Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 24, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Common-User Clause. Iron
Poles, Right to Streets and
Fare Regulation Asked.
Official Dfrlarrt Traction Company
Onght JUfo to Paj Its Share for
Stmt Paving--JossHyn Says
Demand I fnfalr.
That the Portland Hallway. Light A
Power Company" franchise, which It la
endeavoring- to obtain from the City
Council. ouht to contain a common
user clause and should r-mvlde for
Iron trolley pole.; that the City Council
should rerulate fares within the city
limits, and that the city oughtto have
the right to open streets "; tn
corporation now has private rights of
way. the cltr not to Interfere with the
operation of the company's cars. Is tne
opinion of City Attorney C.rant. sub
mitted to City Auditor Barbur yester
day for the City Council.
Mr. Orant says further that the cor
poration ousrht to pay its proportion
ate share of the street improvements
on East Twenty-eighth str.-et. llalsey
street. Nineteenth. Oak. Front, r Irst
and Tillamook streets because Judge
Oantenbeln has held "that the com
pany has no legal right to abandon Its
tracks on these streets without per
mission from the Council."
"This permission was never Sly".
continue. Mr. Grant, "and I am of the
opinion that the company should com
P'y with the decision of Judge Oanten
beln I l ave suggested the use of Iron
trollev poles because the Oregon
trie Railway Company Is required by
Its franchlee to use Iron trolley poles.
A provision against subletting the
etreetrar ltnes has been inserted by Mr.
I a fair. Sara Jo-aelya.
-Our .ppllcatlon to the City Council
for additional trackaae to what we
nave at present." aald President Josae
lyn of the railway company. "Is solely
for'the purpose of Improving; the pres
ent streetcar service. Rose City Park
residents desire to get Into the down
town district and out of It on shorter
. hedules. It take, 41 minutes to make
the trip now. By forming a loop at
Ftark street and double tracking we
ran cut this time down. With exten
sions on Harrison street and In Kast
moretand. more residents may be served
and the walk from their present homes
to the end of the carllne may be saved
t there. In each case It means ad
ditional value to thlr property. In
no case will It add to the revenue of
the company, except as the city and
country prow. In the meantime these
extensions will be a burden to maln-
-Kor these accommodations to the
people Mr. Grant auagests that we Rive
valuable considerations such as pay
Ins; for paring on streets not occupied.
This question Is In the Circuit Court
and when decided will determine the
whole subject as to our rljihts. The
attempt to force us Into paying for
something which we do not use. before
the final adjudication of the case. Is
hardly fair and would Indicate a fear
as to the outrome of the case In the
courts on the part of tr. Grant. He
provides further that we shall donate
to the cltv any real property that we
mar own for street purposes. In other
words, any private owner receives from
the city the value of his property taken
for street purposes, while we are. re
quested to donate It. That would be
confiscating property, and no fair
minded person In Portland or In any
other city would believe that Is the
right thin to do.
"Our object In applying; for this ad
ditional franchise 1. purely for the Im
provement of the service and not for
the purpose of adding to our rights or
obtaining valuable privileges. We are
anxious to rive the people of Portland
the very best service. Outlying districts
ran only maintain their values in realty
and In their homes by having good,
service. If It Is the City Council's de
sire that we rive the people the pres
ent service, which Is Inadequate In
point of schedules in many cases, we
shall be content, for we can continue
In our present way. The franchise
tinder which we are operating continues
for 11 years. The vital thins; which a
growing city like Portland needs is
service quick service and rood serv
ice. Any effort to curtail the deliver
ance of this one feature means a letting;
up of the city's development, for all
must admit that streetcar service la
Intimately Interwoven with the de-'
velopment of Portland.
Graat'a Plaa Oapasia.
"The application for an additional
franchise that la, permission to per
fect quicker service for these various
districts waa made at the urrent re
quest of the rttlsens. In the various dis
tricts Involved. We desire to accommo
date them. If the city does not wish
lo meet their requests we have nothlnr
mora to say. and will continue doing;
the best we can to serve them and
everybody else to the very best of our
ability with the rights now owned.
"It must be remembered that the
present application la merely to fill out
And connect the llnka In our old fran
rhlae. These additions or connections
for better eervlce provide for the same
regulations as exist now. To propose
different regulation, would create a
sort of craaypatch affair to the detri
ment of a harmonloua gervtre and fran
chise, under which, we could not operate
to the satisfaction of all concerned."
Councilman Clyde Seek lo Stop Al
leged Monopoly.
Councilman Clyde filed yesterday for
Introduction at tomorrow's Council
m.etlnc an ordinance, which he de
clarea will destroy the monopoly on
the electric sign business, which he
declare la now enjoyed by the Port
land Railway. Light A power Company.
I nless the new ordinance la passed he
gayg there are many Kast Side firms
whose signs must be taken down.
Clyde saya that although the present
ordinance provides that gas lights may
be used for signs this Is only a blind,
as none are thua used. The ordinance
provides signs must be outlined either
lu Incandescent globes or gas Jets.
"Business men are now compelled to
py for a minimum amount of current
on slgr.a a flat rate being charged
whether the light Is use I or not. With
the new ordinance pasted a business
enaa can select his own and have It
attached to his meter, paying for the
actual amount of current used."
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One, 61, Confesses, When He
Eats Strychnine in Food.
Leon Lorhard Admit Committing
Robberies and Involves Man Said
to Be Hlch Ttoth ex-Convicts.
Kanrh Their Rendezvous.
A quarrel between partners In crime
over the division of proceeds of rob
beries. In the course of which one Is
altered to have attempted the life of
the other by mlxlnr strychnin witn
his food, has led to the capture of Leon
Lochard, aged CI. and J. F. Hawkes,
aged C2. both cx-convlcte. by Consta
ble John Hall, of Lents, and K. L. Phil
lips. Deputy Sheriff, Lochard, whose
life nearly cald the penalty wnen ne
swallowed the poison with his food, has
confeesed a serlee of robberies com
mitted last month In Portland and vi
cinity. Hawkes refuses to talk.
Lochard waa arrested at a ranch
which the two had leased near Lents
as a rendesvous and Hawkes. who la
worth between 175.000 and $100,000, the
authorities aay. waa arrested at 26 H
Eaat Sixth street, near the corner
of East Bumslde street. In the base
ment of his house waa found a com
plete kit of burglars tools, which was
confiscated by the authorities. In his
trunk were found watches, surveying
Instruments and clothing believed to
have been stolon.
The two men. now In the Multnomah
County Jail, first met at the Peniten
tiary, where Hawkea. who waa sen
tenced from Multnomah County Feb
ruary C. 190S. was swvlng an Indeter
minate sentence for horse stealing.
Lochard, under the name of John Pkel
ley. had been sentenced from Roseburg
tor two and one-half years. He was
caught in the act of attempting to en
ter a hardware atore In that city. De
cember 12. ISO. They leased the 20
acre ranch near Lenta last September,
after agreeing that they would go Into
the thieving business on a wholesale
Leehard la Poisoned.
Last Tueaday night Lochard. who was
living on the ranch, three-quarters of
a mile from Lents, oh the road to
Kelly Butte, rushed Into a drugstore
et Lents without a hat and coat, de
claring that he had been poisoned. Con
stable Hall and Tr. McStoy were called
and saved him- Hall went back to the
ranch with him and sought for two
hours In vain to persuade him to dis
close the name of the person he sus
pected of poisoning his food". The
constable suKpected Lochard before
that time, a friend having told him of
a conversation with Lochard In which
Lochard spoke of the ease with which
farms and farm houses on the Towell
Valley road could be robbed.
The next day Lochard m-ent to Lenta
again. In his absence about 200
chickens which the pair had stolen, he
says, were taken from the ranch. This
. . ..... i - l- - - -. ? 3 '
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theft Induced him to tell all to Con
stable Hall.
Among the robberies to which he
confessed were the theft of three
horses, a rubber-tired burry and a set
of single harness from a farm near
Washougal: $400 worth of carpets. Iln
olouma. ruKa, lace curtains, pillows,
mirrors and other article from the
store of Drcktor & Wller. at East
Washington street and Union avenue;
a wagoi owned by A. Labrache, prop
erty man at the Baker Theater, from
the Htudebaker agency on Belmont
street: 73 chickens from T. J. Kreuder,
4530 Powell Valley road: 60 chickens
from W". Orebasch. in the Mount Ta
bor district; 10 sacks of grain from H.
Mall. Powell Valley road; a Jersey hei
fer from a vacant lot at East Powell
and East Twentieth streets: a wagon
load of hay from a car sidetracked at
East Washington and East Water
streets; six sacks of wheat and seven
of barley from a feedstore at East
Washington and East Water streets:
six rolls of chicken wire netting from
the Portland Wire & Iron Works, at
Belmont and East Water street, and a
wagon top and seat from the woodyard
of F. J. Ward, at East Sixth street and
Hawthorne avenue.
After hearing the confession Hall
went to Kolly Butte and enlisted the
services of Deputy Sheriff Phillips to
catch Hawkes. Lochard waa allowed
to be at liberty for a couple of days.
Only Lochard lived on the ranch,
Hawkea staying at hla house on East
Sixth street and "spotting" the places
to be robbed. A great deal of the
stolen stuff baa been recovered, part
from tha ran oh and part from Hawkes
Arrest Bloc Its Wed dims;.
Hawkea admits taking tha chickens
from tha ranch last week In Lochard'a
"The worst of It is is." said Lochard,
"la that I was to have been married
January 1 to a woman worth between
fCO.000 and $76,000, but I suppose that
la ail off now. I dyed my hair for the
purposes of this marriagei. That is why
you don't believe that I am CI years
of age and say I look more like 48 or
The prisoner refused to give the
name of his fiancee.
Hawkes was flrst arrested In 1S07 by
Peputy Hherlff Leonard, who recovered
10 horses, four sots of harness and
four wagons which he had stolen. He
pleaded guilty and was sentenced to
serve from one to 10 years by Judge
Uantenbeln. He obtained his release
on good behavior at the end of the first
Hawkes owns four houses at East
Sixth and East Bumslde streets, it is
said, and also has considerable other
property in various parts of the county
and state.
Reflections on Brethren to Be Canae
for Dismissal.
A proposal for sectional union
Thanksgiving services. In which the
various Protestant denominations In
each district of the city may unite, will
be made by the Methodist ministers at
the next meeting, November 6. of the
Portland General Ministerial Associa
tion. The Methodist ministers, at their
meeting yesterday morning voiced sen
timents In favor of this move.
It was voted that any member of the
association who so far forgets himself
aa to cast reflections upon a brother
member In meeting shall have his name
stricken from the rolL
C W. DeUraff read a paper on "Busi
ness Methods of the Church."
Rushlight Declares Project Is
Feasible Despite Fears
Several Express.
SOUTH PORTLAND FIGHTS IT to Have Bridge Cross River
Land Opposed "CItII Engineer"
Says Cost Will Be $2,000,000.
Ground Submerged Often.
In spite of opposition to Mayor Rush
light's proposal that the city purchase
Ross Inland for a municipal farm,
where city prisoners can be worked, he
etill maintains his position that in pur
chasing the island the city will be
making a wise venture. Marine men
believe that It will prove a more dif
ficult and expensive venture than ex
pected, owing to destructive currents
and freshets.
Captain Ernest Kellogg, who has
spent 25 years in business on the
waterfront in handling launches, row
boats and other pleasure craft, and as
a consequence has made frequent Jour
neys to the island and farther up
stream, says that each season an aver
age of five feet of the west side of
Ross Island Is washed into the river.
He declares that a dyke or retaining
wall to protect the shore must have
Its foundation a considerable distance
below the bed of the river at the
Bhore line, and that It will unques
tionably prove an expensive under
taking to raise the height of the island
so hat It will not be Inundated In
freshets or in Summer with backwater
from the Columbia. At the same time
Captain Kellogg and other boathouse
owners will welcome the establish
ment of recreation attractions on the
Island as a means of aiding ttreir dusi
ness. Bridge Plaa OppmeiU
Change of the location .of the pro
nnnoit South Portland bridge from
Woodward avenue and Meade street that
It may pass over Ross Island, as sug
gested by Mayor Rushlight, is not
looked upon with favor by the Greater
South Portland Bridge Association. Dr.
Dav. Raffety, president of the associa
tion, said that the engineers took into
consideration such a move as the
Mayor now proposes, when the South
Fortland bridge waa suggested, and
they believe Ross Island can be
reached better from the bridge between
Meade and Woodward streets than
If the bridge Is built over the island,
aa In that case, they think, the ap
proaches will be too high.
"The Island can be reached from the
Woodward avenue Kication on a much
easier grade than If the bridge were
moved farther south." aald Dr. Raf
fety. "The City Beautiful plans Include
the bridge site at Woodward avenue.
Dr. Raffety and other members of
the bridge association are In favor of
the purchase of Ross Island. The
question will probably be discussed at
the next meeting of the association.
Xced of Walla Seea.
A person signing himself "Civil En
gineer" sent The Oregonlan the fol
lowing letter yesterday:
The writer has taken note of the fact
that Mayor Runnllght has taken an option
on Bom lland. with the view of Anally
purrhulng It for the city, to be used aa a
civic c.nter. where the City Jail, garbage
crematory and a city park are to be 1-
"i'vei-r person who knows what Ross Island
Is. knows that to make that lland nt to be
used for the purpose the Mayor speaks of
would necessitate the building up of
the whole Island at least four feet and the
putting In of stone and cement works to
resiit the Spring freshets. To my knowl
edge. Ross Island has been four feet under
water In the shallowest place at least four
times In the pat 15 years. The Island to
the east of Ross Island Is even worse.
Knowing Ross Island from beginning to
end. and bolng a practical engineer. I can
roughly estimate a cost running somewhat
over the $J.OOO,000 mark to build the Inland
up. and this does not Include the additional
cot of the eremetorvi and other buildings.
Mayor Rushlight ought to give the tax
payers the beneflt of some little common
sense, and If the Mayor Is at all wise, ha
will not be so foolish aa to hold himself up
to ridicule by asking the people to vote on
such a measure.
"There Is no particular reason why
I should answer such a communication
as this, where a man does not sign
his name." said Mayor Rushlight, when
shown the "Civil Engineer's" letter.
"If he would come to me and talk It
over I would be glad to explain to him
my position. We can then argue it.
Dumping Ground Proposed.
"There Is no question but that a
part of Ross Island is under 'water In
the freshet season. But that is one
of the reasons why I think the city
should buy it. because it is low. It
will make a fine dumping ground for
all the street sweepings, and the small
Island to the southwest will make a
fine crematory site. If we do not have
some plaoe for these sweepings. In
few years we will have to pay hun
dreds of thousands of dollara to have
them carted down the river on barges.
In New York they have no place to
deposit sweepings, so have to haul
them down the river.
"The little island will of course havs
to be' built up before we can put an
Incinerator on It, but It can all be
done without expense to the city. This
property will be much more valuable
to the city In 25 years than it Is today.
If .we wait until some corporation has
taken up this land, the city's oppor
tunity Is lost
"The Island will make ;a fine In
dustrial center. The city needs a place
to store its waterplpe and supplies. It
now has to store them on private
property. If it could store them on the
island and take them on barges to the
point on the river nearest the place
they were needed. It would save the
city money. The Water Department Is
rrowlnc larger all the time.
"The water may not be deep enough
at the island at present, but It can
easily be dredged out. and the dredg--lngs
used to raise the bank.
"If the city takes the island it will
not buy It for temporary use; it will
be a permanent institution. I con
sider It an ideal location for the work
ing of city prisoners. Better put them
on a farm than to keep them cooped
m v cltv Jail or In a little place
like the Llnnton rock quarry. If some
of the drunks could be put 10 worn ou
a farm like that for CO days it would do
them good.
The nrooosal hlDges largely on the
question of putting a bridge across at
the north end oi tue isianu.
"Where can you And 460 acres of
nori farming land at a price like this.
$300,000? I have taken an option on
the property from John Kiernan. and
will hold It until after the people have
had- a chance to express themselves
on the subject. The part of the island
not used for other purposes could be
used as a park."
Infant Daughter Dies.
Dorothy, the 10-months-old daughter
fof Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pierson. of 3S8'
I Ross street, died Friday morning oi
j Inflammation of the stomach. Burial
waa xnaae samraay in mo .... . . .
Dozen Men Are Convicted In Few
Days by Deputy Wardens.
A dozen convictions, covering half a
dosen different forms of offenses, have
been obtained by the Deputy Game
Warden's office within the last few
days. The offenses include hunting
from a gasoline launch, fishing without
a license, hunting on private property,
resisting a Deputy Game Warden, pur
suing Chinese pheasants and killing a
female deer. The fine In every Instance
was $25.
For ona offense 25 days' Imprison
ment was imposed. Olaf Johnson was
sent to Jail for resisting a Game War
den. He was hunting in company with
his father. 8. T. Johnson, on the prop
erty of W. F. Slaughter, near St.
Helens. October 18, when the two were
accosted by Special Deputy Otto Gray,
and charged with trespassing. The son
resisted arrest, and in a scuffle bested
the Warden. Gray, with another War
den, again went on the trail of the two
Johnsons last Saturday, with the result
that the offenders were taken before
Justice of the Peace Hazen, at St.
Helens. The father was fined $25 and
the son was sentenced to Jail.
Several Portland men were charged
with shooting ducks from a gasoline
launcfi last Sunday. They were fined
$26 and costs each yesterday before
Justice of the Peace Hazen, at St.
Helena This was the first offense of
this nature which the Warden's office
has proseouted this year. The men ap
prehended by Deputy Game Warden
Nooning were W. Holtoman. H. E. Haw
ley, A. Freeman, D. L. Wallace and J.
For fishing without a license D. C.
McKay, of Multnomah County, was fined
$25 and costs before Justice of the
Peace Olson last Saturday. Sam Parker,
of Hillsboro, who was caught chasing
a Chinese pheasant, was fined $25 and
costs before Justice of the Peace Smith
at Hillsboro. Carl F. Carvin, of Curry
County, was fined $50 and costs by Jus
tice of the Peace Wright, of Port Or
ford, for killing a female deer.
Gay Gross will be tried in the Justice
Court at Oregon City today on the
charge of hunting without a license
and of killing a Chinese pheasant.
Chief Deputy Craig has supplied all
Deputy Game "Wardens with lists of
the numbers of the automobiles regis
tered within the state, to enable them
to trace automobile parties caught vio
lating the game laws.
Wallowa take to Get 800, 0J0.
Willamette Valley Next.
T. J. Craig, Chief Deputy Game War
den, yesterday morning began trans
ferring between 250.000 and 300,000
trout fry from the Minam hatchery. In
Wallowa County, near Joseph, into
Wallowa Lake. The work will occupy
about a week.
The annual distribution of trout fry
began several weeks ago, with the
transfer of some SOO.OOO fry from the
Bonneville hatchery to different streams
of. Baker and Umatilla counties. The
distribution of fry in the Deschutes
River will begin as soon as the work
of stocking Wallowa Lake is finished.
Then stocking of Willamette Valley
streams will be taken up. It Is not
thought that the game authorities will
be able to undertake work in the Wil
lamette Valley, however, before Novem
ber 15.
E. S. Catron, chief clerk in the Game
Warden's office, who Is conducting the
office In the absence of Warden Fin
ley In the Fast, says an effort will be
made to supply all points from which
requests have been received, but that
he does not know how far the supply
on hand will go. The number of young
trout transplanted will be about the
same as last year. A number of im
provements and enlargements are to
be made in the hatcheries, with a view
to Increase tne supply next year. The
trout are transferred In 10-gallon cans.
Relative Value of Kast and West
Side Property to Be Estimated.
To determine whether or not East
. i 4 n n a atiH Vi n tti a nronertv has
OIUV UDH.l.'J" " . .
been, assessed out of proportion to its
relative vaiue wiw vei oiuo yuv
ty, as asserted Ty the East Side Busi
ness Men's League and the improvement-
clubs of that section of the city.
It was determined at the Courthouse
yesterday, by agreement between tho
members of the Board of Equalization
and a committee of East Side business
men. that realty men pass Judgment
on the values of various parcels on
both sides of the river, without being
aware of what the assessments are
on the property selected for test pur
poses. ... .
An expert will first select pieces of
We have the best selection of
lands in the Nechaco Valley,
selected by our own cruisers
three years ago. ' As an in
vestment, it is second to none
on the continent. Our lands
are all situated within eight
miles of the main'line of the
Grand Trunk Pacific Rail
way. Our price is very low,
and terms very easy. Satisfy
yourselves we are right. For
full particulars, apply to
Nechaco Valley Land Co.ui
620 Broughton Street,
Victoria, B. C.
Union Bank of Canada,
Victoria, B. C.
H i3&QaaiSy Pzsro ml
yyb Economizes Butter, Flour, ffl
S Eggs; makes the food more ()
Jm appetizing and wholesome vStf
L The only Baking Powder made MI
from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar Kr
property which are asserted to be In
equitably assessed in comparison with
West Side property and the Board of
Equalization will then appoint its
commission of realty men to determine
relative values. George Black, man
ager of the Hawthorne estate, was
delegated to act as expert at the ex
pense of the East Side committee. The
committee of realty men, which Is to
do the "blindfold" stunt." will have
its expenses paid by the County Court.
This was deemed the best way of
avoiding litigation, members of the
East Side committee having Intimated
that the courts might be asked to
adjudge the righteousness of their
cause unless their contentions were
faya liitiuiitiWaM; ' jj
jj A Pleasant ffq
I Daylight Ride
Tacoma and Seattle g jj
I I I I 111 ..Ljri H ee
Going Out of Business
If you need a piano, now is your great opportunity
to secure one at cost, as we are retiring from busi
ness. A call at our store will convince you that
now is the time and here is the place to save money.
Easy payments if desired. Call at once. Buy;
phonograph records while they are cheap.
106 Fifth Street, Next" to Perkins Hotel.
VflllTU All!
Gray Hair First Sign of Age.
Harmless Remedy Restores
Natural Color.
Osier Isn't the only man who turns
down old age. In the business world
the "young; man" Is always the one who
picks the plums. It Is an age of "new
thought," "new talent." etc., and the
old man Is passed by in the race
One of the first signs of coming age
Is the appearance of gray hairs. When
you see them, act promptly. Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy will
correct this sign, which so often de
ceives people into thinking that age is
really upon them. It Is a well-known
given serious consideration by the
Board of Equalization.
Marshfied Lowlands Filled.
MARSH FIELD. Or.. Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The lowlands of the city in the
north part of Marshfield are rapidly
being filled by the Government dredger
Oregon, which is at work here under
Engineer Leefe. The north end of
Front street, which was formerly a
plank bridge, has been filled for a
distance of several blocks. A bulkhead
has been built all along the water
front, and not only tho street, but all
of the lowlands owned by individuals
will be filled by the dredger.
To Kelama, Krlo, rhcJiiUli., rentralla
and principal Intermediate stations.
T,V rOHTXANT t0:S0 A. M.
AB. TACOMA 3:25 P. L
Aft. RKATTLJS : I". M.
LarSe and roomy day cochJt,'n'n.Kr:
car. parlor-car and observat "-cr-Most
modern and up-to-date "'P""1
The very tme of comfort ana conen
lence. Four Trains Daily
to Tacoma and Seattle
A. M-. 10:3U A. 31.,
. S-.30 l'. yt-.
r. -it.
All equally wall equipped. BkWo
liehtPd throughout. Individual lights
In every berth on sleeping-cars.
Three Trains Daily m
a I 1 Tnnlllflm.
7:10 A. M.. 10:30 A. M., 3:30 P. M.
3d and Morrison Sis. and Cnlon Depot.
Main 244 Phones A 1244.
The Pioneer Line
Northern Pacific Ry.
A. C. P. A.. Portland. g
Buys a Piano
Worth $400
$6 Down, $6 a Month
act that Sage and Sulphur will darken
the hair. WyethV Sage and Sulphur
combines these old-time remedies with
other agents, which remove dandruff
and promote the growth of the hair.
The manufacturers of this remedy
authorize the druggists to sel it under
guarantee that the money will be re
funded if It fails to do exactly as rep
resented. Don't look old before your time. Get
a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
today, and see what an Improvement It
will make In the appearance of your
This preparation is offered to -the
public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is
recommended and sold by all druggists.
Special agent. Owl Drug Co.