Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Mayor and Jury on Auditorium
Location Pick Nineteenth
and Washington,
RoaMltfht Advocates BaUdta of
Structure That Will M Xec!
of Portland IS Tears From
Xow Tlrport Filed.
Bmaum of the fruaOofi td ar
ranmnt of tho street at th old
Exposition bulMlnir !t at Nineteenth
and Washington street, that lt U
favored by Mayor Rushlight and mem
bra of the Auditorium architectural
-omptmon Jury fcr the Auditorium.
Tho Jury yesterday announced It
opinion of tho proposed its and Myor
Hushllicht mi'tt public h!a view, all
favortnir tho Exposition st?.
Mayor RushiiKht declared that ba
fiTort tho Issuance of mora bond to
build tho Auditorium with rortland of
IS year from now In rlow aa well aa
I'ortland of today.
"My policy. said Mayor Rushlight
"Is that public fund hould be spent
Judiciously In vry mm. The Audi
torium phould bo on grounds Urn
mooch for a flrst-clas building-. suffi
cient to accommodate the cltlsens not
of today alone, but of IS yoara from
row. It should bo situated o:rpMo
aiy m such a art of tho city a will
i in tn natural trend of traffic and
provided with proper tre tear accori
modatloaa lart;e atreeta for eonvty
anrew and' for tha accommodation of
600 or 13.009 person comlDf from
or aolna; to tha building, all without
Mora Boa da A a re-rate.
"Forsonally I favor iroinir to tho peo
ple and requesting; tha laauance of
mora bond of sufficient amount to
artutre tha accessary sua, so that tha
M' appropriated for the butldlnjr
will not be eipended for an Auditorium
which will be Inadequate In a few
yeara It la a question which ahould
be vtren careful consideration by tha
Auditorium commission. It la much
better to take a little time In selecting
the location and then construct a build
Ins; which will meet the needa Spend
ing the money Judicially ln this caea
means looklns: to the future.
-1 believe that If It came to a vote
tho people would recommend a bulldlns;
of rood slae and In a location natural
ly fitted to the Portland of tha future.
"personally, of all the sttea sub
mitted for consideration I think the
old Eiposltloo building site Is the
best adapted to the purpoaea Having
areas to the various atreeta. Including
Kumslda. Washington. Morrison. Chap
man and tho others, there would be no
congestion of traffic during big gather
ings even If conveyance were per
mitted to stand at the In tersectlona To
have this site the city may have to
add ISOO.OO or $.100,001) expense to the
building fund, but It seems to m to
be a wlsa Investment.
"A to the Par block alt. I think
this ahould be reserved for a publlo
Beauaev rtaa la View.
The Auditorium Jury reported on th
Kxpoaltlon building alt aa th most
favorable for several reason, among
which la the fsct that It I In accord
with a general plan for a uniform
group of building, aa arranged In tha
Hennett plan for a "City iieautlf uL"
The Jury report la:
l"OKTT-ANl. Or, October II. (To th
Publlo Autlltrlurn Commission of th
City of Portland. or.) Jnllemen:
Yfur Jury that reported to you upoa
the merit of the architectural compe
tition for the propound public auditor
ium ha. In tri-or(!4Qi' with your re
quest, examined Into the merit of the
tveral propose.! site that have been
under considers ltn as the location for
this building. TJ-.ree of these sites are
eei'h In therrslvc possessed of char
acteristics shl-h command attention.
Market llloek.
Flrt This belnc public property,
the city being disposed to set same
aside for auditorium purroses. It appar
rently ha the merit of availability
upon economical grounds. It helng but
30 feet square. It Is not sufficient In
area nnd It would be necessary to va
cate Market street between Second and
Thirl streeta an. I would require th
purchase of at l"t 6 feet In depth
of the property fronting on th lout!)
el.'e of Market street. Fven with the
ad iltional !inl thus acquired, your pro
po,l hufl-llrig would cover Its entire
area, leavtnir nothing but the actual
etre't space surrounding a building to
which It Is erect-d that upon occa
sion as many aa l'V-oo people will be
Attracted. Sii' h a b ill Mng as you pro
poe slouM first of all be so situated
that t rouM not be enlarge, tut
be at the enme time eurroun!e1 by
open space of a gri-nter width than the
,1j-nt atreeta Finally, with rerard
to this location, we d:reot your atten
tion to the fact tNat your proposed
building. m-mumtnlAl in character as
It may easily be. viould practically b
lst to you aa on of any
group of public bulldlns to which tl-
I eopie of Portland n. Kht point with
Park nioeks.
The sngresfe.1 purchase of an addi
tion.! block of land adjoining the Park
block between trre riev County Court
bouse and th Cite Mill, the convert
ing of same Into additional park pace,
placing tne au !ttorum In the center
tf this combined area, thu convert
ing your rrecnt park covering two
block Into two disconnected park of
ere block each, cannot commend Itself.
Tat you would thus hav by thl
r-tetnd three puMle buildings, to-wlt:
Th Courthouse. City Hall and Auditor
ium, facing upon lhee two mall park
la a disorderly. In liarmon loua arrange
ment under a vain delusion that thl
would give you a civic center, or a
group of bullying commensurate with
such aa IJeai. would not Justify this
rMs-stloa fit.
Tr property lying between Wash
ington street ar 1 th extension of
Morrison street, forming an Irregular
triangle, haa been examined by n and
would be of sufficient arsa for the
purpose desired and leave additional
spec besides, with atreeta surround
ing th four side of th whole. Thl
sit would. In point of accessibility, b
within easier reach from aii parte of
your city than ettfcer of th other un
der discussion.
The claim that the Mutet block
should be most favorably considered
for the reason that It la already owned
by th city, ought not to be seriously
considered. Th more property pur
chased by th city at tha rreient time,
the better off the city will be at any
future time. Th'. point ought not to
require serious argument to demon
strate Its truth.
CI vie Ceafer.
Portland baa a unique opportunity to
rrea:e a clvio center ar.d ahould not
fall to take full advantage of same.
An exhaustive study of the profeiem
would resu.t In a dignified group plan of
a civic center, composed of the follow
ing public buildings now contemplated
or of almost Immedla. future necea
tty via: Th completed County Court
house Building, the new Pcstofflc. a
saw CUT eie.i. Cie r-JEuWJo I.brarx
nuiiaing, eaa rrBniwuii m . , .
fine arts. It cannot be doubted but
that ahortly all these buildings will be
under course of construction, and their
final completion a publlo necessity
within 10 yeara It will not cost th
City of Portland any more to have
these building o designed and o lo
oated that they will form a harmonlou
group loan If am ar scattered at
variou locations la a disconnected
Besuaert Flaa.
Th City of Portland at the Instance
of the Clvlo Improvement League la In
possession of a comprehensive plan
containing aa xbautlv analysla of
th problem Involved In It develop
ment and growth. Upon till plan you
will find toat the logK-al conclusions
reached by Mr. Bennett (whom we.
your Jury. Believe to be a most highly
trained xprt In city planning, no on
! having, to our knowledge, special
ised in this branch of our profession
to the degree reached by him) located
th Auditorium on th brpoililon lte.
VVe, thrfor. unanimously reoom
mend that your oonrmlsslon adopt the
Exposition alt aa tLe location for your
proposed building.
City Offlcdaia, Ibrpreejc n tatl vea of
Grange) and Improvement Clube
Ke Every PToceasv.
Invited by C C Colt. gnral man
ager, mora than 600 cltlien of Port
land, men and women, wer enter
tained at th Union Meat Company
plant on Columbia Slough yterday
morning, under th auspices of th
East rlde Business Men Club. Spe
cial lectrlo car wr provided for th
trip to the plant. Representative
from th Consumer League, th
Physicians Aoclatlon. th Patron
of Husbandry and all th Improvement
clubs, representing 10 different organ
laatlona. attended.
Among the special guest wr
Councilman Baker and Wallace and
City Auditor Barbur. representing th
city; It. W. PnashalL J. J. Johnson. H.
A. Darnell and Andrew Miller, of the
Patron of Huibandry: M. O. Collin,
president of th L'nltd Improvement
Club Association; Pan Kllahr, pre
Ident of th East Bid Business Min i
Association; I. M. Lepper and C C
Hall: C H. Welch. Mount Tabor Im
provement Club: H. O. Paraons. North
Mount Tabor Club, and Oeorg H.
Hockenyoa, of Lowr Alblna Pa
Thar were no delays and the ear
went right to th plant, through the
district of Kenton, which has a popu
lation of J600. that the excursionists
might view oro of th big factorle
recently completed. l'ssslng over a
trestle more than tOOO feet long the
care etopped at the exchange building
of the Portland Union Stock Varda
where Inspection of the plant started.
Under the direction of men from the
company groups of 25 wer taken
through all the departmente of the
plant from the stockyards, through th
plant of the Union Meat Company,
where th vUltor wer hown all th
various process from th t!m ani
mals ar killed to the time the carca
aea are hung In the cooling-room. All
operatlona were explained to ahow the
preparation of food product for dl
trtbutlon tn Portland, throughout th
Northwet and for axport. Method of
Inspection of carcassea by the United
State Government wr also shown.
Every department was visited, the In
spection requiring about two houra,
A general reception waa held at th
company restaurant after th Inspec
tion and thr lunchon wa ervd.
Th luncheon menu comprised prod
uct of th plant. upplemnted by a
great variety of fruit.
sister1thin jail
Oregon Growers Slow In En-
terlng Contest for Prize.
Los of Prisoner" ITat Reveals
Heroism of Daughter of Wealthy
Spokane Family.
One daughter In JalL another, only
If years old. lodging with th prisoner
for companionship while he makes
every effort to liberate her lster. and
two ldrly and wealthy parent In
Spokane. Ignorant of the plight of their
child, are the principal actors In a
tory of th County Jail which was
brought to light yeaterday through the
kleptomaniac tendenclea of Mae Jones,
a woman of the umlerworld, frequently
In the hands of the police.
When Mae Jones, who became
notorious through her alleged theft of
11 diamond rings from Jacob Kutner.
was released from the Jail Monday, she
wore a hat valued at 3T. the prop
erty of Nora Walsch. another prisoner.
Bertha Walsch. sister of the victim,
filed complaint with the District At
torney, and Incidentally brought atten
tion to the fact of her own presence
In the Jail.
Nor Walsch. a divorcee, daughter of
a wealthy hotel owner of Spokane, wa
arrested recently on a charge of
stealing a plum. Although asserting
that another girl took the decoration,
she waa convicted and sentenced to the
County Jail. She wrote to her sister
Bertha, saying that she was 111. and the
sister. 1 years old. obtaining 1150 from
her parents, came to Portland. She
fourvd Nora In the County Jail, nnd
commenced proceedings Immediately to
obtain a pardon. She ha been to Salem
and Interviewed Governor West. While
awaiting th outoom h haa lodged at
th County JalL
Scarcely had th warrant been placed
In th hands of th pollc for service,
when a telephone message recalled It.
Returning to the Jail, the complainant
ran upon Mae Jone. on her way to re
turn ah hat, which she said aha had
Just borrowed until h could get one
of her own. Twice before she had
been in the hand of the police for
stealing clothing, and her latest escap
waa haJidlng out aa tlpa to boy,
diamond ring, part of th loot taken
from Jacob Kutner. keeper of a North
End reort
State IlealUs Officer Says Child Died
of SltMitngltia.
Jama Mandarin BHce. the six-year-old
colored child of Newark. N. J- re
ported recently to have died of vacci
nation, died in reality of tubercular
meningitis, according to Information
received by Dr. Calvin a White, of th
Oregon Slate Board of Health. When
rr. white raw the new report of th
case he wrote to Dr. David Chandler,
health commissioner of New Jersey.
rr. Chandler replied that the boy
died suddenly, and that before the
physicians had made a teat they had
difficulty In determining the exact
cause of death. The child waa said to
have had lockjaw, but a teat of the
spinal fluid revaalad tubercular bacilli
La iafs vintlty.
With Ids dosed All Competitors
tmt Two at Madlson-Strnare Gar
den Are From Neighboring'
Stat Awards Bis;.
Oregon applesrowers apparently have
been derelict In entering the competi
tion for the cash prise of 1500. offered
by President Elliott, of the Northern
Pacific for the best display of 25
boxes of apples, any variety, exhibited
at the American Land Irrigation Ex
position at Madison-Square Garden,
New fork. November 1-18 Inclusive. At
any rate, entrioa have been olosed and
the list of If competitors oonalst en
tirely of Washington orchardlata with
but two exceptions. They are aa fol
lows! Beslry tk fringes. North Tsklma,
John 11. Elites. Toppenlsh. H. it. Gilbert,
North Tsklma. Robert Johnson. North
Yakima, Elmer B. Johnson, Prosser,
t'lrlch C Johnson, Toppenlsh, J. D.
Laughlln. Toppenlsh, Harry Maxted.
owner and Frank L. Howtlng. man
ager. North Yakima. C H. Pearl, Pros
ser. Ella D. Rowland. Toppenlsh, C C.
Oreageson, Prosser, Tsklma- Eualld
Fruit Company, Prosser, Ernest C Hill.
Selah, John Scoon, Sunnyslde, Olson
Fruit Company. Toppenlsh. C. Tlchacek,
Moses Lake. Laughlln McLean. Spo
kane, all of Washington; H. A Brlgg,
Victor, and S. W. A Wilson. Paradise,
At this same exposition. President
Elliott, of the Northern Pacific, and
other Individuals will glv away sev
eral orchard and farming tract by
popular allotment. Among these tracts
Is 10 acres In Dawson County, Mon
tana, It miles northwest of Terry, on
the Northern Taclflo Railway. This
land Is gently rolling and Is adapted to
dry farming. Among the other allot
ments of land are farms, orchards and
Irrigated tracte In several of the West
ern statea Among these ar ten acre
of Irrigated land near Roswell. New
Mexico, given by the Western Irrigated
Land Orchard Company, of New York
City, and a five-acre pecan orchard
at Tallahaasee. Fla., donated by Presi
dent Stlllwell. of the Florida Pecan
Endowment Company.
Portland-Tillamook Servloe Will Be
gin Xot Later Than Monday.
Announcement was made yesterday
by E. E. Ia-tle. president of the Pacltlo
Railway & Navigation Company, that
his company expected not later than
next Monday to Inaugurate a regular
freight and passenger ervlce between
thl city and Tlllnmook. Promise of a
big frelirht and pasenger business from
th be-glnnlng of thl prospective serv
ice baa moved the company to aban
don It original plan of operating a
mixed train. A regular paasonger
service of three coaches In addition to
neeeasary freight train will bs oper
ated from the beginning.
Under tha schedule, as It has been
arranged, the morning passenger train
out of Portland: will leav over the
Southern Paclflo at 7:10 A. St.. connect
ing with the Lytle road to Hlllsboro.
leaving that point at 8:60 A. M. This
train will arrive at Tillamook at :J6
P. M. The morning train from Tilla
mook will loave Tillamook at T:5 A
M.. arrive at Hlllsboro at 1:15 P. Al
and reach Portland at 4:40 F. M.
Vice President of Southern Paclflo
Will Direct Operating; Department
Direction of th operating depart
ment of the Southern Paclflo will today
be assumed by E. E. Calvin, vice
president of that railroad system. L.
B, Fields, superintendent of the South
ern Paclflo for the Oregon division as
It formerly was operated, it is under
stood, will be retained as superintend
ent of the systom under the reorganlxa
tlon of the Harrlman lines In this ter
ritory. Officials of thai operating and traffic
departments of the Southern Pacific,
as It will be operated and conducted
following Its segregation from the
Union Paclflo organisation, have not
been officially announced o far aa
could be learned at the local Harrlman
oftleee yesterday. A to the peronnel
of thl ofliclnl ataff there Is more or
lcs speculation but the final determi
nation of who will be who rests with
president Sproule, of the Southern Pa
cific, from whom an official announce
ment from San Francisco Is expected
Indian Too Dronk to Appear, At
torney Enter Flea.
Four men were to have appeared be
fore the United States District Court
yesterday to plead to Indictments In
connection with selling liquor to In
diana Foster Lane, an Indian, charged
with perjury, waa In the Federal build
ing at the required time, but was too
drunk to appear In court, and a plea
of not gui:ty wa entered by hl attor
ney. William White pleaded not guil
ty to a similar charge, as did Henry
Johnson and Loyal Chandler, charged
with selling liquor to Indiana on the
Sllets reservation. They will be tried
in the November term of court.
"Raxzle Daaxle" Johnson, whose given
name has not been learned, waa lndtot
ed by the Federal gTand Jury for sell
ing liquor to a Klamath Indian at
Ijkkerlew. At the same time a not true
bill was returned against Albert Mar
tin on a charge of havlnr sold liquor on
the Sllets reservation. Two other In
dictments wera also roturnsd In similar
cases. M ,
This grand Jury Is sngaged In Inves
tigating alleged census frauds, under
direction of special prosecutors, and Is
not expected to make another report
until the last of this week.
Ilusband Allowed Dayt Grace.
Alex Haberman .must pay 140 to his
wife, Mary Haberman. from whom h
Is seeking a divorce, by tonight or go
to Jail for contempt of court Judge
Gatens so ruled yesterday morning.
The divorce action was begTin early
last Spring but ha not come to trial
because of Haberman'a failure to pay
Mrs. Haberman $20 a month during the
ipendency or tne acuon as uruerca vj
fjudge Gantenbein. Haberman was cited
for contempt of toun lor tne second
time yesterday.
The mlaeral wealth of TJruruay is begin
ning to attract the attention of ths capital
ists of Europe, for within Ita limits are to
a l3LUi aaair evetx knowa mineral,
Regarding Profitable
" --i i ",r n ,i is'.', l a tr
Everybody Shcrald Have a Bank Acooiint.
They Are a Good Investment. .
They Are Very Desirable.
They Offer First-class Investment.
Should Net You 50 to lOOo
Within the Next Year
You know land la tho basis of all wealth. Good land, "clow in'
is especially valuable. Parkroae i particularly desirable for many good
reasons. In its location, just one mile beyond
Bote City Park, in a straight fine on the Sandy Road, in the direct path of the city's most rapid
gnxwth. To be on one of the best oarline. in the city. To havts modern city cvenienoes-rater,
electrio lights, telephones, etc
In addition to all this the soil of Parkrose is second to none. Deep, rich, productive, It will
raise vegetables, fruite, berries, et to perfection. ASPARAGUS, for instance, will produce phe
nomenal yields A3 HIGH AS $300 PER ACRE by highly fertilizing and with a little care. Jou
cannot do that on any old kind of soil but you can do it in Parkrose.
And so, taking all these points in favor of Parkrose into consideration, it is safe to say that it
offers the opportunity of tha hour an investment worth while. Think of it
Parkrose Acres
As Low as
Actually less than you have to pay for one lot jost a little closer to the city. It wont be long
until Parkhurst lots will be worth as much as Parkrose acres are today. Invest in Parkrose
it you want to make more than 3, 4, 6, 10 or 20 per cent on your investment Buy in Parkrose
to win. Call on ua or call us up. We're waiting to take you out to see this magnificent property.
Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Fourth and Stark Streets Phones, Main 208, A 2050
In the Famous Rogue River Valley
We are placing on the market nearly 2000 acres in this rich Valley, sub-divided into ten-
acre tracta at
Payment Down Balance
Each Month
These Itogne Kiver Valley ten-acre Orchard Tracts are located close to the beautiful dty
of Medford and adjoins the Western Oregon Orchard Company's tracts, containing over 3000
acres nearlv half of which are now planted.
Our instructions are to place these tracts on the market at above prices for 30 days only,
after December 1. The price will be raised at least 10 per cent.
Rogue Biver Valley Most Perfect Fruit Belt in the World Read What a Gov
ernment Expert Says:
Prof. P. J. O'Gara, Pathologist of the Department of Agriculture, who is in charge of the Govern
ment field work in the Pacific Coast States, says:
"I have examined and studied all the fruit regions of the United States, Southern
Canada and Northern Mexico, as well as the principal fruit regions of Europe, and I can
truthfully say that nowhere in the world are conditions so favorable for fruit as In tne
Rogue River Valley.' It is the most perfect fruit belt in the world.
Join one of our excursions to this rich Valley and see for yourself what a splendid prop
osition we have to offer you.
Free Trip to All Buyers.
For full particulars write or call on the -
Southern Land Co.
Chamber of Commerce Building
Jut Miows YDOUt une-nau.rt.ciuni oiz,c s.
German Silver, Kid Lined
6 inches high and 6 inches wide
Special $.95
The Watch House of Portland
This 19 beyond
value ever to be
had in Portland.
Buying these
bags at the price,
is like buying
$20. Gold Pieces
for $10.00
By iTcw Dnvltn Method.
TJoubl Chin Vanishes).
Two Hundred Thousand Women Mada
Happy With Thl New Knowledge .
Thru a Copy of Thl Remark
able Book. "WEIGHT RK DIC
Int This Convtnelns
Uvldeoee As t
Ita Value T
I will Send Thl Book to Tea at My
My friends were charitable and they
called It obesltyi other referred to mo
a being STOUT, but I know. It was Just
plain bulky weight. I wa miserable,
you. too, ar equally miserable If you
are too stout
To reduce your welg-ht you must nnd
the cause, you must get at the very
Before I rooceeded, I tried everythlnsr
within reason and eom thin? beyond
It wa mafldenlnp;, dlssiatlns.
All I had to do was to remove the cause,
and I swear under oath, that by my sim
ple method, without drugs, medlolne,
harmful exercise, or starvation diet. I
reduced my weight 87 pounds In five
weeks, and guarantee that I can do the
same for you. I do not use medicine of
any kind or worthless stuff to rub on
the body, but a simple home treatments
even a child can use It without harm,
lou eat all the food you want and go
n,tht on reducing with my delightful
dnjglesB treatment. Through this mar
velous combination home treatment, I
succeeded because I had found the right
way. I can now climb to the Bummtt of
Pike's Peak with ease. I could not do that
until I had taken off 87 pounds of my
?onderous weight My treatment remove
at surely, permanently and quickly,
and Improves youh health AT ONCE.
It Is simply astonishing the number
of men and women who write In. re
garding the wonderful- result of this
new process for banishing fat
W. L. Schmitz, Montevideo, Minn,
states he lost 80 pounds th first month.
Ue is now losing i pounds dally.
Mr. J. E. BoTselle. Box 23. Oreat
Bend, Kan., says my treatment reduced
mm nity pounds.
J. T. Bright M. D-, Covington, Ky says
my treatment reduced nun so ins.
If von are Interested In your own
happiness and health and figure, you
will permit me to tell you how to re
duce your weight "Nature's Way."
I have printed a book for you entitled,
"Weight Reduction Without Drugs,"
which I am giving away without charge.
prepaid to you, so tnat you may Know
of my successful method and be able to
permanently reduce your weight any
amount up to 70 pounds, without harm
ful exercises or starvation diet drugs
or medicines, and with my treatment
the fat never returns. The expense of
the book Is so great that I do not want
to Bend It to the Idly ourlous, so please
do not write for It unless you are fat or
unless you wish to beautify your form.
Send for my book, "Weight Reduction
Without Drugs," and all I offer free. It
Is yours for the asking, and I will be
glad to send everything to you, charges
prepaid by me.
I hav found that ths best way to
know happiness Is to give It
Sincerely your friend.
' gott, 2072 Central Bank BldaT
Denver, colo.
Nechaco Valley Lands
British Columbia
Now fa tha time to Tray.
Get la on the ground
floor. All our land la
situated dose to tha
main line of the Grand
Trunk Pocifio Railway.
Our price is right and
our terms are very easy.
For further particulars,
write to the j:
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Why You're) Tired Oal of
Sort Mavo no Appemey
will pal you n
In tew days.
Tbey do
ieir dots.
.1 B.l
j1rrr...l Indigutioa, ana aicc neaoacne,
Genuine nnutbeu Signature
TTLE S : ..' '4 t . .
8 J--I; -srA DTFCftf
JT ' .:- i vr! i kiwi