n-TTT iTnnvTvn nnrr.nvTAY A ttTT? T A "V. OC7TOT5EK 28. 1911. , liij iuuui v' viiAJVvAiiit t " r - - ----- - ' - - -- r rnm ai. . AatoosobUea. ji TEAKNS t.y cmotBii fully eo,ulrPd 4-pa-erRrr 3 h. P-. co-t $i0j; prlca t-'T ul k sa.e. no 1W1 WM;e touring '"'. fully eo,utpp4d, fn ..n.lilon. t-ost i -T.-nJ . f $10.V Mmti i MtiKk roadster. fu:!y equip ped. 4- pMiirnK'T. .') Ii. p.. CM a, For auto brri!n- e us firU n-STOM HoLSE AUTO CO.. Et h end Hawthorns Ava. rhM F..1-1 mo or it 1213, j l v.MRKl'AN, 7-paenr. W h. p.; Just l k- n- . orr $4'A aorta I extra equip ment. be sold t IKTlflC. pr.WJO.N AUTO EXCHANGE. 2Tt r. Washington fts. fit . You ar no cbnc when buying ir"rn us. Lry car uanuiii. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. ?l-t and Washington F'a. Al'll.l. r.-paen-r. : h. p.; fuliy 'tji lM-d , ba:ginv only fO. olegon alto exchange. !M and Washington) Pti it KOV ;f-p-ncr; cost $G2; will sac r-l-e. matto offer. ORK'-.ON AVTO EXCHANGE, ?!-t and WaMngtnn Pts. Jolt SAI.K ,".-tn Molt iflf-dumpin truck. pe, !all v .ideate d for cal merchants or r --tractore Tfuri prarucany n ana m icHlml condition. Will -H cheap. Ad- rn B IT". Spokane. wanH. ' 1 wo" 3111 Mats cars. 13 H P.. for sale; n ha never l.een out of the mpie- y-m: the other slightly u-ed: $ni rh f t W two. Adartsa Public Garage, Wnodburtt. Or. 4V PASSENGER high-grade rar. rnmplly overhauled last week: leaving the cl'r wl et r trade. Thla la a bargain. Sea Geertn. 4,4 M"hwk bldg ' ! I K V X -P A JS E N r, E R muto. completely 'I'lti'petl. tliuount-bl rlma, eiertric Uhrw. et-.. fop rrtlajit or nrirby farm pr-'pert . value Hiy. Al 531. t rrnnman. 37 HK.n tt i are and (eldinsa. ava 6 and 1. Nvcrai mat chen tranm ana uiki irtvem; rhoka 7 mares and scidtntca, ::.M Second. 6 AI 7-paierer nutnm"-Hlea for hlr; rnt-i r-aeonaMe. Main TTT'I, A 3U7; I etentnii Marshall S..K A 10:i4. 'llAi'l.lN; wmnted: bv lV-tn auio truck, i l'h"n Main 8i3. jU T-KN;iNK for aale; hO-H.P. t'aAUIac in r-Md -on.lition. AH 54. tireonlan. Uoga. Blrda. aet ftock. ' Air.Kn.Vl.E pupa for sale, from perttrreed t.-k; male or fruale; $li each. Sidney ' 41 INKA plp make nice, harmle-s pcta fr children, tiee Maurice M.tnn, ."'.'. K.iat 10ta t. North, i'hone Karl a"', C 2M."S. 'U;(EiAL, TKKKIEk? for pala. Bport and Ituardi. Lad til Kaonels. Eatacada, Or. IManoa. Onrmna and Manlnl loMrm enta. VKHKR I'lANuLA PIANO, art cm-, ma h fcn. Themodlst and MetrBtyle. Hi rolla fli e- ntuaic. very t bin g a Kxd new ; tii uat a-H at creat aerlflce. Coma and e it ntornmgs at 3"o 11th at. AM honestly In need of cih ; will iitI (t-e my piano and palntlng;a for $12.. 1 Uae ca!L Always home, Z25 Fifth au M leceHaneooa. 45 W E AT HKKEl) oak blirh roll Up desk. weathered oak rt vol vine chatr to inai. h. $iL So; $27. ajolilen nk roil top t-k. M lnctiem. food aa new. $ -J. GO (wax f'.itsh); revolving chair to mat. n, $: aolld oak ilat top Of-tX. ouxnv incnea, cumoina t n kck. Jl?.6u; aeverl cxd office arm chAlra, ..&( to J 1.40 each; room-aize Brua ruci. 7. SO to S1J; art ruKi, 3.60 to ST.Sfl: No. Kemlnfton typewriter. In rood condition ln caae, $15; op-n front book t ae. bard wood. $3. iO; quartered oak music cm M net. coat 1 1 1. f-r i; antique ak crnT lady's deak. $1C60; weathered vak liwly A denk. with upholstered a-at to match. Hi: eolld oak auleborda. li to .. mild oak buffata. lb to J5; eiten ln tatilea. $J.2i to XI. i0; wtathered 4.ak rhlna c1ita. to weathered .ik dininir chatr. 7. W to fit. 53 for aet f tt; rocking chatra, $3 to 910; all bra as bed. $li to :7.50; Iron bvtlj. any aue. l.t to XT 50; dreasers. S to $1.50; waah aiand. $1 to 92 chiffonier. 6.f0 to !.'. err ter table. i to IS; library table. $3 to $; kitchen tablea. 91 ; wardrobe. $ it; heating stovea of all ktid. oil. gaa, wood or coal. L0 to 9i; a S 4-bole caat ranga. $11. R"; No. h.l cat rnr. xi.i; ateel ranicea. good make. $ J4 to 92T.40 4 with bH water t oil ; several good 4 and 4-burner gas ri'C-. Jfwela. hetiablea. Newpreiea. Gr lanl and Vulcan, all In flrat-rlaaa con d'tton. x;.Su to 9 IS; Reliable gas water hetrr. $5; open front fireplace heating to f..r coal. $7 40; gaa pi ale. $140 ft J? io; f:ne oal French plate mirror, gilt frame. $7.. l!x0 Inches; weathered oak stvinutnj; mtrror. 1Sx40 inches. $10; plain imr-or. lTt.12 Inches. 94: triplicate ebony frame mirror, witn three lt-lnch plate. fAtra fine, special pries $3.74; several fins leathered and fumed oak reception chair. S3. to $4 iO; extra largo weathered oaa settee, m ith loos Boston leather cush ion. $li; arm chair to match. $13; sev- ral cood leather upholstered rockers. $7.54 to $11. 0. and numerous other bargains. Western Salvage Co.. 44-447 Washington, between ltth and 17th t We deliver gontia f re of charge to any part of the it v with our own teams. More open Saturday evenlna onlli $. Both phones, ilain 110$. A $71- MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS. Now is the tlms to buy your suit, rain roat or overcoat ; aa Immense stock to rhooso from. They are sample models and cancellation orders f nra manufac turers of ready-to-wear clothing. I pay from 10 to So per cent let than the mer chant for my clothing and sell In an of l.cm Hut id in front $i (Hi a month. This la why 1 sell you $-7 rvo to $J0 OO suits and overcoat for $175; fJ2.5o to $5.iK clothes for $ 1 4.7ft. jim mt rrxx, Ttonm 3l'. Oregonian Ultlg Take eleyator. alHEtT from Hood River, and delivered at nour houe In town; table apples, extra fan.-y. $. per bom; co4king apple, good rad. $1.m per box; our extra fancy spe- ,al boxes, the best on the market, $l.fA i -r box Crocker 4k le Reding. Hood Huer. 4r. yt K SA at a thu-h ain, p. Cor: lea ; . n W- m com poun d e n g I ne. Ao-h . p. a 1 1 impound enrlne. A5-h. p. Hall simple n gnif. yv-K. W. D. C. generator, Ud-hand; .4 l in good condition. Kor particular rlT hin DUgo Eiectrlc Ry Co., Vnion b.ilf., t-an tlgo. Cat 11 A K It K KS. NOT1CK For aalo. I V-cbulr otnlnailon work atand or apanttei, s )orse. counter. Ruud gas heater, large Miid small wahstand. B rber shop, cor it- r T i h and Wash. Jt'R EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood I .. c. Smith Remington typewriter see lite Northwest Typewriter Co- No. Iro ?.h st. tAKES New and Sd-hand; low price; eay lerrn afe opened, repaired and painted. ITKi'EI.L PAKE CO.. and KRTLA.NU -AFE CO.. j 5th St. Main ft3. A 4114 T I" K ET to Denver, good If boucht beforo 4 3; iicorlpt!on. middle-age. male, ni.rflmn weight, black hair. Call Mrs. Roe. Mam etVld. fuR SALE Three counter. showcases, store truck. 2 stove, one tent. 112 Union - awe, phone Eaat l&v9. t l ITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER No. 2 In c.Md coml'tton. for sals cheap. Phone Marshall lww after P. M. J-oi; "ALE Eucalyptus portiere, extreme novelty, for den or doable d.vora. Apt, 1U V. 2Mh st. Marshall IttoA tIi '-ALE Vulcan gaa range and ewnitary fu h. wit. mattrrM. almost new. 449 I. bee. lhone East 6'4. KL;.TRIC I'lANOtf. harp and banjos, cash reKisters. motors and a.l kinds of si't una rbmea. 57l Warning ton. Fraxik Qrlf flth. 4 hi" ITS for sale at a aacrlnce; never ). been worn. Apply Glougb 4k Water niaiw tailor. La Palle HoteL T 1hANT parlor furniture; also good oining-room and bedroom furniture com-pl.-te for $1-5 cash. Phons Main lb4L tK SALM AU new oldm ak ofUce fur-n'-ure. pieces, including 912 rug. Phon Mar-ihall VTo. rTR SALE cheap, two tic k eta. non-deacrlp- iie. to Seattif. maie aaa zemaic, Appiy ::io East ttn oath. ' It PALE Chest of mechanlo's tools In P-rfect condlUoa. cheap. Main 76, Mar shall 144. ho wants a homo In a fine Colorado t..wn for a fraction of Its vaiue f AJ ttregonian. nKET en sine, gaeolln engine, air eotn rrs.r. for automoplle or real estate. Mohawk bids'- A HII-Dr rrtb. Call before 11 A. M. at 1V4 N- lMhit liVE coti piet band-mads Infant' ward 'r o rve . 4V. 1 E as t M adlson. Rest 4 on tractor s equipment by United Engineer in; at Construction Co.. e Lewis bldg. KK SALE Gent's bicycle In good condl t op, cheap. 119 1st st. TTr saITe rHKA P -4-foot motorboau !hone A 2T-V rl: SALE Kina new hearing aiove; '. I., s. E- Tavtor st. n K I ' ,,,f' orn twice; cheap i. f- S-. 14 E Taylorat "'K SALE I Roal tirand typewriter; r. I Nor? : Pa r h . i r top ies ad i cbaua. fiv 64 iniua b.i- FOR 8AXJE- Mlecej laneooa. pTOV E UOCTO R Tf your stovs doesn't bake, something wrong. I can fix iU Morrison. phons Eaai lu-i there Is S!t East W A XT El V M LHC E L.LA y KOI S, WK HIT L'LOl lil.Nli. UK-MTUKS. TOOLS Highest pries paid for men's and ladle' cai-otf doming, abo, furnltur. toots. mechanic. Ugg:ng. Cmil Mam .040. 2$ First st. The Uloba. WANTED 1 to l1 -karat diamond. must be a perfect atone and a bargain; unless very chiMp need not answer, i'hone Mr- sut 1 15va. WAN TED Moving-picture machine, folding chairs. n:m. gas outfit, etc 0-o( Wash. Pn ne Main . WANT to buy two railroad ticket a to Pt. . Paul for larty or gentleman. Address Al 6J'i. OrsmUn. TOuLS Hisrhest prices paid for all kinds of secucd-hsnd mechanic, logging tools. Le- Hdwre. Co.. Front. Msin woim. 22-CAl- rtHe for long snd shorts, must be In good condition, cheap. Phone Main 641 rvriween it ana i. WANTED at once, roll-top dk In n"xl ronditlon. Adilreps before noon Saturday. A M w, r-gonmn. WE pay the higneat cash price for second hsn l furniture. Seater A Martin. Phons East 3134. S4 Hawthorne av. WANTED Cash register, state slxe. lowest cash price and where It can be seen. R 4."4. Orrgonlan. . . HARGEIVS AUCTION HOUSE. 370 K- Morrison. Phone E. I"- Pas highest cash price for furniture. WANTED A young Jersey cow, fresh. Ad dress A D 413. Orcgonisiv HIGHEST cash price paid for 2d hand fjr- ti it ure. t ovc:i r unuiurw v.o.. lOKIi Auction Co. pay mo-t cash for any , . ... vi.ln shim a "44.V HIGHEST cash price paid for household i tn V - . - k A '"'17 HE IP WANTED MAI-K, AlU.K HDDIKD men wanted for the 17. Varlne t:orps, between the ag f 19 o .V Muat be native born or have firx papers. Monthly pay $15 to W. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth Ing. quarters and medical attendance f' Alier so years' service rsn retire with 3 p-r rent of psy and allowances. Service en board ahlp and ashore In all parts ot i - ..r:d. M piy to I, d. Marine Corps recruiting office. Breeden bldg. Sd and a.hinsi 'n si., or room 7 Wlncbssier House, in jw t.. Portland. Or. A GOOD JOU KOR THE RIGHT MAN. Wanted, man 30 to 55 years of age. thorotighlv versed In the merchandising business, who is used to meeting mer chants and oan do things, thoroughly able and capable of cklng up deals; must be a producer; road proposition ; salary lloO per month and railroad expenses to right party to begin with; opportunity for ad vancement rupld; best references will be required. Address, giving full particulars, AO m Oregonian. SALESMEN if you are dissatisfied with your prt sent position, an opportunity m offered whre you can make from $U to $sto monthly on commission selling a special proposition to retail merchants; highest references required; the house Is th lmgest of Its kind. State full particu lars In applying to J. x. itouns&viue. sa ersl Delivery. Spokane, Waah. WANTED for LT. H. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages or in ana t. cltlxens of United btates. of good oharac- f r- anrl imtMrtt h&ttlta. who can sueak. read and write the English language. For Information appiy to Recruiting umcer, Worcester block, 3d and Oak ata., Port land. r. W A N T El A dentist to run an advertising office In one of the best towns In Oregon, must be licensed In this state; good salary to a Sober man who Is a hustler. Answer quick; need you at once. Dr. N. H. Harris please answer. AV til. Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper with knowledge of stenography ana typewriting prererreo. . one who can take charge of a small of fice and grow up with the business; write giving experience; references and salary ei ported. Address Box C 64S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, all-around linemen; must be strictly sober and familiar witn single and three-phase transformer and series arc llithts. Address Rogue River Electric 4'n Med ford Or. HIiiH-GRADE salesmen, permanent position. $:') to S50 monthly- tail on business men ; $25 expenses advanced weekly; no samples. International Co 427 Mclntlre bldg.. Dayton, O. 1 WANTED A few live salesmen to handle North Albany fruit and garuen tract on an attractive contract; over 400 acres. WELLS LABER. 4O4-40S tfwetland BMg. WANTED A good stock salesman for com pany ith most of Its stock sola : gooa I-ads and atrong support from present stockholders; first -class sa'esman only need apply. $"S Oregonian bldg. AN opportunity for a live man selling our gu ran teed Yakima Valley-grown nursery stork; exclusive territory: outfit free; cash weekly; "bustle," not experience, required. Toppenlsh Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. 2- TO 1K weekly to solicitor ot ability; permanent; S per cent or people prospec tive customers; real bouse salesmen can't afford to overlook thla 6 P. M. ast!1 E M orrtson, room K WANTED Fir Insurance solicitors to fa vor u a 1th some of their business; we represent the best of tnsursncs compsnles; liberal commissions. Detsch 4t Wltner, e.o hamber of Commerce. WA N'TEH amly and drug laliiuua cov ering Coast s:ati-s. to nanuie our post cards as a side line; good commission, prompt pay. The Oregon News Company, 71 Front st. WANTED High-grade, experienced travel ing aak'Stnan to take over manuracturersr axency offu-e for Portland territory; com mission basis. Apply Friday or Saturday. 6v2 Swetland bldg. SALESMEN to sell ubdlvllon. good com mission to live men. aio gooa men to seii CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COM PA ST. 52 Itallway Exchanse. WANT !'.! Manager for retail lumber yar'l. out of town ; state experience. j!v r-f-erence. salary expected, etc. AK fKl6. i regrnlan. . BH,EM EN WANTED to handle a good. rloa-ln sudu i vision , w pay a nign com-nn-slon. Call and st J. H. Tipton Co.. 1 ioh Spalding bldg. WANTED Flrst-elas terra cotta drafts man and modeler. An-wer. giving quali fications and experience. AV t'JQ. Ore- WANTED First-class grocery clerk, able to take charge of department; also general merchandise clerk; state age. experience and reference. W 5 J !5. Orgonian. WANTED Experienced marble-setters st Ls Angeles. t'aL; steaiy work. PlrkH Marble tiranlte ro., Santa Fe av and Fait h St.. Low Angele. al WANTED Working man familiar with ce ment and carpenter work ; state axe, ex perience, referenoo and address AB 427. Oregonian. CAPUALTT Insurance agents. If you arc not making mors than $J5 a week, see Agency Director, 418 Mohawk bldg- 9 to 13: stesdy position, good pay. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa cific Coast -grow n nursery stock; cash paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 12u4 I eon blig BOY wsnted with wheel; prefer one that wishes to learn the florist business; state references and salary. Address L 5J4. ore goniwn. EXPERIENCED et archer and polisher. Writ Cneny s Nw Laundry. La Grande. Or. COUPON agents wanted; good proposition. rjfrene Studio. 2Mlj Washington W Buchanan bldg. WANTED A man lth buatnes experience to open branch office In Oregon for large corpo ra tl o n. Apply 2 H:mbermens bldg. DAT or night work for loom fixers; steady work to right men. Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns. Or. WANTED Porter for wholesale hardware store; gjve age and experience answer. AM 531. Oregonian. TAILOR for pressing ladles' and gentle men's clothing. Harris. 4f2 Swstland bl Ig. WANTED First -class cornice-maker; must work from plans; when answering state wages. Box 4 17. Ontario. Or. W" ANTED Paperhanaer; man with tools and ready to work. Call sS loth, near Stark. WA NTFD Paperhanger to take go..d lot at i3 price for work. Phone Marshall PERMANENT income for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Brynnl. Ill Yeon bldg. WANTED Prlnter-rompositor; Job as 2d man In country shop. T 532. Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bidg. WANTED Boys over 14. with tbna Sd st. METAL lathers, non-union. Apply 223 Com mercta! Club BMg. TAILOR for men's busheiing Work. Clothing Co.. l-17Third sr. WANTED A rallsb; Chln.-tman to car for chicken nnen, ai rj, regnntan. WANTED Union barber for tiaturdsy; call early. 2 3d at UlFBER. non-union for saiurdajr. Apuiy 3 CuJDJPsTTtlsJ. ij"-- i1 "an HELP WANTED MALK, INCIDENT. fOn of Many. Offlea Secretary Employment Department. T. M. C A- Tonng man. stranger. ou of work fl Ms total cash asset) If 1 pay you special empoyment membership X w,iJ have only $15 left between me and star vation. , . secretary If yea pay SS for special employment membership you will oar the T. M. C. A., with Its resources, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined Association. In les than a week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for 9 months ending Sept. Calls for men Positions Plied New members Employment membership -rcarantees employment or refund of membership f; gives two months' full membersnip prlvi;eges, lo non.hf social privileges ard undertakes to keep party employed during the full te.-m of membership with out further charge. . W bav constant demand for Mgn frade, experienced men. Ar oo fitted or a better position? 8e secretary aiziployment department, T. M. C. A. UNITED P T AT E SNAVT bas opened a RE CRUITINO STATION at 218 Railway Ex chnrxe building. Portland, where Infor mation will be gladly given about Navy opportunities to young men over 17. "The Making of a Man c Warsman." a book telling all about the Navy, will be sent free to anyone who wants it. f x limits amPbtishelinan wand; stead v rlace. Apply Maxwell, the Tailor. Washington st. HELP WANTED FEM A IJE. WANTED TOUNO I-ADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATINO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. AFPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH CO EAST 6TH AND AN KENT STS. WANTED 5 or ladies to demonstrate boustt to bouse In city; make $s to if clay. Call .3u to 1 1 ;39 A. M. Saturday. Sunday and 1:30 to 4 P. M. Monday. Room .101 c.oodnough bldg.. 8th and Yam Mil, opposite Postofflce. EASTERN ladies to know "Great Men snd Faiious Women" and character sketches are being sold on Pacific Coast; "Virgin territory guaranteed. For pnrtlculars ad dress J. F. Hastings. b33 Market St.. ban Francisco. A. hTHO.N'G (ierman or Norwegian Klrl wanted to assist with housework on farm, one hcur's ride from i'ortland; good w ags and kind treatment. Aatlre&a Maviro Farm, R. F. 1. No. 1. Woodburn, Or. WANTED Several young ladles between the sges of 18 and 2 for permanent posi tion. Apply the P. T. A T. Co.. 174 Aider SU. or 414 E. Ackeny SU OIRLS. Learn the Business. Sanitary Beauty Parlora, 4U0 to 412 Dekum bldg. A Position Ouaianteed. WANTED Cook, X40; waitress, out of ci .& amstresrs. XIO ti $ I'J per We ity. ek : clerk In shooting galb ry, $3; good gen housewife. I'aclflc Employment Co., - Morrison. 1 CAMP cook. 0; chambermaid. $1 day; pas try cook. $10 week ; cook, country hotel. $10 week. Hansen's Employment Office, 345 4 Washington st., room 7. SALESWOMEN to sell city lots; good com- CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 6Jt P.ailwny Kxchange. WIU. give two mea!s a day In exchange f or c.t shier services from o :4. to 7 :4A P. M. : boarding-housb. Main 7iU4. 735 Hoyt street. WANTED Feeders and folders for Hat work, Ironer. I". S. Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and Enst Yamhill. - WANTED rtlrl to do detective work; ex perience not nees-ary; must be accurate at figures. Address AM Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' A'lENl . Washington bldg., 4th and Wash Sts. Main SJ'I or A 32dtL HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCi. B45W Washington st.. Cor. 7th, Up'taJra. Phone Main 2C(2. MUS HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Wssnlncion bMg.. 4ih and Wash Bta Matn sSiid or A :ia(tf, WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 60 Rotb chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. W A NTEl A girl or woman for general housework; no washing. Phn Oak Urovo Rett 1$. WANTED Ladles to make Xmai novelties at home, alt or spare time; good pay; experience unnecessary. t:i 11th st. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY. Good situations of all kinds. 2.3H Al der, corner od st. Main 2':;i. A 477j. WANTED MaUgie girls at one. V. S. Laundry Co., Grand av. and East Yam- rtlil. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; good wages; call forenoons. hJo Iovejoy. , WANTED Girl to learn manxle work. U. S. Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and Eaat Yam hill. U fill wanted, $12 week. tilS North Rd sL Rowling alley. Appiy Dtieu i u o'clock. , WANTED Experienced girls for candy fao tory. K. V. Haradon A Sons, cor. Eaat Uh and Davla, WOMAN, experienced, for general house work. Apply before noon. 2'.l 7th st. MIDDLE-AGED lady to nsslst with general houWfrk ; two in r imny. om at. gWEUJC or GerinHti girl for light house work ; small family. Phone East i:tu. GIKL. for general housework In private fam ily. ApP'y r roilt Si., cor. .-nMayn. WAITRESS wanted at steins restaurant. 1 14ih st. WANTED Girl for housework; two In fam ily. 3"5 1 1th st., top iittL SOMEONE to take care of 8-year-old boy. AN oMi. Oregoninn. WAITRESS In restaurant st 34."i Yamhill st. Call before 11 A. M toaay. LADY or girl piano player. Apply 473 Alder, between U and 6 P. M. WANTEL Girl to assist In light house work. Apply u'.u Davis. WANTEL Girl for general housework; 3 In family; wages -u. seiiwoou wa. U10 W4TEI MlSCElNlL'S KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. By learning to operate moving picture; operators earn $23 to $3.1 weekly; easy Inside work; "short hours; learn business In two weeks; lesson reasonable; day and evening classes. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE, l-rt1! Washington, near 17th. MEN wanted, ase 1s-3C. for firs me a. $100 monthly ; brake men. $t0. on nearby rail roads Experience unnecessary; no strike, positions guaranteed competent men. promotion. Railroad Employ leg Head quarters 404 men sent to positions in September. Ststo ags; send stamp. Rail way Association, Box , Oregonian. IG.ooo Poe:riON3 for graduates last y sari mea and women learn barber trad la 0 wssks; help to secure position; gradu al earn from $13 to $4S weekly; axpert Instructors; tools free; write for eats Iocum. Mohler System of Coils ga, North 4th t-. Portland, Or. A-l STENOGRAPHERS are what every em ployer wants. The place to get good stenographers Is at the Remington Type writer employment department. No fees for the service. Just call Main 3 or A 8118. 24o Stark at. PRIVATE SCHOOL Bookkeeping. short hsnd. typewriting, day and night classes. sl4 Chamber of Commerce. Phonea: Of fice. Main $$35. residence Eaat 1484. MOTION-PICTURE operating taught In the ater; practical course; learn tt right ; pnoe reaaonaDle; position secured. AS fclo, Oregonian. RAILROADS want young men for telegraph and station service; ror lull particulars, call or address Telegraph Dept., room 505, Comroonwenlt h bldg. M a e money riung short stories, or let ta wr. big psy ; ire oookisx tan aow. 'niied press Syndicate. Fan Fraociaco. WANTED Picture pley writer ; big pay; wa'U teach you. Picture Play Associa tion. Sar Franclseo PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $5 mo. 2Ctt 14th St. Main BaJj. flSK TBACHEK' siwsUsvnd kl4s. Ai60CiATlVAN Sit HELP WANTED MA135 OB FEMALE. BOOKKEEPERS, cashlsr. bill clerM. ett-i 1 will gusrante your qualification to fill poaitlone In AO days; private Instruction by public accountant; position secured. J 4ji). Oregonlanu iALEof female strnogrspher who csn also keep set of books; salary $n0 month to start and more as business Increases. ft 6-".'. Oregonian. NIGHT weavers snd spinners wanted No vember 1. Apply Poitland Wooien Milis, St. Johns. Or. fclTCATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and C'lcrks. POSITION wantnl. bookkeeper, stem.gr-.-pher wants position at once; experienced lu lumber, railroad and other lines; can furnish excellent references and letiers of recommendation. It 7..3. Oregonian. wlLLAirbTf ."OPEN. CLOSk'oR WRlTIi up boegs. prepare balances and state ments. Install systems. Gtlllngbam au- dltor. 411 Lewis Jbldg. aarshaTl7. WANTED Another set of books lo keep that will not take a rapid accountant more than two hours a day. I'hone Main " M 17. Murphy. m FIVE years" experience, machinery sales man; can flKiire and Install Irrigation P ja nt s V 1 "v Or e gon I an. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. thor oughly experienced, desires position. K f"l. Oregonian. YOrXH man wishes position as grocery clerk or driver; well acquainted with city; beat reference. phono a litis. BOOKKEEPER wants ma:i set of books lo post fuellings; thoroughly competent and reliable. T u35. oregonian. m STENOGRAPHER, experienced, well recom mended. Marshal) 1 Mb c ell a oeoiu. LUMBERMAN wlih 13 Jfara1 experience as tallynian. yard and shipping clerk and yard foreman, wants position ; Al refer-e-iees as to ability, character and bnete. Address AP Wlt Oregonian. MAN snd wife (no children) desire man agement of farm; extensive experience In general farming, stock, grain or fruit; Ir rigation expert; beai references. AF B2. Oregonian. Y'OL'NG man attending school desires to work for board and room before and after school. Call or address me, Ii. P. B., room fce$ Commonw ealth bld MA N do true Nituatlnn as chauffeur and gardener; excellent references. 8 years with present employers. AM 032, OreK"- man. RIDPATH library of universal literature. Vj volumes, liair leatner. over i ..ui-w dhk", new. never unboxed, $130 set for $05. Boat 7. Pendleton. Or. SITUATION wanted by man as automobile or truck driver; do own repairs; willing to do any other kind of work; good reference-. Al' t.36, Orrgon1an! COOK Flrat-class Chinese young man wants a position in hotel, restaurant or b'iarding-hnuse. Charlie. 1U5 Stark St., second floor. EX PERI ENCED tutor. speaks German, graduate of Eastern university, wishes to tutor Iq Gorman, or ancient languages; references. V C -, oregonian. BAKER wants position; good, young,-ex-pi ri-jneed. all-around man ; country pre ferred; sober, cteady; references. AN M8, Oregonian. JANITOR Situation wanted by married man In apartment -house: thoroughly ex perienced; local references. L 63., Orego nian. . GOOD all around commercial artist wants position: best of references. I'hone bell wood 1C24. HOTEL clerk dtsslrea position; at present ;ili a lumber firm In 'idano. AV . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED boy would like Job riding motorcycle; knows city well; age 1. B r.S. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, stranger, wants position; do own repairing; careful driver: married. G. E. W-. a -IP W. Salmon. Main 4-70. BY FOREMAN of long experience handling brick, stone and plastering Jobs: will call most any time. AS i:7, Oregonian. iTuPBANnand wife "wish to take charge of up:irtment Phone Main or B u'JT, Oregonian. Young lawyer wants situation with respon sible firm; salary no object. Address AP iJ7, Oregonian. SlTl ATtON wanted as dishwasher In hotel, city or country, country pref erred. AM 12 1. Ore-onian. COMPETENT chauffeur and mechanic de sires position; will go anywhere. AB 5-9. Oregonian. WANTED Cord wood cutting by cord or will take contract from 30i to 200u cords. AL 531!. Oregonian. JAPANESE" well" edcuaied, wants position as house w ork In good and small family. AL R33, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a position as sehoVlboy; no wages demanded. AL 6S4. Oregonian. . VOPITION wanted by steady and reliable man, some experience In machine repair shop. H. W. Fuehrer. 233'j; 1st St. JA PA N ESE cook wants position in small family for cook and housework; city or country. R ."..;. Oregonian. MAN and wife want position on farm; no children; Lest of reference, AB 121, Ore- gonian. COUPLE as cook and helper In camp or man to work outside, expenencod. G 63,2, Oregonian. MAN and wife want to take care of apart ment to do Janitor work; sober; references. AL 631, Oregonian. BORER man wants position as Janitor; ex perienced and references, AO i30, Orego nian. WANTED A position as motion-picture op erator; 2 months" experience; will begin at small wages.P 630. Oregonian. AGOOD. honest young Japanese boy wants housework in good small private family In JAPANESE chauffeur wants position; many years' experience as driver and care for yard. H 514, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced garage and re pair man desires position. M 531, Ore go ni a m- SITUATION wanted Experienced orchard lot w isnes situation ; am capable of tak ing charge. Address L B3. Oregonlsn. FI KST-CLASS cook wants position in coiu merlcial hotel or cafe; city or country. Ad dress C. A. Smith, 4J2t Jefferson st. BAKER, experienced man. requires situa tion; highest reference. 4S0 East Commer ctal st. A BOY wants to learn machinist trade; has some experience. Address Carl Carlson, Milwaukie. Or. GOOD dishwasher wants position, hotel or restaur nt, city or country. J. S., 3oa N. 10th st. , CARPENTER wants work, contract or by the day. A P 339. Orcgonia n. JAPANESE man and wife want position. K- Akagl. !' O. Box 125. Portland. CARPENTER wants work; day or contract; labor city or country. N "23, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Hungarian cook wants work; cafeteria or grill. J f7K, oregonian. JAPANESE wants position as porter, sa loon oe Store. A.S- wrrjuiiiBii. HOUSE Tlesnlng and window washing, or jsnllor work. Main T826. t BTRONO boy. 18. Norwegian, wants work on farm. AO 528. Oregonian. . YOUNG man with experience wanta work on dairy farm. AC 5U. Oregonian. PITCATTONB WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. 6TENOGRAPH EK. well educated, 4 years' 4-xperlence: neat, rapid and accurate; strict attention to bualne-s; can assist with bookkeeping; good reference. Sell wood it'. STENOGRAPHER with experience wishes position. Good references. AV 644. Ore gonlan. YOUNG lady desires position as stenog-rApn.-r; slight knowledge of bookkeeping. C 1S2. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher wsnts position. Sell wood 1602. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion. Address H f.27, Oregonian. Dressmakers. MRS. DAVIS, dressmaking, work guaran teed reasonable price. 330 Madison. Main 3 23 1. EXPERT tailoring and dressmaking. Yamhill st. Phone Marshall 1119. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking don at home; prices reasonable. Main t!2J2. 10 YEARS' experience. Invalids, maternity. Infants, city. California. Main 2039. A 4775. POSITION to care for Invalid or elderty person; will do lipht housework; wages $30 per mo. T 530. Oregonian. AN experienced nurse would like more cases. Marsh.!! 24-'.7. HOSPITAL NURSE would like more work. I'hone East $17:. REFERENCED nurse desires cure of Infant under year. Main 2"3. A 477.". Housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPER with daughter. 8, would like situation In good, respectable home; rcfexoncoa. 41 533. Ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED -TM ALB. Housekeepers. WOMAN of ability desires management of first-class apartment-house; part exchange for one apartment. rnne ii. YOUNG German lady wants posli ion as housekeeper for small famiiy or wio call or write ;;'tl k. iet NRAT. rnnulil Vftunf. cltV references, de sires house keeping, wldowur's family. St- Lou!s Ag. ncy. iT.o Alder. Main -"'. ifoniCMtlctt. EX PERIEWED German cirl wants posl tion for genera! housework. AO 6-', Ore gonian. A FINNISH girl wants general housework I in small country town, can ai oiw rouj grove st- TWO girls wls.i houEfWork. Call Tabor 2 IRISH girls desire cooking and second work. Main 2"Sl. A 41(.. Mtwcellaneous. kKl.1 A Hl.F. TKi.EPHi'XE operator, several years t xperleuce, wishes position in no tel or private exrhanms. AF 526, Ore gonlnn. rt rnr-is i.adif.s AGENCY Chamber m.-ilds. wa it rn.-ifS. cooks, second jrirls, nuts.. In undresses. 2.3t-i Aldor. Main .'o::., A 4773 WANTED Mending, pialn sewing. French hemming on tame linen especially. umi - your house, or mother helper, .urs. r.nmi Htoharrls, b'.2 Thurxnan st. MIDDLE-AGED lly desire to tako charge of apartment or rooming house. Phone C U-V'7. . A V I-'V r't.-T 1 V'VCFT) Inilv would like posi t!nn as housekeeper. 400 Monroe. East 4..il. 5 ciiHiJi want sltiiHtlnns chambermaids, linen room hotel, or institution work; city an ii counir. vv winniaii. REFINED, middlo-agod lady, would like to take charge of young men ciuddouf: Phone C 1237. EXPERT naiad maker and general cook de - sires position, permanent or as cateress references. Telephone Mam d-wo. PVPPRTPNTKI) sincer for nlcture show ft liberty; ttlsn piano player. Phone Main 444. IT 52, oregonian. CURT A 1 NS laundered right ; price right. w ood lawn 2G4. FINNISH girl wants housework. Call 548 Qulmby et. COLORED man or woman, day work, lace curtains, hand-laundered. Marshall LACE curtains laundered; special rates for hotels. Main 'Jio. WOMAN wishes work by the day or a half day. Phone Mam i4'.6. WOMAN wants sweeping and other work by day. A 1447. WAITRESS wants position in small liote Phone Woodlawn 143. GERMAN woman wants v.-ashing at home. Mrs. Kolassa. 4.4 Larrabee st. Fl KST-elass cook wishe position In good family. Main M41. WOMAN wanis work by hour; 25c. Phono Marshall H'.'S. YOUNG iady guitarist wishes a few more pupits. Phone it J 4 YOUNG lady would like position In doo tors or dentists orrice. woouiawn -oo. EX PER 1EN C ED lad pressor wishes posl tlon. Phone Woodlawn 14JS. WANTED Day work. Phone A 4025. WA NTED AG EXTS. AGENTS on salary or commission. The er. atest acents' seller ever produced everv n-er of nen and Ink buys It. on sight; 2oO to .v0 per cent profit; one tient s sales amouutea to -i in six aa, another .;2 In two hours. Monroe Mfg Co, X 44. La Crosse, Wl. WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou pons. Boston Studio. 342 Vi Wash. St. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT -A building for t garage and repair shop. I'hone Tabor 701 Housed. Pfy.ZLE!! Who Is foolish? The fellow who spends a whole month trying to rent nts property by him-elf. or the man who turns It over to a COMPElN i' agent, ana gets xv i:i,ts? We are dealers In RESULTS. Try us and see. IT'S OUR SYSTEM. CHAPIN & HER LOW. 3i2 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Modern furnished 4 or 5-room flat or house, close in. reasonable. B 520. Oregonian. Booms With Board. WANTED By lady employed, room with .breakfast or housekeeping privileges. In private family; central. a. uiii, uro: gonian. WANTED By young man. room, breakfast and dinner, private family, within walk ing dirtance. East Side, north of Holiday a v e. i 'ii one .vi a in ww or wouid u - - i . WANTED By refined couple, with two small children, a modern 3 or 4 room un furnished housekeeping suite, plea-antly situated nm ir a park, i'hone tasiwnti. GENTLEMAN wants room and board in Irvington; stato particulars and price. AN ooo, Otcgoman. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL ALDER. After October 1 Uu'ILL ALDER 4th and Alder st. will offer special Induce ments on weekly and monthly rates to permanent guests during the Winter. Best location In the city, convenient to al theaters, stores, business district and post office. A comfortable home with every modern convenience, in the heart of the city. Local and long-distance telephon and hot aud cold running water In every room. The best of behboy and elevator service day and night. Rooms singly and ensuile. House thoroughly modern and newly Xurnisaea. Rat on appuca- tlon. NOW OPEN NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Tni'9 three beautiful furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 2l- on st. 21 1?, 4i.li st. 2o7Vs 4th sc. On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon st. ; brand new brick, elegantly f urulsned; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in ail rooms; strictly up to dale In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the . oral nary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, glj us a call, as we know you will like lc Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trace solicited. HOTIlL C A PL Ed. Residential. 300 Taylor. Transient. . Bet, 7th and Park Sts. Opposite HeiUg Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms from 7oc daily, with private bath, from 1 daily; special weekly and monthly rates; suites. New, handsomely f ur iiibhcd brick; elevator, telephones, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor or " W" car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot. 'S" car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 22U0. HOTEL bA VON. 131 Eleventh street. New, modern brick oullding. steamh sat ed, private oaths, hot and cold water Ln rooms, Hautiiully furnished, cosy, com fortabl. rjt reasonaoie. Call and se us. Regular -ad transient trade solicited. bARGENT HOTLu, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully lurmshed rooms, single or en suite, with priate bath; hot aud cold water, steam heat and private phone ln every room; moderate weekly or mouthly rates; grill ln connection; transi ent ollciteu RAINIER HOTEL, One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers speciul rates to perman ent guests; rules 6vc to $2.U0 pur day; U.50 and up per week. Phons Main B413. THE PEER HOTEL, East Sd and Burnslde; new fireproof building, steam-heated, hot and cold water and phoues ln an rooms; private baths, lobby and parlor; elevator service; rates $3 per week and up; tran sients solicited. Phone Eaat 171. THE WEAVER. That quiet, select family hotel, at 710 Washington st,, near 22d; nlc!y fur nished outside rooms with private bath a,nd phones; board if desired. Mam 8651. VAN GORDER HOTEL, 105 .Twelfth su Marshall 27&a In heart of business district. Steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone ln every room. t M" up. THE REGENT. 151H Seventh St.; beautiful rooms, right down town; ideal location for parties staying In town for business or pleasure; rates very reasonable, by day or a-eek. 15 month up- HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for businexs people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Tavlor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotsl, opposite Hcil'g Theater. Main Wld. MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington. Any room ln the house for $5 a week and nothing extra for two In a room; thoroshlyJ-odern LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle $2 and 1 week; nve minutes' walk to 'theater and stores; free pbona, Ua dell Hotel. 128 4th. the HAZEL Nicely furnished room at moderste price, cor. 8d snd Montgomery. THE Larrabee, 2"7H Larrabee; under ne Auuuvguuent; modern, transient. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms In Prlc Family WEST BIDE, easy walking distance, two beautifully furnished connecting front and side rooms, $16 and 12 month, together I2, bath and toilet sama floor, good fur nace heat, electric light, use of piano in reception hall, vury homelike place; good table board across street. 33. Harrison. A CLEAN, well-furnished, warm and cozy, steam-heated room ln private family; no noise, plenty of sunlight; will guarantee thla to suit. Located near Multnomah Club, at 208 lGth at. Dezendorf Apts. Call Apt. 4U4. FURNISHED room, heat, electric lights. bath, phone and all modern conveniences. Ten minutes walk from postoffiee. Apply Carmelita Apartments. J3tn and Jefferson. apartment 3"4. Phone Main 4473. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. $2 per week up. in modern dwelling, furnace heat, bath, free phone, swell, close-in location. some housekeeping. 665 Flanders. TWO pleasant well-furnlahed rooms, single or ensuite. In family of two; references re quired; Park street, between Maaison ana Jefferson. Phone Main 3HUi. LAKGE room ln new apartment-house, new furniture, suitable for two; every modern convenience, reasonable. Call Marshall 154 EAST 3D NORTH, 8. E. corner Mult nomah, front room, well furnished, suit able for two, ln modern, furnace-heated home. LA RG E front room : hot and cold wator in room, largo closet ; 6 minutes' walk from Postofflce, 16o 17th St., cor. Morri son st. TH E BAKER. 265 H 5th St.; nicely fur nished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; special rates to per manents; transient trade solicited. 650 HOYT ST. Well furnished light and attractive rooms; take S or 16th-sL car. Phone Marshall 1258. VERY nicely furnished room with steam h'-at and every modern convenience. 471 Jefferson, flat B. Phone A 4070. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 young men; with or without breakfast; walking distance. 44l rtth st. TWO desirable rooms, private home, steam heat, walking distance. Nob Hill, tin and f 12.50 ; references. A 43 p3 mornings. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, suit able for two; also single room, rent rea spnable. 350 Oak St.. near North Park. NICELY furnished room "for one or two. every modern convenience; very reason able. 4"3 flh st. FURNISHED room, suitable for two gen tlemen, with board. ll5 16th st..; refer ences. 8S.1 YAMHILL Large. nicely furnished rooms, steam heat, telephone, hath; gen tlemen preferred. DESIRABLE furnished room ln modern, Moam-heated apartment. socond floor. Flat D. 4ti9 Jefferson. Main "54 WELL-FURNISHED rooms, single and dou ble. $2: cheapest In city: modern houso; walking distance. 254 12th. X ICE furnished rooms suitable for one or two, furnace heat, phone, bath, walking distance. 327 West Park. FRONT alcove room with piano, suitable for one, two or more ; bath, phono and heat. 226 1 2th St., near Salmon. WEST SIDE sunny furnished rooms, electric light, bath, heat, phone. 70 Cornell st., near corner Washington and 23d sts. NEWLY' furnished rooms in new upper flat for gentlemen, close In. 6l4 ft Everett. Main 3421. FOR RENT Very desirable furnished room, private familv, walking distance; break fast if desired. 41K Mill st, BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; ijfeene. 7::y Johnson. NICELY furnished room; no other roomers; breakfast If desired. Main 9Q02. ROOMS Walking distance: board optional. 'ill 14th. cor. Jefferson, pnone Main 248 NORTH 20TH ST., well furnished light an. n 1 1 rnrt i vn ronni. Tako W car. NEW finely furnished, hot-water heat; also housekeeping suite. 355 11th st. FRONT room, first floor; $;t per week, for one; $3.50 for two. 2U8 12th st. NICELY" furnished rooms, use of piano, bath and phone. Woodlawn 221. Piedmont. BUNNY room. 2 closeLa; modern, clean. 410 Park st. Boom and Bosra, LA MB ER SON, 554 Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, weil-f urnlshed room; single and double; walking distance; table board aiso. Aiain uo, a ouai. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall. nr Ath anrl Marliinn InrfH rooms baLO. tread verandas, quiet, close ln. near car, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. ThB MANITOU 201 13th, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated; Invtuag rooms; choice board. Main 1184. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flan a era. F. N. Heath, supt. THE CALVARD. 4i2 Morrison, cor. 13th. Large, weli-furmshea rooms; mouern con veniencei CASA Rosa; board and room. 800 Jeffer son it Room With Board In Private Family. DELIGHTFUL, large front bedroom, modern home, surroundings quiet, rerineo. siricuy private, walking distance; breakfast and dinner If desired. C o5U, Oregonian. W ANTED Boarders in private family. oung men; not ana coia w-wr, uam. phone, furnace heat; $6 per week. 320 E. 1st N. Take U car. LARGE room with board for 2 young husi- nes men in private riome on v est diuu, nice neighborhood, walking distance; all young people, aiarsnaa ao. LARGE, well-furnished front room and board Tor two young men in pnvm ily on West Side, every modern conven ience; reasonable. Call Marshall 10 10. ROOM and board for two teachers or two youug Ladles empioyea aunng ie ua.y C2S Holly st., Ladd's Add.; one block from Hawthorns ave. cars. ROOM and boara for gentlemen; private family; west eiue. ceiunii, owir Multnomah Club. 232 Stout st. Marshall 27b. ' NICE, comfortable room for 2 or 3; hot and cold w a ter, an convenience.", uu m a. clnss board. 275 N. 34th st.. cor. Over ton st. Marshall 3T1. LARGE front room, also small room, pri vate family, witn Doaro. oox . owm, i. Elisworth. W-R car. ROOM AND BOARD suitable for two young ladle B in ComiortaDiy iiirnisnea imi, rea sonable. 4 :ro- -d St.. near Hall. WANTED Two young men for room and board. 3S8 HancocK, ciose in; whikiok distance; reasonable price. BOARD and room in private family for two gentlemen, no aua . tuum f. 1 4o. WELI-FURN1SHED rooms with good board, reasoiiaoie; erapiujeu liwiiio. N. lth. EAST room, suitable for 1 or 2. all modern conveniences, 10 minutes wain irom r. O. ; will give good board. 391 10th sL YOUNG business lady will share her fur nished Hat witn teuneu iauy or a couyie. B 1182. or call after r.:3. 215 E. 10th st. ROOM and board, all modern conveniences. walking distance. Obu aai oiaiu, corner 13th. Phone East 4720. ROOM and board, private family, for two, modern conveniences. v v civil. .Mar shall 3302. LARGE front room with board, also attQ room. 2J Z-o. st. ivuu. rnuun a i-v. TABLE boarders, 204 22d su North, bet. Kearney and Lovejoy. rnone a i.ju. ;iCE room, good board for two, $25 each. 2 13th. near Yamhill. WELL-FURNISHED room with best board. large porcn ana prouuu- na vu. ROOM and board in modern home. 292 E. 22d st. S. East -eti. FIRST-CLASS board and room. 699 Everett St.; price reasonable. LARGE, clean, bright room, suitable for 2 l . l. knl... Una r1 Kaln Ittt OT O, v iiv i v. o D 'ivi. main FIRST-CLASS room and board for 2 In pri vate family. v.i is. inn. aiain -.u. PLEASANT, home comforts, rooms $1.50, $4 week; excellent meats 4 weea. iuo Lriisan. NEWLY furnisned single rooms; breakfast ana amner. rnone ui-n, jj -m-. NICELY furnished rooms, excellent board. near to rioyt et. nmiauau -oi'. LADY will board and train small child; room Tor parent 11 oeaireo. Mi iuin st. ROOMS, suitable for one or 2 with or wlth- ut board. aid una moo k st. Apartments. BEST apartments in the city; 0 outside rooms; sieeping-porco, maiai room; wasn trays, gas ranges, refrigerators, heat, hot water, telephone. Stevens Apartments, 71 A. North rup su Main 9358. $46 MODERN 6-room apartments; u co. venienefcs, walking distance, phoney sleep ing portuc THE BERYL, large rooms and closets; mod. prn eaulpment. nice neighborhood- .k i.oveioy st., near 21st, HART APTS. 4!4 Morrison st. ; steam heat and electric llghtsj-room apts. l FLAT "A," 54MWashinto street Steat tea " THE ELMS 2 and J -room apartments, furl nished. 11 14th st. Main 444 iONCB Modern apts.; Nob Hill district. FOR RENT. Apart m,e THE ORLANDO APT-. 2"th and Wash ington. Emma K. Wunder, Mgr.; beauti ful furnished 3-room apts., automatic elevator, steam heat, private baths and phone; very large rooms and large closets, private lockers and laundry room wit steam dryer in basement; references. Phone Marshall 1S4. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity riaee, between 19th and 20th. Just off Washington. Just finished; most magnificent apart ments on the Pacific Coast; location Ideal; rentals reasonable; every modern con venience; high-clas service; reference required. Phone Marshall 602. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4 -story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2, 3. and 4-roora. suites; recepticn hall, elect rid, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of clcset room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2'.H1. THE DEZEXDORF. 208 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart ments, situated in the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Apply on premises for reservations. THE EVER BCTT. 044 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private pacittc telephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson complete Sept. 1; finest, brightest and best arranged apartment residence In the. city; 6-room; all outside, daylight rooms; . convenient to cars, walking distance, pri vate telephones in every apartment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigera tors, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners, etc. Attendant on premises. Marshall 3300. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished ln 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com- fireased air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv es; rent per month. $. $30 and up. Must be seep to be appreciateq. ALBEMARLE APARTMENTS. wiuiams Ave. Two and three-room apartments, fur nished up to date; private bath and phona in every apartment; best of steam heat, cheap rent; Williams ave. and Broadway; walking distance. CALL EAST 4193. LANDLADY. UPSHUR APARTMENTS, 2fiTH AND UPSHUR STS. Thoroughly modern -room unfurnished apartments. J520; 4 rooms, $25; 5 rooms, $30; this includes shades, steam heat, hot and cold watwr. gaa ranges, private Pa cific telephones and Janitor service. Apply on premises. HISI.OP HALL HK.MMIHW Ar.iiw- M EXTS. 4105 Hawthorne ave.. near Grand nve., brand new brick bllg.. now ready fr occupancy. 3 rooms, splendidly furnished apartments with modern conveniences, on the East Side, but closer In than most apts. . very reasonable rent and best of service. DRICKSTON APA RTMENTS. 44S 11th st.. nar College; Mt. Tabor car west; 1.-, minutes- walk to P. O.; 4-story brick, two and three-room suftes; modern; automatic elevator, dumb waiters, private bath, phone and lo !c room for each apart ment : laundry room, steam dryer. Both phones. Marshall .".7. LUCRETI A COURT, unfurnished, a class by themselves. See them. Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash., 2 to 5 rooms, all large, lipht and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones lu each apL Phone prop, and mgr. Mar shall l.2i. Janitor. Marshall 1600. PAGE APAIITM EXTS. Sth and East 1 urn side Sts. Beautiful 2 and ."-room furnished or unfurnished apartments; strictly modern, and free telephone; cheapest In the city; walking distance. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 2 2d and Glisan sts.; best of service; desirable location, with ui. excelled car service, also -' walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences and very reasonable rent. , ; CCMBERI-AXD apts.. West Tsrk and Columbia si. : nn 3-roum unfurnished and one 2-rcont furnished aptmt. ; all modern conveniences; choice locution, fronting the park; only 5 minutes' walk from the business district. THE J U ANITA. Large, nicely furnished 2-room apart ment facing southeast; $37.50; splendid view of Mr. Hood and the East Side; lanltor service. 325 11th st. THE KATHERINE APTS. 149 23d st N. ; newly opened, elegantly furnished '2 and 8-room apts., private ?. hones, baths, also single room, best rate n city. Marshall 20'J3. ORDEKLEIGH APARTMENTS. P2 Grand ave., cor. East Btark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable; walking distance. Phone East 300. " THE CHEPTKRBURT. New, nicely furnished and unfurnished 8-room apartments; every modern con venience. Call Marshall 3iS, A 4468. Ref erences required. Cor. 20th and Kearney. PARK. APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sts. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartment furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; lvator; telephone free; Jt 4 5 Jtol 60. LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts. Completely furnished two-room apartments for housekeeping: new and modern; house lust opened ; walking distance; no cbll uren; 23 to $"0- Phone Main 1S7T. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly modern, we challenge anyone to dupll our prices. Marshall 1378. tr A rrtsoN COURT. 5th and Harrison, un furnished 2-room apt., laundry, bath, etc., short walking distance and reasonable rent. WALDORF COURT (Irvington). East th and sschuyler. Broadway car. Five rooms, heated, new. modern. Phone East 647. c aois. THE WESTFAL. 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices reasunaole. no children. ' ' THE NORTHAMPTON, 4l7 Hall St. - 2-room furnished apartmsnts. strictly modeni:laijl2:i9. Zt FRNCIS APARTMENTS 21st and Hovt4-room apartment with private balcony-' very desirable and convenient In every waJ cw-itt t. 4-room furnished suit In private new home, restricted district, Pifdmont: heat, hot water and light furnished. 222 A i n's worth ave. . , Iir MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park St., Cor. Madison. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments, lcdlviaual phones; conveuint.downtown. LUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Columbia; 4 rooms, with bath, unfurnish ed; convenient location, good servioe. reasonable rent. THE M KINLEY. 429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, S and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m gt. HADDON HALL, 414 11th. cor. Hall, 8 and 4 room apartment, furnished and unfur-.-vd private phone, bath and balcony ggU.P$3Q up. Marshall 117L ST. CROIX A PA KlMtMS, 170 fit. Clair; 2 nicely furnisned 8-room itjartments and one unfurnished 8-room apartment; free phone in each apartment, KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Hta. F ront corner, 4-room suite, with vsstl buled entrance; private bath and phone; 0f the best ln the city. Apply at ooaa. pAKKHCKbf APART M E N T 3. a and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th su North. Phone Matn 4t3; or Main THE LOIS Finest 3-room furnished a part -mnt in city ; sleeping porch ; reference. "I Hoyt. Phone Marshall 2ul5. Tpx For rent; for sale, sideboard, dining table chairs, library table, chairs, ruga, xnattress, etcPhoneA 17 Sa. TRACE APTS-. 24th and Northrup SU, 4 large rooms, front veranda, sleeping porch. w atdrheat, private phone. POSE-FRIEND. S. W. cor. 7th and Jefferson- modern, unfurnished 4 and 5-room apts: large outside rooms; references. THE Chetopa. 18th and Flanders ats. 4 room furnished and unfurnished a part -inentfc Apply to Janitor. aME KING DAVIS, corner King and Davia treeis. 8 and 4-roonis modern apaxt JiinPU refcrencea required.