Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 28, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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. - -
Shop at Portland's Largest Cut-Rate Retail Drug Store Today
Bargains in Every Section of This Popular Priced Store
Last Day in Which You Can Buy Fine Toilet Soaps at Very Low Prices
AH Purchases Made on Charge Accounts the Remainder of This
Month Will Be Charged on November Account. Take Advantage
' l
' 1 -
Warrants Issued for Arrest of
Ten Commission Men Said
to Be in Combine.
. -
s 1 day
..e's " '
--- - , .
, . -,.
FlrM Anti-Trust Campaign in State
of 'Washington I Started Fines
Compelled Fixed Prices.
Producer Assert.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Ort. IT. Fperlal )
At the request of Prosecuting- Attar
lr Jolin Wiley, warrants have been
surd for C. E. Kingman. H- J. Fhlnn.
Jasper Ntoa David. H. Anderson.
Charles I'hden. M. J. Shlnn A Co.. the
Kanher-Ktngman-Ilrrrln Company and
Ryan Newton, local rommiiielnn deal
era in produce, charged wit hi violating
the law forbidding conspiracy In re
straint of trade.
The action Is the first of the kind
to be brought since the passage of the
law of 1909 and Is the only anti-trust
campaign ever started In the state.
Conviction under the charge will
bring to the indicted men Imorlson
ment In Jail for a period of not more
than one year or a fine of not more
than 11000. The Information as drawn
charges them with a continuing crime,
and It Is possible that Indictments on
many counta may Issue from It.
teaesly te Be Prvem.
"The persons for whom the warrants
were Issued filed with the Secretary of
Plate on September ST. 10, articles of
incorporation for the 'Spokane Jobbers'
KxchangeV said PL JU Williams, of the
prosecution. "Since that time we ex
pect to prove they have operated as a
monopoly. This exchange was tha
framework of the affair. through
which their agreement was enforced
and the rules for the conduct of their
business promulgated. It would be un
wise at this time to make any state
ment as to the evidence which we In
tended to put In."
The exchange which sow appears as
the trust organisation has never been
pushed forward In the operation of the
commission houses. By means of It. It
Is alleged, fines were established for
refractory members who sold at rates
under those fixed by the combine and
.collected when such violation of the
agreement was discovered.
Selltaa- Prtet Cmtralled.
Buslneea territory was allotted and
It la said that a line drawn east of
Fpokane was fixed beyond which Its
members could sell at any price they
wished. The reason was that competi
tion from outside firms bad to be met
there - and consequently food prices
were greatly lowered.
Not only did tha organization control
the selling price. It Is charged, but
also It has set the price for the pro
ducer. Wherever the orchardlst or
market gardener was located, at Walla
Walla, Wcnatrhee or In Southern Ida
ho, his products were given a certain
value and no member of the combine
paid him more than the price ao named.
Deputy Prosecutor MacWllltams haa
made personal trips to outside points
in collecting evidence on the manner
in which the scale was operated. .
State Canal Commission Will VI. It
Oregon City Today.
OREGON CITT. Or, Oct. XT. 8pe
lL The State Canal Commission,
composed of Governor West. Secretary
of the State Olcott and State Treasurer
Kay. will arrive here tomorrow to In
spect the canal locks on the west side
of the Willamette River, and the three
proposed canal routes on the east side.
Major Mclndoe. representing the Gov
ernment, will be present from Portland
to confer with the members of the
The members of the Commission will
familiarize themselves with conditions
alone the different canal routes with a
view of deciding which route shall be
finally selected for Improvement.
The Commercial Club will entertain
the visiting officials while here. They
III be given a luncheon at 1 P. M.
The estimated cost of constructing
the canal will be $754,000. Of this sum
the state has appropriated tSOO.000 and
the Oovemment IJOO.noO. The Govern
ment Is also ezpected to appropriate
the remaining amount needed for construction.
"FIebT Fungi" Specialist Gathers
Specimen for "Flora."
Seattle. Wash. Oct. IT. (Special)
Gathering toadstools and mushroom
for a "flora" to be published by the
New York botanical gardens at a cost
of t:s a copy. Dr. W. A. Murrtll. tha
greatest "fleshy fungi specialist In
tha world, yesterday began his first
work of collecting data on the Pacific
When completed the big flora will
rentals descriptions of every known
living plant from Central America to
tha Arcilo Circle, treating of tha small,
est thready fungi to tha largest tree.
Of such glgantlo proportions Is the
task of making thla "flora" that It
will be It years before It Is completed,
although work on It waa begun sev
eral years ago. Dr. Morrill aays the
Pacific Coast Is very rich In this kind
of growth, and that It will be one of
Ma moat profitable fields. Already ba
haa disco -re red several new species.
Mrs. E. M. Laity, of Hammond,
Fights to Save Own Property.
rlal. When her store caught fire at
T o'clock last evening. Mrs. E. M. Lally.
of Hammond. Or, personally supervised
the work of the flreflahters and did
It so efficiently that her orders were
received without question. Much of the
credit for saving the building ts given
the woman, whose stock was damaged
to the extant of $00. partially covered
by Insurance.
Tom Jewttt. the bookkeeper, was
burned severelv while Joining with the
Vork of the volunteer fire brigade.
The greater rart of the damage was
caused by the flood from a water tank
on the roof. It la believed that a
leaky gasoline- lamp was the causa of
tha blaze. Tha fire bad spread to an
alarming degree before tha alarm was
" L
, i.
. i .
- f
ALBANY. Or, Oct. JT. (Special.) The funeral of J. C. Fowlle,
Mayor of Shanlko, who was shot by Del A. Howell, was held here this
afternoon and the body buried In the City Cemetery here. The serv
ices were held In the United Presbyterian Church and were conducted
by Dr. F. H. Geselbracht, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, and
Rev. W. P. White, pastor of the I'nlteil Presbyterian Church. A large
number" of people attended the services.
Prosecutor Charges That
Ruth and Ernest Robinson
Were in Conspiracy to Kill.
Crook County Case Goes Jo Jury.
Members of Grand Jnry Tell of
Variations In Testimony of
Slater of' Accused.
PrUNEVILLE. Or- Oct. 2T. (Spe
cial.) Following an impassioned ad
dress by Prosecuting Attorney Wilson.
In which he charged that Ernest Rob
inson and his 18-year-old sister, Ruth
Rohlnson. had gone out of their way
deliberately to murder Louis McAllis
ter, who waa shot by Robinson, the
case went to the Jury.
Judge Brads haw concluded his charge
at o'clock and at a lata hour a ver
dict had not been agreed upon. Al
though It is not believed that the testi
mony of Kuth Robinson was shaken in
any Important detail, the many friends
McAllister had In the whole of -Crook
County may, it is thought, have some
effect on members of the trial Jury.
Members of the grand Jury, which
Indicted Robinson, went upon the stand
this afternoon and told of the testi
mony Ruth had given before the In
quisitorial body. In a number of minor
details differences between her testi
mony as given before that body and
that on t.he witness stand were nar,
No Important variations were rhown.
however, and it Is generally admitted
that the girl's testimony was of the
srongest nature.
In his closing sfldress to the Jury,
Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, for the
defense, declared that Misa Robinson's
testimony exonerated her brother In
every respect. He contended that no
other motive than that or self defense
had been shown for the crime and In
stanced the Involuntary discharge of
the girl's own rifle aa indicating a be
lief on the part of the Robinsons that
McAllister waa armed. He recapitulated
tha testimony given by. young Dewey
Robinson, who asserted that ha had
heard McAllister threaten his brother.
Mr. Wilson centered his attack on
the girl. Ho said there was no doubt
but that the murder waa of the most
cold-blooded nature possible, lie said
the couple were going down tha hill
side out of their way and there could
be no question but that when they en
countered McAllister they had deter
mined to kill him. A llson pictured
the girl to the Jury as determined on
revenge for an alleged wrong done to
the Robinson dam.
Premier Retorned to Common i
From Halifax by Acclamation.
HALIFAX, N. R, Oct. T. Robert
Laird Borden, Premier of Canada, was
elected again to tha House of Com
mons aa one of the members for Hall-
fax, bv acclamation. Premier Borden
was successful In the general eleotions
last month, but under the constitution
his seat became vacant when he ac
cepted office' under tha crown.
ST. JOHN. N. B.. Oct. T J. Douglas
Hazen. Minister of Marine and Fish
eries; was elected member of Parlia
ment for St. John district today, with
out opposition.
Larre Family SurTtrc Klickitat
.Man. a Years Old.
tlOLDEND ALE. "wash.. Oct. IT. (Spe
cial) Hamilton Jones Van bay, pio
neer settler of the Klickitat Valley,
died at his residence in Goldendale yes
terday. Mr. Vanhoy was born In
Forsyth County. N. C, In 1818. In 1844
he married Louisa Henley, a native of
Forsyth County, and In 1850 he moved
to Missouri and resided in various parts
of that stste and Iowa until 1S78. when
he came to the Paclflo Coast, settling
in the Klickitat Valley.
He made the trip to the Coast by rail
to San Francisco, coming by boat to
Portland. In selecting a home In
Klickitat he panned over the rich swale
and bunchgraaa land of tne valley and
took a claim In the scattering pines
of the foothills of the SImcoe Moun
tains, on Mill Creek, three miles north
of Blockhouse.
T'p to the time he sold his farm
and moved to Goldendale to live, a
year ago, he hauled his own Winter
wood and did the chores on the place.
Politically he waa a stanch Repub
lican and always tobk an active In
terest In the affairs of the party, but
never sought or held public office.
He waa not a member of any con
gregation, but attended , the Baptist
Church. He Is survived by his widow
and the following children: John H.
Vanhoy, of Pawnee County, Okla.;
Oscar J. Vanhoy, of BelllnRham. Wash.;
David 8. Vanhoy, of Goldendale; James
M Vanhoy, of Blockhouse, Wash.;
George W. Vanhoy, of Toppetilsh,
Wish., and Mrs. J. W. Glllen waters, of
Columbus, Wash.
Iloth Harmon and Wilson Factions
Said to Have Made Overtures
to Governor llawley.
BOISE. Idaho. Oct. 27. (Special.)
With Governor Hawley of this state,
frequently mentioned and said -to be in
a receptive mood for the nomination for
Vice-President. Senator Borah proposed
aa a successor of Chief Justice Harlan
and ex-Governor Brady flatly and em
phatically announcing that he will not
be a candidate for the Gubernatorial
nomination subject to the will of the
Republican primaries next Fall, party
leaders In Boise, both Republican and
Democratic, hjive been given something
to think about.
Governor Hawley has nothing to say
for publication relative to his possible
candidacy for Vice-Presidential honors,
but this is the wish of many of bis clos
est political advisers. It la said that
overtures have been made to Governor
Hawley by both the Judson Harmon
and Woodrow Wilson factions, for It is
known that tha chief executive of this
state has taken a friendly attitude to
both and announced he is determined
to support the choice of tha party for
President. Democratic party leaders
here say he can secure the support of
either faction of the parly, regardless
of tha fight that is being made by Slate
Chairman Nugent on Harmon, .
With the Idaho delegation to the Na
tional Convention pledged for Hawley
for Vice-President It Is asserted here
that his boom tor that office can be
made a winner, receiving the solid
backing of tha Western "Hates. This, It
Is asserted, will ba sufficient to make
the nomination possible. Governor
Hawley Is saying little about th boom
that la being launched In bis behalf, but
It la said here that he would not de
cline the nomination.
The close friends of Senator Borah
are said to be using hla name In con
nection with the Judgeship, although
they admit, could he be appointed, bis
loss to the state and the Senate, where
he haa become a National figure, would
be severe.
Republican party leaders no longer
consider Senator Borah a stats figure,
for hla prominence In the Senate haa
been made National. Like Oovernor
Hawley, Senator Borah has been men
tioned aa a Vice-Presidential possibil
ity, although ha refuses to take the
matter seriously and declares that he
baa no auch aspiration. He is as eva
sive over the mention of hla name" in
connection with the Judgeship. That
he wishes to remain In the Senate to
accomplish and acquire legislation ha
set out to place on the statute books
when ha first took office. I known to
be true. Two of his measures are the
Income tax and the election of Senators
by direct vote of tha people. Despite
tha grooming of hla ardent friends for
the Judgeship, Senator Borah will prob
ably remain in the Senate.
Ex-Governor Brady has announced
emphatically through Ms friends that
he Is not a candidate for Governor, nor
will ha permit his same to be used In
In our $20 Suit and Over
coat every -penny is a wise
investment. If you're' tired of conven
tional styles and colors come
and see these quaint patterns
and tones 6hape and cut
equally new.
Every dollar of the $20
will work for your benefit.
166-170 THIRD ST.-,
that connection at the direct primaries.
The announcement came through Attorney-General
McDougall of this state,
who was authorize by Mr. Brady.
The name of ex-Governor Brady has
been associated with a candidacy , for
Representative, now that a second seat
in the lower bouse has been granted to
this state, Jut whether or not he will
become a candidate Is not known by
his friends here at this time. .
Farmers of Klickitat TJse Open
River Transportation.
GOLDENDALE, Wash.. Oct. 2T. For
the first time In seven years, Klickitat
farmers have hauled a portion of their
grain over the Columbia Mountain for
shipment by the Open River Transpor
tation Company. Twenty thousand
sacks of wheat have been deUvered on
the beach at Cdlumbv.s. Tha movement
was started by the refusal of the S.,
P. & 8. to grant a reduction of 1 cent
a bushel in the freight rate on grain
shipped from- points In the Klickitat
Valley. Wheat delivered at the river
sells for 4 cents a bushel more than Is
paid at the warehouses along the line
of the Goldendale branch of the road.
The grain crop In the Klickitat Val
ley this year was the best that has
been harvested for several seasons,
soma fields of Fall grain yielding as
high aa 65 bushels an acre. Growers
have not been disposed to sell at prices
offered, and It is esttmated by ware
housemen that about two-thirds of the
crop Is still In the hands of the farm
ers. Prices quoted are: Fortyfold, 70
cents; club, 68 cents. Fall wheat, sown
before the heavy rains In September. Is
looking fine.
Cnlverslty Students Publish Paper,
Garbed In "Swallowtails."
SEATTLE. Wash, .Oct. 17. To dem
onstrate their fitness for membership
in Sigma Delta Chi, the national Jour
nalists fraternity, four atudents in the
Journalism department of the Univer
sity of Washington yesterday wrote
and edited the four six-column pages
of a regular edition of the University
of Washington Dally in dress suits.
After the matter had been set. they
made up the four pages, still In their
evening clothes.
Lincoln, Tillamook and Morrow As
' sessed Property on Increase.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
Reports have been received at the
office of the State Board of Tax Com
missioners of the assessable property
In various oounties as finally passed on
by the County Boards of Equalization.
Reports for Lincoln. Tillamook and
Morrow counties are the only ones In
ao far.
Morrow County shows an assessed
valuation of $8.90,TT3 as compared to
tS.68H.845 for the previous yesr. TUla-
Just Arrived
New 6hipment of fresh Reed's and Raffia for basket
work. Reeds are absolutely the finest ever received
by us; are long, clean white fiber and of the utmost
flexibility. No breaking of reeds just when you least
expect it. Come in all popular sizes. Price, 10
per bundle.
Raffia, natural color, 8 ounces 15
Raffia, natural color, 1 pound "Z?
Colored Raffia, some handsome new shades, at 10
per package. .
Bargains in Rubber Goods
$2.75 red guaranteed combination Water Bot
tle and Fountain Syringe $1.87
$1.25 2-quart combination Water Bottle and
Fountain Syringe 93 i
$1.00 2-quart slate Fountain Syringe 63
$1.50 2-quart red Fountain Syringe, g'ntd 98
35c Towels at ... 19
Slumber Sox at 15 pair, or 2 pairs for 25
Free Stationery and
Desk Room
Saturday Drug Bargains
25c Peroxide of Hydrogen, pint .' 19
25c Glycerine and Rose "Water, bottle 16i
25c Pure Castor Oil, crystal white, bottle 16
35c Ripe Olives, California, bottle 25
25c Crude Carbolic Acid 18
25c Denatured Alcohol 20
35c Absorbent Cotton, lb i 29
25c assorted Corks, a household necessity, box..20
15c Powdered Alum, pkg. 9
15c Compound Licorice Powder 9
10c Sewing Machine Oil, Many-Use, can 6
10c Cocoanut Oil, bottle TC
lOo Spirits Camphor, bottle 7?
10c Tincture Arnica, bottle 7
10c Bay Rum, bottle 6
10c Chalk and Wintergreen, pkg 6
5c Epsom Salts, pkg 3
10c Paraffine, lb , 8
5c Loriots, 3 pkgs. for 10
10c Moth Balls, pkg , "
$1 Earthquake Carpet Cleaner, special, 3 pkgs..25
Exclusive Agents Mark
"Cross" Gloves & Leathers
Saturday Liquor Specials
$1.25 full qt. Guckenheimer Rye, bot'd in bond.9SJ
$1.25 Chicken Cock Bourbon, 8 yrs. old, bonded.89
$1.25 Carlisle Rye, bonded ....79
$1.00 Tom Martin Blend 69
$1.00 Eilers' Malt 89
$2.00 Clan Mackenzie, "That Old Scotch "..$1.49
$1.50 3-Star Cognac, imported, for $1.23
$1.00 Buchu Gin, for the kidneys 79
75c California Vermouth 49-
$1.00 Duroy Port .-.62
75c pints California Sparkling Burgundy and
White Wine, 44 ; 6 for. . . : $2.50
$1.00 Velvet Manhattan and Martini Cocktails. 79
To get that touch of life and flavor in your cook
ing, use our California Sherry and 3-Star Brandy.
Use it in fruit cakes, plum pudding, mince meat, etc.
Per bottle ...25-50
Per gallon . .$1.00 $1.50
100 proof, extra grade, per bottle.. $1.00
Per gallon - $3.50
90 proof, per gallon .$3.00
Use "Woodlark" Pure Spices.
Out-of-Town Folks, Order by Mail
and Save Money Our Cut Rates save
more than cost of mail or express
Canadian Money
Taken at Par
Patent Medicine Bargains
50e Allen's Lung Balsam 29
25c Allcock's Porous Plasters 10
50c Ballard's Snow Liniment 33
50c Bickmore's Gall Cure 33
35c Brown's Celery Phosphate 23
'50c Bosanko's Pile Remedy 33
25c Chamberlain's Stomach, Liver Tablets. .. .15
25c Chittem Bark Tablets 16i
50c Cole's Carbolisalve -33
25c Doan's Regulets 15
25c Evans' Throat Pastilles 16
60c Foley's Kidney Pills 29
$1.00 Harper's Headache Remedy 65
$1.00 Mother's Friend 59
$1.00 Osomulsion - G ."'
$1.00 Ovoferrin - 69J
$1.00 Pond's Extract 61
50c Radway's Ready Relief - 33
$1.00 Shoop's Restorative 65
50c Santiseptic Lotion 29J
25c Weeks' Break Up a Cold Tablets 15J
Postcard Albums at Cut Prices
15e 100-card Album at ............9
25c 150-card Album at..- - ..15
35c 200-card Album at... .23
50e 300-card Album at 33J
75c 300-card Album at.... ..56J
$1.25 400-card Fancy Album at :94
See our samples of Raphael Tuck's Private Greeting
Cards. Place your order now for Christmas and New
Year's and hava exclusive cards. This is without
donbt the finest collection ever shown on the Pa
cific Coast.
Woodarct, Clarke
Open-a Monthly Account With Us
mook County' shows a "
S14 S38.1J1 as compared to 13.9ZO.Z7
Ind Lincoln County shows a
ot $8,842,183 as compared to g.4ob,Ji
for the preceding: year.
These assessments do not include
the assessment .made by the State
Board of Tax Commissioners which
will include assessments for railroads,
w". ....... i nt nrOD-
erty of that character, including fran
Is your husband cross? An Irritable,
fatndinSd,spositlon is oft.n due
iVd d'S.-tlSS iV nearly alway good
taking Chamberlain's Tablets, i or sale
bv nil druggists.
for Rent
at Cost
Secure a Piano Now
Aa we are retiring from the piano business and want to dispose of our.
stock as soon as possible, we have decided to rent pianos at a reason
able rental, and if th same is purchased within a reasonable time, all
rent paid may apply toward the purchase of the piano at our present
closing-out price, which means from $100 to $150 less than the usual
selling price of theinstrument. Remember, in this way you get a
much better piano than i usually rented, arid a big saving if you de
cide to buy. All pianos are being closed out at factory cost and on
payment to suit. Best makes to select from. Come and see us if in
terested in a piano. Large stock of phonograph records.
Hovenden Piano Co.
106 Fifth Street
Next to Perkins Hotel,
In view of the many imitations
put up in similar packages, with
wrappers and labels closely
resembling the originals
Berl stared
consumers should ask for
and be sure that they get
the genuine
Baker's Cocoa
and Chocolate
with this trade-mark
on the packages
53 Highest Awards in Europe and America
asantE nnfi.T by
WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited 11
Established 1780
The Canadian Bank of Commerce f
Head Offlre Toronto, Cmmmda. Kaw York 18 Exchange Plaea.
Lombard Street.
Over two hundred other brandies In tbe United States and Canada.
Every care taken ot collections, drafts on all foreign countries and prin
cipal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general
banking- business transacted. .
Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits.
V. C. MA LP AS, Mauwer.