Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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See the Interesting Demonstration in Fifth-Street Window of
"Metai-Aplika," Known as the New Art Craft in Metal Work
Bennett Plans of Futiire Portland Exhibited in Lobby of 7th
Fir. Restaurant Free Folder, Explaining Diagrams, to Visitors
THE METER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder.
Third Bay of the Great Uifodem
For Men, Women and Children! Entire Stock Reduced!
Entire Main Aisle from Fifth and Sixth Street in Addition to Regular Departments. Mail Orders Filled
WMm 1
Famous Richelieu fine ribbed
$1.25 Union Suits in high neck
long, short or no sleeves- knee or
ankle length. Beautifully propor
tioned, form -fitting O 9
garments in splendid
Winter weight, all sites
Famous Ilarvard Mills Union
Suits, of best $1.25 grade. Fine
ribbed cotton with high neck, long
sleeve, ankle length, warmly
fleece lined. Extra
sizes $1.50 at $1.19;
regular sizes at only
A splendid saving on the best 50c
grade of Children's heavy ribbed
cotton Vests and Pants in all regu
lar sizes. Excellent Winter weight
and style. Bargainized
for this Great Fall Un
derwear event, garment
Famous Cooper Natural "Wool
Ribbed Shirts and Drawers for men,
soli regularly at $1.50. Also warm
ribbed worsted wool in all sizes.
Perfectly finished and t
proportioned garments, y "PO
Priced for this sale only
$1.50 Vassar Union Suits, heavy
weight, S1.29.
$4 Vassar Union Suits, medium
weight lambs' wool, S3.59.
$5 Vassar Union Suits, finest silk
andJisle, S4.49.
Women's 1 Underwear
Harvard Mi'Js wool mixed
Verts and Pants, in high
reck, Jong sleeves, ankle
length. All regular "7Q
nires. Price, each
Women's 60c Underwear
Famona Harvard Mills fine
ribbed Vests and Pants in
high neck, long sleeve,
ankle length. Regular A O
sizes. Sale price, each
Women's $2 Union Suits
Harvard Mills famous
wool mixed Garments, in
Winter styles and weights.
All regular ?Q
sizes, at each ? '
Every Pair of Hosiery at a Reduction
Women's 25c Hosiery
800 pairs of blark cotton
Hc, in plain and mercer
ized finish, seamless with
double feet. Pale 1 Ar
nriM wr nair. onlv A"l
f M I v .
Women's 35c Hosiery
4000 pairs of medium and
heavy weight, plain and
mercerized Lisle Host, iu
black only. For O "7
this sale, per pair
Women's 60c Victor Black Lisle Hose, pair 33d
Women's $1 Vassar Silk Hose, every color, at 87
Women's 50c Cashmere
Hose Black only, with
sturdy gray tipped heels
and toes. A quality that
will give splendid OQ
wear Sale nrire nrJ'C
Women's 60c Silk Hosi
ery Pure thread silk boot
hosiery with double lisle
soles, heels and toes; lisle
tops. Black and f Q
colors. Sale price - C
Women's 35c Black Worsted Hosiery, pair 26
Women's 60c to $1 Fancy IAle Hose at Vi OFF
' Men's $1 Underwear
Fall and Winter weight
fancy ribbed Shirts and
Drawers in pink, blue and
ecru, all sizes CC
Sale price, each'JC
Men's Underwear
Splendid quality natural wool
Shirts and Drawers, of good
Winter weight. All sizes,
sizes. Sale price "7Q
at per garment only " p
Boys' 60c Underwear
Warm wool mixed Shirts and
Drawers in silver' gray
colors. For this big sale,
all sizes, will go O Q
at only, per garment wC
The Boys, Girls' and Men's Hosiery
Children's Cashmere
Hose Black only, with
gray heels and toes, 6turdy
ribbed quality, in all sizes.
In this sale, price OO
per pair at only""0"
Children's Missouri Mule Hose, the pair "iZVid
Infants' 25o Wool Hose, all colors, pair only 18
Children's Victor Hosi
ery The best school Hose
for boys and girls. Rein
forced linen heels and
toes, elastic tops. O O
RlacV onlv."iaalC
Men's 25c to 50c Hose
10,000 pairs of fancy lisle,
cotton and silk mercerized,
in every imaginable color
and fancy pattern, "t T
for this sale at only A C
Men's 50c Silk Socks
Pure silk in black, tan,
grays, navy, maroon and all
other shades. Sale Price
again, today at the OO
lnw Trife. t.TiA nair. aalaVw
i j x '
Men's $L50 Finest Silk Hose, colors, pair only 656
Men's 60c Imported Cashmere Wool Socks, pr. 35c
A Maker's Cancellation of $20 and $25 Fall Suits
What a Sale of Untrim'd Hats
Worth S3 to
$3.40 Only
A SALE on the fashionable Felt and Velvet Untrimmed
Hats, that you will have a hard time finding elsewhere
t any price!
' Over a dozen of the jauntiest shapes the roll-brimmed, the large round
crowns, the chie hood and upturned styles. Also reversible Felt Hats may
be worn with either color outside. New blues, dashing reds, browns, grays,
and other shades. ' Flats worth J3, $3.50, $4 and even $4.50-.
All Wings and Fancy Feathers at One-Third Off
One of the smart shapes mentioned above and a pretty feather or wing
iries you a jaunty, servicable Felt Hat. Large and medium f L'L,"
' Wings, Breasts and fancy Feathers of all kinds, 50c to $10 VTT
W r M m . Hi' I r ff a a-FT
i- .'I Cs ! '
L I' l l
Sketched plM hi
From ' J Lf-
$40.00 'V jly
The New "Polo"
Street and Even
ing Coat in One
AN innovation in the favorite
Polo Coats and, of course,
we're showing them here first. A Street and
Evening Coat in one, for they're reversible
pre-eminent for style and utility.
When Milady wears them during the day
she has a practical, modish Coat in black, blue
or brown. For evening wear she has a charm
ing, dressy wrap of white. Worn either side,
they're a perfect garment. What could be
more desirable and they're so chie and clever!
Snug and warm in genuine "Twineote"
cloth of thick, firm weaving, though light and
oft as "kitten's ear."
Xote the graceful, curving lines of the Coat
as pictured here. Our price for fl?!"! ff
these new Reversible Polos is VvU
Pretty Fall Dresses at $16.50
You 11 be astonished at the splendid quality
and modi.hness of these charming little
lrcs for afternoon and street wear. Made
of handsome serges, zibilines and Scotch
plaids. Even the lovely corduroy Dresses are
included in tuis special group at 510.50. High
and Dutch-neck styles short and long sleeves.
t lam and tnmmed models. You
choose from them today at only
Hichen's New Book
"The. Fruitful "Vine" just published,
is here in our 5th floor fi? 1 Ai
book store. Our price ia01a"rl-
"Across the Latitudes" John Flem
ming Wilson...: ..$1.25
"Havoc" E. Philip Oppenheim $1.23
"The Measure of a Man" Norman
Duncan, $1.25
"When Woman Proposes" Anne
Warner '..$1.25
"The Conflict" David Graham Phil
lips $1.30
"Strawberry Acres" Grace S. Rich
mond $1.20
"Sixes and Sevens" O. IIenry.$1.20
1 aa Ias"i- P
w 11
IUST ten davs
A Big Three-Days'
Sale Begins This
Mo rn in g Resulting
from This Phenomenal
Capture of 462 Suit's
ssv '
ago the -wire came from Fechheimer-Fishel,
makers.of the famous "EFF-EFF" Clothing,
celed order of new Fall and Winter Suits at
Xew York City,
ottering us this can
a sacrifice!
The price was too good to turn down and we ordered the
Suits hurried here on the first express. Now they're here
exactly 462 fine, all-wo ' ol, hand-tailored Suits that could not be
bought Jinder ordinary cir cumstances to sell below $20 and $25!
Why, there are many suits V in the lot on which the original whole
sale price was more than you will pay in this sale! SEE THEM
mornine at 8. continues until x Saturday night. Mail orders
promptly filled.
Every Suit Is Hand-Tailored
All Sizes. 34 to 44, for Men of All Bnilds
Rich Oak Browns Pencil Stripes
King George Bine New Plaids. Stripes
Fadeless Bine Serges Cheviots
Scotch Weaves
Unfinished Worsteds
Cassimeres and Velours
f i rvv,.
Three-Day Sale of Good Linens
Damask Cloths Greatly Reduced
EYYR, Y housewire knows the sterling worth ai
durability of these heavy German homespi
Linen Cloths I
Only because our Linen chief is now in the East hurrying on
new shipments, do we offer these stirring redactions on the larger
size Cloths. A three-days sale, beginning this mornintr.
Big Sale English Porcelain
To 30c Pieces at 1 1c
ONLY Lie for China that would sell regularlv at $2 and
$2.i0 a dozen. And they're decorated in the favored
wfll-known dark blue onion pattern.
Cnp and Saucers. 8-ineh oval vegetable Dishe. 6, 8 and 9-inch Tlates,
deep Bowl. Soup Plate and 9-inch Platters. Re
each at lie. J
Closeout of Porcelain Dinnerware
Such pretty, artistic shape and in the dainty white and gold Marquis
patterns. Nerer such a sale as this! Note the falloning prices:
0-l tnrtiklf Tnmhrm Jc. -lrch.
15: -lnch. ibc; c. 7-lm-h.
S3: -tn.. 3te. tie. -ln. -45
VfHiMt DMra I&c. S-lnh.
Br: 3v-. J-lnrh. lc i-loch.
IJta Bmm Plates 91.39.
I lrv Bnili 14. aa Bnli 15
M Oval Haflrr Utah. e4t.
l-3 Cam4 VavrtakU Olsa 14.
ntrtn for 23: Oc for 30
lie. -ljlfh. 19c; ic. -inrh.
43c IS-lnch. 34; SOc, 13-
Inch. 60: II. 14-Inch. TS: li ds.
U-ln, 1.24: 1:5". ll-ln, 1.S8
UK), l.-incn. 91.HB.
W( a-lara Mm Ulaaaa do. Ai:
tOc. 4 V, -inch, dot s.
Plata II. 4-lnci. dc. 75: I1.3J. J.
Inc:i. Job. H1.02. S 1 C v. -m-h, dn.
li ;T. 1-Inch, doi S1.S9.
0 Mm Baa (a SO.
S1.S IMa mi Plata, doacn. S1.43.
1 Man Tarvaa 1.2rt.
Sa kap l aaarralra $ 1 50.
Saaar Ban la 49f.
96 Cloths, 71x106 In $4
$6 Cloths, 81x81 in 84
$8 Cloths, 80x90 In $5
81.25 All-Linen Damask
Sturdy German liomespnn, 70
inches wide, in the natural
color, which will bleach QO
pure white. Today, yd'oc
$1 German Linen Damask
70 inches wide, silver bleached
very heavy and serviceable.
88.50 and $9 Cloths,90xl08 85.50
$9.50 Cloths, 90x126 In 87
111 Cloths, 90x144 in $8.50
9c Crash Toweling 16-inch
Russian Crash, cream bleached,
just the grade for .roller
towels. Sale price to
day, at the yard only
12y2e Linen Crash 17 inches
wide, unbleached and very serv
icable. The. kind nsed so mn
Pretty floral patterns. Q 7 for roller towels. For 11.
Sale price today, yard J this' sale at only ,yard lit
IM H a c rrama Had.
ami i'uU 70x4
Inch size, frtnirad -and
with cut corners for
htetal and brans beds.
: days' sala 1.39.
$3Mt Lara- Crtttel
Sareada 78x88-lnch
size, vary heavy. In
pretty Marseilles pat
terns. For this three
days' sale SI. 87.
14e Pillow Caaea 12x36
Inch size, of a heavy
firm quality, neatly
hemmed. Extra spe
cial In this three-days
sale, each 11.
13c Hea-ry Bleached
Cambric 3000 yards
of this splendid qual
ity, full 86 Inches
wide, without starch
or filling-. Yd. lO.
$13.50 Fiill-Size Duck-Covered
Trunks, Special Today, $ 1 1 .45
GOOD, sturdy "Trunks and Suitcases at worthrwhile sav
ings. And they're better than the kind you usually buy.
Full 38-inch,, waterproof Trunks, full cloth lined and fibre tfj--! 1 AC
bound, with two trays and two leather straps. Regularly $1350, at V
$13.25 34-inch Steamer Trunks
Fibre bound, cloth linad, with full cov
ered tray and two leather C 1 1 (Tl
straps. Sale price only V X
$6.00 Genuine ' Cowhide Suitcases
Linen' lined, with shirt-fold; strong
brass Jocks and bolts, spe
cial for three days only
pa" $4.85
Grace of Line & Thorough
Support in Famous
THAT'S the perfected feature of)
every La Grecque Corset.
Grace and beau'Jylof line combined with
thorough support, giving every -woman
whether of slight, medium or large pro
portions the supple figure that present
fashions demand.
Designed by Corset experts fitted on
living models, so no matter what your par
ticular requirements are we have a La
Grecque Corset made especially for
They're perfection, indeed!
' Model 4216 As pictured, is an exceedingly
shapely Corset for slender figures. Made with very
long hip and back. Fitted with three flJO OC
pairs of supporters, perfect fitting, at
Moled 391 Is ideal for stout and very full fig
ures. A long skirt style that thoroughly supports
the abdomen. Grace of line and eom- CQ EJfi
fort combined in this model at only fJJJ
Model 215 A unique style having the overlap
ping unboned lon skirt extension thai insures de
lightful comfort sitting or standing. A CC ff
ra wr
ff . Model
1 filil 4216
you. I y H I U M ,c