Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 24, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Penalty for Deceitful Corpora
tions Considered by Char
ter Commission.
Committee Is Named to Prepare
AmfndnifntYnchlr for More
Titan 2 3 Year Are Forbid
den Rates With City.
Stock-watering corporations, operat
ing under franchises from the city,
were the target for attack by the mem
bers of the people's charter revision
commission (Kast Side) at a meeting
last Hindi. IT. Harry Lane argued
that the proposed commission charter
should contain a provision by whlcn
the franchise of any corporation should
be forfeited In Its entirety whenever
that corporation was detected water
ing Its stock. Other members of the
committee were not prepared official
ly to act on so drastic a provision
without further consideration, with the
result that the subject was referred
to a special committee, consisting of
Jr. Lane. Isaac Swett and II. O. I 'ar
sons with Instructions to prepare
amendments thereon and submit at
subsequent meeting.
As approved by the commission, im
portant features of the report of the
subcommittee on franchises were
agreed to. It has been decided by the
committee, and the provision will be
Incorporated In the charter to be sub
mitted to the people, that no franchise
shall be srranted for longer than IS
years and then only when approved by
the people.
Rates Left Cesasalaalsa.
The riant Is reserved to the com
mission to determine what are fair
and reasonable rates, fares anJ
rharres for the public service and to
order that only reasonable charges
shall be Imposed and to make effective
all such orders under penalty of lor-
Another section provides that the
errantlnsr of a franchise shall not be
deemed to confer any right on the cor
poration receiving the same to Include
In the charge for any service any re
turn on the value of the franchise or
arrant. At the same time It Is provided
that all such franchises shall be as
sessed for purposes of taxation In the
same manner as other property. K. i
Uontasrue called the attention of his
associates on the committee to the In
consistency of these two sections re
lating; to franchises, but a majority of
the committee Insisted on the retention
of both provisions. ,
Fsrfeltare Is rrovtded.
The special committee named last
night will also prepare and submit an
amendment providing- that the aban
donment by a street railway company
or other corporation of a street or por
tion of a street covered by Its rran-
-htaa without express permission of
the commission through the enactment
of an ordinance, shall operate to for
feit the entire franchise.
By another provision ratified by the
committee last night. It Is provided mat
all franchises heretofore granted and
in which the grantees have not entered
into the use and enjoyment of the priv
ileges conferred thereunder, shall Im
mediately become void and inoperative
and the rights sought to oe conveyed
restored to the city. If the charter draft
Is approved by the people.
l RlWfl. WnRKS FflR PARK
35 Members to Ask lioara to to-I
Tide Playgrounds.
Alblna wants a park and playgrounds
for the use of the several schools of
that district, and at the meeting of
the Lower Alblna Push Club, held last
night In the Oanla Hall. It was decided
to demand that the Park Hoard pur
chase the grounds. George Hockenyos
declared that all other portions of the
city bad been provided with parks, but
that Alblna had been overlooked. .
It is time that the people of this sec
tion awake and demand that they be
provided with parks and playgrounds.'
said Mr. Hockenyos. "as we pay our
taxes and are entitled to the same con
sideration given other sections. Un
less we stand up for our rights, we
will continue to be Ignored."
It was decided to detail a committee
of IS to attend the next meeting of the
Park Board and demand that a park
be purchased for Albtna and also that
playgrounds be selected for the public
Ths club Indorsed the movement to
bare the Assessor's tax roll Investi
gated to ascertain If there had been
discrimination against the homeowners
of the East Side.
Club members declared the D.-CT. R.
Jk N. Company should provide a freight
depot for the Alblna district, and
committee was appointed to take op
the subject with officials of the rail
road company. The shippers and busi
ness men of Lower Alblna will be asked
to co-operate In the movement to get
a freight depot.
Administrator of IlaMinr. Proprrtj
Imports nanfflns; Date Xlfih.
J. A. Backwlth. administrator of ths
atata of K41th Haaalnfr. who was
killed by her husband. Jans H ass Ins;.
last rail, submitted his final report
yesterday. Receipts, from ths sale of
realty, war :00 and expenditures were
Jodire KarraaanKh. before whom Has
1ns; was tried and who sentenced him
to death, will recelre the mandate from
the Supreme Court November . the
artloa of the lower court havlns; been
affirmed at Salem, and he will then set
a date for the resentenclns; of Hasalns;
to death. This la the only penalty per
mitted by the Oregon law on convic
tion for flrst-deicree murder.
The law provides that the mandate
must be returned at the expiration of
20 days after the Supreme Court has
passvd on a case. Allowing for the
usual statutory periods which must
elapse the date for the hanx-lns: of the
murderer will probably fall In the sec
ond or third week of December.
Home and Foreign Societies
Methodists, South, to Unite.
Unification of the Woman's Home
and 1'orelgn Missionary Societies of the
Columbia conference, for the Metho
dist Kplscopal Church, Booth, was voted
yesterday afternoon In the First
Church, at Union avenue and Mult
nomah street, when they met In Joint
session. This action was taken In
accordance with the desire of the Wo
man's National Home and. Foreign So
ciety, which has been consolidated with
the Woman's Mission Council.
Throughout the South and In other
sections, where the Methodist Church.
South, is strong, the woman's home
and foreign mission societies are con
solidating, as the same women are
members of both organisations and
consolidation means concentration and
better work, it la pointed out.
Mrs. Anna Presslv presided at the
opening session of the conference and
reDorta were received from officers
of both branches and also from local
societies. After consolidation Is made
effective there will be one organisa
tion and one set of officers to handle
home and foreign mission affairs.
Rev. J. H. Bennett preached last
night to the conference on "Missions."
Miss Mabel Head, one or the secre
taries of the Mission Council, will ad
dress the conference this morning at
10 o'clock, on the scope and purpose
of consolidation In mission work and
other subjects. A reception will be
riven tonlsrht In the church by the
conference to Miss Head, and to Rev.
i : ' - ' A
w !:
Jena Marshy.
The funeral of John Murphy, a
pioneer S years old. who owned
the Murphy place on the Mount
Hood automobile road, near
Welch's Hotel, was held yester
day In Vancouver. Wash. Mr.
Murphy died In St. Joseph's Hos
pital at Vancouver. He Is sur
vived by his widow and several
and Mrs. J. II. Bennett. Rev. Mr.
nett Is the new pastor of the
Elks Agree to Refrain. From Asking
for This Kind of Patronage
for Programme.
Portland business men have been
solicited for so many advertising
schemes of questionable merit In the
last few months that It has become
necessary for them to start a cam
paign of self-defense.
Recently they sent a communication
a . V tribe rrind lnnirik f-nnvnntlnn
commission requesting that inasmuch
enf jtrtslnmnnt fund, that the Elks re-
fraln from soliciting them for adver
tising In any programme that the
lodge may issue.
At the time the Elks solicited their
subscriptions the assurance was held
out that they would not ask the mer
chants to contribute further by offe
lng them space In a programme, and
when the letter was received the com
mission reiterated Its promise not to
seek advertising for their programme
or for any other publication that they
may Issue.
While plans for the official pro
gramme have not been outlined by the
Elks, it Is almost certain that It will
contain no advertising matter. It la
anticipated that enterprising persons
will solicit advertising for various
other kinds of programmes, but the
Klks will not give their official sane
tlon to any such schemes.
Another line of advertising matter
that the merchants wish to avoid Is
that through which the promoters seek
to exploit the police of the city. Los
Angeles merchants recently were made
the victims of such a scheme, and
the Merchants and Manufacturers' As
soclatlon there has sent the following
"warning" to the secretary of the Port
land commercial Club:
An enterprising advertising pro
moter has Just published In this city a
souvenir of the police department on a
contract basts of 60 per cent to the
patron and 60 per cent to him. Our
association at the outset protested
against me scneme. which m purely
in ins nature or a grart. but the con
tract had been signed by the police of
ficials, and there was nothing for us to
do but to advise our merchants not to
rantrlhttt Wnw v . . v. w i
r"ntt,on" - ,ucn " alienors repre-
uiviiuriiDa u oiucers con-
nected with the police department.
omeininr siae has been col-.
lected. or which 000 has been turned
in to tne ponce pension fund.
I understand that thev hi i.rt
mis city and are now contemplating
puuuinins; simuar books in San Fran
cisco. Portland. Tacoma and Seattle.
-The book lteelf is valueless to the
advertiser, as It contains simply the
pictures or some of the officials mH
the roster of the police station.
I simply write this letter to warn
you to iaae steps in advance to nn.
vent the poi'ce officials from em.rir.o-
into a contract or this kind, which Is
of no value to the community, but la
only a graft on the public on the part
oi inv promoters and scnemers.
Indian Found Dead Xear Track.
HOOD RIVER, Or- Oct II. fSna-
claL) Walter Johnson, a partially
blind Indian, who lived about two mllea
up the Columbia River from this city,
was found dead this morning beside
the tracks of the O.-W. R. St S rail
road. It Is thought that the Indian
was struck by a fretgn: train last
Saloonkeepers Are Fined. .
ASTORIA. Oct 23. (Special.) Jack
Anderson and Paul Lurtnen, local sa
loonkeepers, were arrested by the po
lice yesterday on charges of selllns:
liquor on Sunday. They were fined
2i each in the Police Court today.
Big Reception to Be Given
Women to Arouse Con
vention Enthusiasm.
KxaJtcd Ruler Knbll Believe $S5,-
000 Will Bo Gleaned in DarOut
slde Lodges Send Word They're
Coming la Crowds.
Even the women are to Join in the
campagln of the Klks to make the
grand lodge convention In Portland
next Summer "an ever-fragrant rose
In the buttonhole of Elkdom," as D.
Bolls Cohen, chairman of the publicity
committee, has expressed, it.
At last night's meeting of the ban.
auet committee, consisting of K. K.
Kubli, exalted ruler; David M. Dunne,
C. C. Bradley. Dr. T. L. Perkins and Dr.
E. A. Marshall, plana for giving a re
ception to the wives, mothers, sisters.
daughters and sweethearts of r.iKS
were outlined. The function will take
place early In November. Every mem
ber of the Portland lodge, as well
every Elk living In Portland who Is
a member of another lodge, together
with visiting Elks, will be urged to at
tend and to bring a fair member of
his family.
The Idea Is to arouse enthusiasm
imong the women and to obtain their
kid and advice In the plans for the
grand lodge reunion. It Is likely that
committee of women win be organ-
Ibed to prepare entertainment for the
visiting women.
(vim Plans Made.
The subcommittees of the' finance
committee named at the meeting Sun
day will start active work next week.
A meeting of the chairmen of the sub-
committees will be held Friday of this
week to prepare final details prelim
inary to starting the canvass. It Is
believed that the 135,000 remaining to
be collected to complete the 1125.000
entertainment fund will be gleaned
wlthrn a week. Exalted Ruler Kubll
has hopes of collecting It In a day.
Further communications fwere 're
ceived yesterday from lodges In various
parts of the country, assuring the at
tendance of large delegations. 1 ne
secretary of the -Pittsburg lodge in
formed Harry C. McAllister, secretary
of the commission, that a special train
has been chartered to leave over the
Pennsylvania road and operating via St.
Louis, Kansas City, Denver and Salt
Lake City. There will be 150 persons
In the Pittsburg party. Pittsburg Is
after the 113 convention and will be
prepared to do entertaining of Its own.
E. F. Annls. of Salt Lake City, vis
ited Secretary McAllister yesterday and
arranged for the accommodation of
ibout 60 members of the Salt utxe
fit v lodara. A sneclal train will run
out of Salt Lake to Portland and will
accommodate the Elks of other Utah
BOO Taeomsas Coming-
A rents of the Tacoma lodge yester
day started negotiations to reserve 160
rooms at one of tne leaning uuiri.
Thur will come 600 strong. .warsii-
fleld senfa request for 60 rooms. Many
of the Elks In that city have friends In
Portland and will stay in private
homes. At least 250 will comprise the
ennm Rn.v daleiratlon.
The first number ot in
FTlk" the official publication oi mo
local lodge, has been Issued, and pre
sents a neat and breezy appearance, in
.trnri contribution secretary Mc
Allister urges Elks to visit his offices
and to sugsest Ideas mat win ia m
making the reunion a success.
The convention commission ww uum
meeting tonight.
Klamath Board of Kquallzation. Sets
Value of $1 Pit 1000.
n.iMATH FALLS. Or.. Oct 23.
isniwiai i In nast seasons the County
Board of Equalisation has based values
on timber for assessment of taxes
without having the lands cruised. The
decided raise in valuations this year
and the determined attitude of the
Board to make the raise stana anpiu
the protest of the timber men. do
claim that practically all the county a
raise In valuation Is against elg-ht large
timber-holding companies. Is due to the
fact that the county had the timber
lands cruised.
Frank Doohar, James Ryan and J.
Minor were employed to go over the
timber lands west of Upper Lake
Klamath, while Byron Crawford and
the Stindt brothers, of Bonanza, in
spected the territory near Bly which
! timbered. The reports of tholr In
vestigation were submitted to the Coun
ty Court and County Assessor, captain
j. p. Lee. after whlcn the county naa
Oscar North, of this city, the official
crusslng Inspector for the county, check
up the work done by the cruising teams,
and report on surplus or shortage. Ac
cording to the results of this Investiga
tion, the Board of Kquallzation decided
on the raise In the valuation, and have
put the value of the timber at SI per
thousand. This Is said to be unusually
high fur timber assessments, which are
often made at t cents.
Lodge Articles Xot Filed.
SALEM. Or, Oct. 23. (Special.)
Following an Investigation by L. E.
Sharon, grand secretary of the Odd
fellows In Oregon, It has been discov
ered thst between id and 30 lodges of
that order have failed to comply with
the regulations of the order relative to
filing articles of Incorporation. This
condition is supposed to have resulted
In an oversight. Many lodges sub
mitted the articles to the grand
master, but never filed them with the
Secretary of State, evidently believing
that submission . to the head - office
would be all that was required. As a
result a number of articles are now
being filed, one set being received to
day from Tygh Lodge, No. 1T8, which
was executed In 1904.
William Dunn Dies at Albany.
ALBANY, Or, Oct. 23. (Special.)
William A. Dunn, veteran of the Civil
War and well-known resident of Al
bany, died this morning" at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Herman,
In this city, aged 71 years. He was
born in Pike County, Illinois. In 1840
and came to Oregon In 18S9. He came
to Albany from Portland seven years
ago. He served throughout the Civil
War In the Third Illinois Cavalry. He
was a member of the First Christian
Church of Albany. Mr. Dunn Is sur
vived by a widow and three daughters,
Mrs. J. B. Leathman. of Albany; Mrs.
F. Stannard, of McMlnnvllle. and Mrs.
R. B. Montague, of Portland.
Make Up Your Mind to
Have a Fine Piano Now!
Bring $6 Today and Secure the Best $425 Instrument
at a Reduction of $107 m
A New Payment Plan Whereby a Fine Piano
May Be Bought for $6 a Month
Every one of the pianos noted
for splendid tone and reliable
$6 was never able to do 60
much toward giving1 yoii the own
ership of a piano as now.
There are no "ifs, ands or
buts" about this offer1 it is
made by the Nation's largest
piano house, and is absolutely re
liable. Simply bring in $6 and select
your piano; we deliver it to you
the same day.
After that, you pay $6 a month.
Five carloads of pianos are offered upon this new
basis. No more. Select your piano today, before all
have been taken.
What Eilers Music Houses say they'll do, they do.
E fQr Subscriptjons
Starts Today.
I -
Rose Fiesta Must Re Given at Usual
Time, if at All, Declares Presi
dent Hoyt $50,000 Is Re
quired for Show.
Whether Portland Is to have a Rose
Festival next June will be made known
within the next few weeks, when the
result of the campaign, which starts
today, to secure subscriptions for the
event, have been announced. A large
number of people have the Idea that
owing to the fact that the Klks will
meet here next year the annual Rose
Festival would not be given. Many
people also have the Impression that
the Rose Festival would be given
while the Elks convention Is In session.
That If It Is given at all It must be
given at the usual time, when the roses
are at their best, and with the same
elaborate displays that have marked
the previous shows Is the opinion of
many of the leading business men of
the city. Ralph W. Hoyt. president of
the Rose Festival Association, an
nounced several days ago that all the
contributors thus far approached have
agreed to contribute to the fund for
next year's show if it Is decided to give
one. Several of the leading noteis
have already Increased their subscrip
tions 20 per cent.
The prospects for a Rose Festival
next yeor are considered very promis
ing by President Hoyt and his associ
ates. They are now conducting a quiet
campaign to find out if the public will
support a festival next Summer. Thus
far their efforts have been gratifying.
A fund of tSO.OOO will be required. The
floats must be started early In January,
and the Rose Festival Association
must know within a few weeks how
much money will be available for the
purpose before contracts can be let.
The Rose Festival is well known
throughout the country. Many vis
itors have declared It to be superior
to the Mardi Gras. Recently Mr. Hoyt
received a letter from the Pasadena
Floral Carnival Committee advising
that if the Rose Festival is given here
next year Pasadena will be represented
In the parade with an elaborate float.
The committee also asked that the
Portland association prepare a float for
the annual carnival given In Pasa
dena. Conferences and correspondence
which President Hoyt already has had
with officials of the Northern Pacific,
Great Northern, Harrlman and Mil
waukee systems have all Indicated that
A home without a piano is not
all that a home should be. Music
is the" one great feature for a hap
py home. No social affair, no
fireside gathering of any kind is
complete without music. . There
is no necessity for any home now
to be without a piano $6 is all
that is needed.
We know there are at least
8000 homes in Portland that are
without pianos.
This offer is for them. It
surely should be worth $6 a
month, or 20 cents a day, to have
the happiness and pleasure that
a piano will bring.
the railroads will do more to advertise
Portland and exploit the Rose Festval
than they have ever done before. They
will, however, have - to bo assured at
an early date that the Rose Festival.
Is to be given, in order to make the
necessary plana for publicity.
"At no previous time has there been
such a chance to attract the tourists this
way as we are to have next Summer,"
said Mr. Hoyt yesterday. "With the
Rose Festival and Elks convention
here, and Tacoma and Seattle both
holding midsummer fetes, no better
opportunity could be afforded any city."
Mayor Against Forcing Firms to Pay
for Deposits.
The proposed ordinance, providing
that all public service corporations, in
cluding the gas, telephone and elec
tric light companies, pay Interest on
the deposits which they demand from
their patrons, was vetoed by Mayor
Rushlight yesterday. The ordinance
passed the Council October 1L
"There are two reasons." says the
Mayor, "why I object to this ordinance
In Its present form. The principal
objection Is that no provision Is made
as to the time and manner of paying,
the Interest to the depositor. This
leaves a loop-hole for the public service
corporations affected to evade payment,
and opens the way for endless litiga
tion, which would In the end work a
hardship on the very people whom
the measure Is intended to relieve.
"The other objection is that It opens
the way to force patrons of the com
panies Into furnishing bonds Instead
of cash deposits. The public service
corporations have the right under the
law to demand such security, and this
would result In another Injury and
vexation to the parons who would be
compelled to pay the bonding fees."
Portland Resident 3 8 Years Xative
of Indianapolis.
John Beck, jeweler, a resident of
Portland for 38 years, died at 1:30 A.
M. yesterday at his home. E3 Trinity
Born In Indianapolis In 1837, he came
to Portland In 1872. In 1875 he married
Miss Alice Morgan. He was engaged
In business during the early part of
his residence in Portland at Front and
Morrison streets, but later he moved
to Front and Alder streets.
William Beck, who built the Morri
son-street bridge, the first bridge to
span the Willamette River, was an
uncle of the deceased. Besides a wid
ow, one son, two half sisters, Mrs.
Sarah Baugher, of New York, and Mrs.
Alice Secor, of Indianapolis, and a
cousin, William O. Beck, of Portland,
survive him. Funeral services will be
today. The services at the grave will
be private.
Atlantic City was Incorporated In 1SS4.
when the first passenitar train was run from
the Interior to the Atlantic Coast at that
point. Then the population consisted of
l. ' . ,.n f.mlll.. -Knml 1, m
than 8,000 residents.
The Imperial
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
850 Booms, 104 Suites, With Private
Moderate Rates.
Phil Metschan & Sons. Props.
A Hotel
Pros, a ad aiamw
Hot and Cold Water.
LansT Dlatane P&oaa
im Brerf Room.
$l,OOand Dp
Pianos and
Player Pianos
Judge Tazwell Complains to Cliief
That Patrolmen Are Lai Alleged
Smuggler Liberated.
Feeling between the police and the
Municipal Court, never cordial, was
made less so yesterday when the ap
pearance of policemen in court to
prosecute their cases was brought up
on a complaint made by Judge Taz
well to Chief Slover. Frequent failure
of arresting patrolmen to respond when
their cases are called is reported by
the magistrate, while the policemen
say that under the system, or rather
lack of system observed In the court,
every "arrest they make carries with
It the loss of hours of their private
time, when they are supposed to be
sleeping or taking their recreation.
Particularly in one case canea yes
terday, say the police, the court, in Its
haste to administer a rebuke to ab
sent policemen, went too far and
allowed a prisoner to escape trial.
J. C. Sllz, who says he was until re
cently a steward at the Perkins Hotel,
was arrested by Detectives Epps and
Taft while In the act of trying to sell
a mink collar. As there have been
cases of shoplifting in fur stores re
cently. supposed to bear relation to
the loss of diamonds worth S2500 by
Mrs. O. H. Fithian in a fur store, the
detectives placed the man under arrest
on a technical charge of peddling with
out a license. '
After the arrest, the detectives
learned that their prisoner had been
under surveillance by the Federal cus
toms officers', on suspicion of being
engaged In smuggling between Van
couver, B. C, and Portland. The city
detectives and the customs officers
were In conference yesterday when
thA case was called In court. When
there was no answer Immediately,
Judge Tazwell dismissed the case and
the prisoner was released. Detective
Epps asserts that he was In the court
hiiiirHne- at the time and that a reason
able effort to call him would have been
successf uL
"Acquaintance Function." Xecessary
at Agricultural School.
LEGE, Corvallis, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The first stag faculty dinner
of the year at the Oregon Agricultural
The largest and most magnificent
hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in
elegance of accommodations or
excellence of cuisine. European
plan $1.50 per day and upward.
O. J. KAlTMAJfX, stanasea,
Fifth and Washington Sts.
in the very heart of Portland's business
Moderate price restaurant in conection.
in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up.
L. Q. Swetland, Mgr. 0. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr.
Cor. Fourteenth and Washington
Kew Hotel, Elecantly KurnlsacaL
Rates $1 and Up
tFfclClAX. BATES FOR i'llllll liA Tx
Pn.nnr.n Plan.
Take aar car at Depot and fransfe as
Washington St.
Portland, Or.
Our 14 -passenger electric 'bus meets
all trains. A high-class, modern hotel
in the heart of the theater and shop
ping district. One block from any car
line. 1 per day and up. European plan.
E. P. MORRIS, Prop. H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr.
TVe claim to sell better pianos
for less than elsewhere. Every
body makes the same claim. But
doesn't it stand to reason that
dealing direct from factory to you
no middlemen we're in a posi
tion to actually save you the deal
er's profit?
Investigate compare that '3
all we ask. You be the judge.
Learn about our new easy pay
ment plan.
College will be held at the Hotel Julian
on the evening of October 27. The
college faculty for the past year or
two has grown so large that the pro
fessors and instructors in one depart
ment do not know, as a general rule,
the members of the other departments,
and In order to obviate this condition
it has been decided to hold several of
these faculty dinners throughout the
Although no programme for the af
fair has been announced, it is known
that the faculty quartet, composed of
Professor Fulton, of the chemical de
partment;' Professor Beckwlth, in the
bacteriology department; Professor Bo
quet, of the vegetable gardening department,-
and Professor Gaskins, of the
school of music, will sing.
8000 SHEEP SOLD AT $2.25
Market Price In Klamath County Is
Showing Improvement.
LAKEVIEW, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.)
One of the largest stock transactions
which has taken place In this section or
the country for some time was the
sale by David Edler to O. T. McKendree
of 8000 head of lambs. The price was
12.25. The lambs will be delivered at '
Klamath Falls, from where they will
be shipped to markets on the Coast.
For a time they will be fed at Merrill,
where the new owner has arranged for
their care. The average weight of the
lambs is about 60 pounds.
The fact that the price is better than
the market has shown lately, and for
such a large number of animals. Is re
garded as tending to show better con
ditions in the market than have pre
vailed of late. The disparity in price
which has existed between cattle and
sheep here has been rather discourag
ing to sheep ranchers, for while cattle
have commanded high prices, sheep
have been a drag on the market even
at low figures.
Eugene Sheriff Arrests Suspect.
EUGENE, Or.. Oct. 23. (Speclai.)
A Mexican" who refused to give his
name, but who was loaded down with
what were apparently stolen goods, was
arrested this evening by the Sheriff
and held for Inquiry. The man wore
three suits of heavy underwear, In ad
dition to a coat and vest, and his
pockets were filled with knives, razors
and Jewelry. The Sheriff believes that
the man has looted a store near Eugene,
"Accidental" Shooting Fatal.
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 23. While
hunting big game in a party of five
on the Hoodoo Range, 15 miles from
Newport, Wash., Sunday afternoon,
George Davidson was accidentally
shot through the abdomen by a gun
held In the hands of his son. He was
carried over the hills on a rough litter
and hurried to this city where he died
this morning at St. Luke's Hospital.