Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1911, Page 19, Image 19

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OCTOHEK 19, 1911.
1 " ' ' ' " : n
Minneapolis Dealers Ask 'for
Wheat Prices'.
Condi I Ion Xol Yet lUgM. However,
for lmlnc With Uie Eaatern
Stales Farmer Are
llolrling Firm.
Than la considerable Inquiry from the
East for quotatlone on wlt Moat of tha
wires have coma from Minneapolis tut
loieml la also shown at other polnta and
aran In tha South wast. Conditions ere not
rlpa Tat tor tha accomplishment of much
business In thla Una. but tha opinion pre
vails In tha wheat trade that befora long
there will be a ronslrterable movement of
gram serosa the Rockies.
Tha Eastern markets were strong yester
dar. Thera was a full cent advance In tha
December option at Chicago, and all tha
distant futurea sold above tha dollar mark.
Higher prices wera also reported from Min
nea soils, Futures at Liverpool wara higher
by to 1 penny and eargoea wara quoted
firm at a d to Sis d. an advance of t
to .
In thla section, although the feeling waa
firm, prlcea wera not quoted higher by
local dealers. owing In part to tha ateady
adranca In frelrht rntea. In tha country
tha feeling U bullish and farmera are not
disposed to sell.
Loral receipts In cars were reported by the
Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay
, Il J I " :
3 1 12 7 1
. 41 kl I II
m; :: : :i
tilt lit "ii i
T'i-ly .
Wednesday ...
Tear its
htr, A1bb-4 Ip teats Vwand.
Ilewdlork laj Oreejeev,
There waa another advance yesterday of
about la shlll'nxs In tha London hop mar
ket. The top quotation now la 331 shllllncs
a hundredweight, which Is equal to is
cents a pound. Tha totlowtnc cable waa
rectv1 from London:
"Prlcee for all deaerlptlona continue to
advance. Present prices. l to 11 gulneea."
The Oregon market waa strong. There
were heaty moytns orders at 3S centa. which,
however, were difficult to execute. Of
fers were made of SS centa and It was said
even Its centa was bid by a large 8alem
buyer without success. Almost- a dead-fc-
k eilsts In Jia atate. and It la tvldaat
that hlgrier prlcea will "have to be offered
to cause s'tlera to let go. Among the l
p..rt buy re In the market yesterday waa
llrruy I- Hems, who secured tha Miley lot
f it b ea at Aurora at Jo's centa.
The fallowing from the Kentish Observer
r ctoor i on the' market outlook, as
rJ in England, la of Interest:
The poeil'on tlila year appears te as to
! unuiue In the year lo I. which Is now
e orra qo.i.t. we at tuxriy Imported from
t.r..e.l n.. ! ihia IJ.: rwts. of forrlxa
hoj.s. To-lav the f"r-in supply la exhaust
ed, and iri:B on the Continent, aa com-parr-1
wl'- ours, may almost be called
re-niD prl.-es. Koreianers have been and
are et:ll buimi onr Knslleh hops, and In
stl of lmirtlnr bops Enx!and Is now
exporting them. The most l:inrtant raw
material of the brewer, who h to stand or
fall r-y tbq qoilt'v of hla lre. la being
sent o-it uf th e euntry at a time a la a
none of It ran be spared; and there are no
coneMereble imports In view to relieve the
realities U tlte :llloa.
Wa can only that, aa the poeltlon
becomes better understood, prlcea of bona
wLII advance, and no one can tell to what
extrecnee they may eveetuaily be poshed.
Any brewer who plavs with the presnt
critical poattion la p:avine: with eirei tols.
but all may be eocgratulated that tha grow
ers are so very reasonable In their demanda
aad are willing to accept prices whl.-h. con
aiierlng the position, are abnormally low.
bat which, fortunately for once, leave them
a rvtne profit.
When once the bone are out of the grow
era hands no one can tell to what level
prices will rise, whan thoae brewere who
eVlav too long come on a barren market
wblcn la aura, aooaer or later, to exist.
Batter Ftrsa as the New Qwotatlew reel
try Trade flow.
The cheese market waa firm. Freeh Tilla
mook waa ecaree and In good demand at
2Si cents for twins and triplets, and If-i
c-ata for Young Americas. Storage cheese
vaa Offered at 1H eenia for flata ul
US csata for Toung Americas.
The butter market 'waa firm at tha new
price that went Into effect yesterday morn
ing, i ,
Poultry was slow, particularly chickens
of all kinds, which were wot wanted except
at low prioaa. ".'here waa a moderate de
mand for large young ducks and a limited
ca'l for turkeys.
Freeh Oregon ranch essa were very acarce
and firm at 1911 cents.
Country dressed meata were ateady.
W Hk a Large Pwpeily. ITire Irrope le t Cewts.
Crape Are Ftraa.
Sweet pot sloes were weaker yeaterday
with a large aupply on hand. The price
waa dropped to 2 centa a pound. There
waa a good assortment of vegetahlea of
anrt vartottea end prlcea were steady.
tirapes were the active feature of the
fruit market. California Tokaya and Mai
lajtystrs firm. l.oca! Concorde cleaned up
Apptea of all atandard variettea were firm.
t e-csra Ifutrk .rrtvale lairge.
t'ascar'a bark la n.mlnt In more freely
and sorns of tl-e buyers have dropped their
price to 5S cents. Itcatcrs find much dif
ficulty fn Intereetlng the &slern trade,
Hank Clearings.
TVin'.c clearlncs of the .Northwestern dtle
)estcraay weie ee follows:
t'lear'ns. Bslsnres.
t'oritsnd sil'Tf Jl" 3"1
-Jttl illj '.; i'lT'jTJ
Fa- .m -' ll7o
rlooh-i:: 74 .1.KJ IS.-.. 1 1
lirala. (Wee. I eed. Ete.
V li K.t r- e-vpo-i fll',
. : eiuh. . U huiliD, Vails.
v f..rf -f..' I, le.
rl.l'l -4-sterte. (4 SO aer barrel;
airsighta. II "i. evports. M sc: Valley. 44.4e :
siun. I4J. w"... e eh.n. 14 IX
Jf I'.LaTTV? FS Br. a. -v.s ,oe;
w' I -. -rta l.44oeiie: railed
4s'lr. $J1 e tf34
I'uRV b le. !. era. ked. t.14 per tarn.
BARLEY New feed. L.'UM per ten;
brewtrx. 4i7 per ton.
I A 1 S .No. I white. : r ton.
HAT No. I. E O. timothy. tlTtfll;
No. 1 valley. tlSwIS: alfa.ta. 1XM. clever,
(letfll; grain. lltflS. e
Dairy aad Cawatry rreslaeev
POCLTHT Hers. lltrMc: Jiprlnge. IS
II I 4c . do kS. t"i, I"" 1SC : lr.1., 1 1 H tf
l-'e, furaes. alive. 2"litc. dressed, choice.
BUTTER Oeeeton creamery better. eeUd
j.c nnie. niri.-T.IC-.
. Oregon r&ncu. candled. 24
J--e pee ..r.sen.
i'Ktr:.'t-Freih HU-mook. r.xl". ISc:
Young A &'hr,A 1': storetfe. fiats, 14Sc; An.rrl-a. I-'. 'C.
-.HK Ksny. H1"C per pownd.
TEAL Faacy. Uellsc per pouad.
segelablee sad rrwrte.
TROrtCAl, rJflTH OeeagM. (4 M
4.71 per boi; Cai:forala grapefruit. l.l;
pesanaa, 1)1x4 per pound; pmeappiaa tel
per pound: lemons. IS ?- Pr box;
pomeersnates. 1J per box.
KhtSH Ir KL' ITS r each ee. 1So per
box; plcmi. alj75e Per crate- prjnea. SO
S Pr fund, pears. 7 i u 1 lT bj.;.
grapes, cqll lt per box: apples. Illl-.l b-.x: cranr-rrles, Ji- r" barrel;
Casabss. II.;il Per dosen.
rACK KOtTAHi.rsi areata. 1.3 per
sack: tum! t: be-ta. Ui
POTATOES Oregon. Hit per peand;
an, -I Sc r pound.
on-.Vvh reon. l.e-' per hundred.
YK'iETATM.ES Artlchok.-. 7.c per dosen;
aear.s. SftlOc; cabbage VU Per asund;
cullll..-r. JjuMc 1-er J .ienu corn.
giw per doaen: cucumbera. Iltl.2.. per sa.-k:
egg-plant. tc per pound, garlic 10ffW-l
per pound: lettuce. 4-)wie per dosen i taol
f,ou.e leltuie. 1.2-'. Per b"x; pei.pers.
1 tie per pound: rautshes. 12 He par dosen.
sprouts, at, lie per pound; tomatoes, lu
per bex. - - .
Ota pie Orec-erle.
tLMOv c-olumbla River. 1-peund talla.
fl.Vi pec' dusen; 2-pound talla. JS: 1
pound fT.ts. li0; Alaska pink. 1 -pound
''cOFr'Efc Roasted. In drama. ! SO P'
MONa?T Choice. It TS per ease: strained
boner. 10c per pound.
8 ALT Granulated. IIS per ton; Bair
ground. lie's, a per ton: 60a. er ton.
KCTJ" Walnuts. lr."o per pound,
flrasll nuta. KfclAc: filberts. 16c: almonda.
Hcsllec; petaos. 1.-; tK..jnuli. cl l P-r
doxen: chestnuts. 12Hc per sound: nlcnery
nuts. 6t7luc per pound. . ,
BEANS Saiall a hue. WiC: Urge white.
tc. 1.1 ma, esse; pink, Se; Mexicans. )t.
bayou, be .
RICE No 1 Japan. 4r: cheaper gradee.
3e Southern head. Jli J": m"
ported Imperial. Ofco; Imported extra Tie.
LFUUTaR Dry granulated. IT.!: fruit and
berry. $7.3n; beet. 17 10; extra C. "'"
powdered, barrels, J.M; cubea. barreia.
''l!RIED rRUITS Apples. ls per ,""" :J
aprtcoia. ldSlkSc. peach-a. " ' i I
. ii .A., a.ob... .ne lac: ml. I
hlte and black. Se: curranla. lu
lie; ralsina. loose Musoatel. VJ'J''
bleached Thompson. 11 He; unbleMueel Sul
lanaa, Sio; aeeded. wt
Hope. Weol aad Hldea.
HOPS lull crop, 3.. 3Tc; olds, nominal.
MmHaIK i.'holce. :;i.-3Je per poena.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. lo
pound, according to shrinkage: Valley. i
17c per pound. .
PELTS Dry. lOHe: lambs. 40 Otoe each;
ahearlnxa.- 2ove0o each. .
IIIDtS baited hidea. 10o per Pnnd;
salted calf. 15lc: aalted, kin. ,0H".
green, ensalted. lc leaa; dry ealf. IS O -oo.
dry stags. Uul3Sc
CAoCARA Per lJUnd. Ili l8C-
LINSEED OTL Pure raw. In barreia. Je.
aoii.M in kimla fM)c: raw. In cases. 11.02i
sbolled! In esses. H ue.
TlKrEMLVt. t-asea, lie wo
Sc: Iron barreia. 6-c: 10-caae lota. asc.
OASOL,I. E Motor gasoline. Iron barrels.
17c: cases. -4c . "8 gaaoliaa. Iran barreia.
lc: cases. Sue
COAL, OIL. Ordinary test.- cases, lie;
bulk, in tanka. wO.
HAM.- in to 13 pounds. li HV: 12 to
11 uouu.U. liSVl"; I 1 Pounds. l.V
17Sc; Id to 1h M.unls. IT ITSc; eklnncu.
!: ptrnirs. 11 Sc: colia,roll. lSo.
FVukbU Mh.ATS Beef tongues. Tee;
dried beef sols, none; outside, none; taaldee.
Sic; knucklea. Sic.
LARD kettle rendered, tierces. isei.
tubs. 14c; lUnCsrd. tlereea. 14 "o: tusa,
liSe: ahortenlng. Heroes. S4e: tube. e.
lui'uX Fancy. i'V, standard. .c.
ehole-. Jlc: Enclleh. letll.
1T SALT CLREI Regular short eleara.
dry salt. Ilhc: smoked. 1S: backa. Tight
aalu USe: amoked. 14 Sc; backa. heavy
elt. llsc; em iced, d4S: expert salt.
14e; smoked. Utat,
rrlrew Qnoteel at the Bay City for Vege
tal, lee, trull a. Etc
AS FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. The tUw
Ing produce pne-s w-re currenthere today.
Ketables Cucumbers. 3oi.oc; garlic.
3oc- tomatoes. l.-.i4'r: eggplant. Sou Tic.
Mutter Kaacy creamery. So.
, htore. 44r; fency ranch. 4Kc.
In.ese Young Amerlua. llwlSSc.
Kruit Apcl.-a. choice. II; common. Tie:
Mexican limee. $4 4 .-.l: calllornla lemons,
choice. i.; common. l.i: pineapple. 11
Potatoes Oreaon Purl.anka. 11.4001.43:
a.llnss Burbanka. s wee IX. fl.t
"illiutuffa Ilran. ,9tt; mlddllnga. J3
tl3t- . ........ -oafs fll
Hay v neai. ii -vo, -- 1 '
a) 17: alfalfa. w ii.
Onlone ;' . ...
Ripte r.our. w quarter :
' ....., .no run Hi:
Wheat. l-" r.nie.-.
o. s. 141-i rentuls; poito. o- a.i.ks.
middlings. .j . 7
f hleage Produce
CHfAllO. tct. 1". Butter Steady;
cream-rles. n .-.t ; dalni a. XI :e.
tga fteedy. Ilccelpts. ases; at
Bn.rk ca.-a Included, lifllsc. Brsta. 21c,
";nr.rAifj...i.a 1 4 ti 14 He: twin
HSOMtc: Young Ain.jrlcaa. 14 014 So.
long borna. HsllISc .
IrsHath list Marked.
DCLCTH. Oct, is F:ax on track and In
.tori. 144S; lo arrive. 4S; Octc-be''
i 41 S arked; November $.' 3S U"
csmber. tS: May. l--ms asked
Waet at Ht. I-ools.
8T lOfls. Oct. i a. Wool slow. Ter
ritory snd Western mediums. li!w; una
mediums. liMilwc: rlne. lit ISc
Crime and Vice May Pentror It tn
le9 AVe Combat Ihrm.
FOKTLAND. Oct." 17. T- the Editor. V
The purity Question te calling out mucn
discussion now. and well It may. for the
exiatance of our clvlllxatlon la menaced by
he present conditions. The "0.l powerful
nationa of antlouitr sank In a whirlpool of
rtrunkennee. aad vice The ancient .Uemltlo
nation, bad a powerful clvlllxatlon. but they
went down, extinguished In there baleful
Br.. Then higher typee of nationa ap
peared. Persia. Oreece and Roma, on
higher plana, but when wealth multiplied
and luxury Increased, dninkennaas and vice
enguTfed them In a sea of slime. 1
la our civilisation, too. doomed from tne
same course? We are -the helra of all the
a(M. and should gain by the experience of
the past. We have a higher standard than
Ibey and ahould gain knowledge by their
experience. Ww have a perfect atandard.
but alaal We are falling down before the
twin evils of drunkenness and vice which
threatens to suck our life-blood..
T present struggle carried on between
the Um. the Government, the churchea and
all rlghteoua efforta and drunkenness and
vlc-e la a nfe-and-deeth struggle, though few
perceive It. with eyes Minded by the mad
runh for money and material splendor, we
mtiet reconlxe the great truth that
Tlghteousnees exalteth a nation." but sin
Is de.tructlon to any race, even our -Anglo-(taxon.
The same law holds now aa In an
cient days. The mssk must be torn from
the face of our civilisation and the deadly
nature of thee crimes and criminals ex
posed and all who believe In Ood, purity
ami rlgl'Veous ! stand tugether.
The masculine and feminine viewpoint dif
fers. 1 mil very recently thes evils have
been legislated on l.y men alone. Hoth
views niuet be romblned If progress la
made. "A white life for both" must be ern
phsstsed aa never before. Bo a must be
taught to regard all girls as their sisters, to
be protected. They must be brave knights
of the 2"th century, like fir Galahad, whose
"strength waa as the strength of ten be
'cause hta heart waa pure." Glrla must be
paid a living wage In the shops and offices.
The lew wages now offered there have a
great b.-artng on this sul-lect which cannot
t Ignored. Ui must te paused and en -forc'-d.
severely punMfiin, the white shivers.
There Is now ni sdeo.uate nenalt. W. O.
McClaren trutMul'y saje that more protec
tion le given our hoxs then our ho s aad
girls. The public a-hools must nav more
attention to the morals of their pupils. The
fathers, as well ss the moth. rs. must "be
aroused. The saloon Is the fostering mother
of all these climes and renders ail lawa al
most Impossible of enforcement. Hence,
oatlaw 11. (i'Jch a burning aentlment must
be created against any rental by respectable
people of buildings or land for theee abomi
nations that psop'e will be forced to refuse
to rent for such purposes.. It must ever be
remembered that " an ounce of prevention le
worth a pound vf cu re." henre by legal
suaelon and moral suasion these evlle meat
be combated.
And what of the poor victims of theee
evil condltlona? Must they be driven from
city to city." a constant menace to purity?
Xo. Let ei-a city close all theee evil re
sortj anj rravl.le rescue homes for thee,
that tli'y tuny be saved, aa many of tr.em
are. when given a rhaaca. Let us
never for eae. moment lose hope iQ Ood
or humanity and theee lerrlhle conditions
will be overcome etnd our beloved country
and city saved, ao that our afreets win be
a ears place for the children to walk In and
the prophetic vl..n fulfilled that the streets
of the cities shall be filled with hsppv chil
dren nlllra the air with their Jubilant laugh
ter and none to hurt or destroy.
Supply Is Inadequate and
Prices Advancing.
Market Fitly Cents Higher on Best
Grades Sliecp nnd tmbs Sliow
Gain of a Quarter,
ling Are Ready.
The dexrtii of supplies, which haa ehar
acterlxed the livestock mxrket for some time
past, waa relieved yesterday by the 'rT'
receipts of the week, over :0 .head. The
supp; was not excessive, however, or even
edtouate. aa waa shown by the firm and ad
vancing market, particularly for rattle.
The feature of the day was the sale of a
carload of extra fine Oregon sleera, averag
ing 111)7 pounds In weight, at . an advance
of no cents over the best price that haa pre
vailed lately. Good to choice 'rs sold
from $. to 15.30 and feeders brought 4.7.
Coas were as strong aa steers, and calves
and bulls were likewise nrm. .
Advances were also recorded In the nrep
market. A Urge bunch of. choice lambs
was taken at 14.25. and good to choice
ewes brought e-1.13 nd 3.i5. the higher
figures In each case showing a rlaa of a
quarter. Yearlings sold at I3.TS.
Several small lota of hogs were dis
posed at prlcea ranging from S.7 to
Receipts yesterday were 820 cattle, 2S
calves. 4S h'jge, 14U sheep and 203 goats.
Shipper were: C. J- Brown. Roblnette.
Or., six carloads of cettle; N. B. Oxman.
Roblnette, Or., two carloads of rattle; Wil
liam Wbeaton. Welser. Idaho, one carload
of sheep; E. Slgnrt. Condon, Or., two car
loads rf cattle; C H. Farmer. McCoy. Or.,
one carload of hogs and sheep: M. P.
Thompson. Ashland. Or., eight carloads of
sheep: E. G. Young" Co.. Oakland, Or., one
carload of hogs; W. 8. Jenkins. Howell.
Mont., four carloads of cattle and calves,
and Robert Mcfrow. of Goldendale. Wash.,
one carload of hoca, .
The day's ralca wera as follows: .
Weleht. Price.
23 feeder steers
23 calves
3 cows
1 cow .'.
21 Steel-S
27 steers
215 lambs
ir.u ewes
311 yearlinga ..
3 ewes
oil yearlings ..
44 lambs
i steers
21 steers
4 ste-rs
1l steers ......
27 steers
1 row
1 cow
1 cow ......i
eV cows
ltiu cows ......
3 cows
3 cows
4 cows
23 cows
1 cows .......
1 bull ..
,2 bulls .
21 hoxs
3 hoxs
3 hss
31 hoes -
K. cwa
4 sheen
l"4 14.75
.,.-.!i rvoii
li'.'O 4 35
1470 4
loW4 6.411
. ... t4 MIS
TH 4.2.1
113 3 2.1
M 3.73
113 3.25
US 3 75
75 4 23
123 3."
1IH7 6.00
11IH2 t.Oli
ILLS 9 10
.....liilS 6.23
870 3.""
S70 4.B3
.. ..nan 4.:i.i
1H.-.3 5.1X1
. . I70 G.n
...1233 4.5
...11113 4 33
...1153 4.3.1
...1S3 4.73
. . . 975 4 3l
. ..121" 3.0
...1713 4."K
. .. 32 - 6 13
.. . 13 7 45
... 253 T.:w
... 443 B.75
... 144 7. 5tl
. .. I3 3.7S
... 71 3.73
lis culled ewee
l-rlcea auoted at the Portland Union
Stockyarda for tha various classes of stock
were: x
Choice steere 13.306 l. 00
Good to choice steers i.uf't 6
Kslr to good steers. ........... . 4.75 f.oo
Medium steers - 4.Mlr 4.73
Poor steera 3-7Hts 4.5i
Choice coa-B 4. 501 6. no
Kslr to good cows .- I.OOtf 4.3
Common cows 2. .Hue 3 Ml
Extra choice spayed heifers 4 401 4 6l
Choice heifers 4.23 4 40
Choice bulls 3 5P 1.73
Good to choice bulls 2.75?? 3.UO
Common bulla 2.009 2..V)
Choice calves 7. IIS 7 M
Good to choice calves 7.0O4 7.13
Common calvea 4.00ty 5.00
Choice atags 4 30-9 4.73
Oood to choice ataga 4.20 4.30
Choice light hogs 7.40f 7.t0
Good to choice hogs 7 0if 7.23
Fair to good hoga 6 75y 7.00
Common hogs 6.0049 6.30
Choice yearling wethers, coarse
wool 8.259 1 50
Choice yearling wethers, east of
mountaina 8. 009 8.23
Choice ewes . 3.23
Choice lamba 8.73ty 4 25
Choice yearlinga 3.30W 8.73
Good to choice lamba 8 Aot 8.75
Culls 2.5V itf 8.00
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Oct. IS. Cattle Receipts ee
tlmated. 20.0.H; market, generally stady.
Previa. f4.75trS.0O: T-ici steers. 14 I0es,15;
Western sis.. re. $4.25f 7..SI: stockers and
feeders, 3.23.75; cowl and heifers, 824yd;
Calvea. 8.'. So ii K.i'O.
Hod Recelpta, estimated. 26,000; mar
ket, steady to weak: light. i3.S396.70l
mixed, Jt!.4crru.73; heavy, 8G-6. 1; rough,
8iW6.20: good to choice heavy, liV204 6.70;
pigs, bulk of sales. 8'l.Su .B5.
bheep Receipts, estimated. K3.U"0; mar
ket, ateady to lOc lower. Native. 83.259
8.83: Western, I3.40Q8.P0; yearlings. 88.650
4 40: lamba. native. 17545.6; Weatern.
(3.86 9 5.83.
lcHc or 1II1I Ore Lnnlst It' Is
pored, Wfll He Abrogated.
Ilond Are Irregular.
NEW YORK, Oct. IS t'nren.lttlr ti prs
ure Kaliinc I'nltcd State Steel waa the con-
I'lruou feature of today's a took market.
ha atolt waa an I J at avary opportunity In
auch volume as to Indicate that liquidation
had been renewed and the constant pressure
carried It down nearly two point a to !..
gelling of thla atock apparently waa due
tn ame extent to the report which reached.
Wall street that tha I'nlted Mate eel
i Corporation probably would abrogate its
Ileaao rt the Hill ore landa. fuch a move.
It waa pointed out. would (rreatly Improve
a tha atatua of tha corporation under tha dher-
ma... turn- at at If a. . !. x. g m It .ayut P ss
no nior chargca of monopoly of ore landa
could be mude.
The effect on the revenue of the corpo
ration, of lour-, wiputd be. protleniatlt.-al. al -thoucli
It baa ben aald that I'nlted Hta tea
Steel tntide a bad bargalQ fur Itself when It
aliened tha U-aaw.
Great Northern Ore Certificates fell three
points on us ntsnv transactions.
Tha roalers and Canadian stocks were
lmol the only luun to develop any ie-
trv of iHrenath. and mont of therj s;alna
were l't tonard the cloee. when tha heav
Irat selUnf of the day aent prices gener
ally to lower points.
The a4ep tern her report of exports of do
mestic products was In line with recent
favorable nhow Inaa. K porta of every aitrl
cuitural product were Jaracr, and the total
value ta much la r per than In any previous
Hptemher. The- total of tn. nine months
of the present year exceeds that of the cor
renponilln period of VJlO by $ 1 1 , V-O.O-m).
The bond merket was Irregular. American
Tobacco lne showed the effect of fur
thr luruldaitlon of speculative holding and
h't ground. Total sale, par vilua. t2.3".0,-
aas L.s 4vairMmilt bOflda VIU HtlQ tlM n d OB
!. KIch. Low. Bid.
A!!la Chal pf .. 1 n H
Amal Copper .. U.SoO Z2 51 Vfe 31 Sj
Am Afi lrult 4t
Am li-.-t urar. iu &T t
Amr--!.'in t an 1" 1 1 lw
Am tir r.Y - 5'H eltf 40-a
Am -;ton til . B.iWO 60- 4
Am Hd k Ll yf Xe
Am Linseed
Am Locomotive. 40
Am Smol ac Kef T.uwt
e do preferred.. ......
.... h
34 S 34 S
4fc 04 4
.... ll'2Ss
Am Steal Krty
Am stem r-ny .Vi
Am Su.tar R. f 1 111 llJVl 1J
Am Tel at Tel.. 7 130S !'. 1 ? " '
Am Tobacco pf. 2oO Hg
Am Wooien ",,
An.canda M Co. 3.0OO 34 H 84 . 34 4
At.hiaon .1'"0 lt'T 1"f; V
do preferred.. w J"3i 1"1 J,?
Atl Coast Line.. WO 12T l-' 'fwu.
Halt onto ... l.uo K7i )"',
tlethlehem Hteel l' l"x "
llrook K Tran.. 'ft"0 7.". "4-
Cnaiilsn far .. S.ik s:w S'-'S't
Centnl Leather ." -IV '-l-w -
do preferred.. S" - 21 SI la
lo prelerrel. . 1" 0 ! Wit
Central of N J.. I-o
Chea Ablo ... 3HI 731a iZ
Chicago A Alton
Chi lit West .. 10 1IV J'-Vs
.1 r ........ t.ui -; - ."X 7
Chi.axo N W. HH 144 1443 14454
C. M ac Kt I'aulr 3.40O 1W l" v
C. C, C r St L f
Col Fuel 4V Iron. HK 28 2b -'S
Col at Houthern. ;;:: ,ij
Consol Ual l."0 l.'"S ,,,J
Corn Products .. 6otl USs Hs J,1
Del aV Hu.lson '
1 4 K Grsnile -3
do preferred -411
Pistlllra Secur 100 81H 81 W SI,,
Erie 4.8'K) 3")a 3" "a "'
do 1st pf 2K 50 . 40 4
do 2d pf
Oen Kl.-ctrle . .. 7ix K.1U 11 J-;'
Ot North v ... 2,rt'X 12. J-4 J-.r
Ct North tre .. 3O0 80 47
Jlllnola Central.-.
lnt.-ruor Met .. 8H 44H 44 44
Inter Harvester. l.Hnl 1041s 1"4 H'J!
Inter Marine pf. 200 1.1 14 IS 15
Int Paper 100 1 104 1
Int I'ump .I"
Iowa Central '
K C Houthern .. 1 80 30 2'
do preferred.. loo 4 4 i4 M.,
Uclrds Gai ... "0 1I44 l4Vs 104J4
Louis Nash .. 4H 147 H 147 1'
Minn a St b , 2
M, 8 P A S 8 M 1.100 J3U 132'4 1.124
MO. Kan Tex. l,lnl .11 ik 3'5 3"
do preferred.. 2'H H'W
Me Pacllto 000 39 S.
.Nat Ulscult - 1-3,,
National Ltad .. 100 47H
N Ry Met 2 pf '. , 3;V4
N Y Central ... 1.000 106 10514 1".,
N T, Ont ac Wea 3?t
Norfolk West 2.300 107 106 4 lit"4
North Am vi
Northern Pao .. l.froo 1174 Hft(
PaclAc Mall 4nO 30 .2tV4 2!"4
Pennsylvania ... J.10 1224 121)4 121)4
Peop.e's Gas ... 4"0 107V4 10T
P. C C Ht L.. 10 04 S l'H P14
Plltshurg Coal 3i0 18e 1814 1"4
Pressed S Car.. 100 29 29 2S 14
Pull Pal Car v l.'T
Ry Stsel Spring. W0 27 "4 27 H 274
Heading S.lw 13HS l"r4 l1
Kepuollc Steel .. UK) 22' 22 22 Vk
do pref'-rrt-d S3
Rock Island Co. l.ino 2.14 2r, 244
do preferred 2"0 47 .47 , 40)4
St L J S F 2pf. H0 42 -12 1
St L Southwest. JO
do preferred v8V4
Plors Sheffield "'
Southern Pac .. 4. .'.00. 110-4 1 00 1!
Southern Ry .. fl.C'O 20 20 2ST4
do preferred.. 1.4i' 70 70 "0
Tenn Copper ... 400 SSH 8.1 34 '4
Texas & Pae ... 1O0 24 44 24 14 24 4
Tol. St L ar Wea 1
do preferred.. 3"0 424 424 42
Union Pacific .. 70.1100 1034 101T4 Ml H
-do preferred HI V4
V S Healtr
II 8 Rubber ... 4O0 48 42 42Ji
U 8 Steely 162.7"0 :.P4- .IS .1r
do pref.-rred.. 7.4h 141HS 1"04 lfO'4
rtah Copper ... 8liO 4314 42 V4 42 '4
V Car Chem .. 2,00 48 V4 ' " H
Wabash 12"4
slo preferred.. 100 2H 20i 2114
Western Mil o f'O .r' A3
Westing Elec .. 5..1" !74 4 14
Western Union,. 1.200 794 "8!4 TS
Wheel L K 24
LehlKh Valley .. 21.000 104'4 182T4 163
Total sales for the day. 07,000 shares.
NFW YORK, Oct. 18. Closing quotations:
t".S.Ref.2s reg. Vi I N.Y.Cen.gen.3V4s SS
do coupon. .. .100' Nor. Pac 8a ... no
U. S. :ls reg..l"lS do 4s 10oy4
do coupon. ... KM S Union Pac. 4s
U.S. new 4s regal 1.1 , Wis. Cent. 4s... 2,4
do coupon. .. .113 Japanese S8
D. A R. G. 4s. . IR"
Kaatera Mining Stocks.
BOSTON. Oct. It. Closing quotations
A II,...-. . TU ! Mnh.lrlr
1-1 T4
1.1 H
Amal. Copper... SVijXev. '"
Am. Klnc U 8 21 Niplssing Mines
Arts i-um HO North Butte....
H CCA S.Mr.. . 4"i!Nort!i Uike ...1
P-utte Coalition. 4 Old Dominion...
CaL Arlx.... 4" V 1 Osceola '
Cal. A Hecla...3M) Parrott (S.AC).
Centennial 9 iQulncy
Cop. R. Con. Co. mi Shannon T
K. llutte Cop. M. -10 tsuperlor
Franklin 04 I Sup. A Bos. M.
tllroux Con 84 Tamarack
Granby Con.... 20 ! U.S. Kef AM In ...
Green Can . . . .8 1.1-lfl; do pfd
I lie Rov. (Copl IS 'Utah Con
Kerr Lake. .. .2 1.1-11 rtah Copper Co.
Lake copper.... 2414' Winona
Miami Copper . . 19 IWoiverlne
Money. Exchange, Ete.
NEW Yt'KK. Oct. IS. Money on call,
ateady. 24t2'i per cent; ruling rate. 24
per cent: closing hid, 24 per cent; offered
it m per cent.
Time loans, steady: 80 daya. 8te3V Pr
cent: 90 da vs. 8 it 3 per cent; six months,
8 4 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, 44744 per cent.
Sterling exchange steady, u itlr actual bus
.Ineas In bankers' Mils at ll.s.140 for 80-day
bills and at 4.xiit)$f 4. SOUS for demand.
Commercial bills. $4.824.
Bar silver, 5.1 t,c
Mexican dollars. 4.1o.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
LONDON". Oct- 18. Bar alleer steady at
24 Hd per, ounce.
Money. Herli percent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is IStrlH per cent: for three
months bills. 3 3-10. 1 3 4 per cent.
PAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. Sterling on
London, 60 days, I4.68U; .Ik lit. $4.R04.
Urafla-r-Slght, lc; telegraph. 4c. '
HetaJ Mu-ketK.
XEVC YORK, Oct. IS. Standard copper
firm; epot. Octobr. November, December
and January, 12.1041235e; London firm,
spot f.1.1 7a Oil. Futures, f.ld Ss Hd. Arrivals
reported at New York today, .110 tons. Cus
tom house returns show exports of U74it tons
so far this month. Lake copper. 12.50'iji
12.".2ic; elertrolvtle, 12.2.1 12. .",7 lie, and
casting. 12-Ooe 12.2.1c. -
Tin quiet; spot. 41.40 41.e,24c; October,
41.28T4175: November. 41.SO4141.o0c; De
cember, 41.084y41.60o; January and Febru
ary, 41.00441. BOc; London firm; spot. 18:
futurea. H88 12a d.
Lead firmer; apot. 4.2"54.30c New York,
4 15 4.37 V40 Eaat St. Loula. London, spot,
118 Ss.
Spelter dull: spot. 8. 15 0 8.2.1c New York,
6 15 4?.. 20c East 8t Louis. London, spot,
27 10a. ' .
Antimony quiet; Cook son" s. 8-1214 S.ISc.
Iron. Cleveland wafranta, 48c 8d London.
Locally, Iron waa ateady. No. 1 foundry
Northern. $13.2.16 15.RO; No. 2, $15eiC.2S;
No. 1 Southern, $15.00313.65.
Cendielon of the Treasury, ,
WASHINOTON'. Oct. 18. At the begin
ning of business today the condition of the
I'nlted Statea Treasury was:
Working bal. In Treasury office. $ 77.a47.32!
In bar.Via and Philippine Trees. . 32..VU.970
Total aenc-rul fund 137.R'J1.4'.'
Receipts yesterdsy 2.515,1.15
Disbursements 3.HXI.940
The deficit to date thlB fiscal year la
$1.212. 842. as against a deficit of $11,SS5.
875 at this tlma last year.
These figures exclude Panama Canal 'and
public debt transactions.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW TORK. Oct. IS. Coffee 'futures
closed unchanged to ten polnta net hffrher.
Sales, 10,7.VI bn re. October, November and
December. l.VOi'.c; January. 14.7c; r'ebru
nry. It.-'tc; March, l4.:Sc: April. 14.34c;
May, 14.2'jr: June. 14.2Sc: July, 14.27T;; Au
gust. 14.2if: September. 14.25c
Spot coffee firm; Rio No. T. ' 1 5 4 4 1 0c :
mild coffiee Quiet; Cordova, 17&l!a nom
inal. Raw sugar, nominal: Muscovado. 5.35 -is
6.45; centrifugal. Pil test, 574t5.B.".c: mo
lasses sugar. alf--0c: refined steady.
rs York lotion Market.
NKW VORK, llct- 18. Cotton Spot closed
quiet. Middling uplands. 0.3"c; do Oult.
8. hoc. No sales.
. Futures closed steady.' Closing bids: Oc
tober. o.fMlc: November. tl.Ooc; December,
0.17c: January'. H.OIc; February. 0.0!c:
March, a 13c; April, D..c; May. 9.Slc: June,
D.:i."ic: July, 9.40c; August. v.35c; Septem
ber. .30c. '
Dried Fruit at w York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Evaporated applea
steady: spot, fancy. 10rl04c; choice. ',4c;
prime. 8V4 4i 90.
prunes firm. Quotations ranee from 7 ff
ll-i for Callforniaa up to 40-5os, and 1114
4j l.lHc for Oregona.
Peaches Inactive: choice, llVifllHo; ex
tra, choice. ll4012o: fancy, 12nttl2c.
Hope 'at New York.
NEW YORK, Oct. IS. Hope Firm; Pa
clflo Coast, lull. 35940c
Agriculture la the basis of Grenada's pres
ent prosperity. Before the emancipation of
the slavea. gurar producing was the prin
cipal agricultural Industry, but what la pro
duced now la not of high grade and Is con
sumed by the pessantry, either aa sugar or
rum, of which latter there is annually dis
tilled and consumed about 8O.OO0 aaJiona.
Am Ice Securl. .
Foreigners Large Buyers of
Wheat in East,
Outside Speculative IJemaiid Is lso
Heavy Foreign Advice Are Fa
vorable to the Bulls-rNorth-west
Rewlpts Are Llgbt.
'CHICAGO. Oct. 18 Active """" .bf.rf!
today on the part of foreigner, helped "
the price of wheat. There was also
lively demand from .oc-Prf Jon.1 .Pu
laiors in mis e...... HvleeB un-
Germany ana w-re
favorable to the bears. lnS """"VThe?
lt-adlnir ataplea alao .bowed a rains corn Ho
to le. oata Kc to HHc and provUioM
a. a.V...a arrflnllatl.
almost Ppendlcular Aside from
off the market would alone have been sut
Bclent to prove a powertul stimulus. rot
.. . t j -r-ttn 1 1 T i Tl tr tnat a le c... -- " 0fter
peared to oe tor leaums --
to sell for future delivery was P""
taken, nesp.te so. ...... ..... .wt
and poor rradlnff at Winnipeg gava "Jther
a 1- a el I I Hah agnirt fit tt BllUBl
tlon, ao that ma grraioi --
the day waa n evidence Just before the
a- - - w,av rnm CI TO S1.U1 7.
Close. uocemuci ..x j A
ri 1.01. with latest sales at U-0i.
ret gain of e.
. . . -. e V. . rim rtTT'iaT8f
The forecast or wet n"" " .
carried corn higher. December fluctuated
from 04Hc to r,4c closing steady WW
up. at 6Sc:. Cash grades were atrong. No.
2 yellow, 73V4H74C
Oats took color from wheat and corn.
Outside limits touched by the December op
tion were 474 47Ci with the close at
47i&47Hc, an advance of V4c over
last night.
Hog cholera reports from Central lilt-
nols put firmness Into the market for pro-
visions.. In the end. pork was chalked up ;
.. . . ,A .. 4 n,h-. articles all the I
. O . 11 1 . aa.u v....
way from yesterday's close to 17V4C greater
CThe leading futures ranged aa follows:
IX-1 J IT" T
On.n Ttlirh.
$ -974
.66 Vi
1.05 T4
.60 '
Oct.. ..
$ .874 -H
1.00 1.01.
1.044 1.08V4
1.00 1.004
. ,S44 .654
..H4 .64
.5V4 -S4
.474 -47
May.. .
Vs ..
13.B2H 15.35
ViVj 8.874
8TSS 8.7V4
$.10 8.I2V4 $.10
8.25 - S.Z7j 8.J0
- Bin- I A9U
in e-VJ ' . ,,
Cash quotations wera ag follows
r lour r irm.
Rye No. 1. imc.
Barley Feed or mixing, 7acSI; fair to
choice majtlng. $1. low 1.22.
Timothy aeed 11$ it 15.25.
Clover $14 19.50.
Pork Mess, per barrel, $15.60 15.78.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $S.0.
Short rlbe Sides (loose), $7.758.l.
Oraln statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 134.000 bushels. Primary recelpta
were 1.073.000 bushels, compared with 810,--eno
bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat. 48 cars; corn. 1S9 cars; oata, 163
cars; bogs. 24.000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 2J.145
Wheat, bushels ao.OOO - 218.000
Corn, bushels 444.090 JJ' J"?
Oats, bushels 403.000 . 17.00
Rye, bushels K.00O
Barley, bushcla 177.000 $4,000
Grain at San Francisco.
. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 18. Wheat firm,
barley firm. ... -. ....
Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.4 iVi
01.5O Per cental.
Dni-.oy Feed, $1.75 per cental; brewing,
$1X11.85 per cental.
Outs Red. $1.824 42.05 per cental: white.
$1.7 1.72V, per cental: black, $1.701.80
per cental. . -.
Call board sales: Barley December, $1.8o
per cental; May. $1.SS4 Pr cental.
Pnget Sonnd Grain Markets.
SE4TT1.E. Oct. is. Wheat Bluestem,
8.1c: fortyfold, 7l)c; club, 7llc; Fife, 7!)c; red
Hi.Mlan. 77c. Oats. $.10 per ton; barley,
$30 50- yellow corn, $31. 50; mixed corn, 01.
Yesterday s car recelpta, wheat, 11; oata,
IS; corn. 2; hay, 3S; barley. L
TACOMA. Oct. 18. Wheat Blustem, 84c;
fortyfold, '-' tl K'-'c : club, 6r2c- red Rus
sian, 80c Receipts, wheat, 10 caifj; corn, 2
cars; uata. 2 cars; hay, 5 cara.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. Oct: 18. Cargoes firm. Walla
Walla for shipment, 8d to 6d higher at 80s
d to 30a SKI.
English country marketa firm:. French
country marketa ateady.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 18. Wheat October.
Ts V4d; December. 7s 64d; March, 7a 84d;
May, 7a 54d. Weather cloudy.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 18. Wheat Decem
ber, $1.10; May. $1.144 6 1.144. Cash. No.
1 hard. $1.121; No. 1 Northern. $1.114 9
1.114; No. 2 Northern. $1.08 hi 0 1.094 ; No.
8 wheat, $1.04 Vt qi.0C4.
Mercy Better Than Justice In Treat
ment of Criminals. .
PORTLAND". Oct. 16. To the Editor,
Oregonlan. City.) Being a close follower
of Uovernor West'e prison policy. 1 would
like to submit my views on the subject.
One of the most difficult of all the per
plexing queatlons which confront the states
man and publicist Is that which relates to
the proper treatment of crime and crim
InaTa. Modern criminal Jurisprudence must
rent upon the prlnclplea which are sanc
tioned by aclence and which have the ap
proval of absolute Justice. "The study of
social Infirmities and deformities with a
view to their cure la a Barred duty."
Herbert Spencer eaye that the process
of doing away with evil Is Dot through
punishment, threat or Injunction, but simply
through a change of activities. Thla truth
glvee color to our whole fabric of penology.
All of our recent progress haa come from
the replacing of bad activities by the good.
We now believe that bad people are good
folks who have misdirected their energies.
The questions which demand our atten
tion are not so much what shall we do
with criminals, but how can we prevent
crime, and what shall v. a do for our crlm
uials? In deallne with crime and crim
inals, society aims to protect Itrelf from
the wrong-doer. It may do this by inflict
ing vengeance upon the culpVit as an act
of Justice, or by aiming at the reformation
and rehabilitation of the offender.
Society demands submission of the crim
inal and the discipline of the criminal code
Is designed to subdue or convert his will
so as to make It conform to the will of the
social whole. In the criminal the sense of
wrong Jias preceded the sense of right, and
In laboring for hla reformation the relative
value of this wrong and right must be thor
oughly impressed upon his mlndv The
Bplrlt of revenge must be overcome, but
fur all this the larger Interests of the com
munity of which the criminal Is a degen
erate member should not be sacrificed to
his personal Interest.
There have been times In all ages, even
the darkest, when -voices were raised In
protest against cruelty, even to the guilty,
and gradually with thoughts against relri
i.ntion. It waa Inevitable that men should
lwtrect their energies to means of reforma
tion. Tne result dm pern omer prisons,
better prison management, the eonrt for
Juvenile delinquents, the parole system, the
Indeterminate sentence, and numerous other
laws for the helping and bettering of crim
inals. Prison reform has been Instituted In many
prisons for the purpose of "remodeling and
remoulding men who have been Imperfectly
cast for citizenship" and for the permanent
trolectlon of society by a. system of phys
aJ. mental and moral tralnln awaf tha
hi : v I
National Bank
CAPITAL $1,000,000
4 per cent
on sayings
Established 1859.
v Surplus and Undivided Profits.
Letters of credit, drafts and
able on all parts of the world.
' 'Corner Washington
First Nationa!
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
cultivation of such habits as shall tend to
Insure good citizenship. The causes of crime
are better understood than they used to
be. In aplte of retributive Justice, crime
haa been on the Increase. Punishment has
been tried long enough to prove that aa a
remedy for crime It Is Inadequate, for It
does not remove the cause a weak or
vitiated will.
Natural depravity was the once popular
belief, but now conceptions of crime are
changing. Prevention, direction, reforma
Uorr, this Is now the purpose of Judicial
action, especially as bearing on young law
breakers. The courts of every city testify
that youth Is the seedtime of crime. But
the child is not necessarily a criminal be
cause he has tendencies which are antag
onistic to modern social standards. W
misunderstanding and mistreatment he Is
made a criminal. ' .
Help is what the child offender needs,
and If helped to the best possible chnnie
he will make a man of himself. Therefore,
among the most noteworthy of recent re
forms In dealing with offenders against the
law are the Juvenile courts. These courts
are established with a new spirit. For to
Inflict the same punishment on young cul
prits aa on hardened crlminala is seen to
be disastrous, as the young offender has
probably, through Ignorance, vicious sur
roundings or neglect of home life been led
on to do wrong.
The Juvenile court, therefore, aims to re
monstrate with the young delinquent, to
point out to him the error of his ways, and
to show him the path he should hereafter
follova It alms to admonish parents not
to neglect the training of their children.
This system la rapidly developing aa parents
come to know that this magistrate Is not
an ordinary minister of Justice who meas
ures each infraction of law with statutory
precision, but that he is a willing ally,
ready at all times to Join heartily with
them to correct and encourage the boy or
girl who has been tempted to go. wrong.
The probation system in the Juvenile
courts is the embodiment ot corrective, pre
ventive and directive measures, and It has
been established that over 85 out of every
lOO of those placed In the hands of qual
ified probation officers do not have to be
brought back to court.
These striking remits prove the power
of laws of mercy In the case of young of
fenders not yet hardened In crime. In a
criminal case punishment enacted by law
eeldom has a curative effect. Th law
only attempts 'to shut the door after the
horse has been atolen Instead of taking ef
fective measures to remove the causo. The
great underlying thought on which one of
the greatest prison systems, that of Elmlra,
N. Y., Is founded. Is that criminals, especially-
young criminals, can be reformed.
That reformation la the right of the of
fender and the duty of the state. Intel
lectually and morally, criminals are for the
moBt part weak. Criminal Jurisprudence
haa reached a point In the history ef civiliza
tion when It can no longer afford to con
fine Its attention to the crime and the
penalty for the crime, but must take notice
of the criminal also.
To prevent crime Is now a great and vital
question, and depends largely upon the edu
cation of public aentlment. Public ' opin
ion needs enlightenment and guidance upon
questlona relating to crime. Its causes and
Ita prevention. It la not enough that crim
inal Jurisprudence should be humane, it
must also be Intelligent.
The improvement of the crTmlflal ooce
anil the Improvement of prison discipline go
harld in hand. They rest irpon the convic
tion that the criminal is a felloY man whose
lights cannot be violated with social im
munity; that he Is to be uplifted and re
stored, not crushed. Reformation ts better
than punishment. Formation la better than
reformation. Direction Is better than cor
rection. -',...
Subjugation waa the old Idea, conversion
1s Ht DR. T. H. CRAMER.
"Automobiles are
less likely to .skid
on bitulithic pave
ment, and the sur
face has not proven
injurious to auto
mobile tires." Kil
ary E. Howse, May
or, Nashville, Tenn.
aaaaaBagaaWli?rlfflgWa jTHYVrsl
Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu
minous Pavements. 603-COS Electrlo
bide. Portland, Or. Oskar Hubsr.
If you have any to offer, write to
43 WaahiatTloxt St., San Frandaco.
Corner Fifth
and Stark
. . .
travelers' checks issued, avail
and Third Streets.
Ask about
iAt!antic Transport
Red Star
White Star
in the
White Star-Dominion
619 Second Ave., Seattle Wash.
Apply local Hallway Agents.
Freight receive
dally at Oak-st, docis
for The Dalles.
Hood River. White
Salmon. Uroa t 1 1 1 a
KennewlcVt, Pasco,
Richland. Hanford.
White Blurtn, a"
intermediitto point'-
Steamer leaves 1'ortland Sunday Tuexdasjj
Thursday. 7 A. M 1,;,Ur,'L",?,l. v 7 A. M
Dalles Monday. Wednesday. Jn QiY
arriving at Portland about 5 P. sain w.
W. S. Buchanan. Sunt. ; W. S. bmallwooo.
Gen'l Mgr. phone Main 2960. A 85-1.
Express Service via '
Than 4 Daya at bea by the
' Weekly Sailings to Europe i
First-class. IDJ.S0; Winter months. 85J
Second-class. S.-.3 75; One-class cabin (U) I
Friday, Dec. 1. Empress ot Britain- ,
Saturday, Dec. . Lake Manitoba.
Friday. Dec. 15. Empress ot Ireland.
Berthing plans now open. Hook h-arly.
Hamburg. Antwerp. Bremen, etc SoO. Jl.-
Liverpool. l-undon'-lBOW.'..'B:1)i.o5.
XCorw-av." Denmark, Sweden . . . J34.7S. a7.i'5
Special rail rates on euuest
E H. Johnson. G. A., Hi Third St. ,
All rail and b. 6. agents sell Can. Paa,
tickets. ,
San Francicso, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Pacltlc S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoka
and S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alter
nately at ti P. M. llcket office 1JJ Tnlra
St. iici-.r Alder. .
MARTIN J. IIIOLEY. Passenger Agent.
W. E. KI.l'SrjElt. Ereittht AgeuU
Phones M. 181-1. A 1314.
San Francisco and Los Angeles
S. S. Bentr Sails 4 V. 31. October 24,
eiAX ERX-N'-I.-jt'O a: PORTLAND a- -.
Ticket Office, 14a Third St.
Phones Main 402 and A HO I.
(Union line of N. Z-
Direct through steamers, sailing iroin San
Francisco Nov. 15 and every 26 uays. Well
ington aiid nack-, 1st class. 264. Other rates
also low. The line to Isles of the South beaa.
For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents,
or address Oceanic 8. Co.. San Francisco.
Sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, t
P. M., every Tuesday. Freight received 9
Alnawogth Dock dally tip to i P. M. Pa.
center tare, fir-at-class, 510; second-cluon. ?T,
including meale and berth. Ticket ot'fio
Alnoworth DocU. Phoneo M.sUn Hue. sxalai
170. A 123.
iliameiie River Route
llaily Boats (except Sunday) 6:45 A,
M for Oregon City, St. Paul and Way
For Salem 6:45 A. M., Mondays,
TVeilnesdavs and Fridays. Taylor (Street
Dock. Telephone, Main 40,