FOR LEASE For term of Five Year. APRTMKT llOlE, rnntainlnc; 3 apartments, un . furnished. md(:k, 03 Hoard at Trad WE HAVE $100,000.00 arllh which tn buy baraatna In cltv real estate residence- anil business. If you aro looking for a buyer at sn-rlflca prleea write m p.irtlrulars. We will not rav market values. we are pre pared t'. r-av all rash. Box 15. Portland MORTGAGE LOAN j CO JOHN E. CRCSAN, 7 J JU to. ypaidiac nid. iy HEAL ROTATE DEALERS F.rk. William O. 11S-1U Falling bid BRURAKF.K BENEDICT. eM McKay bide M B4J. ' Cfcepia A Harlow, ill Chamber Commtna Cook. B- 8. 0 Corbett bide . J.nnm. Co. M.-a 111 10 Oregon!-. PALMtR-JONES CO., H. P.. $1$ Cur- e Club b.d. Tb Onion Ileal Estate Co. Grand ave. aad Multnomah t. lHoi;aday Addition. KKU ESTATE. For Bait Lot. BUY the lot here you can build Jour own home and then be weaithv w hen the but din 1 old: lot 5:.0O . tt. ""1o. '"" within walking distance on the weal Side, where in 8i year. your property rill be mlKhty valuable because suitable for hotel and but which H restricted to rildTi Price $3t. terms. Half with So-ft. frontage for l..v. N .Y7. Oreonin. ' WESTSIDE LOT SNA P. A fine iot 3ox.i. 00 Guild St.. near Th rain: adjoins a nice apartment-house; ew iir ne.da money and muat .ell: if'e i.V. ;. eh. balance to .ult: . ba.jjr n rkct value; not many anap. Ilk. thu GRUSSI FOLDS. 81 Beard of Trade KUig.. 4th and Oak. WILLAMETTE HF.Ii.HT8 ADD Block Fin River View Level. Tbie la rerta.nlv a fine lot to build on. Tne view ran r.ever be cut off. Faed iifi and all lmprovrmente In. Two block, from car. Prfe ITooo. terms. MIX A- MATlsH, V.'-'H Y'on Hl'IB. THIS SHuUI.D FETCH HOI. Bunch of 3 lota In restricted district: F-iH Run water, graded .treet.. remer.t sidewalk, and curb.; lot. selling at $OoO to $7.".o; theee thr- for $12.i fh. . c'ARIEK-W HAN I'OM PAN Y. 820 chamber of I'ommef' Bl'lg. FRASER LAKE i. the official town.lta of the Grand Trunk pacific Railway on 1!. main line throu.h Columbia: lot. are now on the mark!; .end for plan and prtee list. Western Land.. Limited, selling icntt Winch hid.. Vancouver. (ID DOWN. l PER MONT1L Fine view lot. matured fruit treea. re etrlcted dn-tti.-t. rear car. cement walk.. Bull Run water, fruit rared for fre of rbarse. :2 Board of Trade bide. Mar shal! A I0J2. ' WKST SII'E I.UTS 1100. Rirht on rarllne, upper Wa.hlnaton .t.. adjntniua nty 1'nrk. West Sth and Tam hlll. atlonal Realty Tru.t "o.. Tit ChimW of 1'omrnrce. Main M 71. 7.".li ON f ST ST. Near Bra.'e .t.. one blick from car; this i. a .nap: improvement, all In and for. For pru and term, phona C 5 Woodlawn IMR'tLASU HBI.iliTH. F.Xt Ll'SIVF.LY. Beautiful home, and homealtea. all vfcewa. location, and prK-ea Can .ult you. Main I wl. BROOKE. A JSJ. BLOi'K. choice di.tnct of Portland H-trht.. .rren:. hard paved; worth flrt.i'MH.: wul seM for J'Hn. iiwuer. Frank T. 4 6th M. Nor'h. city. o4.s:h and Hawthorne, ra.t facing. t-iit buy around. Owner. 420 bwet i..nd bid. Main 3--' ON K or to tint lot. on carllne. only 20 mtnut out. pnc. $7.rV each; term.. Owner. T .'"V I'.o t'ASII. per month, nice iot near F Ir ian 1 . fie fre. M lO LEV A. BISHOP, m Third St. al'.K Le .Voir A Co. lor Wst Side property. Kwct'ialve dealers In UVat Slda realty, firjund floor. Chambor of Commerce. FINE ousinea lot. fr-.ntln two atreeta op poelte new city pcho-'l: rara o(portunlty; no ether etorea AJ .''21. f.treonlan. ALBERTA itrett lot IT".0: t-roora nifty bungalow $;j.0. Weotllawn 2714. CHEAP lot.. lovxlo, cottage rurnlabed. r.- Mortavllia. Phonr Tat'r M'. $1 2iik J Mx IOO lot. 2 'd and Oreron. 2 blocks from Rut fltyPark car. Tenor 2Q44. FOR SALE or tr.le for aulomobl.e. lot on Ladd IX. call Kest fva. BOSSM ER E LOT RAP.ilAIV. one bio. k from carllne. $T7.. Term.. H Couch bid. LAl'RELHniST-lot-will fn for IlinO foe cub: et nn.X n". Oreonlan. FTiR SAf.F. Faulty In block 30. Bayocean. Woodrawn T 1777. i.rT airOOo. clo to Sandy road, for $400; eaay term.. C.ill Tahor 12. For Pale Hoaaea. NEW JRVTNVJTOX HOME. ST. A new 2-atory 7-room houae. with iarae recoptlon ball. ltvln-room with firepiace and bultt-tn book rase.: dlnln-room with' buff-t. beamed cail.nfs. paneled wall hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, back hall. 2 pon he., toilet on back porch. S bedroom.. bathroom, aieepin porch. fmmhd attic, full eamenl basement, laundry tras. Nrn.ce. woo.1Ilft; a complete koue; $Aim caah; mmht take a lot as first payment. This Is $Ort cheaper than any other house In tne locality. If Interested, call Main P"7 or A 21)03. J. V. G1T1IRIE. 272 Stark. FOR "ALB OR EXCHANGE A beautiful atrlcfly modern I rv I net on erne, very eholee-t Rcatlon two flre plsea hardwood floors and etelrcase. large plate-glasa wlnaiil throughout, handsome fixture, d ressin e-room. sleepln porch, etc.: fine gataae.-actual cash value. Itl.OOA: will . aeil on reasonable terma or trade. Prefer clo.e-ln Ea.t Side bu.l nees propertv; will aa.ume. Call on or addre. owner. 412 East 21st sc. North. phone tSlXt. BUT NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. 1154 CASK- ' T room a bultt-ln buffet, book r-a sea, solid eak floors, furnace, fireplace, mirror doora National Realty Trust Co.. 7:J Cham ber of Commerce. Mam M2. FRVERAT. BEAFTIFII. HOMES. Must sacrifice one. 9 r.oms. elegantty frmaried: oak. maple floor, choice fixtures, modern. fine location, lrvlnrton. r lfSd. Eaat 271: no agents. W. H- Herdman. s t loo vl Ck) f 1 lu 1 100. Pandy little 4. room cottage, new, on Holgate at between 2 carllne: 775 caah; Photo at office. Fred W. lierman. 321 Burnslde. M. or A 277d .-ROOM home, stabta and chicken-house, lot &iTl'e. hard surftce street, all kind of fruit and rosea, uioe casii. Carter-liu-gvn Company. $J4 Chamber of Commerce b'd jgi-X' completed, e-room home- AoxlOv lot. corner south and east. In Beverly Add. Owner, ro-.m 21. I'.-Mt blk. 1144 Union ftVe. wd.awn -' " . l.EAVIN'4 CITY. MI ST SF.LU R beautiful rooms. $22oO. tm-ludln fur niture. 134 Enst at st St.. near Tabor ear. Pione Marshall IM bV OWNER Nice 7-room hou-. f 1 1 Pite mnt on rwoif lot. In Stinnyslde. S'Tb and E. Tny'or .; 2VH: J".i'J caah. Call 14 E Taylor st. 'V M'"PERN o-roorn cottage; East liar "rle.n near carltne; t.'.oo eai-ii. balance eaay terma Phone Var'hai: ir.'.e). IsFE La Nolr at Co. for t eat Side borne. dealer. In WEST SIDE prop, ertv. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. nW.ViR" MUST SELL ROSE CITY PARK LOT ON EAST IITH STREET. INQUIRE MAIN A 73 .2. IRVIVliToS $-'7i rsah for equity In six room houae: a bargain for quirk sale. Phone C MV.i. n-m net FI F.'iANT -room Colonial house, blah ,. 'diairl.t. every m!;ni c n.enl-n.-e. rear ear tetms reaaonaM. Tor ;i.i4i. IJ-JI 4-ROOM cottage, poultry bou. ber rlea I b'ock from car; W down. Owner. . J 47 Oregotilan. ' f I ". TTU' OKEOO.nA, fHlUAT, OCTOBER 27. 1911. ' "t - rTTV I TO EXCHANGE. I FOB BALB, ; I I iti tfl I UU ESTATE. . . ; WBtAW "..f8!- " ' . For Sale Houaee. tor ; 1 K V I.MllW.I. tl&OO cash, with balance at Percent, win purchase an artistic home of rooms, with alas.-inclosed sunroom and sleepln- rarch; b. two flreplacea. furnac. and itchen stove: screens and .hades; aj-ae with concrete driveway: located In best part or Irvlngton. on -full lot; all im provements In and paid for. Apply to owner. 1124 Board of Trade. phona A 6J44. WHY NOT TIRV A BLRDEN INTO INCOMF. PROPERTY? IK VOI OvVN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH IHE Mt)tV AND Bi n.I RESIDENCE OR t LAT S. FLANS i'RE. IK WE BUILO . OIK FF1M TATHiV YOI R PROTECTION. IT WILL I'AV YOU TO BEE CS- . .. U R. BAIl.KV CO.. JM'.. C-TR.VCT-ARCHITECTS. iH ABINiTON BLD. i r. it. .... . . Have lived In. my 5-room bungalow a month, and am lea Unit city, mu.t sell at once This Is a bargain and you must a-j quickly, modern; ooa block from car ana very easy terms. - I'nles. you mean buainesa. don t botnsr me. W. II. PHILLIPS. 8 JO East Goth North, or 21 Board of Trade Bid. ITKMkUCD blnualow. Nl-e -rix;n bunijalow. nearly new. rompUtrly furnishod and ready to move Into, with Winters fuel, lot Is 4UHt. on 7th. ntr Alberta: handy to car anil S' hool and only a few minutes" rlclo from down town: price a bargain. .HtH. "" cah and f -'o per month. UKL'SSI A BOLPS. 81 Board of Bidg.. 4th and Qk. MIL. LOT OWNER. HERE IS TOl R CHANCE TO IMPROVE VOfR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OB APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RTR OF INTEREST; PLAN 3 FI-RNISHEU FREE. IT WILL PAT YOL TO COME l.V AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATK.INfl. ARCHITECT ANT BCILDER. HENRY BUM. 4500 BUNGALOW. On of the beat and cosiest of homes. Rose Cltv Park district. rooms. 2 fire place, 'ine lawn, one block to car. Ke this plaTe at once Lt you are looking for a bar. in. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 3d and Oak" St.. 1 HAVE one more 5-room . bung. low near th Mt. Tahor carllne. that I can aall on the very eaay term, of 3i DOWN AND :tS A MONTH, tiragid view of Mt. Hood. TONY G. ANDERSON. 4l'l Lewis Bldf. A BIU SNAP. MONTANA AVE. 12-room hous of 3 four-room apart ments; fine furnacea 3 arts of full plumbing, vulue 40 per month; lot scxmi; pnc n.'-oo. ca.h and 4-0 per month: on Montana av... near Cook ave.; not many snap, like thta. :HI"SSf M BOLDS. m Board of Bidg . 4lh and Oak. EAST STU ST.. BUNGALOW, i ROOMS. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. FIVE VIEW WILLAMETTE AND CITY. BEAUTIFUL LOT. FACES EAST: PRICE J3U00; OWN ER'S F.yUITY TO TRADE FOR GOOD LOT. BALANCE ?U MONTHLY. J PER CENT INTEREST. RUFF KLE1NSORUK. 4 IS HOARD OF TRADE BI.DO. EAST 1STH STREET. Ore bi.srk north of Hawthorne ave.; g-wd g-room house and good garage; on comer lot oOxliNi; will .ell furniture and carpet If dealred; guod residence ectlon and very rloe In. Account removal from city tan make very low price. GODDARD r WIEDKICK. 241 Stark. - FORECLOSURE. 10-room house In Holladny Add., walk In distance; house cost $7ono: all mod ern; c rner lot. valued at tl"Od; prosent cot 13.to0; will rent for l"20 yearly: must be sold at onco to prevent foreclos ure, clooo cash will handle; mnke offer. JOHNSTON. ROTIIFUR k TUFFORD. Pf.d chamber of Cnmmerr. Main mie)7. AFTER 8:3 P. M. Take the Mt. Tabor car to Sth go north one block to No. 171 K. Morrison st. Thla I. a green bungalow that coat I204S to bulid. The lot I ROxl.15. If roo want It for 21XK). on terma. call at the WESTERN OREOON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St. TILLAIOOK-ST. HOME. A fine, strictly modern tt-room 2-atory ho-no with ll latest onvenlendea. cor ner lot 72xtt, paved etreet and a fine neighborhood; price 77S', J-'0o caah and 925 per month. GRUSSI AY BOLDS. 31S Board of Trade Bid .. 4th and Oak. tl'-n CASH. New o-room mode-n bungalow, close to carllne on East 26th. A anap at $-'on. Another of 6 rooms In Vernon. $260. Both are bargains, aa owner badly in need of money. KA1FFMAN MOORE. S2 Lumber Exchange. .VW cas ii Will cc,ur modern house. H rooms and bath. 1st floor and 2 room, in attic; concrete wa.l. rose, and shrubbery, retain ing walla; Division .treet near E. 3oth Ireet. price IJiiai; owner live. In country. OODDAKD WIEPR1CK, 243 Stark St. HOME. FOR AUTO. ' Want 10 II. P. 1911 or 111 R-pass. Chalmers. E M F. or other good make as first payment on up-to-date new bungalow, block to Rose City Park car; & rooms, full basement, attic, flreplnre. etc.; price only ir.JSO. bal. like rant, be J as. C. Lo gan. S15 Spaldln bld MUST BE SOLD. My 5-fVim house. South Mt. Tabor dis trict, built two years, Yost ma $2300; In rumbranre SloOO at 7 per cent; will take any reasonable offer. A few ' bundrod down, balance as rent. Hartman A Thompson. corA4th and btark. ibe Mr. Harto. roorn fit.l BEST BARGAINS IN CITY, t new. strictly modern bungalows. 4 and ft rooms ready for occupancy. $2000 to $2300; ama'.l payment down. baL Ilk rent; let me show you these home. JAS. A. CLOCK. 233 Alder st- Main 81 99. WEST SIDE $1000 CAS1L $I0fo cash', buy. a fine corner lot on 10:h St.. good tl-rhom house; dandy apartment site; a, aplendld buy for cuou. E. J. GE1SER. Bj4- Chamber of Commerce. HERE YOU ARE. A seven-room bungalow 'on Ivy St.. 1H feet off Williams ave.. $4'0 leaa than real value: one-third caah. teem, on balance; will pay in per cent on Investment- Call 713 William, ave.. cor. Ivy. for k-y. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. N-w fc-room modern bungalow. only Siia: reasonable term, to suit. Taka W-R t Richmond! car to 80th t. Then walk one block nortb to 1174 Iron sl, and C 6. Mitchell win show It to yon. $330 DOWN. Balance aa rent, my $2300 bona. 2 years old. In South ML Tabor district. Have to aelL am leaving city; no reasonable offer refusen. Hartman a 1 nompson. cor. etn and dark. (See Mr. Harto. room Sn- 427ii BIX room modern bouae. fninnyalde. newly remodeled, street Improvement In and paid; $B0O cash, or trade, balance to sulL E. T. TAGGERT. s 416 Chamber of Commerce. I2iXo NEW 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen. bath. patent toilet, electric llghta; 2 block from car; $6O0 caah. bal ance $13 a month. Owner. J 677. Ore- gonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. H room, fireplace, sieeplnc-porch. lOOa 1O0 corner, near car. $6200; easy -term; bouse cost about .4.10.1. Main S.V.I. BROOK A S39. WEST SIDE. . Baautlful 10-room modern borne, on up per Fcvt at.: built for a homo: own will .acrtflce for $14,500; terma If wanted. AF 527. Oregonlan. $:i.MMi ATTRACTIVE 6-ronm house and beautiful lot: won located: East to.e: owner .leivlng city; must sell, part cash. Miller. 41rt chamber of Commerce. MODERN -room house and lot. 4xl4o. Ran dy boulevard and 7th at . unrestricted busi ness comer, ititow; terma v . fci. .ilny oregon city. $2."'0 FOR a modern 7-room house. 1 block to car: gas range and heater, furnace and fireplace, eaav terms: must sell. Phone Wo'Ml Inwn 322Q or c 2420. FOR SALE 3 -room house and lot. nOv.100, on one of the bu.lneaa streets in Sunny ide: $24on. $lli cash, at 1251 E Mala. phone Tabor 417. SALESMEN" WANTED to handle a good, rl,.ln subdivision; wa Pav a high com mission. Call and see J. H. Tipton Co.. 1 ins spaldln bidg. T-ROOM house on Yamhill, near Kaat 30th st price only IS'O; for quick sale $1000 - cash, balance per cent. L. E- Stelnmets. 217 Ablnfton Bidg. I'horj JJaln BOOT. $3 CASH $15 per month, new 5-room mod ern bungalow; lot 5'ilX: close In; fine ""'hiGLEY s BISHOP. 12 Third SL Fon f ALE"V tvmr, 4-room bungalow, all n provetnents. rosea, cement walks. 41114 7-.1 t., S. E. ML. ?cott car. On bl.wk n-.itli of $t-it.rd station. WANTED A wide-awake man aa sales manager. Ir close-In subdlvi.lod- s. gKd p..l:ion for the right man. AF 3.1d, Ore gon 1 a -"t- OSUX $22M Beautiful, modern bungalow; every convenience. .C L. Parker. Uil Graeitr. BUNGALOW AND LOT. " ONLY lloOO. You should have one of our bungalows. 5 looms and bathroom, modern, worcelaln bath. tollcL sink, hot and cold water, eleo trlo wired, plastered, tinted, etc; on &0-IL. lot. close to Rose City Park car; built on easv trrma to suit you. To see one is to waut one. Jaa. C. Logan. ol spaldln bid. l'i) CASH, balance to suit, for an attrao-( tlve. well-built home of 7 rooms, with en sleeping porch, hot water furnace, stone flre.lace. hardwood floors, located on corner lot. one block from carllne. street Improvement in and paid. Apply to owner, S2."i Tillamook St. " $ 1 X50. 4-room modern cottage, sth St.. near Hawthorne ave.; corner lot noxlon; nice lawn: face east: this la a bargain; small payment down, balance like rent. Phone Tabor tViL WILL sacrifice; forced to sell tny elegant, brand new 8-room house, up-to-date. Rose city Park; one block to car. N 320. Ore gonlan. , FoU SALE 5-room house and lot 5oxlOO, on one of the business streets In Sunny aid: $r4i. $1100 at 1251 E. Main. Phone Tabor 4H7. $lnlO NEW 5-room modern cottage. 2 blocka to car; $."."1 down. $10 a munlh. Owner. J $73. OregonUin. NEW " modem 7-room house In Irvlngton. price reasonable; terma Phona C 204. XN TrVINOTON For aale. modern resi dence. For particular phone C zaaa. For bale Buainesa Property. WEST SIDE worklngman's hotel, leased for 3 years. $12.". per montn. iioiiBoiiuiH, Bourd of Trade bid. For r Acreage. $00. LEVEL. CLEARED LAND. 00 1 PER ACRE. Finest land In the stats for fruit, berries, garuen and chickens; near sta tion, close to best market on the Coast; deep, black sandy loam: does not over flow and. beat of all. you can plant your crop .the day you buy; no stumps to rtl out. no brush to clear up. This is the land that pays lt way. We have only a few of theae. 2 is, 5 and 10-acre tracts, and they are golnit fast. Terms that any one can handle. Call and see soli, photos and Bet lllu.trated folder. The.e tract, are shown anv day. We are owner.. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Owner.. 1016 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGES. Across the Willamette from St. Johns and only 14 mile, back from river: .oil rich, land lies well, good macadam road all the way; enough limber on some of the tracts to pay for land In cordwood: free ferry at Ft. Johns: excellent market for cordwood on Peninsula; &-acre tracta here at $130 per acre, with $75 oash payment; .balance monthly. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth SL Phone Main li. A IMC ACREAGE HOMES THAT PRODUCE A REVHTNUE. 1. 2- or 5 acre. In Tualatin Val ley Ju.t west of Council Crest, only 40 minuter car ride from 4th and Washington at..; the tunnel under Council Cre.t will make It 28 min utes from 4th and Washington st... and you can now have acres at $230 to $300 each with $25 to $3l cash, balance email monthly payments. THE 6H A W-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Phone Main 35, A 3500. $110 PER ACRE RICH BLACK IiOAM SOIL CLEARED .AND UNCLEARED Cloae to Portland, near steam and elec tric transportation. This property lies In the Tualatin Valley, on main county road, and Is the cheapest acreage by far In this locality. Easy terma GODDARD WIEDRICK. 248 Stark Bt. 6-CENT FARE: 10 MINUTES OUT. Only two left, sightly suburban acre homc.iltes. WEST SIDE. 3 blooks to Sa lem electric; overlooking fine road; Mt Hood and valley views; beautified with young flra; soli fertile, no stones; beats anvthlng on market at price: tracta $12.e will bring $3ouo later in lots, being Just outside city, and divides rlKhL. Option ex pires this week. Call 737 Chamber of Com merce. CHOICE ACREAOH TRACTS. CIosw to Portland! Rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only .mall ca.h payment, balance pay. for Itself in products now on the land, whloh we aecept same as cash. We own the properties tnd are th only people making this liberal offer. FIRLANDU TlfUST COMPANY. Sod-8 Spaldln bidg. OREGON CITY CARLINE. JENNINGS LODGE. 6 acrea. 4 blocks from station, on tele phone Una. electric lights, etc.; good soil, suitable for garden truck, poultry and cow- price ISM) acre, easy term.. National Realty Tru.t Co.. 723 Chamber of Com merce bidg. Main 5120. CHICKEN and fruit ranchee near Portland: welkin dl.tanoe to good town; running water, beet oll. free wood, aplendld fruit dlatrlrt; view of Columbia River and .now peaks; 1 acrea I'.iO: t acres. (400; 1 acre.. $400; 10 per cent cash, eaay pay ments: other tracta near railway ataUon. lib to $40 per acra. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO. $0$ Toon Bid.. Portland. Or. OAR DENE RSW NURSERYMEN I IdOO PER ACRE. I have 4 acre, rich alluvial soli, all under cultivation, on carllne. mile, from Courthouse: 10 per cent cash; balance very easv. This property Is In line with the city's growth nnd 1. a splendid Investment, AC Hi. Oregoman. I HAVE 2000 acres fine agricultural land within six miles from the North Bank R. r . aOao 240 acres of fir and cedar timber that I would like to trade In for Portland . business property and would also pay part rash. If you have anything you would like to trade, give location in first Utter. A J dree. AD 383. Oregonlen. $80 DOWN AND $16' MONTHLY Will buy a email farm In th rich Tualatin Valley, near Fore.t Grove; .team and electric transportation near place; adjoining land selling for $430 per acre. 0 (.ourn niui- BEAVERDAM land In smaU tracts, ready for cultivation; best onion and celery land In Oregon: river and rail transportation; near good towrn; one crop will pay for It: very eaay term.; will pay your If not as represented. Palmer, 812 Couch bid.. 100 4th st. $375 BUYS 10 acres deep red-shot soil, adapted to - fruit and vegetables;- all smooth and tillable; no rock: wood and water; close to school. postofTtre and store- within easy reach of Portland, and the - cbeape.t land on the market, 512 Couch bidg.. lo 4th - 44 MILE- TO POSTOFFICB. 10 acres 1 miles ea(t of Oregon City: 6H acres tn cultivation, -8 M acres tn tim ber: good B-rnora house, barn, poultry house; price $3S00. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ONE ACRE. All clear, nnd level ns a floor: close tn rarllne; board eldewalka graded street and water under pressure; thla is a snap at fllOo and can be 'had 011 very easy terms. Owmer y 6??, oregonlen. ichkh directly on Oreron City line, bot tom land, all rleared, well drained, rlne black soil, $700 per acre; terms. MIX MARSH. 120 Twin B.d.' ' 100 ACRES, 8 PER ACRE.' Eastern Oregon. 1.700,000 ft, yellow pine timber; land practically-level ; fine grac ing land; lake another look at the price, then see me Fred W. German. 82il Burn- lua. M. or A 2770. BOTTOM LAND FOR HOPS. I.are tract on Willamette River. "6 mllea south of Portland; ideal for hops. Come quick if you want a bargain. 817 Board of Trade bid.. Portland. TaQir; Swedish nlhbnrhe,od. miles from Portland, is acres rich level land 170 par acret mile to station on electrlo rarllne; easy terms. Ueorfee A, Hlgga, Hi Spalding bid. r-. e. A o e- ana term, from pe.- act LE targe nod smalt traoca Call Klnaey . Iptampher. ftl-2 I. ember r,ro,.a.. .!. CAN furnish 4".0 acrea en Oregon Elec tric for colonising or platting. Call 317 Hamilton bid. FOR SALE 8 acre., cleared, on carllne, on 'oountry road. Owner, Phone C iv21. , AN , EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY." Make II per cent on your cash Investment. Rental $20v. cash in advanoe. on FORTY ACRES. 11 miles from city. All Improved, on county road and B. t. R. R.. which Is being electrified. Takea $S000 cash to swing It. Get yanr $1000 CASH INCOME the moment you are In position to sign lease. Let us tell you more about it. WELLS A LABER. 40$-$ Swetland Bid. Main H. 28-ACRE SACRIFICE. $150 PER ACRE. ! acres, mile from Oregon Eleotrio station, between HIIlboro and Orenco; all under cultivation; 4est soil In Tualatin Valley; must sell, so will sacrifice for $150 per acre; adjoining land is selling as high aa $500. Phone Msln 0$ or A 75S2. RUFF & KLEINSORGE, 41S Board ofTrad Bldg WEST SIDE ACREAGE, $lr. PER ACRE. Close to Oregon Electric, near Beaver ton: adjoining acres sell for $2.'.o and op; deep rich soli on this 25-acre placa; easy terms. Call today. Jamea C Logan, $1$ Spalding bid. lor Bale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon: 100-page book give, the amount of Government land open to home.tead In each county In Oregon. Washington and California and descrip tion of tame; gives homestead, desert, timber, atone, coal and mineral laws; two map. of Oregon In color.. 21x28: one showing R. R. In operation and one show In R R- proposed and under construc tmn tnclnrirna Eastern and Central Ore- on: book 2ftc: maps 20c each, or th three. $0c; map of California In colors. 87x32. 25c. Klramo. iiuney at 1.0.. nam- llton bid GOVERNMENT homesteada. located near Portland; valuable wheat and timber land; level: most de.lrable; near R. R., river. Covey. 2B7 Oak. Room 21. HOMESTEADS. relinquishments. timber clnlms in Oregon and Washington: timber will cruise ten million. Brown, 823 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Fruit Lands. WILL TAKE YOUR LOT OR EQUITY. EXCELLENT 10 ACRES. All In full bearing fruit; 72 Royal Anne cherries, 50 apples, the bal ance In Italian prunes; this property Is located 12 mllea from Portland, t mile from good country town, 4 blocka from electric line on good gravel road; R. F. D. and telephone service and in a very thickly set tled locality. You cannot buy the land that adjoins this for less than 400 per acre. We will take vacant lot or equity In bouse and lot up to $750; $1000 cash, balance can run 3 years at 7 per cent; price 12.00. ' BRONG-8TEET.E CO., Ground Floor Lewis Bid., 2(17'. Oak St. Farm Dept. NORTH ALBANY FRUIT AND GAR DEN" TRACTS. We have lust completed the subdivision of 640 acres of the finest lapd in the Willamette Valley close to Albany Into 5 and 10-acre tracts; all north and west slnpea of the rich, mellow, sandy loam soil so welt adapted to orcliarda and walnut groves; most of the land Is cleared and ready for planting. BUY NOW. PLANT THIS FALL. You can make a living off the filler till your trees come into bearing; easy terms. WELLS LABER. 406-408 Swetland Bid. FOR SALE Good fruit farm; can take oft fSOO next year; right at railroad station and school; cash; must sell at once. Owner. AO 322. Oregonian. 14 ACRES. 1 mile from Dallas. In th famous prune belt, gjoo per acre; terma. Chaa. Rheude, Willamina, Or. " ' For Halo Farm. ALFALFA LAND HALF CASH. We have a body of 1300 acre of the finest alfalfa land In California; will yield 10 tons per ncre every year; gravity irri gation; water abundant; silt-loam soil 20 feet deep, rich river bottom. We will sell this land In a body at half the price the anme kind of Irrigated land adjoining 1. nulling for. small ca.h payment, -balance to .ult. Fine opportunity for Individual or syndicate wanting large alfalfa farm. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY. Los Mollnos. CaJ. CHICKEN RANCH l.V CITY. 1 acre tn fruit and berries, new mod ern 7-room house nnd barn, wagon shed, 1 large and d small chicken house., one 2'iO-egg Incubator and two 3u-egg incubator., several brooders: 500 pure bred chickens. Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons: one Jersey cow, about 4 tone hay. 10 large apple trees. 8 large cherry treea and 2 large English walnut trees; 4 acre kale; price $0000; might trade for small farm equal value. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FARM LANDS. -' Mexico Looking for cheap lands? We are the largest wholesalers in Mexican lands In the U. S. Price 30 cents per acre and u. . You can aub-dlvlde and sell from $10 tq 123 per acre; 82 tracts, containing over 27.000.000 acrea to select from; excursion parties every month; read excellent report In R. G. Dun Co.'s Re view. Sept. 16 191L describing Influx of Americana and general condition Call or write Pacific Coast Coloniratlon Co.. 520 Lumbermens bulldln. " $110 PER ACRE RICH FLACK LOAM SOIL CLEARED AND UNCLEARED Close to Portland, near steam and elec tric transportation. This property ilea tn the Tualatin Valley, on main county r road, and Is the cheapest acrea by far In thla locality. Easy terms. GODDARD -WIEDRICK. 248 Stark St. AN IDEAL HOME IN THE COUNTRY. 4 acres within limits of small town, on Southern Pacific, near Fore.t Grove; side walk to nostorflce; best loam soil; all In berries and vegetables: good 6-room house and bam; plenty of water; 23 fruit trees; owner compelled to move; price $3000; Vh" GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Bt. 7 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 14 miles from Oregon Electrle, in the famous Tualatin Valley; 87H acres, all In high state of cultivation; good orchard: 7-room house, bath, good barn, all fenced and cross fenced; this la a rare baraln; ahould be seen at onoe; $0300; reaaonable terms, tut no trade. TROWBRIDGE STEPHENS. 702 Boatd of Trade. DO YOU HAVE $2300 CASH? If so you can et Into possession of a well-stocked and very productive dairy and stock ranch of 160 acres; price SSSOO, S years' time on balance: owner will be In our office Saturday forenoon and give you all the particulars. F. FI'CHS. 420 CH AMB ETt OF COMMERCE. ' LAND! LAND! WEST SIDE. Farm 160 acrea H mile frnm Portland, on Barnes road; three springs on place; suitable for dairy or good platting propo sition; price $300 per acre, easy terms. National Realty tc Trust Co., 723 Cham ber of Commerce bid. Main B128. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS " FOR SALB. l.arce and small tracts, suitable fur general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, tlAlryln. etc; about 40 miles southwest t.e Portland, Or. Call or write for price lljt, W E Kidder, Carlton. Or. irps acres, improved land. 1 mile from II wiio. I acre bearing fruit, 2 horses, 2 cows, good house and outbuilding. Price $2iKM. Apply to Jt C. Woaten, Hwaco. Wash. I AM retlrin. Will sell my farm. 173 . g-res. stock and farm Implement., hay pnd grain, at a sacrifice. W. M. Church. 283 Taylor st. t 80 ACRES, greatest sacrifice, within IS mile. Portland; ouuninga. impni,euieii, excellent soil; Immediate possession. Own er 10S0 Grand, North. Ml ST sell or trade my fnrm. Call 81T Hamilton bidg. Owner will remain In city to close neat. r wn-m. ... RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 mile, from Portlano. near electric line: bargain for all cash, oy owner. iaj "... ..evu ct, ..-- vinv or half of it: part dowi.. balance on eaav terms. For particulars inquire 11 16 Wliliama ave. THREE EXCELLENT BUYS. BEAVERDAM. 6 acres In genuine beaverdam or onion land. This is not swale, but the genuine stuff. All cleared. In high state of cultivation, with run ning water for irrigation. Adjoining land yielded BOO sacks per acre this year that sold for $1.50 per sack. This tract I. located 13 mllea from Second and Stark streets, 14 mile from electtlc station and country town. Price only $300 per acre, one-third cash, balance yearly pay ment. If you have enough money to make the first paj-ment. you can lra.e the land and more than pay for the balance. A MONEY-MA KBR. 10 acres, all under cultivation, all fenced and leveL New 6-room house, good barn, large chicken-housa and chicken run., new wood shed, good well. 75 assorted fruit treea; all kinds of berries and small fruit. Thla tract la located 13 mile, from Portland, one mile from electrlo line and in a very thickly aettled local ity; price J3000, $1000 cash, balance on good terms. Thl. Is an ideal country home. If you are looking for a small tract, come in and see thla at our expense. 4 MOVE- RIGHT INTO THIS ONE. 85 1 acres. 20 acres In cultivation, balance oak timber; fair 6-room house, fair barn and all necessary outbuildings; 230 apple trees. 400 young prune treea. 3 horses, a hogs, will weigh 200 pounds each; 75 chickens, one cow, 2 plows, har rows, cultivators and all kinds of small tools; hi acre In kale, one acre In corn. This property If lo cated 4 mllas from North Yam hill, Hi miles from carllne. y, mile to church and school. Face, on main county road and all level. Water is piped into house and barn; price $3300. $2000 cash, balance 8 . years at 6 per cent. We are always 'glad to talk the land business over with you and if we can't prove what we say in our ads It la our loss, not yours, and we are not here to lose. THINK IT OVER. BRONG-STEELB CO., Ground Floor Lewis Bidg.. 26714 Oak St. FARM DEPT. 468-ACRE FARM. WORTHY OF YOUR INVESTIGATION Located 50 miles southwest of Portland on a large stream of pure water. A small stream flows through the farm. feed, num erous living spring.; 860 acres In high state of cultivation. 60 acres of first-class saw timber- 58 acrea of oak and small fir, no rough or waste land; 250 acres rich river bottom land, located within 80 rods of railroad; good house and bam. For a genuine atock ranch you cannot beat It. As a subdivision it will make quick money for the purchaser. To every man pur chasing a ten-acre tract, we can furnish permanent employment from $2.23 per day up to $3.25 In a large factory within 80 rods of farm. We will subulvlde this farm for you at our expense and sell at prices from $150 per acre up to $200. If you want something first-class ask for Mr. Morgan. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. 332-333 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 200 acres on Sauvles island. 12 mile from Poatofflce in Portland, with atock and Implement; only $100 per act, vary easy terma. J. W. OGILBEK. Room 11. 143 V. 1st st., Portland. Or. WANTED RF.AL ESTATE. WANTED From owner, Improved olty prop erty in exchange for my improvea iruit ranch In the Hood River district, with 35 acres In orchard, worth $12,000. or will sell a part: don't answer this unless you mean business. V 525. Oregonian. WANTED 5 to 7-room modern house, or rood lots, clear; will give guaranteed dividend paying Interest in live Portland business and some money. Thayer A Fulton. I4H, First Bt, Phone M 7842. WANTED HOME IN IRVINGTON. or 7-room house or bungalow: know prices and must be a bargain; about 84300 to $0000: give number and price. X 639. Oregonian. SMALL INVESTMENT WANTED. From owner only. Income property. East Side preferred, from $2000 to $6000. X 540, Oregonian. WILL pay $300 down and $20 monthly for house in Southwest Portland; must be bar gain. P 527, Oregonlan! CLIENT want, to buy a good movlng-plc-ture show; call at once. E, J. 420 Chamber or commerce. WILL exchange installment mortgage for house and lot. ELLIS 4s SNYDER, $03 Board of Trade. FOR RENT FARMS. RANCH FOR RENT Combined wheat and stock farm 2700 acres; 1200 acrea under cultivation, balance first-class graxlng land; thoroughly equipped with machin ery; 20 head of horses; first-class hog ranch; renter must be responsible. Ames Mercantile Agency, 416 Ablngton bid. Main 6998. 110 ACRES, about 40 or 45 acres under cul tivation: good 8-room bouse, barn, good family orchard; near school; 4 miles from Oregon City: rent $300 per year. OTTO ft HARKSON REALTY CO., 13.1H First st. I THREE acres and 4-room house, west of 50th st. and Sandy road, $30 per month for year's lease. Frank T. Berry. 4 6 Lb. St. North. r-oK tltr IB" NP 6 000 000 feet of timber which can be logged Into boom, for $3 per thouaand. .and valu able mill site on railroad and tide water will be given to parties who will build sawmill Immediately. AJ 525. Oregonian. "W'll.L locate parties on timber claims. Josephine, Jackson and Douglas Counties; location and cruise guaranteed. Verdln. care of Brault. 298 V4 Stark. Main 6006. a to 5 1. M. THE fir timber of 100. acres for cordwood and mill purposes: 2 mile, to railroad and boatlandlng; on North Bank Road. B 615. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. li'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bid. FARMS WANTED. WILL PAY cash for farm on good county road, near Portland; give your lowest price, also Improvements, well or prlnv water. AN 51 L Oreeonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. GERMAN farmer who understand, hia bus iness wanta a dairy farm to rent on shares; owner must furnish stock. L 686, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. TEN acres of 1-year-old standard apple on th Lyla-Galdendale branch of the North Bank R. R-. $800 per acre. AV 646, Ore gonian. WILL take a part payment a 5-seated auto on an eight-room Dungalow, Juat complet ed, on Rose City Park carllne. O 623, Oregonian. TO exchange for farms. Improved with stock and implements, 1 fine modem houses: any good locality; will assume difference In price. 8S2 Lumber Exchange. 5-BOOM oottage, 27th and Preacott, $3200; exchange for vacant lots. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spaldln bid. .o'icrr h.irtnr apple orchard. near Port- land for hou.e and lot;-' AD 580. Ore gonian. WHAT have you to exchange for a l73 equity In a 5-room Rose City Park house? p 222. Oregonian. HAVE 400 aore. of the beet wheat land In N. Dakota; .will trade for Oregon acreage or city property. AJ 024. Oregonian. 40 ACRES Wasco County, about 0 mile from The Dalles, for a good 8 or 7-pas-senger automobile. V 614. Oregonian. FOR farm xchanga. butlneaa chance or rooming-house, call on -u. Northw.t Real ty Co.. 617 Board of Trad bidg. W .NTED Eastern property In exchange for Oregon or Wash!igto:i property; give particular and price. A 570, Oregonian. TTroOM oottage. 80th and Alnawnrth, $2800: trade for vacant lota. J. H. Tipton, 110S Spalding bldg. 7-ROOM modern house. Irvlutton, $7000; trade equity for anything of value. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bid. LOT for show cases, scales, cash registers. counters or any grocery fixture. V 613. Oregonian. ACRES timber for city property. Fred erick M. Dempsey. 434 Oha--iber of Corn ers merce. kl-e- me about Columbia ot chard bonds. J. cr. tin Hnntdlne Mntr. r. II Bl.1V.. . v. - . r, - COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD Bonds for aale. Davldsuu. Lewis bid. TO EXCHANGE. Beautiful 9-room strictly modern house on East 21st sl,; this Is one of the nicest home In Irvlngton: the adjoin ing house and grounds cost $100,000; the price of this place Is $11,000; will take vacant property on Union or Grand ave. or on the West Side up to $25,000; will pay difference in cash. i BRONG -STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bidg., 267 14 Oak St, Farm Dept. LOS ANGELES! LOS ANGELES: Will exchange 2 lots In LAUREL HURST worth $3300 for improved or va cant LOS ANGELES. CAL.. realty. Lots lay line, good view, close to car. See Hiatt. 211 Lewis bidg. Marshall 64T. WILL TRADE. Beautiful 10-acre tract. 37 miles from Portland, all planted to Lambert cherries and pears; will be cared for 4 years: lo cated Tight at railroad station; road now being electrified. F Will take good automobile in part pay ment. A. E. Vaughan. 1221 Yeon bidg. Phone Marshall 2435. A 7718. SEVERAL rooming houses for real estate. House for farms and farma for houses. Income city property for farm. 5 acres near Council Creat for residence, tmall apartment building for house. We can trade you anything you want fur what you have. GARLAND & BARSNES. 191 4th St. TEN acre.. 4Vk miles from the Hood River City Poatoffice; fair buildings; 600 stand ard treea, H are 6-year, hi are 5-year, balance 4. 8. 2 and 1-year; close to store, school and church; price $10,000; will ex change equity ot 000 for Willamette Valley ranch. AV 647. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL MOS1ER HILLS. Wanted, to exchange my Ultf-acre ranch with 60 acres cleared, half In commercial orchard, good spring, grand view, near town, for a modern residence in Portland. Price $12,000, which Is less than my neigh bors have sold for; no agents: give phone number. V 522. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. Modern new house with improvements In and paid, situated one block from Broadway car; value $7000; my equity t4000; to exchange for corner lot suitable or flnts or stores; will asssume or pay nirrerence. ak ti-o, 01cg1111n.11. WILL trade you an automobile for the fur nishings of flat or bungalow; must be good; West Side preferred. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Warhlng-ton Fts. LARGE alfalfa farm, close to R. R., good water rights- paid for: will exchange for Portland property; this Is a first-class proposition and no "wildcat" schemes con sidered. L. K. Moore, suite 617, oard of Trade. Portland. WANT to exchange modern Nob Hill dwell ing with garage and 100x100, valued $25, OiH. for smaller dwelling, good location, valued $5000 to $7500 and difference In cash and mortgage. Address P 224, Ore gonian. - WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE For a 9-room modern house on ground 150x150. 3 blocks from Postoffice in Plaln vlew. Neb., valued at $6500? E A. HOISINGTON, 525 Board of Trade. Main 5738. THE HoodRlver District Land Company. Hood River Oregon, haa a list of Im proved and unimproved Hood River ranches, all sixes and prices, to exchange for Portland and Willamette Valley prop erty. FARM IN OKLAHOMA. $1300. 61 ACRES. No Incumbrance: rented for $100 yearly; will trade as first payment on 4 or o-roorn home, about $2500. Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. WE have four 1-acre tracts. 3 mile roin end of carllne on Macleay Canyon road; price $800 per aore; will exchange lor equltv In $150O to $25O0 property. J. H. Tipton Co- HQS wpaiuw oiag EQUITY In two business lots to exchange for five-passenger automobile in good TO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 520 Railway Exchange BUILDER will trade equity in new 0-room. brick residence, close In. East Side, re stricted district, for unincumbered lots in good district. Phone Main 616. 1:30 to S P. M. t t- vmt v. . - .nnd automobile or house and lot and $2500 cash, you can trade for mv SO-acre fruit ranch, or part of It. for $200 per acre; adjoining land selling for y.ViO. M OOP. urefc-mii. $1800 EQUITY", dandy farm, Improved, for automobile; equity 40 acres. Improvements, for bungalow equity, acreage for autumo blle. Metcalf, 310 Yeon bid. Marshall 2432. MOVING-PICTURE theater that is a money maker; as I am leaving city and cannot look after business will sell or exchange for mortgage. 404 Rothchlld hldg. Tr EXCHANGE. 7-nassenger 60 h. p. Stearns auto for some siualt business. Pool hall prefer red. B. It. Lee. Canby Or. HAVE two small tracts of unimproved land about three mllea from Vancouver. Clark County, Washington, for Portland income. X 638. Oregonian. 1911 gEVEN-PASSENGER, completely eaulnped. demountable rims, electrlo lights, will trade for real estate; value $4000. AD 382. Oregonian. DO you want something to live on? Steady Income from business worth $850; will trade for lot, as 1 mini iev- riiiu. Tabor 2SS6. B 2220. WHAT have you for 36 lots $10 each at Ocean Park, wain.; mier mi.un n will consider anything of value. A. A. Moore, box 237. Oregon City. Or. $10,000 EQUITY In Washlngton-st. hotel for saie-or ubud -e - - - - . ; cash value; ranch must have running wa ter. AN liall. ulgKOHimii 10-,ROOM modern house. Irvlngton, $8500; exchange equity for vacant lots, rooming-house or stock of goods. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bidg. o-v nr. to 120.000 Columbia River Orch a'rd bonds, June Issue, If price right; grlva lowest price for cash and amount. AH SS0, Oregonian trade your property anywhere; send for ll.tT Northwest Exchange. 228 Henry bid. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lota lor property nere. jiami:. -y-....-- FOR SALE. Horace. Vehicle. Eta. ONE team mares, weight 1700 lbs., both In ltaVm'rna-es, weigmt MOO lbs., prloa 2l9'taro mar, weight 1500 lb., prioe Jl4team eldtna. re!ht 2400 lbs., price 1 "team, mar and horse, weight 2200 Ibl" team maree. weight 2650 lbs., both In ' foal, pnoe oo. .. 1 team geldings, weight 2230 lba, price alio- -- 1 mare, aore in iront iron - ment, a ood true worker, weight 13$ IDs., price au. 1 gelding, weight 1160 lba, sore from pavemen ta, drlvea .ingle and double, price xso 10 other head of horse, also mules for "These horses sold with a written guar antee IO DO aa reiiiomcu -' - . -' , - refunded. Refer you to Portland Trust Co where we ban. Business references also furnished. Inquire 15th and Couch street. Portland Stables. E. W. Hagyard ana rt. y y y ICOR SALS. MARES, GELDINGS AND MULES. 20 head mares, 3 to 5 years of age. . . , A .A a vea ee nf a B- AO noea J..,.., . ... v j - o . 10 head toulaa. 4 yeara old. 900 to 1060 lbAll of this stock will be on aa'le at the Hawthorne-are. stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.. Monday. Oct. 23. and every day th-reafter until sold. We will sell some of these at our Tuesday auction, 2 P. M. Hawthorne-a,ve. Stables. 420 Hawthorne av. A GOOD team weighing 2000, work, single and double, mare and horse, with harness and a good farm wagon, all for $100: take Seliwood car to Insley avenue, house number 781 Insley ave. ... 1 .-..H ,?, carloads of Eastern Ore. gon horses, from 4 to 8 years old; 1000 plJe, .-J ' ' '- m v.u Union ave., cor, ash. WASTEn TEAMS. Wanted, to rent 6 teams. Call $07 Williams ave. fnone woouiawn jtm After 6 P. M., Woodlawn 1165. ONE teem of black marea. 2200. with plat- lorm sprina .a,u. v. nay. 2900; one team bay geldings, 2.00. 102!l -aat Aiuer. m-mr .-". 17 HEAD mares and geldings, age 0 to 10: several matched teams and single drivers: choice 01 mb mm aeiu Ings $o0. 331 Second. FOR SALE cheap, one team heavy draft horses weighing aiioo. rwaoeu pi. WE BUY. sell or rent horses, vehicles, har ness. Hubert ft Hall. 381 Water st. FINE match gray team, harness and new buggy, ciieap, at iumunn pi me-. TEAM, agi 7. sound and true workers; 2000 lbs.; $100. till sseconu. 1910 STEARNS toy tonneau fully equipped 4-passenger 30 h. p.. cost, a.tai-u; pn.--$1150 for quick sale, no trades. 1911 White touring car, fully equipped, fine condition, cost $2300; price $1085. Model 10 Buick roadster, fully equip ped, 4-passenger. 20 h. p.. $-S5 cash. For auto bargains see us first. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 1199 or B 1218. 1911 AMERICAN. 7-passenger. 50 h. p.; Jufl like new; over $400 worth ot extra equip ment. Will be sold at sacrifice. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. LARGEST atock of slightly used autos In city. ou take no cnance wnen Duyins from us. Every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington Fts. CADILLAC 5-passenger. 30 h. p.; fully equipped; Dargain. only fnw. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. HARMON, 5-passenger; cost $3250; will sac; -ifl,.e- mftlra offer. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. 1 HAVE one 5-passenger and one 7-passenger car to trade for city property or acre age; both cars are well-known makes and sold by one of largest auto companies in city. AO 325. Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-ton Mack self-dumping truck. Specially adapted for coal merchants or contractors. Truck practically new and In excellent condition. Will sell cheap. Ad dress Box 17SS. Spokane. Wash. TWO 1011 Metz cars. 12 H. P.. for sale; one has never been out of the sample room; the other slightly used: $600 cash for the two. Address Public Garage, Woodburn, Or. 6-PASSENGER high-grade 4r. completely overhauled last week; leaving the city,, will sell or trade. This Is & bargain. See Oearln. 423 Mohawk bidg. - 1011 WHITE gas car. gray torpedo, cost $3i00; just as good as new: wtll sell very reasonable or trade for equity in a good home. AS 528. Oregonlaiv 1911 SEVEN-PASSENGER auto, completely equipped. demountable rims. electric lights, etc. for Portland or nearby farm propertv, value $4000. AD 531. Oregonian.-- 5-PASSENGER auto, thoroughly overhauled r' will sell or trade for real estate. Room 10 Washington Bid. ;- i;W garage Just completed. Live and dead, atorage. Speedwell Motor Co., 29, SL 33. 85 14th St.. cor. coucr. UNINCUMBERED realty to trade for good auto. Twltchell Motor Car Co.. Uth and Washington. rhon M 4308. AUTOMOBILE space, also storage, low rates. Second and Montgomery. Phone Main 80.12. - AUTO tires. $5 to $15 each; all sizes. 23 J Main bL BRUSH runabout with top. late model, A-l condition. $275. 182 Morrison st. HAI LING wanted; have Hj-Lon auto truck. Phone Main 86S9. FLAT top desk and 3 chairs, 30. I-enton bidg. Do, Birds. Pet Stock. WANTED A duck do-, one that will re trieve; any breed. Call at once. Jos. M. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, sport and" guards. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada, Or. Pianos, Organs and Musical Inatromenta. , WEBER PIANOLA PIANO, art case, ma hogany, Themorilst and Metrostyle, Sl roll flue music, everything aa good as new; must sell at great sacrifice. Come and see It mornings at 305 11th at. AM honestly In need of cash; will sacri fice my piano and paintings for $125. Please call. Always home. J25 Fifth st. NEW Buescher B flat cornet, cheap. AL 528. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. $45 WEATHERED oak high roll top desk. $27.50; weathered oak revolving chair to match. $6.50; $37.50 golden oak roll top desk. 54 Inches, good aa new, $23.50 (wax finish); revolving chair to match, $6; solid oak flat top desk, 60x30 Inches, combina tion lock. $12.50: several good office arm chairs. $2.50 to $3.50 each; room-size Bras ses rugs. $7.50 to $15;. art rugs. $3.50 to $7.50; No. 6 Remington typewriter. In good condition (in case), $15; open front book case, hard wood. $3.50; quartered osk music cabinet, cost $15. for $5: antique oak corner lady's desk. $12.60; weathered oak lady's desk, with upholstered seat to match. $15; solid oak sideboards. $10 to $66; solid oak buffets, $15 to $23; exten sion tables, $3.25 to $16.50; weathered oak china closets. $8 to 20: weathered oak dining chairs. $7.50 to $16.30 for set of 6; rocking chairs, $2 to $10; all bras, beds. $10 -to $27.50; Iron beds, any size. $1.60 to $7.60; dressers. $7 to $16.50; wash stands. $1 to $2 50; chiffoniers. $5. So to $15; center tables, $1 to $8; library tables. $3 to -$S; kitchen tables. $1: wardrobe. $5.50; heating stoves of all kinds, oil. gas. wood or coal. $1.50 19 $16; No. 8 4-hole cast range. $12.50; No. S 6-hole cast range. $15; steel ranges, good makes. $20 to $27.60 (With hot water colls) several good 4 .and 6-burner g. ranges. Jewel.. Reliable.. Newpresses. Gar lands and Vulcans. all In first-class con dition. $7.60 to $18: Reliable gas water heater. 5: open front fireplace heating stove for coal. $7.60; gas plates. $1.50 to $2 60; fine oval French plate mirror, llt frame. $7.60. 18x40 Inches; weathered oak swinging mirror. 18x40 inches. $10; plala mirror. 17x32 Inches. $4: triplicate ebony frame mirror, with three 30-Inch plates, extra fine, special price 1.1.75: several fine weathered and fumed oak p-.ceptlon chairs, $3.75 to $4.00; extra large weathered oa'e settee, with loose Boston leather cush ions. $18; arm chair to match. $12; sev eral good leather upholstered rockers, $7.60 to $12.50. and numerous other bargains.. Western Salvage Co.. 545-647 Washington, between 16th and 17th sts. We deliver goods free of charge to any part of the city with our own teams. Store open Saturday evenings until 9. Both phones. Main 1108. A 3793. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS. Now Is the time to buy your suit, rain coat or overcoat: an Immense stock to choose from. They are sample models and cancellation orders from manufac turers of ready-to-wear clothing. I pay from 10 to 25 per cent less than the mer chant for my clothing and sell in an of fice building (rent $30.00 a month) This is whv I sell vou $27.50 to $30.00 suits . and overcoals -for $18.75; $22.30 to $25.00 clothes for $14.75. JIMMY DUNN. Room 315, Oregonian Bidg Taka elevator. DIRECT from Hood River, and delivered at nour house In town; table PPle.; extra fancy. $2.60 par box; cooking apple. ooa grade. $1.60 per box; our extra fancy spe cial boxes, the best on the market. $L55 per box Crocker ft Da Redin. Hood River. Or. . FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwoodl L. a Smith & Remington typewriters, see The Northwest Typewriter Co., No. vu 5th st. SAFES New and 2d-hand:'i low prices; easy terms: safe, opened repaired painted. PURCELL SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th St. Main 6309e A 4118. STOVE DOCTOR If your stove doesn't bake. eomethln wrong. I cn ix It. 868 East Morrison. ruuu" ... guinea nlES make nice, harmless peta for children. See Maurice Mann. 889 East 10th, st. North. Phone East 830, C 2458. FOR SALE Rug. carpet, bedroom jet. table, chairs and pillow, cheap. S 531. Ore gunian. FOR SALE First-class gas stove, used short time; good a. new; half price; oin away. Call Mar.hall 3205. TWO medium-weight suit, and overcoat, good condition. $0 each; co.t $28; sise 38-. 40. V 524. Oregonian. , ttho wants a home In a fine Colorado Wtown for i fraction of it. value? AJ 622. Oregonian. Contractor's equipment by United Engineer- Ing ft Conamictlon Co.. 000 Lewi, bid. FOR SALE Gent's bicycle. In good condl- tlon. cheap. 160 1st st. FINK collection of coins for sale, cheap by , collector. E 523. Oregonian. FOR SALE I Royal Grand typewriter; $25. 31 North Park st. FOR SALE Good safe, 30x25x36. Tel. Main or A 1345. 616 Fenton bidg. WANTED MICELLANEOCB. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater ft Martin. Phone. East 3184. 148 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A duck dog. one that will re trieve any breed. Call at once, Jos. M. Rleg. Gerllnger bidg. WAN-TED Cash register; state size, lowest caah price and where it can be seen. It 654. Oregonian. WANTED A young Jersey cow, fresh. Ad- dresa AD 513. Oregonian. HIGHEST carh price paid for 2d hand fur niture. Covell Furniture Co.. Main 8022. WANT ticket to Boise, Idaho, or vicinity, A P 532. Oregonian. FORD Auction Co. pays most caah for any kind et furniture. Main 8051. A 2445. HIGHEST cash price paid for household. goods. Phone Tabor ,".59 or A 2247.