Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 23, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Great October Distribution and Alteration Sales Are in Full
Force Today See Sunday Papers for Details Shop Early
Individual Pot of Tea and Wafers Served From 2 to 5 at the
Basement Fountain, iOc Special Monday Luncheon for 25c
MEIER & FRANK'S THE MEJER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder.
Ask for Monopole Table Foods
The Wadhams & Kerr Bros. Brand
INSIST upon Monopole canned
products and you have all the
dHiciousness of home canned foods without
the tedious labor of preparing them yourself.
They have that fresh holesomeness that you
expcwt to find only in foods prepared at home.
Trv the.
Deliriously flavored Monopole Fruits!
Fresh and tart Monopole Berries!
Pure, appetising Monopole Vegetables!
Monopole Sea Foods with the freshness of
the ocean!
Monopole Olivet and Olive Oil, from Spain
and Italy!
TpkIu.-M hishlv intereMiny. All sizes of can uu. yh jurs aiiM at all price
MONOPOLE SPECIAL 5c bottles Stuffed Olives 23-.
The Morris Supreme Brand
Delicious Hams, Bacon,
Lard and Canned Meats
AND thej- are supreme in quality,
flavor and method of preparation!
Every one of the Supreme Brand Prod
ucts are packed under Government eiiper
vision. Sugar -Cured Hams and Bacons that
have a wonderfully sweet, fresh, delicious
flavor. Ask for Supreme Brand Products
in the Big Pure Food Grocery.
Edwards5 "Superba" Coffee
Steel Cut Vacuum Packed
PREPARED and packed by the most
sanitary process known the steel
cut method that extracts every particle of chaff.
Icavins only the perfect pranulea of coffee. And
packed by the hygienic vacuum process that in
jures absolute freshness and preserves the deli
cious aroma.
It is as its name indicates superb! You've but
to try a cup at the demonstration booth in the
Grocery and be convinced of its superiority. Costs
more than some brands, but lanes ym v
less to make a perfect cup of coffee.
llfs..OOC. 1 ou no cans ai
The "R.ed Ribbon" Brand
Mason, Ehrman & Company
HIGHEST quality in delicious tin and
glass packed foods is the aim of the
well-known Red Ribbon Brand. - You'll
iiy find the canned fruits Dure ana wnoie-
some Peaches, Pears, Apricots, lane
apples, etc., at 25 a can. Dozen $2.75
Fresh green-taMing Vegetables, as well as
Fish, Oysters, Clams, Sardines, etc, that are
deliciously palatable. Be sure to visit the spe
cial demonstration of Red Ribbon Brand prod
nta in the Pure Food Grocery.
Pl C Agjj
"M. J. B." Coffee Is Put Up
Expressly for FineTrade
WILEN you order M. J. B. Coffee you know
there's no chance for disappointment
it's always of superior quality and delicious
flavor, resulting from the most careful and
scientific blending.
Visit our Pure Food Grocery and try a
sample cup. If you Ye not already acquainted
with M. J. B. Cottee it will give you tne op-
-- I 1
. .1
portunitv to find out just now gooa it reauyt j ;.j
Is. Put un in 1-lb ' 2-lb.. 3-lb. and 5-lb. airtight i-,Jr J
cans at 40S 75S $1.10 and $1.75.
Let "Holly" Be Your Miikman!
WE wish you could take a trip out
there in the country where the
Yamhill Valley Condensed Milk Com
pany has its sanitary "Holly" milk
plant! To see the sleek clover-fed
cows, the white -aproned dairymen
with Jheir shining pails and watch the
entire process till you receive the pure
cows' milk in its condensed state.
And remember Holly Milk will whip if
you place it on ice over night. On sale in
the Pure Food ,'rocerv. ft
4 cans for only 30-. or Jj) .V j"J
by the ca.e at the low price
Full Page of Extraordi
nary Grocery Savings
for Three Days Only!
Phones: Exchange 4 or A-6101
IF YOU'VE been putting it off, now is the time to test the won-
derful money-saving power, the efficiency and all-around help
fulness of this big Pure Food Grocer! For years it has been one
of the mainstas of The Meier & Frank Store's business.
You can always expect to find the staple Groceries, as well as
most tempting delicacies of the season here at prices below the
ordinary, whether advertised or. not.
Every word of this big, full-page Grocery Announcement is of
vital interest to the housewife! The October Sale of Pure Foods
begins this morning prices continuing in force until Wednesday
Phone your orders to Private Exchange 4 or A 6101. Ten expert
telephone order clerks.
Fresh Wisconsin Cheese 18c
Grizzly Bluff Butter, at 63c
Fresh, delicious Grizzly Bluff But
ter, made according to the most modern
and sanitary process. TFor
the October Sale of Pure t f
Foods. 2 pounds for only w
Eastern Hams, at lb. 16V2C
Five thousand pounds of delicious,
Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams for the Oc
tober Sale. Medium size
with that sweet, nutty I CjjC
flavor. Priced at, pound
Eastern Bacon, at lb. 16V2C
Lean strips of 'English-style genuine
Eastern Breakfast Bacon. Sweet and
sugar-cured. For the f
October Sale today ia tj2C
priced at only, pound
Fresh Roasted Coffee 25c
Coffee is advancing in price every
day. So profit by this special on our
special blend, freshly-roast- J
ed Coffee today. Priced at
this value-igving figure, lb.
New shipment of fresh Wisconsin
Cream Brick Cheese. Also Wisconsin
Block Swiss Cheese. Either
kind sells regular at 25c.
Special for October Sale, lb.
Cane Sugar, 100 lbs. $6.25
Less than wholesale cost on best qual
ity Granulated Cane Sugar 1 We bought
before the marTtet
advanced, so can sell
it at 100 pounds for
25c Rice Hearts, Special 15c
Crystal Rice Hearts, the perfect
breakfast food, made by the Portland
Rice Milling Co. Regular C
25e packages, for this great
October Sale at only, each
Lucca Oil, Bottle Now 77c
The famous Crosse & Blackwell's
Lucca Olive Oil, which sells regularly
for $1. Large bottles in 09
this October Sale of Pure (J
Foods at the very low price
22c Fancy Tillamook Cheese, Sp'l, Lb., 19c
27c Alpresco Loganberry Jam, Special, 19c
25c Cake Walter Baker's Cocoa, Spc'l, 20c
20c & 25c Citron Peel, for Mince Meat 15c
25c Huntley & Palmer's English Bisc'ts 20c
10c Swift's Pride Cleanser, Sp'l, 4 Cans 30c
10c Lighthouse Cleanser, Special, Only 5c
5c Boxes of Press Matches, Special 7 for 25c
15c Fancy Solid Pack Cove Oysters at 11c
12V2C Sugar-Cured Picnic Hamso'ndll-c
Oregon Asparagus, tips and stalks 3 lb can 15c
10c Cans Campbell's Pork & Beans, 2 for 15c
Jellycon,delicious dessert, all flavors, 3 for 25c
15c Victor Brand Catsup, full V2 p nt 10c
15c Large bot. Victor Chow Chow, etc. 12V2C
25c Gold Dust, in , large packages, each 20c
30c Japanese Brooms, large size, special 10c
10c Nabisco Wafers, specialat 3 packages 25c
Large Juicy Lemons, special at the doz. 25c
Fancy Eating Apples, special box,$1.75 and $2
Our Delicious French
Pastry, Bakery Goods
Baked in our own modern ovens by
experts, our French Pastry, Home-made
Bread' and Bakery Goods are noted for
their wholesomtness and quality.
We are also prepared to bake cakes
for weddings, parties and special occa
sions on short notice. You will find our.
prices moderate.
Our Newly Enlarged
Delicatessen Section
Every woman should know of the con
venience and helpfulness of this big,
newly-enlarged Delicatessen Section,
where you will find at all times deli
cious ready-cooked foods and delicacies.
These are also prepared under the
supervision of onr chef and always up
to the quality and purity standard. Note
especially the low prices.
Quaker Products for Health
THE mere mention of the name Quaker
brings before yon Quaker Oats or
Quaker Corn Flakes! They're found in
millions of homes every morning.
But here is something new. Mix Quaker
Puffed Rice and Wheat with fudge or taffy
it's delicious and makes the candy
doubly healthful. For sale in our Pure Food
Quaker Puffed Rice, package at only 15?
Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 packages for 25
Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 packages for 25
Quaker Corn Meal, 2 packages for only 25
Quaker Oats, 2 packages here for only 25
Wadco Baking Powder Is Pure
Made by Wadhams & Co.
ABSOLUTE purity is one of the things
that the housewife demands in a
Baking Powder ! The Wadeo Powder has
stood the test for years is guaranteed
chemically pure.
Every woman knows that the success of her
baking depends on the Baking Powder used. Try
"Wadco" now and you'll never have disappoint
ments in baking. Makes light, pure colored bis
cuits, cakes, etc.
See the demonstration this week in g
our Pure Food Grocery. The price is I j
remarkably low at lb. 25d. -Ib. W
Look for the Famous
Coffee Bird Label
IT stands for Coffee unrivaled for purity and
flavor. German-American Company's Coffees and
Teas come direct from the Company's immense
plantations in South America to Portland, wiiere
they are roasted and blended and placed in air
tight, aroma-proof cans.
German-American Coffees are on demonstra
tion in our Pure Food Grocery this week. Prices,
lb. 40, 2 lbs. 75, 3 lbs. $1.10.
Victor Flour, Good Bread
Made Especial'y for Us by
The Portland Mills
A FULL patent, unbleached flour, of ex
cellent quality! "We recommend Victor
Flour because we know there's no better for the
price. Jivery sacK is guaranteed. iJiaae exclusively
for us by the Portland Flouring
Mills. For sale in our Pure Food
Grocery. Bbl. $4.98. sack only
Olympic Pancake Flour
The best quality and
the bigsrest sell- Of
ing brand. Only ZDC
Olympic Flour Another
product of the Portland
Flouring: Mills. High grade,
full patent; price, barrel
$5.10. sack 1.35.
2 v If tvi"j4cj jvJ a
ImUerTfrank CO?
i j, , rr
Otter Clams, Two Cans 25c
EVERY woman should know the many
delicious ways of serving Otter Minced
Razor Clams! Once used, you'll find them
Otter Clams are excellent for Soup,
Chowder, Clam Tea, or Scalloped.
They're the choicest white meat of the
famous Razor Clams, thoroughly cleaned and
minced. For sale in 5 fnc O
Pure Food Grocerv fef VailS JC
Oil' ,5opua WAS rt-,
Borden's Pioneer Evp. Milk
Best by Test
IONEER Evaporated Milk is pre
pared onlv from rich, pure, un
skimmed cows' milk, and handled under
the most rigidly-enforced sanitary con
ditions. Once you've tried it, no other
kind will do. Per
can 10, case of 48
cans during this sale
The little one will thrive on Borden's
Eagle Brand Malted Milk. Bottle 40
and 75. .
k Trrticn