Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Enl.r.4 at Portland. Or.on. Poatofflca aa
fcubacrlplloa Hala Invariably Advance.
Pally. Sunday Include, ona yar. f
La:ly. Bundmr Included. Iix months.... J-;J
Jjal'.y. Sunday Included. thra montM. . ;J
bally, fcunday Included, ona moota....
Vml J. allhout tur.da. ona Tar J.;"
Iat:. without Sunday. li months a.j
Isalljr. without fur'lay. thraa montM... i-'J
Xiaily. altaoui Sunuay. ana moolh
Waealy ona yar .......
Sunday, ona yaar ....... -
buaday and Wkly. ona yar
Pally. jn!y Included, ona yar ."-C9
la!:y. Sunday Included, ona month
Haw la Kami! -nd p.a.oteca monay
erdwr. axpraaa ordar or panonal chaca oa
aour local bank. Stamps, coin or eurT'c
ara at taa .ndr-a rik. iiia potnc
miSrrtt la full. lnc!u!in county and ''j
Poataca Raa JO to 14 pa. 1 cnt; la
ta 21 paaaa. 1 eanta; SO to paca. cants
40 to pacta. 4 cnta. rurataa poaiasa
aoubia rata
ft alara Bartam Oftlrra Varra Conk
Jln Naw Tork. Urunawlck bulldlns. cni
vfo. stcr butldioa.
anror na Oftlcc .a Rnt straat. av
W. London. ,
President Taft approval of Secre
tary Fisher's plan Injures that the
settlement of the Alaskan controversy
will be one of the most Important sub
ject to be brought before Congress
at Its approaching session. The sys
tem of leases on a royalty basts which
the President will recommend has
been proved by experience to be the
best, both for governments and prl
rate land owner. With a provision
for a minimum annual fee to prevent
coal land from bring held off the
market, it secures payment of rental
based on production, which Is equit
able to both parties. Tho lease in
Alaska can give the Government
power to prevent waste of coal In
raining, "which In many E-uitern mine
is as high as BO per cent, and can !-
secure control over selling prices and
thus prevent extortion.
The leasing system I likely to be
attacked from two extreme. On
the one hand will be the men who
would Insist either on Government
operation of all Alaska coal mlne ami
railroads or such exacting terms of
lease as to repel Invtstors. The for
mer course would be so long a step
towards Socialism as to be contrary
to the whole spirit of our Constitution,
which is distinctly Individualist. Gov
ernment operation of one mine in
each field ought to satisfy the spon
sors of that course and may be Justl
f table on the plea of supplying the
Jfavy. The latter course would simply
keep Alaska locked up In old storage
ntll a reaction set In, Mien there
would be danger of flying to the other
The other extremists will be of
those who look with horror on what
they call Oovernment landlordism.
They would have tho Government sell
the land outright. a it has done in
other coal fie!.!. We see the ennst
quenc of this policy In the anthra
cite region of Pennsylvania, where
the railroads which own or control
the fields dictate coal prices out of
proportion to cost of production. We
ee the Conr.ellsville coke region of
Pennsylvania in the hands of a sub
sidiary of the steel trust and aiding It
to maintain Its grip on the sleel Indus
try. We see the bituminous coal field
of the Pittsburg district In the
hands of a single corporation. We
see the Wyoming coal fields ruled
by the Union Pacific Railroad, which
blocks the way to any Independent
competitor. The Nation has the rtgnt
to dispose of the public: lands as seeing
best for the general good. Alaska
should be developed, therefore the
coal land should be opened. Thoe
nho develop Alaska should be well
rewarded, therefore the terms on
which they secure the land should
allow them a liberal rroflt. greater
than that they would secure In older
coal fields in proportion to the greater
risk they take In a new country. The
pest means to gnln these ends is to
leas the land. as Mr. Fisher proposes.
; w acted, wmloxe to point way.
Several days ago there appeared an
article on this page relating to the
case of Mrs. Henrietta Richardson, of
Coldendale. who had achieved success
en a farm after she was 60 years f
age, doing all of the work herself.
AVhen Mrs. Richardson took up her
land she was practlcully jennlleys.
Many Inquiries have come to us about
this article. Some seem to doubt the
truthfulness of It; others wih to
know where they can s-cure as good
land as she did. while still others ask
for advice as to how a person without
means can today secure tho advan
tages that she had nine years ago.
As to the facts of the article there
Is no question. In every esaentlal it
was literally true, as cm be learned
fcy writing any reputable citizen In
the Klickitat Valley. The other queries
ran best be answered by calling atten
tion to a letter received from a cor
respondent at Tacoma. a widow with
three children, the oldest a boy of IS.
a man in size, strong as a mule, who
has demonstrated his ability to con
quer the soil by being a successful
gardener on a city lot after school
hours. Bo successful has he been that
older men come to him for advice."
J'arlher on this woman writes: "If
anyone can show me how. handi
capped as I am. I can get back to the
oil and take our chance of winning
Out In a few years by hard and con
scientious work. I'll agree to pay
Urn On time) a higher rnte per
word than Kipling received in his
palmy days. Who wl!l venture a
j It will be remembered that a cer
tain character by the name of Mleaw
ter. created by Pickens, was ever
waiting for something to turn up."
which la tantamount to waiting for
Someone to point the way. or '"show
me." If the case of Mrs. Richardson
la looked Into it will be seen that she
Waited for no one to point the way.
On the other hand, there were many
to attempt to deter her from taking
a homestead. In spite of all such ad
vice she persisted and succeeded.
There are millions of people in the
world looking for someone to point
them out a road to success; but they
wish tome'iort of a short cut. "cros
lots," so to speak, for the usual road
Is long and tortuous, beset with hard
labor, self-denial and long days, per
haps years, of scant living. In other
words, these people want someone
else to furnish the initiative, which Is
essential to success. If they have not
that quality no way to success can be
pointed out. for the reason that there
Is no open way to such people.
Taking the case In potnt. this young
son of 18 has already shown the way,
a way as plain as day. "Older men
coma to him for advice," because he
has shown what can be done in gar
dening on a city lot. If the good
woman, his mother, cannot see the
open way bofore her. what would bo
the use of anyone attempting to earn
the high price she Is willing to pay for
advice? Not the least bit In tho
Popular disgust with the spoils sys
tem of appointment to office led to
the passage of the civil service law
and to delegation to the Civil Service
Commission and department heads of
the selection of a horde of minor offi
cials. Few men In Congress would
now return to the old system.
When railroad regulation became a
live question Congress soon realized
the impossibility of putting it in prac
tice by detailed legislation and dele
gated it to the Interstate Commission,
the powers of which It has enlarged
from timo to time. It saw that rail
road rates could net be adjusted by
means or bills preparea uy cuimim-
,... hai'lnir nnt onnnch
ICC! Ol unn.-a ...-. .
time to study all the details involved.
and that these bills would oiten uc
out of date before they became law.
Uy tho appointment of the National
Monetary Commission it has recog
nized the necessity of a thorough and
exhaustive study of the whole subject
of banking and currency, as a basis
for a sound financial system.
How much more should the collec
tion of the endless data on which the
tariff Is bused be delegated to a simi
lar commission, at work all the year
round and unhampered by other du
ties! Congress has been driven to
recognize this truth by the chorus of
criticism which has followed the en
actment of each successive tariff law
and by lh almost uniform defeat, at
the next election, of the pnrty which
enacted it. It has been driven more
forcibly to the same conclusion by the
ludicrous blacksmith work done by
the allied Democrats and Insurgents
at the list ses-'Ion.
Inasmuch as uniform experience
has tauFht Congress that tariff tinker
ing is disastrous to the tinkers, the
man Is far from unsophisticated who
prt diets that Congress will in time
put tariff-making on the same scien
tific basis as railroad rate-making by
confiding the wopk to a commission.
There may bo a delegation of power
to the commission to make tariff
changes within prescribed limits, as Is
done by the tnrlff commission of
France. Germany and Canada. When
that state of ai'fairs comes about. Con
gress will find Itself relieved of much
labor and contention and the people
will rejoice in industrial stability due
to almost automatic variation of tarirf
duties ns conditions require.
vorr ot nrv the miips?
The approaching completion of the
Panama Canal has afforded the ship
subsidy advocates an opportunity to
bewail tho probability that It will be
used by llrltish ships more than those
of any other nntlon. not oven except
ing tho I'nlted States, and to recall
with poignant sorrow the fact that
the coal for tho American fleet on Its
world-girdling; voyngo was carried in
forelKn ships: also that "the old breed
of seafaring men is dying out of the
country, and there is now no way to
replace them."
We share In our neighbors' sorrow
and suggest for Its alleviation that
Americans be allowed to buy the Brit
ish ships and sail them under the
American flag. thus naturalizing
them, as we naturalize foreign sail
ors. So long as they are good ships
and worth the price, we need not
trouble about where they were built.
As for the sailors, we have naturalized
men who learned to sail the sea under
foreign flags and some of them have
done some good fighting for us against
the Spaniards. It would not hurt us
to acquire more of the sumo kind.
If Americans do not take readily
to shipbuilding. It is probably because
other occupations pay better. We hire
John Pull to do our sea-carrying for
us, because he does It better and
cheaper than we can get It done by
others. While he does that work
we do other things where we outshine
him and earn more money. If we
were to change these conditions by
reducing the tariff on every article
which affects the cost of a ship and
Its operntlon. we might compete with
John Hull at shipbuilding and excel
him. but any such suggestion gives
our subsidy friends a conniption fit.
So the only alternative is to buy
John's ships.
The Chinese revolution, though now
aimed at overthrow of the Manchu
dynasty and establishment of a repub
lic, had Its inception in a sort of Chl state right doctrine which
culminated In the demand for the dis
missal and punishment of Sheng, the I
MIr.Uter of Posts and Communica
tions, who had charge of railroads.
Local companies had been organized
in Szechuen to build roads In that
province with Chlneso capital and
they stirred up popular opposition to
tne construction di ruans u iiio im
perial government and to the Ignoring
of the liK-al enterprises when the con
cession was granted for 1200 miles of
road to be built with the 150,000.000
foreign loan.
Particular objection is made to the
terms of the foreign loan, though no
objection Is made to the use of for
eign capital. Instead of having the
work done by foreign contractors un
dyr tho supervision , of forrlgn engi
neers, as the foreign banks had stipu
lated In order to protect themselves
atralnst waste. corruption and
"s-iut eze." the Chinese demand that
the work be done by Chinese contrac
tors. This movement spread to the ad
joining provinces of Hunnan and Hu
peh and was seized upon by the politi
cal revolutionists, who will be satisfied
with nothing short of a republic, to
advance their cause. Opposition to
the Manchu d nasty throughout!
Southern China has contributed to the I
spread of the state rights and repub-
lican movement until It has reached
the dimensions or a national revolt.
It is noteworthy that the revolution I
Is not hostile to foreign capital, but to
the terms en which It is expended.
! Although many missionaries and other
! foreigners have lied from the interior
to the coast cities, the rebels seem to
have been scrupulously careful not to
molest foreigners. The presence of
the legation guards at Pekln and of
foreign warships at Hankow and
along tho Yangtse River serves as a
warning thnt any wrongs Inflicted on
for-tgners will bring foreign Interfer
ence. The rebels have no wish to see
a revolution which Is on the eve of
success suppressed by a foreign army,
as was the Boxer rebellion In 1900,
merely because of murderous mob out-
breaks. Hence it is considered as
dangerous to touch a foreigner as to
touch a dynamite bomb.
Peaches from Wenatchee have been
shipped to London, where they ar
rived in such good condition that thej
sold for 4 8 cents each at Covent Gar
den. This was the result of picking
at the right moment. careTul selection,
packing and refrigeration, none of
which could have been possible with
out co-operation all along the line.
The fancy price these peaches com
manded is an Index to the readiness
of tho world's metropolis to recognize
merit and of the reception which
awaits further shipments of equal
The only thing which the fruit dis
tricts of Washington and Oregon re
quire to secure an always warm wel
come in the same market is an exten
sion of the careful organization which
rfow puts apples and pears from a
few localities there in as good condi
tion as the Wenatchee shipment, for
other districts can produce as good
fruit. Let their brands once become
rnrn heI nnriiiterurA a fixed reputa
tion by- always standing for a certain
tiuallty, and the demand will be limit
ed only by the consuming capacity of
the market. The fruit of Italy and
Spain la shipped by the cargo to Lon
don and sold at auction by the brand
by an association of commission mer
chants. Oregon and Washington fruit
la capable of being handled on as ex
tensive a scale and with no more
The English merchant is slow to
give his confidence, but, once gained.
It is gained for life. No doubt it will
be gained in time and all our better
fruit will enter on the same or better
terms Into the markets of Liverpool,
Paris and Hamburg.
The fact that the State Tax Commis
sion In Its report to the Governor
states thnt the repeal of the poll tax
by Initiative last year was of "little
practical consequence since the gen
eral poll tax was repealed by statute
In 1B07." disturbs our good-natured
friend, the Portland Labor Press. The
Labor Press has devoted quite a little
space in an attempt to show that a
poll tax was collected In some coun
ties since 1907 and that it was collect
ed under authority of law. In other
words the Labor Press Insists that poll
tax had not been previously abolished
and that in 1910 the "people voted to
do awny with the injustice."
We have read through the Labor
Press article with care expecting to
And there in some assurance that the
other things contained in the anti
poll tax amendment had something to
do with Its adoption. But not a word
along that line. The people it seems
voted for local option In taxation,
"paved the way for single tax" and
mixed things up generally. Just be
cause the. amendment placed an inhi
bition on poll tax. They saw only
the pretty feathers on the hook and
swallowed the barb.
If this Is what the Labor Press ar
ticle implies, and we can gain no
other meaning from it, the position of
the Labor Press and of The Oregonlan
are the same on one potnt. The Ore
gonlan has asserted that the poll tax
inhibition carried the local option
(single tax) amendment and that
nothing else did It. The Labor Press
seems to be of the same opinion. The
point In controversy is whether the
poll tax Issue was faked or not faked.
The Oregonlan insists that it was
faked. The general poll tax had been
out of existence for three years. In
some localities a road tax of 13 per
capita was collected and collected law
fully. The Labor Press Insists that
the poll tax Issue was not faked; that
the road tax was what was aimed at.
But even admitting that no deception
was Intended The Oregonlan Is still
of the opinion that the foisting of
things upon the people by means of a
Joker burled in a genuine and pop
ular measure Is a type of Initiative
logrolling that Is reprehensible In the
In attempting to refute the charge
of faking the Labor Press points out
that the Tax Commission admits the
collection of 137,000 under the road
tax law In 1910. and It declares that
at least that much more was collected
and not reported to tho commission.
We are Inclined to believe on general
principles that the Labor Press is
mistaken in the latter particular. It
asserts for Instance that In Yamhill
County men were Jailed In 1910 for
failure to pay road tax. As the offi
cials of Yamhill County had no lawful
authority to Jail men for failure to
pay road tax, poll tax or any other tax.
either Yamhill County . officials are
unlawfully brutal, or Yamhill resi
dents are peculiarly submissive or the
Labor Press Is mistaken. We tnke to
the last view. And as one mistake
naturally leads to another we fear
our contemporary's estimates are
Now JJ7.000 collected at the rate
of 13 per capita represents the pay
ments of about 12,000 men or one out
of ten voters. Double that sum means
that 2 4.000 voters or one in five paid
road poll tax in 1910. The total num
ber of voters who voted affirmatively
for the amendment was 44.171, so
even taking the Labor Press estimates
that thero were at least 20,000 voters
In favor of the amendment who had
paid no road poll tax. If theso 20,000
voters had looked up the law they
would hae found there was no law
authorizing the collection of a general
poll tax because it had been repealed
three years previously; that tho road
poll tax was uncollectible except from
those who could be frightened into
paying It. The 12,495 voters in Mul
tiomah County who voted for the
amendment had not paid road poll
tax for nearly a decade. If they had
lived in Multnomah County that long,
and had paid no poll tax for three
years. Yet the Labor Press declares
they voted to wipe out the existing
Injustice of the poll tax.
Itut in poor, old, abused Yamhill
County where men were thrown into
Jail for not paying road tax the peo
ple seemed to like It. Possibly they
desired better roads. At all events a
majority In the county voted against
the so-called "repeal" of the poll tax.
As said before we agree with the
Labor Press on one thing. The poll
tax Inhibition carried the amendment.
We do not believe, however, that it
was carried because of oppression
through the poll tax or because poll
tax had been collected from one out
of ten or even one out of five voters
Why cannot the framers of the local
option tax amendment be candid about
It? They put the poll tax inhibition
In the measure because they knew it
would be popular with the voters, and
because they knew single tax would
be unpopular. They did not take the
trouble to ascertain whether there
was a poll tax collected in Oregon or
not. They probably did not know,
certainly they did not cane. They
needed something to conceal the sin
gle tax Joker. They logrolled as much
as any member of the Legislature
ever logrolled. As It turns out they
faked .an Issue and carried their point.
We doubt that they can ever do It
The boom fever has taken so strong
a hold on Canada that even an In
crease of 33 per cent In population in
ten years is considered disappointing.
The enthusiasts looked for a 50 per
cent increase and a total of at least
8,000,000 when the census was com
pleted. With reports lacking from
only four small districts, the popula
tion Is placed at 7,150,000. In 1900
It was 6,371,315. This Increase far
exceeds that of the United States, in
cluding Alaska, Hawaii and Porto
Rico, which was 20.9 per cent for the
decade ending 1910. It is treble Can
ada's increase for the decade 1891 to
1901, which was 11.14 per cent
Totals by provinces show population
to be almost stationary in tho mari
time provinces, steadily Increasing in
the old provinces of Quebec and On
tario, and growing with prodigious
speed In the West. Prince Edward
Island has lost population. New Bruns
wick has gained only about 20,000,
and Nova Scotia only about 2000, or
1 per cent. The young men of that
section are going to the United States
or Western Canada. Quebec Increased
from 1,648.898 to 2.000.697, or about
20 per cent, the high French-Canadian
birth rate causing the large migration
to New England to have no outward
effect. Ontario Increased from 2,182.
947 to 2,519,902, or about 15 per cent;
Montreal now having over 466,000
people, a gain of nearly 200,000; To
ronto has 376,000 people, a gain of
Tho growth In Western population
puts even the great percentages of our
Western States In the shado. Alberta
grew from 72,841 to 372.919. Saskatch
ewan from 91,460 to 453.506. Manitoba
from 255.211 to 454.691. and British
Columbia from 178,657 to 362,768.
Vancouver lived up to her destiny as
one of the great cities of the Pacific
Coast by increasing to nearly, 135,000.
about fivo times her population ten
years ago. '
It was the bounding self-confidence
Inspired by this great growth which
wns behind the decisive vote by which
Canada rejected reciprocity. Canada
is "feeling her oats." When she
reaches the stage of sober maturity
attained by the United States, she may
take a more business-like and less sen
timental view of the subject.
It is a question who will suffer
more during the McNamara trials
the prisoners or the Jurors.. Though
they have committed no crime, the
Jurors will be imprisoned for months
and compelled to llBten to endless
oratory, exceptions, objections and
all the other devices for prolonging
the proceedings. That alone is refined
cruelty. If such nonsense were omit
ted, good, intelligent citizens would be
less unwilling to serve on Juries, for
they would not feel that their time
wa9 being wasted on trivialities. But
th lawvers would object to them be
cause they were too Intelligent.
The growing of flax in Oregon should
be promoted, not only on its own ac
count, but because it may lead to the
development of linen manufacture in
this state. The North of Ireland la a
. . . i. . I , KunuAta DTlH
shining example oi
with similar conditions of climate
. v K 1 n Amia1 that
Oregon snouiu ue amo i cm.
country in course of time.
crdnv when Portland is built
compactly of skyscrapers, there wlllj
v . .i amnirA to mar the white- i
v, x edifices, for there
will be no building operations needed.
Until that day comes, let. us coiistuci
smoke as healthy, and remember that
nothing discolors tho whiteness of a
When an Annapolis student Is en
couraged to regard the torture of haz
ing as legitimate sport, it Is natural
for him to go a. step further and lot
the girls' enjoy It. But what sort of
girls must they be who enjoy the spec
tacle of one young man tortured and
humiliated by another?
The parent of a Tacoma schoolboy
who was paddled by the principal is
seeking his arrest. Probably he de
served all he got. It is a poor speci
men of boy who cannot lead his moth
er Into believing he is victim of much
An old buck of'53 and a young one
of 22 so much In love with a girl of
12 that the elder shoots tho younger
Is a perplexing absurdity of city life
where the cradle-robber is considered
a freak.
The statement might be made In a
semi-Jocular vein that President Jos
selyn's optimistic views of Oregon
prosperity contain but a slnglo flaw
omission of the big business being
done by his own company.
Parents can help stop tippling by
young girls In grills and noodle
Joints. - The masterly Ignorance and
inactivity of many fathers are partly
responsible for the Great Sorrow.
The utter absurdity about the Ore
gon is that she carr be visited by al
most everybody except people In what
ought to be her home port.
Portland has a few little combina
tions similar to those which are be
ing prosecuted at Spokane, and they
are worthy of attention.
The "Jackrabblts" running in the
Valley are most likely Belgian hares
abandoned after the craze, or their
a nomooratle member of the board
can make himself famous by object
ing when the President swears in rus
Woodrow Wilson takes a crack at
organized capital, but he cannot beat
Mr. Bryan in that line.
The rat market at Tacoma la firm,
with quotations steady at 6 cents for
the live article.
The Italians promise to supply the
Turks, with a useful ally In the shape
of cholera,
It Is time for the Beavers to quit
for the year
Dr. rarday AV oul d Rely on Health
. Rralatanee to Dlseaae.
' PORTLAND. Oct. 29. (To the Ed
itor.) The action of the medical so
ciety In indorsing vaccination Is rather
amusing to me than otherwise. Scien
tific bodies other than medical wel
come free discussion of all unsettled
questions, and do not attempt to settle
debatable questions by a majority vote.
But for some reason phyolclans gen
erally are extremely intolerant, espe
cially when some pet theory Is assailed.
Again many physicians formulate
theories and bend every effort to prove
their contention, irrespective of the
fact that the weight of valid testimony
or evidence Is against their contention.
Scientists In all other lines of investi
gation are In search of truth, and wel
come truth from any and every eource,
and never attempt to prove things by
a majority vote.
If there Is any department of Investi
gation which should welcome honest
criticism and Investigation. It is medi
cine, but the only kind of criticism
welcomed by the so-called leaders of
medical science is the favorable sort
It is to laugh.
The funny thing about this tempest
in a teapot is the fact that my paper
referred onlv incidentally to vaccina
tion for emallpox, and the physicians
overlooked or failed to get the Impor
tant question which I raised. The title
of my paper was "Toxaemia, and' the
Protective Processes In the Chemical
I-aboratory of the Human Body. With
Some Therapefltlo Suggestions." I
called attention to the fact that the
human body fluids and secretions con
tained poisonous materials, for Instance,
as a certain physiological chemist put
It, "four to five cubic centimeters of
bile are required to kill In convulsions
a living animal weighing one kilogram,
and since the dally secretion of bile Is
about 1000 cubic centimeters, we must
conclude that durjng every 24 hours a
man makes by the activity of his liver
alone an enormous quantity of poison,
enough to kill three men of his own
weight, one kilogram producing enough
to kill 2800 grams of living matter."
Man does not eliminate half the quan
tity of bile necessary to kill a man
through the urine In 24 hours. The
balance Is neutralized in the blood, in
testines, liver and In the tissues. Con
clusion the natural body defenses and
operations take care of and eliminate
this enormous quantity of poisonous
material every 24 hours unaided by
any external means devised by man.
Would any sane man , advocate the in
gestion of serums of the poisonous ma
terials from bile to further augment
and Increase this natural action of the
body In normal health T It would cer
tainly be foolish and unscientific to
pour more poison Into the human body
when the bortj' unaided Is doing the
work In such splendid shape. The body
processes also neutralize and elimin
ate other poisonous materials generat
ed by other secretions In normal
healthy Individuals.
This ability of the body to preserve
the condition called normal health and
to resist disease Is termed Immunity
active, natural Immunity to ward off
disease by tho natural processes and
chemical reactions of the body un
aided by the Ingestion of any external
To se!c the production of passive or
artificial Immunity by the Introduc
tion Into the normal or healthy body of
dead and live bacterlns. serums and
vaccines, said agents being the active
agents In the production of certain
diseases, l unwarranted, because na
ture's laboratory Is doing this work
without external aid, and because In
fection of healthy persona may occur
from said use. I defy any living man
to prove the contrary of the latter con
tention. A simple statement Is not
proof. Bring on your proofs. If conta
gion like scarlet fever, which escapes
observation, can produce such havoc.
It Is gross temerity to claim baldly and
without anv proof that minute germs
Ingested Into the human body cannot
Infect it. Because there Is no outward
manifestation of It at once Is no proof
of Its harmless character. When the
human body encysts and walls of
tubercular deposits and broken-down
tissue In the lungs without external
aid. and without existence of the dis
ease being suspected until the post
mortem of Individuals dead from other
diseases revealed It, the ability of the
natural body processes, without the In
gestion of poisons, not only to keep
the normal balance but even to cure
disease unaided. Is shown.
Inoculation of typhoid fever germs
among the soldiers Is advanced to
prove the vaccine Immunity theory.
How about sanitary mensures? Japan.
In the war with Russia, practically
eliminated camp diseases, such as ty
phoid and diarrhoea, by strict sanitary
measure and without inoculation. How
about that?
Finally, it has been demonstrated
over and again that certain vegetable
and mineral drugs finely divided pro
duce identical effects In Increasing
blood count, as we see after use of
bacterlns, serums and vaccines. Syn
thetic preparations also do the same
thing. Conclusion All these arouse
the processes of elimination and neu
tralization, so If the harmless agents
do the work, why take the chance of
infecting the system by poison germs?
The adaptability of living organisms
to environment Is aptly shown by the
lizard. A writer noted the fact that a
lizard In a cold region gave birth to its
young sllve, In a warm climate laid
eggs which were hatched by heat of
sand and sun. It seems a sane thing to
trust a little to the body processes In
health, especially as we cannot under
stand them, Instead of. putting poison,
of which we know little. Into the body,
of whose ultimate action we know less
Canada's Vote on Reciprocity.
GERVAIS. Or., Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) Kindly Inform me why
Canada did not vote for the reciprocity
A number of causes combined. Prin
cipal among these was a speech of
Speaker Clark, of the United States
House of Rcpresenatlves. in favor of
.annexation of Canada. This stirred up
strong loyalty of Canada to Great
Britain. Other causes wore the grow
ing national spirit of Canada, which In
spires pride in her Independence of
other nations; opposition of protected
manufacturers In Eastern Canada; ex
penditure of money to secure its defeat
by American manufacturers who feared
loss through reciprocity; general mls
representaion of American policy to
wards Canada.
Auditorium Site Sus;areated.
PORTLAND, Oct. 27. (To the Editor.)
I have noticed from time to time allu
sions to the appropriate location of our
new Auditorium and the want of proper
space, without condemning streets
seems to be a serious matter. Now, if
It is settled that it is to be on the West
Side, I would suggest the old Exposi
tion grounds, as it would not require
much excavating and could be built like
the one at Chautauqua Lake, below the
street. It Is easily approached by car
lines, also. A. L C.
KJamata Newspapers.
KERNVILLE, Or.. Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) Is there any paper printed In
Klamath County, Oregon? If so what
is the name of the paper.
Klamath Falls Herald, Klamath Falls
Chronicle, Merrill Record, and others.
Minority Anions; Homeopaths Objected
Only to Compulsory Vaccination.
PORTLAND. Or., Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) The discussion In the closing
hours of the State Homeopathic Medi
cal Society last Thursday, regarding
a certain resolution presented and
voted on at that time might well be
termed "Much ado about nothing." If
a discussion cannot be conducted In a
give-and-take manner In a society
without formulating resolutions to set
themselves right before the health au
thorities or anyone else, discussion had
better be disbarred. The plea by the
majority for this was that The Ore
gonlan report was misleading. The re
port of the meeting on Wednesday by
The Oregonlan was practically correct,
and If anything bore heavier on the
so-called minority members, inasmuch
as It classed all of the minority as fav
oring Dr. Cassedy's paper.whereas from
the nature of it I would not venture a
discussion one way or the other with
out' a study of the various propositions
the paper contained, and Dr. Vincent
was not present at that meeting.
The resolution brought forward the
second duy at the close of the meeting
placed the minority in a very unenvi
able position. We must either accept
the resolution which contained compul
sory vaccination or appear as If we
were not in favor of health boards and
sanitary conditions generally: where
as the only thing we objected to was
compulsory vaccination. I tried by a
motion to refer It back and stave off
action, so as to present our side to the
committee and give me time to confer
with Dr. Vincent as to the best manner
of doing this, but no time or quarter
was given us. We had to take our
medicine "Johnny on the spot." We
were willing to have that resolution
made personal, as far as the minority
was concerned, and unanimous except
ing two, Drs. Vincent and McKenzle.
Now, a word in reference to the
arousing of a member of the State
Health Board, because of a statement
I made In that discussion, I would say
that statement was provoked by a mem
ber declaring that all health boards
testified that all the trouble from
smallpox came from the unvacclnated:
that none. If any, vaccinated took
smallpox; if they did. it was very light
and amounted to nothing. From a
pretty close study of the matter for 15
years I know that statements like that
are absolutely untrue, and if boards of
health are In the habit of furnishing
such statistics, I still think my char
acterization was timely. Apart from
that I would be very sorry to offend our
home boards of the city or state, and
they were not In my mind at all. I ap
preciate their work to the fullest ex
tent, and while I am opposed to a vac
cination such as we have now, es
pecially if It Is compulsory, I presume
it Is the tools they have put In their
hands, and they carry out the orders.
I don't Intend to be drawn Into a
controversy at this time on the phase
of the subject mentioned by' Dr. White
as to the value of vaccination In this
state, especially as he has opened the
way for a discussion of something In
finitely more important, namely, vac
cine as product what it Is, what It
does, and how it does it. This will In
clude necessarily its prophylactic quail
ties. If It has any.
I am preparing an article now on
that subject which will appear In some
one of the Portland papers at an early
date The public will be able to Judge
when they read the article whether I
am profoundly Ignorant of what I
speak. P. L. M'KENZIE, M. D.
Vancouver Tax Bubble Ajraln Described
and Slnjcle Tax era' Hopes Explained.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) For Mr. Henry's information
permit me to say that the city of Van
couver, B. C, does not collect an In
come tax. and does not collect any tax
from personal property or improve
ments on land. It is true that the
Province of British Columbia does col
lect a state Income tax. a state poll
and a state tax on Improvements, and
for that purpose Improvements are as
sessed In Vancouver. I have never
heard anyone deny It. Mr. Henry does
not say that Vancouver collects any
such tax, but apparently believes the
city does tax because improvements
are assessed. He surely can understand
this plain statement.
Mr. Henry asks with some scorn,
"Who are these men that are urging a
single tax system In this state?" Just
common people, Mr. Henry. Most of us
are so common that we have to work
every day for a plain living for our
selveB and a high living for the owners
of certain special privileges. Chief
among these special privileges Is the
legal light to get a profit by owning
the earth without using It or doing any
labor. These single taxers are now
proposing a law to all the people of the
county which, If they approve It, will
begin to abolish a part of this special
privilege by completely exempting per
sonal property, occupations and im
provements on land from taxes levied
in the county. This Is a very small
part of the single tax as defined by
Henry George, but It Is enough for a
test of the principle. .
If a property owner in Vancouver
pays to the city $75 taxes on a lot and
also pays direct to the state (province)
$25 taxes on Improvements and per
sonal property, how Is the system prac
tically different from the one In Port
land, where the property owner pays
$100 taxes In a lump sum on lot. Im
provements and personal property and
lets an official forward $25 of the $100
to the state for him? The figures are
arbitrary and there may be some dis
crepancy In proportion of actual tax
payments, but In practical working
Vancouver's system Is as far from
single tax as Is Portland's. Nor is Mr.
U'Ren proposing anything like the
Vancouver system which has been so
highly lauded.
Das; Limit on Birds.
CORVALLIS. Or., Oct. 27. (To the
Editor.) (1) Is It lawful to kill five
auall, five native pheasants and five
grouse in one day? (2) Is a hunter
compelled by law to show his license to
a. Game Warden when he has no game?
(1) No. One may kill five quail and
five pheasants and grouse Inclusive, or
10 birds In all. In other words for bag
limit purposes grouse and pheasants
are considered the same kind of bird on
which the limit Is five. Bobwhlte quail
are protected at all times. The limit
on other quail is five, except In
Josephine and Jackson Counties, where
it is 10.
(2) Yes.
"Big Chief and "Mis-Chief."
World's Work.
- . . t pviemiRtrv thev call
Doctor Wiley "the big chief. A petite
young woman oi tne oureau ici.j
met the doctor as he was passing along
the corridor to his office. !
"Good morning. Big Chief," she said.
"Good morning. Little Mis-Chief, ' re
torted the doctor.
Chief Justice.
trtrr ark TtToaVi rw 28. (To thfl Edi-
' i ' .
tor) (i) Please tell me who Is Chief
Justice of the United States. (2) Where
Is Orchard, the man who killed the
ex-Governor of Idaho?
ui .1 sussuK.iJit;i.
(1) Edward D. White. (2) In the
Idaho State Penitentiary..
By Dean Collins.
Wherefore debate, O barber men.
As to the breed of towels ye serve?
'Tls not the "Turkish" nor the "plain
That mostly gets upon my nerve:
I care not whether "hot" or "cold"
Drapes round my face Its moistened
I have no quarrel as to towels: .
I merely seek a decent shave.
Nor care I what ye may employ
The lather from my chin to lave.
But I desire one kick to file
'Gainst what ye say to me the while.
When I am tethered in the chair.
And o'er the pigskin strop ye stoop.
Making the shining razor fly
And sing a glad "Galoop, galoop!"
Ye figure on some artful dodge
To stick me for a face massage.
And while, with newly-sharpened blade.
Ye scrape away from place to place.
Ye sneer, with smoth, persuasive words.
At Imperfections in my face.
And say, while whltt'ling at my chin,
"I see your hair Is getting thin."
Ye speak of teeming dandruff germs.
And boost your remedies for each;
As round my Jaw your razor blade
So hovers round my scalp your
Till I am branded as a dub.
Unless I buy shampoo and rub.
Thy razor twinkles merrily
Along my throat, and out and In,
The while ye do expound about
The sad condition of my skin.
Until I beg you to dl.slodge
The trouble with a face massage.
Thus, point by point, ye make me think.
"When the creator shaped my bean
With all those faults the barber sees,
He had a careless streak, I ween."
And soon I beg you. barber man.
To fix it up the best you can.
Therefore I say, debate no more
On towels. I have no preference.
Shave me in any way you wish.
And take my cheerful 15 cents;
But let the towels, praythee. go
To gag thy conversation's flow.
.Portland. October 27.
jConntry Town Sayings by Ed Howe
In nine cases out of ten, an excuse
doesn't excuse.
Some people remind one of dogs;
whatever they want to do, they do,
without much regard for the proprie
ties. I wish I could take advice as easily
as I give It.
Don't let a man tell you what people
say about you without telling him
what people say about him.
If you are enthusiastic you have
probably had this experience: A sub
ject comes up in which you are in
terested and you meet a man. You
talk enthusiastically, and find him as
dead, as cold, as lacking in enthusiasm
as a mackrel barrel five years ago.
When John D. Rockefeller was a boy,
his mother was always scaring him
with stories that he was liable to go
to the poorhouse. He became so fright
ened that he now owns nearly all the
money in the world.
If a woman's daughters hang on too
long, she says a girl who marries be- .
fore she is 30 is robbed of her girlhood.
Women who are Invited to a party
are not satisfied; they want to be asked
to help receive.
I never knew a man who could keep
a horse looking decent in Winter time.
In politics, a lot of things happen,
and a lot of fellows claim the credit.
Half a Century Ago
From The Oresonian, October SO, 18tU.
The first stone of the State Capitol
at Sacramento was laid on the 19th
We notice a long communication In
tne Vancouver paper againBt the es
tablishment of a port of entry at Port
land. A great many accusations are
made against Portland, one of which
Is that the contemplated measure In
volves the removal of the customs
house from Astoria to this city. Noth
ing of the kind is contemplated. We
desire Portland to be mado a collection
district the building of a customs
bouse here a building of sufficient
size for a customs-house, rooms for
United States courts, Postofflce and
Superintendent of Indian Affairs. We
regard this as a measure against
which no reasonable objection can be
A dispatch of the 21st from San
Francisco to the Marysvllle Appeal
says: "I have the privilege of stating
that the great overland telegraph to
Salt Lake from Omaha has been com
pleted and that dispatches are now be
ing transmitted from Salt Lake direct
to all our Eastern cities. The men are
vigorously engaged in prosecuting the
work between Rugby Valley and Salt
Lake and by Wednesday night we ex
pect to be In communication with New
York. At farthest the entire line will
be In operation this week.
Yreka, Oct. 25, 1861. The overland
telegraph line was completed yester
day noon and Is working O. K. to St.
The office of The Oregonlan Is re
moved to the rooms over the Postof
flce in the rear of the Farmer office
where we shall be glad to see our
Repair of Line Fences.
GASTON, Or., Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) ijlease tell me whether a man
can compel his neighbor to keep up
half of a division fence? For Instance,
I notify my neighbor I am going to
pasture a field and his half of the fence
Is down. He says, "I will not fix it, I
am not pasturinfg my field." I fix the
fence, later he turns his cattle In his
field and says, "what are you going to
do about ltr'
I would rather be Imposed on than
war with a neighbor, but do not care to
be down-trodden.
You are entitled to recover from the
neighbor in a civil action his part of
the cost of keeping the fence in repair.
They Cannot.
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) Please let me know if an
aunt and nephew can be lawfully mar
ried In any state In the Union?
Face Value.
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 28. (To the
Editor.) What is the value of a five
dollar gold piece of 1861; also 1878, and
a ten dollar gold piece of 1847?
How to Avoid Disaster.
SEAVIEW, Wash., Oct. 27. (To the
Editor.) Why not destroy berries of
Virginia creeper before ripening.