V 14 . tite aiorooyG oitEGOxiAy. --tttsdat. October 19, 1911. " "I AMTSEMyTS. f BEITOO NOTICE. I W TODAY. I MAI, ESTATE. - -. I m i I I I I For Sale Hoium. U CD AA U LUU IIUJMM11U mUHULHU WIFE AS FORETOLD Mrs. I. A. Millichamp Pays Life for Failing to Heed Doc tors' Warning. MAN KILLS HER AND SELF Womin Told to ITe Spouse to Es cape Peril of ni Mania Faltcra and la Sho Down Mad man Folia rhjslclans. Xealeee to tMd doctors, who warned her that her husband mlg-ht be seised at any time with an Impulse to km her. co.t the life of Mrs. Bethel McCoy Millichamp last Monday night In the Stanley Apartments at 7M Washington street. Her body and thst of her hus band. Irwin Alexander MlUlchamp. w found yesterday morn los; when tna apartment was broken Into b - the Jan itor. A S-railber bullet waa fired Into the woman's brain by ber husband, who then turned the pistol on himself with fatal results. But a few days a(to Mrs. MUUchamp Informed Dr. J. Chris ODay, who was treating- her husband for a nerre ali ment, that MlUlcnamp had appealed to ber to allow him to kill her and com mit suicide. Dr. O Day wsrned her to leave her husband Immediately. Later he eonsulted with Dr. William House or the case and Dr. House exclaimed: -Tell that woman to leave that man at once or he will kill her sure." Neither warning waa accepted by Mrs. MUUchamp. who. as her husband dropped his temporary moroseness. In formed the physicians that they were wrong In their diagnosis. m "Irwin Is down In the dumps again. Mrs. MlUlchamp telephoned to Dr. O'Day Sunday afternoon, and ateps were taken Immediately by the phy sician to Induce the woman to rejoin her parents to ba safe from the mania of ber husband. Dtctort Rim Palla. Dr. O'Day then telephoned to MUU champ and persuaded him to coma to his house with Mrs. MUUchamp. . -I could see." said Dr. O'Day. "that ba was sunk In despond. In bis eyes waa he stare of a madman. I toon, him aside and spoke to him and Anally I arranged that he should lay off Mon day and coma to my office. I had by that time concluded that he waa a dan gerous man and I had arranged that Dr. House should meet him in my office. Inadvertently, as It were, and that we should then assume the responsibility of taking such steps aa wo deemed necessary for his own good and his wife's safety. "He evidently suspected our design, for ba did not make an appearance. That was the last I heard of him until I read of the tragedy. MUUchamp had evidently planned the ana awnii um, ... - tarda Monday evening and ba appeared In an trnusually happy frame of mind. fectel that attitude to throw his wife and his friends off their guard. About I o'clock the visitors left. Boon after tha neignoors nearo Airs. saiiucus-mp playing tha piano. Tha playing con tinued for a short time and then ceased. Ko one heard any shots. Wassaa Killed at Flaae. From all appearances MlUlchamp slipped up behind bis wife, placed the rnuzsla of tha pistol close to her tern pie and fired. MUUchamp then turned the gun upon himself. Aa far aa Is known there was nothing for MlUlchamp to brood over that would cause Insanity. He was well thought-of by officers of the Standard Oil Company, of which he was city salesman, and was not. to tha knowl edge of his acquaintances, pressed for funds. His bank book. Issued by tha Merchants Savings Trust Company, showed a balance of 1 17., and another bank book showed a Joint deposit by tha Mllllchamps with the Canadian Bank of .Commerce. There was but a single entry In this book, and no with drawals. Tha deposit was for 1150, and was made September 20. Mrs. MUltchamp's parents reside In St. Joseph. Mo., at ISS1 Seneca street. Her father la J. D. V. Patch, a well known artist. Mllllchamp s father snd a brother. F. Stanley MlUlchamp. reside In Seattle. They arrived In Portland last night. The couple married In Seattle. March It. lo. He was 12 years old and she waa :?. Mrs. MlUlchamp had been mar ried before and divorced. VVHITE WOULD WED NEGRO License Issued at Vancouver, Wash., for Mesallanr. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. IS. (Spe cial) A llcansa for the 11th mesal liance to occur In Vancouver since, tha New Tear was Issued today to a white) girl, who dealred to marry a negro. Ills name was Tecumseh Taylor. 14 years old. and she gava her name as Maria Clark. !S years of an They were accompanied by a negro, Lee A. Williams, a much oldor man. It Is almost certain that tha couple did not rt married here, as all of tha ministers declare they performed no ceremony and tha Justice of tha Peace was not to be found. It Is thought the people- went bsck to Port land with the license, possibly expect ing to ba married In Oregon, but such marriage would not be legal Miss Clark waa well dressed and a Monda Stta bad rather sharp featurea Taylor was well dressed. Fire Ruins Hood River House. HOOD RIVER, Or, Oct. It. (Spe cial.) Tha house of J. W. RIgby, on Peventh street, waa gutted by fire late this afternoon. Tha Are Is thought to have started from a defective flue. Tha Interior of tha building was com pletely ruined and only tha charred walls left standing. Tha maternity ward of the cottage hospital was saved only by valiant work of the volunteer fire department. Tha loss of furni ture and tha building will amount to tl 100. partly covered by Insurance. The building waa occupied by Sirs. Marga ret Graham. Mrs. Pcake's Funeral Held. Tha funeral of Mrs. Sarah Alexander Peake. who died at Lenta October 11, was held from the parlors of Dunning A McEotee last Tuesday, burial being at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. Mrs. Peake. who waa a pioneer resident of Mount Scott, was active In educational and benevolent undertakings. The fatal somber or penerr.rs rrrt-1 tftrouvh the CanKl In 1'JIO reurh.d aji.B7a as compared vllb S1J.U1 la lvs. PORTLAND HOTEL l ll.il nrsTRABLE Modern in The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel ISO Booms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. SEW FIREPROOF BUXLSXKTr Moderat Rates, Tlil MsUchan & Sons. Props. FIUVATK jlptli HOTEL LENOX V. D, aas V. H. JORGKXIEIf, it mm, mm Mara. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. re sst CalS Wsha Laws; Otstaaea Fkaaa la eiv-ee-r eteosa. RATES 9 ixo auid op HOTEL HOUSE OF WELCOME 3 ii!fs!i4 ' BOTH HOTELS CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN BY v.rt,. CiiAi. CAMERON'S POST TAKEN DISTniOT ATTOUXEY XOT TO HANDLE KIIXAPIG CASE. Judge Galens "ames J. C. McCue to Frens Charge Against DetectlTes Before Grand Jury. Presiding Judge - Gatens yesterdsy appointed John C McCue as special prosecutor to present before the grand jury the evidence against City Detect ives Mallett and Moloney, who are ac cused of having assisted 'n the kid naping of Leo W. Martin. Should In dictments ensue. McCue will be con tinued as special prosecutor In the trial of the case. Mr. McCue's nsme waa presented by Harrison Allen, president of the Mult nomah Bar Association, to whom Judrfe Gatens recited his belief that District Attorney Cameron la not competent to act because he was attorney for Deputy Sheriff Klnker. of Denver. In the pro ceedings looking to the extradition of Martin. The detectives. It is understood, are to appear before the grand jury today. Then Attorney McCue will tske the place of Mr. Cameron In the grand-jury room. It Is likely that the jury will be asked to return also an Indictment charging Rlnker with kidnaping. Al though Governor West has said that he will not grant requisition papers for the return of the Colorado deputy Sheriff, If Rlnker should return to Ore gon before the statute of limitations had run against his alleged offense he would be liable to arrest. Constable Weinberger arrived In the city last night with Martin. At the prisoner's suggestion Martin was left In the County Jail ever night for safe keeping. Martin will ko with his at torneys before Judge Gatena today to bsve his bonds exonerated and will rrobubly be also taken before the grand Jury to tell his story of his baing "rail roaded" from the stale. Corroborative evidence will also be taken before Judge Gatens to complete the record. Martin has really been for three or four days a free man. no snswer hav ing been made to bis fourth applica tion for a writ of habeas corpus. White Maver Fonnd Guilty. Chris Lewis, who was charged with The Largest find moet magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or ezoellenoe of cuisine. European plan f L50 per day and upward. O. J. KAmCAXir, Manages. NEW PERKINS anu vv L3u.ixi w.u wb.9 . SUITES FOR PERMANENT 00 CUPANCT AT REDUCED RATES. A Hotel in the yery heart of Portland's business activity. Moderate price restaurant in conection. every respect.' Rates $1.00 and up ' L. Q. S wetland, Mgr. 0. H. Shafer,' Asst. Mgr. foa,a,S-S'aSji HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington J. cr alviel. Klesaatly Kiualake. Rates $1 and Up SPIuCLAX. HATLS FOB fHKM AftEJiTS, EareMS Plaa. Tak amy car at Dcpev ead traaala a Wukiium at. SC. S3. ruLKI', PUOPRIKTOR. BATHS. CORNELIUS Portland, Or. Our 14 -paasenger electric 'bus meets all trains. A hlgh-claes, modern hotel In the heart of the theater and shop ping district. One block from any car line. $1 per day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. J. E. FLETCHER, Mgr- SEATTLE, U.S.A. A. D. Short, e IVOMT HANMWI The interior of this hotel has been completely refitted, and every appoint ment now meets the approval of the most discriminatinc;. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its interior. Every thing new and modern. .. ., , , The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. The leading hotel of Portland. New, modern, fireproof and centrally located. , . .. WRIGHT & DICKINSON waitNT, Pmi. M. C. Dickinson, Mea. white slavery and tried In the Fed eral Court by a Jury, was found guilty on all four counts. The case went to the Jury at the closing of court on Tuesday and It returned a sealed ver dict' at t o'clock in the evening. Be. cause his attorney is out of the city, Lewis will not be sentenced until Mon day, October 30. ALLEGED BURGLAR SEIZED Pawned Articles Trace Robbery of Leaser Horn to Stranger. Detectives Day, Abbott mtT Crad dock arrested William Madison yes terday at Sixth and Everett streets, and charged him with robbing the home of Jacob Lesser, president of the United States Real Estate 4 Brokerage Company, at 381 Twelfth street, last Sunday night. The thief forced his way through the kitchen window and got away with a quantity of silver ware, eyeglasses and Jewelry. By keeping a close watch on the pawn shops, the detectives say they traced the deed to Madison. Madison is known to have come here from Vancouver, B. C last Sunday night, and was rooming at the Arling ton Hotel. He is 30 years old and says he Is a Jeweler. From a quantity of Jewelry of English design which Madison Is known to have pawned, the detectives suspect that he has oper ated extensively In British Columbia and in other places. HOTEL JOSEPHINE OPEN Big Banquet Served by Metschan Brothers at Grants Pass. . GRANTS PASS, Or.. Oct. It. (Spe cial.) At the formal opening of Hotel Josephine under tha management of Metschan Brothera of Portland last night, 75 couples ware served at the banquet table. In the hotel lobby an orchestra played throughout the feast. W. C. Hawley, Representative to Congress, acted as toastmaster. Among the speakers were Senator H. D. Nor . D..M,.iititl J. C Smith. TT. L. Andrews, C. H. Clements and Phil Metschan. - : t Llqnor Selling Suspect Caught. Deputy United States Marshal Beatty TJCIT If THKATER niLllrflVS Ttb and Taylor. Phones Main 1 and A 1133. , 3FTV:RXOONS 8 O'CLOCK EVENINGS 8:30 O'CLOCK Beginning TODAY MOTION PICTURES - KING GEORGE V. CORONATION CEREMONIES . NATURAL, COLORS IN EXTRA ADDED FILMS "RnTl Presreae to the City" "The King at Temple Bar" and "The Watchdogs of the World" Greatest Naval Picture Ever 8hown Prices Both Evening and Afternoon lxwer Floor 0o Balcony SOo. HJo Gallery 83c, 25o Clifford Robertson Lecturer. RESERVED SEATS NOW SEL.I.INO FOR ENTIRES ENGAGEMENT SKAT 8 A LB TOMORROW U17II C T H ELATE R -Til 1 -1 VB tth ud xa-m, 4 Nights 4 1 Beginning Next Sunday Special Matinee Wednesday ( CECIL LEAN FLORENCE HOLBROOK In the Musical Comedy Success "BRIGHT EYES" Excellent Cast Augmented Orchestra. Evenings Lower floor, f 1.80, 81.00. Bal. cony. S rows. 81.00. rows 75c 11 rows 60c. Gallery, reserved and ad mission, 60c. Wednesday Matinee 81-00. 75c. 60o, 35c, 25c. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. BUNGALOW THEATER TWO NIGHTS ONLY COMMENCING SATURDAY, OCTOBER tL SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SUNDAY. .Max Dill And his Excellent company tn THE RICH MR. HOGGENEMEB." 60 PEOPLE 50 Prices: Evening, 81. 75c, 50c, 35c Sunday Matinee. 80c, 25c Seat 6ale Now Open. BAKER g THEATER Main t and A BSKS Geo. I.. Baker. Mgr. irn.'K.iiT ATT. WlT.Elf- Barxaln Matinee Wed., 5o all bests. Matinee Faturaay, sac, ow. That tremendously tunny comeay. "THE TRAVELING SALESMAN." With Don MarMIUan and Dorothy orey and a great company. An evening ot sn ulne mirth and merriment. Evening Prices: n . . . . , k- , ... . . U "In (lid ,llGi VUC IlK,. . . . . Kentucky." MAFN a a 10S MJLtitnUC SVa-I BAT RIGHTS THTATEB. 1 5-25-5 0-7S WEEK OCTOBER 16 Ed Howard Frmn1!' North. Mabelie Adams a c M . " , Lillian bchrclber. Sarer Mldgley ta.. KrirotU Lilliputians, Williams Segal, biejna. VToranalled Vaudeville. vrv.jzv nrrnnrii m Puifw. ItAal Show No. 1; Miss Alice Redmond. World' Noted (ornrtlot, The Haaamane, Charles Llndholm and ComoaDy. Jark Taylor. Mrs. BOO ri- linrrions, Pantaaescope. Popular prtcea. Matinee Dally. Curtain 3:30. 7:80 aad :vo. ' Matinee Every Day. rnmurlT Grand. Sulllvsa a Consldlne. Refined Vaudeville. vrvrv n-rn xvt 1 S Ari.. Tie value of a Dollar" Co.. Harry Bouton ana to., Hoev and Moxar, Freeman and Dunham, Nellie Brewster a Co., irandhoope. Prices lAo ana zoo. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. One time ii! Same ad two oaineciniT. uior. Same add three consecutive times. JOe asm, add six or seven consecutive timee.sae Remittances must accompany ow-w-wwa seders. When one advertisement Is not run In es .i i hM ane-tlme rate anoliee. FM t WOrdS V" . mm nrtbtmniii and no ad counted (or less than two Unea. , , .h,r mt hook advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of Ilnee nirpenring; In the paper, regardleae of the number ot woroa In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 unea te the lncl. ti rilDBUOBI ,. . , Mluationa Wanted, Female - .lu... ratn noolv to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all other claaalflca tlons excepting tile following! . . i .. iii .rmtt classified advertise menta ever the telephone, providing the ad vertiser is a subscriber to either pboae. No price will be quoted over the phone, but Dill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad !T . i n . NltnmtioB Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted er the telephone. Orders for on. la eerlion only will be accepted for Houses for Kent, Furniture for bale." "Business Opportunities," Rooming - houses" aad HantMl to Kern. la it nlcht lodtred la .the County Jail Frank McBweyn, arrested at Pendleton. The prisoner faces a charge of selling liquor to Indians. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. IS. Maximum temper ature. 62 degrees: minimum, av ucnre. Klver reading at 8 A. M-, 2.2 feet; change last nours. none. loiai t.'ut.u , " to s I M l. none: total rainfall since September 1. lull. 6.18 Inches; normal raln- .In.. K,n,.mh,r 1. Inches: SXCeSS of rainfall since September 1, 1811, 2.88 Inches. Total sunshine October 18. 10 hours. 48 minutes: poeslble sunshine. 10 hours. 48 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 6 P. M.. 80.27 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A large high-pressure Held overllea the d..ii. VArlh.Mt and la soreadlns SOU I n- emstwsrd, csuslng cooler weather from the Cascade . Mountains nearly to tne Missis sippi River. High pressure slso obtslns in the extreme Northwest. Moderately low pres- ure obtains eisewnere. i.igui i " " - Hen In baskatcnewan anu tne wiwi Ion. and heavy rains in tno east lm region, the St. Lawrence vaney ana on u Atlantic Slope. Snow. was falling at 6 P. M at Denver. Colo., where a temperature of 32 degrees was reported st that time. The weather Is 12 degrees cooler In South m Montana. 14 to 16 degrees cooler In Western South Dakota. Nebraska. Kansas, Utah and eoutheaatern Idaho, and 80 de- nui colder in wormem uoiuru. "- other sections have I nerature changes in t nnrtanl. Th, indications sre for aenerally fair weather Thursday throughout this district, with light-frosts in early morning In In terior Western Oregon and Interior West ern Washington. and heavy frosts esst of the Cascade Mountains. FORECASTS. Tortlsnd snd vicinity Fair; northeast erly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair; northerly winds. . Idaho air., ' THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. r-nmnasses. f leld-irlasses. barometers. hydrometer!, microscopes, scientific ap paratus. Woodard. Clarke A Co. Ia irmnress sasssjiT - " MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERT. K. T. 8jedal eommunlcaUon this (Thursday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Red Cros. So journing 81r Knishte and companions cordially lnvttea te attend. J" . T laVJA.'l - EELLWOOU LODGE. NO. 1SL A. P. AND A. M. Kpocini M..tM..iAn V. I . ThnrariAV 1 flVtll' fins. S o'clock. 6ellwood Masonlo Hall, East lam sireoi "u k.n. nv.ntiA. Work In M. M. de- trrea Visitors welcome. By oraer v. n. C W. STRIKE, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, avi vn A f SDclal com- m'inir.nn )ila (Thursday) evening st 8 o'clock, Masonlo Temple, Labor In the E. A. de gree. VLslUnK brethren welcome. By oraer w. M. trntu i uijow.n. Secretary. otirnun TvnmviTinw WPIETING. There will be held a cltlsens1 meeting to further dlaeusa vtvi and means to prevent bolllns snd refining oil snd Installing stor age oU tanks and oil warehouses In the city llmlti and consider any further bulnees that can properly come up before said meeting. Everybody Is Invited, aa matters ot great Importance will oe Drougnt up. v. in win v.. ..ii. ,A ...i. a, r o'clock P. M. shsrp, Friday. October 20. Gevurtx Hall. Front and Glbbfl street!. DIED. HUNTER In this city. October IS. at the family residence, 1234 tast Bin Mary Jane Hunter, aged 71 years, t months. 24 days. Announcement of fu neral later. KIN6EY In this city, October IS, at the lamlly realdence, o East itn mi. Mra oraeiia jvmaey. ageo 10 months, 22 days. Announcement of fu' neral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. CLEMENT At his home, 6515 60th ave. S. E.. October 18, Benjamin W. Clement, aged 'AO years, 10 months, 25 days, be loverf hushsnd of Mrs. Nanev E. Clement. Funeral will take place from the parlors or the last Hide runerai uirociuj Cut A lrlor- mnA Rait filxtb streets toxnor row (FTldav). October 20. 2 P. M Friends respectfully Invited. Intermen Multnomah Cemetery. Callaway, Mo. papera please copy. KERB In this citv. October 17. at the family residence. 129 14th St., Albertlna Kerr, aged 21 years, 8 months. 4 days, be loved wife of Alexander H. Kerr. Friends tnrliMl to Attend funeral services, which will be held at the St. James Lutheran, Church. Jefferson and West Park sts.. at 2:80 P. M. ioday (Thursday), October 19. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. RICH In this city. October 17. Kstherlne M. Rich, aged 46 years. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Earn Alder and East Sixth, today (Thursday), ucto ber IK, 2 P. M. Fnenoa respecuuuy m vltea. KERR The funeral services of Albertina Kerr, beloved wife of Alexander a. n.err, will bo held this (Thursday) afternoon, nrlnhr 10 At a:SO o'olock. at the St. June. Tjithiran Church. West Park and Jefferson streets. Friends are respectfully Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. KRUPKE The funeral services of the late Wesley W. Krupke will be held at in ley'e parlors at 2 P. M. today (Thursday). Friends Invited. Interment ' Rivervlew Cemetery. PROVINCB: In this city, October 18, Clara E. Provlnoe, aged 40 years. The funeral services will be held at Flnleya parlors at 10 A. M today (Thursday). Friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. 6T. CLAIR At Seattle. Wash.. October 15, Smith St. Clair, aged 63 years. The funeral services will be held at Finley parlors at 8:15 today (Thursday). Friends invited. interment luverview i.emeiery, FULTON The funeral services of the late Mra Josephine R. Fulton will be held at Holman s chapel, Tnird and baimon sts.! st 2 P. M. today (Thursday). Friends In vited. Interment In G. A. R. Cemetery. TONSETH 1I4KAL CO., MAKQCAM BLDO. FLORAL DESIGNS. Phones: Main 6102; A 1108. Dunning McEntee, Funeral Directors, Tth and 1'lne. Phone Main 430. Lady as sifttant. Office or county coroner. A K ZELLEK CO.. 594 William, avc Phone East 1088, C1088. Lady attendant. J. p. FINLEY SON. 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A ISB9. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, Z20 Sd st. Lady assistant, x-none fli- ous. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. H. Dunning. Inc. .. ax, a roao. LEBCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and elxtn. ast im, a isas. isoi assuianr- OREGON HUMANE -SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL.. Main 698, A "1. HUMANS OFFICER, Sergeant Crate. Residence. 24 K. 24th M. Kaa 477a SI A. Unnmlpa. Raa. 126 WaSAO St. W. G. Eaton, Res. 78 E. 16th. East II 88. Herse Ambulance, A 6101; Pr. Ex. 4. Klghts. bundara and Helldaya. A Utti Pa, Ex. e; Trunk T. NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE Business Corner Thurman Street Income $200 Per Month Price $21,000 An opportunity to secure a fine busi ness nrooerty at a reasonable price. with a fine Income. Pays over 10 per cent net. Investigate. LOUTS SALOMON CO, 233 Stark St, Near Seeond. RIVERDALE Six-Room House $6000 In Riverdale Proper, Near Statian. ' 3 Lots. See Mr. Kupper, 0HAPIN as HE BLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Members Portland Realty Board. $2500 PROFIT in apartment sita corner. 100x100. at 18th and Overton; worth 815,000; if taken this week. J1J.500; cash $4000. JOHXSTOV. BOTHFl'R 4k TCFFORD, 90S Chamber of Commerce. Main t9tJ7. $28,000 Eleventh Street Fine West Side Income property. close in. steadily increasing- In value; rood mortgages will be accepted for part pay; balance 6 per cent Interest; yearly Income over $3400. A. K. FOUL8GN, 418 Railway Exrhsnge. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES "LOWEST RATES, TERMS TO SUIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 302 M'K AY BUII-DIXG, Third and Stark. $16,000 Near Bridge A fine quarter block corner, Crosby and Clackamas; 2 blocks from Steel bridge; present income 843 monthly. This Is a bargain at $16,000. A. E. POULSEX, 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2758. MORTGAGE LOANS ttpf JOHN E. CRONAN, nof J O 902 Spaldlnsx Bldg. f C Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larfrer Amounts. EDWARD K. GOUDEY, Lawia Building;. 8a "TTTTaJ Auction Sale Special Today RESTAURANT OUTFIT At Baker's Auction Honse, 152 Park street, enraprlalna; cash regrister, Inrsre plate wall mirrors, rsmae, broiler, ta ble, chairs, lnrsre-slae Ilohn refrlarer ator, coffee tank, linoleums, counters, rntlery, srlaaa nnd crockery, meat block, sideboard, rtc, all of which will be sold fur cash to the blithest bidder. Auction today at 10 A. M. sharp. BAKER A CROWELL, - Auctioneers. Both Phones. 152 Park St. LISTEN Income, $918. Expense, $609. Lease runs 4 years and 1 month. This apRrtment house is close in, al ways full and you can have one month in which to satisfy yourself. I am in need of a large amount of ready cash and will cut the price $100 each day until sold. Original price $6000. Today $5500 Cash. Mr. Beck, 272 Stark St. HEAnQUARTFTRS. COURT ENTRANCE. HOTEL PORTLAND. FREE, ACCURATE LVFOitMATlON Regarding; Every thine In CENTRAL STEKEOPTTCON PICTURES 8 P. -L. FREE Wasco Street Snap Modern 6-room house, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, mahogany border, enameled kitchen, pantry and bath; lot 71x100; street work all paid; on Wasco and East 27th street. Price $5500: $1600 cash and $25 per month. Not many bargains like this In such a location. GRUSSI & BOIDS, 317-318 Bd. of Trade Bids;., 4th nnd Oak COLLI9, BERMDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 0567. REAL ESTATE! DEALERS. Beck.' William Q tlS-il Falllns bids. " BRTJBAKER BENEDICT. a03 McKay bids. M. 64 . Chapln at Herlow, SS2 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. & A Co.. (OS Corbett bids. Jennlnrs A Co. kfaln 188. 106 Oreconlan. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 118 Commer cial Club bids. Tha Oreson Real Estate C Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladar Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale SNAP. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT OR FLAT SITE. LOT 80x125. IDEAL SIZE. LO- CATION EXCLUSIVE- 7-ROOM HOUSE NOW ON PROPERTY; HOUSE MOD ERN; RENTED; CAN EITHER BE LEFT ON PROPERTY OR MOVED; S3200 IS TOTAL PURCHASE PRICK; THIS IB FULLY S130O BELOW MARKET PRICE AND K 1 L hi IS MADEd 1 J QUICK SALE. TERMS. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 LEWIS BLDG. WEST SIDE 60-FT. LOTS $160. We chose Falkenberg for the purpose of making "the Ideal suburban homeslte" because it is a most beautiful spot and the most practicable location arouna .port land; streets, sidewalks and water sys tem now belne constructed: no assess ments; soil Is unsurpassed; the place for your city AND country home. Send for booklet. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 2i3 Corbett bldg. 1500 GOING-ST. BUNGALOW. Brand new 6-room bungalow, fine ftre- clace. double floors, bookcases, china closet, naneled dinlna-room. Dutch kitchen a very nifty little home; street paved, ce ment sidewalk all paid; price $2900, $500 cash and $20 per month; on Going, near litn su GRUSSI A BOLDS. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FINE 76x100 CORNER. In Rose City Park. Portland's exclusive residence section; this lot Is close to the carllne ana commanas an exceptionally good view. Price $1000, on easy terms. DB YOUNG A HARTSHOKNE, 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WEST SIDE. LOTS $100. Risrht on carllne on upper Washing ton st., adjoining City Park. West aoth and Yamhill sts. National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce blag.. Main 6129. IRVINGTON has established a district which Is unique in fortiana notning iiko n beautiful homes. We offer lots adjoining Irvlngton for $725. You can't meet or beat this anywhere. Take Broadway car. get off at Klickitat su and walk east. You will find a Gentleman to show you. BUILDER, LOOK1 U blSck East 22d. near Ankeny car, suitable for three houses or for flats. This Is close In and la certainly a snap at $3750; all lmprovementa paid. W. H. Rosa, oio gpaiaing oiag. SKLI.WOOD BUSINESS LOT. Corner. 60x100 ft., on freight sidetrack, across street from brewery; will pay well IX improved; price $850 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main bflu9. A 2653 10 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement waius. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A 1022. s . CASH TALKS. Will you pay $30 apiece for 80 lots. 60x100. at station, on electric line, 40 min utes' ride, with school, stores, etc., that now sell as high at $200 apiece; no trades considered. Address R 531. Oregonlan. WEIDLER-ST. Lot, $1000. A fine lot. 50x100, on Weidler, between 29th and 31st, facing north; price $1000. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. KENTON BUSINESS LOT. On Main st. of Kenton, few steps from bsnk; fine 60x100 corner for sale; one of the best business locations there. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exch. Marshall 2753. FOR SALE Three lots, O. W. P. carllne. 30 minutes rrom city, z oiocks from Oak Grove station; H price of other lots. Owner. Call 603 Corbett. $200 EACH. 8 level lots. 66x87, near school. St. scott dc car; cuy water, street graaea and paid. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. THIS MUST BE CASH. Nice sightly lots from $350 to $500 In South Portland. Room 305 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL lot on East 7th St., street gradea. siaewaia in. BEALS Si ROBINSON. 361 E. 11th st. E. 5023. VACANT lot, 50xfe0 feet, running from street tc, street; ieet um , .wee., un proved. Price $373, terms. Call Main 9126, venings. WEST SIDE property, close In. See Le NOlr A CO.. exclusive ii t a." a j n ,v tol am property. Ground floor. Chamber of Com- mercc. PENINSULA lot 50x100. on carllne near Kenton; price $850. $450 cash, terms. In oulre owner. 247 Burnslde at. OPTION on lots B and C, block 27, Park Rose Call between 11 and 12. George Gundlacht 1025 Yeon bldg. WILL sell my equity In a Council Crest lot at one-half prloe; I need the money. B 604, Oregonlan. LOT 25, block 45, Waverleigh Heights, $175. gnap. Owner, P 508. Oregonlan. ONE of the choicest lots in Rossmere; easy terms. 416 Railway Exchange. EQUITY in fine Westmoreland lot, cheap. John DItchburn, 165 M Third, room 2. YOU WILL NOT WASTE TIME By looking- at this; a thoroughly modern 6-room buniralow, on terms ot 6 and 7 per cent, for much less than you can build. 470 E. 44th St., first house north bonoy road. Call afternoons. SACRIFICE SALE. Modern 6-room house on full lot. In highest class district on East Side, close in; hot water heating plant In perfect con dition; all Improvements in and- paid; lot alone worth (3000, and house cost over S2S00; owner must have money and will sell to first party who looks at It for HS00: tiauo cash required. E 488, Ore- gonlan. NOTHING DOWN. ' Five-room modern bungalow with every convenience, within reach of either Union ave. or Alberta cars, in VERNON dls triot. This is the last one; the other has been sold; lot 46x100; at the price of $2600 and terms, this bungalow cannot oe equaiea in tne city. Main 2182 DETSCH & WITWER A 1559, 84V Chamber or Commerce. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, e rooms In the classiest part of Irving ton; this bungalow is exceptionally well built, with all modern conveniences; south of Brazes, between 2 carllnes; price and terms to suit. JOHNSTON. BOTHPUR TUFFORD, 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6907. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. $250 CASH. 7 rooms, built-in buffet snd bookosses, solid oak floors, furnace, fireplace, mir ror doors. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Mala 5129. . WEIDLER-ST. BUNGALOW. Swell 8-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, handsome home; street improvements all paid; price $3600, $700 cash and $25 per month; on Weidler St., near 27th st. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. -4th and Oak. . BEAUTIFULstrlotly modern 6-room houss near Hawthorne. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Price $r,500; $1000 cash, balance to suit. You will find an appreciated BARGAIN in this property. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 70 4th St. Main 100S. A 100S. A BIG SNAP. Modern 6-room house, 60xl00-ft. lot, only a half block from UNION AVE., in the PIEDMONT DISTRICT, for J3200, on easy terms. DE YOUNG & HARTSHORNB. 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME $0730. Modern seven-room house on Marshall, near 23d. This Is future business prop erty. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S609. A 2G53. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. S . new strictly modern bunsalowa 4 and 5 rooms, ready for occupancy; $2000 to $2500; small payment down. baL like rent; let me show you these homes. JAS. A. CLOCK, 252 Alder St. Main 81S9. MUST sell this week, owner leaving city; 6-room modern house, 60x100; Cook 4Sve., near Williams; sewer, gas, electric right, cement aide walks, macadam road, all paid; big snap; $3200 cash; easily worth 4(i00. Phone Main 3622. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 8-room strictly modern bungalow, full lot, street Improvements In and paid fori 11th and Failing sts.; $2000; $200 down. Photo at office FRED W. GERMAN, 321 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. BY owner new 6-room bungalow, large atlc, large bath; within 100 feet of Rose City carllne: H block from Laurelhurst; full basement, Dutoh kltohen, fireplace and all new conveniences; terms to suit. Phone morning, E 44S3. B 134J. SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Must sacrifice one, 9 rooms, elegantly finished; oak, birdseye maple floors, cholc4 fixtures, modern, tine location, Irvlngton. C IS'50, East 273; no agents. W. H. Herd man. BARGAIN FROM OWNER. New five-room cottage at 348 East 48th st. North, Rose City Park: one of the most complete homes in the city; will sell furnished or unfurnished. See owner at above address. S 507, Oregoniar TWO bungalows. Just completed, on Tibbltts st.; classiest In the city; everything mod ern Installed; general lines the most beuu- tlful and attractive; price .iiui, terms. PATRICK & HUNTER, BUILDERS. 702 Yeon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. Dandy 7-room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, large lot. West Side, I will sell away below cost and on rea sonable terms. Call today for particulars. 73 6th St., near Oak. MUST SACRIFICE THIS WEEK My new, modern 6-room bungalow, com. pletely furnished; cement walk and lawn, fuel for Winter, for cash or terms. Call owner, C 1617, between 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. UNION-AVE. HOME. 4-room house, 2 blocks to Union ave., 3 blocks to large school; hard-surface at.; price $2000, on easy terms. Owner, Mar shall 657, A 2644. A SNAP FOR CASH. Lot, 90x118. 4-room house, 20 hearing fruit trees; n block to stores, 5 blocks to Anabel station; price $1600. Address Chaa A. Schlegel. 4427 53d St. S. E. $600 WILL buy my $1100 equity In an ele gant new, modern two-story Rose City home, corner t lot 50x100. street work in ' and paid for; remainder easy payments. P. O. Box 719. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern in every partic ular; 20 minutes from business district, one block from carllne; can be bought on terms same as rent. Peabody, Cleavland & Co. Main 1622. $150 FIRST PAYMENT. New modern 5-room bungalow, Just completed, 2 blocks to car. price $2350, balance $25. including interest. 88 10th St.. near Stark. ; $30 CASH and $10 per mo., new 4-room cot tage; lot 40x124; 6 blocks Mt. Scott 50 car; foneed; chicken-house, wood shed; only $1250. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. B-ROOM. modern bungalow, $2650; furnace, fireplace, buffet, paneled dining-room and laundry trays; 4 blocks from East Ankeny carllne; easy terms. Tabor 706. $4O0 CASH, balance monthly, new, modem house. 6 rooms, near Hawthorne, $3;i30. Howard Land Company, 603 Swetland building. OWNER will sell modern six-room house, on the Richmond carllne, at a bargain. In- ' quire at 968 Clluton, southwest corner ol S3d st. Main 8427. ONE of the finest houses in Ladd Add., on good terms. BEALS A ROBINSON. 361 E. 11th st. & 5023. SXAP for cash; lot, 90x118, 4-room house. 20 bearing fruit trees, Vz block to store, 5 blocks to Anabel station: price $1600. Owner, Chas. A. Schlegel. 4427 53d S. E. 6-ROOM modern house in best Beaumont district, one DIOCK to car; every conven iences, furnace, sleeping porch, exception al bargain, easy terms. Tabor 3041. 1800 Modern cottage, nice lot. Alberta dla- i . . , ,,1vU. trnjill nsvmpnt hal. Bnce' $15 monthly. P. O. Box 7ll. TWO desirable residences, 6 and 6 rooms. southeast pan ot -tiu, ickuo, a, 400. Oregon ian. WEST SIDE homes. See Le Nolr & Co.. ex clusive aeaiera n ,ouijr. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM modern cottage. 2 blocks from car; " m swlWm . SI sn all Sa corner 101: g BLQCH REALTY CO., 206 Alder St. ' " NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, larye attic, laundry tray: trm. 415 Failing Bldg. FOR BALE Moaern o-room nouse, on car- line; price i caouuawitj, va.oy tci iui. AiiiJUirrj 506 East 28th St. 2500 BUYS modern 6-room house, block of Car, leruia una s bit v. OA aiin4iou uiug, H. M. Swank. $2r00 FOR new, modern bungalow; Jot 50x Wooolayn sP or c a:n. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $2400: on Bas Line roaa; 90 aown, mommy. sit Railway Exchange " FOR SALE 3-room house, lot 50x100, elec tric llgnts, gas ana oaia an in. tn dim. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM, atory-and-half, modern cottage; Minnesota ave. ana rreemoni -'ioo, easy terms. Phone owner, E. 3801. ONLY $2250 Beautiful, modern bungalow : every convenience. i -- rrer, laid Greeley. WILL eell cheap, new cottage, with or with out furniture; cnicitens, iuia iuuxiw reet, near Montavllla. O 504. Oregonlan. LEAVING, must sell swell borne at onoe. $1400 for 5-room cottage; lot 47x133; eay $0OO MORTGAGE to exchange for good lit- tie CUT. -a-... "-.j -mu6e. $2000 FOR modern 6-room house, $300 cash. balance nmnuuj, iw. j-.mne j FINE bungalow. eix lota, only $2650. Phone owner. Main uiv. . IN IRVINGTON For sale, modem real dence. r or particular pnone J aas.