Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Promoter Begins Fight to Se
cure Release From Custody
on Technicality.
Contention MnnV That Xo Authority
FilMrd for Detention In Hos
pital IVdcral Autltoritirs
to Conllnne Pursuit.
RA.V FRA.VCISCO. Oct. :. Special.)
Pr. John Grant Lyman, on seeing
th n-w that the chief witness asainst
h!m on tl.e fraud charge in Ix An-pel-s
is dead, this morning brsran a
aiWullr-planned local battl dexlxned
to frfi him from the charge of con
fplracy to effect hi escape from the
Federal custody.
From courtroom to courtroom in the
postofrice builiilnc; he limped today,
resting his weight on his crutches,
which he still handles unskillfully, ap
pearing before two .magistrates.
Throughout the ordeal his face bore a
more cheerful expression. In marked
contract to the air of gloomy stoicism
which seemed stamped upon It at his
appearance three days ago. Lyman first
was taken Into the I'nited (States Dis
trict Court to plead to the conspiracy
charge, guarded by I'nited States Mar
shal Elliott and a phalanx of deputies.
Ills attorney. Carroll Cook, asked the
court's permission to (lie a demurrer
to the Indictment and submit authori
ties. This was granted and one day
was given Attorney took to presen
his authorities and one day U th
I'nited States District Attorney's offlc
to reply.
Attorney Cook Intimated that ha
would make the contention that there
was no authority In law to place Dr.
Lyman In the Providence Hospital In
Oakland, from which the escape re
suiting In the alleged conspiracy took
place, and that on this ground alone
the indictment must fail. At the con
elusion of the brief hearing In the Dls
trlct Court. Lyman was taken before
United States Commissioner Krull for
a hearing on the removal proceedings
to Los Angeles, where Lyman Is wsnte
on a charge of using the United States
malls to defraud customers In a Fan a
ma land deal.
Lyman and his counsel learned
of the death of L. R. Smith, secretary
of the Panama Development Company,
who actually signed the letters whic
T.yman Is accused of sending through
the malls to Induce customers to pay
him for land to which he had no valid
Smith died at sea on the way from
rinimi on the day Lyman effected hi
second sensational escape from ' Fed
eral custody. It Is believed that th
loss of Smith as a witness may pre
vent the conviction of the promoter of
the Los Anreles charge. However, tn
TVtral authorities do not despair of
landing Lyman behind the bars and
rhirrn mar be brought against him in
Kevada or some other scene of hi
financial activities If the prosecution
in California fails.
How Amy Meal Cmm Be Xlioronaaly Em
joyed hy Any Stomach.
- v. .. ' - f
-v. .i . -v I,
- ' sBBcaBBaaaaaaamsanaiaaaaaasa.
l'o.yrihl. !!. hy Grn. O. Rain.
Sutphen Comments
the Fremstad Case.
f-tat- ColW OrganlratJoiw
Delcggtrs to Alha-nj.
ALBANY, Or.. Oct. St. (Speclal.l
A eneclal conference of the Young
Men's Christian Associations of the col
lovea of Oreron will be held In this
cliv tomorrow afternoon and Satur
day. About 75 delegates will attend
the conference, representing the Young
Vc.n's Christian Associations of the
t'nlverslty of Oregon. Oregon Agrlcul
tural folleee. Pacific I niversity, n
lamette University. MrMlnnvUle Col
lie Pacific Colleze. Dallas College,
Philomath Collesre and Albany 'College.
This Is the first special conference
of the college associations ever cauea
In Oregon and Is principally for a con
sulfation among student who are pre
paring for the ministry.
The sessions of the conference win
be held In the First Presbyterian
Church. Among the leading speakers
will be Professor- Patterson, of the
San Krdnclsco Theological Seminary
of San Anselmo. Cal.: President Homan
of Willamette University: Rev. Levi
Johnson, of Seattle. "ah.; Dr. II.
Mason, of Seattle. ash.: President
Riley, of McMlnnvllle College: Dr. Kd-
w In Lincoln Smith, of Portland, and
Cale Srman. of !. AnKflos, Cal.. In
ternational secretary of the Y. XL C.
A. for the Pacific Coast.
Bnilders of Crnter Lake Highway to
I-rave Prison Monday.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.
Govrrnnr West completed plans today
for chipping the IS convicts who will
be sent from the State Penitentiary for
work on the Crater Lake road. Twenty-five
of these will be plck-and-shovel
workers, two will be cooks and one
blacksmith. The gang will leave here
The Governor says the gang will be
kept there Indefinitely and as fast as
the term of any of the men expire,
others will be sent to take their places,
that th ganr may remain Intact.
The camp of the convicts will be on
the T. M. Peelor ranch at Florence
Rock, ion yards from the present wag
on road. In a grove well supflled with
water. The road that Is to be con
structed this Winter will be from the
base of the hill at what Is known as
the Hlggebotham ranch to the nev
Pumice Hill grade, this being at pres
nt the worst part of the Crater Lake
highway, and is practically Impassable.
Merchants Jlnd Checks of Stranger
Are Worthies.
CKNTRALIA. Wash.. Oct. (Spe
cial.) A man named Henderson has
wtndled Centralla merchants out of
various sums of money this week. Hen
derson made a small deposit In the
Farmers A Merchants Bank and pro-
reeded to Issue checks for many times
he amount ha had on deposit.
The plan used by Henderson was to
nter a store, make a small purchase
nd receive currency to exchange for
he checks, and It is believed that the
man secured nearly fiOO. Henderson
can net be found.
Grass Widow Xo. t Says SIm Got
Decree Soon After Seeing Hus
band and Singer Together on
Secret Tryst in Paris.
XEW YORK. Oct. IS (Special.) It
some people In New "York, London and
Paris were surprised when Mme. Olive
Fremstad, the opera singer, divorced
her husband. F.dson W. Sutphen, the
first wife of that ex-naval officer and
ex-mlllionalre was not. "I knew it
would come," said Mrs. M. Elizabeth
Sutphen, of East Orange. X. J., who se
cured a divorce from Sutphen a short
time before he married the prima
donna. .
Mrs. Elizabeth Sutphen supports her
self by dressmaking. Her son, Jud
son Sutphen. Is 21 years old and she
is much devoted to him. Sutphen. It
Is understood. Is In Central America
some place, although he was In Lon
don this Summer at the same time
Fremstad was.
Sutphen's first wife says that he has
been sliding down the financial to
boggan for several years, and that af
ter borrowing back some of the money
he settled upon her when she got her
divorce, he stopped paying her alimony
altogether and announced that he was
First Wife IVraperate.
T am not a business woman and
things went very hard with me," re
lates Mra. Sutphen. "I triad to ru
a Doaraing noiise and tailed. I was
quite desperate. About a year ago
was told that Mr. Sutphen and Mme.
Fremstad were living at the Hotel
Astor. He had told me he could not
pay me any alimony because he was
so hard up. But I thought that if he
was living at that hotel he could surely
help us.
"I called on Mme. Fremstad there,
and she was pleasant enough. I told
ber the circumstances and asked he
where Mr. Sutphen was. She said that
she didn't know that he wasn't living
there, and she was very much worried
about him.
Mrs. Sutphen met her es-hnsband In
18SJ when he was midshipman. . When
he had graduated they were married,
A short time after that Sutphen re
signed from the Navy and went to
South America, where he became
wealthy In the asphalt business. H
suggested that she take their son to
Kngland to be educated, so Mrs. Sut
phen maintained an establishment In
lxndon for more than nine years. She
frequently came to New York to visit
her husband and he made regular trips
abroad to visit his family.
Pair Sera la fart a.
"In May of 1905 I was In Switzer
land and was expecting my husband
to Join me In London. I went to Paris
nd saw my husband driving through
the Place d l'Onera with Madame
Fremstad." said Mrs. Sutphen. "I was
thunderstruck, because I had Just heard
definitely from him that he would not
arrive until two weeks later. I mad
up my mind to find out where he was
stopping. At the Continental I asked
the clerk If E. W. Sutphen was stop
ping there, and he replied: "No. we have
Mr. Stephens and wife. What were
the Inltialsr
"I told him E. W.. and he said: "Yes.
this is Mr. K. W. Stephens and wife.
He said that the couple had arrived
bout three days before, which was the
date of the arrival of the lust boat.
knew this was my husband.
1 left a note for my husband and
took the night train to London. He
followed me there. I then came to
New York, a few weeks later, and filed
the suit for divorce.' I named a Mad
ame Alberta In the papers she Is dead
Whn told of what Mrs. Sutphen had
said. Madame Fremstad only said: "All
rot perfect rot. I don't know any
thing about her.
BOND ISSUE $1,000,01)0
SUM IV IMPUOVKMEXTS. of $ 1 .000,000 in Canltal
Stock of Railroad Also Author
ized by Stockholder.
TOPEKA. Kan, Oct. 2. A $100. 009,-
000 addition to the capital stock and a
100.000.000 bond Issue were authorized
by the stockholders and directors of
the Atchison. Topeka A Sante Fe Rail
way In their annual meeting her to
day. . V
This brings the capital of the road
to S481.4St.0oa. a big part of the con
vertible bond issue will be used for
Improvements, according to statements
made by the officers of ths company.
The purchase of the Garden City. Oulf
and Northern Railway, a line between
Uarden City and Ecott City. Kan, was
Olive Fremstad.
approved. Also the purchase of a part
of the Southern Pacific between Needles
and Mojave. Cal. Leases of the Kings
River Railway and the Laton Western
Railway were ratified.
It developed, at the annual directors'
meeting today that the Atchison. To
peka & Sante Fe Railway now operates
nearlv 11.000 miles of road.
Four directors of the road were re
elected for four years today. They are
Charles S. Oleed. of Topeka; H. R. Du
val. Thomas P. Fowler and IValter D.
Hlnes, of New York City. Walter D.
Hlnes la now chairman of ths board of
The meeting today brought the larg
est representation of any meeting in
the history of the Santa Fe.
Other Members of (Fnmily Eat
Sweet, but Snrfer Xo III Effects.
Coroner Will Investigate.
LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 26. (Spe
cial.) Strange coincidence, or perhaps
a fatal oonsequence of eating poisoned
candv Is seen here tonight in the death
of Mrs. Mary Mills, age 61, and her
granddaughter. Mary Donaldson, age
21 months, who was a daughter of Mr.
Coats Von .Vothlng to Try Moarfa Dys
pepsia Tablets.
Men, as a rule, are first discovered
by their enemies. "Their antagonists
turn on the searchlight, ana tne proot
of merit will lie In being able to stand
the fir eh.
It was only in this way that Mr.
White ever knew that dyspepsia wa
one of Mr. Blank's worst enemies. Sit
ting face to face at a two-by-four
table, he handed his afflicted friend the
bill of fare:
Oyster Cocktail. . Stuffed Olives.
Boston Clam Chowder.
Strained Gumbo.
Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms.
Roast Reef Hash.
Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut.
Lobster a la Newburg.
Baked Pork and Beans.
Combination Crab Salad.
Hot Mince Pie.
Pineapple Fritters.
Mr. White ordered a "little of each."
Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackers
and a glnes of milk. "I had such a
big breakfast this morning," he said,
"that I'll lust take a bite to keep
you company." But Mr. White could
not be deceived: "I am afraid you
can't stand the gleam. Mr. Black. Why
don't you say you have dyspepsia and
be done with It? You'll always have
that hungry look anyhow as long as
you have dyspepsia. Now listen. My i
stomach was tn Just as bad condition
as yours at one time. But now I can
eat anything, at any time. For instance.
this clam chowder or sirloin steak or
even the lobster would be Just as wel
come, to my stomach as your crackers
and milk. You don't realize how this
dyspepsia business Is robbing you of
your cpirlt. of your energy and ability
to think quickly. I can't help notice
It. You haven't the cheer and so-
ciabllltv you had three months ago.
Now I'll tell you what to do," and
thereat the cheerful Mr. White took
vial from his pocket and extracted a
wee tablet. "There, there Is a tablet
that contains an Ingredient, one grain
of which digests 8000 grains of food.
For even the worst dyspeptic it's the
only thing that really gives relief.
The reason is It relieves the stomach
of nearly all the work It has to do.
digests everything In the stomach and
stimulates the gastric Juice. I can't
get along without them. They are
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. You can
get them anywhere on eartn ror 0c a
package." i
Yes. it Is true. Stuarts Dyspepsia
Tablets absolutely stop heartburn,
nausea. Indigestion, dyspepsia of the
worst type, sour stomach, bloaty feel
ing and all eructations and Irritation,
nd freshen and invigorate tne atom
ch. They cheer you up, and make
you get ail tne good mere is in your
food. You will forget you ever had
stomach to worry you.
Send us your name and address to
day and we will at once send you by
mall a sample package free. Address
F. A. Stuart Co., 160 Stuart BIdg., Max.
shall. Mich.
and Mrs. William Donaldson. The two
were 111 but a few hours.
Earlier In the day the family had
enjoyed a candy feast, but the two
who became 111 ate less than the others,
who felt no 111 effects. The suffer
ings were not Indicative of poisoning,
but the sudden deaths are blamed to
the candy. An autopsy will be held
The two victims seemed to have suf
fered from different causes. The baby
could not breathe, while stomach pains
were evinced by Mrs. Mills. The bodies
will oe held until Coroner Baker re
turns from Portland. Physicians were
not called- until it was too late to
make a diagnosis of the cases.
Mrs. Mills has had similar attacks
before and an old disease aggravated
r rz
Hi I
IPs W.
any -Women
buy their -seasonable out
fits at our store, knowing
by experience they get
best value here.
The extremely popular
costumes for FALL AND
WINTER are the
Rough, Mannish
We have them in many
designs and fabrics and at
prices below other Port
land stores.
is Synonymous of Supremacy in Value
Entire Third Floor Devoted' to This Department
by heart weakness, and not poison,
may. bo responsible for death.
Fishing Boat Waterlogged.
VICTORIA. B. C, Oct. 2. The Do
minion wiroloss station received the fol
lowing message today: "9:15 A. M.
Empress of Japan, eastbound, reports
passing a waterlogged fishing vessel,
latitude 49:11 north, longitude' 127:31
west. No one an board. Empress made
attempt to pick her up, but was unable
to do so without groat loss of time."
Stelnway, Weber Pianolas, sold by
Kohler & Chase, 375 Washington,
SAVE THE COUPONS Wha. 700 bare enough coupons to
' speE D-A-N-I-S-H, yon are entitled to a set of famous spoons
FIFTH AND COUCH We Originate, Others Imitate
Daily Train Service
Redmond Bend, Or.
Will Be Opened Wednesday, November 1
Oregon Trunk
"The Inland Empire Express." leaving the North Bank
Station. Portland, at 9:55 A jr., will arrive Sladras 6:08
P. M. Metolius 6:20 P. M.. Culver 6:52 P. M., Opal City
7 K)7 P, XL, Redmond 7 :45 P. M. and Bend 8 :35. P M. Re
turning leaves Bend 6:30 A. M., Redmond 7:21 A. M., arriv
ing Portland 6 :00 P. M. ,
Stage Connections for Interior Pointa,
is Hie Solution'
H ' Blip
Main 203