KAirnm. . . rr Bale-Farm.. . t a Is to. I - - tnviN.iToN. $4?VX New and modern Ioun. rl and i.Kpml p.,roh. cajnent 1ab mant. f-irr. ;c and fl.rep.ara, al K. rj:a and wid.r -; very iy l ar n i.Arr.T.LHr rstj f a-at) --r6ora b' and mo!n horn: aek flonri downstairs; entrance aji-t hal.'iroo-ta tld. ft mni! eorapiet k.ijin oa Haae.fe.-a p r. within I b.ork from E. C um st. earlln; blah and " rht v. Knu IKVl.N.iTON. a? v 7 - roe. ti modern house. hsMia lnri snd every convenience; fteee east etl F-. ltth at.; garage; n"r"ri vER-joNEs co.. ::: :!! Cuiiaiin:: c:ui Prig. pbr.-e Mln '... A f KAN' B TO EDUCATE TOl'B CHILPRIV 1 ha ft good 1 I -r.vom BiMii. no corner tot saitoo fe-t. two blocks from at I'ntvera.'v. to Kocke from blhle school ii-artaltan denomination!, on block from g-s1 a-hoot. ore Mock from electn,. car '. one b o--k from store aa.t meat mar u g:raia are credew and graveled, new rment wa.ics oa both etreet. neal.r parked and planted la roe. Hue ' wired for electr Irlt v. hat flnft prorelairt hath. Inatn mum. ewr. connection. ht water uk with elty water end aol well I-ot hae larg fruit "nil orna:notal tea aad kerrla. with rocm It kit.-hea rdt or ani:r ttil Ir.f. Prlc ar tinnrf far land In Oregon. O-O. MKLVIN MILLER, owner. Fager.e. Or-. Si ARB Te iok!n for f- new J-story ti ro horn - Lot &:: walks IB an4 anxmw house, trick reta.nlr wall, lata pnrrn with rower hot- n.vd with r omma In b"o!n. Ia:( !!Ytn-rooTi .-ria front of Hon,-. i:! MpM . kH anS hr4wM rt'xjra. r-rptinn ha'.l. Itn lo rcwvtn. IniNt kllchrn. tul! ccrnrnt ttwmrr, 9 irorti. wirh c oata. tattt aaft a ftna laraa a .j'rf porch; tuw; frw at aaU tha prKa la on f f iT.v. oa aa t.nia. If . c" V-t or A J. V. flulhr'o. .TJ H-ark. ih i.suros. fir.w riy with bft'an-a at T pr ort. wti ai--ta an rtiiti- hm- of rfi. n 'aa-lnc!oa.) i-inraim an1 a -pln- Chj raa two fippia-. fMrraca an li'ljon a'": a-rfrni acil ahjcJ--. raxma, w.lh riBrrt ilrlakT; loca'rd in bat part f lrltton. on full let. ail Irn-p-r.mpt In arj paid f-r Appy to "i-r. 11-4 Hoard of Trad. I'noaa A llt r K r. b. if " r w t u L. v u r rm. tt:o' Toi r rROTEcnoN. ir WILL FAT n! TO Sr.K IS. I R. ttAlt.KT en.. I.M-. TT"i'-r-TV. ARrHlIcA'TH. Ill AHlNtiTON ULD. STfT r"f evi'r.ii. iere . tors riM.scE T I.N4i'RfVK LOT K TKOP TBTT WITH A JI.'ilE. FLAT OR APiKTaiiMl 111.1. f -NvrB IT AT A LOW PAIR rir INTEr.K.-'T; PLANS rt KNivitu rr.KB. it will pat tuu TO COHC It ASI TALK THIS OVKK. J. ATK.1NS. ARCTtlT" -T A.M HI ILDCR. l!K VRTULIv. ABflfTIO IHVIN.;T"S Hl'NOAl.OW. 7 roorn ball and a'cpir.K iw-r-h. tare !!lut-T'vn. cv rHina. h'lck rrpia--o r-n.t-in bA.kcfta. olc:: .llntn-rom pan a . o'om-! rrtllry. bulil-ln bufTai. oak flAra. Pul-'h kltchort; forUaura bar aal. M lak ! or ctf to !"". fca.aaca l.kft rant. Ur. rtJtt Raat Pth North. v'wI.t'MAI. IHV.Ni;T"N Ili'MK 1 1 .rorn homo ono block frotn Proarl. war rarilrta ta beat part of lrrtoicton; ailanad In oak aarl niahoatny: iTot Im provma!a ail In anU pa.j. biiliard-room fwap.kca, fcrtt warar h-ii fi-a aaat. IT P. PAI xtn-j.iscs. Jll :i3 Comn.rrl.i Cub Ml. Pbonra Main "JV. A Iii.-i. rt'ol.LADAT MOMK. T-room uixliro bwura on rornar B. lth and Hrbuyirr a:a.: facra raat. oft pavad airoa'a. 1 block from droftdway rarilric; rlcrpiaca, Iftra raraad and alcrpiac rc" 'k. r. PAi.vKn-Jorrs c" . tlJ SlS Comrtirrrial CiuU Tl Mf.. l'bonr Main ula. A IG.YJ. WltX TAKK MUITT IX LO. rlrtir t'd''rn 6-rooin hntjaa tj'.!f Mn tahird; 2 addl'ional roonia can ba Qntahcd upataalr, f lil-elia lot. tirrl'.nl niah btrhood: will all for $2 ft month, which Inciudoa lut-ral. or will taka realty in lot aa r)rt ptyrnrnt A. N. tcaria. r.ir. 7h and I".. M-V cart. M'JlSS HAIKJA 1 N. c'oirfortao.o n-rooni houaa oi flna rnr wr thro hiocaa to r': beat barrain m Portland f"r th m'ny; lha wr-.':a kuair o for !f. ".t down And - a .notilk. be to:a at onp. A. N. l-ar.c. cor. tilth and K. Unaan. llf-V. car. FIC and aix-r'"orn homaa, f rp.ca. hard wood fiaora. furMoa. wtik all bul.l-ln, .madora coavaniaitcaa. nar tarltna; ail atrool Imrrovam-n'a paid, monlhiy pay mirl b.bd. TrovMrnt Investment w TTil.la rv. jn. S-2. X'1 Bard of Irada bidj. Thooa Uaranftil 471. A 1x33. aI'pehn miiit A hem that wtil p ou: bancaloar. 7 rooma . Itnaat rcw In city; rooiiarq In rtrry drtaii. air'c y biith-claaa raidnc tllatrict; prlca IVhai t rma. C. H 1.1'CA. R!I -orhtt Hit I P,VT.'r;TC'.V d'ir..-t. modern a-room houao. Ana nn, a'iruhbrry. frmt trora. una or In lota, wlil tak- ci-'-ln acraaaa part fharlt-. T lT'lrU. Al' K'K.-A oomprla aacnf.ca; dandy Hlch mond b'inaaii.w. Ill Kn airrct. I I'i'W; cah lirl. halan montS'Ti r!'t Drlgb tKrhoo.i; Invca rata Intmrdlatoiy. ti t'arh' a:i I r Wfnlhl Prlca V aa $': Fir rooma and l:h. two full loa, n!--y Improved. TOp'-.o-.r TaV-vr 1.11 A 1 KU"1H . Now f irrlturr. nrw buildinf. lon ;a month; avrry room full and ciaftrlnf h e n-on-v. M Tc.u h b,.l. VTvSr valkiN' 1'inrANiii. .. rrnr hiaa; (rrplaca; 1 1200; orma. 4'. railing hidk. . W Jl r""i modern b-uaa f-r aa.a by owner. IU- tail), baianc trrnia to suit. AM Vl. rreff.tilan. 'K .aLIT 7 -room bitniralow. In Irvira ton. by . wr. I hona kaat 4'- 4-.J K. 1 I IS at S . H fl a i. W. ali riH. $W p-r montti, mdorn. 4-roomed. I bioek to car. a anap, 411 Hamilton bl-la. I R IN1T'N harwatn; brrora buyina. oca thig rrarmtrl. mortem homo, near T"Tnpfoa .rft; .IflT temia. fltooa r.Nt To I l.L r'K.LL m naw tno.i. rn 3 rwm horn. ur trrm. Thr " f ar jr lualaraa Froprrty. A FPt.ENPirV B L V7 " .irn caah buy a th beat bu!rie prop, arty on tdo katay bon'ev.vrd rariine. ri-a In. new. mHt-rn bu.idlntf; Irirotno $td ). jr. pars over pr cnt nr-. lmprot-tt-rnta a I In and paid: prlca !-.. T. J liKI-iVR. 4 i hambar of t'ornmerco. ao FEET tra.-kage factory aita or ?r In vraimant: prl.a can loan n)0 at 7 par rem to puirha,; p.?Pat ta to dou b'a In 1 yrara. I'ariock MuadnaupU loiJ Chamber Commerce. bvv. 'l'lo. flat., i.vusie it'ifo rr.n li.TH. PRI'B I4"". ZIMil t-KMAN. ilo '.R l-F TKAHK. i;i 4'ald; altracllva '.faniily flat. waat s.-le. H block to car. $;.". nwnlhly in come. Phono owner. Fvt a't'.t. AN opportunity to at In on th (round floor, near acre.la aub-dtvla'.on on tti I nitad hallway; land eloarad. ovary tract an running atream. now warohouaa and atora to ba arreted Immad lately ; can of fer von an aleaant proposition with lermi to ault. Fmeat Vaiia. iS Couch bldr. Mftrahall 1417. TOU CA.Vt I'EAT IT. 14. aeraa. corner. f'r d-room houaa. food, rut h'lild'.naa. chlcken-honsa and run. with Trt Bn chickrna. 40 fruit trees and ail kmda of email fruit; S nilnutca' wa.k ta Oresoa City lariioti prlca ouiy l.'ti1-; tarma. r. TV UT. Ill Corhrtt P'4. lO A BK F"'U A27. Fna level loam aoit. within 23 Tnl'ea from Portland, near the main atito road; think of It! Only t-' SO per acre; firat coma, ftrat aarvad. F.aar te-ma; dlacotint for ca.h. P. 8. Wait. 4t Ry. Ex. bidg. Main 1375 Dl"T3 Id acre deep red-ahnt aoll adapted ta frmt and veretab.ee; all emoota and tillable; no rw. wood and water; rloae to echool. poatoffica and atore; within eay roach of l'ortiAnd, and th rheapat Irnd on th rnarkeL &L3 ' oach b'ci.. TOO 4th et. JO ACRES of (in land near Hearertin; houeo and barn; ail f'net; 5 acree In rlovar and potatoee. Thiemnd la within 1' tollee from Portland, and la offered hr a aonrealdent at the low firure of farir-A. rull particulars at 414 bpatdlnc h dg . TXN acra beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop; best for onions, reiery. cauliflower, potato . etc.; rlrer and ran lrnatKrtaton ; nothlna; better anywbera; low prlca aad easy payments. Inrsetifaia. I2 Couch bld.. 1P 4th at. FINE "FOR PLATTIN'l. an arraa. on Paeeilna road, near Mem a; Ilea f"a for cuttlnat up into tracts; rich eoii; 3')0 per acre, termav. A. K. Poulsen. 41 Railway F.irhanga. Til T VV ANT I.OT. WHT hT Tl ?:n A niPPXt 1VTO in'uks rK'iftiiTT! rr tou own a Lor. R fl Itvls.-I TUC !' KT v r i:'iff t' v -i r ri' tE jfl rLATH T-E OWN . FTCAMonE ACRES. And fefora oa buy aa aera home, rail and (at p'.ata knd prices of FTCAMORB ACRES. Arra tracta fa'lnc tha O. tP. T. aleo- Mc llnea. JOM"H Creek and th Foeter rad fr lha prlca of a suburban lot. FTCAMORB ACRES la 4 mintrtea from tha cttr b lha . w P. eicrtrtc Una and In th beat por tion of Multnomah county. Tsks the C.rerhard or Caxadem car from let aad Aider. Cam leav 13 mln utea t. tua hour. Oal off at Sycamora tatlon. WANTED. Th riiht party tt opan .ansral mer ehandls and teed star at BTCAVORE ACREf. No better oppnrtoBlty ever oltrred. Call and sc ua. - W. If. r-.RIXrraTAFF. Main 7 11 To Hldr- A 7311. cro. o. citi-K. Mala a!S tit "trk ft. A J3M. A OllKAT HI'I S-NAP. 10 aeraa f.f U" beat land la Orenn. In lha renter one of the beat new fruit dietrlrts In th ." miles Sou'hv.oat of Portland near Shrldsn. In Yamhill County, b'tutiful f!r and oak treej, sjoio r'eared land, for S I r acra: our farms :e raah. tin e,er rronth: yon Tatra tmme d at poas-aalon: par mora If you like; don"t ro-Tf'iae ottr offer; remember, you See BUtlnf the Verv bent on better trm t-'Sfl tin wonld thirk of asklnc It will not cat yoq o-l cent to lnveat!raa If evervthirf ts not found represented. True i.nd la espcc!'y adapted to arrow -Inc all klnoa of farm cropa and la (ml fru t lard. Wl'l mak a tlandr chicken ranch, fee vja at your earliest cohte-nrenee. If you wih to see ua rvenlnaa. phon Xa'n lo-'.J, or A 4770 and tna n ap pointment. CHAPfS HKRteTIW. Memn-.es of the Portland Realty Roard, a .J-.t.ta I hSmber of Commerce. Iim pf.r ACRB. M.L tV CULTIVATION. Rich, ack loam aoll. on ma.n maca.lamlxert ronnty roa.1. onlv a ehorl rid from port land on electrtc car; leaa than one mlla from ateam line; sd Jolnlnk land selllna at from Jrt to $ per aero. Ottr price. I4i to ITt per acra. atnail down payment, very easy lerma aa balance. 401 Couch Rldf. APHOCIATKD INVESTMENT CO. tin Teon P!d tlh and Aider. it ACRB A. tt arrs. all In cultivation and level; lies Juat like a sarden and the very beet of roll; Just H mlies from Portland; faces on yood mac ailamtaed road. 1 block from elec tric station and country town, I mile from church and blsh school; tt. F. I. and tlerhon aervlca; prlc $ir7f. $4e caah. balanc on lonir terms. RRONT-STFKLK CO. flrourd Floor l-e i P!1t.. 5Tt Oak lilt.. Farm Dept. fiPt.FNPTrt ; ArflE.a 4 u acres. In cholc apples: house, barn, irelli. team, vryt,hln included, ready to (o oa to anak ft Uvtna. Onlv 4H miles from llva town, railroad and water transportation. 3 bourn from Portland. PRICE fnnnn, HALF Cash. Ha lasts KAST. R Z.d. Oiltlil'MA.V. ACREAOK AT IXTeRVRB AJT STATION Moo. TVa hava arma aoraaja dorn-n lha waa 'da of tha Wll'.amaita where tha soil la unurpsra d ; adjalalna hew townslt of Faikenherc; streets, sidewalks and Wa ter statem bow belna Installed. henA for booklet. J. W. Merrcrltn Really Co., Jul Corb-t t bid C I 4 MILKS FR'M onEiiN CITT. Prautiful a.Vncre farn, eui acrea under cultivation, frontina on main coubty road; fin tu!:d!neB and th beat of, soil, no rock or travel; price only per acr. worth $:io, terms- mar take soma good unin cumbered city property ss part payment and soma cash. For further particulars call on '". F. rfluker A fa., suites 12 and 14. Mulhey b!ds., cor. Tid and Morrison. t'HIi'KK.v and frull ranclie near psrtlandl walking distanca to good town; runttlaff water, est soil, fre wood, splendid fruit dtatrlct; view nf Columbia River and snow peaks; t acres. :s: t acres, (too; 14 acres, gltf; 14 per cent ch. easy pay mnts; other tracts near railway station. t-S to $4d per acra FRANK at FA R LAND REALTY CO. I Teon Bids., Portland. Or. CHOICE ACREAGS TRACTS. Cloe to Portland. Rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only email caah payment, balanc para for Itaelf IB producta bow on th land, which wa accept same as caah. Wa own tha properties and era tha only pev.pl making this liberal offer. FIRLANIi.t TR1'T COMPANY. a.' a apaidlna Mil. ACRSAUS HOMES. In tracts of g acrea each, only few left, close In on electric rellwav. fin garden soil running water; only 17t per acre, easy terma. ritcli is about half prlc adjoining land. Lon't pay mora for your auburhan bom where you ran ralae evervthing you eat I until you se this anhdlvlalon. Vanduyn A Walton. 013 Chamber of Commerce. OREGON CITT CAR LINE. JKNN'INCil I.olcilK. R acres. 4 blocks front etatlon. on lele phona Una. vlectrle IlKlita, etc; good soil, suitable f.r garden Ituck. poultry and cow; price l. acre, easy lerma. Nallonat Really A Trust Co.. ?"3 Cbaitiker of Com merce Mdir. Main M -H. 10U ACRES. llS'in caeh. Am leaving the city; must rea;tr at once; railroad run ning through the place: C acre cleared; g.Hd family or. hard; aeveral other im provements ; considerable aaw timber on place: sawmill on corner; tlmbsr alone will mor thsn par for the li). Thayer ruitnn. 141 Vj 3d it.. Room 4. Main 72 iort HL Y3 5 ACKEjI OF Al LAND. minutes out; well located: good trans portation: thla Is out Of th ordinary and la appreciated bv all who se It; very liltl left, and If you will call I will Con vince -vou. Owner, O. A. Nichols. IHH1 ' Sa-otland bldg. fl'BLRBAN HOME. 1 acre, best soil, good T-room hortsa. YS fruit trees, small fruit. I or 4 tone hay. good cow, lot of cbickc&s. all for ..900. 4 C" C T4. LVCAB. 11 Corbet t Bldg. 2l ACHKS biack sandy loam, located back - of Vancouver: partlully Improved and has about 10 acrae cared; 14 acre la In orchard. Price Jitnoo on verv easy terms. WHITMIB-KEXLr CO 7 4th ft. Vain 100. A I0fl. II- ACREH near Multnomah StaUon. only 20 minute from th canter of Portland. I.and la all cleared and In high slat of cultivation. Nothing Ilk It at tba flgur around Portland. Prl $2300. Ask for H. R.. 414 fpnimng o rg. TO $ il AN ACRK. ta acres or more rich, wall waterad farm and fru't land. 3 miles from llv town on It. 11. and river, near rortlana. Kssy lermp. Neuhausen A t.'o.. owoera, 7a Lewis bldg.. 4th snd Oak sts. am EL running creek. Shad trees, oa graded eoe.A near elACtrtc car; only 34 minutes out at Kusa Ftatlon: prlca MOO; easy lerma 14 foucn oing. aiRsAU and farma. from llil.M par aora SC. large and small trscta- Call Klaaay a Rftmphtr all-; Lvmre- rtrhtat tdg. ONE to flv acras on Oregon City carllna. J. Metflrum. Maidrum station. NAP Half ac-es. c;oa In: 110 down. 1 w.-ea.y. AP 0"it (treenn'an. For 8ALE 3 acres, claared, on carllna, aa country road. Owner. Fhoaa t- .ir.i. Tira MORNING OREGOXIAX. TIIIIRSPAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911. - ' IT WAVTEIUrBIXANKOCS. UOI.AI.LA Rlf.K lALI.ll r.".i.e.-u 1H aorea, riosc to new clr "trie line ur vy. and Improved with good house. 3 barns and other outbul.llngs. HO acrv un der rultlvatlun; li a:r"s l.eaverdam land; prlca j' par acre on trrnia. h" acres. Improved wllh good 7 -room bouse.- barn and orhcr outbuildings; good well- land all fenced, and 10 acres cleared, fcaiancs good timber. This Is well locat ed on good county road. Prlca $ P' C'n! i'r'" of rich land. alth S acres cleared: no Impi-n etm-nts. There Is a beautiful little stream on land. Land Is located onlv a mlla from Needy. Tbl la a epecial bargniu at 100 per acre; easy 4-. acres of rich, beautiful lying land, v-lth oa, and one-half hiilea of Wli'.ametta Itlver frontage. Thla la a aplcnd'd Plat ting property. Locntcd In milts from Portland. Prlc 1J0 per acr on rca aoaahl terms. . . . Kit acres of first-els-s orchard land, nler-.y rolling and located only St miles from Portland. Trie it per acra. rca Soitalde terms. , . 1.1H7 acres or rich, gently rolling land, well lmrrnvs.1 and over k'0 acrea cleared. Ideated n-ar Corvalus. This I a aplcn dld property for auh-dvllon. Prlc .0 irr acre on very rrasona.Me lerma wo acres of neb. beautiful lying Una, with TO acres under high state, of J""'; vat'on: located on county road, onlv J miles from Canhr. Or. Tlie Improvemema alone CJ-l over . Tba T-rpom "" low la atrlrtiy modem and would serve tha r-uuirrments of the mo.t fasildlou. Prlc Jl9.-Vr.: will take a r.r.oO house and lot in Portland. mo0 In cash and h,ol"m. rn rnn ft long time at per cent. This la a firsl-clasa propoaitlon and well Worth Vl HTVER-KELLT CO.. T0 4th Ft. oov A T'O"- ron .Uae-tn Fnat or Wcat etoe acreage. ' mrrovad "r otherwtse. dol l fall c.lj 1" ',. F pfiuger A Co.. 'Ht 1. Mu'.kay J",.'" eoV and Mor. (K.tah. I0.t For Bale -Ilomealeafla. IliVASTACES of Oregon; ino-psg book givVa tt.e amount of c.ovrmment land open to homcat.ad Inah county In '""'" "aahlngton And fali'nrnla rd rlcrip tlon of same; give, bomertead. desert, , ,her. stone, coa! and mineral laws; two ,.r, of Oregon Iti colore. showing R. n. in operation and one ahow tnr n R. prnpered and nnder construe "ncludirg Karn anrt Ojtrsl ore-rnn- boog r.r: mapa r'c each, or th fhree. .ic: map of California in rolora. tT2. iic. Mmmo, Runey A Co.. Ham liton fr!dk itEI.INviriSHMKNT. ' tnl!ca from Port land, considerable Improvement. A a4i. lor ftalr r anna. SELL HAT OR FRl'IT TEM TBARS IN ADVANCE. Too can rontract yopr olive at $ld a ton for ten y'ara In advance. A !"-'-old orrbard will produce from 4 to tori to tha arrs a yar. The alfalfa mea mill near Los Molina will contract in ad vane all th alfalfa you can ratsa at 7 ft ton, 1.mi. Market for other products qtt.iy good Thla wonderful dlatrlct with It rich river bottom anil, great ftbundftnc rrf water for Irrigation and absence of Winter Is not onlv free from drouth, frost or crop failure, not the market Is aa de pendable as the crop; six cuttings alfaira. i.'il an acre annually dairying and hog raislng: rows at cost without rash or in terest for half your monthly cream check. I.and limited In area. Belling fast; turnn easy. LOS MOI.INOS LAND CO., Los Mollnos, California SACRIFICE. BEAUTIFfL MODERN FARM. . MUST BE SOLD. 31 arras fin deep loam oll: all Fall crops In; fin nous and two fin barns; all necessary outbuildings; flna horses, roars, chickens, all klniis new farming machinery, wagons, harnesses and tools; plenty hay and grain In barn; Just Ilka living In city. I'lnce. Is -'0 mllea from Portland, V mil from electrtc station, with 3 feet board walk all the way; 5 blocks to good schools and town; H mil to Willamette River: fine open country; this Is the flneet farm of th slsa In th Willamette Vallev and will he sold to tha first nisn who sees It; everything goes nn this Ideal place for -". easy terms. Mr. Ca'. B2n Railway Exchange bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. WE IIAVB 4fl acrea of Irrigated land, 4 miles from main line of o. K. N. Ry.t at Hermlston; every foot of land can b watered: Irrigation dlteh through tha land; no better land In the stAts; $do per acre, lerma to suit. KtAPKT, JICMASON JEFFERT. S32 Chamber of Commerce. &IVWR. BOTTOM HOP LAKD. in ta 3H acres, all cleared, near Inde pendence or. ; prices from $7.'i to gioo per acr; aa average yield of one ton nf hop per acr. Call Main 1400. 82ft Teon bldg. l20-ACHK WHEAT RANCH. Th best ranch In Sherman County; a,eres of elegant wheat land, nearly aorcs of bottom land; suitable for fnlfa; ft eUgant springs oa lite place; farm Implements In good condition with piace; 6'l B'-ree Hummer fal Just Seeded to wheat; price ail. per I reasonable payment down and term. THAYER FULTON, 141H First St.. Room 4. M. 71 12. - Odd "id all go low, tcr. FOR PALE On hundred acres, with new buildings, R0 ricks of wood In shed. 10 tons of hay In barn; six acres cleared, balance good timber, soma beaverdnm, seven miles from Oregon City, on mli from Clackamas southern Hallway, on good gravel road; will tHka city property aa part payment; price 970 per acre- Ad dress P. F. Moehnke. H. No. 4, Oregon flty, or. nea.er creek phone. FOR fiALU or rent. well-Improved 20-acra frrn, adjoining town, lots of all kind of fruit, good team, wagons, g rows, hay, chickens, farm toide, etc.; everything ready fur business and goes at .H4ih, liia.o dowa; will sell stock. Implements, etc., with year's rent for $o7& ca.vh. If you mean bualnacs and want a nl.-e home at ft bargain price, writ me ftt Falls City, Or. Cy Vermaas. Ion ACRES In Polk County, on a county road; 10 acre In cultivation: one tars barn, on medium amsll house, chlcken- - houses: 40 acres easily cleared, baiatn-4 In timber: will pay for clearing; good running watr; owner levlnir county, mut ell at ft sacrlrtce; grjoti; for a snap buy vou rannot beat this. R. A. Crantlella, 7U1 Yeon bldg. hL'BI'RHAN HOME AND FARM. 40 acre, highly Improved, excellent buildings, water riped Into same, young orchard, moat desirable surrounding: very close to Portland nn electrln line. Heeing It will show it to b a bargain at $3..0 per acre. J. E. Smith. 313 Chamber of Commerce. FARM of 2rt acrea. with good 10-mom home, fin rhlcken-houee and runways; goud barn and other outbuildings. Tliera ar berries and orchard; good creek flows through center of farm. Lend la nearly all In high state of cultivation. Owned bv nonresident, and offered for 3Mko. Th Western rtecurltles Co.. 414 PpsUling blilg. LAND! I.AND! WEST SIDE. Fftrm IdO acres. mil from Port'and, on Harnes road; three springs on plnce; suitable for dairy or good pluttlng propo sition; price aoo per acre, easy term. National Healty at Trust Co.. 7:.M Cham. ber of Commerce bldg. Main 51g. , 40-ARB FARM. 44 acres, hlanly Improved, good build Ings, fin roads, close to schools and churches, on mile to R. R. and good town. Th prlr Is only M.V10 and time nn part. This Is a positive bargain; In vertlgatlon Invited. J. E. bmitll. Bit I'hamber of t'ommarce. DAIRY FARM 120 ACRES. NEAR POHTLAND: WELL WaTEKEU. EXCELLENT PROPO SITION. VERY RKAKoNABLll. 310 HOARD OF TRAPS RLDO. TWO acres, all lu bearing orchard of mixed vristlea, good A-room house and barn. Dear ft good town; Dayton, Wash.: prlc 32O4I0, H caen. osianva to Run. as. vv. M.Donald. B7H East Hurnld St. f KF.NNEWICK highlands. Fin 10-scr or chard tract; forced to sll; I300U down will handle this. For prlc and terms ad dress Owner, Hog 114. Kennewlck. Wash. HAVK some very fine berry farms for sale lu t-o.Va County. Call In and aea ua Key ton Realty Bldg. Co.. SOS Dskum bl.lg. VVEATERX Washington farm land for s.i.e at ift to 25 per acre; for further Informa tlon. addresa AY 579. Oregonlan. ' MONET IN HOPS. A few hundred dollar will start roil In bualnsss. 41KailwayExchang. MI'ST sell my farm at one. Call $17 Ham ilton bids. Owner will remain In city to close dcsV S 10. Oregonlan. RANCH 60 acrea. with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near alactrlc line: bargain for ail cbao, by owner. 1S2 Morrison St. V EXTIIAOitDlXART FARM BAUUAIN. v,, 4.1 acros: ;.-. acres rich river bnttnrn land In cultivation: never overflows; loo aero bnnch land In cultivation; no acres flr.t-class ssvr limber; .18 acres oak ana mill fir timber; not an acre tough: or wasie land: good farm buildings; on two main county rouds: place fenced arm rrojs-fenced; rallmad within 0 r"ds ot bind. This plum Is one of th best gen eral farma that we know of; no better nj In the state. .As a sut dU llon and quick seller no better proposition can be founa. A larg fai tory employing I'om to " -men la within SO rods ol farm, and buyers of tracts out of this farm can be aaeurea of steady work at all times at wages rang ing from 2.i.". to i.1.00 per day 1?' " this choice properly Is only $00.00 per acre: 15.h0 cash, good terms on nu ance A lane mountain lr"m,,''0,K along the eastern boundary. Wa win uo nrvlde this farm at our own expenre ana not sell. an acre for less than 1'P" rr. and up to 200. Vou have been looking for something good. Our l ''P"' tlon as land judges backs up "je Jjcscrip tlon of this property. See us at once ana arrange to personally Investigate. Our auto will tk you out. Ask for A. CHAPtV H6R..OW Members of Portland . Realty Roard. s:t2-a:: Chamber of commerce. rjo IT TO I.TI.K TrPDV O" ft'NDV. "EE THE rtR-IAT IvIHPLAY OF PRI.F. AITLES. then -r.r. the im.e:-Tiii KRI IT LANDS WK OFFER AT : 1'KR ACRE rl.EAHKb. KKAOT TO (SROVS. PRIZE-WINNINO FUriTS. Illustratrd flrculHra on lieiitiesl KK"t. lltMAJtlM AS JEFFERT. I.AND. Id Floor -hnmler of Commerce Bldg. 21 ACRES. $780 CAF,I. This Is a verv- choice 20 acres, all In a lush state of cultivation: very best of land: one-haif of this tract eel to choice fruit; the owner of this tract desires to sell thla choice 20 acres to a reliable patty . and will par 111 party buying rama good saiaty for taking rare of tin adjoining 411 acres; will alao give free tire of good house, barn and good equipment to the party buy ing this no acres: the prlc of tnla 2" acres Is only $ t per acre. $7oO h. balance aK. Owner will visit (his property In a few days and will take any party interested -Ith him to look property over. HARGROVE 4 SONS. IS! Nnrlh nth t.. cor. nth and Ollsan. Main 43S. A B-TIt. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Tea acre, nil In cultivation and level;. f!K on good gravel foad. new fj-roorn hoUfe. fair barn, hew wood shed, large ehlcken-housa and runs: one-half acre assorted fruit i all kinds of berrlea and small fruits. Tha property Is located 11 mile from 2d and Stark st. 1 mile from lctrlc station, t, mile from high school and ctiurrh. Thla Is In a very thickly settled locality and on of tha mnt beautiful val levs In th Northwest; prlca $3imh), ttntin rash, balance thrrn year ftt T per ctnt. BR0N0-STEELE CO.. 26 Hi Oak ft. oround Floor Lewi Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 73 ACRES. trnr aat or trade bv owner: 19 miles from Portland; a hlirhly Improved farm with 44 aero In cnltlvatlon, l acres beavrr dam. good new house and barn and other buildings, 45 bogs ana pigs, team ana an eoeoblneiv. hiv and straw loose and haled. spring and three welis, il. F. D. and tele phone. 1 hi miles from good town and boat landing, 1609 will handle this; good terms. Rico. 808 Merchant Trust Bldg.. Portland. DAIRY FARM FOR BALE. 200 acres on bauvtes Island, Il mile from Postotflc In Portland, with stock and Implements; only $100 per acr, vary assy teiraa, J. W. OGII.BEB. Rnnm It. 145"4 1st t.. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange rooming-house. clearing tooo nae month, for farm land: must be good and under cultivation, within IS mile or portiann; value .i.Miir. Aoureaa, giving particulars, N 4H". oregonlan. DANDY rooming-house, near Morrison, clear- it - . I . ti-.iin in UIK 1 I .ww...-. ' ------ clear of Incumbrances; trad for lots or houe and lot to same value; must go ftt once. M loth L, near atark. IdO OR 820 acres, good fruit land on line Mt. Hood Railway survey, some good timber, fine creek, only f-O per acre, easy terms, or mlcht trade. Vanduyn at Wal ton, .".in fliaintier ot commerce. flu Sort E'iVlTY to exchange for anything of equal value. In one of th best-platted eithurhan Iratts to Portland; It will pay you to investigate. Adores u an, ore goniart. HOI 8E In Vancouver. Washington; lot .lOx 10" valued at (12-Mi: mil. ;o0; will ex rh.ua euultr $700 for grocery or confee- tlonety stock. W. W. Jordan, BIO Lum- barmen' Bldg. Main 7hb. Kt E OR TRADE. s.room modern bungalow: alectrl liehta aaa. bath, basement: -lot ROxlOO; wi sell or trad for unimproved city lots. AC 47T. oregonlan AND 10-CENT STORE nif.-r -rnu sz IV PKNTRAl. OREOON. Will sell or trade for real estate. Call and see owner. 3r'l BUCHANAN Bl.Pn. MY ao-scre Income Hood River orchard for trade for downtown properly. Income neefernh'r; ctan. price sj-..;i4mi; give i-iu particular first lettr. P. O. box 417, CltV; . irrtnt' Ti I Vf n fort i . unlninroverl. east Side. good neighborhood : $!Km.ii; hns murtpaca of axioit; will trade equity for any Port land or Willamette Valley ranch property. AV 17. Oregonlan. VALUARLE socurltlea for hour knd lot: houae must be modern and not too f.ir out: stale pile of property In reply. E 42S, iregonlan. I8.0 EQUITY In East Fid view lot; will trade for diamonds or good 4 per cent b.mtls. hal. $200 payable $10 monthly. A3 $y. Oregonlan. FINE building lot. tV'glon, Orand ave.. b twean ykldmore and PrescotL $1,130. fo? anv kind of acreage. Owner, B.M 10th. A OT33. IsOu Fl'RNlTI'RE good condition, trade for automobile, diamonds or sellers eutiltles. Ernest Well, - Couch bldg. Marshall 1017. w vi-it'R r.OfITT A BURDEN? VT..e unincumbered lots to trado for lt- Fr.-d W. German, 329 Burnslde M or A 77. tL-tt t. aeii or trade fin nome. on Oregon ritv EeT-ctrlc, also fin acreage on sam Una; cr.me in and ea ua .Trowbrldg Stephens. iQd noara i raoa. I OWN 40 acre of land near Riverside. California, fre of incumbrance; will ex change lor auiomoniio or .iuetuiia " value here. AN 610. Oregonlan. QOOD auto, $2000 machine, a good as new will trad for good vacant lota, Call 124 Hawthorn ave. FOR farm exchangea, business chances or roomlng-houses. call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 61T Board of Trad bldg. WANTED To exchang Tacoma property for Portland. Improved or unimproved. AH 503. Oregonlan. EUiJEN'E property; 2 "favorably located res idence lots for exchange or sale. I'hon A. H. Larry, East VSi. SMALL mortgage and good lot In restricted district to trad for West Rid aoreag or good bonda A8 a09, Oregonlan. WILL trade praotlcally new t-paeeenger Pope-Hartford fttito for good real stato. AN 50. Oregonlan. SO ACRES, North Yakima; valu $1000 per acre, for city property. Call owner, 6u Corbett bldg. TRADE your property anywhere; send for lint. Northwest Exchange. 22$ Henry b.dii1 BEST East bide grocry business In Port land; will take some city property In x cbftCE. AL Bui, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES. 10 acres. 6 teres of Spltxenberg and Newtown Pippins. B years old and in good condition; 5 acre of Italian prune 10 year old; new 6-room hous with bath; good well; thl tract is all fenced and "" on main county road. Just 4 block 'from good live country town and . electric tatlon. 12 miles from Port land; the price Is $4500; my equity Is $;100o, the balance runs 2 years. Will exchange for house and lot. but will not assume much encum brance. BRONG-STEEt.E CO., Ground Floor Lewis Bide., 26T'4 Oak St. Farm Dept. .-ROOM modern house, $;r,00, for room-Ing-hous and some caah. l.tn acrea near Jefferson, all In culti vation, for vacant lots or Income property. 160 acres. Improved. Benton County, for 0 to 40 acres, close, in. 5 acres for rooming-house. Hit acres. Improved. Lincoln county, grbek and implements, for city property. Grocery store for farm or residence Several rooming-houses for city prop erty. Choice vacant lots for rooming-houses. Income city property. $10,000. for farm. Phones A 1.-21. Main S774. . rjAP.LAN-D BAKSXKS, 131 4th St. I WANT to exchange nil the following prop erty for a nice bungalow, lota or acrenga near Portland: inn chickens. 100 bushels eats. li.O sacks turnips, one fine 4-year-old jersev cow. in tons hay. 2 nice hogs, one buggy, 10 cords wood, potatoes, kale, eab bacc. aqnaeh; also nice furniture of 7 r.umi bungalow; this Is all on a fine ranch which J wlil rent for 3 . years; 411 Im proved with -room bnngalow. barns, , chicken-houses and granary, garnee. hog pens; one mile from town, on main road, n-ar Salem. see my agent. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber ot Commerce. . OOOD PROPERTY EXCHANGES. Hielilv Improved 10-cre ranch, Valu fS.-iiiO; located H mile Irom carllnB sta tion, to exchange fur house and lot In ' Portland. A tew good stocks of merchandise to exchange for good land, fthd a f"W cholc pleres of land to exchange for small stock Of merchandise. We must mttrh up soma of the properties, w have on our list. Will TMISft-KELLY CO.. 70 4th PL Main 1" A inn. 14a ACKER. ?" PER At Kr.. miles west of North Yamhill and near Hn of new rallrnltd; T3 acres In cultiva tion, balance mostly timber; good T-room fiouae and new barn; well watered: trad for unincumbered Income city, property. B. !. COOK ft CO., fyvj Corbett Uldg. . SHETLAND PONIES. Will Sell of trade tor Portland prop erty or acreage, ft small hfd of Shetland pcnles: have two black stalliona and number of mares; this Is a good oppor tnnltv for anyone who wishes to go Into hnlne of raising these animals. P Ho.v OraEonian. KldHTT acres. Upper Hood River valley; Itj cleared, balance light brusn; possibly 13-acres too steep to cultivate, readily: under ditch; $7.1 per acre; equity $3in0: price is hot, padded for trade and you will have to show value; will exchang for anything In Portland or for grain and stack farm. AY Bi'd, Oregpnlan, T ACRES, upper Hood River Valley, choice fruit landi running water, some fine tim ber, some Improvements: only 5000, easy lardis: also io acres, close to town White Palmon. best fruit soil, fine view. ill trade either or both for Sortland prop erty. Vanduyn A Walton. Ills Chamber Of Commerce. fHAVEoh of the finest halt acres In Portland, highly Improved, excellent -room residence, barn, fruit, flowers, ber ries, etc. A most sightly place and close In. I will trad this for ft good farm $4000 to $000 value. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber or commerce. TEN acres. 4 Vi mile from '.he Hood River City Postofflce; fair building; 800 stand ard trees, are A-year. are 5-year, balance 4. 8. 5 and 1-yrar: ros to stor. school and church; price $10,000: will ex change equity of i'liuo for Willamette Valley ranch. AV 54T, Oretronian. THREE choice in-acre tracts mar Vancou ver, one mlla from cnrllne. partly cleared; $1.10 per acre, terms! mipht trade "for logged-off land: prefer Clark Co.; could , pay cash difference. Chas. v.. Budl. rO'lte O, VOMCQUVCI, ..eco. THE Hood River District Land Company. Hood Kiver. Oregon, has a list of Im proved and unimproved Hood ulver ranches, all sizes and prices, to exchange for Portland and wlliametta Valley prop erty. ' . FOR SALE OK TK AD hi. Two lflo-acre farms, Al wheat and corn land; partlv Improved! So mile r,m state capital In Mouth Dakota, In trade. What have you a a bulness proposition? Owners onlv. Address H. C. Fredrlcksen. Box 273. Hood F.lver. or. HAVE property In Denver. Colo., consists 3 lots. 4-room brick housa and barn, shade trees; value $12.10; rents for 10 per montn; would like to trade for fnme amall business In Portland, Or. AT 30 1. Orego nlan. . BY onr new B-room bungalow with very raw Teature; full lot. t, block from Rose City car- "4 block from LaurelhurJt: will taka unincumbered lot nr smaller house as part paymenL Phou mornings, fa. 443. B 1340. NO MONEY SO acres to exchange on resi dence property; Ss acres, highly improved HO0O cords of wood and $.'"" of personal nropertv Included; mortgage for difference . miles out. 114 from R. U. station. 3.1. Lumber Exchange. TEN acres of 1-vesr-old standard aoples on the Lyle-G-Jldendale branch of the North Bank R. R.. $300 per acre. AV S4. Ore gonlan. , FOR RENT FARMS. FARMS FOll RENT. 110 acres, about 40 acres under cultivation- good 3-room house and barn; 4 Vi miles from Oregon City; rent $300 per 5e?tA acres. Improved with ' good house, barn; in the city limit of Portland; all under cultivation; feut $25 per month; good orchards on toth places. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 1A3 First st. . 160-ACRB farm for rent for term of yr": P0 acres Jn cultivation, good buildings, plenty of water and pasture; implements and tock for ale; located near Eagle Creek on O. W. P. Ry- Apply to L. E. Elliott, owner, Eagle Creek. Or. FOR WALE TIMBER IASD4, ".onon-oon a-tV.lTlE-11 16S acre. 8 mllea to Courthouse, aver age 125 cords par acre; close to Estacada carllna; call and u for further par- """"-THAYER FULTON. lilts Flil St., Room 4. Main TN42. timber lands bouuht and 8olp. . C J M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR fi.-'.l.E n.nopTooo feet timber Id South ern Oregon at Government price; terma. f: ."01. oregonlan. WELL experienced man -wants stocked farm or dairy on shares, or will pay cash rent. AV SI54. OVegonlan. FARM 9 WANTED. WILL PAY' cash for farm on good county road, near Portland: give your lowest . price, also improvements, well or spring water. AN 811, Oregonlan. - WANTED IO to 20 acres raw land on water; give location, prlca. J. 8. Benson, a 1 ....... ... A PARTLY Improved farm for ft term of years, with or without stock, r will buy stock. AF B't3. Oregonlan. A GENERAL farm of medium site, on shares, with stock or will buy stock. Lee Arm, r-oriiHMu, v.. r - - - ' j 11.300 ACRES In 82n-acrcSomesleaas. E. post, Locator, xeiiu, vji. WANTEU REAL ESTATB. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY. .room house, not over $4500. west of East lth at., between Hawthorne and Holladay aves.. for cash customer. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 143 Stark St. o.jod-POL'ND team and harness, complete; 10 year old, have no more use for tame. Mr. Boyd' team; pair sorrel horses. 2-mo pounds; ftlo oheap orrl gelding. 3ol Second si. - . . vT-T-t-, c. ?rtrnr ttnfSK First pavment '$jr.oO equity, rich, level go. near electric; timber pay for clear ing: mill ClOBe. V'wuci. e..-. ,w.-e. WANTED Fractional lot or old ho-.ifte and lot I ndlatrict oounuou i.i no u Jefferson and Lincoln t., W'et Side. C 822. Oregonlan. WANT to buy from S to 10 acres on Ore gon City line; no Improvement required. V 40T. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced dellveryroan for dept. store; answer, giving reference and phone number. AO 630, Oregonlan, ONE 2d00-pound team of mare. $lrW: or 'will exchange for amaller team. Cattl. 14 Union ave, WANTED Lot In Vernon or Irvlngton Park district for rash: state price and location. AM 403. Oregonlan. WANTED Half or one acre, river front, not over 8 mllea from city. AH SOS, Oragonlan, WANT a six or seven-room thoroughly modern house in high-class locality, for about $a0f" to .VKMI. andi a cash pay ment of tr.no: must have a large lot. F 4:S. Oregonlan. . - - ' ' . FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle. Etc WILL sell !S head of my grading stock, which has Just arrived from camp; among this lot are several welt-matched teams or mares and horses averaging In weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs.: this stock Is sound, true workers and in good order, also tew light horses. 1 buggy, several-sets of har ness and wagons. 247 East 13th,cor. Madleon: lltt le cottage In Hawthorne Park. HORSES pastured for Winter. Individual raddocks, plenty good feed and care 11 desired. Fred T. Merrill, Rose lata Farms. 6 miles from city. Phone, long , distance, 12-Mlle. FOR SALE One full blooded black Per cheron mare. 8 years old. weight 146d. tru and not a uieuii&o. o.i , JUUUO -I nl V.i.uill wt ONE new 8V Mitchell wagon, with gravel l.j. - .1 n. laiino-t-v waaon: two good express wagons; will exchange for horses and cows 14 Union ave. cor. Ash. TOU.VO, sound horse, suitable express or de . ..1. eHn Portland Riding Acaaemy. jonnaou ..w. .... ... HORSE and wagon with harness for sale, good for laundry or cleaning wagon. 94 North Hth. . WB BUY. ell or rent horses, vehicle, har ness. HtlDvrt ec nan, " Automobile. THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. Pierce 4 H. P.. 4-door, good as new; w ill accept your old car as part payment. You will have to act quick if you want this one. Cadillac. 30 H. P., 5-pass.. only $000. Hupmoblle. 20 H. P., 2-pasa., $450. Cadillac, 30 H. P., S-pass., lata model. $U50. E. M. K., 4-pa., SO H. P., $300. Oakland, .B-pass.. 30 II, P.. $1100. Bdlck, 22 H. P.. B-par., $400. We are headquarters for second-hand trucks. Rapid, fine condition, 1 ton only. $073. c.rabowsky, new, cost $2900; our price $2000. Jackson. 1R00 lb., only $S00. Bulck. good as new. 1300 lbs., cheap at ISW. Orient, i.mo lb.. Just the car for gro cer; bargain; foW. Manv others. . Call and see them. Larg est .slock In Northwest. You take no chances when buying from us, as we guar antee every car sold, regardless of price or make. w Remember, every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, . 21st and Washington sts. 5TApPENf7Ett automobile, loir), run less than 4.100 miles; good as new car; full equipment, windshield, top. speedometer, skid chains, etc.; cost $21.10; price JT.O cash. For this bargain see owner, G17 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE A one-ton truck. In first-class condition, with a Id-passenger body; also a new stake freight body; a big bargain if taken at once. See Mr. King at 208 11th St.. from 4:30 to 8 P. M. FOR SALE Automobile, high-grade, latest model. r-paKenger car. Best buy In Portland. Might exchange for real estate. L ."eJ7. Oresonian. AI'TOMOHILF. tires for sale; 2 new. :iSx.. Goodwlch, and - new 30x31.v Diamonds, at a bargain. Address 435 Ctark SL SACRIFICED for cash. T-pUFSengor car In good condition. Woodlawn SlloT or C W4."i. A I "TO MOBILE tires. $.1.00 to fl.'.nn each. We are the cheapest place in Portland for automobile supplles.l 2:13 Main st. N'FW carac Just completed. Live and dead storage. Speedwell Motor Co.. 29. 31. 33. Hi 14i b at- cor. Couch. iioO MORTGAGE, also $Tiu0 noto to ex change for Columbia River Orchurd bonda on cash basis. 81T Railway Exchange. 1-TON auto truck In good condition; bar gain if taken at once. 266 5th st. Main 70X9. A 47:14. BRUSH runabout with top. lato model. A-l condition. i73. 1S2 Morrison st. 40 II p. runabout, l&fn. run 2000 mile. Mr. Pi-own. White Garase. WINTON SIX, good condition, for cash and nrfhrird bonds; snap. AN flop. Oregonlan. Dogs. Birds, pet Slock. l 40 CHICKENriT41-eE Incubator, Tlanet, Jr., half price; take Mt. Scott car to Lents, 3 hlocks south aad 2 east. 33 Maytitld ave. . FOR SALEA registered Maltese terrier bitch. 3 months old, worth $.0; will ell , . ,0 1 D K11A n en ann I H rt lor tl-' o i. ,,--t, v . o-... ' GUINEA pigs make nice, harmless Pets for children: see Maurice .Mann, 300 &. loth st. Norih. East il'.", c 2 Lie- AIREDALE TERRIERS "for pals, sport and guards. Ijdtlix Kennels. Estacada, Or. POINTER for sale cheap; owner leaving town. 75S Front st. A 4744. Marshall 2412. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE MACHINERY. Machines and tools for machine shop, $3,100- also 0 11. P.. 2-cyIindcr gasoline traction engine, cheap at $1800, or will trade all for 2 heavy auto trucks. Ad dress P. T., 01120, 40th ave- S. E., Port land. MEN'S TROUSERS. Cordurovs, serges, tweeds and worsteds, $-..(10; pants. $3.50, ,$4.00; pants, $2.50. Jimmy Dunn, room "315 Oreg-onlan bldg. Take elevator. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood L. C. Smith Remington typewriters, see The Northwest Typewriter Co., No. U0 Sth St. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices: easy terms- safes opened, repaired and painted. PUItCELL SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND SFE CO.. Si ,1th St. Main 630M. A 4118. STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake, there is something wrong. I can fix It. 3t)8 East Morrison. 1'none r.ast 10... TWO-HORSE Hawkey stump machine; this I no toy; weight 28"0 lbs.: the best made; cost $2io: a bareain. Phone Main 7315. .. nor l Tl-.-K kt t'OCtlnOft w eeger, o. 71 p.... - - - CHEAP set of brown furs, same aa new, and also long llk plush coat. 36 bust; worn two months; cost $40. 6.15 Yamhill, basement entrance. DAVENPORT or settee, mahogany frame, cost $123, full size, little used, cheap. P. O. Box g?3. city. ' p motorcvcle. flat belt, Adler, 1011 model, magneto; very easy terms. 208 yi 4th St. SO H. P. MOTOR, 220-volt alternating cur rent, at ft snap. J. Simon Bro., Front and Grant sts. . GOOD furniture of all kinds for sale cheap. Phone woodlawn 1T2.1. Contractor equipment by United Englneer- Ing tv construction v-o.. in'tr i.g-.e p.q. FOR SALE Black bear rug. mounted. Tel. Marshall 22T.3. TWO JOU.N'U cow with ca!v. . part Jersey. 323 Chapman st. Phone Main 2027. ONE candy case, $ tables and IT chairs; a snap. 22T First et. MANURE for sale. E. 17T5. W ANTED M I SC ELLAXF.OfB. WANTED NICKELODEON. If your place, la good and the prlca Is right, it's sold. Give full Information. Phone Marshall 3273. C. FRANK NICHOLS CO.. sn.1 Lumbermens Hidfr., Bth and Stark. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE, TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladier cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main S080. 280 First st. The Jllobe. DONKEY engine wanted Must be good con dition, double cylinder, double drum, about 7j:i. Call East 322 or write D .118, Ore gon ian. TO share car household goods shipment to Texas. Room for 13.000 lbs. E. II. White, care Lewis Investment Company, 908 Lewis bldg.. city ' WANTED Immediately. heavy lOO-Joot drilling machine complete: Star or Key stone preferred. Apply AV tk2. Orego- ntan. TOOLS Highest prices paid for all kinds of second-hand mechanic, logging tools. Le vin Hdwr. Co., 2 FronL Main $078. mr.t-ll. ATTCTION HOUSE. To c -Uoeelaon. ThOn R 102 Pay highest cash prlc for furniture. WANTED TH and 13 H. P. motor. J. Simon Bro.. Front and Grant sts. WANTED Second-hand alectrle. vibrator In good condition. Phone C 2.130. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Alain 81151, A -445. WE pay the highest cash price tor hind furniture, feater Martin. East 3134. 318 Hawthorn ve. WANTED Used bicycle for AO Bo. Oresonian. -vear-old boy. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. fOne of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Departmenx, Y. M. C. A. .-, Tonne man. stranger, out of work t his total cash asset) If I pay T0U.5Ji special employment membership I wiia have only $15 left betweea me and tr vation. , . Secretary If you pay $5 -", ,,-P"1" employment membership you will nay the Y. M. C. A., with Its resource, be tween you and starvation. . Result: Young man Joined Aaaoclatlon, In less than a week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for $ month ending Sept. $ Calls for men J'S? Positions tilled "idol New member Employment membership guarantee employment or refund of membersn p fee; gives two rronth- full membership privileges. 10 mon ills' oclal Prlvl,le5J and undertakes to keep party P'0);11 during the full term of membership wtiu out further charge. vi.u. We hav constant demand for n'?p- frade, experienced men. AT u fitted, or a better position f ' . See secretary employment depftrtment, Y. M. C. A. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the TJ -Marin Corps, between th age of IB ana 83. Must be native born or .hav first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $. Addt tlonal compensation possible. Food, clotn Ing. quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire witn i per cent of pay and allowance. Service) on board ship and ashore In all paf" x the world. Apply to U. S. Marine Corp recruiting office, Breeden bldg. Sd aiia Washington sts.. or room 7 Winchester House, 13"i 8d t., Portland, awr. WANTED Specialty salesmen; good per manent positions for the right kind ot man. Goods are handled through whole sale grocers and we have agents in all prominent Jobbing centers. In applying give experience, age and ail Information, having anv bearing on subject. Richard son Lubricating Company. Quincy, 111. sales department. UNITED STATES NAVY has opened a RE CRUITING STATION at 218 Railway Ex change building, Portland, where Infor mation will be gladly given about Navy opportunities to young men over 1 1. "1 na MaVIng of a Man o' Warsman." a book tcliing all about the Navy, will be sent fre to anyone who wants it. WANTED for U. s. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages of IS and 35. cit!2ens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Worcester block, 3d and Oak sts., Purt land. Or. nr.- wo uicii.nmriE tiTOf-lC SALES MAN; PROMINENT AND SUCCESSFUL PORTLAND FIRM EXTENDING U IS BUSINESS IS PLACING S' J OCK J IT K SPECIAL FKATIRES: EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESSFUL MAN. ADDRESS J 330. OR EG ON I AN. . MEN. don't accept any kind of employ ment until you hear from us; make T per (lav selling new article; new plan, costs 6c. sells for 2.1 cent; l.ln.oOO sold. In Minneapolis; send r.c for two samples. Dnmerttn Mfg. Co.. .112 Wash. ave. N.a Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED By an old established house a, local representative to handle 10 spec at leaders of shirtwaist on a strict commis sion basis; good proposition for an ener getic man. Address with reference. J, ir u 1 rta 1 1 loiore. aid. MOTION PICTURE UI'iiba 'ye-,. Do you want good positions, big salary, easy work? Tall ,tnd register your name, NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. obs v asninKion. "e.n ...... BRIGHT, clean-cut young man, IS years of age. to work 6 hours a day in cigar store, salarv S per week: must live at home and furnish best of references: give phone number. A tt as, oreKuumn. WANTED Wholesale lumber yard planning- ... 1 . .. . 1 .., U4h IBlir. mill BuprriiiiBimrni. woa -Invest $30l0 to 5000 In Block of cor poration. Address. Citizens. 614 Consoli dated Realty blvg.. Los Angeles, CaliL WANTED Men of executive ability and good appearance 10 .ti.... .. fern; permanent position and chance for advancement. Address M out. Oregontan. EXPERIENCED window trimmer wanted; permanent position, salary $1.10 per mo., with advancements: give full particular In first letter. Address Stone-I isher Co., Seattle, wnen. WANTED a young man as shoyv card writer In clothing store at Astoria. In quire mom 425 Oregon Hotel, between p:;so to io:ir ocmefv. W ANTED Cashier and bookkeeper for wholesale house: etate experience and sal ary expected; trustworthy man; reference required. AO 508, Oregontan. WELlTeducated boy's as bellboys: boys who live with parents preferred; references re quired. Apply between a and 10 at totc- room, Z"it runt . BOY wanted. Powers & E.tes. 129 th Oregoninn bldg; must have wheel. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 887'i fcast jjurnsioe. CASUALTY Insurance agents If you ara not making more than $2,. a week. ee Agency Director. 418 Mohawk bldg., 9 to jo; steaoy posmou. bq"v. M AN to take restaurant (nearly furnished) "in hotel: sleeping room; board one. for rent. ;i4 North 2ilth. S car north on ;id to 2-ith. block soutlt nay m to 10 years old, to deliver sleeve protectors in office buildings for K c. Plcove Supply Co., d Board of Trada Dldg. WANTED Saddlemakers on siock steady employment, good wages. Apply Los Angeles Saddlery & Finding Co., Loa Angeles, Cal. . MAN to take charge of advertising proposi tion: 40 per cent commission UN V to 0:30 only, room 513 Rothchild bldg. Mr., Lytton. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa cllic Coast-grown nursery aloe: cash pal d llic weekly. Facinc isuraery v.o.. j.u. - - blag. SALESMAN, first-class, for ladles' taiiornih. Apply House of Balr, 3d floor N. W. cor. 0th and Washington sta WANTED Competent advertising solicitors) for newspaper printed in foreign ianguasu; liberal commission. 324 Henry bldg. FOUR for city, eight for small town: solic itors with ability5; make $4 to $20 per day. Boom 8, 380 Vj E- Morrison. 5 P. M. WANTED Ladles' tailors; none but expe rienced. J. K. Sterns, Ladies' Tailor, 4t. Alder. , , WANTED Experienced man In shipping room at Log Cabin Bakery. T34 Vancou ver av WANTED Boy of 16 to 1 as apprentice in foundry. Hesse-Martin Iron Works. East 7th and Belmont. WANTED First-class cabinetmakers by N- Welter Co.. Centralis. Wash.; only good ones need apply. Good wages. COMPOSITOR, experience on newspaper not ne-'eisary; state In full experience and .lane what lines. F 506. Oregontan. VI ASTERKR wanted to figure on plastering aad chimney work on three storerooms. 8. Johnson. 418 RailwayJExuhang MAN to solicit for cleaning and preaslng oomnanv: experience unnecessary. l' company ; Tenth st. W4NTFD First-clasa commercial sign writers. Apply Foater ft Klelser. East Tth and cvereii bi WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; weYl teach you. Picture Play Associa tion, san r rancmw MAN of good appearano and good talker to solicit for large corporation- In Port la n d .ApplyftoljLlJ2 WANT unincumbered house, good district, about $4000; can pay $.100 cash, balance, In 7 per cent bonds. AH 510. Oregonlan. GOOD all-around tailor, also good coaf .o.t.c wanted. Room .VI I Merchant Trust Bhlg. I.ehmann Son. FIRE Insurance solicitors to work on com mission. The Denier & Denier Realty Co., inn ' na io v. - BOY to work In store and deliver parcels. Apply 171 Third at. PERMANENT income for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Bryant. 1118 Yeon bidg ALL-AROUND experienced paper box man. Washington Paper Pox Co.. Seattle, Wash. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents. new offor. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bltlg. WAN TED Bushelman and coatmaker. 3..S Stark St. . FRAMEMAKF.HS wanted at Oregon Planing; Mill?. 111th and Vaughn. WANTED Porter for heavy work. Apply 2ii2 Oak ft. WANTED Solicitor for cleaning and press- i n g business: bi g commission. 311 Davis st. SOLICITORS for coal. Apply at once 304 Ankeny st. WANTED Boys over 10. with wheels. 7d 3d st. WANTED Man to put up metallic batter signs. 21 Roard of. Trade BUSHELMAN wanted at once. T13 W. Park. WANTED Veatmaker. 355 Stark. f