WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEIt 1911. V jmunnv XHIBITS r nun l TELL CARE OF TOTS Welfare Conference Opens To day With Address by Mrs. George McMath. PROPER CULTURE TAUGHT Display Show Work Being Done la Schools. lira! Ui Board and Hos pital Orjranlxallon Problem IMscasscd by Delegates. With th eel: Ins; to order of aelea-ates at 19 o'clock thl mornlns; In the Ar mory, the first Child Welfare Exhibit and Conference erer held In Oregon will be .opened to the public. Isle-a-ate to the conference will leather there at :!0 o'clock to roister and Mr. Georae V. JlcMath. chairman of the convention committee, will call the session to order. Rev. lwn!d A. Mac kmle will deliver the opening- prayer and the ad'iress of welcome will be riven by .Mra McMath. to be. followed by the roll call of state officer and delegates and the reading of the mlnutea and officer report. Mra J. 1. Pilllvan will ad.Iress the dera?e at 1:5 on "Where Shall We Find the H't Aid to Child StudyT he will be fallowed by Mrs. E. H. In hsm with an addrei on "The Benefit Thrived by Keeping- In. Close Touch With the station and National Work." Mr. R. II. Tate, president of the Ore iron Conirreea of Mother, will be the lt speaker of th mornlnar session, her subject beln "What I Tour Great et Problem In Parent-Teacher Circle Work T" Mayar t Hreak la Brest;. At the afternoon esslon which con vene at 1:10 o'cloak. Mrs. E. B. Col well will preside. Dr. U W. Hyde will peak on Social Hyiclene. W. T. Gard ner will speak on the work of th Girl and Boy" Aid Society and depart ment of the Juvenile Court will b presented by Mis Emma Butler, a pro bation officer. Pr. Bertha Stuart, of the Stat l"nlverlty, cheduled to speak thl afternoon, will not deliver her address until Friday. Musical number will b furnished by Mis Enna Wood and Mtss Klvl Mall. Th formal opening- of th Child vTl far Ehlblt will be mad by Mayor Kushllcht at th night eston which open at t o'clock. I- It. Alderman. Stat Superintendent of Public Instruo tlon. will then deliver an address, fol lowed by Mrs. Parah A. Evans, who will speak In behalf of the State Federation of Women's Clube. Vocal solo will be a-tven by Mra Fred Olson and Mis Ilphtn Marx. Prayer will b offered by Ir. Benjamin Young. nail Prvfjaratloa Raak4. Tetrday was a strenuous day for th exhibit management aa well aa th various organization who will main tain booth In th Armory. No booth could be erected there until yetrday mornlna; on account of tha drill which waa held by th Third Regiment Mon day night. Th member of the com mute on decoration wer. howvr. able to proceed with th decoration of th hall on Monday. o that practically all of that was don befor th build-In- of th booth waa undertaken. All day long yesterday the drill hall waa thronged with carpenter and committee getting th booth Into shapa. Th spar allotted for th ex hibits will b found non too larg ' when th doors ax opened this morn Ir.r . Th largest exhibit Is that of th Tortland publlo schools Itoccuple th ntlr north wall of th building. Th display consists of drawings, man ual training equipment and produots of th sewing classes Th we.t side of th building will be occupied by th booths of th Health Board. Visiting Nurse" Association. -h!ld Hygiene and Pental Hygiene. Th Health Board exhibit will how th proper cara of milk; how It I teted; how to car for th bottle: how milk should b prepared for young children. Maay Exhibit IMaee. Th Visiting Nurses Association will show what I being don by that or ganization In cartng for th lck and helplesa. Th exhibit of th dental hygiene department will demonstrate the work that Is dons In th publlo school In caring for th teeth of school children. The south ld of th drill hall will be occupied by th Audubon Society and Human Society. Next to these will b the exhibit of th Publlo Li brary. In the booth adjoining will b sh.wn the work of ths V. M. C A. The system of gra.led lesson In the Sunday school will be hown by screen In the booth of the Prlmsry I'nlon. Others who will be represented by booths along the south wall will be the Neighborhood House. V. C T. II, peoples' Institute and "lowr Mission and Pay Nursery. Th east and of ths building will b occupied by th playground Aocla tlon with an exhibit of apparatus show ing a model playground. The spac In th center of the hall Is to bs used for drill under th upervllon of Profes sor Robrt Krohn and choruses of children. FILMS PROVE STOCK GAIN Fatem Merchant Eager to Have Pictures Shown There. Since announcement In Th Ors gonlan that the livestock Interest of iregon had arranged with th Orpheum Theater management for running th movlng-plctur film showing th llve s'ock parade at th fcalem Stat Fair, t?-. management of th Harrlman line In thl city tasve been besieged wlta rrquewt to hav tha picture shown In ther cltle In th stat. Salem mer-i-hanta ar particularly anxtoua to se cire th film. Th films will b a better advertise ment for th livestock IndJstry at th Chicago Land Show than any of th .-imili that will b ent on." ald t. II- i ootlu after viewing th picture last j niaht. Exhibitor from thl tat always hav entertained th feeling that Ore ' gon cou'd not compt wtn oiner tate. W have been told that only on or two localities could b consid ered aa tock-rallng center, and w hav been unable to prov ths con trary through distribution of litera ture. W aer prohibited by th ex pense of the trip from making larg and diversified xhtblta These picture will put sn everlasting crimp In uch rruments from resident of other Western State who will b on th ground and a ho will b talking Just a hard for thlr communities a Oregon men will for this state. "Th hard exhibited at Salera wer from almost every part of th state, and collectively constituted tha finest Jutwlas X bass asrag stea e and one that will stand comparison 7 with ur ahow held aaywher In tha East. -They make It plain that the Tarx best breeds of horse reach perfection at thl altitude and In tha climate of this stat. and no batter argument could b advanced than th exhibits from the Bonaday stock rarm or i burg, and th fancy draft animals lm- 1 ported for bettering th strain of blood In very county In th state. W hav tha bet heep. bcaue th Cot- ; wold group now haa the champlonhlp of the world, and the hog hown In th picture will com mighty near demonstrating to homeseeker In th East that Oregon Is an Ideal plac for ( them. "Thee picture are, tha ftrt of a ; series which th American LlfeogTaph Company will be engaged to produce showing the industrial development of Oregon. The routing of the livestock pictures can be obtained from th pub licity department of th Harrlman line by any Oregonlan who desires to help the state, and I suggest that such person first rlw thes picture and then writ their friends In th section where they will be shown. By that meana we will keep them talking about Oregon." N. C. Marl, member of the Stat Fair Board. Is lecturing on th picture at . Medallion Portraits Given Free With $10.00 Purchases-Shoe-Shining in Basement Special 25c Dairy Lunch in Basement Ice Cream Parlors, Candy Dept., in Basement ..:'V"-:.J: 1 -urU t . v. V ' I Mra. George W. McMstk, ae Will Call Child Welfare t'oa ferear t Order Today. each afternoon and evening perform ance. They will b withdrawn after Sunday night. Y. M. C. A. COURSE TO BEGIN First M ex-tint; In Social Berries Series la to Be Held Saturday. Portland business and professional men will gather In ths auditorium of th T. M. C. A. next Saturday noon for the first meeting of a social serrlos that has been arranged by R. R. Per kins, religious work director. Th meetings are free and open to all men. Every Saturday until December 1 a dlsousslon of some Important prob lem will be held at luncheon from llrlf to 1:16 o'clock. Registration card for ' th course hav been sent out to a larg number of business and professional men. Oth- ra may register with Mr. Perklna at th T. M. C. A. The general topto to be considered Is stated In tha an nouncements as follow: "Is th ap plication of tha principles of Chris tianity an adequate solution tor th complex social and Industrial problems of modern llfeT If not. what Is?" Th subjects and lssdera for ths meeting follow: November "Christ lenity and th Social Evil;" loader. J. I. November 1 1 'Vhrltlanlty aad th goota! Evil" (continued s leader. Dr. William House. Novemb.r It "Christianity aad Medsra Industry." leader. Alfred Crldgs. Novsmber IS "Christianity sad afodera Industry" teontlnu.d: leso'.r. W. H. Uwlt l.inber I "l-hrlstlanlty aad Modern .!.!... i.i.r Judit CI. land. einbr "Christianity and Modern Political" leader, w. ). acsleeton. Wc.itiber 1 "Thrtstlaolty aad tbe Mod ern Church;' leadr. Hev Albert Eh not. l..-imtr si "Christianier and the Mod ern Cnuroh :" leader. H. R- Psrklaa. Albany Child Breaks Arm. A LB A NT. Or.. Oct. II. (Special.) Both arma of Naomi Ruth, th S-year-old daughter of T. J. Ruth, of this city, wer broken today Just above the wrist. Th fracturea resulted from a fall ovr th banister of a stairway. weeping compound and floor oils of all kinds. Piummer Drug Co, 160 Third .ireel Main !:. Careless Treatment Ruins Complexion (From Woman's National Journal) Wrinkles and other telltale marks of advancing or prematura age, ara fre quently caused through tha xclv us of powdors and cosmetics, which clog porss and causs th surfao skin to grow sallow and ltfls. "Crow j feet." wrinkle and other complexion faulta can be mad to vanish quickly, by massaging a plain mayatona lotion Into th akin until It disappears. To Disks the lotion, dlssolv a small original . package of mayatona In a half-pint of witch-hazel and It Is ready. Using this gradually removes wrinkles and blemishes and leaves tha skin soft, smooth and exquisitely beautiful. Ths mayatona lotion Is splendid for removing- pors obstructions, aad pimple, as well aa to discourage hairy growth Act. CASCARETS INSURE IaSIDE cleanliness Tke salllloaa af Casearet Save Headache, C'oaatlpattoa, BU loasaeaa r Mrk etoamaca. It Is mors necessary that you keep your Bowels. Liver and Stomach clean, pure and fresh than it Is to keep ths sewer and drains of a larg city tre from obstruction. Are you keeping clean inald with Casearet or merely foreleg a passage way every few day with salts, cathar tic pllla or castor oil? This la Impor- , lant. Cascarsts immediately clean a and regulate the stomach, remov th sour, undigested sod fermenting food and foul gases? take th excess bll from th liver and carry out of th stem th decomposed waste matter and poi son In the Intestines and bowela No odJ how badly and upset you feel, a Caicnret tonight will straighten you'out by morning. They work while you sleep- A 10-cent boa from your druggist will keep your entire family feeling good for months. Don't forget th children their little Inaldo need a eSood, aaU cleansing. 1 s. Wort maim m 6Hrfly Sales lOtolil M SPECIALS rs EC A.M. In. the 'Basement Again we greet our patrons one of our popular "Hourly Sales." Prices are reduced in erery instance to the lowest level. We will not quote meaningless figures. vnnr cnarantee of low nrices. This VLLL UtXO U ICUIU VI w j - j o A . t C Jl . T.J1 L ill T") J sale embraces all clean mercnanaise 01 From lO to 11 50c Fancy NecKwear 8c From 10 to 11 A. XL Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A sale of hundreds of pieces of women's dainty neckwear in jabota, Dntch col lars, stocks, etc; also maline and velvet bows; all good, new styles; worth 25o to 60o each ; take O your choice of this lot at, each Q C Men's 25c Sox the pr 15c From 10 to 11 A. M. Today, in the Basement. A one-hour sale of men's fine cashmere Socks, medium weight, made of fine wool yarns, in black and gray colors; a complete range of sizes in this lot; actual 25-cent 1 C grades ; special, the pair X O C Boys 25c Hose for 15c From 10 to 11 A. M. Today, In the Basement. A sale of boys' heavy rib bed cotton Hose, with seamless feet, with double heels and toes; fast, stain less black; sizes 7 to 10; our "J g regular 25 o grades ; special IOC Women's 3.50 Shoe $2.29 From 10 to 11 A. M. Today, in the Basement A sale of women's Shoes in patents and gunmetals, lace or but ton styles, cloth or fine kid tops; all new, fresh stock, new ! O OQ short -ramp lasts ; rpl aw s J Curtain Ends Each 29c From 11 to 12 A. M. Today, in the Basement. A one-hour sale of manu facturers' samples of Curtains, 2 to 6 of kind ; good useful lengths ; sam ples of curtains which sold regularly at $5 to $10 a pair; '""JOQ 600 to choose from ; special J C Extra! From lO to 12 $5.00 Hat Shapes 50c. From 10 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Basement. A sen sational sale of Women's Dress Hat Shapes in the felt or velvet; black and oolors; small, large and medium shapes. Positively the very best values you have ever had an opportunity to choose from. Nothing in all Portland to compare with J" f them. Values to $5.00 for two hours atUVC the highest quality. Read every item: JlV,X CA a JL X W . . f $10.00 Hats for $1.95. From 2 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A two-hours' sale of Women's Trimmed Hats, of beautiful color combinations to please every taste; hats for street or for semi-dress wear. We advise you to be here at the stroke of the gona:, as it is doubtful if they will last two d Q C hours; regular $5 to $10 hats; special P 1 c,7J fJ 4t to 5 p.m. A 5PRCllAfcSa ) om 4 to 5 I SPECIALS - j From 12 to 1 P. M. $10.00 Dress SKirts at Only $3.98 From 12 to 1 P. M. Today Shop by the hour; spend the day in our Basement Store. Here's a sale of 80 splendid Dress Skirts, grouped for a brisk hour's selling. Plain serges and Panamas in fancy mix tures, stripes and checks. All splendid styles and seasonable colors; regular $6.00 to(hQ Q52 $10.00 grades; special each, one hour P3a70 Men's $1.25 Sweaters for 55c From 12 to 1 P. M. Today, in the Basement Under price Store. Thrifty men will gather for this hour's sale of Sweaters. They are made of good, heavy, warm yarns in the gray color, trimmed in red and blue and finished in pearl buttons; the sizes run from 34 to 44, are regular $1.25 Sweat- gCr ers; specialized for this hour only &tJJiJ, 75c Carpet Slippers for Only 29c From 12 to 1 P. M. Today, in the Basement; a one hour's sale of Carpet Slippers for men, women and children; they are made of heavy plush with heavy carpet soles, in assorted colors and in a complete range of sizes; well made and comfortable, neat fitting slippers such as sell regular atOQ 75o a pair; specialized for this sale only tjC 75c Jewelry Novelties for 15c From 12 to 1 P. M. Today in the Basement Underprice Store. A sale of hundreds of pieces of fancy Jew elry, such as Hat Pins, Beauty Pins, Veil Pins, Belt Pins, Brooches, etc All new designs in this season's novelties and fads, which are regular at 1 f 25o to 75c ; this hour only at, choice lUC Shop by the Clock. Stay In the Store all Day. $1.50 Couch Covers Selling at 95c From 12 to 1 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprioe Store. A sale of heavy tapestry Couch Covers in a splendid selection of colors; reversible patterns, 60 to 66 inohes in width and full three yards in length. These eouch covers are our best regular Q J" $1.50 grades, bargainized for this hour at J O C From 1 to 2 P. M. Women's $10.00 Coats for $5.95 From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store, where thousands of thrifty people will gather to take advantage of these prices. Women's Long Coats, made of good, heavy materials, in black and a few gray mixtures, cut full and long, well made and plain tailored; very neet fitting; t C Q C regular $10 grades ; special, this sale (PQoiU $5.00 SilK Petticoats Selling $2.48 From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A sale of very good quality silk Petticoats, styled with deep flounces and dust ruffle and made of fine, soft-finish taffeta, with lustrous surface; perfectly dyed; black and a good j0 AQ range of colors; regular $5 grades tpL .tO Shop by the Clock. Stay In the Store all Day. $2.00 Lace Curtains for Only 79c From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement A sale which will bring many eager buyers to the store; fully 300 pairs of Curtains go in the lot; fine Not tingham Lace in a splendid range of new patterns; the majority are odd pairs, yet many 2 to 6 pairs of a kind; full size curtains, worth reg- 7Q ular $1.50 to $2.00 a pair; special this sale ( 7C 35c Dress Goods, the yd., Only 18c From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A great special in new plaid Dress Goods, light and dark colors, small, neat patterns for waists and children's dresses; economical mothers should, by all means, investigate this offer. The great price concession merits your early calL Bel O here when the gong sounds ; 35o values for IOC Boys' $1.00 Pants Special for 49c From 1 to 2 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store, we offer a sale of biys ' Knickerbocker Pants, made of heavy tweed materials, in neat dark pat terns; sizes 6 to 16 years. These pants AQk are well made and attractive patterns TT C Shop by the tJlock. Stay in the Store all Day. Fr 10c Buttons, 2 dozen, 5c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment. A sale of 1000 dozen pearl Buttons in several different sizes; 2 and 4-hole styles; all good, heavy, clear pearl buttons, suitable for many purposes; for women's or children's dresses, aprons, men's shirts, eto,; regular 10 cents a dozen; spe- "J cial sale this hour, 2 dozen O C 75c Kimonos for 59c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment. A one-hour sale of women's Kimonos, in the short lengths; made of fine quality flannelette in a splen did range of colors and new, neat patterns; neatly styled and trimmed; a full range of sizes; worth Jjft regularly 75o each; special U7C Pillow Cases for 9c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment. A sale of fnll bleached Pil low Cases in sizes 42x36 inches; made of heavy sheeting, hemmed, ready for use ; moet extraordinary Q bargains, for this hour only at J C $2.00 Portieres at $1.39 From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment. A one-hour sale of heavy tapestry Portieres, three yards long; splendid patterns in deep rich color ings; very good for conch eovers; regular $2.00 grades; Q OQ special for this sale, aj) x O S $1.00 Corsets for 53c From 4 to 5 P. M. Today, in the Base ment. A sale of three splendid styles of Corsets; made of good quality coutil, medium hip and bust; fitted with four supporters; 8'jes"II,0 18 to 27; regular $1 grades JJ C From 11 to 12 12c Embroideries at 5c From 11 to 12 A. AL Today in the Basement Underprice Store, we will specialize for a brief hour's selling a large quantity of splendid embroid eries, edges and insertions, In assorted widths and splendid patems ;- all good 12o qualities; special O C Women's 75c Gloves 19c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in' the Base ment Underprice Store. A sale of Golf Gloves for women, misses and children, hundreds of pairs, all sam ple lines, bought way under the reg ular prices; blacks and colors; worth 35c to 75 a pair; extra spe- n Qk cial sale for this one hour JL J C 45c Underwear for 27c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Base ment. A one-hour sale of women's Winter weight Underwear; vest and pants: extra good weight, fine close ribbed, with fine fleece lining; a full range of sizes; our regular 0"T 45c sellers; special at only su C 25c Bath Towels at 17c 11 A. XL to 12 Today, in the Base ment Store. A one-hour sale of heavy unbleached Bath Towels, in large sizes, full 22x44 inches, with hemmed ends: our best regular 25c sellers; special for this hour only; buy all-, y you want at this low price X C Men's Shirts at Only 39c 11 A. M. to 12 Today, in the Base ment Underprice Store. We offer a sale of men's black sateen and blue chambray Shirts, made of excellent materials, cut full in the body; sizes UVi to 17ya ; our best sell- OA ers ; special for this hour O J C From 2 to 3 P. M. $5.00 SilK Waists for Only $1.98 From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store- A sale of women's fine Silk Waists, in odd lines, plain tailored and fancy; the materials are rich taffetas in the lustrous finish and soft messa lines, in splendid assortment of good dependable colors, including black; all sizes; reg-(T 1 QO ular stock values to $5.00 for onlj J) JL 70 Women's Raincoats for Only $4.95 From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprioe Store. A sale of women's Raincoats, in the slip over styles: medium weight; made of fine rubber ized materials, in a splendid shade of tan and in a complete range of sizes. Good grades, sure to shed the rain. Ideal for morning, Q C shopping or motoring; special, each, 4)'eIJ Shop by the Clock. Stay in the Store all Day. 75c Fancy SilKs, the Yard for 43c From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement A sale of very beautiful, new messaline silks and fine soft chiffon taffeta silks in neat stripes and checks; only 84 bolts in the lot, but all different patterns; in the new, rich Fall colorings, suitable for waists, dresses, etc.; such silks as you would oon-y O sider a bargain at 75o a yard; special C Table DamasK, the Yard, for 39c From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement. An early Thanksgiving sale of 64-inch mercerized Table Dam ask; extra heavy, durable quality, all choice pat terns; suitable for household, restaurant or hotel use. This will afford an excellent opportunity to lay in a good supply. People who study OQ economy will take advantage; special, yd. J S C Outing Flannel Sale at 4c From 2 to 3 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A great sale of mill ends of Outing Flan nels of splendid quality; medium colors and neat check patterns ; they come in lengths up to 20 yards. Suitable for dressing sacques, kimonos, 1 pajamas, gowns, etc. ; speoial at yardTT 2 C From 3 to 4 P. M. Girls $3.50 Coats on Sale at $1.98 From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A one-hour sale of Children's Coats in the reefer style; made of good, heavy cheviot, in navy blue, brown and red; all well made and lined with good satine; sizes for girls from 2 to 6 years; the best and most extraordinary values at (T 1 AO this special -price for one hour only A itO $20.00 Tailored Suits for $10.95 From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement. A sale of 100 smart, new, tailored Suits, bought especially for the basement; materials are serges in black and dark navy, smart tweed mixtures in gray and brown effects; all beautiful, new models; well made and lined with good satin; with velvet collars or collars of self -material ; good $20 J " f suits; specialized for this sale' at p XJeSJ 50c SilK Poplin now on Sale 33c From 3 to 4 P. M. Today. Eager buyers will'welcome this offer of beautiful Silk Poplins, the most dur able of all silken fabrics. A cloth that will not slip, will wash and give perfect wear; standard width in black, cream and 20 different colors, for street or for evening wear; the best 50o QQ silk on the market ; special for this hour OOC Children's $1.25 Dresses, Only 69c From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A sale of splendid Dresses for Children; they are made of heavy pecales in neat checks and spot patterns; dark and serviceable colors, nicely made and trimmed; sizes 2 to 6 years; don't fail to see them; they are most extraordinary ?Q values; good sellers at $1.25 each; special OJ C 50c Waste BasKets for Only 21c From 3 to 4 P. M. Today, in the Basement Underprice Store. A sale of eplendid Waste Paper Baskets; all Indian-made, square and round shapes, in as sorted colors, light weight; very servicable, suitable for the office or for home use; regular Q1 50c values; specialized for one hour only Sasi JL C M SPECW jj From 5 to 6 Boys' $4.50 Suits at $1.98 From 5 to 6 P. M. Today, in the Base ment A 6ale of extraordinary values in Boy's Suits, made of dark tweed materials in neat patterns, well tail ored and lined; sizes to fit boys 11 to 17 years of age; d QQ regular $4.50 grades (j) 1 tVO Men's Underwear at 38c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today. A sale of men's heavy and medium weight fleece lined Underwear, shirts and drawers; gray or tan; very' closely woven garments; a complete range of sizes from 32 to 46; our Q Q best 50o sellers ; special J O C Boys' Sweaters for 39c A sale of boys' heavy Sweaters, in solid gray, and gray trimmed in red and blue, with 2 pockets ; finished with large pearl buttons; sizes 23 to 34. Our most popular sell- OA ers ; specialized at only 0C $1.25 Umbrellas now 83c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today, in the Base ment A one-hour sale of Umbrellas for men or women; full 28-in., strong steel frames, covered with durable material, with plain and fancy han dles; regular $1.25 grades; AO special at this sale, each OOC 25c NecKwear at 12c From 5 to 6 P. M. Today, in the Base ment. A sale of men Neckwear, in four-in-hands, shield bows and shield tecks in an endless range of new pat terns and splendid colors O C 25c values ; special two for 3 C All Day Extra Specials in Dishes and CooRing' Utensils ' . . . . .. Tt,.. t i Qstk II mwVER SETS in the decorated semi-por- II 15c BARGAIN TABLE, 15c 60o Turkey Dishes, special at only, each, 25 75c Turkey Dishes, special at onlj, each, $1.00 Turkey Dishes, special at, each, 50 $2.00 Turkey Dishes, special, each Sl.OO $2.75 Turkey Dishes, special, each, $1.33 45o covered Roasters, 10x15, for. only 35J 65o covered Roasters, 12x17, for only 4C Vo. 8 gray enameled Teakettles for 49J 14-quart enameled Dishpan for only 39? Gas Mantles, good grade, 2 for only 15 eelain, with gold line, rancy (PO QC shape, very neat, 42 pieces, at sjj 0 O CTXPS AND SAUCERS in the blue Jap- O anese ware, very special at, the pair Ov A bie table of Glassware, consisting of plates, salad dishes, cake plates, sugar bowls, cream ers, olive dishes, berry bowls, jelly 1 C. dishes; choose from the lot at only Grocery Specials 30e Roasted Coffee, the pound at only 2' 40c English Breakfast Tea, the pound, 30 40e Uncolored Japan Tea, the pound at 30 40c Ceylon Tea, special at the pound, 30 75o O. W. K. Special Butter, the roll, 67 55c Oleomargarine, two pounds at only 50 Picnic Shoulders, the pound, special at lit So Babbit' Cleanser, 7 cans for only 25 lOo Jama and Jellies, special at only 8t? lOo Pickles, 3 bottles for low price of 25 Rice Flakes, special at only, the pkg, 7 10a Krinkle Corn Flakes, 4 packages for 25 argfaisiL Circle Hair Nets Pure silk, all shades; "I f 5 in an envelope ; special at only X vl C Hair Nets Real hair, all shades, np . in all sizes; 38x40; special, 2 for3C Hair Forms New styles ring puff3 O J at special low price of ZOC ana sJF xj c Hair Rolls All shades, good sizes at 21 Coat Hangers Wood, with bent O hooks, varnished or plain ; special at O C Skirt Hangers Made of wire with r two clothes pins ; special this price t C Persian I-v-o-r-y A small lot of mirrors, brushes, military brushes, tooth and nail A, brushes, etc., to close at half , price