Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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REMOVAL SALE Every Article in the Store Reduced REMOVAL SALE
in i ' CiMJ iil Miill
I 1 in y 111
QW 11 I I I X. 14 UM I 1 1 1
Hundreds of Coats Just Received Go on Sale
At Removal Prices
Smart, Distinctive Coats of Character, Quality arid Service
Coat No. I is of gray ratine stripes, with coronation purple collar and cuffs. This coat is re- st - Q
versible, being worn either side. The large rounding collar is particularly stylish. . The cuffs are I
pointed and the coat is rounded at the bottom. Removal Price H7 9
Coat No. 2 is 56 inches long, made of English Curly Burley in a gray mixture, trimmed with C O C
large round collar that fastens to the side with three fancy buttons. The collar is inlaid, also K j "y
the cuffs, with a fine quality velvet. Removal Price
Coat No. 3 is also made 56 inches long. of fancy mixture in gray, brown and tan. A striking feature is the new
large pointed collar, which is finished with a long silk tassel. The collar and cuffs are inlaid st -
with broadcloth, and match the mixture of the coat. Is finished with large buttons. Removal I
Price U.UkJ
Coat No. 4 is made 56 inches long of English Montagnac reversible material, in navy and purple, gray and navy,
brown and navy. The collar is wide and rounded with deep revers. Trimmed with braid t r f
loops and tiny velvet buttons. Deep cuff sleeves. One of the smartest models of the year. I
Removal Price
Coat No. 5 is made 56 inches long of reversible materials. It is a novelty, having a bag of the J C t O
same material with long silk cord worn over the shoulder. This coat comes in brown stripes with ItS. I fS
tan black -and white stripes with purple, and gray stripes with blue. Removal Price vLJ J.
Removal Ribbon Sale
Fancy Work
Hair Bow
Taffeta Silk
Messaline Silk
Satin Taffeta
Ribbons of Every Description
At Removal Prices
65c Fancy Ribbons 33c
With the season for fancr ribbon just at hand, with
holiday gifts requiring these dainty, attractive trimmings.
this removal sale is most opportune.
Every piece of ribbon that we have reduced to 33c
in this sale is new to our store within the past month.
This immense lot comprises two-tone effects, so popular
now for millinery; black and gold stripe ribbons, Per
sians. Dresden and novelty plaids. Also an assortment
ot dainty stripes and reversible ribbons. I hev average
in width from 5 to 6 inches and contain every popular
combination m both light and dark shades.
It is hardly possible that any demand for novelty rib
bons could be asked for that could not be found in this
immense assortment.
$1.00 Fancy Ribbons 49c
Elaborate novelty ribbons in floral. Dresden. Persian
and stripe effects, also plaids, black and white and mil-
inery ribbons m a great assortment.
These ribbons are ideal for sashes, hair bows, fancy
work and millinery purposes.
6 to 8-Inch Novelty Ribbons
Removal 98c
Dresden ribbons with plain satin-striped borders.
Double-faced and two-tone ribbon in all nw mlnr
binations; fancy dots and figures with plain borders in
all the leading Fall colors.
5 to-Inch Messaline Ribbons
Removal 21c
An exceptionally good quality ribbon in this standard
make comes in all colors. It is a ribbon that has been
standard in this house for many years. And at this re
moval price it reaches the very lowest level.
Half-Price Removal Sale Elegant Undermuslins
You'W find, we think, when you enter our
muslin underwear department today that your
attendance at this Half-Price Removal Sale of
muslin underwear fully repays you by the won
derful bargains you will find piled high on many
tables. This half-price sale contains the kind of
merchandise you expect to find in our store.
High grade muslin underwear made
and cut in the best possible manner of?
superior materials and perfect fit.
This is the kind of sale that brings to a house the confi
dence of women, who invariably find bargains even greater
than they expected to find.
In this Half-Price $ale you have your choice of gown's,
chemise, drawers, skirts, combinations and corset covers.
Regular ... .$125 $1.50 $2.00 $2.75 $3.00
Removal 63c 75c $1.00 $1.38 $1.50
Regular $ 1 J2S$1 .50$2.00 $2.75 $4.00 $6.00 $9.00
Removal 63c 75c $1.00 $1.38 $2.00 $3.00 $4.50
Regular 75c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $4.50
Removal 38c 50c 75c $1.00$2St5
Regular $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $4 to $9.00
Removal 75c 88c $1.00 $2 to $4.50
Regular .
Regular .
.$1.50 $2 $3.00 $5.00 to $18
. 75c $1 $1.50 $2.50 to$ 9
Corset Covers
. .$1.00 $1.25 $1.75 $2 to $4
.. 50c 63c 88c $1 to $2
New Gloves
At Removal Prices
$2.00 Cape
Gloves. . .
Women's one horn clasp Oape
Gloves, P. X. M. seams, with
spearpoint backs. In tans and
browns only.
$2.00 Glace f1 QQ
Kid Gloves. . 3.Oi7
Women's 3 - clasp Consuelo
glace kid Gloves, with Paris
point stitching on the hack. In
tan, brown, mode, gray, navy,
oxblood, green, pearl, pink, blk.
and white. In a good assort
ment of sizes.
$2.25 Suede
Gloves ....
Women's 2-clasp P. K. suede
Glcves. Extra Quality of Tre
fousse suede. Paris point stitch
ing on hack. In tans, browns,
gray, mode, and black. A good
assortment of sizes.
Just Over From Ireland and From Germany
Table Cloths and Napkins
Made of pure bleached Irish linen in a beautiful assortment
of patterns with borders on four sides. The cloths and napkins
all match.
$3.00 Cloths, 2 by 2 yards, removal, each $2.19
$3.75 Cloths, 2y2 by 2 yards, removal, each $2.69
$40 Cloths, 3 by 2 yards, removal, each $3.29
Embroidered and Scalloped Edge
Table Sets
Made of pure German linen with scalloped edge in assorted
patterns. Border on four sides to match.
$3.00 Cloths, size 65 by 60 inches, removal, each . . . $2.19
$3.50 Napkins to match, 17 by 17 in., removal, dox . $2.95
Every Yard of Linens at Removal Prices
Free Classes Continue in Our
Irish Crochet and Basket Making
Boys' arid Girls' Wool
Sweaters, Removal $1.23
Wool sweaters for boys and girls, made in coat
style, with V necks, and in a plain stitch. Has
pearl buttons and two pockets. In oxford, car
dinal, navy blue or oxford trimmed with cardi
nal, and cardinal trimmed with navy blue. Also
fancy stitch sweaters, with shawl collars, in ox
ford, gray, cardinal or white.
ik-i i-"n t.v i 11 a
' Sj VV
M ill
Chiffon fj
Veils h
moval fgiKwCv
Prices y
Sweeping reductions are
made on all chiffon veils. Of
course we need not mention
that all costs are entirely lost
sight of when we announce
that our entire stock of chif
fon veils are grouped into
three Removal Sale prices.
These veils represent the
best materials made in the
most approved fashion.
They come in all sizes in all
widths; finished with hem
stitched and bordered edges.
Chiffon Veils to $1.50
Chiffon Veils to $2.50
Chiffon Veils to $5.00
Removal Sale of Hair
Hair Goods at Little Prices
Gray Clusters Removal $2.95
Made of fine German gray hair. The cluster con
tains 22 soft rolls mounted on "wire or French neft. All
shades of gray.
Gray German Switches Removal $5.78
These switches are 30 inches long, 3 oz. weight
Made of soft German hair, all shades of gray; mount
ed three-stem. ' x
Mounted Barrettes Removal 21c
300 mounted barrettes. The popular bar shape,
mounted With rhinestones and inlaid gold.
Mounted Back Comhs Removal 41c
200 combs in the lot; worth five times this price.
Mounted With rhinestones and 14-l. inlaid gold,
Many styles.
German Transformation Removal $1.78
A very heavy transformation, made of 'German
hair 1 6 inches long mounted on French Weft. Goes all
around the head. All shades.
$4 Hair Clusters Removal $1.65
Made of natural curly German hair. No pins used
in the dressing. Cluster contains 1 6 soft rolls. Mount
ed on French Weft.
Aeroplane Clusters Removal $3.98
This is the coiffure that Paris is wearins toda3. Fits
close to the head, fallins low. and covers most of th&
ears. With soft coils, or ringlets. All shades.
Removal German Hair Switches
24-inch, 2 oz., all shades removal $2.45
30-inch, 3 ox., all shades, removal. $4.15
30-inch, 3yZ oz., separate strands, removal. .$5.75
24-inch, 2Yz oz., 3 separate strands, removal.$3.95
Removal Prices on Accessories
Cold Hair Nets, removal at , 19c
Silk Hair Nets, removal at 8 for. 25c
Silk Elastic Hair Nets, removal, for 25c
Crepe Wool, all shades, removal 28c
Best Hold Barrettes, removal 21c
Facile Hair Curlers, removal 12c
Half Price Sale of New Aprons .
Half Price Sale of Smart-Set Corsets
JL Merchandise of Aeril Onl'
Half Price Sale of Blankets
Every Yard of Dress Goods Reduced
In official circles, which affirm, on the
contrary, that Italy la determined not
to ceaaa her military operations until
Tripoli la wholly conquered.
Monday's Battl at Tripoli Said to
Hte Cost ZOO LItcs Inradrrs
-ed RHnforcemenls.
BERLIN". Oct. !. Advices rrora Con
stantinople say that the reports of re-
rent battles Kith Italian losses at
Tripoli have ended for the present any
rhnca for mediation. The Turkish
covernment baa swuna; over to the
Idea of continuing the war.
A dispatch from Tripoli says 300
men were killed In the battle at Tripoli
-n Monday, and that Italian reinforce-
mrnln are needed.
ROMB. Oct. tt. All reports concern
ing the possibility of an armistice be
tween Italy and Turkey arc discredited
Minor Prisoners Are Xo Longer to
Be Watched by Armed Guard.
WASHINGTON. Oct. l. Under a
new policy Inaugurated In the paat
year In Army regulations and puard
duty manual, soldiers who commit
offenses which mean their Incarcera
tion In a fruardhouse hereafter will be
permitted to discharge their duties as
prisoners without the vigilance ot an
armed vuard.
Another important chans;a affecting
Army prisoners, according; to Brigadier-General
K. H. Crowder. Judga-Ad-vocate-General
of the Army, is the
establishment of a probation system,
which allows the offender to be re
leased after nerving; one-half a sen
tence of ten days or more.
Good conduct will also mean restora
tion to duty after serving cart of a
sentence. v.
Wareltouneg Cnder Way at Mnplclon
and Lumber Has Been Contract
ed for Along Ronte.
FLORENCE. Or, Oct. IS. (SpeclaL)
Ralph B. Hunt right-of-way man for
the Pacific Great Western Railway
Company, arrived at Mapleton yester
day with a party of men to commence
work at once building warehouses on
property owned by that company, pre
liminary to the actual construction ot
their railroad from Eugene to Coos
Bay. actual construction work on
which It la announced will commence
before January 1. 1M1. The company
already. owns a great deal of the right
of way. The Southern Pacific Company
la also purchasing right of way and
has taken an option on a ranch
known as the Proaser place Just above
Acme at $40,000.
Speculation is rife ss to which com
pany will get there first, and as the
surreys run close together the first
company to secure right of way
through some points will have a de
cided advantage.
The Wendllng Johnson Lffmber Com
pany is contracting for large amounts
of timber, and operations are com
mencing at several logging camps in
this vicinity, providing many men with
The citizens of Florence turned out
well Saturday to clean out the beau
tiful park recently.donated to the city
by A. E. Gallagher. It is naturally a
good location, and much was done to
Improve It by the men who spent the
entire day Itv labor there. Women ot
the town served a delicious lunch at
noon to reward their efforts.
rondltions prevented
with the war vessel.
Unitarian Clergyman Attacks Re
ligion Before Conference.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. A vigorous
attack on Christian Science was made
at the annual conference of Unitarian
churches today. Rev. George R. Dod
son. of St. Louis, characterized it as
"a menace to the country and to Na
tional life." and a "fanaticism.
Rev. Howard N. Brown, of Boston,
said that Christian Science was simply
an "offshoot of religion." and that
Christianity was on trial for its life as
not . before In years.
Wireless Crosses Continent. J
VALLEJO. Cal.. Oct. 28. The Mare
Island wlrelens station received last
night a portion of a message being
ent by the battleship Rhode Island. Ip
the vicinity of 'Boston. Bad weather
Dates Set for Hospital Fair.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct 26.
Special.) The St. Jqneph's Hospital
Fair will be held In Vancouver No
vember 7. 8 and in the large as
sembly hall of the parish building. At
a meeting of the Catholics and friends
in the city arrangements were made,
Mrs. T. Donegan selected president of
the ladles' organization of the Cath-
olic Church, and sub-committees and
managers of different departments ap-
n.l.t.J a 11. 1 .
oupper wm oe served eacn
Says It Is Needless to Expect Any
Relief From Quinine, as It
Is Never Effective.
There is not one grain of quinine In
Pape's Cold Compound, which, when
taken every two hours, until three
consecutive doses are taken, will sure
ly end the grippe and break up the
most severe cold, either in the head,
chest, back, stomach or limbs.
It promptly relieves the most mis
erable headache, dullness, head and
nose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneez
ing, sore throat running of the nose.
catarrhal affections, soreness, stiff
ness and rheumatic twinges.
Pape's Cold Compound is the result
of three years' research at a cost of
more than fifty thousand dollars, and
contains no quinine, which we have
conclusively demonstrated Is not effect
ive in the treatment of colds or grippe.
Take this harmless Compound as di
rected, with the knowledge that there
is no other medicine made anywhere
else in the world which will cure your
cold or end grippe misery as promptly
and without any other assistance or
bad after-effects as a 35-cent package
of Pape's Cold Compound, which any
druggist In the world can supply.