Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 14, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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I H ft
Police Committee Chairman
Alone in Fight to Uphold
- Arrest of Saloonist.
GUI. Trmc Curd, Is Taxed f SO for
Manacling Man Thought Prank,
rornnlnliia Head Says
"Cops" Will Be Shy.
John B. Coffey, chairman of the po-ll-
committee of the Executive Board,
yesterday afternoon took the floor at
trie regular meeting of the Hoard to
protest aa-alnet a rt-port of the other
mT)btri of his fnmmltt WaMernar
snnn and TV H. FUscerald In rrom
mendlns; a fine of l:.o against Police
man ui:l fr arresting A. Ferretta. an
Italian Hl"nkrfpr, In plarlnic hand
ruffs on Ma prisoner and sending Mm
to headquarters for ilninknnfi. After
a heatel debate, the Hoard upheld ths
majority and ordered the patrolman
fined. .
-Too will notice that I did not slrn
that report. said lr. Coffey, rising
after rierk Orutxe had rend Ilia rernm
mendatlnn for a fine of a. "I hae
to take a different view of thl case
than that of my colleagues. If we are
roinr to. fine a policeman for arresting
periun who irt out after hours or are
drunk and disorderly, ss In this rase,
wa will have a poll-e force whlrh
won't maka arrests. Three policemen
testified that Ferretta waa drunk the
n art of his arrest and elthmjah ha
denied that he was. the Municipal
urt transcript shows that he waa
found gutlfv of being out after hours'
and that his sentence waa suspended."
M-tra St..
Walds liar 8eton. who recently lost
ruffhuttima . and other articles by
t Meres entering his house, and who re
covered them by his own work In
pawnshops, took tha floor In defense of
the recommendation for In fine. He
eal4 Ferretta was known to Policeman
fill as a business man: that Ferretta
rods homo on the earns car with Oill
and that Oitl. In his opinion, used poor
Judgment and no discretion In placing
Kerratta under arrest. Placing hand
ruffs on Ferretta. said Mr. Scton. was
unjustifiable. In the circumstances, and
ha criticised tha policeman.
Mr. flatoa further explained that the
evidence before the committee showed
that tha polloamaA. after arresting
Ferretta for balng drunk, and afte-r.
handcuffing him. finally placsd against
htm a charge of being out "after
hoars" Tha Captain at hadquartera
sent tha prisoner homa In tha police
automobn at once, without detaining
him, aa would be dona with a drunken
man. Mr. Deton said ha felt that tha
fine of ISA waa Bono too much: that It
should serve not only aa a laason to
Poilreman Gill, but to every member
of tha department, not to treat cltlsens
with ao roach disrespect and Ill-usage,
Fttsgaralal Ieecrsra Arrest,
XTr. ftxgrrald. tha other member ot
tha pollea committee, aald that ha ho
llered tha evidence warrantod tha fins
of ISA.
"Mr. Coffer aaya that. If this fin
Is Imposed, there will be no further
arrests." aald Mr. Fltxgerald. "Well. 1
sincerely hop thera wfll ba no mora ar
rests Ilka this on, where a business
man la handcuffed, walked a) mile or
ao to a patrol box. and then sent to
headquarters aa a drunk. I don't want
to see such arrests as thla. and I cer
lalnly hop that thla hoard will adopt
tha majority report of tha committee
and thus admtnlslar a lesson to the
M. J. Narnane. a member of th Exe
cutive Board, aald ba believed the po
liceman need undua force and subject
ed his prisoner to too much humilia
tion and that the fine should be Im
poaad. lie expressed It aa his opinion
that tha polices aa a rule, aro too quick
to pojnce upon cltlsens and drag thera
to Jail without much causa, and be
wished It might be stopped.
C. A. Plrelow said that ha could see.
no point In the fact that tha prisoner
In this rtM was a business man: that
a policeman has as njoh right to arrest
a outlet a man aa a common laborer.
If Justified at alL
Orrgcin tlotlj Authorise Invitation
to National Convention.
Ada Wallace Vnruh. Just' returned
from tha W. I". T. IT. convention of
Oregon, held In 8alem. has notified tha
convention bureau of the Commercial
Club that the association voted unani
mously to Invite the National conven
tion, which Is to be held In Milwaukee
th latter part of October, to select
Portland for Its meeting place In 11X.
Mrs. t'nruh will leave soon for Milwau
kee as a delegate to the National con
vention, and she said that the TV. C
T I", of Oregon deetred tha assistance
? the convention bureau to back up
the Invitation ah mill extend to the
National organisation.
Mr Kaymond. of the convention bu
reau, say that aa active campaign
will be started at once. In connection
with th Influence brought to bear by
the commercial organisations. lr. V.
R Leffingwell. off u lal lecturer for the
ll-irrtman lines, will be In Milwaukee
Ivtober 31. and will deliver Illustrated
lectures before the V. C. T. I' setting
f rth the atrrartlons of Portland and
f'-ouractng them to com to thla ctty
t r their next annual meeting.
While tne Humane foclety. which
met recently In ran Francisco, has not
et de -tiled a her the convention for
1;T will be held, report from that
ur ti.lti-ste tst the Invitation front
Portland wa favorably received, and
that this city will have an excellent
tcrtunty to sevnre th National con
cretion of the Human Societies year
tier next
polk-e Conuultte llcprlmand llrr for
Criticism Before MinUtrra.
Mrs, Lola O. Baldwin, auperlntendent
jf th Police Bureau f.r young wum
tn. waa censured by members of the
police commltte of the Kxrcutlve
Board yesterday afternoon because of recent etatements before the Min
isterial Association.. She accused th
poilce commltte of refusing to allow
some of her bills, and asked that the
ministers name a commute to Inves
tigate her work to see If she was ex
travagant. She waa reprimanded for
her action In going- before the asso.
rlatlon wfh a criticism.
Mrs. Baldwin said that she did not
say ail that was credited to her at tha
Urns of the ministerial meeting which
waa held In executive session, but thla
had no effect on the rs of the
commute yesterday; they applied tba
reprimand, anyway.
Rev. E. Nelson Allen, president, and
Rev. Delroer H. Trimble, secretary, of
the Ministerial Association, were pree
ent yesterday, and Rev. Mr. Trimble
said that. If th commltte did not
treat Mrs. Baldwin fair, tha associa
tion would se that she waa treated
fairly. Cnalrman Coffey replied In
Waldemar Peton. a member f the
committee, said that he did not Intend
to stand for Mrs. Baldwin criticising
the police committee and she waa
warned not to do so again, but to pres-
A. .
4 i
vtartlsi V. Bllyea.
Al.BANV. Or.. Ocl. I J. (Special.!
A prominent member of ona of
I.lnn County best-known pioneer
families. Martin V. lillyeu. who
died suddenly at h!a home In tills
city Saturday, waa a resident of
I.lnn County for almost o years.
Crossing the plana with his
parrnta when a boy he endured
all the hardships of pioneer life In
Oregon. Born In Missouri In March.
1S4I. he came to thla state In ISS1.
and settled with bis parents
about ten mllee eaat of Scto. As
a young man he conducted a
store In 3rlu but passed moat of
his life on a farm four mllea
from that city. He retired from
active work two years ago. mov
ing to Albany at that time.
Mr. Hllyeu Is survived by a
widow and nine children Will
iam Jefferson Bllyeu. Sterling
I'lilnes Bllyeu. Addle Veldora
Ievaney. Henry Cortla Bllyeu.
Alice Elvira Beavers. Minnie
Caroline Elrker. all of Albany;
Alyrtla Anrle Toung. of Rosevllle.
Cat: Louisa Ellen Richardson, of
Kerby. Or, and Loffy Lawrence
Bllyeu. of Albany.
ent any grievances she might hav di
rect to the commltte. She waa told
that her work will henceforth be au
porvlsed by the committee.
a-aa au-
Aflrmonn Programme la Marked by
Musical Nam hers and Add reus
by Incoming- Prceldent,
Thera was a large attendance at the
opening meeting of the Portland Wo
men's Club yesterday afternoon, when
a business meeting wss followed by
the llrst of the series of excellent pro
grammea promised for the coming
year. . Arrancementa were made for
delesratea to attend the annual meeting
of the State Federation of Women'a
Clubs, which takes place at Iloa
next week.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlvray was au
thorixed to send a telegram In ''he,
name of the club to Governor Johnson,
congratulating him upon the recent
victory of woman's suffrage In Cali
fornia, The civic committee waa au
thorised to present a request to tha
School Board In regard to the utilisa
tion of moving pictures for educational
Theafternoon programme waa
opened by a brilliant piano solo by
Mies Emma Wood. Miss Flolse Hall
charmingly aang "Rosleln auf der Hel
den ami. as an encore, "Hark. Hark,
the I-ark:" A violin solo by MIks Marie
J'alae also was a feature.
Mrs. v. T. Wade gave a short review
of the Turklsh-Itallan situation In
Tripoli and there were encouraging an
nouncements by leadera of the various
club departments. ,
The special feature of the afternoon
waa the address of the Incoming pres
ident. Mrs. A. King WUson, who gave
an excellent practical talk on the va
rious Melds of club activities and the
Importance of individual as well as col
lective co-operation In club work. Fol
lowing the prraldent'a address waa an
Informal reception to the president and
officers, with refreshments served by
the social committee under the lead
ership of Mrs. Henry Chlpman.
Only Wive Are Complainants In
Court' ITee Pay.
Continual vilification and failure of
her efforts to please her husband fin
ally proved too much for her. said Mrs.
Iva K. Brown. In the Circuit Court
yesterday morning. teetlfVlng In her
divorce action against Jesse M. Brown.
Judge Oatens allowed her a decree.
They were married In Salt Lake City
In 12.
Mary Burgan testified that she had
left t::!hTt W. ilurgan on learning
that William E. Clemens, whom she
married In Minnesota In ISO, and who
deserted her. was stl. I alive. Her mar
riage with Burgan was declared void.
Six other couples were divorced as
Marlon E. Gibson from Hattle E.
Gibson, cruel and Inhuman treatment.
Edith Bradbury from Edward Brad
bury, desertion.
Lena Hanson from H. C. Hanson,
Mary Allda Stlnson from Joseph I.
Stlnson. gross drunkenness and cruel
and Inhuman treatment.
Emma Nelson from Oustaf Nelson,
habitual drunkenness and cruelty. She
was allowed to resume her maiden
name and her minor child was given
Into the custody of George Adams.
Myrtle M. Pfelfer from Henry Pfelf
er. cruel and Inhuman treatment.
We v.ih to extend our thanks to
those who. by word or deed, showed
such kindness In the loss of our be
lovej brother and brother-in-law, g.
Tributes Are Many to Veteran
Religious Worker of City.
Incident In Which Father of Hoat I
Central Figure Recalled by Mrs.
Kt Emery Dye Prominent
Persons Attend Function.
representative of the philanthropic,
educational, religious and other insti
tutions that have their place In the lire
of a reat city was the gathering last
night In the liiltarian Chapel at the
reception for Ur. Thomas L. Eliot, on
the occasion of his 70th birthday and
the 44th anniversary of his coming to
Oregon. Men and women, repreaenting
churches of every denomination, schools
and colleges, art and literary associa
tions, charitable and philanthropic so
cletles. were present to pay their re
spects to the kindly man who for mora
than 40 years haa had so prominent a
part In tha welfare of the city.
Assisting Dr. and Mrs. Eliot in re
ceiving were their son. Rev. Wllllsm
O. Eliot. Jr, Mrs. J. B. Comstock, Mrs.
R. S. Greenleaf. Mrs. L. W. Hltton. F. M.
Batchelor, J. D. Hart. Richard Mon
tague. W. H Burrage, F. P. Kendall.
The guests Included Dr. William T.
Foster, president of Reed College: W.
B. Ayer. Dr. J. B, WUson, J. K. Gill.
Thomas Strong. ex-Governor Oeer. Judge
H. H. Northup. R. L. Sabln. James Laid,
law. Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway. Cap
tain W S. Riddle, W. L. Brewster. F.
E. Beach. Mrs. H. C. Wort man. Mrs. P.
J. Mann, Dr. Luther R Dyott. Rabbi
Jonah R. Wise, 8. R Huston. Dr. Card
well. W. F. Woodward. J. H. Page.
Numerous letters snd telegrams were
received yesterday by Dr. Eliot. The
following letter waa received by the
reception committee from Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye. of Oregon City:
1 hav an anecdote about Dr. Eliot
that ought to be told. In the Spring
of 101. when I was In S)V Louis mak
ing certain investigation!. It was my
pleasure to become a guest In the
house of John O'Fallon Clark, a grand
son of Captain Clark, of the Lewla and
Clark exploration party, and of his
wife, a granddaughter of Augusts
Chauteau, the founder of St. Louis. At
d'nner on day Mr. Clark exclaimed:
Wtfe. I saw Tom Eliot today, and for
all the world I thought It was his
father." Then turning to me: 'Mrs. Dye,
for 40 years Tom Eliot's father waa the
greatest man In St. Louis. Ho prac
tically ran every good thing In tha
city." 'Indeed.' I responded, then the
son Is exactly like hia father, for he
practically runs every good thing in
Portland.' Happy the city that can
claim such a man!"
Lebanon Man Is Acquitted of Two
Charges) in One Day. f N
ALBANY, Or, Oct. II. (Special.)
Tried before two different magistrates
on two different charges In one day and
acquitted on both waa the unique ex
perience today of C, W. Jarvls, of
Jarvls waa arrested last week on a
criminal charge of nonsupport of his
wife. Alma Jarvls, and was tried this
forenoon before County Judge Duncan.
The evidence showed that though the
defendant was not living with his wife
he gave her all the money he earned
for the support of their seven children
and that an Injury and Inability to get
steady work' were the reasons he did
not provide enough for the large
family. Judge Duncan dismissed the
Mr. and Mra. Jarvls and all the
witnesses In the case were at the depot
ready to return to Lebanon, when a
discussion arose which resulted In R.
E. Walker, one of the witnesses for
the state, going before Justice of the
Peace Swan and charging that Jarvls
had threatened him and asking that he
be placed under bonds to keep the
peace. He waa tried on this charge
this afternoon and acquitted. He ad
mitted he had aald he "would get even
with those opposing him, but said he
referred to a suit he proposed to in
stitute for the custody of his chil
"Wlnslow to Serve One to Tea Years
for Tliefte Prisoner Denounced.
Denouncing the prisoner as a be
trayer and a schemer of the worst
kind. Judge McGinn yesterday morn
ing Imposed the maximum sentence,
from 1 to 10 years In the penitentiary,
on Albert F. Wlnslow. convicted of
grand larceny by a Jury.
The complaining witness In the case
waa Mra. Vera Mueller, who asserted
that Wlnslow duped her Into a mock
marriage at Pomona. Cal.. In 109
and deserted her In Portland In
leaving her 111 and "with little money.
Wlnslow was arrested In Seattle in
., wl tm fnrmarlv MaV
June, me i"i' , -
Ooodalersald to be the daughter of a
prominent Colorado Judge and politi
cian, sat by him throughout th trial.
He marnea ner v " , ..J
.....ii.. - k. m.A WlnslOW With
having taken with him when he eft
Portland, varioua yi v.
notes and other property belonging to
her. '
Monument to Columbus Is Erected
t Valla Walla, Wash.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Oct. 1J.
(Special.) Marking the observance of
the fleet Columbus day In this state,
Italians of this city today unveiled a
monument -to the great discoverer. A
parade through the atreeta followed
by speaking and other ceremonies
comprised the celebration.
High mass waa celebrated at St. Pat
rick's Church this morning and a aer
mon In Italian by Rev. Lulgl Locattl.
of Spokane. Wash, followed.
The parade waa headed by the Italian
drum corps, followed by the police,
band. Company K, National Guard, ex
ecutive committee, speakers and lead
ing Italian families.
Rev. J. D. O'Brien. O. P, of Portland,
made the unveiling address, after an
Introduction by W. 1L Dumphy, of this
line Xexr XO.000 Schoolhouse Will
House) County Teachers Institute.
HOOD RIVER. Or, Oct. IS, (Spe
cial.) The teachers of Hood River
County wiU hold aa institute her Sat
urday, October IL at th new $ 20.000
Barrett aohoolhousa, which will be
formally dedicated on the occasion
The new structure, one of the finest
school buildings In the county. Is two
stories In height and built of brick. It
Is equipped with all ynodern conveni
ences, such aa electric lighting and
steam heat. Prominent educators from
different parts of the state will attend.
It la expected that delegates from the
Oregon Agricultural College and the
Monmouth Normal School will be pres
ent. From the present attitude of the of
ficials and teachers of Hood River
County, the annual Institute of next
year will not be held jointly wlta
Wasco and Sherman counties, as has
been the past custom. "Much of the
work at the average Institute." says
E. E. Coad, superintendent of city
schools. "Is arranged for the teacher
who haa little or -no training. The
teachers of Hood HXver County, with
but few exceptions, are well trained,
and thus are not benefited muoh by
the Institute. They feel that they can
profit more by securing instruotors,
who will assist them on the points In
which they are deficient."
Cars Are Sent to CorvallU Where
Chicken. Uoes and Animal Food
Exhibits Will Be Loaded.
Schedules for the movement of the
farming demonstration train of the O.
W. R. & N'. Company through Crook.
Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow Counties
In conjunction with the Oregon Agri
cultural College and Experiment Sta
tion have been completed and. provide
for stops at IS enterprising cities and
The train will leave Portland Sunday
night. October z9. and will make the
following stops:
Monday. October 10 lone, t A. M. to
11:1 A. M-: Heppner. 1 P. M. to I P. M.
Tuesdsy. Octotvr SI Condon, t A. M. to
11 M. : Clem. P. M. to 8:10 P. M.:
Arllnxton. 1 P. M. to 11 P. M.
Wednesday. November 1 Oraas Valley. I
A. M. to 11:80 A. it. : Moro. 1S.M. to :15
P. M. : Wasco. S P. M. to 6 P. M.
Thursday. November Bend. :I0 A. M.
to 11:10 P. M. : Redmond'. 1:S P. M. to
1:1 P. M.
Friday. November Culver. :10 A. M.
te IS :Sn P. M. : Metollus. 1 P. M. to S P. M.
Saturday. November 4 Madras. 10 A. M.
to 1 P. M.
P.. B. Miller, traffic manager of th
O.-W. R, & N. Company, who has sent
a number of demonstration trains into
other parts of the state and who be
lieves thoroughly in the agricultural
possibilities of the territory through
which the train Will operate, has been
working for the past few weeks to
equip this one with all the appliances
necessary to give the farmers who visit
valuable Information that will assist
them In the development of their
The following Instrtictora from the
State Agricultural College will be on
board and will discuss with the farm
ers all questions that pertain to soil
culture and scientific crop raising:
Dr. James Wlthycombe. director;
Professor H. D. Scudder, dry farming
expert; Professor F. L. Kent, dairy
husbandman: Professor James Dryden,
poultry husbandman: Professor E. L.
Potter, animal husbandman; Robert
Wlthycombe. superintendent Eastern
Oregon Experiment Station; H. I'm
berger, auperlntendent Moro Dry Farm
Station; Orran Beaty. traveling agrl.
cultural adviser.
A. A. Morse, special agent of the traf
fic department of the O.-W. R. A N.
Company, will have charge of the train.
Mr. MUler also will be on board. He
will be accompanied by the following
officials: F. W. Robinson. general
freight agent; William McMurray. gen
eral passerrger agent; Hugh O'Neill,
traveling freight and passenger agent
in the Deschutes district: H. C. Oliver,
traveling freight and passenger agent.
The schedule has been arranged so
that stops of nearly four hours will ba
allowed at each place, thus providing
for plenty of opportunity for personal
contact between the farmers and the
railroad men and college Instructors.
While lectures will be given at every
stopping place they will be brief. Tha
farmers will be urged to'ask questions
and to engage In-personal conversation
with the instructors. It Is believed that
most good will develop from such a
The demonstration at Madras will
not be started until 10 o'clock on the
morning of November 4. As the farm
ers In the district tributary to thst
city must travel from IE ,to SO miles,
this schedule will give them time to
make the trip.
The stop st Arlington on Tuesday
evening, October SI, will be simultane
ous with the meeting of the Trl-County
Development League that will be held
there. Many Portland business men
will be In Arlington for. that event.
The farmers from the surrounding dis
trict also are expected to be In attend
ance and the demonstration train will
endeavor to serve both alike.
Seed peas and mllo maize will be
distributed from the train In limited
quantities. As It will be impossible to
serve all the farmers who may be ap
plicants for seed, the Commercial Clubs
and Farmers' Unions have been asked
to designate those of their number who
are to receive them.
Mllo maize has been proved well
adapted to dryland non-Irrigated soil
and Is an excellent stock feed. Field
peas are excellent fatteners for both
bogs and lambs.
Special attention will be given to the
hog Industry. One car will carry swine
of various breeds. Encouragement will
be given the farmers to engage more In
raising hogs.
D. O. Lively, general manager of the
Portland Union Stockyards, has been
Invited to make the trip. He Is an
earnest advocate of hog raising In Ore
gon and points to the heavy hog ship
ments that come to Portland annually
from Nebraska and other Middle West
ern states as an argument In favor of
the Industry In Oregon.
Another car will contain colony
houses for chickens and a flock of live
cocks and pullets. The cars have been
aent to Corvallis. where they are being
equipped by the Agricultural College
Kewanee Steel Boilers
vnnr eve neeled for the word "Kewanee5
when you are looking for a heating boiler for your new build
ing. It means as much on a heating boiler as " U. S. " means on a bond. If you
don't find the name, don't buy the boiler. If you do find it, you are in the presence of the
best heating: boiler in the woridxhe boiler that has made 90 solid miles of Chicago flat
buiHines permanently rentable and permanently comfortable the boiler that keeps warm and
happy and healthy 200,000 of Chicago's 300,000 school children. If you allow yourself to
be misred by some boiler that looks the Keuoe4 but isn't on, your fire-pot won't b big eooueh to
burn the dUgust that will overtake you later on when the cold days come. Several boiler makers hare
succeeded in imitating the sJka oi the Kewanee Ficebox boiler but the successful mttngU
tLr. So keep your eyes open. Look for the name "Kewanee" on the fire-door and agateon the
ash-ott door. If It is there, you needn't stop to ask questions, for the bXer tll answtr evtrytAtng.
We've been making it for 30 years and the ones we made 30 years ago are working today ftoe
jutremt satisfaetitm. We love this old boirer like an engineer loves his engine, and every -time we pass
onTwVredlike patting it on the bk and saying: "Good old boyl You're the goods 36o days ,a the
year! They might make one that looks like you, but to save their souls they can t make one that hke
you." There Is only on may to make a genuinely good and honest boiler that will last ke
your building thoroughly comfortable, burn cheap fuel economically, keep going when other filers are
down and out, and make a joke of your repair bilL We discovered the way years ago and we re sticking
to it like the wise old shoemaker sticks to his last Hence, tvtry Kemanee boiler ts as good as the one beore
f old as good as th one behind it. And we repeat that the word "Kewanee" on a heating boiler means
as much as tl S." on a bond. You can bank onit and hypothecate it! If s an asset, andnerer-a Aabay
Send for Catalog ' I U about the bo3er, not in iclterring
detail, but in plain Anglo-Saxon, so that ho who runs may read.
Ixexas Sarararar'
Makers of
Kewanee, Illinois
Branches! Naw York, Chicaxo. St Louis and Kansas Of
Portland Office, Crane Company, 14th and Irving Sts.
W " .
Although open but a few weeks, the Hotel Carlton Restaurant has
already the reputation of being Portland's most
desirable dining place.
The Hotel Carlton Restaurant now serves a .
DAILY FROM 5:30 TO 8:30
AT Lr.C. L-arm m -i in .
ONE DOLLAR Manager ,
Fourteenth and Washington Streets
Hotel Company
Ex-Pollcrman Loses Case.
Harry E. Parker, a patrolman who
waa dismissed from the police fore
by Aetlns; Chief Slover for alleged In
decent proposals to two roanir South
Portland girls, will not renin his place
unless he cai-rles th technical conten
tion on which he sought reinstatement
to the Supreme Court and a decision
given yesterday by Judge Uatens Is re
versed. Judge Gatens sustained the
city's demurrer to an alternative writ
of mandamus. Parker's application for
the writ was based on the contention
that he was not given a hearing before
the Executive Board until after 30 days
had elapsed from the time of his sus
pension. The city charter provides that
such hearing must be given within 30
If you have young children you have
perhaps noticed that disorders of the
stomach are their most common ail
ment. To correct this you will find
Chamberlain's Storuaoh and Liver Tab
lets excellent. They are easy and pleas
ant to take, and mild and gentle In
effect. For sale by all druggists.
Have you dined at the Carlton?
Phone your dealer right away and order a pound car
ton (sold" only in cartons) of Columbia Pork Sausage
the first of the season.
"fnlmnkii Brand" is a most delicious and savory
breakfast treat made only from the very choicest Gov
ernment-inspected little porkers delicately seasoned
with finest spices.
It costs less than Eastern-made sausage and is bet
ter because it is positively made fresh DAILY.
Be sure and ask your dealer for "Columbia Brand."
Phone him right away.