t 11 B-YAYB. RBA. F8TATB. " """.I For Sale-Farm Most butlful building site "'A with unobstructed .lews of city and mm talcs and of Tualatin al.or and Coast range; elevated situation with many fine llv lor.st tr.ee. blullthlc paved rrnll cement sidewalk Bull Ran water gam, MW.ro. electric light, telephone and very near carline. ml term, owo.r. loo , , . . fc.,.,.. Welti t & ft lpiiini wtv.. u Block Floo River l.w LeveL Tola l certainly a floo lot to ull"- T". view ooo never bo cat off. Paved ' and oil Improvements In, biocae from car. Priro I7'"0. term MIX MARSH. T.on Bldg. loOxisj . ob Ful TBTlor t.; escellent bar. P treet wo.k and curb. T prjeo. Jn eludlng these. Improvements. TW. will sell 501 1A1; rrt cash, beienca easy t.rcns. tB MR. DAVIE. M; ti f haabf of Commerce. ROSB CITT pakh. .u". .. A flna lot. SBxlo. on tt r-sr bibbwb: graded street, cement walk tod eorb paid; prtc 8124: J beianc at $10 per month. Including In terest Bt 6 per cnt OHISSI BOLDS, tlT-tlf Board of Trade Bldg . 4th Bnd O.K. ; . .-.u TAT" Rufl-ti of lot. In r..lrlrted olj nli Run water, graded Btreet r.?0! aids-.. and corbo; lota a.uin- at oo to Jo. th... three for $1200 rash. B0 Chamber of Cotnm.rco bub . - uaVTM 114 DOWN. l r r " . Fin. view lot. matured fruit tree. T" strlcted district, Bear car. csment Poll Bun wat.r. fruit cared for free or charge, K3 Board of Trado bid, Mar shall 47X. A 1T.J . . iia 111 rtr I) a io out on tho Broadway ear and on 3ib rwi. n.ar Klickitat, beautiful woodd lot. with raddlB eoo cr.i. walk, at prlcoa from .. fc t .rm a to .n't. A nt on tho troona. WEST SIPE LOTS llu taut on rarl'.no. urpr WhtntTn at.. .rBln city F.rk W.rt Jth ,r Tarn HX National Rall Truat C. IJl rMnbr of rrnnnnrci. Main al.t- . . . rt tll'DCT lot for HUM ltb 1S aiuaro ft moro rh.n an ordinary ":"' "Th,! Park" If yoo ara looklna for barsala thla I. it Art TV- F. r- t l.ru.nta. at and alaat Uliaan bib. TAt iw yj r i- 1 . Voar Hrait at., ono Mock from car: M. IB a "ap; lmpn..ni.nta all ln and r!-l for. For pn and torma phono c ;-'. woodlawn 3.'2-. P.ItILSI) IIEMHTS. f-Ai UM.L.i. Raautlful bomoa and bomaUa. all l.-a. locationa and prl--a taa ault you. Main 1.I. BROOKE. A,.!'- T RLA.-K. chotca dialrlct of Portlan n.lrltB; atro.t hard pared: worth 10.; will .-H for wnr. Frank T. Berry. 4 6th at. North, city. .',iiLih and Hawthorne. aat far!n; $: be buy around. Ownar. 4 Swat- land P.aa. Jain -.. or or two Una Iota on carlln.. only 0 mlnut-i out. prlca. 1 Bach; larma. Own.r. T H E i voir at Cm tor Weat Bid. property. Eieiuamo deaiera in fido really. Grund floor. Chamber of Comm.rco. Jl (JT tho thlu for a builder. S lot. In Coun cil Croat r.rk: 7 each; bloeka from er AS 5- Orekonlan. lt buaineaa l"t. frontln two atreeta. op tH0.1t e new city achooi. rare orportunliy: nVother iiirn AJi-. OrefJDlan. ALBERTA Btreet lot ITSO: -room nifty bnraalow :1S. Wood lawn 1714. CHKAP lot. lal'. cotiaao fumlahed. near Mon'arllla. I'hon. Tt-r tti. HT OWNER. tllOO lot In Waerlelh, for ITOO; part CeJth. A Oregonlan. ln. J100 lot. C.d and 0"on. 2 Mocka from Rooo City Park car. Tabor aV44. FC'R SALE or trade for automobile, lot oa l,add ae. Call Ea.tgg. JiOF u 17K f. TX)T BARUAIN. ono block from canine. BT7.V Term n Couch bld. For Halo H.awea. XIW IRVISrtTOS HOME. 37!M. A new 2-atory T-room houao. with larao reception ball. living-room with fireplace and btillt-la book raaea. dlr.lna-room .with bnfret. beamed clinga. paneled walla, hardwood flo-'ra. Dutch fcltch.n. back ball, J pon-hea. lollat on ba?k porch. 1 bedroom.. bathroom, wariel roach, ftalohed alUC full cement baaemenl. laundry traa f irnace. woodlift; a rotnpl'lt hon ae; liOO caah; mlabt tako a lot as flrat payment. Thi. la cheaper than anr other bouac In the locality. Iff Interacted, call Main "7 or A JM. J. V i,l TMRIB. 373 Ptark. KOTHIXG DOWK. B-l-e-rooff i modern bungalow, erery con renlence. within reach of Albert. a and I nton aa care. Prlca IJ.VUX Wltb thl. may be bought a '' and the lot In Iho rear. I"? containing 2e bearing cherry reea for I.OO. making a totau of nearly ONK-HAI F CtTT BLOCK. FOR IK JfONT-fTT-T. 1NCXUDIS ! TCREST. Mala II rETSCH wITWFR- A 1M. K Chamber of Commerce. A REAL. UOMB H't-h and aiahtly on ML Tabor tlopa. IncViTAii. tarce, roomy bouac la eBcellent condition, garage, modem, all atraat lm proirementa In. fine law. and an Ideal home. All klnda of treeo and ehrubbery. beauttfuIW terraced grounda, aurrounded b the beat of homea. loee to car and a deairable property. For partlcti lara la oulr. of Mr. palee. t II A IMS rtr.RLOW. Memberi .f the Portland Realty Board. MMlt Chamber of Commerce. FfH MLE OR EXCHANGE. A beautiful arrlctly modern Ira tnrt" borne, eery cbolceet bx-atlon two flre piacea. hardwood floo re and .tataraae, large plate. glaaa wlndowa throughout, handaotre flituree. dreaaing-room. Bleeping Forch. etc; fna garage, actual caah value, ll.ono; Will ae, on rcaBonabla terma or trade. ITefer rloee-ln Faat Slda bual reoa prnporty; win ej.au me. Call on or arldreaa own.r. 413 Eaat 2tet St. North. fhone Fact VMA HERr.8 THE ItEA T A dandv bungaiow. A room, and attic good foundation, therefora wa know a tiouaa oo good foundation meana oome thlng; mooTem. pretty, hardwood floors. $.tlte. Cloae to Hawthorna car. 15 minute a" ride. l.rt ma te'l you about It. Davlea. BUT NOW F CHAT1N HERLOW. Membra of the Portland Realty Board. 232-13 Chamber of Commerce. BUT NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. i:s CASH. T rooms, built. In buffet, hookcaaea. anlld oak r.oora. furnace, fireplace, mirror doom. National Realty A Truat Co.. Til Cham ber of Commerce. Main ol'Jt. LA I RE I.HI "RRT RTNOAI.OW. Thla la a new beautiful house on high -law lot. that I can sell for tiO. and la itntiO nndar prlca: It win sell to Arat person that cei'a. J. rKLAHtN"TT. F.at to.. l-Bt'OM home with lame aleeplng porch and attic big; enough for several rooma; located on a a'gbtly lot In good locality. It la brand new. I took It on a debt and will eell tor tSOO on terma or l-'4O0 spot ca.h. 8ea ma at 414 Ppaldlng bldg. PLANS CiF ARTISTIC HOMEtC Complete deface and apeciflcatioaa la. OVER lli 14. Bandaomely Illustrated book fro. PORTLAND BriLDINti ASSOCIATIQW. 17 Mohawk Bldg. SEVERAL BEAfTlFVL HOME". Must aacrlflca one. ft rooms, alegantly ftniahed. oak. blrdseye mapla floora, choice flatura modem, fine location. Irvlr.gton. C 1946. Eaat 27a, so Bgenta. W. M Herdman. (,j-m b'.ocka from Hawthorna ava.; my flva-room modera bungalow: furn ace. nrep:aca. light flturea. aoadea. compi.ta In every way. Cs:i luT Eaat Mala at. Easy terma ll.Vj lli IMOO. tandy llttl. t-room cottage, n.w, aa Ho ga:e St.. between 3 canine.. T7 ca.h -pnota at office. Fred W. tl.ro at, 12 Burn. Me. el. or A 2774. s ROOM house, atable and chicken-house, lot .il4. hard aurfaee atreeta, all kinds of fruits and rosea. i?ls cash. Carter-Da-gan Company.. 19 Charabar of Commaroa bidg JV&T completed, b-room home: Boaloo lot. corner south and east, la Beverly Add. trwaar. room SI. Reidt bla. 1 144 Valoa ave. H n.. n -- - 1.A1 V 1 I . . oa or.i. 0 beautiful rooms. $ - - Including fur rltura. 13. East lst at., near Tabor car. Phone Marshall l.4. ;eo UOPERV ft-room cottage; Fast Har rison, near rarllno: "0 cash, balance aaajr terma Phona Marshal! uiu. arc to Nolr at Co. for Weet F'de homea. tieiuaiva dealara In FIST IDB prop irty t.round floor. Chamber of Commerce. X RW modern 7 -room house In Irvlngtoa. prua rsaacnabla; terma. J'bona C !, I F.r r-.l-Hc.a-. For Bale Hw. - ' kv-c- THIS HOVE. PRICE 3V": tltloO CASH. Kew modern 7 -room hou.e on paved sts.. only 1 block from Hawthorna ave.. In the beat residence district In this section: this horns Is situated on a beautiful lot com manding a view that la unaurpaaaed In tha city and the mountains, tha house 1" douhlo constructed throughout, baa large porch aatending clear aoroea front wltn maealve alone plllara. large reception hall, beautiful parlor with fireplato and built in book caeca on each .Ids with leaded glasa doors, largo dining room with ve neered panel and magnificent buffet: full Dutch kitchen. II ttry large bedrooms with sleeping porch upetalrs. also beautiful bath. S large, well-veutllaled cloll.es closets; do aot neglect lo see this If you ara looking for aomethlnc nice for tna money: this Is lust as advertised. T. A. 8fTll ERI.AND. Owner. Offlca cor. Satb and Hawthorna ava. Phona Tabor 3017. ' MT BF.ST BARUAIN SKVEW-HOOM JIl'liF.HM WITH KVEKT CON VKNI tlNCE FOR floo DOWN A N LI A MONTH. In last 8unda'a paper I aslted proa pectlve buy.r. lo .omo modern cot tagea I am Juat building. Tlielr modern aapcarance. and tha J4 a month rajrnent f.an Bold two for me at first eight. another one I want you to sec modern in every way. but thla ona la larger tl big rooms. Of eo odd houses I hava built I crjnstd-r this tha most styll.h. Pries 3(Xti. Fay Be llttla a. - a month. A. N. bKARLE. K. 7dth A F Ollaan. M-V can. Auto to ahow properly. HAWTHORNE P1STRICT. VJO CASH Xnlm B loom bunfBiow on a full bibb lot at'XlOA ft. onl S blocks from Hao . 1 . .hi. Mnt Hid. walk. nta"- L adarnUM .t'root and .wr. wttb bauttfol nvi and amall fruit.; nico rc.pnon ni and parlor dinln-room. Imtch kltchon. i lilco bdrooma wltb bath, full o.m.nt h..m.nt. If you ara lookinr for a homo and a barrain. thla certainly ought to aat.tr your roqutrmcnta. T. A. HL'THKKI.AND. 30 th and Hawthorna. Tabor IO IT. IRVINOTON. tTBOO raah, with balance at T per cent, will purchase an artistic home of a rooms, with glass-Inclosed sunroom and sleeping porch; has two fireplaces, furnace and kitchen atove; screens and shades; garage. wlh concrete driveway; located In best part of Irvlngton. on full lot; all Im provement. In and paid for. Apply to own.r. 112 Board of TraUe. pbona A BS4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BEAUTIFUL. HOME. . , Conveniently located near earltna. school and club: aurroanded by beautiful homea, with unobstructed vlewa of city and moun talna: houao of 7 largo rooma, thoroughly well built: handsomely finished and fitted with every modem convenience: grounda large and attractive: etreet Improvements completed: very eaay terms. Ownar, 140 (Spalding bhlg. Main 444. THAT VACA.NT LOT WHT NT Tl'RN A Bl'RPEX INTO IVCOMR I'ROPERTTT IF TOU OWN A VOT. WE WILL FTRVISH THE MONET AND BL'IUI RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FKKE, IF WE BCILD. Ol REPUTATION TOI'R PROTECTION. IT WILL, PAT TOU TO FEE IS. L. R. BA1LET CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECT". 114 AB1NOTON BLD. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE. - Have lived In my a-room bungalow months and am leaving city, muat eell at once. Thla la a bargain and you muat act quickly; modern; ona block from car and very .asy terma. I nlaaa yon meaa business, don t bother ma. TV. II. PHILLIPS. Baw Eaat both North, or 3ul Board of Trade Bldg. MK LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE TOUR PKOP ERTT WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCK IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAT YOU TO COMeT. IN AND TALK THI3 OVER. J. S. ATK.1NS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLD".. 34AUO BUNGALOW. Ona of tha beat and cosiest of homes. Rosa City Park district. rooms. 1 fire place, una lawn, ona block to car. Bee thla plar at onca If yon ara looking for a bargain. PORTLAND TRUHT COM PANT. Id and Oak Sts. I HAVE one more B-room bungalow near the III. Tabor carllna. that 1 can eell oa tha very easy terma of IS DOWN AND t5 A MONTH. Gragid r1sw of HL Hood. TON T O. ANDERSON. 40 1 Lawia Bldg. EAAT TAMhTlI. NEAR I18T ST. 1 1 -room house, with ft bedrooms; barn room for 1 horses and wagons: lot 44. l.a; atreet Improvementa paid; prlca B47S4: Motto cash and lis per month. Thla la walking diataaoa and a good house - for a large family. IIRUSSI A BOLD. 11T-1H Board of Trade Blug.. 4th and Oak. SAVE RENT. Only till caah requl-ed: good. new frame and ahlrgle ro.f bouse, with shed, city water; convenient to ec-hooL atorea and trolley; eo fare; aplendld corner lot, 4oxlOI ft : prlca . my equity (134; balance 114 monthly: will trade for horse and buggy or pianola piano player worth that money. AH 2. Oregonlan. MUST BE SOLD. My B-room houae. South Mt. Tabor die. frlrt. built two years." cost ma fUAOO; in cumbranea fluOO at T per cent; will taka any reasonable offer. A few hundred down, balance aa rant Hartmaa A Thompson, cor. 4th and 8 ark. tSee Mr. llartog. room H- FAR)-ST. HOUSE. Nice B-room. 3-atory ciouee. f umeoe, flre plai, lot 40x104. street Improvements all paid, on Fargo at., near Union ava.. prlca e-40; I1&40 caah and BIS per month; fina placa of property: fine location. tnto.i at r'ii.ic. 11T-1H Board of Trade Bidg.. 4th and Oak. COMPLETELY FURNISHED PIXOAUlW. Solid oak furniture tbrouetout: dandy fireplace; good lawn; basement full dry wood, owner must o to California: wilt sacrifice; prlte f inOu; T.'K caah: baJance per month. Including Interest. Sea owner today. P. s Woe;, room 404. Ry. K.v bids. Main 3a!l. BEST BARGAINS IN CITT. t new. atrlctly modern bungaiows. 4 and rooma ready for occupancy. $20") to I3500; amall payment down. baU Uks rent; let ms show you these homes. JAS. A. t'lK K. 3o3 Alder st. II sin Ml. FOR RALE! comforiab.e, well-bul'.t cottaas In grove at Gearhart: owner needa f.Vrl caah. balance on eary pavmenta to ault purchaser; lot BOaltKl; good location: Are. Piaca. porcelain plumbing: must aall at onca. Phona B ll-.IH. HERE YOU ARE. A aeven-roim bungajow on Ivy at., 114 feet aff Williams ave., $40d leaa than real value: one-third caah. terma on balance: will pay 10 per cent on Investment. Call 711 W'llUami are., cor. Ivy, for key. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCK. New B-room modern bungalow. only $&0": reasonable terms to suit. Taka W-R (Richmond! car to both at. Than walk ona block north to 11T4 Ivon acv and C S. Mitchell will show It to you. MODERN HOME. A homo that will please you. bungalow. I rooms, splendid view, modern In every detail, high class re.tdsnce district, prlca reduced to B47V. NO AllENTS. OWNER. B1I Corbett Bldg. B3IW DOWN. Balanca aa rent, my B-- houaa, t years old. In Sooth Mt. Tabor diatrlcu Hava to eell. am leaving city; no reasonable offer refuaeU. Hartman A Thompson, cor. 4th and Stark. -eo Mr. llartog. room A4- $i7Bo SIX room modern bouse. Punnyslde. newly remodeled, street Improvementa In and paid; 6vo cash, or trade, balanca to ault, E- T. TAOOERT. 414) Chamber of Commerce, IRVINOTON SNAP. New B-room house, hardwood floors throughout; handsome fixtures- elegant location; S70OC. terma II Svf. Orego man. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. II rooma. fireplace, sleeping-porch. lOOx loo comer, near car. Bo00; easy tsnu; house cost about B500- Hsln BB.M- BROOKE. A BS.18. JVi'f'ME property, equity la new bungalow 100 feet off Hawthorns ava; rents for ; per month: terms Boon caah, bal. B20 per month and Interest. AR Bin. Oregonlan. tTrooM-hotseB on Yamhill, near East Both si price on.y BBit'O; for quirk sale BlovO. cash balance per cent. L. F- btelnmeta. ' BIT Ablngion Bldg. Phona Main BCW7. I'M ATTRACTIVE Broom houaa and beautiful lot: well located: Eaat "Ids; oaner leaving city; n-iuat sell, part cash. Miller. 414 Chamber of Commerce. LUKE reat my new T-room bungaiow, near Hawthorna ava.. modern In every way; vary easy terma Thone Tabor ail. PORTION D HEIGHTS 3 fine lots and amall houaa for B35; B fins buy on terma to ault. Call 414 Spalding bldg I2V FOR modern bungalow; lot F"llCK. eaer terma I'hona Wood. awn BUM, c 34Je- ONLY I22BO Beautiful, modern bungalow; avsry seavealesca. C L. Parkar. 13BB Greeley. 3oi rQI'iITf for B300 In B-room bungalow, balance Ilka rent. Call 1041 32d au. cor. Alberta. THE MORNING tlooo CASH, balance to suit, for an attrac tive, well-built home of 7 rooms, with en oloeed sleeping porch, hot water fumaca. stone fireplace, hardwood floors, located on corner lot. ono block from carllns. street Improvements In and paid. Apply to owner, 823 Tillamook St. BUNGALOW, new. modern In d'r"0?'' Park. rooms. 50x100 with alley. 3 blocks to car and school. 26uO; terms. Will consider good lot as part paymsnt, MIX A MARSH. 12i Yeon Bldg. WILL sacrifice; forced to sell my elegant, brand new B-room houae. up-to-date. Kose citv Park; one block to car. N B20, Ors rnnlan. FOH SALE 5-room house and lot WlxlOA on one of the business streets In SunBiy sldo; Br4"0, 110O at 1251 E. Main. Phona Tahir 4I7. IN IRVINOTON For aale, modern resi dence. For part leu lara phona C 23B4. For hevle Uoeineaa Froporty. 11 I'ER CENT NET INCOME INVESTMENT. Rent B0 month; price BI000: atorea and lodge hall: fine Investment, big Income, good location. J. Frank porter, 04 Cham ber of Commerce. V F S T SIDE BUSLNESS CORNER. Blot'O caah buys a beautiful corner lot on loth st.; good B-room modern houae. fine apartment sits; a splendid buy for :. J. GEISFR, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE worklnnman's hotel, leased for ft years. BUS Per month, iimmerman. Sl Board of Trade bldg. 1 1 . . i i). neaR steel bridge, for only 14. rHt; easy terms. ATLAS LAND CO., 4ct Lumber Exchanga. For Sale Acreage. f(N LEVEL, CLEARED LAND. B0 FER ACRE. Finest land In the state for fruit ber ries, garden and chickens: near station: close to best markets on tha Coast; deep, black sandy loam, does not overflow, and best of all. you can plant your crop the day you buy: no stumps to dig out. no brush to clear up. This Is the land that pava Ita way. We have only a few of these a1. 6 and v10-acre tracts, and they ara going fast. Terma that anyone can handle. Call and see .oil, photos and get Illustrated folder. These tracts ara ahown any day. We are owners. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO.. Owners. 101 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. Across the Willamette from St. Johtia and only St, miles bauk from river: soil rich, land lies welL good macadam road all tha way; enough timber on some of the tracts to pay for land In cord wood ; free ferry at SL, Johns; excellent market for cordwood on Penlnaula: B-acre tracts hero at B1S0 per sere, with 7B caah paymsnt; balanca monthly. THB 6HAW-FEAR COMPANY, 10! Fourth BC Phona Main SB. 1&04. ACREAOB HOMES THAT PRODUCel A REVENU! 1. 1 or 5 acres In Tualatin Val ley Juet west of Council Crest, only 4 minutes' car ride from 4th and Washington ata.; the tunnel under Council Cre-vt will make It 3.1 min utes from 4th and Washington "a., and ou can now have acres at B230 to M0 each with B'-'S to $.n cash, balanca small monthly paymsnts. THE 6HAW-FEAR COM PANT, 103 Fourth St. Phona Main 33,, A 3500. 1I PER Af-RB. ONXT SHORT RIDE FROM PORTLAND. . ON ELECTRIC LINE. Rich, black loam soil, ou main macad amised county road, only a ahort ride from Portland, on electric car; leaa than ona mile from steam line; adjoining- land sell ing at from BiOO to B3 per acre; our prlco Bit to $15 per acre: small down payment; very eaay terms on balance. BOB Couoh Bldf. ONE to five acres at Garden Mome. Im proved and unimproved, from B400 up: some tracts have running creeka and beautiful fir trees, cithers all In cultiva tion, a-lth bearing orchard: high and sightly, with- good eiew of Blount Hood; Si minutes from city and lrt-cent faro, with 40 trains dallv; any reasonable terms accepted. 614 Couch bldg. or Marshall 1377. CHOICE ACREAOB TRACTS. Close, to Portland. Rich walnut, fruit and gard-n land: only small cash paymsnt. bslance pave for Itself In products now on ths land, which wa accept same as ca.h. We own the pronartlea end ara tha only people making thla liberal offer. FIHLANDS TRUST COMPANY. ".-8 Spalding bldg. OREGON CITT CARLINB. JENNINGS LODGE. H acree, 4 bloeka from station, on t.la phona line, electric lights, sto. ; good soil, suitable for garden truck, poultry and row; prlca ISSO acrs, easy terms. National Realty A Trust Co.. 733 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main B120. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking dlatanoa to good town; running water, beet soli, free wood, aplendld frutt district: view of Columbia River and snow p.sks; 1 acres. B140: B acres, 4400; IB acres. BIOO: 1 per cent cash, easy pay ments: other tracts nsar railway station. JS to B0 per acre. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO. BOB Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. GARDENERS! NURSERYMENI tllOO PER ACRE I have 4 1, acres rich alluvial soil, all under cultivation, on carline. B miles from Courthouse; lv per cent cash; balanca very easy. This property Is In line with tha city's growth and la a aplendld Investment, AO BI4. Oregonlan. I HAVE, 2"00 acres fine agricultural land within six miles from the North Bank R. R also 240 acres f fir and cedar timber tnat I would like to trade In for Portland business property and would also pay part cash. If you have anything you would like to trade, give location In first latter. Addrees AD SJJ. untonin. BUNGALOW AND B ACRES ON ELECTRIC .11 minute, ride from Portland, new 4 rootn bungalow; fine water; all fenced with woven wire. 2 chlckeu-houaes. fine young family orchard: this Is something choice: price B250O; part caah and the bal ance at per cent lnteroat, P. 8. West. room 4H. By. Fx. bldg.' YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. It, acres, a comer. 6-room house, good outbuildings. 40 fruit treea, all klnda of small fruit, 70 thoroughbred chickens, less thaa 6 minutes walk to Oregon City, car line. Price only I2S00. Terms. C. B. UTAH, 61 1 Oorbctt Bldg. BU0 ACHES of finest kind of apple land In ClaikamaB County. 30 mllea from Port land near carllna now building: lies well; plenty of water: baa lS.OOO.OoO feet tim ber. Small payment down, long tlma on balance. per cent Intereet. ATLAS LAND CO.. 430 Lumber Exchange. BEAVF.RDAM land In small tracts, ready for cultivation; best onion and celery land In Oregon; river and rail transportation; near good town: one crop will pay for It: very easy terms; will pay your expenses If not as represented. Palmer, BIS Couch bldg.. 1Q 4th st B375 BUYS 16 acres deep red-shot soli, adapted to fruit and veaatablea; all smooth and tillable: no rock: wood and vrater- clowe to school, poatofrtce and stors' within asy reach of Portland, and tha cheapest land on tha market. 613 Couch bid g.. IP 4th st. 1 ACRES directly on Oregon City Una, bot tom land, all cleared, well drained, flna black soil, J7i0 per acre; terma. MIX A MARSH. 12A8 Teon Bldg. 10 ACRES,"-! PER ACRE. Feslern Oregon. 1.700,000 ft. yellow ptno timber; land practically level; flna gras Ing land; take another look at the price, then see ma Fred W. German, 82U Burn Bide. M. or A 2776. ' BOTTOM LAND FOR HOPS. Largo traot on Willamette River, 3d miles south of Portland: Ideal for hops. Corns quick If you want a bargain. 17 Board of Trada bldg- Portland. FOR cloae-ln East or West Bide acreage. Improved or otherwise, don't fell to call on C. F. Pfluger A Co, Butts 12. Mulksy bldg.. cor. 3d snd Mor. (Estsb. Igso.l aCHIAUi and farma. from tl2.u par ears ap; large and amall tracts. Call Klaaay A atempher, 5l- 1 cm her 'ii"bi- HI- UOD acreage near ca-llne. within 20 mllea of Portland: all la cultivation, eaay terms to rlcht parties. AK 632. Oregonlan. CAN' furnish 40j scree on Oregon Elec tric for ooloniilnf or platting. Call S17 Hamilton bldg. FOR-SALE S acres, cleared, on carline, oa country road. Owner. Phona C 327. OKEGOMAN, TTT "RSPAT. : l: toexowkoii. I J fob salb. ; WB OWN SYCAMORB ACRES. And before von buy an acre home, call and get plan and prices of SYCAMORB ACRES. Acre tracts fsclng the O. W. P. electrlj line, Johnson Creek and the Foster road for ths pries of a suburban lot. STCAMORB ACRES Is 40 minutes from tha city by ths O. W. P. eTectrlo line and In tha beat portion of Multnomah County, Taka tha Ores ham or Caxadero car from First and Alder. Cars leave 18 minutes ra the hour. Get off at Sycamore station. WANTED. Tha right rrty to open a general ratr chandlae Btora at STCAMORB ACRES. Ko better opportanlry erar offsred. Call and see he. W. H. ORINDSTAFF, Main 7S. 1125 Tson bldg. A 7342. GEO. D. SCH ALK, Main St3. 328 Stark fit. A38M. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY Maka IS par cent on your caah Investmant, Rental 12000, cash In advance, on FORTY ACRES. 11 miles from city. All Improved, on county road and 8. V. R. R-. which Is being electrified. Takes BS000 caah to awing It. Get yonr IJ000 CASH INCOME tho moment you ara In position to sign lease. Let ua tell you moro about It, WELLS A LABKR, 464-1 Bwetland Bldg. Main 318a. 40 ACRES FOR 124 PER ACRE. Beat of level bench land, some bearer dam' 2 good spring", 0n county road, 2S miles from Portland; make ua prove It. P 6. West, room 404 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 2891. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon; 100-pSBe book gives the amount of Government land open to homestead In each county In Oregon, Washington and California and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stons, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in colors. 21x28: Ona showing R. R. In operation and one show ing R R. proposed and under construc tion. Including Eastsrn "and Central Ore gon: book 25c: maps 21o each, or the three, BOc; map of California In colors, 87xft2. CSc. Nlmmo, Runey A Co.. Ham llton bldg HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 40 acres close to Portland, on wagon road, close to railroad: running water, good neighbors: S20 cash or good prop erty of same value. 81.1 Marquam bldg. Phone Marshall oiH. GOVERNMENT homesteads, located near Portland; valuabis wheat and .timber land: level: most desirable; near R. R., river. Covey. 267 Oak. Room 21. 11 BOO ACRES In 820-acra homesteads. B. R. Post. Locator. Bend. Or. For bale Fruit Lands. FOR BALE Good fruit farm; can take off IS00 next year; rlnht at railroad station and school;, u cash; must sell at once. Owner. AO 622. Oregonlan. For Sale Farms. 4HS-ACRE FARM. WORTHY OF YOUR INVESTIGATION Located B0 miles southwest of Portland on a large stream of pure watsr. A small stream flows through the farm, feeds num erous Uvlnx springs: 860 acres In high stats of cultivation. SO acres of first-claas saw timber- M aires of oak and small fir. no toukR or waste land; a.'iO acres rich river bottom land. located within 80 rods of railroad : good house and bam. For a genuine stock ranch you cannot beat It. As a subdivision It will make quick money for the purchaser. To every man pur chasing a ten-aero tract, we can furnish permanent employment from $2.25 per dsv up to B8.2B In a large factory within 0 rods of farm. Ws will subdivide this farm for you at our expense and sell at prices from 150 per acre up to B'JOO. If you want something first-claas ask for Mr. Morgan. CHAPIN HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board, 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. THE BOIL IS THERE." THE WATER IS THERE." 2IO ACRES. NEAR PORTLAND. ISO IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. .15 ACRES IRRIGATED. ALL CAN BE IR RIGATED IF DES1RF.D. OWN WATER, CONTROLLING SEVENTY HORSEPOW ER DEVELOPED. FEED AND FLOUR MILL WITH LATEST MACHINERY. A FINE EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM. A FINE SUBDIVIDING PROPOSITION. A KINK TRUCK FARM ON ELECTRIC R. R., CORN GREW 13 FEET IN 90 DAYS. COME IN AND PEE VIEWS AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT IT IS A F N A P. ZIMMERMAN. 810 BOARD OF TRADE. FARM LANDS. Mei Ice Looking for cheap lands? We are the largest wholesalers In Mexican lands In the U. S. Prices 60 cents per sera and up. You can aub-dlvtde and sell from 10 tq 125 per acre; 82 tracts, containing over 27.000. 000 acres to select from; excursion partlea every month; read excellent report In R. O. Dtin A Co.'s Re view. Sept. 16. 1BIL describing Influx of Americans and general conditions. Call or write Pacific Coast Colonisation Co.. 020 Lumbermens building. 102 ACRES. 85 In cultivation: fair bulld lnga. nearly all tha land Is bottom land; good roada. Bchooi neJtr snd a good com ma n 1 1 V generally; located not far from Sheridan; price only 3S per acre; might accept unincumbered house and lot in Portland up to 3SOOO or 8000 and a lit tle cash and time on balance; there are no debts against the farm; this Is a splendid opportunity to get a good farm. J. E. Smith. 13 Chamber Commerce, Portland, Or. 7fc MILES FROM PORTLAND. 14 miles from Oregon Electric, In the famous Tualatin Vall.y; 8Hi acrea, all In high stste of cultivation; good orchard; "-room house, bsth. good barn, all fenced and cross fenced; this Is a rara bargain; should be seen at once; 89600; reasonable terms, but no trada. TROWBRIDGE A STEPHENS, 702 Board of Trade. LAND! LAND! WEST SIDE. Farm 10 acres, M mile from Port lard, on Barnes road; three springs on place; suitable for dairy or good platting propo sition; price B300 per acre, easy terms. National Realty A Trust Co.. 728 Cham berof Commerce bldg. Main 6129. DAIRY FARM FOR SALB. too acres on Sauries Island. 12 miles from Postofflos In Portland, with stock and Implements; only (100 per acre, vary easy terma. X W. OGtLBEB. Room 11. 146 H 1st st.. Portland. Or. YAMHILL- COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairying etc.; about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for prlca list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. TEN acres. Improved land. 1 mlla from II wico. 1 acre bearing fruit. 2 horses. 3 cows good bouse and outbuilding. Prlca 2(nt0. Apply to J. C. Woatsn, Ilwaco, Will I AM retiring. Will sell my farm, 178 n-res. stock and farm implements, hay arid grain, at a aacrlftcB. W. M. Church. 283 Taylor St. B ACRES, greatest sacrifice, within 18 "miles Portland: buildings. Improvements, excellent soil; immediate possession. Own er. 1030 Grand. North. MUST sell or trade my farm. Call BIT 'Hamilton bldg. Owner will remain la city to close deal, n o-'. u"ii"- RANCH 0 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 183 Morrison st. OCTOBER 26, 1911. JJ-aCRF, farm nsar Beaverton, with modern 10-room home, property all In high state of cultivation; creek flows through center of land; good well, tools. Implements and furniture go for J5600. Sea Attorney, 414 Spalding bidg FOB RENT FARMS. RANCH FOR RENT Combined wheat and stock farm 2700 acres; 1200 acres under cultivation, balance flrst-clasa grajctng land; thoroughly equipped with machin ery: 30 head of horses; first-class hog ranch; renter must be responsible. Ames Mercantile Agency, 418 Ablngton bldg. Main S9E.8. . 110 ACRES, about 40 or 46 acres under cul tivation; good 8-room house, barn, good family orchard: near school; 4 H miles from Oregon City: rent B300 per year. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO., 138 H First Bt-t FOR RENT Will sell stock. Implements and 2Vi years' lease cheap: 40 acres, close In, near school and stores. 214 Commercial Club bldg. THREE acres and 4-room house, west of 60th st. and Sandy rosd, 130 per month for year's lease. Frank T. Berry, 4 6th su North, for tAtF TrvB'it T.aNrae. 140 ACRES heavy first-growth timber. B miles from Courthouse. 2 miles from sta tion: land Is level, good soil, good road to station: only 812B per acrs: worth B10B. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 133 Third St. 6.000.000 feet of timber which can be logged Into booma for 83 per thousand, .and valu able mill site on railroad and tide water w ill be given to parties w no win ouim sawmill immediately. AJ 625, Orejronlan. ine, II r timuer snu i,m i, . . ' - - mill purposes; two miles to railroad and boat landing: on North Bank road. 625. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C J.. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. . - . . . . r i , 1 WANTED REAL ESTATB. ROSE CITT PARK. If you have an equity in a lot In the above district or ono to eell for cash. I will buy It If suitable. AL 527. Oregonlan. WANTED Real estate Want or 7-room modern house In .Irvlngton for caah: give location, description, price. AO 624, Ora gonlan. t WILL exchange installment mortgaco for cio una and lot. ELLIS A SNYDER, S03 Board of Trade. WANTED 6-room bungalow or house near car. about B3000; will pay 1500 down. K 407. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WILL PAY cash for farm on good county road, near Portland: give your lowest price, also Improvements, wall or spring water. AN 511, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. Modern new house with Improvements In and paid, situated one block from Broadway car; value 7000: my equity J 4000; to exchange for comer lot suitable or flats or stores; will asasuma or pay difference. AR 620. oregonlan. LARGE? alfalfa farm, close to R. R-. good watsr rights paid for: will exchange for Portland property; this is a first-class proposition and no "wildcat" schemes con sidered. L. K. Moore, suite 617, .Hoard of Trade. Portland. ,VOTICK. If you have any property yon wish to exchange, don't fall to call on 0. F. PFLUGER A CO.. Suite 12 and 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d and Morr. (Member Portland Realty Board.) 8180O EQUITY, dandy I arm. Improved, for automobile. . . Equity 40 acres. Improvements, for bungalow squtty. Aeeere fn. HlltOmOblle. METCALF. 810 Yeon. Marshall 2432. WANT to exchange modem Nob Hill dwell ing with garage and 100x100, valued 325. 000. for smaller dwelling, good location, valued B50OO to 876O0 and difference In cash ar.d mortgage. Addroae P 224. Ore gonlan. A 4 80-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Located In Gilliam County, near the O. R AN R. R.; S20 acres under the plow; wo will trade this ranch for Portland property: price $18 per acre: close to good town. P. 8. West. 404 Ry. Ex. bldg. THB Hood-River District Land Company. Hood River. Oregon, has a list of Im proved and unimproved Hood River ranches, all sixes snd prices, to exchange for Portland and Willamette Valley prop- erty. . NEW piano for auto, not larger than 80 H. P., 6-passenger. New piano for repair work on house. BKIBERAJNO-LUCA8 MUSIC CO, lot occwuu - FARM IN OKLAHOMA. I15O0. 61 ACRES. No Incumbrance; rented for $100 yearly; will trade as first payment on 4 or 5-room home, about J2500. Fred W. German, 8-8 Biirnslde. M. or A 2776. WE have laur 1-acre tracts. 3 miles front end of carline on Macleay Canyon road: price 3S00 per acre: will exchange for aoulty in 11500 to $2500 property. J. H. 1 ipion ... i ivo . h m - 6-ROOM furnlalred house, located at Pen Insula; bath, toilet, electric lights, base ment, etc.: equity $1326: exchange for sMiulty in lot, acreage or first payment on close-in residence. 811-813 Lewis bldg. F"wrLL exchange 10 acres of orchard land near Roseburg at $1000 for frea and clear lot or lota, . rum WTTPPER. 832 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUILDER will trade equity In ".;room brick residence, close In, Last Side, re stricted district, for unincumbered lots In good district. Phono Main 6165. 1:80 to 3 P. M. WANTED Portland tncoma up to $16000; will, put In Hood River orchard. 10 acYea. also $5000 first mortgage and assume. Box luB. Hood Kivsr. or. iSu SEVEN-PASSENGER. completely equipped. demountable rims. aleetrle llchts will trade for real en Lata, valuo 4000. AD 532. Oregonlan. DO you want somethlug to live on? Steady Income from business worth $S."10; will trade for lot. aa I must leave Portland. Tabor 289, B 3220. WHAT have you for S lots $10 each at Ocean Park. Wash.? Prsfer driving team; will consldsr anything of value, A. A. Moore, box 137. Oregon City. Or. 810 000 EQUITY in Washlngton-st. hotel for sale or trade for good Improved ranch at cash value: ranch must hava running wa ter. AN 630. Oregonlan. 10-ROOM modern house, Irvlngton, $8500; exchange equity for vaoant lota, rooming-bouse or stock of goods. J. H. Tipton CO.. llOO cpaioius; mus. 813 4O0 Western Washington land and $1600 cash to exchange for a merchandise busi ness. Albert Welch A Bon, 703 Board of Trade. Cav use up to $30,000 Columbia River Orch ard bonds. Juno Issue, If prloe right; give lowest prlco for cash and amount, AH B30. Oregonisn. TEN acrea of 1-year-old standard apples on the Lvle-Gldendale branch of the North B.nk R. R, $300 p-r acre. AV MB, Orw- gonian. WILL take as part payment a Sweated uto on an eight-room bungalow. Just complet ed on Rose City Park carllna. O 628. Oregonlan. TRADE your property anywhere; send tor list Northwest Exchange. 22B Hsary B-ROOM cottage. 27th and Prescott, S200: exchange fof vacant lots. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. WHAT-hava you to exchange for a $975 equity In a 5-room Rosa City Park house T p 222, Oregonlan. SAVE 400 acres of the best wheat land In N Dakota; will trada for Oregon acreage or city property. AJ 524. Oregonlan. WILL take auto as Dart payment on modern bungalow. Rose Clrv car. Gallagher, 821 Yeon Bldg- Mar. 287. FARM FOR ROOMING-HOUSE. What have you? 603 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 847. EDISON phonograph cheap: will take chlek 9nBt farm produce or wood In exchange. C. Johnson. 65 East 28th. FOR farm exchanges, business chance, or rooming-houses, call on ua Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade bldg. 10 ACRFS. all In prunes and apples: new houae: will exchange for a Portland resi dence. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. 5-ROOM cottage. 30th and Alnsworth. $2800; trade for vacant lots. J. H. Tipton, 1108 Spalding bldg. 8600 EQUITY in $225 lots, payable $15 monthly, for equity la good building loL 614 Couch bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, Irvington. $7000; trade equity for anything of value. J. H. Tipton Co.. 110. Spalding bldg. ISO ACRES limber tof city property. Fred- erlck M. Dempsey, 434 Chamber of Com- merce. MODERN 5-room house. 5c carfare; will exchanxe for grocery or confectionery up to f 1-K'. Call 83 Lumber Exchange. BEE me ahout Columbia Orchard bonds. J. . Had ley. 810 Spalding bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD Bonds for sale. Davidson. 20B Lewis bldg. Beautiful S5-acre farm. 60 acres cultivation, fronting on main county rose,, fins buildings and the best of soil, no rock or gravel and all level: price only $200 per sere; worth 1300; terms; will take some good city property as Part,p?,y"(",t and some cash for his equity of $10,500. For further particulars call on Pfluger A Co.. suites 12 and 14 Mulkey niag., corner ja ana .-uorrw. 1400 ACRES, celebrated Medford country. 2 fine sets buildings. 4 miles woven wire fence, all can bo irrigated, large part un der cultivation, clear of incumbrance, prlco B100 per acre; exchange for good city property. . Suite 517. Board of Trade. Portland HAVE for sale on easy terms 80 acres of Improved land; 20 acrea In young orchard, soma in bearing, some In potatoes: good house and barn; all fenced; living stream of water, team and farming implements; a very desirable home worth $14,000, $3000 cash, balance In long time notes or other property. a n u-i. viomiiiioi. mirir. pm;'TRV HOME. CREAM OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Big Ir.como producer: 1O0 acres; com plete set modern buildings, close to Port land: superb view of three points of the comnass; for tale cheap or wil trade for Portland property or mortgages. C. L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. TEN acres. 4 miles from the Hood River City Poatofflcs; fair buildings; 500 stand ard treea, H nra 6-yaar. are 5-year, balanca 4. 3. 3 and 1-year: dose to store, school and church: pries $10,000; will ex change equity of tSOOO for Willamette Valley ranch. AV 647. oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE. City property for acre tracts. Farms for city property. City properties for stocks of goods. In fact, we can match any trade, large J. H.H TIPTON CO., 110S Spalding Bldg. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lots for property here. Hadley. 310 Spalding. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc ONE team mares, weight 2700 lbs., both In foal. $400. 1 team mares, weight 2200 lbs., prlca $200. 1 team mares, weight 2500 lbs., price $260. 1 team geldings, weight 2S00 lbs., pries $225. 1 "team, mare and horse, weight 2200 lbs., price J200. , 1 team mares, weight 2S50 lbs., both In foal, price 1325. 1 team geldings, weight 2250 lbs., prlco $173. 1 mare, sore In front from use on pave ment, a good true worker, weight 1360 lbs., price 890. 1 gelding, weight 1150 lbs., sors from pavements, drives single and double, price 10 other bead of horses, also mules for sale. These horses Bold with a, written guar antee to bo as represented or your money refunded. Refer you to Portland Trust Co., where we bank. Business references also furnished. Inquire 15th and Couch streets. Portland Stables. E. W. Hagyard and H. L. Evans, proprietors. I WILL SELL at auction on Friday. October 27 at lo o'clock aharp. the entire contents of the New York Club Stables, located at 16th and Alder Bts.; 15 head of horses and mares, weighing from 1100 to 1350 lbs.; all good workers, single and double, suit able for any purpose; eight sets of sing e buggy harness, four sets heavy double harness: three stock saddles and bridles, 14 collars, all alios; two rubber-tire run abouts. 1 steel tire runabout. I speeding buegy (new). 1 spring; wagon. 1 farm wagon. S'A-Inch; 4 buggy polea. black and red nearly new; 1 lot of wire partitions for'stables: 1 lot of hardwood mangers set up; 60 sacks of-white oats; also two-year lease and fixtures of stables; this entire lot of goods can be seen at any time, day or night, at the above address, and will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder for cash in hand; sale starts at 10 A. M sharp: also one Overland 111 model ' 40 H P. auto, with all extras and fully equipped MARES,, GELDINGS AND MULES. 20 head mares. 8 to 6 years of age. 13 head geldings. 4 to 6 yeara of 10 head mules, 4 years old. 900 to 1050 IbAll of this stock will be on sale at the Hawthome-ave. stables. 420 Hawthorne ave., Monday. Oct. 23. and every day thereafter until sold. We will sell some of these at our Tuesday auction, 2 P. M. Hawthorne-ava. Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. HORSES pastured for Winter. Individual paddocks, plenty good feed and care If desired. Fred T. Merrill. Rose ista Farms. S miles from city. Phone, long distance. 12-Mlie. WA.VlblJ ir-offl'T. Wanted, to rent B teams. Call 07 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1B0S. After B P. M., Woodlawn 1115. A NORMAL sum per month f. r Win ter will be paid for the use of a team, 2S00 to aoow. good care. v oouiawu jo.-v. TEAMS. 2600 lbs. mare and horse good worker, with their harness and good farm wagon, all HBO- Pbone JjeUwdlM5. Snap Fine horse, single or double; rubber- tire buggy- H3 East 72d St.. Montavllla. FOR SALE cheap, one tea.rn heavy draft horses weigning owv.. . -- WE BUY. sell or rent horses, vehicles, har ness Hubert A Hall. 881 Water St. Automobile. NOW IS THB TIME TO BUY YOUR AUTO MOBILE. You take no chances when buying from ua as we guarantee every car sold; we are the leading dealers of slightly used automobiles; our stock of over 7o car i In cludes all makes, at prices as low aa 8200 to 84000; no matter what car you want, we have it at the right price, in A-l con dition and guaranteed. Hero are a few we offer for your con sideration: Pierce 48 H. P.. 7-passenger. lust like new. guaranteed for one year. 4 doors and fully equipped: cost $o600, our pries only $3500; will accept your old car as part payment. E. M. r... SO H- P., 4-pass., $500. Hudson. 25 H. P, 6-paas.,' $675. Maxwell. 22 H. P.. 4-pass.. $600. Great Smith. 0 H. P., $375. Royal Tourist, T-pass., 45 H. P., $T00. Whits gtsamsr. 7-paaa.. like new, snap, $1000. Flandsrs, 30 H. P., 2 -pass., only 8400. Cola. 80 H. P.. a-pass.. roadster. 3350. We have a number of trucks and light delivery cars, $500 and up. Remember, ths only safe second-hand car is the .one that Is guaranteed and packed up by a responsible firm. We teach our customers how to drive and cars for their cars free. Our customers are at liberty to call on ns at anv time should their car get out of adjustment. We employ the best skilled mechanics; their service Is also free. We attribute our success to the fact that ev ery purchaser has been a satisfied one. AUTOMOBILES BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington Sts. - I HAVE one B-rassenger and one 7-passenger car to trade for city property or acre age; both cars are well-known makea and sold by one of largest auto companies in city. AO 525. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 5-ton Mack self-dumping truck. Specially adapted for coal merchants or contractors. Truck practically new and In excellent condition. Will sell cheap. Ad dress Box 178S. Spokane, Wash. TWO 1011 Metx cars. 13 H. P.. for sale: one has never been out of the sample room; the other slightly used; J600 cash for the two. Address Public Garage, Woodbura. Or. ; 6-PASSENGER high-grade car, completely overhauled last week; leaving the city, wil! sell or trade. This is a bargain. Sea Gsarln. 428 Mohawk bldg. 1011 WHITE gas car. gray torpedo, cost $3000; Just as good as new; will sell very reasonable or trade for equity In a good home. As 628, oregonlan. 6-PASSENGER auto, thoroughly overhauled: will sell or trade for real estate. Room 10 washing-ton rjiqg. NEW garage Just completed. Live and dead atorage. Speedwell Motor Co., 29, 8J, S3, 6 14tb St.. cor. Conch. AUTOMOBILE) space, also storage, low rates. Second aud Montgomery. Phone Main 9033. WILL tako car as part payment on modern bungalow. Rose City car. Gallagher. $21 Yeon Bldg., Mar. 287. 111 6-PASSENGER touring car for sals cheap for caah only. Apply Alex Uevurtx, 173 1st st. B-PASSENGER auto for sale; owner leav ing. Call at once. Main 5907. AUTO tires. $3 to $15 each; all sixes. 233 Main st. BRUSH runabout with top. late model, A-l condition. $275. 1S2 Morriaon st. HAULING wanted: have ll-ton auto truck. . Phone Main 8639. 13 Automobiles. 1911 SEVEN-PASSENGER auto, completely equipped. demountable rime, electric lights etc, for Portland or nearby farm property, value $4000. AD 681. Oregonlan. Does. Birds. Pet Stock. WANTED A duck dog. one that will re triove; any breed. Call at ouce. Jos. M, meg, i.eriiiiKcr uiun. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, sport and guards. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. CH1CKERING upright piano. $170, Stein way, '."J: Kimball. $175; terms $5 per month; if you can't call write today for our bargain Hat of 10O slightly used pianos. Kohler & Chase. 375 Washington at. PIANOS rented. $3. $4 and $5 per month; all reliable makes, Chlckertng. Stetnway and Kohler; rent can apply on purchase price If desired. Kohler A Chase, 375 Washington st, PIANO bargaina In our exchange room: Stelnway B0. Chlokering $95. Kohler $188, easy terms. Kohler A Chase, 375 Wash lngtou at- WANTED To buy for spot cash, upright ?iano; please state name of piano and ull particulars; no dealers need reply. Address AS 530, Oregonlan. MUST sacrifice modern 6-room bungalow, hard-surfaced street and walk. B2400, terms. Tabor 1573. Call before noon ot after 8 P. M. Owner. PIANO player at great reduction; party leaving city has left this Instrument with us for quick sale, Kohler A Chase, 875 Waanlngton st, PIANOS rented $3, $4 per month; rent can apply on purchase price If desired. Kohler A Chase. 375 Washnlgton St. $4.r.0 HOBART M. CABLE piano, cheap; terms. 440 Third st. Main 375.1, NEW Buescher B flat cornet, cheap. AX 52S. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. MENS SUITS. OVERCOATS. Now Is the time to buy your suit, rain coat or overcoat ; an Immense stock to choose from. They are sample models and cancellation orders from manufac turers of ready-to-wear clothing. I pay from 10 to 25 per cent leas than the mer chant for my clothing and aell In an of fice building (rent $30.00 a month). This Is why I sell you $27.50 to $30.00 suits and overcoats for $18.73; $22.50 to $25.0d clothes for $14.75. JIMMY DUNN, ' Room 815. Oregonlan Bldg. Tako elevator. DIRECT from Hood River, and delivered al nour house In town; table apples, extra fancv, $2. HO per box: cooking apple, good grade, $1.60 per box; our extra fancy spe cial boxes, the best on the market, $1.6! per box. Crocker A De Reding. Hood River. Or. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood I,. C. Smith A Remington typewriters, ses The Northwest . Typewriter Co., No. 90 Sth st. SAFES New and 2d-hand: low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. FURCELL SAKE CO.. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 6th st. Main 6309. A 4118. 10-HORSE vertical boiler, now under steam. - new grates: must put in larger plant. See Burke, corner 22d and Reed sts. Phone Marshall 18s3. STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake, there is aeomethlng wrong. I can fix it, 868 East Morri son. Phone East 1022. TICKET for sale to Colorado Springs. Colo.; good until Oct. 30; description, middle age, medium weight, black hair. Call Mrs. Karl . 549 Hoyt st. Phone Main 8648. FOR SALE Vulcan ga range and sanitary couch, with mattress, almost new. 448 I,arrabee. Phone Eaat ?i624. FOR SALB: First-class gas stove. used short time: good as new; half prlco; going away. Call Marshall 8205. WHO wants a home In a fine Colorado town for a fraction of Ita value! AJ 52., Oregonlan. fi COWS and milk route, with or without horse and buggy. 841 E. 87th. Taka WW car. . Contractor's equipment by United Engineer in,; a Construction Co.. 900 Lewis bldg. ONE gent's, ono lady's bicycle very cheap; everything In A-l condition. 108 4th u FINE collection of coins for sale, cheap by collector. B 623. oregonlan. 65 NATIONAL cash register, $40 cash. 79 nth st, FOR SALE Good safe, 30x25x36. Tel. Main or A 1345. 616 Fenton bldg. LADY'S ticket to Colorado for sale. A-M 526. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter as good a. new Phone Main 1722. 146 21st at, N. WANTED MISCKI-LANKOrS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE . TOOLS Highest price paid for men s and ladles ast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, rnechanlc, logging. Call Main 30B0. 380 First st. The Globe. WANTED 1 to 114 -karat diamond; must be a perfect stone and a bargain; unless very chenp need not answer. Phono Mar shall 1608. ; , WANTED Good second-hand vault Joor; state slxo and price. Address -TvMt. Salmon Abstract and Title Companj. White Salmon. Wash. DONKEY engine watted -MuBt be good con dition, double cylinder, double drum, about 7x9. Call Eaat 322 or write D 618. Oro gonian. , WANTED Camp wagon; must bo In good condition: state also and price. AK bjv. Oregonlan. WANTED Moving-pictura machine, toldln chairs, films, gas outfit, etc 526 Wash. Phone Main 8458. WANT to buy two railroad tickets to St. Paul for lady or gentleman. Address AU 626, Oregonlan. TOOLS Highest prices paid for all kinds of second-hand mechanic, logging tool y vln Hdwre. Co... 29 Front. Main 9071. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. -c . . 1 - Ohnti V, 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. 3eater A Martin. Phon East 3134. 4 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A young Jersey cow, fresh. Ad- d ress AU MJ, uregomau. HIGHEST caah price paid for 2d hand fur nlture. Covell Furniture Co.. Main 3022. WANTED To buy or rent an electrlo mod- leal battery. F 580. Oregonlan. WANT ticket to Boise, Idaho, or vicinity. AP 032. oregonlan. WANTED Small donkey. Write F. Nesme, 69 3d St. N. . FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for anj kind of furniture. Main 81)51. A 2445. HFXP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa cific Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid weekfy. Paclflo Nursery Co.. 1205 too bligj . AM honestly In need of cash; will sacri fice my piano and paintings for $l-o. Please call. Always home. 225 Fifth sL WANTED First-class aollcltor: wagoa fur- nfsiied. Cascade Dye Works, 5tl4 K. Oss. SOLICITOR. German preferred. Investiga tion required. 29 K. 3d St. N. Burnslds Bakery. BRIGHT boy or young man with experience as installment house collector; must have wheel. AC 52", Oregonlan. WANTED A man with business experience f open branch office in Oregon for large corporation. Apply 520 Lumbermens bldg. rnATMAKERS and bushelman, steady ptace. Maxwell the Tailor. 246 Washing ton st. WANTED An A-l driver for grocery wagon; must know city, none other need . apply. L. Mayer & Co.. 148 3d st, COUPON agents wanted; good proposition. Dtlfrisne Studio. 286 Washington St., Buchanan bldg. , MAN to repair umbrellas: must be practical umbrella mender; good salary. Lennon s i ona Unnl.nn st. I mprena chop. - STENOGRAPHER to report lectures Satur day evenings, beginning November 11. , ' Give phone number. AS 529. Oregonlan. WANTED Man tailor to help on men's and ladies' coats; good wage and steady work. 411 Central bldg. J. L. Slan. WANTED Flrst-claasa ladles' tailor aud " " . . wm- on Kelllno- hlde- preseer. I. -. ' e WANTED A coat maker at Room 26, 142 Vj 2d it. YOUNG man to work for room and board; X 't T, .i.hi n,rlv KOft ClaV St. gOOU num.- w- EXPERIENCED presser, steady position. 'Homo Cleaning Plant. H 16th st. N. BOY wanted. 227 Vi Washington "t, room 219. WANTED Ladles' tailor, first-class. Oall 405 Flledner bldg. WANTED Young man about 17 for bto " ..r..i-in S49 Union ava, N. wanted Flrwt-class tailors, pressers and w. i-.li.il Tsllnrs 28TU. Wash. oocrmui'. ',,"- - - .. BOYS wanted l2 with bicycles, gooa wages. Apply 274 Taylor st. METAL lathers, non-union. Apply 222 Com- merclsl Club Bldg. WANTED Cook's helper at Winters' Res- taurant, 380 First st, BOY to work In store and deliver parcel Apply 171 Third at.