RtlP WAVTT.n MAI J. fOn of VuO Office Itcnurr r.mplojm T . M. -- Ttnc man. straager. oat f wor" M. total cut ..-at If I par T. J0! special .mpoyro.nt ro emberehip I wiJ k.Y. only $i left ktM3 -4 -- Herrvtarr If yen PT M i,',pI?!!l e-r. p ; " yin . c t BtmbnatB w 1 tke T. M. C. A- with tta im" tweea'aoa strval-0. . Reeulf. Young roan Joined AweatloB, In l--e i baa a was had aaialacwy a-ployiueal- Record for man Hi a adding Sept. Cila for men "i-aj Position, fl;. ad Employ-ira. nem---Tt-.l r"".JTJ employment ar refund of m" I f.e: : two mooinar full ,m i2 ttur full .m"ll a- social privileges IMp party tmpwja prlvliegea. 10 months' P4 vadertakea to aartrg tha full farm of out (urthar charga. ki.h We tin constant OU !; J grada. experienced ma a. r una- lor a tetter position- . .-i eo aecratarjr aa&pioriuawl -apw-- a- T.H. C 1. APt r-Boniro men wanted for J7- i Marin . oi. batwaoa Ilia v Must bo uuf bora rar-ra Monthly pay m to tlooal compensation possible '""r l, oaaxt.r. and medical """rr a' J year." Mnk. r.. ranro JI! p.. rant of pay and allowaacoa. en board oblp and aahoro In all Pr, .-"l. Tro y to v. a. '' c? re-allla. afflca. Brood VfclibJta. : irmin sia. or room 7 lncnaa-er Mo.ia-. IIS M at.. Portland. Or. lN!frr TATti NAVY baa opoed a RE rruTINO fTATlos at Jil ''rfr;?: rhange b-.lld.ng. Portland. t r....i.n will bo gladly given about Navy . IPoriunltlea to young men over 1 .. Making of a Kan o ar-man a bo. a .. una all about tho Navy will bo aa-U to anyona who wartta It. o,r.,.h-r. ...mo knowlaoaa of b.-.kk-.p-I,., an.) partially familiar with ..mini l-rm.. aalarr T to lln. mr roromi to ai.lllty. Whiio aV Co.. ancl- Ponrna. i o-aaott. A flnM halr. u aatabllabad Uauo wanta a a.l.aman on waaona and f r"1 .hln.rr. on. who know. hi. . t.ko full rharo of tttla drpart mant. rrrfar a m.o who ran tako a .mail nnan- intara.t U aauaflad. B Oro- aonlan. S.lTTtlN-A ood to- aalaamaa for rom- I. .KV with moat of tt atock aold; ood '.-.la r..l atrona aupport from prra-nt t-... .hoicira. nr.l-laaa aalama oa.y (.-..I rt'- oj Oraaoglaa blu- AN opportunity for Ho man oalimc our gurnard Taklma Vallay-.rowa . o k- cluala tarrttory: outfit froa. caaa arrkfy: "huatlo.- not oapartaaca MOulrad. VPPnlili Nuraary Co.. Toppn'ah. Vtaan. to i.k wakly to aollrltor of ability; l-rn.n-nt: HI pr cant of popla proopo.--, ruatumara: raal houao aalramm cant r.T.rd to oTrrlook thla. P. 11. I..rnll. room a. u t V lli H.y with wbaal from A. M. o l A. M. dally and A. U. to II A. M Snn.ia . mtiat bo a huattar. Apply r v.m i'. orrgoniaa bld. Cliy circulator. MiMilar mornlrl. l.r -M KV to aall aub.llvlalon: ood coro- miion to llva man. Alao sd niao to aou ;'r'."or-EnATIVB REAT.TT COMPAST. tJO Railway Eirhan. v T K n rtuahotman for our broach olorra in ror:.nd. hpokn: ataady work tl.a t .r a-oun.l: mu.l unriVratand hia bu.l- II. ... Aply at tho Enallah Woot-B Mill.. 1 l .. ai. , kt"k.I Klro Inauranco .ollrltora to fa- r u with ml of thrlr bualnaaa; wa r.. r..-nt tha r at or tn.uranca fompnnw; IiVrral rommUsl.-na. Dtach Wltnar. v.o I'hamMr of t'ommafra. W ANTRU K1ral-cla tarra cotta Uraft. n.un and m.lalcr. An.war. giving uall Hr.ii..iii and aaporlnca. AV owo. ctra col.lan. VNTKP Flrat-claM grocary Clark, abla to lk rharro of rtpartmaBt; al rnrl --rhanrtlao Clark; atata . a.polionca ,n. ff-r-nca. W t:. Ora-nian. l WTr:i K-prlrnc.l niarhla-aallara at I ..a Anral.a t al.; ataadr work. ''If' Marll- liranlta r, farta Fa avo. and ..ith at.. Ang.laa. t al. rrrrx-'I.ASS aalaaman wanlad. ono who n tho bu.lli'M and can draaa a wln- ilo-r Auply rrladman'a clolhaa Khop. 1-J i iith at. W (TKI Worklna man familiar with co rn. m and carpantar work; atata 'V p,,rr. rafaranco and a.ldraa. All -. r-"nlan. TTn io taka rtaurant. n.arlv 'urn'hlJ; lo b"tl; alr-aplng-room ln-mda.1; ar ..... for rant; .nap Apply 36 North -Otl- s rmr north to .aih. tio-k aouth. . tsl'ALTT In.uranco aganta. If you aro not making mora than -3 a wa, k. Br' Agency Dtractor. 41S Mohawk bld- to 1 2: .tcady poaltlon. good pay. TV WTKO A atrona boy of foralgn parant halwcrn IB od - to laam '"bao I m:n.a. lno,ulra batwaan 11 and 1-. - -h rt . Roaa flit Tobacco Co. ni r AVKAN'T man waatad to tko cbarga of raataurant In coobwUo. with aotal I.amrn.. Rayood. Waah. rV HMANENT Incoma for aaiaamaa. Aak for ,-. Pry.nt. Ill Taon biilg. 1II.TU.;RAPH coupon and portrait aganta. r.rw oflar. Catbarth Studio, pakum bldg. W ANTED Boa oa la. wllh wbaala. d at. HEl.r WAMTW) FEMALE. . . l vii man. alactiiclan. with aoma anowl-.- Ia of morlng plrturo opcratlna. would I k. p.1tlon at ama aalary to laara bual ... AP Ktt. Orraonlan. Ul'.L. alvo two maaul a day la a.ch-nga l..r c-aM.r B.rvt.-.a from to . :J P. t. ;.aidln-houao. Main IK.-. 13 Hoyt rcct. k .TKl ldy niaxkar and aortar; good ..i. a an t .t.adr poaltlon to compliant t- ... Inquira of lr. Cook at Tatu-n l...a -n t-'o. V. STKU An a.parlancod woman to tako r ar. of Infant and do opatalra work; . ,..r.-..a r.oulro.1. Apply It 10th at. HlV'KS'j LADIES' AJE.NOT. S WaahiT.gtoo at.. Cor. Tta. Ipatalra Ph..na Main V..VIVV or girl for general hou.awork and . .kn on ranch: faro paid. Call 4 bth r. N Marahatl Bo'JO. STf'V. "Tit AI'HER. In.oranco aad law office; ..Hrv .; n.onlh. opportunity for ad . ... .m.nt. Kto Chamber of Commerce. Xl.1.1 I.OHKH LAl'lCH A.iE.NCT. iinlnitM bin.. 4th and Waah Sta. Main or A S-B. uT;:. for general houaowork. family of a.'ulta. Call murnlna. :i tlh at., comar ..f : . ANTr;i A good alrong girl for hotel .rk in tho countt-y. 'or partlculara call 4..1 Clean, hot, luth and 11th. TKl--t-iirl for general houaawork, faomr of two; wacaa A3V; mull bo aapa-nwi.-.d. Phono A 73J. H .ri:l.-'inl!r motherly woman to caro f..r lna!M. good par man. nt homo, wagaa. . ,.. Ph..ne number. T Oreaonlan. H..TKI. co.ik. countr t, $': camp waltreaa. - chamboxmald. $.0. tiaaaen a Employ. -4f Kf'nry. tT Waah.. at.. Hoom f . i.fKk. kralak auppUaa cutlary. aiatlonary. .ir ig mnrtrl... at.- : .oung man. 4 yaara .perlen.-a. AP Ma. Oregonlan. VAV'TE1 Refined. ca;aLla woman for ra-a-malMa poaltlon. Vlart Co.. ) Rolh .V:ld Mr. 4th and Waahlngton. w N't oirl lo help on ladi.a' tailoring .n 1 llrat-c wi wajl and aklrt ha p. .ud I'oumhta bl.lg. ,,lK. to A.a'.at with general honaework; washing gi.aa out; mornlnga, ill 1 ' .a at. m f.T, l.ol I UME AOK.NCV. aitu-tioas of ail htniia. Al- .r. corner Id at. Main IQJJ. A 47.5. f.r rspabla woman houeeheeper. widow- . .... i or.-ia a attil U i VI AN. etpertonced, for general houao- lira. Appir -.w w... . .- -o-'J , wagea par weak. Phona M. . CrlRIFINTBD waltreaa to go OB doty at Thompooa a wataumiii. in i.n n iM k; A girl for general hooaawork. a-v tfi.T:adav ira l..V leach. r for Chlneoo mlaaloa, 3 Ta - . .--i. t a .16 p. vt t"j . .... - . - - - . ","l,r, K...-.EI lady to aot.t with general u , . ' . MHT and Jacket hando wanted. Portland ii,vr) A Dret-elaao body Ironer. Inter- ....nii Inndry. Ert th and Oak. fTl sr-PE.. country. I; ,'ook M rr, sTf:r -A girl to aaalat wttn gaaarai 'I, .work; pia.a cooking. 3 cliular. fTTrN.I gi'l to aaalat with houaowork. ry' '? Johwaon at. , N-TEll . iik I n n.a ark - -' t f.mll.. I'hone Tah.r W NTErv -R.fned T"ug to aaalat , ' 'l .n-H'. ". ' I . "ikAJTEU VV aJU aca ml 111 ua at. : i : rfnt. .! roBBExir BEyT; gEXF ffAXTTP FEMALE. HOTSEKEEPER WANTED Br Not. l.t. A ood cook and com pat-nt to .n. .lea homa. Young widow or Udy with amall child preferred. .No ona with any encumbrance or obligation, to out-Ida partloa naad apply. Muat bo noneat and rallaMa. A good homa to tho right party. Btato wage, wanted and ganeral appearance. AC t-S. Oranonlan. EtprRIENCED glrta for halrdrm aalng and beauty parlor.: thr baaing a foliowlng prefarre.1. ItuUna, belling bldg cor. tl and Alder. IXTERN ladlea to know "Oraat Men and -a oua Woman" and' character .katcbea aro ba:n aold on Pacific Co. at: Virgin tarrttory guarantaed. For partlculara ad oroaa J F. UAatlnga. 813 Mark.t au. San Fr.nciaco. G i H L.R. Laam tho Hualnaaa. ganltary Beauty Parlor .j0 to 412 D.kum bldg. A Poallioo Quarantoad. WANTED Otrl to aa! IB houaowork from 1 A. M. to P. M.. In S-room apart ment. Tha Highland Court Apartment apartm ept :l7. Apply mornlnga. Corner d-f ana ...i.n. SALESWOMEN lo Ball city lota; good com COOPERATIVE: r.EAI.TT COMPANT. f . 1 . . J I . EXI'EHIKN' K.O European plan hotel head "waltro... :) and b..ard : fr. ,mre- T'llll anca. required: lvo e.perlance. addreaa and phone. A R ffjt. tiregonian. WA N'TKIV "ollrltora to lake order. for high-grade ror.rt.. nt ao:d In atore.; B .o for ma.le-to order cowta. Applr room iu Flledn.r bid g.l 0 ih and Waah Ingt-n. ELKEItl.V la.! aPl-r-l.tlng a goo.1 homo to ai.t with houaowork and look aft'r children. C 119.1. Mra. E. Na!n. S3. Fargo .t. WAN'TKI A n.ai woman to cook for a m.n In the country n.ar city: good wagea. Call after 2 P. M. today. 44 Cnlnn avo. P. E. . HH.P WATTn MI.E OR FEMALE. BOO-KF.KPERS. ca.hlera. bill cleria Ota. i I will guarnnta your qualincatloa to fill poaltlon. In 0 day.; prt-ato In.tf-ctloa by public accountant; poatUoo aacurad. j ao. Urogonlaa. NlYjHT weaver, and .pinner. i w.nted N'o y.mber 1. Apply Portland Wooi.n Mil. Pt. John. Or. HELP WAXTKP MISO-tXAXXOCa,. MEN wanted, ago li-iX for flr.ra.B. Il monthly; brakemeo. tt. on nearby rail road. Experience unneceweary: "o Btrlka. Poaltlon. guaranteed comp.tant ' promotion. Railroad Employing "oad Quert.re 4M man aen: to po.ulon 1 Boptamber. Btata age; aond aiamp. KaU--ray A-wocIbUob. Hot Oragun.laB. 1000 P0"ITlON tor graduate, laat year 1 man and woman loo b".lri,l a Hu: ba'p to aacure poaltlon; graan StM earn IroSi l o lisTwaokly; aaport I not motor.: tooU fro.; writ, for aala lo.oaa. M abler System of Collagea. W Xurth th .... Fon;and.qr. A-l STENOGRAPHERS ar what trery om- . . t . . ... mml aood Dloyer wanva. -.a - atenogropher. I. at tha Ramlngton Type writer employment department. No feea for tho aorvlro. Juat call Main S or A 21113. . rt- a-. PRIVATE SCHOOL Bookkeeping. ahort- . ... . a nl.st .lauiaea hand, typawriiiiia. -r ""..' , tit Chamber of Commerce. I'hone.: Ol- . . . . . a..c ..i. tn.. V m m lili. jl". ja.in aa... . - MOTION-rlCTURE operating taught la the- price rea.onaole; poaltlon aacurad. Aa DIV. 1 FfV(UUJ.l. RAILROADS want young men for telegraph . .-.i.. u. .-. - ror full oartloulara rail or addreea Telegraph Dept., room 60S. ommonw-..o MRS. ROBERT FKNNELI-, of tt. Paul. Minn., can at ' - - Important. MAKE money writing abort etortea, or for patera: big pay; tree booklet tella how. Vrltad Pr-a. Syndicate. Ban Fran aleoo WAN E D Picture play writer.; big pay; we ll teach you. Picture Play Aa.ocla- tton. ban Kranclaco. PRIVATE .chool SHORTHAND and TTPE- VVRlTlN'J. mo. -o-t a.n a -KETi"?'"h10 Inughl In 16 lcaOBA 7 ti. lf.!h .t.. punnirm a FlnK. 1BACHER AWU-lAllun. tlwatland bldg. MTl VTlONa WANTED MALE. Bookkccpoc. and terha. POSITION In Nortbac.t by tinivcr.ny uata. Scotch. 3-,-year- general bual- CLERICAL po.ltion wanted by young man who bu. had Danaing exi-i i. . derataiiilB bookke.-p.ng: very be.t en.ee: willing to go out of city. An. 61. Orcs'.nlan. WILL ALD1I. OPtN. CLOB1 OR .W51T" mrnte. matail .y.temA Oiillngham a dltor. 411 Law-, bldg. Marahail III. FINO-.E man. aaperlenced bookkeeper. wten--a poa.tlon a. kr.pcr for awmi:i or con.tructlon camp; . a tl A'. at r.r..unlBII. liOoKKtKl'fc. ti and Bt'-noicraphor, npritnc. tl IO oini in K. lurairn, ---- other lln. No objection to le&Tlns cty- AHS-tYAXT cormvondcat. nblo to uum dictation: umtln own typawrltfr. Ad- XFKKlKNt'F.IJ bookkeeper, typewrHr, !- .... . .... -..-. wv wm narmanant. m r -mi ' It'll, t " lA- j r - Marhall K3i. KIVK arr Kp-rinra. niachlnrT ale ' i .... . ii I m.. tlon nan: can niuit .. '- .. ... P'ant.. F 6-t. Oregonian. KUOKKLLr.ll. -C.rn jrara K. ..In-.. lhArmial.lv: BU bluffOT nor a.m. " " KTKNtMiltAPi'ER. .gperienood. wail ncom- III n ii i jj. ...... Mlacdlaaevwa. LI M HERMAN with U !" oxperlenco aa tallyman, yard and alilpr'ng clerk and yard foreman, w.nta poaitlnn; Al refer ence. a. lo ability, charact.r and ao bn.tr. Artdr-a. AP ftJH. Oregonian. 8AL.ESMAN wanta good propoaitlon. In.1'1 or outalde. .ajar- or com.... ... --.... or will handle agency for good line; ra mlllar with mechanical llnoa. Ak III. oregonian. ---. WANT poalilon. by married man. to work In garage or drive auto, or Ore boiler, or handle gasoline engine; year experl fn Bring. X year, wllh auto, l aone Main 6l'-'. Adama . jJY" ober young married man. po.ltlon as gaafitter or ehop foreman In town U0 to 1&004: references: experienced. R- Bul terfleld. Olympla. Waah. SXPERIENCEt butcher and meat cutter wants po.ltlon In or out of city; hav. had experience In groceries. Phona East Ji.o7. Yol'N.l married farmer wanta to take charre of hay or grain ranch for term of years: good habit.: .mall .alary acceptable till March 1. AN -'. Orcgonlan. YOUNG man attending school desires to work for bard and room before and after school. Call or address ma, H. O. B-. room l.i Commonwealth bldg. SHOW CARD writer, young man with slx-J ytrtf expertenco in caaiorn nrrinmriii stor-s: be.t of rcfereucea. AN 632. Ore gonian BT experienced chatfffeur and mechanic; fur nlehee refer. ncea; will give aatlafactlon; want lucrative poaltlon: careful, compe tent. AP b."--. Oregonian. ToT n'O civil "engineer, with In.trumentA -:.h.a work: experienced In railroad, municipal and land survey., good Urafts msn and computer. 8 B.'T. Oregonian. COOK Flret-ci.es Chine.. young man want, a position in hotel, restaurant or hoard. ng-houa. Charlie. 20Z Stark at .econd floor. BY man of oxperlenco. In a country home, for general work; boat of references. Phona Main 1262 or call at 610 Oregonian bug JAPANESE chauffeur wanta poaltlon: many years' experience as driver aad caro for yard. H M4. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced garage and ro ' pair roan desires position. M 611. Ore gonian. IJITUATION wanted Experienced orchard lt wtaneo situation: em capable of tak ing charga. Addree. I gat. OregonBtn. lol Nd German wt.hea bouM or garden work: can site reference. B 622, Oro- gon 1 n. t5-ITAIN services of flrst-claaa engineer, hoisting or stationary; good referanc. Phone Sellwood 19X BAKER, experienced man. require, situa tion: hlgbeet reference. 4. Eaat Cominar- KXPEKIENCED Jap teamater dealrea a .It 'uatlon In Iha city or country. AE 2, A BOT wants to learn machlnlat trade; baa aomo ei penance. Addreaa Carl Carlaos. m nwauaie. vr. OOOD d'ahwaehar wants position, hot. I or reetaaraal. city or country, J. t. lul N lth ah n.s. experience, aui.t manager, innn... . hanlllng help, buyli.g. selllMK. progrelvc. go.d appearance: g.wd opening more de .irable than high .alary. M 517. Orcgonlan. THE 3IORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, BrrrATioNS WAJS'TEl) MALE. MlareUnnoooa. HOTEL clerk dealrw poiltlo; at P with a lumbar firm in Idaho. A V 6t. Orcgonlan. . JAPANESE wanla a Job on farm or dairy farm; wall educatod and good worker. O t.:.'u. Orcgonlan. CHAUFFEfR. atrangar, want, poaltlon; do own repairing; car.ful drtvar: married. O. E. VV.. 4H W. S.lmon. Main 42.0. SITITATION wanted aa dlahaaahor In hotel. city or country, country preferred. Ail (.27. Oregon ib n. COMPETENT chauffeur and mechanic de ire. poaltlon: will go auywhere. AB 2t. Orcgonlan. MAN and wlfa want poaltlon on fB"njn chlldran; be.t of reference. AB 621. Oro- gonlan. BAKER w.elie. po.ltlon; -p.hla. rollAbl. ail-aronnd man; referenoea AN 533, Ore gon I an. WELL-EDI-CATED Japan.. tlon aa homework In good and amall family. P Oregonlan. EXPERIENCE! bartender be.t of reference; c.n do other work. If neceaaary. H. It.. la Beech at. TOCN1 man. with experience, wanta work on dairy farm. AC M. Oregoman. HITCATION al Pfer. colored. H'ttry etmlth. can MB'" n.-. liOV. going to .chooU want, work for board. TOfrta man wanta poaltlon of any kind. P b3. oregonian. JiPAVESF. boy want, situation for general hoil.work or cooklna. A R M. Ot-gonlan. l.AI'Y want, work by day or hour. Phono A ?boi. HOI SE cleaning and window waahlng. or Janitor work. Main 721 oi"N(l. hone.t Japane.o want, po.ltlon aa porter, .aloon or .tore. K 4PS. Oreronlan. FAKER 5. on bread, roll., cake. ; aober and needy. 100 16th at- phone A K.lo. FIRST-claaa pnlnter Hollati.ler) - work, good ri-fei-ncea. AK 3.-.. Oregonian. TOCNI man. .tranger. .eek. altuation aa caretaker or fireman. B 3. Oregonian. fTRONI! boy. IS. Norwegian, wanta work on farm. AO &2o. Oregonian. JAPANESE wanta po.ltlon. gtora or hotal porter. H Oregonian. H1TPATIONW W VNTF.n FKMALR Bookkeepera and Slcnograpbera. WELL-EDITATED lady from tho Eaat. aey aral yearg bu.lneaa experience, de.lreg permanent po.ltlon wllh hlgh-claaa llrm a. bookkeeper: capable of . taking charge of general office work; beat of reference.. Art .Tree. M. K. Warage. 7M VHnconver avo. 8TENOORAI-HER bookkeeper. 3 year.' ox perlencc: rapid, acourate, neat and re liable; can operate any machine; good ref erence.. Tabor ZOS'k bTENCKJRAPHER with experience wl.he. po.ltlon. Good reference.. AV 64, Ore gonian OFFICE o.ltlon by lady. flo years' ex perlerce. a.al.tant bookkeeper, clerk, typ l.t and mall order. Ea.t J 44. STENOGRAPHER, with general office ex perience, wlehea position. AK 633, Or- gonlanu bTENOliRAPHER with general office oxpe rlenco daalrca position. AV 631, Ora gonlan. COMPETENT atenngrapher. with general of fice experience, realreg poaltlon. Mar. hall 87-. ; . COMPETENT lady bookkeeper desire, work all or part of day. or three days In week. Tarior .'... bTENOORAPHER. month.' experience, wl.he. .tcady work. Main SBil. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and atenog- .- . nnalllnn. MellWOOd 1602. TYPIST. Monographer wanta Job work or part of nay. A i Dreaa makers. WE make ladle.' But La for 123 and up; material fumlahed; work flr.t-claM. Motchkln Snider, ftl5-ld Swatlaud bldg. Marahsll IH). TAILORED kirt; be.t work and be.t fit ting In the city: very reasonable, t all up Main :i3Q.. Apt, i. EXPERT tailoring and dreomaklng. 4U TamhlH ... Phona Marahail lll. DRESSMAKER from the Eat will tako day work r.itaonable. Marahail lil'.l. Fills'! -CLASS dr.xm.klng do"n at home; prlcee rea.onat.ie. 31am o.-.. DRESSMAKER dc.lrea sewing In home.. Phone Main 84 in. i POSITION a. hou-ke.por for widower or few young men. P hib. Orcgonlan. Hiiorlrrprrt- LADY wli.hea poaltlon a houaeke.per for widower or bachelor unincumbered; noon. J.ctlon to child. 43 Eaat Ankeny. Phone WANTED Po.ltlon a. housekeeper bT middle-aged Udy. Addrea 61 MlMisalpp' avenue. HOI SEWORK. .teady woman; referetuea. good cook. P. O. Box 378. Eugene. Or. ' Mored NtTrsE, long experienced In nef--oua oaaea; will care for patient at seashore; term moderate. L S-. Oregonian. K.X1KRIEM'ED nurae. all klnda. maternity. Invalid, or companion. Infant, city, can go to California. Main 2"l, A 4T7.V. NURSE with good training will taka cam; (12 par week. AE 5.6. oregonian. AN exp rl-n ed nurae would Ilka mora cases. Marshall i'4.".7. DatnratlcA HOUSEWORK by two young girl., E. 844. Call 617 Union ave. N. SITUATION wanted a. waltrc.s: East Slds pr.frred. Phone Woodlawn I43S. GIRL would like housework In .mall fam ily on Ea.t Side. Phone Woodlawn 14..S. TWO Kit.nl. h girl, want houeawork snd pniln cooking. Apply 6"TV. Mar.hall at PLA.'E on Wet Side to aeai.t for room and board. W X1S, Oregonian. FAMILY cook and s.cond girl: best wagea; references. Main 3. A 477.V SWEDISH girl, general homework; strong woman kitchen helper. Main '... A 4. 1 ... Mldlancoua. KXPEHIENCED girl de.lre. po.ltlon. gen eral houaowork: slBto particulars. D 33. Ctrcgonlan. GERMAN girl wishes steady work at pres.; ing men", and women", garment.; g year. experience. .an FIRST-CLASS cook, boardlng-houaa or ho tel: references. Cathollo Woman's League. Main 24.11. WANTED By experienced woman cook, small hotel, boardlng-housa or camp, city or country. mo. 10m at. COLORED girl wants position as nurseglrl or aastatant bouaework. C 2247. COM I'ETKNT girl wishes position at g.n .ral homework. Phone E.at '47. A GIRL wants work In cigar gland. B 820, Orcgonlan. COLORED man or woman, day work, lace curtain., hand-laundered. Marshall 863H. LADY will prepare dinner or tuncheon. l'hona Main v.ji. .a.iirw. v . WANTED- Day work by white woman. 20 cent, p.r hour, carrare. Marahail ."-,. WOMAN wishes work by tho day or a half day. Phone Main 4I EXPERIENCED charaliermaid wanta work. 'phone Main 4400. 'all afternoons. COMPETENT laundresa wants work. 3P.'.2. COLORED woman wishes day work. Phona Main a. . GOOD Gernmn girl for general honaework. 6' Hood St. phone Main 7:6H. GIRL wants work by dsy or hour. Main a r7. room 16. WOMAN wants work, half days or hours; laundry work preferred. Main 53S. FIRST-elaaa cook wishes position In good family. Main B441. 3 FINNISH girl, want general bouaework. C.U lo peiQgr-fve ... A SWEDISH girl wanla a place of general bouaework. T.64 Commerctnl St. YOUNG lady gultariat wlahea a few mora puplla. Fbona B 1543. w A vte r a r. r nts. AGENTS wanted; orders from our agents f-.r Augtl.1 deliverle. of LIVESTOCK CY CLOPEDIA AND COMPLETE STOCK Kk.TOR aggregate 11.0O2I volumes; we still have territory for a few more llvo agents. Write for "Sworn Statement of Record-Breahlng Sale" and Information about how our agents are coining money; no expertenco neceaaary; wa tell you how; outfit frea to first 20 who apply. Tho Th.-mpeon Pub. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou pon. Boaton Studio. 342 Waah. at. WATEn--ro RENT. Kooma With Hoard. YOUNG man would like room and board In private family. State terms and be rea sonable. L work from 7 A. M- to P. M. AC 5o. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 27. wants room and board in private home, state partlculara, references. AE .L Oregonian. Kooma With Board. BOF.D and room required by two young ": r. -i.i nritate family only. men win. .... ... F fi26, Oregonian. WANTED By refined couple. with two .ma 1 children, a nio"'." - ."' ", . furnished houwkceping eultc. pleantly . . ...... H ...r a nark. Thone East WoT. ROOMS wanted In nice home nrrf"BbJ' Lr... ...oner. I.v refined young man. State price. Y 573. Oregonian. Boaaea. PUZZLE! ! Who I. fooli.h? The fellow who rp'j 8 whole month trying to rent hi. PrP"ty by hlm.elf. or the man who turn, it oxer to a COMPETENT agent, and gem KL.- "wTaV dealers In RESULTS. Try us and see. ITS OUR F YSTEM. ..ii 1 r. . . . itrRT .rttV. 832 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Small furnished house. $2.1. man . ... . . .. . .1.1 . .in ..XL. ana wii.. o.-a ' ' ....... . . Dently Hotel, Fourth at- Kooma. IOUX., couple want futnlehed room In heated apartment: walking distance; would prefer It In another young couple s apartment. AB 518. Orcgonlan. ' Bnsineae Place WANTED Desk room and telephone In modern building, centrally located. AC 5-S. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Booms. FOR KENT OR LEASE. Dandy location; large room llt-3 feet and four 3-room flats; hot and cold water; arranged for dentist and doctor; diagonal ly aero., street from K IlllnKSwortli car barn.. Apply Palmar a 11111. Mississippi and Kllllnrsworth ave.. Titke L car. Furnished Kooma. NOW OPENI NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Tnt'e three beautiful furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS. ROWLANDS. il.t. 4lh st. S114 4th St. iW7. 4th st, On Fourth St., running from Taylor o Salmon at brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heal, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to data In all re.peots. and at popular prices. If you wsnt something out of tho ordinary. In tha heart of the city, at rea sonable .prices, give us a call, as wo know you will Ilka It. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL ALDER. After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. t and Alder sis, will offer special Induce ments on weekly and monthly rates t Krmanent guest, during the Winter. Beet ration In the city, convenient to ail theaters, stores, business district and post office. A comfortable home with a vary modern convenience. In tha heart of tha city. Local and long-distance telsphons and bot and cold running water In aver? room. The bast of bellboy and elevator sexvlca day and night. Rooms singly and ecsults. House thoroughly modern and newly furnished. Ilatea oa applica tion. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. 850 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7;h and Park Sta. Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms from 75o dally, with private bath, from (1 dally; special weekly and monthly rates; ' suites. New, handsomely fur nished brick; elevator, telephones, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot J" car to Taylor or "W" car to 7th; from Hoyt-atreet Depot, " car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marahail 22UIX HOTEL bAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick oulldlng. steamheat ed, private bath., hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnl.lied. co.y, com fortable, rent reasonable. Call and flee us. Regular and transient trade solicited. BARGENT UOTBu, corner Grand and Haw thorne ave.. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with prune bath; hot and cold water, steain heat and private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill In connection; transi ents solicited. RAINIEtt HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms with, hot and cold water and si em heat; offers special rates to perman ent guests; rule. 60c to $2.00 per day; $3.30 and up per week. Phono Main St IS. THE t'Kr-rt HOTEL. Ea.t 3d and Btirnside; new flr.-proof building, .team-heated, bot and cold wat.r and phonea In all room.; private baths, lobby .and parlor; elevator service; rate. (3 per week and up; tran aicnt. .ollclted. I'hone r-ast 171. THE WEAVER. That QUlet. select family hotel, at 710 Washington t.. near -lid; nicely fur nished out.lde room, with private bath and phone.: board If desired. Main 8661. ARMI.NIUS HOTEL. COR. 11TH AND MORRISON PTS. r.!esantly furnished - room, single and en suite: reasonable rates: new manage, mcnt: transient and permanent. Come and see for your.e'if. VAN GORDER HOTEL, 105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of buslne-s district. Steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room. 1 day and up; 14 week and up. THE REGENT, 13H Seventh ; beautiful rooms, right down town; Ideal location for parties itaylng in town for bualnes. or plea.ure: rate, very reasonable, by day or aek. 1 month UP- HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal homa for bu.lr.exa people; centrally located; elegant room.; all modern convenience.; 7th and Taylor at... 1 block from Portland Hotel, eppo.lte Helllg Theater. Main 16. " MADRAS HOTEL 12th and Washington. Any room In tha hou.. for 3 a weak and nothing extra for two in a room; thoroughly modern. qj large double room ,n private boarding 'house for young women: central location: ternie reasonable. Catholic Women's I -ea g ue. Main L'401. Laundry privilege.. LIGUT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sm- Kl. $2 snd $3 week; hva m.nutes' walk ' to theater and stores; frea phone. Lla dell Hotel. : 4th. NICELY furnished corner room, largo enough for H or 4 men; electrlo lights; free phone and bath. 8-7 tt Clay. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at lOflerale prices, cor, ao au-o Monnuiawi. THE Larral.ee, 227 H Larrabee; under new maaascment: moaern; transient. Kurnlnhrd Booms In 1'rtvale ramuy. 2i4 EAST 5D NORTH, S. E. corner Mult nomah. front room, well furnished, suit able for two. In modern, f urnaco-heated home. LOVELY furnished room and alcove, 10 minutes' walk from Po.loffice. In fine new, tTiodern. nrlvate aDarlraent: reference, re- qulred: gentlemen only. Marshall 2:t4fi. 6S0 HOTT ST. Wei! furnished light and attractive rooms; taka a or jotn-st. car. Phone Marshall 1258. FURNISHED room, suitable for two gen tlemen, with board. 1WS 16th St.; refer encca. FRONT alcove room with piano, suitable for on., two or more; bath, phoue snd heat. t-' 1 2th st., near Salmon. SEVERAL well furnished rooms with every convenience. 6- Washington. Phone A J0. TWO nicely furnished rooma in modern flat. aultable for four adulta; close In. Phono A 3T-8. LARGE f-ont room, only four blocks fr Helllg Theater: ono or two gentlemen; per week. 230 1Uh. . om 3 NICELY furnished room for gentlemen, $2 and l-.!.. ininirrn uoue, ".'.ius .!.... cneape.t ami pea. 1 inn ..... ... BEAUTIFUL front room, airlclly modern, large porch off room. 673 E. 12th St. N. Phone t. a a EI I'GANTLY furnished room, all conveni enses, suitable for one or two gentlemen. very res.onaDie. caa. ri.ro... WEST SIDE sunny furnished rooms, electrlo light, bath. heat, phono. 70 Cornell St., near corner Waahlngton and -3d atg. NEWLY furnl.hed room. In new upper Bat for gentlemen. .... ' ..... Main 3421. i-rliISHED rooms, all modern conven iences. Call Bfter . 34 S N. 16th .1 lences. 2 .'. NICELY furnl.hed room for one; 13 for two. 294 11th et. FIVE front room, suitable, for t'o: mod ,rn. 205 lllh. near Tsylor. TWO furnished rooms; light, heat, bath: 3 and month; gentlemen. 269 Fargo. NICELY furt.lshed rom; no other roomers breaktasr 11 ue-..-:-. .. SOOMS Walking distance; board optional. 2r,I 14tn. CVl- af- ' a -as.w v v k Y d-lrahl front aulte, modrrn; Hid at t7 V. 20;h nt. NEAT room. J2.T.0 p?r wek tor ona; 3 for two. " - Kiev front room, iuhhdw - moderwalklng dl.tance. 94 North lth. XTCFI T f.irnlahed room and attic for rent. W.anabiC; iilSK.ihst. ZZiT KORTII 2"TH ST.. well furnished light "Lm attractive room. Take W .car. - mi I P per week: clean rooms, dealrabla -:" ' VJ .1 ..ir :uil lth St. i:vw flnelv furnished, hot-water heat; also r.r.- 1.. -,.,. ii.K . . no.s.KeeM.iB ..... .. JJICF modern room, furnace beat, suitable ona ox twoj reasonable. 393 Hth. OCTOBER 26. 1911. lr-.--ii.hrd Rooms In Privnts Family. BEAUTU'ULLY lurnished room, for one or two person., steam heat, private bath. prlvatV entrance. 5 minutes' oJtm J O.. corner lilli and Montgomery, apart ment . Marahail 13t. Call evenings, rent reasonable. iAHGEsoTithroom In Holladay s Addition, between Broadway and Irvlngton cans . electricity, furnace and phone; nice ittr one or two gentlemen; board If deslrea. Phone C a03H. ; . DESIRABLE room, prlva von'mlf home, for lady employed. I12.S0; Nol .Hill, walking distance; references. Phone a 4,-l5:i. forenoons TWO pleasant well-furnished rooms, single or en.ulte. In family of two: r ef T-mJ"Z quired- Park .trcet. between Madi.on ana Jefferson, rnone Main .-.-.o. IW9 nicely furnished rooms, easy walking distance, phone, heat and bath. car; 1.50 and 2 par wee-u 328 Chap man. fcooora an d Basra. LAMBERSON. 504 Couch, cor. I.th Good board and clean, well-fut Dished rooms, single and double; walking distance; tablo board aieo. Main 5523. A 30SL DOES a home appeal to you? Tho Whitehall, cor th and Madison, lsrgn rooms, bath, broad verandas, aulsu close In, near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. IKE MA-NITOU 261 18th. new ninsi. ment; thoroughly renovated; Inn-Jag rooms: choice board. Main 1184. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d rooms with board, uia of sewing-room. II brary. BIO Flanaer.. F. N. Heath, .upt- THE CALVARD, 453 Morri.on. cor. 13th. Large. well-f urnl.hed rooms; modern convcniencea CASA Kosa; board and room. 300 Jeffer son st. Booms With Board tn Private Family. NICELY furnished room, good table, for two refined business people. All home com forts Walking dl.tance; convenient to cars. References. Moderate terms. .so Irving eu ROOM and board In private family, new house, newly furnished, room, suitable for two. walking distance: excellent car ,--,.-., .',94 Clinton .1. Phone Tabor 81. ROOM and board for gentlemen; private family; West Side, central, block from Multnomah Club. 232 Stout at. Marshall 2784. I LARGE room in new apartment-house, new furniture, suitable for two; every modern convaulvnce, reasonable. CoJl Marshall 8203. LARUE room with board for 2 young busi ness men In private homo on West Side, nice neighborhood, walking distance; all young people. Mar.hall S"i. WANTED 4 gentlemen to occupy 2 rooms and board In private family: furnace heat, bath, phone, piano, homo privileges. Main 4eL LARGE front room, also small room, pri vate family, with board. 651 E. 39th. cor. Ellsworth. W-K car. 6TBAM-HEATED room, first-class bath, with or without board; two young ladles. 7lt jonnson. nut a. PLEASANT room and board in private fam ily; steam heat; apartment. Phone Main 75-fl. TWO well furnished, cozy rooms, with al cove and excellent board, for two or three refined young men. niun. . .u.-.. NICE room and board In refined home, all conveniences. 5;5 East Ash. cor. 15th. Phone fcasi 1 ROOM and board, ail modern conveniences, walking distance. 5d0 East Main, corner LARGE front room with board, also attic room. 204 22d st. North. Phone A 7230. TABLE boarders, 204 22d st. North.' bet. Kearney ana Lovejoy. rnoiig -v i--v. WELL-FURNISHED room with best board. large porch and grounds. Main 20tl. ROOM and board in modern home. 292 E. 22d St. S. East 2S!)1. CONGENIAL home with board, i.eat room-, single or double. 6.".tf Glisan St. ROOM and board, private family, two gen tlemen. 670 1-add ave., near Hawthorne. WANT to board three or four children. 228 84th st., lontavllla car. F1RST.CLASS board and room. 69 Everett St.: pi-Ice reasoname. LARGE, clean, bright room, suitable for 2 or 3, with choice board. Main :::."i6. EXCELLENT room and board for two or three. 192 13th. near Morrison. KlitST-CLASS room and board for 2 In pri vate family. 93 N. 17th. Main 42-0. PLEASANT, home comforts, rooms $1.50. $4 week: excellent meals it week. 705 Glisan. NEWLY furnisned Bingl.. room.: breakfast and dinner. I'hone E. r.71, B 2.'.74. ROOM and board, JJ per week, single or for two. Main S3n4. ti')5 (ith at. Apartment.. CECILIA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Modern building. 22d and Glisan sta Best of service. 3-room apartments, with bath every convenience and very reason able rent. Morgan, Flledner 6 Boyca BFST apartments in the city; 6 outside rooms; sleeping-porch, maid's room: wasn tray, gas ranges, ref rlgeratora. heat, bot water telephone. Stevens Apartments 791 A. Northrup st. Main 9.1.'.. SHEFFIELD APTii, 7th and Jefferson ats. ; 4 room., with bath, location unexcelled; only minute.' walk from P. O.: all out alde rooms, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. HARRISON COURT. 6th and Harrison, un furnished 2-room apt., laundry, bath. etc.. short walking distance and reasonable rent. THE ARC AD 1 A. Ono modern 3-room apartment, newly furnished; rent very reasonable. 708 Everett st. WALDORF COURT (Irvlngton). East 9th and Sschuvler. Broadway car. Five rooms, heated. . new, modern. Phone East 647, C 3H1S. THE WESTFAL. 410 Sth Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments: walking dis tance; prices reasonable, no children. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. lam di., wur. u i.u.i. Furnished t and 4-room apartments. Individual phones: convenient, downtown. THE M K INLET. 429 E. Morrison, corner ot 7th. 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, furnished up to date; nrlvate baths, moderate price, new m gt. HADDON HALL, 414 11th, cor. Hall, 3 and 4-room apartment, furnished and unfur nished; private phone, bath and balcony porches. 3D up. Marshall 1171. " ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 6U Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-reom apartments and one unfurnished 8 room apartment; free phonejn each apartment. " " t heTnorth a m ptonT ' 407 Hull st. o 2-room furnished apartment., strictly modern. Main 420'J THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy st. Beautlfullv unfurnished 3 and 4-room outeido apartments, walking distance. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Sta Front corner, '4-room suite, with Testl fauled entrance; private bath and phone; ne of the best In the city. Apply at once. PAKKHUHST APARTMENTS. . , ..room suites, elegantly furnished. 2 20th st. North. Phots Main 4-; r Main 1178. thv- oifcS Finest 3-room furnished apart " ,,. m cltv; sleeping porch; reference. 704 Hoyt- Phone Marshall 2015. , WANTED Two young men for room and board 3S Hancock, close in; walking dls ..lice ;reasor-ablo price. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-room apartment for Winter, close In, references. Main 3s2s. : ; apt For rent; for sale, sideboard, dining t.hla ohalrs. library table, chairs, rugs. mattress, etc. Phone A 17S0. iTROOM modern flat, with sleeping-porch; anlemlia light: clfolco location, West Side, "hone, business hours. Main 1449. T WILL rent my nicely furnished. 4-room ...anmeut to reliable coupleApply apart nMMit 1. Buck Apts.. 21t. near Flanders. XcTTcE APTS.. S4th and Northrup st,, f larae rooms, front veranda, sleeping poroh. water heat, private phone. STTp-FRIEND. S. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer-i-on- modern, unfurnished 4 and 6-room apts- large outalde rooms; references. ruE chetopai -8-h and Flandera sts, 4. room furnished and unfurnished apart TUAVVly to Janitor. ,Ul- KING DA v is, corner King and Davia traits. 3 snd 4-rooms modern ap.rt reference, required. TTeTbERVE, large rooms and clo.ots; mod ?U eaulpmant. nice neighborhood. 6g rv.ioy st.. near -1st, I.!. MODERN -room apartments; ail 00a- venlenc-e. walking distance, phono, aloep- ing r"rcn"' J ' TTiNTREE Elegant five-room apart- """. West Side, wanting distance, rent ...aonable. -" . . ... .. st. 295 12th . moR'ION Furnl.hed and unfurnished T .fartmeoiB. 697 Washington St.; both phones. ' APTS. 194 Morrison st. : steam heat nd electric lights. 2-room apta. FLAT heat . 549 Washington street-- St earn phone Marsnau tea. LSONCE Modern apta.; Nob Hill district. I Apartments. . THE ORLANDO APARTMENTS. 20TH AND WASHINGTON. EMMA K. WXTNDER. MANAGER. Strlctlv modern 9 and 3-room apart ments, beautifully furnished; very large rooms, large closets; Holmes' disappearing beds, private bath, and phones, steam 'heat, laundry room with steam dryer, pri vate lockers in basement; close-in. easy walking distance. Rates. J2S.50 and up; references. ' Phono Marshall 384. NOB HILL APARTMENTS Corner lth and Marshall ste.. 2, S and 4-room apart ments, large rooms and reception nails, automatic elevator: most modern and nest furnlshesd apartments In the city; reasonable; manager on premises, pnone Marshall 1012, A 3433. THE JULIAETTE APARTMENTS cor. 2d and Montgomery, will be completed and ready for occupants Thursday, the -wn rent to commence Nov. 1. Will be rented to famlllee consisting of 2 persons: pri vate phone to each apartment, disappear ing beds, water coll. refrigerator, "team heat, hot and cold water, modern laundry and dryer: tho latest .ystem of ventila tion; rent from 22 to 30, unfurnished, also Iris Apt.. 3d and Mill: 4 and 6 large rooms, unfurnished. 30 to 145. THE CAMBRIAN. Corner 12th and Columbia. Ready for occupancy October btn. One of the most exquisitely furnished npartmenta In the city. ' Furnishing to harmonize with the woodwork and wall decorations: situated in one of the most desirable locations In tha city, within a block of three carlines: reservations can be made by calling at the .-..-, MEIER & FRANK RENTAL DEPART MENT. FOURTH FLOOR. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ats.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 8. and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of clcset room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to tha Barker. Phones A 1744, Marshall 3961. THE DEZENDOBF. 308 18TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 6-room unfurnished apart ments, situated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Apply on premises for reservations. THE EVERETT. 644 jsveretl -. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and aleep mg porch; automatic eleotrlo elevator and private Pacifio telephone; located In ona of the ehoice.t residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dls- THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson sts., complete Sept. 1: finest, brightest and best arranged apartment residence In tne city; 6-room; all outside, daylight rooms; convenient to cars, walking distance, pri vate telephones in every apartment, team heat, water, gas ranges, refrlgera . ..j . .it... ...linn, cleaners. etc Attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. K17.IV7 r.oTMP-.vTS 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street;, new brick building, completely flrst-c ass. fur nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart- ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com- . pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month, 2o. 30 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 26TH AND UPSHUR STS. Thoroughly modern C-room unfu ilnnee. sparthients. $20; 4 room.. $25; 5 rooms. S3t; this includes shades, steam heat, not and cold water, gas ranges, private Pa cific telephoneo and Janitor service, App.y on premises. HISLOP HALL FURNISHED APART MENTS, 41014 Hawthorne ave., near Grand ave.. brand new brick bldg., now ready for occupancy, 3 rooms, splendidly furnished apartments with modern conveniences, on the East Side, but clo.er In than most apts. ; very reasonable rent and best 01 service. -. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 41. 11th at., near College; Mt. Tabor car west: 13 minute.' walk to P. O.; 4-.tory brick, two and tbree-room suites; modern: automatic elevator, dumb waiters, private bath, phone and lock room for each apart ment: laundry room, steam dryer. Both phones. Marshall 67. TRINITY PLACE! APARTMENTS Trinity Pisco, betw. lth and 20th sts: Just fin ished: most magnificent apartmenta on the 'Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping porches; private hallwaya and every mod ern convenience: references required. Phone Marshall 502. , LUCRET1A COURT, unfurnished, a class by themselves. See them. Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash.. 2 to S rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar ahail 1529. Janitor, Marshall 15t)0. ..... .1 T u rr.ITU Til Waahlngton. cor. 22d St.: . an i-room apta., furnl.hed or unfurnUhadi ip-to-date. clean and modern; , P"'; bath, telephone; ratea reaaonablas bct aervlca. pnone again . Tinc APARTMENTS. Sth and Ea.t Burnslde Sta. Beautiful 2 and 3-room furnished or unfurnished apartments: strictly modern, and free telephone; cheapest In the city. walking distance. SUNNY S-room rurnlshed apt., giving view of mountains and city, steam heat, pri vate phone and balcony; 1 block south Wash, and 23d. Cedar Hill Apts. 187 Green ave. ltl in in . ia st N. : newly opened, elegantly furnished '2 and 8-room apta. private ihones. bains, ai.o -ihrio -, ... city. Marsnau -duj ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. -, ur-nu u.o., w.. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modem, prices reasonable; walking dlatance. Phone EastOO. GARDNER APARTMENTS. Cor. lKin ana r.i ...... Very desirable S-room : all outside; fire place, hot water heat, good location. Phone East 271. THE CHESTER BURT. New nicely furnished and unfurnished 3-room apartments: every modern con ve . Call Marshall 368, A 4458. Ref-ercm-e. required. Cor. 20th and Kearney. I-a hi. APARTMENTS. Park and Harrlaoa sti. beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; alevator; telephone free; 45 to l0-. . HOUSEKEEPER, girl 18. child's nurse, kitc'ien helper, waitress, chambermaid., boarding-house, cooks, experienced family cook second girl. St. Louis Agency, 23ii . .' u,,ln 5(139. A 4475. fliu-i. . - -..--. n 1 . I' ... AJ.. J .J. All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly modern; we ohallenge anyone to dupli cate our prices. Marshall 1378. THE ELMS- 2 and I-room apartments, fur nlshed. 191 14th st. Main 8444. " " IlBta. NEW strictly modern 4-room flat; extra concealed bed; price $25. Phone Tabor 722. B 2439. ; WELL-FURNISHED 5-room flat, modern, good location, references. $3 7.60. Main 1433. ; . 8-ROOM flat, modern, in new brick build ing. 7Bth and E. Stark; rent $10. Tabor 2742. DESIRABLE modern flat, central West Side. alo furnl.hed flat, reasonable. 2.13 V. Hall. 6-ROOM furnl.hed flat. 466 Jefferson. Key 404 Jefferson. 4- ROOM FLAT, sleeping porch. 825 North ing. UJt JJJ 5- ROOM modern flat Lovejoy st. Vanduyn at Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. SEW, modem. 4-room flat E. Pine at bet. 28th and 27th; $20. SWELL modern 5-room lower flat. $30; adults. 7S9 East Yamhill, near 23d st. TWO modern 6-room flats. East 18th and Ash sts. Phone B 200.. BEAUTIFUL new 7-room flats. $47.60. In- "- . . i .. ail 11 Y . . a- quire on pr-nn--- -- - - . LOWER 4 -room flat, aw, near "U" carline. $?0. EJt 4701. NfiW 10 -room uppr tlU 623 Northrup. TDVtvr.TfiV $-room upper flat. 14th and Halsey. largo rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, tile bath, screened sleeping porch, pri vate front poroh. gaa raiiga and wgtar heater furnished; rent $S5. F. E. BOWMAN 4 CO. 3 t?5, C 2322. 22d and Braxea. HEATED FLATS. New flats. Irvlngton district. 6 rooma, sleeping porches, tile baths, gaa ranges. hardwood floors, fireplaces, built-in buf fets: hot water heat; will be ready about November L F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. E. 22d and Braxee E. 935. C 53.-, . NEW MODERN 3-ROOM FLAT. Easy walking distance, very private, lar.o plate windows; shades, curtain poles, elegant wardrobe and China closet; lino leum, gas range, hot water heater, fur nace, bath, laundry: a high-class place; adults only. $2o. East 7th and Conch. : 666 HOYT st., near 21st. for rent or lease to reliable parties, a double flat; can be used as a boardlnghouse or private sanatorium, containing 11 light and airy rooms; will lease for a term of years; owner moving Eaat. Apply on premises. LOWER flat. 6 large rooms: fine porch, beautiful lawn, furnace, hardwood floor., paneled dining-room, gas ranee, linoleum in kitchen, bath and pantry; 15 minutes' walk; 6 carlines: beautiful view river and city. East 1932. FURNISHED Going away, will rent niy furnished 5-room flat to responsible party. This la not furnished for rent. It is a home. Call 815 Lumber Exchange Bldg. XQ NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe ninsula Park: light, airy: sleeping porches: near Jefferson High; publio school; sea them today; fine for children. "L" car. Alnsworth, Albina avas. NEW and elegantly furnished flat: hot and ' cold water, furnace heat, private tele phone; beautiful view of mountains; a coxy home for Winter. 668 Market St., Hat B. " NEW building, newly furnished, single and two-room housekeeping suites; also large sunny, pleasant sleeping room, heat, light, hot and cold water. 330 Mill St.. phona Main 4122. FLAT of three furnished housekeeping rooms. $20 per month. Including water, light ami bath. 8S5 Albina ave., cornel Blanrtena. L car. Woodlawn 2220. MODERN 6-room lower flat, garage, 1 fire places, lawn (owner takes care). fln neighborhood, convenient to all kinds flrst class .tores. Inquire 772 Kearney. FOR RENT Attractively furnished modern A.room fl.t- flreDlace. furnace, polished floors, porch. West Side. Telephone Mar rs. por. 11 1437. sha NEW IRVTNGTON FLATS 6 and 6 rooma modern conveniences. private basemen! and attic. Frederick M. Dempsey. Marshall 3321. FOR RENT New modern 5 or 6-room up per flat, furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc.; reasonable. 04H East 19th st. North, 1 block south of Sandy blvd. MODERN Cor. 22d and Kearney; gas stove, carpel on stairs, large attic Key at lowel flat. Phone Ea.t 469. WALNUT PARK FLATS. 5 and 4 rooms, strictly modern; X car. 1058 Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 2.9a NEW, modern S-room flat; linoleum. ga range, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, largo rooms, adults. Main 9012. IX-ROOM flat for rent. 573 East Salmon, corner 14th st. Phone Eaat 2901. 0 Corner upper flat. 8 rooms: Holladaj Addition. 41-'H Wasco. East 3805. Housekeeping Rooms. W ELIFURNISH ED houses, flats, rooms 7-room cottage. $27.50 month; another 4 rooms $17.50; 4-room lower furnished flat. $1S month; suites, two furnished housekeeping rooms. $8. $10, $13 a monthl 8 $15. 864 26th st. North. "W" car from depoL 5th. west on Morrison to 26th. block north. t THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, eleo trlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, fro.; (IS per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or ldth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. THE MILNER. 8S0H Morrison St., cor. Park. Furnished or unfurnished apartments, elevator, steam heat and all conveniences. tl 60 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clearT linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. and 2o3V Stanton; take U car. FURNISHED housekeeping suite., very de sirable. Cambridge bldg., 8d and Morrt. aon. Call room 80. NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont New brlok building, furnished and unfurnished apta. tig up ; steam heat; walklngdstanci. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete Diag. ruuim --- TWO or three nicely furnished housekeep- Ing rooms. H3 Washington St. Housekeeping Rooms In Private famllr. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Young, congenial couple wanted to share with us In a beautiful new modern home, everything up-to-date and the best rent, reasonabla to right P-rty. see Mr. lb Furge, 430-141 Chamber of Commerce. 19 1STH. first floor. 4 rooms, completely furnl.hed, bath. ga and "teel ranges, water heater, lawn, fine location, adult-. Main 672. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping good neighborhood, rooms largo light and airy; $1S. including water, light and tele- pnone. ooa f.u.u . TWO housekeeping rooms, $13 f10? equipped with gas and electric light. 2m East Burnslde. corner 80th st,. MV car. Talior 483. . NEWLY furnished housekeeping per month. 329 Montgomery st..' between btli and (tn. 441 0TH Neat nousekeeplng rooms: central. gas, bath; clean, comfortable, homelli--. M. 4-y. SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms, walk Ing distance, no children. . 16. Kear ney , VERY pleasant, newly furnished room foi light housekeeping. 53T Madison, neaf Chapman. . NEWLY papered and painted housekeeping aulte. sink, gas and electricity. 2 Grand ave- southeast cor. Ankeny. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping r ooms; mod erate prices. Phone Marshall 21-S. 42 Ella street. TWO elegantly furnished front parlors, with kitchen, suitable 4 young ladles. 68 N. 14th st. BEAUTIFUL modern home. Hnllartay Addi tlon 2 sunny rooms, furnace, eloctrio light, gasV lawnEr-st 0r,0. 30 Hancock. fwoneatly furnished housekeeping room. In private family; now house, heat, light, phone; no children. l3y, East l.th n. STTTtE of two large connecting r?0"!'- " range, .ink. private hath; suitable, for two adults, walking distance. 3-vt Park st. TWO rooms furnished for hoii.ekeepl n g in private family to a quiet reep.-ctabla cou ple: no eniiu-eu. .v.cw v can have 2 front rooma for llgl't CChosekeeplng at 791 Belmont St. East 60.1.9. TWO or four neatly furnished housekeeping roomi at 411 Everett. Inquire at grocery store next door. t ONE single housekeeping room. . '" T nlshed: suitable for one lady, central. price $10. 550Couch st. TWO furnished housekeeping r""m"'.,wi range and gas. walking distance. $3 per week. 535 Yamhill. fwTTvery pleasant housekeeping rooms, with alcove kitchen, sewing ma-h ine Main floor: $4.50 per week. 40; 4th St. l-n uht well furnished housekeeping Toomiodem1convenl.nce-. ,70 W.idler St.. cor. Union ave. L Z--Q- TW5 or Oiree nice large housekeeping rooms oartlv furnished, modern oonven S P4M i 31." t.. Portland Heights. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, sink and gas. very convenient and clean. 1S2 East 23d St.. corner Yamhill. .7 i-vK-URNISHED housekeeping-rooms with alcove batn and gas; reasonable. tlvo Water st- cor. Meade. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping-rooms ; rent $18. 1"& ISth -. North. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Prlvat8 family. 13 East 7th. Phone East 1B39. 313 14TH ST., cor. Clay, large 2 and 3-room furnished nouseKeepinic Bui.". SUITE of 3 connecting, also single furnished housekeeping rooms. 450 Yamhill. FRONT furnished heated housekeeping room for one or two ladles. -V..") Yamhill. THREE modern furnished housekeeplni rooms. 170V, 10'h t. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, cheap 1141 Mllwaukle St.. corner Ellis t. THREE furnished liouFekeeping rooms, fur nace heat, owu r.. j-un.-m. TWO large housekeeping rooms, largo pan try. modern. West Side. Phone Main 838-. FRONT suite, running water, bath, gaa and phone. 340 College st. VERY desirable suite of housekeeping rooms, basement. 205 11th. near Taylor 3-ROOM housekeeping suite, all ronvenl ences. price reasonable. 699 Everett st. THREE-first-class housekeeping rooma, rea sonable. 869 Uth st. TWO furnished housekeeping; mom a. :o50. it ar ihlii. c". - S HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Phone K. 1890.