Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Flour Shipments Increase Due
to Chinese Revolution.
All Steamer Space I Ennajred Vntil
January 1 l"nealne
Be Felt I'nleaa larger
Port Are ClnoH.
China' revolution la influencing- tha
purchase of flour In Portland to a
1 amall extent, but It la not Improbably
that a prolongation of tha turmoil
will Increase tha cereal, trade here
erreatly. Purchases have been rao
ao far ahead that all ateamer apare
his been takesa up to January 1. Until
the- revolution broke out there
excellent Indications for a record
breaklns; season In flour.
(ma ftrm received a cable yesterday
In answer to a Query sent Tuesday. In
which It waa set forth that buslnesa
could not be placed In North Chlan In
tew of the uprising". .Flour sent to
Honskona-. Fhanchal and Japan
as porta Is often drawn on for trans
ahlpment to North China to such
points as Hankow. Tientsin and small
er towns.
Portland Arms are not particularly
uneasy orer the situation as It la not
zpect to affect contracts that hara
been cloaed. Vnlesa the war move
ment spreads to close the principal
Chinese ports it will hr amall effect
on future buying. Complaint has been
made alnca the openina of the seaaon
that there waa not sufficient tonnaa-e
operated by the Waterhouse lino to
care for tha cargo offered. After Jan
uary ' another factor will probably
be reckoned with in the return to tha
eld ratea for Oriental shipments.
Service Mean Kxtrn Ex
pense on Cargo.
A T Prltchard. who la alated to as
sume charge of tha Portland office of
Frank Waterhouse at Co, Northwest
aarenta for Andrew Weir Co- operat
or te Hank Line of steamers, has
written from Honajkon that ha ex
pects to arrive on tha Hrltlsb steamer
Kumerlc. next month. The first Infor
tratlon waa that Mr. prltchard took
pusses on tha ateamer Suverte. dua
hera to load flour.
Portland ahlppera are not eatlsried
with the Waterhouse aervlce. When
tha Portland Asiatic line waa ope
rated with four carriers, conditions
were not of the, best. Today this port
has two steamera a month, according
to the echedule. but as they do not sail
direct for tha Orient, ahlppera are pay
Ira; an Increased cost. When cargo is
loaded hera bllla of lading ara made
nit and turned over to a bank and a
draft la drawn on the consignee. The
atramera proceed via Puget rSound and
British Columbia, being delayed ao
that It la said that persons to whom
rsrs.i la consigned In the orient hava
to pay and 7 per cent on tha value of
their goods for two weeks longer than
when tha Portland Asiatic waa ope
Head of AUka Pacific Company
Will Not Ilouu Conference East.
II. F. Alexander, prealdent of tha
Alaska Pacific Steamship Company,
who has arrived on Puset Sound after
tha reported rnnfwni'. at Detroit.
Hl.-h . at which merser plans were per
fected to operate under one head tha
Alaska rarlflc. North Pacific and Alas
ka Coast lines, has declined to discuss
the reported consolidation. With no
definite advlcea received here, thnre
are many who are akeptlcal regarding
tha mercer. .
C P. Ie. head of the. North Pacific
flet. I said to have, been In Ban Fran
r!seo for a long period and waa not at
tha Wtrolt gathertne. Kecently he
turned all ateamers held tn hla name
Into tha company and wtrtt th excep
tion of acting aa head of the line. Is
almply a stockholder In the corpora
tion. Later advices are that the plan
I to operat the steamers of the three
fleets as In the past. With no change
ef routes proposed. Portland steamahip
men fall to see any reason for the con
Irwli Hirer nulne Uesults In Ao
rommodatlon Order.
Since the Lewis River Navigation
Company took over the Interesta of tha
Lewis Klver Transportation Company
and purchased tha ateamer Modoc from
tha O.-W. R. at N.. patronage haa so
arown that tha Modoc la Uta every
day reaching Portland. On tha return
trip ehe usually losea time because of
an Innovation requiring it to call at
various points In the harbor for two
tons of freight, while before, all of
ferings minder flva tona bad to be deliv
ered at the dork.
Further Increases are expected and
tha Modoc's crew will be enlarged wltb
the business that she may operate on
echedule. The new owners are making
a atrong canvaaa for patronage and ara
aanguln that they can obtain freight
for the water line that baa been han
dled by others.
When Cabin Rrrth Are Gone Steer
ace Is Accepted.
With the steamer Roanoke, sailing
last night, having a full passenaer list,
and ail reservations taken on tha Rose
City, sailing thla afternoon, a number
f persons hava accepted ateerage c
rommodattona. and even the ateamer
Noma City, which la due to leave to
day. Is carrying parsons of all classes
In the steerage.
Thre are no prospects of the Cali
fornia travel failing oft thla month. A
decrease la notl'-eahle In the number
arriving from the South. That Is ex
pected at thla aeason. The fact that
travel last aeason waa heavy even dur
ing tha Winter is takn to Indicate that
It will continue until the holidays this
jeer. It Is rare for a steamer to leave
now with a berth vacant, unless the
purchaser failed to arrive at tha sail
ing hour.
el(thter Aground at Klwallk Suc
ceed In Getting Afloat.
SEATTLE. Wash, Oct. Is Newa was
bronght. by the steamship Victoria,
which arrived from Nome. Alaska, to
night, that the steel frelrhter Kureka.
which grounded at Klwallk. Kotxebue
Sound. October 7. waa successfully
floated. The revenue cutter Bear waa
sent from Noma to aid tha Eureka, but
the freighter got on tno rauo. oeiorv
the Bear arrived.
The Bear will remain In tha North
until the close of navigation, follow;
i .k. i.r ateamer out of Bering Sea
to give any assistance that may be
required in rigminff me ice noes wrmu
are beginning; to move aouth from the
. e
Extensive Improvements Planned
for Popular Steamer.
New keelsona and boiler keelsons, a
new keel, renewal of about 40 per cent
of her frames, new planking. Installa
tion of sanitary beds, new carpets and
furnishings throughout, a new hollow
nickel ateel shaft and a general over
hauling, are Improvements planned for
the steamer Harvest Queen, of the O.
W. R A N. Company fleet, operating
to Astoria, as determined by Captain
George Conway, superintendent of the
marine branch.
The Queen is to operate between
Portland and Astoria until the steam
er Nahcotta leaves the boneyard ways
next week, when she will be bauled
out. Captain Conway expecta that
considerable time will be spent on
her renovation and All Winter may be
i ft... ii. ... In waa sent OUt
last night to assist in handling freight.
She will succeed me nunu
period of repalra. ,
, Marine Notes,
s. , i iik,.t s.nn has aucceeded
Captain Arthur Rlgga on the ateamer
Repairs to the Port of Portland tup;
Oneonta are to be completed by Sat
urday and ahe will be returned to tha
mouth of the Columbia.
On the arrival of the grasoline
schooner Gerald C. of the Elmore
feet, today, she will be hauled out at
Supple', for recaulktns; and minor
repalra. as ahe was recently ashore at
With 100 tons of -cargo for the Cali
fornia tc. Atlantic line the steamer
Westerner la due today from ths
Golden Gate.
Negotiations were closed yesterday
by tha Oregon Electric Railway for
tha use of the steamer Leona on con
struction work above Salem.
Reuben Smith, a pioneer marine en
gineer of the city. Is reported seri
ously 111 at his home, H3 Montavllla.
street. He 1s not expected to recover.
General Freight Agent Blair, of the
-Big Three fleet will leave on the
Koae City today for San Francisco,
though be says he could remain a
month longer and keep busy.
In tow of the tug Charles M. Greiner
tha British bark Iverna was shifted
yesterday from Montgomery dock Ho.
t to Oceanic and thereby a third com
petitive towboat entered the field.
To have repairs made to her wheel
and her hull repainted the flreboat
George II. Williams waa lifted on the
public drydock yesterday and re
turned to her station In tha after
noon. Lumber will be loaded from the
stream aboard the British schooner
David Evans at St. John's today and
Diss ta Arrive.
Mam.. From D
Nome . itv San Franclscoln port
( It ...... .pan
. . Jtandoo pet
.. .Manila Oct.
..Kan Pedro Oct.
.. Ooulll. "t.
J. I
- - w. T illtmook . . . . Oft.
(iolil. n tiats. . . Tlllainoo....Oct.
Breakwater. .. t'eoe Ht.... Oct.
Geo w. eider, ian . . Oct.
T a Icon "an Francises Oct.
AKIance Kureka.
...pan F'eora. . . "
nok. MnPU.... Oct.
Scheduled t. Depart,
Nome City. ...
Koee CUT
Hu. H. Elmore,
Fr.akat.r. ..
Oct. 1
.San Francisco
.Fan P.dre. .
Oct. IS
. Coqullle
.flandon. . ... .
. Kan Pedro. ...
.C"oe Hay. . ...
Oct. 21
Oct. 2 1
Oct. S
Oct. 24
Oct. 24
Oct. 24
t-t. 25
Oct. 23
Oct. 2
Oct. I
Uolden oat. .
. Kureka. .....
io. w. Elder.
.Van Diego. . ..
San Franclaee
Faicoa. . .
Sav.rlc. ..
Roeooke. .
an Pedro.
Sma tl.eo....
Oct. 0
Nov. 1
later she will take cargo from the
dock of the St. Jonn, Lumber Com
pany. E. J. Dodge, head ef tha steamship
corporation bearing his name and
father of Commlsaloner Dodge, of the
Port of Portland, died at Kan Fran
cisco Sunday at the age ef 7i. His son
waa present at the bedside.
In general cargo from California
harbors the steamera Fairhaven and
Koae City entered yesterday at tha
Custom House with the German ehlp
Dlone. from Santa Roaalia. The Fair
haven cleared for Port Ludlow and
tha Rose City for San Francisco.
It waa reported yesterday that tha
Norwegian steamer Solvelg had been
taken on time charter for lumber
loading-. Australian ports being; named.
Hind. Rolph & Company are offering
the German ship Dlone for recharter.
The British bark Arracaa has left the
Golden Gate In tow for Portland to
load wheat.
Movement) of Vessel..
PORTLaND. Oct. 11- Balled Steamer
Golden Crate, for Tillamook; steamer Ro
anoke, for haa Ilss and way porta; steam
er Fairhaven. f'-r Port Lodlow.
Astoria. Oct It Condition at the mouth
of the river at t P. M.. smooth; wind, north
4 miles- weather, clear. Arrived down at
? . and sailed at 10 A- M. a learner
Breakwater, for Coos Bay. SsJied at 2:31
y st. jspanese steamer thlntsu Maru. for
China via Puset Sound. Arrived at P.
M. British steamer Buvertc, from the Orient
via Puset Pound. ...
San Francisco. Oot. It Arrived, at I A.
M. uteam.r Falcon: at T A. at. Steamer
Washlncton. from Portland: at f A. M.
Steamer Nehelem. from Columbia River.
Failed at A. af. Steamer Catania, for
Portland. Sailed last B1ht British bark
Arrmcan in tow of tog Hercules; steamer
Maverick, for Portland.
Cooe Pay. Oct. 1. Arrived K I earner Al
liance, from Portland.
Aberdeen. Oct. 17. Arrived St.ara.r
Temple E. Dorr, from Portland.
Victoria. Oct. Is. Sailed Norwegian
steamer RrcJa, from Portland, for Seattle.
Seattle. Oct. It. Arrived Steamer Olson
A Maiioner. from Portland.
Nanalmo. Oct. II. Balled British steamer
Oswestry, from Portland, for Rhanshai.
fan Francisco. Oft. 18. Arrived Bteam
sra Falcon, from Portland: Nehalam. and
Washington. Astoria; Centralla. from Aber
deen: Coaster, from Cooe Bay: Alltak. from
Alttak; schooner Oregon, from Coqullle
River. Palled Steamers Aoransl. for Wel
lington: Catania and Hoqulam. for Astoria;
Heaver, for Portland: Sann Smith, for Coea
Bav; schooner Atlas, for Jalult.
Seattle. Oct. IS. Arrived Steamer Hono
lulan. from an Francisco; steamer Victoria,
from Noma; steamer Mlseoarlan. from Ran
Francisco: steamer Prince Georire. from
prince Rupert: power schooner Polar Bear,
from Noras via Valdes: bark Olive Bank,
from Victoria, galled Steamer M. F. Plant,
for fan Francisco: steamer Admiral Samp
son, for Southwestern Alaska: steamer I'ma
tilla. for San Francisco; steamer Prtnoe
Georre. for prince Rupert.
Yokohama. Oct. 1- Arrived previously
Awa Maru. from Seattle; dhlnyo Mara, frora
ban Francisco.
Monekona. Oct. 14 Sailed Moateagla,
for Vancouver.
Ls Anselee. Oct 1. Arrived- J. B.
tatsAn. Orare Harbor: p. S. Loop. Everett.
Sailed: Oeorge W. Elder. Portland; Bain
bride, rorv Townsend; Baadoo. Coqullle
Tides at Aeaorla Tbarselay.
nih. I-ow.
tl 12 A. M 12 faet'4-l A. M. foot
ll: P. si 1 feetl 1 11 P. M....L4
Central Oregon Awaits Coming
of Farm Experts.
Bend, Redmond, Arlington and . AH
Cities on Jloute'Are Preparing;
Welcome Queries of Rel-
dents to Be Answered.
Central Oregon and those districts of
Eastern Oregon through which the O.
W. It. & N. Company's special demon
stration train will operate during tha
week bf ginning October 2 are taking
a deep interest in the oportunlty that
thus will be presented to them for
coming Into contact with instructors
from the State Agricultural College and
railroad officials and promise to attend
tha lectures at each stopping place In
great numbers.
A few days ago R. B. Miller, trafflo
manag-er of the O.-W. R. & N. Company,
who arranged the trip, aent out a let
ter to every farmer living- adjacent to
the territory to be covered by the
train, asking him to attend one of the
demonstrations, to confer with the of
ficials and Instructors In charge and to
present to them those particular prob
lema that hava caused the greatest
difficulties. Blank postcards were en
closed with the letters, for the purpose
of enabling the farmera to ask their
questions In advance.
Questloas to Be A aa we red.
These replies will be classified. The
Agricultural College Instructors then
will know in advance Just what sub
jects to discuss at each place. This
plan is a departure from the usual
method of soliciting Inquiries and It
Is believed will bo more effective.
Sometimes the farmera are timid about
asking; questlona before a large crowd.
They will have no hesitancy about ex
pressing; themselves on a postcard.
Replies have been received from sev
eral cities through which the . train
will pasa telling; of the arrangements
being; made there for the reception of
the travelers. Commercial clubs at
nearly every place are co-operating
with tha railroad officials. Posters
have been sent out and are displayed
at publio places.
Several business firms at Bend are
arranging- to carry mention of the train
and the lectures In their advertisements
In the Bend papers. Many windows
of business places at Bend. Redmond.
Arlington and other cities are being;
decorated, with the view of calling at
tention to the trip.
Farmera' Valoas Co-operate.
The farmers' unions have caught ths
spirit of the movement and are co
operating. Special meetings of their
oritanixatlona will be held simulta
neously with the visit of the party.
A semi-official aspect has been given
the trip by the arrangement whereby
Byron Hunter, field agent of the United
Statea Department ot Agriculture, will
arcompany the party. He will devote
hla time to observations, but may be
called uron to give advice to farmers
and lectures to the crowds.
At Madras an extraordinary meeting
of the Farmers' Union will be held on
the day the train stops there. The
farmera there are anticipating with
much Interest the distribution of mllo
seed promised by the railroad. Mllo has
been proved an excellent dry soil prod
uct. O. C. Toung. president of the Culver
Commercial Club, yesterday wrote to
Mr. Miller Inform! na- him that a cele
bration will be held simultaneously
with tha visit and that the citlsens of
that enterprising city will formally
welcome the railroad to Central Ore
gon. Redmond will hold a potato show
the week that the train Is on the road.
Tha principal day will be tha day that
the stop Is made there Thursday. No
vember 2- Redmond la tha center of
an active and rapidly developing pota
to-growing district.
Kheepsara Are Interested.
Heppner sheepmen have written Mr.
Miller sdvlslng him of some difficulties
they have had In getting; results. Some
of them. It is reported, contemplate
abandoning the sheep Industry and en
gaging In wheat raising. The college
men will give this subject earnest at
Reticence Will Be Obseroed Until
Amount Demanded for Salvage
Is Made rub lie
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 1. (Special.)
Manager Thorndlke. of tha Globe Nav
igation Company, ef Seattle, owner of
the disabled schooner William Not
tingham, arrived here late last even
ing;. Early this morning he visited the
vessel, and. after making- an examina
tion of her. left at once for hla home.
He made no attempt to take posses
sion of the craft, which la still in tha
hands of tha salvage crew, represent
ing the Port of Portland, and told no
one what his plans regarding the ves
sel are. Captain Crowe, aurveyor for
the San Francisco Board of Underwrit
ers, also arrived last evening and to
day made a complete survey of tha
schooner, preparatory to reporting; to
the underwriters the extent of the
damages and tha estimated cost of re
palra. He found that the hull Is prac
tically uninjured, excepting; that she
will have to be recalked, and tha ex
pense of thla probably will not exceed
Tha greatest damage Is In the loss of
three masts, rigging- and sails. When
asked if he Intended to take charge of
the schooner he replied "No," and add
ed that the first step necessary would
be for the Port Of Portland to fix some
amount which Is wanted as compensa
tion for salving- the vessel, and then
the owners and underwriters will soon
determine whether or not they are
willing- to pay It. "
Kern Tells Inspectors What Slight
Have Hairpened.
E. A. Kern, who was chief engineer
of the steamer Maria September 10.
when she was struck by the Rose City,
but la no longer attached to the ves
sel, made the statement before In
spector Edwards and Fuller yesterday
that If the big steamer had cut six
Inches deeper Into the Maria her fuel
oil tanka would have been loosened
and. aa the eonnectlona are on the bot
tom, the oil would have flooded the
nreroom. 1 " . . . . -
connections wltb oil tanks must be
Cured in
I em a rearlatered aad Ucenaed
pkysiclaa, eeaflalng my apeelal
practice to the dtaordera ef MEN. I
have more meaey Invested la mr
establishment than all other Port
lead apeelallata combined.
I publish my true photograph,
correct name, personally conduct
my office, I am the most suc
cessful and reliable, as medical
credentials and press records
prove. I make this statement so
that you will know you consult
a true specialist, who sees and
treats patients personally. I pos
sess skill and experience, ac
quired in such a way ' that no
other can share, and should not
be classed with medical com
panies. It is impossible for a
medical company to attend col
lege. Companies have no diplo
mas or license to practice medi
cine in Oregon or any other state.
Medical companies are usually
named after a doctor. - A. por
trait, whose personality and
identity are indefinite, is selected
and published as the legitimate
specialist of the office. Hired
substitutes, ordinary doctors
with questionable ability, give
consultation, examination and
V : ' sjr f i 1 " .1
jkavikaii ..av'jMr Assir, nt-iisi-f til
WRITTEN OCARA.TTEE-Dr. Smith's written sruarantee means a cure
or no pay for aervlcea. I sruarantee to oure certain ailments or refund
every dollar you hava paid me for my services. Mr aervlces cost you
nothing- unless I cure your Varicose Veins. Hernia. Piles, Fistula, Blood
Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable
and no more than you are able and willing- to pay for benefits.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
234Vi Morrison St. Corner Second PORTLAND, OR.
front the top. Kern was asked If the
owners were violating that require
ment and on being shown a blueprint
of the tanks, approved in 1905, admit
ted that they were connected accord
Ins t that plan. The Maria was one
of the first vessels to use the new
fuel and It was not until later that
the plan of connection waa changed.
Kern testified at the trial of Cap
tain Turner, pilot of the Rose City,
which waa finished. The same teeti
n.nnv waa a-1 von as at the Investiga
tion and the inspectors have their de
cision under consideration, itcrn wiu
be tried today for using obscene lang
uage after the collision and Captain
Nellson. pilot of the Maria, will be
tried for Intoxication Immediately after
the accident.
rncle Sam May Charge S300 for
Loss of grol
r -1 a w XTav41n vnasteir of the
CSitiu v. ... . -. , ..
n-i . i .. v. Vilr. If Altnnnlis. Is In Se-
ziriij.ii i-.. ."' -
rlous trouble over three negroes from
the Danish West Indies, whom he
brought to port aa stowaways ana w
were denied admission Into the ooun
. . inotrint Attorney Ev
ans filed an Information against him
yesterday, charging mai no niism
ly and carelessly failed to detain them
it is true; it tells of a way to get rid of these plague spots which so
often sap the strength and vitality, and Best of all, this permanent cure
is in reach of every one. -
It is an absolutely true statement to say that every old sore or
chronic ulcer exists solely because of bad blood. Outside contamina
tions or influences may increase the local inflammation,' but such
things have nothing to do with keeping the place open. It is the in
fected blood discharging its impurities through a weak spot on the
flesh that does this, and the sore will continue, gradually growing
worse, until the blood is purified of the exciting cause.
See how nature points to the cause through the symptoms. The
inflammation, discharge, discolored flesh, and the fact ihat external
applications never have any curative effect on the sore, "show that
deep down in the circulation there is a morbid cause which prevents
the place from healing. ' But more convincing proof that bad blood is
responsible for old sores, is furnished by the fact that even removing
every visible trace of the ulcer by surgical operation does not cure;
the sore always returns. f
S. S. S. ' heals old sores because it is the greatest of all blood
pucifiers; it goes into the circulation and removes the cause from the
blood. When the blood has been purified there is no longer any in
flammatory or Infectious matter to irritate the place and nature causes
a natural and certain healing of the ulcer. When S. S. S. has cleansed
the circulation and the place is well, it is not a surface cure, not simply
a smoothing over of the outward evidence, but it is a perfect and per
manent cure, because every vestige of the old cause hag been driven
out. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, cleansing and
invigorating in their nature, and of great -tonic value. It is a medicine
adapted to persons of any age. and is just as effective with the old as
with the young or middle aged. Under the purifying and tonic effects
of S. S. S. the system is greatly strengthened and benefited. To hear
of S. S. S. has been good news to thousands, it is good news for you.
If you wish any special advice about an old sore or ulcer write
for our free book, and ask our medical department to give any instruc
tions you may feel the need of. No charge for the book or advice.
S. S. S. is sold at drug stores.
Five Days
Varicose Veins
Hernia, Blood Poison
No Detention From Occupation.
Family or Home.
J Invite you to come to my of
fice. I will explain to you my
treatment for Varicose Veins,
Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood
Poison, .Piles, Fistula, Bladder.
Kidney and all Men's Allmenta, and
give you FREE a physical exam
ination; if necessary a microscopi
cal and chemical analysis of secre
1 1 o n s, to " determine pathological
, i i t i ..nltlnni.
tvory Dinuu "tiuuiu .... u
tage of this opportunity to learn
their true condition. A permanent
cure la what you want.
Impair vitality. I dally demon
strate that varicose veins can be
cured in nearly all caaea by one
treatment, in such a satisfactory
way that the vital parts are pre
ss rved and strengthened, pain
ceasea. swelling subsides, a
healthy circulation is rapidly re
established. Instead of the depress
ing conditions. I guarantee you a
cure to stay cured or refund tha
With (htit aliments you may
have more complications than are
presented by any other ailing- or-
f;ane. By my searching; lllumlna
ion of the bladder I determine ac
curately the ailment, and by
microscopical examination and
urinalysis I make doubly sure the
condition of the kidneys, thus lay.
Ing foundations for scientific treat,
I use Professor Ehrlich's won
derful new discovery, " 0," In
caaes of Specific Blood Poison. It
cures in one treatment, and is the
greatest marvel of medical
sclenoe. This new remedy has
been succeesfully used In thou
sands of cases. Let me explain It
to you.
on board and that they effected a
landing October 9.
Two of them were picked up by the
police and returned, but the third is
at large. The minimum fine for the
offense Is 300. Captain Martin will
be given a hearing this morning.
Oil "ot to Run Into River.
By direction of Mayor Rushlight,
Fire Chief Laudenklos yesterday or
dered the Southern Pacific Company to
cease turning oil from its shops In
Brooklyn into the Brooklyn sewer. The
Mayor personally Inspected the river
front near where the sewer empties
and expressed great surprise that the
company would permit the oil to go
through the sewer, as it constituted a
grave menace, he declared.
Jefferson High Begins Practice Un
der Musical Director Chapman.
Music will be one of the diversions
of the students of Jefferson High
School to a great' extent this Win
ter. One of the new organizations
this year. Is the school orchestra or
ganised bv Musical Director Chapman,
who recently took charge of the study
To every person suffering
with an old sore or chronic
ulcer, the very best news in this
paper is contained in the present
article. It is good news because
A Straight Talk by
C. K. Holsman, M. D.
the Expert Specialist
I am an expert specialist and treating ailments of men
exclusively. I own my own office and equipment and pub
lish my own photograph, and personally supervise tha
treatment of all patients from the time they come to
me until I discharge them as cured. Although my time
is fully occupied from early morn until late at night in
looking after the wants of my patients, and in admin
istering my special treatment for Blood Poison. Vari
cose Veins and Hydrocele. I always take pleasure In
.nnanltln. n.l.H nan, natintS-
ln ofterinr my services to the afflicted the reWIt of 18 years' experience In ail
ments ot men I am giving you the BEST that can be had anywhere. My reputa
tion for the past 18 years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity
and sliould be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST
and IEADING Specialist In Portland. I possess skill and experience acquired in
such a way that no other can share it and sliould not oe classed with Inexperienced
doctors or specialists. . , . ,
A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the special
ist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand
the best medical attention. I hava the ability and can give you this serv ice. I
hava always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may bo obtained by
any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements,
false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I would like to have you lor a
patient If you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting Induce
ments that I offer, which are my ability. 18 years1 successful experience, time
saving treatment and cure of certain diseases.
I daily demonstrate that Va.rieoe Veln
can be cured in nearly all cases by one
treatment In such a satisfactory way
that the vital parts are preserved and
strengthened, pain ceases. welling" sub
sides, a healthy circulation la rapidly re
established, instead of the depressing
conditions. I guarantee you a cure to
stay cured.
With these diseases you may riave
more complications than are presented
by any other diseased organ. By my
searching Illumination of the bladder I
determine accurately the disease and
by microscopic examination and urin
alysis I make doubly sure the condition
of the kidneys, thus laylnff foundations
for aetentlfle treatment.
ScIentiAc treatment only should be
used in combating this loathesome dis
ease. I cure Blood Poison by the new
German Remedy which I Introduce di
rectly Into the blood, purifying it, neu
tralizing It and expelling poison from
the system. New blood thua formed
supplies and rebuilds the tissue In such
a way that the patient recovers hla nor
mal state of health, strength and sound
That disorder commonly known a
weakness haa for years and generations
baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to
this very day a majority of doctors, spe
I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured
I Offer Free Consultation and Examination
I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for
varicose veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood poion, piles, fis
tula, bladder, kidney and all men's ailments, and give you FKEE a physical
My office Is ofMin all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M". and Sunday from 10 to 13. All
coxTespondeiic treated coiindeiitlally. -Letters cheerfully answered.
Dr. CI Holsman
221 12 Morrison Street
Corner First Street
Portland, Oregon
of music in the Portland achooJs. He
hopes to have the players In shape In
a short time to be able to furnish mu
sic at the different school entertain
ments. More than 30 students took part In
the first practice yesterday and all In
struments for a complete orchestra
were represented.
Practloe has also been begrun by the
glee clubs of the school. the Boys'
Glee Club and the Girls' Glee Club:
Both will be under the direction of
Madame D"Aurla. who directed them
last year. The glee club will prob
ably give another entertainment soon
but on a larger scale than last year.
Twin City Ministers Elects
CENTRA-LIA, Wash., Oct. 18. (Spe
cial.) An election of officers of the
Twin City Ministerial Association for
the ensuing- year, was held in Cen
tralla yesterday. The following offi
cers were elected: President. Rev.
Robert J. Reld of Centralla; vice-president.
Rev. Judson Brown of Chehalis;
secretary and treasurer. Rev. C A.
Flania-an of Centralla. Rev. F. A.
LaViolette of Chehalis was the out
going president.
Consult (FREE)
X erve.
Blood and Skin Ailments
And Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
?7?!V Come to me in
confidence and let
vnn the
I- - - JfK ""' "
v -; ::..'. 4 wnniiarfiil reluven-
i i s
JJatlngr and curative
J? powers of my direct
method of treat-
JimenL xou io
under no obliga
tion to take treat
ment unless my
charges, terms and
a r r a ngements are
e n 1 1 r ely satisfac
tory to you. No in
jurious m e d 1 clnes
My Beat Refer
ence la NOT A
DOLLAR NEED used which leave
BE PAID UN- after eitecis on me
system, jno oeten
tion from business.
The following; allmenta are success
fully treatedt Vnrleoae Veins, Nerve,
Blood and Skin Allmenta, Kidney and
Bladder Trouble a. Blood Poison,
Vleakneaa, Kruptlons, piles, Fistula.
WRITE: If you cannot call write
for information regarding Dr.
Keefe's Treatment.
I meet you personally, consult
with you and treat you individually
at all times until you are cured.
Legally qualified to practice Lb Ore
gon. Washington, C a 1 1 f o r nia and
I to N 7 to 8 Dally'i Sunday, 10 to 1.
Portland, Or.
Tha old eminent Chines,
doctor cores any disease
successfully, such as weak
ness, constipation, asthma,
catarrh, cancer, piles, nerv
ousness, rheumatism, blood
SonT luns. liver, kidney
and stomach trouble; also
Drj-at allmenta of men ana
women. No matter who has
failed. I cnarantee-a cur. If
armri n - v . rrul.iatA from
v..rUun'ver.Itr;. and took pest-araduat.
,u cMna. I hT thousands of tes
fimoalli from " mr grateful patients. I us.
onTy h.' mos? harml... Chines, herb. -caraless
of th. hlsh price. So I can help
yon. Call or writ, for symptom blank and
Ursa. - oUaBd. Ot.
i- , t.-
i'A. V .y
t i
fSSt . e.
CK. Holsman, O. U
cialists not excepted, are attempting to
overcome it by methods that have been
in constant use and have always failed
for half a century. They dose the system
with powerful stimulants and tonics,
calculated to restore nervous force or
strength that Is not and never has been
lacking, with the result that the func
tions are temporarily excited to the pos
itive detriment of the patient. Weakness
Is only a pymptom resulting from many
local conditions and is curable by local
treatment only, without the giving of a
single internal dose, which demonstrates
the absolute accuracy of my understand
ing and treatment of this disorder. In
years I have not met with a single fail
ure and I have entire confidence in my
ability to cure all cases that come to
me for treatment, I am equally certain
that no treatment other than that which
I have perfected can completely and
permanently restore strength and vigor.
MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients
have no confidence In their doctors, be
cause he demands pay before a cure has
been effected and there are many who
have been misinformed about their con
dition or through unsuccessful treat
ment have become skeptical and think
there is no cure for them. I want an
opportunity to treat such men. It
makea no difference about the financial
part, as I accept pay for my services as
benefits are derived; when I am satis
fied the patient is reliable. Health Is
capital at Interest. I will prove my abil
ity to cure before ask ins pay for my
Please send ma free your self-ex-arr.lnallon
blank, "For Men," as I
desire to describe my case to you for
ihe purpose of taking treatment, If
decide you can curs me and your
charge la low enouch tO( suit me.
p THE) i
You do not care to
read long-winded,
boastful advertise
ments. WHAT YOU
GET IT. One un
der my treatment,
you will quickly
realize how simple
a thins; It la to get
well In the hands of
a specialist who
knows his business. My euros add not
only years to life, but life to years. I
out new enererv into worn-out bodies.
rnm nnirkiv anil nermnnentiT ail curanie
rae of VARICOSE VEINS without severe
surejlral operations; KPF.C1HC VtI.O(l
POIhON without injurious ririiKH: (fiOfl skill
fully administered If preferred; NKKVO
VITAX IKBI1-ITY without ptiniulati ve rem
edies: HIAIIEK and KIDNKY trouble;
1'ILES and all KECTAJL ailment-, of men
My offer PAY WHEN" bATISFIh-U is
your absolute protection. Consultation,
examination and diagnosis free. Office
hours dally, 9 to A; evenings, T to 8.
Sundays, 10 to 1.
862 Washington St., Portland.
is what you will get
if you treat with me,
Results are quick and
positive. You are
benefit ed at once.
along; for months
with some other spe
cialist are astonished
at the prompt effects
of my r e m a r k a ble t
treatment. I cure f?;-
Nervous u e c line,
Rupture, Rheuma- Vi
tism. btur ana Bwollt,u
Bladder, etc.
Blood Ailments quick- CffZ
ly and safely cured by DUD
Consultation Free. Write or Call.
The Old Rellnble Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance Second street. Portland, Or.
Offloe hours A. M. to 8 P. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
lrV A Pay When Cured.
Iv. '. A fei U e n eral Debility,
aiHBBHggQaSSBRaaUS .uiiiu-u
of exposure, overwork anaTother vlo
latlona of Nature's lnvra"aments ot
Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose
Veins, qsleklr and permanently
cured at amall expense.
I cure such aliments as Varicose
Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison,
etc., completely and permanen 1 1 y.
Often with only a single treatment.
Office hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. It
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
In Washlncton St., Corner First,
i Portland, flreroo.
Chinese Doctor
Sado of Chinese, herbs and
root medicine cures all
Kinds diseases of th heart,
luncs. Uver. atomach, kld
y. blood troubles ot man
ind woman when others
talL If you suffer, call or
write to 232 & Wash. St.,
tor. 24. Room 18, Port. Or.
V.a - ,'i-sijai