8 QUEST FOR POISON BEAUTIFUL WIDOW OF RAILROAD CHIEF'S WEDS SPORTSMAN. SON WHO 1 EVERY ARTICLE in the Store REDUCED Druggist Tells of Peculiar Potion That Was Sought to Kill Puppies. STOMACH TO BE ANALYZED Prisoner In CHI ia "Murderers Kow" JWn Well and F.ntrtln TITE 31011X1X0 uuwwaiAHi,.'TCESDAT1 OCTOBER 24. 1911. i I UNDO PASTOR a Visitor Fortune risx-ed ml SrTk of Defense. BOSTON. Oct. it. Ftartllns: efldence which haa been In the hands of the police for aeveral day, bat which they huo carefully aruarded. leaked out to night and promlii to rast additional Interaat on tha can of Rer. Clarence V. T. Rlcheaon. the Baptlat minister, charged with tha murder of Aria LJn- nell. When the police rare out the state ment of William II. llihn. tha Newton drurriat. where the Cambridge paator la alleg-ed to have bought cyanide of potjiilum. the drutr that rauaed the death of the Linnell alrt. they aald that tha paator had asked Hahn for a poison whhvh -"would kill a doe; at Ma home, w!ch ' about to rjTe birth to poppies. Police Draw lafereee. Tonight It la aald on authority that tha druggist added another aentenca to the conversation he aaya be had with Rlcheaon: that the mlnlater alao aald "1 want a polaon which will kill the purnlea without killing the doe;. Tha druggist declared. It la aald. that he replied hat he knew of do drue; that would do thia. Tha police attach considerable algnlfl flcanca to thla version of tha couver- aatlon. While tie atate waa collecting Ita evidence the Rer. Mr. Rlcheaon lata to day faced two trading membera of hie church and declared: I am Innocent and will prove It when the time cornea. In addition to the atatement of Moaea Grant Fernanda, father of Rlrheaon'a fiance that the mlnlater would have the beat rounael money could obtain, farther aaalatance haa .been promlaad from bla own family. Aaaurance of support came today from Pr. W. A. Rlcheaon. of Amherst. Va.. a wealthy uncle, who declared bla fortune waa at the command of the defenae. The police today continued their ef fort! to find the reataurant where Mlaa IJnnell and the paator are aald to hare eaten on the day the girl waa found dead. The stomach of the girl la now In tha custody of Professor Whitney, of Har vard Medical School, who la making chemical analysis. In Ma cell at the county Jail Rlche on remalna calm and haa made no atatement. lie slept peacefully during the greater part of the night and awoke early. After eating a late breakfast re read the newspapers. Today he waa allowed to receive visitors and hla sls- ter and lawyera arranged to aee him. Ferelgaera rrwaad PHaeaer. Hta cell la between the celle of four Italians, who are awaiting trial for murdering I -eon rlctpha. the night of July I. Ex-Judge Jamea R. Pun bar and Ma aon. Philip R. Dunbar, who have been retained by Rlcheaon and who are also attorneys for Moaea O. Edmand father of Mlsa Violet Edmanda. who waa to hare married Rlcheaon October II. hare decided to make no atatement. rr the present, at least. They hare Instructed Rlcheaon to eay nothing concerning the case to anyone. Kdmanda alao continued uncommuni cative, except to reiterate hla declare tlon that he believed Rlcheaon Innocent f the crime for which he haa been ar rested. JlSTItK ASKED FROM Pt'LPIT IloMon Preacher Saya Rlcheson should Pay Penalty. BTSTO.V. Oct. 11. Two Boston mini Istera dlacuaaed tha Rlcheaon. caae from tneir puiplta laat night, llvr. Allan A. Stockdale. paator of the Union Con gregational Church, declared Rlcheaon had placed the ministers of the city unaer a cioua similar to that over Danaera arter a defalcation. "But I nave tne utmost confidence In the courts or Massachusetts that justice win do aone ana that ewtftly." ha added. "I feel sure that Justice will he aa awlft as It waa in the famoua " rippen caae in London and the Beat- tie caae In Virginia. Thi.t the murder was premeditated and ce'd blooded eeeme to me positive, aftet the dis closures that have been maae." Rev. Herbert 8. Johnson, pastor of the ac cused man a own denomination, urged the fullest Investigation and declared that If his brother clergyman were tound to have committed the deed merged, the fact that he waa a clergy man ahould mark him as the more de serving of punishment. RICIIESOX IS CALLED CRAZT Aberdeen Man, Intimate of Pastor, Thinks Him Insane. ABERDEEN. Wish, Oct. 2J. (Spa "lal. "Until recently I have known Rev. Clarence Rlcheaon almost aa well as I know myself. Candidly. I believe Mm Insane. When laat I saw him ha was a physical wreck. He cornea from one of the oldeat and beat families In irxinla. if he committed the murder of the I.lnnell gtrk he waa Insane." Tiila statement was made thla morn ing by T. R. Rucker. a apeclal aalesman. or Aoeriieen. Kucker received an announcement Friday of the approaching marriage of -Mr. mcneson to Mlea Violet Ed mand. Tha announcement read as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. Moaea Grant Edmands announce tne marriage of their daugh ter. Violet, to Mr. Clarence Virgil Thompson Richeeon, Tuesday evening. October 31. 1I1. at I o'clock, at the First Baptlat Church. Newton Center. Mass." PACKING PLANT IS BURNED Stock Is Ruined In Mysterious lire at la Grande. LA GRANDE. Or.. Oct !. Special.) Klre of an origin that la mystifying destroyed the parking plant of the ISrand Ronde Packing Company here today. With the loss of the plsnt. Ice plsnt. storage and other departments, three tons of Isrd, four doxen rattle, hogs and aheep and a big Una of hams and bacon were ruined. The plant waa one of the largest In Eastern Oregon and the loaa Is 111,000, partly Insured. - v-vj I jX Q : A t ' r ' - --L-ffj -;: ' ' . . y. - - c - . ' 1 - - - - - - - I MR.. L. H. AHMOLO, JK. MUTCH IS SURPRISE Beautiful Mrs. Moore Steals March on Society. WEDDING IS KEPT SECRET Sportaman'a Ilrlde Widow of Son of Rork Island President, and Is "Votrd for Her Daring and Skill aa IIorM'woman. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. New York aoclety people are a:IU commenting on ne unexpected wedding of Mm Na thaniel F. Moore, widow of tha aon of J. Hobart Moore, of Chicago, the million aire prealdent of the Rock Island Rail road, to Lemuel Kaatlnara Arnold Jr which took place at tha cnuntrv ..i . of William Congdoh Fargo, tha bride's father, near Heabrlght, N. J, laat Wed neaday. The ceremony, which waa iwrfnpm.il "J ine txev. itr. xoblnaon. of Rds.nv N. J., waa a Terr nnlef fr.i. only a few of the moat Intimate frlenda oi ina young roupj being present. In lacu ao aecret were the plana for tha ceremony kept that nwa of the mar "age came aa a complete surprise to mosi oi tneir acquaintances Bride la Dariaa- Rider. Mr. Arnold la widely known cnampion or out-of-door snort, while Hummer visitors 'at Santa R.rh... 1 -. ami remember the sensation Mra. Arnold caused there several seasona ago wnen she rode horseback tn jaunty riding attire of man's rldln ureecnes. coat ana Doots, Kile warn one or trie moat daring horsewomen at the fashionable aoclety colony, no horae being too spirited for her to handle. As Helen Fargo, the present Mrs Arnom waa considered one of the most beautirul New York aoclety girls when ahe was married to Mr. Moors In No veaaber, 1S0&. The wedding waa one of the most brilliant aoclety events of that aeaon. blnre her husband'a death, ahe has put In most of her time aj. Banta Barbara and her father'a country home at Beabrlght. Only al long Intervale has she been seen al the Fargo mansion, fit Park avenue. First Wife Gets Divorce. Thla la Mr. Arnold's aecond marrlaa-e hla former wife, who waa one of the leading spirits at all' the fashionable dog and horae shows frequented by the Long Island smart act. being Marie iioiaington. or Brooklyn. Young Arn old married her directly after bis graduation rrora Tale, but their mar ried life waa a failure and early laat year airs. Arnold went to Reno. Nev. Their divorce soon after waa followed by the announcement of her marriage to ttamuei wmetts. oi Koslyn. L. I, former maater or tne nounds at the Meadowbrook Club. Mr. Arnold and Mra. Moore became engaged laat Summer, but few peraona knew of their betrothal. They de parted on a honeymoon tour of Eu rope yesterday. LYMAN UP FOR CONSPIRING Promoter Charged With Plot In At tempted Jail Escape. SAX FRANCISCO. Oct S3 Dr. John Grant Lyman, the promoter held by the Federal authorities on charves of having, uaed the matla to defraud, anl who waa returned to California Sat urday after recapture at Klamath Falls. Or., following a sensational es cape rrora an Oakland hospital, waa arraigned before United Statea Dis trict Judge Dehaven here todav on chargea of conspiracy in attempting to escape from the Federal authorities. Hla hearing on the fraud chargea will be held after the disposition of tha conspiracy case. Two days time In which to file a a7 to obtain a reduction or tne 1 10.000 ball required wss refused. MONSIGNORCAPEL DEAD Private Chamberlain to Pins IX Ex. pires at Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO. Cal. Oct. 11. Mon algnor T. J. Capel. world-famous Cath olic, once private chamberlain to the Pope, la dead here. Monalgnor Capel died peacefully at the residence of Bishop Grace. He had been 111 for aome time. The Monalgnor preached In the Catholic Cathedral only yaaterday. lie waa found unconscious In bed thla morning. Monalgnor Capel waa born October 1. 1S3(. Having completed hla educa tion by alt years private tutelage fin der the Rev. J. ftt. Qlennle and B. A. Oxon, In 1SS0 he waa ordained a priest by Cardinal Wiseman of England. In January, 1st, he became co founder and vice-principal of St. Marya Normal College at Hammersmith. Shortly alter ordination he waa obliged to go to a Southern climate to recruit hla strength. When at Pau ha eatabllahed the K'ngllsh Catholic Mlaaion, and waa formally appointed Ita chaplain. During aeveral vlslta to Rome ha de livered courses of English sermons In that city by the express command of the pontiff. Monalgnor Capel, while laboring at Pau In the work of "Con- veralons." waa named private cham berlain to Pope Plus IX In 1168. and after hla return to England, doraestle prelate. In 187J. la 113 Monalgnor Capel came to the T'nlted Statea and settled In California. Ha waa the author if aeveral works, among tfiem being "The Holy Catholic Church," "Confeaalona" and "The Pope, tha Head of the Church. As Cntesby, he la suppoaed to ba portrayed In Disraeli's "Lothalr." SMALL POSTS MUST GO COXCEXTRATIOX OP TROOPS TO BE NEW POLICY". Army Chiefs Announce That Sftny Little Forts In West Will Be Abandoned Before Long. WASHINGTON, Oct1 23. After month'a tour In the West, Secretary Stlmson and Major-General Wood have returned to Washington. They made a trip along the Mexican border in specting Army posts aa far aa Prea cott. Arlx. Secretary Stlmson and Gen eral Wood aald the trip confirmed their belief that sound Army policies re quired the concentration of troopa In targe poats and the abandonment of many email Wea It waa decided iSsGlfiiS 11I1E ANGRY troops now in th above the norm posts. Including the troops ordered thither In connection with the forma tion of tha maneuver division, should be removed forthwith. Orders will be Issued for the return of moat of these troops to their posts, though some of the men must go to Hawaii and the Iathmua to form the permanent garrl aona there. OREGON SOLONS SCORED Judge Han ford Comments on Laws Affecting Admiralty Cases. SAN FRANCISCO. OcL 22, The Ore gon Legislature showed an unwar ranted assumption of power" In giving the state courts exclusive jurisdiction In a certain class of admiralty casea. according to ft decision rendered here today by Judge C. H. Hanford, in the United States Circuit Court af Ap peals. The Aurora Shipping Company had appealed from a judgment rendered In the United States District Court, at Portland, awarding damages to Mag gie Boyce. widow of a longshoreman accidentally killed while working on one of the company'a vessels at Port land. The accident was adjudged due to the company'a carelessness. - The Judgment of the District Court was ac cordingly confirmed. aa against the clalma of the atate tribunal. SECOND DURBAR PLANNED ( 'Washington Would Have Inaugura tion Lost Week. WASHINGTON. Oct. J3. There le m plan under discussion to have Presi dential Inaugurations laat a week.. Americana patriotic enough to spend their money at home and democratic enough not to crave the presence of royalty In the court of honor no longer will have to cross tne seaa lor coro nations a?nd durbars in order to gratify love of pageantry providing the. am bltloua scheme hatched by Washlng- tonlana la carried to completion. s ' Paisley Man Twice Indicted. LAKE VIEW, Or, Oct. 23. (Special.) The grand Jury at thla term of the Circuit Court has completed Its labors by Handing In two Indictments against B. Jackson for alleged violation of the lomj. option laws. Jackson's home at Paisley, and the two Indictments Imply Increase the already large num ber that have been found against men that town. D. Blggerstaff, of Pals- ley. Is under Indictment on a almllar harre. Limit Set on Fair Guests at Annapolis "Hops" Resented. MOTHERS INDIGNANT, TOO Members of Younger Set in Washfng- ton Think Commandant of the Academy Has No Tllght Enforce New Order. to WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. (Special.) Fair maids of Washington's younger aet to whom the fortnightly "hops" at the Naval Academy at Annapolis are social events of the greateat Import ance, are much put out over the order recently issued by Captain Glbbona, commandant of the academy, prohibit ing each midshipman from inviting more than three girls- to the social affairs. The girls say that It Is perfectly hor rid of .Captain Glbbona to make the ruling, and that the Navy Department haa no business permitting such an Infamous order to go Into effect. How ever, the hue and cry ralaed by the young women and their, mot hers haa disturbed neither Captain- Glbbona nor the department. It Is said that the order will be enforced. In the past there has been no limit to the number of girls each of the 700 midshipmen at the academy could In vite to trip the light fantasy at the achool parties, and the Capital girls snd their mothers swarmed over to Annapolis every time a - "hop" waa acheduled. Special trolley cars were run to transport them. Many prominent matrons of Wash ington, wboae daughters feel that Cap tain Gibbons has curtailed their rights, have expressed themselves in no uncer tain terms, resenting the promulgation of the order. . "I see neither sense nor reason In this regulation," said Mrs. Russell Har rison, daughter-in-law of the late Pres ident Benjamin Harrison, whase daugh ter, Marthena, Is one of the moat popu lar girls In the younger set. "It re minds me of the order once Issued by the Navy Department prohibiting wives of officers from following their hus- , bands abroad. J imagine this order will be 'enforced about as easily as that one waa. The Navy officers' wives went abroad anyhow, and the depart ment backed down." STRIFE IS PUT. ASIDE (Con tlnued PTom 'First Page.) both houses It shall be submitted to the President for his signature. If he ap proves the same he shall sign it; if he disapproves the same he shall return It to the House whence It originated, with his objections. It only depends, therefore, upon whether he approves the bill what his duty is. ' "Of course you can run away from an Issue. If a bill Is sent to the Presi dent and be does not sign it, then it goes Into effect without hla, approval. I have tried generally to pursue a pol Icy that when an issue la brought to me I decide on It one way or the other. That la what I did and that la what 1 propose to do In the future. "If I don't like a- bill I am going to veto It. whether I look like Geoge III or any other King. But that power Is imposed upon me by the Constitution, and I am bound to exercise it and am going to exercise It with my best .judgment In the interest oi tne coun try." - Sick headache Is caused by a dis ordered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head aches will disappear. For sale by all drufrr1sts. ; means more 'than a fat. baby. It means laying the foundation of a strong, sturdy constitution. Fat alone is not enough; there must be bone, muscle, brain and nerves. Scott's Emulsion it thm Aetna of perfection for Mother an J Child. , ALL DRuaaisrs 11-61 sown IMS! Gordon Under a GORDON you're over wearing any other make A. B. STEINBAGH & GO. Your judgment "goes". Just tell the grocer if you are not com pletely satisfied with our soups. And he returns your mone'. We have confidence ment on We know how good they are. We have yet to find any one who wouldn't rather have the soups than the money. But you know best what you like. We leave it all to you 21 kinds Asparagus Beef Bouillon Celery Chicken Chicken Onmbo(Okra) ('lorn Bouillno Clam Chowder Ccnromiue Jiiltenae Mock Tnotla "I wish that all places Kaew Campbell's good 1 cbeer. For then the palefaces Would sll disappear." Just add hot aattr, bring to a bod, and serve. Joseph Campbell Compant Camden N J Look for the red-and-white label iats in your judg- 10c a can Mnlllgatawny Mutton Broth Ox. Tnil Pea , Pepper Pot Prlntanler Tornsto Tomato Okra Vegetthle Vermicelli-Tomato Igll