Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 13, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    nMfe R Qd,
X . Serch
No Pots and Pass
No Restaurant
No Bakery
Nb Groceries
No Liqnors
No Meat Market
Merchandise of Aeril Only.
American Woman Refuses to
Give Money to Royalist
Cause in Portugal.
fuk Who Married Anita Stewart
MmtkorW for Kin, but Ula
Mntfxr-lB-LjiW Rc-p
Her Iollar.
IOMiOV, Oct. IX. fPpclai. Mr
Jimi H-nry Smith, widow of "Sllenf
Fmlth. th American mtlllonair who
d!d In th orient a few years o,
steadfastly rfusss to eontribut on
rtDt of her m:Ulona to th monarchist
nsn In rnrtugal. even though th
overthrow of th republic might mukt
lisr dauahtrr a quen.
llri rimith' daughter, formerly Mla
Anita Piewart. of New York, la the
wife of the Puke VImo, formerly
Prloca Miguel de Rratanu. aon of
tvora Mlturl. the I'ortugues pretend
er. Mrs. Smith la now with her daugh
ter ami the Uttr child In Scotland.
The Puke. It l understood. l In
Oermany conferring with a number of
Ma countrymen to whom the preeent
uprising against the republic In Portu
gal l vastly pleasing.
Plotters' Wrla wt.
Er elnco the Portuguese chased
King Jlanuel and hie cabinet ont of
Usbon. powerful Portuguese erlsto
crata to whom a republic la dlstaat
ful. haro been plotting to raatoro the
monarchy, and. It la said, hara whis
pered to the Puke Vlzeu that It la
Mm. not Manuel, that tha royallata
woul I a'cend to the throne. Theaa
whKiwn were accompanied by tha -gsstlon
that the Puke enlist tha am
ple cash of hia mother-in-law la the
kln:y enterprise.
The subject waa broached to Mr.
Smith at variou Internal, but aba
would have none of It. Tha glory and
honor of baring her dauahter a queen
were urged by slick statesmen aa rea
son for the American widow to open
her treasure chests.
Wlgswl Maa Wanted.
These statesmen averred that even If
Manuel wera restored to tha throne It
would only be to furnish It for tha use
of her eon-ln-law later.
But Mra. Smith haa coma out with an
emphatic refusal, so tha royallata wtU
he to worry along with funda aent
from Brasll and those contributed by
tha former nobility.
Tha Puke of Orleans, nncl of x
Klng Manuel, haa contributed liber
ally to tha cause. Ilia and the efforts
of other leader, however, la declared
to be In behalf of Manuel, not Miguel.
TeswherV Institute Announced for
October ft! 3-2 7.
CTTEH AU. Wash.. Oct. II. Sne-cJai-
The annual Lewi Coonty
teachara' Institute haa been announced
by County Superintendent M. I Carrier
to be held In Ontralla. October S3-I7.
Monday afternoon and Toeeday tha
teacher wt;i visit the Centraila schools.
Tie work of the Institute proper will
begin Wednesday morning at and
rlos Friday at 10 P. M. A partial
list of the Instructor follows: Henry
H. rwcy. Plate Superintendent: Ir. K.
o. fiasco, l'nlrsliy of Waahlnrton:
y. J. Klemme. of tha Etata Normal at
Ullenshura: Miss Lucy K. Cola. Super
visor Music and Art. Centraila public
schools; Mra. Hlckev. head nurse of
Seattle schools; I- IL Traver. of Se
attle, and K. K. llartnett. of tha Che
halta schools.
Besides 110 Institute session Super
intendent Carrier haa arranged for four
meetings for Lewis County School Di
rector, one at Handle, ona at Morton,
one at Toledo, on at Centraila. The
first will be held at Centraila October
Mure uniform work among tha di
rector and tnetructloa along their
lines of work la the aim of theaa nieet
II. Ottrlen and Mra horn Will
Meet In Seattle.
(.EATTLr. Wash. Oct. IS. Special.)
Robert Strahorn. vice-president and
general manager of the North Coaau
with headquarters at Spokane, will ar
rive In Seattle today. J. P. O'Brien,
vice-president of the O.-W. R. N
with headquarter In Tortland. will ar
rive tonight. Both officials will confer
with J. P. r'arrell. president of tha O.
w R. N It Is said that tha confer
ence! has to do with the plana of the
Ilarrlmaa system tor the reorganisa
tion of tha Una following the changes
in the oftK-Ul staff voted In New York
1 days ago.
Tha nat-ire of the change haa not yet
bean disclosed by President KarreiU
but It Is known thai his headquarters
will be transferred to Portland.
Whether the traffic and operating de
partments, aa at present provided for
at Seattle, will be removed I not
Mr. rarrell ha had tha matter un
dr advisement sine hta return from
New York a week ago Tuesday, and It
Is believed hi plans will be made
known to tha two vice-presidents at
the conference here tomorrow.
Western Steel Corporation Hit by
Move of Metropolitan Trnt.
SEATTLE. WaatL. Oct. 11 A peti
tion In Involuntary bankruptcy was
filed in the lulled Statea District
Court tlay against tha Western Etael
The principal creditor Is tha Met
ropolitan Trust Company, of New
York, which holds notes against tha
Western Steel Corporation amounting
to Ii.i0.00o.
Af I ie " to he) Kdsom'a riaj .
.-orvaills, Oct. 13. Tha Zetagetaean
Literary Society, of tha Oregon Agri
cultural College, assisted by tha sister
society, the Ltoplana. may atag Rob
ert EJson'a great plav. -Strong Heart."
In the near future. Tta right to pre
sent the production ha not yet been
aeaured. but tals matter will be at
tended to immediately. R. B. Thomp
son, a Junior, from Portland, haa been
elected manager of tha undertaking,
and axteaalv plana ar sow under way.
sr :
T at.
- v.-.i.
V - aawt
. V .
3 V
" ' ' ' V '
Mabel Barrison, Well-Known
Actress, Has Tuberculosis.
Wife or Joaeph K. Howard at &ar.
nac Lake In Effort to Fight Off
Whtto riagne rhyalclam
.Vr Itorx-rnl.
8AR.VXAC LAKE. X. T, Oct. 12
Mabel Harrison, tha pretty Ilttla actrega
who enacted tha title role In "Tha Blue
Mouse- during Ita long ran on Broad
way and who mada emphatic hlta pre
viously In musical comedy, la here to
secure th beneSt of the Adirondack'
climate. . Phe la seriously 111 with tu
berculosl. "
Miss Barrison haa been 111 for aT
eral months, but only cam to teranao
Lake today. Mh la apparently in very
poor health, but phyalclana bar aay
It may b possible for her to resume
her work In another year. Mis Bar
rtsoa and her husband hara leaaed a
cottage for the Winter.
In private Ufa Miss Barrison la Mrs.
Joaeph E. Howard, wlf of tha comedian-composer,
who la responsible for
tha score of "Th Tim, th Place and
th Girl." -A Stubborn Cindarella,"
-Th 8wetet Girl In Paria." "Tha
Ooddesa of Liberty" and varloug other
musical comedlea.
Mr. Howard la Mia Barrison'a sec
ond husband. Her first husband waa
William Uaaton. formerly of tha vau
deville team of Gaaton and Stone. How
ard! first wife waa Ida Emerson, an
act res.
Mis Barrison'a first real big hit waa
In "Babes la Toyland." Oh played tba
part of one of th "babes' and her
song. "I Can't Do That Sum." brought
her countless encorea nightly. 8h
later created prominent roles in mu
sical comedy and when th Shuberta.
cssilnr around for a comedienne to
play "Tha Blua Mouae. engaged her.
aha deertet comedy for fare. Hha
haa not been seen on th atage thla
$1,000,000 IN GOLD COMING
Slramhlp Victoria With Big Treas
ure on Way From Xonie.
NOME. Oct. II. Tha steamship Vic
toria, which sailed for Seattle Tuesday
with to passengers, haa mora than
tl.oOO.OPO. In treasure aboard. Th
gold la tha output of several mines In
th feward Peninsula district and Is
tha second large shipment sent to Se
attle within tha last few days.
Two mora steamships aro to sail for
th states before navigation In Bering
Sea i closed for the Winter and It is
expected that they will carry larg
amounts of treasure.
Mm Held at Klamath Falls for Al
lege! Bribery Ont on Bonds.
(Special.) After one night In Jail and
th aeven ensuing days at tha Baldwin
Hotel unBer special guard, by per
mission of Sheriff Barnee, Samuel A.
jlcMahon, Oregon manager for th Ru
dolph S- Blom Paving Company. Chi
cago, and aaslatant. Jaaea Hughes,
charged with attempting to brib
Mayor Sanderson and two city council
man to us their Influence for granit
oid pavement, hav been set at large
under bonds furnished by a New York
surety company.
Ball for McMahon is 11 0.0ft and for
Haghea ITiOO. Tha men left th city
today, preeumably for Portland.
" 1
Paolflo Highway Xot Delrd by
Farmer ;ori Hoads Wanted.
OREGON CITT. Or, Oct. U (Spe
eti ) Resolution oppoalDf; Governor
. i .
. T
West's road policy were adopted at a
meeting of th Pom jna Grange at Ma
ple Lane Hall. Tha resolutions war
introduced by F. M. GUI and were
warmly supported by Stat Master
Spenca. They are aa follows:
"Be It resolved by the Clacksmaa
County District Pomona Orange that
wa favor good roads, but that we wish
the roada constructed from the mar
ket places to tha farmers' homes.
"Be It resolved that we are opposed
to the programme of Governor West's
Road Commission la recommending a
bonded Indebtedness of 120.000. 000 and
recommending a on and two-tentha
mill tag for providing a fund to es
tablish state aid.
"Wa are opposed to th constrnctlon
of tha Paclflo highway or other trunk
highways with tha public funds at
this time, excepting such funds as may
belong to road districts through which
these roada run. or special taxes voted
In these districts for us upon th
Performance With Cleveland Past
Tear Warrants BeUer That
Salary WtU Be Doubled.
Vean Gregg. Portland's southpaw
wizard, who burnt up th American
Leagu during th season of 111 with
a year's mark of 13 wins and only
seven losses, picks th New York Giants
to win the world's championship.'
Greg reached Portland Wednesday
nfght. several days ahead of schedule,
aa he had been booked to heave two
of th games in th Nap-Clnclnnatl
state championship series.
Th sore salary whip which put him
out of th final game did not show
much improvement, however, so he
packed up traps and. accompanied by
his wife, embarked for the West.
Gregg will leave today for the Rogue
River 'country, where he will be
Joined later by Buddy Ryan. Bill
Rodgera and others In an extended
hunting Junket.
"I pick New York over the Athletics
because I think Marquard will have It
over Mack's men." aald th famous
portsld (linger in an answer to a
"I believe that I had th Jinx sign
on tha Philadelphia Athletics during
the past year, and it appear to me
that 'Rub' Marquard I a better left
hander than I am. because, for on
thing, h had mora experience. There
for I say Marquard will be tha big
nolsa of tha tltl series and not
Gregg's salary this season was
tJlOO. and while he ha not signed
his ltll oon tract. It Is safe to predict
that the figure will Jump to about
twice the site, la fact Gregg may de
mand In excess of th 16000 on th
strength of his romarkabl maneuv
ering with th Naps this past season.
Senator Will Attend Congressional
Committee Meeting: In Chlcaro.
Accompanied by his family. Senator
Chamberlain departed laat night for
Chicago, where he will attend the meet
ing of a special Congreaalonal com
mittee which will frame a National
law embracing worklngmon's compen
sation and employers' liability, and of
which he la a member. President Taft
haa recommended thla legislation, and
It was at hia requeat that a commission
was named by tha laat Congress to
draft a bilL Following tha sessions of
the commission at Chicago, Senator
Chamberlain and family will proceed to
Waablngton in time for the regular
aesslon of Cons, r res, which will be con
vened In December.
Before leaving Portland. Senator
Chamberlain assured E. Henry Wemme
and other automoblllats that h would
ndeaver to secure from Congress an
appropriation of 1150.000 for th con
struction of a highway through th Na
tional forest reserve to Mount Hood.
FUberman's Mgbt Seta S20.
ASTORIA. Or, Oct, IX. (Special.)
Th glllnetters drifting In the Tower
Harbor laat night met with fairly good
success, some of them catching aa high
aa 40 atlverstd. As thee flab average
from IS to li pounds apiece and bring
four cents a pound at th cannartee.
tba return for the night'a ftahlng were
excellent. At the present time very
few steelhaads are being taken, but
the indications axe that during th
coming fear .weak the catch of ailrer
slde will be large-
Trimmed' MUlinery-A Popular Week-End Special
Autumn Millinery for Misses, Special $2.75
For Friday we offer a group of velvet hats that will more than oreate a sensation, as
these same identical styles are all the rage in New York.
These are the smartest hats for women and young women we have ever offered at such
a low price. Simple but effective styles that bring out the newest ideas for Winter wear.
These very smart velvet shapes have a rolling brim and are draped around with 'a soft
silk that forms upstanding ears in the front. The color range includes both black and
white, as well as all the new fashionable shades. -
New Soft Hoods Plain and Two Tone, $1.95 to $3.95
Fashionable Maribou
Marabou for Trimming
Special 85c yd.
This season Marabou holds Erst
place for trimming purposes and it
is the most fashionable thing used
on Evening gowns and afternoon
In this sale at this special price
is Marabou by the yard, in pink,
blue, white and gray.
Marabou Special
65c the yard.
At this price the Marabou comes
in black and natural only. Very
soft and fine quality.
In this sale is an exclusive assort
ment of Marabou in black, navy.
gTay, white, rose. sky. natural, and
lilac Neckwear that is suitable for
street and evening wear.
$ 5.50 Novelties, special. .$ 3.67
$ 6.00 Novelties, special. .$ 3.98
$ 7.95 Novelties, special.. $ 5.28
$ 7.50 Novelties, special. .$ 4.98
$ 8.50 Novelties, special. .$ 5.67
$ 9.50 Novelties, special. .$ 6.33
$10.00 Novelties, special. .$ 6.67
$12.50 Novelties.' special.. $ 8.33
$15.00 Novelties, special. .$ 9.98
$1 1.50 Novelties, special. .$ 7.67
$13.50 Novelties, special. .$ 8.98
$16.50 Novelties, special. .$10.98
$21.50 Novelties, special. .$14.33
$27.50 Novelties, special. .$18.33
$30.00 Novelties, special. .$19.98
$39.00 Novelties, special. .$25.98
$37.50 Novelties, special. .$25.48
Rosslter Raymond, Opposing Plan,
Says AVest Was Built Cp by
Giving Away Resources.
SAX FRANCISCO. Oct 12. Oppos
ing? viewpoint as to Federal leasing of
coal lands In Alaska occupied today
th attention of delegates to the Amer
ican Institute of Mining Engineers.
II. Foster Bain, editor of the Mining
and Scientific Prees, waa the first
speaker, and not only declared for leas
ing, but auggested that the Govern
ment begin operating a mine itself. He
said th contest over th distribution of
National resources waa a very old one,
(..... i..t .riMn in Germany years
ago. It waa aettled there and monopoly
controlled, be said, wnen tne nei-ii-roent
became a part of the monopoly.
Rosslter W. Raymond, of New Tork.
replied to Bain's addree. standing Ba
ldly for private exploitation of Na
tional reaourcea.
"I believe in as little government aa
possible," be declared. Referring to the
amendment to the Constitution of Cal
ifornia, adopted Tueaday. he atyled
thm "impossible cures for imaginary
Vila." .
, Raymond aaid that people had for
gotten that It wa by the giving away
of National resources that the building
up of the West had been made poasi
ble. can b" made from ground saffar
can and bamboo liber. Colonel Frank D.
Hala. at Trinidad. srs It Is mads thers
br this proooss without tbs use of chemi
cal Tha quality of tha papsr Is said to
b tbs bast now saln( manufactured from
nr kind of wond.
Barks Herbs
That hav great medicinal power, are
raisad to their highest efficiency, for
purifying and enriching the blood. a
they are combined In Hood'a Sarsapa
rilla. which 1 Peculiar to Itself.
o,JC testimonials received by ac
tual count tn two year a record un
paralleled in the history of medicine.
"I was ao tired and weak It wa hard
for m to be about. I took Hood'a
Sarsaparllla. and It gave me an appe
tite and Improved my whole system."
r. Carlson. Box 10. Stark. Minn.
There I no real substitute for
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Get It today in nana! liquid form or
obocolated tablet called Saratab.
Velvet lurbans tor women, special ;j.o
This diversity of styles
. . - . .
models are ail suitable tor women ot mature age ana wui ap
peal to those of refined, quiet taste. They have a fashionable
air that is seldom found in a hat at this price.
The models in this assortment are all of rich black velvet in
turban draped style. Many have as trimming just a modest
bow of satin.
The illustration pictures two of these models.
New Phipps and New Crosby
Tailored Hats
BED SPREADS Crochet, full size. in'Marcelles designs with
hemmed ends. Special for Friday
UNION HUCK TOWELS All white and white with colored
borders. Special for one day only
$1.25 TABLE DAMASK Of German linen, silver bleached.
In cuts of two yards long. Special each
nlv a-ntts-sii F.Ytr K vv. larin size. Snecial . ...............
embroidered and hemstitched. The
the squares are 30 inches by 30 inches. Special each . . . .
Rugs of Quality Reduced
$33.00 Axmintter Rags, 9 by 12, Special . . $23.85
$35.00 Body Brusse , 9 by 12, Special .... $26 85
i 55.00 h oval Wilton Rugs, 9 by 12, Special $41.00
A6J.C0 Wilton Rags, 9 by 12, Special $45.00
$18 00 Wool Art Rugs, 9 by 12, Special. . . $13.75
$12.50 Wool and Fibre Rags, 9 by 12, Sp'l $ 8.75
Room-size rugs of quality in a large variety of well selected patterns in Ori
ental and conventional designs.
The Body Brussels and Wilton Rugs come in tan and brown colorings in
small, neat designs suitable for living-rooms and dining-rooms. The Axmin
ster Rugs can be had in handsome Oriental and floral patterns in soft, rich
colors. The Fiber and Wool Rugs come in pretty, light colors for bedrooms.
Bobbinet lace curtains in six different designs and patterns, 214 and 3
yards long, in white and ecru or Arabian color.
Tou're bilious, you have a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad taste in
your mouth, your eye burn, your skin la yellow with dark rings under your
eyes, your lips are parched. No wonder you feel ugly, mean and ill-tempered.
Your system is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need Is a
cleaning up Inside. Don't continue beilng a bilious nuisance to yourself and
those who lov you. and don't resort to harsh physics that lrrlate and injure.
Remember, that evary disorder of the stomach, liver and Intestines can be Quick.
ly cured by morning with gentle, thorough C as car
ets. A 10-cent box will keep you and the entire fam
l X- A.
111 ,
sExperience Has Taught You
That there is always
money can be put. I Save your money now
let our Savings Department help increase it into
a comfortable sum for your old age.
Ooens an We Pay 4
Account On Savings
"A Conservative Custodian"
Itour home can
baye a Piano now
See Our New Rental-Payment Plan on Page lO
in this special sale is unusual, as the
r 1 "11
scarfs are 1 8 by 50 inches and
.a. 60c
-. c- ! fo nf
LMce unains, opeciai j.jj
Selling Norma ly at l6.50-$7.50 Pr.
500 pairs of Bobbinet Lace Curtains, includ
ing Cluny, Marie Antoinette, Renaissance, Irish
Points and Battenberg designs in white or
Arabian color. 2 1-2 and 3 yards long by 40
to 50 inches wide. In a variety of patterns in
ell styles.
Lace Curtain Specials
$5.50 Lcce Cm tains. Special . $3.45
S6.50 Lace Curtains, Special . $4.45
$7.50 Lace Curtains, Special . $4.95
ily feeling good for months. Don't forget the chil
dren their little inaides need a good, gentle
cleansing occasionally. Children love to take Cas
carets, because they taste good and never gripe or
plenty of uses to. which
Interest Open Saturday
Accounts Evenings 6 to 8
Second and Washington Sts.
Friday Glove Bargains
$3.00 16-button 1Q 1Q
Kid Gloves np&.lU
Women's 16-button white glace
kid gloves with one row of embroid
ery, on the back with overseam
stitching. A most excellent quality
and perfect fitting. '
$2.75 16-button f0 OA
Suede Gloves. . . . P &
Undressed kid gloves with over
seam stitching with one row of em
broidery. These gloves in all the
evening shades in a 16-button
$2.00 Gibson Q
Cape Gloves.. 4 A
Women's one-clasp P. X. M.
seam Gibson cape gloves with spear
point embroidery on the back.
Stitched with self and red in all the
London tan shades.
$ 1 .75 Kid Gloves d -I 39
Special PX
Three-clasp Consuelo kid gloves
with over stitching and Paris point
embroidery on the back. In tan,
brown, mode, gray, oxblood, navy,
green, pearl, white, and black.
$1.75 and $2.00 d1 ylO
Gloves, special. . . P tO
Women's mocha and cape gloves
in all the leading shades of tan and
browns, chamois and gray. With
spearpoint backs and one or two
Two-Clasp Kid Qfl f
Gloves, special . . 7 4
Women's two-clasp over-seam
kid gloves with Brosser point
stitching on the back. In brown,
tan, gray, mode, black and white.
The Latest Fiction
"The Fruitful Vine," by Robert
"Initials Only," by Anna Katharine
"Wally," a atory of th West, by
Guy Steely.
"A Person of Some Importance;"
by Lloyd Osbourne.
Almost Anyone May Secure a
Splendid Growth of Hair.
Tou can easily find out for yourself
if your hair needs nourishment, if it
is thinning, getting dry, harsh and
brittle, or splitting at the ends. Tou
simply have to pull a hair from the top
of your head and closely examine Its
root. . If the bulb is plump and rosy
It' Is all right; if It is white and
ehrunken your hair Is diseased and
needs nourishment.
We have a remedy for hair tronbles
that cannot be surpassed. It has a
record of growing hair and curing
baldness in 93 out of 100 cases wher
used according to directions for a rea
sonable length of time. It will even
grow hair on bald heads If the scalp
is not glazad and shiny. That may seem
like a etrong statement it is, and w
mean it to be, and no one should doubt
it until they have put our claims to
an actual test.
We are eo sure that Rexall "M"
Hair Tonlo will completely eradicate
dandruff, prevent baldness, stimulate
the scalp and hair roots, stop falling
hair and grow new hair, that we per
sonally give our positive guarantee to
refund every penny paid us for Kexail
"it" Hair Tonlo in every Instance
where It does not do as we claim or
fails to give entire satisfaction to th
Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo Is aa pleas
ant to use as clear spring water. II
Is perfumed with a pleasant odor, and
does not grease or gum the hair. W
have it in two sizes, price 60 cents
and fl.00. We urge yoa to try Rexall
"3 Hair Tonio on our recommenda
tion and with our guarantee back of
it. Tou certainly take no risk. Re.
member, you can obtain Rexall Rem
edies only at The Owl Drug Co, Inc.'
Cor 7th and Washington ets.
The Army of
la Growing Smaller Evary Day.
sssnoasibie ihey
only giro relief
tbavnsraism utir A
can Caaitiaa-yT S
boos On
ibev (of
a, Mjpistiea, Sack Bsaaadw, SaBew5M.
T Genuine swaw Signature