3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1911.' ' 18 ' t INSPECTORS CITE E Carelessness Charge Against Pilot, Indecent Language That of Engineer. CREW GIVE 'TESTIMONY Circumstances Surrounding; Striking of Maria by Rne City Investi gated by Official -Hearing la Today. From the InvaaUratlon of facta lead In to the sinking of a barn of and and damage to the steamer Maria. Sep tember JO. when the vessel and her tow were struck by the steamer Rose City, near Tostoffice Bar. have drown rharpes gainst Captain Joseph Turner, pilot of the Kose Cltr. accused by Local Inspectors Kdwarda and Fuller of -carelessness and negligence," and agalnt Kntclneer Kern, of the Maria, of using Indecent language In the pres ence of the Kose Oltya passengers. Turner's case will be called at o'clock this mornlnir and that of Kern was set for tomorrow mornlnir. Kern Is charged with having applied to Pilot Turner an opprobrious term, which he admitted In testimony given during the Investigation. Kern was on deck when the Rose City struck the Maria and yelled an imprecation at the pilot, while against the rail were crowded those traveling on the Rose City. If found guilty, hla license can be suspended. Testimony given that when the Marts, wns struck half of her starboard barge waa on the Postofflre Bar range probably led the Inspectors to charge turner, the Inference being that there waa an abundance of space between the barge and the opposite aide of the channel for the big steamer to pass. Captain Nellsen. who waa In charge of the Maria, clung to his statement that "be waa on the range." Testimony waa given by others that the Rose City was headed for the Maria's wheelhouse. E. P. Wendt. quartermaster on the Rose City, eaid that he was at the wheel and that In answer to orders from the pilot be put the wheel hard over to port and that the steamer ran on that three minutes before the Im pact. He said she answered the helm alnwty. Pilot Turner testified he sounded one whistle from the Rose City and that It waa answered by the Maria, which was well on the Rose City's bow. He aald when the answer was received he told Second Officer Frltimaurlce to iro ahead full speed and that the Maria did not five way. but crowded the Rose City on the Willamette Slough side of the channel and that the steamer took a shear because of the suction. After alowing down and giving an order for full speed astern he said he gave the alarm whistle. Captain Turner de clared he had been a pilot on the river lnce m;. PORT WILL- DEMAND SALVAGE If Claim la Small Schooner Notting ham May Be Repaired. Development yesterday Indicate that Ihe Port of Portland Commission will Insist on the San Francisco Board of Marine Underwriters paying a salvage claim because the port's tug went to a and towed In the abandoned schoon er William Nottingham. Attorneys of the Commission were consulted yester day, and on their advice a keeper waa placed aboard the schooner at Astoria, the master and crew being permitted to take their personal effects ashore-. In some quarters It la contended that the Commission should not hold out for the payment of a heavy claim, the ame as has been done by private cor porations. As the Nottingham la not a carrier in great demand In modern transportation ber owners, the (Slobe Navigation Company, would no doubt fee pleased to accept a verdict that she Is a total loss. In the event a small claim la exacted by the port the under writers may proceed with her repair, but Captain Albert Crowe, local agent for them, was advised yesterday not to visit the vessel at present. ASTORIA. rv ihi. 14. Special. V The disabled American schooner Wil liam Nottingham was pumped out today ty the tug YVallula. assisted by the schooner's own donkey engine and pumps. The hull appears to be In Rood condition, exreptlng that some butts bave started and a few seams opened. The vessel Is In charge of Captain Gun derson and a crew employed by the Port of Portland, and no one. not even Captain vensnn. is permitted to go on board. "WIRF-I FSS WEATHER. PLAN OCT Corrrnmrnt Wlehr-a to Supply Vr acls and Exchange Data. District Forecaster Reals Is working to interest vessels plying offshore that are equipped with wireless In an ex change of weather reports and If h la aacceesful, the service will be Inaugur ated from Puget found. Masters of ataamers plying on the Coast have given the department excellent results In wlr lng conditions at sea. Of the vessels plying offshore the Japanese have promised to co-operate and have sent several communications. British and Norwegian carriers have done well, but French and German ships are said to be slow In responding. From San Francisco dally reports are ent to vessels and from Mare Island the time la sent at noon dally, that masters may check their chronometers. The dally weather report la aent out as follows: T. (" an a Rain. V. H. 1.-55 a I'lear. K. ! n 4 Haiy. H. T. ! 1 Foi. K. D. lij C'ler. The foregoing means: Tatoosh. the ba rometer 39-9. bolng the direction of the wind, namely, eight miles as hour. The different stations will designate T." for Tatooen. "N. II." for North Head. "E.." Eureka. "8. FT" for Ban Francisco and ti. D." for San Diego. KIVETt CLEARED OF BIG TLAXT Sandhog'Crcw on Broadway Bridge Ends Work on Piers. Today will mark the removal and dis mantling of much of the plant of the Is Ion Bridge Construction Company that baa been used in the Willamette Hirer In the building; of piers for the Broadway bridge. Only derrick and ne of two barges will remain with which to rush work on the layers of granite that surmount the concrete base of the piers. Some of the equipment Is to remain ere and other parte will be shipped at. wbcre the company baa several TURNER AND K large contracta under way. The sand hogs completed their labors late last night and will be paid off today. There Is a shortage of granite in the receipts from a Washington quarry, but that la expected to be cleared up In a few days. One pier fs about eight feet above the present stage of water and the other la 1 fet- No danger la ex pected from Winter freshets. KESCVE SCHOONER ARRIVES Story I Told of Vessel Tliat Saved Nottingham' Crew. i Built In Oregon, owned In Japan, reg istered under the flag of Great Britain, commanded by an American and hav ing Victoria. B. C. as her .home port, the schooner David Evans, which has arrived at St. Johns after having picked np the crew of the abandoned schooner William Nottingham, la prob ably the only vessel afloat having auch a congress of nations Interested In her. She la distinctive In other ways, for It waa only last Spring that ahe made the run from Kobe to the Columbia In CTEAaU IXTELUOKXCaV Due I Arrive. Name. Carlos Fue H. Elmore Breakwater. . Rose Cltr Roanoke. Golden Gate. . . Tillamook.... Anvil Suvene. ...... Beaver Geo. W. Elder. Falcon ....... Alliance '. Bar From .Pan Frsncleee . Tillamook. .. . .Oooa Bay.... .ran Pedro... ban Diego. ... . Tillamook.. ... . Coqullle Date In port In port In port In port In port in port Oct. 1 .Bandon. . , .Manila Oct. IS JO Oct. . ean Pedro. ... an in.go... . Pun Francisco . Kureka. ...... .San Podro... Oct. 20 Oct. S3 Oct. at Oct. M Oct. 24 Bcbeduled to Depart, Name Ooldrn Gate. .. Sue H. Elmore Breakwater. .. Carlos R.ienoke. . .. . . Bom City Tillamook. Anvil Beaver . ...... Alliance Geo. VY. Elder. Falcon. ....... Bear , Buveric For . Date . Tillamook. ... hct. IT . Tillamook. . .cooe Bey. . . Oot. IT IT IT Oct. Oct. .San Francisco Mn lueso. , .Pan Pedro. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 18 19 It 24 2.1 55 -H 11 SO .coqullle .Bandon ...... .San Pedro.... . Kureka. ..... an IHego. . .. , San Francisco , San Pedro. ... Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. .Manila. ...... : days, which Is as fast as many steamers crossing the Pacific reel off. The vessel has sailed the seaa 10 years, and those who have known her assert that In that period she has not a poor passage against her record. She was built at Marsh field in 1901 and until purchased, less than a year ago by Kobe Interests, was owned by the Pacific Shipping Company, of San Francisco. Marine Notes. Coming to load lumber for Valparaiso tinder charter to W. R. Grace & Co. the schooner Sehome arrived in yester day from Long Beach, CaL One of the erf w of the river steamer Beaver yesterday fished a handbag from the river belonging to Mrs. Emma Gaugne, of Tillamook, containing 136 and received a reward of 1 5. On ereaeblng the lower harbor yes terday the steamer J. A. Chanslor proceeded seaward, but turned back owing to conditions at the mouth, where a stiff wind was reported. Captain Jessen. of the steamer Roa noke, arriving from San Diego and way ports, says that he did not meet with any portion of the southerly blow recently rampant along the Coast. It Is understood that negotiations are on for the recharter of the German ship Barmhek. which the Portland Flouring Mills Company has on Its llHt, but another local shipper wants the. vessel. Captain R. J. Young Is In' command of the steamer X. R. Lang, vice Captain W. K. Inman, and Captain George H. Hale la skipper of the ferry Western Queen, at The Dalles, succeeding Cap tain A. J. Price. Having broken a fluke from her wheel the steamer Golden Gate was lifted on drydock yesterday and Is ex pected to be floated so she can sail this evening. .The damage was sus tained while leaving Tillamook. When the British steamer Anerley finishes working lumber at Prescott this afternoon she will have taken on the last of her cargo for Melbourne, parts of which were loaded at Tongue Point and Westport. She Is expected to have S.'OO.oou feet. As a proposal has been made that the steamer Leona engage In work along the line of the Oregon Electric, near Salem, she did not make ber usual trip to McMlnnvllle yesterday as the proposition waa being Investigated. It was given out that she had not posi tively abandoned the McMlnnvllle route. After shifting from the Llnnton bal last dock to Montgomery dock No. 3 yesterday the British bark Iverna started working wheat, two gangs being employed. and she will probably haul over today to the North Bank dock. The British steamer Hellopolls moved from Montgomery dock No. I to Oceanic but Is not counted on to finish thjs week because of the scarcity of wheat. Major Mclndoe. Corps of Engineers, IT. 8. A was apprised yesterday that Captain Dunbar, master of the Gov ernment dredge Chinook, working at the mouth of the Columbia, had shot himself four times In an attempt to commit suicide. After the vessel re turned to Astoria from the mouth of the river to land the master, she pro ceeded to her station In charge of First Officer Dexter, who will be In command temporarily. Inward manifests yesterday filed at the Custom-House comprised those of the steamers Temple E. Dorr. Nome City. Roanoke. J. A. Chanslor. Washte naw. General Hubbard and Olson & Mahoney from California porta, with the German ship Barmbek from Santa Rosalia, the British schooner David Evans, from Kobe, and tba steamer Alliance from Eureka and Cooa Bay. The Dorr cleared for Aberdeen. Roa noke for San Diego, Chanslor for Mon terey, Olson A Mahony for Tacoma, Carlos for San Francisco with TOO tons of wheat and 400,000 feet of lumber, Waehetenaw for San Luis. Alliance for Eureka and the Russian bark Isabel Browne for Queenstown for orders, with a wheat cargo of 75,469 bushels worth 163,000. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Oct. 1. Railed Steamer Temple E. Dorr, for Aberdeen ; steamer Al liance, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Astoria, Oct. 14. Condition at the mouth ef the river at ft P. M., rough; wind north-, wost 36 miles; weather, partly cloudy. Ar rived down during- tba night Japanese steamer SMntsu Maru. Palled at 7 A. M. Steamer Tamalpala. for San Francisco. Ar rived at S:.MV P. M. Schooner Sehome. from Long Beach. Sailed yealerday Steamer IVe.litngtoa. for San Francisco. San Francisco. Oct. 1. Sailed last night Steamer Oleum, for Portland. Tatoosh. Oct 15. Pueed In at a A. M. British steamer Osweatry and Norwegian steamer RygJa. from Portland. ean Francisco. Oct. 1. Arrived Steam era Wtllapa. from Grave Harbor; Mexican, from Bolllngharo : echooner Lily, from t'mpqua. tailed Steamers Grays TTarbor. Helene. for Urays Harbor; schooner Muriel. tor Mahukona. Seattle. Oct. 18. Arrived President, from an Krancleco; steamer Admiral Sampson, from Tacoma; steamer M. F. Plant, from (;an Francisco: U. 8. revenue cutter Tahoma, from Bering Sea via Valdes. Sailed Steam er M. F. Plant, for Tacoma: steamer City of Seattle, for Bkagway. Liverpool. Oct. It Balled Teucer, for Taooma. Tacoma. Oct. 14. Arrived fit earner Ad miral Sampson, from Alaska; Acllla. Ger man steamer, from Hamburg; steamer H. F. Plant, from San "rancico. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. 1aw. r..t A. M 7.3 feet 3:11 A. M 0.5 feat H M.....I.4 (eetet:ft2 P. Xeet TRIPS FEAST TOPIC Commercial Club Issues Invi tations to Dollar Dinner. PLACES TAKEN READILY Bantrnet to Be Served Saturday When Speakers 1V11I Tell of Junkets to Burns, Klamath Falls and Ab erdeen Pictures Taken. Invitations to the dollar dinner to be served by the Commercial Club next Saturday were Issued yesterday, but Jong before they were ready for mailing-, more than . 100 . persons had reg istered for plates. The committee ln charge expects to have the largest at tendance ever obtained for such an en tertainment by the club Plans for the dinner were discussed fully at a luncheon of the committee yesterday. Five-minute speeches will be delivered by eight prominent busi ness men who went on the trade ex cursions to Aberdeen, Burns and Klam ath Falls, and these are expected to cover fully the salient features of the big jaunts. Phil 8. Bates has prepared a stereoptieon lecture which will oc cupy 45 minutes of the programme. He has more than 200 slides, made es pecially for the occasion, giving all the phases of the trips, and including many of the cartoons that appeared in different papers while the excursions were In progress. "Stunts" of various kinds and the booster songs and yells sounded by the Portland delegations will be Interspersed among the more Important features of the programme. One of the most attractive parts of the decorations will bo a big electric piece used at the Aberdeen celebration of the opening of the Chehalls bridge. It' represents in bright electric lights a bridge with opening and closing draw, and a locomotive passing across. The piece was lent by the Aberdeen Cham ber of Commerce, which sent It to Portland yesterday and donated the services of an electrician to aet It up and operate it. Menus for the dinner will be in the form of a miniature four-page news paper, and will contain, besides the bill of fare, the different "stunts." songs and yells that characterized the three excursions. . ACTOR NATIVE OF OREGON Melville Brown, Now In Vaudeville, lias Varied Experience. Melville Brown, author and por trayer of the leading characters of "The Value of a Pollar," now playing at the Empress Theater. Is a native of Oregon. His father was Captain J. A. Brown, of the firm of Brown 4c Mc C'abe, stevedores, and the young man. who has had a play placed at 23 years of age, only turned his attention to the stage two years ago. Since making his first entrance. Brown has been a mem ber of the Belasco Company at Los Angeles and the Baker stock com panies of Spokane and Portland. Brown has tramped all over the Pa cific Coast. Down near the famous Oearhart beach. Brown has acquired 1 acres of land, where ho expecta to erect a bungalow and studio out of the proceeds from his present engagement In vaudeville. There Brown will have a miniature theater and hopes to pro duce a play of greater magnitude than the little human Interest story con tained In "The Value of a Dollar." "I Intend to have hothouses, chickens, garden patch and within hearing of the old Pacific's breakers I think I will be perfectly comfortable during vaca tions." said Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown is a great believer In the Melville Brows, Playlag at Ei preaa. Bora ia Ore grow. out-of-door life. When preparing at Caacadllla for Cornell University, he was a member of the football team, pitched for the nine and won the 120 yard hurdle In the meet between prep aratory Institutions. The death of his father prevented his college career. BENSON'S ACTS UPHELD Governor AVest Praises Policy of Previous Administration. 6AI.EM. Or.. Oct. IS. (Special.) "I wish to Indorse many of the state ments of Thomas J. Randolph in a communication to The Oregonlan. which appeared this morning," said Governor West today. "I agree with him when he speaks highly of Governor Benson. I believe Governor Benson was one of the best men I ever knew. As Gov ernor, hla efforts were along the right lines, and ha did everything In his power to better conditions In and around the state Institutions.' Had his health permitted I am sure he would have given his best efforts to bring about needed Improvements. Most of the improvements made In recent years were started under the administration of Governor Chamberlain. Mr. Benson aa Secretary and Governor gave him every support and went as far as hla health would permit In carrying out these plana. This administration Is not trying to rob former administrations of any credit due them for good things they have done. "As to what Mr. Randolph has to say about me I do nek care to discuss. He Is no doubt entitled to his own opinion aa to what he thinks of me and my work and It gives me no concern whatever." h .-a 1 ! S ' w i - . I I III 1 I FACTS FOR MEN C K. HOLS MAN, M. D. A Straight Talk by an Expert Specialst I am an expert specialist and treating ailments of men exclusively. I own my own office and equipment and pub lish my own photograph, and personally supervise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until I discharge them as cured. Although my time Is fully occupied from early morn until late at night In looking after the wants of my .patients, and in admin istering my special treatment for Blood Poison. "V arl cose Veins and Hydrocele. I always take pleasure In consulting with new patients. In offerlna- ml services to tne aniiciea ment. of men I am giving you the BEST that can be naa -".v and lntelTv tlon for the past IS yeara can leave no doubt aa to my aBllity. nonesty A riOKT and ahoura be suftlclent to convince the most skeptical that I am the F XJREMObT "rncalfyr,o.,mon,.traf. Vh?t SS? VeSTS. be cured in nr.y . caaes in such a aatlsraotorv war that the vital parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, mains subside.. 'a healthy circulation Is rapidly re-established. Instead of the de pressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured. VAWCOK VETN9. I dally demonstrate that Varicose Veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling sub sines, a healthy circulation la rapidly re established. Instead of the depressing conditions. 1 guarantee you a cure to stay cured. KirKY. BUtnnrnt and prostatic I)ISIASKS With thse diseases you may have more complications than are presented by any other diseased organ. By my searching Illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by microscopic examination and urin alysis 1 make doubly aure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foundations for scientific treatment. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. Self mlttc treatment only should be used, lo combating this loathesome dis ease" I cure Blood Poison by the new German Remedy which 1 Introduce di rectly Into the. blood, purifying it, neu trallxlng It and expelling poison from the system. New blood thus formed sunpllcs and rebuilds the tissues In such a way that the patient recovers his nor mal state of health, strength and sound- m'y DIRECT TRE ATMENT ' FOB n'EAKNESH. That disorder commonly known as weakness has for years and generations baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to this very day a majority of doctors, spe I Treat All Ailment of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer a Free Consultation and Examination I Invite you to come to mv office. I will explain to you my treatment for varicose veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, fis tula, bladder, kidney and all men's ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination. My office Is open all day from a A. M. to 8 P. M. and Sunday from 10 to 13. All eorreapoadence treated confidentially. Letters cheerfully answered. Dr.C.K.Holsman 221 12 Morrison Street Corner First Street Portland, Oregon PLEA ROILS MAYOR Rushlight Reminds Parson Law Forbids Soliciting. SUNDAY WORK OPPOSED IU-prcscntative of Sabbath Observ ance League, VHo Seeks Contri bution, Rebuffed: by Rushlight to Whom Letter Is Handed.. "There la a state law against solicit ing from public officials, and I want a stop put to IV ald Mayor R?llght to Rev. J. H. Lelper. of the feabbatn Observation League, when Mr. Lelper asked him yesterday afternoon for contribution. The Mayor declined to discuss the subject afterwards, saying It was a personal affair between him and Lelper. , The purpose of the minister's visit was to hand the Mayor a letter from the officials of the Lords Day Alliance, asking that the Mayor see to it that Sunday la observed better In Portland hereafter. Street repair work, the erection of buildings, hauling by teams and auto-tnicks and work on the new Courthouse are mentioned In the let ter as work which the Mayor ought not to 'permit. "All employers." the letter reads, "whether Individual or corporate, that use the powers of employes seven days In the week (except when absolutely unavoidable) are Infringing on. the rights of the employed, and to that ex tent defeat the object of government, oppress the laborer and retard the progress toward desirable. Ideal pub lic morals." The letter froes on to ay tnat the "sacred rights" of the people, "under our constitution," are Invaded by the repairing of the Courthouse Sunday, because many of the taxpayers are "Sabbath-keeping Christians." "Finally," it continues, "we deplore all violations of the law for weekly rest and publio worship, as being a grave offense against the divine author of the Sabbath. The God of all the earth Is Jehovah, whose law for all nation contains the following com mand: "Remember the Sabbath day to keep It holy. . . In It thou shall not do any work.' That law haa not been revoked. The Hebrew nation suffered captivity and final destruction as a result of lta rebellion against this law and Its author." The letter Is signed by officers 0 the Northwest branch of tha Lord's Day Alliance, and bears the Indorse ment of the Portland General Minis terial Association. A small percent age of the membership waa present yesterday afternoon when the Indorse ment waa given. Lewis River to Be Bridged. VANCOUVER. Waah., Oct. 16. (Spe cial.) A bridge over the Lewis River will be built next Spring, about a quarter of a mile up the river from the main street In Woodland. Thla was decided at a Joint meeting of the Coun ty Commissioners of Both Cowlltx and Clark Countlea and the State Highway Commission, at which about 250 In terested persons were present. Tne Woodland people desired the bridge build at the end of the main street, but tne river there makes a sharp bend i St , lift i?M 1 CK.Holsraan,M.D. experience in all- tne niun "i-" -"7. ",,, cialists not excepted, are attempting to overcome It by methods that have been In constant use and have always failed for half a century. They dose the system with powerful stimulants and tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or strength that Is not and never has been lacking, with the result that the func tions are temporarily excited to the pos itive detriment of the patient. Weakness is only a symptom resulting from many local conditions and Is curable by local treatment only, without the giving of a single Internal dose, which demonstrates the absolute accuracy of my understand ing and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with single fail ure and I have entire confidence In suy ability to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally, certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and permanently restore strength and vigor. NO MONEY REQUIRED TO COM MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence In their doctors, be canse ho demands pay before a cure has been effected and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition or through unsuccessful treat ment have become skeptical and think there Is no cure for them. I want an .opportunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, as 1 accept pay for my services as benefits are derived; when I am satis fied the patient is reliable. Health is capital at Interest. I will prove my abil ity to cure before asking pay for my services. SIGN THIS CO I' POX FOR VALUA BLE INFORMATION FREE. Pleaae send m free your self-examination blank, "For Men," aa I desire to describe my case to you for the purpose of t&king treatment, it 1 decide you can cure me and your charge is low enough to suit me. Name . - and is cutting into the batik. The bridge will cost e60,000. of which sum Clark County pays $15,000. Cowllta County S15.000 and the state $30,000. WALLOWA PIOWEER DEAD Thomas Roup Passes Away at His Home in Joseph, Or. JOSEPH. Or., Oct. 16. (Special.) Thomas Roup, one of the early settlers of this county, died at his home here Thursday, October 12, after a long ill ness. Mr. Roup was born at Sparta. Livingston County, New York, on May 3. 1828. At the age of 24 he located in Iowa, and after 15 years of farming In that state he came to Wallowa County, Oregon. In 18R2 he married Miss Nancy Henry. He Is survived by his widow, one daughter. Loretta. wife of H. S. Hunt, of Joseph, and two sons E.- T. and W. J. Roup, both of this county. The funeral services were held Satur day. 11 business was suspended here durfaanthe funeral. r Tlllajnook Valuations $15,000,000. TILWOIOOK. Or.. Oct. 16. (Special.) Assessor Hare has completed the as- I sessment of Tillamook County, which i does not Include the assessment on the j railroad. This will bring the assessed valuation up to about $15,000,000. Last year the assessment was $18,920,278. There Is an increase In town and city lot assessment, owing to so many sea side resorts being platted and placed on the market. Last year these were assessed at $729,248 and this year at $1.113.537. Electricity Sears Man's Fingers. Electricity in a callbox at Thirteenth and Montgomery streets severely burned the fingers of Frank Wright, a streetcar conductor, last night. Wright waa picked up by fellow employes after he had been thrown several feet from the box by the force of the shock, and was sent In the Red Cross ambulance to St. Vincent's Hospital. After the fingers had been dressed Wright was able to leave. He lives on Savior street. , Corey Installed. In Office. SALEM, Or.. Oct. 16. (Special.) H. H. Corey became secretary of the State Railroad Commlslon today, the A SQUARE DEAL Is what you- will get If you treat with me. Results are quick and positive. You are benefit ed at once. Men who have dragged their cases along for months with some other spe cialist are astonished at the prompt ellects tt mv r a m a r 1c a 1) I S treatment. I cure ffr. Varicose Veins. Piles' Rupture. Kheuma- tism. Stlir and Swollt- Bladder, etc. Blood Ailments quick ly and safely cured by 606 Consultation Free. Write or Call. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128H Second street. Portland, Or. Office hours A. M. to I F. it Sun day. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. PALE An raWee to rick bBftdsehe, In A. UH e atAfnirh Uld tkVl aOlBe BILIOUS H2? MMnl S 'hn ran knOW What to QO. rtUrU Wa hs cursd Ihses oomplslnls r tblrty yrs with CT.V8 ISFIOTID Liraa UJA. Too look oiiier d fcol bsusr oft" aslDg thorn- Oo. B.U for a dooo. 3Se s box ol stores or br Boil. Tot JLruTr oaUO CO, rfcfiaaalphl Ds Cured in DR. A. G. SMITH, THE LEADIC SPECIALIST. I am a rea-lstered and licensed phyalrinn, confining; my special practice to tbe disorders of 31 E. I have more money invested in my establishment than all other Fort laud specialists combined. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most suc cessful and reliable, as medical credentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true specialist, who sees and treats patients personally. I pos sess skill and experience, ac quired in such a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical com panies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplo mas or license to practice medi cine in Oregon or any other state. Medical companies are usually named after a doctor. A por trait, whose personality and identity are indefinite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. 1 . . i ' : 1 I J v. 1 " , 3t"" eV WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia. Piles, Fistula. Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours 9 A. M. to S P. It. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. DR. A. G. SMITH 234V2 Morrison St. Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. resignation of George O. Goodall tak ing effect. The resignation of C. A. Fogleman, stenographer, also took ef fect, his successor, Abner Jones, of Portland, to take up his duties as soon as he files his oath of ofllce. Consult (FREE) DR. KEEFE Nerve, Blood and Skin Ailments SPECIALIST And Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Come to me In ... j iA y coniiuenco ,; me show you the ? - wonderful rejuven- 1 Jf atlnsand curative '"jii- , 7'powera of my direct " method of treat T ment. You are Jl under no obllga- j-r j tlon to take treat-.-.-3 J ment unless my V charges, terms and jr arrangements are sa1. entirely satisfac- My Best Refer- tory to you. ro ln enee Is NOT A Jurlous m e d 1 cines DOLLAR EED used which leave HB PAID UN- after effects on the TIL CURED. Bystem. No deten tion from business. The following ailments are sueeeaa fnlly treated: Varlcoae Veins. Nerve, Rloori and Skin Ailment, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Blood Poison, Weakness, Eruptions, Piles, Fistula. WRITE If vou cannot call write for Information regarding Dr. Keefe's Treatment. EVERYTHING CONFIDENTIAL. NO HIRED SUBSTITUTES. I meet you personally, consult with you and treat you individually at alL times until you are cured. Legally qualified to practice In Ore gon. Washington. C a 1 1 f o r nia and Nevada. 9 to 6, 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to L J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. S13V4 WASHINGTON ST, COR. 6th, Portland, Or. i THE DR. GREEN METHOD MEASI CERTAIN CURE We euro quickly and . permanently all curable case of VARICOSE VEINS without severe mrilcil operations: SPECIFIC BLOOD POI SON without Injurious dru-s (606 skillfully administered If pre ferred) l NERVO-YITAX DEBILITY without stlmalatlre remedies; BLADDER and KIDJTKT troubles: FILES and all RECTAL ailment of men. YOUR PROTECTION Our offer PAT WHEN SATIS FIED la your ab s o 1 u t protootlon. Consultation, exam ination and diag nosis frse. "W h" ' you want Is a curs. Come to os and (ot It. Ones undar our trsatmsnt. you will Quickly reallss how simple a thlnr it Is to iret nell fn ths hands ot a special ist who knows his business. Our euros add not only years to Ufa, but life to ysars. office hours dally, to 6. Eron Inxs. T Is I Bun- days. 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. S63 WasbinftTtoa St Portland. Or. MEN -A Five Days Varicose Veins Hernia, Blood Poison No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. m NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MKST CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL. AND P E R M A N E N T CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER JPKPICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. L AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BUST KQUPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles. Fistula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and Ktve you FREE a physical exam ination; If necessary a microscopi cal and chemical analysis of secre 1 1 o n s, to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan tage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veln3 can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. KIDNEY A!VD BLADDER AILMENTS. With thest ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing: or gans. Bv my searching illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by microscopical examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus lay ing foundations for scientific treat ment. " 606 VOTi. BLOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery. " 606," In cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures In one treatment, and Is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new remedy has been successfully used In thou sands of cases. Let me explain it to you. Even if You Live Outside of Portland " IK. WO You can tak my Root and Herb remedies safely and with every as surance that you will bo benefited. I have perfected a Bystem whereby in lending me 4 cenU In stamps to cover postage of symptom blank and litera ture you can describe your symptoms o minutely that I can diapnose your case accurately. Then knowing your trouble I can provide the riirht treat ment, as I have used in so many simi lar cases to yours, the records nf which I will show you. Renumber, my consultation Is free. If you live In the city and can visit me person ally, so much the better. WoChineseMedicalCo. 250V2 Alder, Comer Third Entire Corner, Second Floor. I Cure Men $10 IS MY FEE Pay When Cured. Gen eral Debility, Weak Nerres, In- "''""T'r -1- ..stTi.pvln. or exposure, overww,. latlons of Nature's lwsmenti of Bladder and Kidney, Varicose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense. I cure such ailments as Varlcoae Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison, etc.. completely and permanently, often with only a single treatment. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M- only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO, Washlnirton St, Corner rtnt, Portland. OrOB. L. T. YEE & SONS The old eminent Chinese doctor cures any disease successfully, such a weak ness, constipation, asthma, catarrh, cancer, piles, nfrv ousness, rheumatism, blood r,nlmr l.ino- 11 VAT. kidney Si-JM and stomach trouble; also -. rT. ... .iimsnli nf mn and iV women. No matter who has A failed. I guarantee a curs If UfeB ': .iaut. curaDie. i uvc !,. -study of herbs and grsduated from ,i ..ni.ersltles and took post-graduate tim several torses In China. I have thousands of tes timonials from my graieim . only the most harmless Chinese herbs, regardless- Ot the high PrlCa- ,b Vllnk anS you. Call or write for symptom blank and circular. L. T. TEE SS MEDICIJfE CO.. 142 First. 6. E. cor. Alder. Portland. Or. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Vade of Chine herbs and rnot medicine cures all kinds diseases of the heart. June. vy. b: liver, nomkco, mo ilood trouble of man. and woman when others tail write It you suffer, oau or n OEtOix Wash. St.. or. 2d. Boom IB. port Or f 'J V