Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 13, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    iTTr vnT?Tvr. nnEROXTAX. FKIDJlY. OCTOBER 13,
: i i 1
b j .
' '
- t
Successive Victories Only
Chance for Hogan to Over
take McCredie.
Honor Divided In Colombo Day
Doable? Header In .nel-s.
Villagers Are Twice Beat
en by Oakland.'
LOS ANGELES. Oct. IS (Special.)
Two holiday a-aroea were played at
Chut Park thta afternoon by Port
land ard Loa Ana-eles. each club scor
ing a victory. '
Tha Angela won the'ftrst (tame, S to
1. tha Beavers being unable to copa
with tbo flinging of Palmer, a new Loa
Angeles pitcher. Steen. tor Portland.
wib ineffective. The iieavere wn the
econd same. to 1. Tom Seaton pitch
ing admirably for tha visitors, who
found "Lefty" Lavereni tor plenty of
hlt. - '
The division of the afternoon a
poll makes the Portland figures. In
the percentage rolumn the iimei aa
they were yesterday, but the fact that
Happy Hnvin'i ruralesa were ' twice
around under oaken heels Increased the
Beavers' lead over their closest rlTala
and Tlrtoaily assures the l'aclfic Coast
League pennant for Portland. ,
Pedaaat aeessa AaaajreaV
I'nless Portland suffers a tremendous
slum? quite unlikely and the Vil
lager win every same during the re
mainder of the season, McCredie will
hare the bunting in hi suitcase when
he goes bark to the bom folks. Both
I'ortUnd and Vernon hare still 11
scheduled leaaTiia games to play. (Should
Portland win but four of the, II. Ver
non must win mora than nine games
to top the P-earrra. Tti Bearers feel
thev are the lll champions.
With the pennant situation so rosy,
the tfe-arrrs are now looking forward
to what excitement and exhilaration
their pct-aeason series with the (ilk
land club will prorlde. The series will
comprise tire games and will be played
at the Flay cities. The winner of the
series will take 0 per rent of th re
ceipts and th loser 40 per cent. Th
money will be divided among the play
era. Aa the Heavers enjoy a great
popularity, the gamra are expected to
be wll attended.
Tommy Sheehan. for Portland, waa
asked to name an umpire, as the Oak
land club has already selected "Hull"
Perlne. and fhehn Immediately nomi
nated George Hlldebrand as Portland's
rholr for tha series. Th' double
umpire system will prevail, because th
players decidedly prefer It.
In th first game of the bargain mat
inee her today "Pat" Dillon's Importa
tion. Palmer, pitched hlgh-clas ball
all the way. Hill Steen proved any
thing but a pusale to the Angels In
th earlier rounds. teen'a wlldnesa
gave the Angela a lead of ore run In
the first Inning, without the aaslstance
of a base hit. Mteen weakened In the
second atanxa and I'lllon's warriors
Jolted the Heaver star for three hits
and two runs. Two mor runs were
gathered by the Ansel In th fourth,
but after that Inning "Big Six" aettlcd
down. His teammates, however, were
unable to solve Pelmer except for a
single by Ryan and Krueger'a two
baager. which netted the only Port
land run of the first game.
Th second gam was easy for Port
land, as Tom d'tion pitched grand' ball
until the ninth, when he let up long
enough to allow three Seraphic hits,
which netted on run. Portland had a
lesd of six runs at this time, ao th
batting rally held by th Dlllonltes
was not alarming.
Cap Piling used "Lefty" I.evren as
th Angrt offering In the second game,
his wrong-sided heaver got away nicely
until tie second Inning. After two
men wer out the Beavers' rally start
ed, and before Leverens fooled Tom
Seaton. as last man up In the Inning,
the Heaver team batted around and
tallied fire runs on four blngles and
two passes.
Chadhourn opened th Inning by
walking. Rodger forced "Chad" try
ing to aacrltlce. I.oher booted Shee
lan's long fly after a hard run. while
Hill ftarps added to Leverens' trouble
tv working him for another ticket.
Kvsn laced a single to right and Krue
ger whanged one up against th center
field fence on which R.olrs and
Kappa tabled. wM:e P.yan took third
and Krueger seeond.
Pvrklssssst lllla Twa-Bagger.
Perklnpaugh also hooked one ef the
southpaw's -oots for a two-ply blngle
and K)sn and Krueger counted.
Mickey Lalnge pasted one for a single
-to left snd 1'ecktnpaugh scored by a
great slide Into the p.ate. Th sixth
Hearer tally arrived In th ninth on
UUtir third Mt of th afternoon
and a single by Kndger.
Fine running by Krueger.
Han. I'aley snd I-ober enlivened the
afternoon. These players distinguished
t.iemseives In both games. I'ecktn
paugh and Itodgera played great bail
In the InrleM and were frequently ap
plauded by the fans for stellar plays
at critical periods.
"Speck" Markness will be on the
mound for Portland tomorrow, but Dil
lon Is uncertain as to who his pitcher
wilt be. "Flame" telll Is suffering
frvm a bad shout ler and may not he
able to work during this series, while
N.rg'e Is out for the rest of th season.
Ma'la mav be called upon again, but
It I possible Dtlloa will use Jim Ax
new. Toiler's scores in detail:
W-t s T" - '
l-oa Ari- Portland
a n r r. At.H r-vA .
PaMn S. 1 J 1 i"li It. 4 I I o
Mcir lk J 2 t K-ts o 1 n
la'.v cf i 3 1 e n .tri 4 1 a o
ih ,n ie i a i pr is state
H.ic.-rf l J I e r-. rf. 4 1 I o a
(,.. .1 M 4 t 3 0 I Kru-s lit I I 1
I . 4 1 4 e -k au as 1 4 1 0
HmtUf 2 7 4 nl.ilyn(e 312
liisn.p 4 i I !... S0X1
T : i is i I tm.i. a s: i: o
Is sagalM t t S
if ! 44113 13
r-''4 ! a 1
Hus S I I I i
R-res rc'la. Sfi4r. ttnmard. I.oher.
Iirwkt K- lnt I hit lbr. Te
t Krwr H-iimi itf, Cb"1urn.
1 1 't.r I. S'r em I eto 1. t-r
r:mr 4 noutjle pin la Kapi.
tt t"H.-i.l p.t.o tj . T:.i
1 JV t'myr H.t.lMf nl en4 ToDSsn.
l.oe A'l ' Pr.r..l
A li fA f To.A.E.
lit" 1 r 4 I a
V'-irH 4
J'.- rf 4
r i .-i i 4
' H-M r rf 2
)l . .
I :f
tf r-n . r. J
er'a. 3
J 1 liort r.1 3 3 1 I
o e
o .
1 t
1 1
e r.srp.! ei
e K. i f
e krut r rf
v.-s h as
V Mln p.
l t a
1 4 !
3 1
ts si :tii i T-ts ii s rr i
tt.aaaa 1 l
pertlasd " A 0
- a btta 00 1 10 3
Runs Uromi. Bodr'rs. Rsppa Rysn.
Krurc-r I'-kinj-siiKh. L Tto-bse
n1ts Krotrtr. Pecklnpaueh. Lal-ons
Bam on l.alls Off Larerens 2. ("truck out
Br Lararens tr Peaton 1 Paaead ba.l
Abhoti. Tlma 1:11. Vmplraa Hllda
braad and Toman.
Batting and Flu-bins; of AVolverton'g
Men Too Much for Vernon.
OAKLAND. Oct. II. Pernoir shoots
proved too much for Vernon in the af
ternoon game today, th Southerner
falling to find him safely when hits
meant runs. Oakland also won the
morning game. Tha acor was 1 to 0
In Oakland s favor. Oakland's tally
rams In, th first Inning. Hoffman
waa aaf on his short single and Coy
drove out th only real hit of the day.
a two-bagger, on which Hoffman rode
home easily.
Oakland won the morning game, 4
to 2. Wotverton'a men found little
difficulty In hitting Carson, and in nine
Innings mad 11 hits, as against five
by their opponents. Two home runa
were made, one by Wolverton and tha
other by Cutahaw, his second baseman.
Mornlns ssme:
Varnoa 1
Ab H Po A K
0 o IIITn.lf .
a o i
Hrm. t . 4 13
fat on. 1 S Oil
Br'.r.:h 4 13
0 C .'oy.rf . ...
1 o Ti'
1 7.arhr.rf
o 0 Wo:'on.30
3 l':'ut'sw.2b
4 3 1
3 l a
4 3 3
3 1 3
4 13
4 13
2 0 lO
tn on.rf 2 1
Rur' X
Hoa-an.c. 3
("araoo.p 2
Kan... 1
1 0
1 I
0 3
1 S
eon a
1 oanio.t...
;nrla an. p 3 .2 0
Kaialsh.p 0
. 0
" O O 1 ol
Totals 2 6 34 13 1: Totals 30 11 27 11 1
Halted for Carson In eighth.
Vernon ...'...a O 0 1 0
Hits O O 0 1 1 0
Oakland . O 1 1 1 0 0
Hits 11 3 3 1
0 3
0 3
Runs llrashrar. Mclonnel. Coy. Zacker.
Wolvartoo. t"ulhaar. Thrra mna and nine
hits matlr off Curion In 7 Inntnsa. Home
runa utahaw Wol-arton. Two-bji hits
for. Zithrr. sitlnaen. 3U-DonnJI. tacrine
htta TUdemann. HofTman. Wolvrton.
Haees on l!. Off t'anon 1. off Christian
2. Hlo.rn base Zacnr. ftrurg out Hy
t'trein 3. by i'uristtan It. Hit by pitcher
I'attaraon. mut)i plara Caraon to Patter
son la lturr;i. t'ulahaw to War OS to Tld
mann. Warva to Tivdemann. Time 1:40.
L'mplrea Van HalUea and !cGrvy.
Atarno-ia game:
Varaon Oakland
Ah.H PO.A.E ' Ab.H.Po.A.E.
Carfla cf 4 O o u HofTn.lf. 4 2 3 0 0
Koas.lf.. 4 4
Kraa r.Ib 3
V 3
X 11
1 3
0 1
0 wrov.rf...
0 o Woiv n.3b
3 o:'nta2h.
1 o u'arra.aa.
3 o l-irc.c.
1 3
o 13
0 3
0 O
0 l
1 o
0 o
o o
3 1
4 0
4tln"n.rf 3
VrDl.M 4
llurll.aa 3 O O
Hrown.c. 3 o 3
1'aall'n.p I O 0
Kane... I O
htaa rt.p, 0 1
3 o Hrrnoll.p 3 0 0 2 0
ii n
o o
Tetala 29 4 24 13 0' Total. 2S 37I3 1
Halted for I'aatlcton In Uu
Vernon. O 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0
Hita 3 o I 1 o n o o n i
Oakland 1 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 I
tilts 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3
Run Hoffman. One run. 4 hits eff Ceatle
ton In- 7 Innings, t'harft drfrat to Caatle
ton. Two-hae hit Coy. tiacriflre hit
Stlnaon. Klrat hsae on called balls Off
Pmell 3. Ftrark out By Csalleton 5. by
Prrnoll . IuMe pisr 'r to Tledemsnn.
uH4 balla llrown. Wild pitch Stewart.
Time 1 2X I'mplre McUrtetr snd Van
Trams Want to Sec Rival.
Oct. 11. Speclal. Word received
from Manager Jones, of Washington
State College. Indtcatea that the 1'ull-man-Orrgon
football game will be
switched ahead one day to October 37
In order to give both teams a chance
to see the Wsshlngton-Idahn game .In
Spokane the following day. Both Pull
man and Oregon are to meet these
teams later In the season.
The proposed arrangement simply
hinges upon the sanction of the college
The Oregon faculty has given the
local management permission to play
the Vancouver Barracks team on Fri
day. October I".
Tw I.eagatrs at a Claae.
ratine Cs-t- I alnaaJ.
W I- Pp.) I- Pc-
rertland ! 73 N fork PfJ M -4T
Oakland t"' "- -M' Pl"iirg
sacio ... " 1"-1 '" Phlla
a-ran '' .44 M. l.ouls.."
ll Ang'l S l-O ' HrookI n .e
7:t ..M
in in-i
Boaton 107 .11NI
Yelerday's Keaulta.
Pacific Cosat lasue Portland-I-o
Ansal'S S-l: Oakland 4-1. Vernon 3-0; Sac
ramento 13-4. fan Franclero -.
National Imiii Brooklyn -. New Terk
... . ... . Chln.M
. i
',44 '
Rex Peach, author of "Tha Spoilers." "The Ne'er-Po Well" and oth
rr novels, a noted boxer, swimmer, and all-around, athlete, has been
engaged bv Th Oregonlan to report and criticise th baseball gamea
In Hie world'a championship series which begin Saturday afternoon
Kerch "knowledge of th National pastime la thorough and his ar
ticles, together with the regular n?ws service working at full blast.
" ... readrre of The oregonlan the very best accounta of the great
title claah. Beach will sit In the p'ess stand also for the New ork
T'p'1 p,arri sat at th ringside at the no- Jeffries-Johnson
hesvyweignt rnigll'atlc battle at Reno. Nev Mr The Oregonlan and
those who recall hi vivid stories of that eventful clash know what a
treat la In store for Th Oregonlan' readers.
Portland Almost Sure to Win
1911 Championship.
Villagers Cannot Be Victors Even If
They Take 11 Remaining Con.
teU, if StcCredle's Men Get
Seven More Games.
By P.O300E rAWCETf.
Ordinarily when a club is 23 points
ahead In a pennant race on Friday, the
13th of themonth. th hoodoo club
holds th boards, but this morning,
October 13, with 11 grames to go, we
are' Immensely pleased to make the
announcement that Portland practically
haa clinched the Pacific Coast League
pennant for the third time In the last
six years.
Testerday'a fourth straight defeat for
Vernon by th Oaks and Portland'a
split with the Seraphs puts the follow
ing dent In th statistic column: Port
land. 108 wlna and 73 defeats. Per
centage. .697. Vernon. 113 wins and 83
defeats. Percentage. .574.
In other words. If Portland takes
three of the scheduled four left with
Los Angeles and four of the seven with
San Francisco, or two of the four with
the Angels and five of the seven with
San Francisco. It will be an Impossi
bility for Vernon to "cop the rag."
even though Hap s men take 11 straight
The "If tkble under these conditions
would read:
w. I.. Pet.
Portland ' lo 7.1 .07
. . 1 1 i
12:1 3 .507
'Pelvlng.4 little
K little deeper into me grana
old figures. If Vernon loses one game
In the 11 yet to play. Portland win
have to take but two of the four with
the Angels and four of the seven with
the Seals to repeat. Or, If the Vernon
Vlllagera drop one game In the remain
ing Oakland quartet and one In the
seven with Los Angeles. McCredle's
bravea can lope along with two wins
In four with Los Angeles and the small
end of the aeries at San Francisco and
yet grab the bunting.
Pennant winners In the Coast League
for the past nine seasons since the cir
cuit waa organized are as follows::
103. Loa Angeles: 1904. Tacoma: 1905.
Tacoma Ifirat series). Los Angeles sec
ond series): 190. Portland; 1907. Los
Angeles: 190. Los Angeles; 1909. San
Francisco; 1910. Portland: 1911. Port
lsnd. Thus It will be seen that Port
land and Los Angeles have practically
had a monopoly on the flag, the Seraphs
leading with four firsts, s they won
out In the final series with Tacoma In
1905. the split season.
a a a
Mundorffs sensational clouting with
Ban Francisco since Joining the Seals
after the close of the Northwestern
League season, haa been the talk of
the city, and the question has been
raised. "Will the ex-Portland Roadster
be eligible to combat against the Tort
land t'oasters next week In San Fran
"It's beyond me," said Nick Williams,
manager of the Portland Northwest
enters, last night. "I don't believe a
player finishing the season with one
league can. play In another league the
same season. Sacramento and San
Francisco must have had some sort of
an agreement, for I see that Williams,
the Hawaiian pitcher who was with
Victoria, heaved against the Seals the
other day."
Rule 25 of the Revised National As
sociation Agreement seems to cover th
caae. which Is only slightly different
then the Hetllng klckup: "After the
close of a championship series In a
league, plnyers are prohibited from
Joining other clubs for the purpose of
participating In championship games
in another league."
Mundorff was out at option and San
Francisco exercised Its option on Aug
ust 2D. but th fact that he finished
tho season with the Portland North
western League team would seem to
nut down the bars. He Is a terrific
s '
JS . -
say so .
Which Church Shall Receive
Spend 'With
Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, etc.
haven't found a new location, and we've got to get out.
1 1.25 Kver Ready Flash Lights gl.on
tl-VI Kver Ready Flash Light 1..1
S.t.OO Kver Itrady Flash Lights -."0
KM Hack more Raaora ;.M1
91.1NJ Rashmorc- Hoaiea..! 7T.C
gl.tlo Kaxor Klrosa. .7oe
SI..-M) Hasor S-tropa..... SI. Oil
f J.UO Itasor Mropa gl0
305Vi Washington St., Near Fifth. "Watch our window"
slugger and might cut quite a figure
In the Seal-Beaver conflict next week.
Only SO Fans Turn Oat to See
Mor nl nit Match at Sacramento.
SACRAMENTO. Oct. 12. San Fran
cisco and Sacramento broke even In
the holiday double-header here, the
afternoon arame furnishing; the nearest
approach to (rood baseball, when the
Seals landed on MahOney In the tenth
Inning; and bunched three hits for two
runs and a -to-4 victory. Home runs
by Berry and Powell In the fifth ln
nina; wer the features of the second
Klfty fans turned out to the morn
fna; erame, which proved a walkaway
for the Senators, who came out on the
lona; end of a 12-to-6 score. Scores:
Mornlna same
8aa Frsqrtaco I sscrament
Ab.H.Po.A.E. Ab
Powell. If 5 0 10 OMsdd'n.rf 4
Mnhler.2b 4 2 1
4 Shlnn.Sb .3
0 O'O'R'lte.'Jh S
5 2 5
0 0 V.B 3
0 0 Lerla.lf .5
2 0Thomaa.c 3
M' Sill fill
Jh'ns'n.rf 2 14
Hol nd.rf 4 10
M'n1'f.3b 4. 4 2
t'arman.c 1 o 2
M'ak'n.p 110
Pmith.c .3 O 1
Henley.p 0 0 0
Koyeap .2 10
0 l' 6
1 OKItsr-ld.p 4
0 0 Prlce.c
0 0.Gr'wd,3b
0 1
Totals 36 12 2:! 12 5 Totsla 30 14 I 16 1
rmnslc out. Infield fly. Holland out. In
field fly.
San Francisco 0 o 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 ' ,
Kits 111O 2 1 00 612
Sacramento 2 n 2 2 000 X 12
lilts 3 0 1 5 8 0 1 2 X 14
Rum Mohler. McArdle, Holland 2. Man
dnrff. Noyea. Madden 3. ORourke 4, Dsn
zia. Van Burn 2. L-ewls, Fitzgerald. Four
runs snd three hits off Monkiman In 2 2-3
Inning. tx runa and 5 hlta off Henley In
one Inning. Two-base hlta Mundorff 2.
Mosklman. .Mohler. McArdle, Uewla 2,
Thomas. Van Btiren. Fhlnn. . Stolen bases
Rhlnn. Van Buren. Flrat base on balla
Off Mosklman . off Henlely 1. off Noyes
1. off FitBgerald 5. Ftrurk out By Moskl
man 1. Henley 1. FltzgeraJd 6. Double
6 lays Weaver to Smith. Sacrifice fly Van
uren. Paaaed balla Carman. Thomas.
Wild pitch Fitzgerald. No time or um
pires given.
&an Francisco Sacramento
Ab.H.Po.A.E.I Ab.H.Po.A.E.
Powell.lf 5 X i o 0 Madrten.rf 4 2 1 O 1
Vltt.Sb.. 4 1 0 8 O Sblnn.3.- 3 0 -10 0
M'A' 3 1 M 0 ti Helat'r.2b 5 14 3 1
Wea'r.2h 5 1 3 4 0 4 000
J.ihn'n.rf 4 1 4 O 5 18 0 0
HoH'rt.rf 4 110 0-Lewls.lf. 4 12 0 0
Mund Tas 3 1 3 0 0 Thom'a.c 5 2 5 5 O
Herrv.c. 4 3 8 3 1 lri-h n.ia 4 3 3 4 0
Mlller.p.. 3 0 11 0 Mah'ey.p 4 0 2 8 1
Totals 33 11 30 II l Totals 37 10 30 15 S
Runs Powell, vltt. McArdle. Mundorff,
Berry 2l. Phlnn. Thomas 2, Mahoney.
Home runa Mundorff. Powell. Thre-baae
hlta Berrv. "ltt. Two-haae hits Johnson,
Madden. Tbomaa. Sacrifice hlta Vltt, John
aon. Milter. Stolen bases Shlnn. Danslg.
Pases on balls Off Miller 6, off Mahoney 3.
Struck out By Miller 7. by Mahoney 4.
rtnuhla. rlav Vltt to Berrr to McArdle.
Phased Ball Thomas. Wild pitch Miller.
Time 2:10. Umpire Finney.
San Francisco 00 1030000 2 6
Baae hlta 10113 1100 S 11
Sacrsmento 0 0002 1 1O0 0 4
Bass hits ' 1 0 2 0 2 2 1 1 1 010
Supply of Tk-kels for Opening Game
of World' Series Soon Gone.
,S'F.W YORK, Oct. 12. When th lost
spectator of the double-header be
tween New Tork and Brooklyn left
the polo grounds today, the Kates
were closed and they will not be re
opened until Saturday, when the rush
to see th opening; game of the world's
series between the New Tork Nationals
and the Philadelphia Americans be
girt. Men have been at work putting; the
diamond into the best possible condi
tion for th opening; game. It Is es
timated that with the completion of
the new grandstand, together with the
wooden bleachers remaining; after the
fire of last April, the arrounds will ac
commodate S0.000 persons.
Conditions surrounding; the openint?
sale of tickets for the three games
scheduled to be played here indicate
record-breaking; crowds. Two hours
after the sale opened, not a seat was
to be had for the opening; arame, whtie
tickets for the two contesta to follow
were taken as fast as eag-er hands
could hand over the money at the
New Tork headquarters.
Disappointed applicants for openlnar
dsy seats, however, wer surrcundel
by speculators, who offered the clam
oring; thouaands plenty of tickets at
prices which gradually rose from $5
a seat in the forenoon to 17 and IS
In the late hours an advance of about
IS over the reg-tilar prices. ' It was evi
dent that despite all precautions, .he
when vou see our en
tire display that we
are entitled to the un
disputed right to the title of
Near Fifth
the 9270 Pipe Organ f Every S5c Yon
la Entitle You to a Vote.
- I.
All Dog Collars, 23 per ceat off.
-borne extra fine patterns.
t.Z5 Sidewalk Skates ai.OO
3.0O Ball-Bearlna; Skatea 92.2S
S2..V) Hoatlng Coats 1.7.1
4.RO Hunting Costs
gO.OO Gokey Hooting Boots. . . 7.50
speculative fraternity had been able
to get hold of many choice sittings.
All members of the New York team
are reported to be in good condition
and Manager McGraw expects to put
the full force of his forces In the field
against Philadelphia. There seemed
to be some question whether Mathew
son or Marquard would pitch the open
ing game. Opinion in some quarters
waa that If the day were dark, the
speedy left-hander would be sent in.
There was a lull in --fcetting, with
little inclination to play either team
aa a favorite.
Junior Women Win Games.
Oct. 12. (Special.) Eighty college
women, dressed in their jieat blue
track suits are turning out each eve
ning for hockey practice in prepara
tion for the inter-class contest to be
held In November. The tournament
this year will be a warm one as both
322 Morrison, Corner
Which Beer Is
The Very Best
If you were asked this question and had tried all the
beers sold in Portland had noted the flavor, the quality,
and investigated the care with which each one is brewed
you'd say -
the special family brew, made in Vancouver, Washing-,
ton, and sold in Portland to the most "discriminating
family trade. -
If you haven't been drinking this beer in your home, :
it's time you learned how superior it is in flavor a
flavor imparted by an extra amount of the best imported
hops and the best malt obtainable.
To be sure that you get this brew, phone us direct
well either deliver on our wagons or phone your dealer.
Star B
Phones. East 46, B 1146
Portland, Or..
the Freshman and Sophomore girls are
going after the scalp of the Juniors,
who have held th hockey champion
ship since entering college.
This class has taken - everything,
baseball, basketball, hockey and row
ing, by sheer hard work, thus making
We show the most magnificent line of Imported and
' Domestic Suitings at the popular price of
Tailored to your measure. Made in our workroom
right here in Portland. Suppose you drop in Friday
or Saturday and let us show you the most beautiful
designs in brown, bines and gray;" the line of goods
that other tailors in Portland are asking from $35 to
$46 for at
Selection for $25
Vancouver, Wash
a record, but 25 Freshmen' and an
equal number of Sophomores have
turned out for practice to head it off.
Hockey and basketball wHl be cleared
up before vacation, leaving baseball
and track for the second semester.
Portland Hotel Block
::: i 1
lae oi l