r. 19 THE 31QRXIXG OREGOXIAX. TCESDAY, OCTOHEK 17, 1911. HOP TRADING Thousands of Bales Change Hands in Two States. MOST SALES AT 35 CENTS Yakima Section -Nearly Ira noil Out. reporter Operating In Oregon. MeVeff Predict, a 4 0 Cent Market. I. ee epnd with a ru.ii of buto 1 th. hop market. Purchase, of -xv bale, direct from ' .,.. WW. r-ported. Th. activity " mark-o hi TTa.blnr.on. b'r. " MM changed hande. tno.tly l t" J-'" elna. In arfdltloa to th. de.;s h ",w .r. .boot 10O0 bale, ar. " changed hand. b.i" '" . Nearly all h. bostne.. "f don. at J e.nts. which for th. pre.e la tb. rul!nJ.no. for choir, hop J"' .u . w.ll autftentK-.ted report that M ... wa. o.r.l I. lb. Wltlam.tt. al.y Tbw. la qo-atlon of th. tr.n.tt of th market. T. V McNVff. Of MCX.IT who w.r. th hlt buyer, of Yakima. Tterdar. pr.dlct. that ther. wl!l b. a -cot marbet In th. n.r futurw, . Amor th. porch.-, of th. day w.r. th. following lot.: Pr KrN'.lf Bro. Stetson. Taktma. bale, at 35 rente. Strovaeh. YaHima. Xf bale at Wad.. Yakima. SO bale at 35 rent. Swnry.flv bale In Wfiura Wa.htr.r- tOB. Ft Robert I.lvesley I.Tnrh. Yakima. I half, at SS cent. Egln. Yakima, t" bale at M cent. raa Mctmn.M. Yakima. 130 bale at 8S cent Pit Grafton Htrrrr. Y.klma. " hale.. p.y l.aar Pincue Son. c.arbe. Chehall. lo hair, at 8S cant. Py John Carmli-heel I. Magtnn. Butt. vine, 300 hale at 3S r.nt. Ft Kola Nei Walling. Llm-oln. 1 bale, at 3.-. eenta. Aurora lot 100 bale, at SS cents. By J. Jl Metxler !. I.or. Butl.Tll!.. 19.1 baira. Ft T. A. IJv. Co. Sh.ner Pro.. MrKet, 7 bale, at 3". c.nt.. WHT.AT KTKA1-Y AT THE OrV.NS. lHmad rlr a4 Mrrm GrmmUr Ar firm. Tlir no rhange In lh w hat ltu-:!-.n at th npcntn of th from the ,r.lit.nn that prevailed last wlc Irice er Heady, the rl'minJ vm fair and ell er wr more or lra mdlfferrnl. Oat and barley were riuotrd at former prlcea. L.M-aI re-eipi. In car, were reported y tMe Merchants' Rxchame follows: Wheat ttarley Klour Cimim Hut j:.n,!,v 7 :;l r -1 1 "' s-j.n io dat.4i. 1 ;h " 4" War :;aS ; T1 3''- The wek!v ht tat!ttc of the Mer- American vi1 t..e BUpnir fnmhe:. !n-Ti-e. :oher 17. VH'. 4 k. ti.Nr 1H. I'm-.. tfcrober 21. t H-t.rr -J. 4. rt! 4. f'2.Mo Vl.-"7.,, S in Jl.lv.U'a) - 1.4JT.teui 1'.. . 0.-ther u. ! O-Toher 1 Quantities on rw - W h ni. W k end' W it en ! K 'K-t. 14. o. t. 7 ei l.'., J-. H'ir-'t T:it-h l. Hwwh'n. fnMed Krm.loMii.AiM ..., ihmi f . Continent ... l.t I.;. 21.Tft.tM Totn'it ... .C.34.00 .12 0rt4.H0 'VHrt, ry World! ehlpmeTifs pnncl'tal cxpivUnir ee-jn irtea flour lnciufled i Wk end's Wit end's Wk end's ct. 14. T Of IVI't r'u-i. Ftunhe'ai. FUl-'le'- V. (t. and Can. 5.7' ! '- 4. 1 3.1t3'M"l Arsenttne : I. .") 7 4 m Aotri 1 . .... 1. 17". " 7wft ;.nrMt Danubiaa Tt 1. 1 ." 2. 1 4v ;.v..4 India tiM.oift S:?i.e)i T-1.Jh Tota! . -&.4.'irt rnt ). U,.Om 13.2WA.OOO CRAXnERRfKA W 1R( K OX DTRKKT Fraah Ahlpaaeak t'rmm tlaial Dm la Abat Tea Ij . Tn flrwt hlpment vt cranberries received from the Eut la nearly exhausted. A few small lots of Itwaco cranberries are on the market, but this article will be scare for the next week or ten days, by which tlms a freah supply Is dus from the East. A ear off Tkay srapea arrived from Cal ifornia la crates and lug boxes, and they anid at ths prices enrrent at the does of last week. Uocal basket srapes moved fairly well. Th steamer brcusht np ths usual quan tity of aprnnts. lettuce and other California vecetables. Powltry Bayers itewr Market.' Ths poultry market was cry weak at ths opening. Th supply was not largs, but buyers refused to take hold except at bedrock prlcit, Th demand for f reah Oregon eggs far exceeded th supply, which caused a vary firm market. Batter and cheese vert firm at last week's prices. m Itank C learings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterUay aere as fuUows: ricarlncsL Balance. Portland . J. .'... :,;. -:.. ;.2 beat! .14 t -i.t 2 1 .:.:'" Tcoma 1.'-" 4.V1 loi.T.M Fpokaa . 1.ih1. ;o 74.5 rOKTUND MARKETS. (.rain. Flour. Frttl. Kt. WHEAT Ki.orl ta: Flurat.m. M ". cluh. Tmu'C rd Rusl:in, i(7'Jc, V. ::.-. 7ia?i'o? foriy-fold. "uoc FLOCK at.nta 14 SO lit barr.1; ..r. t4 u. .xporta. 11.80: Vail.y. 94.M; (rah.m. S4.rf: whoi. wheat. I. .X KILl.STLKFS iiran. .'4 10tfJS pw toa; mMiil.i.t., j .nurta. ;i.iutJ. .r:-r. i3 ij j li io. COK A i.t. crark.4. $1- pr toa. bAKUV N.w Io. fauJ2.&u pu ton; bre.H.K. i-.7 p.r toa OATS N. I hi.p. J. to i.r ton. HAY No. 1. K. o. timothT. No. 1 Vail.y. IISKlt; aXa.fa. liiO. cisr.r. Dairy and Coaatry rrwdor. I'OL'LTKI ll.ua. 12;Mc: Bprlnja. 13 lie. dueka. !ou . U j 14c: gecac 1& 9 14c; turk.a. l)uc. bl'TTKK Or.coo rr.am.ry buttor. Mild park, ici print., extra. i:;-J?t Krcsh urv.wu ranch, candled. 93 939c j.r Uo.en. I'KKtdU Tm.. triplet, and dalalea. IS .ISc per pound; Youoa Ameiicaa. llt PuRK Kancy. b a loo pr pound. VEAL Fancy. 1Ji13Sc per pound. rce table, mad Fntlta. TROPICA L f"BflTJ Orancea. .4 30 4-Ti par box; Cai:.'orn.a grapefruit. .1.4U. bananaa. 6yi'-e per pouno. pinupplM. to per pound. lemon. per box; pome.rmr.ate.. fl jo per boa. fki.-'U rKl'ITs recr.e. Untie per box. P-uma. frow& par crat.; prunea. 2 Ie per pound; pear.. Tetfel.Tj p-r box; (rape. Wcr)ll.:I par box; apple.. per box; crannerrt... I.V.' Pr barrel; Ca.abaa, ll.I.ryi per doseo. cACK VEiitTAbi.;'.. larrota. II. IS par aark: turr:r... $: aeeta. $171 POTATOES ure.oa. Hc per pound; .weot polatoee. ' t: fer pound. uMONfr--Oreaou. el--i per hundri. VEuETAPLbs Artichoke.. 75 per dpaen; beara. 9 1oc: rabage Ulfl per pound; cauX lower, botyleo par doaen; corn. 9 HEAVY toe per doxen: rucumbara. I191.2S per a-k; ec. plant. 5lc per poiird; tarlle. IOa-123 per pound: lettuce. per ooxeu; p- hoc.a lettuce. Il.;ivl 75 per box; peppera, ao par pound; r.ul.n.a 13t p.r duxen. lirouta. mc per pound; tomatoe.. .vtiuoo per box tapl. Oiwewrlea. BALMON Columbia Rlvar. l-pound talla. ii-il per dozen. 2-p-urd talla. 12 PS; 1 pound flsta i0. AUaka puk. 1-poand "i-OFVias Hoaated. In Uruma. 24Q30C p.r pound. HON BY Cholc. 13 TS p.r caae; .trained boney. loc per pound. ALT Oranulated. H per ton; half rround. l'xa. H.o per ton; Sua. I Pr torn. NITS Walnuts l1llo per pound; Braxil auta 14lc: fiiberta. loc: almonda. lo l9c; p-c.n. lr; coto.nuta Wcll Pr doxea: che.tnut.. 12Hc per pound: hickory But. tjloc per pound. HEANS Sn.all while, 4Se: lar. whlta. 4V,c. l lnia. '.c. pluk. (Vc Mexicana. 6ic: ba y oa Bo. RICE no 1 Japan. cheaper radea. 3&04.&3: Southern bead. (4l0l lro" ported lruperL c; imported .xtra No. iLAJATt Ory sranulated, 17.30; fruit and herrv 7.S: beet. 7 IV; xtra C. powdered, barrrla. 17. ii: cuoea. barreia 7.7. . PKIFD Fr.t'ITS Apple. i.e per pound. apricota. HkI'iC. li.'JCh'f. prunea. Italian. 10U10r: allver. Iftc; fll. while and biack. Hv'Sc: currania. io 11c. rala.na. too. XjkiIiI, o-AUT :. Weached Tnompann. 11 Sc: unblaacb bul tanaa. wc; aewled. KteCeo- Hooa. Wool and Hldea. H"rs IBll crop. 3h3'c; old., nominal. MOHAIK Ohol,e. . 7c per pound. WOOL Kaatern Oreeon. ' 01o per paund. arcordlna to ahrlnkaa.: Vail.y. law lie p.r pound. , PKLT.s Dr. 104c; lamb. 40OOo .acb: aheartnra. '2i 4 40o each. . HIUKf oalt-l hid.a. PwlOe par pound; aalted calf. 13vlc; aaltted kip. 10 W: irern. unaalted. lc l.u. dry calf. 19aoo. dry .tana. liol!c. CA3.AKA-f pound. a. OUa. LIVSEED OII-Put. raw. In barr.la. af.; boiled, la barrela. Ji raw. In caaaa. L0J; boiled. In rae. f 1 04. TL'KPKNTINE Cae, Tie. wood b.rr.1. Hc: Iron barrel. 2c; 10-caa. lot, eso. UAUOL1NE Motor gasoline. Iron barrala, ITc; ca.a, 24c. (aauilna, Iran bajrrala, lc: caae. 8c COAL OIL. Ordinary teat, caaaa. 10.) bulk, in taxka, 8 so Fr.Tt.eana. BAMft-10 to 12 pounda. llHe: H to 14 pounda l01!,c; l to 19 pounda. 1 lswjc; 1 to H pounda. leiSc; .klnnad. Ikc: picnic HSc: cottaca roll. lia. UluKtU MEATS Beef tonguea. 7So: dried berf .eta. nona; ouiaida. nona; Inaldaa, 2Jt; knucklea. 21c. LAKD Kettl. rendered. tl.rca. lto; tuba 14c. .tandard. tlercea. 14 c: tuba. 12-c; .hortenlng. tlercea. VC tuba. c. BACON Kancy. 27c: atAsdard. 2; choice. JJc. klnxll.h, lafflSc -Y bALT CUKED lle.ular hort clMra. dry aalt. 12Ve; atnoked. laic: back. Tight aalt. use: .moked. 14Ve; backa. heaey fc.lt, lji(,c; .moked. ll.c; eiporla. mJi. 14a: unokid. la Sao. SHEEP FOB HOI SHIPMENT KUOM WKISKK PASS F.S TIIItOVC.II VARUS. Mo-., of the Tradin. of Uic Pay Ja In Uic Hop; Market. Which 1 Is Steady. A.M. from th. 1 yt.rday of about five loa.l. or mutton Block, all th. bu.lneaa dime at the yard. wa In bogs. Th. ho market .1111 maintained a tlrm ton. on top-grade, a. wa .hown by ' " or a load of J head of choice light-weight at $7..'). The bulk of the al.. however, were at 17.40. Heavy hog. brought and 'Abunrh of 47 yearling wethera brought H7.V which 1 the top current quotation. A few cull e ld at IS. S3 and cull lamt.e "'A'riir'oad rt heep a brought In hy th. Futtertl.Id l.iveatork fompany. of Wel.er. Idaho, in tran.it to fc.n Kranrlaco. whfrt It will be put .hoard .trainer for Honolulu. A carload of cattle and calvea from fc-arl-vIMe. . .aed llirouxb th. yard, en route to Medtor.l. ,, The re.-e.pl. for th. day wre 23 cattl., 11 lvea. :ai bo, and til hep. Tlie .Hipper, a ere lt-y II. Itohha. oural. WaeTt .. one rarloai! of hoc.: O. Item Salcin. Or., one rarload of elieep; A. M Mi ilnnl. orland. ("!.. two carload, of hogj. K. K. llrndrlrki. Phanlko. or., one rarload of ho,,; l..ollttle. V.arlvli.e. .. one carl. .ad of cattle and calve.; t. J. ianford. llknra. Idaho, one carload or h: M. l.aamn. I'lkuia. Idaho, one carload of hois.: Tiittterrleld l.lve.tock Company. Weler. Idaho, one rarload of aheep; J. H. Honhk. Knterprl.e. Or., two rarload. of .heep and one of ho; Jame. Mace. Wall owa. Or, two ca-l.-ad. of ho.a. and riau.i. Ieckley. Iraln. Or., two rarloai'. of hog The dar'i .ale were follow.: Wright, price. so cull lamr,. SO I3.0 rull ewe. 7 2.2a 14. h.. If ho. 1 7.4.1 7 ho.. 3' 7" .. n.. S4i .MI 12 h..K. -i- 1 ' a ho. sia .4o I ho '" PIl hog. IT" 1 hog 70 . K hog. 1 f 3S 4rt7 yearling wether. 7 3 75 lrlce. quoted at the Portland Vnton Stockyard, for the various claaaea of Block were: t'attle Cholc. .teer. .VIS$.1S0 fioo.1 to choir, steer. ft lo B.20 Fair to good steera 4.7.4 5-io Medium ateera 4.6f 4.73 I'oi.r .teers S-"5r 4..VI fhilce rows 4.40y 4.00 Fair to good cow 4.00W 4.40 1'immon rowa 2.50tf t ? Extra cholre .payed helfera 4 40 4.1.1 i-holr. helfera 4.2."it 4.4 rhulc. bull. 4-50 - S.73 Hood to choice bulls 2.7.f 3 " ("onimon bull 2.(i0iy 2.30 I'holr. calve. 7.2o 7. SO flood to choice calve. ........ 7.oo;v 7.13 Common calve. 4.0r 3 oo Choice eta. 4 .'0 v 4.73 Good to cholc. .tag. 4.23 Xt 4.30 Hogs Cholc. light hogs 7.4. T.SO r.ood to cholc hog T.oo.g 7.23 Fair to good hogs 0.75 If 7 0 Common hog 6.00V a-30 Choir, yearling wether, coars. wool S.25 8.30 Choica yearling; w.th.r. east of mountain. g nofy 3.23 Chols. ewe. 2.73ty 3.00 Choir, lamb. 3 73V 40 t-holr. yearlings 3.3o, 3.73 Good to choice lamb. 3.73 Cull. 2.iu 3.00 ( hlcago IJiewtock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 16. A"attle Receipt. e- tlmated at 27,uM; market shady to loc lower; hMta. 4.2'a S.40: Texa. steers. l4.loyg.ii: Wt.tern steers. f 4.23r A.73; atocker and feeder. 3.20ia ..73: coiv and belfera. 12.200.20; calves 13.306 s.30. Hog. Kecelpt estimated at SO.OiJO: mar ket. .low; light. I.'. tr -70: mixed. tO-D it &73: heavy. $u.03ti d.75; rough, l&oou 0.2t; goo. I t cholc. he.vy. 30.2.1 0.73; pig. 3.7jtH: bulk of sale, f 4.3. '.(i A. TO. eiheep Kecelpt estimated at 7.V0OO; mar ket, alow, ltic to lSo lower; native. e-Vif 4.0V: Western. I2.70w4.v0; yearllaga, 1) TO 4 :i: lamlis. native. 4.00w LoO; West ern. e4.0VOa.lO. SAN I-R-.NCIt'0 PKODKE MARKKT PHcea Quoted at the Hay city for Vege table. Fmita, Etc AX FRANCISCO. Oct. Hi. Tha follow ing produce prlcea were current her. today: VegetwLles C ik umbers. 3.'0 7oc; garlic, SHlr. tomatoes, 13tj4oc; ercpiant. SSrfoi'c Putter Fancy creamery. 2VSC Etfg. Store.. 30c: fancy ranch, 43c. the... Young America, 1&Q 14c . Krult Apples, choice. 1; common. T.'ic: Mexican llmra. 14 U 4.30; California lemons, choice 3. 30; common, $1.30; pineapple, 2 0 3. Potatoes Oregon Hurbanks. $1,404 1.43; Sullrss H urban ka. $1.30 & 1.63: aweeta, $1.3 O 1.7.V illllatuft. Bran. $-6 6 IV; mlddllnga. $32 ei. Hay Wheat. $13920; wheat and oats. $12 0 17: alfalfa. $v IX Onions ttf tr oc. Kerelpt "lour. J404 quarter sack: wheal. l:lt;0 cental; barley, 3!3 centals: oats. H2if centals; beans, 3313 flacks; not, toe. r.31'o sacks: hay. 3o3 tona. F.lgla Butter Market. Kims I!!., o. t. in. Bauw firm. 29c Output. .13. 7ov pounda. GAINS SCALED 0DWN With Slack Demand .Stocks Lose Part of Advance. SHORT COVERING CEASES N'ortliern Pacific, Reading and Steel tlie Weakest Featurea-.Announoe-ment of Toba'reo Plan With out Effect on Market. NEW YORK. Oct. Id. Pemand for atork fell off materially today and th. m.rket loot the firm tone that wa tta chararterlrtlo last week. Short covering, which wa th. m.lnatay of th. market on It. recant ad vance, ceased and there wa virtually no In quiry at th. higher lev.l. Th. market also had to meet tha effect of active realising sales, and there was a reaction which acaled dean recent gains I to 2 point. Filing of the American Tobacco Com pany's reorKanlxatlon plan in court waa th. on. event of th. day with an e.peclal bear ing upon securities value.. The prophecy haj been made that th. filing of th. plan would b followed by a marked Improve ment of sentiment, but th. tobacco aecurl tlea shared In th. general beavlnesa of tha Hat. Reading and United State Steal .howed moat decidedly th. effect, of pressure. Bell ing of United State Steel wa largely from out of town. Northern Pacific wa tha heaviest loser of tha atandard railway is ues. although th. Hariman .lock, and St. Paul war. also weak. Th. unexplained ad vance In Iihlgh Valley toward th. clo. carried it 3 points above Its low prlc. of th. day. The stock rose to a point above the prlre of Union Pacific and closed with a net gain of more than 2 polnla. Heavinrs of lh. teel shares wa not re lieved by th. trade reporta. which wer. mora favorable. Th. bond markrt wa. Irregular. Tot. I sales, par value. $n.7o:i.i00. United Statea bond were unchanged on call. CLOdl.NO VIUOTATIONS. Closing Bales High Low Bid AMIS Cha Pfd.. 7- 11 io Va Atn.llg Copper.. 1 J "'" ;'2H M J -Am Agricul ... tin" M r2. Am Beet .Sugar. H.MiO Vi American Can.. ami MS 10s 1 Am Car Koun 1.400 31 JO J4 Am Cotton Oil.. 700 60H 10 W . tl m 21 Am Ice Src. 2'K 18 17 bi Am Locomotive. 2oO 3.. ..;Ts AmhmAlld.. 8 4 M .."".'S do pfd 2.I0O . 102 101 1J Am Fleel Foun ,vi Am Migar Rcf. 40n I ! 11 l'a Am Tel Tel.. 7' UI3 -j 1 3 J Am Ton pfd... : 71 l 7 Am Woolen AnanMinCo... 4k 34V, 4 i. Atchison I1.40 I'HH l"1 J "' Atchl.on pf.t ....... '' Atlantic I'o I... -loo 127") l-'JXtj l.'i.Js Halt A Ohio... 1.1o l'7', "J1 Heth Steel 4i 2Vt 2V ; Krmiklyn R T.. l."" i ' .. Canadian Pac. 2.O'0 2:'" 2J1 Central Leather l'l 22 21V. jflls do pfd a.'""' '''v ? Cent of N J... 1" -'70 2.0 2.. hes A Ohio. 2iMK . 74V, 3 l-Jt Clmago k Alton J"1 Chi Gt West... 2"0 1!. 1? do pfd 4-H. KS 37 V 3.-4 Chi a N W r.i.O 13 113 144 Chi. Mil St P 4.'i"d 10!". 1"SV4 1"H C. C. U St L. loO - - Colo F J Ti1 Colorado s ..... Con Cut KOH Corn products ."r4 Iel Hudson. . -" -14 104 14-' D A R (1 I.:!) 24 ?k i f d.. pfd III. tillers- Sec. 3"0 32 ol E.ie 4.0- 81 3. 80 do l-l r -", -V S, ,io -.M pi.i.... i' 4i s Gen Elertric... 1.3 132 1.-1 Ot North Pfd . 4.1.H 12. 12H l.rt C.t No ore -tfs l.:to lil1 Illinois Cenl.. 1''0 l?HVi A-'1? a lnt. rhor-Met .. Soil 13 14. 14 .to t.td 4.i 44's Inter Harvester. I.o.m) 104V J?1 iil.r-3Ur nfd.. "fio 13' JoVi 13' Inter pper 1" 1S to JO Inter Pttmii..... ,,o -7 ' -27 Iowa Central...'.- ' Kan City So... 1" 304 304. J do old o' Ij.rler. Gas. .. 1.4.MI 1..4i 104 V, I'MVi Louis ft Na.h.. 1.2" 147 A 147 m 1 ii . P St' St"e M ' ' " 4 i -ioV, i jn i, 1 :;o i al. K Ar Ttxas. . .:. 32 l . do rfd ioo o v Mo I'l.ific 1.---0 na1 "7S Nat Biscuit. ..I -' National l-ad . '." 4 NIt.M2dpfd .l' 3 -?1( N Y Cetitrnl l.Hoo 1" l'3 J"'' .V Y. O W T'l " J ' Norfolk A West 2. wo 1 . I"'-H North American lfi ;. .','Jw No Pacific O.'.'ihi lis US' 11H pHClf.o Mill ... I"" "I .31 Pennsylav.uila . M 1J2'i I22V4 '-z s People's Gms .. 7"0 H-7i. 1. li P C C ft St I.. -too Ii 3i 1'4Vi Pittsburg Cat.. 1.3'Hl fiVi 17V. j; l'r Stcf rr. loo 2.1 2U 2H Pull Pal car Itv St.el hprlng Heading 3.l"0 13-tv, 137 11 Republic BWl . " i 23 do pfd 4oO S.. ' S3 M Rock I. land Co l.ooO 2S 24-i 23 do pfd :. lill 8 LAS K 2d td 100 424 6t I. Southwest -1A'- i" do pfd 100 09 b'J so" Pa ric 4o6 iioa, ion"-- lot1. 6o Railway .... !"n do nfd 71 4 70!, 7V Ten Cot.per " "W " Texa ft par flo :i"0 2'" , 2 r st iT & w.. ioo iH J"7 s do pfd 7O0 43 1 42 42 Union Paclflo.. M.soo 144 141. 142U do pfd 10 1'3 03 JJ t' K RrfiKy . ..... ..... n U S Robber... I.70O 44 434 4::S I- 8 Steel 13.:H0 BIS Rl' ..' C do nfd 2 7-o loos 10- 1!'S Utah Cpper .. l.i'.on 42S 41 42S V C Chemical.. l.S0 4s, 4"S 4..V. YVnr-a.h 1."0 Ufn 12H 12 So Pfd i."o West Maryland i. 37 34 ..V4 We.t Electric... 2a 4 r.4 Western I'nhn. .W0 TlCA .Vi Ih hL?aMeKr.'T.''i'''2' Totul alea for th. day. 400.100 hre. BONDS. NEW TORK, Oof. Id. Clolng nuotatlon: U 's ref 2s reg.loH N Y C gn SVsB. 87'tB do coupon ...lOOHlNo Paclflo Ss... S U 3s reg IOISINo Pacific 4...100V. do coupon ...101S Union Pacific 4..101V, U s new 4a reg.H3 Wis Central 4.. P2 " do coupon ...113 Jnpanea. 4 .... 6 V. D ft R vi 4 SOB Stork at Boston. BOSTON. Oct. 11. Closing quotation ll..e. 26 v; Unhi, lr .10 4 13 2 4 V, 37 8S A i L ft Sm... 31 Vi Artxona Com . . 43 BftCC&SM. 44 Butte Coalition. 13V, Cnl ft Arliona 4H Cal ft Hecla 377 Centennial 0 INIptssing Mines.. ..nnn mine. . . . . ;.North Lake Joid Pomlnlon... tsreola I Parrott (SAC). 9B loulncy 5S Cop Kali Con CO Bi ', R Hutte Cop M. lov. Franklin 0. Giroux Con .... 3 Granl.y Con . . . 3o Greene Cananea. 3' Shennon 7 Superior 24 V, Sup ft Ho, Mln.. 2Va Tumrtrack 24 V S 8 R ft M . . . 31 i 1 do preferred... 43l, I".-- . . . . l ji L. I Royalle (Lopi .J'". , - i .it. :l jUtah Copper Co. 42 S Tall. I'lH.IM'r 24 Vi vt .nona . ft Wolverine 88 l.a Ball. Copper 4 Vi Miami Copper... lVi Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Ot. IS. Money on call, steady. tStl-'i Per cent; ruling rate. : closina bid. t: offered at 2V. Tim. loan, steady; 40 days. 3jlV, per rent: 90 days. 1 Vi 4. 4 per cent; six month. J tl i 4 per cent Prime mercantile paper. 4 44 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual bul ne.s In bsnkers- bills at $4.SJ30 for 0-day bill, and at I4.S6S0 r 4 i0 for demand. Co'mmerclal bllla ll.fc.'V.. Bar allver 12'4C. Mexican dollars 45c. ....... Government bond, steady, railroad bond. Irt.gular. SKN FRANCISCO. Oct. . 1 Sterling on London. 0 d.y $ll-,: lht. ll.tSS Drafts Sight. So; telegraph. Sc CHICAOd. Oct. It. Exchange on New York. par. LONDON. Oct. 16. Consols, 7T lS-16d; allver. 24 "d; bank rate, 4 per cent. Metal Market. .NEW YORK. Oct. 1. Standard copper qitli't. Spot. October. November, Decem ber and January, 1L0 Ll-Oc Indui firm. Spot. 53 s d; futures. S. I.ak. copper. U.St)&ll.!Hc; electrolytic 1! 2a Ci:.I7Hc and casting. i;i:.2Sc. T n firm. Spot. l.3t 42.23c; October. 41 47H 41.70c; November. 4LS5t, 41.70c; December. 41.16eL5o: January. 41.10' 11 Ik' r.hrmrr 414x41.30c. lXnd0n firm. I Boot. fls bs; futures, tins. Sale today ! fiv. ton pot tin at 41.5c 1 . . n - . c ... v-eoi Vorfe 11 ' U 4.:ftc Ka.t St. Louis. London. 1S 2 d. Hpelter dull. lS&.2oc New York; Q 6-2ic Eat St. Louis. London. 27 12s 6d- Anilmony. dull; Cookson's. S.12Hlc. Iron Cleveland warrant. 46 d in Lon don. Locally iron waa quiet. No. 1 foun dry Northern. I13.26 1S.&0; No. J. 159 15.13; No. 1 Southern and do gbft, $15 11.10. roncUtlon of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. At the begin ning of business today th. condition of lh. Ulnied eUate Treasury was: ' Working balance In Treasury of- flees I 79.4bl.Sn5 In hank" and Philippine treasury S4.310.fls9 Total of trie general fund llis.ltja.oss riecidpt yesterday 'i'i'., Dl.hursements 2.. o4.-il The deficit to date this fiscal year is !!. 833.423. as against a deficit of $11. 180,340 at tht time last year. Theae figure exclude Panama Canal and public debt transaction. HOPS SURE TO ADVANCE PRICE WILL BE HIGHER WHEX AMERICA V BREWERS BUY. Quotation., on the Pacific Coast Too I,ow, Based on Current Values Elsewhere. ORTING. Wash.. Oct. 14. (To the Edi tor). About two weeka ago you kindly puo lihed a letter, giving my view on the hop situation. In that letter 1 predicted that If grower would hold their hop until October 15. thereby giving samples an op portunltv to reach England, they would see an active and advancing market. Judging by your paper of today, my prediction was right. The market., while very strong at 3 cente and better, is still 10 cent below the actual value of Pacific Coast hops, based on the price being paid e!ewher.e in Qehmany. 70 rente Is the price to krower. and In England 33 cents. In New Y'ork 32 Germany. 70 cent I the price to grower, and our bopa are alway worth within cent of New York hop ani within 10 cent of choice English hop. Now there la a very strong demand for hop at 33 cent. This Is a ' h price and experienced growers should know that no one would pay these price unless they had to have hops, and If they coujd not be bought at S3 cents, still a higher price would be paid. I see by today' Oregonlan that the Eng lish crop this year Is 32a.oon rws.; In 1Hl. 802.000 cwt. and in lt". 2 14.000 cwt- They are aupposed to use rtoOOOO cwt. each year. Where are they going to get the hops they ar. .hort thi yert Germny ha no hop to pare, but if they should sell the Eng lishmen any they would have to pay about 75 rent per pound, so they must come to America, and if we don't force our hops on the market, we can get our own price. The brewers congress I In session In Chicago and will laat until October 21. American brewer are busy with thi and ar. not paying much attention to hops, but when they get through in Chicago and find out market conditions, they will all com. Into th. market and an advance is bound to follow. I think hop will sell on the Pacific Coast at 30 cents per pounda by No vember 15. I would like to hear from other growers on this subject and would like to flee their vlewa In print. ALVIN MUEHLER. Coffeei and Sugar. NEW Y'ORK. Oct. 14. Coffee closed easy at a net drcllne of 12-fjr-ll points. October. November and December. 14.60c; January, 14.39c; February. 14.20c; March and April, It. sue; May. 13.94c: June. 13..'c; July. August and September, IS. 90c. Spot coffee firm. No. 7 Rio. 151. irl5''4c; No. 4 Santos, Jt7,c. Mild coffee lirm. Cor dova, 17t 1!e nominal. Sugar Raw. nominal and lower to sell. Muscovado. $9 test. a. 45c: centrifugal, 94 test. ft. 95c; molasses sugar, S9 test, 5.20c Refined steady. Nrur York Cotton '.Market. NEW Y'ORK. Oct. 14. Cotton future closed steady 2 to 14 point higher. Octo ber. 9.03o: November, 9.06c; December, t.26c: -January, 9.11c: February. 9.1t'c; March, 9.25r: April. 9.S9c; May. 9. Stic; June. 9.39c; July. 9.4Jc; August. 9.28c; Septem ber. 9.37c. Spot cotton closed quiet. 10 points high er. Mid-uplauds, 9.50c; do Gulf, 9.75c; sale 1390 bale. . Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Evaporated apple steady, with arrivals heavy, but mostly for export. Spot fancy are quoted at 10'olOV.c; choice. O'u-O'jc: prime. 8 -fr 41 yc prunes nuipt but firm. VJuotatlon range from 7 -y 1 2 : c for California up to 40-f.o. and ll-o-Ll!? for Oregon. Peaches steady on reports of firm mar ket on the coast. Choice. 1 1 14 ft 11 ex Ira choice. Ilr,il2c: fancy. 12',itjl2c Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 10. Butter. steady; crt'.im Ties. 23 '1T 211c : dairies. 21 t 24c. IllKg Unsnt 1 ied : receipts. 4311 casta; at nf.rk. cases included. 15ilSc; firsts, 21c; prime firsts. 22c. Ch-'Mi Steady: daisies. 14Vc: twins, )'ij IHc; young Americas, 14Vi314Vic; lox horns. 14 Vt ".i 14 Vc. Iluluth Flax Market. -wiiUT.UTH. Oct. IB. Flax on track $2.47; Jfi store, $2.47; to arrive, 12.41; October, '$2.43; November, S2.39 asked; December, $2.33 bid; May, $2.32 nominal; to arrive in ten days, $2.4J. . Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIM. Oct. 16. Wool, steady: terri tory and Western medium. 17'o20c; fine medium. lBfflSc; fine, 11 (3 15c. , Hop. at I.ondon. LIVERPOOL, Oct. IS. Hop In London. 9 10, S 10. Hop at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. Hope Firm. TEACHERS HOLD INSTITUTE Grant County Instructors in Favor ' of University Appropriation. v JOHX DAY, Or., Oct. IS. (Special.) c The teachers of Grand County came out atrongly in favor of the University of Oregon appropriation at the close of their session here yesterday. The resolutions adopted pledged the sup port of the teachers of the county to the university appropriation and com mended Superintendent Austen for his efficient management. The sessions of the institute were especially helpful. The Instructors were Professor K. D. Hessler. of Ore gon Agricultural College and J. A. Churchill, superintendent of the Baker v. 1 m An oihicn ! I nnu 1 nrnirmmmA was presented Friday. Speeches were j made by Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendle- 1 ton, and John P. Rusk, of La Grande. A reciting contest, was held and Alias Hazel Johnston. .of John Day, won the advanced division prize and Miss Joule Kennedy, of Dayville, won the primary division prize. Yoang Woman Dies at Wcxxlburn, WOODLAND. Wash., Oct. 16. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Qussie Wengenroth. 24 year olo. aiea m lier iioiiio iic.b vi-i.o- ber 7. of tuberculosl. Mrs. Wengenroth -was a daughter oi Air. M. r: ana Jirs. Lydia Bird and a granddaughter of William Bird, of Clackamas County, Oregon, and Eliza Jackson, of Cow lits. County, Washington. Mrs. Wen genroth is survived by her husband and one son 16 months old. The funeral was conducted this afternoon at tha Presbyterian Church. Rev. T. T. Vin cent officiating. Sunday School Convention at Cove. LA. GRANDE. Oct. 16. (Special.) The annual L'nion County Sunday school convention will be held at Cove for three days beginning tomorrow. Delegates will be present from 16 Sun dar schools of the county. WHEAT PILES. UP Visible Goes Over Sixty Million Bushels. BUT SHIPMENTS ARE LESS Result Is Gain of Half a Cent in Prices at Chicago- Decided Im provement In Cash Demand for tlio Cereal. CHICAGO. Oct. 1H. Although today fof the first time sine. 1901 th. visible supply of wheat In the United State went beyond 60.Ck10.000 bushels, the prices of the cereal made a gain of 4o to Vc net. The chief reason for the advance wa that world's shipments for the week were much less than expected. Corn 'finished a shade to fce higher, but oats were l-16e to le lower. At the end of trading hog product varied from 6c off to 13c Increase In cost. Not only were world' hlpment of wheat more than 5,000,000 bushels under the total for the corresponding time a year ago. but the supplies afloat for importing countrle had decreased nearly 4,000.000 in the laat even daya. On th. other hand, the effect of the huge pllo-up of stock In the United Statea had been largely discounted and to a considerable extent wa offset by a decided ly Improved cash demand. December fluc tuated between 97V09c and 89 H 99 Vie. with laat sale Vic higher at 99c Rainy weather and fear of more brought about the upturn In corn. December ranged from 0464 Vic to 64 Vie. clo.lng steady, Vic up. at 64Ht64,,c. Cash grades were in only fair demand. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 72 72 He. Liquidating aalea by longs carried down oats. High and low levels reached by the December option were 47440 and 47c- The close wa 4714 tl Sc. a shade net lower when compared with Saturday night. Liberal exports helped lift provision. When tho crowd had scattered from the pit pork was 10c to 15c dearer, lard 6c off to 24Rc up and ribs 2Vic to 7vjc- The leading futurea ranged as follow: WHEAT. Open. High.' Low. Dec $ .99 $ . $ -"'-i May 1.04V, 1.04 1.0444 July LOOVs "V CORN. Pec 4V4 -64 Vi .84 My ' R -66 Close. $ .994 1.04 Vi .99 .44 5 Vi OATS. Dec. May July .474 .50V, -.4 MESS .474 .50 V. -4S44 PORK. .474 .491 .45) 47V4 .60 .4H Jan. May .. 13.17V, 1S35 15.17V, .. 15.10 15.25 15.07V 15.25 . LARD. . . 8.77 V 8.82 ',4 Jan.. $.77 Vi S2V4 SHORT RIBS. 8.00 8.00 7.95 .. 8.05 8.07 Vi "05 quotations were aa follows: Jan. . . . May. . . Cash 3.00 8.07 V, rinnrn "trn-ll- Rye No. 2. 9SJ96V4c. Barley Feed or mixing. 70c $1; fair to choice malting, fl.1001.22. Timothy seed II3$15.25. Clover $14(819.50. , Pork Mess, per barrel, $14.60914. 16. Lard Per 100 pound. $8.75. Short rib Sides (loose), I7.7S08.5O. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $8.26(58.75. Grain statistics: Total clearancea of wheat and flour were eo.ua! to 538.000 bushels. Primary receipt were 1.520.000 bushels, compared with 1, 592. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United States incrSised $.583,000 bush els for the week. The amount of bread stuff on ocean passage decreased 8,680.000 bushel. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 100 car: corn. 456 cars; oats, J90 cars; boga, 23.000 head. Receipts, bnipments. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels . Rye. bushels . Barley, bushels 12.100 81.800 17.000 . .. 62.O0O . . 291.000 . .894.000 , . 8,000 . . .148.000 265.000 118.000 4.0.10 14.000 I'uget Sound Grain Market. SEATTLE. Oct. 1. Wheat bluest em. ! S3c; forty-fold, 79c; club. 79c; fife, 7ac; red Russian, 77c. . i Oats $30.00 Per ton. Ilarloy $:il.00 per ton. i Yellow corn $31.50 per ton; mixed. $:1 ' per ton. . J Yeetercny' car receipt Wrieat, 89; oat. 7; hay. BO; rye. L j TACOMA. Oct. 1. Wheat Mneatem. 4c; fortv-folrt, 81 82c; club, 8082c; red , Russian, 79 SOe. I Wh-it, 23 car: barley, three car: corn, one car; oats, four cara; hay, 17 car. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 16. Wheat Firm. Bartey Nine. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.48 '.i tt 1.50 per cental. Barley Fred, $1.07 Vi: brewing, $1,550 I. 01 Vi per cental. Oats Red. $1.60(ot2 per cental: white. II. UO'a 1.70 per cental; black, 1.90a LSO per cental. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December. 1.77 per cental; May, $1.85 per centaL Knropean Grain Market. LONDON. Oct. Irt. The cargoes today were liKht, but steady. Walla Walla for shipment was luitea at at so. to do t. The 'Snglish country market wa firm, be ing from 3d to d higher than laat week. The French country markets were steady. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 10. Close, Oct. 7s BVd; Dec. 7s C,d; Mar., 7s BVid; May, 7 1 oa,d. Weather cloudy. s Minneapolis Wheat Markrt. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. ' 16. Wheat December. 1.U94: May. 1.13V4 ijH.134. Cash: No. 1 hard. $l.lot No. 1 Northern, $l.u Vi tS' 110; No. 3 Northern. Jl. OflV, W1.08; No. 3 wheat, $1.03 Vi 3 1.05. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Oct. It). The vlalbl. aupply of grain In the United State Saturday Octo ber 14, s compiled by the New York Prod uce fcxehange. was: Bushel. Increase. rorn 3,60.00 '1,481,000 OhI'.' 21.790.0110 4.17. OoO Kv. 7SH.0O0 157.000 Barley 3.890.000 460,00 Wheat, in Canada laat Saturday 6.947.000 1.492.000 Decrease. BIGAMIST WEDS 5 TIMES Handsome Harry Canierca Is Sea tenced to live Years In Prison. TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 16. (Special.) William Harry Cameron, aged 28, and handsome, is said to have two wives In the State of New York, one in the Philippine Islands and. admits he has two in the State of Washington. He also told Deputy Prosecutor Nolte this morning when he was arrested on a charge of bigamy that he was di vorced from one wife in Ohio. Cameron served four years in the Regular Army, a large part of that time in the Philippines. Cameron about a year ago met Florence McMurray in Vancouver, Wish.; married her after a short ac quaintance and is alleged to have left her almost immediately. He came to) Tacoma end February 27 this year wedded Jeanette Hughes. He soon de serted her, however, and went to Red monds. The two wives both have let ters written from there asking them to come and ' live with him. He was not aware fhat either knew of the ex- l.umbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDED ISo-i. - Capital Paid in Surplus and Undivided BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia We buy and sell Foreign Kichance; issue Drafts find Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. INTEHEST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. WM. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BURTC.HAELL, Aaaf. Manager. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. ; Corner Washington First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 "Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains istence of the other, but chance threw them together. Cameron pleaded guilty to bigamy this afternoon and was sen tenced to five years in prison. "I believe that Bitulithic is the best of the smooth pave ments, and is of great durabil ity.' Thos. F. McClure, Bank President, Cin cinnati. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Construct Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavement. 6O5-60S Blctrlo bldg.. Portland. Or. 0kar Huber, Manager. IBATELEB8' GLIDE. San Francicso. Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific S. S. Co.' S. S. Roanok. and S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alter nately at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third t.. near Alder. - ilARTLN" J. HIGLEY, Passenger Agent. W. K. SLI SSKR. Freight Agent. Pbone M. 1814. A 1S14. THE BIG 3 BEAR BEAVER ROSE CITV EXPRESS STEAMERS fOE Ban Iran cisco and Los Angelas WiTHOCT CHANGE. . S. S. Roee City Sail 4 P. M., October 19. AN MANCloCO PORTLAND ba. COW Ticket Office. 14$ Tnird St. Phone. Main 401 and A 140$. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Balls from Alnsworta Dock. Portland. S P. .. .very Tuesday. Freight received at Aln. worth Dock daily up to 5 P. M. Pas senger faiw. first-class. $10; second-class $7. including meale and berth. Ticket office Alneworth Dock. Phonea Mala He. Mala 110. 1234. Corner Tilth and Stark Profits. $8,500,000 $7,805,769 City. .......$1,000,000.00 ... .-.- ... 800,000.00 and Third Streets. TRAVELERS' GCIDE. MimMsMMiwihwi Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. American I Atlantic Transport Red Star 'White Star White Star-Dominion xaasBaBSaiBaxaaaaxaj T. H. I.ARKK, 6IS fiecond Ave.. Seattle Wash. Apply Local Railway Agent. OPEN KIVEB TRANSPORTATION CO. STR. J.N.TEAL Freight received; dally at Oak-st. doolc for The Dalles. Hood River. Whlta Salmon. Unia 1 1 1 1 a, Kennewick, P a 0 o, Richland. Hanford. White Bluffs, ant FIRST-CLASS rASStstiiin ""'v" FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALMON. TBS DALLES. ' Steamer leaves Portland Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday. 7 A. M. Returning leaves Tho Dalles Monday. Wednesday. Friday. 7 A. M., arriving at Portland about 5 day. W. S. Buchanan, Supt.; W. S. SmaUwood, Gen'l Mgr. Phone Main 29p0. A 8527. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. Kxpress Service via ST LAWRENCE RIVER SCENIC ROUTE Less Than 4 Days at Sea by the EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC. Weekly Sailings to JEurope. Second-class. $53.75; One-class cabin' (II) $50 SPECIAL CHK1SIMAS AAiuiveioao. Friday. Dec. 1, Empress of Britain. Saturday, Dec. 9. Lake Manitoba. Friday, Dec. 15. Empress of Ireland. Berthing plans now open. Boole Early. THIRD-CLASS RATES. Hamburg. Antwerp, Bremen, etc. $30. $31.25 Liverpool. London. Glasgow. Bel- fast $.il.-J. $JZ.OO Norway. -Denmark. Sweden . . .$34.75, $37.25 Special rail rate, on request X fVe OUllBUU, VT. !., Al. - All rail and S. S. agents sell Can. Pac Willamette River Route Daily Boats (except Sunday) 6:45 A. M.. for Oregon City. St. Paul and Way Landings. For Salem 6:45 A. M Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Taylor Street Dock. Telephone, Main 40. k NEW ZEALAND AND AUTSRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamer, sailing from Ban Francisco Nov. 15 and every -JS days. Well : tngton and back. 1st class. $264. Other ratsa ; also low. The line to Isles of tbe South Seas., For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address OcMalo S. a. Co Jsa Fraaclaoo. I WW