Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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    - - . x-n p,vt. T ro wnrt. . ""V,
ti-it ED -Two sash and door machine
me.x. 1 tMluut ehlpplng Clark tor easb.
w,ul gen.ral mill work; muel be fa
miliar with earna; barxiaaw M turner,
or bindu' acd et..p-.r man; iiT
rirjlormwl te good m.n; stale ag. ex
wh'fi previous. y mp.orJ.
,a desired and whether you uee In-to-ucettng
liquors. AV W. Oregonlan.
.S opportunity t"T a !! man selling our
guraateed Yakima Valley-grown nursery
stork- exclusive territory; outat free; caeS
mMly- "hustle." not upriDct. reoulrad,
Toppenlsh Norsory Co.. Topponleh. Wash.
WANTED Three Jounl men lover 251.
we.i-aequatnted In Portland, to art as
city sa esmen for old-established firm,
ra-ist able to furnish small bond. Caii
Oi Yson bldg.
WAKTrD Expei-leneed skirt and -
lel- Its ait-ration room. Tha Bartholo
mew Co., 400 Washington at.
Aory Standard Factory,
aa. u4 KM Taylor a.
Kb. X. Oran
learn the Bualnaaa.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors,
e-J-0 to 412 l-aum bids.
A poallioa owiniwi-
FIR aawar wanted: muel ba abla to lit
oat and tka measures: liberal wages,
my axp-ert need apply; ! ,",
naaeo and aalanr .pcte.l, Alaska ur
Co.. ar 2 c '.. Taeoma. Wash. .
AS.-tJ rANT bookkpr and stenographer
and to t In office work; must be '-a'" J
and experienced. Apply b-tw o 4 and
P. . en fourth Boor, at oiiverfle.d a. 4tn
and Morrison eta.
WAMF.D Comp' (i.nnfnph.r with of
fice and bilr-sa est-rlnre: "ate ',p,"r
.nr. and ref.rance.
eto at Dir.; will pay $-0 par month. !
,M. Oregonlan.
TWO aig-acnced pantry woman. Il "
"rirSt-ri2" bnd waitress. ! to IS.
t 4 J t, w aah. St.. for. 7tn. I petaira
VAVTE!) Competent all-around Englu-h
a rt or worn. a for fsml y of two n-w
how, with e.rv cn-nlnc: mi V"
nin.nt homo and wa(aa lor rlaht party.
r. a. Or nln.
OCNvl lady of and bu.l
n... ahh.iy to do .P-.UI work out.ldaln
Cortland ooelay. Apply aftar A. M
y.nn bfia.
WANTED MMlV-a.d woman or alrl for o.-ork. .mail family; J f'';'""1
fr.tlona and wara ratjulrad. I. JW. ora-
'an. -
I4J Waahlnton at.. Cor. . h. Ipalaira.
pnona Main 3?i. .
TCIM lady to work In dear a'5
atann at n'irht. Apply 1 and 13
. at 1 Htk Bl- room 14.
WANTED ladr for conf-rtun.
ary. J" 4th at. Call txtwaaa SO and
i P. M
EXPERIENCED lanlra- tailor to our lartl-a
l.:,".i room! Bat. th. loadm.
FamTlT of two want arlrl to co-'k and do
anarL houaawora. 21 Trinity Placa Apta,
ArP'y rnorninw.
1.1 RL. for hou.-work; mu.t f m'n'
ronk; Bona lr "ra mry'r -- 7
Call 1TQ Sortn r I at. nffr 1" A. M.
- T.i i. la.v Ht.
lal. Ajanry. S.'3, Wa.h at. Main -039.
A 477V R.frrrnr.a rriilrart.
W ANTKU ElPrtnr.d cook lor an.rJ
fouaawork. In family. Apply t.
riand.m at.
avtfD flrtura pl--y wrftara; pa;
t. II tiiTh yoi. flrmr. nay A.latmn.
fimn Fran n
. alrf na A
M all" !" "
TEN dmontrtors. rmnti 0 PJ
TrXOTT. Mf. .
uvTrn-4iifl lo with
USulT-r plain cook; .ll family.
rw-huylar at. j - .
wTlW DRAPER, thorou.hly 5r,n"1:
atata ralarancaa and aaiary. H
wTNTED Woman wltk .mall amount of
raah , w taka rharaa of roomlnc n
WANTED Hafln.d. ea;-ahla woman lor ra
.pon.lhl. pool. ion. Vtavt C... Kotk
V . . L... I.k ..4 Washlnaton.
WANTr: d'monatratora and ":" lary aal.ry anrt romm.-lon.
. ... 1 1 S L.'lln. hMf.
UADT. who 1. wllllr ta 1-ara hlI1,r:,m'1!
i.Va typawrltar; ml. phn. numtvr and
.alary wanted K T Orcor.l.n
u. anted I-a-ir to aII aummad lanl ad
aatainir .irk.ra; ., aolicltor
blaXTFIi A -tt'l lo -ri for Wart. and
IPO orrc. . w u m. . .
WA.NTEL--.lrla. pap-r b "'k'- ","7!
1 a day to .tart. Amarlcan .Til.ia
r . cor. 14tn ann J""aF "
anted A a!rLfnlhar f.-r cMlom tailor
-o k M.m J. Port and Tru.t Company
b'df . cor. l'l ann
. v T v t Oirl for r-n.ra! in
WANTED Woman or trl for 'nrl
hooia-ark. ArP y SST E. 4-;h at. N.. R
-lty Park. IT"" i "r .-
WANTED tllrl for .n-r.l ""'"
good waf-a. Coll IK Thurmaa au. W ll-
Unrtta Mrtfrit
A TAllOREjjJ maaa work. I2S Third
W'MAN for ;nral teouaawork. Apply
for. noon- 'J"! th t
WOMAN, aaparlrnrad on jarkrta. for all.r-
at'on room. Apptr l'l tiin
SALESWOMAN, aapan.ncad for cloak, and
. . . l Tl Thltd at
Ut 0Pltll.mi. L'K'. ' " -.
WA NTED '.If' fr ;nrl hu'.ork, sood
wa to rlaft party. X'tthrup.
W 4 .N T E D Yotini trl in clar and candy
Mr. 2A Purri.Ma at. .
lOfNil Irl to
fanaral oawork.
44 atn ar.
rlRT-CUASJ walat drapar. Tjada.a. t04
Marquam bide
WANTED I -any ' f"l Cf!i"'!,n'i"
alon. 2A Taylor. rallT-3 J" 3- P. M.
iiir.U to aail.t-In-nral houaawork. Call
moi-flni.. ' Irrlni t.
4,1 KL. 4";nral bo'iarwork. family two. Ap
ply Tnornlr... 447 Park.
MAN Kt.ER for nalr depart ; aorM position
to 'ntnt lar!y. P HI. Xr.conlan.
trIRL. for thraa houra aarh day to work for
two. Phona Marhil .t;t4
A vntN3 rlrl to aaa'.at houaework. go hotnl
n:ht.: I'h and Northrttp Mln 17:4.
M 1 r.l'I.E- A TD woman for houaawork;
.oiall fmil. !- th at.
t,; r; ( to a.l.t with houaawork In 4 -room
"at. :-'v N l"tn.
WANTED Chocolate flipper at onre. wrlta
tn pook Nook. Walla Walla. Wah.
WANTED Olrl for eneml houaawork:
WANTED Wai.t flnl.hera and dreawmak-
t;iMD aiparlenrod waltreaaea 141 Rtwell.
BOOKKCEPERa eaahlar bill dark. at I
I will cuarantaa your qualiflcatloa ta fin
paaltioc. la M daya; prlata Initrwrtloa
by poblie accoaaiaal. poalUaa aacurad. J
aao. Oraffomaa.
S"i.ICITOR8 to taka ord.ra for photo pil
low topa. naw work. 47 7th at. frchow.
MEN wanted, ara H-tiT tor flraman. $10
moetnly; brakaman, ISO. on naarby rall
roada Experienca onnaeaaeary: ao atrilia.
Pooltlona u ran teed compatoat m--promotion.
Hallraad Employing Haad
quartara 4M man aaet ta poaitlona la
aptamaar. atata aaa: aaad atamp. Bail
w ay Aaaociatloa. Boa . Oraonlaa.
la.OOv POSITION lor raduatan la. I yaaJJ
Baa and w on .a I earn barber trade la
a waaka: barp to aacura poaltloa; sradtt
ataa aara from U to (26 waakly; aapart
lr..trwotora: toola free: wrlta for aala
Icaoaa. Mahler 0y.tea of CoUeaa. U
Nortk 4th at-, portlaaa. Or.
THE Ramlnaton typewriter employment
department la the atandard medluin for
tha niacin of atenographlc help. When
yow want a aood atenographer. Juat call
up Main a or a en.
RT MAll, CLERK, poatofflce clarka. mall
rarrlara. Noyambar aaamlnaUona In Port
land; aampla que.tlona frea. Tranklln la
.'.Itata. fiept. elO-J. Bo-hetar. N. T.
PRIVATE SCHOOL. Bookkeeping. ehort
hand. typawrltlBf;. day and alant claaa-a.
14 Chamber of Commerce fhonea: OI-
fl-a. Main raaioenca m.m
M'TIN-PICTrRE operallnn taugnt in tne.
ater: practical courae: loarn It "lh':
p'lca reaaonaola; poallioa aacurad. As
awUaa kill.
A4SOC1AT10.H. lt
.-n rti'-T"rff THJJ RAIN"
By learning to operate n,OTl.,!;
picturea. op-raiore rarn -3 to oo
waek.y; ey m.ldo work; ahort
houia learn bua:r.a In two ';
le.n reaaoaaaia; Uay and av.nlng
a.r i W4ii'ji' ... . ...
MAKE money writing .nort .orlea. or for
trjera. big .ay; free booklet tells how.
Vtnt-d preaa tyndlca ta. Mn Franclaoo.
WRITING. 5 mo. 2u 14th at. Main H"4.
Bookkerpera and C lorka.
CAPABLE, energetlo man with eight years
banking eiperlencn. bookkeeper lo as.l.t
ant raaltler; alao flrsl-claea commercial
bookkeeper, with experience In handling
off !-e help and rorre.pondenca, wouid Ilka
poaltlon; aicelleot ralarancaa. L 61L, Ore.
1, books, prepare balance and aiata
Bienta. Inata.l systems. Ollllnsham, aa
aitor. 411 LewUhlda.Mrhaa I1T.
jToTEL clerk wants position, arruatomed ta
handling hlgh-c'.aea trade; beat of refer
eoca. I'hone Marshall 2119 or addraaa
AS (11. Oregonlan-
WANTED Position aa draftsman, or will
de:gn utd superintend construction of
bulging; y.are- axperlanca la Portland.
I eN
ft'ANTKU A poeltion aa bookkeeper and
stenographer by young man of A-l char
acter; city or country. O 601. Oregonlan.
PtM"IKN aa-c.crk. am familiar with all
lines. IS jearr exserlencn. AP X'8, Ora
g"nlan. YOI NM experienced bookkeeper and oflce
man, or clerk, al.he. pnaltlon; willing to
lrae city. i . oregonlan.
TorNtVman. 1 years o'd. want, position
In ofTlrev 4 years irience. good refer
ence. C orrg'inlen
alII'ILE-A;K! man. handr at office work,
want, position. I'hone Marshall 211a, or
AS Ml. tres"n!an.
EXPERIENCED "bookkeeper open for posi
tion : referenc-j. P. t. box 111, city.
b TK.N-MlKAl'11 -lit. exp'fl-nced, well recom
men.led. M tr.hali lv.
Is there no pa!t!nn for a young atranger.
t, of good chararier 1 want a Job.
reaardlree ..f hours art I wagra. whera
honesty and close application to dutiea
will bring advancement. 'I want work
and I want It quick. a. Oregonlnn.
WOMAN girdrncr. gra!tiatrd fntm bortl
cuti.rel ..hool an.l with l years" expe-rien'-e.
wants position, either In prleata
family, with florist. landscape aardener
or on a r.icrh: otrong and not afraid of
work. AT fel, Or-Monlan.
AI"TOmVTpiI.E manT lo year" experlenra
In factory, demonetrmtlng. ahop foreman.
ItHmin, elertrlrlan and road man, la
open for position; interview dealred. Ad
rlreaa AV 77. oregonlan.
HilXTKFl wanta position In country of flea
aa f.. reman, aga 21. married, straight,
ran pro. lure tha goods; -0. a hours. Ad
draaa "W." box R. ". D.. Clackamas,
Al.l.-AKorND good man wanta light work,
with snail wages. In hotel or private
house, to enable him to attend the night
srlrnol. I'hone Main lSt'a. eul Common
wealth bldg.
NEAT young man wants steady work In
rlgir stand or cigar store, fruit or con
fectionery store: work of any thesa klnda.
A l'lreea AO .". oregonlan.
TOI'SlI man from F.aat wanta poaltlon; aev
eral years" experience selling, repairing
and drlv'ng automobiles, trui ks and molor-
boata V. Q. Box 21. l'ortland.
POSITION by married man. good character,
carpenter by trade; will tce any kind of
steady work. 1 Olsen, 117 i Ru ell it.
Al io machinist will atoro and laka care.
a'o tlrne. car f.-r prlvato party: me
chanical referencee or otharwlae. C 6l'J.
Oreaontan. -.
IH AtT'FEI'R. stranger, wants poaltlon: d.-
own repairing: careful driver: married.
Address O E. W.. 34l West Salmon. TaL
Main 4;70.
TRl'CKDKIVFR. young man. with T years"
factory, testing ami driving experience In
Kast on gaaollna irueke and pleasure car.
wants poeltion. r". o. t-tox ;?i. ruri.u.
W 4.NT position aa watchman, understand
steam heat; strictly sober. AT eul. Ore
gon! n.
HOTEL chef and wife, aerond cook, want
Placee In commercial hole.; beat of ref
erences. AT ".. oregonlaru
JAPANKSK. young, honest, wanta paltlon
aa waltT. housework. In family. D olA,
JAI'AMi: I'ov wanta a position aa cook In
ornate family; have gjod experience. K
4o rrroni;
JAPANE.. cook wanta position In amall
family for cook and housework, city or
cuitry. J V.I, t'reeorljin.
Tol'N'l man attending Hoimee lluaineaa
C'lllega dealrea a rura to work lor hla
r-om and board. Call Main MH. A ?o4.
X PEItl KN'KI all-around butcher1 and
sausagemaker wanta position. Address P
M. i rr gonlan.
WANTED Position aa chauffeur. 1 years'
ei-wrlenre; can do repairing. Phona taat
lit a Chlneaa young man a poaltlon; Jani
tor or waiter In apartment house or aa-
loon. Phone A 14l or Main .".I34.
Ol sEt LEANIN'J and wlt-dow-wa.hlng or
.nltor work. Main -.o. Anorew
( , , ; , i j j f ; ) pirter wanta ofrlca or roomlng
ho.i.a work; few houra dally. Marshall
MAN and wife a ant place on farrtL Fred
Furrei. K0 at.
EJCrERIENClfn cook fjapaneaai wants po
sit lonlnMm II -rJEojjr
GOOD! oungTJaianesa wanta a position
as porter. P HO. Oregonlan.
BA KF. B- A 1 round man. 4 yeara" axperl-
err. N 4!?. lr-gon :an.
JAPANK.-E wants po.ltlon every evening.
he.p kitchen or wall-r. 1 .M 7. Oregonlan.
iTlCH "ach.l boy. with wheel, wlahea work
after school hours. Main e44l.
JAl'AXHifi wa.-i"a Jot. at night, about I to
12. F iOi. Orrgonlan.
liook k r -r an dJl eog ra p b erv
WANTED By experienced '.1 years") lady
stenographer, po.ltlon which requires and
will pay for ability, apeed and accux-t y
aa well as general efficiency; have ex
cellent retcrei i a v
THOItol'ilH I.Y competent young lady book
keeper dwree position; 7 "eara" experience-
best city references; know led, a of
.i - u
Vol N' lady b.-okkecpor. good appearance,
unusuallv well qualified to handle Im
portant Business, rapanle office manager.
C.SICS p.llloil. rovow - - -.
"XOl-'NO lady wants poelltoo, aialant book
keeper, clerk or typist; flvs yearr ex
perience. Fast 144. or AB o4. Oregonlan.
pt.ITI"N wanlcl. lady compositor from
East, three yeara" experience; best of r-
cr-ncen. n " - -.w
E.Nr'EIUli.NCEL young stenograpner desires
position; bast of refcxeacaa. Call Marshall
ough business woman, especially lumbar
experience. phonaalaln :.
RAPID stenographer, with soma experience.
g.od speller, accurate and rapid typewrtt-
7 . . fhnn. .r.h.ll ttTnl.
EXPERIENCED and competent office girl
and assistant bookkeeper wants position.
I'hone Tabor I'll.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants po
sition, soma experience. Phona Wood
lawn 13.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper dexlraa position,
references. rhone East 1S72.
EXPERT law stenographer dealrea poaltlon.
phone A Si'X.
STENOGRAPHER, months experlenoa.
wishes po.ltlon! Main sail".
TTPiST. stenographer wants special work
Job work or part of day. A 7&se.
SEWI.NO done: dresses, ladles' 5: chil
dren's SOo and up. or work by hour. Ta
bor 117.
MRS DAVIS. dresmak!ng parlors; reason
able prices Main ijO Madison.
DKESSM AKINt at your home: expert fit
ting and dmf'lng. Phona A 73.13.
IXPtKT tailoring and dreasmaalng. 4u9
Tsmhlll St. Pnona Marshall 1110.
ar.WINI. 2 per day. Phone Tabor 3023.
BKVYt.NO by tha day or at home. Main
linto. Call for dressmaker.
SEWINO In families, pay what It la wortft
to you. D lit, Oregonlan.
DP.E.-'SM AK1NO by the day at your home.
Miaa Whitney Main S1.1V
PRACTICAL nurse for Infants wishes an
IHmnl. R 6?. Oregonlan.
FOR an experienced ''nurse," phona alar
shall 417.
or out ef city for ona or mors gentlemen.
Call at M Front at-
BJTCATION wanted, as housekeeper for
small family: weekly. Mrs. Nelson.
7 15 Rodney .
WANTED Position aa housekeeper by com
petent lady. In or out of city. Phona
East 2123. or address AHW Oregonlan,
WANTED Scotch lady, widow, wishes po
sition aa companion, housekeeper; baa
had charge of Invalids, traveled extensive
ly. Address Mrs. -S. Mackay, Ford P. O..
Kootenai county. Idaho.
WANTED To rent a small ranch not over
six acres, with house and fruit trees, barn
not essential; must be not over 15 miles
from city. AR 6"8. Oregonlan.
ybb'Nll girl wanta position as chambermaid
and do plain sewing; In private family;
West hide preferred. AO S04. Oregonlnn.
IJMU Vl'HOOL graduate wishes responsi
ble office position, amall aaiary. Phona
Tabor J3.
INDllHTRIOl Scandinavian woman wants
fosition a ..- .- , -- - - - -hone
B. 1944 and party will call.
A MAKRltTD Udy would Ilka to care for
rooms will taka housekeeping aulta as
part pay. I. 610. Oregonlan.
WANTED Ironing or oar. for children
br hour: hair switches made to order.
ltHS Union iv., room . Eaat 42".
MAK.iil-.D lady wlshea 'place or a home;
will work for board and room for herseir
and husband. A MO. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT finer dealrea poaltlon with full
charge of workroom; beat of referencea.
AO 5uJ. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED Pwedlsh girl desires po.t
tmn to do general houaawork. CaiI 1-S
KXCEHIENVED chamber aide, waitresses
cooks, kitchen helpers. St, Louis Agency.
-loa Avasn. stain -ooe. "' '
WILL give serrlces mornings and evenings
for housekeeping rooms. AL 80a. Ores
nlan. SWEDIKH atrl wishes housework; 35
month. Call Mar.hall 337.
tilHL wants position In doctor's or dsn
tufa office. I'hone Woodlawn 104.
Woman wants work by hour. 15c Phona
Marshall 10,.
COMPETENT woman wlshea day work Fti
Jay and Saturday. Main 147.
EXPERIENCED second girl wlshea poaltlon
with urlvete fnm'ly. Main 73.12.
WOMAN wanta work all day Thursday. Fri
day and Saturday. Phona A 1447.
DRESSMAKER from the East will taka dy
work reasonable. Phona Marshall 1.H.V
WOMAN wishes position as cook or general
housework. b'M Overton at.
FirTTCLASS cook, boarding-house or hotel;
beet of referoncea. AD tjii. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash
tng. Iron Ing. cleaning. Main 2"3. A 4775.
i"OI"N5 Norwegian girl wanta general house
work. PmAiiwJ
WOMAN wants work by hour or tha car
of children. Phono B 279H.
CIKL wants day work, house cleaning,
washing and Ironing. Call at 114 X. 20th.
SITUATION wanted aa assistant In doctor's
or dentist's office. AL 60. Oregonlan.
wanted norm
ICE MACHINE A thoroughly established
refrigerating machine factory of unques
tioned reputation requires Immediately a
fully competent Western Oregon agent;
state experlenoa and qualifications. AV
Pl'1. oregonli
AGENTS and aollcltora wanted for good
proposition; absolutely something new lo
r orxiano. "Appiy f ,T3 "-ou-u
COMPETENT canvasser lor a book of In
terest to music lovara and mualcal people.
Liberal commission. AV 6H8. Oregonlan.
WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou
pons. Boston -tudlo, 842 S Wash, su
How much tlms has you WASTED
trying to rent that house, flat or stora of
yours by yourself 7
How much of your time has bean
WASTED by Incompetent agents?
Wa get liEnl'LTS try us and see.
33'J Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To rent at ones for the Winter
by four adults, modern, completely fur
nished house, not leas than a rooms, walk
ing distance; rent moderate; best of ref
erencee. Call or phona J. P. Griffin, Cor
nelius Hotel.
L'XKL'HNIsliUD 5 or u-room dwelling; will
pay 9-0 to $25 per month; must have
modern coneinlencea. within 2 mlnutea'
ride of business section; responsible party;
references given and will take good cars
of property. A is oon. oregonlan.
DESIRABLE tenant wants a sunny house
or flat, t to 7 rooms; psy oash for furnl
tnro if good; south of Morrison, west of
fl-h; give full particulars Id letter. AJ
5tt. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife would like to taka care of
home for party going to California dur
ing Winter In return for rooms: can glva
b-st reference. A 651. OregonlaiL
W'ANTED To rent modern d-rooox house.
West Side, walking distance, piano de
sired; no children. Address H. P. Caxr .
New Perkins Hotel.
WANTrSD To rent small furnished bunga
low, suburban. Mlldreth, 40S Railway
Ex. Phona Marshall 3061.
A BOUSE of I or 10 rooms or larger, near
and of soms cartlne; give location and
rental. AH 111, Oregonlan.
Roam A
oU.NO man. modern furnished rooms, cen
trally located. Wast Side. P 509. Orego
nlan. Booms Willi Board.
WANTED rooms or t rooms with sleep
ing porch, unfurnished or psrtly furnished,
bouse or apartment, close In; give full
particulars and exact location, M 111,
W'ANTED Room and board, lady alone;
central location, stesm hesr. Room 627,
Bowers Hotel.
YOUNG man wants room and board, pri
vate family; atata terms, sto. M ill,
ii A I L CARRIER wanta room with or with
out board. A 549. Oregonlan.
WANTED A good home for Invalid elderly
lady. Phone Tabor SSs.
WANT board and room near school for fath.
er and eon. AT S0. Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
131 Eleventh Street.
Near, modern brick building, stesmheat
sd. private baths, hot and cold water la
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. Call and sea ua.
Regular and transient trade aollcltad.
SAKt'll.NT HOTEl. corner Grand and Haw
thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath; hot
and cold water, steam neat and prlvats
phone In every room; moderate weekly or
monthly rates; grill la connection; transi
ents solicited.
That quiet, select family hotel, at 710
Washington St., near 22d; nicely fur
nished outside rooms with private bath
and phones: board If desired. Main 8651.
THE PEEK HOTEL, East 8d and Bamslde;
new fireproof building, stesm-hested. hot
and cold wnter and phones in all rooms;
private batha. lobby and parlor; alevator
service; rates (3 per week and up; trajl
sienta solicited. Phone East 171,
IF YOU want a .nice clean room, prices
ranging from to to 5 a week, call at tha
Amhurst Hotel. 409- Washington St., bet,
loth and 11th; house under new manage
ment and run thoroughly respectable.
lOr.H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
In heart of business district. Stesm heat,
hot and cold water, frea phona In every
room, tl day and up; 14 week and up.
THE REGENT. 131 S Seventh St.; beautiful
rooms, right down town; Ideal location
for parties staying In town for business
or pleasure: rates vary reasonable, by day
or week, 15 month UP-
HOTEL KEN WICK An Ideal home for
business people; centrally located; elegant
rooms: sll modem conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Helllg Theater. Main 91d.
12th and Washington.
Anv room In tha house for $8 a weak
and nothing extra for two In a room;
thoroughly modern.
HOTEL ARMINI1J8. oor. 11th and Hots
rtaon: all outside rooms, centrally located.
Permanent guests solicited. Has pea labia
and very moderate prices.
THE LARRaBEE. 227. Larrabea at Un
cer new management; modern. Rates
82.60 up. Transient,
Ol'TaIDE steam-heated rooms, $5; with
bath $30 per month. Br eel In Hotal, 22
Wxshlrgton sL
kOKHlS HOTEL, rooms strictly mod era,
60 per week and up. 132 17th et-
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms an
moderate prices, cor. Id and Montgomery.
AMADON Hotel; nice, big. front rooms,
steam boat, hot water, IS up. 2S Dd at.
I FOB BSM. I a-artments. I "w koe ping Rooms ui m rs-m-j.
r uMiirii-u
Thosa thraa beautiful furnished hotels.
218 4th St. 211fe 4th SL 20iM at,
On Fourth st .running from Taylor to
Salmon at.; brand new brick, elegantly
furnished, steam heat, private batlia, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at pop"1"
prices. If you want something out of tha
ordinary. In tha heart of the city, at rea
aonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like tt. Rooma by the day. wees
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. 4th
and Alder ate. will offer special Indoce
mente on weekly and monthly rate
permanent gueets during the Winter. Beet
location In the city, convenient to a
theaters, stores, business district and post
office. A comfortaole home with every
modern convenience, in the heart of the
city. Local and long-dletance telephone
and hot and cold running water In every
room. The best of bellboy and elevator
service day and night. Rooms singly
and ensuite. House thoroughly modsra
and newly furabed. Rstss on appUoa-
I1UI C.I. v . r i . . . t.
Residential. 860 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and I'ark Sts.
Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, (julet.
Rooms from 75c dally, with private bath,
from 81 daily: apeclal weekly and monthly
rates; suites. New, hsndsomely fur
nished brick; alevator, telephones, hot and
cold running water. From Union Depot
"J" car to Taylor or "W" car to 7th;
from Hovt-atreet Depot, "6" car, transfer
.. ' ., , . I. v. A, , , .. v. . ' l oonn
on Morrison to i ui. mw". ,
ii'k. Il,. ah lha ITuat Rlda and UV
money on your room rent? We can give
you better aceommodatlone for less money
and within It minutes' walk of the busi
ness center of the city, steam heat, hot
and cold running water: rooms single or
en suite; rooms with private bath, rates
60c to $2 per day; regular, 8- to 7 par
week. Phone Eaat 5IH, B 1275.
One block from Union Depot; 140 out
side rooms with hot snd cold wster snd
steam heat; oITers special rati-s to perman
ent guests; r-tes 50c to 82.00 per day;
13 50 and up per week. Phona Main
DIiiHT. airy rooms, modern, suites or sin
gis, t2 and 83 week; five minutes' wslk
to thester and atorea; free phone. Lin-
dell Hotel. J-1 etn.
r.nralhMl Kootna In Private Family.
TWO nicely furnished rooma with modern
conveniences. In private family: gentle
men preferred. Phone Main 3908. 273
Park st,
TWO desirable rooms la exclusive steam
heated private horns, walking distance.
Hub Hill; references. Phona mornings,
A 4351.
PRIVATE residence, rooma 15.0O month;
men preferred. 735 Rodney ave., corner
SLEEPING room, furnished, furnace heat.
front room, aultable for one or two, 4
N. 21st. near Washington.
PLEASANT, warm, llfc-ht room; easy walk
ing dlatapre; bath, g-vs, phone. 100 East
11th, cor. Wash. .
ATTRACTIVE sleeping room. adjoining
hath; modern, fine neighborhood, close In.
.1H0 s "th st.
TWO handsomely furnished rooms with mod
ern conveniences; gentlemen preferred. 188
17th st.
FURNISHED rooms, single snd In suits;
private family; choice location; walking
distance. Phone Marshall 23tll.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, private
bath, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; .team heat,
I'hono Marshall 1384 evenings.
FINE, large, light rooms, clean and now.
very reasonable. 461 West Park. Phono
Marshall 8aSi. .
GENTLEMAN wishes to share large room,
prlv-ata family, with gentleman. 26"-i N.
650 HOYT ST. Well furnished light and
attractive rooma: taka S or Kth-st. car.
Phone Marshall l-'.-w
FRONT room, light and airy, private en
trance, gentlemen only; suitable for ons
. ... . nnn tntl.
or vwo, .jibii .p.... -uv .
NICELY furnished room suitable for one or
two. 827 Wc.t Park.
NICELY furnished room suitable for one or
two. -'l.i itn st.
CLEAN front room. t. 848 Montgomery
it. Main t"l..
BEST located private place In city: rooms
clean, well furnished. No. 181 11th.
FINE room, fine close location, furnace, etc
fl monthly, -oa A-tn e.
NICELY" furnished room In prlvato family.
243 North 2'Vh st.
CLEAN, brlttht sleeping rooma. 810 and 812.
33 Clay at. A 67SH.
STEAM-HEATED furnished rooms, electric
llghta, bath, phone. ono-Ai onsen st.
NICELY furnished front room. S31 14th St.
Marshall 8i'I4.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis
tance; 11.50 per week 42 6th St.
WANT a roomT Hsv two extra nlca ones
812 and ll. l-e -n. iatn. a i..
NICE furntahed room, gentlemen, light, heat,
bath. 15 month. 2S Fargo St.. "U car.
LARGE, airy room, stesm heat, first-class
bath; 715 Johnson. Bat 2.
ELEGANTLY furnished; hot water heat;
also housekeeping suite; grate. 355 11th.
ROOMS, walking distance, board optional.
2 Hth and Jefferson. Phone Main 3S93.
ROOMS In prlvste home, trlth or without
board. 619 Everett st.
ATTRACTIVE rooms, private home, walk
ing distance. 4U'4 -ar ay.
SEVERAL well furnished rooms; every con-
- Tl-..WInn -Phonal A 3(140
vrni.nrr. o..j p.iuhb'"". . - - -
ROOMS In modern private home. 410 Park
at. pnone Aiain ov-i.
NICE warm room. 812; beautiful large
parlor, on rtiu. o-t r iwim. -
ir KEARNEY. Id bell, well furnished sun
ny room, modern Improvements: "W car.
Vnfnrnlsried Room..
4 UNFURNISHED living rooms, 815 a
month. 3i4 3d SL, corner of Third and
Mill. West Sldfc .
Rsmsne anal Rears).
LA MR 11 SON. 554 Couch, cor. 17th Good
board and clean, well-furnlahed rooms:
single and double; walking distance; tabls
. . . . . - "-l . . nc 1
c-oara sua. ji.'u . J --
DOES a home apsaal to you? The Whitehall,
cor. th and Sadlson. large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car.
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
IHI MANITOU 261 lStb, new manage
ment: thoroughly renovated: Inviting
rooma: choice board. Main 11S4.
LARGS front room for 2 or 3 young mn.
choice table board. 83 N. 17th. ona block
from Washington.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 28d ''
rooms with board, nsa of sewing-room, li
bra rynioiciaiTe r
Rooms With Board In Frtvafa Family.
NICELY furnished, sunny, airy room; fur
nace heat, free bath snd telephone: the
best of home cooking; a strictly respecta
ble home. 405 West Park. Phone Main
AN elegant furnished room In the nicest
etesm-heated apartment In the city: suit
able for one or two. with or without board.
Phone Marshall 120.
COUPLE would share -with a refined, edu
cated woman their new home In exclu
sive East Side residence district at nom
inal price. C 524. Oregonlan.
NICE room, suitable for two, with board,
walking distance; all conveniences. Jn re
fined home. Ii95 East Ah, corner of loth
st. Phone East 1 343 i
TWO nicely furnished rooms, first-class
table board, all conveniences, phone, elec
tric light, furnace heat, gentlemen only.
849 8lxth st.
ROOM and board In private family, large
sunny rooms. German cooking, furnaos
beat and phone. 136 E. 1st sLNorth.
BOARD and room with hot and cola water,
furnace heat and free phone, all very
reasonable, at 4284 Mill st-
NICELY furnished rooms with bosrd. suit
able for two gentlemen; references re
quired. 1SS 18th at.
820 PI.EA8A?fT front room, all new, mod
ern conveniences. 88 17th. between Ever
ett and Flanders sts.
BF.ATT IFVLLY furnished room, everything
modern, only two In family, walking- dis
tance. B 1222. 568 East Salmon.
ALCOVE room, with board, sultablo for
two gentlemen: furnace heat, phona,-hot
and cold water. Phone Main 3928.
BOARD and room In private family for two
persons rooming touether. Call Marshall
83Q2. Walking distance.
WELL-FURNISHED room with best board,
Isrge porch and gronnda. Main 2071.
FINE room and board for two; private
family, c'.oee In. East 2878.
LARGE, well-furnlshed front room. 453 Mor
rison St., between I2th and 13th.
FINE room wltn board; nice home; fur
nace, fireplace. East 2891.
ROOM and board, private family: two gen
tlemen. 578 I.aed are., near Hawthorne.
NICE rooms, with board, horns cooking,
snltabls two or mora. 192 18th st.
- " W va. -as trv
204 EAST 8D NORTH. S. E.. corner Mult
nomah. Front room, well furnlehed. suit
able for two. In modern.- f urnace-hestea
home; board next door If desired. East
VERY pleasant, well furnished rooms. In at
tractive home, good board. reasonaDie
rates; employed people; two third-floor
sleeping rooms very moderate. 120 .Nortui
18th st.
1T1 King Street.
Corner Wayne.
45, B and 8 -mom apartments, situated
In the most select neighborhood In the
city; hlgheet standard of tenancy main
tained. Apply on premises.
A new. four-story brick building, on
corner of Third and Monteomery sis.: all
. j . minnt.' walk to busi
ness center; completely furnished two-room I
apartments, automatlo elevator. """",
wood floors, private bath and phone ana
janitor service: resdy for occupancy oci.
2rt. We also have four line storerooms: a
fin location for barber shop, grocery tore
and drugstore; rent very reasonable. ln
ager on premises. Phone Main 9480.
37-39 Trinity Place.
Corner Washington street and within 10
minutes' walk of business center.
Stesm beat, electrio lights, gas ranges,
elevator. Janitor service; completely fur-,
nlshed 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, JO
V. O. Webb, manager, apartment No. A
Marshall 1950.
THB BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.!
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 8. and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatlo
alevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in bulTet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both pnones.
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. II you
want something nice, come to tha Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2911.
THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson sts..
complete Sept. 1: finest, brightest and
best srranged apartment residence in the
city; 6-room: all outside, daylight rooms,
convenient to cars, walking distance, pri
vate telephones In every apartment
steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigera
tors, laundry facilities, vacuum
etc Attendant on premises. Marshall 380.
liJNZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely flrst-clasa. fur
nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month. 2ti. 30 and up.
Must be seen to be appreciated. .
448 11th st-, near College; take Mt i a
bor car west; 15 minutes' walk to F""
ofTice; four-story brick building, two and
three-room suites; strk-tly modern; auto
matic elevator and dumb waiters private
bath, telephone and lock room for each
apartment; laundry room with ateam
dryer. Both phones. ,
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, situated In the heart of the city,
within 10 minutes' walk of the business
Apply on premises for reservstlons.
844 Everett St.
New and elegantly furnished arart-l-nents:
3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automntlo electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
Place, betw. 9th and 20th sts; Just fin
ished; most magnificent spartments on Ove
Psclfic Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping
porches; privste hallways and every mod
ern convenience; references required.
Phone Marshall 502L
A beautifully furnished 8-room (iarga,
light and airy) apartment, steam heat,
private phone and bath, automatlo ele
vator; the most home-like and quiet in
the city; must be seen to bs appreciated.
024 Marshall. Main quo, a o-p.
MENTS ;' Hawthorne uve. and East Btn
st,; brand new building, now ready for
occupancy: 8-room well furnished apart
ments, with every modern convenience,
close In on East Side: very reasonable
rent, with best of service. Apply to Jan
itor on premises.
iTtJCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class
by themselves. See them. Lucretla at-.
Sear 23d and Wash. 2 to 5 rooms, all
large, light and outside: large closets
and baths: hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. Phona prop, and mgr. Mar.
lozv. janitor jqw.
ins. aomoii'.u.
Til Washington, cor. 22d st: .
4-room apt, furnlehsd or unfurnished;
p-to-date. clean and modern: private
bath, telephone: rates reasonablss host
service. Phone Main 7130.
New. nicely furnished and unfurnished
8-room apartments. Every modern con
venience. Call Marshall Bs, A 44oS. Ref
erence required. Corner 2oth and Kearney
and Columbia streets First-class 3-room
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences; best location In the city, front
ing the parks and only 5 minutes walk
from the business center. Apply to mgr.
149 2Hd st N. : newly opened, elegantly
furnished "2 and 3-room apts.. private
phones, baths, also single room, beat rate
In city. Marsnivii ,o-jo
8-ROOM furnished apts.. outside rooms, pri
vate balcony and phone, reasonable rent
to desirable parties. The Cecilia Apts.,
22a ana
HADDON HALL, 414 11th. cor. Hall, 3 and
4-room apartment, furnished and unfur
nished private phone, bath and balcony
11 .... ... - f ur.. I! 1171
porcnea. .v -. ,. . .....
THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia sts.
4-r03in apt., furnished or unfurnished.
Desirable location, every convenience and
very reasooao'a w
890 12th at. Naw, 2 or 3 rooms, ele
gantly furnished. Janitor service. Mar
shall 4b-
h 1. (.rvvyAv. ......
170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 3-room
apartmenta and one unfurnished 8-room
apartment; frea phone In each apartment.
"....Tlx- t l")TUfVTB
All outside 2" and 3-room suites, strictly
modern; we challenge anyone to dupll
s our prices. Marshall 137a
a and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
itO 20th au North. Phone Main 4U38; ar
Main 11 IB-
410 5th Furnished and 'unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments: walking dis
tance' prices reasonaole. no children.
Park St., Cor. Madison.
Furnished t and 4-room apartments,
individual phones; convenient, downtown,
GARDNER APARTMENTS, cor. 13 th arid
East Ash. very desirable 5-room, all out
side fireplace, hot-water heat, good lo
catlon. Phone East 1871,
429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, 8 and
4-room apartmenta. furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m'gt,
WALDORF COURT. Irvlngton, East 9th and
Schuyler; Broadway car; S rooms; steam
heat; dleappearin-rbeds; refrigerators, gas
ranges; mou'- o"q &.i ni.
HARRISON COURT, 6th and Harrison, un
furnished 2-room apt., laundry, bath; etc..
short walking distance and reasonable
rent ,
THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
streets, 3 snd 4-rooms modern apart
menta. references required.
05 ELEGANT 8-room furnished apt.; also
82 50 modern, furnished 8-room flat. East
s'de B 1634. Tabor 1768.
THE JEFFERSON I AN 2 and 8-room apts.,
every comfort, walking distance. 20 to
$30'i modern. 011 icucisvu a l.
LOVELY furnished 6-room apartment. West
Side: adults only. See these before de
ciding. Phone Marshall 8371; references.
NEWLY furnished and unfurnished 3 and
R-room apartments, steam heat, reasonable
prices. Phone East 2114. 18 E. 7th.
ROSE-FRIEND, S. W. cor. "th and JefTer
son modern, unfurnished 4 and 5-room
ap : urge outside rooms; references.
845 MODERN S-room spsrtments; sll con
venlences. walking distance, phone, sleep
ing porc!"Mln43.
ONEONTA, 1S7 17th 2 and 3-room suites,
hot and cold water in every apartment;
reasonable. Phone Main 46U7.
tin a IN'TREG - Elegant five-room apart
Vnent. West Side, walking distance, ren
Reasonable. Main 7741.
295 12th st.
"rwv MORTON Furnished and unfurnished
apartments. 697 Washington St.; both
STTt four bright, pleasant rooms, private
bath, furnished or unfurnished. 231 Hall.
rHK "eLMS J and 3-room apartments, fur
nlshei 11 "'h Mln
at "A." 64 Washington street Steam
heat. Phona Marshall 462.
tic n A VtTtT? I IV
Corner 12th and Columbia.
Ready for occupancy October Zotn.
One of the moot exquisitely furnished
apartments in the city. Furnishing to
harmonize with the woodwork and wall
decorations: situated In one -of the most
desirable locations in the city, within a
Wock of three carllnes: reservations can
be made by calling at the
-a ,,,T-nTII IT T A I "I T
.Yir.. i . H J L U 1 It -.-wra.
82 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments, modern, prices reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East 300.
ferson sts.. 3 and 4-room apts., with bath,
unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con
venience; modern; 6 min, nalk from P.
O. ; very reasonable rent.
PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Hartieoa
sta.. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments,
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator; telepnona free;
345 to 160. .
14th snd Clay Sts
Front corner, 4-room suite, with vestl
buled entrance; private bath and phone;
one of the best In the city. Apply at once.
Modern building, 22d and Gllsaa sta
Best of service. 3-room apartments, with
bath, every convenience and very reason
able rent. Morgan. Flledner ft Boyco.
704 Levejoy st.
Beautifully furnished 2 and 8-room
apartments, outside rooms, walking dla-
BEST apartments In the city; 8 outslda
rooms; sleeping-porch, maid's room; wash
trays gas ranges, refrigerators, heat, hot
water, telephone. Stevens Apartments, 791
A. Northrup st. Main 03..S.
HAUSMAN APT. 730 Hoyt St.; new
and elegantly furnished; 8 and 4 rooms;
apts. with sleeping porches: best rate and
location 111 1 11 v.iw .
ONE furnished four-room apt., sleeping
porch, steam heat, private phone, modern
conveniences. Avalon Apts.. Ross and
Clackamas sts. t-none r.ajv oj.-.
THE BERYL Largs rooms, large closets,
cool and airy for Bummer; some fur
nished apartments. 2it and Loveloy;
take W car-.
LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district,
convenient to 2 carllnes. lsg 22d ct.. N.
14th and Halsey; 0 large rooms, sleep
ing porch, private ront porch, hardwood
floors, fireplace. tll bath, kitchen fur
nished with tine overhead gas range.
Among beautiful -homes, and excellent car
E. 22d and Braxee sta
6 and 4 rooms, linoleum on kitchen,
bath gas, stove, hot water attachment,
strictly modern: "U" car. 1053 Cleveland,
Phone v ooQiawn
UNUSUALLY desirabls furnished flat, 8 or
4 large, sunny, airy rooms; private bath,
fireplace, sleeping porch; close In. 4l--i
Montgomery, corner 7th St.; very reason-
and Hancock; 5 and 6 rooms; all modern
conveniences; Broadwa car. Frederick
M. Dempsey. 434 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Alarsnan 00-1.
FINE 4-room flat with bath, within walk
ing distance on East Side, furnace, gas
range, gas water heater, basement; 80.
83'-' Chamber of Commerce.
jia NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe
ninsula Park; light, airy ; sleeping porches;
near Jefferson High; publlo school; sea
them today: fine for children. "L" car.
Alnsworth, Alblna aves.
FOR RENT Strictly modern 5-room flat,
walking distance. 2i per month; also a
strictly modern 6-room flat -with sleeping
balcony, 837.50. il. O'Brien, 400 Yeon
FINE modern 6-room flat, corner 22d and
Kearney sts.: gas stove and carpet on
stairs and bedroom; fine. Phone Main
5u0. Main 3578.
FOR RENT New modern 6-room flat, hard
wood floors snd sleeping porch; center of
Irvlngton, 2 blocks Irom 2 carllnes. Phon
East nut
DESIRABLE flat on W carllne. sleeping
porch, all light rooms, all conveniences;
:. ... ' .... (. HA,IH will nnrtlv furnish.
til Vnrfhnin St
FOUR-ROOM flat in one Duiiuing J"
. ,i,ri- rr comnlete. 24S Killings-
worth ave. Williams ave. or St. Johns car. -r noTvlv tinted. 5-room flat, includ
ing wood and gas range; large basement.
"OliVi Halsey at,, near Steel bridge.
FOR RENT 4-room flat, neatly furnished;
phone water, bath; rent 830. 230i N.
ISth st.
WEI.L-FURRNISHED modern flat; special
rate to permanent tenant; references. Alain
14.1 J.
TWO four-room furnished flats. 561 Daven
port St., Portland rieignts car to pjjnm .i.
NICELY furnished 4-room modern flat;
also rooms. uo ji'.u
6-ROOM flat, all modern conveniences. E.
18th and Asli. Phone B 2008.
FOR RENT 6-room flat, bath and furnace.
59S Salmon, Key quo oauimo.
LOWER four-room flat, new, 20 per month.
East 4.UJ.
MODERN 5-room flat, furnace, nice attlo
and basement. 473 7th St. .
NEWmodern. 6-room flat. In choice neigh
borhood. Call E. 6347.
FOR RENT 5-room flat, bath and furnace.
6118 salmon. Key out phiiuqu.
SWELL, modern. 5-room lower flat, 330;
adults. 789 East Yamhill, near 23d St.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; fur
nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free:
815 per month up; a clean place, best in
the city for the money; ahort dlstancs
. T A , a T" as 1-i " C ' ll 1 Af h Mt
irom tnion -coo r' v
cars north, get off at Marshall st- No dogs.
LARGE room, comfortably furnished for
housekeeping, electricity, bath, phone; all
modern conveniences; no children, price
reasonable. 66 N. 21st St.. IV, blocks
rrom w aaningiou.
8WA Morrison st.. cor. Park. a na rtmenta.
rurnieneu v mi .... .
elevator, steam heat and all conveniences.
SI 60 TO 82.50 WcEK: clean, furnished
. .-. rt laiinArv. hath.
nouseaeepitig 1 - --. . .
phone, clean linen, heat. 408 Vancouver
ave. and 203 - Stanton; take C car.
FURNISHED housekeeping suites, Tory de
sirable. Cambridge bldg.. 3d and Morri
son. Call room Bfl.
NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont New brick
building, furnished and unfurnished apts.,
-Iiiiud: steam heat; walking distance.
LARGE aulto front housekeeping rooms:
ateam heat, light, bath- 131V, 10th at.
Alexander notei
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete
bldg. pnone wouaiiisn
ONE nicely furnished housekeeping room.
no cniiaren. .. no. ....a
Honcckecplna: Rooms In Private Family.
PLEASANT furnished room and kitchen. 33
North lath. 1 block from Washington; rea
COMPLETELY furnished two-room suite,
clean, comfortable, reasonable. central;
references. 327 7th.
TWO large housekeeping rooms with large
pantry, modern. West Side. Phone Main
VI EASANT housekeeping rooms, light, bath,
phone, furnaoe heat, and running water.
607 Davie, cor,
TWO ouiet housekeeping rooms. Phone
Main 8053; opposite Falling school. 721
TWO 2-room housekeeping suites, modern
conveniences: no children; 20 a month.
290 12th st.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
very clean; sink, gas and phone, 314. 182
East 23d st. corner Yamhill.
THREE furnished connecting housekeep
ing rooms, lower floor, bath, phone. 450
LARGE-front housekeeping rooms, all con
veniences, central. 187 Chapman. near
306 6TH Neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas, uaui. aim yio-...
NICELY furnished
housekeeping suite.
phone, bath, gas.
88 14tn.
PARTIES wishing two bright sunny rtwrns,
Completely lurmauro. 1.0,11 --
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, fur
nace neat. pay rj. jjmni..-..-
310 MAIN Two suites of cosy, homelike
housekeeping rooms, close In. .
HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms for rent.
513 CI ay St.. near 18th.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, 2-room.
rent reasonable. P" ce-".-.
DESIRABLE front rooms for housekeeping,
gas, heat andbathjmodern. 173 N. lith.
LARGE housekeeping rooms, running water,
heat; also basement rooms. 28 N. lith.
818.50 Two large front housekeeping rooms,
. 1 , nlano Kd Xtail Ofl.
electricity, piiooq. s""'
NICE two-room suite, private bath, mod-
,1 v.all room. 2ft X. 17th.
nil, mau ,11.. . -
FRONT suite, with running water, bath,
gas and phone. 340 College.
19 1STH. first floor. 4 rooms, completely
furnished, bath, gas and steel ranges,
water heater, lawn, fine location, adults.
Main 3072.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light house
keeping, reasonable; gas. bath and phone,
light and heat; use of piano, desirable lo
cation. Main 6467.
1SS 13TH. first floor. 4 rooms, comrlrteiy
furnished,, bath, gas and steel ranges,
water heater, lawn, fine location, adults.
Main 3672.
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
rent 818. Including water, light and bath.
No objection to one child. 985 Alblna
ave.. corner of Blandena st. I. ca r.
NICE, large, clean, modern housekeeping;
rooms, front and back yard, gas water,
telephone and select neighborhood. Main
2207. Rent (SllO.
TO RENT 3 or 4 furnlBhed or unfurnished
housekeeping; rooms; within easy walking
distance: call any evening after 8 at 667
,ast A'avis st.
313 14TH. cor. Clay. Large 3-room fur-
ONE room, nlcelv furnished for housekeep
lng. modern. $10. 834 Park st.
Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren
tal and Information department, 4th floor,
main building, and see the vacancies ws
hsve listed of desirable houses snd flata.
You'll save time in getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep In tooeh
' with all vacant houses, flats snd apart
ments In the city. We also keep a list or
new buildings in course of construction, e
Tha combined lists of all real estata deal
r. This Information la absolutely Xraa.
fl-room house on E. 26th street. N.. 810.
0-rootn house at Woodlawn. 812.
6-room house at Woodlawn. 811.
6- room modern bungalow, new. nicely
located. J25. , , .
7- room modern house, with two lota, on r
Mallory avenue. $20.
8- room modern house, new, nice loca
tion. Silo.
133 V, First St.
Brand new 8-room house In Irvlng
ton. hardwood floors, sleeping porch, beau
tiful fixtures, cement basement, furnace,
fireplace, all built-in features; a bargain
at t0 per month.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
5- ROOM bungalow, modern in every particu
lar; 2U minutes from business district. on
block from carllne; can be bought on
terms same as rent. Peabody, Cleavland
& Co.. Main 1622.
820 8-ROOM cottage, 861 Stanton at., near
Union ave.
450 8-room modern dwelling, 363 East
0th, near Broadway.
JACKSON ft PEERING. 246 Stark St.
8-room house, newly finished. 609 Har
rison st,; line location: key at BIO Mont
gomery. Phone- Main 4101. Woodlawn
FOR RENT Strictly modern 9-room house,
790 Lovejoy near N. 24th at.; rent 50 per
month. Wakefield, Fries ft Co., 85
Fourth st. i
TWO houses, 7 rooms each, elegant condi
tion, choicely located. East Side, one well
appointed for physician, reasonable rent.
M. S. Rentery. Stearns bldg.
GOOD 6-room house. E. 63d St., near Stark,
modern, $22 per month to good tenant.
272 Stark St.
FOR RENT Large residences, suitable for
boarding-house' or private hospital. In
qulre 315 North 22d st.
FURNISHED 6-room bungalow for room and
board, by young gentleman. 1038 E.
11th N. Alberta car.
TOR LEASE 8-room house, modern. 135X
110 feet ground and barn 14x40 feet. K
47S. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT 8-room modem house. S. E.
cor. 12th and Salmon; 100 per month.
Apply 389 12th st. Phone A 2078.
MODERN 7-room house, fine lawn, full lot,
781 Lovejoy st.. $50. Vanduyn ft Walton,
615 Chamber of Commerce.
10-ROOM modern house, close In. on West
Side, rent $63. Parrlsh, Watklns ft Co.,
250 Alder st.
FOR RENT New six-room house, modern,
close to "W-W carllne. $20. 4235 48th
avenue S. B.
100x100, 4-ROOM cottage, barn, chicken
hotve. fruit trees, $10 a month. Phone
C 1281.
6- ROOM cottage, bath and electrio lights:
first-class condition; $16. East 64th and
Ash sts. Phone Main 41124. .
785 YORK street Is a modern 7-room house;
fireplace and furnace; Va block from 23-1
st. carllne. $25. Call 414 Spalding bldg
MODERN 5-room house; furnace, fireplace,
gas. electricity; close in. B 1203.
8-ROOM house on Kearney. Phone East
IN Irvlngton, new.
modern 5-room flat.
Phone East D4ao.
30 New. modern 7-roomed house on Haw
thorn oavti-
MODERN 6-room house. Call mornings,
86 E. 17th. Phone East 2880.
1RV1NGTON Modern 6-room house, near 3
carllnes: rent only 30. Main 8429.
7-ROOM modern house, $20; wood in fof
Winter. 468 Mason. Sellwood 1383.
HOUSES and flats to rent See our list.
Ward ft Younger, suite 526. Yeon bldg.
SIX rooms and bath, good location, with
yard and view. Main 1869.
MODERN 7-room house. 715 Hoyt St., corner
22d. Phone East 3659.
MODERN 6-room house; attic, basement.
furnace and lawn. 684 East Taylor.
6-ROOM modern house, on Weidler, $20.
Main 392.
Furnished Homes.
We have for rent, completely and lux
uriantly furnished, one of Portland s most
beautiful homes on the West Side. This
place can be had until June 1.
Whole half block of lawn, with trees,
shrubbery, walks. Summer-house, garage,
etc : large limousine and 7-passenger
Pearce-Arrow touring car, with chauffeur.
Included In rent. For further particulars
332 Chamber of Commerce.
EIGHT rooms and sleeping porch, with a
block of ground; strictly modern ana
completely furnished; on Vaughn street.
Willamette Heights; $S0 per month.
. 248 Alder st.
MODERN 7-room house, completely fur
nished, large lot, one block from car, -5
minutes out In good neighborhood; rent
for tlO month to parties with references.
Call 88 10th. Marshall 1298. A 3799.
FOR RENT Furnished Cory flve-room bun
galow In Irvlngton; all modern conve
niences. Phone East 5055. Call 498 East
18th St. North.
NICELY furnished 6-room cottage. Holiday
Addition, one block from Irvlngton car;
two blocks from Union ave, cars; adults.
270 Eaat 6th st. N. .
8-ROOM house for rent: hardwood floors,
Turkish rugs down stairs, mahogany fur
niture throughout, rent $82.50. Phones
Main 461L A 6211.
A VERY comfortable 7-room furnished
house for lease for six months or more.
439 East 19th North, near Tillamook.
Call afternoons.
MODERN 7-room house, furnished complete.
Wasco and 7th. Phone. 1 to 4. O 1360,
B 1137 after 6 P. M.
FINELY furnished 6 rooms, modern, large
living room, piano, large yard. Hawthorne
ave.. $45.00. Phone B. 3084.
NICELY furnished lower 6-roomed flat with
piano, near Steel Bridge. 2S5 Holladay.
Rent reasonable, adults. Key at 287.
aii, or nart of a neatly furnished 7-room
modern house, nicely located. 2S9. E. 47th
st. ; Hawthorne car.
10-ROOM furnished house at 389 11th. bet.
Montgomery and Harrison sts. Inquire
Park Apts., room 106. Marshall 13.
816 5 rooms, pantry, bathroom, fireplace,
furnace. 766 E. 26th St., half block Broad
way car.
NEW. modern 7-room house, furnished com-
&let, furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor
MY furnished 6-room house. 1 block from
Rose City Park car. for rent, or will selL
Price $3000. Call C 2224.
COMPLETELY furnished 8-room modern
house. West Side, close !n: $90- month. Call
420 Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN 6-room house completely fur
nished, with piano. Call 286 12th; will
6-ROOM cottage, completely furnished, on
Broadwav carllne; modern; rent $45 per
month: references. Phone Main 3827.
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, $20.
Main 8925.
9-ROOM house, furnished, close in, rent
reasonable. &l. to. rtemery. steams bldg.
5-ROOM nicely furnished cottage: modern!
03U ca.L a 1 .1.
ATTRACTIVE 8-room residence In Nob Hill;
a a-i I Dknn. U.ln 117B
luramiico. x nu.. m.,,
MODERN seven-room house, furnished. 742
Lamson ave.. Portland Heights. A 8146.
IN Irvlngton. new, modern furnished flat.
including piano. mum aui 040.