Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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    TITE MOliyiyQ OREGOXIAy, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1911. 13
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Prtnttur-raoia ......
City circulation ....
Kuillll Editor ...
uadar Cltttfr
CompotfBc.reoa ...
aal. kmildlas .....
.Mat TT A "
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.ataia Tin . THEATER (SToth and Taylor)
6ara It rn. rtl. "llm Cam from Mllwtt
k," mum'.cmi comedx. Tonlshl at s:14.
BAKER THEATER ( and Morrl.
on "la Old KaatuckT. Tonlsht at :1S
foirlaoa Tha I'.ndl.toa "Kotiad-l'p"
mouoi pleturte: 1 Ull 11 p. M-
CRPHEfM THEATER (sforrlaaa. tMI
Sixth and oth Veudmila. Thla aft
eniooa at 1 13 and toolabt at :14.
r A. NT ages THEATER Foartb aad Kara)
fudrlll Thla aftaraooa at 1:1a; ta
Blcht at . aad S.
EilPREM THEATER Park and Waahlsr-
VaudtTllla. Tbta afternoon at S IS
aad toaisal at T:M aad a.
Li First run plcturaa 11 A. H. 11 r M.
1IAJESTIC THEATER (Park and Waehftf
ton Motion pictures and mualcal vauiia-U-a.
11 A. It I. 11 F. M.
Adwtlai iiuiita Intended far tha City Km
n Bnrf eelnmaa la 0vadaya lani snaat ke
handed la Tha Orrcanlaa boeUeas affWa ay
a-rloflt Mtnrday CTealng.
Ijlni uorr la WnnHCun. "When
tha actual merits of tha cans are shown
an Injunction max be granted, but on
tha present showing there are no
-rounds for a preliminary Injunction
In the case." This was Jurta-a Bean's
ruling; yesterday In the Federal Court
In tha case of Stain Tal Company
against Chief of Police EloTer and other
members of the force to enjoin them
from trespassing on the plaintiff's
place of business and for 120.000 dam-
acres. Later, after the pleadings are
complete the case will be heard and
then the real question at Issue, whether
the police hare tha lepal right under
the city ordinance to break Into Chi
nese bouses to And gambllr.g;. will be
Determined by the court.
McGiBBnv amd Road Blamed.
Thomas McGibbon. who came to his
death In a collision between an auto
mobile and a North Bank train Wed
nesday evening, and the management
fr the railway, are responsible for his
death, according- to a verdict returned
by a Coroner's Jury yesterday. After
hearing- the evidence, the Jury brought
In a finding- that McGibbon had not
used proper precaution In driving; the
car. and that the company was neiclt
srent In not maintaining a proper sign
board at the crossing. Funeral arrange
ments for McGibbon have not been
completed. The car which was wrecked
waa the property of S. R. Rappalyea.
Former Poutuxo Resipkjct Pisa
Otto KJeemann has received word of
the death of Henry Yellltz, In Pan
Francisco. Mr. Yellita was a former
well-known resident of Portland. He
left this city several years asro being
transferred by the O. IL Ac S. Co. to
the auditor's department In San Fran
cisco. He waa a musician of great
talent and was a charter member of
the old Orchestrlal Union of Portland,
when V. H. Prescott was president
and Professor Kinross and Simon Har
ris were conductors. Mr. Yellltx col
lapsed at bis desk and died In the
ambulance while on the way to a hos
pital. East Fir Library Krarlt Done.
The Fast Side Branch Library, being
completed at the southwest corner of Eleventh and East Alder streets,
will be ready for occupancy by No
vember 15. Features of the branch li
brary Include an auditorium and com
mittee rooms, which may be used for
meetings and lectures. A greater
variety of books will be kept In this
branch than in the former frame
building. The building la an attrac
tive structure, and almost covers the
quarter block at the corner. The
East Side Business Men's Club will
hold a celebration In honor of Its com
pletion. Cotrncrrn Clxrc Paroled. In view
of bis previous good record Presiding
Judge Gatens yesterday sentenced -William
A. Struss. Indicted last week on
a charge of larceny, to one year In
the Penitentiary and immediately
paroled him. Ftruss was accused of
stealing 22 pairs of shoes and $5J.5 In
money from the Meier & Frank Com
pany, where he waa employed. He la
a young man who recently came to
Portland from Minnesota. Bad com
pany, engendering a desire t be
"flashy." was responsible. Gua C
Moser. his attorney said, for the man's
fall from grace.
17500 roR Peath PK.vicrx A ver
dict for the defendant was found yes
terday by a Jury In Judge Kavanaugh's
department of the Circuit Court In the
case of Patrick Rooney. administrator
of the estate of Fred J. Rooney, against
tba Portland Railway, Light A Power
Company. The jury was out half an
hour. Fred J. Rooney was killed by
a streetcar on Third street, near Madi
son street. In 1907. The case had
been on trial twice before. The first
time the Jury disagreed and the sec
ond time non-suit was allowed. Tbe
company was sued for $7500.
Sewer Contracts Let. At a meet
ing yesterday of the sewer committee
of tbe City Executive Board sewer ex
tension contracts were let for tbe Mll
waukle and East Seventeenth street,
the Euclid Heights and the Electric
Heights districts. The Mllwaukle con
tract calls for sewer mains from
I'rookbim and East Seventeenth to
Yukon and Mllwaukle streets. The
contract was let to William Llnd for
$11,53 4.35. Tbe Euclid and Electric
Heights contracts also were let to Wil
liam Llnd for S7407.2S.
Memorial Services to Be Held.
Memorial services will be held Sunday
night In Grace Memorial Church, at
East Seventeenth and Weldler streets.
In memory of the late Samuel Bullock.
Washington Lodge. A. F. and A. M.,
has received a special Invitation to at
tend the services, and other Masons and
friends of Judge Bullock will attend.
Rev. George B. Van Waters and Rev.
O. W. Taylor will have charge of the
Baskbala. Maokates Erxrx Mrs.
E. J. Doana filed suit in Justice Court
vesterday against W. H. and W. W.
McCredle. demanding damages in the
sum of $:oo. Mrs. toane says she
went to a ball game July 29. and while
on her way to a seat In the grand
stand thrust her foot through a decayed
board, causing a fall which disabled
her for two weeks.
WiuAAMS-AvKrs) Assessment Mads.
The assessment for the Improvement
of Williams avenue, between Morris
and Alberta streets. Is announced as
being $71,420. The Improvement Is
hard-surface pavement.
Baxurs Bio Mator. Mayor Rush
light baa received an Invitation to at
tend the 27th annual session of the
American Bankers Association, to meet
at New Orleans, November 20 to 24.
Todat and tomorrow. 700 fine wool
aweaters for women, special. 13.M. F.
P. Young, ill Morrison street, opposite
the Hotel Portland.
Dr. Boyd M. Richardson, eye. nose and
throat, has moved to 20S-11 Northwest
hide, corner Sixth and Washington.
Th Jewish Women's Endeavor So
rtrTT will hold a rummage sale, com
mencing October 2. at 20i First st-
For Rext. Irvlngton flat, new and
modern. Inquire on premises, 41S East
17th North. Phono East 171.
Mruc ass CitXAH directly from dairy:
West Side delivery. Summit Dairy. R.
F. D. No. S.
pasTARa your costume now for Oaks
Rink's monster masquerade, halloween
For RsstT. Five-room furnished
apartment. AD 2, Oregonian.
RrjrarMR'a annual baliowaea dance,
Saturday. ,
Roib Crrr Curs Wasts West Bide
Site. Tbe Rose City Park Improve
ment League favors Morrison and
Nineteenth streets, on the West Side,
aa a site for the proposed Auditorium.
It was contended at the last meeting
of the league that the West Side site
waa the best place for the Auditorium,
being close to other public buildings
and in accordance with the Civic Im
provement Association's plans for
beautifying the city. Rose City League
Is the first club on the East Side to
take this stand. The league Is tbe
strongest and most aggressive club
on the East Side. It Is understood that
several other East Side clubs will
favor a West Side site.
La-.vts to Have Frv Arc Lights.
The Lents Improvement Club has en
tered Into an agreement with the
Portland Railway, Light St Power
Company for the erection of five arc
llirhts In Lents. The lights will be
placed In tbe central portion of the
suburb, and will be paid for by the
club and by subscriptions from citi
zens, until the suburb has been an
nexed'to Portland. It Is expected that
the club will discuss annexation soon.
Tha population of Lents and sur
rounding Is estimated at 7000. The
school district is completing a school
house of 20 rooms and an assembly
hall, which can accommodate between
800 and 1000 pupils.
East Twestt-First Bridge Case Re
vived. Construction of the East
Twenty-first-street bridge across Sulli
van's Gulch will be taken up at the
meeting of the North East Side Im
provement Association tonight. Con
struction of this bridge was provided
for nearly two years ago and the ap
proaches were bought at considerable
expense, besides obtaining right-of-way
over the O.-W. K. & N. Co.'s track,
but the case has remained dormant
ever since. At the meeting a full re
port on the bridge case will be pre
sented giving the cause for the delay.
Grand avenue and East Twenty-eighth-street
bridges are the nearest to East
Twenty-flrst street.
Roads to Market Favored. At the
last meeting of Mllwaukle Grange,
road construction was the subject for
discussion In the lecturer's hour, and
the speakers favored construction of
roads leading from the rural districts
to the market places. The Grange
favored issuing bonds for road-construction,
but advised limiting of the
Issue to prevent . overloading of tha
country with road bonds. The Grange
favored building through highways
only so far as they connect with a
market road. If built for the use of
"Joy-riders" the Grange decided to op
pose their construction.
Phi Pore Sacsaok. You get tt at all
of Frank L. Smith's markets. It la
made from selected Oregon -pig pork
and Is absolutely fresh. Smith's pig
pork shoulder roasts, HVjc; center cuts
are 15c, pig pork shoulder chops are
17Vc: loin chops. 20c; pigs feet are
7c Frank L. Smith's choice lega of
mutton and loin mutton chops are
124c; shoulders of mutton are 7c; mut
ton stew Is 5c; sugar-cured hams by
the whole or half are ICc Frank il
Smith's main market la t!S Alder at,
between First and Second streets. ,
Mrs. Grimm Is Laid to Rest. Tha
funeral services of Mrs. Alice Newell
Grimm, who died at her borne, at 650
East Seventieth street North, Tuesday
were held yesterday afternoon from
the chapel of the East Side Funeral
Directors. Interynent was made In
Lone Fir Cemetery. Mrs. Grimm waa
31 years old and was tha wife of
Charles J. Grimm and the sister of H.
IL Newell and Sumner NewelL She
was a member of Sumner Women'a
Relief Corps, No. 21. G. A. R-. mem
bers of which attended the services.
Alto Driver Arrested. L. T. Hod
son, a real estate agent, waa arrested
by Patrolman Sims yesterday for driv
ing his automobile at an alleged rate
of 25 miles an hour at Nineteenth and
Alder streets. He Is the first arrested
under the "reasonable" Interpretation
of the state law, adopted by the Muni
cipal Court as an escape from the
maximum of 25 miles an hour allowed
Church to Buii.d Mansr A manse
for the First English Evangelical
Church, at the southeast corner of
East Market and East Sixth streets,
will be built on the Inside lot on which
the old church stood. The old church,
erected 25 years ago, has been torn
down and Its timbers have been used
In the new Evangelical Church in West
Rabbi Wife to Preach. "Play and
Its Place" will be the subject of Rabbi
Wise's address at Beth Israel, at
Twelfth and Main streets, tonight. The
service will commence at 8 o'clock. The
service tomorrow'mornlng will begin
at 10:30 o'clock. The musio will be
under the direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch
Otstrrs. 4 Cass for 25c Soup, S
cans for 25c; 3 pkgs. rearnne ior iuc;
8 lbs. rice. 25c: 2 cans l'loneer iuk.
15c: 6 gallons syrup, only 20c; 4 pkgs.
currants. 25c: 2 cans corn. 15c; 14
rakes laundry soap, 25c All these at
Frank L. Smith's' grocery, 145 First
street, between Morrison and Alder.
nitvrn. Rcoa. We extend an In
vitation to all lovers of these beauti
ful floor coverings to visit our newly
fitted up salesroom and- Inspect our
large and choice stock. No one urged
to buy. Cartesian Bros., Importers, 473
Washington, near ISth at.
r c- x rkiblajd has returned rrom
San Francisco and Is ready to heal the
suffering humanity as he healed before
at the same old stand, 152 East S3d
street, corner Belmont.
Masquerade. Halloween, cresimnK."
"Penny Ante" lose Fascination for
Sorrowful Samuel.
Rnmhia and penitent. Ssun Roaen-
krantz, a big. Jolly newsboy, familiar
ly known among his fellows as "Fatty,"
..t in Juvenile Court yesterday after
noon and declared "never again." Tha
phrase referred to gambling. He waa
found playing "penny ante" with a
number of older boys a few days agt
and bis case waa referred by the. po
lice department to Probation Offtoar
White. Sam Is 1.
1 wa in tha s-ame all right," said
Rm "and I sruesa I am lust as much
to blame as the rest of them, but I
have never been arrested before. They
orot nnthlne alnst me before this, and
so help me they never will again. I
tell you It don't do a fellow no good to
be hangln' around where they are
gambling or drinking." 'he philoso
phised. Cam nmhahlv will ao hefnra Tnva-
nlle Judge Gatens tomorrow ad bo
given a lecture And a chance to make
"Just watch my smoke if ha gives ma
a chance," said Sam.
Plenty large. Juicy Yamhill crawfish.
Dining-room for ladles, (th and Stark.
Wa offer our IS wines at 11 a gallon:
11.50 wines at "So a gallon: Straight
Kentucky Whlakr. seven rears old.
regular 84.50, at S3. SO a gallon; Ken
tucky whisky, regular $3 50, at 32 50
falion; 31 grade whisky. 31.10 a gallon,
riday only. 373 E. Morrison St Phones
East 287, U Z43. Free delivery.
We will rent you an elegant new
piano at $4.00 per month, rent to apply
on purchaae price If deatred. Johlar
4k Chase. 375 Washington street.
ITS Safer and
More Businesslike
to cany your surplus
in a bank and pay by
check than to keep
money in the house to
pay bills.
Burglars are glad to learn of
a gam being saved to meet
an obligation but not when
it's being cared for by a
Ton 11 eave more, too and
create a better impression by
making that payment with a
check on this bank.
Small accounts are wel
comed. , x
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third and Oak Streets
Portland 's Oldest Grocers.
148 Third Street.
A 4432. Main 9431
Hood River
from the "Howe" orchards. A
shipment of one hundred (100)
boxes just received of "Yellow
Newtowns" and "Spitzenbergs."
These apples are a credit to
Oregon, and if you have a friend
yon want to make happy, call on
ns today, and make your selec
tion. Stuffed California Prunes,
packed in 1-lb. boxes, stuffed with
frnits and nuts, at 65c per lb.
California Fruits, packed in all
size boxes, and all this year 'a
"fresh goods."
Gold Dust, reg. 25c, pkg....20
Knox' Gelatine, pkg 10
Barataria Shrimps, reg. 25c, per
tin 20t
New Dry Prunes, 8 lbs. for 25
Findon Haddock, per lb. . . 42 5
Columbia River Salmon Befiies,
pound 30
Medicinal Port, a gallon, $3.00
Pimiento Cheese, per jar...l5
New Bloater Mackerel.
Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage.
New Seedless Grape Fruit
See our Apple Display, also see
our fruits and vegetables before
deciding on your Sunday break
fast or dinner.
If you are a "newcomer," and
want just the goods your Eastern
grocer carried, or from any city
in the Union, and have not been
able to find "just what you
want," we cordially invite you to
call on us.
Special messenger, auto and
wagon delivery.
23-51 STARft "STREET
We have the beet selection of
lands In the Nechaco Valley,
selected by our own cruisers
three years ago. As an in
vestment, it is second to none
on the continent. Our lands
are all situated within eight
miles of the main line of the
Grand Trunk Pacific Rail
way. Out price is very low,
and terms very easy. Satisfy
yourselves we are right.- For
full particulars, apply to
Nechaco Valley Land Catii
620 Broughton Street, ,
Victoria, B. 0.
Rf eretwe:
Uosoo Bank of Canada,
Victoria, B. C
If you want solid comfort amid
blue grass lawns and acres of flowers,
spend your Winter on the MONTE
REY PENINSULA, 125 miles south
from San Francisco.
'midst its 120 acres of lawns and
flowers, with its beautiful 18-hole golf
course, only five minutes' walk from
the hotel, offers everything that the
Winter visitor can desire.
RATES, $4, $5, $6 and $7 per day.
American plan only.
in the bustling little city of Pacific
Grove, 20 minutes by electric car from
Del Monte. RATES, $2.50, $3, $3.50
and $4 per day. American plan only.
Hundreds of comfortably furnished
Both hotels under management of
Del Monte, CaL
O 1 1
i A rstt
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Nw at I and brick Btmetnr. Trf
modern convniaca. Moderate ratoa.
Canter of theatre and retail district. Oc
mmt lines transferrins' all over city. Eleo
trie omnibus meet trains and steamers
Visit Our
A Football or Fountain Fen Free
With Every Boys' Suit or Overcoat
Juvenile Suits
$3.50 and Up
Knickerbocker Suits
$5.00 to $15.00
Young Men's Suits
$12.50 to $30.00
Dressy Hats
for Boys
Fourth and Morrison
It is our aim to have
at all times the new
est creations in both
Fabric and Style in
our Boys' Clothing.
We have combed
the clothing mar
kets of the country
for D ependable
Suits and Overcoats
for your boys.
To prove to you that we
have them, every gar
ment is guaranteed to
give good service or a
new one free you to be
the judge.
Hose for Girls
and Boys
6 Pairs
for 6 Months
Located in Die heart
oi the shopping sad
theatre district.
i u us nunc net
MetrorioIilaD Service
Running Ice Water in Every Room
i:,Lr xijuuunment oi CHESTER W. MUEY
We are contractors and will furnish
lot and finance the building of a home
for you on easy payments. Wa giv
references fend ask references.
801 Conck Bids. Phone Main 4311.
heavy frames, special, two for 35
HOOD RIVER APPLE CIDER Made from sound, hand
picked apples. Gallon 50
PILLSBURY BEST FLOUR Guaranteed, from old wheat;
50-pound eack $2.00
Made from beBt creamery butter and fresh ranch eggs, only 50
FRENCH PASTRY, the beet in the city, dozen GO
Truffled Pig's Head, pound 60
Liver Sausage, pound 40
Truffled Liver Sausage, pound 60
Meat Cheese, pound... t. 50
Kippers, fresh today 50
Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage, fresh every day, pound........ 35
IMPORTED CAMEMBERT Fresh today from France 50
ROQUEFORT CHEESE New we have plenty. Pound 50
ROSES We have taken the city agency for SIBSON'S ROSES.
You can get catalogues and leave your orders here. Now is the time
to order for November planting. Do it today.
CLUB BOURBON Full quart, our bottling, only JJl.OO
CALIFORNIA TABLE CLARET Good wine, gallon 50
CALIFORNIA ZINFANDEL Old, mellow, gallon 1.00
cooking. Box S2.00
NABOB PRUNES, extra fancy, suitable for gifts. Box 1.25
288, 290, 292 Stark St- Phone Main 7200, A 6181.
Prices Slaughtered-Bargainized Bargains
That Will Arouse the Greatest Enthusiasm at the Big Closing-Out Sale
Bet. Morrison Alder.
1 145 Seventh St. a. rr
Xew Location 145 7th
Bet. Morrison A AloVr.
No fake
on inflated
no misrepresentations
no old accumulations.
Here's a Startling Bargain
For One Hundred Women
That Will Go Before Noon
Your choice o any $.JU new all -Tailored
Hat with the purchase of a $22.50
new Fall Suit, both Suit fr-t r a C
and Hat for the one price of V v
$25, $30, $35 Black and
Blue Tailored Suits $9.95
Black and blue serges and broadcloths juit 120 on
the rack all
$25, $30, $35.
the rack all marked m plain figures, (t QC
It s giving them away at D J J J
18 new Fall tailored
Trimmed Hats, to
be given away free!
$20 Coats $11.95
65 new Fall Coats, all-wool materials, of fancy
mixtures, large sailor collar effects, polos, two
tones, plaid backs and mannish (PI 1 QC
style for misses. Beg. $20 Coats. ,P
Greatest sensation in Motion
Pictures ever seen in the
city. All the important
events of the big three days'
Continuous Performance
From 1 P. M. Till 11.
Admission 25c Children 15e
This Bank has compiled a table illustrating the rapid
growth of Savings at interest of 4 per cent per annum,
compounded twice a year.
On request, we .will take pleasure in mailing a copy
to your address, or personally explain the same to anyone
calling, who may be interested in the subject of Savings.
Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8.
"A Conservative Custodian"
Established 18 years Assets $2,250,000
Established 1900
Worcester Bids. Portland, Or
Foster & Kleiser
. High Grade Commercial and Electrie
Kat SeTentb and Eant Everett gtreafs
Paonea JEast 111 B 2224,