Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 14, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    nTC ro-Rrvo OTXKOOTAX, SATTJTtPAY. OCTOBEB 14, 1911.
Estate federation
K'orncn's Clubs cf Oregon to
Convene in Roseburg Three
Days Next Week.
lomttoi oX Anml Mor-On One ol
Otwrr JjrpccW Proml-
IK!IK Mcrchajita Boj.
, Or, Oct 11. fti--
All arrans-ements for the entertainment
xf de'egnt.s t. the annual convention
'tf tte rTat- KtdUoll f Women S
Vl-jts. me-ui in ItiNsehurg on
"ues1a-. Wednesday una Thursday.
tH-toher 11. 1 and l. f" practically
t-nmplei1 t a eperial meeting of the
VnlKd Ladle. Ouba of this -lty
Ot.Te-r tan tl entertainment fea
tures planned by the women, the mer-k-i.r.U
of KnM-bnrt hvt promised o
S-nd their miun:. In m.klo the
event ou of prominence. All show
n".ndows will be decorated for the oc
cas'on.'Uii according to present Pn"
tie federation colore (red. white and
rlue will be generally adopted.
Te programme was prertlrallv eom
x'et4 u night and comprise a num.
Ver "f Interesting features. It follow
tn fu!'.:
TWMla JJerah.
IOr? rn-mia la behalf of the city.
Jl..or rred Hmi.
10 no orertins to fedocetina from eeiar
Vsjetns elMe. etra W. A. bmloh.
I4 Keepoaee from Federation. Mr
itMfTU. Of OtVJO "IT.
1 j Or-.'l t frm plon
.M-. Ablen'.l " I)n!v.
U fo KpiTt of credential
er aeirbera.
nt.irt of officer
TaeeAajr Atarwuoa.
I - V'-tA relented. Jlra. C H Arundel,
atyrfl. -
T t --lu-lns Pnnks fnr the Horn" Mia
y .IM xenel). rtate Ubrarlen: Olecueelon.
t -U ". nlenaonj.- Miss Mildred
j jl ."tetrrlor recortlees end Household
,ieun,i.?lna- Mra Uuat Ua.dwla Doo
11 r' a
3i. Mnts Ttiulcsji1us
.1 ; Tlvlc Art." Miss Alice Welster.
S&fc "hir Heistl'Jns Wl:h th Nitlnnil
O-ta-mtuma! Awoeletion.- Mies Mary Farn-
Tuesday Evewtng.
00 Ver'rt and reoepll'a to the officers
an.1 deleeetw of the conventtan by ths
t.Ver I'nited luts. of Roeeoara. In
rrramental enN JToCesor C. 11. Arundel:
i isrtx. e " ted. A S. orcutl. Iln Cbaxlee
. Xnllne yra A. X. rru 1 1 ' Mra. K. --1tte"rk:
eoio, rln'ted. Mr. C. H.
ruo-1eA. rea-llng. porerf Jofne Uie Lode."
fleeter H'xxei Ved.loi; dnet. "!ln Me
t n Mleep." Vra Charlee Hcaline and Xra.
jl. N. reutl: netruniwntal eulo, ProOeeor
i:. ti. Araaael; reoepUoo.
Wedneeday Moraine.
9) 4nA iei'it nf the rh IM tabor eammle.
atnav Mra VlUle Trumboll
I I oi -Vhm Oeaeral rderalUn." Mra.
r-ereh A. Kvaiie. Hxloae.- Mra. Millie R.
'Wedneadajr Afltra.ea.
1 r -Trnrorll Mottna. Brat vli e pttett
riant praeidlnc
-The Thih Pmcrarrnne." Mre. Vlrle rrank-
tla. A.bjvirt dlevuealoiv .
1 Vi "i.lone In the Way."" Mra. fladh Ore.
J lairioKv alarted. He. J. X. Wurebart,
3 1" Hrpnrt t eneir altna rmnmlltee.
3.1i llur Fnreeta ' E. T. Allen, V. -
J-'nrtry lepartmt!U
B V. ltrprt of puhllo heaita rornml'.tee.
J JO 'ur PuMln lleetth rooeoleaoa." Ur.
V! Item X -rtrtlent.
s 3- Afl'lreee. Ur. 4'aJvln ft. White. State
lf;tti ffl?r.
4 tn AiUlm . t'onvreetjnan W. C. Hew-
Tharedar Meralae;.
SO "lTrbieme -f Etluratln." Preeldent
J. L. Oaxnptll. f the fnl-erltjr of oreaon.
l -fur rnika" U , H. Alderman.
$"eie Saprtnteedett of I'iilic Inetructlon.
!- JT Whl F.slent f ttte Knlr
nrnat Cretw1 by en Kdm-etlnel Inrtt.
T itMko Ov'Mm or trersth'a Hrljt ?"
"1 r Arna Z. ene. of the O- A 1" t'or
x a It.
Tharedey Afterwenei.
1 I'tiflntshetl bullntu, new buetaeae.
Rp.iet of rr.itutlon rommltiea.
3'1 KW-tl.n of ofTu-vr and drlrratee to
4t- laL
4 o tnrl'wlt n
'HTet Pe the Tt"
f'r nrl ronrenllon;
Thcivali ami "fnlrall,i Vrt l Ap
rnnr by Vtrtp; rian IWnar.
CrTNTRAI.IA. Waah.. Vt. IX (Special-
If ti e proposed municipal srav
Jty water avtttem In approved by a vote
Ft the people, the plant probably will
4 Inrta'led by June 1. JU.
Al a meet I II it if the Joint water com-rut-vt
of fentralla and Chehalia. held
In t h la ity last nlKht. all phaaea of
trie propoi-d system were dterussed and
tviry matter pertaining- to the proposi
tion Is being reptdly brourht Into ahupe
. prrernt to the public. Tde commit
(tee that hae chernr of the legal and
,f the propoetflon l now tlrawlne; up
ti e necessary oMtnann . snd the
,ranee rooiinluee has rnterel Into ne-t-tmtlKri
witn pirtles who doslre to
I'un-him the bin'!s which will be !
aued. It Is elpe. ted that wliMtt a few day
s'lty Knatneer Atterbury will have rom
! ete.l t!ie eurTey of tlie proposed route
t .t the xntcin down tn naht of way
.f the t:.t.-.rrn fiila av A Lumhef Com-J-env.
Aa soon as his report la placed
1 .ft. re the fity t'oiincll It will be pos
:hie to n,k. a cuiuparlson of thl
T"ute with the one surveyed direct to
t't:rf i:s and thence to Otttral'a.
fiANCH SOLD FOR $25,000
! Arni at Mniran Ilriiic Own.
rr SI 5.000 I'rofit In 10 Year.
M'tNTf'SANil. Wish.. Oct. IS (Sre The teorc Nlnecnrrt, ranch,
rwni.itint of li acres, on the western
e.lre of fits citv. was s-dd yesterdsy to
" V. MllVr. of Aberdeen, for K&.OOd.
This ranch Is considered ni of the
f'nest tn t'hehall County. HO acres lf
it belnK WjniKK-he River bottom land,
cleared ar.d in a hit;h slat of culti
vation. Mr. Nlnemire buuxtit the ranch
some ten years ao. paying 10.0t4
i-r I-..
- piviallana May Italld Ikormltory
fop Yonnj Woirwn at Kn,renp.
C'ct. li. i?;ciii. La casa t&4 vir.
rent peferendom ITtlcation terminate
in favor of tha rnrveralty of Oregon,
patrons of tha Episcopal Ohnroh In
Ore con will erect a private dormitory
to Pa uaod by vounr woman who at
tend tha university. Blahop Pcaddlng.
the head of tha church In Oregon,
while In Fuajene thla week made pro.
visional arrangement for the early
construction of the proposed living
q Barter. '
A 0-day option baa been purchased
on a aplendld 12404 buildlnir location
on the comer east of I'realdent Camp
bell's residence on Thirteenth street.
uat opposite the onlverslty campus.
The plan ta to float a I IS. 000 bond la
pus In 1 1 00 denominations, the s hares
of which are to be sold principally to
Eugene and Portland laymen.
Although the church la to be spon
sor for ths entire arrangement. It 1
rot exactly a charitable undertaking.
Nominal living fees will be charged
snd all affairs will be transacted on a
businesslike basis undar the personal
sapervtalon of an official bouse mother.
It la planned to accommodate about 20
young women ta the new halL
This action come la response to re
quests entered by mothers over the
stats who hesitate to send their daugh
ters to the State University because
tier are not certain that they - will
And a suitable and pleasant place to
bra Announcement la made that real,
deace In the new hall will not be re.
strlcted to women of the Episcopal
or any ether Christian faith and that
the general rulee of government will
simply be tboee of the quiet Chrlstlsn
home. Thla means that the new cluo
group will differ but slightly from the
r v
THE DALLES, Or , Oct. . (Ppeclul.) The members of The ,IalIes
lodge of Elka. No. 303. will dedicate their new home here Friday and
Paturday. October IT and IS. and are preparing to entertain
hundred of the antlered herd from the various orders of tha Pacific
Northwest. The ceremonies will commence In the afternoon of Octo
ber 17. when a reception will be given to the wive" and frlonds of the
E.ks A, grand ball will be held In the evening. The official cornerstone-laying
services and dedication will take place Saturday after
noon and In the evening entertainment Is to be- furnished members
and vlaitlns; brothers only.
The new building, which Is used exclusively as a club, cost The
Palfes Elks 4i.OOO. while the furnishings and furniture, necessitated
an expenditure of 116.000 more.
sorority units except In the matter of
National affiliation.
The Impelling idea ts to provide an
Ideal living arrangement for all out
of -to wn women who do not care to
assume the responsibilities of sorority
nrusJiam or who may not have an op-
port unity to do so.
The university now miwuiaiue m
similar dormitory. Mary capillar Hall,
which accommodates 0 young women.
Vlfe of AcctifOtl Section Forrman
Tpstiflra That She Was Cane
or .Marital Discord.
OLTMP1A. Wash.. Oct. II. 'Spe
cial. Evidence was Introduced In the nroeeedlnsrs In ths case of
Oeorge H. Wilson, charged with the
urder of Nettle Coble, by the aerense
tedav which Indicated that the defense
Is able to Drove that the guilty person
Is not Wilson and that the guilty per
son has never been, arrested. 1 ne evi
dence says that the man who killed the
Cobles Is an employe of the Kurnham
mllL near Kalnler. but hi name, wmcn
waa given. Is withheld from publica
tion. It Is charged that he rode down to
the Coble home on the night of the
murder and afterward hia saddle was
found to be bloody. It was also set
forth that a bloody shirt was found
down the Deschutes River a few days
after the murder.
Judse Mitchell did not allow this
evidence to go before the Jury, bat It
will oe used in case an appeal is taken.
Mrs. Wilson, the wife of the prisoner,
was on the stand today and she took
upon herself all the blame for the do
mestic quarrels between herself and
her husband.
Klamath. Falls Kc-sidenta Sep Xpod
of Land for Settlor.
(Special.) An ' agitation ha been
started here to have the Klamath In
dian reservation opened. The move
ment received considerable Impetua by
the recent Central Oregon Development
League meeting at Buma and the op
ening of the Hill line tnto Bend. Local
expansionists who have returned from
those events are filled with the. Idea
of making this region more attractive,
to railroad development.
Statistics show that the Indians on
the Klamath reaervatlon are the rich
est of any who are under wardship of
the I'nited States Government. They
have more money and property per
capita than any other Indians In the
I nited States. There are no blanket
Indians on the reservation and the
buildings of the tribe are well kept
up. while fields and fences are 1n good
order and the reservation Is attractive
to settlers.
Those who are working to have the
reservation opened assert tlfat wher
ever there la a settlement on as large
a scale as would naturally follow the
opening of the Indian reservation a
large tonnage Immediately follows and
railroads become a necessity.
In order to get the reservation op
ened the Indiana must first hare their
lands allotted to them. The reaervs
tion Is approximately 40 miles by SO
miles In area.
Astoria, Saturday, October 14.
Special train leaves North Bank sta
tion 1:10 P. M. Saturday, arriving As
toria to P. M.
Round trip tare. tX good returning
until Monday.
Tickets at Fifth and Stark and North
EanJt aiauoo.
nnnn I
m ipmmn
fiKHtLL Ml
New President of O.-W. R. &
N. Will Not Reduce Number
of Office Employes.
A Renult of narrlniant Lino Author
Ittre' Meeting la Pngt Sound
City Consolidation of Portland
and Seattle Of flee Denied.
SEATTLE. Wash. Oct. IS. (Special.)
So far ss numbers and rank are con
cerned the present representation of
.. iiJ-T e-'
Herriman line officials In Seattle will
not be - disturbed by the reorganisa
tion of the O.-W. R. & N. now In prog
ress, aa announced tonight by Presi
dent J. D. Farrell.
J. P. O'Brien, vloe-preeldent at Port
land, and Robert Strahorn, vice-president
at Spokane, arrived yesterday In
response to a call from Mr. FarrelL
who requested a conference In regard
to the readjustment of operating and
other departments. This conference
will continue tomorrow, but Mr. Far
rell declared that the working out of
all details 1 a lenghty process and
may not be completed for a week or
ten days.
Mr. Farrell stated that the official
staff, as at present represented here,
will be subject to several changes In
personnel, but the number of men will
not be reduced. All rumors of a con
solidation of tha Seattle and Portland
offices were denied.
The change will occur principally
In the operating department- Viec
I resident O llrloa will operate the
Washington lines heretofore operated
by Mr. Farrell and D. W. Campbell, his
assistant. There will be no operating
head as at present conducted in Seat
tle, . but competent substitutes, con
stantly In touch with Portland through
the newly-installed private trunk line
telephone, will be In charge, and Pres
ident Farrell did not deny the report,
that both Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Stra
horn are to be In direct charge under
Farrell and that they may be assisted
by a man prominently Identified with
the operating department here.
Mr. Campbell, whose name was as
sociated with the repUT, last night
declsred that Mr. Farrell bad not dis
closed the company's plans to him and
that he was Ignorant of the manner In
which he was to be dealt with In ths
plans now forming.
ILarrliiutu Official Decline to Agree
U Absorption of Swttclilna; Freei.
TACOMA. Wash, Oct. II. (Special.)
Tacoma shipper held an all-day con
ference at the Commercial Club todar.
with 0.-W. R. V N. railroad officials,
the Tacoma men protesting agatnat dif
ferentials In freight rstes whloh they
say give Portland a distinct advantage
over -Tacoma, especially on livestock,
fresh meats. lumber. woodplpe and
shingles, cutting Tacoma out of valu
able Oregon-Washington territory. The
Tacomans also complained against al.
leged discrimination In passenger busi
ness. The round trip East and return
via the Harriinan lines ea the couth
costs Taooms passengers $4. IS more
than it does passengers who ticket out
of Cortland. This additional cost ts the
entire local rate from Portland to Ta
coma. Little was accomplished at the hear
ing. The railway official said they
could not see their way clear to grant
lng Tacoma equal freight rate privilege
In so-called Portland territory, but
Indicated they would endeavor to make
a better adjustment. In regard to -passenger
rates, the railroad officials said
there. was a tariff "already established
when the Oregon-Washington entered
the field. They also would not agree
to absorption of Tacoma switching
charges, asserting they were Justified
tn continuing them on competitive
basis. General Traffic Manager R, B.
Miller, of Portland: General Felght
Agent W. l. Skinner and Robert E.
Lee. Tacoma agent, represented the
Wrfirrn steel Corporation Head
Mustfo, Say Creditors.
SEATTLE? Wash.. Oct." II. The re
celvers who were sppointed yesterday
for the Western Steel Corporation, with
capital of $:o.0on.000. will serve only
until the creditors choose a trustee.
Counsel for the Metropolitan Trust
Company of New York, upon whose pe
tltlon the receivers were appointed,
"The Metropolitan Trust Company
made advances to the Western Steel
coxuoraUon. a&s.reEaXLQseoaul
early in the present year, and was
willing to make further advances If
President Jams A. Moore would retire
from control of the company. For
sometime ths trust company haa been
aeeking to make some arrangement
with Mr. Moore to that end. and at laat
has been compelled to take the present
steps for Its own protection and the
protection of the property.
-We do not understand just wbat
relation there la between the Irondale
Realty Company and the Western 6teel
Corporation, and this Is ona of the
things ths present proceeding will at
tempt to olarify. IV Is understood that
the realty company has disposed of
something like 1600.000 worth of prop
erty la the vicinity of the plant, but
the exact amount Is unknown,
""Likewise w have ao Idea of the
risible asset of the company or tha
true valuation of the plant. I have
heard It valued at all the way from
1100,004 ts 100,000. We want to find
out Jt bow snuah has bean pot Into
It. Neither la It known bow much
stock the Western tvtsol Corporation
has sold.
Conn s9 for James R, Moore state
that the corporation's assets are valued
at 117.000.000, and consists p rind pally
of Iron, coal and timber lands In Ne
vsvd. California and British Columbia.
Ua states further that the Irondale
Realty Company, which has sold thou
sands of lota In ths town of Irondale.
has no connection with ths steel cor
poration. Moore I In Mew Tork.
Eight Jafaaoeee Arreerted for Seal
I"oachlng by Crew That Returns
to Astoria for Winter.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. II. (8pecial.)
The revenue outter Manning arrived at
noon today from her Summer cruise
in Alaskan waters and will remain
on her station hart) thla Winter. For
the first time since the craft haa had
headquarters here, her officer and
crew will be paid off here for the
entire Bummer's service and as a result
between 110,000 and 1:6.000 will be
distributed among them next Monday.
Captain Perry reports lee trouble
from Illegal sealing In Alaska tbl year
than usually. Tbe Manning oaught
four Japanese from the chooner Domel
Maru. who had landed at St, George
Island and they were sentenoed to six
weeks In Jail. After serving their sen
tences they were placed on board an
other sealer and deported.
One boat containing four Japanese
from the schooner Tunlkoeha was found
Inside the three mile limit at St. Paul
Island. They were fined $1000 each or
100 days tn Jail and are now serving
time at Valdes.
At Bt. Paul Island, where the largest
rookeries are situated, a quantity of
seal meat was put up by the men In
charge and considerable of this was
taken by the Manning and distributed
among the natives et Atka," Blorka and
Attou. where the Indian are very poor
and la wretched circumstances. They
now have meat enough to last them
through the Winter.
Cbalrman Eugene Committee De
fen dslndepeodents' Draft.
EUCFENE. Or. Oct. 13. (To the Edi
tor ) Referring to tbe special telegram
from Eugene In The Oregonian of Oc
tober 11 concerning commission form
of government In this city. I desire to
Inform you that your Eugene corre
spondent la mistaken In two or three
points. '
In the first place, the modified com
mission and business charter, for which
I am largely responsible was accepted
by the Common Council for submission
to the voters, not a few days after the
regular commission charter, but on the
same day, August 14.
In the second place, the charge,
passed on by your correspondent, that
submission of two charters 1 an at
tempt to defeat the commission plan by
confusing the voters Is Incorrect. As
chairman of the charter committee,
which framed the second charter, I
am working hard to have our charter
adopted by a large majority. I have no
reason to believe that any of the mem
bers of my committee have been dis
honest In co-opexating with me in fram
ing our charter.
Finally. Instead of people lining up
for the regular commission charter, a
number of the men who were foremost
in working for the regular commission
charter last January now acknowledge
the superiority of the modified commis
sion and business charter, and are go
ing to vote for it- .
Chairman of Independent Charter Com
mittee. -
Settlor to Decide Horsefly Irriga
tion Project.
(Special.) One of the moat important
Irrigation propositions undertaken un
der the new Oregon law concerning
such enterprises will be voted on No
vember II by residents of Yonna. Lan
gell and Lost River valley. Owing
to another private Irrigation project
with which It was feared ths new dis
trict might Interfere, advocates of the
former took the matter up with the
jCounty Court to have tbe boundaries
settled, which delayed the Issue for al
most a month, but the proposed district
haa been agreeably denned and official
steps taken and approved by Judge
Warden and other members of. the
County Court to hold the election on
the date given.
It Is proposed to Issue bonds to cover
tbe cost of establishing the Irrigation
supply; And owner of 10.000 acre,
which It Is hoped to benefit, are ex
pected to vote favorsbly. It Is to
be known as the Horsefly Irrigation
District, aa the Horsefly Dam la ths
proposed water source. For years the
land owners had hoped for Government
enterprise to help them do the work,
but tbe Government abandoned tbe
plan. The new state lsw, paved the
way and now the farmers expect to
get the Irrigation established at a cost
of about 130 an acre, or practically
half what the Government would
Vancouver Man, Seised as Thief Due
to Color Stains.
VANCOUVER, Wash. Oct. II. (Spe
clsL) Smears of yellow paint on his
coat sleeve and dabs of brown paint
on his hands, led to the arrest of Wil
liam Shields, who was charged with
burglary, yesterday.
Mrs. Herman C Funk's home was
broken Into recently, and entrance was
gained by a window, which bad Just
been freshly painted In yellow and
brown. Finger marks, where the In
truder had placed his hands when get
ting through tbe window, were noticed
bv Mrs. Funk, and when she reported
t&juolUio luss to ih.nullca, s BieiiUaned. JLiUW
TouVe been reading about Parkrose you've heard lots of people discussing
Parkrose, Now, why not go and see the property for yourself
Itli only take about half an hour going and coming. Then you'll be able to
judge far yourself and discuss Parkrose inteLTigently.
Yesterday one of the biggest Real Estate men in town went out and said: "It's
the best offer ever made in Portland."
Another gentleman one who knows real estate values bought 12 acres.
So it goes every day. All records have been smashed. Portland has never
before seen such buying and may never again. So far nearly six hundred men and
women have purchased in Parkrose in less than two weeks, mind you.
But all this doesn't mean a thing to you unless you will be open-minded enough
to let us show you' Parkrose tell you about all the improvements, included in
the price the streetcar' facilities-e-everything. Then judge for yourself.
Size it up from the desirable home standpoint size it up from the- investment
standpoint. Then remember in Parkrose you can solve the High Cost of Living.
Drop in at our office or, better still, phone Main 208 or A 2050 right "now
and make an appointment to have one of our autos take you and your family to see
PARKROSE. No obligation on your part, and you can make an appointment for
morning, afternoon or after working hours.
the color of the paint on the window.
When Shields was taken before A. J.
Blgham. Police Judge, today, the paint
marks were yet on his hands and coat,
and they matched the paint on the
Funk home. He vu sentenoed to serve
live day on the streets, to hold him,
while Chief of Police Secrlst Is out of
the city. When he returns. It Is prob
able that an Information of burglary
will be filed against Shields.
Store-Making Firm Agrees to Waive
AU Claim Against State for For
feiture o? Contract.
SALEM. Or., Oct. IS. (Special.)
After a number of conferences during
tha past few day between 8. Loewen
berg, of Loewenberg A Going Company,'
and Governor West, final decision was
reached today between the executive
and the company, with the result that
October 1 of next year will see the
last of prison contract labor in the
Stats Penitentiary, under the present
administration at least.
The company has agreed to maRe
arrangements for other quarters and
will not discontinue business, although
Just where tt will .bo located has not
been decided.
The company recently failed to make
payment on Its contract with the state,
this bstng the second time during the
year and the Governor declared the
contract would be canceled and con
victs were called from work. Efforts
have been made to persuade the Gov
ernor to recede from bis position, but
he remained determined.
Under the final agreement the com
pany will be allowed to complete all of
the stoves for which there. Is material
on the ground. Seventy-five convicts
will be turned over to the shops Mon
day to finish this work. The state
has inaugurated a system of shorter
hours and or paying overtime to the
men in the shops, but under the agree
ment the overtime plan must be con
tinued and the overtime paid for by
the company Instead of the state.
"The company has agreed to waive
any claim against the'state for forfeit
ure of the oontract," said the Governor.
"The company must be completely
cleared out of ths shops by the. first of
next October, and the state will take
over the. buildings and convert them to
other uses" -
Vancouver Man- Who Hit Horsewhip
Victim Is Found Guilty.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct II. (Spe
cial) Emmett Bellinger, charged with
assault in the third degree, was found
guilty by a Jury tonight In ten minutes.
John M. Holt, candidate for County
Commissioner last election, waa the
complaining witness. Hoff was beaten
by Bellinger last Spring.
When Hoff was leaving the train at
Knapps' Station, he was attacked by
Bellinger, who alleged Hoff had said
something derogatary about Mrs. O. M.J
Helblng used a horsewhip on Hoff, and
later Bellinger trounced Hoff.
The case required all day to try. Fred
W. Teir.pes. County Attorney, was as
sisted In the . prosecution by H. W.
Arnold, while W. E. Yates was attorney
for Bellinger.
Assault Costs $2O0.
"i-vT lL'VIl.l T I,' Wnnh Oft 13. (SDG-
clal.) U.-'R. Smith, a resident of White
Salmon, who was arrested on a charge
of throwing rocks through the win
dows of a North Bank passenger train,
was arraigned before Judge McKenny
In the Superior Court. The maximum
penalty for the crime is 25 years, un
, ml snacJal statute. The charge was
reduced to assault on the conductor of
the train, to whloh he pleaded guilty
and was fined 1200 and costs and a Jail
sentence, which wa suspended pending
good behavior. In addition to the fine
and the costs Smith paid 120 for tho
broken glass.
If you have a hard-to-
fit head, bring it nere
Our new machine will
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every bunch on your cra
nium. Every variety of style
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-Price from $1.85 to $5
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Some specials for young
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ish at $3.
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At Fountains & Elsewhere
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