electricity, brlckiuy
Inc. iIun.;.iiig. Ly actual -work on Jol-a;
on.y few mouths required; no apprentice
ship drudnery. students lust J ear;
cuialOatu free. L'n.ted Trade School. l.o
alwl i'JN-l'ICTL'llE operating taught In the
ater: praciicai cu-rw, . iv 4,
reoaonioie; roai..oH .
RAII.HOAPS want young men for telegraph
and station aervlco; for full particulars,
cail or addrena Telegraph ipU. room 3i3,
Commonwealth bldg.
at A K k. jnf writing abort stories, or Jr
Lt(r" . tig T, ires pooa im at w.
1 r.'td pr"hvt1'ra!t. t-'an Frapjisew.
WANT tD Picture play writers; big pay.
wi ll teach you. Picture Play Associa
tion, fcan Kranris'.
Kill N . d TOO. .COi UlU U Jm '--
Fit K 1 HAOHER-'
teiaatland Plttg.
UuCk.-cvrJtl'r-KS. caa biers, bill cieras, eta. ,
I will guarante your uaIt3catlon to fill
Eoaitions In J days; private Instruction
public aeru&Laat; poeiUoa aeCJraU. J
40. Oregon laa.
iTiENTd wanted for ft houaehold aovelty
that s-Us on sight. Call o:h st. North.
Beuk keepers
BOOKKEEPER. operates typewriter, fin.
American. Ciorough bookke-per. trial
ba.ance. crMita. etc.: best reference and
bond If desired; accept small sa.ary If
gotxl future. J. U. Malon. Wash
ington st.
Al CORKF.m1XUF.NT, department man
ager and office man. desires position,
fctuall salary to star:; more when ability
Is U e m o n n : rated. A U 4 7. O r v u onlan.
FJHT-CLA-d man deelres position with
agency house; can manage department and
rrake It a success; beat references. All
Xol NO man, technical graduate, wants
work aiong civil enKneertng. drafting, de
slgulng or cnatructloa lines. Address F
?:-2, orgonsn.
VWl,i. A I - Oi A . UP K.N. fLOelfi OH WKUs
up bojOHiv, prepare baiaijces and state
ments, lust a I a sterna OiUlnghara
Clior. 41 lJwbldg. Marshall -
WILL, avstematire our business and Install
correct set hooks at rcaiv nable rate; small
f!rn:s a snet-ialty. AT .'5t. Oregonlan.
E. 1'r.h i" w ai.ta set books lor morning or
evening work; will expert books at rewoa-ai-io
price. AH M.. uregoman.
CALYelAK EH and confectionary man
wants ; -o-iti-n In or out of city. Phone
Eaet 320 Apt, 11.
FALT:SMN of abi
desires connection
csa.e house. ct:y or
wi'h broker r
ro..!. Kor Inri
lfw. I ."14. Orefiin:.nn.
BtK K r. t i;ir:it, exoerienced In lumber and
iiia.. M.ifi n.uiUon in or out of city.
li trrg .mien.
EA.- I i-ltN man with 6 ears otTice exp rl-
snce. drslres position, any kind. 11 64A
Crtgoniaiu t
Fl RS T-Cl-ASS booiske- per. ssruog rapher;
w: i o-c-p: po-!t:n at once, a or out ot
Portl-aiU. Jd ."a-.J. irtonir.
tfTKN'-CKAPirrn. eT;erlnced. well reeum-
metid- d. p'u.iic ilarrl all I -I..
bill Al'K'N wanted by young Japanese, ail
km Is of day work. CaU 9t isorth .Uk
Fhoce Main SI 13 or
TuCN'i man attending Holmes Business
coheg detires p:a to work for his room
and board. Cail Main 013. A -K4
JAPANESE wants situation as schoolboy or
any kn.d Job in prl.ata famliy. O 64V
Oregon lan.
pTiTION" by ber, Industrlou man as Jan
itor; e&cclleut rcfenenca. 3 o3(. Ore
g'ntan. A YUl'Nii Japanese wlsnes situation to do
houeworkr in (.ulet faiuli. 13 b&. OTe-
BY FOREMAN of long experience handling
brick, stone and Jobs; wiU call
time. A3 o-i.. tregoninn.
HaNuY. strlct.y business married man. so
or. wenia w ork. Addrtsa Z. iX T., to3
SJ at.
J a i AN r.-- Ll alutlent w ar.ts posit, on as
schHtboy or short time work, il 54o. Ore-
GOvD ill ar itid commercial art:st wants
position, best of Phone ae.l
w -o.l lOJA-
VANTF.l) S:.'Iy p'itin on ranch, boy
of ) - Adurt-ss ti'd Belmont su G.en
Ll'MI'KR-Y Alii manager wanta position.
-r. exp.-:.e..c . relei r.:.-a. kUOW
n:y bum'a M 64. Oregonian.
blluAUu.V wanted as ilisnhr :n hotel,
or counti y. coutuy p.-sierred. Ail
WANT E L A p-t Ion as motion -picture op
erator I nvntais' e-xpe .'i-r.ce; will begia
at small waea. P . oregonian-
Al"T( truck driver In or out pf city can
tfi.r r.'.:f. AT o-. oregonlan.
JAP AY..-E wants Job to do anything In
,..wn or countrj. AL e4. Oregonlan.
14 ii'r-'." Tleanmg. w indow washing or Jan
itor work. Andrew J. Jennings. Mala Til.
Yo.'nTj man se.-ks position ss collector or
A N i'Kl
f..r r
by Y. M.
A. r:ul"nt. to work
Pho".e Main T",:.
N- nun. i". n -;-
a -.u'.ry trm. I
tint rooms. J- p:
.o;r price. Horn prwng
paint house at
f 1703.
i a I' A.N 1-..-E chsur
. u r wnnts posit.oa with
T.'n-t.y- A3
,j,4tT fin.!rier want i
work by day or
A Oregonian.
, JAI'AN. e- hoo:
:int. 1' Park st
y w snrs a pes.; ion.
C tUrSNTKit. f!rSt-c.a-P.
a ants work by
.Mi Japanese i
ny k.nd work la
i.-A('Kt: rc r.U p. 'tion. family,
eooa ftnd Losewor. P ii. Uregonlaja-
BITt ATIOXS W.t.mi)-.l.m- gin..-w. ..r.. ; . , . , . .,,,,. Fl.l.
EX PFKIKNC::i practicing attorney of S
d-sir.-M to reino'.e to snuiUcr t.a n w here
e uiM ; ion and enei g . combine.! w It n ft
knowledice t tne 1j. will find oppor
tunity to make the j.o-esior of sorvue to
tn- community as we. I As h.mseif: ani
advar using for the simple reason iht I
havf a f m:l de;euuent uon my daily
e-rttona au.l consequently have not spare
time in wnlch to personal iy visit the
various parts cf the atate; responsible bank
conaection desired. AH 547. uregoninn.
W A N T"pos I i7o n . saw flier's helper or will
accept head flier's Job nt he.pcr's wsges;
bf-st rcferencea on the Coast aa head;
w ul.i tak. foreman anl fl.lng for ml..;
uTl-r 5" M. Addrem H o41. Oregontn.
li s .ma one emplovment for a respect
able. lw-sMding man. who has a education and .aeral xpen;nce:
have beer, in, but I must have
employment? L MU. Oregoptaa.
ExTl'KH 1 U .N tl Cry gioa man requires
t. -i;:..n In small town, apprenuced in
K:,g.a:id- o ars witfi large Euatern store;
n w e:np.oed In Portland. K ilU Orego
nian. -
TOt'NO man. 24 years old. S years'
perif-ncs in running donkey engine, want
situation immediately ; best reference; sal
ary per day. A u dress Li. b-. No.
;,J E. S'Jth at.
IOi'N'J man. 24. four years' experience ltt
.ak jhop and kitchen, wants situation 1m
rned.itte.y; willing to tane any other kind
r; work. Jl f-. tregonian.
PARTY of S men want to cut 8oO to 5oO
curat wood on contract: too .a hav to be
advanc-id. Address Martin Uonner, 2otl
Couch st.
A WIUULE-AGED widow would like posi
tion as houseixeeper for gentleman; no ob
jection to one or two children. T 647, Ora-
EX 1 EKi E.NCEI tutor, a peaks German.
craj.4l of Esstrrn university, wishes to
tutor in Ueriu.. or anc:nt language;
rrf-rrencet. V JtI,Oretonian.
yTu'Ni. man experienced In poultry business
w nnts permanent place, chlcaen or fruit; taUty no object. E &49. Orego
li i an.
ioi N' I ian. blacksmith, wants etcaJy
position; Is no torsennoer, but willing to
Irarn. Address E- Unilgnn, 227 Cherry
I.. Portiund. Or.
yth'Ni man attending school desires to
York for board and room before and after
school Cali or address me, H. D. li., room
:.j,t Cm:.on wealth bldg.
BAKER, wants position, young, experienced,
ail-ar fund man. work sin.e-handvd.
steady, sober, reliable; references. AP -02.
rc.-iiiln. f
MAN duviree situation as chauffeur and
gardener; exceUent relorences, S years
wi:h prcsen. empioysra AM 632. Orego
nian. WANTED By nian and wlf, situation on
ranch -r small camp: long Job; small
way.-. F Oresonlan.
EXPERT window washer; general house
v leaner; hour or contract. Martin, Mala
luiAu man. , willing to work, wishes
s'.-;i'.y position. 1.5 N. 6th su, Olympus
liow.. J. Klug.
Itooltkevpers ;md btcnograpbera,
WANTED Apposition by experienced sten
ograj.:i.r: past four years with an East
ern traction company; best uf references.
C 661. Oregonian.
STENoc, RAPHER. well educated, 4 years'
exp-riencc. neat, rapid, accurate and thor-
f.,,.)' rlfal.l,- enn asslxt with bookkeep-
(t o.d references. Miss H. Main 7i"I.
Yol Nvi lady wants position aa bookkeeper
and stenographer; experienced, hell wood
8TENOC. RAPHER and bookkeeper desires
. ....nine,. a-rnerlnced- OOd ref-
.rentes. . C nil m sin .ftja.
SALESWOMAN In suit department;
character, ability, capab.e fitting
garment sold. Phone In at C 1291.
erenes. .C Hi M sin 7rtO.
EXPERIENCED sunographr desjres posi
tion for forenoon, rnona jiaia imhi,
AM ess ma aera.
WANTED Situation, by German woman,
plain sewing or mending in private fam
ily. Phone Bellwood 100. or t &, Ore
gonian. LK.-MIAKINf.. waists $1.2- P : d ressea,
(3 mo up---OJaln 41JU, Apt. S. CaU morn
M K-S. DAVIS, dressmaking, work guaran
teed; reasonable pneoa. 3t0 Madison. Mala
FIRST-CLAfiS dressmaker would like more
uay work or work at borne; references
17 Webster st.. C 1M7. m
FiKST-CLASS dressmaking done t boms;
prices reasnaulo. Main 622J-.
FIRST-CLAPS dressmnklne; done reaaona
bio. Phone Main 4o-7.
DKEMAKIM!, l-dl.s' or chliJren's work.
ty n.iy. .M'tin vv. iq
LADY wants plain sewing to do at home.
L, 0.-a. KJ re.uinan,
REHPONHIBLE lady will com to your
home or hotel caring for children or semi
Invalids at any hour day or evening.
Phone Main blo5, A 6054.
PRACTICAL or Infant's nurse wants case.
P h o at E. &M7. ..
Xl'KSE. experienced, charge stck. Invalid,
1 n f an t . c 1 1 y.Cal if om la. A 4775. M n t n
Kr:rEREN'ED nurse dilres care of Infant
url'-r year. Main -i ' 3., A 4775.
LADY w 1th experience would Ike charge
of apartment houo or m housekeeper;
fod location more essentia, than salary.
ii one A 6 1 d3 .
WANTED Position by middle-aged German
woman ss hnusekepr; good cook; old
coup or w. dower s fami.y preferred, in
su. urban home. East 62 ol.
LADY desires position ss housekeeper for
oi.e or tn re gentlemen; references re
Q'utred. Cell K. fc'.64.
huust keeper for widower or bachelor,
v ol:i womnn. Call mornings. i&2
,anders.Maln bl -3.
KI NED mlvidie-aKed widow would Moep
uf lor ;aoer wun cnnu. - o. vi--
oninn. ,
PERI ENCKD iedy would like ros!loa
houat-keeuer. 4ni Monroe, tati i.
PEUIENCEP woman wftuts work by day.
ne East 62!.
io meet Ice.
1 i;iENCED alrl for general housework,
lai cooking, -b Michigan ftve.. cor. ha-
KVKil AN 1m dy wants position as cook
r p-Iate finlly. Call E. QOi.4.
Mi sceliao so us .
WANTED A IS-year-oId Japanese girl de
sires a position In a refined family; op
portunity to learn cooking, sewing ant
Encllah more Important than wages. Ad
rtress a. A.. 22 Everett St.. city.
YOl'NO lady attending business college de
slr s to work for board and room after
ecn l. Call or address H. D. B.. Com
monwealth b!dr . .Sixth and Anker.y ats.
YOL'NG woman Swedleh would like days
woii;, wasnlng and ironing or take care
of c.illuren. E. Lac do. Phone Main 0oL
428 Bnrnslde St.
HEFIN'ED. good-appearing saleslady now in
employ wishes to change; experienced In
Tarlous lines; can sell anything. P SOL
W A.N TED By German lady, speaks German
and French, a situation as chambermaid
. ur seamstresa Address G. bisters of
Mercy. North 16th.
WOMN via' work for Wednesday and
Thursday, all day. 2Sc hour. Phone A
3UV2. ,
EXPERT sclad ranker and renoral cook de
al -es position, permanent or as ca teres;
references. Telephone Main 533.1.
Vrione Tnbor 7I.
wants day work.
EX PERI E.N C ED womsn with little boy
wants cooking or housework bsi Thur
man st.
BAT KS WOMAN in ault department; good
rharacur. abllltv: capable of biting each
garment sold. Phone in at G 1S13.
57 FTTriS, I.ADIE3AGENCY Chamber
ma ds watres-cs. cooks, "second girls,
nurVes. 2.'.:tv lder. Main 2031. A 4775.
EI EuIENCED woman, washing, cleaning.
'youTig woman, lutchen helper. Main 2uJl,
A 477.V
GERMAN woman desires family cooking, 40
up. Main 2u.P. A 477V
cTR TAIN-- li.undercd right; price right.
E.M'r r.lK""Kr lr undress wish-
"rhone M-t :,--,. B ai'JX P.
Ishes day work.
oom 7n.
W.-:.rvN w-i3h-s wrk : tct uay or a aa.t
diy. 1'hcr- Min 74tf.
BETTLED Eastern woman wishes position,
chl d s nure. C P2. Oregonian.
RELIABLE Eastern girl withes second
work. C 3'X Or-'tonlio.
LADY wants dv work. Phone A " ".24. Ask
2 GERMAN glr: w ant g-ne: ; house work;
r-r-r-m-e A rar. i.'sO N. E. 24ih su
yTTvi Udv wh's position In doctors or
dert st s offi e. 11 046. Oregonian.
TWO c,rl wis'.i general housework ; flat
.-Aerred. Phone East 47H.
M IDDLE-Ai.E D :n' -'its woi k by day or
Lour, .'hone Main Sola.
M i see1 1 ia n eo us.
EV.'EUISH girl wish
i.:r'.. oi to do Irnui
t..: :lon as socoi.d
ork in s:.i;i.l fn:nily.
t-T-' Yatighn Ft,.-n jr -1
WOMAN wants d..y work; experienced. W2
W:!.lams av. C 1:13. M.S. Braay.
GERMAN gtrl Is looking for boutewurk. 603
N. ii4x au t
WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou
pons. Boton :udio. 842 Wash, st.
A GOOD typ v.n;r by the mouth , jinust be
ch-p. X ."-43, Oregonlsn. f
MODERN 4-room house or fiat, with or
w.lhout furniture, close In. West tsloe.
preferred; no chl!urn. G 04. Ore
gon :i
RESPONSIBLE party desire to rent fur
nished fiat or modern house. West Side,
close tu; size no object. AR Ore
gon lan.
WA NTED Tw o hocckeepinc-rooma. West
Mde and central; cheap. Answer at once,
M r..M. Orfy ir.ian.
KM)n With Hoard.
WANTED By ft young man, room and
board in private fmi.y of young people
ot East Fide: state price, with two meals
only. AL 54rt. Oivsor.ian.
LADY employed desires room and board for
herself aid 2-year-old child; also cara of
child during day; must be flrst-claa -Phone
Main 452 ".
WANTED By young man. room and board
In private family. n-ar Multnomah Club,
sleeping porch preferred; reference ex
changed. B 639. Oregonian.
OFFICE man with good moral references
d1rs good room with board, private
house; etnttf particulars and rate. D 6-7,
Oregonian. -
WANTED Room wltb hoard In private
Preach family. L 5."i4. Oregonla-.
lurol-lied ilooius.
SOW OPEN- now open: now cpen:
Tnit tnreo bau'.fui furnished hotels.
tU 4th St. 2ilis t IVT's 4th St.
On Fourth t., running from 'A' ay Mr
f slnion au; brand new brick, eltganty
furnished, strain heat, private batns. hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respeats. and st popmar
prices. If you want something out of ths
ordinary. In the neart ot tno city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like it- Room by the day, week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Residential. 300 Taylor. TrmiulMt,
Bet. 7th and Para Sta
Opposite Hetlig Theater. Central, ruiet.
Rooms from 76c daily, with privat battw
from $1 dally; special weekly and montnly
rates; suites. New, handsomely fur
nished brick; elevator, telethon, hot and
coid running water. From Union Depot
J" cer to Ta lor or "W" car to ita;
from Hoyt-street Depot. "S" car, nmtmr
on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2-uu.
THE CORDOVA HOTEL, llth and Jeffer
i,ii sts.; new brick building. Just com
pleted, over 60 rooms, ail with private tel
ephone, steam heat, hot and cold water,
many with baths; newly and splendidly
furnished. This hotel will cater to the
home-loving, permanent tenants and will
make every effort for the comfort and
pleasure of its guests; rents the most reas
onable, considering furnlshlni,s and equip
ment In the city. Now open for Inspec
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick oulldlng. steamheat
d private hatha hot and cold water la
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. Csll and see ua
Regular and transient trade solicited.
bAKGENT HOT En. corner Grand and Haw
thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath; hot
and cold water, steam beat and private
pnone In every room; moU-r.Lt weekly or
monthly rates; griil in conectioa; transi
ents solicited.
One block from Union Depot; 140 out
side rooms with hot and cold water and
steam heat; offors special rates to perman
ent guests; rates 5-C to 12.00 pur day;
1J.50 and up per week. Phone Main
87 S East Bu i nside.
130 modern stoam-h'-at ea rooms, close
in, hot and cold running water, rooms
sii'iff'.o or en suite, rooms wit U private
bath, rates BOo to $l.ou per day; f2 to
f; per week, -ast Jiat.
THE PEEK HOTEL. East 3d and Burnslde;
new fireproof bulldinx. su am -heated, hot
and coid water and phone In alt rooms;
private baths, lobby and parlor; elevatur
service; rdei w-.
stents solicited. Pi
pnone East 17L
That quiet, select family hotel, at 71t
Waihlngion St., near 22d; nicely fur
nished outside rooms wi:h private bath
and phones; board If desired. Main 8661.
1034 Twelfth St. Marshall 2700.
In heart of business district. Bteam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone la every
room. II day and up; 4 week and up.
THE P.EGENT. 151 Seventh st. ; beautiful
rooms, right dowa town; Ideal location
lor parties staying tn town for business
or pleasure; rates very reasonaoit, by day
or er K. a to ..
HOTEL REN WICK An ideal home for
busu.esa people; centrally located; elegant
rooms all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor si.. 1 block from Portland Hotel.
opposite Hell: g Theater. M aln Witt.
12th and Washington.
Any room In the house for 15 a wssfc
and nothing extra for two In ft rooxa;
tnorougmj t
FURNISHED light rooms; hot
t.r and bath, electric l;?l.t;
End of 2od-st. carllne, 2 bloc!
hot and cold wa
il, t; Si ucr woik.
End of 2od-st. cariine, diocms iiurintru t ,
North Portland Hotel.
TH E PAKfiH, 2fiT. 4 6th st. ; nicely fur
nished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold
witter In all rooms; speclnl ra trs to per
manent atransjeritTajJe
"LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suites or in
ale $2 and $2 week: five minutes walk
to "theater and store; free phone. Lla-
dell Hotel.
New management, strictly respectable,
front roo.nv and ".."u.
NFWLY turiiisii-tl room, 10 n.m. walk fiom
P t.. - and $ a week. 6S3 4 Woahlng
- ton et.. betivcen 15th and lo;h.
N EWI.Y furnished rooms; also one house
keeping BUll.-. 3
THE Larrabee. 27 Larrabee; under new
management; modem; transient; doss In.
the HAZEL Nicely furnlahed rooms
moderate prices, cor. 3d and Montgomary.
"FnrnTsiied Roems In Private Family.
CLEAN, quiet. wel.-furnl.ieii room for
gentleman; furnace heat, electric light.
bath, telephone. i( Harden it
LARGE airy, newly furnished rooma hot
and cold water, batfe telephone; an Ideal
pUce. I8214thst:. N. m
EOT water heat, new, fine furnishings;
front rooms; teiii, v..
1S1CELY furnlahed rooms to renL 687 Hoj-t
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, sult-
.nble for two. li7 llth st.
.0 WEEK, neatly furnished rooms wun
bath. 2-4 Jitn.
DOUBLE sleeping room. nlceiy furnished;
all conveni---ncc. Hd Eila st. C-all evening!.
FL RN IS H ED room. $6 per month. 67 ..
1 uh st. Davls and Everett.
PiTe SANT south room; walking distance;
modern. 4i Et Ash. IIione B 115.'..
'l i Well-f ui uiah. d ruoius, 1 warm porch
room, cheap. 211 P-tii st.
Ft" R N I S H E D f ron t room I u modern f laL
Cy.l Glisan. near 21st st.
KooMS J7 to S2-". In modorn prlvute home.
4li Park st. Phone Main S327.
I'tKAS A.N T small room, w alking dis- :l -th. Vain 3.12.
664 GLISAN fcT., bright front room, furnace
heat, walking distance, gas, bath, phone.
FRONT room ; hot and coid water, large
closet. 1-J 17th. corner Morrif-on.
WEi"l furnished, new carpets, walking dis
tance. 2'J Halsey st near WlUla-a ave.
gii i e bedroom for gentlemen, per
month. 414 Salmon St.
fl.r.O PER we-k. smalf nttic room for gen
tleman; mod ern house. 254 12th.
LAR' L room, ill conveniences, no other
roomers, small private family. laln ftou2.
NICE furnished room; IlRht. heat, bath; $6
mon:h; gentlemen. 26 1 Faro. U car.
FURNISIiEDsleeplng room. Jl.f-O a week.
Hi First, cor. Strk, room 2.V
BE A UTi FULI-Y furnished rooms In good
nome; references. 73S Johnson st.
LAKoo. pleasant
i.uttM bath. 713
roo-n. stea ti heat, f lrst-Jor-nson.
fiat 2.
ROOM, e.iltaoio for
w ater. heat, phone.
one or two. running
bath. 2-i" oth su
NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentle
men. Hi 13th St.. cor. Alder.
WEEK, nice outside room, bath, heat,
aalking dlstanoe. 42 &t
LARGE, nicely furnished sunny room In
hlh-class modern apartmsnt; 13 min
utes' walk to P. O.; gentlemen only. Apt
404. The Dezendorf. ltith and Tay.or. e
guarantee this to suit.
BEAL'TIFI'L furnished front room and al
cove; fine location, close in; new. strictiy
modern private apartment; suitable, for
one or two gentlemen; references re
quired, phone bafore 1 P. M. or after 6.
Marshall S:i45.
NICELY furnished front room for 1 or 2,
wlthT or without breakfast; piano, g".
bath; very fine, sightly location. No. 6.0
LARGE warm room, hot and cold water,
comfortable sleeping porch, separate bed.
for gentlemen; fine location. West Park
Main ckw.
A NICE front room on ground floor, with
board in private home for two gentlemen
or ladles, reasonable. 760 Lovejoy St.,
near 23d.
2C4 12TH-
Tri?M j v
room for one or
two; two beds if desired; modern house,
plenty of hot water; cheapest and best;
waiKing distance. w
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In thor
oughly modern home, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. 11 East Bin st. Phone
East 143.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. $2 per
up. In modern dwelling, some equipped
for four people, very close-in location. 6o5
r itauen , lie r j-u.
NICELY furnished room In family of two;
steam heat; 6th and Montgomery, Apt.
6. phone Marshall 18S4. Kent reason-
NICE quiet room, with light, heat and
water. In residence section of city; one
block from car; single room or suite. 432
Mill st., corner 1-th. Phone A 74S3.
FURNISHED room, with porch; all con
veniences and privacy; In new apartment
Apply No. 44 Claypool Apts,, llth and
Clay sts. .
NICELY furnished rooms, electric light,
bath, phone, $2.50 and $3.00. 807 Jeffer
son st. .
ELEGANT 2-room suite, private bath, rea
sonable; also other room, modern. 26 N.
lVth st. .
8-0 SALMON ST.. large front room, suit
able two. three; strictly modern; private
home. '
NICELY furnished front room, $12 for one,
$15 two gentlemen; board near. 715 Hoyt
st., corner of 2 2d st.
E TEAM-HEATED, furnished room, bath,
phone, electric lights. aa. C65H GUsan
strest. . -
WOULD like to rent to young men. 3 newly
furnished rooms, with home comforts.
631 Columbia st.
6S0 HOYT ST. Well furnished light and
attractive rooms; take S or 16th -at. car.
Phone Marshall 1Z6H.
VERY nicely furnished room with steam
heat and every modern convenience. 471
.eunriMu, iiv ,. - imu -v-.
VERY nicely furnished room for gentlemen,
modern conveniences, piano, walking dis
tance, $S per month. East 5-38.
Unfurnished Room.
APARTMENT wanted, furnished or unfur
nished, by capable man led woman, in re
turn for supervision and care of apart
ments; references. C r6a, Oregonian.
konti)- and Roara.
DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall,
cor 6th and Madison, Jarg- rooms, bath,
broad verandaa, quiet, cloee in. near car.
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
TiiE MAN1TOU 2rtl 13th. new manage
ment : thoroughly renovated ; Invlt.fl f
r o o ir.s : choice board. Main 11H4.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooms with board, use cf sewing-room. II
t re ry. MO Plandera F. N. Heath. aupL
PLEASANT room and first-class table board
In good location. C2 North gist.
THE CALVARD. 4T.2 Morrison, cor. 13th
J. arse, well lurnlsned rooms; modern.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
BOARD and room for one or two gentle
men In private family; modern home and
rice neighborhood; walking distance. 4S9
East DavU bet. 9th and 10th sts. Phone
B 102 or East IS SO.
NEW front room, all modern conveniences;
a home with young couple; walking dis
tance, or one block to Sunnyslde car. 610
Eust Alder, near 15th st. Phone East 303L
QUIET, refined couple will share strictly
modern home, close In; no rooming-house ;
breakfast and dinner if desired. O 646,
ROOM In apartment, with dinner, for Jew
ish man; references. Main 7778, mornings
or evenings.
PLEASANT front room for two; fireplace,
phone, bath; cheap to neat employed peo
ple who carry lunch. -47 6th.
"W ANTED One or two little girls to board,
good suburban home, near school ; $10
month. X 60, Oregonian.
PLEASANT roo.n ar.d board for two young
ladles employed. 62S Holly sL, Ladds
DESIRABLE rooms, newly furnished, ex
cellent board near. 764 Hoyt. Marshall
CHOICE place for I or I young men; good
meals, new house. West Side, central, rea
sonable. Main 2219.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, fur
nace heat, bath and phone. U7 Mont
gomery st.
FOR KENT Modern 6-room apartment, 606
Flanders sL ; rent Apply Wakefield,
Fries & Co.. JB 3 Fourth St. r
$"2000 EACH, beautiful front room for two.
all new, modern conveniences. 88 17 th,
bt Everett and Flanders sts.
NICELY furnished front room with good
home board. 77 Glisan, nar 24th st.
FINE room with board in modern home,
-flieplace. furnace. .East SbflL
TWO large rooms, with firei-lace; also front
room with nlcove. Rhone Main 2071.
NICELY furnished room, home cooking and
conveniences. Phone 13 3'S7.
ROOMS for one or two. 6 blocks from Post
office. 225 West Park.
MODER N room and home board, $24 to $35.
178 Ella st.. South Side of Washington.
yOTTNO man of pood habits for roommate,
front room. Main 116..
FL" ilNT"HED room with board. Z20 llth
Phon a iohj.
ROOM and board for one two persons, rea-
aonaQie. aiuii:au ..-.
270 BL Clair: 2 nlce.y furnished H-roo
apartments and one unfurnished 3-roora
apartment; free phone in each apart nr.
SAN MARCO APTS.. E. Rth and Couch
New brick, steam heat, 8-room apts..
private baths and phones, $25 to $28. Call
E. 2751.
14th ana iay sia
Front corner, 4-room suite, wltb-vesU-buled
entrance; private bath and-phone;
on of the best In the city. Apply at onca
I and 4-room suite, elegantly lurnlshsd.
ttZ 2Uth st. lNorth. Pnone Main 4uS. t
Main 117
Washington; elegant new building, com
T. ete and modern; two sleeping compart-
v .1 -rlvntA Hlnnie
mem .m M . .
West tioe, f.neiy furnished apartments;
strictiy modern; .very convenience; easy
w ilking cL,feance. The Altamont.
rT Vi vtrEK Elegant five-room
Tit West Side, walking di
stance. r,m
n finable. Main 7741.
285 12th st.
THE MORTON Furnished and unfurnished
.partment. 67 Washington t.; both
it nones. :
"hOOI furnished apartment fancy home
in Piedmont; heat, water, light, phone
iScluded. Woodlawn.2S8S.
777 oOKi:N 0-room apartments; all con
venlences. ''V1 pnon
uorches. Main 4V30.
TTTTlFULLY furnished, three rooms, pan.
B nd oorch. steam heat and modern
rnveni--". -
vj - n Jeirerson a
;h7 BERYL, large room and closets; mod
T"it. eouipment. nice aeignborhood. biiS
y.v st.. near -ist.
DAVIS, corner .king od b.vj
, vuiiii uiwuur a ai"i-
onEONTA. if- - euiies.
hi a-id cold water in every apartin.ut;
noLrth'e. Phone Main 4687.
..1- a - a - n A I -
- .
i-HETOPA. ibtn ana - landers. 2. 8
r 4-room apartments, modern, furnisned
fcud unfiirnlsned. Appy to janitor.
' . -jwELECANT S-room furnished apart
mentT 125 Belmont- Tabor 176a, B 16o4.
A." 69 Washington street Steam
phone Marshall 461.
NEW 5-room nne. 61 East 15th, beautiful
.ration, couple fanm:r
Ti PELMS 1 and 3-rocm apartment, fur
n Uhed. 191 at- Main 8444.
jH-WCASTLE. 42 3d St., housekeeping
" Moaern apt.; Nob HiU du.t.
3 1 -3D Trinity i'.ace.
(1O0 feet north of Washington, one
block west of lyth street, 10 minutes
walk from Sin and Washing ;on.)
Under new management and thorottgh
ly ienovated, tinted, etc.; steam heat,
electric lights. Janitor s -srvice, automatic
elevator, private phonos and baths in
each apartment; two rooms and bath: $30
to $37.i0; three rooms and bath, $3.50
to $4.i; four rooms and bath. $10 to $60.
Mrs. V. O. Webb, manag-er. Apt. L
17T King Street,
Corner Wayne.
4. 5 and 6-room apartments, situated In
, the most select neighborhood in the city;
highest standard of tenancy maintained.
Apply on premises.
Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th
Just off Washington.
Just fin Is tied; most magnificent apart
ments on the Pacillc Coast, location ideal;
rentals reasonable; every modern con
venience; high-class service; references
required. Phone Marshall o02-
TH K BARKER, cor. lst and Irving sts.;
this new 4-story brick now open: fur
liished and unfurnished In 2. S. and 4-room
suites; recptlun hall, electric, automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds,
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of clrst room, both phanes,
vacuum cleaner free to patrona. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2931.
Thse eiegant 5-room unfurnished a part -met,
sttuuted !n the hrt of the city,
within 10 minutes' walk of the business
Apply on premises for reservations.
644 Everett St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; H rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic eltctrif elevator and
private Paciiic telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant nomes; walking dis
tance. .
THE AMERICAN, 2is: and Johnson sts.,
complete SepL 1 ; finest, brightest and
best arranged apartment residence In the
city; 5-room; all outside, daylight rooms;
convenient to cars, walking distance, pri
vate telephones in every . apartment,
steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigera
tors, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners,
etc Attendant on premises. Marshall 3360.
UjElNZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south trom Morrison street, new
brick building, completely first-class, fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steain
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month, $26. $30 and up.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
2 3, 4, 5-room apartments; elegant
ly furnished; walking distance; reasona,blfi.
22d and Wash. sts. phone Main 7130.
Thoroughly modern - -room unfurnished
apartmen ts, $20 ; 4 rooms, $25 : 5 rooms,
$30; this includes shades, steam heat, hot
and cold water, gas .anges. private Pa
cific telephones and Janitor service. Apply
on nremiscg.
MENTS, 410 Hawthorne ave.. near Grand
ave., b-and new brick bldg., now ready for
occupancy, 8 rooms, splendidly furnished
apartments with modern conveniences, on
'.he East Side, but closer in than most
apts. , vary reasonable rent and best of
service. --.
34 13TH ST.
4-ROOM vacant apartment, beautifully
furnished, private bath and strictly up to
date; easv walking distance and VERY
you want a nice, clean and respectable
place, be sure and see th Luxor, 324 13th
44 llth st., near College; Mt. Tabor car
west; 13 minutes' walk to P. O.; 4-story
brick, two and three-room suites; modern;
automatic elevator, dumb waiters, private
bath, phone and lock room for each apart
ment; laundry room, steam dryer. Both
phones. Marshall 57 . ,
519 Williams ave., corner Russell.
Newly furnished apartments and single
rooma thoroughly modern, very conven
ient location; two carllnes. For further In
formation telephone Mrs. Alice Venable,
E. 419, or Private Exchange 4. the Meier
& Frank Store's rental department, 4th
LUCRET1A COURT, unfurnished, a class
by themselves. Wee them. Lucretia St.,
near 23d and Wash.. 2 to 5 rooms, all
large. iiRht and outside; large closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free phones
In each apL Phone prop, and mgr. Mar
shall 152!. Janitor, Marshall 1500.
CUMBERLAND apts.. West Park and
Columbia tta; one 8-room unfurnished
and one 2-ro3m furnished aptmt. ; all
modern conveniences; choice location,
fronting the Dark; only 5 minutes walk
from the business district
SHEFFIELD APTS.. 7th and Jefferson sts.;
4 rooms, with bath, location unexcelled;
only 6 minutes' walk from P. O.; all out
side rooms, modern conveniences, very
reasonable rent. .
BEST apartments In the city; 6 outside
rooms, sleeping-porch, maid's room; wash
trays, gas ranges, refrigerators, heat, hot
water, telephone. Stevens Apartment 18I
A. Northrun at. Main ;5S.
89 firumi ave.. cor. East btark.
Vcely furnished two and three-room
apartments, modern, prices reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East 300.
FOR SALE Elegant furniture of a 8-room
apartment, completely furnished, reason
able. Cumberland Apts., Apt. 3i, cor.
West Park and Columbia. In tjulre of Jan
GARDNER apartments, corner of 13th and
East Ash very desirable 5 rooms, ail out
side fireplace; hot water heat, good loca
tion; everything first-class. Phone East
sts - best or service; desirable location,
with ui. excelled car service, also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., wun bath,
modern conveniences, very reasonable renU
TJNCOLV APTS.. cor. 4th and Lincoln sts.
romoletelv furnished two-room apartments
for hous'eeping: new and modern; house
lust ouened; walking distance: no chil
dren $25 to $30. Phone Main 1377.
PaRK. APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison
ais. beautiful ft and 4-room apartmenta
furnished for housekeeping; everything
cew sud modern; elevator; telephone !.;
g45 to DU.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly
modern, we challenge anyone to dupli
cate our prices. Marshall 13 1 3.
407 Hall St.
2 -room furnished apartments, atrletly
modern. Main 4298.
Hovt 4-room apartment with private bal
cony' very desirable and convenient in
every way and reasonable rent.
Parlt et., iur. ju .
Furnished 2 and 4-room apartmenta
Individual phones; con veulent.down.ow.
Columbia; 4 rooms with bath, unfurnish
ed convenient location, good service.
re as on able rcor.
the r KIN LET.
420 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, 3 and
I-rooin apartments, furnished up to date,
p r i v a te baths, moderate price, new m' g t.
.TaDDON HALL. 414 llth. cor. Kail, I and
4room apartment, furnisned and unfur-,s!..q-
private phone, bath and b&lcony
Porches. $50 up. Marshall 1171.
One modern 3-room apartment, newly
furnished; rent very reasonable. 706 Ev
erett et.
704 Lovejoy st. i
Beautiful two. three and four-room
apts.. furnished and unfurnished.
" Plats.
MODERN 6-room flat, 6th near Jackson.
West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or A 13.
2 FoUR-K -OM f iat3; sleeping -porch ; rent
$7.5o. S23 Northrup st. Main 32-5.
TWO modern 6-room flats. East ISth and
Ash sts. Phone B 2006.
FOR RENT Furnished 3-room flat, with
piano. Apply 6 Union ave.; rent $25.
PORTLAND HEIGHT3, 501 Davenport St.,
4-room nicely furnished fiat. $20.
pTp" rent 5-room flat, bath and furnace.
r,H Salmon. Key " S-Imon.
NilW rroaern 4-room flat and officn room.
" on Belmont st. Phone Tabor 23 7.
SWELL modern -room lower flat, adults.
7s 9 E. Yamhill, near 23d. Tel. East 54.
LOWER 4-room fMt, new, U carline, $20 per
month. East 4"v2.
6-ROOM. modern flat for rent. Tabor 1G36.
FIVE rooms and intli. strictly modern, in
K- lada-'-'s Addition; easy waiKins ais; lurs?e front and back porches, larce
attic to hang cothes in; rent $:o; corner
East u;h and Multnomah sts. No. 2oo East
6th North. Phone 2."N;t.
Will rent mv flat to responsible party
for the Winter; no small children; not :ur
nishert to rent, but a home. Call 315 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
E. 2STH AND Stark stsTll and 5-room flats,
new. modern, convenient, fias rane. lin
oleum in kitchen and bathroom, Pr
month. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 4i4 Wil
cox bldg.
AN attractively furnished 6-rocm new mod
em flat with Kara wood floors and fire
place in one of ;ho most exclusive neigh
borhoods in Portland; references required.
Mix A: Mursh, 12uS eonbldg
FIAT. 4 rooms and bath, unfuenished, $22.
or furnished, including gas for cooking.
$32: nicely arrange.:; good outlook. 00 3
Montgomery, a .
4 and 5 rooms, sirictlv modern, reason
able rent; U cars. 1058 Cleveland ave.
Phone Woodlawn 2295. .
FOR RENT Two fiats, 5 rooms each, in
new stone building, with private garage,
on Division atree;, near 40th. Inquire at
T'S' Third st. m
NEW IRVINGTON FLATS 5 and 6 rooms,
modern conveniences. private basement
and attic Frederick M. Dempsey, Marshall
FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, with bath.
c:cse in. East Side. Rent $23. including
water. Call S2Q Ross st. Telephone E.
8710. Main 2114.
ABOVE 2d, fashionable district, lower flat,
thoroughly modern, garage, furnace, two
fireplaces, large, airy rooms, lawn (own
er cares for. Inquire 772 Kearney.
NEW HOLLADAY Add. flats, 5 and 6
rooms, modern, convenient, separate b-tse-meiu
and attic. Frederick M. Dempsey,
Marshall 321.
FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 782 GHsan street; new
building, hardwood floors, fireplace, gas
range, waterheater, furnace, etc; $32.50.
Keys at flat. Morgan, YUedner & Boyce.
$10 NEW flats overlooking beautiful Pen
lnsuiur Park, light, airy; sleeping porches;
near Jefferson High; public school. Pal
mer & Hill. 152 Killings-worth ave.
FOR RENT 5-room furnished flat In Irv
ington; all modern conveniences; sleep
ing porch. Phone Sellwood S4S.
U N F URN 1 8 H E Df lat. 4 rooms, hall and al
cove, rent reasonable, modern. 346
Montgomery. .
CENTRAL West Side, furnished flat, fire-
lace, porch, batn, reasonauie. o-.
MODERN B-room flat. Lovejoy. bet. 23d and
24lh. $30 month. Vanduyn & "VValton. Bl.
Cham her Commerce.
4-ROOM fumlsheJ flat with sleeping porch;
partlea golne Soutlu Trinity Place apts.
Ktferences required. P 6"6. Oreeonlan.
4- KOOM upper corner flat, strictly modern.
177Va Green ave., near 23d and Wash.
. Main 6D8M. .
NKW modern 5 or 6-room upper fiat rea
sonable; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen,
etc. 64 East 19th St. North.
SIODLRS flat, 6 rooms and bath. 733 W
Hoyt st.. near 21!d. Apply 130 6th su
Main 627S. .
MOUliRN. 6 rooms, large attlo, one bloclc
from West Bide Hlt'h School; rent, 40.
Inquire 175 loth St.. corner YamhilL
5- ROOM well-located flats; modern .very
respect: near two carllnes; rent $18. East
B731. :
6- ROOiI modern flat. 3SS 7th. Imjulra 861
14th. Fhona A -4973.
MODERN upper rive-room flat. Inquire 468
Park Bt.
SMALL 4-room flat. 347 Russall St. $11;
water cald. C 1318.
Hoiisekeepluc Rooma.
WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, room. -7-room
cottage. $27.50 month; another 4
rooms, U7.50; 4-room lower furnished
flat. J18.U0 month; suites, two furnished
housekeeping rooms. $3. 10, J12 a month;
3 tlb 304 26th North. W car from depot.
6th. west on Morrison to 26th, blk. north.
THE BEAVER. " 12th and Marshall; fur
nished f"r housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lifhta, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
115 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city for the money; short distanc.
trom Union Depot. Take "S" or leth-.u
rars north, get off at Marshall st. No doga.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
light and pleasant: all conveniences; very
reasonable. 2UUV Sixteenth N. Lnder new
8.r.0H Morrison St., cor. Park.
Furnished or unfurnished apartmenta,
.levator, steam heat and all conveniences.
1100 TO $2.50 WiEK; clean, furnl.had
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, rleafi line... heat. 406 Vancouver
ave. and 2C3 Stanton; taKe C car.
461 EAST-Morrison, cor. East 6th, com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonablo. .
ONE nice clean housekeeping room fur
nished; very reasonable. Btepuhenson
Court. E15 Mill t. Main 5110. .
THE AMHCKST Nicely furnished hous.
keeping, also sleeping rooms; terms rea
sonable. 4Ui:A "3"""ituu "
Ktrw TORK 7th and Belmont New brlcJC
building, furnished and unfurnished apts..
,louif: steam heatj wa;klngdi.tanca.
TWO nlcelY furnished housekeeping roomi;
no children. 469 hi Washington at.
HOUBEKEEPINO room, in new concr.t.
hlrte- Phono Woodlawn 2997 or lit.
Housekeeping Koo.ns tn Private Family.
NEWZ.Y furnished housekeeping rooms, sin
gle or en suite. In modern dwelling, fur
lace heat, phone, bath central Ration
three blocks from Washington. 653 Flan
IN A private, modern, steam-heated house,
a alee "furnished room, with the privilege
of using dining-room and kitchen for
housekeeping; walking distance. Apply 93
E. 12th st. N.
fiVi"LY "furnished and unfurnished house
keeping rooms; private phones free; hot
nd TSm. running water; beautiful view.
a NEWLY papered and painted furnished
housekeeping rooms: sink. gas. electricity,
very convenient. 214 Grand ave.. 8. E.
corner bast Anxeity.
SUITE of two lovely connecting rooms; gaa
range sink, free phone, sewing machine,
water heater (newly furnished); walking
adults. 33-1 Park st.
$20 3 completely furnished
' mm., for 2 or 8 adults; desirable sight
ly location; bath, gaa range; no furnace.
No. 673 E. Main.
ECONOMICAL, cozy and warm; 2 furnished
housekeeping-rooms. T. bath, gas; handy
Vo Steel and Broadway bridges. 248 Broad
wav. near Vancouver ave.
LARGE front room and small kitchen for
housekeeping; well furnished; 16. all
Main st-. bet. Eth and 6th.
MODERN, beautifully furnished home, elec-
"rrY, light gas, furnace, 2 large front
$20. to refined couple. East 82f,0.
T aRr.E light housekeeping room, with
. - . . n.n listh fiiTnan.
kitcnenette. b. ;-" x
heat. 440 Jefferson, cor. 12th.
122 THREE nice, clean well furnished
housekeeping rooms, bath and phone,
Main 0945.
VERY desirable connecting housekeeping
rooms: no children; walking distance. 447
Market St. .
iiRgE well-fumlshed two-room suite, gaa
range! bath, phone, etc, $24 per month.
812 C QIUfT.D.T, ncai p.".
and sleeping rooms; mod
al. :
sirseu ,
NEWLY furnished 8-room suite, bath, gas,
laundry, phone, no objection to child, $20.
. 825 East Sjtark.
TWOROOM suite In modern flat, free
phone, gae and heat, walking distance. 9o
17th st. N. Main -294.
TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, comfortable, convenient, reason
able. 262 14th.
4 FURNIriHED rooms, block from Haw
thorne, 2'J3 E. 6th st. Evenings only,
0:30 to 8. Rent 16.00.
"ysK large room with kitchenette, clean,
'pleasant, convenient; rent reasonable. 3
N. Vst st.
COMFORTABLE suite for light housekeep
ing, close tn; modern, reasonable. 29
Larrabee St. m
LARGE front housekeeping room with al
cove kitchen; Phone, bath. 163 North
lth st.
COM PLETELY furnished two-room, suite
and kitchen : walking distance. 429 Mar
Jet. A 40U6.
1 FROVT suite, heat and light. Phone
East 5576. 554 EMorrison, . cor. 13th.
HOUSEKEEPING room in modern, fine lo
cation, phone East 1!X. ,
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
clean. $3 and $4 per week. 4 3 4th iL
FURNISHED room, housekeeping or sleep
ing. - .NUri.ll I'tu. HC04 vi aoii.iisiuii,
PI K SANT front room for housekeeping;
gas, bath and phone 472 TayIor st.
THREE connecting houcek?ep.n5 rooms. 30
Kast 13th st. North. Phone B 1032.
FOR RENT 5 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, iic fi.i- - " ' "
TWO cozy front rooms for housekeeping.
275 N. 21st St. Main 2S00.