Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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17, 1911.
A. M i - -
m . w 1 --v-. k FUB I FOE RENT. .
(On of Many.) , ,
Office) Mexstaj-T Emploiroent Dprtmi.
X U. C JL.
Trn man. .traitor, out Of "or"
ki. tout -e.n aseen if i par 7" V,T
p-laj emr.ormeat memb.rehlp I 'U
ha.e only ill text bina m stas
taiion. . ,
Secretary If too Pr M for special
omployro.t membership Jon will he.a
t. T. M. C. A-. wltn It. IUOWM. o
lMn yea ud itanatloa.
Result: Your man Joln.4 Aeanrlatlon.
In lee. ihu . bit aauafactory am
pioym.nt. Record for I month twain Sept- 1-..
Calls for mn !
Pillion, nlied
N members 1JU
Emplnrmaat membership rQrmn!
employment or refuD4 of memb.reHP
e: (lTa two monlha- full m.mbreMP
prt.llaa.e. 10 montha- octal prtvllafaj
ana asd.rtak.a to keep partr enaplor?"
urtri tha full tarm of mamporabJp ajita
tat further cbarse. fc
We b.To constant demand for '''
armaa. eiperlencad mam. aVr flttac
for a batlar position f
fle. Hfr.ur AmolMnnt deparCmeoi,
T. M- C A.
WANTED Sjerlalty ealeamen: Boed por
nusnl poaitlnca for tne rtsht kind ot
man. Cooria ra band: throush ;
a; a-rocara and wa In an
pmmloent Jnbhin centals. In appl-rlns"
aiT. ,xparten.-e. .a. ul .11 Information
herlns mr.y b.rls( on subject-
aoo i-ubrlra-inc Company. Qulncy. iii
sates dapartmant.
ttE ant air-erlenred rIir ealeeman to
aall Iota Id tha bet .dJitlon arar opened
In Portland. T la hleS-claaa Tla"
property, with all rmrrovamenie In
paid for. Wa par liberal commissions
and prorlda prospects. If 700 ran rlllrar
taa ,-vxia. rail at 144 fith at. .nd eK for
ealea mar.afar.
t'MTEP STAIFS NAVT has opaned a B--ri
ITIN.1 FTATI.'S at 1S l.allay '.
rhanaa bulMlna. Portland. whare Infor
mation will ba a-lartly eln about ?T
apportuntt la, to young man over 4 " "
Vakln of a Man o waraman -tel.lna;
ail about tha Nary, will ba arnt
fra. to anyone who I"H It
In of lot to fflunt" f" nay Jarr.
rarpantar work or rffnfnt work; ba'anra
pavab'a in . month: 1-t .v.lo. with
nit watar: lok th:a up: naar farllna. Mr.
Ion.rd. Coiumbi. Truat CornfUf.
Fourth at
MEN. inl .rrapt .ny kind of amploy
mant until you ha.r from oa; maka IT
par day aalllna nw .rtl-l; nw plajl.
ioara & alla for 25 eanta; l..uOO aold
In Mlnnaapolla; aand -c l"f two aamplra.
Pomaatle Mf Co.. MS Wah. ara.
WANTED By an o;d aataMlahad hour". .
local raprrtrntallro to hand 10 ap-lal
l.dara of anlrtwatata on a atrict commla
aion ba.a. aood proposition for an rnrr
f.le man. with rafarancaa. J.
Kaon Co.. In--.. Baltimoro. M.
lLf..-UX of ability to lalrlw railroad
mployas: will ba provldr.l with atrona
rrdntlala from hlahaat railroad olflrla.a
and h.ra arraaa to anopa and ofricoa; r-r-manant
work for tha right aiau. Ac
Oragonlart. .
V ANTED Wholasalo lumbar yard pl.nnlna
mlll auparlntaniiant. Lone HfMO. Calif.
Inraat J' to ai)0 In at.xk of cor
poration. Addraaa. .114 Conaoll
datad Kaaltyblrr. UaAnilt S,,m
WANTED 3 k'tod housa-to-houaa aollcl
tora. aomathlna .Hao.utrly r. noililne
to j:i. but y.-u ran aura mak monry.
If you ra mln laas than S . day
aa ua aftar A. I. 1".".." Chamber or
XF ou think you ran salt raal astata wa
wlU taka you In and I'irli you tha bual-
naaa. 'All wa uk U wllllnanaa. to work: wo
will prorlda tha pr.sprcta and guarantaa
raaulta Call at 14 th at. Ask lor aalra
manacar. .
fv0 yea want good poaitlona. bl aalary.
aaay work? tall and ragiaiar your nama;
no charga fr positions.
Slav, Washlngtor. naar lTth.
AN opportunl" for a lla man aalllna our
gurantaod Yakima Vallry-grown nuraary
stock aarluaixe trrrltory: outflt fr: cash
waakly: "liintla." not aioarlanra. raonlrad.
Toppanlsh Nurrary Co.. T"rfrnlh. Vtaah.
CA.-UALTT Insurance acenta If you ara
not making mora than a
Agency Director. 41 Mohawk bldg to
12; steadr position, good r-y-
WASTED Experienced driver; only thoae
who know the my and can handle fur
nlture need apply. gimg refaranre and
phona number. AJ avri. OfinHn.
RV. MAIL CLERKS, poatofrica clerka. mall
carriers. November axamlnnttone In Portland-
eampla quaatlons fraa. Franklin 1 n
tl'ua. tapt. 3IO-J, Rochater. N. T.
MAN to take tneirly furnlahedl
In hotel: sleeping room; board one for
rant. :4 North 2t h. 8 car north on
:w, to 2th. Mock aouth.
A L 'o. O HF.IO NI AN .
HIIH-ilRATE salaaman wanted for new
proposition, readv money and quick re
mits; lo to a week to good aalea
Mn JIT Fllednrr b!da.
EXPERIENCED sawing machine adjuster
for clnaer and I'nion Hpeclal roachlnaa;
steady employment. Sbull-D.y Co, Ta
roma. W.3h
W ANTED pilMmrn for Portland and near
by town.: only flrat-claae man considered:
rood money lor right parties. Inquire H.
p Carr. New Perkins Hotel, city
SALESMEN wanted to sell our Una of Pa
rma Coasl-rrown nursery atock: cash paid
waakly. Pacific Nursery Co.. IJnJ Iron
bl d g.
WANTED Man. li lo .14 years, clerk gro
cery department, general etore. out of
town: atate rafarancaa and experience. M
tT. Oragonlan.
JIEAL estate man wanta young man In
real eet.te department to show lend: no
exiertenre necessary. Nstlonal Realty 4k
Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce bMg.
WANTED Farmer (single man) with dairy
and same experience; permanent place to
right party. Mavlro Farm. K. V. l. I.
Woodbum. Or.
WANTED Contmaker. tv and up. l. I.
Patera. Walla Walla. Waao.. or call at
p. B. lie Bride A Co.
STOCK aalesman. eal.bllahed buslneaa Ad-
dreaa los iuv Portiand. Ulva qua.lflcatloat
and rrf-ren- es.
WANTED Flrst-claaa commercial aian-
arttera. Apply Foster KleUer. Last
Tth and Everett sta
WANTED Young man that can ana for a
vaudeville art. Call at S11? 1'lne at..
Room &.
hOI.ICITOK.'t: new houaehold neceaalty;
easy seller; aood pay for energetic work.
S to P. M . H. A. Coyle. Jl oak at.
WANTED Picture p.av writers: big pay;
we'll teach you. Plrtare Play Asaoc.a
ton. an rrBlvs
CARPENTER or contractor to build house,
take pay In adjoining lot. MaJn fr'; a
11 M.
WANTED A boy to mork In trade shop.
Apply Log-abln Making Co, Vancouver
eve. and Vraemont at.
AN of good appearance and good talker
u aoltclt for large corporation In Port
land Apn'v to 11. 711 Yeon Mdg.
JAPANESE wood-cutlera wanted, fine tim
ber, good ground, long Job. Inquire -111
.acond St.
IKaTEHNAL oraanuera wanted; good
propoalUon to right parttea; give refer
ence. AM r... i T-a ""-
Al l.-AKOl'ND experienced pa p T boa man.
tYaVrcon Paper rioa Co-. atfle. Wash.
ANTED lood eoatmaker. Apply J. .
Jensen. TTe Dallee. Or.
MACHINI.To. n in -union. Apply 121 Com
merria.1 C'nh b:da.
JflojI.EKjlAKrR.. B.nunlon.
Comm-re'a: Club bv. g.
FIvf reaidence lot for land clearing, near
ReedMl e. 1 131 K.lleworth. W-R car.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agrnta.
new offer. Cutberth t'ud'o. Pekum bidg.
W A N TE rfc eiol icllors far city work; aood
proposition for right men. Vain 1M4.
WANT E D B") a oyer 1 A, with wheela.
1 at.
Exf EKIENCKIJ alo. k cutler who ran check
( n d i n g t'over prlntln g Co . I.V, ttn at.
LI'E wire, to eeli coal; big commission.
4CI AMrgtow Mdg.
fALESUKN wanted to lntrodu-a enr coal.
Hlllcreef Coal Co.. Ilts Chamber of Corn.
filNtt.f; man for farm, one bandy with car
penter too. a. AD. oregontan.
IELIVERT boy wanted, a.' Salmon, corner
RF.i-.ITFRED drug dark, city experience.
Nau a Pharmacy, corner ath and Alder.
jw 1 X w inte' Aprl r M r K eeterT A M.
i;i'fi Music Hmse.
WtNTI.P iioo bov to work nlent and
m-mng for board. Call 1 11th at-
Hnf oar 1 yeera. delivery. Nana Pnar
macv comer etri and A'r.
TV (iTED Hot for riellrat
essen. 443 Wash-
I r a on et
atOX waaieiL 11 XVeauiB bidg.
ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the O. 8.
Marlne Corpa. between the agaa of 1 and
84. Must ba native born or hara first
papera. Monthly pay 115 to $. A"'
tlonal compensation poselble. Food, cloth
ing, qaartsra and medical attendance rrea.
Alter ao year.- service can retire with 7
per cent of pay and allowance.. Service
on board ship and ashore In all paxta of
the aorld. Apply to V. S. Marine Corpa
recruiting office, Breedrn bldg. d nd
Washington sts.. or room T Winchester
House, lauj Sd at.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Flrst-claaa bushelman: highest
wages paid to the right man. I33T bandy
BOOKKEEPERS, cash I ara. bill Claras. ete-J
I will guarantee your qualification ta fill
poaitlona In 0 daye; private Inatrwottoa
by public accountant; poaiuon aacurad.
aio. Oregonlaa.
PHOTO STLTiIO Wanted, a reoeptlonroom
lady, one that can print developing pa
pera and help In general work: must
have at lemal two years- experience; none
other need apply. tilve phone number
and addraaa: care of AN N-8. Oregonlan.
Apply Utandard Fat tori. Kay X. Oraai
ava. aid Kaat 1 ay lor aL
tlrn the Business.
Fanitaxy Beauty Parlora.
4M to 412 Dekum hide
A Poeltlon Ouaranteed.
Ii.l'NU lady of neat appearance and buel
neaa ability to do special work outside In
Portland aoclay. Apply after A. X, T-0
Yaon bldg.
WOMAN for housekeeping and to look .fter
two children; one preferring home more
than wages. Apply Tuead.y morning. .
t nlon .va. ortn.
WANTED Stenographera desiring kottrr
positions and higher ealarlee. aend ad
dreaa for Information to American Spe
cialty Company. Peoria, lllinoia.
WANTED at once, competent girl for general
nouaewcrH. 2 eo'inw .i...... v.- " "
fweo'an girl preterreo. w n..n .
GIRL WANTED For general housework,
must ba an experienced, competent worker.
Applv at 4l Montgomery Drive, city.
MANIKIN LAI'lt-l ' C.- '
IHU W'asniiaton at. Cor "ttj. Lpataira.
Thone Main 7n1
W AN TED rirture play arltara. big pay;
wa u teach you. Picture Play Association.
en Frmneieco. .
Washlr?f-in bldg.. 4th and Wash Pta.
Main ." or A 2.
W ANTED Inside wlremen; only A No. 1
nen need apply. W'llroa bldg.. lh and
TCV ' demonsfraiora. guaranteed 1n Pr
week. panltary Beauty Parlors, 4"0
Iekum Mdg
WANTED lirl for oat rich feather ore.
one ataylng at home preforred. 214 Bwel-
land M'"g
W A NTF.t Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlevl Co.. AO Roth-
chlld blng.. etn ann y asnio.ioo
WANTED 60 demonstrators and salea
women: large salary and commission. 6ea
manager, i-flca 41.1. "elllng Mdg.
Bl'SINESS firm raqulrea woman over 25
who la trustworthy and capable; experi-
- n i Oraeonlan.
WANTED Woman. llh references, take
rooming-house, small amount cash, gmall
payments. r - -. -.e---
W ANTE D Experienced inMllnery aalaslady
and trimmer. Apply Rubln-a. Selling
bldg.. cor. atn and Aioer sis.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Phone F.ast .'.61V
WANTEDExperlenced waitress Apply to
XI ra. c II. Lewie. IPth and tlllsan St..
BOY wanted. Apply A. M. Mr. Keater.
Filer. Music House.
GIRL for general housework and cooking:
good wages, small ramuy. s-o iMiwwwa.
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
wares to rignt party, pn .loumup.
WANTED A girl to work At reatauranu
lo2 N. 3d at.
GIRlTTo work In kitchen. Portland Deli
catessen. 13 Third el.
WANTED Flrst-ciase talloresa. Zii 6tark.
MalnatUo. .
AN experienced girl for general housework.
Hi Tlllxmook st. Taka Broadway car.
W ANTED Capable girl for light luncheon
room. Apply 23Q Washington at.
WANTED General houeework girl. An
p'y '"ft Pettygrova at.
WANTED Tonng lady for a yaudevtlle act.
call 30. pine at.. Hoom o.
WANTED Lady barber. Steady work. Call
271 Tavlor st.
EXFKir.NEl second girl; wagea 113.
VI J FoVd st. Phone Main TM.
G1KL to assist In housework. &7& Tillamook.
Phone C 102.V
FIRST-CLASS tailor wanted. $Sa Third at.,
room 10.
WANTED Near young girl for aecond
work. Apply In forenoon, 80 MarahalL
by learning to take care of. repair and
drlve automobiles, our graduates are
recoanlxed aa carefully trained men and
draw good ealarlt-a, our method, ara
based on years of experience and our atu
den:a have no difficulty in securing poal-
113 5th at. North, near Gilsan.
By learning to operate moving
Dlrturee. operatota earn V2i to
li weekly: easy Inside work;
. short hours; lexrn busineaa In
lo leasons; leeeona reasonable.
Day an-4 evening claaaea. Open
tint, Washington, pear inn.
MEN wanted, age IS-8S. for firemen, tioa
monthly; brakemen, 00. on nearby rail
road. Experience unnccraeary; no atrtke.
Poaitlona guaranteed competent men.
promotion. Railroad Employing Head
quarter. 194 men arc-, to positions la
September. State age; aend stamp. Rail
way Association. Bog . Oregonlaa.
I0.PU0 POSITIONS for grmduataa last year:
mea and women leara barber trade la
a weeks; help to aecure poeltlon: grada
atee earn from 1 ta Hi weekly; expert
lnstroators; tool, free; write for ee.ia
loguea. Moblar System of CoUegaa, i
North 4'h at.. Portland. OT.
THE Remington typewriter employment
department la the standard medium for
the placing of stenographic help. When
yon want a good atenographer. Just call
up Main S or A 3113- Htark at.
: WEEKLY giving hypnotlo exhibitions:
easily learned: Instantaneous method:
toeipa1d x L'nlveraai Bureau of elcience.
ortland. Or.
PRIVATE SCHOOL Bookkeeping. ahort
band. typewriting, day and eight claaaea
14 Chamber of Commerce. Pnonea: Of
fice. Main H5J. reel.lenee East 144.
OWNER will aeil modern six-room bouae, on
the Hlchniond rarllna. at a bargain. In
quire at W4 Clinton, aouthweet corner of at. Main
kAkE money writing ahort itarlat, or far
tapers: big pay: rrea booklet tena now.
Inlted Preee byndlcate. rao Francisco.
TTPE WRIT 1ST to learn to operate Dicta
phone: posttlone now open. 141 to $00. OoO
Worcester block. Marshall ITOl.
guaranleea poaltloa free to thoee who leara
barber trade In our college, aa. Coach.
Bwetland bldg.
WRITING. 3 mo. 1U 14th at. Main SS3.
Uookkeepera and Clerka.
1 DKS1KE altuation of raaponslbillty with
hlgh-claaa butnaaa bouse aa aalea min
awer. puollcity man. adjuster, etc.; good
mixer; sober and t years with last em
ployer; have executive ability, newspaper
training and know how to meet all
claaaea. manufacturing. Insurance or real
estate concerns would find my services
valuable: aalary no object If opportunity
for advancement la evident. W 103, Ore
gonlaa. JTEWePATER HIS. qualified to taka
charge of any department. 3a yearg ex
perience on email and large newspapers;
goud writer, good manager, eober and
first-claaa references, wanta responsible
position In Oregon or Washington aa pub
lisher's aseL. or department head. O 60 i,
ire gon la n-
BOOKK.EEPER. office manager and credit
man with aeveral years' experience
In mercantile, and banking bualneaa wanta
position, city or country; good reference..
AM f-oa, Oregonlan.
Hp books, prepare balance, and atata
xoenla. lnrta.l systema. Glillngham. aa
dltor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall TIT.
WANTED Position as draftsman, or will
deVgn and superintend construction of
building; years experience In Portland.
O 4. Oregonlan.
WANTED A poeltlon as bookkeeper and
stenographer bv young man of A -1 char
acter; city or 00 us try. O Htl. Oregonlan
POSITION In Northwest by an Eastern uni
versity graduate, C. E.. 2S. 514 years
general buslnesa experience, assist- man
ager, manager, handling help. buying,
selling: best reference af to appearance,
progresslveness, executive ability, etc:
good opening more desirable than high
salary. R 5'JO. Oregonlan. .
VOI.XU. experienced bookkeeper and office
man. or clerk, wishes position; willing to
leave city. Q ftc-P. OrcKonlan.
Miscellaneous. .
lOL'NO married man. with small family,
wlshcia poeltlon on large ranch. Good en
gineer, gaa or eteam. can take care of any
kind of machines; doee not object to milk
ing or any other farm work. Room T,
fill 4 3d at.
A I" TOM OB I LB man. IO years' experience
In factory, demonatrattng, ahop foreman,
salesman, electrician and road man, la
open for position; interview desired. Ad
dress AV 677. Oregonlan.
I HAVE had thorough training aa news
paper man and want connection with
atrong mercantile or real estate concern.
Rrferencee A-l. For Interview addreaa AM
602, Oregonlan.
PRINTER rirat claax, all-around, temper
ate, married, wanta steady Job as manager
or foreman of good country ahop; write
fully. AV W Oregonlan.
TOT'NG man from Eaat wante poalUon: aev
eral yeara' experience selling, repairing
and driving automobiles, trucks and motor
boats. P. O. Box g'.'g. Portland.
CHArFTEl'R. atranrer. wanta position: do
own repairing; carerui ori-n, io....j.
Addreaa G E. W.. 849 West Bxltnon. TeL
Main 4270.
AIARiUED man want. Job aa Janitor for
apartment houae or office cleaning: ex
perienced. SUUVj East Burnalde. Phone
H .1 Jl.
TRl'CK DRIVER, young man. with 7 yeara
factory, tesilng and driving experience in
East on gasoline trucks and pleasure care.
wanta position. P. O. Hw 2D2. Portland.
AU. around carpenter wants work by dsy
or hour. Handy at any kind of repairing
In houses. I. Leconta, 4111 10th at. Phone
Mxrahll SOV3. -
GERMAN, middle agd. reliable. dealrea
any kind of work, city or country. A,
f-t'i, Lregonlan. -
EDUCATED Chlneee wanta any position to
work for family or sweep rooming house
or cook. Apply phono A 4421.
BY' a Cliln..a young man a position; Jani
tor or waiter In apartment hou-o or sa
loon. Phone A.13II' or Main 7H34.
JOB PRINTER Apprentice. would like
altuation; haa had about 1 yeara ex
perlenca In the trade. A R B02. Oregonlan.
JAPANESB boy wanta short hour's Job In
store or any place Before 0 A. aL or
after 3 P. M. AF nrm. Oregonlan.
HOI'SECLEA NING and window-washing or
Janitor work. Main 7S2. Anurew J.
POSITION of Janitor In public building or
business house; references. If. J. Wright,
Pacific Hotel. Columbia and 1st n
l'Ol.NO man. 20 yeara old. going to nigh
school, would like work In the afternoon
aft ar 1 o'clock. AH 4t9.Orct on 1 an.
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wanta to do
cooking and housework In small family.
AF MA. Oregonlan.
COLORED porter wants office or rooming
house work; few hour, dally. Marshall
WANTED Experienced man to aollclt
house-to-house for llouor store: atate ex
perience and reference. N4H.Y Oregonlan.
JnAN and wife want poeltlon on farm; so
children: can give best of references. L
606. Oregonlan.
YOl'NU man. speaks four languages, de
alrea position In store or employment of
fice. Phone Tabor 2S41.
"MOVING-PICTtTnE machine operator
wishes position. AP IMS. Oregonlan.
BAKER All round man. 4 yeara' experi
ence. X 492. Oregonlan
AX EXPERIENCED and competent watch
man wanta a position. 8 4f3, Oregonlan.
JAPANEKE want, porter or Janitor work;
dish washing. AN So. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife, cook and waitress, city or
country. Tom McMIIIen, 131 H Union ave.
Bookkeeper, and Stenographer..
Able to handle any set of books.
Toung ladv able office manager.
Phone today. Marshall RS4.
6TENOGRAPHEH, of excellent experience,
capable of high-grade work, wanta per
manent or temporary employment: Un
derwood operator; Eastern and local ref
erences. Telephone Main 1277.
EXPERIENCED and competent stenograph
er dealrea poeltlon. trueiworthy and ca
pable of aasumlng responsibility. I'hone
Tabor 1213.
EXPERIENCED atenographer, bookkeeper,
wants responsible position. Main 6e07.
City references.
RAPID atenographer. with aeme experience,
good speller, accurate and rapid typewrlt
Ist, deslree position. Phone Marshall 27M.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer
dealrea position; one yeara experience. AX
6'4. Oregonlan.
THOROUGHLY experienced atenographer
and bookkeeper with executive ability
wanta position. Phone c
LAn Y wanta position as stenographer; mod
erate salary. Call before 1 p. M. Mar
shall li.
EXPERIENCED young atenographer desires
position; best of references. Call Marshall
ough business woman, especially lumber
experience. Phone Main 662.
BTENOGRAJPHERw!she. work. Phone Main
JOIN dressmaking class where each echolar
cuts, fits and make, her own garment; 3
afternoona each week. For further Infor
mation phone East 658 or call 716 E.
Morrison St.
DRESSMAKER from New York, good Utter,
embroiderer and fancy gowns; home or
out by day. phone Main 7 MM.
FASH ION AHLK dressmaking anil ladles'
tailoring, perfect fit. ill Montgomery at.
Mala lvU
YOUNG lady wanta position, assistant book
keeper, clerk or typist; five years ex-
perlence. Eaat 144. or AE 5o4. Oregonlan.
MADAM Russell, expert designer of ladles'
gowns and coats, 94 a dny. Tel. Main Kilio.
MRS DAVIS, dressmaking parlors; reason
able prices. Main 8-'.'il. 300 Madison.
EXl'KUl tailoring and dreeamaalng. 4"v
Yamhill at. Phone Marshall Ull.
JjKKSSMAKING. children, clothes a
dally. F.ast 42.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position,
references. Phone East JS72.
MIDDLE-AGED. practical nuree tleslrea
rare Invalid, maternity. Mala 33. A
INVALID can "have room, care. trained
puree, city references. Tabor 2213.
AN' experienced nuree would like more
caaes, any kind. Maraball 2437.
PRACTICAL nurse for Infanta wishes en
gagement. H H Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants position In re
liable physklsn'a office. R 62o. oregonlan.
WANTITD By young man. room and board,
with private family: vicinity of Tavlor and
Main: must be reasonable. Y 647. Ore
gonlan. NEAT, capable woman, daughter. S and t.
dealrea housekeeping. widower". St.
loula Agency. IIOJi, Wash. MaJn J0J.
W'ANTED Position aa housekeeper by com
patent lady. In or out of city. Phone
East 212. or address AH 506. Oregonlan.
THREE Finnish glrla want position ws
housekeepers. 47 Fremont St.
BY a competent, middle-aged lady aa houae-
k ee per or cook. N 4il, Oregonlan.
Domewt lew.
TOUNG lady wants position .. 2d girl or
taking care of children. Telephone Main
H.'. Room 310.
VERY competent woman wanta housework,
small family: excellent cook. AB 6o5.
Oregonlan .
GIRL w.nt. ' position In doctor, or den
tist's office. I'hone Wooril.wn 394.
Yul'NG ladv -want, day or week work.
Phone Last 21-L
WOMAN wishes work by the day or half
day. Sellwood 1S40.
CAPABLE Swedish arl. city references,
family cooking. 91 Main tot. A 4775.
A GOOD woman wants work by the day or
hour. Phone. Tabor 8122.
YOUNG lady wanta work by day. Main
427. room 2.
WOMAN wanta w-ork half daye or hours:
laundry work preferred. Mum E5.".1.
YOUNG Klrl wlshea lo do general house
work. Tsbor 62.12.
LACE curtalna laundered right; prices
right. Phone Woodlawn 3484.
WOXAJi sum dAZ work. Mala 8857.
EXPERIENCED chambermaids, capable
waltresjea, hotel oooka. kitchen helpers.
Ht. Loula Agency, JOJVx Waali. Mala
A 4776.
INDI'STRIOI'S Pcanillnavlun woman wants
position a houstskeeper or laundreaa.
Phone E. 1944 and party will call.
AN honeat young lady, with experience,
wishes position waiting- on lunch counter
or bakery atore, R B-'B. Oregonlan.
lNSTIU.'CTION" given In drKWinit and point
ing at pupils' home; reasonable. Mar
shall 801U.
POSITION wanted by Oerman girl; good
experience a. cook. Call Grant Hotel, 4'iVa
Washlngton st-. room 811.
CHAUFFEUR wanta position In private fam
ily, careful unit strictly sober; best of
references. 311 Gltsan st.
YOUNG lady wishes position aa receptlonal
lst In doctor a office; beat of references.
AO 4IH. Oregonlan.
GOOD Swedish girl wlshea place to do
general housework; West Side preferred.
A Ft .'PI, Oregonlan.
WANTED By rnld.lle-aged woman, experi
enced cook, boarding-house, email hotel or
EMBROIDERING and china painting done
lo order, reasonable prices, perfect work.
4i5?'T- Washington st.
GIRL wanta work by day or hour. Call
Main 6427, room !'
LACE curtains washed and stretched by ex-
perl. Mrs. W. H. Scott. Tabor 2445. C 2227.
WOMAN wants work by hour. 25c- Phone
Marshall lo2.
DAY work by a reliable woman, 2oc per
hour. Main enna.
COLORED laundress, piecework, ellk. wool
and linen, silk dipped. Marshall 363.
AGENTS and solicitors wanted for good
proposition; absolutely aomethlnc new In
Portland. Apply 2oJ Courh Bldg.
COMPETENT canvasser tor a book of In
terest to music lovers and musical people
Liberal commission. AV 6SS. Oregonlan.
DON'T waste your time and energy
trying to And a tenant or put up with In
competent agents.
If you have a house, flat or store for
rent, see us at once.
You are looking for RESULTS. WE fur
nish them In the shape of reliable tenants.
Try It and see.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
UNFURNISHED 5 or u-room dwelling; will
pay 20 to 2.1 per month; must have
modern conveniences, within 2 minutes
ride of business section: responsible purt3".
references given and will take good care
of property. AN 003. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent modern 6-room house.
West Side, walking distance, piano de
sired; no children. Address H. P. Carr,
New Perkins Hotel.
WANTED Modern furnished 4 or B-room
flat or bungalow, on East Side, north of
Bumslde; no children; not over 330. O
nn.' Oregonlan.
WANTED In christian family, by quiet
couple, one furnished room and use of
kitchen on lower floor. It OliT, Orego
nlan. SINGLE room by young man: private fam
ily only; within 6 minutes 10th and Stark.
Hiilio, Oregonlan.
Rooms With " Board.
ROOM and hoard wanted in private family,
on West Side, by young man. Steeping
porch preferred. References. Address AJ
oOO. Oregonlan.
Fnrnlsheti Room.
Those three beautiful furnished hotels.
213 4 4th st. 2114 4th st. 2i7' 4th st.
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Salmon at.; brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; atrlclly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prlcea. If you want aoraethlng out of the
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prlcea. give us a call, as we know
you will like It. Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. 4th
and Alder ata. will offer special Induce
mente on weekly, and monthly rates to
permanent guests during the Winter. Best
location In the city, convenient to all
theatera, atores. buslnesa dlatrtct and post
ofhee. A comfortable home with every
modern convenience. In the heart of the
city. Local and long-distance telephone
and hot and cold running water In every
room. The best of bellboy and elevator
service day and night. Room, alngly
and eneulta. House thoroughly modern
and newly furnished. Ratea oa applica
Residential. 360 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and Park Sts.
Opposite Helllg Theaier. Central, quiet.
Rooms from 75c dally, with private bath,
from 31 dally; specinl weekly and monthly
ratea: suites. New, handsomely fur
nished brick; elevator, telephones, hot and
cold running water. From Union Depot
".I" car to Taylor or "V" car to 7th;
from Hoyt-street Depot, "S" car. transfer
on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200.
8s7 East Bumslde.
Why not live on the East Side and gave
money on your room rent? We can give
you better accommodations for less money
and within 15 minutes' walk of the busi
ness center of the city. Steam heat, hot
and cold running water; rooms single or
en suite; rooms with private bath, ratea
50c to 93 per day; regular. 32 to 97 per
week, phone East 5H40. B 1275.
One block from Union Depot; 140 out
side rooms with hot and cold water and
steam heat; offurs special rates to perman
ent gueits; rutes 50c to 92-00 per day;
13.50 and up per week. Phone Main
Ill Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building, steamheat
ed. private baths, hot and cold water In
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw
thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath; hot
and cold water, steam heat and private
phone In every room; moderate weekly or
monthly ratea; grill la connection; transi
ents solicited.
That quiet, select family hotel, at 710
Washington at., near 22d: nicely fur
nished outside rooms with private bath
and phones: board If desired. Main 8651.
THE PEER HOTEL, Last 3d and Burnalde;
new fireproof building, sleaui-heated. hot
and cold water and phones In all rooms;
private baths, lobby and parlor; elevator
service: rates 93 per week aud up; tran
sients solicited. I'hone East 171.
IF YOl" want a nice clean room, prices
ranging from 91 to 95 a week, call at the
Amhurst Hotel. 4lmj Washington St.. bet.
loth and 11th: house under new manage
ment and run thoroughly respectable.
12tb and Washington.
Any room In the houae for 13 a week
and nothing extra for two In a room;
thoroughly modern.
10514 Twelfth St. Marshall 27DO.
In heart of business district. Steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room. $1 day and up; 94 week and up.
THE REGENT. 151 Seventh St.; beautiful
rooms, right down town; Ideal location
for parties staying In town for business
or pleasure: rates very reasonable, by day
or week. 915 month up.
HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for
business people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel.
opposite Iteiiig inemgi. jijju pip.
LIGHT, a'ry rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, 32 and 93 week; live minutes' walk
to theater and stores; free phone. Lln
dell Hotel. 328 4th.
HOTEL ARMINITJB. cor. 11th and Mor
riaon; all outalde rooms, centrally located.
Permanent guests solicited. Hespectable
and very moderate price. .
NEW, nicely furnished rooms, steam heat.
hot' and cold water In all rooms; special
rates to permanent.. The Baker, 20Ji
Flfih st.
THE LARRABEE. 22 1 4 Larrabee .t. Un
der new management; modern. Rates
32.50 up- Transient.
NORRI3 HOTEL, rooms strictly modem,
(3 50 per week and up. 1334 17th st.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices, cor. 3d and Montgomery.
Fornlyhed Room In Private Family.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, walking dis
tance. 745 4 Hoyt.
NICELY furnished rooms: furnace heal,
' hath. 312 per month. 3SS 5th.
LAKGE. airy room, eteam heat, first-class
bath 715 Johnson, flat 2.
SMALL clean rooul. 3L50 Dor week. 26S
'la-Ill SU
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room
with alcove; suitable for one or two
gentlemen; close in and reasonable. East
NICE clean furnished rooms to gentlemen
only, under new management, within 5
minutes walking distance to P. O. 51i
Morrison St.
TWO nicely furnished rooms with modern
conveniences, in private family; gentle
men preferred. Phone Main 3U0O. 2i3
Park it.
NEWLY furnished front room. 1. 2 or 3
gentlemen, also single room In private
family: easy walking distance, 549 Otn
st , near Jackson. .
TWO large front rooms for 1 or 2 gentle
men; rurnare neat, not ana com
very close lri 214 13th st.
FURNISHED rooms, bnth. furnace heat,
home privileges; 31.50 per week. 401 20th
st. North.
PRIVATE residence, rooms 35.00 month;
men preferred. 735 Rodney ave., corner
SLEEPING rooms, heat, lights, hot water,
9.:iO to 310.00 per month. 573 Couch,
N. E. cor. 13th.
"hi.-a f :ti RlTr.l. Y furnished front room, mod
ern, suitable for two: other 'rooms. 473
I'RNISH!" rooms, single and in suite:
private family; choice location; walking
distance. mono aiaxsnau -ooi.
829 WEST PARK Nicely furnished room.
walking distance, steam heat, private lam
FURNISHED rooma, modern conveniences,
walking distance. 533 Flanders. Main
riNKl.T furnished suite or single room.
attractive home. Nob Hill; walking dis
tance. 61 Gilsan. aiarsnaii i.ib.
550 HOYT ST. Well furnished light and
attractive rooms; take S or lbth-st. car.
Phone Marshall 1258.
LIGHT, front, alrv room, rentlemen only;
suitable for one or two; close In, 93.50
per week. 2oO lOtll
ROOMS for either one or two persons, close
In. cheap. 1S1 11th.
LARGE front room, suitable for 2. modera.
Phone East 85". Call 71S E. Morrison.
FURNISHED room, all conveniences, fire
place. Apartment p. 3U' Clay st.
ROOMS, walking distance, board optlonaL
lltn and jerteison. rnona nam
ROOM for two gentlemen in a strictly pri
vate Jewish lamny. .yiarsnau in.
NEWLY furnished rooms; furnace heat,
electric lights and phone. 775 Gilsan at.
FURNISHED rooms with private family.
Call 498 Columbia.
LARGE pleasant rooms with board, modern.
furnace heat. K441 rlassaio st.
FRONT room, suitable for two: running;
water, heat, phone, bath. 2o.l otn at.
LARGE well-heated room. gas. bath, two
beds, very reasonable. 2.M 12th at.
ATTRACTIVE rooms, private home, walk
ing distance. 410 s Park at.
93 WEEK, large front room, for one; 93.50
for i. 2S4 11th.
Booms and BoarCA.
LAMBEP.SON, 554 Couch cor. 17th Good
board and clean, welllfurnlshed rooms;
single and double; walking distance; table
board also. Main 552.1, A S0S1.
DOES a home appeal to you 7 The Whitehall,
cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car.
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
THE MANITOU 261 13th. new manage
ment: thoroughly renovated: Inviting
rooms: choice hoard. Main 1184.
LARGE front room for 2 or 3 youngy men.
choice table board. 33 N. 17th. one block
from Washington.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year;
rooms with hoard, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt.
2 ROOMS with board, suitable for 2 young
men. 70o Flanders. Phone Main 1978.
ELEGANT room for two. Including good
board, reasonable. 874 Park.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
254 EAST 3D NORTH. S. E.. corner Mult
nomah. Front room, well furnished, suit
able for two. In modern, furnace-heated
home; board next door If desired. East
WANTED Two gentlemen to board and
room together in private family, modern
home, nice location. 15 minutes' walk
from center of city; reference required.
Phone B or East 10.
NICELY furnished front room with board
for two gentlemen or two ladles In pri
vate family: bath, phone, furnace heat,
home cooking; walking distance, 8 E.
l?th N. Phone E. 5054.
LARGE! beautiful front rooms for three;
all conveniences, first-class board. Take
23d or W car. 27 U N. 24th. corner Overton
st. Marshall Rosa.
PLEASANT room with board for gentlemen,
with private family. West Side, central,
reasonable, Marshall 27S4. .
BOARD and room with hot and cold water,
furnace heat and free phone, .all very
reasonable, at 42- .Mill St.
NICE front room for two. with board; 8
minutes f. o. Ji'- uinii
653 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board,
rates reasonable,
WELL-FURNISHED room with best board,
large porch and grounds. Main 2071.
ROOM and board In home with young peo
ple. H 306S. 54rl E. Davis.
FINE room and board for two; private
family, close in. East 2S76.
CONGENIAL home, good board, neat room,
reasonable. C56 Gilsan at.
FINE room with hoard; nice home; fur
nace, fireplace. East 2SM.
1HE BERYL Large rooms, large closeta.
cool and airy for Summer; some fur
Dished apartments. 21st and Lovejoy;
take W car
HADDON HALL. 414 11th. cor. Hall, 3 and
4-roum apartment, furnished and unfur
nished; private phone, bath and balcony
porches. 930 up. Marshall 1171.
THE COLUM BIAN, 11th and Columbia sts.
4-room apt,, furnished or unfurnished.
Desirable location, every convenience and
very reasonable rent.
3-room apartment, furnished; finest
eaulpped In city. Including sleeping porch;
rent reasonable. 704 Hoyt st.
BAN MARCO Apts.. E. Sth and Couch; new
brick; steam heat, private baths and
phon. s; 3-room apts., 920 and 32s. Call
E. 2751.
390 12th at. New, 2 or 3 rooms, ele
gantly furnished. Janitor service. Mar
shall 484!
170 St. Clair; i nicely furnished 8-room
apartmenta and one unfurnished 3-room
apartment; free phone In eacn apartment.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly
modern; we challenge anyone to dupli
cate our prices. Marshall 1378.
t and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
230 2oth St. North. Phone Main 403a; or
Main 117A
419 6th Furnished and unfurnished,
atrlctly modern apartments; Walking dis
tance: prlcea reasonable, no calldrea.
park St., Cor. Madlaon.
Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments.
Individual phones; convenlwnt, downtown.
blUCKSTON, 44S 11th St., nicely furnished
apts automatic elevator, laundry room,
fine location; take ML Tabor car. Mar
shall 57.
NEWLY furnished and unfurnished 2 and
S-rOOin ......... " - - --' . . . i-uaouauie
orics- Phone East 2114. 189 E. 7th.
ROSE-FRIEND S W. cor. 7th and JeffQr
on modern, unfurnlslu'd 4 and 5-room
ttpts: large outsiqc rooma; rprprcneeg.
COMPI-ETEL.Y furnJehed apartment f
lichi hou-keeplng In beautiful is'ob H;
hom?. Phone A 1782.
lRISApartments. 4 and 5 large rooma, un
furnished, 4r--; all modern improvb
mcBf. 3C2 fd at.
S45 MODERN 6-room apartments; all con
veniences, walking distance, phone, sleep
ing pore he. M at n 4'.3 0.
OS'EO.NTA, 1ST 17th 2 and 3-room suites,
"hot and cold water In every apartment;
reaeonable. Phone Main 4l7. '
BOZAeNTAAPARTMENTS, newly furnished,
strictly modern, private halls, phones, etc.
lXvm North 2-id at. Marshall 2-S21.
room apts., newly furnished, rents very
reasonable. 7'H Everett st.
BRAINTREE EI?ant five-room apart
ment West Side, walking distance, rent
reasonable. Main 7741. 295 12th st.
the MORTON Furnished and unfurnished
apartments. 697 Washington St.; both
ZT-u p'elMS 2 and J -room apartments. Xur-
Y nished. 191 14th St. Main 6444.
rriip LET A, 5-room family apt., large bal
cony. 403 7th. Mar. 3207.
vt at "A." 649 Washington street Steam
V f-e.-v. a. ti i;i
beat. rn'Mig
.-, SUNLIGHT A pta; elegant 3 rooms:
furnished; modern. B34l. Tabor 17S.
LONCE Modern apt ft. ; ot Hill district,
co nv meat to 2 carUiiea, JLSf st
171 Kin Street,
Corner Wayne.
4. 5 and 6-room apartments, situated
In the most select neighborhood In the
city; highest standard of tenancy main
tained. Apply on premises.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts.
Walking Distanc.
Completely furnished 2, 3 and 4-room
apartments; Dull dings new and strict.;
modern ; service nxst-clas.
A new, four-story brick building, on
comer of Third and Montgomery sts.; all
outside rooms, five minutes' walk to busi
ness center; completely furnished two-room
apartments, automatic elevator. hard
wood floors, private bath and phone and
Janitor service; ready for occupancy Oct
20. we also have four fine storerooms; a
line location for barber shop, grocery store
and drugstore; rent very reasonable. Man
ager on premises. Phone Main 940&
37-39 Trinity Place.
Corner Washington street and within 10
minutes' walk of business center.
Steam heat, electric lights, gas ranges,
elevator. Janitor service; completely fur
nished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, $30
V. O. Webb, manager, apartment No. 1.
Marshall 39.".0. .
Corner 12th and Columbia
Ready for occupancy October "5t"
One of the most exquisitely furnished
apartments in the city. Furnishing to
harmonize with the woodwork and wall
decorations; situated In one of th most
desirable locations in the city, within a
block of three carllnes; reservations can
be made by calling at the '-
Hf CTL'Q p TO A V--LT T rf -v'f AT. TiTPA RT.
THE BARKER, nor. 21st and Irvina; sts.
this new 4-story brick now open ; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2, 3. and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in bufTet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2961.
THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson sts.,
complete Sept. 1; finest, brightest and
best arranged apartment residence In the
city; 5-room; all outside, daylight rooms;
cv venient to cars, walking distance, pri
vate t-le-0hones In every apartment,
steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigera
tors, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners,
etc Attendant on premises. Marshall 33GQ.
HEUNZ APARTMENTS, I4th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely first-class, fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, cora
p reused air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice ; rent per month, $2ti. $30 and up.
W ust be seen to be appreciated.
These elegant 6-room unfurnished apart
ments, situated In the heart of the city,
within 10 minutes' walk of the business
Apply on premises for reservations.
644 Everett at.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments: 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
Place, betw. 19th and 2uth sts; Just fin
ished; most magnificent apartments on the
Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping
porches; private hallways and every mod
ern convenience; references required.
Phone Marshall 502 .
A beautifully furnished 3-room (larga,
light and airy) apartment, steam heat,
private phone and bath, automatic ele
vator; the most home-like and quiet in
the city; must be seen to be appreciated.
624 Marshall. Main 6032. A 319L
B19 Williams ave.. corner Russell.
Newly furnished apartments and single
rooms, thoroughly modern, very conven
ient location; two canines. For further in
formation telephone Mrs. Alice Venable,
E. 41 99.
MENTS; Hawthorne ave. and East 6th
at-; brand new building, now rady for
occupancy ; S-room well furnished apart
ments, with every modern convenience,
close In on East Side; very reasonable
rent, with best of service. Apply to Jan
itor on premises.
Corner 19th and Marshall sts.; 2, 3 and
4 apts., large rooms and reception hall,
automatic elevator, most modern and b?st
furnished apartments in the city; rentals
reasonable; manager on, premises. Phone
Mashall 1012. A 3633.
LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class
by themselves. See them. Lucretia St..
near Sd and Wash. 2 to 5 rooms, alt
large, light and outside; large closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar.
1529. Janitor 1500.
Till Washington, cor. 22d St.: 2. S A
4-room apts., furnished or unfurnished;
up-to-date, clean and modern; private
bath, telephone; rates reasonable j best
service. phone Main 7130.
and Columbia streets. ivirsL-ciass 3-room
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences; best location In the city, front
ing the parks, and only 6 minutes walk
from the business center. Apply to mgr.
2 Grand ave., cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments, modern, prices reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East 300.
ferson sts.. 3 and 4-room apts., with bath,
unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con
venience; modern; 6 min. walk from P.
O. ; very reasonable rent.
PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
sts., beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments,
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator; telephone tree;
$45 to 160.
14th and Clay Sis.
Front corner, 4-roorn suite, with vestl
buled entrance; private bath and phone;
one of the best In the city. Apply at once.
LINCOLN APTS.. cor. 4th and Lincoln sts.
Completely lurnisnea two-room apartments
for housekeeping; new and modern: house
Just opened; walking distance; no chil
dren; $22.SO to $30. Phone Main 1377.
Modern building, zza ana -uiisan bib.
Best of service, 3-room apartments, with
bath, every convenience and very reason
able rent. Morgan, Fliedner A Boyce.
825 11th, near Clay; 2-room furnished
apartment, with private bath, modern,
large, light, outside rooms; rents reason
704 Lovejoy st.
Beautifully furnished 2 and 3-room
apartments, outalde rooms, walking dis
BEST apartments in the city; 6 outside
i l r r-w- r-Vi moirl'a rnnm a n
rooma; bicchhir v, T,
traVS. ga I-Iift", itui6:ii.ui-i, i. ,
water, telephone. Stevens Apartments, 711
A. Northrup st. Main 9358.
West Side; finely furnished apartments,
: every modern convenience, easy walking
distance, low rates. The Altamont.
429 K. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, 3 and
4Troom apartments, furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m'gt.
HOME-LIKE apts. choice resident district,
new, modern, " very reasonable to desir
able parties. 260 E. 23d st. Phone E
TO ADULTS 5 rooms, large sleeping-porch,
hot and cold water, hot-water heat, walk
ing distance. 525 Montgomery sL
phone A 4589.
WALDORF COURT. Irvington, East 0th and
Schuyler: Broadway car; 5 rooms; steam
heat; disappearing beds; refrigerators, gas
ranges; modern. Phone East 547.
HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison, un
furnished 2-room apt., laundry, bath, etc..
short walking distance and reasonable
THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
streets, 3 and 4-rooms modern apart
ments, references requireu.
THE JEFFERSONIAN 2 and 3-room apts.,
every comfort, walking distance, $20 to
$:W; modern. 614 Jefferson st.
stiat. i
UPPER flat, 6 larVe, light rooms, modern,
south front, between 2lst and 22d. - Key
at 710 Overton B '-
TWO four-room furnished flats, 5G1 Daven-
port st., r-oriin-u ii-.ia. . j... .. n
NICELY furnished 4-room modern flat;
also 2 rooma 568 Market.
5-ROOM flat, all modern conveniences. K.
Ath and A-. Phone B 006.
14th and Halsey; 5 large rooms, sleep
ing porch, private .front porch, hardwood
floors, fireplace. til bath, kitchen fur
nished with fine overhead gas range.
Among beautiful homes, and excellent car
E. -2d and B razee sts.
FIVE-ROOM, beautifully furnished fiat. Just
15 minutes' walk from tith and Wash. St.
Spit ndld view over the whole city. Large
sleeping porch, piano, sewing machine,
stove, gas range. Furniture for sale, rent
very reasonable; niust b seen to h ap
preciated. This is a snap. Telnphoue
A iS34 7. Address 47 Sixteenth St.
11TH su. between Hall and College;
walking distance; lower flat; 5 rooms,
bath, pantry, basement, gas, electricity,
shades; tinted; adults. Owner, 31 East
2-ttth st South. Ankeny car. i
5 and 4 rooms, linoleum on kitchen,
bath, gas, stove, hoi water attachment,
strictly modern; "L" car. 105S Cleveland.
Phone Woodlawn -2 15.
UNUSUALLY deslrahle furnished flat, 3 or
4 large, sunny, airy rooms; private bath,
fireplace, sleeping porch; close in. 341 S
Montgomery, corner 7th st. ; very reason
able. '
and. Hancock; f. and ft rooms; all modern
conveniences; Broadway car. Frederick
M. Dempsey. 4.'i4 Chamber ot Commerce.
Phone Marshall 3321.
$16 NEW Hats, overlooking beautiful Pe
ninsula Park; light, airy; sleeping porches;
near Jefferson High ; public school; see
them today; fine for children. "L" car.
Ainsworth, Albina aves.
6-ROOM modern flat, with sleeping porch,
yard, splendid light, close in West fclde.
Telephone business hours Main 1449. Sun
day. Main 6117.
FINE, modern, 6-room flat, corner 22d and
Kearney sts. ; gas stove and carpet on
stairs and bedroom ; fine. rhone 3094
Marshall. M ain 3o7S.
FOR RENT New modern 6-room flat, hard
wood floors and sleeping porch; center of
Irvington, 2 blocks from 2 carlines. Phone
East 1761. (
DESIRABLE flat on W carline, sleeping
porch, all light rooms, all conveniences;
adults only; if desired will partly furnish.
MM Northrup st.
FOUR-ROOM flat in brick building Ju-t
completed; very complete. 24SV Killings
worth eve. Williams ave. or St. Johns car.
FOR RENT 4-room modern furnished flat
at E. Cuth and Burnside. Phone Tabor
MODERN 5-room flat, choice location, 73
Marshall, near 2;id st., rent 530. C. -Corel
1 , SthanjltitarJLjian
PARTLY furnished 7-room fiat, near Wash
ington, suitable for subletting; rent $i0.
Phone Tabor 672.
Swell modern 6-room lower flat. $30.
Adults. 789 East Yamhill, near 23d st
FOR RENT 4-room flat, neatly furnished;
phone, water, bath; rent $30. 230 N.
ISth st.
MODERN S-room upper flat. wMl arranged.
furnace, fireplace, large rooms, eieeping-
porch. gas range, adults. Main P012.
930 Holladav Addition, corner upper flat,
S rooms. Call 412 Wasco at. Phone E.
3805. .
FOR RENT 5-room flat, bath and furnace.
51S Salmon. Key 600 Salmon.
FOR RENT Upper fi-room modern flat,
walking distance. Inquire 533 Everett at.
LOWER four-room flat, new, $20 per month.
Ean 4702.
MODERN 3-room flat, furnace, nice attio
and basement. 473 7th st.
6-ROOM furnished flat; permanent. 466
Jefferson st.
ELEGANT 5-room flat, choice neighborhood.
7rtS East Davis St.
6-ROOM upper flat, 766H Irving St., key at
grocery store.
B-ROOM flat for rent. 5 E. 11th.
6-ROOM fiat. 2L,71 Halsey. Phone E 4237
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, hath, laundry, fr-e;
$13 per month up; a clean place, best in
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take S" or 16th-st.
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms
7-room cottage, $27.50 month; another 4
rooms. $17,50; 4-room lower furnished
flat. $iS month ; suites, two furnished
housekeeping rooms, $S. $10, $12 a month;
3 $15. 364 26th st. North. "W" car from
depot. 5th, west on Morrison to 26th,
block north.
ONE large front housekeeping room and
kitchenette, choice new furniture, steam
heat; two cosy housekeeping rooms com
pletely furnished; light and fuel sup
plied; one single room, next bath, new
furniture. $12 for one, $15 for two. .Helen
Apartments, 2.o N. mth st.
FIRST floor cottage, 3 large, well-lightAd
rooms, furnished suitable for three adults;
central location; references. 26 North
11th st., blocks from Wash. st. Phone
A and Marshall liiftO
NEWLY furnished housekeeping apartments,
single and two-room suites, heat, hot and
cold water, $20 up; 5 minutes' walk from
Postoffice. Phone Main 4122.
$1.50 TO $2.50 WcEK ; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
ave. and 203 V4 Stanton ; take U car.
TW'O and 3-room unfurnished suites, beau
tifully, centrally located, saving carfare,
absolutely respectable. 305 Jefferson,
c o rn er 5th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, connecting or sin
gle, nicely furnished room $10 per month.
545 Morrison.
FURNISHED housekeeping suites, very de
sirable. Cambridge bldg., 8d and Morri
son. Call room 36.
NEW YORK, 7th and Belmont New brick
building, furnished and unfurnished apts.,
$ 1 6 u p; steam heat; walklu g distance.
ONE nicely furnished housekeeping room.
4SUH Washington St., no children.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete
bldg. Phone woodlawn or
Hou sekeeping Rooms lo Private Family.
189 13TH. first floor, 4 rooms, completely
furntehed. bath, gas and eteel ranges,
water heater, lawn, fine location, adults.
Main 3672.
TWO front rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing, clean and airy, wood and gas cook
stoves, walking distance. Rent $11 per
month. 270 Market st.
ONE and two-room suites of housekeeping
rooms, newly papered and painted, with
or without private bath. 2 Grand ave.
S. E. corner of East Ankeny.
TO RENT 3 or 4 furnished or unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; within easy walking
distance; call any evening after 8 at 567
East Davis st.
FOR RENT $12 per month; two furnished
housekeeping rooms, gas range, free phone
and bath. 20 East 15th st- North. Phone
East 35UI.
COSY housekeeping room for employed lady
or gentleman. Marshall 1444. 65S Quimby
BACHELOR'S apartment. front room,
alcove, furnished light housekeeping,
"heated. 475 Clay.
FURNISHED housekeeping suites. light and
airy, $3 week up. 362 E. Morrison, cor.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
very clean; sink, gas and phone, $14. 1S2
"Cac. hoh tit nnmor Vnmhill.
A 2-ROOM suite, furnished for housekeep
ing. $15, Including electric lights. .699
Union ave. N.
FRONT suite of 2 housekeeping rooms; bath,
gas and phone. No children. 421 6th st.
NEATLY furnished single housekeeping
room; nlo suite of two. 16$ 10th et.
NICELY furnished, private houjekeeping
apartment; phone, bath, gas. 29$ 14th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, on car line. Phone
W o od 1 a w n 692.
FJtONT suite with running water, bath,
seas and phone. 34Q College.
ONE room, nicely furnished for housekeep
ing; $1Q: modern. 334 Park st.
qve well-furnished room for light house
'keeplng;$l2. 311 Main st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, f ur
nace heat. 690 E. Burnside.
313 34TH, corner Clay; large S-rcom fur
nished suite, south facing.
TWO front housekeeping rooms, modern and
clean. $1S. 164 Grand ave North.
NICE furniahed housekeeping-rooms; reason
able rent. 802 Jefferson st.
3-ROOM housekeeping suite, all conven
lences. 699 Everett. '
TWO front housekeeping rooms, furnished:
adults only. 4u8 Salmon.
8Io MAIN Two suites of cosy, homelike
housekeeping rooms, close In.
COUPLE to share furnished home; nice lo
cation, very reasonable. East 5659.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms;
gas and hath. 310 Weldler st.
NICELY furnished large housekeeping
rooms; furnace heat, bath. 3Ss 5th st.
7-ROOM modern house, $20; wood in for
Winter. 46S Mason. Sell wood 13S3.
HOUSES and flats to rent Se our list.
Ward A You tiger, suite 526. Yeon bldg.
iROOM house on Kearney. . Phone E 4237,