TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1911. IB 8 CENSUS TAKERS El Supervisor and Two Special Agents Are Charged With Fraud by Government.. ONE IS IN NEW ZEALAND K.mj II. krlly Arrfwtcd and Pata I'p Bail Warrant for Knnmml nr. Will Re Served in Taooma Today. TAi'OMA. Wash.. Oct. 11. liprial- Miur E. K.Uy. urrvlaor of th rront Quaint rus; W. A. MrKenile and tacy Conrln. sparlal census rniti, flv.- other Tacoman. all directly frnnnart.d with tha consus-taktna- In -ils rlty. war Indlctad lor by th )F dral Grand Jury, whlrh returned 14 avrt Indirtmenta to Judge llanfnrd rnd m dincharaad. t-lx of the In ictments do not concern tba cansus fc"s.. Kelly, who waa Indicted twice, one '11 rharm him with conspiracy to bid and abet the violation of the. cen u act. and another alle;lna- that ha ld-d and abetlM a violation 01 i toiui art. waa arreated late this aft rrnoon at the office of the L'nlted f-tateai I-latrlrt Court, where ha came It Inquire whether any Indlctmonta had B returned aaalnst htm. Kelly care i - u..nn.i Knnit far- 1 1 500 tn each rharse to appear at tba next term of lie I'Utnn inun. The warranta against Special Aaeent rrKenilr. who la still connected with e Census Bureau and residing. In SVaahlnton. 1. C and aaalnst Cor avln. who fled from Tacoma last May and Is now supposed to be In New Zea land, were not made out today, but tleerraphlc service la expected shortly . . u.r.A.u RmvIi. on the oth er five census Indictments will be had imorrow. aa ail tna inaici me vesldenta of Tacoma. What the Indlctmenta against Mc kenslo and Corwln allege la not known. The Indictment cnarglnir Kelly with ronsplracy waa not made public tonight . . . that ih. other alleaed conspirators are not in custody, but tba vther Indictment, wnicn ciir Kelly did -wilfully, unlawfully and k-lonlously aid. abet, eounael. command and Indues cenaua enumerators to make e-Ktulous returns." contains alx couats Sana cca"" v. - JWhltnav. Ernest C. Tanner. Howard . a-ady. Oeorrei E. noaa. roir an and Ellsworth A- Noble, all cai stus enumerators, to add S$J flctltloua frames to tha Taooma census roll. Kelly asserted tonight ha was abso- Jtrly Innocent of tho charges made gainst him and asaerted he still b- . ..iiibi fMinnlatlon of Tacoma "when the census waa taken waa at J.s.t ll.oa. "Never once, by word or Implication, did I aeak to Induce any enumerator -so make a fraudulent entry; further, more. If any were, made I have no knowledge of U said Kelly. "As to One Indictment chargln ma with con spiracy, that la ridiculous. I don t .even know what I am aacuaed of hav fca conspired, for 1 wss not permitted Wo see the Indictment. I expect to fcrove my Innocence of both charges 14 prove, it easily. A All I want la a Walr trial, and tha speedier tha batter. TTAFT TALKS ON PEACE I Cefittnaed Worn Ftret fa.. UNO BIHDICTMEHT .to the spirit of Portland by recounting What on this, his third visit to tha city. had foand It growing each tlma mora Attractive, and tha spirit, of progress wnore noticeable. -1 fear, though," he aald. laughingly, tliat III have to take the eilatence I Mount Hood on faith. Every pther Advantage la apparent and make an Impression upon the visitor " He brought forth the first round of pplauae In an Incidental way by de-e-'arlrg that one of the oblevte of his present "swing around the circle" la a help !! people of Fan Francisco jrn the sod for tha Exposition in time (st the Canal la completej before they sre ready for lt- Then he launched Into a dlaouselon the railroads and their present rela tions to tha public as a result of tha enactment of tha rata bills and tha amendments to the Interstate commerce art. lie aald that tha railroads' failure to respect the act of KIT caused the reorie lo demand and to ge a law -with teeth In It." and that elnce this rss rasaed. the defiance previously of fered by tha carriers haa disappeared. ;ehata have largely ceased and dla criminations. If there ha any. are pos lMe of elimination, be aald. Valr rtay la Asked. .Tilth this revolution on tho part of te railroads, even though It was tarred upon them, the President made aa appeal for fair play. -1-et us treat them as part of tha community. They are entitled to cor atderation." ha aald. -When we find SLjiyona trying to climb Into political or other power by denunciation of tha railroads without just causa. 1st us visit Mm with tha condemnation ha deserves. lsts leave the railroads to work out their own salvation under tha restric tions Imposed upon thera by law. but let ua take them out of politics and snake them stay out of politics." The President expressed his ronfl Crnce la tha poaslbliltiea for good con tained In the Supreme Court's decision's la the Standard Oil and tha American Tobacco cases. He aald that no busi ness roan will have difficulty In meet Jag the conditions, imposed by the court a hen It ordered those corporations to dissolve. He crlt Wised those who have found Vault with the decision because the r-rourt applied Its now famous "light of reason qualification to It, and defied ?"tb.oe publicists and Jurists and others, aba don't deserve the name." to bring arenrrete caaea that cannot be governed .vnder tha terms of tha ruling frewaa far Msjefcrefcera. -1 can't sea wky wa can't continue a have progreea In business within J.nes of tba law," he declared, after voicing tha belief that tha corpora awos whose dissolution Ties been or-er-ered will obey tka order. "Let's frown down upon tha muck eekers and those attacks of honesty and enterprise from which tha whole steeple benefit." He prefaced hJs remarks oa tha tariff by declaring that no changes ought to be made without a full un derstanding of the effecta. In Una with that Idea, ha aald. he has created the Tariff Board that Is to report Decem ber 1 all the facta In the woolen, and tha cotton achedulea and what ya ef fects will be. This board now la atudylng the cost of producing -those articles In Europe and In America, that It may have full knowledge on the subject. Because I didn't have such reports when Congress passed the wool and cotton achedulea, I vetoed them." he asserted. This brought forth tre mendous cheers. t'aaaervarloa Patent la Weak Conservation, ha admitted, la a ques tion of mora importance to the people of the Wast than to tha pe.ople of tha East. "It Is easy for as In the East, who have wasted all our resources, to give advice to yon people of the TVest on tha conservation of yours, who have not yet had tlma to use them." he said. "Really, these resources belong to all the people In the country, but In equity they belong more particularly to the people who live tn tha neighbor hood." He expressVd the belief that tbe Western people naturally think that conservation means savlnr the natural resources for their grandchildren, but he added that he favored only such conservation that will permit the peo ple now In the West to live long enough to have grandchildren. "While I am anxious to make progress In preserving these re sources." ha said. "It la neceesary that tha opportunity offered capital Is such that capital may coma In and develop the country." lteaemrre !- Favored. The Presliient declared himself sugaln In favor of the leaalng system for tho development of public resources. Ha pointed to the success of such a system In Canada. New Zealand and Tasmania. He urged the people to advlee their Senators and Rcpresentatlvea In Con grcss to do something that will encour age those who are waiting to develop tha 'country Into action. Hla plan for workmen's compensation provides for a system of Insurance thst an Injured employe may be able to obtain Immediate and certain benerita. He pointed out the necessity of a law that will take the cases of Injured worklngmen out of the courts, and de nounced the existing aystems In most states as a lottery. In appealing for mora stringent regulation of tha railroads' safety ap pltancM he declared that the statistics of killed and wounded on American 'railroads a few yeara ago were auch aa to bring the blush of shame to any loyal cltlxen. He pointed to tha Im provement of tho past few years as a noperul sign to the future. Peace Pace Denowaeeel. Mr. Taft irrew eloquent in discussing the arbitration measures. Ha bitterly denounced those who opposed them on the grounds that tha country thus Is making of Itself a coward, and de clared that tha United Stales now is such a powerful Nation that It can af ford to Ignore the petty annoyances caused by weaker and comparatively Insignificant countries. "Tha only way to get rid of war," he declared. "Is to furnish a substitute for It- sly Ideal and my hope is to have an arbitration court In which every na tion In the world will be able to find Justice." a He said that It Is Just as reasonable to arbitrate questiona of national honor aa It la to arbitrate those of personal honor. "I differ utterly." he exclaimed, "with the majority of tha Senate com mittee on foreign relations that haa disapproved of the provision in the treaties that allows either party to demand a year for consideration." He said that a year frequently "will five the people calmer and better Judg ment on subjects that might rails them to act unwisely if they acted In haste. The Prealdent'a speech In full waa: Mr. Mayor. .Ladln and Uentlemeo or Portland. My Pellow-Cltlxens: This Is the third time thst I have bad the honor of addressing the cltl sens of Portland. Each tlma that I come her It seems to me that your rlty has grown more attractive, and. that the spirit of progress, which waa evident the ftrat time, has continued In force to demonstrate your appre ciation and use of tha advantagea which Nature haa given you. I fear that I shall count today the ex istence of Mount Hood on faith (laughter but every other advant age Is apparent and makes a deep Im pression on the visitor. I want to thank tha people of Port land for their roost cordial reception. I am on a long trip. Thla la tba loth day of the 4 days of that trip and I live to tell you the tale. (Applause). 1 am ao conetltuted that an Invitation to visit a rlty In any part of the Uni ted States fr any purpose of a public or quast-publlc tvature has a great at traction for me and I like to accept It. Therefore when 1 had decided to visit Kansaa In order to celebrate th eemt-cenennlal of that stats and to vtsit r-an Francisco. In order that we might not be too lata In turning up tha aod of tha exposition, Icet the canal be complete before we got there laughter). 1 found myself In a situa tion where I felt like accepting and did accept every other Invitation all over the country In 11 different statea; and that Is how I am here to respond to your hoepltable Invitation to visit you. ' "Now. when a President visits as many atates as that and has tried to talk to audlencea under the conditlona that are confronting his Intelligent, earnest and patriotic citizens. I believe that It la hia duty to discuss with them the Issues that have been presented to Mm In the administration which you lave put upon hla responsibility, and to make such explanation as he can of those things which have not reached you in their full truth and significance. Federal la Mewl lea sort a at. "The Federal Government Is. of course, the most Important, because It Is tha largest government we have In this country, snd we have a good many. There are the municipal, tha county and the state governmrnts. The municipal government comes to us most closely, and then the county and the state and the Federal Government are In proportion more remote. But there are certain polnta at which th Federal Government touches th people moat closely, and it la with reference to those points that 1 should like to say something tonight. "First, with reference to the railroads the Interstate railroads that furnish us the arterial system of our commerce. Tha Interstate commerce law was passed In 177. That law was Intended to abolish undue discrimination, un reasonable rales, and the rebates fur nished to some and denied to others. With Judge Cooley at the head of the Commission, the railroad gave some at tention to the proceedings of thst Com mission, but after a time It became clear that they did not regard the Com mlaalon aa having sufficient power to require them to pay much attention to it. The proceedings to remedy Injus tice tn the fixing of th rates were so cumbersome, so slow, that It seemed as If tha statute offered very little reform." PORTLAND HOtEL Fifth DESIBABLE The Imperial Oregon Greatest Hotel ISO Rooms, 104 Suites, .With Privet Baths. sTEW FIREPROOF BUILDINQ Moderate Rates.' mi Metschaa A Sons. Prop. ftS""'.v : and strictly rooms; rate with bath, rooms; E. P. MORRIS, . Proprietor. sfflf! "life ifeff 1 ""jSS IIWI"" raUTATS HOTEL LENOX K. D. . H. JOROOUU, CORNER 3d AND MAIN ffet aad cM vTatsev Lane DKisaea Phaaa ta l&verr Re.sa RATES 01X)O smd Up a uii'iiyr?Si'A ; a. d. short. t-mL ft-- aU .stJ" " I 1. r tttt&xmtWWV:- 150111 HOniS CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Br ttVatli-j Cmas. RECEIVER IS DENIED niOTZMA.V - OAMPBELb SHOE COMPANY Iai THRIVIXG. Court Throws Ont Case Baaed on $00 Bill Which Waa 'Not Pre sented for Payment. The application of Edwin ClsrP Son. shoe manufacturers of the East, for a receiver for the Protxman-Camp-bell Shoe Company, has been thrown out cf court by Circuit Judge Catena. The receiver was demanded on tha fcroniid that a bill for t00 remained unpaid, but evidence showed It never bad been presented to the management of the company for payment. Eusrene c. protsmun. manager of tha company, said yesterday that th trouble arose . through fault of the treasurer; that nearly $10,000 In bills have been paid to the Clapp company sines the first of the year, and that the Proliman .firm la able and ready to ryav all bills on demand. "The firm has more than enough money to pay everything that Is due or nearly d;ie to anybody," eald Mr. Protaman. "It was so apparent to Judge Gatens himself that the applica tion for a receiver was a fraud that he threw the case ont of court at once, without giving our attorney an oppor tunity to present his aide of the caae. "As a matter of fact, this bill was never presented to us. No one ever came here and asked us to pay this money. The Protsman company Is sell ing goods right along, making money every day. and there Is no reason why this outrageous application should have been made." COUNT WANTS TO BURN Man Tired of Life FUe Long Plea With County Clerk. What are yea aad 1 But a stesr and a fry. A flas aud a srhlas A scramble for Mas. and a r4 hot fire when we (11 . This Is the ditty with which Count August Schaffelysky de Mukkadel d Castellane fr) more closes two-page document, filed with County Clark yields yesterday, in which th "Count" saks to be chloroformed and cremated. He ask that nla.aahea b scattered to Tha largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland ; unsurpassed, in elegance of accommodation or exoellenoe of cuisine. European plan $1.60 per day and upward. a. . BtltTntAWw. Maaagas, NEW PERKINS and Washintrton Sts. SUITES FOR PERMANENT 00- CUPANCY AT REDUCED BATES. A Hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Moderate price restaurant in conection. Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up. L. Q. Swetland, Mgr. C. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr. THE CORNELIUS The Rons of Welcome, corner Park and Aldart Euronean Dlan. new. modem up to date; fine aampla II par day ana up i up; rooms ta per day up; all outside our omnialua meats all tralna. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager.; HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington Mew Hotel, Elegantly Fnralsh. Rates $1 and Up SPKCLAX BATES FOR FElOLAJf KJfTS. Take aay ear at Dewst and tramafer at Waaalsstos St. M. E- roLKV. PROPRIETOR. BATHS. STS. ANAtU OPMSITC TH TOT KM eOi.S AMO eiOMSBH MUARC The interior of this hotel has been completely refitted, and every appoint ment now meets the approval of the most discriminating:. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its interior. Every thing new and modern. .. .. .'. .. The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND. ORE. .The leading; hotel of Portland. New, modern, fireproof and . ii i . j .... ceninuiy locawsa WRIGHT & DICKINSON WmismY. p-pttm. M. C. Dickinson. Mia. the winds from an aeroplane and that th ditty be chanted by his "creroa torieu" aa the aahea are thrown. The "Count" demands that his ex istence be ended by chloroform, and says It shall be the duty of the Sheriff, doctor or nurse to administer a liberal doae of the rug. and asks that all "professional opinions'' as to his chances of recovery, as well as all "prophecies, palmistry, clairvoyants and other guesswork" be totally disre garded. He asks that his executor be exonerated of all blame and that praise likewise be withheld. : Tank Locations Protested. Residents of Eouth Portland held a meeting last night to protest against tha location of th tjnlon OH Com pany's tanks at th foot of Porter street. Representatives of various man ufacturing plants in South Portland spoke sgainst th action of the City Council in granting the company tha right to locate Its plant In the district. It Is planned to prepare an ordinance and submit It by Initiative to the peo ple repealing the present oil tank ordi nance. Another meeting will be held tonight when th new ordinance will be drafted. DAILf METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. Tl. Maximum temper ature. 0 decrees; minimum, 40 decrees. River reading, s A- M., 1.1 feet; cbasge in last II hours. 1.3 feet fall. Total rain fall. & P. M. to t P. M.. none; total rain fall since September 1. nil. S Inches; normal, t it Inches: excess. J.l Inches. To tal aunahtn. 2 hours 26 mtnutea; poaalble. 11 hours 13 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level at 3 K M. . 3UW Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A weak high-pressure area is central over Idaho' and another hjgh-preaauro area of slight enerrr overlies the Upper Lake Re gion. The barometar Is relatively low over Arlsona and the pressure Is decresaing over Westers Oron and Western Washington. Precipitation, partly In the form of snow, has fallen In Idaho and Western Montana, local raj tie have oocurred In the Atlantic and Gulf Statea It is silently cooler In the Rocky Mountain States and senerally slight ly warmer In th Pacific States and In this Mississippi Valley. The conditions are favorable for clearing aad warmer weather Thursday cast of the Cascade Mountains, and for Increasing cloudiness followed by rain la Westera Ore gon and Western Washington. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, followed by Increasing cloudiness and rain; winds be coming southerly. Oregon and Washington Fair, followed by Increasing clondlneas and rain weat portion; warmer east portion; wlnda becoming south erly. Icaho Fair, preceded by rain or snow Southeast portion; warmer. EDWARD A- BEAU, District Forecaster. AMTSKMENT"-. sbsbbsws TUB SEASON'S EVENT sawawaas fjpii T f" TH EATE K A A X-J a J A J 7ta and TaTl' 3 NIGHTS Beginning TONIGHT MATINEE SATCBDAY HGtRiRUDE tat OFFMANlJ and her IMPERIAL KTSSIAX BALLET (La Saisea dee Ballets Kusses) 10 People 100 OWN ORCHESTRA Prices Both Evening and Matinee. Entire lower floor. $2; balcony, first B rows. S1.50: next 6 rows. 1: follow ing rows, 7Sc; last ft rows. BOc; gal lery, reserved. 75c; admission, 5c; .box seats, 12.90. Aut and carriage call, 10:45 o'clock. SEAT BALE TOMORROW HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor. Phonee Mala U A 1122. -t NIGHTS. Beginning Next SUNDAY " Special Price Mat. Tuesday. Mort. H. Singer Offers the Favorite Comedian. HARRY BULGER In th Musi c-t 1 Comedy Success. -THE FLIRTING PRTTCErS wa a V t U" 1 "Rl cony, firm 5 rows, $1; next 6 rows. .5cj lt 11 rows. &oc ua.iery. re-j-xveu sion. 60c, - Bpwclal Tuesday Matlne: Lower floor, f 1 Balcony, first 5 rows, 7i: In rear tirtft 0 rows. 50c Gallery, reserved. 85c; admis sion, 2ftc - BAKER THEATER Main t and A asee I. Raker. Mrr Tontrht All Week Bargain Mat. Wad., too. Mat. Sat. 25a. 50c The Tuneful Musical Comedy THE FLOWER OF THE RANCH By Jos. Howard. With Jess Harris. Betty Caldwell and! great cast and chorue. Beautiful song num bars. Rl-h In laughter. Evening prices. 85c 60c 78c $1.00. Next Week The Traveling Sal reman. SB UAIN a, a ion aiAJZXEH I KYZ92Y DAT THEATER 15-2S-50-75C vrv-wsr orrnnra a Nat M. Wills, "The Hapny Tramp." La Tltcomb. hi I Brown Brothers. Maud Hall Macy Co- Jf-JT? Brothers. June Imes. La Arm era A jctor. Matinee Every Day. inaiilinn- usfi..rl Vaudeville. airier. rSsle and Miller Char'e Bholo mew. Venetian Four, Robert iulgora. Nlb'e a ll. .randaroDe. Prices, lac ana TJneaumlled Vaudeville. aa yap at sw-t a .. . aaerrlll A Co. Featuring the Leap of leath; Dayton, the Four-Voiced Singer; A-Ba-Ue'e PostaslAl bnm: Doris Grand Opera Trio, Delaney C Wohlman. Ciertnide Mel. ill Co., Pantage- scope. Popular prices. Matinee Daily, vuiuuu z:3. s:;iu and :tm. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES nuilT' or SimdaaT- Per Line. One time 1 (Same ad two eon-cutlve times 22c (Same add three coniecutive times. ... .30c bame add six or saaten consecutive times. A6o Kemlttanoea must accompany out-oi-town orders. When one advertisement is not ran in con secutive itMiues tbe one-time rate applies. tell words count a one line on Cavata ad ertiment and no ad counted lor less than two lines. ... sharer s or book advertisements the charge will be based on tbe actual number of unes aw""-" " "- amf the number of words In each line. In w Today all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to tha Minatlons Wanted, Male. Mtuations Wanted, Female. Tha .nimvit rates apply to adverUrveineiits under "New Today' and all other cUsitlc tlons excepting the follow in: Oresonian will accept classilled advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser In a subscriber to either phone. o Ericee will be quoted- over the phone, but III will be rendered the following- day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over tbe phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisement, hituation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one in sertion only will be accepted for "Houses for Kent, Furniture for bale," ''Biiaiiieits Opportunities." "Koomin - houses" and Wanted to Rent. AUCTION 'SALES TODAY. Mortgage sale st Baker's Auction House, 152 Para St., at 10 A. M. aiEKTTNG NOTICES- OREGON COMMATfDERT, saar-'' a- tfnn hlal T h 11 T Hal V VarnlnC- at 7:30 o'clock. Ths attend ance of sojourning Sir K.nishts will be appreciated. C. F. WIEQAXD. Reo. SAMARITAN IX) DOB, NO. 2. L O. O. F. All msmbers are requested to meet at I. O. O. F. Halt this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock to pay a fraternal visit tq Minerva Lodge, No. VJ. VR. OSVOLD. Sec. MINERVA IX)DOE. NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Regular meetine next Thursday evening at T:& o'clock. Third degree visitors welcome. E. FRET. Secretary. BORN. LEWIS October 7. at llll 2d street S. E., to tha wife of John 1. . Lewis a son, John Mattey Lewis. . DIED. HANSON-In this city, Octobnr 11, Ines Hanson, beloved dsiuuter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hanson, ajced 2 years, 2 months. 14 days. The remains are at F1n!eys parlors. Funeral notice In & later Issue., MARKHAM In this city, October 11. at the family residence, 310. Stephens street. Marlnda Markham, aged 7i years. The remains are at Flnley s parlors. Funeral notice In a later Issue. FTLTON At the Good Samaritan Hospital. October 11, Benjamin. F. Fulton. Remains at Dunning A McEntee's undertaking par lors. FCTiXKAL NOTICES. CHART-ETON At the family residence, on iSauvlee Island, October 10. John H. C'harleton, aged 46 years, it months, -2 days. The funeral services will be held at Ftnley's parlors at 11:20 A. M. tomor row Friday), October i;t. Friends invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. BABB Tha funeral services of Anna S. Fabb will be held at the famllv residence, M East 15th su at 2 P. M. tofay (Thurs day). October 12. Friends Invited. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. F R A (3 The f u neral r vices of th s J ate Guatave L. Frag will be held at Fin lev's parlors at 1 P. M., Thursday, Octo ber 12- Friends invited. Interment Avah fcholum Cemetery. COSGROVE In this city, at the residence. 40S 1st st., J. J. Cosgrove, aged 7 months 1 day. Services will be-held to day at the above address at 3 P. M. Friends invited. PRAG Tha funeral services of Gustavo L. Pragwlil be held at Flnley's parlors at 1 F. M- today (Thursday). Friends in vited TOXSETH FLORAL CO., MAKil'A.M BLDG. FLORAL aOKMoNsL Phones: Main 6102; A 1101. Denning A McEntee, Funeral Directors, 7th and Fine. Phoae Main 40. Lady a sifttanU Office of County Coroner. , A. R. ZiXLKR CO.. 694 Williams eve. Phone East 1QK8, C1088. Lady attendant. j p. FIN LEY A kON. 3d and Madlaon. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A lStft. " EDWARD UOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct ors, gSO d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 602. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8- Dunning. Inc. E. 5'i. B -5-5. LEBCIi. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. aat 781. It USS. IsWj asalstaat. ILmBress OREGON HUT.IANE SOCIEH OFFirB CITY HAI.U. Main CSS, A UL BCMaXl OFFICSK. iierxeant Crata. tUsldance. U S. 24ta X. Eaer 47! A R. A. Sumatra, Res. SIS Wasoo St. W. 6. Eaton. Ra 13 E. Iftch. aiass 1!U Hor. Ambulance. A 6101; Pr. Ex. 4. I. labia, aundaya aad Holldara. A B1U: V. fut. 4; Trims. I. NEW TODAT. Country Home Every City Convenience. FOrR ACRES SPLEXDID VIEW. SI.X-BOOM MODERN RESIDENCE. 20 Minutes fcy Car. AO Mtnutes by Auto to Portland. Car Stop? at This Property. Beautiful Natural Parkins, Trees and Shrubs. FRCTT OP" ALL KINDS. Price 812,000 Dealrable Terme, Call for C. Q. Reagan. Boy on. CHAPIN" HERLOVT, Members of Portland Realty Board, 332-338 Chamber of Corarneree. GOOD NET 28 I On Cash Payment NET 15 Investment INCOME PROPERTY Bee Mr. Kupper. CHAPIN & HERLOW 33S Chamber f Commerce. 8-Room Residence Ladd Addition , CLOSE IN ' V Hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basement, every modern convenience; large lot, well located. PRICE S7OO0. VERY DESIRABLE TERMS. Call for C G. Reasaa. Buy Now of CHAPIN & HERLOW, Members of the Portland Realty Board, 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale APtfi RnDR4!M Consisting-of 14 Iota DIU DAnUAill on a prominent Sixth street corner, between Washington and Burnside streets, be low the market price. Desire to raise cash and will quote low price in order to make quick sale. There are no other lots avail able in this congested business district.. Ap- ply quickly toAL 498, Oresonlan. Income Business Properly 3 stores and 4 4-room apartments. Net Income 1600 Per Tear. Buyer must have $7000 caah. PRICE $13,000. Ask for Mr. Beck, with WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO,, v 272 Stark St. IRVINGTON HOME very ewen, large, oi-i vujii uuubc, doubly constructed throughout and modern in every particular; mree oea rlnomR and sleeDins:-DOrch: lot 50x100 east front on East Seventeenth, near Brazee. Price X65U0, 11500 cash and sou a month. GBrSSI A ZADOTV, - ' SIT Board of Trade III die, 4th and Oak. Mortgage Loans MORTGAGES FOB SALE JOHN BAIN S05 SPALDING BUILDING MONEY TO LOAN CIXY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST RATES, TERMS TO SCTT. A.H. BIRRELL CO., 202 M'KAV BUILDIXG, Third aad Stark. 1 O ACRES choice garden truck or chicken farm, eight miles by -wagon road, two rar linee; adjoining acreage selling at 350 and up. For quick turn will take $275. OWNER, 317 Railway Eich. Bldgr. 6 LOANS 6 818.000 TO LOA5 O IMPROVED PROPERTY Prudential Loan ft Trust Co., 416 Commercial Club Bids. COLMS, BERRIDGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worcester Block. PHone Mala 57. MORTGAGE LOANS CO JOHN E. CRONAN, JO J (J 002 Spaldlns Bids;. f Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. GOrDEV, Lrwla BnlldlnK. National Credit Association NOTE BROKERS, - COIXECTIOXS. 602 Worcester Bid. TO LOAN SIO.OOO, 7?r, on improved property. .1 I A f 4 II . in Venn Rldar. For Sale Barber Shop In Best Town in Oregon. A V 553, SEAL ESTATE. lor Sale Lota. LOSS-MERE bargain on 4Sd Bt. Good In vestment, good location, on block from car; jfealS. part cash, balance terms. Own r V TAi4. Orearonian. IRVINGTON lot. tiZZO, 50x100, on carllne; eui i rum . hub i m. ni'r- .van.i. ... Lueaaemann. -i fcitfcini: mug,. LAt'RELHL'KfiT-Lot 6, block 61, equity; $200 under tbe znarjcex; dj owner, au oe, Oregonian. ' A FLNE located lot, 15 minutes out, for Bale at your own price; i musi sen, aa a neea the money. AL 477, Oregonian. 100x100 APARTMENT site on Gllsan St.. between zoth ana liiox; a.,ow; very y terms. AO 46. -oregonian. 410 CASH; nice lot. tfuxlOO. near Firland; city water, srnifu bucci, r HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 132 THIRD BT. SNAP $2000 Lower Alblna lot, 1'K) ieet iroin Mississippi avenue, aiain izy-. KEAL ESTATE PEALTOS. Beck. William J15-31 Pailinr bld. BBUBAKER ft BENEDICT. 602 McKay bide. M 549. Chapln ft Herlow. SZ2 Chamlwr Commerca. Cook. B. S. ft Co SQ3 Corbott blflr. Jennlnr" ft Co. Main 183. J06 Oroniaa-PALMER-JON'ES CO.. H. F., 113 Comaw clU Club bid. ; Th Oron Real Estate Co.. Grand .. and Multnomah it. iHolladay AddiUn). REAL ESTATE. For Sato -Lota. DO TOU know that you can get three R0 foot lota or some acreago on the West Side In the new suburban townalte of Fa'.kei.ber)?. for the price of -on lot on tho East iStde, not"nearly as conveniently located? Eiectric etmion In center of property, also running stream, soil unsur passed, street, sidewalks and water sys tem now being contracted for; no assess ments; good school close- by; Falkenbera Is without doubt the "Beauty Spot of Portland.' Let us furnish you with a financial plan to begin the purchase of a home which will provide the facilities of the city and the advantages of the coun try. Ultimately you will wish that you owned In Falkenberg. Why not make tha best iuvestinent that you could ever mak, bow? Lots $150. Acreage $300. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. Corbet t bldg. ALKOT. See this elegant new addition, just put on the market, west slope of Mt. Tabor. East 50th st.. bet. Salmon and Taylor. AH Improvements. Including paved streets. 8 carlines, 3 blocks to fine school, and the prices are right. Terms 10 per cent down. S per cent per month; also 2 new homes in this tract. Just completed, of the roost modern and exclusive designs. Terms to suit, responsible parties. W. L. NASH. OWNER, 199 East SOth st. Phone Tabor T93. MONEY IS MADE IN CLOSE-IN LOTS. Tou pay but little more, but your rise In value is swift and sure. W offer in walking distance from business district on E 22d, near Pandv road, fine build ing lots from f1'JiO to $1900; Improved district; also a few big snaps In 50x100 lots near Slst St., for $UO0. Take Ros City cars to 22d st., office on grounds. Portland-Pacinc Inv. Co., 418 Railway Ex- change. Marshall 2T5S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW LOT. A fine view lot, 33 1-3x120, not far from Ford-st. bridge and overlooking tha city, facing on two streets; fine place to build one or two houses; must be sold quick; Eric $2200, half cash; not many bargains ke this. GRTJSSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. LAUKELHURST LOT. 60x100 feet, on Haaelforn Place, within one block of E. Ankeny and Montavilla carline; one of the most sightly lots In the addition; price $1650, terms. H P. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones Main 8699. A 2653. A CORNER LOT AT TOUR OWN PRICE. Lot 8. block 3, Broadway Add., 60x100, being th S. W. corner of We Idler and SOth sts. ; go and look at the lot and make me an otter; I am going to sell before Saturday. Main 1303. Mr. Burtm game. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, grand site, about 16.000 sq. ft., 1000 fit, above city, gentle (almost imperceptible) southern slope, magnificent view, 4 blocks car, suitable for Invalid with respiratory trouble, or for sanitarium ; $4ou0 any terms; no interest; must sell. XXX. Oregonian. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re trlcted district, near car, cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free ot charge. 202 Board of Trad bldg Mar - shall 47S. A 1022. - 3 FINE. SIGHTLY LOTS IN IRVINGTON. $1325 Broadway, near 29tli; easy terms. $1800 14th, near Thompson. $1300 12th. near Knott. THE BEST BARGAINS IN PORTLAND. CELLARS-ML'BTON CO.. 82B Yeon Bldg. Z KNOW of an exceptional bargain in a 61 6 -acre tract of fruit and alfalfa, land; also a five-acre tract with house, near Portland; you may have the information for the asking. C 518. Oregonian. WEST STARK AND 62D STS. Lots $50, easy terms; best buy In th City; new carline building; se us at one EMPIRE R&ALTY ft TRUST CO 402 Yeop bldg. Marshall 849. 100x100, CHOICE corner lot in cozy home section; two blocks to car; fine place for chickens and garden; you will like It; $1300; $30O down, b&ianc 0 per cent. 202 Henry bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. On 21at (50x100), between Stanton and Siskiyou sts. ; $1450; terms ; some street Improvements paid. AH 483, Oregonninn. BUSINESS LOT, WOODSTOCK. $550, A fine corner, adjoins new school, $230 cash, balance easy ; grab this. Fred W. German. 829 Burnside. M. or A 2776. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 1 1-10 acres. 5 minutes' walk from Pat ton road car. Only $2500. Terms. Main 855L BROOKE. A 3839. WILL sacrifice my 50x118 cleared lots, 12 foot alley, Elmhurst Add.; improvements paid; $600 cash. P 498, Oregonian. NICE corner lot In Laurelhurst, equity for sale. 50fi on th dollar. B 2150. For Sale House. FOR SALE, HOMES. 8 SNAPS IN IRVINGTON HOMES. $7500 A strictly modern 8-room resi dence; the finest lawns and homes In ths city surround this property. East 16th and Wasco. This is a choice snap. $7600-i-A good 8-room house, on corner lot: hard-surface streets, paid. East 8th and Multnomah. A splendid home and sjooa investment. CELLAR3-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. 1 WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT, WE WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAT YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING1 ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. DESIRABLE HOMES. We have some very desirable homes In the best residence sections In the city Portland Heights, Nob Hill, Irvlngton and Rtverdale at very reasonable prices and on favorable terms. If you think of pur chasing a home at from $5000 to $50,000 see R. F. BRYAN. Main 1963. A 1227. 505 Cham, of Com. V. MADISON-ST. BUNGALOW. A fine 6 -room bungalow; gas, electric ity full cement basement. No. 1 plumb ing; lot 4fxl00; fine lawn, lots of roses; on E. Madison St., near 40th; a fine loca tion; price only $3250', $500 cash and $-W per month. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. FINE PIEDMONT BARGAIN. I offer my fine 7 -room home with every convenience,, with 60x100 lot, for $5000; near cars and high school; this was origl- ' nally offered for $6500; house cost $4700 and lot is worth at least $1200; if you want a fine home, below cost, investigate. Owner, Woodlawn 2157. BUNGALOW, 508 ALBERTA ST. Nice 5-room bungalow, JSG8 Alberta at., between 10th and Uth, in the businest district; lot 40xS0; price a snap, $2500; $500 cash and $20 per month; better look at it today. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. 7-ROOM, new, modern residence on Port . land Heights for sale; has every conven ience; beautiful view; lot 60x115 feet. Price $13,00. See us for particulars. PARR1SH. WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder st. OWXtfR MUST SELL. Seven-room house with furniture. 08 East Side. 44th st. ; everything complete, worth $5500: sell for $4000 cash. J. W. HEFFERLIN REALTY CO., 203 Corbett Bldg. PLANS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. Full Details and Specifications $5. HOUSES OVER $1500 $10. FInelv Illustrated book free. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 322 Mohawk Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7 -room modern loone block car; '$4000. easy, terms. Main 8551. BROOKE. A 3839. nwERS sacrifice; greatest bargain; Rlch- u"' . . iw 1 1 TQ tunn mr -;.J.ia. .; mono Dunsoi"". -l twv cash, balance monthly; Immediate pos sess! on jinvest Igat etod ayi MODERN 5-room bungalow, wood cornice. WOOd Wttl U U 1 1 1 V , UUVB-caocO, J-'uvv.n kitchen; price $23uu, easy terms. Owner, ihone Marshall 354. p-QR SALE or rent, furnished 6-room modern nouse, ui" trlct- $3000, easy terms. Phone owner, C 2224. Only $2500. your own terms, or discount for some cash; 5-room cottage. 3 full lots. Telephone Tabor 1392. 100x100 OX Portland Heights with modern cottage for ,a500. on eaay terms. Can you beat it? Call 41 Spalding 'dg. r.nt K-room bunjtalow or a fi- room. two-story house, phon. Blivao. Tabor 708. ONLY $2250 Beautiful, modern bungalow; every convenience. C. L. Parker. 125 Greeley. ; 6-ROOM home near car. 2200; terms. 13S E. glat. Marshall 1564. , 3-P.OOM house. $700; lot alone worth $000, half cash, act quickly. 202 Henry bldg. irvI VGTON For sale, modern resi dence. For particulars phone C 23S4.