Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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A "
evtattee-nvmi Mel
"'T rtre:at!a ........ .Mala TT
Manaelas Eduer Mais TUT
und r Bdltur ......... .Mala Trt-
Inpniil noa M:a Jut
abulias Mala
"i-rtrau Ho'titea 1 h.r Imperial
Kwa HalUC Tools bt at II aciKk.
Bak-r Ift K-.B'I. M""'"
"Trie f.o.r the Eaaca." Toelht At
la (..
-ira aaJ ath Veud.vtlte. Tit la aft
" at t 1 ai4 taalaal at (-la.
MurnKtm THEATER r.ra Wull;
Va-vli.i. Tate a'tarsoa at . st
and tnea ilIN aa4 Ik
rmiori THEATER irratk and atefe-I
Ta: This aftaraooa at 1-It . la
els at at T l end a.
sl'st m pletarM. H A. M. I -
Ra Cttt Clc CuKAxa U1 Ac
cording la the report of a O. Hah-on-
treasurer of toe Kos. City Club,
which baa undertaken to build a club
house in Rom City Park. I17M baa
recelTed from All sources. Of
thia ana 1141 wn paid for the tea-foot
trip taken from tha club's property
to widen fiaadjr boulevard: t44 from
mambThlt. and bonda were Bold to
tna amount of 11110. On tha bulldler
' IM ba been paid and a balance
of I. i la due on the property. Tha
site la oa Bandy boulevard and Eaat
nrty.eeveni.t street, comprising;
nearly one acre, of land. and waa
bought from R 8. Joaaelyn for IIS".
It le Boar considered to be worth double
that amount. At a meetlnc held re
reorlr in the Km City iTeeby terlan
Church liooe waa nbtaln-d throuith tha
ale of bonda and by mimb-nhipa Of
thia amount KSe haa been paid.
'm to Pfc Coot 1100 John
Cook, who conducts a aaloon at Flrat
and Pine street, waa eentenred yeater
to pay $lo. the minimum fine, for
selling liquor to a drunk. Kriilenre waa
Introduce. 1 by the defense, to show that
"ok bad alwaya kept an orderly re
sort, and had Beyer before been In
solved In trouble with the police. On
of the wltneaaea aald Cook waa tha
only honest aaloonkeeper In Portland.
Testlfrlna; In hla own behalf. Cook
aald that It had alwaya been tha rule
of hla eetabllahmrnt never to aell
llnuor to a drunken person, lie aald
he bad been conducting hla aaloon la
the eame placa for 2$ rears. Tha ar
resting policeman teatlfled that tha
two men who boucht tha liquor had
been turned away at three, placea be
fore entering Cook e placa.
Km-ir Booklet Oct. Booklets
printed by tha Kalacada Commercial
Club, ihowlni tha reanurcea of that
section, are In circulation. Tha book
let waa prepared by tha Commercial
Club and the Fruit Growers" Associa
tion. Jt contalna a number of half-tone
views of the district exploited. Fif
teen thousand copies of tha booklet
wera printed and wera paid for by sub
scriptions, tha largest belt) tha Port
land Hallway. Llfhl A Tower Company.
The Commercial Club la making prep
arationa for a banquet to ba Etvaa
son at Hotel Eatacada. Tr. H. A.
Adlx. L. E. Helfils and It M. Blandish
comprlaa the committee of trranif
ments. Tha club recently obtained IS
new members.
Protest Mesttwo o To-norcr. Coun
cilman Montac will attend a meeting
of ue cltlxena of the Sixth Ward, to ba
held In J ones' Hall. Front and Otbbs
streets, at o'clock tonight, for tha
purpose of protesting- against the locat
ing of oil tanka In that district by the
I'nlon OH Company. He said yesterday
that he will hear what bis constituents
have to say and that he will then take
whatever action they recommend. Tha
Indignation meeting Is to bo held under
tha auspices of the South Portland
Boosters' Club, with tha announced In
tention of Instituting meana to drlva
tha oil company out of that aectlon of
tha city.
Joseph Buaaaaan. Piokeer. Viwrrs
Crrr Joseph Hurkbard. at ona tlma
bualneaa man and property owner on
the East Pule And who built tha Burk
bard building on Kast Burnald street,
ts visiting the city on business. Mr.
Hurkhard moved to Los Angelea, CaL.
It yeara ago and acquired largo hold
ings there. The three-story brick
structure built by him on East Burn
side street In early days, shortly after
the completion of the Burnslde bridge,
coat S.oo. Now the building and
aita are valued at mora than $250,000.
Mr. Burkhard will be In tha city for
aeveral days.
Cmt.o WEtjARR Show Frjro Asked.
Mrs. K. II. Tate yesterday morning ad
dressed the City Council on tha child
welfare exhibit. to be given next
month by tha Congress of Mothers In
tha Armory. Fhe asked, on behalf of
tha organisation, of which aha la presi
dent, that an appropriation bo mads by
the Council to assist In defraying the
expenses of tha exhibition. The sub
ject waa referred to the ways and
means committee, with Instructions to
provide all the money that ran be
Cn-ra- Ewoivkkb Ptvis Rbttrrs.
ISeorge 1. lals, chief engineer of tha
Pacific Kallwjiy ar Navigation Com
pany, with Mrs. f'avtA. returned yea
terday from California. where they
have spent more than two month A Mr.
I 'a via. who went away on leave of
absence because of I'.lneaa. haa recov
ered hia health completely, and has re
sumed his former position. While In
California Mr. and Mra. Davie vlatted
In San Diego, Is Angeles and Han
Mra Masbi. R Askt, Bi rieiv Tha
funeral of Mrs. Mabel B. Abel, who
oi.-d at tioi East Seventy-seventh
sfVeet In tha Southeast Side, Tuesday,
waa held yeaterday from the Lenta
Baptist Church. Rev. Albert Ehrgott.
of the Est 8lda Baptist Church, con
ducted fhe services, and Interment was
made In Mount hrott Cemetery. Mrs.
Abel was tha wife of W. A. Abel and
was 14 years old.
Hire FVT-Toie. (3. Paasbs Awat. Ben
Fulton, an old resident of the Kast Side,
died yesterday at Oood Samaritan Hos
pital where he had been for several
nvn:h. Mr. Fu'.ton was ti years of
age. Ha had been la falling health for
axvrral jtftrt Ha waa a member of
Portland lJre of Elka. which will
have charge of tha funeral.
Motoers-Teachbsb Cuts to Meet.
The Mathers-Teachers Club of tha
Brooklyn school, will bold Its annual
meeting In the assembly hall Friday
afternoon at J.l o'clock to elect of
ficera and receive new teachers. An
address on "Sex Hygiene" will ba de
livered by a Portland physician.
OnAsia Ball, at Armory. Columbus
day tOctober II). given by Columbua
Xay Celebration Association; Tlgano
Italian Band of 19 pieces; grand march
at t:10: King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella will lead the march: Professor
lUngler. maater of cercraoniea. Admla
alon. II per couple.
IXgcw WiTia Btste-w Bot-c.HT. Tha
City Council yesterday morning voted
aa appropriation of 110. 01 for tha
purchase of th prlvata water plant of
I. B. Fleck. It Is IB the Woodstock
district and will servo a large popula
tion. Euot Ricimon Piamxed. A recep
tion will be tendered Dr. T. U Eliot at
the fnltarlaa Chapel Friday night at t
o'clock on the occasion of hla birthday,
to which bis friends are Invited to at
tend. Ft-xirrstpg W. C T. I. to Mtrr. Tha
punnyslde Women's Christian Temper
aoce Inlon will meet at the Frlenda
Church. Thirty-fifth and Main streets,
today at J.l P. M.,
tcunn Coal. per ton, delivered,
rhotes Mlo .is. A USs.
Crowds attend Oaks risk dally.
Mrs. O. E. Morsb at Rest. Funeral
services for tha lata Mrs. George E.
Morse, wbo died Friday. October a.
wera held Sunday. October (. at tha
borne of Mr. and Mr a Harry C. Palnton,
at Jennings Lodge. Or. Rev. K. T. Zim
merman and Rev. C S. Bergstresser of
ficiated at tha services at tha housa
and at tha crematorium. Tha pall
bearers were: Thomaa Lewis, Salem:
L. Schwander. Mountalndale: Richard
Eddy. Iubuqua, Iowa: R- Backer,
Robert Spensley. and J. Henderson, of
Portland. Delegations from tha Wo
man's Foreign Missionary Society.
Tha Circle" of, Jennings Lodge, and
The Pastime Club of Meldrum, Or.,
were represented at tha funeral.
Teal. Leaves for East. J. NVToaI
will leave today for tha East, where
be will attend the hearing of tha Court
of Commerce. October IT, and hear tha
argument of tha Inter-mountain rate
caaea. Ha will also attend a meeting
to ba held In Baltimore, of tha repro
aentatlvaa named to aid B. N. Baker,
who recently vlalted the Pacific Coast.
In the organisation of tha Atlantic and
Paciflo Steamship Company. Mr. Teal
also expects to put In some good srgu
meots. wherever Ihs opportunity offers,
for tha campaign of tha West to se
cure a "no-toll" system for American
vessels operating through tha Panama
Canal when It Is opened,
Woan to Aid Vim Comnsatoif. Mrs.
Edward 8. Eliot. Mr A M. A. Mallett and
Dr. Mary H. Cardwell. representing a
committee appointed at a recent meet
ing of women held In tha CnltartAB
Chapel, hava announced a meeting of
women Intereated In the movement to
assist tha vice commission of tha
Toung Men's Christian Association.
This meeting will be held In tha
t'nltarlan Chapel Monday night October
1 at I o'clock. Stepa will bo taken at
that time to effect a permanent organ
isation. Mrs. Robert H- Tata will pre
side. Wok-ax's Ci.r to Meet. Tha Port
land Woman's Club will meet tomor
row afternoon In the Women of
Woodcraft Hall. A business meeting
will be held at t o'clock. At S o'clock
the following programme will begin:
Piano aolo. Mlsa Kmma Wood; Group
of French Songs. Mrs. W.l. Whitfield;
Violin solo. Miss Marie Paige, accom
panied by Miss E. Trotter; Current
topics, Mrs. W. T. Wade. Department
announcements will then "bo made and
the president will spealc A reception
will follow.
"Poixar Diwher" Pate Ciuxoxd. C.
C. Chapman has announced that tha
data of tha "Dollar Dinner" at tha Com
mercial Club haa been changed to Oc
tober 11. This meeting has been ar
ranged to give the bualness men of the
city a chance to bear from the trade
excursions that were run to Aberdeen.
Burns, and Klamatb Falls, through
speeches by various men wbo attended
tha excursions.
Omb Charter Is Pu-Jt. Joint meet
ing of a special committee of tha City
Council and a committee from each of
the charter revision commissions will
ba held at tha City Hall this afternoon
at 1:10 o'clock, with Councilman Baker
presiding. Tha object la to unite the
two commissions so that arrangements
may be mads to submit but one charter
to tha voters.
Special. Services PLAKjrsnx Special
services preparatory to tha eacrament
of the I-ord's Supper will bo held In tha
First Presbyterian Church Sixth and
Montgomery streets. Thursday and Fri
day evenings of this week at 7:45
o'clock. In these meetings the pastor
alii bo assisted by Dr. W. F. Reagor
and Dr. J. R- Knodell.
Sewiso Meetiho to be Htux Tha
Ladles' Aid Society, of the Flrat Con
gregational Church, will bold an "all
day" eewlng meeting In the church'
parlors. This work Is for the coming
baxaar. Basket lunch will be enjoyed
at noon. Hot coffee will ba aerved. At
1 P. M.. a meeting of tha executive
board will ba held.
Oelahoma SHERtrr Herb. Deputy
Sheriff Mays, of Oklahoma, arrived In
Portland yesterday to take back with
him to Bartlettavlllo Dan E. Ward, a
fugitive from Juatlce. Ward gave him
self op to the Sheriff last Thursday.
Absconding Is said to be the charge
against him In Oklahoma.
Mt-RPOCK TO be Qiteat. Congressman
Victor Murdock. who comes to Portland
on a lecture tour, will be the guest of
the Portland Club at an Informal lunch
eon at noon today la the club dining
room. Senator Chamberlain will pre
side. Dr. T. E. TOAgrat at Plagah Mission
Church. Eaat Tth and Eaat Ankeny
streets, today at 1 P. M. and 7:10 P. M.
Teaching full Oospcl. Coma and bear
him. Free. All welcome.
Ir Tom Baskmevt leake call up Main
4o7 or A 1141. Imperial Waterproofing
Company. Builders' Exchange, Second
and Alder.
Go to Council Crest for Columbua
nay. all amusements open. skating
from 1 to 10:Ji. Admission to Park
Wasted by adults, furnished S-room,
steam-heated flat, with sleeping porch,
central. AL 411. Oregonlan.
rRtvaTg tutoring by Smith College
graduate. N 474. Oregonlan.
Lioht refreshments free. Crest R!nk.
Fraxk I Smith's good butter El eV 5o.
Fraxk L. Smtth's.hAms, half hams 17c
FBA.TK L. Smith's bscon. US - J5c-
Great Soprano Winning- Xrw lAtorrla
TItlt Her I ncom parable Voice;.
Tha concert In Seattle Thursday
evening at tha big Moore Theater,
where Eames and Oogoraa appeared
to a tremendooo house, la only ona of
the big successes these two splendid
artists hava had. Ona of tha papers
over there put It very aptly when they
printed the following: "In the two
French ballads In which Mme. Eames
first appeared alone It waa plainly svl
dent that her art had Immeasurably
broadened In the years Intervening
sines her first appearaaca here In 1S06.
It was equally clear that her voice,
alwaya magnificent. Is now In Its very
prime aa to flexibility, range, reson
snce. purity and beauty." Eames and
ths great baritone. Oogorxa. will ap
pear uere together at ths Hstltg Thea
ter October l. and the seat sale for
this great combination opens at tha
Helllg Monday morning. October 1. un
der the direction of Steere-Coman.
S10 Pant Given Free.
Each customer being measured for a
suit OB these two days will bo pre
sented absolutely free with a pair of
tie extra made to his measure pants.
This Is being done - to advertise the
new department and show our frlsnds
that we know how to make high-grade
Tailor Suit at tha very modest prices
of IIS IJ0. 111.5. H - .
STORE. Third and Morrison streets.
Ton embrace an opportunity when
you dine at tha Alder Restaurant l
Aider atreet. -
Concern operating dock and ample
ground with trtckage would Ilka to
fgure with parties requiring these fa
cilities. AJ 4S1 Oregonlan.
Hava yon dined at ths Carlton?
in a series of in
dorsements of the
Certificate of Title
system by bankers,
lawyers and real es
tate men reasons
why a Certificate of
Title furnishes the
BEST protection to
buyers and mort
gagees of real estate
"I hava no hesitancy In
saying that tha modern
system of handling real
eatata transaction on cer
tificates of title and by
placing tha paper and
' money In escrow with th
title companies la far u
perlor to tha old plan of
a b s t r acts and attorney's
opinions In every respect.
It Is cheaper, safer, quicker
and more convenient." O, B.
Carter. Attorney -at- Law,
Los Angeles. CaL
Lewis BILg4 4th and Oak
Teachers for School of Trades
Are Chosen.
Department in Wood Carpentering;,
Plumbing, Electricity, Machinery,
Drawing, 8ewln and Cooking
Mean Much for Yonnff Folk.
At a special msetlng of tha School
Board, held yeaterday. eight teacher
were appointed for the School of
Trades, which open Monday. October
1. In addition to th principal. In
structors ara provided for the depart
ments of wood carpentering, plumbing,
electricity, machinery, drawing, sewing
and cooking. The teacher appointed
are: Principal. It C Brandon; car
pentering. Julius Klein; plumbing.
John H. Gault; electricity. Otto Qulde
metster: machinery. George H. Wil
liams; drawing. J. O. Stendahl; sewing.
Clara U Wlckstrom; cooking. Vera
Haskell. , ,
In addition to the teacher appointed
to th School of Trades. 17 teacher
wera appointed for the night school,
which ara to be maintained In th
Lincoln High. Falling. Thompson and
Alblna Hometead schools. There will
be a high school department In addi
tion to the elementary department In
tha Lincoln High SchooL The teach
ara appointed are:
Mathematics. D. L. Calllcrate: book
keeping. A- P. Armstrong: English.
Benjamin A. Hayman; typewriting and
atenography, J. F. Slater. Assistants
In the elementary department of the
Lincoln High School appointed yester
day were: Mrs. W. C. Alderson. Mrs.
Ida Allhands. H. M. Barr. Howard
Rogers. Edith Toon, Frank Towslee.
Emma Wold. Principal of the Falling
School, Hugh Sherwood: assistant,
Edith Lawler. Principal of the
Thompson School. O. E. Jameson: -rtstsnt,
Gertrude Rockwell. Principal
of th Alblna Homestead School. B. C
Keith; assistant, Beasle J. Dupee.
Prtarlpala Salarle Fixed.
Arrangements have been made for
an evening department of the School
of Trades, when ten or more applica
tion have been received for member
ship. Principals of the varloua night
achoola ara to be paid l0 per month:
Mlas Gertrude Hot fsaaeu
No mors artistic or beautiful
n t r t a I n m ent probably ha
ever been seen In Portland In
a long time than the dances
which are to be given by
Gertrude Hoffman and her com
pany at the Helllg. beginning
tonight. It Is. Indeed, due to
Mlsa Hoffman that America 1
actually in advance of European
renters In this branch of the art.
The Kuaalan dance ks a sensation
abroad, but It haa never been ex
hibited In Europe upon the scale
equaling the Hoffman produc
tion, either In tha dances or tha
accessories. Mlsa Hoffman' own
share In the spectacle consists In
tha Impersonation of Maro An
tony's queen In "Cleopatra. tha
first ballet, and of "Zobelde," th
favorite of tha harem. In tha
final ballet, a beautiful present
ment of a portion of tha Arabian
Nights called Sheheraaado."
Other assisting In this part of
the entertainment ara: Mil.
Maria Bald tna. ballerina. Im
perial Theater. Moscow, and
Theodora Koaloff. premier
danseur. Imperial Theater. Sr.
As an added attraction. Mis
Hoffman will present her famoua
Impersonations of wall- known
theatrical celebrltlee: each im
personation complete aa to
scenery and coatumea.
Miss Hoffman It SaJton de
Ballets Russes" will be seen for
the first tlma tonight at the
Helllg Theater.
Assistants, $30 per month. Sess'ons ara
to b held on Mondays, Wedneaday
and Thuradaya from 7 until t o'clock.
Th . request of the Society for So
cial Hygiene, asking that Dr. Lyman
B. Sperry be Invited to addres th
schoolteachers, waa considered at yes
terday's meeting.
Superintendent Rigler was authorised
to instruct the principals of the three
high schools to Invite all the boys in
their respective schools to attend a
lecture on sex hygiene, to be delivered
by Dr. Sperry at the close of school
hours. Tha detail of the lectur ar
to bo arranged by Mr. Rigler.
Cleveland School a Saceeaa.
A communication was read from
George Reimers and Thomaa Quirk,
representing the Bricklayer' Interna
tional Union, to look Into th matter
of establishing a class In architecture
for apprentices and Journeymen of tha
bricklayers' union. The union' com
mittee reported that the almllar school
now In operation In Cleveland, Ohio,
has been found most successful.
The communication was referred to
the committee on teachers.'
Th request of the child welfare con
ference and exhibition officer that th
School of Trades be open to the publlo
while th exhibition la being held In
th Armory, November 1, 1. t. 4 and
8, was granted, with the provision
that this Is not to Interfere with tha
regular work of th school.
Although open but a few weeks, the Hotel Carlton Restaurant has
already the reputation of being Portland's most "
desirable dining place.
The Hotel Carlton Restaurant now serves a
DAILY FROM 5:30 TO 8:30
Rita-Carlton AT G.C. Larm
Hotel Company ONE DOLLAR
Fourteenth and Washington Streets
. ..... ;;.wd;-:-f v;V
Ben C. Eustwick Sued "for Divorce
and Alimony.
In a ult for divorce filed In Circuit
Court th wife of Ben C. Eaatwlck,
whom he married on March 24. 1910,
makea sensational charges against
him. Involving Eastwick's personal
character. Eaatwlck' habits were
uch, she declares, that she was forced
to desert him within a few months of
their marriage.
Her husband, the woman asserts, ha
held In trust for him 6 per cent of his
lata father'a estate and she asserts that
he 1 worth at least 1200,000. His an
nual Income she declares to be at least
15000. Mrs. Eastwlck asks for an or
der restraining her husband from
alienating hla property In any way dur
ing the pendency of the suit and also
requests the court to make her a lib
eral allowance commensurate with
Eastwick's wealth.
On one occasion, she declares, her
husband brought a woman, whom he
proclaimed as hla affinity, to their
horn and Introduced tha two women.
Keep the Pot Boiling
Fancy Lump Coal $6.50 Ton
Delivered ' at your address in Port
land, within the one-mile circle, at
this price, or within the two-mile cir
cle at $7.00 per ton, for ADVERTIS
wish to take advantage of this offer
you will have to act at once, as we
will sell only TWO TONS TO EACH
CUSTOMER. This means our best
grade lump coal, nothing more and
nothing less. VTe do not make any
money on this coal at this price, and
are simply doing this to advertise the
THIS CITY. We know that when
you have once used this coal, you
will continue to do so. Do not be
disappointed if you do not get some
of this coal, for the first come will
be first served.
We will not reserve any of this
coal for anyone, excepting such orders
as are accompanied by the cash or
, We are placing 900 tons only on
the market et this price.
Diamond Crest Coal Company
T.xr nan ire Building.
Phone Marshall 2574. Portland. Or.
Given With Each Suit Measured' To
day and Tomorrow.
To advertise tha new tailoring de
partment and ahow our friends that
we know how to make first-class suits
at $25, 127.50, 130, J32. 50 135 and $10 we
will on these two days give absolutely
free with each suit ordered a separate
pair of panta costing 110, or an extra
pair from same goods as suit selected.
We are showing all the latest goods
In either Oregon, Eastern or Imported
cloth. Oet your order In early as all
suits will ba cut and made In turn, ac
cordingly to the time measure was
STORE, Third and Morrison streets.
Mora than 550 oceasrolng vessels are
equipped or ara being squlpped with oil'
burnln ecslnea. ranging --from f0 to 500
: a r
' it
1 Vr---:
Congressman Murdock
at the Central Christian Church, East
Twentieth and Salmon streets. The noted
Insurgent of Kansas, will deliver an ad
dress on "Insurgency."
Admlasloa BO Ccnta.
Instantaneous Hollow Wire
Gasoline Lamps
1 to 1000 candle power,
adapted to any hollow
wire system. Sell at
sight. Writ for special
II. W.
tzs-asi Oak St, Bcreasa
slxta and Beveata.
Assignee Sale
Pianos, Talking Machines, Vio
lins, Guitars, Music, Etc.
By order of court, tha assignee
must push tha sale of the Perry
C. Graves Company stock In
order to liquidate at one. Ha
Is. therefore, making prices never
before known on musical goods
of all kinds.
Flanoa from $130 up. Scnll
ler, Woosters, Kranlch & Bach,
Bau, H. P. Nelson. Weber and
. Record cabinets-at half price.
Talking Machines, : regular
200 kinds, $160; $40, now $30,
Investigate our talking ma
chine record prices. Coma early
In order to get a choice aeleo
tlon. Washburn Guitars, regular $25
Instruments, now $18.60. Regu
lar $16 Instruments, now at $10.
Cornets, regular $0, now $40..
Violins from $2 up.
Sheet Music, 20 copies for II.
c per copy. All other goods In
like proportion, except Edison
Remember tha address:
Receiver of rerry C. Grave
413 Washington St.
Comfort Union Suits
When your home dealer
pats up a Mentor Window
Card, advertises Mentor,
shows Mentor, it is because
he knows Mentor Comfort
Unions have the qualites that
make permanently satisfied
Men Women CLfldren
MentorComfort Unions will
keep you snug and warm with
out "bundling you all up."
They come from the wash
soft and elastic Shaped to
fit the body and to protect it.
Health! al, sterilized, durable.
Established 1900
Worcester Bldg. Portland, Or.
Bny Mentor TSy
of your home f
merchant, fin.
who adver- V
tuet it. y 7 )
We are contractors and will furnish
lot and finance the building of a home
for you on easy payments. We give
references and ask references.
SOI Coach Bldg. I'aone Main 4211.
Quit. Elbowing of
Erwif Hafc
For Fall .
New Wid Sftylklh
ttt vi neiiiTicr to all Eastern desti-
" o - .
nations for those aaies. v ery ma.-
rial reductions
from regular
CaS or,
writ) f or
Round Trip
tow Farei
Take The
Tha only Exclusively First-Claag Train
Three Other High-Glass Trains.
To St. Paul, Chicago, Minneapolis,
Kansas City, St. Louis.
lortnern pacific Railway
th Wnsali TTsra ta tass wi uaa as rcsrasa
A. IX CHARLTON, AU Gam. Pass. Aflent
2SS Morrlaon Street. Comer Third. Portland
Get ths Original and Genulns
The Food-drink for All Ages.
For Wanls.Invalids,andGrowmg cMdren.
PureNutrition,up building the whole body.
Invigorate the nursing mother and the aged.
Rich in3k, malted gram, in powder form.
A quick lunch prepare-l b
Take no substitute. Ak for HORLICK'S.
Not in Any Milk Trust
Foster & Kleiser
Hi; a. Grade Commercial and Electric
Eaat Seventh and Eaat Everett Streets.
Fbones lUaat 111, B 2224.
Portland Academy
rttm Boy- and Girls for Cfellejc.
A PrlmsaiT mad Gmnmmr School Incladed
Ora.-3aa.teji enter on examination Harvard.
Princeton, Tale and Muiachui etta iLitltuta
of Tacnnoiogy; on certificate.,, Amherit, Cor
nell, Smith, Vaasar, Williams and collegia
and unlveraltlea of the Pacific Coaat. Well
equipped laboratorlee in chemistry and phy
sics. Field prictice In survey Ins. Depart
ments In charge of college men and women.
Claaaica.1, aclentific, modern languagea and
commercfal courses. Gymnasium andtr
skilled director. Track and field Athletics,
Corner mt Montgomery sad TUrtoeatib
Band lor Catalogue. .
Piano Studio
Teacher of piano. Rooms 300-1-2W
Tilford Bldg., Tenth and Morrison.
The offer it a prise has not solved the
problrra of the profitable use of windmills
In the Netherlands for the generation of
electricity. Fourteen cents an hour a lamp
tae best mat coma cv buiwi -