A ---. 1 KIW TODAT. Jt COLLEGE "YELLS" DECMD BY TUFT Students Told Time Might Be Devoted to More Elevat ing Subjects. ST. PAUL ANTICS ARE TEXT Rooter IVho Insult Visiting: Base ball. Player Also lUpped by Presldi nt. Um Loves Game, WTirn Fairly Played- ST. PAUL. Oct. SS. President Taft bad farewell tonight to Minnesota and departed for tha real "homo of tbe enemy" Wisconsin. Before leav ln St. Paul. Mr. Taft expressed his gratitude for the reception accorded him here and In- Minneapolis. His speech here tonight was on the arbi tration treaties and.was devoid of poll- ,,CThe President arrived In Pt. Paul after a two hours' automobile ride from Minneapolis. He waa taken to Minne haha Falls, to Fort 8ne!l!n to the State Soldiers" Home and to other points of Interest on the way. In addition to his speech on peace. President Taft mad two addresses In the course of the day. One was on th subject of the Panama Canal at th luncheon of the Younir Men's Republi can Club of Minneapolis and the other was a lot of homely advice to the stu dents of the University of Minne sota. Pwr Yaatas Hav Better Cfcaaee. To th students, the President sua--rested that th activities of college life might better b devoted to more elevating subjects than arbarlc veils." and he also declared that tha young man who started In life without means was fsr better equipped than the rich man s son. with an Income suf ficient to live without working. The President also mad a plea ror fetrnes In sport, whether It b upon th college gridiron or on the P"" slonal baseball field. He deplored th action of baseball crowds In attempting to put the visiting team at a disad vantage by Insulting remarks and cat calls hurled from grandstanda and bleachers. , , . -I a love baseball." exclaimed the President, "but 1 also love a fair deal. The President s remark about college veils was called forth by th greetings he received from th Minnesota stu dent, under th. l.ad.r.hip of "cheer lesders" who Jumped In front of Mr. Taft and went through various gyra- 1 Tb President spok generally of tha responsibility of university men and women. I ara-sss Bea-arde aa Oa-tad. "Tnlverslty men go out Into th world without any money, as a rule said Mr. Taft. "and thos who have "I moneyT usually aerv. th. public best. If ther. Is anything that Is a burden. If there I. anything that Is sn obstacle. If ther. Is ",h'n'. It l..dl(tlcult for a young f1"0 "r rome. It Is an Income that will enabl him to live without work.. -Ton don't applaud that """' tlc.lly." he added, with a smile. Too would Ilk to try It the other way But I am giving you th benefit of Teal experience. Tou look about af ter you have been out of college 25 rears and pick out. If T ; single man that has made a real I Suc re., and had a great deal to U" on when he left college. If you find him. he 1. entitled to a great deal mora credit than you are If you hav had to hustle In order to get enough to eat. for h. has had to overcome mor r.btacle. and mor. difficulties than rou." VU-ttssa Try " The President said he wanted to stop Sere, for If he proceeded he would hav crflclee some phases of college life. There were cries of "Go on. go on. so Mr. Taft went on. -I suppose It la necessary, he sain. "to keep up thos barbaric yells that re supposed to b an expression of university life. I suppose It la neces ary. too. that the leaders go through the contortions that we saw her. In nrder to feel th. real college spirit, but It mu not necessary JO or 40 years go. They got along with a less sharp yell than the rest and with a mor. graceful hurrah." Mr. Tsft suggested that American tinlversltlea might well devote a llttl. study to manners. Th. Anglo-Saxon, th Northern races, he said, prided themselves on their straightforward ness, on their telling each other Just what they thought, whereas they might learn a great deal from the politeness of th Latin races. . "Hi'SVtn save me." exrlalmed ths President, "from a candid friend." COOS TAXES ARE. OBJECTED tounty Will Have All Timber Lands Crnhvrd for Assessments. MA RPH FIELD. Or, Oct. (Spe cial. Many objections to th assess ment on timber lands will b presented ' to th Board of Equalization of Coos County by th Coos CountV Tax Asso ciation. Th Board has set October 17 aa a special time for hearing th ob jection. Th Tax Association Is com posed of many timber-owners In this ounty. They wilt object to the whole assessment on the grounds that in many rases the assessment haa been raised when It should not be and that many tracts are assessed without equity In comparison to the land. All of the Individual cases will be brought up and besides th Tax Asso ciation several companies owning tlm ber will also hav objections to pre sent to the Board. The county has cruisers at work now cruising all th timber In th county with a view of making a more equitable assessment. In th townships where th. timber has Seen cruised by th. county cruiser ther. baa been advances In th assess ment of about $2.50 an acre. UNIONS FAVORED, ALLEGED JKtnplojerV Association to Pemand Explanation by County Court. Following complaint mad. by Port land contracting ftrms that th. County Court haa adopted th policy of favor ing union flrma In county work. th. Employers" Association ha taken hand and will ask the court to explain. The last complaint received waa that t.f WiMlam Sheehy. president of ISheehy Hros. Painting Decorating company, vaaterday. His concern mad. th. low est bid for th. painting of th wet wing of th. n.w Courthouse, but waa not grained th contract for th work We're Throwing in a $20 " $12 to This $20 record cabinet nt the wonderful machines went sale Monday at this extraordinary revolutionary unprecedented price $22.80, on terms of Ten Cents a day an achievement made possible because of the magnitude upon which our Talking Machine busi ness, like our Piano department, is conducted, and because we want you to visit our new Talking Ma chine salesrooms, of which we are so proud. There ' are 62 machines see description, and plenty of records to choose from. Come in right away or telephone for one all should be sold inside of three days and even sooner such a low offer has never been made heretofore. It will not be made again soon, if at all! AT EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Biggest, busiest, best Oregon's talking machine headquarters, now at Seventh and Alder. Eilers Music House-SeUing Fifty-two of the Latest Hornless Talking Machines With 12 Double-Disc Records Included for x ONLY $22.80 PAY CASH AS LITTLE AS lOc Ten Cents a Day lOc because ths concern haa an open shop." Mr. Sheehy hid H.00 tor ths work, which bid was $400 below the next lowest bid. and aaya that ha is entitled to tha contract. -I was Informed recently, said Mr. Pheehy. "by a representative of Lewls Hlcks A Company, the general contrac tors, that the County Commissioners had opposed ths icrantlns; of ths palnt Inr contract to my concern because we have an open snop. -This representative aald the court . k.lnr hnthrd bV had compiamea - delegations from unions who objected to tha employing- of nonunion men and for that reason It did rot desire the - - - i .t..n ia mv CAmDinr. I contract w e - . - . , . taw the Commissioners and waa told the same thing. I nave . e..irira' Association ana an Willi in i.. - Investigation Is to be made. My con cern has been aoins; oum- - :0 years and Ita rellahlllty la not ques tioned. It Is a case of unionism, which 1 do not believe snouia govern i tlone of public officials." SEATTLE BASE AGAIN Portland 'o In Territory of Grrat XortlM-rn Official There, en t-t-t .V Oct. SS. (Special.) As a result of changes cauaed by ths rests: - n.,inn of Archibald Gray, assistant general freight and passenger agent of tha Great Northern at Portland. W. A. Ross. In charge of Great Northern pas ..nr.r affairs In this city, will take over the Portland territory, receiving additional authority and prestige in handling tha business. Arri-i.i Mnnminrement th made to day by M. J. Costello. assistant general traffic manager, or too ippmniainu George II. fimltton. general agent at Minneapolis, to tha poat of assistant general freight agent at Portland, the passenger and freight Jurisdiction be ing once more spilt, the passenger busi ness being given over to Mr. Ross. Tha arrangement Is the same aa that In effect before 1L A. Jackson was sent to Portland four years ago. Mr. Jack son acted In the capacity of both freight and passenger agent, and the place was passed on to Archibald Gray, of this city. In tha same form. The policy Is a continuation of that recent ly announced by the Great Northern of centralising the business of the Paclfla Coast, both in operation, traffic and right of way In Seattle, to have admin istrative authority nearest to the point of origin of the volume of traffic. All promotions. resignations and changes will be effective November 1. SMITTOX LOXO IX SERVICE Grsjr's Snoressor Rises Prom Bottom toI!lgb Post la 15 Years. George H. Bmltton. new assistant freight agent of the Great Northern In Portland to succeed Archibald Gray, haa been In tha traffic depart ment of ths Great Northern for the Isst IS years. He has been gen eral freight agent of the freight de partment at Minneapolis for three years and aerved tor the same length of time In a similar rapacity at Pt. PauL He has worked his way to the top from the bottom rung of the ladder. Mr. Smltton will be In Portland to assume bis new duties on November 1. Sines Mr. Gray's departure, the of fice here Is In charge of William Har der, general agent. Forger Again Arrested. SALEM. Of.. Oct- 25. (Special.) After committing two crime since he was paroled In Polk County following conviction for forgery. Charles Pickens Is In the Marton County JaiL He Is held here oa a charge of forgery and la also wanted in Multnomah County on a charge ot horse stealing. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, Make It Interesting! JJ sV. V VMterdAv's now $12 This is the does not do it 1 jtfrKm :tJ if Talking Machine Surprise BANK'S DEBTOR FAILS RECTOR & DALY, VAXCOVVER CONTRACTORS, BAXKRUPT. Firm Owing Defunct Concern $50,- 000 Goes to Wall $100,000 City Contracts Are Held. vivmirvrn. Wash- Oct- 25. (Spe cial.) Rector & Paly. Contractors here. who have contracta for improving treats and doing other work- In Van couver to the extent of nearly $100,000. have been declared bankrupt by the Federal Court at Taeoma. The case will be referred to ueorge r. Dimium referee In bankruptcy for this district. The petition to have the firm de clared bankrupt was filed February 8, 111. by the St. Helens Quarry Cora- w.. . trnrianta filed a motion denying they were bankrupt and de manding a jury triai. in made by Rector & Daly, they say their assets were $15,000 and their liabilities $100,000 February 8. ir v. . v. pnmm.rrlal Rank of Vtli" II n c i. . ' v - couver waa closed by the State Bank Examiner December i. xe. . Daly owed the Institution about $50,000. and Interest on this has brought the amount to about $54,000 at this time. Several weeks sgo Rector & Daly of fered M. B. Kles. receiver of Uie de funct bank. $300 In full settlement for the $54,000 debt. It was refused. The receiver and members of the deposi tors' committee finally agreed to ac cept $7500. and two weeks was allowed Rector eV Daly to pay, but the money was not forthcoming. Mr. Kles and H. L. Parcel, for the bank, finally succeeded in getting a confession of bankruptcy from Rector & Daly. Thla waa forwarded to the Federal Court when settlement was not made, and In doing so the cost of a Jury trial and the time It would take have been aaved to the bank. In a letter to Mr. Kles, the contrac tors declare that eight of 30 horses listed In the assets for which a chattel . . t.u.n hv the bank, and jrn' i i.B" - - - , . . others are -worth much less and that much of the equipment naa aeienurau In value fully 50 per cent. Thla letter waa read at a deposltora' meeting to day. DAILY METKOROIXKiK'Al. REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 23. Msslmum temper ature. 62 derses: minimum. 60 decrees. River readlns S A. M-. 3.2 feet; ehr.te In last 24 hours. .3 foot tall. Total rainfall H M to 6 P. M.l. none; total ralnlsl since I September 1. ln. o- ' .. ,, rail ."nee. September J 4.72 Inches; of R'.".T sunshTnrS hourY nri mlnuti. "possible JunlL": 10 hours M p BZ""YoH reduced to sea level) at S P M.. inches. WBATHER CONDITION A lane hlsh-pressure area extends from British Columbia southeastward to Ivebraa U and another lar,e hlsh-pressure area W casslns to sea off the New Ensland coast. Thebsrom.t.r Is relatively ow over Cali fornia and Arlsons- locsl rains have fallen .1 a few plsre. In the North Paclflo States In the East Oulf States and snow has "curved in Vo""l Northern Wyoming snd WesterS South Dakota. It Is warmer In the Ohio Valley snd much cooler In Eastern Colorado; Kansas. Nebrsssa, the Dskotss. EmneWa and Iowa. The 'nP2,urV. 2 the Pacific Slope have remained nearly "".""eondltlons ar. f.vor.bl. for fair weather In this district Thursday, esc.pt In S?uth.s.t.rn Idaho, wh.r. rsln or snow will occur. Th. temp.rstures will rwnaln nearly stationary. RECASTS. Portland and vicinity Pair; northeasterly " Oregon and Wsshlngton Fair: north to '""dahoralr. except rain or snow southeast EDWARD A. BE ALB. District Forecaster. -n....a rtolri-srlaases. barometers. hydrometers, .microscopes, scientific p- paraiua. Cabinet for a selliwr of the new hornless Talking Machines at $22.80, including 12 latest double-sided records, was bigger even than Tuesday's big sale. Get one of these fine Talking Machines today. They're simply splendid! And 12 litest double-sided records 24 selections go with each machine. " You can even select from the November list of records now, at Eilers Music House. machine, though the drawing justice. This Is a hornless talking machine of tbe very lstest model portsble. compsct and complete. The sound waves gathered by the reproducer are led through th. tone-arm to ths tone-chamber. In tne base of th. cabinet, and magnified by th. construc tion of th. ton.-arm and tone-chamber so that tne music la exactly the same as that from which the original records were mad., without eramplnr or distortion. In some Instruments the tone-chamoer (upon which th. naturalness of the reproduction largely depends) Is left out. and Instead the sound waves are projected through th. working parts ot the motor, losing much of th. accuracy and volume of the recorded music. The motor Is a powerful, noiseless spring motor. It Dlsys either 10-lnch or 12-Inch records of any make, and can be wound while runnlnff. Convenient adjust ment of speed, which allows th. operator to obtain the best results possible from the record, is provided for Eilers Music House, now at Tth and Alder. AMT8BMXNTS. UI7II Is" THEATER XX Sit I Vj -(h aBrt Taylor. Phones Main 1 and A. 112. 3 SSSSm. TONIGHT Special Price Matinee Saturday. Earn 8. snd Lee Sb.ub.rt (Inc.) Present The Famous Comedian. SAM BERNARD, In the Musical Comedy Hit. -HE CAME FROM MILWAUKEE," Splendid east Augmented orchestra. Evenlms: Lower door L50; balcony, f rows S1.60. e rows Si, rows i5c. S rows BOc; gsllery. reserved and admis sion. Site. .-Saturday Matinee: Lower door. Sl.SdT SI; balcony IL TSo. 60c: Gallery, 85c 25c. J SEAT BAI.K TOMORROW. U A. M. I HEILIG 7th mad Taylor. Phones Main 1 and A 1122. 7 bSSo NEXT SUNDAY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. THE SPRING MAID with MIZZI HAJOS Exneltent Company 28 Orchestra 25. Evenings, Sat. Mstlnee: Lower floor. S2. Sl-50. Haleony 6 rows $1-50. S rows SI. rows 7Rc. 8 rows 50c. Gallery, reserved 7vc admission ic. Wednesiey Mat.: Sl-80. SI. 7oC 80c- BAKER THEATER Maiu 2 and A SSe Geo. L. Baker, Mis TONIIiHT Abb c r. rv. -M Bargain Mat. Wed.. Mr; Mar Sat., 2S SO. IN OLD .KENTlXKi." Most populsr American pir "., ' -rVi Strongest ca.t. New so.ntc production. The famous Plrkinnlny Bsnd. Ses the scene. Evenlnss. 2tc. IK)c. i6o L exl wees i ne rruiia r-'" . a VAX 0, A ie t MAXUOUB ST ,a3TX DAI HIGHI1 1S-ZS-50-75. .. ...n k .imM Auausllne and Annie Hartley. David ierguaon, lbs Three Ires. me uiover rM- Matinee Every Day. Rnned iMd asnw'i xxnao Til, J!T?J?rr, V .irinth-oepe.- Prlc l" " isi aid lie. II .X VaiKlsrwillts. WEEK OCTOBEA ti. K;"','! ordinary. Mme. Marcella PrewnU Her Troupe of r.doce .o. ----- - - Bird, i ne - The Great Huo. The Borne Trlo PMta- gewxipe. ropuiar P"c. ' Curtain 2:80. 7:30 snd a'clock, ACCTION SALES TODAT. At 704 Northrup bedroom snd kitchen furnMure. lawn Implements, m-"J Last day of sals at 10 A. M. Geo. Baser , CO.- AU'-""11-'1- JdKKTINO NOTICE. THE HOMESTEADERS Csrd psrty for card Diayvni iuuikui i ...... . . . - - Snnea Hall. ! .Irvinit St.; 21 hsnds of cards; prises anu rcucauu.i.- la cents. XJ- "1 in St MMEK it i.i r. r v. w i .j ..w. ------ members are requested to attend funeral of our late sister. Mrs. Alice Qrlram. todsy (Thursday) October a. at 2 P. St., irom ine East Bide Va.ral Directors, 414 sst Alder Sb . fa - a a, W TITRATES 'SL'" "B' Formerly Grand. RHned VandevtUe. CI OCTOBER 26, 1911. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 150 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. hew nsEPsoor botldeto Moderate Rates, ptfl Metscban & Soils. Props. PORTLAND HOTEL "OTEIj rarvATii WM11 EPT 1BOSI 1 1 jms iMIiar HOTEL LENOX w. xx. and B. JORGEKSSSis Frsaa. aad Msxa. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STSL Est aad Cold Water. nut Distance Pkoaa a ISrery Bseak RATES 81.00 and Up HOTEL HOUSE OF If H Vi- iRl'XltrX tf-'lailA. V. 1 oeeos.T.TMSTOT.M eoua i 1VfWI IPviXi The interior of this hotel ha, been I M IWS-fb completely refitted, and every appoint- r rjC'3''l!rSL i liTv!!lW ment now meets the approval of the fl I liS! most discriminating. $400,000.00 re- I h XftWWMm cently expended on its interior. Every- I jr PggfiS-n thing new and modern. .'. .'. .'. .. I tsiwi both rmtis rnvnunrn nN thf. European plan by ''''ateSSrfii-.. vi... . . wan1a.;.. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday) even ing, st 8 o'clock. Masqnic Tem ple. Labor In tha E. A. degree. Vlsltlntr brsthrsn welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. AND A. M. Special coin- ing, 7:30. E. 8th and Burnslde. M. m. aegres. isitors weicomo. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. ORIIMM Of 50 East 70th St. NortV Alice Newell Grimm, aged 31 years 1 month 14 days, beloved wife of Charles J. Grimm, sister of H. H. and Sumner Newell. Funeral will take place from ths parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder and East Sixth streets, today (Thursday) October 26. 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. TONSETH FLORAL CC MARQUAM BI.DO. FLORAL DESIONS. Phones: Main 8108; A 110. Dnnntnr McKnteo, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pins. Phone Main 4S0. Lady a slstant. Offlco of County Coroner. A R- ZELLER CO.. 694 Williams sre. Phone East loss. C1088. Lady attendant. j p FINLEV A SON, id and Madison. Lady attendant. Phono Main . A 1&8. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Dlreet ors, tap 3d St. Lady assistant. Phone M. ooi. EAST SIDE Fanerml Directors, snccossors to F. 8. Dunnlnr. Inc. E. Si. B LEBCU, Undertaker, tor. East Alder aad BUta. Last 181. B IMS. Lsdy assistant. - . - - I Tha largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per daj and upward. O. J- KACTOAirx. Masagsc. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington St3. DESIRABLE SUITES FOR PERMANENT OC CUPANCY AT REDUCED RATES. ' A Hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Moderate price restaurant in conection. Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up. L. Q. Swetland, Mgr. 0. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr. Oi-LTON Portland Oregon ' rourteenth and Washington Sts. This Thoroughly Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Offers Unexcelled Service, Comfort and Convenience at Moderate Rates. 200 Rooms - - 120 Bathrooms Every room faces the street. Free 'Bus From Stations. G. C. LARM, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington Kew Hotel, Elegantly Ftornlaaed. Rates $1 and Up aPECIAlj hatus run -a. Enropean Plan. Take any ear at Depot and trans few a Washington St. w s rni.KV. PUOPHIETOR. -X baths; CORNELIUS WELCOME Portland, Or. Our 14 - paasengrer electric 'bus meeta all trains. A hlgrh-claes, modem hotel In the heart of the theater and shop ping district. One block from any car line. 1 per day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. The leading hotel of Portland. New, modern, fireproof and centrally located. .". .". .'. .'. WRir.HT A- DICKINSON .., . b . m c. Dickimson, Maa. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time 15e Same ad two consecntlre times W Same add three consecutive times SOe Same sdd six or seven consecutive times. 6o Remittances must accompany out-of-town OFVvhen one advertisement Is not rnn In con secutive Issues the one-time rate applies. 8ix words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. jt ... On charge or book advertisements ths charge will be based on tbe actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless f the number of words In each line. In ' New Today all advertisements ara charged by measure only, 14 lines ts ths '"equations Wonted, Male. Situations Wanted. Female. The above rates apply to advertisements under -New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the following: Orcgonian will accept classified advertise ments over tbe telephone, providing ths ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone. Ne E rices will be Quoted over tbe phone, but 111 rUl be rendered the following day. U bother subsequent advertisements will be accepted over tbe phone depends upon tbs promptness of tbe payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one in sertion only will be accepted for "Houses for Kent. Furniture for bale' "Business Opportunities." "Rooming - bouses" aad "Wanted 'to Reni." OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL.. Main SOS. A 7J. HUMANE OFFICER. Sergeant Crata. Residence. 24 E. UUh M. East 472a. K. a. Dunmlrs, Rsa. SIS Wasoo BL W O. Eaton. Res. 7s EL 18th. Bast Ilea. Horss Ambulanoa, A S101: Pr. Ex, a. siixbts. Sundays aad ttoUdayaa A aiaai Va a, i ZtUAk 2s ROCHESTER Washington's New Townsite' $25-LOTS$25 XA.e.U.. De.lsU Aratfnn Xr VV JtSnlllsT'" ' S1-""': "'r ."j. Tk 1 ton ana omwauKee uauruuo. r roads are not built on paper only, but I are in actual operation right now, an 13 passenger trains iup wi CI 1 every day. New electric line to be 1 Dunt, a Diy iactory ib unuci tion; schools, churches, hotels tna eiuiea nave uccu uiiin, vmo. houses and new homes going up. NOTICE t A... .w w vlll aaTl level, cleared lot. at the Junction ot these railroads, close to depot, store and school, at the SPECIAL ground floor price or Z5 eacn, on easy ioii- Tvie.m will ho rel.H. F'lrst POmO. llTSt served, and they are going last. Visit the townsite and return to Portlana the same day. WARRANTY deed and FREE certified abstract of title. Write, for folder. We are owners, uhico opi evenings unui s. AmericanHonie Investment Co 1016 Chamber of Commerce On Stark SU Between 3d and 4th. FOR LEASE For term of Five Tears. APARTMENT HOUSE, containing 34 apartments, un furnished. ELLIS & SNYDER, 603 Board of Trade. We Want to Buy an i Apartment House or Site South of Morrison, west of Sixtfc. West Side. Part trade and part cash. G. E. STREETER, 11 UB Will Exchangre i APARTMENT HOUSE leased for five years, secured, paying good Interest on In vestment; want unimproved property In part payment. ELLIS SNYDER, SOS Board of Trade. HEADQUARTERS. COURT ENTRANCE. HOTEL PORTLAND. FREE. ACCURATE INFORMATION Regarding; ETerytbln loj CENTRAL OREGON 8TEREOPTICON PICTURES F. M.. traua Ladd Addition Snap -r-i T vnn w, VidllOA at ItAfl rooms and sleeping porch, all latest Im-f n.nii.m.nH Hnnhlv constructed, fln .......... -.- --w ---- - . garage; priue ijv, .uv T ier monin. GRUSSI BULUJi 317-818 Board of Trade Bids;. Fourth and Oak. $2500 Profit imrimanl sltB. corner 100x100, N. 19th and Overton: worth $15,000; fort quick sale, iz,ouo; sman n pj ment. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR A TUFFORD, 0O8 Chamber of Commerce. mala oor. Business Property. Income $1600 Net PRICE ei3,00O, ON TERMS. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 212 Stark St. MONEY TO LOAN CITV MORTGAGES, FARM MORTOAGES, LOWEST RATES, TERMS TO SUIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 MTfAY BUILDING, Third and Stark. WE HAVE $100,000.00 .v,ih tn huv barsrains in city roal estate residence and business. If you are looKinK ir "UJ?r prices write u particulars. We will not pay market values, as we are pre pared to pay all cash. Box 158. Portland Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. COBDEY, Lewis IJulldln. COLLIS, BERRIDGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worceater Block. Phono Mala esgT. MORTGAGE LOANS CCtf JOHN E. CRONAN, 7 J JO 802 Spalding Bids;. 8 V REAL ESTATE DEALERS. B.ck William G. 1B-J1 Falling bldg. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. .02 McKay bldg It. SO. Cbapln Harlow, IS2 Chsmbsr Conuneraa. Cook, B. 8. A Co.. COS Corbstt bldg. Jennings A Co. Main IS. 0 Orsgonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 1U Conuasr- clal Club bldg. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co Grand ava. ana Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. FOR SALE Equity In block 89, Bayocean. TV ooa lawn xi... LOT 60xiu0, close to Sandy road, for (4001 sasy terms, van ur m.