Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Underwear and Hosiery Sale off -Tremendoiis
3 to $5 Untrim-
med Hats at $2.25
. "-r i TTi ; v ihn rrrirtTnriP- of the season when
A SILK or iinrxiinineu naw uu. ,
women are rhoosinjr their Fall and Winter Millinery. Of soft and stiff
worn ii art i . -dmired bo ranch and are in such
felt- and velvets in jnst ,n 'IT M u M(l rm to 43 irrade.
high favor. See the liars picrurco vt, rri".i .
Reversible Felts Upturned Bnms
Two-Toned Felts Rolled Brims
Chic Hood Styles Large Round Crowns
Rich Silk Velvets Black and All Shades
Fancy Feathers and Wings at Vz Off
On,, of the .mart shape mentioned .bove and a pretty learner or wu.K -
have a Mnnnirg Fall or Winter-Hat. n v Pombination, Qnill, Aigrette-like trimmings,
-.MKrfflSSv. tsswe vi off
DlRTft uu i -f
v.4-ti Ttinril ThpYr th
VMtlOU '
rage of the moment. So graceful
and pn-ttT encircling the large
rrown of "the Hat. We've every
.hade Blark. White. Blue,
Brown. Grwiis etc. S them,
today! I'p t" e yard lenghta.
Pnrrd from $2 to 6.75.
Hiah-Grado Velvet Shapea of
beautifully rich, soft, lustrous
velvets- Black and light and dark
colors. Both treet and evening
shape many stunning picture
Hats, medium and small size.
Thrv're ntunningT Priced from
SO'to $20.
florda and Taasela The clever,
new trimmings to the clever street
HaU. We've a complete line of
silk and gilt Cords with pretty
tassel ends. In all plain shades
and color combinations. They
are specially priced for this sale
from 60 to $7.50.
For Men. Women and Children of All Ages
SUCH crowds as The Big Store will remember ior years iu wmc
main aisle from 5th to 6th street and in the regular departments, the first day
of this Monster Underwear and Hosiery event brought forth throngs which, for a time, we were
barely able to cope with. -
Every Garment in the Underwear Reduced
Ilarvard Mills, Munsing. Sterling, Swan, ana otner ramous m.
Women's 60c Underwear
Fine ribbed, heavy fle.ece
lined Vests and Pants in all
regular and extra
6izea. Sale price, JyQ
per garment, only
Women's 85c Union Suits
White and gray, fleece-lined,
of splendid Winter weight. All
regular and extra J?
sizes. A phenome-
nal special, only
Women's $1.75 Union Suit
Tiiirht. -weie-ht. wool mixed.
with high neck, long sleeve, an
kle length.
Fine ribbed
gar ments
ck, long sleeve, an-
Women's $1 Underwear
Harvard Mills wool-mixed
Vests and Pants, in high
Ion? sleeve, ankle
length. All regular 7Qg
sfzes. Special at only
Women's (15 Union Stilts
Famous Harvard Mills make,
fine ribbed, warmly fleece
MnaA T-rtr siKes: 1.50
grade $119; regular QO.
sizes: &125 rrade at -'
Women's 1.25 Under
wear1 Havard Mills fine
silk-and-wool Vests and
Pants, in high neck, long
or short sleeve, ankle
length. Special
Children's Underwear
Warm fleece-lined Vests and
Pants, in white, cream and
silver. Sizes 28 to 34 35c
grade 25c; sizes 16 to 0 1
26 2." grade, only
Children's Union Suits
K n 1 p n rl i d fleece- lined
Winter weight garments in
.11 Pillar and extra sizes.
Specially priced for 4Tc
this sale, suiat at "
$lu graae at - ituui. r - -
Save Now on Every Pair of Hosiery!
Women's Imported Hose
For this sale, our entire stock
of fine Lisle Hosiery with s,ilk
embroidered designs in a wide
range of beautiful if. Sff
colors ; 50c to $1 atVVll
Women's $1 Silk Hosiery The
splendid wearing Vassar make,
of pure thread silk in black, tan,
sky, pink, white. Lisle soles and
wide welt tops. Three 07
pairs for $2.52. Pair only QC
Children's 2 5c Hosiery-
Medium weight, soft cotton
TTriBo mit'h Rpnmless feet.' Black.
tan and colors. ' Splendid
school stockings. Sale - T
price, 3 prs. 45c, orpr. J. C
Children's It o e
We'.l-known Pony brand
school stocklnKs fsr boys
and girls. Fast black,
medium and heavy OO
ribbed, priced at only a"'
Womea's 60e Lisle How
Our famous M. & h". brand,
full fashioned, with rein
forced hels and toes. A 9
Rlarlc and colors. at
Calldren's Casbmere Hom
Black only, with gray
heels and toes. Sturdy
ribbed quality In all OQ.
slies. Special at, pd.
lafanta 25e Hoae
wool, with mercerised heels
and toes. Black, white and
colors; all sizes: on
sale at only, per pair
Women's 60c Silk Hose
Boot style, with reinforced
lisle .soles; black, bronze
and all shades, three A'i
pairs S1.19, or. pr. JC
Women's 25c Hosiery
4000 pairs of extra fine
Lisle, thoroughly rein
forced. Black and in.
colors; 3 prs. 55t. pr.lfV.
W o m e n's (SOe Cashmere
Hose Black only, with
gray heels and toes. Full
fashioned, in all Oft
sizes, at, per pair J&
Women's 50c Victor Hose
extra weight, black only.
with wire-tipped heels and
toes; three pairs SI, OP.
at only, for the pair JJl
Men's Underwear Now Reduced
Cat Prices. Munsing Union Suits Cut Prices. Vassar Union Suits
Cut Prices on Wright's Underwear
Cut Prices on All Other Makes
SClocks $1.19
.'114 " V
lax god Clock
Department, in
the basement,
new building.
Here you will
'find en im
mense selec
tion, from the
cheapest alarm clock to elegant
Mantol ami Hall Clocks which run
into the hundreds of dollars.
This now Gothic Alarm Clock,
as pictured, haa a strong con--ftl...t
alternating alarm. Comes
in bras or cop
per finish. Keg.
1 T." value at
I") 3)1
-r ,
ng alarm, comes
Demonstration Sale
"Best-Hold" Barrettes
mcier ruATnes first floor
. . 1 1
WOMEN -will be mterestea
in this special demon
stration and sale of the well-known
"Best Hold" Barrettes. The only Bar
rett with the patented groove never
comes unfastened.
And we guarantee to replace or
repair free of charge and defective
Barrette within 30 day of porchase.
Over 50 different designs to choose
from, in both shell and amber.
Plain Barrettes in all the new shapes.
Onr price, only 25 and 33.
Fancy Barrettes Jeweled and golden
laid. Our pricea, only T0? and 63 S
Men's $1 Underwear 2000
garments of new Fall and "Winter
weight fancy ribbed Shirts and
and Drawers in pink, as?
blue, and ecru. All J J
6izes, this sale, each
Men's $1.60 Underwear
Famous Cooper natural wool
Shirts and Drawers. Also
ribbed Worsted wool. All sizes,
in this great f Q
sale, the garment,
at special price of
Men's 60c Silk-Plaited Hose
6000 pairs, silk on the ouside and
lisle inside. Splendid wearing
quality in all sizes
and colors. Price for W Q
this sale, the pair only
$1.60 Vassar Union Suits.
Men 'a heavy-weight full
fashioned garments in ecru
color only. Sale CI OQ
price each, only -Xe--a7
Men's $1 Underwear Fine
natural wool ribbed Shirts
and Drawers in all sizes.
For this underwear 7Q
sale only, each at
Men's $2 Underwear Sev
eral different styles in me
dium and heavy-weight gray
wool and worsted JJ 1 ACk
this sale at
Boys' 60c Underwear
Warm wool mixed Shirts and
Drawers in gray only. All
sizes. Special for this OQ
underwear sale, each
for Charter Oak Thread
15c Warren's Silk Grograin
- Featherbone black or white,
box of 12 yds., $1.20.
Our Own 100-yd. Spool Silk, all
colors, 4.
5c Basting Cotton, black and
white, 3.
10c Wood Cabinet Hair Pins,
assorted, 5.
5c Spool of Thread Free
f IIAKTER Oak Thread tne tnreau
v.of ca'Pri thp 5c. rrice to tne
Aoinon ttrnmnn a 5c kdooI civen free to
every purchaser of 25c or over in the Notion
sectmn today, uur price r Snrink 25C
20c White Nainsook Shields,
pair, X0.
Children's 15c Strong Hose Sup
porters, pair, 9J.
20c Bone Hair Pins, dozen 8.
25c Dressmaker's Delight Skirt
Markers, 10.
25c Washable Hair Bolls, small
size, 15.
$ 1 New Fall Silks, Again 76c
mar.wvB a. mi 4VKBFTrtST FLOOR.
THE LAST two days has seen throngs of enthusiastic buyers
; chu- H0.;nr, VftiiVfi hut to see these beautiful new,
Trii sin to realize the remarkableness of the offering. Come today for your
choice of these $1 Silks at only 76c a yard. '
New $1 Striped Taffeta and Measalines In smart N - 1?
hairline and pin stripes, in blues, black, white, browns -
and otner coior coiuumouuus.
New $1 Pignred Silks Taffetas and Messalines,
in a wonderful variety of lovely new Autumn patterns
and shades. Dots, geometrical and conventional de-
New $1 Plain Silk Messalines In hundreds o new
c.ii .km fnr street and evenine wear. Full 27-in-
ches wide. Rich, lustrous quality.
Fit ;
e-i:i f
Charm and Individuality
in Women's Fall Dresses
n ml
MANY of the lovely French models have been repro-
uucea wuuuui uiaui.-,
many practical little tonchra added which the American women as a
rule demand.
T, hoh Kmoire waistline Rtill predominates many show the
ouaint broad colla-s and side-fastening effects, aa in the Dress
sketched Others have new loose French panel backs. Broadcloths
serges, ribelines, henriettas. satine, are the favored materials.
Splendid choosing at $20, $22.50, $115, $30 and to $60.
Pretty Little Frocks, $15 and $16.50
Afternoon and Street Frocks of navy or black serge with Dutch
neck and short sleeves. Also high neck with yokes of lace and braid
trimming. Prices $15 and $16.50.
Handsome New
Autumn Coats
And in the ereatest demand are the
Coats of popular double-face and re
versible fabrics. Also dressier models
of velvet, velour and caracul. And
new double-texture, rubberized and
gaberdine Raincoats. Prices 510,
15, S20, to $75.
(Two-Days' Grocery Specials
See the Rich
New Furs
Rave you seen the beautiful 5th
street window display of New Furst
A magnificent line of Muffs and Scarfs
in mink, blue wolf, natural " racoon,
squirrel, Persian lamb, ermine, beaver,
etc. Prices 5 to $200. Fur
Coats, SlOO to $600.
Timely Sale
of New Fall
w v rfTTT nlrl .Tark Frost
w ready to peep around
onrnor nv nf these days,
VilVy .wa - a j - - -
every home needs a full supply
of warm bedding I
$1.25. Comforters,
The Wonderful Cleanser
SEE the demonstration in Base
- ment Houseware Store! "Net
toier" cleans metal, woodwork,
leather. Also Nettoier Metal and
Wood Polish, a powder.
Phenomenal Sale of Fine English Porcelain
nnriTRR BY MAIL. M"m"mmmmmmm9aammmmWmm
FOR several days, we've been unloading this immense pur
chase'of English Porcelain Dinnerware, bought right off
the factory floor on our Crockery chief's last trip abroad! Prices as
tonishingly low, in contrast to the stores which buy from jobber or mid-
ThTsale starts this morning at 8, continues until Saturday night if lots
are not all sold out by then !
Extraordinary! English Porcelain 1 1 c
A huge lot of 7000 pieces, which would sell regularly for $2.00 and
$ 50adozen! Decorated in the dark blue onion pattern
Porcelain 4-inch Plates and 4i2-nich Sauce Dishes, each b
Cups and Saucers
8- inch oval Vegetable Dishes.
6-inch Plates
B-inch Plates
9- inch Plates
Deep Bowls
Soup Plates
9-inch Platters
English Porcelain Dinner Sets The
Canton Jewel, a light blue pattern.
The 100-piece sets, $9.75; (Z CQ
60-piece sets for this sale
English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets.
The Wicklow pattern, a pretty, pink
w rlpsip-n with e-old hair lines. Set
of 100 pieces $ld.yo; ou
pieces for this sale at only
English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets.
The Olaf, a real Art Nouveau design.
Dainty colored line and border. 100
pieces for $13.90; 60 pieces CJQ AC
for this sale at only Pi'.J
English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets.
The Blue Derwent pattern, a rich dark
blue design witn gold eage. -u c
. . i ; csvta fn-r mil
REM KM l tilt tnere s anvajs a i"s - j
in our Bic Pure Food Orocery, whether advertised or
not. These specials for Wednesday and Thursday:
Fancv Elbcrta Peaches, special price today, a box 82
- . n i . TV "1
IU1K tocomuv, ui. a.
Apex Peaa, dox, $1-40; can 12.
Victor Fl., bbL $4.800 lb. ?1.23.
Sweet Potatoes, 10 lb. 25.
100 pieces, $13.95 ; 60 pieces
White and Gold Pattern
If A
II . ,
Oral Ves-etable Dishes
20C. 3-lnch, 15C: 25c,
6-Inch. 19: 30c, 7
lnch, 23 ; 6c 8-ineh.
34C); 60c, -lnch. 45
Bound Vesetmble DUbM
25c, 6-lnch. 19:
30c 7-lnch, 23: 5c.
8-lnch. 34; 60c, 9
inch. 45.
I1.S5 Base Plars 11.39
IHf Deep Bawla. 14l
20c Boirh 15. . .
5e Cr. Butter Dlmh 64
Covered 'eetble
Dirt 94C. ' , .
Pltehera 30c for 23.
0c for 30: 5c tor
49: 90c for 68.
Pl-tter- 23c. 8-lnch.
19; 30c, -lnch. 23r.
45c 10-lnch, 34: 80c,
i v, ?tJ.- XI. 11.
Inch. 75C ; lA6i' -Inch.
1.24: 12.50, 18
lnch, S1.88.
K6e 4-Inch Since Dlsnea,
doz. 64: 0c
lnch, doz. 6.
Flatea SI, 4-lncb. doz.
75: 81.35, 5 -Inch,
doV 81.02: 8l o. 6
ln., doz. 81.20: 81.90,
7-lnch. doz. J1.43:
12.25. 8-in.. doz. SI. 69
S1.SO Deep Soap Flatea,
dozen 81.43.
44e Sanee Boata 30.
$1.60 Sanee T a r e e n m
t3 Soup Tureena 82.25. Soap C'aaaerolea
8T. Sugar Bowla 49.
Flntea $1, 4-lnch. doz.
75: 81.26. E-lnch,
doz. 94: 81-50. 6
InVi S-f -tit' XI 75. 7-
I n h ri n I. 91 52:
82.26. 8-lnch, S1.69.
81.75 Soap Flatea, doz.
Oval Veeetable DUbea
15c, 3-incn aisn, eacn
11: 25c, S-lnch, each
19; 30c 7-lnch, each
30; 65c 9-lnch, each
Round Vegetable Dlahea
zrc o-Jncn, eacn ivc;
30c 7-inch, each 23:
ft.3 Bone Flatea, doz.
S5e Covered Batter Dlab,
nrh LI t
Oe iBfllvIdual Hatter
nates, aoz. IOC.