Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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Government Is Now After the
Coffee Trust.
VilnrluUnn Syndicate Ha Pat
Price at a Lerel Tint Warrant
ed by Actual Supplies
5ow Available.
A-cerllna: to Eastern, e-eounls. Attorner
Cnml Wlckereham U aosr eniacd IB one
of the moot complicated problem la the
ratter of trust lavesCfetloa which baa thua
far cosa to tbo atf.BUoa of tho Department
or Justice. Tbla ta bo Uos Uaa aa effort
to area tbo International corner IB tbo
Brortd OOpOlT Of COffML
Tbo ltmi which beaete sjuca aa ma
Ctertakras ar oo appreeiat! when It I a
r.Ula4 tbot tbo ao-callee! corner wao eoa
eelveii. perteeted aad engineered abroad, al
tboocb. ao some claim, eltlooao ot tbla conn
Try were Interested la It. Bat It la bllnrt
to bo doubtful vbtlhtr otob aa American's
yartlelpatlo la euca a deal with forelcaere.
la a ferelra Land, cob bo raehod here, par
llealarlr aa on. of tbo lonlf pnrtlelpnnte
u a aatloa ema which wo oBtortaln friendly
relatlona Tbo whole Inquiry, of coarse, ra
ters) ta tbo sow eol.Aralod rlraslllaa eorfee
ealortaemoa dtL Tbla bcaa eeveml years
ao. wb.n Braall borrowed a bus. jm
front F.urreea bankers aad oao or two
American baaktnc Institution, clvlnc aa er-c-tritjr
coffee, wtta aa ae-reeiaeat that It
ehonid bo a"'4 eoly on tho terma of tbo val
rMD syndicate. Braaire objeet. prtmar
Itr. waa to raiao funds la ber owa beaalf
and tncVJeatalir to boom tho Int.rasta or
ber of'se producers tnrruch tho artificially
high pcl-o f"r tbo berry In tho world'!
mark. 'a which moot follow.
A hrTy export tax was alas placed on
shipment of coffee from Braall. which tend
ed to reetrtet exports aad production and ao
still further enhance tho prion of tho staple.
Prastl's total production of tho borry has
Ml as bisk as 13.000.000 bass a ysar. near
ly ono-half eornlnsj ta tho United Statea A
aar ao last Jul- tbo prlco of Fraalllao
coRh at tho Now Tork CoMoo Eichaaia
waa abont Ta conta a pound. Within a day
or two tho asms srado sold for Is cents a
Last year tho Praslllan. crop was relatlvo
ly small. This a full yi.ld has booa
counted ea but botot sure, till harveated)
perhaps as muen aa lLOoo.Ooo bass. T-t.
within 15 months ths prlco hero baa doubled. are said to bo about Xono.Ouo bass
of Brazilian coffee stored In New Tork City,
one-hair of which la to protect tho financial
Interests back of tho Talorlsatlon scheme.
Coe-hnSf cannot, under ths terms of tho
radicate, bo released to the d'metle mar
ket prior to June T. 11
It la further claimed that the principal
ofrae-importlnc house, or oao of soon la
this country, has been a party ta restricting
sales of Braalllaa coffee hers within certain
re.lona alvtas prlco concessions to those
who handle ths berry under such restriction.
It Is said also that If tae Attorney-General
can prove thta he may hare soraethlne with
which to attack the American end of the
world's eoffe corner, tbrouch which Braall
holds ths price of a cup of coffee at her
owa disposal, aid.d and abetted, aa the Is.
by tho bis. bankers and eorfe Importers In
Europe and America. Meanwhile tho story
has It that Vnlt-d 8tatea District Attorney
wise, at N.w Tork. hss bees looking Into
th grounds la this particular cap.
Bid. Ars RsUrd Owe real All Arena Ort
eatal tloar Pemaail.
Ths European cargo market waa better
yeeterday and exporters quoted prtces a csnt
higher on club, fife snd forty-fold, bids be
ing at o 61 cents The demand for blue
etera was liht.. bat hold.ra were firm, aad
as d nil s cents.
Oats were firm .with a eontlnuaneo of ths
California demann. Local Quotations held
s $.10 a 31. Barley wss ftrm.but little of
It was available.
The Oriental flouf demand Is keeping up
welL Exporters are hampered, however. In
aceepltag its business by the lack of steam
er space. Tbera ta a fair local movement In
Loral receipts, la cars, were reported by
ths aferchsats Exchange aa fotlowe:
Wh-at Parley rlmirOtll Hay
MndY I T a IT l- 14 I'M 3 T 3
W r-n..1y 73 I a
Tear ll M 9 7 1 11
Ib-vi to date .Iv-.: 1 ST TM
Tear ago hi 141 TIO ii
BasiBews ta Soaoeaa at Iealrrs Bid M
oa Optlosi for Taklaaaa.
Ts Tesder lot of about 1 of hops
at psliM was bought by a s.l-m exporter
yesterday at 33 cents. This wss ths only
deal reported, though It was saM a eon .1 tie-able
amount of bu-tn-aa was dons In other
parts of the stats.
In Yakima, d-a'ers were trying for op
tions oa certain Jots at la rents
A California wire reported that Hall paid
A4 rents yeslerdsy for chotco A-norns.
The fallowing cabls was received by Isaao
Plneua A Sons from Ironmonger, of London:
"Market Is active and still sdvsnclng. De
mand la brisk. Every pro. pert of prices
artvsnclng further. Growers ars holding for
higher prl.-e..
Butter Market I. Also Very rtrna Twaltry
Boiecs Hold Bark.
Tho demand for cheese la active and
stocks ara sot heavy. Aa a consequence ths
local market la la a firm poattioa. Butter la
also very firm.
Poultry buvera ara taking only thetr Im
mediate requirements, and pnra bold the
same as at the openlnga of the week.
Larger' relelpts of dressed pork have
caused weskness In this line and 1 cents la
Bow tho top oa fancy. Veal holds steady.
Oregon eggs were In null supply and the
msrkrt waa firm.
California tirapeo Ars ITraa Scarcity of
tsrwnsee aad Lemaa..
Receipts of r-eschrs. mostly gotwaya, from
The Pal'ea and fcuthera Oregon continue
largo. Prices range from 33 to 03 cents.
Tbera waa a good demand for Caltfomta
grapes which were firm. The best Tokays
wars quoted at fl la cratee and el-S3 In
lugs. Xuscata la erstee sold tt M$m centa
and Malagas st -3 cents. Local Concords
were ateady at 3n ceete for halt and 33
centa for full baskets
The supply of lemons snd orangea waa
Bank Clearing.
Pank clearings of t:ia Northwestsra cities
yeeterdsy wera aa follow.
Clearings Balances.
. .: Jl i m
.. 1.171 HO l7.u7t
-i li.jjt
til.Ilt tJ.Oil
apksa.o .............
Klgla Pet sleep. Owe Coat per Powadi
ELOIN. Or., Oct- 10 (Special.) Tho fh-st
ssUo of potstoea of any Importance to bs re
corded this eeaeoa took plaee the beginning
of thla week, when Marry McXab and Cad'.a
Cra e ford disposed of about 3V0 sacks to 1
A. toop st 1 cent per pound.
Ths above sale reyreecat. menv hundred
dollara, but ta oalv a small fraction of the
BAsasT that will sour Into lexal drciaa Xrom
tba saje of the entire crop, which la eoa
aervaueely aatuaated at su.oOO sscks.
Grata, rvaar. Peed. Eta.
WH T. KT Expert bss'.- Blueetern. Iff) tic;
club 9:B-ttr: rel 710 7o; Vailey.
lau'ilc: forte-fold, utile.
. i i i,t ft ('stents 14 io per barrel;
er:shts. ; exports It SO: v!le. 4.M1
gr.k.3i f whole wb-il. 14 S3.
M I I.I.HT11TS Bran.. fa :3 par tea;
miiJii... in. shorts. ii U2. rouad
aarir 13 3tr34 AO.
con V u h 111: cracked. tt per toa
tARLIT-New feed. laJflJiSO per ton;
pree.r. 117 per ton
oiTK Na. 1 white. :11 per toa.
HAT No. 1. E. O- timothy. 1171:
la 1 Valley. t'.JOl": alfa-fa. li50; boxer,
liodll. grain. U0 12.
tsalry aa4 Caaati J rtadai a
POCLTRT Hens. 14; Springs. 14e;
tfucas. "us. Utile; geese. l-ic;; tur
kss. i8:-.
iCTl l.K Oregon creamery tatter, solid
p. X 3Jc; prints extra.
. ;o.i Pre.n Orega raaca. eaadled. AS
0 i t per d.sen.
(HtlUC-T.lss, trtputa aad delates. IS
Mwi- per poond: Young Amrlcaa. ldxa
PORK raacr. l.o per pound.
VEAL raacy. Il U-.C per pound.
VegetabUe aad STalta.
171 per boa: California graj--rult. tl.iu.
baaaaaa IjlHt per s.und. pmeepplaa. So
per pound. 1'moos. liJt.Ja per boa;
aomcrartate. II 30 per box.
KRtXH 'K.iro leaches, llfffjo T"'
box; p.uma. M 7s per crais; prunes. 29
Ho per pound, pears, tin I per box:
grapes. &3c(j412! per box: apple.. giai-I.
per box; cranberries. Ill'SI.K per barrel;
CasabAa. Illlal per dosen.
SACK VCiitrilll.r.n carrots. ft.S Bar
sack, turnips. II: beets. 113.
POTATOK3 Oregon, no par pound;
sweet potatoes ISO per pound.
ONIONS California, $l.:j per hun
dred KarrAflI."JI Art1ehoke. TSO per dosen;
beans Itlur: rabhga C 1 'i c per poun'I:
cauliflower. 730 110 per durn: corn, 2bff
toe per dosrn: cucumbers 1101 71 per sack;
ess-plant. 6 ft Se per niound: garltc 1001134
per pound: lettuce, eo 'j lie per dosea; hot
houee lettuce. Il.23ttl.73 per box: peppera.
lets par pouad; radialiea. 13He par Ouaen.
prouts. Id psr pound; tonaaloea. 4voeO
per boa.
Staple Orwrorlea.
aaLMOTf Oolumbia Rtvar. 1-pound talla
12.3ft per doaen ; f-pound tails. 1200; 1 -pouad
fi.ta. 1X40; Alaska plak. 1. pound
la is. f 1 IV
Ci'FPlkU Roaatsd. la drums. JifSOe par
H ON' BT Choice, ts TS par case: atralaed
honey, loo per pound.
eALT Oranulated. IIS per ton; hslf
ground. Iimis, It bo par ton; 90a, IS per toa.
NITS Wslnuts. llla per pound;
Braall tula. 14 010c: filberts. 16c; almonds,
HCPlSc; pecans. ISc; cocoanute. UOettll Pr
dosea: cheatnuta 1-Se per pound; hickory
Buta 6 3 10c per pound.
BCANii Small white, 4V.C. large white.
4c. Lima. Ixt; pink. 3Vc. Mexicans. Sas;
harou. So.
MICE Vo. 1 Japan. tlc: cheaper arBdos
I1WSIU: Southern head. S0Te: Im-
rrted Imperial, ftlao; Imported extra bio.
SCGAR Dry granulated. IT 55: fruit and
Sorry. 17.43; beet. 17 15: extra C. 17.03;
powdered, barrels, 17. SO; cubes, barrels,
I.RIED FRTITS Apples. 1o par pound;
apricota. 16glsle; ooech-s 12tfl4c:
prunes. Itsllan. lO'OlOVc; allver. ISc;'!!!",
whits and b.ack. t-i7v,c: currants. 10
lie; ral.lns. loose Muscatel. SV4OIS0;
bleached Thompson, llc: unblaachsd Sul
laaaa, S!io; seelsd. maa
Hspa. wrsal aad II Idee.
HOPS 1911 crop. SS9S3c: olds, nom
inal. '
MOHAIR Choice. S.KIJT0 per pound.
WOOL Ess'.em Oregon. S 0 ldo Per
pound. accorling to aorlakaeTo; Valley. 13
17o per pound.
PELTS Ory. 10V.e: lambs. tOStOo each:
Sbearlnca, ot4 each.
Hints ITidea. f10o per ponnd;
salted calf. Dgltc; salted kip,
green, unaalte.1. lo, less; dry calf, lSOSuc;
dry stags, licllSHa
CA0CAHA l'.r pound. So.
LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels STe;
Boiled. .In barrels Vic;
Soiled. In rases II 04.
Tl'RPtNTIN E LlltX Tic. WOOd barTSla,
SOSc: Iron bsrrels, ac: 10-caee lots, aao.
UAilOLl.N'KMutor gaaolinsb Iron barrels,
17c; caaea, S4o; d gaaollaa, Iroa aaxrala,
Sic: caeea, Seo.
COAL OIL Ordinary teat, nisiis ISos
hnX. la tanks. SUjc.
HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. H1H: IS to
14 pounds IIHOIK: 14 to IS pounds ISO
HSc: IS to IS pounds lnissc; aklBBsd.
ISc: nlcnlcs. Use: sottage roll. It Sc.
tllOKEU MblATS Ueef "tongues, TSoi
dried beef sets, none; ouLslda, booa,
; insiaes.
ZJc: knuckles, 310.
LAhli kettle rendered, tierces. lSt&o;
:a lc: stndsrd. tierces Ue: tuba.
liSc: shortening, tlercea, svac; tubs. vc.
BACON Fancy. 27c: ataadard, lie;
choice. g'Jc: Lncll.h. lOOISo.
DRT SALT cl'KKP Reaular abort dears,
dry salt. 11 c: smoked. 14 So: becks. Tight
aa;t, UHo; smoX.d, lle; backs, heavy
salt, sinoaeu, urwta
lea; siuok
r.von.Bu: showing is i.aE
Wa!lilnrton and Idaho i;eKrt a-arge
IiK-rea In I.labllltlea Con
dition. In the Kat.
In Ita compilation of failure ststl.tics for
tha first Bins months of 111. Dun s Review
shows Oregon In a very fevorsble position.
The total number of fallurca In tha atate
waa 14. a decrease of 74 as compared with
the sams period last year. The total Ita
Mlltlea were S74.4. aa Increase of 171.-
47 over tha same period or 114.
The total failurea In Washington num
bered 173, an Increase of 11. and tha total
liabilities I4.414.vl3. were IMH.l! greater
than In the corresponding period ot last
Ths California statistics for ths "two years
wera prscllcally ths same, but there were
large Increasea tbla rar In ths llabllltes
reported from Idaho. I'lah and Nevada.
Tha fgurea lor tns 1'scuic iosst group
follow: N
Aumoer. 1.1W111UW
1IL110. 11. 110.
Nevada .... 11 e g Ill.5
I talt 4 1
4 J 1.044 W 174 3)
Arsons 31 14 .-o
W..hlon ..175 1 4tJ.).o.V. 1.1SL..1
lrrgon ...'.It 15 STi).4 7.731
California ..411 4.1 S.2e0.?S I.S30.SI.
Total ....S l Sl.bi7.: 17. t43M
Kor tha nine months period IB the .New
Englsnd States there were totsl llabllltie.
of 14iJ. Bgslnst 14.471. til In 110.
llasssrhusetts reported l:.14.1:t. agalns
li.i.B44. Connecticut also reported a re
duction, but Vermont and Rhode Island
made Increases, Mains and New Hampshire
made decreases.
The liabilities In the Mlddls Atlsntlo
States totaled IH.iJ.l:i. agalnat I70.34.
1:4 In lle. New York! share was ll.
tsl.OOL. sgslnst l" SI3 34 In 119. a de
crease of 1:1.712. tie. Pennsylvania's ehare
wa. S 14.S 1 4. an Increase of J.417.S0.
and New Jersey s 13.044. 714. an Increase of
II li.44j.
The tvuth Atlantic States had llabllltes
of l:l571i'Oi. asalrst :!. 195 In lilt.
Alabama reported 1.7;agalnat 4.1.V
441. and Maryland l.8a77. agatn.t Sl.
171.731. Delaware. Virginia. Misatastppl,
Tennessee and tha District of Columbia also
msde reductions, while West Vlntlnis, North
Csrollas. Sout h Carolina. Georgia. Louisi
ana and Kentucky made increasea
In ths cloutheeetern Statea there wera 11
abllltlea Of 11.141 n)4. against t.4s.44t.
Missouri's shsre wss only Sl.v4.ll2. sgslnst
I4..0I.747 la 110. Arksnsas on the other
bard reported l.vl.7l. against $1.1)41.470.
In ths Centrsl Vlestern otatea the total
liabilities were 37.14.47. against $:I.!1.
: la 114. Ohio's .hare waa 19.11( 441. a
reduction of H lie.lut. and Illinois' wa.
111.44! 173. an Increase of 11.1:3.117. All
the Central Matea except Ohio aad viS.
con.ln reported Increased liabilities.
All of the Middle Westsrn States reported
Increases, the total for the aeotion being
1. 7 911.443. as compared with II III 111 10
Coffee) aad Sugar.
XEST YORK. Oct. IL Coffee cloaed
steady at from 41 to It point, net higher.
Bea 174.100 bags October and November,
11. Sue: December, title; January. 13 10c;
February. l 7oc: March. April. May, June.
Jul". Aagu.t and September. 11370.
Coffee foot firm. Rio No. T. ll0134,e:
Santos Na 4. li t II 1-lie. Mild coffee
frm. Cordova. 14 17a, e
Sugar Raw. Muscovado. 5 lest.
Site; rer.t-lfug.l. test. .:.-; mo:ssscs
sugar. I test, l.2?c Rsxuiad aicady.
Prices Bid Up Sharply in Last
Half Hour.-
Ipofit-Tklnf at the Ckre Rrslucfs
the Gains Somewhat CnlttMl
Sialro Steel Is Still tn
tier Selling- Preasore.
spirited bid
ding up ot pncea In tha last hour of trad-
. w uanb ir.eKenee tOdaV caTTled
quotations to a point well above tha Onal
range ot tho prarlous aay. 10. " .
. - ..I. ... r lenoortanco of a Ust-
. me .f - -
1 Csy. .v
I'nlon Paclflc, Southera PaelBo, Lshlgn.
Valley. Northern Paclhc, American Smelt
ing and American Beet Sugar ross to a
point or mora above yesterdays close on
ths upturn, and Reading, which had been
ths conspicuous wssk festurs of tho mar
ket, recovered Ita loss. Front-taking
just before tha oloss reduced these gain,
somewhat. .
tolled States Steel was BtUl under pres
sure. In tho lata upturn It rose lsss pro
portlonstely thsa other market leaders and
It waa the Oret to yield when proflt-taklng
sale, were begun. Despite tha denial of the
A ttorney-Oeneral that a ault against tne
rolled Statea Steel Corporation bad been
prepared and ths atatament of tho corpora
tion's heada that Ita operatlona wera within
the law. there exl.fa a widespread ,e"n
that the Government, aooner or later, will
endeavor to eetsblleh more clearly ths statu,
of ths largest comblnatloa In tha country.
American Tobacco par cent bonds roes
to so. tho highest prlco for ths movement,
which represented a gain ot 15 per oetit
Buying of these bond, waa stimulated by
reports that tha plan ot reorganisation had
been changed In such a way as to bcneSt
holders of these securities
Bunds were strong. Total sales, par
value. IJ.T10.000. United States bond, wcro
unchanged on calL
Sale.. High. Low. Bid.
A Ills Ohal pf .. !'" m1 " 12
Amal Copper .. S.fcx" R 4
Am Agrlcult .. 1"0 4 4S 4.S
Am Heel Sugar 1.1") 67 S B7ia
Amerl-an Can .. ! 10 l' 10
Am Car A Kdy. ' 4S 4S 47J.
Am Cotton OIL. buO J0i (
Am lid A Lt pf JO
Am lea Securl 1J J
Am Llnaeed
Am Locomotive 100 3S S3 S4 S
Am Smel A Kef S.OOO 4 , M 3 4.
do preferred.. 1" H'2 H'H 101
Am Steel Kily.. Z'M) SI 1 s '81
Am Sugar llef.
Am Tel A Tel.. no 144 1S4S 1S4S
Am Tobacco pf LOwO kS 7a
Am 'oolcn ..... SO
Anaconda M Co mo 82 S2 81H
Atchison 4.S' loSVi 1"4S 104
do preferred.. I00 l'W 1S 10"H
Atl Cosst Line.. 1"0 126 ll'4
Halt A Ohio ... 1.71)0 &S Stiib H4
Bethlehem Steel 27 S
Brook R Tran.. 700 T4 74 74
Canadian Pac .. & 227' 2J'x SilS,
Central Leather 100 21 S .IS 21
do preferred.. . ..... ..... S3
Central of N J "
Che. A Ohio ... W0 73 i 72 a 2
Chlcaxo A Alton ..... ..... 23
Chi GtAVe.t 1814
do preferred.. 8
Chicago A N W 400 14ai 1424 143H
C. M A Bt PauL 6.4'H) ltfta 107H 10S
C. C. C A St L. 2'M) t)2 2 1
Col Fuel Alron. 2oO 27 3 2dH
Col A Southern. 2"0 4S44 4 4H
Conaol Uaa 2i 137 137 H 187
Corn Producta l'0 11, 111k H
Dal A Hudson.. 100 102 1S2 1S1
I A R Grande 22
do preferred.. 100 4T 47 40
Distillers Secur Sot
Erie S.S0O 80 29 4 21t
do 1st pf .... soo 41 !a 4tf 4M
do 2d pf 40
Oen Klectrlo ... 4iM 130 130 140
Ot North Pf ... l.S"0 1251 124 123
Cit North Oro .. 41") W 49 SO
Illinois Central. SOO loo 187 1SS
Interbor Met 14
do preferred.. .... 44
Inter Harvester. AW) 103 108 102
Inter Marina pfk 100 14 14 14
Int Paper
lnt Pump 400 2tl tS M
Iowa Central IS
K C Southern 2S
do preferred.. 04
Laclede Oaa ... 4W 70314 3 OS 1(13
l.oula A Nash.. 4"0 147i 144 143
Minn A St L . . 100 Jo S3 83
M. S P A S S M 127
Mo. Ksn A Teg TOO 2 28 2
do preferTSd.. ..... 67
Mo Tsrinc 400 ".. S 87
Nat IlUcult ... luO 1-fl 12 123
National Lead.. ..... 104
N Y. Ont A Wok 84
Norfolk A Wee. 6,r0 10 10S 103
North Am .1... 10O 07 07 87
Northern Pas .. 2.0" 115 114 115
Pacific Mall ... 10 30 30 SO
Pennsylvania .-- 1.T0O 121 121 111
People's tlas ... - 2" 1'3 lliS 13
P. C 0 A .St L.. SO0 SI 4 t S4
Pltts'iurg Coal 17
Pressed S Car 28
Pull Pal Car .. S'Vl 13B 1R 136
Ry Fte.l Spring. l'K 27 27 27
Reading 11S.0O0 137 133- 136
Republic Pteel 22
do preferred.. 1"0 S4 S4 8
Rock I. land Co. Ll- 24 23 24
do preferred.. 2,kO 45 4.1 40
St L A S V 2 pf IOO S 8U 8i
bt L Southwest ..... 80
do preferred.. ..... 69
Slos. Sheffield - 37
Soulhern P.c .. S.7"0 log 10T 107
Southern Ily 7.r-i 2s4 27 "di
do preferred.. 2.7"0 tllli fi oftil
Tenn Copper .. 1.2"0 S3 84 34
Texas A Pac .. 100 24 24 23
Tol. St L A Wes in 1 i 17
do preferred.. 4'o 41 41 41
I'nlon Pacific .. 40.400 IOO lr.n 150
do preferred.. - SOO SI SO 1ov
V a Realty to
I- 8 Robber ... T.poo 4.1 43 4.1
U S Steel BT..1o .1l :. 5ui
do preferred.. "00 loSTi 10S 108
t"tah topper 2.2'H 41 1, 40s, 4j
Va-Caro Chem S- 4S 47 474
Wabash 100 11. 11 J 1 sj
do pref-rred.. ...... 23
Western 314. ... 40O S4 531,
Westing Kleo .. l.TMO S3 61 61
Western Union . 7yO 78 78 TS
Wheel A L E. jiT
Lehigh Valley .. S 700 138 1.18 157
Total sales for ths day. S3L1O0 shares.
NEW TORK. Oct. 11. Closing quotatlons-
V B ref 2. re.101;f T C gn 8s.. S7
do coupon .... 101 No Paelfle Ss. 6B.
V 6 Ss reg lol No Paetflo 4a... loo
do coupon lol L'nlon''Paclf1o aa.101
U S new 4. reg. Ill wis Cent 4e... 2B
do coupon . . .111 Japanese 4s .. SB
HOSTON". Oct. 11.
Alloues 2il
Amalg Copper.. 41
A V. L A Sin. . . 20
tt Boston.
-Closing quotations
i Nevada Con ....
Nlplsaing Mines,
i North Butte.... .
North Lake
Old Dominion...
iParrott (SAC).
Arlxona com . .
B A C C A a M.
Jiutts Coslltion
Csl A Anions.
. 47
Csl A Hecla
Centennial ..... 0U
wuiney .........
Shannon ........
Sup A Bog Mia..
do preferred...
Utah Con
L"tah Copper Co.
Winona ........
Cop Ran Con Co 51
E Butts Cop M. 8
Franklin 6
Olroux Con .... 3
Oranby Con ... J
Greene Cananea. 3
I Royalls (Cop) 13
Kerr Lsks. S
Lake Copper 24
La Salle Copper 4
Miami Copper... 17
Moaey, Kxchaaga, Eta.
NEW TORK, Oct. IL Money on call
steady. t;2 Pr cent: ruling rate, t:
c; bid. 2: oTfered at 2. Tfme loans
easy no days, Sij3 per cent, and 00 days,
j v, s 3 : atx month.. 8 S 4 per cant. Prima
mercantile paper. 4 per cenu
Sterling excrange firm with actual bust
Bees In bankers' bills st I4.S31S for CD-day
bi. s snd at H.W;iOS.Mi5 for demsnd.
Commercls! hll.s. 14.83. Bar sllesr. 6Jc.
Mexican dollars, 4Sc. Government bonds
stvsdy. railroad firm,
LONDON. Oct. IL Bar s 11 ear 24 S-164
per ounce.
Money lHfl psr cent. '
The rate of discount In tha opetKmarket
for abort blUs is 3 per cent; tor threw
month bills. IC per cent
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct, IL Sterling on
London. " dsvs. 4.J: do. sight, 14-58.
Drafts aight. Sc; telegraph. Be.
CHICAGO. Oct. 11. xchangs oa Now
Tork. lo discount.
Ceaditloa of tbo Treasury.
WAJ5HINQTOX. Oct. ULe-uU .S txtiO-.
I nine of bualnea
l'nltj 6tats 1
Working baaiaV&C
today ths condition of tho
Treasure waa:
.lance In Treasury of-
flees 7 S TS.4H7.14S
In banka and Philippine Treasury 34. 04.6-17
Total of the general fund 137.S10.PrtO
Receipta yeeterday ............. 'I'ltf-?i
Dlsburaements wera I.i40.103
The deficit to data this fiscal year la
121. 211.845, as against a deficit of llu.BsO,
271 st this time lsst ysar.
These figure, exclude Panama Canal and
public debt transsclions.
.Metal Markets.
NEW TORK, Oct. 11. Stsndard copper
Very dull. Spot. October. November, Decem
her. January. lL7Jw ll.Sio: London firm.
Spot. 54 Ss d. Futures, i.15 is. Arrivals
reported New Tork today. 23 tona. Cus-tom-House
return, show sxports of 5633 tons
so far this month. Lake copper 12.B0
12.62e; electrolytic, Li25 1 Li.37. and
casting. 129 12.24c .
Tin. weak. Spot. 40.TBtT41o: October. No
vember, December, January and February,
4.5o441c. London weak; spot. flSi 16.;
futures. 184 los. Sales In local market, five
tons spot at 41o and 21 tona November at
ULsao steady. 4 j34.0c New Tork, 4.18
4.25c East St. Louis London.' 1S 2s bd.
S.lea were reported locally of llVO0O pounds
Last St. Louis October at 4.15c
Fpelter atrong. 6-134J0.2.1C New Tork. SO
.20c Kaat St. Louia London, 12T 13a
Antlmony dull. Cook.on'., S.12 tS.25o.
Iron. Cleveland warranta, 4sa ld in
London. Locally Iron waa Quiet- No. 1
foundry Northern, IIS S5f 13.30; No. 2. 113
4 15.25: No. 1 southern and No. 1 Southern
soft. 115 013 30.
Ewe Bring $3, Yearlings $3.75 snd
Tjtvmbs $4 Hog Market
Is Steady.
Trading at tho stockyards yesterday wag
confined almost entirely to tho mutton di
vision. Receipta of ahocp and lambs were
tha largest tor a wsek. Most of them cams
from Klickitat County.
Full price, wsro realised oa most ot tho
offerings Lambs sold at 14. yearlings at
13.75 and good ewea at 13.
A few loada of hogs wera moved, choice
lights bringing 7.B0 and good to choice
'7Rece!pta yesterdsy wero 8 cattle. S calves,
155 hogs and 8184 sheep. .
Shlppera were J. T. Mooreland, Golden
dale. Wash., 1 csrlosd of -hogs: John v.
Ferguson, Lyla, Wash.. 11 carloads of
sheep, and L. E. Edwards Drain, Or., 1
carload of cattle, calves snd hogs.
Ths day's ssles wsro as follow.:
Weight. Price.
SS hors 210 !??
1 hog i
9 calves 1
97 swes
24 ewes
253 lsmbs
11 yearlings
17 ewea
92 2.50
86 2.50
77 4.00
104 3.73
S3 8.U0
10U 3.U0
41 ewea
551 EE" ?
VZ ::::::::::: 100 3.00
256 lsmbs " -
sjearnng. ;;;;;;:;:;::::?$ g;
81 hos, ". 117 7.50
83 hog. .. ...V." .. ....... 209 7.30
Urt hnSI ....... a -- a lT 7.35
1 Hi S90 6.40
Price, ouoted at tha Portland Union
Stockyards for tho various classes of stock
Cho'coesrs '5
Good to choice steers B.10&
Fslr to good stosrs i ii'i i -l
Medium stesr J-6?
Poor stsors rL,
choice cow. i r.iz, i v
Fair to good cows ISSf i'iS
Common cowa J 5S?J'.2
Extra choice .payed heifers 4.40 a e4 .so
Choice heifers i
Cholcs bull. 3.o0 3. i
5S?d to cholc. bull. . 1.00
common bulls J O?
Cholcs oalvss II?
Good to choice calves 7.00 if 7.75
Common calve. 0 J
Choice stag IV- til
Oood to choice stags 4.2a j? 4.60
Choicslght hogs J0 7.50
Good to choice hogs T.OOff 7.2.
Fair to good hogs J.oo
Common hogs .00 i.30
Choloe yearling wethers, coarse
wool 8.25 8 l.0
Choice yearling wethers, asst of
mountsln -t"9 3.23
Cholcs owe llll ?
Cholcs limb S'I?2 i -.
Cholcs yesrllngs J.50 3 ,5
Oood to ooolce lambs MS't i ll
Culls 1.60 a -
Chicago Livestock Markrt.
CHICAGO. Oct 11- Cattle Receipts, es
timated. 20.000; market, generally .teady.
Beeves. S4.S5B,8.30: Texa. steers. 84.159
S20; We.t.rn steeri, 84.25tJ6.80; itockers
snd feeders. 88.255.70: cows and heifers,
J21T6.10: eslves. 8.50B.oO.
Hon R.celpts, estimated. 23.0OO: market,
low to 6c lower. Light. f5.8CCr6.83; mixed.
ID a 4-70; heavy, 85.SoS60; rough, 85.609
6 10: good to choice heavy, 86.109 6.64; pigs.
84 20: bulk of sale". $.2uSiO.
Sh.ep Receipta eatlmated. 60.000; mar
ket, weak to loo lower. Native, I2.50'g4.15;
Western. 834.15: yearling.. 8354.S;
lambs. 84.2500: Western, 14.2546.10.
Prices Quoted at ths Bay City for caw
tables. Fruits, Eta.
SAN FRA'CISCO, Oct. IL Tho follow
ing produce prices wero current hero to
day: Vegetables Cucumbers 31 C 75c; garlic;
86 6c: tomatoes. 16y40o: eggplant. S5,J80o.
Butter Fancy creamery, 20c
Eggs Store, 89c; -fancy ranch, 40c '
Cheese Toung America, 15&lSc,
Fruit Apples, cholcs, II; common. 75c;
Mexican limes, $404.50; California lemons.
choice. SB-BO; common, LB0; pineapple, BS
w 8.
Potatoes Oregon Burr, en xa, 81.80 L40;
Salinas Burbanka, BLB0LSB; sweats, BL6S
MUlstuff. Bran. $28028; middlings. 33
Hay Wheat. 111020; wheat and oats. 11
C17; alfalfa. 12-
Onions 65080c
Receipts .Flour. 10.192 quarter sacks;
wheat. 1095 centals; barley, S0,4!1 centsls;
oaks, 401B centals; potatoes, 9o55 sacks;
bran. 7 SB sacks; middlings, 10B Backs; hay,
749 tona
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH Oa., Oct. IL Turpentine
firm. 414c; sales. 127 barrels; re
ceipts, 477 bsrrels: shipments, 241 barrels;
stocks 14.400 barrels
Rosin firm. Sales. 1200 pounds; receipta
2000 pounds; shipments, 161 pounds; stocks,
75 100 pounds Quote: B, .ltc: D, .35o;
E, 6 87444c; F, O. H. t.43 01.45c;
1 4.4701. 60c: K. 1.50c: M, t.470l.;oco
N, .7ec; WG. 7.10c; WW, 7.40c.
Dried Fruit at New Tork.
VEW TORK. Oct. 11. Evaporated apples
unsettlsd with fancy quoted at 100 lie;
choice. 0o and prime nominal. Fu
tures essy. October, November shipments;
prims, quoted at lc
Prunes quiet on the spot with quotations
7o to llo for California fruit up to 40-iOa
Oregon, continue nominal.
Peacbea dull, nominal with cholcs quoted
11011c: extra choice, 120120. and fancy
New Tork Cottoa Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. 11. Cotton futures
dosed barely ateady at a net decline of 4
to 4 points. October, t.41c; November, .42o;
Deoember. S-B7o; January. 1.40c; February,
41c; March, .4Bc; April, .Oc: May. 4c:
June, B.Tlc; July. 1. 76c: September, .61c
Spot closed quiet, unchanged. Mld-up-lasda.
1.74c; do Gulf. loo. No sales.
Chicago Produce Market.
CH7CAGO. Oct. 11. Butter Steady.
Creamarlea. 23 0 29c: dairies. 210 26c
Egg. Steady. Receipta 33O0 cases: at
mark, case. Included. 17c; firsts. 20c; prima
firsts. 21 c
Cheese Unsettled: daisies 14314e:
twins. 1801Sc; Toung Americas. 140
14c; long horns. 14014c
DulutA Fhsx Marks.
rTJLt-TH. Oct. 11. Flax on track and la
.tor.. 82 84: to arrive, 12.82; October.
82 8 bid: November. 2.29 bid; Decem
ber. 12.25 bid. .
Wool at Bt, I Amis.
BT. LOrTrt. Oct. 11. Wool Slow. Terri
tory snd Western mediums. 17 0 20c; fins
mediums. 170 19c; One. 11015c ;
Hops at Now Tork.
, NEW. XOBK. Oct, U.Tr-fiaasr-fitesu,. ,
Wheat Crop of .Argentina Is
Not Injure! -
Decline In Prices at Chicago Is
Checked br Evening-rp Trades
and the Close Is Fairly,
Firm, .
CHICAGO, Oct. 11 Because frost In
Argentina failed to work any Injury to
crop there was a generally weak tono to
day in the market for wheat, although overl
ing up of trades brought about a rally In
tho last half hour. Compared with last
night, tho close was o lower to a shade
advance. Corn finished to o down,
oats at 1-loe loss to o gala and provisions
varying from unchanged figures to Increased
cost of 7 010c . ...
In vlsw of tho Argentina reports, wheat
speculators were not surprised to sso the
market suffer a backsst at tha atart. Then,
too. tho weather In tho American and Can
adian Northwest had been fine and resulted
In Isrgs receipts. Minneapolis stocks ln
creaaad 1 iOO.OoO bushels In four daya, point
ing to another big vlalble supply total this
week. Tho windup was relaUvely firm. De
cember fluctustsd from 7o to 89Je.
with lsst sales a shade net higher, at 98a
In the corn crowd the bearish Influence
ot fins' weather wss an offset to good buying
for local speculators of tho largest sort.
December touched aa outside limits 84 c
and 64 c. closing ateady. but o off, at
640s4c Cash grades were offered In
only moderate way. No. 3 yellow finished
at 71 0 72c
Important resting orders to buy May osts
on tho basis of BO .cents strengthened other
options. December varied from 47047o
to 470, with the closa 47c exactly tho
aarne as last night.
Support from packers counteracted pro
vision weakness dus to lower prices tor
hoga At tho last gong, pork had. risen
7c to ' 10c Lard was unchanged to Be
up, aad ribs to 70 higher.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
t - WHEAT.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec S ' -
Msy L03 L04 1.03 1.04
July 9 .99 .98 .99
Deo. .14 .64
May , -6i .46 .46 .15
Dec .47 .47 .47 .47
Msy 60 .61 .60 .60
Jan. 15.12 15.20 16.10 15.10
Mar.,... 16.00 16.06 14.87 16.0S
Jan. 8.80 I.SO 8.7S 8.80
Jan . 7.90 . 7.92 7.87 T.92H
May 8.00 8.05 7.97 8.05
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady. $
Rye No. 2. 97 09SC
Barley Feed or mixing, 8OC0I1; fair to
choice malting, 81.10 01.2!.
- Timothy seed 111016.
Pork Mess, per barrel, $15.87015.50. .
Short rib. Sides, (loose). $7.768.60.
Sides Short, clear (boxed). 18.1708.50.
Orsln statistic.: v
Total clearances of- wheat and flour wsro
equal to 243.000 bushels Primary receipts
were 1,186.000 bushels. Estimated receipts
for tomorrow: Whest, 87 car.; corn, 147
cars; oats. 1B45 oars; hogs. 19.000 head,
Receipta Shipments
Flour, barrels 26,200 17.000
Wheat, bushels I2.S00 104.(00
Corn, brnmels 227.700 210.400
Oats, bushels ....... ...469.800 173,400
Rye. bushels 18.000
Barley, bushels 189,000 81,400
Pugot Sound Grata Market.
TACOMA. Oct. 11. Wheat Blue.tem,
SS'ffSSo; club. 80081c; fortyfold, 800 81c
Receipts wheat, 77 cars; barley. 2 cars;
oats, 8 cars; rye,' 1 car; hay, 10 cars,
SEATTLE. Oct. 11. Wheat Blueitem,
83c; fortyfold, 7o; fife. 79c; club, 79c; red
Russian. 77c; oats, 129.50 per ton; barley,
830.50 per ton; mixed corn, , 331. SO per ton;
yellow corn, 831.00 per ton. yesterday's car
receipts; Wheat, 46; oats, 14; hay, 65.
Grain at Saa Francisco.
Steady. Barley Firm.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. 81.4T
01.50 per cental. Barley Feed, 8L7O0L7S
per cental; brewing, 8LT50L77. Oata
Red. IL6O02; whits, S1.6S01.75; felack,
81.60 0LSO.
wAroveaua Grain Marketa.
LONDON, Oct. 11. Cargoes today ars
quiet,- but steady. Tho English country
markets are quiet, while the French oountry
markets continue stesdy. Walla Walla whsat
for shipment, 38s to 36s 8L
LIVERPOOL Oct. 11. Wheat Octoben,
Ts Bd: Deoember, 7s Bd; March, 7a Bd.
Weather, cloudy.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 11 Wheat
December. 8108; May. I1.1S; No. 1 hard.
81.09: No. 1 Northern, ILO90LO9; No.
2 Northern. LO70LO7; No. 8. L01
1.03. .
Yfomnrt Saj-s K, IT. Thompson, Jr.,
Ref used to Wed Her and She Sues.
Helen pt GoodeVe wants to be mar
ried, bnt she ays Robert H. Thomp
son, Jr's promise to wed has kept her
from accepting the overtures of others
of the male sex. She filed a $50,000
breach of promise suit against him in
the Circuit Court yesterday.
Thompson, who is the manager of
an auto company, declares that the
suit Is part of a blackmailing scheme,
and that the woman Is an adventuress.
He has retained an attorney to look
after his interests.
In her complaint the woman says
Thompson asked her on June 10 if she
would marry him provided he asked
her to, and that she said she would,
and obtained from him the promise to
marry within a reasonable time. This
he has steadfastly refused to do, she
declares, although she requested as
late as September 30 that he do so.
That Robert L. Hofthine is niggardly
and unarfectionate is the allegation of
Nina R. Hoffhine In a divorce complaint
filed with County Clerk Fields yester
day. She says she was married May
29, 1907. at Beatrice, Neb., and that they
have one child. Ignored and humili
ated at every opportunity, compelled
to give an account of her expenditures
to the last penny, refered to as a "mill
stone" about her husband's neck, and
knocked down after she returned from
the hospital and while she held their
babe In her arms, she desires that
this turbulent wedded life cease.
To Clatsop Beach,
The week-end special train to Gear
hart and Seaside leaving Portland 2:J0
P. M. Saturday, and returnlns Monday
morning;, la still in service via the
North Bank Roat
The train leaving Portland 6:S0 P. M.
Saturdays, runs through to Seaside; on
other days to Astoria only.
s I
Woodhurnr Bank Incorporates.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 11. (Special) The
Security Bank-of Woodburn filed arti
cles of Incorporation with the Secre
tary of State today. The bank is capi
talized at 8S5.000 and the Incorporators
are Sylvester Peterson, of Multnomah
County, and David Clark and John
Xilnaoodic, of Marlon County.,
National Bank
, CAPITAL $1,000,000
4 per cent
on savings
THE world's business today is trans
acted on credit, and credit can only be
established by good reputation. One of
the first requisites of a sound business rep
utation is a bank account The opening of
an account with a bank marks your intro
duction to its officers. 9 We take "personal inter
eat" in the business success and welfare of patrons
In 1586
Established 1859.
Capital . . .
. sa
gurplus and Undivided Profits.
Letters of credit, drafts and
able on all parts of the -world.
Corner Washington
First National Eanfi
Capital $1,500,000
'Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
The differ
ence in the
cost of the
same amount
of service by
the various
kinds of pave
ment during a
period of ten
years is decid
edly in favor
of bitulithic.
Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu
minous Pavements. 005-605 Klectrlo
bids., Portland, Or. Osltar Hob or.
Freight received
dally at Oak-at. dock
for T h e D a 1 1 ee.
Hood River. White
Salmon. Umatilla.
Kennearlclc P a e o.
Richland. Hanford,
White Blufta, and
Intermediate point.
Steamer leaeea Portland Sunday. Tneaday.
TAuraoay, 7 A. aa. neiuroine
-Dalle. Monday. Friday. 1 A. M..
arriving at roiiisnu auui. ;. "
W. S Buchanan, Supt.; W. 8. Smallwood.
.. . - .... . . - I UAA A .97.
uea i aigr. rnuoi a.m tmv, "
Steamer Anvil
ealla from Albero Dock No. S, Thursday,
October 12. 7 P. M., for Tillamook. Bay
City, Newport, Florence. Bandon and
Coqulllo River points. Ticket of flee 128
Third at. Phone Main 628. A 4606. Dock
phono A 1902, Main 151. Freight and
San Franclcso. Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Paclflo S. S. Co.". 8. S. Roanoke
and 6 S. Elder .all every Wednesday alter
nately at S P. at. Ticket oOlca U2 Third
st- car Alder
MAR TTX J. HT0T7EY, Paaeens;er Agent.
W, E. SLl'S&ER. Frailest Agent,
ffeonoa H. 1S14.A. ISla, -
Corner Fifth
and Stark;
and Second
. .! J
... $1,000,000. 00
eee - eea
. 800,000.00
travelers' checks issued, avail
and Third Streets.
Ask abont
in tha
Atlantic Transport
Red Star
White Star
White Star-Dominion
610 Second Ave., Seattle Waeh.
Apply lxcal aawwaj ascuu.
Expreee Service via
Leas Than 4 Day. at Sea by the
Weekly Sailing, to Europe.
Flrat-claa., $02.50; Winter month., $85.00.
Second-class, $53.75: One-class cabin (II). $iU
Friday, Dec. 1, Empress of Britain.
Saturday, Dec. 8, Lake Manitoba.
Friday, Dec 15, Empress of Ireland.
Berthing plans now open. Book Early.
Hamburg. Antwerp, Bremen, etc. $30, 131.25
Liverpool. London, Glasgow, Bel
fast . $31.23. $32.80
Norway, Denmark, Sweden ... $34.73, $37.25
Special rail rates on request.
J-. K- Johnson. G. A, 142 Third St.
All rail and S. S. agents sell Can. Pao.
Low Rates. Schedule Time.
213 Hallway ExcUaiiKO BldeT-.
Portlands Or.
Mala 637S. A 3S23
San Francisco and Los Angeles
S. S. Beaver Salla a I'. M. October 0.
Ticket Office, 142 Third St.
phone. Mala 40S and A 1408.
Willamette River Route
Dally Boats (except Sunday) 6:45 A.
M., for Oregon City.. Bt. Paul ana Way
For Salem 6:45, A M., Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays. Taylor Street
Dock. Telephone, Main 40.
CCnlon Una of N. Z.)
Direct through steamer., salllns from San
Francisco Oct. IS and every 28 days. Well
ington and back. 1st class. $264. Other rates
also low. The line to Isles of the Sooth Seas.
For reservation, .ee Coupon Railroad Agents,
or address Ooeanlo S. S. Ce.. San Francisco.
Sails from Alni worth Dock. Portland. S
p. M.., evary Tuesday. Freight raoelved at
Alnaworth Dock daily up to S P. M. Pas-
nK-r fara, t Irit-clasa, $10; aecond-claaa, J 7.
inciudinr xneala and berth. Ticket offlca
Alaaworth Dock, PiUBM j0a 0 Mal ,