- "I ' Jolly Hallowe'en Time Needs Here Party Invitations, Favors, Pumpkins, Dennison Table Sets, Etc. Very Lowest Priced Hear Emma Eames and De Gogorza on the Victor Auto phone Before You Go to the Heilig Fifth Floor Section THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857 MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder AH Portland Is Catching the Spirit of This Great Distribution! Value-Giving at Its Height j S Our Great Annual Handkerchief Sale Begins This Morning! Around a Half Million Snowy Kerchiefs for Men, Women, Childr'n TIIE united efforts of our buyers make this the most remarkable nanaKer Affan'nff inf T-it1 n -nrJ nT 110 TVac haa oirpr Irnnxm ! TCpatIv a half ;n; nntrtr Verriipfa it result of the combined orders manv of them nlaced direot with the inrcrpiit handkerchief importers and manufacturers in the world. Never such prices as these I Note ' the specials below for men, women and children : . 6000 Women's 25c Handkerchiefs, 1 4c Youll marvel at the fine quality of these 23c Ilanddkerchiefs an immense sample line purchased from three of the largest importers in the land. Pretty embroidered styles of sheer linen, em- J A broidered Swiss, scalloped and hemstitched styles as well as Armenian lace trimmed and -ftZ with colored borders. Regular 20c and 25c Handkerchiefs on sale today for the low price of Children's 4c Handker chiefs Of sheer ' cotton, hemstitched, white and col ored borders. Just the ker chiefs for BchooL On 0 ale today, low price fie Swiss Handkerchiefs Embroidered and hem utitched, white and colored borders. Large assortment to choooe from at the A very low price, only 7c to 10c KerchlefOf linen and fine Swiss, em broidered ' initials and cor ners. Some with pretty colored borders. Spe- C cial low price today at 10c and 12c Fine Ker chiefs Of Swiss and linen. Fancy embroidered corners and initials all letters. Special low pries for today, now at only 12c to 17c Kerchiefs Fine Swiss embroidered and initial styles. Also pure linen hemstitched and embroidered k e r- 1 " chiefs, now at only A VIC Women's 25c kerchiefs Broken lots from regular tocks. Sheer linen and Swiss, embroidered and in itial styles. Spe- 1 Q, cial today at only Women's 35c Kerchiefs Our regular Etock of fine Donegal and Breltonne, hand embroidered corners, borders and initial OC styles. Low price " 65c and 75c Kerchiefs Of finest Swiss, linen and lawn, embroidered corners, initial and bordered styles. very low price 33r. Great Offers in This Sale on Men's Handkerchiefs- Men's 15c Kerchiefs Of pure white linen, narrow hemstitched hems, all full 200 dozen spe- 1 fl cial today at only Best 25c Kerchtefs Of plain white, pure linen, nar row, 'x and 'i-in., hem stitched hem. Spe- I 7 cial 3 for 50, ea. 60c Colored Kerchiefs French imported silk and linen, in neat patterns and colors to match ties.OQ Special low price at Men's 25c Kerchiefs Of soft, mercerized fabrie with large silk initial. All let ters. Spl low CI nn phice today, 8 pl.UVJ Best 50c Kerchiefs. Pare white Irish linen with neat, narrow hemstitched hems. Box of 6 at $1.75. OC On sale now each at Fins Japan Silk Ker chiefs With neat corner initials; six in a box spe cial at only 69. Union Linen Kerchiefs Plain white, full size handkerchiefs for men. Extra special today at only 6. 25c and 35c Pure Linen Ker chiefs A mill-run some of them with slight imper fections. All in itials. Spl .' i 16c ST fociay TpODAY the second day of the Great Mid-Season Distribution Sales sees greater and better off erings in new Fall and Winter merchandise. Yesterday, from the opening of the doors at eight until the close at six, the store was thronged with thou sands of eager buyers, who caught the spirit of this huge event from the moment they read the first announcement in Sunday's papers. A sale without a parellel! Come today and youll recognize it as such for no where in all the land could lower prices be given on new goods at this time of the year. All Gloves Reduced All Dress Goods Reduced "All Neckwear Reduced All French Underwear Reduced Till Ribbons Reduced All Blankets and Comforters Red. All Silks and Velvets Reduced All Knit Underwear Reduced Pictures & Picture Framing V Off Great Reductions on Millinery Women's $30 to $35 Suits Women's $1.75 and $2.00 Waists, $1.28 JUST the pretty Lin gerie Waists women want to wear with the new Fall suit. Dainty models in n ettes, and all-over (j embroideites trim med with cluny and val laces and pretty Grecian embroid ery. Practical h i g h- lone or short ki- A??fv mono sleeves. Reg- Mlli ular $1.75 and $2.00 Waists today at v $1.28 SI.50 Waists at 95c Plain tailored linen and madras Waists with laundered collars and cuffs similar to illustration. Also lawn, mnll and all-over Waists, made with high neck, kimono and regulation long sleeves. Remark- QCp ably neat $1.50 Waists, today, each'-'- m mm A IT'S THE lowest price that could possibly be placed on these $30 and $35 Suits, and they're the newest, latest arrivals corning straight from arifh nnf frnrmprnt chief, inst in time to be arranged on the racks for this second day of the Great Distribution Sale. Handsomely tailored Suits in the most pleas ing1, charming; styles that are truly distinctive ! Rich Fall and Winter materials serges, cheviots, broadcloths, mannish mixtures, worsteds and tweeds. Plain satin and velvet collars and revers.' Others trimmed in silk braids. They're beautiful every one of them! Take advantage fl T C of this great sale; choose J) j J J $30 to $35 Suits today at $8.50 BLACK CONEY FUR SETS AT $5.95 Remarkably neat appearing soft, fluffy quality French Coney Fur Sets; large shawl collar and pillow muff; lined with best Skinner satin. None better any where at $8.50. Seize this opportunity. CtC QC Distribution Sale price, today only, is DJ,ZiJ $16.50 New Fall Woolen Dresses at only S12.45 $20 Double Textured and Reversible Coats at S16.45 $25 Handsomely Tailored Blue Serge Suits S18.85 EXTRA! Women's 50c Underwear alightly imperfect Forest Mills Vests and Pants of fine ribbed cotton in all regular and extra nizes. On sale for the Great Mid- Season Distribu'n Sale for the low price " 34c Df W EXTRA! Women's $1.50 to $2-50 Silk Hose, Today 95c MEIER & FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR ORDER BY MAIL SELK Hosiery Sale that women will remember for days, for it's seldom indeed that high-grade, pure thread Silk Hose are offered at such a low price as this 1 A "mill run" of over 4200 pairs some of tnem bearing tne sngntest impeneciions tuai ony the most searching eyes would observe, and do not affect looks or wear. Not a pair of this great group worth less than $1.50, and many of them as high as $2.50. Splendid wearing quality, with wide gar ter tops, lisle or all-silk foot and high spliced heed. . Mostly black though there's a fair assortment of light and dark colors. Regular $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Silk Hose, will be sold today at reduction to y EXTRA! $155 to $1.50 Dress Goods X big table of the season's most desirable weaves. Smart 56 inch, two-tone Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures and tailor Suitings in new browns, tans, ft grays, etc. to- day, ya.ru, at 20o All-Silk Ribbons Moire and taffeta, in plain and fancy figures, all shades. For girdles, Bashes, hairbows. etc. Full 2Vi and 4 inches wide. During the Mid-Season Distri bution Sale priced, yard 12c EXTRA! c 25c Neckwear Dainty Ja bots, Rabats, Cascades, Stocks thousands of pieces a mak er's entire sample line. Special during this (treat Mid-Season Distribution Sale 1 for the very I CjC low EXTRA! c $4.50 and $5 Silk Petticoats Taffetas and meiialines of splendid firm quality. Actual $4.50 and $o grade in black and all colors. (Jreat Mid-season Distribu'n Sale at only.. 2.79 Semi-Annual Watch Sale To $9 Watches, $4.89 D Y FAR the best offerings we have ever been able to make Watches! Think of this choose from more than 3000 splendid 7 jewel American and Swiss movements, in 10-year guar anteed Gold Filled Cases. All styles for both men and wom en. Beautiful engine-turned and engraved cases, in hunt ing (closed) or open-faced m o dels. Special price, each ; or open-iacea $4.89 $1 1 Watches, Tomorrow at $7.49 EXTRA! Beaded Bags Va Pric ur entire line of Beaded Bags, re gardless of their cost, also Tap estry Bags. You've seen the many fine ones; get yours now during this Great ft Mid-Season fjUil $11.00 Watches 200 high grade Elgins and Waltham Watches, in richly engraved and engine-turned cases, war ranted for 10 years. These sell the country over T A Q $11 : p1 tomor. J $15.00 Watches Women's 14-karat Solid Gold -Watches, fitted with Elgin or Waltham movements, in handsome cases of small "O" sizes, both plain and engraved. ?Q Mid-Season price (DJtOi Men's 12-size, 14-karat Waltham Watches, on sale, $15.75 Women's $30 Watches, full-jeweled Waltham, at only S23.75 Men'i Elgin Railroad Watches on sale for S22.75 to S65.00 Distribution Blankets and Comforts PROVIDE for your Winter needs now! Take advantage of these won derful offerings on Blankets and Comforters. Entire stock at reduced prices. Fine, sani tary, -white Wool Blankets, and soft, warm Comforters, at sav-J ings you 11 recognize as extra ordinary the moment you see them. $4.50 Wool Blankets -$3.57 $5.00 Wool Blankets, $4.29 $6.50 Wool Blankets, $5.65 $7.50 Wool Blankets, $6.55 $6.50 Plaid Blankets, $5.55 $7.50 Plaid Blankets, $6.55 Comforts Less $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.60 $3.00 $3.50 $3.75 $4.25 Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, Comforters, only $1.05 only $1.27 only $1.55 only $1.69 only $2.15 only $2.65 only $3.15 only $3.35 only $3.89 French Lingerie Is Reduced MEIER Jt FRANK'S SECOND FLOOR. A TRAVELER'S sample line of finest French Lingerie offered in this Distribution Sale at just regu lar prices. All the more remarkable when you consider that our rejrular prices are far less than asked elsewhere. So the savings here are really phenomenal! The daintiest of Gowns, Drawers, Chemise, Comb'tions and Sk'ts, now 73 to S35 Of fine French nainsook, trimmed in pretty Val. and Cluny laces, as well as the French scalloped styles. Sell tr Dris regular at $1.45 to $70. Today, your choice, just 2 rXlCC Our entire regular line of Hand-Made French Lingerie XA K EXTRA! c Odds and Ends in Belts In elastic, leather, velvets and suedes. Price today, 10. Our Entire Line of Belts and Beltings, during the Mid-Season Distribution 1 AT Sale at the A 1 IF f reduction of c Great Distribution of Linens ) EXTRA! MEIER FRANK'S FIRST FI.OOH. ORDER B Mill HERE are extraordinary savings on good, sturdy, dependable Linens the sort which have given us the name of Portland's best Linen Store ! Handsome, snow-white bleached pure Linen Pattern Cloths reduced as follows : , EXTRA! 85c Fancy Checked Sillo 7000 yards of beautiful new Au tumn fancy checked Silks, in an almost endless selection of f.izes and colors. Silks for new waists, dresses, etc. Today A thAV are nut Z?J7T ' . - , - , jfc on saie ai omy J $3.00 Cloths, 70x88 inches $2.65 $3.50 Cloths, 72x90 inches $2.95 Scalloped Linen Sets $7 Cloths, 63x63 in. at $4.67 $7.50 Cloths, 63x80 in., at $5.25 $7.50 Cloths, 57x99 in., at $5.25 Napkins to match, 17xl7-inch, on sale now at abou one-third off. EXTRA! c In the Basement Men's $.1.00 Wool Underwear at 69c Boyi' $4.50 and $5 SuitsAll wool in new Fall and Winter shades. . Smart double-breasted coats with full-cut Knickers. In ages 7 to 17 years. Theyare placed n rT 5 A sale for .11 T M ly.. " o n i r FINE quality, medium weight Underwear for Fall and Winter wear. Sateen faced drawers and French neck shirts of warm natural crav wool, in $1 trrade. Mid-Sea-' son Distri. price 69c If You Can't Come in Person, Order by Mail or by Telephone $3.25 Cloths, 72x72 inches $2.90 $2.75 Cloths, 72x72 inches $2.45 Linen DamasK Specials 75c Silver Bleach Dam. 62-in 55 $1 Bleached Damask, 66-inch 73 $1.25 Bleached Dam., 72-in. 95 $1 Silver Bleach Dam. 70-in., 87 $1.25 Heavy Lin. Dam. 72-in 9S Sugar, Sack $6.25 JUST a dollar less the pre vailing wholesale price what a "saving this means to you! Special just for today only limit one sack to customer, f nJ 100-pound sack for DO0 Boyal Baking Powder Full lb. cans, sell regularly 50c; extra sp'l 39 English Style Bacen Eastern Sugar cured; lean stHps, pound, GVz$ Boyal Banq.net Batter, 2 pounds 73 12c Ginghams Toil du Nord and Bates in 2 to 10-yard lengths also Shirt and Dress Percales in light and dark col ors, and 32-inch Zephyrs in all plain colors. Today in bution saie. yaiu EXTRA! c now, at uu V4Cfl. Marabous and Muffs Our entire stock for your choosing nothing reserved. Get these beautiful furs you have been wantinsr so loner now. at our Great Mid-Season t- a i . : - uisiriuubioii A Sale at Lindsay Ga3 Lights Com plete -with German Lindsay burner, mantle, and imported Globe. Extra special for this Great Mid-Season Distribution Sale today for the A f low price of only EXTRA!