Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 13, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE JlUK.M.Mr OiaUUMAJI, KUJAl. WTrOHlSK 13. 1U11. .
li ' I
i . . I
Outdoor Sleepers on Mc
Namara Jury Complain
When Confined at Night.
Sheriff Negotiating for Hoard With
Horn- 'noklnsIrfrn lo V"e
lkn Closely as In leel
Ins Toward Labor.
LOS ANGELK.H. Oct. It Outdoor
sleeping1, a common habit In Southern
California, bream a factor last nlKbt
In the Mi-.N'.imara IrtiL Kleven tales
men, lock! up for the nlrht In the
rvry-vrnlh"l rooms of the Hall of
hemrdi, reported today that Bleep was
Impossible for those addicted to tha
outdoor habit, and on of them. Zimrl
T. Hiatt. required medical assistance,
In the nla-ht.
The men face Ions; confinement In the
trial of James B. McXamara on the
charge of murder In connection with
the explosion and Pre which destroyed
the Los Anarlra Times building- lcto
ber 1. Ilu.
Sheriff llammel Immediately took
steps to alter the arrangements, and
the talesmen alept tonts-ht In a roomy
vacant courtroom with many windows,
across a court from the trial room. The
room designed for sleeping quarters
was set aside as an eierclse room, and
windows In both were kept open.
Preblesa ef Mrs la Um
FTven this arrangement la considered
unsatisfactory, however, nor la the
court reconciled to taking the talesmen
to restaurants for meals. Further ef
forts are heirs: made to Improve con
ditions. It Is fearej that six months
of a la carte eating may prove disss
trous to some of the prospective Jurors
who are accustomed to home cooking,
and MherlfT Himmel la looking for a
private house where the Jurors may
have their meals and. perhaps, sleep.
Home such prrparatlona seem necessary-,
"even for the II talesmen now
lock. I up. because while It Is agreed
that -probably not more than one man.
and perhaps none, will be selected from
this number, their examination msy
dras; over a week.
A state holiday Discovery day
which Interrupted court proceedings
today, served only aa a brief lull before
sharp legal encounters which are ex
pected at the opening of court tomor
row, officially, nothing happened, but
IMstrlct Attorney Fredericks, in a room
Msh up In the Hall or Kecorda and
overlooking the Jail where the Mc
Xamara brothers and Ortle McManlgaL
the first magnitude witness for the
prosecution, are locked up, and Attor
ney Clarence S. Dirrow, chief of coun
sel for the defense. In a downtown
business block, gathered about them
their assistants and drew plans for the
Impending clash.
Judge llordwcll. before whom the
case is on trial, took occasion to visit
his rhajnbers and dispose of routine
matters. In order to have a clear field
when court opens.
balleaaea Are t'aertahed.
All prerarationm centered on the In
tention of tie defense to reach Into
the mlnda of talesmen to ascertain if
possible their real feelings toward la
bor organizations. Judge Bordwell al
ready has ruled favorably on certain
luestlons along this line, but th ex
lent to which the Interrogation may
I.e. carried and the mej hod In which It
shall be done remain to be determined.
Z. T. Nelson, a talewman. who was
being examined when court adjourned
eaterdav. is scheduled for further ex
amination tomorrow. Questions thus far
put by the defence will be followed by
other- Intended to show whether the
taireman li without b'as. or may be
challenged for um The previous 10
peremptory challenges allowed by law
will be used only as a last recourse,
and are to be pitted aaalnat ten per
emptory challenges sllowed the state.
el Polnl J.upcrlntf ntlrnl Ask for
Wrvtllng-Out rrorr. .
WASHINGTON. October II. legis
lation authorising the President to
tppolnl four cVnstors and Represent
snves to nominate csndldates for ad
mission to the West point Military
A.sdemy. ard a ll.Oon.ftno appropria
tion fT completing buildings there.
I. recommenced. ard admission of
foreign students to West Point strong
ly l -approved. In the report
of Major-General Thomas H. Harry.
Superintendent of West Point, todav.
General Harry complained that many
of the candidates this year mere total
ly unftl to pass examinations, despite
proper n.itU from the Academy of
the subjects of examination. Ha
wanted some preMrutnsry esamlna
ttns ss to fitness to precede entranca
Port uguc-e- HojallMs After Mot
right Ketlre to Pae.
LISBON. Oct. 1! The Rovallsts.
liking advantage of a storm Tuesday
nM. made a foray from their mounts--!
strongr-o!J In the direction of
in! srS.
Uepur1--an troops Interrupted, and
sfter a hot f'.ght the Uoyallsta retired
to the pa--a In Sierra da Corda.
will. In half a mi.e of the Spanish frontier.
youth. Your 1'n.lf Sum i ngced la
taktntr cnd' from children, thm
hc-.jcht of rn-annffi. Th duty on raw
ur I T t wr cfnt cf it value.
"Tou will b urprttil to compare
Ihia Import duly with other.
hf . . -"hmnfn
K ur . . . . .
? T Pr c-fit
T p-r cwttt
A f-r tent
per cit
Vr rrt
?w pmr rnt
All f.raaea wade Dear.
Tlie duty which the l"nlted States
exacts on the import of raw sugar
holds up the price of the beet sugar
as well as the cane sugar, for the gen
tlemen who are manufacturing beet
sugar exact from the public every
penny they can get. The beet com
panies have ststed. ss I am informed,
that they can produce beet sugar at
from X tn t cents per pound. They
sell at from i to 7 rents.
"In California the beet sugar Is sold
Just under the price of the cane sugar
and the cane' sugar, although It Is
manufactured from Hawaiian raw
sugar, which Is admitted free of duty,
costs the consumer the New York
price of refined sugar plus the freight.
In short, the beet sugar people use the
tariff to exact the uttermost penny for
their product. m
"In Utah, the beet refiner exact the
full price of the San Francisco market,
plus the freight across the Rocky
Mountains. Everywhere the beet sugar
manufacturer takes full advantage of
the tariff tax and It results that the
people of the United States pay to
the Government on the cane sugar and
to the beet sugar barons on the beet
sugar. The saving to tha American
people on the sugar consumed last
year. If the tax were removed, would
amount to almost I150.OOS.000.
-The beneficiaries of the duty are
planters of cane In the Hawaiian
Islands. Porto Rico. Louisiana and the
Philippines and the manufacturers of
domestic sugar. We are taxed for the
benefit of Louisiana and the domestic
beet sugsr producers. The domestic
beet sugar Interests need no protec
tion. The American Sugar Refining
Company has $10,600,000 beet sugar
iy pWtsTgrow
Power. Kent and Taiea Will Be
Combined In One Charge to Small
Manufacturer of Products.
TACOMA. Wash.. Oct. IS.-J Special.
Tacoma la to have an "Industrial
Hatchery" as soon as It can be estab
lished. Plans looking to this end have
been launched lately by the Commercial
Club and are now well under way. A
Commercial Club committee composed
of E. B. Judson. chairman, and J.
Carman. J. K. Bonnell. John D. Fletcher
and Hill Hudson has been appointed to
carry the plan to completion alorg lines
proposed by T. H. Martin, maniger of
the club's publicity department.
Ttie plan the Commercial Club l
working on Is for the erection In aome
centrally located district of a large
building that will be known as the
"Tacoma Industrial .Hatchery." the pur
pose being to afford suitable housing,
adequate electric power and other man
ufacturing facilities. Including access
to rail and water, at merely nominal
prices. Infant Industries at a small
figure will be able to get all the op
erating space they need, the lease price
Including power, heat, light, taxes. In
surance, depreciation, etc.
It is expected that within two weeks
a building site will be selected. A four
story structure, capable of having four
more stories added. Is contemplated, on
property that the prospective tenants
could never hope to occupy If they had
to pay for It Individually. The lessee
all! be at liberty to take all the power
he can get off the pulley or pulleys as
signed to him and may lease as much
or as little floor space as he needs.
Numerous applications already have
been received, many of the would-be
tenants wanting; only 200 or J00 square
feet of space.
MUKDF.K MYSTERY. Bride Swoons as She Gaxes
on Casket of Rancher Found
Dead With His Pets.
FAIRFIELD. Wash.. Oct. IS. .Spe
cial The little community of Fair
field Is soberly debating Its first mur
der mvstery In the sudden death of
Emll Wrage. the young rancher who
was found dead on the floor of his
kitchen Monday morning, while on the
opposite side of the house his pets, a
cat and a dog. lay stiff and stark.
Yesterday afternoon Teeny Halllnger.
the young woman who was to become
hie bride one weel hence, stood In the
chancel of the very church where they
were to be married, and aa she gased
toward the casket wlhlch contained the
form of her Wver. she swooned. The
mystery Is no nearer solution than the
hour the tragedy waa discovered. To
every theory one may advance, be It
suicide, accidental poisoning or murder,
there are plausible objections. Hence
neighbors are waiting for the analysis
of the contents of Ihe dead man's
Sheriff Stone has taed several
hours here running down every clew
which might prove valuable, but so fsr
he has discovered nothing that would
lav the crime of murder at any man's
door. From the condition In the rase,
suicide appears to he out of the question.
of Men's and Boys' Underwear at STARTLING PRICE REDUCTIONS. These stocks
are contained in the 5 MOYER and the BEN SELLING STORES. EVERY -.GARMENT
THE PUBLIC KNOWS that no exaggeration or embellishments are
permitted in any of our ads, so they are assured that every price quo
tation and every reduction is GENUINE, in which regard this ad
stands out in striking contrast to some of the sales now being adver
tised. The goods offered are all clean, new, desirable goods purchased
for this season's selling No old stock, no odds and ends. '
Men's Cotton Ribbed Shirts and
Drawers; natural and blue colors;
best oOc carnients, now
reduced to.
Winsted Hosiery Company Men's
Underwear; priced in many stores
$1.50: regrular price $1.
Worsted Hosiery Company's all-
wool Underwear, priced in many
stores at $2. OUR regu
lar $1.50 grade. Now.
Men's Union Suits Our Q '
splendid $1 quality, for.. OfcC
Vassar Union Suits OL 11
lar $2 garment, for
this sale
Lewis Union Suits Heavy balbris-
can; UlK regular jm - yy
33 c
g-arment ; for this sale i
Cooper's gray ribbed Underwear, Men's medium weight Merino Un-
advertised by a big store as $1.50. derwear; OUR regular $l?Qn
value at 98c. 0URregu-?Q quality; for this sale U3
lar price $1. On sale at. . 07 U Men's heavyweight camelshair Un-
Cooper's ' spring needle genuine denvear; OUR regular $1.50 Gt
$1.50 quality, gray, WueQKp quality, now ..J)X
and flesh color 7JC Gantner & Mattern'a lisle ribbed
Wright's fleece-lined Underwear, Underwear; our reg-(7-
regular $1.00 garment, for uiar price $2, for J) Xa iO
th,s 8ale Meng Vnion Suitss0id at $2.50
Men's Union Suits-A m e r l c a n in m stores; our regular $2.00
Knitting" Mills Co. $2.00 in some earment ; for this sale t A Tf
tore-)UJlreSl,larfL50Q5p at....,... ,31.40
garment, or . . . . . . . . . . . Vassar wool Union Suits. OUR
i Vassar worsted Union Suits. OLK recrular $3 garment; for this ("
regular $2.50 garm't; J -I fr to ,; J
for this sale dj A.fJJ , T. . e .. .
, Boys 7oe Union Suits, fz A
hntn" .1attecrn. " ' mrrr,zed .for this sale 04 C
lisle ribbed Union Suits. OLR reg- . .
ular $4.00 grade; for(Trt QQ Boys' $1.00 Union Suits, "T"J
this sale (DaW.OO for this sale..'. 1 lv
Silk and wool heavy ribbed Under
wear, sweater neck. OUR resrular
J2.50 quality ; for this Q-i fT ff
sale. PXa I tJ
Medlicol Scotch wool, heavy; also
medium weight Underwear; regu
lar price $3.00; for (J -I QQ
this sale tpJ-oOO
Men's Union Snits C ooper's
spring needle Union Suits. OUR
regular $3.00 grade, (7- Qff
for this sale tJ)-aLi"J
Men's medium and heavy weight
silk and wool Union Suits. OUR
.regular $5 garment; CQ OP
for this sale t)tjl)
Boys $o0 Uniofl Suits, for i
this -sale
Boys' $2.00 Union (T -J np
Suits, for this sale.. fjO
Fourth and Morrison
3d and Oak, 1st and Yamhill, 1st and
Morrison, 2d and Morrison, 89 Third
pathy. and the walkout soon spread
throughout the entire mine and to an
other. The remaining nine mines, of
the company are unaffected.
Negotiations looking toward a settle
ment of the grievance of the striking
miners have been begun. It la believed
that all will be at work soon again.
Meantime the company officers declared
they would not be hampered In their
operations for lack of laborers.
Kidnapers Sentenced for JAte.
CHICAGO, Oct. II. Qulseppe Nico
losi and his brother. Camello Nlcolosl.
were sentenced to life Imprisonment
today after they had been found guilty
of kidnaping 5-year-old Angelo Marino.
August S. Mrs. Cologera Nlcolosl. wife
of Camello. was sentenced to seven
years In prison for complicity, snd her
mother, Mrs. Blaga Cutrona,
Labor Loaders Want Charges or
Contempt of Court Dropped.
WASHINGTON. Oct. li. President
Gompers, Vice-Fresldent Mitchell and
Secretary Morrison, of the American
Federation of Labor, today petitioned
the District Supreme Court to dismiss
the charges of contempt preferred
against them by a committee of law
yers appointed by the court last May
after the Supreme Court of the United
States had decided Jail sentences for
the labor leaders were Illegal because
"The Food I Eat Does Me No Good"
Europe Will Irotet Discrimination
In Favor of Americana.
WASHINGTON. Oct. li. President
Tsft's prediction of an early opening
of the Panama Canal promisee to
plunge the State repartment into Im
portant negotiations with the great
maritime powers respecting tolls.
lntll recently European nations
took It for grsnted thst tUere would
be no attempt to discriminate against
nationalities In the matter of tolls,
basing their belief on the Hay-Paunce-fnte
treaty, which almost In set terms
msks such a declaration.
But the Introduction In Congress
during the last session by Republican
leaders of bills which directly pro
posed to relieve American shipping
from any tax In the Canal, or. through
a transport ayatem of rebates looked
to accomplish the same end. haa great
ly alarmed foreign shipping Interests.
They fear they would Bnd It Impossi
ble to use the waterway if required to
pay heavy tolla while American ahlps
were untaxed, anit It Is expected they
will tnske energetic protest against
auch discrimination.
Men Sympathise With One Dis
charged and Walkoat Spreads.
CANANEA. Mex via Nogalea. Aria,
Oct. It. Approximately men In two
minea of the Cananea Consolidated
Conner Cnanpany ape on atrlke here ow
ing to the rrlusal of the company to (
reinstate a miner in capote . -waa
discharged because he refused to
work In a stope which he considered
All of the Mhr miners employed In
the same atope struck through sym-
iV--i rif ilia pnmmnnpst a ilments of the day is inability to
derive benefit from the food taken. Food that does not
digest is worse than wasted. The complaint quoted above
is one often heard by doctors.
Food that fails to digest ferments. Gas forms m the
stomach and the acids of fermentation cause heartburn.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a digestive
tonic and give new strength by enabling the blood to take
up and profit bv the food we eat. They double the vaLne
of the food to" the body, increase the appetite, renew
energv, vitality, snap and vigor.
Mr. "Clinton A. Schaller, of No. 150 Ford street, Golden, Colo., says: I
w troubled with' stomach complaint for several weeks but hadn t felt well
for some time, a 1 had been worrying My stomach was sore if I put my
hand on it and pained me after eatimr. I had dizzy spells for a few mo
menta at times, and also a crawlinp feeling in my throat. There were pains
around mv heart and I had difficulty in taking a Ion? breath. I felt many
times aa though I was poinirto die. I don't know whether it was all imagi
nation or not, but I did feel so. 1 was much troubled with constipation and
l.wt weight so rapidiv that 1 determined to see if something else than doc
tors' medicine would help me. I read about Dr. Williams Pink Pills and
beesn tafcinir them. I began to feel belter and am now well and strong. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a;s all right and ought to be in every home.
Don't go about vour treatment blindly but start today to
cure vour indigestion by using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People. The experience of other sufferers has
been that their stomach troubles disappeared as soon as
the blood was made pure and rich.
Everv sufferer from stomach trouble should read our
booklet, "What to Eat and How to Eat." It is free upon
iiostal card request. .
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by-all .druggists, or
will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. 50c per box; six
loxes $2..t0, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenec
tady, X. Y. . ,
they had been criminally charged In a
civil case.
Portuguese to Labor in Hawaii.
HONOLULU, Oct. 12. A message was
received here today to the effect that
the steamer Wllleaden has sailed from
Portugal to this port with 1860 im
migrants on board, to work on the
sugar plantations.
La Kollette Not lo Visit Coasl.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 12. Senator La
Follette, of Wisconsin, "Progressive"
Republican leader, today decided to
start early next month on a speech
making swing through the Middle
West. The Pacific Coast will not be
included in the tour because of lack
of time.
Did You Ever Try the New Weinhard
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