Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Shipments to Orient So Far
Are 106,993 Barrels 150,
000 Mark Is Expected.
British Swamer Ossreatrr ITf for
thanrhal rarrylliK 1.SH.810
Frvt of Lumber Wheat Ex
ports Will Be Vnlr.
October Is credited so far with the
asportation of 10.S9 barrels f flour
to the Orient, there being; il.MO barrel
to be dispatched today on the Wn
house liner Kys-Js. which elesred yes
terdsv. A the liner fuvertc 1 to de
part before November 1 nd will have
at leant SO.000 barrel, the record for
the month will be In excess of 150.000
barrels. I-aat season the beat month
waa December with lll."l barrels ex
ported. In October. 110. the flour export
reached M.17J barrels and last month
they were but S4.i0 barrels, so Octo
ber will be a banner month. The Rys;
)as flour eara-o la valued at K4.1J
and In addition sh has 100.000 feet
of lumber.
t-day. and which a-ot away last re
nins:, was the Hrlttsh ateamer Oswes
try, bound for ShannhaL She carried
1.2U.H0 feet of lumber valued at $!.
. Of the. lot J.leS.SaO feet was load
ed here and the remainder at Astoria.
The cargoes of the tramps strathspey
and Strathblan will assist In making
a better showinsT for offirtw business
this month, and there 'will be more to
ao to tt-.o Far Kast.
The wheat exportation will be only
fair. The Russian bark Isabel Browne
haa started loading, even though her
lay days do not begin until October
1. and she may be finished be-fore thesx
The Hrltlsh steamer Heflopolt shifted
yesterday from the Kastern Wester
mill to the North Bank and commenced
loading wheat and will get away In a
Otklahamas Master's License Sur
prndcd for SO Ia.
For the next 30 daya Captain Richard
frandstrom, master of the fort of Port
land Commission steamer Ocklar.ama,
will be ereft of his authority a a
skipper and thereby prevented from
having; charge of a vessel In local
water as a result of a decision handed
down yesterday by Local Inspectors
Kdwards and Fuller. His license was
suspended for that period because of
Ms recent encounter with Captain
Brandt. master of the barkentlne
Ueorslna. In which Brandt was worsted.
The decision l under section 450. of
the fnlted States rvia statui-s.
finds that Sandstrom "was under the
Influence of liquor while acting und.r
authority of his license, and assaulting,
and Injuring the master of the bark
entlne licortlDS." There was a conflict
In testimony given before the Inepec
tor aa to Sandstrom's condition, also
as to provocation In connection with
the alleaed attack on Captain Brandt.
Suspension for 30 days l taken aa a
light penalty In view of the accusation,
t-andstrom's previous record Is believed
to have been taken Into consideration.
Sandhotr on Broadway Cronelng
Complete Task. "
Unexpectedly tha last caisson or tha
Broadway bridge haa reached a solid
foundation 0 feet below tha surface
of the Willamette, where packed gravel
has been found after nothing but
roars black sand was encountered In
the entire sinking; from the time the
caisson rested on the bed of the river.
If the City Knrlneer regards the
foundation as sufficient the work of
vesting tlie caisson will start today.
San.lhogs will then be laid off. as It Is
their nnal labor on the project. It Is
possible that the engineers will decide
tha calseon should be lowered on or
two fet more but In the opinion of
President (Stewart, of the Union Bridge
A Construction Company, the founda
tion Is permanent.
Yurth Member of Frernisa Elect to
lie Modern.
At Aberdeen Rday another adjunct
to th Coast steam schooner fleet, the
Peisv OadaKy. under construction for
th Freeman Steamship Company, la to
launched. The line also control
th Pa'sy. Haley Mitchell and Daisy
Freeman. The vessel Is the largest of
the type to be constructed on Graya
Her length la 1 i feet, her beam 41
feet and th depth of hold la 1 feet,
fine will be towed to Oakland to hav
ber machinery Installed, whl.-h, la ex
pected to develop 5S horsepower. Se
lect mat-rial has been used In her hull
construction and ber model Is th latest
In marine architecture.
The steamer Willamette, of th Mc
cormick fleet, will be. In service In
November. By t opening of next
Summer's business th Olson Mahony
Company will hava the last new steam,
er out and ther wi:i be other In
creases to th Coast coterl.
Plil to Be Opened at Seattle for
) Manila Shipment.
t'ncle Kan wants nearly J f 09 000
feet cf lumber for use In th Philip
pine and bids ar to be opened at
Seattle. N.-rerr.Ner 4. th exact amount
being I ?!. feet. In th competition.
Port; an r. m:::.-n wi.i stand an eq'iai
rl.anc aa th propcsals provide that
delivery ran he trad at either Portland
or Puget So-md points
"It Is th largest lumber order sorjgM
bv tn Oovemment In sven months
ana as th!srltv has th benefit of
steamship service to Manila, through
the medium of the Waterhoase feet,
there Is no reason why mills her
hoa'.d not ahar In t.i business. Most
ef th order Is for timbers, with a por
tion to b read up cf boards and On
Isr.lng lumber.
Casrnrn-floa w Oases for Firs Time)
oa "CoJambo Pay.
Whether Columbua Pay la a pohllc or
legal holiday will soak no difference
on th waterfront, as th Custom-Housa
staff has decided that It shall be ob
served aa are legal holidays and that
branch of the Government organiza
tion will remain closed today. Th
same stand haa been taken by long
shoremen' and It wa given out yester
day afternoon that If vessels ar
worked It will be with th usual extra
It Is th first time that th Custom
House has observed the date, due to
the fart that It la a Stat holiday
through the action of th last Legta
lature. Some of th steamboat lines
will not recognise the occasion to the
extent of authorising; extra pay.
Port of Portland Requested for tree
Towing In River.
Captain Brandt, of th barkentlne
Georglna. which Is loading lumber at
Knappton for Callao under engagement
to J. J. Moor Company, has mad
a proposition to th Port of Portland
Commission that If tha account against
th vessel fop towage from the sea to
Portland and from hero to Knappton.
to which will be added th trip to sea.
Is erased, ho will not hold tha com
mission responsible for his broken bow
sprl t.
The latter was Injured while the
Da t Arrive.
Nam. 9
From Date
. .Fan Francisco.In port
. . .San Francisco In
. . Hongkong. .. -in
,. iitodoa In
. .San Pedro. .. In
. . Pan Francisco In
Fa. con ,
IlK'Ami riAia . . TlllimMk Oct.
Alliance Eureka Oct. 13
Tillamook Cxiulll Oct. IS
Sue H. Elmora. Tillamook. .. -Oct. 14
Breakwater. .. toot Bar.... Oct. IS
Hoe CUT San Pedro... Oct. 15
Roanoke San Diego. .. .Oct. 10
Funrc Mania Oct. JO
Bearer Ban Pedro. . . . Oct. 20
tie. W. Elder. Jn Wso...Ocu J-l
frrttedttlrd t Depart.
uoidea Gate. .
3andoa. . ...
TlUamook. .
, San Pedro. .
Washington. . .
fue H. Elmore.
Breakwater. . .
Boanoke. . . . r.
fan Francisco
.Hn Francisco
. Eureka
. Tillamook....
. .Coos Hay
.Ban Francisco
Pan Bleco. .
.Fan Pedro. .
. Honskong. .
. San Pedro.
sn Diego..
Oct. Jt
Rose City. ... .
Geo. W. Elder,
Oct. ia
barkentlne was In the harbor, and Cap
tain Brandt alleges that It waa caused
by th steeuner Ocklahama colliding
with her. Members of the commission
are Inclined to the opinion that the
break resulted from the barkentlne
striking the drydock. The matter will
come up at today's meeting, when oth
er matters are considered.
' Marine Notes.
Merchanta Exchange messages yee
terday Included one announcing that
the French bark Buffori. bound to Port
land, had sailed from Hobart Octo
ber .
Negotiations are on to load the barge
Amy Turner with wheat for San Fran
cisco, The vessel haa been anchored
In th stream above the bridges for
over A month awaiting a charter.
Immigration Inspector Barbour haa
been informed that three West Indian
stowaways have aoapd from the Brit
ish steamer Hellopolls and on the as
sumption that the aklpper waa care
let s he. will endeavor to hold him re
sponsible. Superintendent Groves, of the Port
of Portland dredges, aays the dredge
Portland has shifted to the upper end
of Martin a to make a deeper cut and
tii at the dredge Columbia will econclude
work at Hunter this week.
Inspector Beck, of th Seventeenth
Lighthouse District, yesterday viewed
repairs on light vessel No. and ac
cepted the work. Considerable paint
ing remains to b done by the crew
and It la hoped to get the vessel start
ed for aea this week.
When the steamer Carlos sails for
San Francisco Tuesday aha will have
her hold full of grain and a deckload
of timber, the latter being consigned
to the Mare Island Navyyard. The
steamer Washington, sailing Saturday,
Is to take lumber at the plant of the
Multnomah box factory.
Aa a boiler for the new dredge San
Ii-go. launched at the yards of the
St, Johns Shipbuilding Company, for
the Standard American Dredging Com
pany, has arrived on the ateamer Car
los, the digger will be taken In tow
to- Oakland by the tug Sea Rover,
which sailed from San Francisco yes
terday. Major Morrow. Corps of Engineers,
L". 8. A., who haa returned from the
I'pper Columbia, says that he Inspected
the stream from Umatilla to Celllo,
making the trip on the ateamer Uma
tilla, and that channel work will start
Immediately at Squally Hook and John
Lay Rapids. The stream Is at a low
stage and everything Is favorable for
Inward manifests recorded yesterday
at the Custom House included those
of th steamers Bear. Washington. Yel
lowstone and Carlos, from bJI Fran
cisco. The British steamer Oswestry
cleared for Shanghai with lumber, the
Norwegian ateamer Rygja for the Ori
ent with flour and lumber, th ateamer
Geo. W. Elder for Ban Diego and way
porta with general cargo, and th
steamer Yellowstone for San Pedro with
JO. 000 feet of lumber.
Movement of VeajaeW.
PORTLAND. Oct. 11. Arrived tamr
Falcon, from San "Francisco: steamer Ca
tania, from Saa Franelseo. Balled t earner
Ceo. W. Elder, for Sea Diego and way porta:
British steamer Osweetry. for Shanghai.
Astoria. Oct. 11. Coadlllon at the snootn
of th river at P. M.. smooth: wind,
northwest It mile: weather, clear. Left
vp at midnight Steamer waahtagtoe. Sailed
at t A- M Steamers Elmore aad Oolden
list, for Tillamook: etea-ner anosboae. for
Saa Francisco. Arrive J t 1 aad left up
at It 3S A. M. Steamer rttlooa. from Saa
Francises. Arrived at II: IS A. sf. aad left
up at II 11 P. M Steamer Catania, tram
f aa Frmncleco. Sailed V " - Ji.
Steamer Breakwater, for Cooe Bay. Sailed
at I P. at.T-br1tlsa orteemer Strathvr-ey. for
ajdner. Silled at 1:1 P. si Bsrve Ta
eoma. for Puset Sound. Sailed at S P,
U . Herwentm HaiwaU. for Valparaiso.
Frmncleco. Oct. ll Arrived at T A.
w steamer Northland. from Portland.
a'.led laet nlvht Steamers Olana A Ma
hooey and Caere, for Portland: tug Sea
Bever. for Astorta,
Monterey. Oct. Ik Arrived at A. M.
Stramer J- A. Chan si or. from Portland.
Hobart. Oct, f eailed French bark Buf
fer., for Portiand.
Brtaane. 0 t. Il.-Arrtvd previously
Schooaer Americana, from Columbia Rivar.
Han Pedro. Oct. IS. eailed wteaaer
WuMtuv. foe Portland
Punta Areaae. Oct. I. Sailed Serapla
( f r-.m Tieomfti, for Hamburg
Recast. Oct. 11 saiied Cheleensla. for
ban r-ancleeo. Oct. 11 Arrived Weam
erv North. sa-t. from Colombia Rleor: O.
I indauer. from Oraee Barbor: bark BMart,
from Rotterdam balled pteamers Larllre,
for Moeolu:u- CTitn for Honskone. Jim
Butler. jjr ireerett, Brooklyn, for Bandea.
Hull. I 10. Arrived Centurtoa. from
Sen franc '.sc-o.
Seattle. Oct. 11 Arrived Steamer Prlnc
Oeorae. froinVrlsee Rapert: el earner Oov.
eraer from"5ouad ports, steamer North 'and.
r-ocn ' Tecoraa. balled Steaaner Prlnc
f. m so foe Portland renal: steomer North
for Tacoma. steamer Pncamea. for
Saa Franclaoo. steamer Santa Ana, for
southeaster a Alaska.
High. Lo-
A. M T 1 fWt r A. M I! feet
P. M....S.S feet IS 1J P. M -S t toot
a it
Grand Jury Hears Evidence
Against Murder Suspect.
Columbia County Sheriff Believes
St. Helens' Investigators Will
Hold Rancher for Death of
Mrs. Wehrman and Babe. ,
Much evidence of an tncrlminatina;
nature which Sheriff Thompson, of
Columbia County, haa against J. A.
Pender, suspected of the murder of
Mrs. Daisy Wehrman and her son,
Harold, aged t. In a lonely cabin near
6cappoose September 4.' waa Intro
duced before the grand Jury at St.
Helens yesterday and will. In the
opinion of the Sheriff, lead to an in
dlcttnent against the prisoner charg
ing murder In the first degree. The
Jury, it is believed, will not return a
report until tomorrow at the earliest.
Among the witnesses examined yes
terday were Ouy Whitney, the clerk
who la alleged to have given Pender
the paper which waa found unopened
In the Wehrman cabin: Mrs. R. E.
Bates, who declares that she placed
In tha community mall box Saturday
before the murder a package of
stenolled muslin, discovered unopened
by the authorities when they substan
tiated the suspicion that a murder bad
been committed, and J. M. Fry, the
Scappoose rancher, who says the pack
age of muslin was not in the mailbox
near Pender's residence at o'clock
on the afternoon of September 2.
within an hour and one-half of the
time Mrs. Batea declares she placed It
there in the presence of the prisoner.
Scratches Are Evidence.
Other witnesses examined were
Sheriff Thompson and two newspaper
men, who have followed the case
cloaely. They are presumed to have
testified to scratches on the suspect's
face about the time of the commission
of the crime. John Riley and Joe Hi
aon, whose cabin waa broken into and
from whose trunk was taken a re
volver that Pender knew about, were
also closeted with the Jury. Witnesses
called are also presumed to have testi
fied to Pender's explanation of his
movements the evening- of the jnurder.
Others summoned are believed to have
revealed discrepancies In Pender's
statements aa compared with the ob
servations of neighbors, particularly
Charles E. LIndloff, a neighbor of the
suspect, who has declared that he left
for Scappoos to catch a train to Port
land about 7 o'clock on the night of
the murder and failed to aee that
Pender bad his lamp lighted or waa
moving about the premises as the
prisoner declares.
Evldeare Mostly Circumstantial.
Revelations In the case to date in
dicate that the evidence against Pen
der will be largely circumstantial,
made up of facta trivial In them
selves, but which when combined lead
to strong suspicion against the pris
oner aa the man guilty of the crime.
Sheriff Thompson and L. L. Levlngs,
a private detective associated with
him in the case, say they have evi
dence of a much more direct character
than that yet revealed but thpy re
fuse to make it public, fearing that
the defense might "frame up" theories
and atorles to meet it.
Oeorge Grant, of Scappoose, a Dep
uty Sheriff,, who went- with Sheriff
Thompson to the Wehrman cabin to
verify the suspicions of murder en
tertained by Mrs. John Slercks. yes
terday revealed a circumstance which,
while unimportant in itself, is still
considered by the prosecution to be
material. Wben Grant and the Sheriff
passed Pender's house on their wa
to tha Werhman tract. Grant says
Pender asked where they were going
and that he replied. "Only up the roal
a little ways."
A day or two after the discovery of
the crime Grant declares that Pender
said that he had called to Sheriff
Thompaon and him, when they were
on their way back to Scappoose softer
verifying Mrs. Slercks' suspicions. On
being asked by the 'Deputy Sheriff
what he had wanted Pender is said
to have replied thaX be had wished to
send by them to tkappofta for some
As no one knew of the cvime at that
time except the authoVltiea. Mrs.
Slercks and her husband, and that
Grant had only on one occasion in
many years been anywhere In that
vicinity and Sheriff Thompson neVer
before, how, aaks Grant, did Pender
know that the Sheriff and he were
likely to paaa that way again In the
Immediate future
Superintendent Dodge, Now Well, Is"
Joked by His Xarse.
Fully recovered from an attack of
pneumonia, Frank T. Dodge, superin
tendent of the Water Department, is
again at his dealt and yesterday re
lated a Joke on himself.
"I had a trained nurse from Good
Samaritan Hospital." said Mr. Dodge.
"After my fever was over, she said
that I had undergone 'a. serious com
plication, but had emerged from it
satisfactorily. I replied that I could
scarcely understand that, aa my phy
sician had Informed me I had nothing
but pneumonia.
"Vry probably he did. she said,
but you also bad water on the brain.
Ton Buffered considerably from It. Tou
were scolding the contractors, for
failure to complete their work on time;
complaining of waste of water by care
less people and declaring th town
would burn op unless such awful reck
lessness waa stopped. Yea, you did
have water on the brain."
Denver Man Flghta Many Charges,
lattest Being Wife Desertion.
For the fourth time within a few
davs Ieo W. Martin, of Denver. Colo.,
applied to Presiding Circuit Judge
Gatena yesterday for a writ of habeas
corpus. Upon the three former writs
being Issued he was Immediately re
arrested. The last charge against him
is said to be wife desertion. He has
obtained a divorce from . his wife,
hence Judge Gatena considered this a
trumped-up charge. He released Mar
tin on 1100 ball., ordering that he ap
pear Saturday, at which time District
Attorney Cameron will ahow cause why
the latest habeas corpus writ should
not Issue. '
Writ No. t was rssned yesterday, and
Martin released on his own recog
nisance, only to b again taken in
custody on another charge, tele
graphic advice having been received
from the Colorado Humane Society.
After the first arrest Mjtrttn was
The first thing; to be done ia the
treatment of Catarrh is to bejria the
use of a medicine that will have a
direct effect on the source of the dis
ease; ia no other way can any cura
tive progress be made, S. S. S. does
this more quickly and satisfactorily
than any other medicine. It is the
most penetrating of all blood puri
fiers, thoroughly, yet gently, expell
ing all catarrhal matter and impuri
ties from the circulation, and by its
fine tonic properties strengtheninfr
and building; up the system ia such
healthy manner that it is enabled to
overcome the depressing; effects of
Catarrh. Some local treatment is
often desired to open the air passages
of the head and nose and relievo the
congestion and ticliJin?" of the
throat, and other unpleasant symp
toms. There are many helpful meas
ures which may be resorted to, and
there are others which may be harm
ful, and to aid Catarrh sufferers we
have prepared a special treatise oa
the disease which will be of great
value to any who suffer with this
trouble. This book together with
any medical advice free to all who
write and request it. Take S. S. S.
regularly and according to directions,
and it will certainly removethe cause
and cure your Catarrh. S. S. 5. is
Bold at drug; stores. .
discharged because no return was made
at the police station by the arresting
officer. The second arrest was npon
a telegraphic warrant from Denver, and
the second writ of habeas corpus was
Issued because the warrant did not
state a crime. In the meantime the
legal documents from Denver arrived,
and Martin was arrested for the third
time. He filed another application for
habeas corpus, and hearing was de
ferred upon the apllcatlon until extra
dition had been applied for to the Gov
ernor. Judge Gatena held that Martin
ought to be released for the third time
because the offense charged in the war
rant Is not a crime in Colorado.
As to the fourth charge Martin's
statement is that he was in Oregon
when the offense is alleged to have
been committed, and that the law under
which be Is charged with crime did not
take effect until after he had Jett
. 7
Watcl for Robbers in Tenantless
Home Is Unrewarded.
For seven nights Detectives Lytle
and Swenness lay in the deserted home
of Dr. Byron EL Miller, 30 Montgomery
street, waiting for the return of bur
glars who, after partially looting the
house, over a week ago, were expected
to return for other plunder left In plain
Debarred from light or Are and not
daring to move or talk, with the wind
whistling through a pane of glass
broken by the robbers on the first visit,
the two detectives kept watch and no
incident occurred to break the monot
ony except once, when an errant cat
leaped into the room and ruffled the
tedium of the watch.
Dr. and Mrs. Miller were away on
a tour of Europe. Mrs. Miller reached
Portland yesterday, while her husband
stayed behind in New York.
Councilman Joy, Who Iilkes to
Smoke, Gets Surprise.
Whether the city has legal power to
pass an ordinance prohibiting smoking
on cars of the various street railway
Sore Feet
Tired, Aching, Swollen, Smelly, Sweaty
Feet? Corns, Callouses or Bunions?
Use TIZ. It's Sure,vQuick
and Certain.
Yen WUi Enjoy trains TIZ. Tfce Ml
Pleasant Remedy Vo Ever' Tried
aad Moreover It Works.
At last here la instant relief and a
lasting permanent remedy for sore feet.
No more tired feet. No mors aching
feet. No more swollen, bad smelling,
weaty feet. No more corns. No mora
bunions. No more callouses, no matter
what alia your feet or what under th
aun you've tried without getting relief.
Just we TIZ.
TIZ Is totally unlike anything else
for the purpose you ever heard of. It's
the only foot remedy ever mads which
acta on the principle of drawing out all
the poisonous exudatlona which cause
sore feet. Powder and other remedies
merely clog up the pores. TIZ cleanses
them out and keeps them clean. It
works right off. You will feel better
the very first time it's used. Use it a
week and you can fotget you ever had
sore feet. There is nothing on earth
that can compare with It. TIZ is for
sale at all druggists 15 and SO cents per
box or direct if you wish from Walter
Luther Dodge & Co, Chicago, 111.
Causes Sickness
Good Health Impossible With a
. Disordered, Stomach
. There is nothing that will create
Sickness or cause more trouble than a
isordered stomach, and many people
dally contract serious maladies simply
through disregard or abuse of the
We urge every one suffering from
any stomach derangement, indigestion
or dvspepsls, whether acute or chronic,
to try Kexall Dyepepsle Tablets, with
the distinct understanding that we will
refund your money without question or
formality. If after reasonable use of
this medicine they are not satisfied
with the results. We recommend them
to our customers every day, and have
yet to hear of any one who haa not
been benefited by them. Three sixes,
25c. JOc and 11.00 a box. Sold only at
The Owl Drug Co, Inc., Cor. 7th and
Washington tile.
The Fake
Run to
When t began my advertising campaign againat th quarks
and fake doctors, soom of th "specialists" seemed to take often-
at my statements. No doubt "the aho pinch,- or
thay would not try "to cover up" by boldly announcing their
methods of doing business aid trying to convince the unsus
pecting public that th.y wire the J&fj"
Portland. I repeat. I am th only I -K (ill 1 , . r
ciallst in Portland, who owns his office and equipment, adver
tls.s his full and correct name, publishes hie recent and true
photograph and personally conducts his office. I do not hide
under a false nam nor publish a tJs plctur. nor make a fala
statement of any kind. . .
My service should not be compared with the quacks and
fake doctors who advertise one thing and do another who
promise Impossible 5-day cures who ar often compslled to
pay some unfortunate doctor a few dollars for the use of his
nam, which la put forth in brasen letters aa THE specialist of
the office who boldly advertises to "guarantee cures or refund
every dollar paid." and many other schemes to ft patients into
his arric sod ftr settlna his patient's money and dosing
. j . , . . .. -.. . ,nd
ruTned T in "he.lVh ZZd not a dollar refunded. "spec l"s depend sel- upon
faJse promisee to set their Business sw nire uirs.iricu.n .
'XofSrlng'mVcer'to 'the aff "ct.d-th. result of 1 yea' per.ence In .U
mente of men I am giving you theBJSST that can be had anywhere y reputa
tion for the past 18 years can leave no doubt aa to my ability honesty andlntrxrlty
and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that X am the FOREMOST
and LEADING Specialist In Portland. I do not make false promises. I PO"
skill and experience acquired In such a way that no other can share It and should
not b classed with the specialist who attains the nam apeclallat and name only
after a few months' experience. . , . -,
A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the special
ist he eonsulta. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend-upon you demand
tha best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this serytce. I
hav always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my aervlces raw De oMalned By
any man who sincerely desired to be cured. I make no misleading statements or
unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly independent I
would like to have you for a patient If you -will com, to me on a strictly Profes
sional basis, accepting Inducementa that I offer, which are my ability. 18 years suc
cessful experience, tlme-savlng treatment and cur of certain disease.
I dally demonstrate that Varicose Veins
can be cured in nearly all casea by one
treatment In such a satisfactory way
that the vital parts are preserved and
atrengthened. pain cease, swelling sub
sides, a healthy circulation la rapidly re
established. Instead of th depressing
conditions. . I guarantee you a cure to
stay cured or refund the money.
With these diseases you may have
more compllcatlona than are presented
by any other diseased organ. By my
searching Illumination of tha bladder I
determine accurately the disease and
by microscopic examination and urin
alysis I make doubly sure the condition
of the kidneys, thus laying foundations
for scientific treatment. .
Scientific treatment only should be
used In combating this loathesome dis
ease. X cure Blood Poison by the new
German Remedy which 1 introduce dl
rejt'.y Into the blood. purJying It, neu
tralising It and expelling poison from
the system. New blood thus formed
auppllea and rebuilds the tissues tn such
a way that the uatlent recovers his nor
mal state sf health, strength and sound
That disorder commonly known as
weakness haa for years and generations
. baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to
this vary day a majority of doctors, spe
I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured
I Offer a Free Consultation and Examination
My office Is open all day from A. M. to 0 P. M. and Sundays from to 1 only.
Aalllng men out of town who cannot call, write for dlagnoele, chart, and free ad
vice before beginning treatment elsewhere.
Dr.C.K. Holsman
' 221V2 Morrison Street
Corner First Street
Portland, Oregon
companies operating in Portland Is be
ing Investigated by City Attorney
Graat, at the request of Councilman
Baker. The latter asked Mr. Grant
about it during a session of the Coun
cil yesterday.
"My goodness. I hope you're not
thinking of Introducing such an ordl-
How the Quacks Work
tkLti .i t - -a ''.. a WSfcla.-j
rtn a n smith.
The Leading Specialist.
intend to seeA and if you can't see
me oizice, iw- x vo-x v m .
When I besran my campaign of personal advertising;, I expected t live
up to my inSounceenM fairly and squarely, and ihaye carried out this
pfan to the letter. .1 have no connection with any ""epical P"",. ,nI
"Institute " and I Assume the entire responsibility of treating ana """""j
myoatlents m weu'sTall financial matters. I have more money ln'.e'ed
Symr eabl"hmeni"hin all other Portland svertislng doctors, ' com
panies." etc.. combined, and 1 will give ov w an r " rhara7-for.
Watoh for my next announcement exposing how the extra-charge for
medicine "graft" is woruea or tno
humbua- to'the finish, and will not
quacK le it among ... , -. , financial
much right to advertise his specialty aa a bank has to PhHh i1"81,
standing, or a minister to announoe the subject of his ,ua'hle,f30b the
I also believe that to t the confidence of We opl he should bs the
first to fletht against quackery and humbug; In medical advertising.
Cured in 5 Days
I cur Varicose Veins, Piles, Blood
Poison, etc. In trflve days. If an
other doctor tells you this cant be
dona. It means only that he does not
know my methods. Let m prove It
to you. '
impair -vitality. I daily demonstrate
that varicose veins can bs cured In
nearly all cases py one treatment. In
such a satisfactory way that"- ths
vital parte are preserved and
strengthened,' pain ceases, swelling
subsides, a healthy circulation is
rapidly re-established, instead of the
depressing conditions. I guarantee
yoa a curs to stay cured or rfund
ths money.
With these ailments you may hava
more complications than are pre
sented by any other ailing organs.
By my searching illumination of the
bladder I determine accurately the
ailment, and by microscopical exam
ination and urinalysis I make dou
bly sure the condition of the kid
neys, thus laying foundation for
sclentlfio treatment.
rs A. X. ts 8 P. M. Sudays, 10 A. M. t 1 P. !.
By 1-s . J
mM,.,, lonti him OUt
minua hie money.
cialists not excepted, are attempting to
overcome it by methods that have been
In constant use and have alwaya failed
for half a century. They dose th system
with powerful stimulants and tonics,
calculated to reatore nervous " force or
strength that is not and never has been
lacking, with the result that the func
tions are temporarily excited to the pos-.
Itlve detriment of the patient- Weakness
is only a symptom resulting from many
local condltiona and la curable by local
treatment only, without the giving of a
single Internal doae. which demonstrate
the absolute accuracy of my understand
ing and treatment of this disorder. In
years I have not met with a single fail
ure and I hav entire confidenoe In my
ability to cure 'all casea that come to.
me for treatment. I am equally certain
that no treatment other than that which
1 have perfeoted can completely and
permanently restore strength and vigor.
MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients
have no confidence In their doctors, be
cause he demands pay before a cure has
been eSeoted and there are many who
hare been misinformed about their con
dition or throush unsuccessful treat
ment hav become skeptical and think
there Is no cure for them. I want an
opportunity to treat such men. It
makes no difference about the financial
part, as I accept pay for my aervlces as
benefits are derived; when I am satis
fled the patient is reliable. Health la
capital at interest- I will prove my abil
ity to cure before asking pay for my
-Please send me free your self-ex-sffiinatlon
blank, "For Men," aa I
desire to describe my case to you for
the purpose of taking treatment, if
1 decide you can cure me and your
charge la low enough to autt me.
nance," remarked Councilman Joy, an
inveterate smoker.
Mr. Baker maintained a discreet si
lence, but it is understood he intends
doing that very thing.
Have you dined at the Carlton?
In my fight against advertising
medical quacks, I find that one of
th worst features of the quacks is
the employing of a "case - taker."
The hired "case-taker" need not be
licensed to practice medicine, nor
even be a physician, but If the quack
knows a "case-taker" who has suave
and persuasive ways to get your
money, he makes his patients first
consult with the "case-taker," and
the same holds good with some ad
vertising "specialists."
Now, a doctor or medical "com
pany" does not employ a "case
taker" on account of his superior
skill to give treatment or ability to
cure, but to get more of your money.
Let your common sense tell you to
, . , -. wa a n H rnn out Of a
I a nr-fm nfriu if he exnects you to
fdo business with a "case-taker." If
(Dr. John LKe announces m wi
pers that he Is qualified as a speclal-
I . . 1 -,i - - rniitiit nn there-
iBt ana mm ------
for, INSIST upon meeting him man
to man. and face to face. Cut out
. 1 A . M els a awv rt VA11
him P?HONALI Vhen you call at
quc mm -;--
be .through m .long "there I. , a slng
I use Professor Ehrlich's wonder
ful new discovery, " 60," in cases of
Specific Blood Poison. It cures, and
Is the greatest marvel of medical
science. This new remedy has been
successfully ueed in thousands of
cases. Let me explain it to you.
I have long been a olose student of
the condition known as weakness in
men. Sufferers from this trouble
are nearly always told by their fam
ily physician that there la no help:
that it means wornout nature, and
that some powerful stimulant for
temporary effect is the only help. I
go deeper into the cause of the trou
ble and usually find a deranged or
damaged local condition responsible.
As long as a man lives he should be
as strong In every vital function as
he is physically constituted. I have
a scientific powerful and permanent
treatment for weakness, which is aa
natural and direct as it Is efficient.
Why treat with irresponelbles
when you can secure the expert
services of a responsible specialist?
Pee me If you have any of the fol
lowing ailments: Varicose Vets,
Nerve. Bless s4 tkls Allmcta,
Bladder Trouble. Blood Poisons,
Eroptloma, TlTcci. Plies er Flatsda.
234V3 Morrison
Corner of Second
Portland, Oregon
Consult FRED
Nerve. Blood and Skin Ailments
And Kidney and Bladder Trouble.
,"'';.' ty Come to me In
f Tj. ffinftrience and let
t -v? me s n o v
fv j-v V wonderful
v jjf ''sting a n
t'S T powers of
me show you the
d curative
t v.powers of my direct
1; c
. V Ne
af method of treat
'f ment Tou are
under nn obllga-
- qrTy tion to take treat-
V ' "a. ment unless my
v,P charges, terms and
sV " a r r a ngements are
sai " A n t I r elv satiflfac-
My Best Refer- tory to you. No ln
enee Ia NOT A Jurlous m e d 1 cines
DOLLAR NEED used which leave
BE PAID L""- after effects on the
T1I CURED, sj-stem. No deten
tion from business.
The following ailments are success
fully treated! Varicose Veins. Nerve,
Blood and Skin Ailments, Kidney aad
IT ladder T r o n b 1 e a. Blood Polaon,
Weakness, Eruption, Pile, Flatula.
WRITE If you cannot call write
for information regarding Dr.
Keefe's Treatment.
I meet you personally, consult
with you and treat you Individually
at all times until you are cured.
Legally qualified to practice in Ore
gon. Washington, C a 1 1 f o r nla and
9 to 5, 7 to S Dallyj Sunday, 10 to 1.
Portland, Or.
We cure quickly and permanently
all curable cases of VARICOSE
VEINS withont severe surgical
SON without Injurious drugs;
skillfully administered If pre
without stimulative remedies;
BLADDER and KIDNEY trouble!
PILES and aU RECTAL aliment of
rtnr Afrr PAT
FIED 1 your ab
solute protection.
Consultation, exam
ination and ' dlag
nosla free. Vt'ii
you want U a cure.
Come to um and get
It. Once under our
treatment, you will
quickly realize how
simple a thine- It Is
to get well in the
hands of a special
ist who knows his
business. Our cures
add not only years
to lire, but lire to
years. Office hours
dally, 8 to 5. Even
In us, 7 to 8. Sun
days, 10 to 1.
36 Washington St, Portland. O.
is what you will get
If you treat with me.
Results are quick and
positive. You are
benefited at once.
Men who have
dragged their cases
along for months
with some other spe
cialist are astonished
. . 1- 1., .1 . sffAota
of my r e m a r k a ble t,
t r e a t m e nt. I cure r,;
Varicose Veins, Piles, Sg3
tlsm. Stiff and Swollt
Bladder, etc.
Blood Ailments quick
ly and safely cured by
Consultation Free. Write or Call.
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 128 Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hours 9 A. M. tq8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
$1 o
Pay When Cored.
Den eral Debility.
Weak Newea, In-
of expoaure. overwork a nTo the rvio-
Iations 01 IN stores in".ir
Bladder and Kidney. Varleoa
Velaa. ajalekly and permanently
cured at small expense-
I cure such ailments as Varicose
Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison,
etc., completely and permanen t l y,
often with only a single treatment.
Office hours A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundsys. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
i-J.V, Washington St, Corner First.
Portland. Orec-on.
The old eminent Chlneep
doctor cures any disease
successfully. BUch as weak
ness, constipation, asthma,
catarrh, cancer, piles, nrT"
ousnees, rheumatism, blood
poison, lung, liver, kidney
and stomach trouble; also
private ailments of men and
women. No matter who haa
failed, -I guarantee a cure if
rnirnhu. t have scent a llfe-
... 1 .. harha and rraduated from
several universities and took post-graduate
co-rses in China. 1 have thousands of tes-timoniais-from
my srateful Patlenta. I use
only the most harmless Chinese herbs, re
gardless of the high price. 80 I can help
"ou. Call or write for symptom blank and
14SV4 First. S. E. cor. Alder. Portland. Or.
Chinese Doctor
fdade at Chines bertoa and
root medicine eurea all
kinds diseases of the heart.
Jungs, liver, stomach, kid
ney, blood troublss of maa
and woman when others
!alL If you suffer, call or
write to 232 Vi Wash, at,
tor. 3d. Room IS. Port. Or.
w,ai. iaiuuey
V ..: T