Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 14, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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    14, 1911.
Presbyterian Svncd Discusses
Problem of Inducing Men
to Become Preachers.
Plan Mm!. i Com in rir Cmnpalgn
lo Sx tire 2 . rt, o o n Funil to Alii
.ltnn o!I.-c lloiiw Mlf
Art OmMcrrtl.
ymmx r-.-r. t n:" im mtntsiry. i''ni
t- v". tr.i t i r.iir.(.:rn t i" t
the i - -0 ."i-.t rn n-. f t Al
hirv i'm'I f ! nir.:;rc ir.f mnHti"n
cf if tif. t J J. Mill. and
an x-''i oi i ,.- ft p the n rk
of .nrn t ( 1r V.imn'ii B'in!
f r I : - -' r w r f --a ? rv f t?'
I n j. v.rlv -f te I're v t rlan
n i . f t r--:(. T e rr. n .r an
r. ht .1 r t e M ui;t T ib-r FT's
by -. r . .i a " i -r
. . i-rr.n te nw m'l
frit r. ;r.--. l -l t..;r.n.: th 1j. atvl
at f - .-r-rri p -i..n i!rv H. H.
!. ' r. . r.r.n 'f lif mmfr'tfc on
c"!! ar-l t-n. juhrr:t '.'! a re
port " . ' -orr iii-:-.;r!.ins fr aI-Tr.-,'"'i;it
i f .:i,rv t f nuirlal-
ly an ! .a rv:e M j-tr. : ..
rT-' ru- t " r :!:: n .f tTi. r cum
mn !..t i "v 'n t F r.."rr. Iv W. II.
Lan Jon of t1 n Knii o T'nrnVirt
cl ?:! n rv. .1-luiTf-l a. i'irr'i r ad
t rn :. i " r' nan ! .n . t ion. i'i ir
Ir z : 1.L--K -f nn-luiat-i
aiiwn-i t'.r ; mtic rrt'-n. It. l.tfi !. .ai.
t.m w n it i k ' 1 ;n a ram ai ic n lo in
riu-i.irr. c T i n to ti:, n:r ;iry
an 1 tif n.intr -'f y-'tinc
nrn w rt-M f. in;- can li latw r
tJ. m r. r .
rIlwin-r -iTr an a llr- :o:r. I"r.
J 11 i:.yi. w i ilo. 1 ir-! cut mm
r ( if:iilv i i .ir tit i: t lun
dni'.M : ' inc mn nt i?V wurk
7 ti.r ir;!:U:r .-. ty !: ak:.i-r of Urn
br.I f ! . tt -nini.Htrv in I ft mall
jy i N r'i'iv.'. a;. t!i !tf flc'iirlei
t K-r-tiv.'r an rducAiton wan fcrtJi
a n t i ' t.i' f to un: in' n rntirlnic
the work f tMc laini-try.
S:mrn Itprrira lffi
"I b l vo ih:vt I t tim l a coffi
hn t nr v rrh d ou!-l provide
it.ii i'f v . t : r.kC n youne n.n. if
h J: .:!! t-t rrT'-r tno work.' aM
lr. l "M.inv 1 r;t:l:t youp.' n:n ar
Tjitr-t iii.i !. i ii l y t-hrink from
Vf :-.r !:;! of n )-ar? tf tui!
i l. M. i'rik. prcf :!tnt f Albany
Ctir;.. ,m, f.r 1 1 : i t lnut Itut fon. He
iai. thnt p?.n to rajso en
dow nirt t with th JiO.OOO
wh.-n J.imj J. Hill li.i'l rromii'l. ro
Vtl I thi- i rriar. t h1 rail. iTt-idnt
t'rn"k- finl ;t;t 7."."."0 in pl'l!i ainl
t-.4h 1 Im on -.- I o;ml tht Jl'-O.-0o,
ni thu It'ifd to ram Jl-.-0'-
to rom' l. tf t'if u!l umount art i -cut
Mr. H : I i' l naitin.
H- al! tr .it h wmiiM flcvotp tr yr
to M.-urln-r t.:.- ii:tii an-l aktsl tho
fin.i n'-.i I iiit I :n" u' port 'f t'w
H r.o.t in IhM r.i:n;taii;n. I'tosh!'!
4mU- !a..l U liaj no rtouht hut
tf't tt;f fuil Hr.iotint will ft-urvl hy
I. I.:, ! :i-kt ! ti; it t:e rhur.-h con
tr::.o J .) f.iM tt r rurrt-nt e-ffn-.-i
of rhf iM-litct- il'innir ti im-
T:-jn. r ;i i .intui!i:t aoout f la'J-j
f ' -1 ! in iv, .i f . -r n it.
f;v. il. H. Irart H.
Hir.ikiu -V tp l "(! p't'TiN'rs f th
board uf il .rt tor for the S'n Kran Tfv. H. N. Mount, of
ui.v si r.i h rf-tanatlon h. ynol
iral trawr.T. nn a. -count f .l''kn,s!.
an ! K-v. t". H. wa.H flf-.-tt'd troi.
tn r i ro im. It wa uTitvitnrfil that
I : v. r. Mount ha! Ne n timpIUd to
ri-n from tn i.t f the Hukcro
lre.l ti n. n t'lmrrl -n .irount of 111-
H. '. lut la im; rovln-r.
i n morion. I'w i l. -K if the synod
w liiM -x:- e." to M-nd a t'-lt a rani to
J m.f J H II t'.nk:nu htm for h4.
frsfi 'P J .')... to .vHttv i'iiII'-h-'.' an I
n o f r his Mm 1 tmt the
coil. were Hom-r u r:it work.
Women l-'tptata Hoard 4 orlu
T" e Wo-.5.-n North!r Hoard of
I: M i-irv nn m-.'t.t ! I An hour In the
fon r. -c; ir.- forth It work. Mr.
V. S. !!!; i r. MitNl Mrs. Klla I-un.t
I. :., loi.i rf t-e "iiMu'i Work";
i ; M if el li.i-j n"k n tN 'iij(!v
f'l . - e : Mr K ; la in. h! th
( m-m - i..n "rk". ar.l .'r. i. W.
p.iw .1 1 Tt-.e board ha
n ';:r:t.on a f ill lir of l;tT itur
on f ti-- mi. r. t
lii-v. S. V . S "'ni.i?t r-i l th "report
C' t ' o . .-n:: ' t on herr.e mis-Ion,
f iv.iu 'i t of t1 wrk of e.ic'i
j,r, - t -ry ' i f re n S' nod. T?; la
i. 1 -. t a 1 T.f ! n ae J 1 1 ruim 'milt the
I'l.Timi'i. nl !a n T 4 ' t t - yr..l
ht r. t ; e a.i
f I . e. .v n1.:;
w i" re 1 r. ri t
Hoard. The
-f i:v A. MM!"
-! w .1 even at t iw
p .-t "onti !' in u. nvi r w p !i h tier. v .
S H-'it t r i t w entirely In
th t".t-re-t -C 'i'ttm mi : unions.
T1 : i ;'I he in -on t d iv
A. "u. an I V M" ,a: d 7 P. i
lieT. Ifre M v e ! l at 1 -nal
.i-er r T: ier. i'ltvrr an address
t'-i- r. orniu l'-r r Mr.t:e will artve
t r ; .n ' tvUT:i o.f the
'h..r v ' l: v K K 1 1 all. fi-i-l
e, ret..rv f t'..- I'-Mfd o K'Ti ikn Mi.--i..n.
fpe ik t'i:4 ft. rrvip. K.v-1
y,.r;j i n r" uri .1 a.tixit'eji nd ten.i'er
r , e v :M h.- ;i f 1 1 1 d TcrU'iit a pop
t;!.ir nr.'i'p; U li M 1. Key. Kvbcrt
il i.ean pr- r. .
m ns lt lidirl l.m' "n Ac
! I.. Y. K:ul.
v, it . ir. of i'l'j ir-M frm
a i'rr m i .i.1.! i if vim..
T.r:r! 1- m sou cif
J r l! r iitmir'I. twn.-r f ile
.'. -I (.HAf-l ta ; raMiia. ni hAi-.k
- !.-' A::-t ! lin.l.-r lrr't At
In I" t J, i v. .'.n lr-. t:;'..!.i tt:arc
( .It f l t .11 i vi:r. it '.C... Trio
fv'TTi i n r.i 1. V Ka !v. a
r . :i. - . w ;n t'lr t'hAmtr
.f lVn::i,fr. .. h:;.,.i.:.a. l. : , a !fc in P.ttl.
rri:r her s. v.".l m.'Uti .o ttr.rt tn
t - .!-.v;-r of . l- . .Tarn Ri 5.ui
10 ! avc t.- - ,--.n. ..t-r.-.! bj Mmwlf.
11 l-vl ST.. tr. r-i K.j li. tl look
.-; rT - r.t w ix-.iiv a.i cdarcr.i
w .m t. &. . tuu t T utj that
A f m 1 1 w . j o t i -.v ir I w a .n t
t-. i r;.T! . ,.f t: . Ii d 1 S:Tu-U:r.
.rnial . a I -al n-rj .r.i:!-.n. n ihe KlViT. la I.I.i'J. with liiMruc
;:un lo riMn up I' n!:i t.l):DZ4.
3r".'j1 t-f .Ii.k il I- a!l;fil. nr
t--K l 1 S'v , m tAl fr-.m I4-
f.r. ul. r:.n.-. l-irt 'f U. T?ie offi
r'a' r..rni.ifiv tr rt'f i.. to
r:i i"f drrh-r i!i:in to y t int
1-, r I n J I.
A i tK- t i: t t rrci i'jwj-J
ji w aci J it;ui.
I V- ".. ? yl-" I I
.iBin t; aii.i t iu iiiui n:i)P(ii.n mi MfiKft; nr.i.ow,
Youths Pick Out Home Where
Hills Were Killed.
Vounc Trumps In Substantiating
"luirR( Aenlnt Companion Give'
Surprlslnjt IH-tatln Police
IjCI lo llie Place.
r.1n.iM Fmm Flr.t Tng.
of fpct. They aaid. a n"r a they
9 uM 'loll. Hnlmlior wan In the houw
half an hour.
Tho noxt noon of Holmhorp. thoy
naiil. wa when ho l.tied wildly from
t.i honso and ald In an oxcltod voice.
"Hun as fast as you can." Thoy said
thoy ran and as thoy pmoeedod down
tl'.e County rond. Ilolmoorjc told thorn
ho had had an awful flcht but had
l-ot-n successful in pottlnf? $-5 in
RliMtrijr lot bra Iwrl hod.
Holmbori"s clothes, the boys said,
wore .splattered with blood and his
hands wore a aruesome crimson. Kroni
the scone of the murder the boys said
they hurried ail that morning and all
the t.i t day down t ie road until thoy
readied the andy IUer. whore they
went into tamp and whero llolmber
they re-itod. aiton-pted to wash the
lilood from his clothe. lie was unsuc
cessful, they s.ild. and exchanged
clothes and wraited the bloody suit in
a t.unJl.. he curriod. doclarlnic that the
hloO'l-stzttncd suit was too good to
t::ror away.
TI a li ., Miy Ihey first sui-icled
llol!nlr of nurdT about five days
after the Hill .r!:ne. Hawkins 5ald he
was ciit to Troutdale for sum. lie,
while Howard was held In enmp and
threatened with death by HolmbcrK If
Hawkins did not return within an tiour.
At Trtitlue Hawkins said he. heard
talk of four persons havlntc been mur
dered In the niitht near Ardenwald. and
h susiM-ct.l llolmbertr.
I'pon returr.ini; to the camp the first
nue.stion he .ked was whether Holm
berc l'-.'l niurdered anybody when he
was In the house. This so Infuriated
Hi'lmb-rt. declared the yuuths. thathe
ll.rea:(.n1 both boys with death "if
they mentioned it attain. He told them
repeatedly that h would kill them on
klaiht if either tried to leav him or
tried to toll that he waa the person
Utility of the Hill murder. H did not
allow them to se newspapers and al
wa ket t at loast one of the. boys
rlor-e to him nlirht and da. The bo-
say l.e is a perort of tlio wort type.
Vull lleardeJ at Astoria.
Krom the Samiy Klver the boys said
thev vrrt with llolmber to various
pari! of tha Northwest, incluilina: Spo
kane, -nttle. Tacoma and rton to The
I Miles. Ho.xl Hirer an. I Astoria. At As
toria, bovs said. H.-.lmb.ri; tried
attain to wbi bts bloody eult in the.
river and. bctns unsu(H-o?sf al. threw it
l-siimc up to th. crime of Jun 9.
the b- s said they camped near Ar-di-nwal
I. and to substantiate their
statement led the Investigators to the
sc no.
Tl-y pointed out the place where a
f re I. ad been built and a little scratrb
tr.a in the dead leaves over the place
uncovered Vhes. They said It was
here fiat t ey stoppwl the evening; of
June . several hours before, the Hill
tixilki Left Wallla.
Accordlrp t. Hawkins. Holniberfr had
left l.ltn ni.d Howard in camp while be
went to find a pood house to rob and
was rone a lonpt time. They said they
did not bei!e that Holniberar waa
ion. u.rir enouah. however, to make a
trip to the Hill house, which was about
a n.".e a'i.1 a half from the scene of
tl.e ra iti p.
Neither boy could throw any llirht on
row number could have obtained an
ax from a nelchborli.s: house with
which the crime was committed.
is odd of u weak puinu of lha whole
li Aim y
ense. say the detectives. Thejboys say
Hoimberg: might havo found the ax
when he left the ramp to look for a
house to rob. but this seems Improb
able, because of tho short time the
boys say he was gone. Another theory'
is that he. mav have obtained the ax
after leartna- the boys at the rear of
the house. This theory Is strengthened
by the assertion that nothing was
hoard of Holmhera; for some time after
he left the boys to enter the house
throuKh tiie front door.
Sheriff Mass said he believed the
boys, knew something about the crime,
but was unwilling- to say whether he
believed their story. Archie Leonard,
Deputy Sheriff of Multnomah County,
says ho believes absolutely that the
boys are tolllns the truth and that
Holtnbcrsr is the rieht man. He saya
there Is mystery In hobo conditions not
generally known. That, he said, ac
counts for the boys remaining with
Holmberg after they learned of tho
"A tramp of the type of Holmberg."
he said, "has a mysterious Influence
over boy tramps of the class of these
two young fellows A threat goes a
long way for Borne peculiar reason and
there Is no doubt about Holmberg hav
ing threatened them." '
A fact which also strengthens the
story of the boys is tho conditions sur
rounding tho arrest. If tho boys had
gone to the officials. It Is said, and of
fered them the Information about
Holmberg, their story would hardly be
given credence. But they were caught
near The Dalles while stealing potatoes
from a garden and told their story
only after they were given assurance
that Holmberg would not be gi-en a
chance to molest them. The informa
tion was not volunteered by the boys.
Snwneet Saya Itoye Lie.
The boy tramps are typical speci
mens. HaVklns Is of slight build, a
cigarette fiend and apparently an out
cast. He Is better appearing, however,
thai Howard, who is tall, slim, slouchy.
with rough clothing, blue overalls and
rough shoes. Hawkins says he Is a
native of Raymond, Wash., and Howard
says he came from New Jersey,
Holmberg denies any connection with
the crime, but admits having been with
the boys. He says lie was a sailor
for a number of years and had not
been In Portland uniil five days, ago
for 12 years.
"I am years old and was born In
Stockholm. Sweden." he said. "In
June of the present year I was work
ing part of the time at Hauser Junc
tion, Idaho, and at Sprairue. Wash. I
don't know anything about the Hill
murder anil have never been in Anlen
wald. I met one of these boys In
Portland five days ago and the other
in Kennewick, Wash., about two
month? ago."
Holmberg was brought to the city
In handcuffs by rolioemen Utbbon nnd
Anderson, of The Dalles, yesterday
morning and occupies a County Jail
Those who went with the boys yes
terday on the trip through the Arden
wald olstrlct were Sheriff Mass, of
Clackamas County: Deputy Sherllf
Leonard, of Multnomah County; Dep
uty District Attorney Stiff, of Clacka
mas County, and I"atrolmen Gibbon and
Anderson, of The Dulles.
The Investigators will continue their
work today and expect to get further
evldenre from the boys, who were al
lowed to rest last niwht. It Is proba
ble also that a complaint will be la
sued against Holmberg chanting first
degree murder, the District Attorney
of Clackamas County having deferred
i.-si.ance of a complaint pending fur
ther substantiation of the bojs' tale
of the murder.
Offer and Kngar.
A. l:t future.
rlo.i 2 to 3 ,.?r from th t-t tir.d-r
r.a.iEitir. but n;v a: n-i advance of 7s
to In- (..Iris. s..,:... ii,.; .".in hogs. Closing
t.l.I. - t. r:....r. .-.r:t.r ri.l Decern!. er.
l'.t'lV: Jar'iao. 14. !.'.; Fr rtBiy. H..V'c:
V.-ch. Air;i. Vivy. June. Juiv, August and
fept.mSer. It.--.-.
Spot r'fe. ,.&Wtr1. No. 1 Rln. ji9
li'c. Mild cotl.; Cordova acin
ic I.
Ri lurlr fl-m. V tiffnvi .lo. fcfl Test.
5 iSo; OntnfUBiC. ns t.-st. iv.v.c; mvlasies.
&J lest, itiV. refined steady.
fHlcaao I'roduce Market.
Crlirxno. i"t. 13. iiiitter Stealy;
creannTn-s. 2Sf'.K-; d.i.rle. -l,y.ftc.
t'as Receipts. S!4.-. esses. Bt msrk.
ca.-s inclu.J. ITc; firsts. -'1'c. prime flrs,
Cneese Steady. Dnistes. 14tc: tsrlns.
13'-t it Ve; Vour.(r Americas, 14T4 3144c;
Lo - r Hoi its. 14'- i 14'c.
I'l.taltf'.s Cho.c. to fancy; fair to g teOd.
aval More.
SAVANNAH, 'in.. O.t. 11. Turp.rtlne
flriu. ales. 1M; rec. 4J; shipment.
I...'. . .toe.. 3?.l"o.
r.-i.n firm. m!s. to.j; receirts, 12'o;
shipments. "'It; st.x-ks. T '.. :t eii. '.iot: B.
.; l. $.4e if .4S's : E. 4": K. s.4.-.4
COO O. H. HI".'; j.i"0; I. ; .iu t - ; K.
It. ;i. K. .; Tn.
Dnluth Flax Market.
pn.t'TH. et. 13. Klsx on track. M'J:
In store. to a-xtve. S.ri5: October,
s r . : November. ajiked; Iieeembt..r.
SJ.ll bui; Ujv, juznluai;-to vrrive in
lu Wa t.4i.
Pilotage Rivalry Confronts
Port of Portland Manager.
Proposal It Made to Cut Kates One
Quarter to Compote With Ptiget
Sonnd Company Problem
Vp to Talbot.
One of the early problems Marcus
Talbot, general manager of the Port
of Portland Commission. wllj cope
with la competition In pilotage and
towing caused by the advent of the
Pucet Sound Tugboat Company Into
the field, and it Is not Improbable
that on his arrival from Seattle a
special meeting will be called to con
alder the situation.
In a statement of the earnings from
pIlot."ge and towage for the year end
In? Beptcmber 30, it is set forth that
from pllotag-e was derived 117,763. 79,
of which S54S2.50 was absorbed, leav
ing a net revenue of 112.281. 20. From
towage the receipts were $71. 264. SI and
from the hawser charge 1 1 SI 6 was re
ceived. Harbor and miscellaneous
service gained the port $13,242.70 and
I me total towasie enncnea me urgan
! lzatlon by $S.Si2.B2. The monthly av
erage for pilotage was $1023.44 and
' for towage It was $7193. 4, a total of
$8216.98. The net total pilotage and
towage was $!S.603.S1 and total gross
receipts were $104.OS.3L
Towage from October to March, In
clusive v.-as $58,251.91. It Is estimated
that If the Pugjt Sound Tugboat Com
pany takes from the port one-half of
the towage business from October to
March It will be equivalent to a loss
of $29,125 95. It has been proposed
that a reduction of 25 per cent be
made in the rates, which would en
tall a loss of $14,562.98. Hates sug
gested would leave the tariff for pilot
age on steamers the same, salllns; ves
sels piloted but ' not towed by the
Port of Portland, would be charged
the same as steamers and no pilotage
would be charged on any sailing ves
sel towed by Commission craft. Tow
age on all vessels during October, No
vember, December, January, February
and March would be 25 per cent less
than the published rates and pilotage
on regular lines, not having less than
12 sailings a year and giving Portland
shippers as low rates as those of Pu
get Sound, would be given a refund of
25 per cent at the end of every year.
Masters of Pacific Coast Fleet Com
plain of Danger.
To safeguard mariners navigating In
the vicinity of Orford Reef, off Cape
Blanco, until such time as Congrees ap
propriates $150,000 and a special light
vessol is constructed for that station.
Inspector Beck, of the Seventeenth
Lfchthouse District, has recommended
that a Mammoth gas and whistling
buoy be authorized for that locality.
It will be the first Mammoth buoy In
service on the. Pacific Coast. The
acetylenei beacon will ba 30 feet above
tho surface of water and can be seen
from 10 to 12 miles, while mariners
have picked them up 20 miles away.
After having made the recommenda
tion, Mr. Beck received a letter from
George. H. Hlgbee. vice-president and
general manager of the Pacific Coast
Steamship Company, at Seattle, enclos
ing letters from masters- of that fleet
asking that steps be taken to have tho
reef marked. Captain John M. Elllcott.
U. a N.. recommended in two reports,
while in charge of the local district,
that a light vessel be placed there, but
Congress has failed to provide funds.
Already this season two vessels have
been damaged near the reef.
Supple Propones to Build Xcw Hull
nnd Cabin Cnder Shelter.
Japanese oak Imported from Otaru
Is to be used by Joseph Supple In the
construction of the frame for the pro
posed new tug George H. Mendell, If
his bid of $26,750 Is accepted by the
Government. It was the only tender
received by Major Mclndoe, Corps of
Engineers, U. S. A., though It was ex
pected that other Portland firms and
a few from Puget Sound and Coos Bay
would bid.
Mr. Supple says that If given the
contract he will erect a shed to cover
the work and that there will be no
delay from weather conditions during
the Winter. As all parts of the ma
chinery of the old vessel that are un
serviceable must be replaced, consid
erable delay is looked for in going
over them. Improvements are to be
made at the yards in the way of new
rnujiu-, v, bi comnletion .of 'the Im
provement of East Water street and
piling removed by the county from
the draw rest, of the Burnside-street
bridge has been rafted to the yards
for use In the foundations.
Master Pats Into Birch- Baj- Fearing
Whiie the Waterhouse liner Rygja
was en route down the river Thursday
the liner Suverio reported at Seattle,
19 days from Yokohama and having
been fogbound 14 hours on . Puget
Sound. On the run from Vancouver to
Port Townsend the vessel was In a
heavy bank of fog that made naviga
tion dangerous. Fearing that an ac
cident might result Captain Cowley
put Into Birch Bay Thursday morning
and remained five hours.
A strong southerly gale two days
off Cape Flattery was the first ad
verse weather the vessel met. Kbe
brought a consignment of slllc valued
at $i11.000, which was placed aboard
an express train at Seattle for New
York. Miss E. B. Henson, of Tacoma,
who had been In the Orient on a pleas
ure trip, was the only cabin passenger
and there were 61 Chinese aboard. The
vessel is expected In Portland about
October IS.
Lieutenant O'MaJlej- Transferred.
astoria. Or Oct. 13. (Special.)
First Lieutenant O'Malley, executive of
ficer of the revenue cutter Manning,
has received orders to report for duty
on the cutter Onondaga, stationed at
Norfolk. Va. Ha will leave for his
new station in about two weeks.
Marine Notes.
Statistics compiled at Bandon show
that there are 26 vessels operating reg
ularly Into the Coqullle River with a
total lumber-carrying capacity of
9.895.0(14 feet.
Captain Payne arrived up last night
In command of the steamer Olson ft
Mahony. having succeeded Captain
Moreno, who was on her temporarily.
The vessel brought cement from the
Golden Gate.
In tow of the steamer Ocklahama
the ship Levi G. Burgess left the public
drydock yesterday for Goble to remain
until the opening of the 1912 salmon
season in Alaska
Having been delayed in reaching Eu
reka owing to the southerly weather
encountered, the steamer Alliance will
be a day late this voyage and will sail
from Portland Monday evening.
In readiness to load lumber for Aus
tralia under engagement to Hind.
Rolph & Co.. the British steamer
Strathnairn has berthed at the North
Pacific milL The vessel hails from
San Francisco.
Circulars are being mailed from the
Custom-House to shippers, drawing
their attention to a law that makes It
compulsory to describe each article for
export on a ship's manifest, and it is
proposed to enforce the Tneasure.
From San Francisco comes word that
the ship Abner Coburn has been pur
chased by O. P. Brown from the Cali
fornia Shipping Company. It is the
last carrier of the latter's fleet, and
the company is to be disbanded soon.
Captain George Conway, superin
tendent of the O.-W. R. & N. water
lines, has ordered the steamer Spokane
into commission on Snake River to
handle wheat. The steamer Lewiston
will not go Into service at present.
Under orders to convoy Lightvessel
No, SS to Astoria the tender Mansanita
has reached the harbor and will leave
with the-'ship Monday. Inspector Beck
will make the trip so as to view va
rious aids to navigation on the river.
It Is expected that the Japanese
tramp Shlntsu Maru will finish dis-
Due to Arrive.
Kama. From Data
Carlos San Francisoo.In port ....San Pedro... In port
Faicon Ean Francisco In port
Golden Gate. .. Tillamook Oct. 14
Al'.lance Eureka., Oct. 14
Tillamook Coouilla Oct. 14
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Oct. 14
Breakwater. .. -Coos Bay.... Oct. 5
Rose City San Pedro.. .Oct. 15
Koanoke fian Dleco. .. .Oct. 19
Anvil JSandon Oct. 19
t-uverio Manila ..Oct. M
Beaver Ean Pedro Oct. 20
Geo. W. Elder. .Ean tnso Oct. 23
Scheduled to Depart,
Kama For Rata
Pear San Pedro Oct. 14
Falcon San Francisco Oct. 14
Washington. . . fan Francisco Oct. 14
Tillamook Coqullle Oct. 15
Alliance Eureka Oct. IB
Golden Oate. .. Tillamook. ...Oct. 16
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Oct. 17
Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay Oct. 17
Carlos San Francisco Oct. 17
Ruanoke a? an Diego. . . . Oct. IS
Rose City San Pedro.... Oct. 19
Anvil Bandon Oct. 21
Beaver San Pedro. ... Oct. 24
Geo. W. Elder. .San Diego Oct. 25
Euvarlc Manila ...Oct. so
charging oak logs at Banfield's dock
today. She Is to start her outward
cargo with 400,000 feet of lumber at
Tongue Point, and will complete the
load on Puget Sound.
In tow of the tug Chas. M. Grelner,
of the Portland Tug & Barge Com
pany's fleet, the steamer Carlos was
yesterday shifted from Oak-street dock
to Oceanic Owners' of the tug hold
that a vessel of her type is the best for
handling seagoing carriers
While checking over freight and bag
gage remaining uncalled for. officers
of the Open River Transportation Com
pany found a trunk on Oak-street dock
yesterday that has been there five
years. In addition to clothing it con
tains books which evidently belonged
to a student.
On her flrt visit to the Columbia
the schoofier Philippine, which reached
Tongue Point Thursday after a run of
50 days from Callao, lost two sails in
the recent southeaster. She will load
foreign. The schooner Eric arrived
yesterday from Redondo and went to
Stella for cargo.
At the Custom-House yesterday in
ward manifests were filed by the gaso
line schooner Anvil, from Bandon; the
British steamer Strathnairn, from San
Francisco, and the steamers Falcon
and Catania from the same harbor.
The Anvil cleared for the return and
the steamer Washington for San Fran
cisco with 600,000 feet of lumber.
Making 600 miles in 50 hours Is speed
reported to have been reeled oft by the
German bark Barmbek, which is at
Astoria from Santa Rosalia. Her mas
ter says that 11 days were spent in
beating down the Gulf of California,
but on weathering Cape San Lucas the
ship was carried along by a stiff south
easter and afterward encountered fair
winds. She will be towed here by the
steamer Monarch to load wheat
Superintendent W'arrick,-of the sev
enteenth lighthouse district, left Ho
quiam yesterday aboard the tender
Heather, bound for Destruction Island
to inspect a derrick recently installed
there. Inspector Beck has received au
thority from the Bureau of Lighthouses
to proceed with the construction of a
fog signal plant there with day labor,
as bids for the work were deemed too
high. The building is to be begun In
the Spring.
Patrolman Grlslm, of the harbor pa
trol force, yesterday arrested two
negroes, stowaways on the British
steamer Hellopolis from the Island of
St. Thomas, as they were about to
leave for. Hood River t secure employment-
A third stowaway is at
large, but Captain Martin, of the Hello
polls, has increased the reward for his
capture from $10 to u. a ne men ...
be deported to the West Indies.
Movements, of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Oct. IS. Arrived -Steamer
Olson ft Mahoney. from San Francisco:
aieamer Casco. from San Francisco, sailed
Steamer Yellowstone, for San Francisco.
Astoria. Or. Oct. 13. Condition at the
mouth of file river at 5 P. M.. moderate;
wind southwest. X miles; weather, cloudy.
Sailed at 6 A. M.. steamer Catania, for San
Francisco. Arrived at 8 A. M.. tue Sea
Rover, from San Francisco. Arrived at 8:80
and left up at 9:30 A. M.. steamer Olson ft
llahoney. from San Franolsco. Arrived at
ft -la A. M.. schooner Eric, from Iledondo.
Arrived at 12 noon. V. S. steamer Manning,
from Alaska. Arrived at 8 and left up at
4:15 P. M-, steamer Casco, from San Fran-
Sm Francisco, Oct. 13 Sailed at I P. M
steamers Rosa City and Roanoke, for Port
land. San Francisco. Oct. 13. Arrived Steam-
A COMMON COLD neglected may go
quickly into CROUP, BRONCHITIS, of
PNEUMONIA which often means a sud
den fsftality. Keep FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR COMPOUND always in the
house and tjive at first ulga of cold.
Refuse substitutes.
John Parsons, Stewart Ohio, writes:
-Wo use Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound as our best and only cough
remedy. It never falle to cure anv of
my seven children of cough" My 2
monthB' old baby has had a most se
vere cough which our Doctor said he
could not cure and that Baby would
surely die. Several of our relations
and neighbors had gathered to witness
the ending of the child's life. Two
bottles of Folev's Honey and Tar Com
pound cured the child and he-is alive
and well today."
'er feala by All Druggists.
Tie danger of Rheumatism is
In temporizing; in the treatment, or
failing to realize the powerful nature
of the trouble. If the blood is allowed
to remain infected with uric acid.
Rheumatism soon becomes chronic,
and then if not checked it sometimes
makes complete physical, wrecks of
its victims by permanently stiffening
the joints and seriously interfering
with the bodily nerve force. Exter
nal applications will often tempora
rily relieve Rheumatic pains, but do
not reach the blood, where the cause
is located, and to depend entirely
upon such treatment is a very dan
gerous thing to do. S. S. S. cures
Rheumatism by removing every par
ticle of the cause and purifying tH
blood. It filters out of the circulation
every trace of the sour, inflammatory
matter, cools the acid-heated nerves,
causes a natural and healthy nourish
ment through the blood to all
muscles, joints and bones, and per
fectly cures Rheumatism in all its
forms. ' S. S. S. does this great work
because it is the greatest of all blood
purifiers, acting directly on the
source of disease. Our special book
Dn Rheumatism and any medical ad
vice will sent free to all who write,
S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores.
ers Redondo, from Coos Bay, Asuncion from
Tacoma. Sailed Steamers Nan Smith, for
Coos Bay; Rose City, Roanoke, for Portland:
Dalsv. for VVtllapa; Santa Barbara, for
Grave Harbor; Falrhavcn. for Port Ludlow;
Newburg, for Grays Harbor.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. Low.
6:20 A. M 9.0 feetlll:34 A. M 4.2 feet
0:23 P. M 7.8 feetf
If it were required, the little republic of
Switzerland could put into ine neia a wtru
equlpped army of 200,000 men. and this
eould be done In 10 days time.
Consult (FREE)
Nerve. Blood and Skin Ailments
And Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
Come to me
confidence and
S me show you the
wonderful reiuven-
ilating and curative
$ Jpowers of my direct
ILmethod of treat
ment. You are
under no obliga
tion to take treat
ment unless m y
charges, terms and
arrangements are
e n 1 1 r ely satisfac
tory to you. No In
jurious m e d 1 clnes
used which leave
after effects on the
system. No deten
tion from business.
Mr Best Refer
ence la NOT A
The following aliments are success
fully treated i Varicose Veins, Nerve.
Blood and !-kln Ailments, Kidney and
Bladder Troubles, Blood Polaon,
Weakness, Eruptions, Piles, Fistula.
WRITE If you cannot call write
for Information regarding Dr.
Keefe's Treatment.
I meet you personally, consult
with you and treat you individually
at all times until you are cured.
Legally qualified to practice in Ore
gon. Washington, C a 1 1 f o r nia and
9 to B, 7 to 8 Dailyt Sunday, 10 to 1.
Portland, Or.
And non
poisonous health
building medicines
Dlseas neerj no longer strike terror
to th hearts of those upon whom
Its bllehting touch has fallen, for
the healing power of these wonderful
remedies is such that even those
givon up as incurable have been re
stored to health and happiness. These
wonderful Chinese remedies have
stood the test of centuries, and have
enabled Dr. Wo to restore to health
hundreds of suiTerers who had lost all
hop of regaining; their full strength
and vigor.
In writing for consultation blank
Inclose 4 cents In stamps.
250VAIder, Corner Third
Entire Corner, Second Floor
SU Jl CT V 'rvoas WMkneei Is m discs thai
n M IV I y eavn b cured. All nervou peopl
UPBI'nriC hv lino, watery blood. Udwi not
t.K W UU5 fioumh or gire treugih. Knrtca
P th blood and Uire will b no
E0PLE thtxkj, Deirons feeim;. Go to any
w 1 drc ior or iiid u en for
Tbs Tablet will cur any oae of Dcrvou&ntv. 75c a
has. Jar tool mat As. a Cm fauaaeipiuat fa.
'i 2i ' i
V- r
rR. wo
M f Boratni GoltUnital
M W CocnpotinsA
m mK safe and simple remedy for
Brcmdutu, CeJarrk, Her oa
f iTJinitanimattona. lrrttatl(rn.
I yyJ I atloni of ALU mucoui niem brines
I v I or lintntrs of the note. ihroat,
I fJ I stofBMUi or other organ
ITqW Why nat cure ytmrsclf mm
treatise wltheaoh bottle I I
V"-" or UsUlaMl os requMt. ,J
V X TW lm CWal Ca. y J
The l.eatllnK Special Int.
I am a reRlntered and Iloend
physician, confining my apccijil
pracUee to the diorler of Mb-X. I
have more money invented n my
eMtabllnhment than nil other Port
land upeeialiwtfc eoiwliined. I never
adverie ehenp feea an an induce
ment to brin me patient. A true
speeinltMt need not resort to bargain-counter
methods. No man who
places an Intelligent value on bis
health will week the service of a
man mho proclaim be is a cheap
doctor. You would not entrust a
sick child In care of a cheap medical
man, nnd yon ahould uae the same
care in" your own caae. .
I ponaeaff aktll and experience, ac
quired In auch a way that no other
ran share, nnd ahould not be clftMacd
with medicnl companies. It ia lm
poanlblo for a medical company to
attend eollejce. Companies have no
diplomas or license to practice med
icine In Orea;on or auy other state.
A portrait, whose personality and
Identity are indefinite, la published
a the legitimate apeclallst of the
office. Hired aubstltutea, ordinary
doctors with questionable ability,
give consultation, examination and
Why treat with irresponslbles
when you can secure the expert
services of a responsible specialist?
See me if you have any of the
following disorders: Varicose Veins,
Nerve, Blood and SW in Ulaordera,
Bladder Troubles, Blood Poisons,
Eruptions,, V leers, Plies or Fistula.
Hours 8 A. M. to S P. I. Sunday,
10 to 1 Only.
2.144 Morrison St Cor. Second.
We' cure quickly and permanently
all earable case, of VARICOSE
VEINS without severe surg-lcal
SON without Injurious drum; (60s
skillfully adminNtered if pre
wtthmit stimulative remedies;
BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles:
FILfcei and all RECTAL ailments of
Our offer PAT
FIED Is your ab
solute protection.
Consultation, exam
ination and diag
nosis free. Wo
you want la a cure.
Come to us and get
It. Once under our
treatment, you will
quickly realize how
simple a thing It is
to get well fn the
hands of a special
ist who knowa his
busineB. Our cures
add not only years
to life, but life to
years. Office hour,
daily. 9 to 5. Even
ings. '7 to 8. Sun
days. 10 to 1.
62 Washington St., Portland. Or.
is what you will got
if you treat with me.
Results are quick and
positive. You are
benefit ed at once.
Men who have
dragged their cases
along for months
with some other spe- ,
cialist are astonished
at the TromDt effects
of my r e m a r k a ble 9
t r e a t m e nt. I cure
Nervous lec iine,
Varicose Veins, Piles, tj'
Rupture, Rheuma
tism. Stiff and Swolita-f ,,.
.Bladder, etc.
Blood .Ailments quick- Ct
ly and safely cured by DUO
Consultation" Free. Write or Call.
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 1284 Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
Pay When Cored.
'V KiSf General Debllltr.
pJ'fc'iJv.'sli Weak Nei-rea. ln-
I ..Vh!V,!tl ..! - Rusulta
of exposure, overwork anr otner vio
lations of Nnture's laer.aV sments of
Bladder and Kidney . Varicose
Vein., qnleklr " permanently
cur-d at amall expense.
I cure such ailments as Varicose
Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison,
etc., completely andpermanen 1 1 y.
often with only a single treatment.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
i V AVashinarton ft.. Corner First.
PONlnnd, Orccoo.
Are effected by th. use of jw'av- w
roots and herbs. No opera-!, p.
tions, .no prisonous drugs, j. y : .
We have mskde a life study . ..... .
In this line and you will re-p -:, tv a
ceivw me oeimui 01 nur re-1. . ... ' v
search. Men and women i '.1 ' . fc -cured
of private allmenls. : ' " . :
H e r v o u sness. rheumatism. .
asthma. pneumonia. blood
poison, lune; trouble and dls- 9 y
eases of all kinds. Consul- : J .
tatlon FREE. AC. . :.
l85Vs Morrison St., Portland Or.
Chinese Doctor
Made of Chinese herbs and
root Diedicine cures all
kinds diseases of the heart,
lungs. Uver, stomach, kid
ney, blocd troubles of man
ind woman when others
Jail. IX you luHer, call or
write to 2H2Vs Wash. St.,
cor. 2d, Boom 18. PoxU Or,
jui to, j.iuney.