rOH KFVT. Hm wr K m l , t UroMaf for SalK C'MJ'i.1 1 K ..TnT-h.? ; f five-room bur:.ow, quarter-sawed oil 4iniD( --tb. fcrtcf. f!'.; w rni and a sig'.t.y ioc.';on. a nifty outfit f r ta)on w r r;r-cats s coxy iut.s honi. Call .. .;ng St. W-HwJ4 buM. ts.tTTfi distant. pr month: i oiumbi si. . umiturt JOKN.-TON. IIOTT'TTR TrFFOPO. lhmWr of ." m nirct. Main ! FOOii h out on tli good furiur. eh sap rlt. la--, pnfhrt I'jr r yard: na Dune) , $... god lrmi Mrhil FtKN.TLKS. in Iv-tvom hu f r sal ty nr. ftsrgln. Fu-tc Iirg ari. rvnt f A:r-iyfu-Ti:she-i. ,,,.r' SU-RB. barrmin. (5nn-Wn 10-room tiou, t.-ir k b-Ung. .a thn ha if ac tual ra:a. K oom (frnii'i b'dg. tr-sviTT R K of ft-room flat, r :. in. t w i rxTi r"i td r rent, good condition; trrnt M sin i-0. - - i-RC'Oil flat, furaltur f-r saie. i roos mo- thaa pay rent- 264 14th st.. aaar J!Traoa. rHOM. modtm, ran r ar V pf and your own rent. -Wl h Ma:n 8-T. JIBsT-CI-ASd rurr.ituia of a & -r-rm fiat f-' v: grai wrifii. 4 - S th ft. Ft RMTI'RK -rxm f-t. Ihla r-ty iaavtnc cny. Or and a-. FiKSITVRC of ' room flat fr a!a to hir1"- hMiar. No. 673 fa Qlimii. A ft'tV.- In. aod tncoma. furaltur tr . r-if yoM. Mvn FOR BALK fumiiurt of mdrti t-room of t ac. r o-rti-r. 1T l.Vh at. CH 'i7f. o rxn (urnlAH tri fl' RVITVRB of T7riT7noUrii bousa. 2 i Park. U-rnaH U:4. Ma TTRK In moim brine build Inir. ar!n eomplatJn. a Grand . a: stark. rp p;ta Mrna-Atchif r Kurnltur ra'f atira. anr ei fr--n r"! ft. up; f-ft. f1" ;m"t any irird of buama thr location off'a tr.a irtMt oppor tunity of ary a Port. and: pciJ1y jod epmr for bak-ry. confectionary and del lrn. also fr l-.-trlcal Citur MORGAN. F L F. H fe. K BOYCB. S Ai:ttt3 iilil4t EW ptr. on rrariir.ed bs!r.r corner; on biorfc from peninsula t. Johna carlina; auMt: for irr--eric. bkry or confectionary : l Itvi --rooma, bath if wantal. ur wi.i aiib'iirld. la. P..on" o Wood?an 1"T3. F'";t KfciNT-2 siore-a, i'h bn.-k buiidmt. 2..i.'.r nl iT-'tti; Jut lh t;c fr corn ir.ifo3 houe on ancotiver road: opnii.k lr jrocry. KiUmjiworta a PT'FIF located cent rally: wmiH maka a fine billiard an? po;rm : 1 od to nrht party. Apply 4 Nort aih at.. A a n r I .a r.d Co. HuRH 3-x7 ft.. ia auioir.ora r-iw. A- ir s'.. near i h; s per month. H. P. Pal-mr-Jonea Co., 1'I3 romTicrtUI CiuJ b!tl. lOK RKNT Mora on Morrison at.. bt wea 1st and 24 t a. Will aooo b Ticint. A.n a rwrntr. Dammeivr. t-l Board of Trad bldg. A FINE at.r for cafetoria or rrl'.: room; central; aoed Ie,a. A poly to 4 Nortri 4th st . Alexander Land Co. SEVEIUL attrea at saM and tadlson-aL brii, ?o tr $4 . aevordlns to a:s. In quire "i Hawtnorn ava. FOR P.FN'T rornor 8t-r. N W. corner l-th and Rai:ch. pep moctti. Apply 2s- l.-'tt a. i'-JM A -"T1. ri'iiuwN of iruif;or.-. irc- anosr ainuow. 4 e:h. bet. and Pip. Offlc. M06T CEVTRAUT L ATED OFFICE"-AM-B!tM a tor servlca; ap-lal ln-do-rnrta on yaar'r $03 fiwtlan4 "bl-l.. 5rh and Washington, S l-AP.''- roomi In new brick at Mh ad Fa!-noa, much Kfht. built apHaily f "r U lia Uir, nis- milUnar. ate, Ma:n JJQ 1. X'R RENT Lea roum ta a fully euu np-d offtcaw Mtn 41d Al'tngton i. fTh?.-; room fr rant. phono A 3-l9 and Main S"31. VI M.-ilKL oT.t. ui of pr.ona. iooin 4 . Worc-s'.-r b:-: . OFFlv'E for rent. ek. prone nl ro. lo---:.n. Imulr.3-t. 3I AMnit-n P 'tc. l lecellanmoe. FOR RENT. We:;-llhted. steam-hea'ed room. 4rt3o. nn aeeond floor U!4 2d a- Apply, t li-atlders' Evhange TO LXAF WANT TO I.E-K TERM OF TEN VKVflS. ;o- 1 o f et for manufa-turing pnr pos. near rw Pteel or Vr -adway bridge; e water front or railroad frontage would be considered. State full parttcu lar wt'fc price If porrhaaed within tvrm of Oct busy quick. 11 44. Ore- g r l ao POvLR' 'O VI. It' WUN'l ALLEY. CoN V E1 T ION EH Y AND IOAK -v 3 pooj bo-h:i a!v. car 1 tables, ra-h refister. lota of equipment, nice stock of c:gara. 3 rent, over 2 years' lease; oj good; ate knees cmpela to s-l: iMi fr 4 jo. Is A .Crsnilci.e, 701 Yeon bidr. I KAVa 1 47 -vh In g;.t -e.! e io ur'.l lea and Improved pto?rty which I wrud invit In orrart;o or mar fcturlng enter rr". R.Vim Id, 2 S Wii!HTon st. F 'H SALE Stfim I .nind ry and h'tue-i and tot fr 1 1 it taken at once. In'j'i're f onr. A. ocherf. I'. O. box 314. lirowna- Or. DAN IY P.mJK m w 5 tah!ea, r k ar et.. . niakes ever 1123 a mnufi c!r, MTJ. V T. HALL. I1 Lumhermene R'dg. A LITTLE tVery and Conf. t e i..uti foe lone UJr or gert. : 2 KocVs frotn 0fbynt. a b..rg.n. onr. 24 Kl.ilnga tn"h ava. lKLl''ATt3KN AMI ;HO'K'lT. 1-0 rent, c rer atioi. r-'nty of eo,u if m-r t. :'M tulne; KX0- H. A. rand- ie. 7o Yeon Mig. 3rr-r Tp. r . r - wh.n 5n c?ya. iurs Mi"RK. e-nl -a! Oncm, .on 2 ri Itroade. For infortnation adlrvas AG t" ore gonian. REST AT RANT. Paadv I.caii"n. ov-r tj4 a day bu-tnesa, chea rent, price H. a. Craodelie, TA1 Yeon M.g IiCTTtR. ccir etc. centra!, cah buine. ciaarlt.g $ : month ; can try tt before buying. C:i a-y cS'ark tl. PjK saie chrap If taken at .e. eomi '"I" restaurant ei J'pment. See Ellsworth. Tui 4 'A-H grocery. cara monthi. no cred t and co delver . wilt a-ll very reaaonabia. a.l 241 S tark st. pi h LK M and -ir stand ; mut se at once. tw n"i ''-k of cir-. cheap; g'Kl location. O 6o7.Oregor.uin. A THEATER tor si e wirh tM yim' l-n cn b-iHdtrg; caue. partners cin't acre-. A V f3. Oregon. an. X-VNTH COl'NTElt. ca!ng $ da ; nl for 2 people: price $-173. ki rtun. bal ance easy. Call i Lumber Keiange, GRi h"KR Y tftrctly c-h. no de.i.ry. rent $) m-rth: Wet Hie; cle-irs j;. month; prtre 3"3 Lumber Kah-th . u!.'""'FKY Writ filde; cod corner; at in J'.--. PU'h H REALTY . M A'der Pt. WANTFD Re'. ' and romM'nt man as mnis-.r. ltr to Invest, i. 502. Ore gon ta.n. NOTION sire. In t ro mg country town, trade good, cheap r-rt. ro4 reason for ea'-r-f.'-irg store. Catl Ftark mt. GOOD steam ooais and a good buslneaa for aala; going out of busmeea on ac count of strkness A V" 64. Oregon lan. r ANTED T- buv a.h' h-d ou e AO -V"d. Off towel aupply busine Ionian. PRFSlNt3 aid steam Meaning worka. Ing r-r month, long leaf, cheap r nt. 33 Lu'r-bey Lxrharge MtMJ a"d in ii strFl stocks. Telephone ar.d other bor. ta bought and old- rtcher Inv Co. zzi Ab.ngton. CI". A R. confectionery. lunchem. etc.; want re.;ar partner for m v store, now cl-ar-Irg ov-r $: month. Call 2i S i'ark s. C'MIF.N'T bu-tlnet have oner if g for ener getio man. cat dVr-end on $1..J a muntti n.w. (all Htark St. Fv'R o A Der.-al office In a y k1 l; . town Will ee:i cheap. A V 52. Ore gorvap, WANT t- invest several tho;rnd doUa-a In g1 r ifg h tsrre.a. N" 4t7. jreaonian. fTrTt-CLa5 barbershop for rent; 1-year leas: g-".; location l-'t st. iiE'X'ERT FTRE and f.Jiturea for aaie nt 313 North st REST AT" P. A N'T f r sal, -otnf good buslneaa. .a'l 29 Salmon at. ry m i g;o-ery store: IW- Va!n e TT rTO"'K and nature crr store, a tually w or-. h double. First at i'A-tl.NKH antd In light stapla mf. bus-In-ju. read f r ip-r;lnn In annul nre ws: pwi v-r 1"" pr cnt profits, and hti ord-rs waiting: 'U guarantee il', a mrntn a-larr.; J V""1 a ytr ret profit- to reilabl.- man. '0 ill - ba:f lnt-rat, m cannot hanil fcy rays-.f, and t Jir.d of 'mm I want would tans !.' to $l'0 down and r terma on I i;aoc-. I nd a r-t'.abl- man arre t nan an n r rarrl-ufara. Koom ity;pr at.. 13 n 9 r. AM LOCKING for on. two or thre parties to Join mm In tba b't Invraitnant they vr rt-a.le- r.iju r 1I'0"0. will put up a-r-tty f..r principal: will net yaarly Jn-ter-t -f not les than 00 per cant wltn an lntere-i In propos:t:on which wf.l Py f rrtt d-al wr . a pro in I nent ban k wi.i K'ilrint both and Interest pay art. e quarter - y ; if mean buslneaa, ltiyf H 4-t. Oreron-an. " " Ku SI SAL. Worklncman a hotel of rooma, com-rt-y f ..rn.hed. tn BKd manufacturing .-..... Tv. W.T -, nun A an ace S X ! 1 only $3-uo cna reqjlrod, baUnca of $o9 my run at 4 per cent on lon t;me. here la a food opportunity to n a itud bupiness make ou a Tod horn. The ijitere-t On the deferred pament la much than r-nt- AJ &U3. CregonliK Ur:. ;. We h the e-clui aarency for trac-a of land -In Meiico. nmlnf from to J mh imhi urn per tract, suttao.a fr acricul:ur, i'.'k k-rtumc. rubber cul ture, tropical frulta. cotton, tobacco, eor fe. lueir and timber landa. Prlcaa o'J centa per acre and up. aaay terma. t-aii or write Pacific tout Coioniaalion 6-A Lumber mans bid s;. WANT F. LVPa rt n er in bualneea; most nT 3-He.; can make per year by nia la i 'rs and aho-it K'0 in dividend: muat have Ymi etrerienre aalesmnn 4ml Pr" duce; best; eacluslra OT ten years, heat sir you ever bu"J re- can and rl-an-cut men handling u AN5I2. Oregon ua. COME TO THE FACIFIC WITH WARXX rnt wanted In Paeiflo Nortbweat. Pacify If jtual Ufa. 4 yeara old. 2 tni:i!nr.i areeta. We loan money. U. U. Ward. Mgr.. T13 Spa.dln ACTIVE man. with larae business acquaint ance and executive and eeliln ahiiltc ia offered n eic.uslvo opportunity to make an Income from f-SOO to om) In home citv. For paniciilara addreea Mark Motor Truck. 30 Church at., w Y.rk. I HAVE plenty cf money to loan on good e-onrity; will take over equitice or con tra. ia on real estate, buy stocks of gooda. and othe per nl property; aleo buy -jr g'-mc business. C. IX Elder, til Ws"h.nrt'n at. WlfUT ORE We h.tva been mhlm to serur through tie efforta or our two solicitors. 14 drug stores in different ..M-anu-a of the city. r.injring In prl-e from $1 to 11-000. I. A. ran1e;. ?o Yeon bUH. IN orer to aetfl en eatate and reaMe rash qui k:y. I have some splendid bargalna in business propeffr. honsea and lots, acra- " are and mortccs. In or near Vancou ver. Wash. Adlrcaa F. 3d. Black. Box Id. Vancouver. ash. . ' RO1 M I NOHOt'PE. 9 rooms altb alerj.inr porch, rood fur niture, furnace heat. large wood and J rar.Ke. cs ranae. full basement; $ rei.t; rirht down torn; ;i0. B. A. Crn dl. 7"l Yeon M'lc. TOTTNf MW. FTKAMGER Uake careful Investigation at rtsttif f seller before -u invst money la any vroposi pro position. Advisory uepartmf nc. a. -. MOVIVG-riCTCRE THEATERS. Fltaa wanted, w want vacant prop erty or aiore roonia. suitable for movlLg-pU-ure theaters. C;i or writ. N. Y. Evchanc. r.n Wash.. Portland. Or. ph"no Main 4.'-. GROCERIES. In different parte of tha city, prices rane from -Mo to $V-o. Wa don't how thing that won t stand In veatlgatlon. H. A. t. randelle. To. Yeon bldg. Yol"Ni man. some buslneaa tr.vnlng. can gie entire t'm ar.d good reference, will trad contra rt paying llii a month and IntT.nt of for iit-rest in sum good busmes. li or k on tan. STOCK of boots and shoes. West P1d. lort.ard; vaiue $lH.terf, would take $-".ovO to oi- In cah. ba an'-w In eachange GOOOAKO IKItRICK. ;M Mark Street. PARTNER WANTED Who wl.l d- vote tune in offlr fir s ta'ial;ej paying buslneaa; fH" per month s.jry. C:i la person. Murders x-char.g-. V'd and AMer sta. H. Young. IK .u are ;ag for a tbu-lnee openLng. ;i nn wt:i ae that rou ar lo cated rgnt; mo cr.arjres for full informa ticr. Kmrev A P:amthr. S31-3 Lumbar Fvchange bldg.. 2d and Ptark sta. WANTr'n-rn. with small amount of cap ital, to take intereet and act as general manager of fleij work; eacet.onai oppor tut iu a for in man. Addreaa M f."d. or $ t-r.lan. ' "7 RO M I N'idlulKS. ? rooma. West tde. steam heat. 6-yr leaee. H-n rent, cl-ar from $.'' to ;i"0 a month: Iioo cash, balanc easy. H. A. Orandr'.ie, 7iI Yeon bldg FoR hALE We:i-tabl!"hed dry goods and men'a furnishing gooda store, located In a nianiifarturing town: reasons for selling. Address A,. 'K N. Capitol SL. !-a ;n. Cr. KM.)MINd AM HOARDIN -HOL"t. Tfi) rooms, good furniture, cleara over $l."o a month, has a piano. This Is a SNAP at .''7o. U. A. Crande.,e, 701 Yeon Mlg- DELICATE ifES R -? i r t to $40 per day; bet ne!ithborhoo! on West 8lde for bt r.ji. clean, neat and a money-maker; 'lilGLEY A X lijHOP. 232 THIRD gT. WANTED Bookkeeper and two salesman mut f e tt notchers" by manufacturing c'-n- rrn; mu-t have from $loK to r" 0 eich . money secure!. Addreaa A V ragonlan. IF YT A H K I - M K I N 1 1 FOR A CIGAR AND roNFS.-TlONERY MRE and bae aimul 1A". tn;n to ua aad let u-j fell .iu .f Of.- e have lUfted. !M,' ' H REALTY . -'tl A jdr Ft. 0I nen gri-ery etock. West g;. cheap tent! ji!rr!id corner, futures 2.n. wlil Invoice, a t o.-; owner leavtr g for NeVma k -. W. W. Jordan. C10 Lum t f rmen'e Pl1- poiTION my be had with established port'and ror.rrn by purchaser of my st.rk In sam--. 1 shares, par value $2."0. phon A 41. Thomas. Fv-H PALE On- of best paying reatauranta In C- ntrai Oregon: part y wishes to go Ktn at once. Address lox 3.3. Albany, irr jork PARTN'Elt with HOOO. or promofor to raise it; machfne-y tuatneas; proftts fO per cent per annum. Address AF 0O4. i ipegonian. 1ELKATESSKN AND LI'NCH ROOAL Fine location, clean ard attractive; do lpa Rood t iNlri-rj. $700 cash. K I ,i m 1 j REALTY Co.. 2" A Ider Ht. cfM ALL rash gr.cery that Is raying monthly over all expenses- trial given t lnvest!t;atr; S'00 required. l-S Lumbe f , .- K - n r-e JU..- ALHXNT n lunch countrr tlint ta m J.'.i) mon:hljr; nt; t kT act Ul.r to trr th bu.ln.M befor buy- Irr 3 L-JTr KX-nwnc.. 4v hr". or I". S. Ci.hl.r Co. tn-Ic, will I'll at iJO Nov. 1. K 601, r-r;n!n. H PVI.E Hrnr? tor. rh (nil good Ifw-.lion. Iotij I... rh.p r-nt. payln. li-.l-lncM A. E. Ilnokw. 20S Rothchlld b:.'r . rttT. liivi i;ro.-ry. luuch counter, 7 Hln-room. fumi.h.d. Wtii m2: rent only $40; cloar. IM-il.EV P1SHOP. lJ THIRD PT. CH'H'KliV lorn mklnc b.rrc of more)-; it .arfrerT!-nt of p-irri.-rs: n.ll mt Invoice; iut $l.'-'t r ": t.k yi'.MiO down; 1. is, lo, 317 H.Vw.y KTch.npt-. I.nnx l-a.: good downtown transient tar 1. C4o- Morrison t.. rom 13. lAii.uK hon for ..lie. gKd lctloo; good f..r bujineiiog; ch.iip: r.nt $40. t aod, Or.n ini.iy or Main H, tOVI.Nl picture heater that la clearlnr lilO week'r; try It bfrtre you buy; ll.og r. qnr.l Kothclii;d Mdg. KMAI.t. ator. bualne..; owner wants Inter, rtt'--! partner; .a. ary J - 5 wkly and prunt. Lumber E'changa. &iw V!itN;S' card. II M: too must bring ttl. a-1. K fl'f ITInterr. 1"3j, Third. A HF.ALPA HO 1 V PAINLESS PRICES. VlVrT-rr.ASS ladlaa- tailoring establish! inent in (lrat--la location. to tola orTlce. H ro. C'regonian. BEST ra.Q price paid for all klnda of Tn.r rbandlM atocka: binin... confldenllaj. rrop ma a line. T Oregonlan. KET.VRANT. clearing liO a month; l-itv eaili PLWH REALTT fO AldrBt. EXCHANGE nic. l.ttla horn for small gro. cerr or confectionery. AO B05, Orcgo- man. $TS "CASH for t.akery. rand'lcs; fruit and ctrar :or: rent only ft 13; 2 yaara' leaaa. TAT Northrup st. rAHTN ER. tabll.h.d. paring wholesale huM; no on. but a prujrresslr. business nin nred spply. D ill. uregunlan. ii1 ' 1N' plct-ire theater tat la the beet bur in the el., fr cheap plica and lerma, i I Rotbchlld tldg. TWO HAKUVVAKK Sl'AAJ. On. firet-clan. hardware and implement stork, amounting to Il.VOtXi. locate I 2- miles from Portland. All cash. Doing bualne.s all the time. Another stock of hsrdware. only locat ed In ons of Portland s best suburb. I'" ir.g a good, steady business. Price $4HH". terms. WHITMER-KEXX.T CO TO -4th ft. Main l""-. A I00. QROCKKY tlpfclCIAL. Three yearr lease, only S'.'S rent and flS of that coming bs.-k: do. over fl.nin a month tui.noi: i horses. 2 double wsgoos. 3 busrles. good harness, good bsrn; tt llvlng-r-om. nil Included In a'" rent: plenty of eo.ulpment; does a splendid buslne.a. This Is a fNAP at ftjuuo. B. A. Crandelte. "nt Yeon b.ds FOK BAl.f; A complete bindery and pr.nt Ing plant, doing a g'lod buHne.s. which can b doubled, la the llvellst city on the t'osst; no competition; a snap for somebodr: reasins. old ac. . F. O. TEKKT CO.. Aberdeen. Wash. IaUOONS! FAT.OONB! If you are In the market for a saloon, we sre positive w csn suit you. oii: to Uie fact tha we are on the Inside. We have been able to corral quite a num ber of Independent licenses, il. A. Cran delle, Tul Yeon bldg PARTNKR WANTED to take half Interest In light msnufscturtng; s50 required; I havs a good business proposition; psvs big per cent on money Invested; kindly in vestigate this. It will pay you. - 621. Oregonlan. BAKERY. , Brick otsh. hor.e and wagon, beautiful fixtures. modern rooms and bath In connection: full basement; . ''"t, good lease: does a big business; sbout elOu. Ji. A. Crandelle, TH Yeon bldg. RESTAURANT and eight rooms, furnished, upstairs, with good lease; bora flde paying proposition; for sale or exchange for .t close tn. will give or pay cash difference. So First st. PREFERRED stock, permanent Portland business. 10 per cent guaranteed Income, pavable semi-annually, for clear 6 to 7 room modern house. T iayer Eulton. 1 4 j i , First st Phone Main TS4 2. LOOK ISO for a good partner In manu facturing agency business. I lisve six good lines; must Inv-st ir.OIT to 11000 If bece.sary; Income t lv per month. A S2, Areginlan. HERE'S A SNAP: S AND M-rSNT STi)RR. BEST TOWN IS SOI THKIIN OREGON. NO COMPETITION. f'J("0 OET THIS. INQTIRE 301 Pl'rH A NAN HLPO. KIVEI19IDE HOL'PE. In54 Macadam road. 60 rooma furn-slied. ft r ri-nt or for sa .. easy teims, F. Usytoo, owner, las First st. LOOKINO FOR A BI'SINES In any line, either In or out of Portland? Can locate you anywhere. B. A. Cran delle. 701 Yeon bldg. GROCERY STORE. S llvlng-roome. trade !';. rnt $2S; no competition: Invoice about Jnn. N. T. H.M.U nil Lumbermena itlilK. BARKER shop for sale. 4 chairs, with lease, good location and good business: owner leaving for Europe; for few days only. Apply SI N. 31 st. FOR KALE Klrst-cla.s cigar stand on one of the mbaln streets: one of the best equipped stands in the city. P. O. Box 2'Xi.V elty FtKAl. eetat and bualness ohancea. eeery description bought, sold or exchanced. ( ity or country. Call r addresa 02 si Isnd bislg. FOR SALE Combination restaurant, cigar and fruit and confectionery store; splen did location; will pay to Investigate. Ap ply M W'S. Oregonlan. PRKSSINO and cleaning buslnefs. with honest man as partner; salnry 53. weekly and protlta t'SZO required. 52 Lumber Firhinp. CAFETERIA and bakery, on bury street, large portable oven, steam tab.ea, etc.; splendid business, cheap rent; price IllKiO. Call l3 Lumber Exchange. ACTOMOHLLE business, partner wanted, re quires no experience but must be steady and aober and able to Invest $50"; profits good. Particulars Stark st. SCHOOL STORK. Pandy corner, close to big school; rent 4.: money. maker; $."2.". N. T. 11A1.U OH Lumbermen Bldg. or ex.'hanire. liU'h glade YakCima Valley awl. orcliard for income property or e.tal.lisiied busine.s. M tii'll, Oreitenlun. WANTED re.taurani; buy lease location. An.wt-r oa-ner only. AN" .'7. Or--gonlnn. CASH grocery, confectionery a,nd notions ch.-ap if taken at once. Woodiawn lft. OKilOERT With living-rooms; will In voice about loOO. 3o3 Lumber Exchange. CLEANING and pressing shop must be sold at once. 10 22 Hawthorne ava. LEASE of 60 rooma. new. unfurnished. down-town locatlon: 4UJ Otcgonian bldg. DELICATESSEN doing good business; good location for restaurant; 1550. 204 S "th. BARHKR ahop for sale. chairs: will trad for lot; rent li. li5 Id St. ROOMING HOfSES. WILL TAKE HCXAI-OW ON THIS FINE PLACE. S rooms, IlEST LOCATION: some aparun. nta others sleeplnir roo t. mod ern, with PRIVATE LATHS. HOT and Cui.D water In rooms, furnished up to date In every particular: long lease st IH. OO a room; dwelling house or bungalow up to SSVmj, free from debt, will be takes a part, balanc of f.uuo cash. FLLIS-PM ITH CO., RHUS Washln gton St.. room -OS WILL TRADE 4 1-room rooming-house, with good lease, for city Inciime property, valu $2700; ho us 1 clearing Il".n per month. ' 10 ROOMS. MOO. Nice little bom, thoroughly modern, good Income: must sell nt once: $350 cash. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. H Veofl Bl-lg ith and Alder. IF VOl ARE LOOKING FOR A roomlng-hou or hotel, w huv om very big bargains, from a 7-room hons to a hotel of t. rooms; It cost vou noth ing to see our list, and poltt treatment to ail Is our motto. CASCADE REAI.TT CO Slo-Ml Swetland Bldg. ROOMING-HOISE. tS rooma. on corner lot OI100 ft.. In goM close-in Wmi Side district; pr-ent inco n per month; price e-lii.uOiA- terms 1-S casli. H. P. I'ALMER-JONKS CO.. 212-213 Comnu-r.l Club Bldg.. l'hori.s Main 5'.l'!. A 2tf."3. 13 ROOMS, elegantly furnished, beautiful yard, modern house, fine close-In district, good lease, the furniture In this house cost $15u0 year ago; has the best of reasons for se!TtnirsnU must go this week: Is really worth llSwo. We found thta snap and can deliver for 10ud, half cash, call 10th st.. near btark. SNAP PRICE. I37.V 11 rooma on one Door In business build ing: receipt from rooms rent lease 2H veers; this I worth '.'", but ownar la forced to sell, COME NOW. FI.I.IS-SMITH V CO.. j;4j Washington st.. room 2oa THE GREATEST BAROAIM IN CITT. 11 room, all housekeeping: rent 132: 1eao; good furniture, good Income, always full; must he sold at once, therefore this low price, I4S0, all cash. Call Marshall Si:- $3.V WILL buy a rH-room hotel on Waah. st-; modern: hot and cold water, ate.rn heat, gaa and electrlo light: f6 outside rooms, lease; the beat of furniture. 311 bldg. FOR KALE by owner, great sscrlflce, A 1 -room transient house. 2-year lease. ' high est grade furniture: price f73. cash 45, balance Slo per month, no interest. T Ml, oregonlan. ;o booms. Brick building, rent $73. lease 4 years; always full, tree heat; 13O0, $?.i0 cash, balance U a month. N T. HALI- til Lumbermena bldg. 14-ROOM bouse. 4 block, from p. O. : splen didly furnished; lance yard, basement, fur nace; clears $so per month; a fine buy. Marshall St SACRIFICE $2.0 will buy possession of one of the be.t furnished 12-room house In citv. balance $423 pnvabie $.- month. Call ."24 Jackson t. Phone A o704. EIGHT rooms, modern, fine location, good lease, rent $:t2r.O: income $': nice carpets, oak and blrdseye maple furniture; price i;.i0. terms. 425 E. Burnslde st. WANTED A buyer for one 12-room place. furnltur brand new; rooms always full; ' prettiest place along th Una. SSJ id u; ro ag.nta ROOM.3, modern houss, fine furniture, fin re'ghborhood. rooms all rented. $2S0 rash will handle. Tark. Marshall 33: 4. LOT Gog.oO a joining Hose City Park, clssr of incumbrsvice; will exchange for 8 to li-roomed rooming house. W. Jordan, tHo Lumbermen's Bldg. Main 8766. IT ROOMS, nw brick, modern; snap for some ore don't object llvlng-orer saloon, p tfl. Qregontsn. CO-ROOM hotel. $14; terms $1100 cash $50 per monrh ; S-year leas; brick building. H IOLEY A BISHOP, '113 Third SL a"NAP Nlne-rooin roomlng-hous for sale, cheap- completely furnished; rent $2oi receipts S7o. Call JS33 S. Sd st. ti HOUSF.K-KPTN'O rooma. best buy In K town; make otter rnonejiarinsiiis. 11 HorSEKKFrlNO rooma; this Is a snsp t Hi 00. Call 141 4th st. r rn4iu4 nurtlv f iiriil.hed : food tlon; over 44 years' lense; cheRp rent; to bo sold at great sacrifice. If you nave any furniture In st:raue. put it In this house and it will be worth -JOO0 more than you p.n- for tt. Tou ehould not puss tM up. -v me. No agent. Phone IVondlawn lose. NINK-room roominr-hou.e for aa.e; e thing included. S1'4 Salmon. Mln srFriAt. onrE3. Proposals Invited. THE UNDERSIGNED will receive sea.ed bids at his office. No. 1 Flrt sir.-et. room 8 ror'iatid. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Frldav. October 20. for a stock of hc. rubber and nts' furnishing good of the total inventory value of $1 7 V.l :lu located at 352 Hawthorne avenue, Portland. Cash or a" certified check for 10 per . tut of the amount ofT.-red mu.t accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any nd ail bide. Inventory I on file at the office of the undersigned and gooda may be in spected upon application at said offlc. R. L. BAB1N. Trusts. Dated Portland. Or..""October 14. 1J1L NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bid will be received -by the Port of Portland for the construction of a go-' hydraulic dredge with steel hulL Bid to be filed at the office of the Board, City Hall, Portland. Or., not later than 4 P. M. Nov. ft. 1K11. A certified check for $150 required for obtaining man and specifications, which check will be refunded w hen plan anrl specifications are returned. J. P. Doyle. Clerk of the Board. Mlecrllaneona. NOTICE OF PALE To All TrVhora It May Concern: Notice Is herby given that Campbell Lumber Company, a corporation Incorporated, organised and existing under and bv vlrtua of the laws of the Mat of Oregon, will, on October 23. 1111, st :3o o'clock in th morning, at the eaat door of the County Courthouse. In tha Citv of Portland. Oregon, sell, at public auction to the highest bidder, tha follow-Ing-desorlhed property; on the terms here inafter specifically set forth, to wit: All the property, real and personal, be longing to sa:d company heretofore owned by rUeman Logging Company, and alt uate at Skamokawa. Wahkiakum County. Washington, and conveyed to Campbell Lumber Compan v on or about the flret day of April. 1U09; aaid property being otherwise described ma the fkamokawa property. nd being particularly and perillcailv described as follows: The fouth half of the southwest quarter of sejtl'-n three tS; th south half of the S4utheat quarter of section three (3); the north half of the northwest quarter r section ten lo. all in township nine (ft, north, range six ( west, of th Wil lamette Merliiian; AUo a rijiht of way for rallroadi. rina.i and dumping ground for logi through the following-descrihed property: The northeast quarter of section eight i h f ; the southeast quarter of the soutn .it quarter of section flv d6; the Southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section four 4; the northwest quarter of the southeast quar: ter ot section four (4t; the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion four (4 amiwtho northeast quarter of section nine U). all In township nine (. north, ranee six (Q) wen of the Wil lamette M ciil .an ; Together with three (8) miles, mora or less, of logging railway located on the al'Ove-Jcscritt-d property and rights of w ay. nnp Mundy dmkey engine lx 10. one S:eei King donkey engine l'j-J.0, one pile driver, one twenty-ton Baldwin locomo tive, three flat cars, three sets of logging trucks. blackMnit h shop and equipment thereto ipertatninr. office nutli,ti. nifii houe, three bunkhous-a, and ail equip ment, tools and appilances of every kind and description used on the first day of April, 10''-. In connection with the log ging plant operated on the abova-d-avTihed property and situated thereon. The terms of sale shall be as follows: Ten per cent of the nuccessful bid shall be paid in cash at th time of sale, and the rcmninler of the purchase price ihail he pnid within ten days thereafter, either In cah or, at the option of the bidder. In liis or Us negotiable promissory note pay able In three equal installments, matur ing respectively In three, six anil nln months from the date of sale, bearing Intercut at the rate of six per rent per annum, and providing for attorney'a fees In case uit or action shall be Instituted to collect th- note or any Installment thereof, and providing that failure to pay any installment of principal or Interest at maturity shall render the whole prin cipal sum of tha note due and payable at the option of the holder. Suth promissory note shall be secured bv a purchase money mortgage delivered simultaneously with said promissory note, and covering the property purchased. In the event that the purchaser at such sale shall fail to complete the purchase for any reason other than the failure of marketable title, the Initial payment shall be retained In full satlsf taction of ail dam ages arising from such failure. No bid will be received unless accompa nied by ca-ih d certified check equal to ten per cent of the amount bid. Dated and first published October 10. mi. CAMPPFtL Ll'MPER COMPANY. Py JOHN K. KOLLOCK. Secretary. NOTICE OK cuT'XTY BOND SALE Notice Is hereby piven that pursuant to a reso lution parsed by th Board of County CommUsionora of Chehalis County, Wash ington, on the .Id day of October, lull, th snme being the regular October meet ing of said Board, whereby th said Board of County 'onimipslonera unanimously voted In favor of luinj th negotiable coupon bonds of said County of Chehalis In the sum of $.NXi.Vn0. the proceeds from the sale of said bomls to be applied toward redemption of the outstanding current ex-pen- fund warrants and the interest on m, the County of Chehalis hereby of (Vi for sal the coupon bonds of said county In the sum of J.vo.Ooo, i bonds to b In th denomination of $10oO each, and pnyabie in l- ears after the date of issuance; the riht being reserved, how ever, to pay one-tenth of the amounL of said bonds each year after th first j-w piiH',1 have elapsed. Interest and prin cipal si: u 11 be pnid at such placf-s as may be designated in th bonds, and the in terest shall b paid semi-ann ually. Nn. tic Is further given that sealed bids for said bonds w 111 be received at the office, of th County Auditor of Chehalis County up to November 6, 411 1, at 1 :.'I0 0 clock P. My Bidders for said bonds are required to name the price and r-ite of Interest, and., to deposit a certified check, fqiml to 2 per cent of the fac of th borMs aT a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter Inwi a contract for the purchase of th bonds at fhe price of the bid submitted. Bald bonds will not b sold belon- par and shnll not bear Interest at a greater rat than 6 per rent. Dated this 4th dy of October, lirtl H. G. 1 rank. County Autldor and ex-off!clo Clerk of th Board of County Commissioners. TO THK TAXPATKIU OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY OREO O.N- .Notice is hereby "given thst on Monday. October 1, 11L the Board of Equalisation of Multnomah County will attend at th office of tha County Clerk of aaid county and publicly examln th assessment rolls for th year 3 ttl I. anJ correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property, and it la the duty of all persons Interested to appear at tha time and place appointed and If it shall ap pear to such Board of Equalization that tber ar any landa, lota or other proper ty assessed twice or In the nam of a parson or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or other property not as sessed, said Board of Equalisation shall xnak th proper correct lona. T4. D. Fig ter. Assessor of Multnomah County. Oregon. Portland. Or.. Meptembsr 23. lttlL TO whom it mav concern: Any persons that have unpnld bin of Mike Hatjea. 63 Nor'h 6th st., call at BlO Burnsid... LOST AXnFOVND. yot'ND Where you can buy genuine hair raattresaes retail at wholesale pricea; w renovate mattresses and return same day: we a .so renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger. 26--9 Front. Phone Main "474. A 13 74. PAIK of Leiewellen setters, strayed away from home, ne-ar Woodstock, on October 1 V He ward offertd for same. Phone to 11 nrrv Lnc, Mar.-hall T-i. LO.-T Kngltsh setter dog. black and whit I ticked ; black spot over left eye; collar and nsme on piate; ,.".0 reward; return to Ir. Alan Welch Smith. Electric bldg. LOT Corner Union and Graham aves., be tween 7 nd s A. M., Tuesday, a lady's gold watch. Waltham hunting case. He turn Oregonlan office. LOST Little fox terrier with brown spots; return to 340 Harrison ave. Call mornings. Ms in solo. LOST Botween U3d and Rt. Clair, oik Wash ington, envelope containing Irish crochet. Return L''? King street. LOST An Irish crochet collar between 10th 8i:d Wash., and 21at and Hoyt. Reward. Call Vain Tg53. ; LCtST Eyeglasses, black silk cord, Chicago dealer's nam on case. Return to 807 Ore gonlan bldg. and receive reward. LOST White and lemon fox terrier puppte, 8 months old. nam Ginger; return to 409 E. Rtth ft. N. for reward. LOST October 17. go'd pin with small dia mond; It can be used for pendant; r warf. phon Marshall 5471. LOST Child's photo, near plaxa; please re turn P3 East Morrison or phons B 1020 FTVANCIAJL- BUILDER'S equity in two new modern bungalows to exchange for mortgage, 404 Rothchlld bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates. Traders Trust Co. eOC Yeon bldg. inTGAGE LOAN'S AT BEASOVABt.B RiTrit. S. H UWIt t LEWIS BLOCK. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. II. E. MOON E Y, Failing Building. Money to lend m large or small amounts at current rate on Improved Portianu property. FOR SALE. . . Choice first mortgage In amount rrom $20 .'0 to $-,.0uo to not th investor o 7 per cent. . FIRST and econd mortgage and contr.ct purchas'.d on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. 1 ! WANTED Ul7.5K for 5 year at 8 ncr ctnt 1 7 1 i.i.., m-bent land, e. K. Franklin County. Washington. 317 Board of Trad bs. ; CASHPAIDFOR MORTGAGES Or seller's QuUy In contracts ol aai w real estate In Washington or 0re5n,' loans. H. B. Noble. 3lb umucuuc . ... . . t' con w ti. pav ninesi casn pro.- -w .- - tracts, first and second mortgages an other securities. Home Installment L0.. COB McKay bldg., Marsha 11 2&Q0. FIRST and second mortgsges. contracts and commission accounts bought, real estaie . , . . , i . , ikin-mn nldlC. loans. ,. ti. aimer, im -o-" " o " CONTRACTS, first and second orsBJ purcnasea. w - bide. . MONET LOANED Will buy mortsrag-, notV or eouitles. Palrick. 70. eon. Money to Loan Rewl Estate. T. ' MONEY TO 'LOAN. . FIRST MORTGAOKP IMPROVED PROPERTY. HARTMAN THOMPSON, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE! BLDH MONEY tn amounts of $3H to $V)00 .to loan on real estate In Portland. p can riv. you the very best accommodation in our loan department. Lot u fluur on your application. THE WESTERN FECrRITIES CO.. 414 Spalding J5io SEVEN PER CENT WILL LOAN OU 40 PER CENT OP VALUATION OF YOLK PKOrtMl IN MOUNTS OF 1!MM TO H..UO; i PcMI-AN-NLAL I.NTEKKST. Att 4S5. OKH. GONIAN. PER CENT H13.0OO PER CENT. TO LOAN ON liKAL t-Affc OR WILL rl-KCKAHE MOHTGAl.ES. FARKINOTON & FAMlIN'.! JN. 410 COMMERCIAL CLLB BLDU. 2000 OR 2500. We -a-lll loan the above amount on flrst-clnss property. ,,-ov.r t)E YOl-NO & HART5HORNE. B14 Chamber of Cummerce Blag- vlnin ouos. MONEY to loan on Improved city VTn"l at reasonable rate ot interest In auroi from ,300 up. C. F. TfluK'r i- Co.. suit 1 Mulkey bldit.. L'd and Morrison. Established ON IMPROVEDcTtynproperty or for build ing purposes, n to 8 years time: bra' repayment privileges; money dv7ce" building progresses. The EqJ Ing A Loan Association. 240 Stark t. GOOD SUPPLY OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER CENT ON . REAL ESTATE FECI RIT. ..... . ... ui iHTKL 14 SECOND ST- NEAR STARK. MONEY to loan at 7 per cent on flty prop erty in amount. Irom 3eKH) to HO.U00 and plenty o It. JULIUS KRAEMER. UP Fifth St. 1600.00 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loan, at lowt large loan, a ipeclalty. McKmils Co.. bl4-plo-l leriuiKf wma WE have plenty of money to loan on Portland property In um from J10UH to 50. COO at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledner Bo ce.- lOSSOS Ablngton bldg. 5 per cent on Laree Loan. J. FRANK PORTER. 904 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WILL loan Jin.nno or !. real t' "C"I" Ity. Farrlngton & Farrington, 4i Com mercial Club bldg. ; WANTED, APPLICATIONS For real estate mortKus loan. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. 311-312 Lewla Bldg. I30OO TO $500 to loan on close-in im proved city property. LEONARD BROS.. S17 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and. T per cent on real tstate security. EDW. P. MALL. 800 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on Improved real eatate or for building purposes. Columbia Llf A Trust company, si. gpms PRIVATE party has $25 up to 300 to loan for a ahort tlm. on valuable .ecurity. 210 Oregonlan piog. UlrROVHU or unlmprovea propen j , '.ihbii hulldtnc loan, contracts and mortgage bought. W. H. Nunn. 44 Sherloclt bldg. MONEY to loan on first mortgage; principals only. Ralph R- punulway. 530 Chamber f commerce MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIJ. nn: SPAI.DINI1 BLDG. TEL. A 7442. TO LOAN on A-1 realty mortgage. 10.f at 7 per cent. 3 or 6 years. Apply 600 Chnmber of Commerce wt HAVE $4'Ji'0 to loan on Irvlnston or Laurel iu't improved property at 7 per cent. F A Holslngton. 52S Board of Trade. MONEY to loan In sums of 10 and up on any valuable security: no delays. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 201 Alder St. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest ratesT A. H. Blrrell Co.. 262 McKay bldg.. 2d and Htarg. 1200 000 TO LOAN, large loan a pecialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. Q. Beck. Ilt-1 Falling bldg. wttrtNES property and close-In residence B loan. EDWARD K, ODUDST, Lewis bldg s0 000 OR any part; farm or city morl-Va-esjterm. to suit. Main 116. I'RIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gage tt. -- MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS bALUu..j J. O. 'r.OLTRA. FAlI.INlj DI.DQ. t u . vn 112 000 I will lend on flret mort- i . -1 . . ... HJW (l.. (. pace. A i nres --a i"-.' i o s vfi on real, personal, chattel or collat era) security- C. W. Tallett 308-9 F.nton. 2000 ON Improved real estate direct to borrower. AJ e", Oregonlan. MONEY any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough A Salts. 310 Spalding bldg. !000 TO loan at once. 8 per cent, for S years. J. J. McCarthy, Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. a! H. HARDING. Ill Chamber of Com. JT?Tr REAL ESTATE LOANS SEE GEO. H? THOMAS. 2C.7 OAK ST.. ROOM 2. TO I 0N 2W0 or $4'M0 at 8 per cnt on Imoroved property. Phone Main 3i;.i7. OANS on Improved realty at lowest rate. BUKFINQTON Chamber of Commerce. 16000 TO lnd at 7 per cent; want good se eurlty. AR. 6u. Oregonlan. tpiVATB money for realstat mortgages; cnarsea reasonable. Ward. 210 Allsky bldg state funds loaned. S per cent. W. E. Thom .tate agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of C. Money to Ixian- Chattel and Halarles. WE LOAN MONEY Oh any kind of security. Courteous and honorable treatment. Private office. See other, then see vs. It will Cost you less. C. FRANK NICHOLS CO.. 603-4 Lumbermen' Bldg., 5th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN. Easy terms, on autos. pianos, furniture, livsiork. contract, mortgages. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ADOLPHUS LANE, am AKin.fon UMir Open to 1:30 Saturday evenings. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and othera fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest paymenta. "om and get money wnen you want It. and pay a you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tol- man. iiii.umu.ij.t-u.. .i-cv . nv x-s:n On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, .to. Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO.. J07 Spalding Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On tlveatov, .wv. .an i a, autos contracts, anything of value. Strictly ennfiii'entlal. Frank Lace. 09 Swetland. IMMiSDIATE loana from $5 and up on ail kinds of ecurlties. W. A. Hathiwai room li) Washington bldg. Main 3U2. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., til ABINGTON BLDG. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry, trlctly conlioennai. ..-s .u, aear Aiaer. LOANS on dlamonda and other aecurltles. Wm. Holl. room . Washington bldg. A LOAN for th asking. alary or chattel. Tt.. Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOW ratea; w loan money'on diamond, and jewelry. Marx A Bloch, 74 3d t. MONEY sold on Installment, confidential, salaried people. F. A. Nwton, Henry bidg. Money to Loan Chattel and Balarle. c x . . . . . ' i QUICK LOANS ANY AMOl Loan JIO upward on furniture, pianos, horses, storage receipts or salaries. This company was organized to loan money to those In need temporary as sistance and to pay off loans wlt.J2" WIGHT-RATE money lenders. YOb SOR ROW 110 and pay 112.60 tn S ayments. . J-'S and pay 2i. in 6 payments. '0 and pay 6.4S In 6 payments. OTHEK- SUMS In proportion. Weekly or monthly paymenta. Business strlctlv conf Ident-.aL PORTLAND LOAN CO. 206-207 Macleay Bldg. Open Mon. and SaU Evenings. Phones. t $ t WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. . On salaries onlv. In amounta of from $5 t 100, at th lowest posaiole rate. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAIe We wnt your business and as our capi ta! 1 unlimited, we are In a position to defy all competition and offer you tn bet contract la th city. All we require I that yon hav a ateady position and that you ar honeau STATE SECURITY CO.. 308 Falling Bldg. .$ DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will furnlRh you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan ln,.Bn amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kind of securities; on terms to suit; also week ly or monthlv payments. WE BUY AND LOAN on first and second real estate mortgages contracts and chattel mortgages, t". S. HEAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton bldg. 131 ud. Main 20b4. t $ . i $ WE LOAN MONE1. .-. LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS, NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANT AMOUNT. FROM 10 UP. On furniture, planoa. storage receipt, diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your conveniences; cour teous treatment to all; private office and all business strictly confidential GRAY & CUNNINGHAM. X01-2 Rothchild Bldg., 287 K Washington. Between 4th and 5th Sta. LOWEST RATES. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. AUTOS. PI ANOS. REAL ESTATE OR ANY SECUR ITY; CONFIDENTIAL. UNION BROK ERS CO., 61S Ablngton bldg.. 10s 3d SU Loana Wanted. FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOP.J I'lTV HONDS. First mortgage. 12"0. 6 per cent an nually, du. In in years; secured by 10 acres orchard land valued at .3000. First mortgage. 3iuo. per cent per annum, due i.l 4 years; secured on t-wo business lots and building In Baker. Ore gon, assessed at SGIHMI. First mortgage. elSlfS. 6 per cent an nually, due in 4 years; secured by 28 acres 4 miles pa't of Vancouver, Washington, valued at I'.tOOO. First mortirege. $SO0. per cent an nually secured by 160 acres of flrst-clas wheat land near Dufur. Oregon, appraised at ssistu. First mortgage. J2300. 8 per cent an nually, due In five years; aecured by ii acres improved farm land valued at susno. First mortsage, $2475, per cent sn- nuntlv .entire,! hv 31ll acrea of firm land valu-d at $Dci0. First mortgage. -$2000. 8 per cent an nuallv, aecured by 700 acre, of farm land valued at 12..".00. First mortgage. $2500. 8 per cent an naullv, due in 4 years, secured by loo acres of farm land and grist mill valued at f-'O.OOO. First mortgage. $500. 8 per cent an nually due in 4 years, secured by busi ness block end lot vslued at $13130. First mortgage. $500. 6 per cent an nually due In 4 years; secured by house and lot valued at $lij00. First mortgage, $2S0, 6 per cent an nually, due in 4 Tears; secured by 8 acre, of land In city limits, valued 800. First mortgage. $1200. 0 per cent an nually, due In 4 rears; secured by house and lot in City ot portlartd valued at 2.Vi0. First mortgage. $37RO. 8 per cent an nually, due In 4 years: secured by tnree lots and three houses In Portland valued lii..v0. Address Union Pacific Life Insurance Co.. IK'S Oregonlan Bldg. SAFE IXVESTMEN-fFllR TRUSTEES AND OTHERS. MORTGAGE LOANS OF $lf)0 TO M;-,,I100. UNDER .V. PER CENT PROP ERTY VALUE. PORTLAND Bl ILDINQ ASSOCIATION. MOHAWK BLDG. I HAVE highly Improved property. cash value of which Is $10,000. want loan of $.1000 from private party. AD. 505, ore gonlan WE wish to borrow .37.500 on central busi ness property worth over $100,000: will pav 8 pet cent rest. AM 508, Orego nlan. $20 000 WANTED on Inside Improved prop erty; land alone worth $50,000. AM 608. Oregonlan. , FOR SALE at a large discount, a good sec ond mortgage on a bouse and lot. A 472, uregonian. WANT to borrow $4000 on 120 acres of Im proved farm, worth $16,000. L 518, Ore con ian ' WANTED $J800 on East Side home, prin cipals. Phone Slain iibti. WANTED $5000 for S or 5 years at per cent; business property. Main I16. LET us place your money, good mortgagee, references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewla Dldg. .,25l First mortgage for .ale. aecured by land worth $5O00. M 610, Oregonlan. PERSONAX A LADY came up. She seemed In great haste. She .aid he Just wanted to buy a silk waist. She bought a nice suit and a cloak. When she thought of .her bar- gains It made her laugh to think she had saved one half. Why not you? National Sample Suit Cloak Co.. 2d floor Swet land bldg., 5th and Washington sts. GERMAN trained nurse; first-class mas-8use- long experience: best references: trea-ment for nervousn-s.-. rheumatism lumbago, neuralgia, obesity; guaranteed cure fi.r lameness of long standing. 34S E. Williams nve.. near Weidler st. U car. E 3-H'S. Sunday, 9-8. ' DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, ha re moved to Lafayett bldg.. 813 Wash-, lngton su SWEDISH 1RA1NSD NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under phsslclans directions- baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th .r ..i-ond door south from East Ankeny ..rllne Phone East 260, B. 1803. 7Tf7 CATHERINE C. GATES I use no o'ruts 1 have had 11 years' experience In treating diseases. I am a gradual of some of the best colleges of natural heal fnT 307 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8143. 8 To 42 A. M . 1 to 8 P- M. , po STEVENS. IS year Portland leading calml.t and clairvoyant, ha her lat booto -Palmistry Made Ea.y." on sal at 843 Yamhill, corner 7th sL vnss PAYOLA, trained nurse, passed exami nation In Finland; also massage treatment for ladies: will visit homes if called. 492 Union" ave. N. East 1345. rrrr walker, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder trouble, and piles. Consultation free 181 1st St., Portland. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg.. Bin and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRES suits for rent. $1.50 month: keep vour clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons ewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. "1DE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, Hoc; curls and puiTs. 76c. Bnnitary Beauty Parlors. 4U0 Dekum bldg: TFAUTIFUL home in suburb; will take Nervous or Invalid; trained nurse and mas . "ur Tabor 8172. SOT E. 02d N. THE Marlenello System, halrdresslng. facial and scalp treatments. 402 Central bldg.. cor- lutn aim vm.. oi-irj. 7 oKENi NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 20c box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stlp i? I-,.,,- m.. s Morrison st 2S9 Morrison at. lay im " TTDIES If In need of confidential ad vie. consult Dr. Pierce; no charge. Call or rite. 24a?. . VISS LEWIS, late of Sa Francisco, treats baldness and diseased calp. 40S Stark. Main 3538! Tus SOPHIE B. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist: da"- 802 Allsky bldg. Wed.. 8 p m. Special message, to allj Main 6S24. i" a DIES, use Femlnald; best known remedy jor women. 2- Femlnald Co.. BOS Rola- chlld bldg. MASSAGE given by German physician at patrunsresldenceshone Maln 6851. TmECOURTRIGHT. featura and akin spe " " l aliet. 280 20th t. Phone Main 5u42. Mt- s- g o. tablets cure debility; price $1. u'T. pierce Remedy Co.. 245 hi Morrison su PARTNER I can cure any ease of piles; .im-laatid safe. M 50a, Oregonlan. CO-OPE RATIVE association - no graft; if interested wmo .-j. "-.vumu. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 632 Pavls st. Main 8215. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. rr. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Mala S47X PERSONAL. SICK men and women who want to b -well We have the most expensive, finest equipped, private offices on the Pacific Coast: every known therapeutic appliance used In America or Eurupewe have; we use no drills, we never operate; we us every electrical and mechanical treat ment and are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using railum; come and b examined and see uor offices; it will cost you nothing: we employ the best regis tered physicians and surgeons, to verify our diagnosis of each ' patient's dlseas. W occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchlld bids. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-inch Bwltche $4.48 St 26-Inch switchea 2.49 Hair dressing , 2S Fa?e massage .25 Shampoo ' .2.1 Manicuring. 2."c: five for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 6.00- Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. 4. .5 and $9 PUFFS only $1.48. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-12 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. SWEENEYS. 889VI.-3911A Stark SU Main 120. Baldness, loss of hair, and scalp dis eases cur or money refunded. Many prominent Portland people are having-, their hair restored by our treatmenu Why not you? No charge for examination. DR. KETCHUM. diseases peculiar to women, also diabetes and eczema. Washington bldg., 4th and Washington. Main 8474. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed t 1424 to U3s Yeon bid.. M. 873, A 2071. T HO M ASDR E E D,Taw y e r, removed ta 400 Oregonlan bldg., 4th floon Assayer and Analyst. F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum refiner, assuver and chemist; gold buyer, Sd floor. H2ii. 4th !L Main I.109. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem Ists and sssayers. 2P4 H Washlruton. MONTANA A"SSAY OFFICE uaboratorj and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison st. Bras, and Machine Works. HARPERS B3ASS WORKS Brass castlni machine work. 106 N. 5th. Mala 27(12. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bidg.. next Staf Theater. A 5255. Main 9537.; Res- B29i8. Chiropodists. WILLIAM. Estelle and" Flossie Deveny, th only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 24 and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun. surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital, Vienna. Austria. JOS Rothchlld bldg. Ph. Main 0351 CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner Mdg. Main 8173. . Coal and Wood. FOUR-FOOT fir wood. $5.50 per cord. Fhon Mar. 8417. COAL AI.BINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 311 D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 960. A 3545. 3S7 Water aU Collection.. PROMPT attention given delinquent and current accounts. Coast Pacific Co.. w Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1540. Protective Adjustment Co. Delinquent and current. 410 Falling bldg. Marshall las. and Contractors. W. L. BUCK NER, contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store letting. 8 N. 8th SU Main 6S81, A 762. Woodlawn 562. Dancing. PROF. WAL. WILLSON'S SCHOOL lesson. 26c;. waltz, two-step or three-step guaran teed in first lesson or money refunded, stage dancing tauffht flulckly. 3S6H " asn. . . r lull. VI .in 1 h A I . St.. Dei. V . ram im HEATH'S SCHOOL-r-Lessons 25c. n stage and social dancing taught faily. .waltx and two-step guaranteed In 4 les sons. Class and social dance Monday se. 109 2d St., between Washington and stars:. Rlngler's classes Wd.-FrL Private daily. Elegant new hall, 231 l Morrison, DANCING every evening, new Oregon Hall, 7th and Oak sts.; ladles free. lentisls. THE old reliable Unioi 1st and Morrison sts. Painless Dentist. Educational. PRIVATE evening Instruction In arithmetic bookkeeping. correspondence, grammar, capital letters, punctuation marks, etc.. satisfaction guaranteed. Adores success ful Instructor. P. O. Box 121. or telephone Main 6S37. . , STAMMER7 My book, "How to Stop Stammering" direct to the point. M. L. u.K.u orove St.. Oakland, Cl- Englnes Gas and Steara ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agent. Sea bury steam engine and boilers gasoline en-. gines. 2S1-283 E. Morrison at. Phone h,. aia. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain. c ment, shingles. 24 Grand ave. E. 483. Leather and Flmlings. . q t MASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather ot evVry description, tabs, mfrs. findings. J A cTKOW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. E taiilished 1S58. 1M Front st. Musical. T-inll Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevolk.. Ei M.r u.m. A 4160, Marshall 1629. Osteopathic Pliyslclaps. br R B. Northrup. 410-1B-1J feaura D ifervous and Chronic Diseases rtnr- rofie. M 34 a. Res. East or B 1028. -" ' Paints, Oils and Gloss. r-A cT.MAUfi paint and varnlfih Is best rianipa lu mis HLETER PAINT CO. 191 Second 6t, UASMUSSEN & CO.. Jo b be rs t, taint oils. tfayaah .d door. Cor. "id and Taylor Papering aud Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; nU .Mean work. Phone East 423J Patent Attorney. snfl Chamber of Com merce Bldg. tTTtfn-TS procured by J. K. Moch. attorney PATtJV late of U. S. patent Of lice. Book- T-V'free 719 The Board of Trade bldg. S r WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat-R-enCts. infringement cases. 604 Dekum bidg. Paving. b- Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 T,I?L Metric bid B. Oscar llub.r. Portland. Pawnbrokers. Vtx.-,-i r- MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 yeara rffand 71 8th su Phone Main 910. Pipe. PIPE and fittings, engineers' and steam up- SUe" M. L. KLINE. Centrally located. Nos. 84 to 88 Front at. Phones Main 617. A 2517. nnTI in WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and FO?eTe. near 24th and York ts. M. 3489. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO. 10S 2d SU Safe! factory prices; second-hand .afes. tsecond-hand Goods. WE buy clothing, furniture and toolfc High est price paid for second-hand clothing. 4,.rn tlire. tools. i,n..-ii -- xL-ir nav tha. highest prices for second-hand and shoes. A 8190. 63 li N. 6th. Bank and Show Fixture. n-HF IUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ld. Bhos?case Co., 8th and HoyU R. Luike. manager. r H B1RDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show eases In stock, prompt delivery. , Sales .L-ent. M. Winter Lumber Co. rrTVsHAL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. " Storage and Transfer. v: X piCK Transfer & Storage Co., office, and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, a.eoarate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults llr valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pin. It. pianos and furniture moved and nacked for shipping: special rates made on .nods In our through cars to all domestic . n. ilnts. Main .MIB A lmirt. anu iuic... r- -- - OLSO'110" A o- an ii. transferrlna and atoraes. saf.a Pianos and furniture moved and packed Plan , ct.ko n-ront t. -T.lh. S7-89 Front st. Main 647 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER Co., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storagi ofnee 810 Hoyt St., between 5th and 8th. Phone Main 89, A 1169. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving; low rates on torage. Poth phonea. Typewriters. $15 TO $05 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill', 3d and Alder; terms to suit: every machine guar anteed, Call or phone far representative. Main &500 or A fi0"S. . WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast: investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 287 Washington t. iiviv rebuilt, second-hand rsntals, at cut rates. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 140T. Well Drilling. DRILLING wU a pecla.lty; prlc reason. aMe Call Main 1846 or write Miller A Tyst. 1S2 Morrlsoa u. Portland. LA