r 13 TTTE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER HO. 1011. FOR UK NT. Ape-rtaaeata. THE ORLANDO APT.. 2h and Wash ington. Emma K. Wunlfr, Vgr.; buil f.. funuihtd tftr-roum apt., automatic e.evator. iuim heat, private batr and y.iona; verv large rogmi and large cioie'.e. private lockers, and laundry room with -am dryer in bae-ment; references Phoa Marshall 14 f NOl HIM- A I A ItTVENTS rrnfr th and MirahiM sra, 2. 3 ad 4-room apart ments, large rnomi ar.d rcptlon halls; utomatio elevator: moil modern and bt furn:anad apartments In the city; rni rttiootblt; miuir on prexn-sea. Phone CECILIA APARTMENTS. IM snd OHn at.; beat of service; desirable location, with m-excel led e-r Mrvc. also easy wa.ktnj distance: I-room apt., wtrn bat1!, modern eonve-iences. ve-y reason .fti rent, nana. FIVE rooms ar.d bath, strictly nrxlwn. in Holladay a Addluon . m.mv waik.ng di unct; large frort and bark pon-h.. lama ante to hang clothe In; rent .t: corner Eut 6.h and Multnomah sts. No. J5 East North. Phona LtJl 2v. ,W &-rcKitn Irvinlon flat; hurdwo- floors, fireplace. e"r;ng porch, til rath, ria rtn a:.d tr tu-ater. Ir-jutra n prfrclMj. 415 East 17th North. Phone K, 171. NEW tn1 -l-gsn::v furm-h--! fat; hot ar.d cold water, furnace heat. pri are tele phone; lauMf jl ier vt mountains, a coy horn for Winter. 561 Market at., f at B. $1 NEW flet. ovrlooi-:g beautiful Pe Park; Petit, airy . a mpins pwrches. near .Jefferson High, public school; thera toiy ; fine for rnitdreo, 'L" car. Aiuworih, Albina, avea. FIVE-ROOM modern flat. attractive!- fur BLaf. plana, fireplace, furnace, f . -lr heat. nUahl f lra. j-rrn. with mountain vir. est Side. Mr.uil li. TOR RENT An eieant mxlrn upper flat. 613 - East lth su. near Last oak; rent ti;. pr month. Can b seen at any time aa the d-or ta i m. FoR KENT T naia. 5 rooms tdch. In njr aton bui.dmg. with pnr gang-, on Iv:atnn st.:. ner 4-ut h. Inquire at 12't Trtrdat. NEW IRVlNGTuN FLATS 4 and room a. an.) attic. Prcdiruk M. D-aipsey. Marsha. a ti. ruH RENT M lTn 4-room f.at. with bath, com in. Eaat Mil. hnt 1-'. Including water. Ca.l JLlu iloaa m Tlynon K. B::o. Main -11-4- fLAT. 4 r-u.a and bath, unfuralihe.1. f-'. or furnWirii. In- !ii4in n and ..trt. ity for couatnc. $ t-. n;-iy arrunned. p '"U outlook. ioU North W-'ntKtnrr. A i'V'H, TIVEROOif I'LaT. TS.' Oliwn air!; r.a bui dlLC. floorf, fir i:a:e. y ia ranc. wat"rheatr. t urna.-. ;e. K ) a t fat. M tjt a n. VI finer A by.-e. FOR RENT New iri"lrn 6 "r -rom up pr f'.at. furnai-a. firfplaea. I'utch k.irhn, lr.; rvaanabia. M East lwth aU North, 1 block aoutn of Hat.jy Md. WALNLT PA H K KUATr. 8 and 4 rxm. at ru t. y n.-Hrn; "V" car! t'lva.and. Phone W oo.tiawn 2-5 Mi 'DKHN. roTia, targ Mk, on bl" k from tt'Mt Hlfa Srh:; rrnt. Inquire IT 5 lita at., corner Vamhi I. Vrr.iiS ft-room f.at. I.ov-J-y. rt L'.'.d and J4th. t month. Vandun A Wtiton, 15 'bambr rrmmrc. S E t.I-P l" N I s 1 1 El tV-r-.orn Tat. modm. I'l locat K-ii. rvfranra $iI.S0. M-a fKl'KMHKI f:t. 4 ruonta. hU and a -ri. rnt reaaonbi, irl-r a. Jldi Wonfomery. ItoIitKV S-rwim f.at. o- ! tr, o cr line. r.rt'and Htnt. f -W. H. low M 1'- W.'-- H. f T bldx- N r'.W 5-rcMim upper fit, ttJ locition 2Jd K JHth at., near K. fa.mn. lakt Ham thorn1 far Moi'KHN 4 -room lower f:at. w.kinai dia tan. 174 Kaat d at. North, corner Ora Iq t. Phona W iiwg 3J. FOR RENT New modern 3 -room flat. Tha i )lma bed. f lrp;aca, built-in f unutur; ti 5. Talor 3 Li. .HT K. 5J1 at. Vi c!RN -in Wt Md i-iooin cor ner flat: rent raona.b;. Phona Tabor !" X 1EKN Ct. rimiii and l ath. 73 - H t at.. nar 11. Appiy li :h iu IItO)M flat. 24 Ftout at., yard. Key 2w tituuf. Main H'IERN' i- rom f'.at. .iih near Jaikin. nt hid: 1 nitn. walk. .Vain or A 1 IT.' t. H HM.-htl ft-room flat lor rent. 71-' K-arn-y at. Fok RENT New ft-room fiat; aduita only. 1'hone H 1o'X !KAI TIKL'l. new 7-room fiata, 47.So. In- aire on l'renil!t-. njL, r.errtt t. J P't R-K""M futa. aieejirc-porrh; rant -7.' -" N"--t.in:p st. M tin C J.'.V lf.MKAiLE modern flat, central Vat t-.de, aleu furnished t:a:. raaoiiA'e. " 5 lia:L. MODERN 7 room upper ft. 4iBO. 775 Jnhnvm, near '3d. 5 V tl.l. modern i r-wio lo er flit. IUU; a-lulta. 7t Eit Yamhill, nrar l'..d at. TWO molarn -roorn f'.ata. Kaat lltth and A h aa I'hone H 2 v KEW 4 -room, w.kir.g dn:.in; fun.at. R.y. nnr Uroadway ; Eaat 4 iTT. y r i . a n t it ci at r iuv,art at.. 4-roorn nlre'y furmahed Hi?. N l'EI-T furmahed atrlrtly mo.!ern trirea riv'tn flat l4.1 Oanienbein. c.-r. Albert-a- J-' K RENT M-wie-n T-roor .' at. i lith at. Appiy l1! Irt'h it., cor Yimhlll. A Nkt up-to-dte room flat at 4 7 E- Mimnn. Kej Salmon. NEWLY furniahed three-ro.m f.at. at bO aufha at reet. for rout cheap. " tfovekeplnc Rooroa. WELI-FVKNIpHEI houaea. f-ata. roma 7 ro m co't"c. i-T.ri month, another 4 rwma. 17.&. 4 room lower furR.nl fiat. II month, a u ties, two furn.h--d hoiiaekeepina' rootna. $!. 1S a moutn; S. 1.V t4 rt?h North. W -r from depoL nth. weat on llorrian to ?th. t k. nortn. THE BfcAVEK. 12tt and Varinall. fur Hi bed for houaekeeplii . i ranee, le trio lighta. hot watar. lath, laundry, free; $lft pr month up; a clean rUca. beat la tna city for the m mey , snort d lit a oca from t nlon T'e; ot. Tn.a ' S" or lritb-at. aa-ra north, get g at MaranaU at. No doga. N E A TI.Y f r.ia'ied bou-keepmai rom. i:atht and p:-ant: al crufnu-i c1!; ery raonahte. i r.&teentrt N. 1 tider near management. ON ri lar e t.ae ni-nl T'oni. f urn : r rd for houak -p'n c. and eltrir :t v ; tw) lare rl'wu. nr'aM for two barhetora. 12 per month. .M Ih TH3 34ILNER. t-'H Morrison at., cor. Park. Fnrntahrd or unfurniatied aparfmanta. levator, iteam hat n i a . I con enl encea. j l.jo T JM We.K; viaan. furnlahe4 tuaekeepinar rooma, fraa laundry, batn. phooe. rled n linen. hU 4' Vane ju ar ar.d 3-i btanton; taaa i; car. F t HnTs H E t houaekaeplnc aiitaa. vary da airab.a. Cambrmr ad aad alorri aan. Call rooni it THS AliHl" RST N !re.y furnished houe k'eepi n(, 'a- a-eep'nk rooma. t-rma re an r.e 4-S aahlna".on at. fcW YORK. th and Baiwoni Naw arte a build inc. I urn ia bed and tint urn Isoed a pea, $ii up. etaana 'at, wa-king diataaca- HOT' EKECPINO rooma In caw concrata b cc I hona Wood. awn 21 or 2319 IItfVebeeaanc Rema la Prteata lawlly. J.roirn f -im !h e.j h oil ;ee W e-;. r g suite. tl I T K of 1 connect tn. a iw air i furnished houaekaeplng rooms, 4"m T amiiill. i WEEK, laraa hooakeeptna; rm, run plug attar, ala aulta. aU Aldrr. TWO lara houekepinn root: bath. w,kln illatan-a. 4-7 ii 2 OR J furnjshe-1 hoMeheepinir-r.nia w ih tot, aink and a plate. irr at. i OR 4 fjrmih houpekeeptitg rooma, aroun-1 foor ""iLZ-,IhI: T H H E 5 nrectlnr ou-k-pln roma 24 tait Ut h Nh. Ptna H lw3 FuOVT toita, wUh run n' n watar. b;i. and phoaa. ColUga at. FOB RENT. H.mkffpHic Rona ta ITtyata ramHy. " New ard elejtantly furniahed houaa keepir.p au;(, li .-.udliifc furnaco hat. fin por.-Inln bath, j rhJla telephona and all m-wier a con wr. W :ica, beauuf ul vlow. ooo Mnrk-t at., f at B. riR-T floor of rottar"- Unca. wH tUhtd n oma furnished auitahia for three, a.iulti: cent -al locat tun ; referancea. Addreea 3a orth 11th at.. IS hlocka from WashlBf ton. Phono A and Marshall 19. TWO furr.irhod houaekaeplna; rooma. with larra pantry, modern, basement ana location. flrat floor. Phone Main V1 l$J 13TH. first floor. 4 rooma. completely f'imih'd. bath. aa and ateat nmn. water h.-atar. lawn, fine Ixrauoa. adul'.a. Vain F' ' rt or fixe rooma and bath, piano, new f'trnlr.i- :id carpet: flrepince. furncre. Mhtmvi. ". olet-tricity , lnc leaac 1 :' -4th nt . N. 3N E V ' iTv p .i p- r d and painted f'irnlsbed ha.-k epnik rooraa. aink. yaa. elettricliy; vtrv centnt. -'H Giand ava. b. enmr Eaat Ankauy. KT E rS f urnT ! h d houacke p n K f ron t r.i.Tna nn icround floor; fireplace. pjas, ..,, 2 carlinea. 7TS E. Taylor, phona K. Ji i ; n-l.. 3-ro-ini ."uite. f'irn!t-- beat, 'ctrn- una ran a?, alrk and bath. 7"0 f-'ftr.i. r, TWO u nf urn'-rd house kep. nit roomp; nlpi location. S Water t.. comer Meade. Reasor.abitv " t&a N. 3'TH Newle furnished ore. two and thre-rotm site( compiota for h o use kc op ing; str'ctly firat-ciass ONE aulta larje. a!ry. well-f iimUhcd, hnao-ke-pir.a; rooina. f 21 per month. 715 Wash Irgton at. 2 SKWI.Y fu-niahe4 bousekeeptnr rooma. lirht and convenient, corner house. Call 7.; Fm VtmhIH. $1".. I.AK;K. woil-fnrnlfhed a housekeeping room, a n.Mlna; dlstanca. 17 Chapman, near M rTl"n;: HOIKKKKriN'i rooms. .1 "-0 weak, or 3 rDim apartment, cheap. ! oiit-orpry t. Pt'NN Y f'irn'ahed house keep ins; suite. ri, 1 .i ' h. f iri.m-e beat, reasonable, rloaa In. Phora M-dn 52. Ixvejoy at. TWO rcw ! f urn. shed bouekcop!r.pT rooma, JIS; also nlecptns; room. b7 4th at., corner lirant LAl;'i! . r'" i room w i: n h nmi v f-o-1 room a it h a imva nnfl two -...-s: furnace heat, rurmshe'i rir :jp:ni honrkeeplnit . both phones. 4"- lothst. K 'H RENT -T ao furniched houiekeeplr s;- 'U R r. N r 1 rooms. id "Tis. - t ' a r unit r. t io per niontn. Pb'.ne Main 7T7. TWO neatly furn!iid h"use kae pink rooma In pruate family; new hour, he.i:. ikaht. lb'.ne. no .-irldten. I-!', Haat 17th at. TTTltKE furnished rootna for iu'ht f.o.i.-k.'-rin. 414 Flint, b! - ka from Wil-h-rns and Mock a r-om T'.nsnell at. rii UlK r-.ean well furnished house-k-"p:r.a; rooms, bath and phone. Main S v a " . " FKoNT roon.a neatly f irnMded for llKht ht.ttaehcepina:. 1 11. ' " N. Jlst at. 1 FtUNT aulte. licat and likhl.' 1'hona Fa-t f.o76. "' E. Morrison, cor. 13:h. Uouaem. FOK KENT. .I -room cotta. East :id and 1 von t recta, one blorK iron car, boira 1'tcatSon: furnnre. rennt bast-m-tit and w-ih ira s. hard -surf ace itrt ets; refer rncri reuuiretl. It. i MATHEWS. S" Kenton Mk . M Slath Pt. 6-l;i m M buncnlow, modrrn imprvementa. em-ut bir ment. furnace. tua, larae lot. a i-.u!! ard. rtowere and fruit trwea- 1 r lo.-k from Kawtborne carllue. Apply 731 Hawthorne ava FOH HUNT-Pi va-room cottage, with all nil'm convrnknea, partly ftirnlsh"d ; arar. If desired, in Irvli aTton; rent snap, phono -l5, or call C0 Weldler. near s-nteenth. G-'i rMitn-r, 1 arfri r nore good for rhukena. t.ow. garden; nntavii. n;trici: f.- rarfir: $ IS nmnth; snnp. Apply 84 N jr h '".t h. W" car west on Morrison o th. block north. 57 iooM bouse. 3 lota. barn. 2 chlcken hnu:.; god plae to raise chh'k-rs and sardrn: arp tii t r sale, rent $l;t vo. Mt. -ott .ar. Anal: atation. 4;U1-41 ava.. r ir tot n at. Ft K It EN'T Th:ee r.rn '.'ursaiow, partly f iml-hej. till Eaat Sherman, between T.Tth ami nOi -ta . f 1 5 per month. Phone H 1! o Ki it 1 4- Kt m houe for rent ; G cntckena and a 'Tie furniture for aala cheap. 64ft E. t "' .n tori wt. F.-l. S M a 00J 3..L 1-RiKM house 71 I.oveJv. strictly mod ern. fuM lot. fine lawn. in out h. an- do' n A W !ton. MS Ch 1 Tibr Com men-. .. -NEW, modern bungalow. E. .!b St.. 1 niock to car; ...i . r montn. V H. Tlo-s Marsha ij t .... 1 M. Pi d ' It - let m M modern cot t nee. Margir le ae.. near Hawthorn car. Telephone Tabor 3.'d. f .V NOV. ! : mnd'tn bunvaow, nire yard. r7M in. r.ast ctie. m i c-..i a. i.u K-ast l:th or phone Kast fr.it. For l: E NT An -r"m house, 1 Morris bt.. K uit Plde. Phone A 4'", Main 1747. 4-i:M bnuae. rent 1 M. C37 E. 31st at.; KIchTnoD'l tar. GOOD 7-room hous-. new ind. lawn, fruit . Montana. SIS. BO. Main $Mt MONTHLY rent buys bunsralow; no flrat good 7-room house, rw :id- 'awn, fruit. 4M Mortana S'l . Main 3.vt. b-KM n -use on Irving si., n ar -13d, In- : u:- Main 1 . 6 t:'i'M cottage, bath, gas and eU-otrio llfhs. large lairmrt't. 430 Harrlaon. -i:MM modern house, near Hawthorne, for rent chesp. Phone A -i T a. M''IVKN b-ronm houite. Seventh at., near JMieon Apply 1 Thirjit; FOR R-NT Modern Colonial 6-room house. ,.! itiiion si. --. FOR KENT 0 room modern lions. 7 Est ldth at. North, phone ia?t -n.u. t V r o 1 m h etf lloi 1 e r. ZiROADWA V H house of rt r it'ini : f ul' furnished, owner trave.tng. everything just as he leu It; will rnt to right p.i-ty for S .i.V house 1 Na poS proad a; key al 'J44 liroadway or 414 bpald- li ar bl.ig. WEl.l.-Kl UN f Ml ED houeee. f'nts, rooma 7-ri-om c'dtagc. $-7. So monih; anther 1.7. So. su'.f-s f'imtshrd homekerpinp? r.H.ai- . Sl. ' 7 nionin. 3. IIS. Apply ;ii4 -d: h st Nor t h. W car from d-vot. Sih. west on Morrison to tt h. block north, 8 bouse, partly furnished; large lot. erl u led jard. fruti trcea. berries, flowers, cemet t bnsernent. all mniicrn Improve ments, auit at le location, on carllne. Ap !! 7-'l Hi-tftorr av S -R.0t furnlsbetl bouse for rent, haed w ood floors. Turkish rusra dowoitairt, trihoganv furniture throtighotit, rent !'.. Phone A or M 4rtll. M,'K,V furnished H rootn. Inrpe hall. C?W t ftti"i. ptaiio; larsa yard: Hawthorne ava. H 'ov IN 1 r I us ton, modern furnished f Int. Includ ing pi mo. also partly furniahed flat. Phone E- S4SS; -KjoM house, turm.tted. cloae la. rent reaa.nab e. M. S. Keniery. Mxirut blua. Fl'HMSH ED f u-e-ro-m cotiHe. 3.11 Rust .Vtrh Inquire at :::i. .'.' w. g Ii new. lni!ie 2'V'i rtt 11 st. Main s.in a PIX-H."'M mod.-rn hoje. r-aaonabt to r sp :isib p .:. Multnomah at. How foe Rent. Fnrwltqre fee ?. lull PALE Elegant furniture of a 8 -room a.reriir.nt. roini lately furnished; every-t-.'Mg la rood and new; walking distance. 'Cumberland Apa. apt. 37. corner Weat I'ark and Coiomhiw. Inqulr janitor 6-it.'M Iti'W for rent, Weat Klde. walk Lie, distance, all or part, almost new fmniiure for aale. ll rooms can b rental. all afternoon. 1S We-t Park St.. corner 'isy st. , r lu-LtMtM mwkrn house, 1 block off W h -tov-t'irt; lar v.ird. furnace; a money maker; price $7tNi; easy term a. Marshall f4M3 EXCELLENT furniture and mge. parlor. 2 trlrwmi. dtnine and kit- hen. a I for S-Oi: a itl s1!! r rent houas. lis E. 61st st. Phone Varshalllftk4. Fl'RNITl'iiE of three-room hoffse f-r 1 ouse for rent rnap. Call at 47 Eaat Ot n street. FIVE-ROOM fuml-h-J fat for rj.it. furTiT fire tor al if atepired- "0 Ra co r.er I'ti-m. L. etc. phona East SM. jTlcR f-irnfture f.f a B-room flat for awl, reasonable, rood location, bet. Ald-r and V .rrtn. 14 11th St. or call A 4,7.V $ ."7 ".. P ru.MTt'K E o; f 1 vw- room li o:s ; t-ouse f.jr rent. :;s par:j st. Phone Main 7- A Rent. FOR SALE Furniture of ft-room flat. 3 r- ms rentrd ; irl-e "-i if taken before Nov 1 1 t- ttrba st. 6-P."M-l Hi( SE f- r rent, furniture for Bale. ' a t afternoona. 215 West Park at. PI" RN tn V R E of ai x - romi tt a t for sale che j r: r;oae in. Main t" -iN 1TI It K in 6-room house; rooms rant d . terms ca-h. . 8tli st. 4-7 ''O M bT For rent, furniture for sale; r. nt. d. 1 a'l n M. to 4 to P. M. ,.VlC.iAL ator at east end Madtson-au l.ridar- tZO to !. according ta sis, la ulra 211 Hawthorn ava. FOR R--VT. 6 cor BTORF i In modem brick bolldlnir. nearlng eompletlton. on Grand a-a.. at Stark, op posite Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co. S store, any aiza from 20x99 ft, up; 10-ft. ceilings; for almoit any kind of business tMe location offer the greatest oppor tunity of any In Portland; especially good opening for bakery, confectionery and del icatessen, also for electrical fixture-. MORGAN. FLEIDNER A BOYCS. ICS. Abtngton Bldg. . FOR PENT- A "high.-waTl-llg'hted basement on Washington, near 10th; brick buildlnk; a tout 5 years' lease; state buslnaas you want It for. J 6"2, Oreonian: TORS3 10x70 ft. In automobll row. Alder at., near Ifith. $RS per month. H. P. Palmer-.! one Co., SIS Commercial Club bldg. Phones Msin A 2 --3- STOREROOM, suitable for groceries. In sT" octlon. o2x:n, rent $20. Frank T. Berry, 4 -in at. North, city. STonKnd-ups' irs-rooms, at 737 Pavier at., ner 2Sd. Kphn. at Ilon ClothlnB Co.. i'.tf 8d st. J 0PAOB for rent In front of Cryetal saloon. J04 First at-; splendid location for an o ster-houee or an office of any kind. orVtcc. I T'ESTRK to" inter-st re:iable party to shsra Mn-ptinn room and offiipv ex'-hi'dvely one room or d-k ro.un. fndng Wash. St.. in ne Wilcox bull. 11 n at : act quickly. C. A. N'rho'n, M 4 r h n 1 1 IS. WILcox nril.DI.NVi Financial aprtnt vante relifible pnrty to share nice sulta outside offices; both phones, atenographer ; prefer real estate or attorney. AM 529. iresjonlaxt. Pl'TTE of offices on East Side, fine loca tion for physician or dentist; a bargain. F- McCargar. Hrtte A Lively. 301 Yen Mdk. ' FoR RENT Larse oflir rooms. .V4o ft., sood light, auunhi for architect's office or t.i!. or shop. St. -urns bldg. Jnquira of flr Sherman. Clay ft Co. MOSTCENTP.ALI.Y LOCATED OFFICER AlNnltht elevator service, special ln ducsinenta on yearly leaae. 30S Swetlaxid tl1g.. Bth and Washington. t LA KG S room In new" brick at 13th and rUtmon. much lisrht. built especially for ladles' tailor, mfg.. milliner, etc. Main p.: 01. . I) F - K ROOM, beginning No. 1. In the Wllco bldg.; front rooma. use of both phonv. AM R.1V. Oreconlnn. Drink Koom on the ground floor at 4 6th st. North. ONS PiirntT Tioi for rent for of. 'ire. part ly furnished. -21 - Morr.snn at L- Hi ; E front basement room, suitable for nusinesa. inquire 11. J PESKROOM for rent. Apply 222 -Commer-cImI Ci:ib bide. V ES rM-m for rent. HO 7 Venn "'g- DESK room for rent. 404 Concord bldg. BPSINFSH OPI'OnTrMTir.'i HoTEL S-atorv brb k building. atam heat ed and piumbed throughout. In goid town; n few rtours from Portland: trat vry rich land, suitable for all kinds or veetablea. g8 with hulidlng. value $;:s.hmj; will consider real eMnt In exchange. Port land property preferred; ft fin btislncaa for n hrtei man. Owner, 010 Chamber of Com men e. COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WAR IX Agenfa wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Ll fa. 43 year old. 2 millions neaeia. We loan money. II. H. Ward. Mgr.. 712 Hpeldlng bldg. WILL srll controtlinar Interest In food pay ing It verv and t? d business In best town on Columbia Ricr for ! cash: If you work yourself this will pay you LSU and better p r month, aa bualnesa Is now making close to $:ioo per month; aatla f .ictory rrason f'-r wishink to sell. Address liveryman. AV tild trejtorwjn. Fliisf-CLASrf saToon in Salt Lake City: raihfkellar atttched; excellent location : cl.tlnn good business; established 14 year; owner wishing to ratii from business. A'ldreae John D. Oilea, Boyd Park bldg., bnlt Lake city. I'tah. WILL trtde for a kood ft or 7-passenaer automohtio a $L" tntereat In good coast ing ves). now paylns; about 10 Pr cent Interest on Investment; vessel Is controlled bv best lumber people on th Coast. Av C14. Orckonlan. M0' I d Plt'TPR E THEATER Piles wanted. Cnll or write us regard ing locutions. Established theater for sa.e. full eiutpments. on easv t-rms. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. :'j Washington, Ptrtland, Or. DANDY" little" r-itauranLlnclur1 Ink" T rooms well furnished, nil full; doing business of about - to per day; rent 135 per ni-n:h; two or three -year lease; price J 4M. Se, THE H A 1 ! T LAND CO., 9 1 0 'he mer of Comm-rr bldg. TOTTVO MAN, kTRANOBWL VsV careful Investigation at rpen f ailier before you invest money la any Propoaulon. Advisory Department. T. M. IN order to settle an estate and realise cash qulrkiy. I hav some splendid bargains In business property, house and lots, acre age and mortgage, all In or near Vancou ver. Wash. Addrea F. M. Black. Bok IV Vancouver, Wash. PAR T N E RWANT E D. t have w ell-establlabed. profitable ma rhlno manufacturing buainesa. lack capital, want competent men to take half Interest and hiv full charate nf office and finan cial end. H n- Oregonlan. TRtVT CiMPNY operntinr In British clutnb!a. Ca..ada. opening branches new tow ns. require branch manager : must b n'ti " to )ve; pttnie mor.i , give unque tioiibie .f Lies. Write Winelow A Co., r t-r-Cotton ! flldlrg. Van ouver. H. C FoR A LE Cleaning and prosslnk parlor with living-moms in b.-k; rent $12&edo Ing good bufinesa; with line real estat buxinens In connection ; must be sold by W-dn'sday. End of Woodstock carllne. O Ml?, t ircEonlan. GROCERY store, good lo.ation; will In voice; whoie uulldmpr rents $J ; upstairs o rooms noir tented $1 M per month, 3 living rooma back of store ; clean, fresh sto'-k. warm t'ulldinit; $:tS0 cash. Call 217 Ablngton or phone Mnin Sfit'7. CASH PTC RE. A splendid cash buetness. with living rooms. Just tho place for man and wife. If you want something kod. and grow ink better all tho time, look thla up. Call room I". 1 5 l.umlxt Exchange bldg. IF you want to buy or trade for a grocery, dry good a dmi;. con feet loney or cigar si ore, see ue. We have them, to $10.- iKju. Best locations In city. 217 Abington b dg. Phone M :ln 6u"7. bOLlD manufacturing business: wiM sell an Interest to reliable man ; dutlc to act aa a'Hsltier and keep plain accounts. Will pay per month. Particulars Lumber Kxchank. tM ALL blork of stock in Portland ma chinery hints dolnr KO'l buslneFa: posi tion kiv.-n purth.tSiT. ('all room S Henry bi.ik. Foh SALE at a bargain : cleaning and pr'SBIIlK . jn.isl all: leaving city, tall h PARTNER, with only $Hn. for balf Interest in fine-paying business. 4'J Union ave. South, jTa j7p interest or all of one tailoring, clean It g and rlvelng cstablisninent, reasonable. N C-N Orofionian DRC iu L-T or doctor. I0tn tnkes spienaid estabi.shed buainn and practice. Dr. Ev.rcst, Cornelius. Or. HA LOON. For sal or trade, gond transient busl ns ; long leai. ! Morrison, room 1 2. pi K HALE CHEAP Cluar and confection ery store at tne corner or 4 turn ave. ana Albert a. phone Woodlawn 3"4. AM leaving for a foreign country and will ' . I lA.t W. I' I ' . KUr .lAxb o $10 p-r share. W Vft Oregoninn. SALOON FOR SALE. Prominent corner, 6-year lease, rent Tery reaeonable. inquire l'lt4 Y.mhlll at. A ;o D paying grocery confectionery; clean stock; ruaap If taken Immediately. Wood lawn 8ft. Cum HCSlNEStf cards. $l.O0; you must bring this ad. Rose City printery. l!a4j Third. A p.RAl. JtAItGAlN PAINLESS l'RICga. WILL sell good paying boarding-house with lft boarders, at sacrifice; owner leaving t..w n. 7i North 14th at. iT ear rin.e my manufacturing business on account of sickness at any reaaonabi offer. M M3. Qrenonian. 2 -OU- steamboats and a good business (or aaie; going out of buaineaa on aa count of sukneaa. AV 644. Oregon iaa. 1 I N I N O AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. 1 elephone and other bonds bought and eo!d Fletcher Inv. Co.. l.a Abington. ltAl.E ini'-rt-s; in nice, clean busineaa; old athllaned.::". -t1. Yamhill. 1UK HER "hop f..r aale, a chairs, good loca tion. ASS Wash, st. KtTAl RANT Good location; good bual-n-ss. n f-ke. jincr. d.t ' N. nth st. R EST A I L ANT and cardroorn for aala. 2.12 N. 14n. 1ELI ATES.EN and restaurant oheap; i.rnii; lease. -3". Market. rori I.e. l'.ottbiack and fruit stand at taVen r oiMe. l Morrison at. KM It liA I K Reataui ant and oyster-house; l inenp. wmintin at. T A 1 1 .0 :t bu'iress for sa.e on account of sfjknesa, - -amhill au BrSIXESS OrPORTTTNlTIES. t a n-vr a xxr a V TT TT r Man who Is a cook wants reliable man to take charge of cash and the front ; this will mak- you S0 per week and board; experience not ueceasary; very lit tle money will handle It, Call room 0I.4 Lnmrer Exchange bldg. OOO D opportunity Drugstore, with com plete stock, lnludlnr jewelry and optical goods, in good town of ISO-. In prosperous agricultural section of Eastern Oregon, for sale at big sacrifice. Addreas AC Ml O reg onlan. MULT1GRAPH ING and stenographic busi ness for sale; well established; clearing $ loo per month ; can b secured for flooO; leaving city for East: splendid buy for right party AB o40, Orrtgoniaii. gTOTK "rOMPANIKf INCORPORATED We bid to offer entire allotments of stocks or bond for corporations. J. N. Securest A Co.. Investment Bankers, Whit bldg., Buffalo. - FOR PALE by owner; good paying mer chandise business in Vancouver. Wash. ; long established ; will bear thorough In vestigation ; $16.tMo to $20,000 to swing; Invoice, K Ml. Orekonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN GROCERY. Thla a centrally located store, dnlnjr a fine business; will sell half interest to a rellnh! man. Call room 3lo. Lumhrr'Ex change bldg. pi'A N'TKD Partv with some capita? to fi nance mine fn Mexico; good proposition. For further particulars address H fi-'J. o r e gonlan. WANTED A good business man wit h $250 to Join an enterprise that will pay JM) per annum and upwsrds; for workers only. AR nMrt. Oregontan. DRt'O STORES. In and out of the drk business. I have several good one. be Berry, car "Rowe A Martin GRO'eT;Y $2L"0 year buslnesa. West Sld, central located, long lease, cheap rent: will sell at Invoice, no bonus, AO M7. Qregonlwn. t i RIVERSIDE HOI'EB. 1054 M a c ad am road. P0 rooms furplshcd. frr rent or for sa.e, essy terms. F. Dayton, owner, D4 Firsr st. . RESTAURANT doing cash busineaa. f0 daily; cheap rent; owner sick and mut leave; irtftO cash If taken at once. C. 3. Ttottriff. 23 Astor st.. Astoria. Or. CLE AN I NO and pressing parlors for sal or trade: bis; business; large iiving-room, furnished : sacrifice. 27 North liith t. Main 79 ?9. DRVO STORES. I have aeveial rood paying stores here In the city. See Berry, care Rowe A Martin. FOR SALE At a bargain, a first-class sa loon, fixturea and stock and furnished rooming-house up stairs. For particulars. a i n res . m., ' -. i't R SA LE Hot Ppringa Sanitarium, with equlpnecnt. for price of real eatata and lm- . . . . ..n.. 111 v. nil I AAA rnm 11 ro veniema ; fi"w win - .. 1 D.lA.... Uftah FuR SALE or trade; a good moving-picture outfit, everything complete; 3 good horses and two wagons. Main 4202 or call at 34 Montgomery si LADY wanted, to have charne of the of-fi.-e of a profitable manufacturing buslneas. will pay vou I7S month: must b able to Invest some money. L b4ft. Oregontan. A LIMITED amount of atock for sale In a local motldn-plcture company (Inc.); thl I a w orth Investigation. 414 Lbra. bl dg. SdFAT market for aale; good trade; will sell cheap If taken befors th 1st. H .-2. Ore gon; an WOULD aell half Interest In good paying restaurant to good cookone of the best locations in city. K Oregonlan. ROOMIXO HOfSKS. CLOSE-IN, modern West Plde apartment house: rent best In the city; only $5.20 per room ; Im-uine more t han rI0 pir month over rent: price f Oft mi, c20 cash. This Is a real splendid bargain.. Brand new, thoroughly modern brick hotel. M rooms. 13 tiled baths, steam beat, hoi and cold water In every room; very kw rent, commencing at d.nO per room; price $10.to. only part cash. This Is the very best hotel proposition In the -ity- MORC.AN". FLIFJDNER ROYPR, FAMIf-Y HOTEL to lease to responsible pary. new brick building, good Weat tilde lecation. rent reasonable : If you have the means ?o furnish thli place and the ability to run i. anawer quickly. Olv phone number. Y AH8, Oregonlan. REMOVAL NOTICE. O C. R. Ellis A Co.. successors to Ki lts. Smith A Co.. heretofore In th- Mer chant Truat Jddg.. on and after Nov. 1 will -- in THF WTLCOX BLDG. ROOMS ftuft-M". REMOVAL NOTICE. O. C R. El Ma A Co., successors to El ite. Smith A Co., heretofore in the Mer chants Trust oldk-. n and sfter Nov. 1 will be In THE WTIAVOX BLDG. ROOMd 609-r.. REMOVAL NOTICE. O C. R. Ellis A Co.. auccensors to El lis. PmVh Co.. hrretofore In the Mer chants Trust bldg., on and after Nov. 1 will be In THE WILCOX BL1K5. ROOMS MH-ftp. fcNAP $l2ft0 worth of furnltur In 10-room house for sale at $:mo; cheap rent; owner leaving city. Inquire Ockley Hotel, 10th and Morrison, room 8". FOR SALE Rooming-house. IA rooms, part Iv housekeeping, clearing 75 per mo. 231 tb st. . HO iMING-HOUHK. room, rent $40: price f "u; 3 years lease; 2 blocks from W aah ngtun st. AE 42. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOrXD. LOST Strive- from 772 Marshall st., Fun day evening, a PERSIAN KITTEN. 3 months old. liht smoke pray, with white tufts in ear. REWARD. Phone Main ftiiL you XD Where vu can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattrenees and return same day; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. 22-228 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST On Montavllla car, Sunday, small alligator pocket purse, containing a key, receipts and about $7 in coin; finder return to Nellie Baldwin. 72 Oregonlan bldg.. an4 receive reward. LOST OcL , a linen towel with a rose bud pattern woven In ft and stamped with flower design and the letter In old English; leave at Meier A Frank art de partment. LOST Eftllah setter dog. black and white ticked; black spot over left eye: collar and nam on plate; $50 reward; return to Dr. Aian W'elch Smith, Electric bldg:. 7oST-A double amber necklace, between Burnalde. First and Alder ate. A liberal reward if returned 10 .t.i nurnsine si. 1 RAD E for lots on good terms, rooming bou-e. new. 210 Montgomery at. fcU'KKTED A brown mare; seen last at .61 ft and GUsan. Reaard. Call P 273.1. t wj Sunday evening, a fob, engraved E. A. H. A E. Reward. Tabor 8ft"Q. Fl" P N ITU R E. 11 rooms, s plend Id lm atlon, cheap rent, clean 75.oo; twrmi. 23 5th. 1j0sT Jade breastpin. Call Pbon U. 3075. Reward. UPEClAfa NOTICES. Proposals Invited. FOSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. Washington. July 0 1U1L Proposals will be received at the Poetofflce Department, in the City of wsahington. until 4:30 P. V Novem ber 2b. lull, for ocean mail service, pur suant to the Act of March 3. 1831. In ves seia of the second class, on the routes hereafter described, service on each route to commence not later than the 18th pt October. 114. The right la reserved to reject all bids. Schedule of routes: No. 77 -O M S.." from 6eattle. with right ' to call at Astoria, to Panama, once every two weeks. 26 trips a year, calling at Kan Francisco and alternately at Ban Pedro and or San Diego. California, and from ban Francisco to Panama one every two week. 2? trips a year, calling alternately at ban Pedro and or San Dlo. Califor nia. Time from Seattle to Panama 1" days ani from San Francisco to Panama lo das. Contract for 10 y ru B required with bid $2n.O00. No. 78 X M S.," from New York to Colon, calling at Charleston and or Savannah one each week, trips a year. Tim to Colon 9 days. Contract for 10 years. Bond re quired with bid $100,000. No. 7. .O. M. S " from New Orleans to Colon, one each week. 52 trips a year. Time to co lon 4 days. Contract f r 10 years. Bond required with bid $75,000, Th. Postmaster-General reserves th right to re quire the steamers on each of the above mentioned routes. whenever they may continue their voyage to a port at tn oppoit end of th Panama Canal, to carry any portion of their mall to uch port without additional compensation, whenever In hie Judgment that course Is advantageous to the poetofflce Depart ment. Circulars containing a description of th routes. Instructions to bidders and blank forms of proposals, with sora renylng bonds, can be obtained or ma Second Assistant postmaster-General, poetofflce Department, on and after Au gust 1. 1911 Frank H. Hitchcock, Postmaster-General. BP FATAL NOTICES. .Miscellaneous. A FPECIAL MEETING of the member of th Library Association of Portland will be held In th Art Room of the Library, at Seventh and Stark streets. Portland. Orson. Wdnesduy. November 1. lll, at 8 o'clock P. M. The meeting has been duly raped for the purpose of taking such ac tion as may be proper upon the sale or lots one (1L two (2. seven 7) and eight (Si In block two hundred and fourteen 214 in. the City of Portland. County of Multnomah, State of Oregon; the execu tion of a lease with the purchases and owner of said premises; the purchase of block two hundred and fifty (20), in the said City of Portland, County of Mult nomah. State of Oregon; the execution of a contract and lease with the County or Multnomah. State of Orecon, for the main tenance and operation of the public library system of the County of Multnomah, Stat of Oregon; tree conveyance to the County of Multnomah of said block two hundred and flftv C-50, In said City of Portland; the amend men t of the constitution and the article of incorporation so as to change th number of directors of this corporation, the time of electing said directors and the terrai of their office; ami to provide for the election of th present County Jurigo and County Com missioners and their sucre.sors In office as ex-offlcio directors of said corporation. Dated October 20, 1111. W. B. AYER. President of the Director?! o the Library Association of Portland. NOT r'E is hereby gi cn that on Nov. 1, I'.tll, my client will purchase from A. Abe that certain rooming-house at 81 3 Couch St.. and furniture therein. Credi tors having any bills against same are requested to present thern to A. W. Pa rah ley. 521 Chamber of Commerce. At torney at law. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN". Take notice- Mrs. May Gbtbtsoh has left mv bed and board and I will not be re sponsible for any bills or accounts con tracted by her. Signed. JAMES W. GIEBTSCH. PERSONS having bills against business of J S. prennen, 92 North Hi St., present same before November 6. 1011. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE. First mortgages bearlne 6 per cent In terest payable annually, secured by first- class Improved real estate. s;7't, secured by city property. $:.ouit. secured by city property. $12'M, secured by city property. 25' secured by farm property. JP2.".'. secured by farm property. f247S. secured by farm property. ?2''Ot secured by farm property. $132. secured by farm property. $lu, secured by farm; property. $smi, secured by farm property. $.ViO. secured by farm property. Address I'nion Pacific LWe Insurance Company, 605 Oregonlan bldg., Portland, Oregon. THE undersigned desires to purchase bonds of the Home Telephone & Telegraph Com pany, of Portland. Or., to Invest an amount not exceeding FJDtK); all unmatured In terest coupons to accompany the bonds; submit offers in writing not later than November 4, 1011. at 1 o'clock P. M. Ve reserve the right to require that the bonds offered be deposited, or In lieu thereof a cash deposit of 10 pr cent of the amount bid. W also reserv the right to reject any or al bids. Address J. F. Jack. Trust Officer, Title Insurance & Trust Company, 2'l New IllKh at., Los Angeles, Cal. THERE ara so many fake oil. mining and other fake stock propositions on the mar ket that it Is hard to get a proposition along honest and legitimate lines before the people. We have one that experience, responsibility, careful and conservative management have made, a record that f-tnnot he denied, padded or exaKKated. Small amount of stock now available. Homo Installment Co., OOU McKay bldg. Marshall 2.-0U. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. H. E. MOON'EY. Failing Bldg. Money to lend In large or small amount" at current rate on Improved Portland property. FOR SALE. Cholc ftnu mortgages in amounts from $20oo to $20,0o to net the investors 8 to 7 per cent. A FEW shares yet for sale In a land-buying and selling organization; i0 per cent subscribed, still at opening price. This will pay over 40 per cent per annum; is safer than commercial paper or bank in terest and carries au opportunity to work for the organization If you so desire. AR r.:".. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE FOR SALE. First mortgage of $:ilo0, drawing 7 P"f rent Interest for 3 years, on highly Im proved country proporty, worth JlO.oou; will ta sold for $2750 for immediate sale, ns owner must have cash. A 55. Orego nlan. FIRST and second nortgages and contracts purchased cn farm and .-ity property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. I Deverenux. 1mi'-3 Spalding bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity in contracts of sale nn real estate in Washington or Oregon; loans. H. E. Noble. 31H Luinbermens bldg. uv nav hiirhoit cAHh nrlce for bisiiders' con tracts, first and second mortgages and J otner securme-. xiouie nisiniin.cin fly 8 McKay bldg. Marshall 25 w. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounta bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Abington bldg. CONTRACTS, first and second mortgages purchased. E. W. A. Pcake, 607 McKay bldg. MONEY LOANED Will buy mortgages, notes or equities. Patrick. 702 Venn. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. Ii. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLOCK. Money to Loan Real Fat at. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $10w, $2500, $3iM. $":. $50ou. $000. On Portland Improved property, or would consider close-in acreage. Prompt deliv ery assured of above amounts. Apply to OOODfELL BROS.. 433 Worcester bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city property at reasonable rate of Interest in sums from $500 up. C. F. Pfluger A Co., suite 12. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. Ktab!iPhed li0. MONEY to loan at 7 per cent on city prop erty in amounts from $3000 to $10,uoo and plenty of It. JULIUS KRAEMER. yo Fi-th St. ON IMPROVED city properly or for bulld . Ing purposes, ;i to K years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings : Loan Association. I'-Hl Stark at. GOOD SUPPLY OF MONEY TO LOAN AT AND 7 PER CENT ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. M ALL A VAN BOK3TEL. 104 SECOND ST., NEAR STARK. WE have plenty of money to loan on Portland property in sums from $loo0 to $50,000 at lo west curren t rates. Morgan, KHedner Boyee. 508-MJd Ahlngton bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate secur ity. Furrlngton A Farrington. 410 Com mercial Club bldg. , ginn.iMMt TO LOAN in sums of $1000 and up, B to S per cnt; large loans especially so licited. J Frank porter, i0j Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of monev to loan at 8 and 7 per cent on real estate security. ED W. P. MALL 300 Chamber of Comniow MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes. ColnmMa Life A Trust Company. Spalding bldg,. P1MVATE partv has $23 up to S.lOrt to loan for a short time on valuable security. 21rt Oregonlan bldg- IMPROVED or unimproved property ; small building loans, contracts and mort pages bought. W. H. Nunn, 44S Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A- H BIrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 2d and Stark. aoort oort TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building Ionns, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, K15-31.V Failing Mdg. i-siNF property and close-in residence D 0a ri EDWARD ' E. GOT'DEY. Lewis bldg. $.0,000 OR any part; ftrm r Hty mort v gages: terms to suit. Main 1100. Ho OR PART on Improved rei estate; no d el ay. W. L. Page. 107 Sherlock bldg. S50O0 TO loan, all or part, on Improved real estate, close In. R 557. Oregonlan. ijOO ON city real estate. Cnll 414 Spald- l-uivaTE money loaned on real estate mort- r t vit.v room 204. Cerlln-er hlrir g " " z u.-iRTOAOE LOANS. 0 and 7 PER CENT. Mr!i a a r .0 M ON. 2:i3 STARK ST. gage-. : " - irTobo or less. 7 per rent on 1-3 valuation, city proP y- ft 550, Oregon ian. fni'q on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pailett, 308-9 Fenton. n-FY any amount. 6 to H per cent. Uood nough A Seltr, 310 Spalding bldg. JoXEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. a" H. HARDING. 813 Chamber of Com. For REAL ESTATE LOANS. SEE GEO. Sr JiunMAR. 267 OAK ST.. ROOM 2. in jj g on Improved realty at lowest rates. ni-VrivnTON. Chamber of Commerce. PHIVATB money 1 " o--i morigages; charges reasonable. Ward. 210 AMsky bldg. irate funds loaned. 8 per cent. W. E. Thom as, stat agent. Multnomah Co.. 4'0 C. of C e O0O OR iOOO to loan at T per cent on real astata. Call BIS Board of Trad bldg. FIXAXCIAl-. Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT LOANS. Do you avant to build on your lot and make it Income bearing? The rent will more than repay the loan and interest. Have you a heavy interest bearing mort gage on your property or improved farm 7 If so, substitute our 6 per cent loan. W e make loans everywhere. Writ or call for full particulars. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. , Room 16. 23- Wash. St,, Portland, Or. $500.04-0 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rae large loans a specialty. McKenzIe & Co., M4-515-513 Gerllnger bldg Money to Lo;tn Chattel and Salaries. $$$$$ QUICK LOANS ANY AMOUNT. Loans $10 upward on furniture, pianos, horses, storage receipts or salaries. This company was organized to loan money to those in need temporary as sistance and to pay off loans with the RIGHT-RATE money lenders. YOU BOR ROW $10 and pav $12. 0 In 6 payments. 2ft and pay $28.95 in 6 payments. $50 and pa $5tt.45 In 8 payments. OTHER SUMS in proportion. Weekly or monthly payments. Business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 2O0-207 Macleay Bldg. Open Mon. and Sat. Kvonlnirs. Phones. i $ $ $ I $ WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only. 1n amounts of from $5 to $100. at the lowest possible rates. BUSINE"8 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Wo want your business and as our capi tal Is unlimited, we are In a position to defy all competition and offer you the best contract in the city. All we require Is that you have a steady position and that you are honest. STATE SECURITY CO.. 3ns Failing iing. $$$!$ i DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will furnish vou. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan in any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities, on terms to suit; ai-o week ly or monthly payments, WE BUY AND LOAN on first and second real estate mortgage, contracts and chattel mortgages. V s HEAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton bldg. Itil r,d. Main 20S4. $$$ $ Tt-C i ajv M,n"NTir.Y' LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT. FROM $ IO UP On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, diamonds and all other kinds of personal property payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your conveniences'; cour teous treatment to all; private offices and all business strictly confidential. GRAY & CUNNINGHAM. 201 -2 Rothchild Bldg.. 27 Washington. u.in,Aan ith ond r.rh Rt. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Cojne and get money when vou want It. and pay as you can. OfflcoV In all principal cities. D. H. Tol- niail. Hi 1 mmimr n-fiimigc. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 3"7 Spalding Bldg LOWEST RATES. LOANS ON DIAMMNDS, AUTOS. PI ANOS, REAL ESTATE OR ANY SECVR IT Y; CONFIDENTIAL. T'NION BROK ERS CO.. 513 Abington bldg.. 100H 3d st. MONEY TO LOAN On livestock, household goods, pianos, au tos, contracts, anything of value. Strictly confidential. Frank Lane. 600 Swetland. IM MEDIATE loans from $5 and up on all kinds of securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 321 ABINGTON BLDG. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 hi 3d. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry, aianc mocn, 14 .u LOANS on diamonds and other securities. W m . Hon. room H, v asningion uio. MoNKY sold on Installment. confidential. salaried people, r. a. ishwlqm, ncmy mw SHORT time loans on any good security. 210 Oregonlan Bldg- Loan Wanted. LOAN of $50o wanted on new bouse, occu pied by owner, value $1200, 8 per cent and expenses, to private party. K 311, WANTED LOAN OF 82500 ON LAUREL- HURST II OM E : 7 PKK Tj'' I ASu r-.'v-PENSES TO PRIVATE PARTY. AT 533 ORKGONIAN. . LOAN OF 875 WANTED ON NEW HOUSE 4 occI'PIEId BY OWNER; VALUE $2V0; 8 PER CENT AND ALL EXPENSES TO PRIVATE PARTY. A 57tt, OREGONTAN. WANTED To borrow $4000 on out of town real estate in high state .of cultivation; valuation. $15.00": will pay S per cent for 3 years. A 59Q. Oregonlan. WANTED-To borrow $5O0O on good Port land real estate worth $15.oOO. V 613. Oregonlan. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. B.HI PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES $12 34-Inch switches o ?it 20-inch switches Hair dressing Fa-.-e massage Shampoo ,'!! Manicuring. 25c; five for J-V 12 scalp treatments o.ou Superfluous hair removed by fectrlclty, guaranteed not to return. $4 $5 and $0 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekdm bldg., 3d and Washington. " " SWEENEYS. 3;oi-r4 stark St. Main 12JM. Baldness, loss of hair, and scalp dis eases cured or money refunded. Many prominent Portland people are having their hair restored by our treatment. Why not vou? No charge for examination. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE He Is Ing for graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions: laths, massage. No. 7 East Uth st second door soul h from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 200. B JSOj. m OATH ERIXB C. G ATES I use no drufcs. I have had 11 years' experience In treating diseases. I am a graduate of some i the best colleges of natural heal ing 307 Abington bldg. Marshall 3143. p to 12 A. M.. 1 to 6 P. M. MAKEOVER shop and millinery school. Why buy new? Utilize your old material and have a stylish hat made at little cost, trimmings and making 5 cents and up; satisfaction guaranteed. 30i Goodnough hiock. opposite Post of flee. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Fred No-uls'. who leffc Minneapolis about five years ago, will confer a favor by notifying his parents. Box S7, Frazee, Minn., or MrR j. Elburg. National. Washington. STEVENS. 18 years Portland's leading naimi-t and clairvoyant, has her late book "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 34;ii Yamhill, corner 7th st. TTk WALKER, specnllist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation fr(.e l$l 1st St., Portland. t R, A. A- A U S P LUX D. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam free. 3"2 Merchant Trust bJdg.. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. OR ESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep vour clothes cleaned. pressed buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and dallvirtes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. ARE you In trouble over real estate, busi ness or personal matters? Can make you quick deal; city or state. J 66. Ore gon 1 an- TUBERCULOSIS, paralysis, eyesight, nerv ous debility cured by German woman with wonderful magnetic healing power. 1(1 Eat Tenth, corner --u. j - -!. mm. vus SOPHIE B. SEIP. mental and spiritual scientist: dally. 3o2 Alisky bldg.. Wed. 6 p. M. Special messages to all. Main 0824. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curls and puffs,- 73c Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum Bldg. DR, KETCHUM, diseases peculiar to women, a.Bo diabetes and eczema, Washington bldg.. 4th and Washington. Main S474. LA Dl ES I f ln need of confidential ad vice consult Dr. Pierce; no charges. Call nr write. 245a Morrison st. )S LEWIS, late of San Francisco, treats baldnes and diseased scalp. 405 Stark. Main ;s.ot. THE Marinello system, hatrdressing. facial And scalp treatments. 4o2 Central bldg., cor. 10th and Alder. Main 8095. LOR EX Z NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 25a box; 8 boxes $1.25. Stipe Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. MASSAGE given by German physician at patrons' residences. Phone Main 5851. ilME COURTRIOHT. fegturo and skin einllst. 20O 2"th st. N. Phone Main 5042. B LM of FIG? Remedies for diseases of women. 522 Davis st. Main ?215. voles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. It, D. Hill, 429 FUalner bldg. Main 3472. rEiiSOXAL. SICK men and women who -want to be well We have the most expensive, finest equipped, private offices on the Pacific Coast; every known therapeutic appliance used in America or Europe we have; we use no drugs, we never operate; we use every electrical and mechanical treat ment and are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using radium; come and bo examined and see our offices; It will cost you nothing; we employ the best regis tered physicians and surgeons, to verify our diagnosis of each patient's disease. We occupy the entire north half of the inira iioor or tne Kotncnna Diag. jut. W. E. Mallory. naturopath. DR. ALTCE A. GRIFF. olsca-es of women and children, na removed to Lafayetxe bldg.. 313 4 Wash ington st. MEN Try S. O. tablets for debility from any cause : price $ 1, uny address ; money returned if it fails. Dr. Fierce Remedy Co.. 245 Morrison st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant Kxpcrt. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, closed, writ ten up. financial statements ; private Instruction : outside service. 502 Swetland bldg. Main 440. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER., attnrney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142H Yeon bldg. M. S73, A 2071. THOMAS D- REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oregonlan bldg.. 4th floor. A weaver and Analyst. F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum refiner, asayrr and chemist ; good buyer. 3d floor. 142Vj 4th ft. Main 6103. Wells Proebst'!. mining engineers, chem lsts and assayers. 24V Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and orc-testlnc work. 1 SO Morrison st. BraH and Machine Works. HARPERS BRAS WORKS Brans casting and machine work. foO N. 5'h. Main 2"u2. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TfCKXER, Columbia bldg.. next Star heater. A 255, Main 05S7; res.. B 2t70. CI 1 1 ropodUt. DR. M A ROUER1TR CK A WFOKD, graduate chiropodist, permanent ly r'-moveji corns, bunions, callouses, ingrown club nails: ped icuring. manicuring, face and scalp specia.1 iMt. 514-515 pekuni bldg.. ;;d and Wash. WILLIAM. Efte'Me and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In tho cify Parlors ao2 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 13l. Dr. Martin Braun. surgeon chiropodist frnrn; the Imperial l.'niversity Hosplial, Vienna, Austria. 2QS Rothchild bldg. Ih. Main 6S51 CHIROPODY and pedlcurinR. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 421 Filedner bldg. Main 3473. Coal and Wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL " FUEL, CO., Marshall 0t;o, A 8545. coal and wood, 3S7 Water st. Collections. PROMPT attention given delinquent and current accounts. Coast Pacific Co., 6X3 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 3540. Protective Adjustment Co. Delinquent and current. 410 Falling bldg. Marshall 155. Contractors. W. L. BUCK NEIL contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store Betting. 8 N. 8th st. Main CSS1. A 7itl2. Wootllawn 502. Dancing. PRO F. WAL. WILLSON S SCHOOL, lesson 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaran teed In first lesson or money refunded; stage dancing taught quickly. 3808 Wash, st.. bet. W. Park and 10th. Main 7637. HEATH'S SCHOOL Le.-sons 25c; fancy stage and social dancing taught dally; waltz and two-step guaranteed in 4 les sons. Class and social dance Monday eve. 101 2d st.. between Washington and Stark. RINGLER'S SCHOOL Wednesday, Friday evenings: social dance Saturday ; elepant hall. 231 rt Morrison. Private lessons daily. Phone Marshall 313. Fducatloiml. PRIVATE evening Instruction In arithmetic, bookkeeping. correspondence, grammar, capitals, punctuation, etc. ; satisfaction guaranteed. Address Successful Instructor, P. O. box 121, or phone Mafn 0S37. STAMMER? -My book. "How to Stop Stammering" direct to the point. M. 1. Hat field. 1402 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. STUDIO of elocution. 60S Ellers bldg. .Main ZJXt. Litgines Gna and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoiiue en gines. 2Sl-2S:t E. Morrison st. Phone E. 515. Feed Store. ZiGLER A M LSNKlt. hay. grain, feed. CS-m-nt. shingles. r4 Grand ave. E. 42. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. LSI Front bl Musical. Ewill Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevolk, 0O0 Ma ru.ua m. A 4100, Marshall 1G20. Otopiithic 1'hysiclana. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases Phone Office M. ::4'.i. Res. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and vornlsli Is besB adapted to the Coast climate. BASS BELTER PAINT CO., liU Second it. 2LOSMUSSEX &. CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sasn and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. 1'apering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat, clean work, phone East 423. ' pat cut A 1 1 orn ey s. U S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Much, attorney at-luw. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 The Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 0o4 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 0'3 00 Eiectrlc bldg. Oscar Huher, Portland. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE M Y ERS' Collateral Bank ; 40 years In Portland. 71 tUh st. Phone Main 910. Pipe. PIPE and fittings, engineers' and steam sup- V M. L. KLINE. Centrally located. Nos. 64 to 88 Front st, p h one Main 517, A 2517. FOFUTLAnIjTwOOD I'IPE CO. Factory and. office near 24th and York sts. M. 34S9. Safes. THF MOSLER SAFE CO.. 10S 2d st. Safe nt factory prices: second-hand safes. Second-hand Goods. WF buy clothing, furniture and tools. High est lirice paid for second-hand clothing. furniture, tools. Marsnan jo. WE pay the highest prices for second-hand :lotillug mm b"""- ' 'J J- bhowcaHcs. Bunk and Show Ilxtures. THF I I'TKK MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., tith and Hoyt. U, Lutke, mar.ager. . h H BIRDSALL, 20.8 Hamilton bldg. Show-"ca-ea in stock. vrompt delivery. Sales BiPnt, M. Winter t-umner '.o. iP.SHAL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage mid Transfer. C O PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices "and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; X. W. cor. 2d and Tine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed tor ship dng: special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and toreign P"'iua. .. General transferring and storage, safes niano3 and furtniture moved and packed for shipment. 87 -Si) Front at. Telephone M aln 547 or A 2247. ORE GOV TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Offices and ,t.,raL.e 474 Glisan St., cor. 13th and Glisaiw Phones Main 01.'; A -116ft. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving; low ratet on storage. Both phones. Typewriters. 415 to $05 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choos from at Gil's. 3d and AU'er; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed Call or phone for representative. Main 85O0 or A BOOS. WE ore the exchange for the largest typen writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex c b ange, 27 Washington st. VF-iV rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. P- C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. ' Well Drilling. viil1 LING wells a specialty: price reason able Call Main 134ft or write Miller 4 West. 18C Morrison st.. Portland. Wood and Cool. GOOD four-foot fir cordwood, $5.50 pet cord. Phona Mar. 8117.