PIED. xnrvpxE ia tv.TTr ''.' Tr w. Krumpke. bioveJ o of Mr. "J "" F. C. t. Krumpk'. ed .J month. 24 rt- Funeral oilc "III P pr la u.q,unt issue. HLfF.R October 19. "- Merrl tre-t. Christina li.-a-r. Fum'1 announcement Ister. FT ERA I. NOTICE. SVltjOCK In this city. October 15. at hi. '.V. i..rr. l lul .oars ". a-mu-: Uu.l''k. d T 7 month 14 ?ui Frl-nca Invited to ' funeral .ervice.. wSlrh JM."t Holnian. crap-l. TMU .r 7,"n1 V. r 1 J" I". " fmiru ioi.l(l. -tot.r 1. Inletnml In Greenwood Cem etery. K-wrivrR-In this eltr October 13, t Vincent . Hoepli... H.n. J- Scherner. eaed - years, father of Mr Devi.! lamp " Mr William D Alard. "" vlted to attend fjneral service wlurh will b. held at H"lman ehapel. Third end mon .reel at 2 P. M. todar Tuee ,. October IT. Interment Klvervlew Cemetery. rF.AkS. At 'ha re'.d-nca. I.nr Or.. Oc tober li. Mrt earah Alexander ! et T year mother of John T. Aim-,t.u- of imi cit. W. R- aid Nannie A.exander. of Omaha. Neb. funertl eer-1.-- will ho h.l.l to-ly tTue.J..y(. Octo ber IT. at !) P. M . t Dunning " Knt.. char.. Friend and a.-.jualnt- respectfully Invited. TAt B In tni cur. at tr-.. residence. East $6:1 atre.1. Alfred ftaut.. ad 4J year Funeral service, alii ,M. I ' lunams at HcEnlf.1 chr-l t"mj.rrow Frt.n.'.e respectfully Invited. Remain a 1.1 Ko taaaa t. tha Crematorium, Kt-RTZ In thla ely. qetot.r 13. Jn.-s Kurt, a.ad 44 year ". Funeral .-r!c -n ha h.d at ttx o-r-man Haotiat Cboi-h. rorn.r of -"' Mill atr.t.. at a VL tomorrow n4it). t-.-to?-r 1. FTlno. invltad. In urmtnl Rittrvtaw Cmttj. HTCHINfins Fttnoral rf tha lata Hiram C HutcniE" t n1'1 rr"m rUT,n,n McEita funaral partora, to-lar Tua. rt.ri. o.-oh-r 17. at 2 P. M. Int'r nnt itF Camatary. Farrtcoa at tna arava prlvata. in tfita city. rvtobr 1. TVitllam -&, ag. J.a ytirt. Funeral rvi-- w I bo hl.l at tunnlnc MrKnteo rhapol to)y iT1i. o-toh-r IT. at j. V- Fr'n1a Invltad. lntarmant at M iltnomaS rmtty. r.I.jIn th.a city. Octor 1.V William tlmn.C X.! J )ara. Unral a-rvt- will ho h-ld at unnln ilctintao'a rhapol to1a tTu-Jtl. October IT. at ! A. M. Frl'i'l rpctfl:y lnltd. ln trmt;t at M iitnoniah lmlrr. " IONFTH MORU. CO vj i ii if i u mi ih; rLVHtl. ':IUN4 i Uata aitri: . Ill Taanlna MrKslra. rarl lUfwton. 1th and lino. I'bona Main 4.10. Lad aa ataal. OfTlo of t oaoty oroojr. ' A H ItjTl B CO.. &W Wlltlatna Ita flioM Foot 1. iota, ta-iy aitoadaitt. J y rlMf V M. Jl aad lailiaea. Lavir atlrt.lat.l howo Mala . A I5t. ""iPtiVilO IH)t14 .. Iu"l IHrort. 0rt, J at. l arfy apttant. I'booo H. XX. to F.!. lno'lp. lac. K. af. H :3. i.al II. t nnmnmrT. wvr. kita. IJiat H laaa. lady aaalaloaa. yrw TOP AT. $17,000 Income $200 Per Month 8 flats, new and modem, on E- 23th St. comer. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Bid. ? ooey AVe have it to loan on pvxl Tort land real estate in amounts of $500 and up. Our rate are ripht and we are responsible. Call and see our loan man. Western Securities Co. 414 Spalding Bldg. For Sale or Trade fCSOO rash payment, or will trade for city or rsidfnce acreage; 16 acres of 8-year-old orchard in liogue River Valley. Five-room arts and crafts rioiisc, good bam and packing-house. Three spring. WhitmerKelly Co. TO Fourth Street. G IE ill fill IE Leaving frr F.nrope in a week, will m-11 at a s.-icrifire my acre and half in this addition. Commanding view of mountains and river and close to transportation. See owner, 213 Com monwealth Bldg. HARPWn T!MT!ft LANPS. from an arru ut t oi.fo, acrtm. cna!tlnf of oan. an. hikor. aim. cum. rypra and othr h.rrtt of id. from i up ! II..V por arra. ;u Mm, t'"l mrt go! b.ly 'f timber, on river, olto ral.raif runnlln tnroush It. A "no milling prjpoaliion and no tetter land anyahere. , I ha a;o a reat 1!t of farm Unrta adapted to almoat any kind of cram, fruit aid aroeh ranchea a hero atook cn ll. lb a jear 'round on tho catural araaaea kn of tha aboro Mo In the b'at. of Ar kanaaa. plenty of rain and tha boat of water -.1 cilTia'o une-elled. F.ir firthar Information call on addroaa Z T Tt la-in. Ho'U"ni. Waah. Irvington Bungalow Snap Pa-ail tlM-room boue. furnare. flra flaro. hardwood floora. Dutch kitchen, four bedroom, and .loeplnir-porch. ana all othr latet invnlenrr: lot 60il')'). oaat front. Prlca $.Tf.o $1500 caah and IIS per month. On Eut Twe'.ftn. near Thnmpaon. This la a real buniralow. with robblatono f'r'plaro and plrr. Not many bargalna like this. f.Rll HOLDS. tlT Bo.rd of Trade Blda ata aad Oak. MONEY TO LOAN ciTV yioRTnGrs. FARK MI)HTt.A(,E. LOWEST HATES, IEKMS TO StTT. A. H. BIRRELL CO,, SOS MTY Bt ll.niNO. Third and tark. National Credit Association SitlTE BHOKKRS. OI.LrA TIO. 4M2 WereMler Hlda. MORTGAGE LOANS CCV JOHM E. CRONAN, noi J V tea'J SpaldlaC Blda. f J rOLLt. BF.RRirMJK ex THOMPSOS. PU3U3 ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, B24. arcaatrr Block. 1'koaa atalat 57i M IW l"Ui- I - .. I . ; . I For Kle Acrfl. . I Mortgage Loans Bfo For the larger Amountn. I.errla BalldlaK. FOUR for city, eiltht for .mall town; ollo liora with ability: mae 14 to U- per day. Room . JxC, E. Morruon. 5 P. M. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Bk. William O. IIS-114 FalUnt ld. BRIRAKKR BtNtWCt. 102 atcttaf bias H. S. Ccapin ak Harlow. 212 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. at Co. IS Carbolt bld(. Janninc a Co. Mala 111. l oreonlaa. PALUkR-JONF-S CO.. li. P 21 Commer cial Club bids. Tbo Oregon Real Eatate Co Grand ava. ana Kultoomab at 1 Holiaday AUdttloa REAL FTATK. For Male -Lota. Im YOi: know that you can get three fool loia or a ime acreage on the WW Hle in the neo cuhurban townflle 01 Fo.kenherc for the price of one lot on the llul ride, not nearly aa conveniently located! Eotrl- atatlon In center of property, alao running arreem. aoll unaurpaaeed: etreeti. ai.lewalkj and water avatem now being contracted for; no aeftuenta; good aonool cloee br; Foiaenbergr la ""'; out doubt tha "Heauty Spt of Portland. Let ua furrieh yon with a financial plan to begin the purchase of a home which will rrorHt the facilitlea of the city and the a.lvemagae of the country- flllmate l yon win wiah that you owned In Fo k er.herg. Why not make the beat Invcet ment that ou could erer make, now . Lota 2: A. Acreage jn-Mi J W. HeBer- In ReeiTy ro . Jtt.; t'orbctt Mng. UL'V.S a .Vi.im lot. o"lo. Caeb. . - tlril. tark Ad iTtion. ' ertloinng Roao 'ruy Park: b:orka from an-ly road bu!eyard; no In terval, no lave, cement e-a.k and curb, llu'l Jftin waier. etc. Snap. AO ii-o. t ire gor. an. WEST flPE. L.13 l'H. Right on canine 0.-1 apper Waahlng ton at., adjoining "lty Park. Weat 3lta and Tamhlll ata. National Realty Truat Co.. 7.1 Cbamber ot Commerce bids-. Main l.Uili'l SNAP. '."0 CAJiH. A fine corner with 2 Iota. 43 1-SllOS each, on Kaat A.rt and 2d etreeta; prlc. li' lot caart. balance per cent. A real ana p. (llU'Sctl A TtOLOS. 21T Poard .f Trade n.ag.. 4th and Oak. WANT A LOT I Fine reatrtcted dlatrlct. af.'oinlng Irvlncton. you can get ae for if ou an now. Take (iroadway car. Y. -t orr al Klickitat at. ana ou win una a gentleman 10 poo. lament. 1UKI1AIN NOB HILI. LOT l.ooo, rtire-l Improvemen l l-nld. Flneot Weat fide location, eaey term If doalred; heart of beau'lful rew hemce. C L. F AM FtEK'iKH. Mamhall T12. Koom if. l.umit'rm.ri pma L r Hi 1F.I: if u want a !t In Alameda Park. Heumimi. H'llmod. Irvington. irv lngwoo.1. li.irelhiirat. Roee City Park, or a.ljacent addltlnua. you will flr.d It to your advantage to flrat write ua. Ate 021. I irrfonlin. 11 o piiw.N. ll PER MONTH. Fine yiew lot, matured fruit tree re-e-.rlcted dlattii-t. a-ar car. cement walka. liuli Run water, fruit cared f'T free of charee. Hoard of Trade bids. Mar ahall 473. A 1012. WKST MAKK AND l;U riTo. Lota COO. eaey terma: beat buy In the cite; new car.tne building: aee ua at once. EMPIRE RtAI.TT TKLST CO. 4"2 Teon Hldg. Marahall 249. I"JS UAlRKI-HCRflT $1033. oOi iik lot ore block to ear. high and alghliy. Imiruv,iutntf all In; will aa- you to build. I'bone Eaat H- er C 1.-.SS. Mr. I-e.ehunty. F'lH BALK very cheap . nd on time, eight lota bouee and two lota, houee and una acre. It-room fcouae. 2 lota barn, fruit. Cowers and e.irubiery. D. O. etephena. Phono Uoodtaea Tdi. ' LAlRF.uirr.5T SNAP. $119 caeh will eocure you one of the finest rlew lots In tbl. beautiful park) one block to car; p-lce lll"X Pbona Eaat e" or C 2X15. Mr. Ciementa VEAl'TIFl'L lot on til th st street graded. pilewa:a in. bLAU HOBINBON. 2S1 K. llta at. t- CKiOS. VACANT lot. ''x& feet, running from street to street; 2"0 fet from car: atroeta Im proved. Trice $i;i. lerms. Cail Main avenlnga tr..-T S!Ii property, cloae In. See Le Nolr at Co.. rlrluslv dealera In Wea: FMe rroferty. Ground floor. Chamber of Com merce. . TWO tola In Idlewlld Addition. Hood River. Or., or will trade for sood team or other atock. Adilreaa bog 74. Vancouver. Wash. MY REST Parkhurst lot; Improvements paid: $3o value: yours for $?S75. terma. c. M Thomaaon. 2:1 Morrison at. PENINSULA lot t-fxlfx. on carllne near Krntoo: price $0o. $AO caah. terma. In quire owner. 247 Burr.alde SL IRVINGTON lot. $1330. 0's 10O. on carllne; east front: this Is a snap. McAllister at Lu-ddenano. HI! Eicctno bldg. EF.'T block on upper Broadway, only I27VI; worth much mora. Owner Eaat, needs cash. Main e-T.U lis II.I. aell choice $1.VX Laurelhurat lot for $110 caah. hta southeast frontaga. Ad drefta R e-d. t'regonlan. 7Salw0 on 27th and Uolman; aecrlfice. $02 K..4 Swetiand b.dg. - a N A 1 4-'oO Lower Alblna lot. loo feet from Miea'.eslppl avenue Main 2JM2. BARGAIN In a good Warerlelgh Heights lot. by owner. W 4vl. Orcgonlan. ONK of the cbolreat lota In Roaamere; easy terma. 41 Railway Eichange AN Irvington lot for $lou'. east-fsclng. Call Main let"', tl-ti Yeon bldg. RARE IRVINOTON Bl'T. $U,hi Marahall T12 A 41o3. Foe tiale- Hooeea. CHANi-F. Ti KBIVATB YOl R CHILPRES I rave a good 14 -room houee. on corner lot ftoilno feel, two blocks from Stat. I rlvereltv. two Mocks from blhle scbo-vl ti'hrtstlan denomination), on. block from frade school, one block from electrlo car Ine. one block from atore and meat mar ket, o'reeta are graded and graveled, new cement walka on both etreeta. neatly parked and planted to roses. House Is aired for electricity, has fine procelaln bath. Inelde toilet, sewer, gai connections, hot water tank wltn city water and good well Lot has large fruit and ornamental treee and berrlca. with room for kitchen garden or another dwelling. Price $4&u0 or will each inge for lar.d In Oregon. Cta MEMIX Mli.LKK. Owner. Kugene, Or., bog 33. FOR SALK. HOMES. t SNAPS IN IRVlNiiTON HOMES. $T5oO A etrlrtly modern S-room ree' dence: the finest Iswne sad homes In the ciry surround thla property. Eaat 16th and Wa.co. This la a choice snap. $7f.i0 a good l-fiwm houee. on comer lot. hard-surface streets, paid. East tin and Multnomah. A splendid horn, and a good Investment. CCl.LAItS-Ml'RTON CO.. SIS Teon Bldg. MK. LOT OWN En. HERE M TOIR CHANCE TO IMPROVE LOT R PRu" F.HTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT: WILL. FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS ri RMFHEIi FREE. IT WILL PAT TOU TO CUkS IN AND TALK THIS OVER, J. H ATKINS. ARCHITFr-T ANO HI ILDER. HENRT BLDO. FIVE and sis-room homea flreplseea bsrd wood f lo-ira. furnarea. with all built-in, modern coneenlencea: rear carllne; all street Improvements paid, monthly pay ment plan. Provident investment at Truatee Co.. joi. j.. oH7 B-iard of Trade M.lg. Phone Marahall 4T. A Vf2t. $1'W CASH. $1$ per month, new 4-room bungalow: lot A"tl00; corner; $ blocks car: Mt. Scott d'etrlct. I'fc.I.ET BbH.lP, ISI THIRD ST. elt'KNEfS Ciimp.li sacrifice; dandy Rich mond bungalow. !ll Ivon stieet. $;iiNel; cash $-i0. ba:sro-e month. y. aclect neigh borhood: Investigate Immediately. $..", Cash! $J3 r-r Month! FrW-e $j:tV' 1ii $j:-x! Flv. rooms and bath: two full lots, nicely Improved. Telephone Tabor lnwi 6-ROOM. story-and-ha.f. modern cottage; Minnesota are. and Freemont St.; tlA easv terma Phone owner, E. a.IOl. NEW 6-room modern house for sals by owner: $1-3 caah. balance xterms to suit. AM SOL Orei.inlan. 2J.'.oo FOR new. modern bungalow; lot ,' ' X 1 ' V ' go"" " . - - " . 7 r.erma Phone Woodlswn or C lr;9. very convenlenca C L. Parker, list Oreeley. XKVINviToS d'strlcl. modern ft-room house; Ins lawn, earul.bery. fruit trees, one or two lota AP 4oT. Qrsgonlan. ulT FEIt Nearly new. modem. 4-room, ."v isa bungslow. full lot: cost !T0O. Take $13."-J. t'20 cseh. AD feta. Oregonlan. f7li.x FOR 5-rootn cottars; lot 47x133: ear terma r none oou.awn or w :4-'-. 1. mtist se:l swell home at once. ,iin l. u ' -1 . WILL FELL sir new modern ft -room boma, ou, TIIE MORXISO t f REAL ESTATE. l KB". j TO EXCHANGE. ' I . i - - - I tor B'W .- I "EXTRA good T-room house, bungalow style. mirror, library or den with bulll-ln book rsaes. stucco celltnite. large living-room with fireplace and molt modern windows: dining-room, built-in buffet nd class doors; hsrwood floors. Dutch kitchen, every convenience: three large bedrooms upstairs with rloaeta and larye bath, with bullt-ln plate slaaa mirrors; full basement, stationary wash tuba. etc. This was de signed and built by an architect and builder tor his own use. especial care tijk en In se. acting nl ely-gralned Oregon fir, only best of material and workmanship throughitt snd will appeal especially to thoae who can appreciate and want some thing better. Is very conveniently ar ranged, plain and substantial; fins view; price only $.0O0, part cash, terms to suit. !. E. Slelnmetz. owner, 21T Ablng'on bldg. Phone Main Aol'T. HOME OX 4 ACRES. Am going on farm. My land Is In ne shape, no gravel: plenty fruit; good -room house: fnrea Ruesellvtlle road. s mile to city llmlte; close to tracts selling for $0 for sere; improvements wortn 20'rti; $4750; tl&H. cash. Will cut to $4t"0 totlnv snd tomorrow. 1012CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HOME. IVkChARDWOOD FLOORS. I have .vntioo lot In flne location, on whl.-h I will build for you up-to-date t or -room home; price for house snd lot only $-!KoO: all you need Is 5oi csah. balance like rent; cement walks and street Improvementa in snd paid; close to Ros. fltv Park car: price Just what It cost. $4ii(i0; you ran pav like rent. James SACKIFICK tiAl-li. Modern 4-room hous. on full lot. In highest clasa district on Eaat hide. clos. In; hot water heating plant In perfect con dition: all Improvements In and psld; lot alone worth JS0U0. and house cost over $"Ivoo: owner must have money and will sell to first party who looks at It for $4510: $l00 cash required. B 4, Oregonlan- . BUNGALOW. SNAP CK1" CASH. Fine nearly new 5-room bungalow, with fire place and ail other latest conven lenreg, lot 4'ixlOO on Tlbhett su. In Waver-l-lgh Heights, worth $SMiO. Our price for a few daya Is $"Hiie. Hon raah snd $J.i per month. Owner is In California snd must sell; not many ennpg like thla CRCSSI 4k HOLDS. KIT Board ot Trade Birtg.. 4th snd Oak. cenw-n liiue s.soil DOWN -room rceldenco. new; A-l KCRNACE, flrep'.are. buffet. fine kitchen. fin-less eookee. cold water cooler, etc.: HARDWOOD- FIOORS: living-room If1x22. larg. r'oeer. large veranda; one of the finest view corners In Rose City Park; block to car; owner leaving for Frisco at once; no delay. James C Logan. $15 Ppaldlns Mdg. HOI'SE FOR PALE. rooms and sleeping porch. 2-story reeld'ne. high and sightlv. one block atreetcar. ten mlnulea to center of city, new and modern, hardwood floora bullt ln buffet, paved streets, sewer, gas and electricity; price $4oti. $o cosh, balanc. easy terma J. H. TIPTON'. Marshall 2T45. HLNC.ALOW. ONLY $1400. Four roorua and bathroom, porcelain bath, toilet, -aink. hot and cold water, Kl hSITI kE INCLUDED. Nice buffet, dining-room set. etc.. Dutch kitchen, clos. to Rose City rark car; adjoins restricted district: $!.".0 down. Be. James C Logan, SIS Spelnlng bldg. nuv now. ROSE CITY PARK. $2.10 CASH. 7 rooms, bullt-ln buffet and bookcase olid oak floor, furnare. fireplace, mir ror doors. National Realty Trust Co T.:l Chamber of Commerce .bids.. Main 61-J9. f-ItcoM house or bungaiow, four bedrooma nsth. etc, large room upstairs can be divided, a roomy bouse, two lots 4Oxlo0 each, small barn, lawn, roses, small fruits, ireee. etc.: price $;lJiK. part cssh. tertma to suit. L. E. SteUimets. owner. 21T A t Ington bids. Phone Main oil7. BY OWNER. New S-room modern Irt-lntrton resldenca. large liv.ng-room, finished In white enam el and mahogany, hardwood floors, built in buffet and window scats; four mirror doors; the best built house In city for Miiiwi: terms $10tr cash, baltnr. monthly. Phone E 4 'I; evenings E BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. ' S rew strictly modern bungalows. 4 an! 5 rooms, ready for occupancy; "0"0 to $2500; small payment down. baL Ilk. rent, let me ahow you theae homes. J AS. A. CLOCK, SF.2 Alder St. Main Sl'H. WEST SIDE HOME. ITOOO. Modern seven-room house on Marshall, rear 2Sd. Thla la future bualneee prop- rt' H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-21S Commercial Club Bids. e Phones Main Mil): A 2152. ACRE, good 4-room cotlsfs. large bath fine futures, full besement. porch, sleep ing porch, small fruits, trees, etc.; modern 6-spartment chicken-house with small coop runs. ate. i prlc. $500. part cash; terms to suit. L. E. t?telnmets. owner. 217 Ablngtnn bids. Phone Main 5897. FOR SALE Modern room, 2-story house, built bv owner for a home, with all built in effects: Dutch kitchen, attic, cement baeement and walks; full lot, cloae to school and car; pries $3ri00; terms; take ML Scott csr to Dlvlalon at., walk one block west, then south to :4) E. 4th st. WEST SIDE COTTAGE. $M0. Good 5-room cottage In the business dlatrlct of Glbbs street, near Water; rented for $-0 per month, paved street paid. Price $3500. ".' cash snd $25 per month. GRUSSI A BOLDS. .117 Board of Trade Ring.. 4th and Oak. MI ST sell this week, owner leaving city; S-room modern house. fOxlOO: Cook ave., near Williams; sewex. gaa, electric light, cement aide walks, macadam road, all paid- big snap; I.120O cash; easily worth I4HOO. Phone Main 8122. T-ROOM HOUSE on lot 50x104. only Hi blocks from good car and close to school and City Park, This Is a new. modern horn commanding a fin. view of th. city. Must b. sold to raise money Imme diately. WU lak. $3(00. Call 414 Bpald 1 ii a hlrlg. 8-ROOM houae, all modern convenience full basement, furnace, stationery wash tube, etc., lot 50x100, plenty roae all at. Improvementa: large barn or garage litx$3 close In: price $oiho. part cash, balance to ault. L. E. Stelnmet. owner, 217 Arl ington bids- Phone Main 5697. " " HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. " t-room strictly modern bungalow, full lot etreet Improvements !n and paid for: llth and Falllns ata: $2000; $2n0 down. Photo at office FRED W. GERMAN. 829 Burnslde. M. or A 277. IRViNt'TON Thoroughly modern, new, ele gantly finished eight-room residence, clos. In on loth street. $ below cost. Fin. rarpets. curtains, some furniture go. Want money to use In buslnos See 11 ALL at ROARK. 5.12 Chnmber Commerce. BY owner new a-room bungalow, large atlc, large bath: within 100 feet of Rose City carllne; a block from Laurelhurat; full basement, Dutch kitchen, fireplace and a'l new conveniences; terms to suit, phone 'morning. E 44 3. B 134t. SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Must sacrifice one, 9 rooms, elegantly flnianed; oak, Mrdeeye mp!e Caere, choice flxt'ires. modern, fine location. Irvington. C lvaj.. East 272; co agenta W. H. Ucrd man. $ Down and $12 per month; my beautiful H-room cottage; lot 10"xloO. near Division street; will sell at bargain. Phone Ta bor .'il. Price $i1.. MEMBERS OF OREGON CAMP. NO. BQS5, DEAL WITH OWNER. A swell 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park hardwood floora. comer lot 60x100, Improvements paid; price $3300: terma; $50o caah. balance monthly. Fast 41. "T A BARGAIN. T-room houae and corner 75x100, liard-e-ir'ace street In University Park: prlc. $2Ht: terms: $250 cash, balanc. monthly, I'bone owner. E 401 A PNAP FOR CASH. Lot 90x118. 4-room house, 20 bearing fruit trees: H block to store S blocks to Ananel station: price $100. Addreag Cha A Schlegel. 4427 58d at. S. E. FOH SALE Pretty 5-room bungalow, modern In every respect: 20 minutes' from center of town: less than block from car-line- terms less than rent. Telephone Meln !:;. Peshody. Clevelsnd at Co. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. choice resldenoa sits of 2 f'n. lots with tree small S-room houss with bath, toilet and gas stove; 'T.oO, terms to suit. Call 414 Spalding bi d g. kiss CASH and $1$ monthly, 4-room hous. and fu" ,ot on rl .urftic. street- be tween Williams '. and Union, price $100. Howard Land Company, 402-404 Swetland bldg. ONE of the finest houses In Ladd Add., on good terms. t00a REALS ROBINSON. gltl E. llth at. E. 5028. hvap for cash; lot. OOxll'. 4-room house. 20 bearlns fruit "ee block to stor t Klocks to Anabel station; price $1800. Owner. Chaa A. Schlegel. 442T 53d 8. E. i-OR SALi Fine home at a bargain; good l-..on Nob Hill: IO rooms, modern, nemrly new. 8 400. Oregon lan. TTT xioNTHLT. Including Interest, moves 'you It to good 4-room. bungalow; nothing down Call 6S1 Worcsster block. WFsr SIDK homes. See Le Nolr A Co.. ex clusive dealer In West Side Realty. Ground floor. Chsrnber of Commerce. LN IRVINGTON For sal modern rest ttauea, i"ar partAoulaxs pbona C ZlUli OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY. PORTLAND M r.ion i.t. Beautiful home, nearly new of 7 lrire rooms, hall, pantry and bathroom. Living-room 1nx:i2 with fireplace bullt-ln seats and bookcases, beamed celling, beau tiful finished woodwork snd polisnea hardwood floors. Paneled hall with built in mirror and connecting lavatory. Dining-room with paneled walls and hand some buffet, kitchen and pass P""'' with everv modern convenience: s Dec rooms on second floor with bathroom anil separate toilet; 7 closets besldee wardrohea and linen closets and outside porch; large porches on two sides, full cement base ment abundantly lighted extending un der both porches; furnace, hot wer toilet and laundry trays: ground 100x130 with driveway and retaining walls: house high above street, commanding fine view of cltv snd mountains, as weU aa ot Council Crest; street Improvements com pleted and Included In price, also gas. electric llRbts. water and sewer. On car line, not far from club and school. In best neighborhood; price I14.MOO on easy term Artdreea owner. lOOS Spalding bldg., or fl31 Raveneview drlv IRVINGTON. $1500 cash, with balance at T per cent, will purchase an artistic home of rooms, wltn glass-Inclosed slinroora and sleeping porch: has two fireplace furnace and kitchen stove; screens snd shades, garage, with concrete driveway; located In best part of Irvington. on full lot; all Int prorem.nts In and paid for. Apply to owner. 1129 Board of Trade. Phone A 6344. ON THE WF.ST SIDE and near new Multnomah Clubhouse, nice 6-room cottsge. fractional lot. close to S different csr lines Price for a fluick ssle. only $'iooo. Terms. Here Is an op portunity to sot e chi-lc. piece of close-in W'est Side property very reasonable, c. V. PFI.rc.KIt A CO. Real Estate nnd Loan Agont. chutes 12 end 14 Mil'key Hldff . cor. 2d end Mor. ( Kstnhilslied JOSOL Til AT VACANT LOT. WHT NT TURN A P.LKDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IK YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND Bill.!! RESIDENCE OR FLATS. rr.AVS FREE. IF WE BIT LD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOI! TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. j:4 ABINOTON BLD. PLANS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. . Full Details and Specifications $S. HOUSES OVER $100 $10. Finely Illustrated book fre PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. I! Mohawk Bldg. For Sale Business Property. WAREHOUSE PROPERTT. Tocsted on railroad. Sulllvans Gulch and Eaat 20th St., contains about 7000 square feet: prlc. $2200 on easy term or will sacrifice and take $1700 cash. Address A Wto. Oregonlon. FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS PROPERTY. New brick building, fine tenants. Income float. Price $..-0. Term A rare bnv- Act illicitly. C. L. BAMBERGER. Room 2. Lumbarmens blds 410 FEET trackage factory glte or for In vestment: price $8!iii0; can losn $3000 at T per cent to purchase: possible to dou ble In 8 vear Carlock k Musllbaupt. 1032 Chamber Commerce. Far Bale Acreage. 140 PER ACRE. 22.1H acres In Yamhill County, fly. miles from town: houae. barn and family orchard: water piped to bouse. 85 to 40 acres under cultivation, remaining In slash and .timber, fenced, running stream and spring rolling land, good coll. There is actually enough wood on th. property to pay for It Th. brickyard, three miles away, pay $3 per cord and has It shipped In. This has great possibilities. Is owned by an Eastern man who, for busi ness reasons, will sell at a sacrifice. WHITMER. KELLY CO, 70 4t h St. 4 ACRES, $1200. 6 mlnntea walk from car; 30o far. ts Portland. O. W. F.ASTHAM. Owner. 216 Marquam bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town; running water, best coll, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acre :iu; acre nw; is acre $800; 10 per cent cssh. easy pay ments: other tracts near railway station, $25 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 808 Teon Bldg.. Portland.Or. ACREAGE HOMES. In tracts 'of 8 acres each, only few left, close In on electrlo railway, fin garden soil, running water; only $176 per acre, easy term which Is about hlf prloe adjolnlns land. Don't pay mora for your suburban home (where you can raise evervthlns you eat) until you see .this subdivision. Vanduyn Ss Walton, 613 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland. Rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash payment, balanc. pave for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept same as cash. We own the properties snd ar. th. only people making this liberal offer. FLRLAND8 TRUST COMPANY. Wo- eipaiaing piug. HOME ON 4 ACRES. Am going on farm. My land Is In tin. shap no gravel: plenty fruit; good -room house; fce Russellvllle road: i mile to city limits; close to tracts selling for $"00 for acre; Improvements worth 82000; $4750; $2800 cash. Will cut to $4oo todsy and tomorrow. 1012 CHAMBFR OF COMMERCE. ACHE TRACTS .700. NEAR GARDEN HOME. On Oregon electric carlln all under cultivation: Just the place for your home; you ran live on these and work In town; 80 minutes' ride, easy term See these before vau buv. ' WARD ok YOUNGER. Suite 529. Teon bldg. 20 ACRES of fine land near Beaverton; house and barn; all fenced: 5 acres In clover and potatoe This land Is within 1014 miles from Portland, and la offered by a nonresident at the low figure of $40011. Full particulars at 414 Spalding bldg. $373 BUTS 10 acres deep red-shot soil dpted to fruit and vegetable; all smooth and tillable: no rock; wood and water; close to school, poetofflce and store; within easy reach of Portland, and th. cheapest land on th. market. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th su TEN acres besverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop; best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoe etc.; river and rail transportation; nothing better anywhere; low price and easy psyment Investigate. 512 Couch bldg.. 100 4th St. 4 AND 10 ACRES. Rich, black loam. In Tualatin Valley. 11 miles from PostofTIce, near eloctric t tlnn; lnd all In crop; $lo per acre, on asy terms. 914 Couch Bids.. 100 4th st. $25 TO $35 AN ACRE. 10 acre or mor. rich, well watered farm and fruit land. 8 miles from live town on R. R. nd river, near Portland. Easy term Neuhaueen AV Co.. owner 7,13 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak ata. 24 ACRES near Multnomah Station, only 20 mlnutee from the center of Portland. Land la all cleared and In high state of cultivation. Nothing Ilk It at the figure around Portland. Price $2200. Ask for B. R.. 414 Spalding bldg. COUNTRT HOME. 4 acre, and beautiful bungalow, di rectly on good carllne; this is a snap; prlc. $i000. term v MIX Ss MARSH. 1208 Teon Bldg. Marshall 2i2. J5o" PER ACRE All clear, ievel. fertile land; aplendld for fruit, garden and chick ens' I'm miles to station; close to big market; 8 and 10-acre tracts: easy term Owner. 1019 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE A one-ton truck. In first-class condition, with a 10-passenger body: also a new stake freight body: a big bargain If taken at once. See Mr. King at 208 llth St.. from 4:30 to 9 P. M. BY OWNERS MUST SELL. 10 acres of deep, rich soil, not far from Portlnd. for few days, price $160 per sere: lnd ellins near for $250 per cr phone lln 7235. or X 615. Oregonlan. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Flv beautiful acre near Golf Link; tarma or will consider good exchans MIX at MARSH. 110$ Teon Bldf. Marshall $32$. MUST BE SOLD 30 acres California, 20 acre Woodburn orchard, lot Astoria, lot In Portlnd; mke m. a bid. S. M. Ventrd, o01 McKay Bldg. PARKROSE ACRES. Now selling for $irvo. One acre close to car line. $12'0. Easy term AH. LV'S. Oregonlan. FoH close-in Esst or Weat Side acreage. Improved or otherwise, don't fall to call on C. F. Pfluger Co, suite 12, Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d snd Mor. (Estsb. I8S0.) SEND for booklet about acreage for your home at Folkenberg. 203 Corbet t bldg. .1. V. Heffcrlln Realty Co. ONE to five acres on Oregon City carlln J. Meldrum MeJdrum6tatlon. , ACRES st Kusa and Garden Home, $oo and up. Oil Couch bldg. FOR BALE 8 acre cleared, on carllne, on counU7 tod. fiwaer, Phona c sa27. OCTOBER 17, 1911. $90 LEVEL. CLEA-RED LAXD. $90 PER ACRE. Finest lsnd In the state for fruit, ber ries, garden snd chickens; ncr station, close to best market on the Coast; deep black, sandy loam: does not overflow, end best of all you can plant your crop the dv you buy: no stumps to dig out; no brush to clear up. This Is the land that payg its way. We have only a few f theso 2l. 5 snd 10-ncre tracts, snd they are going fast. Terms that any one t an handle. Call and see soil, photos and pet Illustrated folder. Tracts are shown any day. We are owners. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO, Ott ners. 1019 Chamber of commerce. WE OWN SYCAMORE ACRES. And before you buy an acre home, call and cet plats and prices of SYCAMORE ACRES. Acre tracts facing the O. W. P. elec tric line, Johnson Creek and the Foster road for the price of a suburban lot. S YACMORE ACRES Is 40 minutes from the city by the O. "W. P. tiecirlo line and In th. best por tion of Multnomah County. Take the Uresham or Caxadero car from 1st and Aider. Cars leave 15 min utes to the hour. Get off at Sycamora station. W. H. GRINDSTAFF. Main 875. 1125 Yeon Bldg. A 7J42. GEO. D. ftCHALIC Main 292. 2: Stark St. A 2892. eLUiAGcl and tarma. Iroin l.tu per acre up; large and small tract Cal; kllnaef - a etampher. l.rronc- Exchange boa. For Sale -Homeeteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon; 100-page book gives the amount of Government land open to homestead in each county In Oregon. Washington and California and descrip tion of same; (rives homestead: desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21X2S; one showing R. R. In operation snd one show ing R. R- proposed and under construc tion. Including Eastern and Central Ore gon: book 25c: maps 20c each, or the three, &oc; map of California In colors, 87x32. 25c. Nlmmo. P.uney at Co.. Ham llton bldg. HOMESTEADS located near Portland; most desirable In Oregon; good soil, timber, water, wheat, fruit, stock land; will make good homes; near school, R. R, and river. Covey, 207 Oak. room 21 "WANTED 2 young men to Join me In tak ing up a fine piece of homestead land of 32- acres each: a fine opportunity. Address AS 505. Oregonian. For Sale -Farms. SELL HAY OR FRUIT TEN TEARS IN ADVANCE. You can contract your olives at $100 a ton for ten year in advance. A 10-year-old orchard will produce from 4 to 6 tons to the acre a year. The alfalfa meat mill near Los Mollnos will contract In advance all the alfalfa you can raise at $7 a ton. loose. Market for other products equally good. This wonderful district with Its rich river bottom soil. gri:tt abundance of water for Irrigation and absence of Winter Is not only free from drouth, frost or crop failure, but the market Is as de pendable as the crop; six cuttings alfalfa, S2oo an acre annually dairying and hog raising: cotva ai coat without cash or In terest for half your monthly cream check. Land limited In area. Selling fast; terms easy. LOS MOLINOS LAND CO.. Los Mollnos. California. FINE FARM. NEAR PORTLAND. 220 ACRES. EVERY FOOT CAN BE IRRIGATED: S3 ACRES UNDER IRRI GATION NOW. SOIL DEEP. RICH BLACK LOAM AND BEAVERDAM THAT WILL GROW F.VERYTHING TO PERFECTION : 70 H. P. WATER RIGHTS (DEVELOPED): FLOUR MILL WITH LATE MACHINERY. LARGE BARN THAT WILL ACCOMMODATE OVER 60 COWR. A SPLENDID SUB DIVIDING PROPOSITION ; AT THE PRICE THIS IS OFFERED IT'S THE CHEAPEST LAND IN OREGON: GOOD TERMS: 22 MILES FROM PORTLAND. CALL AT OFFCE FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION. ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE. WE HAVE 40 acres of Irrigated land. 9 mllea from main line of O. R. N. Ry.. at Hermlston; every foot of land can be watered; Irrigation ditch through the land; no better land In the state; $60 per acre, terms to suit. KEAPEY. HUMASON JEFFERT, 232 Chamber of Commerce. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Let us tell you about 10 acres of Ore gon's best land, located 54 miles south west of Portland, In a rapid developing district, deep, rich soli, absolutely no rock or gravel. Just what you have been look ing for. LISTEN OUR TERMS. $10.00 down. $10.00 per month. Can you beat it? Don't blame u if you don't own your own farm. OPPORTUNITY knock Are yon ready? CHAPIN HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. 332-K3S Chamber of Commerce. SEE THIS PLACE .13 ACRES. Building, farm Implements, stock, fur niture, hay In barn and about 2O00 cords of first-growth timber; are worth over $3000. Owner ohliged to sell farm for $."noo. See this before buying eisewher This splen did farm is within the 12-mlle circle to Postofflce: 10-mlnutes' walk to electric carllne, & stores, school, church, etc: soin. besverdam. Very little cash required. C. L. BAMBERGER. Marshall 712. Room 2. Lumbermen bldg. 2 ACHES. ' of a mile from Marlon, on 8. P.. half way between Salem and Al bany; good house and outbuildings; houae Is completely and comfortably furnished; an A-l cow, 82 s. C. White Leghorn hens, hay. wheat, mill feed, potatoes, onion wood. etc.. go with the piece; (has been no slvkness In family). Price $3,100. with very reasonable terms, or will sell unfur nished. I am ure you will like thl plac Address: Mrs. S. C. Dunlap, Marlon. Or. FOR BALE or rent. well-Improved 20-acre farm, adjoining town, lots of all kinds of fruit, good team, wagons. 2 cns. hay. chickens, farm tools. etc; everything ready for business and goes at $3400, $1000 down: will sell stock. Implements, etc, with years rent for $376 cash. If you mean bualncs and want a nice home at a burgaln price, write me at Falls City. Or. Cy Verroaa I31100 CHOICE 5-cre farm, 8 miles from Portlsnd city limit bearing orchard, good house, strawberries and small fruits; best soil and water. Cornera at electric sta tion. Have other good buys at prices from $25 to 200 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland. FARM of 2d acres, with good 10-room home, fine chicken-house and runways; good barn and other outbuilding There are berries and orchard; good creek flows through center of farm. Land 1 nearly all In high state of cultivation. Owned by nonresident, and offered for $5-00. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. REAL FARM HOMES. Fine bottom and first bench land be tween Sslem and Independence In 20 to 30-acre piece All cleared, some house good terms: price $75 to $125 per acre. Call C26 Yeon bldg. for Information, phone 1400. 826 Yeon bldg. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 200 acres on Sauvles Island, 12 miles from Poetoftloe In Portland, with stock and Implements; only $100 per cr very asy term J. W. OGILBEE. Room 11. 145 hi 1st t.. Portlnd. Or. 11 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 40 acre oak and cordwood profit will mor. than pay for clearing. Prlc. $75 per acre; terms. V MIX & MARSH. 120S Teon Bldg. Marshall 3328. TWO acre all In bearing orchard of mixed varieties, good 6-room house and barn, near a good town: Dayton. Wash.; price $2000 A, cash, balance to suit. M. W. McDonald. 3(S7t4 East Buxnslde st. PRODUCTIVE farms at low prices. Call at room 618 Yeon bldg. for a t'4-page beau tifully Illustrated booklet describing coun try In which they are located. KF.NNEWICK highland Fine 10-acre or chard tract: forced to sell; $3000 down will handle thi For price and term ad dress Owner, Box 114, Kennewlck. Wash. MONEY IN HOPS. A few hundred dollar will start you In business- 411 jiaiiajt.ioiiic. RANCH 60 acres, with building 18 mile from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. lt2 Morrison st. MUST sell my farm at once. Call 817 Ham ilton bldg. Owner will remain In city to close deal. S KM. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange A-l vacant residence prop erty for Western Oregon land, up to $30 OOlAa J. 1 GoldJe. Ceo. UK 4 TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES. 10 acres. S acres of Spitzenburg and Newtown Pippins. 6 years old end in good condition: 5 acres ot Italian prunes 10 years old: new t-room house with bath; good well: this tract is all fenced and faces on main county road, just 4 blocks from good live country town and electric station, 12 miles from Port land; the price is $4600; my equity la $3000, the balance rune 2 year Will exchange for house and lot, but will not assume much encum brance. BRONG-STEELE CO. Ground floor Lewis Bldg.. 267 hi Oak St. Farm DepL 120 ACRES. Lincoln County, good build ing 30 acres cleared, stock" and Improve ment $3000, for city property of equal value. . 14 acre 10 mile from City Hall. 4 acres strawberries, fine Improvements, stock and Implements. $8500. for city property, clear of Incumbrances. , Grocery store for city property. Team, - harness and wagon for grocery, clpar stand, confectionery. 1 4-room houee. rented for $50 per month. $10,000. for farm. . Rooming-house for lots or houses. Kevernl hundred other proposition GARLAND & BARSNES, 191 4TH ST. 45 ACRES of excellent soil. 16 miles south of Portlsnd. near Scholls, In the Tuala tin Valley; 30 acres under cultivation, good B-room house and outbuildings; 3 aires In orchard: price J7500; take Portland property up to 4.V!0. KAUFFMANN MOORE, o Lumner r, Ai'iinno. WE WILL EXCHANGE. 4S0 acres In Gilliam County for any kind of Portland property. Portland residence and acreage for Port land property MIX & MARSH, Members Portland Realty Board. 120S Yeon Bldg. Marshall 8328. 80-ACRE FARM adjoining thriving town In the Willamette Valley, only 26 miles jropt Portland. This is choice bottom land, in high state of cultivation; 18 acres of orch ard; 10-room modern home, hot and cold water, electricity, etc. Will trade my in terest of $7000 for home in Portland. Call 414 Spalding bldg. for particulars. 75 ACRES, upper Hood River Valley, choice fruit land, running water, some fine tim ber, some improvements; only $5000, easy terms: also 40 acres, close to town White Salmon; best fruit soli, fine view. ill trade either or both for Portland prop erty. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. SHETLAND PONIES. Will cl! or trade for Portland prop erty or acreage, a small herd of Shetland ponies: have two black stallions and a number of mares: this Is a good oppor tunity for anyone who wishes to go Into business of raising these animals. P 5n,",. Oregonlan. TEN acres. 4 y, miles from the Hood River Cltv- Postoffice; fair buildings; 500 stand ard trees, hi are 6-year. are 5-year, balance 4. 3. 2 and 1-year: close to store, school and church; price $10,000: will ex change equity of $(000 for Willamette Valley ranch. AV 547. Oregonlan. GOOD 6-room house, walking distance to Poitoffice, where lot is growing rapidly in value, and other security, to exchange for small or large farm; also some good lots free from Incumbrance, c. L. Bamberger, room 2. Lumbermen Ping. FOR TRADE or sale, beautiful S-room house, modern In every detail, less than block from school; will take as first pay ment automobile, rooming-house or some thing of equal value. Feabody, Cleveland 6z CO. teiepnone jmiri 1- "WANTED Al equities in Portland resi dence or business property from $1000 to $1.1100. for manufacturing Interests: strictly first class; opportunity for position with lncorpotuied capitalized concern. AD 504. On-Ionian. THE Hood River District Land Company, Hood River. Oregon, has a list of im proved and unimproved Hood River ranches, all slttea and prices, to exchange for Portland and Willamette Valley prop erty BY owner new 6-room bungalow with every new feature: full lot. 4 block from Rose city car; l, block from Laurclhurst; will lake unincumbered lot or smaller house as part pnvment. Jlhone mornings. L. 4 4 si. B 1340. ILL exchange rooming-house, clearing $00 per month, for farm land; must be good and tinder cultivation, within 13 miles ot Portland; value $3500. Addres giving particulars. x ice. oirB.in... 100 OR 320 acres, good fruit land on line Mt Hood Railway survey, some good timber, fine creek, only $2 per acre, easy terms, or mlelit trade. Vanduyn & Vt al ton. 513 Chamber of Commerce. . SALE OR TRADE. 6-room modern bungalow: electrlo Hunts gas. bath, basement; lot 50x100; will sell or trsde for unimproved city lots. AC 477, Oreponlen. GOOD house and some lots, free from In cumbrance (prospective business property), in Baker City, to exchange for Portland property or acreage. C. L. Bamberger, room 2. Lumbermen bldg. MY 25-scre Income Hood River orchard for trade for downtown property. Income preferable: cash price $32 500: give full particulars first letter. P. O. box 417, city. . $3000 HOME to trade for a rooming-house in good district, with lease. This must be a bona fide proposition, as our house is worth the money. Call at 414 Spalding blog 160 ACRES. 2 miles of R. R.. on Rosu River, about 8.000,000 feet timber, for city lots or auto. T M TIPTON CO.. 1 l'oS-10 Spalding Bldg SPLENDID 14-acre Improved farm. 1.1-mlle circle to Postofflce, for Portland residence, c L. Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermen biilg. "O ACRES of timber and agricultural land In Crook County; will take automobile as part payment. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 208 Alder St. vt-d citr-TV V A TaT-T?riP-V Have unincumbered lots to trade for It. Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. M or A 2T70. ; MOSIER ORCHARD 10 acres, part bear ing, hi mile from Mosler; will exchange for Portland property or mortgage. Ad dress 770 North Capltal St., Salem. Or. TEN acres of 1-yesr-old standard apple on the Lvle-G-ildendaie brench of the North Bank R. , $300 per acre. AV 646. Ore gonlan CAN bELL Columbia River Orchard bonds t a low flgur J. F. Hadley. 310 Spald ing Diag FOR farm xchnge buslneas chances or roommg-house call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade bidg. WANTED To exchange Tacoma property fo"r Portland. Improved or unimproved. AH 60S. oregoman. trade "your property anywhere; eend for lit" Northwest Exchange, 22$ Henry bldg COLORADO lands and Denver suburban lot for property around her J. F. Had ley, 810 Spalding bldg. COMPLETELY equipped printing office, doing fine buslnea for sale or exchange for rooming nouse. vieiii"".'' ms. ggT East Side grocery business In Portland- will take some city property In ex- . T KOO --nvonl(,n cnange. u.-. . . - 60x100 LOT. Peninsula station, as first pay ment on modern horn 403-604 8wetland bids- CHOICE vacant lots tor new modern house; unlncumDe ea. iu " GROCERY $7"0, for lot and small amount of cash. 402 Oreyonian birla TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 10 MILES from Portland, 24 miles from railroad. 15.000.000 ft. large nr. flne for fir lumber, ties or cordwood: enough ad Joining to start a mllL Phone or call E. 1461. 59 E. 14th st. TTvrRTCR LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. WELL experienced man want stocked farm or dairy on shares, or will pay cash rent, AV 684. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. TO man who wishes to rent for a season before locating permanently I will rent my 100-A. farm of rich river-bottom soil: must be able to purchase complete line of equipment and stock. L. Alexander, '.'.i:l Morrison St.. elly. FOR RENT at onee. 110 acres, besides pas ture: only responsible farmers, properly equipped, need apply. 170 Fifth st. FARMS WANTED. WANTED IO to 20 acres raw land on water; give location, prlc J. 6. Benson, Wallace, laano. 11.500 ACRES In 820-acr. homestead R. Post. Locator, Bend. Or. B. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have buvers for houses on easy terms: also for lots In Irvington Park. Howard Land Company. 602-GO4 Swetland bldg. WA.NTED Lot In Vernon or Irvington Park district for cash: state price and location. a m 4J9, Oregonlan, 15 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WOULD like to purchase small bungalo-c. not too far out. paying $ 12j down, bal ance on reasonable term "'""j ing price, terms, location. AO 001, uie- gonian. WANT a six or seven-room thoroughly modern house in hleh-class locality, for about $:15P0 to $5000. and a cash pay ment of $500; must have a large lor, F 49S, Oregonlan. WANTED Desk room; prefer co-opeiaie real estate. Chamber of Commerce: I own eto.000 desirable property. AC 601. Oie gonian. - IRVINGTON owners, client wants lot novth of Tillamook. What have you? Purse As Co.. SIS Chamber of Commerce. ua,il 71109. Member of PortlandRealty Board. WANTED 6.TROOM HOUSE. First payment $15"i equity, rich. level 0 near electric; timber pay for clear lng: mill close. Owner. Tahor 1392. WANT lot or hous on city side of Ford-st. bridge. King's Addition. Ardmore or Johnson's Addition. AC 502, Oregonlan. HAVE $1500 to Invest in snaps. Purse Co.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE. norses. Vehicle. Etc, 2S00-POUND team, with nearly new har ness, price $"i; nice unnii- u..... and sound, $40; 2400-pound pair, well matched, good workers, very cheap; sev eral others suitable for farm or city de livery, all guaranteed and free trial al lowed. 351 second, near Mill. PAIR mares. 9 and 8, weight 3000; pair horses. 8 end 9, weight 2U0O; mare and horse, 4 and 5, weight 2700: all first-class workers. We have more than we want to Winter. Auto Truck Co., East 9th and Main. AIATOHED team of bay mares 8 years old. weisnt 2100 lbs, with good harness; team. Is guaranteed good workers and sound. Ask for Mr. Speed's team. East 12th and Madison. Little house in inn yarn. 20 HEAD of mares ana norses jubl .i'i'ci from a grading camp: several sets of har ness; also two farm wagons: will sell at any reasonable offer. 247 East 12th, cor. Madison. nouse in puiy. HORSES pastured for Winter, Individual paddocks, plenty good feed and care if desired. Fred T. Merrill. Rose Vista Farms, 6 miles from city. Phone, long distance. JJ--viiie. FOK SALE One full blooded black Fer cheron mare. 8 years old. weight 14uo. tru and not a blemish, and two young Jersey cows, cheap. 261 Russell St. YOUNG sound horse, suitable express or de livery, for sale cheap. Portland Ridin-r Academy. Johnson and 21st St. ' HORSE'S boarded during Winter month reflsona ole. t.nas. iievemim. WE BUY. sell or rent horses, vehicles, har ness. Hubert & nan. o"i """ Automobiles. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A GOOD ' USED CAR CHEAP. i- Five-passenger Packard. Seven-passenger Packard touring car. Five-passenger high powered Packara phaeton. . All In first-class condition and guar anteed by us. FRANK C. RIGGS. Packard Garage, 23d anl Washington It, 7-PASSF.NGER Chalmers 40. Fully equlppcJ, and In fine condition, for sale at sacrl fire havini; purchased a new car, and, might consider good real estate. D 50a. Oregonlan. ' FOR SALE or trade, beautiful little 4-pas-senger auto. 36-horsepower. equipped with new Bosch magneto double Ignition, new tires, speedometor. prestoiite, adjust, able glass front and single top for run about. D u01. Oregonlan. r VICTORIA Baker Electric, shaft-driven, la neatly new. A hargnln. as lady owner. 1 leaving city. V491. Oregonlan. riith Lang Electrlo coupe, the most sat isfactory city car for this climate; ftno condition. J 639, Oregonlan. CHALMERS SO ponv tonneau. fully equipped, used very llHle and cannot be told from, new; cost $2100. Price. $SS5 cash. Posl tlvely no trade. B 489. Oregonlan. TWO-HORSE Hawkeye stump machine;.this is no toy: weight 2800 lbs.; the best ma do; cost $280; a bargain. Phone Main i31j. Weeger. yiibyi vrasti. .w.- 1-TON auto truck. In good condition: If you aro looking for a bargain, call 36o 6th Monday. .-mm 1 " AUTOMOBILE tires for sale; 2 new. 36x.i. Goodwler.. and 2 new 8ftx3 Diamonds, at a bargain. aimrcw ,u ..o. SACRIFICED for cash. 7-passenger car la good condition. Wood lawn 3257 or O NEW garag Just completed. Live and dead storage. Speedwell Motor Co, 28. 81, 83. COLUMBUS Electric, goad as new Slid equity two Laurelhurat lots for good Xlve oassenger car. AH 604, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE tires $5 to $15 each; al) size !.'33 Main st. BRUSH runabout with top. late model, A-l, condition, mo. os 7-PASSENGER car, 2025. Price $850. 8-cylinder. Phone Al Dogs. Birds. Pet Stocky PEDIGREED Eogllsh bull terrier pups, st.-ain Phendora's White Hoi, regis tered A. K. C. and Champion Dazxler. Phone Milwaukie. Red 62 Lakewood station, O. C. car; go outh. Shaw. 1 AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals sport and guards. Ladrtix Kennels. Estacada. Or. Miscellaneous MEN'S TROUSERS. Corduroys, serges, tweed and worsteds. $5.00; pants. $3.50. $4 00; pants. $2.80. Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood L. C. Smith & Remington typewriters, toe. The Northwest Typewriter Co, No. UU 5th Bt. SAFES New and 2d-hand: low prices; eaur terms; safe, opened, repaired painted. PTRCE1.L SAFE CO, and PORTLAND SAFE CO, S3 "th St. Main 6309, A 4US. " STOVE DOCTOR- If your stove doesn't bake, there I something wrong. I can fix it. 3t8 Las, Morrison. Phone East 1022. FOR SALE Small second-hand Clark band mill, six-foot wheel. In good condition, F. L. Miller, box 147. Berkeley. Cal. NATIONAL caah register, not used long, good as new. very reasonable. Inqulio it 34 N. 3d st. MalnljLA1310. FOR SALE A registered Maltese terrlor bitch. 8 months old. worth $50; will cIJ for $12. AB 504,'' Oregonlan. DONKEY engine, gasoline engine, alt- com. pressor for auto or real estate, ili Mo nawlt blug. . 4-H P. motorcycle, flat belt, Adier, 1911. model, magneto; very easy terms. 206 ht 4th st. Contractor s equipment by United Englneer Ing & Construction Co.. QCQ Lewis blig. BABY infant set, never used. Tabor 2074. Lent, Or. FOR SALE Black bear rug. mounted. Tel, Marahall 2255. TICKET to Minneapolis cheap; male, ex- pirea Oct. ai. a-c c-, c... TWO YOUNG cows with calves, part Jersey. 325 Chapman st. Phone Main 2027. ONE candy case. 8 tables and 17 chairs;. snap. ri'oi. FOR SALE Gent's bicycle. In good con dition. cheap. 169 1st st. PRIVATE sale of furniture 7-room housej West Bide. Phone Marshall 8T. MANURE for sal E. 17T5. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest price paid for men s and ladies cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2050. 289 First st. The Globe. r TOOLS Highest prices psld for all kinds ot second-hand mechanic, logging tools. Lo- vin Hdwre. Co, 229 Front, Main 90 12. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater Martin. Phoaa East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Moving picture machine. ca. outfit, films, folding chair etc AX. 87$, Oreconlan. . BARGER S AUCTION HOUSE. 270 E. Morrison. Thone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WANTED Fixtures for grocery snd ton. fe.-tionerv. Phone Tabor 1014 or 257 Rus sell st. WILL pav cash for diamond weighing about 1 karat: would prefer a pair of earrings, 1 karat each. E 4S5. Oregonlan. t WANTED Ticket East; male, dark. V ioO, Oregonlan. t M. FORD Auction Co. pavs most cash for su? kind of furniture. Main S0.M. A 2445. HELP WANTED MAI.lt BOY with wheel. 323 Washington street, 5