Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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H:gr)el prtc P'd 'or Udlee-
cs.t-otf clothing, shoe i"T?ittT.'i. -0?'..
mechanic, logging Csul MH- HI. $
ri-st st. Tn u
WA.NTEP 1 to 1'w-karat ilmn4. muat
be perfect 'on and a bargain: vniM
ery ch.p ad not Mtf. 1'b.on Mir
th 1 llv.
W ANTED Good second-band vault door;
state end price. Address Wblt
moo Ahtrart and Tlti Company.
Whit Ptlmon, Wash.
WANTED Movlng-plctur mtchln. folding
m,r. flima, gas outfit, ate. Wash, Main 84."..
Foil I.AI.E All ew golden oak off!.-
fimiture. piece Including Pal. rug. Marshall 1970.
WANT to buy two railroad ticket to ft.
Paul for ladr or fulltniaa, Addraa Ai-
..'.'S. OrtnrllB.
WANTED- Tnl and a:ov. must bo ood
aid rr.ii. a:a not les than 17x14. M
-"14. iregnlan.
TOOLS Ulilinl price paid for ail kinds of
second-hand mechanic. klr.g toola Le
vin Hdwrw. Co.. l: rront. Main T2.
870 E. Morrison. Phono K- 1021.
Py htghest csh price for furnllur.
wXTEn 2 or 1 first-class howraee:
must bo In firet-claas condition. th
.... Nt and P. M.
WANTKD-KiUl lnp dck. cheap. East 3334
A FIRM having aa established trd wante
a ea.esman on wagon and farm ma
chinery, on who knows hi buslnes ana
nn lake full charge of thl department,
prefer a man who can tak a inll finan
rial Interest If aatlurd. B 5-. Or
g on tan.
WAXTKn for I". . Armv. nble-l.Hlld un
married men. between age of l and 3".
ciilsens of United Slate of good charac
ter and tempera! habits, who fin spes.
read and ant tho English language, or
Information apply to IHrrullmf Officer.
Worcester block. 8d and Oak at.. Port
'snd. Or.
SALESMEN I want throe more salesmen
for a h gh-cla subdivision, restricted dls
trlct. in Vancouver. Wash. : m good
quick money. boys. e.y lerma. good
commissions- Oo. T. Trahua. lea man
ager. !o Washington at. Tel. 14 Van
couver. Waah.
WANTLD A dentist to run an advertising
office In one of Ilia beat towns In Oregon:
nuit b licenced In this tate; good aalarr
to a aober man who Is a hustler. Answer
quick: need yon at once. Ir. N. H. Harcl
pleaae answer. AV til. Oregonlan.
MAN with amall family, to work on farm
on year: rnuat furnish reference; no
drmklrg man need apply, t all at room
. I O- O. F. Temple, between 10 and H
today. Thon Main PI -a.
WANTEli A few live ealcenien to handl
North Alhany fruit and garden tract oo
an attractive contract: over 40 acrea.
o-it Swetland Bl'lg.
.ANTED A good atock mn for com
pany with moat of Ita atotk o:d: good
lda and atrong upport from prraent
tockholrtera. :lra:-laa aaieaman only
need apply, to Oregonian piag.
WANTED 10 Brat-cl carpenter on con
rret form. Se per hour, board .7t
per week: muat bav blankata: work at
B'lll Run. Or Mr. Hood Railway
Kower v o.
AN opportunity for a llv man eelllng our
guranieed Yakima Vally-rown aurery
ft'ork- xrluiv territory: outfit fro; cah
meekly: "huMle." not experience, required.
Toppenlah Nuraery Co.. ToppenHh. Waah.
3S To $l'k weekly to ollcltor of ability;
rermarent: H per rent of people proapec
llve cuatomera: real houao aeamen cant
afford to overlook thla. a P. M. 3oV -M
n rrl eon, room S.
WAMEI'-Cook. ); aaltree. out of fit v.
;."i; trimeter. ! to 1"J per week: clerk
In hootln gallery. :0. good general
hru'lfe. Paciac Employment Co., Jn3
WANTED Mr Ineurance aollrltor to fa
vor ue with aom of tbelr lulneaa. w
reprent th beet of Invuranc companle;
literal commlaaiona letach At Wltner.
. ,1 i'himhr of I'ommerce.
W . VTEI Flmt-claa terra ratia drafta
roan and m-deler. Answer, giving quall-
A.-atlona and experience. AV ieO. or
rnlsn. IV A VTEH Flrat-claa grocery clerk, able to
tak charge of department: aleu general
merchandie clerk; -tate aa. experience
and reference. W :. orgonlan.
W AS"TEt Experienced ntarble-aetler at
I.o Angelr. CaL: ateadv work. Picket
Marble Granite Co . banta F av. and
Faith t.. I Angele. t iK
ri:.sT-rl.A.S aaieaman wanted, on who
anew the bulnena and can dreaa a win
dow Apply Friedman Cloth Shop. 1M
f 'Tth
WAVIKl A man who understand "t,ot
tuig and prea-ung: good man will be well
taken car of. Trie &ultltorium. 431 Stark,
let Mth and lltli
WANTED Working man familiar with ce
ment and carpenter work: tat age. ex
perience, reference and addrea AB -.
I iregonln. e
MAN to tak reataurant. nearly furnHhed.
In" hotel- aleeplng-rooin Included: board
one for rent: nao Apple .KM North 2lh.
s car north to -fith. Mock aouih.
CAeL'AI-TT Iniuranc agent. If you ar
not making mora than 2S a week.
Agency nirctor. 41t Mohawk bldg to
2; teady poltlon. good pay.
WANTED Flrat-rleae chef In town of W.-ooo-
muat be ft. good kitchen manager
and meat cutter; glv atreet or phon So.
X Oregonlan.
bALF.MEN wanted to ell our line of Pa
clnc Coaat grown nurery tock: eah paid
weekly. Pajiao Nurry Co 12U Toa
pfY wanted with wheel: prefer on that
otahe to learn the floiiat buainr: atat
reference and aalary. Addre L. 5a4. Or-.
EXPERIENCED tarchr and polleher.
Writ Chroy New Laundry, l.a Orande,
VNTKD Four boy with bicycle. S0 a
month. The 8uttatorium. 431 Stark
Set cen 11th and ll'th.
A NTED A man who understand apot
tuig. on aulta The Rultltoiium. 4S1 Stark
t.. bet. 11th and 12th.
ci'l'PON agenta wanted; good proposition.
Difreane ntudlo. 2Suj Waihlngton u.
rnrharn bid.
RK TAJKANT man wntd to tak charg
of restaurant In connection with hot!
Lamn-e. Raymond. Waah.
BUl'HT hoy or young man with experience
ea installment lioune collector; mnst havo
e h 'el. AO "27. oregonlan. ,
'J IIJHS and bu-ihelmn wanted; steady
Place. Apply Maxwell, the Tailor. ii
Washington t
W A NTED A man w ith business axperlenc
to open branch office In Oregon for large
corporation. Apply Lnmbermena bldg.
Tr or night work for loom fixer: tesdy
work to right men. Portland Woolen Mill.
M. .ti.hns. Or.
FXPriKlFNt'ED hotel janitor: muat h
hmile wuh loola. Hotel Frankln, ISth
in.l Wah.
I'tVEP EXPERIENCED drygooda man
lmm)'!ately. Vth and Main at.. Vancou
ver. Wash.
M.FSMEN to sell household necessity; a
winner: 'good commission. Beans 4k Co..
Teon bldg. ' '
TAILOR for pressing ladle' and gemie
m.n clothing. llarrla. 403 "wetland
hi ig-
WANTEI An experienced watchman for
d.j-k lake. Call 1st Morrison t.. between
.3 end -V. M. this morning. .
F'RT-CLAnS baker: one who ran pot out
trl.-tlr first-class goods. Call J th 1L,
bet end t P. M.
"WANTEI Flrst-cloe comlee-maher; must
si.rVt trm plans: when answering aiat
.id Box I7. Ontario. Or.
PlIltMANENT Income for aaleamaa. Ask for
'. Bryant. Ill Yeon bldg.
) llTt'-KAFH coupin end portrait agents,
rew offer. Culberth Btudlo. Dekum bldg.
U VNTKD Two good house-to-house eolic- steadr work. Apply o4 Ankeny.
i VntED Bushelman and prer at once.
Apply 35 :d st.
u -TKD Baker. St. Nicholas cafetarte.
I-.-1 oth.
W an'TEU Boye oeer 14. wlta wheel. 7
Id st.
W ANTEl FIrt-claase ladles' Jailor and
preoer. A. UPPman. 811 Selllg bldg.
JTtNTEri l-adlee" tailor, flrat-claas. Call
ioS Fltedner bldg-
H wa ned ' -' with blryclea. good Ar"r Toy lor t.
M ftTAL lathers, roa-oolon. Apply 233 Com-
mer. tal i luli Pldaj
j.lvE coal aaleamen. big commissions. 4-3
Abtngton Bldg
TiTED roullrv-dxoeser. Derthk Br..
ot of Wash., st. Friday morning.
r HKR wanted ,
s.-ul h.
no atodent. e44 1st at.
. r First -and Oak.
Baltes At Co.. prlnl-
VN'Vrl M-M cutter, ruburbsn market,
Hc Itios.. Han rego. Cal.
f. IfiBKK. non-union, for Faturda'.
romerclal club. B.rtg.
DAI-Uii waad tot wwlurdajr. 34 ruat si.
(One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Departmeet,
T. M. C A.
Tonag man. stranger, oai of " "
kle total rasa asset I If I pay yon $5 for
special employment membership 1 ela
b only tie left between me asd tar
nation. . ,
Seeretarr If yon pay $ for epedal
onployment membership yoa will bare
tk T. M. C. A., with It resource., be
tween you and atarvatloa.
Result: Young man Joined AeoclatI.
In l-e than a week bad satisfactory aas
ploymeot. Record for t
Cells for men .
Positions fll.ed
Nis uembera .
soxtha ending; Sept, .t
--""""""ir wo
Employment anemberehlp grnarantees
employment or refund of memoersnip
fee; gives two month- full membership
prlrtlsges. 10 snoaiba aoolal priTllege
end ucdertakea to keep party employe
durtcg the full tent of mexnberehin wita
eet further cherge. fc
W bare constant demand for nigB
grad. experienced men. r yea flttea
lor a better position F ,
e secretary employmeat departaxeai.
T. a. C i.
ABI.E-POniFD mens wanted for the 17
Marine Ccrpe. between the agee of IP and
i- Mua: be native born or have rvsi
papers. Monthly pay IIS to 6. -additional
rompenssilon possible. Food, clotn
Ing. qnartere snd m.Jleal attendance free.
Afier so jeara' service can retire with it
per cent of pay and allowance, aerrtc
on board hlp and aahor In all Prfi
l..e ..r-.I. Afply to V. S. Marin Cocpe
recruiting office. Bresdea bldg. id and
v.shlnsion sta. or room T wlncwur
Ho-ise. lli go t.. portiann. or.
VNITT.K STATES NAVY bas opened a RB-
CKl ITINU bTATiON at .is n"""J
chang building. Portland, where Infor
mation will be gladly gteen about sy
opportunities to young men orer IT. Tn
MaWIng of a Man o- Wararoan." a book
telling all about the Navy, will be nt
free to anyone who want It.
SALESMEN to sell ubdlvlJon: good com
mission to llv men. Also good men to soil
6;i Railway Exchange.
EASTERN ladle to know Great Men nd
Ka-noua Women" and character sketche
are being sold on Pacific Coast: "Virgin
territory gusrantecd. For particular ad
dreee J. ". H tsliiisa, bi3 Market su. San
A jjTRONij litrmin or Norwegian girl
wanted to assi-t with housework on fnrsii.
one bttir'i ndo from i'orvland; good
wart and kind treatment. Addree
Maviro Farm. K. F. 1. No. 1. Woodburn.
Learn the Eujlnee.
fanltary Beauty Parlor.
400 to 413 Dekum bldg.
A Position Guaranteed.
WANTED Glr to assist in housework
from I A. M. to S F. M.. In 5-room apart
ment. The Highland Court Apartment,
apartment .Vi7. Apply morning. Comer
SALESWOMEN to U city lots; good oom-
SI'O Railway Exchang.
WILL, glee two meal a day in exchang
for CAMr erv!ce from 3:45 to ".45 1.
M-: boardlng-houe. Main 7SU4. 785 Hoyt
street. - .
WANTED Womrt to keep house in family
of 1. two men and boy; good home, small
wage; tat wge wanted. Harry J.
rteuers. cima. v sen.
H A NpK.Va LAU1E.1 Al.s.ii-1.
I43U Washington St.. Cor. Ttn. Cpstalra.
Phone Meln 2803.
w r- c imn r-c t' AnENCT.
Wehlngton bldg.. 4th and Wash St
Vale sd or A all.
Ollt I. for general housework, family of
'adutta. Call morning. JJ1 tth t-. corner
of Clay .
AN EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work and cooking: no weaning, e-3 Eaut
Main st.. corner JBth st. Phone B 14l'.
WANTKlr fientle. motherly women to cere
for Invalid, good permanent home. wage,
give i.hone number. T 571. Oregonlan.
SALESWOMEN to a'll household necessity;
good commission. Evans At Co.. o06 Yeon
bMc. .
WANTED Refined, cspsbls womsn for re
sronsilile position. Vlavl Co.. C09 Roth
.... . . . .... jt --.i,in
cntin Dial., m wmj ..
WANTED Olrl to help on isdles' tailoring
and flrst-cisis waist and skirl help. 2vd
Columbia bldg.
Go-xl oltustlons of a l klnda 2.13H Al
der, corner XI at. Main 1.1!. A -77.t.
WANT E I A gTrl or woman for general
housework: no washing. Phon Oak Grove
Rett It. .
OIHL to assist with general housework:
washing ivn out; morning. 777 Irr-
Ing st.
WANTED A lady who understands spot
ting, on suits. The Sultatorlum. 4H1 Stark
st.. between 11th end 11th.
WANT ED Experienced girt for candy fac
tory. F. F llaradon It Son, cor. East
itih and baTle
WMAN. e-rienced. for gen-ral house
work. Api'iv I etore n-on. "v.
MIDDLE aged woman to help with general
e - - . V.nne M Ol'Jlt.
wort, wages e-i i'' "
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 433 Hol'sdey are.
MI DOLE-AO ED lady to assist with general
nonsewora; two in mumr- -.- ...
WANTED A flrst-clas body lroner. Inter
national Laundry. Eat gth and Oak.
WuT. gTv a horn to elderly lady for light
services. B 11'7. .
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework; plain cooking. St2 Sonuyler.
A TOl'XO girl to assist with housework.
Apply 445 Johnson st. .
NEAT, strong girl to assist with housework.
734 Hovt st.. corner -tfd.
111, North tth St.
WANTED lilrl for housework; two In fam
ily. " 305 ltth St.. top flat.
W'ANTEL- Girl for general housework; 8
In family; wage J0. Sellwood 9T.
nri.p wAyrrn-male ok female.
BOOKKEEPERS, cashier eleraa. ete.1
will guarante your qualification to flu
poeltlons In ed deys: prlvete Instruetle
by publle ecoountani; poelUoa seouxsd. J
430, Oregonlanu
MALE or female atcnographer who can
also keep set of books; salary o month
to tart and more aa business Increase.
0-1. iiregoniaii
NIGHT weavers and spinners wanted No
vember 1. Apply Tortiand Woolen Mllia,
Kt. John. Or.
By learning to operate moving
plctuie: operators earn 123 to 834
weekly; easy inside work; short
hours: learn business In two weeks:
lesson reasonable; day and evening
n-jri S Waahlngton. near 17th.
HEN wanted, ego 1S-35. tor firemen. 10
monthly: brakemen. $80. on nearby rail
roads Experience unneceeeery; no etrike.
Poaltlon guaranteed competent men.
promotion. Railroad Employing Head
quarter D4 men sec: to positions la
tteptxmber. State ere; aend stamp. Rall-
way Aaaoclauun, jox . Oregonta.
I0V0O POSITIONS tor graduatee last ysar;
gat and women leara barber trade la
a week; help to secure poaltlon; grada-
te aexa from 818 to 838 weekly; wafer I
Instructor: tools free; write for eata
loguea. Mooter System of Colleges, 38
North 'h st- Portland. Or.
A-l STENOGRAPHERS are what every em
ployee wants. The place to get good
tcnographer Is at the Remington Type
writer employment department. No fees
for the service. Just call Mala 8 or A
8118. 343 Stark (. .
EXPERIENCED tutor. spesk German,
gradual of Eaatern unlveralty, wlahea to
tutor in Germnn. or ancient languagea;
reference. V Z.2K, Oregon, an.
PRIVATE SCHOOIj Bookkeeping. short
hand, typewriting, day and night classes.
1 1 i Chamber of Commrc i'honea: Of
fice. Main sSli. residence East 144.
AtOTlON-PICTCRE operating taught 4n the
eter; practical couree; learn it right:
price reaeonaole; poaltlon aecurod. Aa
610, Oregonlan.
RAILROADS want young men for telegraph
and atatlon service; for full partlculara.
call or address Telegraph Dept., room SO-3.
Commonwealth bldg.
Minn., call at room 408 Selling bldg. Very
asks money writing abort stories, or fee
rapera: big pay: free booklet tell bow.
'ntted press rivndlcat. See Fraoclso.
WANTED Picture play writers; bl pay;
we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa
tion. San Francisco.
WRITING, 83 mo. '.'aa nth st. Main iHvi.
RETOUCHING taught lu IS lessons. 87 N.
ISth St.. apartment 87.
1-leK 1 BAC H avail'
atweUand kldg.
Bookkeeper and
Dd ( lerks.
POSITION In Northwest by university grad
uate. I'M. Scotch. 3W years- general busl
nssa experience, assist manager, manager
handling help, buying, selling, progreaslve.
good appearance; good opening more de
ilrable than high salary. M 817. Oregonlan.
CLERICAL position wanted by young msn
who hss had banking experience and un
derstands bookke.pmg; very best : refer
ences: willing to go out of city. As aai.
Oregonlsn. fc
BOOKKEEPER nil banker with 7 year
experience, want a position In or near
Portland: Al reference. Phone A 8o4.
Bruce Wheeler.
op boeka proper balance and lt
meou. Install system. Ollllnghanv -dltor.
411 Lewi blda. Merhll 71T.
ASSISTANT correspondent. hl to assume
charge of ireneral correspondence wllhout
dictation; operating own typewriter. AO-dre-
AJ V-rt. Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. IP
rlenited In banking, lumber, real esttite
and other llneo: no objection to leaving
city. 1 r7. oregonian.
FIVE years- experience, machinery ales
roan; can flgur and lnm;i Irrigation
plants, r urrBW.
BOOKKEEPER want ma!l et of book to
post erenlngs: thoroughly competent and
rename. i o.i-.. vi a
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typewriter, de
sires position, temporary or permanent.
.viarenmi .e.'i -
CLERK. Vodak supplle. cutlery. tatlonery.
drug sundrle. etc.: young man. 4 year
experlence. AP .1:18. Orcmsuian.
STENOGRAPHER. experlnod. well-recommended.
Marshall !!.
FIRST-CLASS wide-awake Eastern aales
tnan wishes to connect as local or
traveling salesman with a wholesale gro
cery company, or apeclal pickle, catsup
and condiment line, or coffee and tea
companv. At preeent employed, but Wlsn
to make a change. Satisfactory refer
ence sglvemL0Cregorilan
Ll'MHERMAN with 13 yeara' experience aj
tallyman, yard and shipping clerk and
yard foreman, want poitlon: Al refer
ence a to ability, character and go
brletr. Address AP H2'i. Oregonlan.
SALESMAN wanta good proposition. Inside
or outside, salary or commission, or both,
or will handle agency for good line; fe
mlllar with mechanical line AK Bit.
WANT position, by married man. to work
In garage or drive auto, or fire boiler, or
handl gasoline engine; 6 years- experi
ence firing. 3 year with auto. Phone Main
61 3Q. Adams. .
MAN and wife (no children) desire man
agement of farm; extensive experience In
general farming, stork, grain or fruit; ir
rigation expert; bet reference. AF 8-8.
COOK Flrst-rlaaa Chinese young man
wants position In hotel, restaurant or
boarding-house. Charlie. 203 Stark gt.,
second floor. '
EXPERIENCED butcher and meat cutter
wante position In or out of city: have
hod experience In grocerlee. Phone East
YOt'.va MAN. attndlng bulne college,
w lanes work for hi room and board. Ad
dress E. M. Grove. Holme Buainesa Col
leg e. TjjtthandVashlrj!tonj
YOUNG man attending school dealres to
work for board and room before and after
school. Call or address me, H. D. b.. room
5PS Commonwealth bldg.
BY experienced chaufTeur and mechanic; fur
nlstiee references; will give satisfaction:
want lucrative position; careful, compe
tent. AP 63.1. Oreg onlnn. "
YOUNG men, electrician, with some knowl
edge of movlng-pioture operating, would
like position at small salary to learn busl
ness. AP 634. Oregonlan.
YOl'SO civil engineer, with inatrumente.
withe work: experienced In railroad,
municipal and land urveyg. good draft
tnan and computer. 8 52T. Oregonlan.
COOK First-class Chinese young man
wanta m position in h6tel, restaurant or
hoarding-house. Charlie, 303 stark at.,
second floor. v.
JANITOR Situation wanted by married
man In apartment-house: thoroughly ex
perienced; local reference. L 633. Orego
nlan. HOTEL clerk desires position; at present
with lumber firm In Idaho. AV 6.4,
JAPANESE wante a Job on farm or dairy
farm; well educated and good worker. G
R-3. Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR, stranger, wanta position: do
own repairing; careful driver: married.
Q. E. W.. 349 W. Salmon. Main 4370.
SITUATION wanted a dlehwaeher In hotel,
city or country, country preferred. AM
5-7. Oreg'-nlan.
COMPETENT chnuffeur and mechanic de
sires position; will go anywhere. AB 829.
Oregonlan. '
MAN AND WIFE want to take care of
apartment and do Janitor work; ober,
references. B GM. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE cook wants position In small
family for cook and housework; city or
country. R 833. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife want position on farm; no
children; best of reference. AB 31. Ore
gonian.' '
WANTED A position as motion-picture op
erator: J "months- experience; will begin
at small wages. P 6:0, Oregonlan.
A OOOD.-honest young Japanese boy wants
housework in good small private family in
city. P 528, Oregonlan.
COMPOSITOR ftetting English, Germen
and French; works also on linotype. Ad
dress A. B.. 1H Powell t.. City.
GOOD NO. 1 professional cook. Just ar
rived, desires position, hotel or restaurant,
city or country. V 631. Oregonlan.
SITUATION a cook; sober man; camp or
mall hotel. Addre :4" Clamo Hotel.
Phone East 450. room 40.
SITUATION wanted aa porter, colored; best
of references, llolley White. Call phone
Main 31 Ml. ;
JAPANESE chauffeur wants position; many
years' experience as driver and care for
vsrd. H 81. Oregonlan.
THOROUGHLY experienced garage and re
pair man desires position. M 631, Ore
SITUATION w-anted Experienced orchard
lst wishes ettuatlon: am capable of tak
Inc charge. Address V 63H. Orsgonlsn.
YOt:NJ German wishes house or gardan
work: can give reference. E 622, Ore
gonlan. FIRST-CLASS eooll wants position in com
mercial hotel or cafe: city or country. Ad
dress C. A. Smith, jenerson st.
OBTAIN services of first-class engineer,
hoisting or sttlonry; good reference.
Phone aellwood 1913.
BAKER, experienced mn. require situa
tion; highest reference. 489 East Commer
cial at.
A BOY wante to learn machlntst trade; ha
some experience. Addre Carl Carleon,
Mllwaukle. Or.
OOOD dishwasher wants position, hotel or
restauiant. city or countr. J. ., 803 N.
10th st.
W'ANTED Printer-compositor; Job as Id
man In country shop. T 682. Oregonlsn.
TOl'NO German man desire work during
Winter for board. R 651. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE man and wife want position.
K. Akagl. P. O- Box 135, Portland.
SITUATION a porter, colored. Henry
Smith. Call M1n 7712: good reference.
HOUSE cleaning and window waahlng. or
Janitor work. Main 7c28-
YOUNO man. tranrer. seeks ltuatlon as
enretaker or fireman. B 338. Qregonlan.
STRONG boy. 18. Norwegian, wanta work
on fsrm. AO BIB. Oregonlsn.
YOUNG man with experience wanta work
nn dairy farm. AC 619. Oregonlan. ;
JAPANESE want poaltlon. store or hotel
porter. U 619. Oregonlan.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
Neat. ccurte nd refined, UB now em
ployed but dcalre to make a change; high
est references; willing to start at moderate
aalarv. Address K B02. Oregonlan.;
OFFICE position, by young lady from East;
1 year experience typist, clerk, assistant
bookkeeper In insurance and commission
business: good reference Bemlce Rog
ers. Tabor ISO
OFFICE position 'Jr 'dy' ykre ex
perleree. assistant bookkeeper, clerk, typ
ist and mall order. East 144.
STENOGRAPHER with general eftlce expe
rience dealrea poaltlon. AV 631. Orw
gonln. STENOGRAPHER with genorl office ex
perience wlhe position. 8 632, Oregon-
YOl'NO Isdv desires position as stena.
rap i-r; slight knowledge of bookkeeping.
C 1 r.
YOUNG LA f Y stenographer with legsl ex
perience desires position; temporary ac
cepted ; A-l references. . Msishsll g.
rviTRtrvrrn bookkeeper and stenog-
rphr wants position. StUwood 1803.
Bookkeeper sad MenogTapnera.
WELL-EDUCATED lady from the East, sev
eral year- business experience, desires
permanent position with high-class firm
as bookkeeper: capable of taking charge
of general office work; best of references.
Address M. R. Savage. 7!-5 Vancouver ve.
STENOGRAPHER with experience wlshea
position. Good references. AV 644. Ore
gonlan. v
Dressmakers. '
EXPERT tailoring and dressmaking.
v . , , . tl.T.h. 11 111B
laniniii w. '.
FiRST-CUASS dressmakl done t home:
prices ressonanle. Main rl22.'. t
MIDDLE-AGED womnn. practical nurae.
wan-s the rare of tnva'M. children or
rooms: would travel or take a child at
my home; refcrenc-s. Phone Malnoj44.
POSITION Tn care for Invalid or elderly
person; will do light housework; wages
' :l per m o. T o8'. Oregonlan.
AN experienced nurse would like more eaaes.
Marshall 24J7.
EXPERIENCED nursa. more casa. mater
nity. Invalid, infant. Main -!i'3i. A 4n!.
KEKERENt'ED nursa desires care 'of In
fant under year. Main ?0:i'. A 4776.
LADY wishes position aa housekeeper for
widower or bachelor unincumbered; no ob
jection to child. 443 East Ankeny. Phone
cart a (-.-..
GOOD competent cook (German) wishes
. i . a-tmee eecona elrl IS
kept. Y. W. C. A., room 40.
w-c-at- e.neHiw von n e woman, cl t V refer-
ence's. dcslrs housekeeping-, wldovvef
family. St. Louis Agency. Alder.
Main -loan.
WOMAN with Kirl 6 yesrs. wsnts position
as housekeeper In or out of town; small
wragea. AK 2'.. Oregonlan.
WOMAN of ability desires management of
first-class apartmcnt-linuse; part exchange
for one apartment. Phone C 1291.
SWEDISH girl wanta place for gri"al
housework and asslat In cooking. Phone
.Main -J--.
SITUATION wanted; middle-age woman,
general housework; fair cook. S B3H Ore
gonian. A-FINNISH girl wants general housework
In email country town. Call at 10 Petty-
grove st.
YOUNO Spanish wonnin. situation kitchen
helper, chambermaid. Main 203!'. A 4i.-.
HOUSEKEEPER. Girl IS. child's nurse,
kitchen helper. waitress, chambermaids
hoarding-hour. cooks, experienced family
cook, second girl. St. Louis Agency, ...3
Aider. Main 2039. A 47"..
KEI.FabT.E TELEPHONE operntor. several
years' experience, wlahe position ln ho
tel or private exchange. AF 328, Ore
gonlan. , ,
EMBROIDERING nd china painting don
to order, reasonable price, perfect work.
4;4 Washington at.
WOULD Hk to get dining-room work or
cooking In a small hotel: country. Ad
dress Miss l- winific, riinspuro, v..
2 GIRLS want situation as chambermaids,
linen room hotel, or Institution work; city
and country. W 623. Oregonlan.
MUSIC teacher desires to render light serv
ice for room nd board. Phone Wood lawn
FIRST-CLAPS cook, boarding-house or ho-J
tel; references, catholio Women's League,!!
Main 2431.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
Phone mornings or evenings only. Main
4196. ,
COLORED man or woman, day work, laoe
curtains, hand-laundered. Marshall 8638.
LACE curtains laundered: special rates for
hotels. Main ai'ti i.
LADY will prepare dinner or luncheon,
phone Main 4ol. Call MrsW.
WOMANiwishes work" by the day or a half
day. Phone Main 7406.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
Phone East 6020. B 3020.
WOM AN"wants work for Saturday; ref
er e ncesimlialfdajrjnoodjajn
WOMAN wants sweeping and other work by
day. A 1-I47.
FIRST-class cook wishes position in good
family. Main 8441.
YOUNG lady guitarist wishes few more
pupils. Phone H lo'i.
WOMAN wants any kind .lay w6rk, Friday
and Saturday. Main 4-1 OS. -
GIRL for reataurant work. Phone East 4834
GIRL want housework. Call Main 8361.
"WOMAN wanta day work. Phone Taoor 70L
WANTED Live agents to sell photo, cou
pons. Boston Studio. 342 y Wash, st.
IF yoa wish to make money, eell photo
coupon for 8tudlo De Luxe. 7th and Alder.
Boom With Board.
WANTEbByTefined couple. with two
small children. modern 8 or 4 room un
furnished housekeeping suite, pleasantly
situated near park. Phone East 6061.
" House.
Who Is foolish 7 Th fellow who ipend
whole month trying to rent hi property
by himself, or the man who turns It over
to COMPETENT agent, and get RE
W r dealers In RESULTS. Try us
and see.
832 Chamyer of Commerce.
I WANT to rent a house furnished, about
7 rooms, on West Side, south of Washing
ton street: notify me by Saturday noon.
A 3fi7. 225 5th at.
Room. -
WANTED Furnished room, private family,
by two gentlemen. West Side, all con
venience; state price. K 6ti5. Oregonlan.
Llunlnewo Place,
REAL ESTATE" man would like desk room
In oft Ice. with stenographer or young at
torney. AE 527, Oregonlan.
rurnlshed Room.
Residential. 360 Taylor. Transient,
liet. 7th and Park Bt
Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, quiet.
Booms from 75o daily, with private bath,
from $1 dally; special weekly and monthly
rates; suite New, nandsomely fur
nished br;ck; elevatur, telephones, hot nd
cold running wtr. From Union Dspot
-J" car to Taylor - or "W" car to 7th;
from Hoyt-treet Depot. "8" car. transfer
on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 3200.
111 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick oulldlng. steamheat
d, private baths, hot and cold watar In
rooms, beautifully furnlsiied. cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. Call ana see us.
Regular and transient trad solicited.
BARGENT HOTEi corner Grand and Haw
thorne avea. Beautifully furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath; hot
ana cold water, steam beat and private
phone in every room; moderate weekly or
monthly rates; grill la connection; txnl
ent solicited.
One block from Union Depot; 140 out
side rooms with hot end cold water and
steam heat; offers special rstes to perman
ent guests; rules oo to 82-00 per day;
1.50 and up per week. Phone MtUa
TKK PEER HOTEL, East 8d nd Burnside:
new fireproof building, steam-healed, hot
and cold water and phones In all rooms;
private baths, lobby and parlor; elevator
servloe; ratea 83 per week and up; tran
elsnts sollcltsd. Phone East 17L
That quiet, select femlly hotel, at 71
Wslilngton sc. ner 22d: nicely fur
nished outside rooms with private bath
nd phones: bord If desired. Main 8651.
103 Vi Twelfth St. Marshall 379a
In heart of business district. Steam heat,
hot and oold water, free phone In every
room. II day and u p ; 84 week and up.
thf REGENT. 131 Vs Seventh beautiful
rooms, right down town; Ideal location
Joe oartles staying In town for business
or Pleasure: rates very reasonable, by day
or week. 318 month OP-
mot FT. REN WICK An Ideal borne for
business people; cntrlly loceted; elegnt
rooms' all modern conveniences; 7th and
T-.vlor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel,
Jposlte Helllg Theater. Main Pig.
12th and Washington.
any room In the house fog IS wees
and nothing extr for two la room;
rvcV large double room .n private boardlng
v,!T,.. for young women; central location;
r.rmi reasonable. Catholic Women's
' ...Tie. Main 24.M. Laundry privileges.
' "imt airy rooms, modern, suites or sln-
--12 and 8 week: Bve minutes- walk
fo theater and storos; fre phone. Lin
Sell Hotel. t: 4th.
TMK HAZEL Nlcel7 furnished rooms at
moderate price cor. 8d and Montgomery.
THE Larrabee. 227 H L
mtnjg"""111 modern;
irrabee; under nw
I urnlnhcl Kmims,
Thi' th..-e beautiful furnished hotel
llii, 4th st. 211Vs 4th at 20. Vi 4th t
On Fourth running from Uylor to
Salmon at-; brand new brick, elegantly
furniahed; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; ktrlctly up
to dat In all respects, and at popular
price. If you want oomethlng out of tn
oidtnar), In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will llko It. Room by the day.
or month. Tourlat trade ollclted.
, After October 1 HOTEL. ALDER. 4ta
and Aldr at, will offer special Induce
ments art weekly and monthly rates t
furmaneat guests during the Winter. Best
ucetlon In the city, convenient to .l
theaters, stores, business district and post
office. A comforlabi bom with every
modern convenience. In the heart of th
city. Local and long-distance telephone
and hot and cold running water In every
room. The best of bellboy and elevator
service day and night. Rooms singly
SDd nulte. House thoroughly modsra
and newly furnisher). Ratea on applica
Elegantly furni(hed rooms, single and
en suite: reasonable rates;' new manage
ment; transient and permanent. Come and
see lor jou:.t-.i.
tarnished Booms In Private Family.
WEST SIDE, easy walking distance, two
beautifully furnished connecting front and
aide room, 815 and $1:1 month, together
$-5, bath and toilet same floor, good fur
nac heat, electric light, use of piano in
reception hall, very homelike place; good
table board across street. 33:1 Harrison.
TWO plearont well-furulshed room, single
or ensuite. In funiily of two: references re-
Sulred- Park street, between Madrson and
.-ffcrstrfi. Phono Main 3!KI.
LARGE room In new apartment-house, new
rurnlture. suitable for two; every modern
convenience, reasonable. Call Marshall
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, clean and
any, prk view from front rooms, $2.&0
nnd S3 -per week: hath and Pacific phone.
3.ri:' College, near Park.
LOVELY furniahed room and alcove. 10
mlnutea' walk from poetoftlce. tn tine new.
modern, private apartment: references re
quired; gentlemen only. Marshall 2.'145.
1H EAST 3D NORTH, S. E. cornet' Mult
nomah, front room, well fucnlshed, suit
able for two, In modern, furnace-heated
650 HOYT ST. Well furnished light and
attractive rooms; take S or 16th-st. cr.
Phone Marshall 1258.
FURNISHED room, suitable for two gen
tlemen, with board. 195 10th St.; refer
ences. FRONT alcove room with piano, suitable
for one.' two or more; bath, phone and
heat. 226 12th St., near Salmon.
SEVERAL well furnished room with vry
convenience. 655 Washington. Phone A
BEAUTIFUL front room, strictly modern,
large porch off room. 673 E. 12th st. N.
Phone C 2269. Call morning or evening.
NICELY furnished rooms for one or two, 32
per week and up. walking distance, mod
ern house. 254 12th st.
WEST SIDE sunny furnished rooms, electrlo
light, bath. ,heat. phone. 70 Cornell St..
near corner Washington and 23d sts.
NEWLY furnished rooms In new upper flat
for gentlemen, close In. 694 M .Everett,
Main 3421.
FOR RENT Very desirable firrnlshed room,
private family, waiklnff distance; Jjreak
fast If desired. 498 Mill st.
WANTED Desirable young man to share
room. 461 fcl. iiurnsiae. fnone jmni mi.
$2.50 NICELY furnished room for one; 33
for two. 294 11th st.
LIGHT and airy room, furnace heat, run
nlng water, cheap rent, lbl 11th.
FRONT ROOM, four blocks from Helllg
Theater: gentlemen only.' 2:10 loth st.
FINE furnished front room; also single
room s. 4u3 Morrison. Walking distance.
NICELY furnished front parlor with piano.
Call 22 4th St., opposite City Hall. A 403!'.
TWO turnished rooms; llsht, heat, bath:
$.- nnd $6 month; gentlemen. 209 Fargo.
NICELY furnished room; no other roomers;
breakfast it dealred. Main 90Q3 ,
ROOMS Walking distance; board optional.
2(,9 J4tn. cor. jnicnwi. r"""" jin.ii
VERY desirable front suite, modern; finest
location. 7 Js. 2Qth St.
NICE front room, suitable 1 or 2, strictly
modern, walking distance. 94 North lSth.
27s NORTH 20TH ST., well furnished light
ami attractive room. Take W car.
82 50 UP per week; clean rooms, desirable
location; gentlemen only. 3Q5 ,2th at.
NliW finely furnished, hot-water heat; also
housekeeping suite. 365 11th st.
FRONT room, first floor; 83 per week, for
one: 13.50 for two. 20o 12th St.
NICELY furnished rooms, use of piano, bath
and phone. Woodlawn 229. Piedmont.
Room and ftoarO.
LAMBERSON. 354 Conch, cor. 17th Good
board and clean, well-f urnlshed rooms;
single nd double; walking distance; table
board also. Main 533. A 3081.
DOES a home appeal to yoa? The Whitehall,
cor. 6th and MaiKson, large rooms, bath,
broad verndas, quiet, close lu, near oar.
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
TbE MANITOU 261 13th. new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated: Innuag
rooms: choice board. Main 1184.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooms with board,- use of cewing-roora. li
brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, sup.
THE CAX.VARD, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Large, well-furnished rooms; modern
CASA' Rose; board and room. 800 Jeffer
son St.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
LAKOE. well-furnished front room and
board for two young men In private fam
ily on West Side, every modern conven
ience; reasonable. Call Marshall 1019.
ROOM and board for gentlemen: private
family: West Side, central, block from
Multnomah Club. 232 Stout St. Marshall
LARGE room with board for 2 young busi
ness men In private 'borne on West Side,
nice neighborhood, walking distance; all
young people. Marshall 80.
LARGE front room, also small room, pri
vate family, with board. 651 E. 39th, cor.
Ellsworth. W-R car.
STEAM-HEATED room, first -clnss bath,
with or without boaxdi two young ladles.
715 Johnson, flat 3.
WANTED Two young men for room and
board. 8t Hancock, close In; walklug
distance; reasonable price.
YOUNG business lady will share her fur
nished flat with refined lady or a couple.
H ill! or call . alter o:3u. I'lS K. loth st-
IvOOM and board', all modern conveniences,
walking distance. 5ilii East Main, corner
13th. Phone East 4720.
FLEASANT room and board In private fam
ily; steam boat; apartment. Phone Mala
ROOM and board, private family, for two,
modern convenience X05 Everett. Mar
shall 8302. '
LARGE front room with board, also attic
room. 20 eo si. fttinn. rnuun aiow.
TABLE boarders, 204 22d su North, bet.
WELL-FUK.MSHED room with best board,
li So porch end grounds. Main 2071.
CHOICE place for 2 young men; new house;
central; reasonable. Main 2219.
ROOM and board In modern home. 292 E.
22d st. s. East 2 sol.
FIRST -CLASS beard and room. 600 Everett
price reason pie.
LARGE"" clean, bright room, suitable for 2
or 3, with choice board. Main 3356.
FIK.'T-CLASS room and board for 2 In pri
vate family. 93 N. 17tn. Main 4820.
PLEASANT, home comforts, rooms 31.50, 84
week: excellent meals 4 week. 706 Glisan.
NEWLY furnisned .single rooms: breakfast
aud dinner. Phone E. 5071, B 2574.
ROOM and board, 85 per week, single or for
two. Main 8304. 605 6th st-
NICELY furnished rooms, excellent board,
near 754 Hoyt st. Marshall 2.32U.
" Apartments.
BEST apartmenta In the city; outside
rooms; sleeplnr-porch, maid's room; wasn
travs, gas ranges, refrigerators, heat, hot
water telephone. Stevens Apartments. 791
A Northrup st. Msln 935M. -
S43 MODERN e-room apartments; a con.
venlences, wiKing u
istance. nhnn. .1.
M ill n 4930.
TiHAlNTREE Elegnt five-room nrt
Vnent. Weat Side, walking distance, rent
"...7nble. Min 774L 395 12th etT
THE MORTON Furnlsiied snd unfurnished
apartment 697 Waahlngton at.; both
HART A P.-.-"' -'";" heat
Slid Pll-C "v """ -JJ -
A. 641 Wasnington
Phone Marshall 462.
itreet Steam
THE ELMS Z nd 8-room apartments, fur
nished. 191 14th st. Maln444.
LEONCE Modern apt.: Neb Hill diairloi
Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th.
Just off Washington.
Just finished;, most masntneent apart
ments on the raciflc Coast; location ideal;
rentals reasonable: every niodern con
venience; high-class service: references
required. Phone Marshall 502.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving st;
thfs new 4-storv brick now open: fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 8. and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electrlo. automatlo
elevator. Holmes disapDearlng beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gns range. Ice
box, plenty of clrsat room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 298L
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, situated In the heart of the city,
within 10 minutes walk of the business
Apply on premises for reservations.
644 Everett St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Paciilc telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence dlstrlots. sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dls
tance. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson st.
complete Sept- 1; finest, brightest and
best arranged apartment residence In the
eity; 5-room; all outside, daylight rooms;
convenient to cars, walking distance, pri
vate telephones in every apartment,
steam heat, water, gas rangee. refrigera
tors, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners.
etc Attendant on premises. Marshall H.I60.
UBINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely flrst-class. fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone.
fireaaed air carpet cleaning. Janitor aerv
ce; rent per month. 826. $30 and up.
Must be seep to be appreclatcq
THE ORLANDO APT., 20th and J""-"
InKton. Emma K. Wunder, Mgr.; beauti
fully furnished 3-room apt. automatic
elevator, steam heat, private baths and
phone; very large rooms and large closets,
private lockers, and laundry room with
steam dryer In basement; references.
fnune jaarsnaii 191.
3S.S Williams Ave.
Two and three-room apartments, fur
nished up to date: private bath and phone
In every apartment: best of steam heat,
cheap rent; w'llliams ave. and' Broadway ;
walking distance.
Thoroughly modern C-room unfurnished
apartments. $20; 4 rooms, $25; 5 rooms,
$80; this Includes shades, steam heat, hot
and cold water, gas i-angea. private Pa
cific telephones and Janitor service. Appiy
on premise
MENTS. 410H Hawthorne ave.'. near Grand
ave.. brand new brick bl'lg.. now ready for
occupancy, 3 rooms, splendidly furnished
apartmenta with modern conveniences, on
the East Side, but closer In than most
spts. ; vary reasonable rent, and best of
service. .
448 llth st.. near college; lit Tabor car
west; 15 minutes' walk to P. O. ; 4-story
brick, two and three-room suites; modem;
automatlo elevator, dumb waiters, private
bath, phone and lock room for estch apart
ment; laundry room, steam dryer. Both
phones. Marshall 67.
LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished, a class
by themselves. See them. Lucretla St.,
near 23d and Wash.. 2 to 5 rooms, ail
large, light and outside; large closets
and baths: hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt- Phone prop, and mr. Mar
shall 1529. Janitor, Marshall 1500.
Bth and East Burnside Sts.
Beautiful 3 and S-room furnished or
unfurnished apartments; strictly modern,
and free telephone; cheapest In the city;
walking distance.
st; best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service, also easy
walking distance: 3-room apt., with bath,
modern conveniences and very reasonable
Large, nicely furnished 2-room apart
ment facing southeast ;' $:17.50: splendid
view of Mr. Hood and the East Side;
Janitor service. 325 llth st.
SUNNY 8-room rurnlshed apt., giving view
of mountains and city, steam heat, pri
vate phone and balcony; 1 block south
Wash, and J3d. Cedar Hill Apts. 1S7
Green ave. '
14 23d st N. : newly opened, elegantly
furnished "2 and 8-room apts., private
fihones. baths, also single room, best rate
n city. Marshall 260S.
x Grand ave., cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments, niodern. prices reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East COO.
Cor. 13th and East Ash.
Very desiraolo 3-room: all outside; fire
place, hot water heat, good location.
Phone East 2871.
New, nicely furnished and unfurnished
S-room apartments: every modern con
venience. Call Marshall 363, A 4458. Ref
erences required. Cor. 20th and Kearney.
s-ARK. APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
sts beautiful 8 and 4-room apartment
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator; telephone tree;
346 to 160.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly
'modern; we challenge, anyone to dupli
cate our prices. Marshall 1378.
WANTED Two young ladies to share a
steam-heated 4-room apt. with younj wo
man expeneeaJsMiLPJioneJA474
HARRISON COURT.- 6th and Harrison, un
furnished 2-room apt., laundry, bath, etc.,
short walking distance and reasonable
WALDORF COURT Irvlngton). East ith
and Hschuyler. Broadway tar. Five rooms,
heated new, modern. Phone East 647,
C soli ;
- 410 8th Furnished and anArnlshed.
strictly modern apartment: walking dis
tance; prices reasonable, no children.
Hovt- 4-room apartment with private bal
cony:' very desirable and convenient in
every way and reasonable rent.
SWELL 4-room furnished suit In private
new home, restricted district. Piedmont:
hoat, hot water and light furnished. 222
Alnsworth ave.
Park St., Cor. Madison.
Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments.
Individual phones: convenient, downtown.
Columbia- 4 rooms with bath. unfurnlKh
ed: convenient location. good service,
reasonable rent.
420 E Morrison, corner of 7tb. 2, 8 and
4-room apartmenta, furnished up to date;
privet baths, moderate price, new m'gt.
HADDON HALL. 414 llth. COT. Hall. 3 and
4-room apartment, furnished and unfur
nished; private phone, bath and balcony
"orcbes. 130 up. Marshall 117L
1-0 St Clair- 2 nicely furnished 3-room
inartmenta and one unfurnished 8-room
apartment; free'pbone In each apartment.
" t 'iieTnor'th a m pton.
407 Hull-St.
2 2-roowi furnished apartments, strictly
modern. !"
704 Lovejoy st.
Beautifully unfurnished 3 and 4-room
outside apartments, walking distance-
14th and Clay St
Front corner. 4-room suite, with vestl
buled entrance; private hath and phone;
one of the best In the city. Apply at one
anu 4-room suites, elegantly lurnlshsd.
26t 20th su North. iPhone Maui 403S. ;
Main 1178.
THE LOIS Finest 8-room furnished apart
- ment In city; sleeping porch ; reference.
04 HOYt. 1 none -um.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-room apartment
for Winter, close in, references. Main
IH25- :
APT For rent; for sale, sideboard, dining
tttble chairs, library table, chairs, -ugs,
mattress, etc Phone A173:
rVc-TT.L rent my nicely furnished. 4-room
oari.ment to reliable couple. Apply apart
ment 1. Buck Apts.. 21st. near Flander
"STce APTsT 24tU and Northrup st
tiae rooms, front veranda, sleeping porch,
irl?erheat. private phone.
sTriSr FRIEND. S. W. cor. Tth and Jefferson-
modern, unfurnished 4 and 5-room
apts : large outside rooms; . references:
rTr chetopa, I8th and Flanders sts. 4
room furnished and unfurnished apart-
- APPly to janitor,
lilNG DAVIS, corner King and Davj
i .,,,, s and 4-roome modern apart-
'Jgjjrerence, required. "
THE BERYL, largo rooms and closets; mo'd
eiri equipment, nice neighborhood. ,
"vejoy St.. nearest.
Twenty-Second and GHsnn Street..
One 4 and one 5-room
Exquisitely furnished. Superb loca
tion, ilest of Appointments.
Kent Moderate.
AsenX on Premises.
and Marshall sts.. 2, 3 and 4-room spart
nient.t. largo rooms and reception nails,
automatic elevator: most modern and best
furnisliesd apartments In the city; renta.s
reasonable: manager on premise Phon
Marshall 1012. A 3433.
and Montgomery, will be completed ana
ready- lor occupants Thursday, the 26tn,
rent " to commence Nov. 1. Will be rented
to families consisting of 2 per5ons; pri
vate phone to each apartment, disappear
ing b-ds. water coil, refrigerator, steam, hot and cold water, modern laundry
and dryer; the latest system of ventila
tion; rent from $22 to $30, unfurnished;
also Iris Apt.. 3d and Mill; 4 and 5 large
ro o m s. unfurnia hed. 880 to 145.
6HEFFIELD APTS., 7th and Jefferson st ;
4 rooms, with bath. location unexcelled;
only 6 minutes' walk from P. O. ; all out
side rooms, modern conveniences, very
reasonable rent.
5-room upper flat, 14th and Halsey,
large rooms, hard-wood floors, fireplace,
tile bath, screened sleeping porch, pri
vate front porch, giis range and water
heater furnlsiied; rent $35.
E. 935. C 2322. 2:d and Braxea.
(66 HOYT St.. near 21st, lor rent or lease to
reliable parties, a double flat; can be used
as a boardlnghouse or private sanatorium,
containing 11 light and airy rooms: will
lease for a term of years; owner moving
East. Apply on premises.
Going awav. will rent my furnished 8-room
flat to responsible party. This Is not
furnished for rent. It Is a home. Call S15
Lumber Exchange Bldg.
NEW and elegantly furnished flat; hot and
cold nattir. furnace heat, private tele
phone; beautiful view uf mountains;
cosv home for Winter. 569 Market St..
flat B. ,
$10 NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe
ninsula Park; light, airy ; sleeping porches;
near Jefferson High; public school;
them today; fine for children. 'L car.
Alnsworth. Alblna ave
MOST beautiful 6-room flat for rent: brand
new range, heater end oorpet for sale
very reasonable; elegant view of the city.
Call 765Vx Hawthorne ave., between 23d
and 24th from 9 to 2! '
MODERN 6-ruoin lower flat, garage, 1 fire
places, lawn (owner takes care), fin
neighborhood, convenient to all kinds first
class stores. Inquire 772 Kearney.
NEW IRVINGTON FLATS 5 and 6 rooms,
niodern conveniences, private basement
and attic Frederick M. Dempsey, Marshall
FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 782 Glisan street; new
building, hardwood floors, fireplace, gas
range, waterheater, furnace, etc; SH2.d0.
Keys at flat. Morgan, Flledner & Boyce.
NICELY furnished modern 8-room flat. 4
rooms now rented bring $.46.50; good
home and cheap rent to responsible peo
ple. Call 1S3 13th. '
FOR RENT New modern 6 or 6-room up
per flat, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen,
etc.; reasonable. 64- East loth St. North.'
1 block south of Bandy biva.
FOR RENT Desirable furnished 5-room
flat: fireplace, furnace, polished floors,
V -1. ll..r.l,4ll 1.1-T
porcn, puuiie. Mm . .....
..... - T-T tl 1 UL' ffl ITS
VY iJ-. I i . ...... . ...
car. 1058 Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 229
FURNISHED 6-room flat, steam heated,
permanent roomers. 2 entrances. 10 min
utes rrom x kj. i-iioiio
FOR RENT 7-room flat partly furnished:
or will sell furniture. lS5'(s 16th St.. near
Yamhill. .
NEW modern 5-room flat; linoleum, gasi
range, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch.
large rooms, aclulls. wain vuii.
NEW" strictly modern 4-room flat; extr
concealed bed; price $25. Phone Tabor
722, ii 2439.
WELL-FURNISHED 5-room flat, modern,
good location, references, 327.50. Main
143. ,
DESIRABLE modern flat, central West Side,
also fut nished flat, reasonable. 2C131 Hall.
4-ROOM FLAT, sleeping porch. 825 North
rup st- Rent t:i.e. J'"' o--.
SWELL niodern 3-room lower flat. $30;
rmt Vaat Vnmhlll. near 23d st-
TWO modern 6-room flat East 18th and
Ajh sis. Phone B 20O6.
BEAUTIFUL new 7-room flats, $47.50. In
quire on premises. 694 Everett st.
3D t'orner upper fiat. 8 rooms; Holladay
Add'ltlon. 412 Wasco. East 8805.
BEAUTlFUi. new 7-room flat. $47.50. In
quire on premises, tli)4 Everett st-
MODERN .- room flat. 5th, near Jackson,
West Side: 10 min. walk. Main or A 1222.
IN IRVINGTON. new modern u-rooio flat,
' $30. Phone East 6483
TWO new modern 5-room flats, sleeping
porch. 633-la aa st. mnu"n tn.
$3; A NEW modern 5-room flat, walking
distance, west omi . - - -v..
NEW ID-room upper flat. 622 Northrup.
Housekeeping Booms.
WELL-FURNISHED houses, flat rooms
7-room cottage. $27.50 month; another 4
rooms $l7.6u 4-room lower furnished
flat $18 month: suites, two furnished
housekeeping rooms, $S, $10. $12 a month;
3 810. 304 26th st. North. "W car from
depot. oth. west on Morrison to 26th,
bl ock north. .
th F BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, eleo
trlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free:
315 per month up; a clean place, best la
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st.
cars north, get off at Marshall t- No dog
NEW" building, newly furnished, single and
two-room housekeeping suites; also 'org"
sunny, pleasant sleeping room, heat, light,
hot and cold water. 830 Mill St.. phone
Main 4122. .
FIRST FLOOR of cottage, 3 large, well
lighted rooms furnished sultahlo tor three
adults: central location i references. Ad
dress an North llth st.. 2hi blocks from
Wash. Phone A and Marshall l'.iUH.
8r.0Vj Morrison St., cor. rarn.
Furnished or unfurnished apartments,
elevator, steam heat and all convenience
$1.60 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat- 406 Vancouver
ave. and 203 Stanton; take U car.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite. ery de
sirable. CamUrldge bldg.. ad and Morri
son. Call room 36. ;
NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont New brick
building, furnished and unfurnished apt.
1 1 6 up;steamejitj;walklng distance.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms .Jn new concrete
"Vr." ,r... iL rHlwn 200T e 2s7.
oiag. r-imua --
TWO or thuee nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 489' Washington st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private family.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms
in private family; new house, heat, light,
phone: no children. East 17th st.
BEAUTIFUL 't or 3-room suite, reasonable;
also choice of single rooms for housekeep
Ing. 17S Ella St.. south ot.Ayaf1ll6lPn-
CLEAN.' furnished double aud single house
keeping rooms; light, bath, phone. 3uS
i::th et. Main 362o.
COUPLE &d have 2 front room for light
housekeeping at 791 Belmont su East
TWO or four neatiy furnished housekeeping
rooms at 411 Everett. Inquire at grocery
' store next door.
TWO light, well-- furnished housekeeping
rooms; modern conveniences. 370 Weldler
St., cor. Union ave. C 2905.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private
mo 1 1 y, 13 East 7th. Phone East ll)2i.
813 14TH ST.. cor. Clay, large 2 and 3-room
furnished housekeeping suites.
TWO rooms, housekeeping, newly furnished.
711 1st st.
TWO large housekeeping rooms, large pan
try, modern. West Side. I'hone Main 83S2.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 21
East 15th. cor. Ash. East 20r0.
friUITE of 3 connecting, also single furnished
housekeeping rooms. 45tr Yamhill.
3 'HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Phon E. 1884.