. rVi ' . . ....... ' . - T2M above picture shows the present completed condition of Laurelhurst, which is alive with the activity of the builders of beautiful homes. ,The picture below was taken two years ago from exactly the iuo uuy r gpot ag the Qther one and ghowg the remarkable transformation which has taken place during that period. ;:. :;v leaireliwiBgt rin in iT The Addition with Character ' Stand ont today in its completed state as the premier residence park of Portland. Every municipal improvement requisite for the . health, comfort and happinet-s of those people v.ho appreciate and demand the best home nurroundinps, has been made in Laurelhurst by the City of Pui-tUnd, at a cost cxceclinir 1.500,0"n. When the expression "completed" is used in describing the state of Laurelhurst 's improvements it should be taken literally; every street. 25 miles'in all, ha an asphalt pavement; the entire 52 mile of cement sidewalk have been laid, perfect pas. sewer and ter systems have ben put in throughout the property, the addition is brilliantly lighted with a superb system of cluster lights and the side walks are lined with carefully selecte.t shade trees, embracinp all of the best known varieties. Two double track earlines bisect Laurel hurst, one near the north line and the other near the center. You must not jrt the idea that the streets of Laurelhurst are torn op as they were three or four months aro and that piles of sand, Travel and cement are scattered here and there; such is not the case. Two years aprv, when laurelhurst came under the control of the present owners, the promise was made that within two years every municipal improvement would He made thronphmit the entire addition. That promie has V-cn faithfully kept to the minutest detail. fm'mii - j 1 , 'latin liiimniii n in--i " ....... Prirrs in Iiinolhurst arc more reasonable than those de manded in much less desirable locations further from the center of the citv and -where street improvements are only promised. Laurelhurst Is No Longer a Speculative Proposition It Is a High Grade Investment. Sales During the Past Week in Laurelhurst Have Been Astonishing, and Prove That the People of Portland Appreciate the Value of a Really High-Grade Finished Residence Addition . Get the best. See Laurelhurst first. Don't go further out and pay more for property not nearly so desirable as Laurelhurst. We will help-you finance the building of your home m this ele- The Addition with Character Now that it is a perfectly improved residence addition, is one of the show places of Portland." The natural beauty and attractive ness of Laurelhurst, enhanced by the costly public improvements, just completed, and the scores of elegant homes built there during tTie past year, has made it the highest-grade residence property in Port land and stamps it as the choicest and most desirable home-building area in the city. It would be worth your while to spend an hour or two walking, or motoring; through Laurelhurst. There is nothing else like it in Port land. It is distinctly in a class of its own. Laurelhurst can be reached from the center of the city over hard-surfaced streets, as the district between the shopping center 'and the addition is prac tically all paved. Less than two years ago Laurelhurst was the finest dairy farm in Oregon. Today it is the only finished residence addition of any size in Portland and is by far the most beautiful home-building dis trict on the entire Pacific Coast. Take an hour off and go to see Laurelhurst. The wonderful work that has been accomplished there in the past 18 months will be a revelation to you. Laurelhurst may be reached by three earlines the Laurelhurst car, Moutavilla and the Rose City Park car. gant addition. Come in and let us tell you the plan. Lot prices $850 and up, 10 per cent down and 2 per cent a month. MEAD & MURPHY, Sale A?enU. Offices 522-526 Corbett Bldg. Phones 1W3 1515. BAD CHECKS PASSED Forgeries Amounting to $400 Detected by City Bank. O.-VV. R. & N. SLIPS USED fnmttlm Kalnankepern fali Order Again Company AVhlrh Are Pound to Be Bomi Skill I ld br Imitator. ClrlT forrM paychnrks of th O. TV R- N. Company, ranhad by Fret tlx alooakprs on Monday, ymterdar mad their appearance In Portland banks, arbrra thry wr Immediately oetectm. R. BlalidelL auditor for the railroad company, baatened to curo report irora varioua nanaa In the rlty. and lat night had report of eight forged check. representing an acareaare value of 1400. It te believed that the forger hare profited to the extent of everal thousand dollar. That th perpetrator of the oheme contemplated operating on an eztrn lve arale I evidenced by tn elab orate methods adopted to bring about their forgeries. Paper Flaw rtlereverea The pay check used br the forgers la an excellent Imitation of the orlg Inal uaed by the railroad and to a per son not accustomed to handling them trer veuld be accepted without ques tion. The O.-W. R. aV N. Company's paycheck are prepared on a special brand of "safety" paper and are en graved the. same as a banknote. It I evident that the persons who conceived the plan secured one of the original checks and photographed It. thereafter erasing the dates, names, figures, nnm t'er and all wrltfng that differenti ates one check from another. A plat then was made and the blank checks lithographed on a paper of appearance 'mtisr to that of the original. The forged taper, however. I of a lighter blue and cot a heavy as the original. The name of J. p. Dee gun. chief pay clerk, who signs every check Issued br the eomnany. appears In the lower left hand corner In excellent imitation of his real signature. Twe Xasaea I eed. All checks that have been discov ered are made payable either to Wil liam 8'evens or to John Common and vary In amount from 131. SO to 143 SO. They were cashed In various Seattle saloons yesterday and deposited In banks of that city. The Seattle bank nt them to their correspondents In Portland to be sent through the Port land clearing-hou to Wie ('tilted "rates National bank, the depository for the 0.-W. R. V .V. Company. Two ef these checks came to the United States National bank In the early morning mall and were detected at onra They had been cashed by Harry Levin, a saloon keeper In Feattle. One called for ls.54 and the other for $J S. All th checks that have been cashed beer fie same serial numbers 717 J and 7471. Th serial numbers on the real checks sect ent tbis month do not run higher than 7200. The company Issues iter 7000 check each month and sent those covering the Seattle payroll to that city last week. These forgeries made their appearance simultaneously wl'h those of the company and. It la believed, were accepted by saloonkeep era and other firms that make a prsc fee ot cashing them without question. CLOWN PRISONER TALKS "rHibrir Saya Hunger Prompted The ft of Two Saltcaeea, Applying stove polish and elbow grease to a heater In ona of the rooms t the City Jail bulldlns yesterday, Tutch Charley." former circus clown and trusty, kept up a running fire of reminiscence, and incidentally told how he came to steal, two suitcase Just before his arrest. "Pe cheap guy, stead of hiring a wagon, come to me and me pal and aays: Here, youse guys, carry these kicks for me. "Sure," says we, and we started off. "Hungry? Say, me stomach felt like ie back was broke, and aays I to me pal. Tell with the grips; let's eat.' They was locked, but we got around that all right with a good, acarp knife, and y'ougbt to see the rags we pulled out. Gee. but they was warm. Ma pal and me dressed tip better'n ever we had In our live and went out among em.. We bought Ice cream and beer. and all sorts of stuff. "After that me pal shipped out and I got me bit. and then the sucker and his wife hunts me up In Jail, and they ws sure sore; the dame In particular. "That's all right, lady." says I. "when I get our I'll come around and cut your gmsM to square It. "Ton star away." says she. Trs got some more suitcases out at home." "Dutch." said a listening officer. "when you get out I am going to pinch you again. "Xlx. on that." replied Dutch, a he finished furbishing the stove and gath ered up his equipment. wnen I get out of here I'm going where you can't get me. among the aristocrats. I'm goln' nut to cut grass for Mr. Beutgen, the clerk of the court." BERRIES POISON, CHILDREN Experiment on Guinea Pig Con vince Pootors of Theory. fpAni evnerlmentfl wttlH K . 4. . - Been made by E. C Calloway, City Chemist. It has been found that th berry of the plant known as the Vir ginia creeper was the cause of the re cent deaths of the Infant son of Dr. Allan .Welch Pmith and the 1-year-old baby of George Hansen, of Montavllla. Mr. Galloway performed experiments on a guinea pig. and after eating sev eral of the berries on Sunday th ani mal went Into a stupor, resulting In death th next day. Th symptoms were the same as those observed In the case of th two Infanta Dr. George A. Cathey and Dr. Frank W. Wood, who examined the content of th stomachs, discovered th particles of th plant, which wr found also In th guinea pig. Government Builds Hospital. ASTORIA. Or, Oct. 17. (Special.) Th construction of the new hospital building at th Columbia River Federal Quarantine Station has been completed and th structur accepted by Dr. Holt, th officer In charge. The building I 40 by 100 feet and Is divided Into four dieting units, so that should the oc- 1 caalon arise, patients afflicted with four different contagious disease can be treated at the same time. The structure cost about $3500 and waa a badly needed Improvement for whl! the equipment there was sufficient to handle almost any emergency that might arise, there was no special hos pital building. active operations the first of next week. Th new company will over haul the plant and Install modern Im provements. The opening of the mill will be important to Kelso's business prosperity, as It means steady employ- ment for a large force of men. J. B. Beck will be superintendent of the plant TAFT BANDBILL DENIED Northern Pacific Says Commercial Clnb Shonld Par $11. A bill of $11 has created a dispute between officers of the Portland Com mercial Club and the passenger depart ment of the Northern Pacific Railway. The Item waa charged by the ra'l road for transporting the members of the First Infantry Band from Van couver to Portland on the special train that brought President Tuft to the city last "week.. Commercial Club officials declare that Inasmuch as the President' train was contracted for In advance and that the President was required to pay , a iinea rate covering transportation for 100 person whether they traveled or not. the band should have been car- they are loosing to tn commercial Club, which had the arrangements for President Taft's reception in charge, ; ror tne money. rled free under the provisions of that contract. They point to the fact that an extra roach Is attached to the train for the purpose of accommodating such extra persons as the President may have as his guests. Northern Pacific officials declare that the interstate Commerce Commis sion requires that the transportation of the band be paid by some one and Kelso Mill to Reopen. CENTR ALIA. Wash.. Oct. 17. (Spe cial.) The transfer of the James E. Page lumber mill. In Kelso, was made yesterday, and the plant will reauma Why Don't You Drink Beer? Disagrees with you, does It makes you ions and seems to upset you generally. But you haven 't been getting the right beer. Now we want you to try a well aged, mild beer that is brewed with care and skill one that is pure and delicious as well as healthful we want you to phone in an order for a case of Yes, Swissco Will Grow Your Hair Prevent Baldness And Dandruff He- stores Gray Or Faded Hair To Its Natural Color. SE CITY m Mai A r AseTeant? Swissco stops dandruff Quickly, grows new hair and restores gray and faded hair to Its natural youthtui color. Pwmseo stops baldness, bald spots, fa. ling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp. brittle hair or any hair or scalp trc.vble. To Drove that our claims are true we win send you a large trial bottle free If you will end 10c in silver or stamps to nsip pay coai 01 postage ana pacn inr to 8wlssco Hslr Remedy Co- 3844 P. O. ruare. Clnclnatl, O. Pw'ifcco win be found on sal at all druKg!-tr and drug departmenta every where at K0c and ll.OO a bottle. For sale and recommended In Port- and at OWL DRUG CO. STORES Then you'll see why a beer made from the best of malt, the finest of American and im ported hops and the purest of water is the favorite beverage of so many of your friends. Phone us direct well see that you're quickly supplied. bil- 1 ww I I 'll KM Phones East 46, B 1146. Star Brewery (Northern Brewing Company) Portland, Or. Vancouver, Wash. SAVE A $100 If you're economical and really want to save a clean $100 to $225 on a piano see the BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. "We save you the dealer's profit. "We're manufacturers selling di rect from factory to home. No middleman's profits to pay here. All we ask is to get oiir prices. They tell the whole story. Ask. about our new easy payment plan. 3SSsMniwnJ fault Grows Hair on Bald Heads A Remedy That Costs Nothing if It Fails to Do as Claimed. Resorcin Is one of the latest and most effective germ-Kiiiers aisiTuvn-u hv enipnre. and In connection with Beta Nanhthnl. also a powerful antiseptic, a combination is formed which destroys the germs which rob the nair or its nutriment, and thus creates a clean and healthy condition of the scalp, which prevents the development of new germs. Pilocarpine Is a well-known ag-ent for restoring the hair to Its natural color, where the loss of color has been due to a disease. Yet It Is not a col oring; matter or dye. The famous Kexall - 3 tiair ionic s chiefly composed of Kesorcin, Beta Naphthol and Pilocarpine, combined with pure alcohol because of its cleans ing and antiseptic riuallties. It makes the scalp healthy, nourishes the hair. revitalizes the roots, supplies hair nourishment and . stimulates a new growth. We want you to try a few bottles of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic on our per sonal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does not give you absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith In thi remedy and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will grow hair on bald heads, except of course where baldness has been of such long duration that the roots ;of the hair are entirely dead, the follicles losed and grown over, and the scalp s glazed. kmember, we are basing our state- nrnts upon what has already been ac complished by the use of Rexall "93" rlnir Tonic, and we have the right to assume that what it has done for hun dreds of others it will do for you. In any event yon cannot lose anything by jiving it a trial on our liberal guar antee. "Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. emember. you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Portland only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc., Con 7th and Washing ion Sts.