Constant Progress Through Constant Effort Our Policy Make Way The Building of the New Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Home Demands an Immediate Removal Sale Sweeping Reductions Throughout the Store This Is the Last Fall and Winter Season in our present quarters, and being firmly resolved not to transfer any merchandise whatsoever, from this store to our new home, we announce a Removal Sale of All Fall and Winter Goods at extraordinary reductions. Inasmuch as it is practically impossible to dispose of Fall and Winter Merchan dise in a Summer Removal Sale we have decided upon the immediate sale of all Seasonable and Holiday Merchandise. As this sale takes place at the very height of the Fall season, and the stock is offered at such remarkable reductions, this store should be the great center of activity for many, weeks to come. This bare announcement should in itself be sufficient to acquaint you with the Magnitude of Your Opportunities and it is especially timely in view of the fact that the major portion of the New fall and Holliday stocks have just arrived and are now on sale at absolutely the low est prices ever offered for Worthy Reliable Dependable Merchandise. . i Every Article in the Store Reduced At the present moment this establishment is a vast treasure house of merchandise. Home and foreign markets have yielded of their choicest Every department is full to overflowing. We have built up a great reputation for worthy sales Eternal Vigilance which simply means eternal effort is the price not alone of commercial ad vance, but of Public Confidence. We shall continue to find it so Public Confidence is the foundation of business. We shall strive at all times for it ' In this great sale every reduction is genuine, every mark down is substantial, many prices are stripped bare of all profits many lots closed out are at a loss. No fictitious bargains no false price comparisons such as man) stores resort to no impossible reductions, for back of all is The Guarantee and Surety of Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ECONOMY The touchstone of fortune can be practiced in this Removal Sale to the limit by every mem ber of the family Take inventory of your Winter needs Supply your wants in wearing apparel in house furnishings in holiday merchandise. cu 11 rrxiA. r,lMan Kv th addition of hundreds of extra intelligent salespeople, who are here trained and ready to give you perfect SERVICE. Extra wrappers and cashiers extra cash girls, extra deliv ery service are all here for your convenience. To old residents of Portland a Lipman, Wolfe & Co. sale needs no interpretation or elucidation; to new comers we ask investigation. We solicit new accounts in this great Removal Sale from all trustworthy people worthy of credit. EXCEPTIONS A few contract articles, the prices of which are controlled by the manufacturer. Sale Starts Today, October 17 Lasts Sixteen Weeks The thirty odd departments of this great store will each be fuUy represented in this Removal Sale, and no department will be excepted in these sweeping Reductions. In order that no item be overlooked we closed our store all day Monday and Eight Hundred Employees accomplished the Herculean task of Reducing Every Article of Merchandise in the Entire Store -When the new home of Lipman, Wolfe & Co. is thrown open to the public every solitary article in it MUST BE ABSOLUTELY NEW. While we admit that the loss of our present stock runs into money, it is a matter of necessity, and we feel that it is warranted IN VIEW of the PROMISE of the FUTURE. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. s new store becomes the headquarters for all the people and will be so pretentious, so comprehensive, so well equipped and so plentifully stocked, that every family from the highest to the lowest will find therein the sum total of their desires. . What This Removal Sale Means to You All Suits and Coats Reduced All Dresses arid Gowns Reduced All Ostrich Feathers Reduced All Trimmed Hats Reduced , All Petticoats and Waists All Dress Goods and Silks Reduced All Handkerchiefs and Ribbons Reduced All Hosiery and Underwear Reduced All Linens, Domestics Reduced All Laces and Neckwear Reduced All Jewelry and Cut Glass Reduced All Silverware and Plated Ware Reduced All Leather Goods and Stationery Reduced All Drugs ancl Medicines Reduced AIL Notions and Hair Goods Reduced All Pictures and Mouldings Reduced All Sweaters and Mackintoshes, Reduced All Men's Furnishings Reduced All Linings and Buttons Reduced All Hair Goods and Combs Reduced All House Dresses and Wrappers Reduced All Kimonos and Gowns Reduced All Muslin Underwear Reduced All Infants' Apparel Reduced All Children's Dresses Reduced All Blankets and Curtains Reduced All Beds and Bedding Reduced All Draperies and Rugs Reduced All Linoleums and Matting Reduced All Nets and Yard Goods Reduced