Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 13, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Sir William Ramsay Declares
England Keeps Eye on
Power Resources.
t-rirntl! fcngfrt-M Appointment of
Committer to finard Conn"
try Again! Pis.
LONDON. Oct IX. Pn-taL lr W.
lam Ramsar. In hla rernt altrs be
fore th British Association at Ports
mouth 1ernt! a considerable portion
of his remarks to a discussion of an
int and modern Tlewa of the nature
t th rhemiral element. In Ibe Ilatrit
f recent researches. In which he ha
ha4 larae a mare, on the Inert
rases of the atmosphere anf on radium
Like sevvt-al distinguished chemists In
tne pax. he la evidently attracted by
r. Idea that matter I unitary In Ita
nature, that what we know a element
ire In me way compounded of dif
ferent proportions of some- primary ma
terial But whether the consideration
he broucht forward substantially
strengthen the casa for such a view,
from an eaperlmental a oppoaed to a
theoretical and sentimental standpotat,
la perhaps oreu to doubt.
It la true that the atomic welghta of
more than halt the element are, on
tne most recent computations, within
one-tenth of a unit above or below
an Integral number, and Sir William
Kimur has the assurance of rrofessor
Karl Tears'in that th mathematical
rhances against such a condition be
Ins; accidental are 24.00 million to
on. Utill. after the most elaborate
precautions have been taken to Insur
accuracy, the fact remains that th
numbrs are not exactly Integral.
KiUlhu (.an rilledU
It Is true, acaln, that In the periodic
rlasination of the elements elaborated
by leolcleen7 and others, which ha
served i nemlsts o well, not merely to
record but also to predict, that perhaps
not unnaturally they show a tendency
to raise It to the dignity of a physical
law. Several of the evlntlna asps have
been aatlsf ictorlly filled up by th re
sults of recent discoveries, and to that
extent Its claims to validity have been
Vet a considerable number of th
tape still await occupants: and though
by calling In the aid of th newer rare
earth metala and of the products of
'he transformation of radium which,
nowever. like their progenitor, contra
ilct the orthodox conception of an ele
ment. In that they can be split up. or
rather split themselves up. Into con
stituent parts enough element can b
found to fill th empty spaces, unfor
tunately their properties are not al
waya of th required character, and to
accept tbcm for the vacancies merely
because of their numerical quallflca
tlona would destroy th whole mean
ing and value of the periodic scheme.
Hut. even were all the atomic welghta
ascertained to b Integral, and were
the periodic table completely and satis
factorily filled, tne unitary hypothesis
would not be adequately proved, and
there would still remain far solution
the baffling problem why substances
made up of different multiple of th
am primary stuff should present th
wide divergences of character and be
havior found In th element a we
know them.
Radlaaa esslr Tee assail.
A reference to th normout tor
tvf energy concentrated In radium and
liberated during It disintegration led
Mr William Kamsay to the subject of
th energy available to th world In
general and to Ureal Britain In par
ticular. Kadtum itself probably exist
in quantities far too small to be of any
practical us aa a source of energy, but
supposing that. Ilk It. the other so
cahed elementa are changing, though
very slowly, with evolution of energy,
and supposing that some meana could
be discovered of making the Chang
proceed at a useful rate, then, he
pointed out. a new supply of energy
would be put at th disposal of man
kind which would alter the whole
future of the race. But he mad It
clear that. In his opinion, w have no
warrant whatever for relying on so re
mote a possibility "It would be folly
to consider seriously a possible supply
of energy In a conceivable acceleration
of the liberation of energy by atomic
change" and other aourcea which have
been suggested, such a th tldea. th
heat cf the sun. and the Internal heat
cf the earth, are all equally hopeless
aa far a ran be seen at present.
In these islands coal Is tne only con
sMeraMe source of energy at command,
and on England's power to produce It
at a relatively cheap price dependa her
commercial aupremacy and rer ability
to compete with other Kuropean na
tion. Yet. In spite of Its paramount
Importance for them th Kncrtah behav
aa if th ator were Inexhaustible.
While Belgium raise thre and one
half tona per head of her population
everv year, and Germany only two and
one-half tons. England raise sis tons,
and If she continue to draw on her
reserves at the same Increasing rate, aa
during the last year. thy will be
exhausted In less than two rentarlea.
In thee circumstance t I plainly
y r iland duty to promote economy In
the us of coal by every possible mean,
and careful consideration I deaervl
hv ir William Ramsay atiggestlon
tat. following the example of America.
I rs and should establish a conservation
t ommi.sion. charged with the duty of
keeping watch on the diminution cf the
'.tores of natural energy and of taking
steps to lessen Ita rate.
laseeaelhle EirerteeV
T!e ord'natv man. If b can b ln-
Ju-e.l to rv any consideration t" til
q lestlon cf the exhaustion of coal sup
plies, usually consoles himself with th
comforting reflection, that something
will turn up to fill th breach. This
loos optimism msy be a touching
tribute to th power of scientific
workers, who are no doubt expected
10 produce the "something" In the sam
way as a conjurer produces a rabbit
Ir. m an empty hat. but It Is a'so a sign
of total la.k cf the scientific spirit.
I'rog'-sa In ln e. aa Sir William
IUmir Insists, consists In developing
a sptrtt of prevision: In attempting to
forecast the futur not by vague sur
mise, but by th orderly marshalling
cf facts and by deducting from them
tnelr logical outcome: and chiefly In
endeavoring to control conditions whlrh
may be uti.ned for th lasting good cf
tne peop'e. cf the British Association
are now marked by Spartan simplicity
In comrartson with the brilliant debut
at Oxford during the 8'immer term
of 13I. Those were tha days of tar
gantuan eating and drinking and ther
was lavish hospitality. In addition to
daily dinners, there wer e pen-air
breakfasts la th college gardens, and
"fre refreshment" at all meetlnga.
Two fat bucks were devoured, one nt
by the Duke of Buckingham, and the
other by Archblhop Harcourt from
Nuneham rark. A keieion mppeareo
at th feaats of the epicurean savant
In th shape of a question whether wo
men should b allowed to attend their
meetings. In the end Mr. Somervlll
decided not to attend, "for fear her
presence should encoursge less capable
repreaentatlvea cf her ex." A rather
sarcastic article of th Time comment
ed on this first meeting and came to
th conclusion that such scientific
gatherlnga aerved no good purpose,
(Continued From first Paee.t
Ing material progre never befor
dreamed of." ald he. "unless he had
Intended to place a reponlblllty on u
to ua these resource for th Improve
ment of th entire world, and we hall
be lacking In our appreciation of our
duty unless w take the plar In ad
vance of th column and say to tha
poor, common people, and plain people
of all the world, and especially of
Kurop. where they are burdened down
with armamenta:
- -W will lead you on and we will
take every tep polble to abollh
that awful curs of war." "
Ciovernor Wol I Aur! t"mtlll
Project Will Be Invratlgatcd.
SALEM. Or- Oct. IX - Special.) Sot
only did President Taft deliver two
speeches her today and become an
honorary member of th Phllodorlan
IJterary Society of Willamette Univer
sity, the oldest literary society on th
Coaat. but hi visit to Salem assumed
unmeasurabl Importance when h
gave positive assurance to Governor
West that he would make a complete
Investigation of Oregon's needs aa far
as reclamation funda are concerned
and bend every energy toward aeelng
that th Umatilla project Is complet
ed and that Oregon secure it har
of this fund.
In addition, he promised that h
would request th Secretary of th
Interior to appoint a Federal agent to
co-operate with an agent appointed by
th tat to determine what swamp
land belong to Oregon and allow
them to be developed for the benefit of
the stale.
These two moves, whlrh for practical
results to the state are probably the
most important of any mad In Taff
visit to Oregon, wer brought to an
assurance In the automobile parade
thl morning after Governor West had
slipped Into the front sest of th auto
mobile beside th President.
Governor West called th attention
of th President to the fact that the
money derived from the sal of publlo
lands goes Into the reclamation fund
and that Oregon had contributed mors
than any other state toward thla fund
and had received th smallest returns
from such contribution.
"I appreciate th fact that no matter
where the money l apent It will Innur
to th benefit of aomeone." said th
Oovernor In his talk with Mr. Taft.
"But the Stat of Oregon feels that It
la getting th worst of It. W have
only asked for a little and we are
getting less than that. We have one
project the I matllla which la pecu
liarly ltuated o aa to be an Ideal
location. It is approachable both by
rail and water and la In the heart of a
well-settled country-
"The plana are all completed for
thla project and the money la avail
able. The people here believe that
you owe It to the tate. as Preeldent
of the United St'atea. to give a few
minute of your time In Investigation
of thla project."
Tb President declared to th Gov
ernor that h reallied ther I a senti
ment In Oregon that th tate haa not
received It ahare cf th reclamation
fund and that he believe th Uma
tilla project 1 entitled to hi most
careful consideration.
"I earnestly hop that my finding
will be such aa to warrant the com
pletion of the project at th earliest
possible moment." he said.
Governor V1 called hla at
tention to the fact that the state was
granted lands under the swamp land
act of 1M0. thousanda of acrea of which
belong to the stat and have never
been patented. ,
The President said -h would b
pleased to request th Secretary of
th Interior to appoint an agent to
confer with an agent appointed by th
state and If the Governor would com
municate with him by letter he will
make such a rquet Immediately upon
his return to Washington.
Governor West Is elated over the re
sult of hi conference relative to th
Umatilla project, aa he I confident that
It will mean a rejuvenation of that
system and will result In Its comple
tion, knowing as ha doe that ther is
merit in th project and that th re
sult of th President' Investigation
caa scarcely result In any other way.
President Taft arrived In Salem
thla morning at :J o'clock and that
his smll Is ever In evidence wa at
tested to by the fsct that som early
morning enthusiasts stood under his
car window and saluted him ahortly
after his arrival. The President's fae
appeared at th window, hla eve
opened and the smile lighted hla face
aa he bowed to th crowd outside.
The nrst official act on the pro
gramme waa th entertainment of th
President at breakfast at the Marlon
Hotel, when members of hi party and
leading cltlten of Salem and Oregon
wrre guests of the local reception com
mittee. Governor West sat at th right
of th President and Mayor Lachmund
at the left. Representative Hawley.
postmaster Farrar. Colonel Hofer. pub
lisher of th Capital Journal: R. J.
Hendricks, publisher of the Salem
Statesman: H. L. Tlttock. publisher of
Th Oregonlan: Secretary of Stat
Olcott: F. O. Peckebacb, C. U Dick.
Charles L McNary. President Homan.
of Willamette University: County
Judge Bushey; Judge P. II.
D-Arey and Max O Buren.
preeldent of the Board of Trade, and
Charles Roth, president cf the Salem
Buslnees Men's League, were among
the guests a well a newspaper cor
respondents and representatives of
railroad lines and telegraph companies.
Following th breakfast. President
Taft and tha party wer taken about
th city In automobllea and on one
place In their trip wer stopped by a
mi s i..,.."-- '. w . ' ;.L1M. sssai-sasrsaiCT
I-- 1 i-?&&e .,.eve- I
ln'rZi- iV ?-ef ,u
?tjiV'-ecir v : ; ,-v- ... T .
I- ..-' " -' -'f ' '"Sa r-'JmLMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmm
-PKESIDEJlT-a XRAIJf AT rNIOi DErflT. ad exci.mjer drew.
small army of school children, who
greeted th President by singing
At the courthouse th speech of the
day waa delivered before at least 000
Oovemor West spoke briefly, calling
attention to the lawa of Oregon, to the
fact that Oregon haa the recall, which
applies to the Judiciary a well as to
other public officer.
"But our Jurigea are so upright and
true that we do not need to exercise
the recall." ne said. "I may differ
from you in polltlca. but we like you
here. We ike you as President of
the United Statea and because you wear
the smile that never comes off."
Representative Hawley Introduced
President Taft aa "the man who haa
already written himself In history by
bla policies and his acta aa one of the
most consclentioua and honest Preel
denta that the country haa ever had."
In the morning 1'resldrnt Taft was
forwarded a resolution from J. O.
Stearns. Jr., and Merton K. PeLong,
urging him to become an honorary
member of the Phllodorlan Society of
Willamette University, the oldeat lit
erary society on the Paclllc Coast. In
hla broad hand the President readily
atgned 'his application and he Is now
a full-fledged honorary member of that
one of the surprises given the Pres
idential party while in thla city was
the quality of the roses which could
be grown In Salem residents' yards In
October. The Woman's Relief Corps
had collected from a number of Salem
people a large collection of pink La
France and other beautiful roses.
These were tastily arranged Into a
largo bouquet by a special committee
and sent by a messenger to be placed
In the President's private car where he
would And them upon his leaving tha
"Polllk-al Golf Field" Attraction at
Commercial Club.
Hundreds .of persons gathered yes
terday afternoon and last night at the
Commercial Club to get a glimpse of
the banquet hall where President Taft
and 250 others enjoyed an elaborate
banquet Wednesday night. The deco
rations were left Intact and the "Polit
ical Golf Field" display kept in opera
tion. The decorations for the Preeldent at
the Commercial Club and the Armory
will he taken down today. At the
Knights of Columbus Hall the decora
liens will be left for several days.
A scare was started yesterday morn
ing, when announcement waa mad that
a loaded revolver was found near the
entrance to the Armory Ty the police.
The report vn circulated that the gun
had been dropped by some person who
had plotted t assassinate the Presi
dent, but the atory fell through when
Edward C. Clement, postal Inspector,
reported that th weapon belonged to
him. He had acted as one of the secret
service men when the President left
the Armory and had dropped the gun
while running for the Presidents au
tomobile when It left the Armory to
go to the Knights of Columbus HalL
Th revolver w picked up by a po
liceman who aaw it dr'i from the in
spector's pocket. ' i
A committee of the 'Portland Minis
terial Association, comprising Rev. Al
bert Ehrgott. r.ev. Wllllanx Parsons and
Rev. C. K. Cllne, reportVl yesterday
that Its efforts to secure an Interview
with President Taft regarding the en
forced resignation of William E. John
son, chief special officer of the In
dian Bureau, had not been granted.
Chief Executive' Voire at Last Gives
Out Under Strain.
MEDFOUD. Or.. Oct. IX. (Special.)
Filling his car with Jonathan applea
and Ilartlett pears and the air with
snouts of welcome. X"00 men. women
and children greeted President Taft as
he passed through here tonight on his
way to San Francisco. Although he ex
pected to make a ten-mtnute talk, a
sudden fit cf hoarseness prevented hi
dltverlng but a few words of wel
come and thank for hi cordial recep
tion. '
Congresman Hawley Introduced th
President, commenting upon his serv
ice to th Nation, particularly In th
way of promoting th world's peace,
and a the President stepped to th
back of th platform the crowd broke
Into prolonged cheers.
-I don't ,now whether any of you
people have ever been subjected to the
continual . us ef the vole that ha
been my lot the last few days." said
Mr. Tail. DUl DoirseoMS i i'i"--lar
regret on such an occasion as this,
when your greeting' deserves a sincere
expression of appreclaton. I thank you
for coming. Goodbye, and good fortune
to you all."
Although the crowd was disappoint
ed, they seemed to appreciate the Pres
ident's predicament aDd cheered lustily
aa the train pulled out.
President Say Oregon's Represent
ative Is Influential.
nnovnirpn Or . Oct. 12. (Sneclal.)
Th striking feature of President
Taft's flve-mlnute address In Roseburg
thla afternoon waa his laudation of W.
C. Hawley. Representative from the t
Second Congressional district. The I
President said that Mr. Hawley waa
one of the most Influential men In
Congress and that he should be re
elected at the expiration of his present
"It Is not policy to change Represen
tatives often." continued the President,
"for the reason that little can be ac
complished by a Representative or Sen
ator during his first term. It is dur
ing the later terms that hla influence
Is felt and he succeeds In securing the
chairmanships of important commit
tees." President Taft also spoke in high
terms of the Umpqua Valley and West
ern Oregon.
"I have traveled extensively, said
Mr. Taft, "but never have enjoyed nat
ural scenery as. today. Tou have; a
paradise on earth, a country which can
well be termed a heaven.'.'
It Is estimated that fully 4000 per
sons greeted the President upon hi
arrival In Roseburg. hundreds of whom
came from the remote districts of the
county. Conspicuous among the gath
ering were many gray-haired veteran
from the Soldier' Home, many of whom
Insisted upon shaking the President's
hand. . While at Roseburg Mr. Taft was
presented with a beautiful wreath of
Douglas County rosea and a dressed
deer. He accepted the gifts with his
usual smile.
Eugene Refnlnds President of Rich
Fruit Yields In Valley.
EUGENE. Or.. Oct. JX. (Special.)
Huge, ripe and luscious October straw
berries will remind President Taft at
dinner tonight of his visit to Eugene
and the Willamette Valley. The ber
ries were grown In the Mohawk Val
lev. and a aufficient quantity waa pre
sented to the President to supply th
diner of his special train.
Fully X000 perons gathered at the
depot to welcome President Taft, the
crowd surpassing that which greeted
Colonel Roosevelt last Spring. Freight
care, warehouses, and every point of
vantage in the railroad yards were
black with people. President Taft spoke
br:fly of the great prosperity certain
to come to Eugene through railroad
building now in progress, and regret
ted tha briefness of his Btay. He spoke
of tne early completion of the Panama
Canal, and elicited thunderous applause
by the statement that if he ha his way
th battleship Oregon will be the first
to steam through the canal.
A brief stop" was made at the campus
of the University of Oregon, where the
President spoke briefly of the benefits
of university education, and wa speed
ed on his way ry rousing college cheer.
President Talks of Oregon's Re
sources to Applause.
ALBANY. Or.. Sept. II. (Special.)
Almost 4000 people greeted President
Taft. when his train stopped at Albany
for seven minutes today. Besides an
Immense crowd ,of local people there
was a large number here from Corval
lla. including a big delegation of Ore
gon Agricultural College student and
many persons from Lebanon, Browns
ville. Halsey, Sclo and other nearby
Th President's train arrived at
11:45. and Mr. Taft appeared on the
rear platform at once and was greet
ed enthusiastically.
Introduced by Representative Haw
ley. the President talked until the train
pulled out. He said he did not have
time to discuss political Issues, but
talked in a happy vein of Oregon's
resources and progress and, the Ameri
can spirit, as apparent In this state,
of loyalty of people to their own lo
calities. He was cheered enthusias
Why pay rent when you can just as easy own your own home?
Why spend all for living expenses when you do not have to?
Why allow your family to merely exist when they can really
live? "
' Why buy your provisions at retail when you can produce many
of them?
Why patronize dairies and creameries when you can have your
own fresh milk and eggs?
Why live in unpleasant surroundings when there's no need
of it?
Why tolerate the monotonies of the city when a better life
awaits you?
' Why deny yourself life's luxuries when you can just as well
have them? .
Why Submit to the High Cost of Living
When We Offer You the Solution?
Why not invest your rent money where it will pay for a home
for you?
Why not take advantage of the opportunity of the hour?
Why not break away from your expensive present-day mode .
of living?
Why not live a better, cheaper, happier, more contented life?
Why not let mother earth assist you by working directly for
Why not live in a neighborhood that is pleasant for your
Why not save and make money as well as to spend it?
Why not make an investment that is bound to be extremely
' Why not DO IT NOW? Why not investigate
Half-acre tracts are $625.00 and $725.00. Acres $1150 and $1200. And on easy terms.
Call at our office today.
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